#jackson wang mood
catcastielart · 4 months
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tastetheravenn · 2 years
It’s missing got7 hours
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midnightstay-blog · 7 months
hi! about the prompt list, could you do 6, 21 and 38 for jackson wang? fluff or angst, it's up to you. thx
Sure here you go. 🙂 I hope you like it. I did more of a mix of fluff and angst but it’s mostly fluff. But I don't know if I like the ending. Anyways thanks for requesting.
Tw: mentions of blood and alcohol.
💫Rain & Wounds.💫( Requested)
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Angst 🌒 | Fluff 🌙| Gender neutral reader 🌓 | Romance🌹 |Request 💫| Scenario✨
Genre: Jackson Wang x reader
Theme : Friends to lovers
Summary: After an eventful night out with friends things between you and Jackson change forever.
Rating: Pg13
Word Total: 1,898
“Stop moving You’re making things worse for yourself.” You tell Jackson as you try to bandage his hand for the third time. You were out at a club when a guy started hitting on you. You tried to reject him, but he wasn’t in the mood to take no for an answer. Soon it caught the attention of a slightly drunk Jackson and let’s just say things went left from there. The night didn’t start out with him getting in a fight the complete opposite actually. Originally you were supposed to be out celebrating after you got the news that Your book had become a New York times best seller. However, as the night went on the group of friends that y’all were with suggested going clubbing. Fast forward a few hours and now here you are at 3 am in the bathroom of your two-bedroom apartment with medical supplies and a drunk Jackson to look after.
“I’m fine really.” Jackson stated trying to move you out of his way.
“You are far from it actually. “You tell him while placing a hand on his chest and lightly pushing him back towards the counter. “Your hand has a huge gash on it and you’re bleeding on my floor.” You state in a matter-of-fact tone.
For as long as you’ve known him Jackson had always been protective of you. Though you mentioned on multiple occasions that you are in fact grown and can take care of yourself, part of him could never quite let you.
“Oh, please that guy had it coming.” Jackson exclaimed.  Reaching into the first aid kit you grab an alcohol wipe in order to properly clean his wound. Noticing this Jackson quickly removes his hand from your grasp.
Letting out a sigh you grab his hand in an attempt to wipe the wound.
“Give me your hand I have to clean the gash. “Looking between you and the wipe he shakes his begins to shake his head making you roll your eyes.
“Jackson you’re a grown man you should be able to handle an alcohol wipe.” He goes to protest again but before he can you grab his hand wiping the blood from his palm.  He winces at the alcohol begins to work its way through his hand. Shortly after you apply some antibiotic ointment. Eventually the room briefly falls silent as you begin to reach for the gauze and the non-stick pads. Pressing the pad into his hand he winces again as you finish up. Examining your handy work, you instruct him to remove himself from your counter while you clean up your mess. Agreeing he makes his way into the living room. Sometime later you emerge from the bathroom and make your way over to the kitchen. Going over to the fridge you pull out a bottle of wine that you had opened the previous night and set it on the counter before offering him some. With his approval you reach over to your glass cabinet and pull two glasses before joining him on the couch.
For a while you two talk about all different kinds of things from work to friends even his upcoming fashion line. After a while you even started to go down memory lane a bit. “Remember that time you took me to meet BamBam and Yugyeom and he spilled what was it.” You pause snapping your fingers as you recall the memory. “Um… Oh it was lemonade I think strawberry lemonade if I’m not mistaken.” He insists. “Yeah, that’s right because it was a big pitcher of it too.” You said laughing. “Yugyeom ended up knocking the pitcher over and breaking it because he was trying to impress one of the girls at the pool party with this one dance move.” Jackson laughed as he recalled the memory. “And then turns out she had a boyfriend the whole time.”” I felt so bad for him, but man was that funny.” You added. After a while you could feel a slight buzz from the wine starting to take over and for a second you contemplate calling it a night. However, the memory of how you met begins to creep into your mind and you begin to smile.
“What?” Jackson asks noticing the change in your features.
“Nothing I was just thinking about how we met and how lucky I am that we did.” You tell him.
“Oh, please if anything I’m the lucky one. “He tells you.
“How so?” you begin to inquire. Silence falls over you and for a moment you can hear rain begin to fall against your apartment window.
Jackson takes a deep breath before he begins.
“How can I not be?” he admits.  “Your kind and you have a great personality.” “Also, you always look out for the people that you love and you’re there whenever I need you even if I don’t feel like I do.” “Not to mention you bake a mean birthday cake.” He says as he recalls the cake you baked him last year for his birthday. “And you always know what to say in times of crisis.” “You actually care about people not a lot of other people do that.” “Usually, it’s just an everyman for themselves type of deal.” Your smart and not to mention you are beautiful even when you don’t think so at times.”  He adds. “So, believe me when I say that I am very lucky to have you as my friend.”  He finishes. You sit there for a while touched at his beautiful words. “Jackson that was so beautiful thank you.” You say while pulling him in for a hug. You stay like that for a moment before you begin to pull away. Upon pulling away you both pause taking in each other briefly before sharing a kiss. Coming to terms with what is happening you both pull away before Jackson begins to speak once more.
“I love you.” he states. Though hearing it this time it sounds different. You take a moment to soak in his words letting them fully hit you. Soon after you clear your throat before getting up from the couch with you wine glass in hand.
“Your drunk “You exclaim waving your hand dismissively.
“So? “he says.
“So, you don’t mean that. “You say with a pause. “At least not in the way that you think you do.” You tell him.
He stands up from the couch and begins walking over to your kitchen island meeting you by it.
“I mean every word of what I just said to you otherwise I wouldn’t have said it.” He states sadness evident in his tone. Placing your glass in the sink you rinse it out before brushing past him and heading towards your hallway closet. Sometime later you re emerge with a blanket along with a few pillows and place them on the couch.
“It’s late you can sleep of the wine here you tell him as you begin to make up the couch.”
“Why don’t you believe me?” He questions. You stay silent for a bit before continuing. Walking over to you he places his hand over yours stopping you in your tracks.
It’s not that you don’t believe him. In fact, a part of you had always secretly hoped this day would come. You just wanted him to be sure this wasn’t one of those drunken confession things that he would regret later.
“Hey, talk to me what’s going on?” He questions placing his bandaged hand on your cheek. You lightly place a hand on his chest as you begin to softly push him away from you.
“Nothing.” You state placing your hands by your side. “I just- I just think that you should sleep off the wine and if you feel the same in the morning then we’ll talk about it.” You say giving a shrug. Not believing you but also not wanting to push the matter Jackson agrees. Not to long after you exchange goodnights before you make your way to your room and eventually fall asleep.
The next morning you are woken up by the smell of breakfast. For a moment you lay in bed confused before remembering the events of the previous night. Feeling somewhat embarrassed you crawl out of bed and make your way into the living room. There Jackson is stood at your stove making eggs. His shirt is missing but he’s still wearing his pants from the night before. Clearing your throat, you catch his attention before muttering a small “Good morning “and siting at the island. He response with a brief “Morning “before turning his attention back to the stove. “How is your hand? You inquire.
