gerec · 2 years
Hello @gerec ! 😬 wishing you and your loved ones a very happy 2023! 🥂
I would also like to take this opportunity for your lovely works, fic recs and everything you do for the cherik fandom! 😬
Darling Jacky thank you and a Happy New Year to you and yours!!!
So happy to spend time with you and so many other lovely friends new and old but an extra special shoutout to fandom vets like you helping to keep the spotlight shining bright on our favorite pairing :D :D :D
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akasanata · 2 years
For the shipping ask- Erik and Raven?
Don’t Ship It
Why don’t you ship it? I just don't see the appeal. In first class Erik is too much of a mentor figure and Raven too desperate for anyone to love her for it to work, and the next interaction they have is Erik trying to kill her. Like, sure they could have grown closer in the time between the beach and Erik being incarcerated, but I don't see it. Which is why Erik's supposed grieve in dark phoenix makes no sense to me.
What would have made you like it? Maybe if they had met in a different situation. I can sort of see the appeal in the original trilogy, but we don't know much about that Raven.
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Like I said, I can see the appeal in the old movies, they seemed to have a good dynamic going on. I mean, Magneto was still an asshole who abandoned her, but she wasn't an angel either, so I think they deserved each other, ahsdjakjshdjas.
Ask me about a ship
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jackyjango · 1 year
Dirty Martini (just remember you are standing on a planet that’s evolving Remix)
Relationships: Erik Lehnsherr/Charles Xavier
Characters: Charles Xavier, Erik Lehnsherr, Raven | Mystique, Moira MacTaggert, Warren Worthington III
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Still Have Powers, Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Alternate Universe - College/University, Enemies to Friends, Friends to Lovers, eventually, Smoking, Protective Erik Lehnsherr, Grumpy Erik Lehnsherr, Light Angst, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Whump
Summary: On any other day, Charles might have appreciated the picturesque panorama before him immensely, but today, his mind is an unmoored net teetering on turbulent waters; inutile.
Raven’s words keep replaying in his mind like a broken record. Erik decked up Warren’s face pretty badly. Why? Because he was spewing shit about you, Charles. He had paid attention to very little after that before taking off to find Erik.
There are a plethora of things Charles wants to ask Erik, but he settles on asking, ‘Why?’
My contribution to @x-populuxe ‘s lovely original!
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x-populuxe · 1 year
First-lines-of-fic meme! I was tagged by @destinationtoast. 😘
Rules: share the first lines of ten of your most recent fanfics and tag ten people. If you have written fewer than ten, don’t be shy and share anyway.
So...I have published ten fics total, and rather than posting the first lines of every single one of them, I’m going to mix this up and do my five most recent as well as my five current WIPs, because I have somehow become a person with five substantially written WIPs, I cry. (This is clearly an attempt at public accountability, help lol).
All fics are X-Men, of course, and unless otherwise marked, Charles/Erik:
1. “to put the world between us” (25K words, actor AU)
The drive should take two hours, but Erik manages it in ninety minutes, using his powers to floor the gas pedal as he scrambles the occasional police scanner. When he whips into the hotel parking lot in a spray of gravel, Emma’s mental greeting is half is half warm, half weary.
2. “Unlived Histories (The Double Vision Remix)” (18K words, remix, time travel)
Erik didn’t know it then, but everything started to change on Charles’s sixteenth birthday.
3. “Correspondence” (13K words, part of a canon-divergent series set in 1963)
When Charles wakes, he stretches out his mind and then his arm, groping at the opposite side of the bed. Erik isn’t there, though the sheets are still warm.
4. “What We Inherit” (20K words, David & Charles, father-son bonding)
David first starts to suspect that something’s up when his father gets a phone call very early on Tuesday morning.
5. “the way it travels in and keeps emitting light” (29K words, accident and recovery, enemies to friends to lovers)
Erik lets himself into Raven’s building on Friday evening, waving a hand as the locks click open. As he rides the converted freight elevator up to the top floor, he sinks his powers into all those sturdy old pulleys and gears—one thing on the long list of reasons he prefers Raven’s apartment to his own.
(obviously these are not set in stone)
1. The “Charles bailing Erik out of jail” fic I am currently writing for @ikeracity for Fandom Trumps Hate! (Ike you get a sneak peek lol) (ps I'm legit obsessed with writing this fic rn, thank you again for your prompt):
 “One phone call” is only a thing in the movies—but the cops don’t give you unlimited phone calls, either. This turns out to be a problem when all your friends were either arrested alongside you or are completely fucking worthless.
2. Multiverse/time travel fic that begins 8 months after the events of XMFC:
They’re moving quickly through the woods that surround the facility when Emma slows and makes a clicking sound with her tongue. Erik holds out his arms to halt the rest of the group.
3. Sequel to “What We Inherit,” still about David & Charles, but also with some (semi-hostile) cherik as well:
It’s a beautiful late-summer day, with a bright blue sky stretching above the sandy dunes that extend from the house out towards the Atlantic.
But David can’t see any of that right now, because he’s sitting in his bedroom, reading a book.
4. Media AU (trust me, this first line makes sense in context lol):
DAVID REMNICK: This is The New Yorker Radio Hour. I’m David Remnick.
5. Big Billions AU I started writing in early 2020 🥲 that I’ve finally picked up again this year:
Crowds, the common wisdom goes, are one of the truest tests of a telepath’s strength and skill. Never mind that there’s far more to telepathy than brute force and blunt shielding—with a packed train or a busy bar or a stadium full of revelers, it’s easier to see just how effectively a person can block out other minds.