“It’s fine I changed the bandages already.” He states in a dryer tone. “Oh... okay.” And with that a brief and awkward silence befalls you both. Soon he joins you at the island and places your breakfast in front of you. Feeling the awkwardness cling in the air you contemplate addressing the conversation from the previous night. That is until he beats you to it.
“Look about last night.” He chimes. He tries to explain but you manage to cut him off.
“Don’t even worry about it we were both drunk and said/ did somethings that we probably didn’t mean so it’s fine.” You state hoping to save yourself from embarrassment.
“I meant everything I said to you last night.” He expresses. You sit there in a bit of shock. Noticing your state, he continues “When I’m with you it’s like seeing the sun after a week of rain.” “When I look at you, I forget how to speak.” “Often times I find myself saying something so embarrassingly stupid that I want to just evaporate into thin air.” I genuinely don’t know why my brain just goes blank when I look at you. I think I’m going crazy. “He states as if he just had an epiphany of sorts. Once he finishes, he looks over to you. For a while you just sit there looking at your plate of eggs while in deep though. If he really did love you, why did it take him so long to realize it? How long has he felt that way? Questions like this and more swirled in your mind however, in that moment the only thing you felt was happiness. A smile began to form on your features before you turned to him and gave a response. “I love you too.” You said slowly letting the words hit one by one.
“In all honesty I wanted to say it back when you said it last night, but I didn’t want this to be one of those drunken mistakes for either of us, so I waited.” You responded. “Really, I wanted to tell you ever since you showed up to my event last year, but I saw that really pretty girl with you and I chickened out at the last second. You say truthfully.
Your confession leaves him speechless for the first time since last night. Getting up from his seat he makes his way over to you. You take a moment to explain further. However, before you can he cuts you off with a kiss. This one is warmer than the last tender almost.  In that moment all of your previous worries melt away leaving just you and him.
Request are open
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pars-ley · 1 month
The Drabble game seems fun!!
🖤Enemies to lovers
✨prompt # 8
A lil angsty & smutty pls!
Congrats on 800 🎉
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Title: Just like magic Pairing: Jackson Wang x (f) reader Summary: You and your colleague have never got on, he irritates you more than anyone you know, and especially when you attend a work event to announce your imminent promotion. But what happens when you're not prepared for the unexpected. Genre: Enemies to lovers / idiots to lovers / colleagues to lovers / office romance / one shot / angst / smut Rating: 18+ (NSFW) Warnings: Unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it) / breast play / finger play (f. recieving) / heavy making out / Explicit language / cumshot W/C: 4.7k Banner: me Beta: @flurrys-creativity you're the best cheerleader ever! Notes: Thank you to this anon, I was super excited to write this one and the inspiration just kept coming, I hope you enjoy!
A groan rumbles in your throat, as your heels click against the stone steps ascending into the tall, old building being used as this year's work party venue. 
“It won't be that bad,” Mark's voice next to you brings you some comfort, as he squeezes your hand, encouragingly. Glancing down at his polished nails, painted by you and you squeeze his back.
“Thank you for coming with me, honestly, you're the best friend a girl could ask for.”
“I wouldn't let you endure tonight alone,” he says, holding the large door open and gently placing his hand on your lower back, guiding you inside.
Your footsteps echo as you cross the large, ornate foyer, where one of the servers points you in the direction of the hall, the music muffled behind the closed doors.
“You ready?” He asks.
You nod and thread your arm through his, before taking a much needed deep breath. Tonight's work party is to celebrate the accomplishments of the company for this financial year. And most importantly the new creative director of events would be announced. You've worked your butt off for this promotion for two years, you've planned the most events out of anyone else in your company and with excellent reviews. All of this has not been without plenty of sleepless nights and working late. Now, it was all about to pay off and you felt like you could breathe again, but this work party had been filling your stomach with butterflies ever since it was announced. You hated being the centre of attention, plus the fact the promotion would be announced in front of everyone and you had to do a speech, made you very uncomfortable.
You walk into the large crowded room, suits and gowns as far as you can see. A large piano sat in the far corner, where a lady in a lavish blue dress and long black hair played an elegant piece, hitting the keys with perfect precision.
You drag Mark to the bar, insisting on a drink before any greeting, that is until you hear an all too familiar voice behind you. None other than Jackson Wang. 
“Mark, my man, it's been a while since y/n’s dragged you along to anything.” He says, no doubt shoving his hand into Marks. You take a few gulps of your martini.
“Another please.” You mouth to the bartender, tapping on the glass. 
You finally face Jackson, not even bothering with fake pleasantries.
“Y/n, you look…” he pauses for a moment and clears his throat, “nice.” He says the words as if they would choke him upon their exit and you can't help but roll your eyes. 
“Gee, thanks,” you mumble, your nerves of tonight's events, making you far less patient for Jackson Wang than usual. 
You two have been practically mortal enemies since his arrival at the company. He has been here half the time, does half the work you do and yet, gets most of the praise. But boy, does he love to rub it in. Everything about him rubs you up the wrong way.
“You seem to be in more of a mood than usual.” He remarks, “I thought you'd be celebrating by now.”
“Yes, well not everyone likes being the centre of attention, Jackson.”
He smiles, seeming awkward at the bite in your retort. “Well, Mark, great to see you as always.” They shake hands and hug once more, before Jackson turns back to you, placing a hand on your shoulder and says, “good luck, y/n.”
Your irritated glare burns holes in his back as he walks away.
“You need to cut him some slack,” Mark's voice sounds next to you, annoyance blooming like a tree inside you, “he was just trying to be nice.”
You fight the urge to snap at him, taking a breath before speaking, “no, nice and Jackson Wang are two words that can't coexist in the same sentence in regards to me. He's nice to you, yes. Me? Absolutely not. He’s sarcastic and loud and he doesn't care about anyone but himself.” You down the rest of your drink and pick up your second that waits for you at the bar.
“I think you're wrong about him. He's just-”
“Chaotic, arrogant, self-centred, conceited. I could go on if none of those work.” You reply dryly, ignoring the eye roll he throws your way.
“Ladies and gentlemen,” your boss on the microphone startles you out of your current conversation and has your stomach doing somersaults. “Can you all gather around, please?”
Mark holds out his arm for you, “shall we?” 
Grasping it like your life depends on it, your feet move mechanically towards the crowd at the stage. Your legs feel like they would surely give way under you, if you weren't leaning on him so heavily.
“Now, it's the time we've all been waiting for folks…” he smiles cheerily. “I'll keep this brief, as I know everyone is eager to delve into the celebrations…” 
You attempt to control your breaths and hope to slow down your rapid heart beat, pounding alarmingly hard against your rib cage.
“...creative director is a prized position in our company, and so, of course we had to make sure we chose the right person…”
A loud swallow seems to echo around you as you try to quell the dryness in your throat. How on earth will you be able to do a speech?
“...we need someone who will continue to bring in fresh ideas, someone who will create trends and not follow them and someone who will do their best to strive for this company…”
Your ears throb, mimicking your heartbeat and making your boss's words quiet.
“...it is my utmost pleasure to introduce to you, your new creative director…Jackson Wang!”
Your legs wobble and Mark clutches you to his side, his eyes straight on your face. But you couldn't look at him. Instead you're scanning the room, finding Jackson as he climbs the stairs onto the stage. A wide Cheshire grin stretches across his face, too wide not to have known that was coming. Your blood boils in your veins, an unbearable heat rising up through your body and straight to your face, making your head feel aflame. You flash back to his ‘good luck’ to you only mere moments ago and your chest fills fit to burst with a scream you dare not let escape.
All around you a muffled call of “speech, speech,” slamming its way into your ears like a steel drum.
No matter how much you don't want to watch this scene play out, your feet are frozen to the floor beneath you, unable to do anything but stare.
He laughs, “wow, uh, believe it or not, for the first time ever, I'm speechless.” 
The crowd erupts into laughter, only infuriating you more as your fists clench into tight balls at your sides. 
“Hey, let's get out of here?” Mark says attempting to soothe your anger but you don't miss the slight panic in his tone.
There's a brief moment of Jackson meeting your eyes and you could swear he almost faltered while making his rehearsed speech…almost but he recovers and you can't bear to see anymore. You let Mark lead you slowly out of the large room, following blindly alongside him, numbness taking over.
You both come to a stop in a quiet part of the building with no prying eyes or ears. Mark comes round in front of you, taking both your hands. “I'm sorry, y/n.” He whispers. 
A hot tear rolls down your cheek and it's only then you realise your blurry vision is because your eyes are a dam ready to overflow. Cheering in the distance trumps again and you guess he's finished his speech. 
“Do you want to go?” Mark asks bending down to try and catch your eyes, but your stare is fixated on the marble flooring.
You did, of course you did. You wanted to run as far away from this as you could but, you were expected to be here, your boss will want to talk to you, no doubt and you don't want anyone thinking you ran off and sulked, especially not Jackson. The last thing you would do is let him see you upset because of him, you wouldn't give him the satisfaction. Swiping harshly at the wet trail down your face, you swallow your pride down and take a deep breath. “I can't, I have to stay.”
He says nothing but nods in understanding.
“Give me a few minutes ok, I'll meet you back inside.”
He eyes you carefully. “Are you sure? I can wait here for you?”
Smiling, you lay a hand on his chest. “I'll be fine, I promise. I'll see you inside.”
Reluctantly he agrees and heads off back into the main venue, looking behind him once to check on you. Once he's out of sight you head to the bathroom to freshen up, needing a moment to collect your thoughts. Thankfully the mirror is unoccupied giving you the chance to touch up your makeup. Smoothing down your dress, you release a steady breath, feeling calmer and more prepared now you are in control of your emotions. However, when you open that bathroom door, you're met with the last face you expected to see waiting for you.
“Y/n,” Jackson breathes, seeming relieved.
Your fists are balled up at your sides in an instant, all your calming positivity thrown out the window from just your name on his lips.
Gritting your teeth to keep your cool prevents you from replying.
“I'm so glad you're still here.” He takes a hesitant step towards you.
“Where else would I be, Jackson?” You snap.
He stills, his face falling and eyes suddenly so sad and vulnerable it hurts your heart. The fact you feel guilty for your response has you doubting your feelings, but you push it aside. No, he's the one that's done this, he's taken something you've worked so hard for.
“Y/n, we need to talk.”
A bitter laugh escapes you, “you're the last person I need to speak to.”
You try to walk past him but his hand comes out, grabbing your arm gentle but firm, your head snapping back to him.
You realise then this is the first time he's ever touched you, unsure as to why that thought enters your head, you push it aside.
“Y/n, please.” His pleading eyes pull at your heart, as confusion muddles your mind further.
Shrugging out of his grasp and folding your arms across your chest, you say, “you have five minutes.”
He breathes a sigh of relief and closes some distance between you. “Thank you.” He smiles, seeming to ease the tension but maybe he's just smug that you've relented.
“I know that we haven't always seen eye to eye,” he starts and you can't help but scoff at the understatement. He ignores and continues, “but I want you to know that I've refused the promotion.”
Your mouth falls agape. Never in a million years would you have guessed that's what he was about to say. “Why would you do that?”
“Call me crazy,” he takes slow steps towards you, your arms fall at your sides even though you feel more tense than ever, “but I think a promotion should be earned.” 
You're still waiting for the punchline but when there's only an inch between you, you look up into his dark eyes, open and honest and find your wilful thoughts faltering.
“You've worked harder than anyone in this company to do that and I've expressed that to our managers. You've not been recognised for all the work and revenue you've bought in for them. If I'm honest, I think you'd be better off elsewhere, but that's not my business.” He holds his hands up, surrendering before you can snap at him again. Only this time, your anger and annoyance has dissipated, left with only awe and bemusement in its place.
Your eyes narrow at him, still unwilling to completely let go of the distrust you hold. He smiles at your suspicion. “Feel free to go in and ask Mark, he is my witness, I'm a man of my word.”
There's a long pause, unwavering eyes on one another in the empty corridor, before he swallows and looks at his feet, shifting awkwardly on the spot.
“Anyway, I just wanted you to know. I'll see you around y/n.” 
He starts off towards the exit doors and something inside you rises up, unwillingly to stop this conversation, the words fly out of your mouth, “why are you being so nice, now?” 
He turns and smiles sadly, “I've been trying to be nice to you for months.”
Instantly, you're ready to argue but he puts a hand up to stop you, “you assume the worst of me and I'm not really sure why?”
For once you are at a loss for words, thinking back to every conversation you've had recently, could you have misinterpreted him? Or was he right, and you've just been looking for a negative brush to tar him with?
“But you're always so…” you're unsure where to start but decide on the least offensive first, “loud.”
“Did it ever occur to you that perhaps, I'm trying to get you to notice me?”
Your eyes snap across to his, feeling sure you would see the teasing in his eyes and when you don't, you feel more confused than ever. “Well, what about this, you tease me so often I never know when you're serious.”
He takes a step towards you. “I tease you to make you laugh.”
“But what about when you're always showing off?”
Another step closer. “Once again, trying to get you to notice me.”
You're desperately trying to connect a puzzle in your head but the pieces just don't seem to fit.
“But why?”
He laughs, shaking his head at you and swiping a hand through his hair, a move that he makes looks so devastating, your thoughts still. “I like you, y/n, I have since I started working here. I was hoping our fiery banter would turn into something more but…I never realised how much you despised me until tonight.”