This is a fun exercise, especially to look at patterns! Tagging @rozf, @gerec, @ikeracity, @midrashic, @joshriku, @arcanewinter, @jackyjango, + anyone else who wants to do this! (If anyone else wants to put their WIP opening lines out there, join me!!!!)
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midrashic · 2 years
i love @jackyjango 's cherik polls because it's a very quick guide to seeing what fanon interpretations are widespread so i can immediately write the opposite 😂
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Hdhdhdbhdh!! You’re 100% right!! Erik’s dick is a nuke in itself, and that’s not even a joke… 😬😎
Continued text:
Charles : Wait… what did you think I wanted?
Charles : I just wanted a dick pic, Erik. 😒
Erik : You asked for a NUKE, Charles!!
Erik : Oh.
(Sorry, it’s 3 AM here and even I’m not thinking clearly 🙈)
LOL Erik is the bomb. Poor Charles, he can't even walk straight afterwards 😂 Not to mention the mindblowing explosion afterwards 😉 ✨🙈
(Link to original post)
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turtletotem · 3 years
Could I request a snippet from Ransomed Prince please? 😬
Here is a snippet from the not-yet-posted Chapter 20 of Ransomed Prince (my 90k+ Captive Prince canon AU), with the warning that I may very well be scrapping what little I have of that chapter and starting over. o_O (I haven’t posted any of this fic since last June, but I am now working on it again after finally finishing Pinky Promise!)
"Brother!" Laurent called, and Auguste, his beaming face brightening even further, pushed through the crowd to meet Laurent, both throwing their arms around each other as if—well, as if they hadn't seen each other in a year, even if that was not quite true as of last night.
"What are you doing here, you scamp!" Auguste cried, and Damen had to give him credit for better acting than he'd expected. "Look at you! I'd heard all manner of mad rumors—oh, Laurent, seeing you is as much a joy to my heart as Tuvah's news." He hugged him again, rocking him back and forth. "Are you well?"
"Perfectly well, if you will let me draw breath!" Laurent laughed and pushed Auguste off him. "And what of you, Uncle, are you well?"
"Of course," his uncle said. He didn't look well.
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Would you ever write animal aus? 😬
Hoo boi I sure would! In fact, I already have written at least one animal AU 😂 the silliest AU in which Erik is an opossum with many opossum babies. Animal AUs just have so much crack and fluff potential! Thank you for the ask jacky :)
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bocje-ce-ustu · 4 years
For the fandom ship ask: 2, 8 & 9!
Hi!!! Sorry for the delay, the weekend was deadly hectic ^^’’’
Assuming you meant in the X-Men fandom:
2. my trash-shit fave: that’s still and always will be trashfire baby Charles in DoFP :3c
8. my I will go down with this ship and I won’t put my hands up and surrender, there will be no white flag above my door. I’m in love and always will be fave ship: that’s cherik 💜
9.  my dirtybadwrong fave ship: my taste is so vanilla it’s not really something astonishing, but the most badwrong I can get probably is dubcon!Erik/Apocalypse or the Erik/Empath thing I wrote with shady gaslighting powers involved *shifty eyes emoji*
send me a fandom and i’ll tell you...
Thanks for asking, darling!! 💖💖💖
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sielustaja · 4 years
24, 25?
Thank you!
24. who has made the biggest impact in your life this year?
Well I haven’t seen people much this year but @danzeta, yeah. Can I just say that corona sucks and has a really nice timing?
25. what’s one thing that you hope will continue next year?
Oh I really hope people keep washing their hands and keeping their distance! I’m really not a fan of strangers getting too close, even before all this. :’D
>> ask me some END OF YEAR ASKS
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pinkoptics · 5 years
Tumblr or AO3 Pink!?
GAH... that is again like choosing between my two favourite children. I cannot.
I adore tumblr for the people it has brought into my life (like you!) as well as the art, commentary, fic, gifs, pics, edits, etc of Cherik that have enriched my life.
I adore AO3 because there is no better collection of free fiction to read anywhere on the planet (and yes I may possibly be including libraries in that...)
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gerec · 2 years
Hi, if it is possible, could you extend the deadline of the meme fest for one more week? There's like more than a dozen of claimed prompts but only 6 are revealed. Hope there could be more time for creators to post their stuff.
Hi Anon - this question is for @jackyjango who is the mod of the Kink Meme Fest; I'm simply anxiously waiting for fills like you :D
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akasanata · 2 years
Turquoise for sure! 😬
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❤️❤️❤️❤️ Back to you!!!
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snowlikeash · 6 years
Check Prompt: Charles coercing Erik into wearing one of those 'He's Mine, I'm His' pair of t-shirts, and Erik, grumbling, agreeing to wear them! 😁
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(More of my Cherik stuff!)
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x-populuxe · 1 year
x-men remix 2023!
I didn’t get a chance to write anything for the remix fest this year (I actually wrote like 1,000 words of something, but then I started traveling and my “oh I’ll write in the hotel in the evenings” plan seemed overly ambitious/extremely goofy in retrospect), but I did have the great honor to be remixed not once but twice! I’ve never been remixed before so this was a big surprise to me. :-))
“Dirty Martini (just remember you are standing on a planet that’s evolving Remix)” by @jackyjango
“Last of the Line (What We Inherit Remix)” by winter_hiems
Check them out! And thank you very much to @gerec for once again organizing. If you do it again next year, I will aim for better time management lol.
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jackyjango · 5 years
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Moodboards for Fics (From top to bottom)
Sugar For My Honey by @fullmetalcarer
Sonnet for a Poet and His Pirate by @luninosity and velvetcadence
Man and Boy by @fullmetalcarer
Sunrise in July by @ikeracity
Emissary Requiring Interplanetary Cooperation by @butterynutjob
Satin by @jackyjango
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