A rock of guilt and disappointment lands in the pit of your stomach at his words.
“I'm sorry, truly, I didn't mean for there to be any miscommunication or to have upset you in any way. I should have just been up front and honest sooner,” he explains, making you feel worse.
Standing here looking at him now, how sincere and exposed he is, you realise what an idiot you've been.
The office is always full of laughter when he's around, something you'd assumed was at your expense, but he was aiming for your laughter instead. He was always speaking up in meetings, trying to pitch his ideas, you'd assumed he was talking over you and attempting to prove he's better, but it was all for your attention. Every compliment he'd given you had seemed sarcastic and full of mocking, instead he was just being awkward and unsure of how to communicate with you.
“No,” you say, closing the distance between you, “I was wrong, I read you completely wrong, all due to my own stubborn and selfish thoughts. I'm sorry, Jackson.”
The blush that crept across his cheeks was something you'd never imagined and made him look even more handsome. 
A slow melody sounds around you, echoing down from the main function. 
He clears his throat and holds out a hand to you. “Could I be so bold as to ask you to dance?”
You hesitate, although you're surprised at how badly you want to. “Here?”
He nods, a breathtaking smirk plays on his lips and needing no more encouragement, you take his hand and let him pull you to him. His arm wraps around your waist, holding you to him as your feet move perfectly in sync, slow and deliberate.
Neither of you say a word for the entire song, just enjoying the closeness, though unexpected and when the music stops so do your feet.
“I always thought you hated me.” You can't help the nervous laughter that escapes as your bodies remain pressed together.
He looks down at you, hooking a finger under your chin, “I'd rather fight with you, than be with anyone else.” 
You realise now how serious he is, how much he means everything he's said to you and…much to your surprise, how much you want him too.
Without overthinking or second guessing, you grab the lapels of his blazer and pull him down towards you. He eagerly obliges. Not before cupping your face with gentle hands and touching his lips, softly but assertively to yours.
Your mouths explore each other in a passionate dance, tongues swirling and lips moving together perfectly, until you're both breathless and pulling away, fighting for air. 
“You wanna get out of here?” You ask, your core throbbing with an unexplored want. 
He nods frantically, pulling out his phone and requesting a cab. 
“Come on, 2 minutes.” He takes your hand and pulls you towards the exit but as you leave the main doors and the chilly night air hits you, you remember someone.
“Wait, I need to find Mark.”
“No need, princess,” Mark's voice sounds from behind and you spin to see him casually leaning against the wall. “I'm waiting for a taxi as we speak, you go and have fun.” He winks at you and you resist the urge to giggle like a schoolgirl.
“See Mark, I knew I liked you.” Jackson says before leading you back down the steps and to your waiting car.
“Hurt her and I'll break you in half!” Mark calls out and you can't help but laugh, knowing how serious he is.
As Jackson pulls open the door of the cab you slide in, he follows you in quickly and slams the door.
“Your place or mine?” He asks.
“Mine’s closer.” You rattle off your address to the driver, before your mouth is on Jackson’s again.
Feeling needy and eager as his hands explore a pathway down your body, you resist the urge to climb on top of him.
“Did I mention how good you look in that dress?” He whispers against your lips.
“Not really no,” you respond, as your lips make their way down his neck, relishing the way his breath hitches in his throat. 
“As soon as I saw you tonight, all I could think of was peeling this off of you.” He grabs at the material around your legs, bunching up to reveal your flesh. His fingers skate slowly up your thigh but he pauses and grabs them instead, letting out a frustrated growl. “I’ve wanted you for so long, these last few moments feel unbearable.”
You feel powerful and confident as you decide to make matters worse for him. Gliding a hand up his muscular thigh until you reach his crotch, you can feel his erection through the fabric of his trousers and you palm at it teasingly. He sucks in a breath and then holds it, biting his bottom lip with pleading eyes aimed at you. Smiling, you have to resist the urge to unzip him right there but the car comes to a stop, much to your relief.
Jackson tips the driver and helps you out of the vehicle. 
Grabbing his hand, you race to your front door, fumbling to find your keys in your purse with the other hand. He presses the front of his body against your back, his hands wandering all over you, exploring an urgent pathway that makes you want to melt against him. The click of the lock has you growling with fervour, as you roughly push your way inside your apartment. Spinning, your lips are on his, burning with a passion you've never experienced, as your hands are whipping off his tie and rapidly tackling the button on his trousers. Your hands slide up under his shirt while he clumsily tries to undo the buttons, you however, have no time for that. Ripping open his shirt, and hearing the spray of the buttons as they scatter around your living room floor.
“Sorry.” You whisper breathlessly.
The smile you feel against your mouth tells you he doesn't care one bit, and before you know it, you're stumbling through your bedroom until your back knocks into your dresser.
His hand grasps the back of your knees suddenly, and before you can register, he's scooping your legs up and lifting you onto the wooden top. He glides the material of your dress up and over your head, only briefly breaking the contact between your bodies, before slotting himself in between your legs
His fingers find the hem of your underwear and pull them off quicker than you anticipate, having to hold yourself onto the edge of your dresser.
Your fingers run along the hard muscles of his chest and down his stomach, you're desperate to have him inside you. No thoughts of teasing and drawing this out, you wanted him to quench this unbearable thirst, now.
Reaching inside his briefs, you free his erection from its clothed prison, he's rock hard in your hand and you can't help the desperate whine that escapes you. Lining him up to your entrance, you use your legs to guide him in. 
He pulls his lips off you and searches your eyes, cupping your face in his hands. “Are you sure?”
You nod frantically, “please, Jackson, I need you.” 
His mouth connects to yours, more hungry and desperate than before and he pushes himself forward slowly, sliding into you and stretching you open.
The resounding groan from the two of you, sounds animalistic and raw. No holding back, just giving in to your feelings and desires. 
Watching each other intently, panting with excitement, time seems to slow down. The mood changes around you. Having him in such an intimate manner opens your eyes, seeing him clearer than ever, as if for the first time. You hold his face, pulling him down to you with a kiss that's different, not full of eagerness and impatience, but comfort and understanding.
When he bottoms out in you, he pauses, savouring the moment between you, tongues dancing softly together but it's not long before you find your impatience growing again. With your legs hooked around the back of his, you pull him forward, and grind yourself up against him, willing him to move.
He grunts and gets the message before he's pumping in and out of you in a perfect rhythm, making your heart pound wildly in your chest, so loud you can hear the echo in your ears, thumping away.
He grabs at your bra and pulls it down, freeing your breasts, his hands are on them in an instant, massaging them.
The sound of your dresser squeaking under the movements and pressure beneath you, only turns you on more, at this point, it could collapse under you and you'd still continue on their tirade.
Your hands find his buttocks, squeezing the flesh as you control his movements, wanting him harder and faster, the pressure building up inside at an alarming rate. 
You admire his body, toned to perfection, your gaze travelling up to watch his face, as his eyes are solely focused on his dick sliding in and out of you. The groans coming out of him are so sinful it makes you feel hot inside, too hot, like your skin could burn off your body at any minute and as the pressure inside grows intense, you realise you're dangerously close to a very powerful orgasm.
“Just like that,” you gasp, unable to say much more from the pleasure tightening everything and strangling your words.
“You close, baby?” He asks, eyes on your face as you nod. He smiles, looking pleased with himself, “I want to see how pretty you look when you come.” He bites his own lip, as if trying to hold off his own climax. The idea of that is all you need for the pleasure bubble inside you to pop and your body contracts aggressively around him, as you’re blinded by white light. 
“Oh, yes.” He whispers, as he holds your face towards him, while he helps you ride out your high. The pulses continue on until they die down and suddenly he's pulling out of you and pumping himself with his hand, until he explodes all over your stomach and chest, leaving white ropes of ecstasy as evidence on your skin.
Leaving your head on his chest, trying to catch your breath, he strokes the skin on your back.
After a few peaceful moments, he places his knuckle under your chin and lifts your head up towards him, planting a tender kiss to your lips.
“Come,” he says, pulling up his trousers and then scooping you up in his arms to take you to your bed.
Your eyelids feel heavy and you can feel the adrenaline leaving your body as you curl up into his side, the last thing you remember is his lips against your forehead.
Opening your eyes, you're met with bright sunlight streaming through your window, you can hardly keep them open. Rolling from your front to your side and feeling for your phone on the bedside table, you check the time. 10.05. Not too late for a Sunday. Glancing down you notice your naked body, as the memories from last night's events come back thick and fast as you sit bolt upright, eyes darting around the room.
“Jackson!” You call out through the ajar bedroom door, wondering if he's somewhere else in the flat.
Your stomach sinks slightly. Did you fall for a complete fabrication of feelings for a one night stand? Checking your phone; there's no missed calls or messages from him. Flopping back down on your bed, you pull the sheet over your head, feeling embarrassed and stupid and wanting nothing more than to hide away from the world. How were you going to face him at work tomorrow? Did any of your colleagues see you leave together? The thought churns your stomach, regret starting to seep in, hurting your chest with every new thought or worry. 
A noise in the distance distracts you momentarily from the chaotic thoughts using your brain as a roundabout. You sit up, hearing someone moving around in your kitchen, could it be him? 
You get out of bed quickly and quietly, pulling on some shorts and a vest, giving yourself a quick check in your mirror, that's when you notice your makeup and other items that neatly sat on your dresser, scattered all over the floor. A flush travels up your neck with the images from last night. 
You swallow them down and tiptoe out into the open plan living room and kitchen.
There he stands, dressed in his suit trousers and shirt, at the counter, putting something on a plate, humming quietly to himself. The sight pulls in your chest and you can't help the smile that pulls your mouth as you lean casually against your door frame.
He turns towards you, carrying a tray with what looks like an iced coffee, panini, a plastic bowl of fruit and pancakes. When his eyes notice you, he freezes, his cheeks flush red briefly as he beams at you. A smile so captivating you can't believe you didn't appreciate it before.
“Hi,” you break the silence first.
“Morning,” he says, dreamily, then shaking his head as if to snap himself out of his daze, he adds, “I thought you might like breakfast. I didn't know what you'd like, so I got a selection.” He stands there, seeming awkward, his usual confidence gone. 
You walk towards him, taking the tray and placing it on your dining table. “It all looks amazing, and very thoughtful. Thank you, there is something I'd like for breakfast.” 
He frowns, bewildered from your actions, as you watch his Adam's apple bobs up and down as he swallows. You close any distance between you, playing with his shirt and notice the question in his eyes.
“You.” You reply, looking up at him through your eyelashes.
He's on you in an instant, lips dancing hungrily with yours as he lifts you and carries you into the bedroom, leaving your breakfast waiting for when you've stated the hunger you feel for him.
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“In Every Universe”
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☀️Summary: Everything about your situationship with Yeonjun seemed perfect. There were no rules, no romantic feelings, and you stayed friends. But when jealousy leads to a falling out between the two of you, Yeonjun is forced to look inward and reevaluate his feeling for you as well was what kind of relationship he wants with you. The question is, are his feeling more powerful then fate?
genre: NSFW, FLUFF, ANGST pairing: yeonjun x fem!reader x Soobin
Warnings: Angst, Mentions of sex
Chapter 13
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“What just happened?” Yeonjun thought as he stood outside of her apartment dumbfounded. He didn't know what else to do. He was so shocked and angry he could feel his heart beat in his ears. A million thoughts running through his mind on what to do or say. Some productive. Most petty. A faint sound broke the slience coming from behind the door. He moved forward placing a gentle hand on it and his ear. Quiet sobbing. His mind felt blank now, heartbreaking and tears that had been threatening to fall finally breaking the dam. It felt like he stood with his ear to that door for hours before he finally removed himself and began the walk home. He could have easily gotten a car to take him home but he needed the walk. Plus the dorms weren’t that far; he's walked it before. Normally in a better mood.
He replayed the fight in his head over and over again before he pushed it to the back of his brain like he did most things like hurt him. You had no right putting him in that position. Of choosing between his best friend and his… well his freedom. He knew it was wrong of him to call you what he did. It was just his anger. He knows how he gets about guys treating you like that. You are too precious for that. For Jackson fucking Wang. FUCK. Remembering that really pissed him off. Why do you lower yourself to men like that? And then you had to bring up JOHNNY of all people, you knew how that made him feel. He’ll never forget the feeling he felt after walking in on you two. That's one memory he’ll never be able to put away. Walking around looking for you after Music Bank event back when they were promoting the Eternity album, and catching you being bent over the couch in Johnny’s dressing room being fucked from behind. Bastard didn't even have the decency to stop. He looked Yeonjun straight in the eye and asked him what he wanted as he continued to thrust into you roughly. And you, trying to hide your face from embarrassment. Moaning out, trying to get him to stop as Yeonjun said nothing, leaving in a furious hurry.
That memory never failed to make Yeonjun livid. Wanting to take his fist to Johnny's face everytime he sees him. Even after the two of you made up. But this time it brought tears to his eyes. Which had never happened, much to his surprise. Anger is replaced with genuine sadness. Seeing you with another man like that. The noises you made, the expressions you made were made only for his eyes…He shouldn’t have called you slut. He's a bigger slut than you are. And you're not even a slut. You haven’t with been with anyone since Johnny. Yeonjun wiped the tears from his eyes as he smiled a little. He’d be lying if that statement didn't make him happy. Knowing you were only his for this whole year. And he knows it’s toxic. But then again he didn’t ASK you to do that. That was your choice. He felt the tears again. How could you even say that you two weren’t friends. You’re best friends. He tells you everything. He trusted you more than his members most times. He cares so much for you. He loves you…
Yeonjun walked up the stairs and went to the dorm. Releasing the first normal, deep breath. He stood there in the darkness of the doorway, thinking of the doorway of your apartment. That was where you were. Still there, probably crying. He knew when you cried you tried to hold back and covered your mouth. Afraid of the sound of it. He bent down, hand to the door. He felt like he could see you in the dark. Back up against the door and cover your mouth as you sobbed and sobbed. Even shaking a little. He felt his anger bubble up again.This time it was laced with guilt. He stood up kicking off his shoes and going into his room, slamming the door and sitting on his bed. The tears falling again he sat there crying for a moment, knees up to his chest. He grabbed his phone, secretly hoping to see a text from you. There was nothing, so trying to calm down, he dialed a number. Taking deep breaths as it rang.
“Yeonjun? What's up, it's the middle of the night?” A grogging voice responded through the phone.
“Binnie…” he said voice trembling more than he intended.
“Yeah? What's wrong?” Yeonjun stayed quiet so as not to break out into tears again. “Yeonjun, say something you're scaring me. Did something happen?!”
“Binnie I- I fucked up…” he finally said
“Woah woah woah! What happened are you talking about?!”
“Changbin, I don't know what to do…I think I lost her man.” he said voice trembling quietly.
“Okay hold on, tell me everything.” Yeonjun proceeded to quietly tell him the events oh tonight in between sniffles and quiet sobs. Changbin listened intently.
“Yeonjunnie…You know I’ll always be honest with you. Right?”
Yeonjun hummed in response and Changbin continued. “Do you think you are in the right place to hear the truth right now…” Yeonjun responded that he wasn’t sure. He knew it's what he had to hear but he was stubborn and he wasn't sure he could. Maybe he should have called Wooyoung. But he’d probably get the same response. Changbin sighed “you're gonna have to hear it at some point man, it's just up to you when. If that's not now that's up to you…You’ve had a hard night just get some sleep okay, man?” Yeonjun sniffled and responded with a noise.
“I love you man i'll call you tomorrow okay?”
Changbin was about to hang up when Yeonjun spoke up. “Bin!... We’ll be okay right? It's just an argument. Friends argue all the time and they're fine. So we’ll be fine. Right?”
Changbin sighed heavily.”Yeonjun. Be honest with yourself. Are you two really just friends?”
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vminjackbaddie · 2 months
Feeling Lucky
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authors note: eye...haven't written a one shot in such a long time but his recent activity on ig has got me in shambles and I'd like the chance to try again. now forgive me because I've always written in first person but you can still pretend. also im super rusty so im sorry if this comes out cheesy lol I am not an expert for sure! lastly, please don't repost or claim as your own. I appreciate y'all pairing: female reader & jackson wang | 1st person word count: 3.4k+ summary: it's been a lot of trial and error: using dating apps in hopes you find a serious relationship and for the third time, you find yourself disappointed with someone, feeling cursed and very unlucky. to help get your mind off of things, you go visit your best friend at the bar with 0 intentions except to enjoy yourself until jackson walks in with his own group of friends. he's eyeing you, you're eyeing him but will either one of you make a move? or will you let your "cursed" theory ruin any chance with him? genre: mature | strangers to lovers au | angst | one shot | kinda soft | fluff warnings: 21+ ONLY! some cursing, making out, small mentions of heartbreak
“…and that’s exactly why I believe dogs are far superior to cats…”
He kept rambling, spewing nonsense. Is this really my life right now? How am I sitting here, listening to this man go on and on about why dogs are better than cats? Is this supposed to be life-changing information? Definitely not! And just for the record, cats are just as good—if not better.
To make matters worse, I wish I could say this was my first bad date in ages, but that would be a lie. A month ago, I signed up for a dating app, and while things started off strong, the past two weeks have led me to men with halitosis, nonstop misogynistic comments, and now this guy: a man who thinks his monologue is more interesting than asking about me.
Without hesitation, I pulled out my phone and decided to use the old bathroom excuse.
“Excuse me—sorry. Just give me a minute. I’ll be right back,” I said, trying not to trip over my heels as I pushed my chair back, ready to make my escape.
“Take your time! When you get back, we can talk about the ghost in my parents’ basement!” he shouted as I walked away.
I raised an eyebrow, knowing it was now or never. Ghosting isn’t my usual move, but it felt like my only option. Luckily, there was an exit door next to the women’s restroom, and I made a beeline for it. I attempted to call my best friend to fill her in on the disaster, but I reached her voicemail, followed by a quick text:
[Hey, I’m working. You okay?]
Ugh. I completely forgot she was on a shift at Oasis, a local bar. But that might not be a bad idea. I could definitely use some company and a distraction. I hopped into my car and rushed to get inside before he realized I wasn’t coming back, quickly texting her:
[Hiiii~ nvm! I’m coming by. See you soon!]
The message was brief, and as I sat at the first red light, I surprisingly didn’t feel guilty. Isn’t that awful? But honestly, while I felt bad about the first two dates, this third one confirmed that maybe my days with dating apps were over. I felt cursed—searching for real love for so long only to have every potential match turn sour as soon as we met. So tonight (and perhaps for the rest of my life), I decided to focus on enjoying myself.
Oasis wasn’t far. Within five minutes, I was in line to get in. While I waited, I noticed the coffee shop guy had bombarded me with at least eight messages, calling me every name in the book for bailing.
“Wow,” I muttered, scrolling through his barrage of insults.
“Looks like you dodged a bullet,” the bouncer said as I finally reached him.
“What? Oh yeah, he’s definitely a piece of work,” I replied, blocking his number while handing over my ID.
“You came to the right place.” He nodded as he returned my ID. While he recognized me from previous visits, I wasn’t in the mood to chat with another guy about my problems. I simply made my way to the bar.
“Danielle!” I called, spotting my best friend as I slid onto the first empty barstool. The bar wasn’t too crowded, but the dance floor was alive, and it felt great to soak in the energy after those awful messages.
“Another bad date?” she asked, handing me my favorite drink.
“Oh, it was so bad, Danielle! I just don’t know what’s wrong with me!”
“I don’t think it’s you. Sometimes men just suck, and dating app guys are a whole different level of awful,” she chuckled.
“I’m starting to think it might be time to give up.”
She sighed. “You always say that. But remember what I tell you: you’re more likely to find the right one when you’re not stuck playing 40 questions over a screen.”
She patted my hand for reassurance, and I felt a little lighter.
“Don’t beat yourself up—we’ve all been there. Just enjoy your drink.”
I nodded, acknowledging she was right.
“Okay, but no more than three drinks tonight. I don’t want you getting in trouble again for giving away too many free ones.”
We both laughed as I took a sip while she attended to the next guest.
About an hour later, I was on my third drink, and let me tell you, I was feeling it. “Slightly tipsy” was the best way to describe it, and I was really vibing with the music pouring from the speakers. However, I wasn’t much of a dancer. Sitting at the bar, swaying back and forth in my little bubble, felt just right. I could have kept it up all night, but then I heard an uproar from the dance floor.
Curious, I turned to see what all the commotion was about. Right in the center of the crowd was a group of guys dancing like nobody was watching, and they were good. But the one drawing everyone’s attention wasn’t the loudest or most flamboyant; instead, it was the guy making the subtlest moves. His presence alone was magnetic, giving him an air of mystery that was incredibly alluring.
I found myself standing up, inching closer to get a better view. I didn’t want to get too close—just close enough to appreciate his every move. But maybe that was the mistake, because as soon as I got within range, I was completely captivated. He wore all black: a fitted tank top, loose black pants, and sturdy boots. His shaggy hair was a striking lilac or lavender color, cascading over his forehead. It felt wrong, but the thought of getting his attention flickered in my mind. The only problem? I was supposed to be enjoying myself, not fantasizing about some guy.
“Y/N!” Danielle’s voice broke through my thoughts, and I turned to see her waving me over. That was my cue: stay away from him. After all, it was clear why there were at least ninety girls surrounding him—or so it seemed.
What I didn’t realize was that her shout had caught his attention too, because when I looked back just before walking away, we locked eyes.
“Oh god,” I mumbled to myself, quickly diverting my gaze as he flashed me a gentle smile. The only thing I could manage was a quick nod before I hurried back to the bar, eager to escape any further embarrassment.
“What were you doing over there?” Danielle asked as I settled back into my seat.
“Did you not see those guys? They were amazing!” I nearly pointed but caught a glimpse of him and his friends gathering at the other end of the bar.
“Those guys?” she asked, tilting her head in their direction. “Oh yeah, they’re here every Friday, or so.”
I rolled my eyes. “Of course.”
For some reason, that realization made him feel completely out of reach. I shouldn’t have even considered approaching him, but the thought lingered. Now, with him just ten feet away, it was impossible not to steal glances as I tried to finish what was left of my drink.
“Need another?” I heard a male voice say.
I looked over to find a glass of Hennessy right beside my hand. My gaze lifted to meet the exact guy from the dance floor, and I was shocked. Why was he talking to me? Where were his friends? Regardless, I needed to play it cool; I didn’t want to come off as desperate.
“No, I’m good,” I replied shortly. “This is my third one, anyway.” I barely made eye contact, taking another sip.
“Is that why you were almost on the dance floor?” he joked.
“Maybe. But how would you know?” I finally turned my body toward him.
He took a small sip of his drink. “I saw you—almost as soon as you walked up. I was waiting for you to join in.”
“I’m sure the other ninety women were more than enough for you,” I retorted.
“Damn. Don’t do that,” he said with a smirk.
“Don’t do what? Point out the obvious?” I chuckled. That’s when I really started to feel the liquid courage kicking in. To be honest, I had a lot of animosity toward men right now, and he was my first target. This could either go really well or extremely badly.
“I’m not just another girl for you to toy with, okay? You think I didn’t see all the smirking and body rolling on that dance floor? Keep it over there.” My finger landed on his chest. “And don’t bring your fuckboy act over here.”
He smirked again, taking another sip before resting his hand over my finger that was still resting on his chest. God, why was he so attractive? I’d said enough, so why couldn’t I just get up and leave?
“Let me be clear…” His voice was low and husky, and I barely noticed he had leaned in closer, making my hand rest against his chest. “If I had any intentions with the other women on that floor, or if I were the fuckboy you think I am, then why am I over here with you?”
His eyes searched mine as if trying to find something beyond the asshole persona I was attempting to project.
“Touche,” I responded, quickly pulling my hand back. I finished off my drink, trying to distract myself from getting lost in his gaze. “What’s your name?”
“Jackson,” he said with a smile, clearly pleased that I wasn’t trying to push him away any further. “And you?”
“Y/N,” I replied shyly, worried I might have ruined the rest of the conversation. Just then, another song played, and the crowd erupted again, making us both break our unannounced staring contest and look at the dance floor. The same guys he had arrived with were back out there, cutting loose. I noticed Jackson subtly mimicking their moves.
“You should join them!” I yelled over the music.
“Nah, it’s okay. I’d rather be dancing with someone else,” he said, slowly bringing his gaze back to me.
I rolled my eyes, smirking a little. “Could you be any more corny?”
“No,” he smirked, grabbing my hand and pulling me closer. We were chest to chest now, locked in each other's gaze. “But I’d like the chance to show you what I can do on the dance floor.”
I glanced back at Danielle, who had been watching the whole exchange. My expression should’ve been a dead giveaway for help, but instead, she winked at me. What the hell? She wasn’t helping at all.
“Come on,” he said, breaking our gaze and taking my hand. He led me to the dance floor. “I don’t expect anything more than for you to just feel the music.” He moonwalked to the center of the dance floor.
How could I possibly keep up with that? I barely had rhythm as it was, but that didn’t stop him from pulling me closer. The liquid courage needed to kick in any minute now because I had never been more nervous than I was at that moment.
He turned me around so that my back pressed against his chest, swaying slowly behind me, guiding my body to move in harmony with his. I felt as if I were in a trance, his hands exploring my waist in a way that was both respectful and undeniably sensual. His nose brushed against my hair, and I could feel my eyes fluttering shut, surrendering to his lead as I let the music envelop me. I placed my hands over his, turning my head slightly to bring his face closer to mine, anticipating the moment our lips might meet. But just then, the tempo of the music shifted, shattering the spell we were under. I smiled as we both paused, realizing that our moment had come to an end.
I turned to face him, and I noticed his friends slowly approaching from behind.
“Alright! We see you!” one of them called out.
“Get lost,” he replied, feigning annoyance, which made them all chuckle.
“Sorry, man! We were just about to grab another drink. You coming?”
He glanced back at me. “Yeah, actually. I’ll be right there.” They nodded and headed off, and he turned back to me.
“You know you don’t have to stick around. I wasn’t exactly nice to you a few minutes ago.”
He shrugged. “I can get drinks with them anytime.” He took my hand again and led me back to my original spot at the bar to order another drink. As we waited, he turned to look at me.
“But what was with all that attitude? Was it really just because of how you viewed me?”
I shook my head. “No... just... bad dates.”
He nodded slowly, as if he understood more than I realized.
“Men ain’t shit,” he started, his tone serious. “And I mean that. I don’t know what you’ve been through, and it’s really none of my business, but can I offer you some advice?”
“Sure,” I replied, still swaying to what we could hear of the music.
“Don’t assume every guy you meet is going to be like the last. I know that’s tough, but calling me a fuck boy was a bit much.” He whined playfully, laughter escaping him. “Though, I have to admit, it was pretty funny.”
“Yeah, I’m sorry... I really shouldn’t have said that—” Just then, my favorite song blared through the speakers. Tinashe’s “Nasty” filled the air, and the energy shifted.
“I LOVE THIS SONG!” I shouted, letting go and fully immersing myself in the music. Whatever liquid courage I had left finally surfaced, and I danced like I’d never danced before. I was so caught up in the moment that I didn’t even notice Danielle bringing him another drink; he simply stood there, a huge smirk on his face, watching me.
“Is somebody gonna match my freak...” I began to sing loudly, draping my arms over his neck and leaning in close, letting my hands glide slowly over his chest.
He watched intently as I continued belting out the lyrics. The way he sipped his Hennessy while keeping his gaze fixed on me made my stomach flip. Somehow, I managed to maintain my composure, still singing and letting my hands roam lower, tracing over his abdomen, which made his breath catch.
“Easy...” he murmured, and I couldn’t help but smirk. I had no idea what was happening, but I was enjoying every moment.
I leaned back into his space, my arm wrapped around his neck as the chorus looped again, the constant refrain of “I’ve been a nasty girl” echoing in my ears. I sang every word, body rolling against him while his free hand trailed down my side and rested at my waist. With his other hand, he finished his drink and set the glass down, then placed his palm at the small of my back.
We were mere inches apart; I could feel his breath against my lips, and it made me freeze as the music began to fade into the background. At that moment, I was intoxicated by his scent, and there was no way I could back down now. I’d been in his face for nearly three minutes, singing about being a nasty girl—what else could I expect?
“You singing all of that makes me want to do a lot more than just dance with you...” he whispered. “But that would be disrespectful on our first meeting.”
Good god. At this point, he could have done anything to me; a man who shows respect is the sexiest thing a girl could ask for.
“Then what can you do that wouldn’t be ‘disrespectful’?”
I knew I was asking for it, but I couldn’t help myself. At this rate, I wanted him to make a move.
He chuckled softly, brushing his nose against mine as our faces inched closer together. One hand cupped my face, while the other rested on my hip. I felt his body draw nearer, moving slightly as the music began to swell again, creating a bubble around just the two of us. I slowly closed my eyes, fully aware of what was about to happen. The build-up was intoxicating. I could have closed the distance myself, but something urged me to savor the moment. He began to turn my body until my back was against a wall, his hands landing on either side of me, brushing his lips against mine. When I opened my eyes, I saw him glancing between my eyes and my mouth, so close I could nearly taste him.
My hands moved to cup his neck as we tilted our heads, our lips nearly meeting once more. He was teasing me mercilessly, and damn, was he good at it.
“May I?” he asked, brushing his nose against mine again. There he went again with that respect.
“Please,” I nearly begged, and he slowly closed the gap between us, finally kissing me after what felt like an eternity of anticipation.
Our lips moved in perfect harmony, just like how we danced. His hands slid from the bar back around my waist, while mine fumbled to find their place. I felt most at ease tangling one hand in his hair while the other rested at his side. The kiss deepened as our tongues battled for dominance, making me want to nibble at his bottom lip to tease him even more. But just like that, it was over. He pulled away, leaving me craving more.
We were both breathless, but it was more than worth it. I even heard Danielle cheering quietly behind me, which made us glance at her and shake our heads in amusement.
“I’m sorry. If I’d kept going—”
I raised a finger to his lips. “It’s fine,” I smiled. “There’s always next time.”
He nodded. “I hope it made your night a little better.”
His smile was enchanting, and I could tell he genuinely meant it, which made me feel incredible.
“Mission accomplished.” I gave him a quick peck. “Now, stay in touch.”
“Wait. You’re leaving?” he frowned.
“No!” I laughed. “Danielle’s my ride home since I’ve had a couple of drinks.”
“Smart. I like it,” he teased, locking his gaze with mine again. “Care to dance once more before the night ends?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to get back to your boys?” I asked, noticing them still on the dance floor.
“Look, those are my best friends. I can dance, drink, and whatever else with them anytime,” he assured me. “They’ll understand if I keep dancing with you. And while this may be our last dance tonight, I hope to see you again, outside of this bar.”
I felt a blush creeping up my cheeks. Who would have thought one bad night would turn into something so lucky?
“Deal,” was all I could think to say before he pulled me back out to the dance floor, where we danced until the sun rose.
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nitrozem · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals ♥️
Thanks for the ask!!
I have playlists for my 4 major projects (for world building and characters) Songs for OC's or fit the vibe really. So I'll go with the playlist for my post apocalypse story cause that's just my mood today.
Highwaymen Anthem - Far Cry New Dawn Soundtrack
Fire to The Fuse - League of Legends, Jackson Wang & 88rising
sugar honey ice & tea - Bring Me The Horizon
Love From The Other Side - Fall Out Boy
Wildfire - Against The Current
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biffybobs · 2 years
When you get this you have to put 5 songs you actually listen to, and publish. Then, send this ask/tag 10 of your followers.
I was tagged by @cantseemtohide and someone else I swear but I cantseemtofind them in my notifications. Ha. January had me in the mood for more pop than usual <3
Dance Apocalyptic - Janelle Monáe
Save Your Tears - The Weeknd & Ariana Grande
Perfect Places - Lorde
On My Way - Epik High feat. Jackson Wang
$20 - boygenius
Tagging with no obligation! @saartje77 @gerbits @whyeverr @ladybugsimblr @adoringsentiment @eulaliasims @loveryss @aliennooboo @socialtownie @pixelshary
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 8 months
favorite color(s): pink, dark red, purple
favorite flavor(s): peppermint, chocolate, red sauce, um chai? (idk flavors are different than foods xD)
favorite music: um it really honestly depends on my mood. The Untamed soundtrack obvs, Taylor Swift, I like some emo, I like some vtubers, indie, pop, disney, playlists of characters or ships lol. I really enjoy most music though not most country and very little rap
favorite movie(s): the mummy series ( 1999, 2001 &2008 ), Atlantis, Anastasia, a lot of the MCU, Quest For Camelot, Hercules, Mulan
favorite series: The Untamed (actual current favorite), Heaven Official's Blessing, The Originals, Merlin, Divine Destiny (yes mainly because Wang Zhuocheng xD), WandaVision, Good Omens, Stranger Things, Our Flag Means Death, National Treasure Edge of History, Shadow & Bone, Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, Legacies,
last song: Brother by Kodaline (imagine that lol)
last series: : Last Finished? Marvel's What If
last movie: Atlantis: The Lost Empire
currently reading: Stars of Chaos by Priest, though The Husky & His White Cat Shizun book 4 is next lol
currently watching: Percy Jackson, Heaven Official's Blessing, Divine Destiny, Ahsoka, Mo Dao Zu Shi donghua
currently working on: trying to work on university work but mostly just relaxing after work
tagged by: @adversitybloomed
tagging: whoever wants to lol
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leonaluv · 9 months
Jackson Wang career in 2024?
He going to show a lot of love to everyone , his mood will be overall good , he may have his romantic relationship public to.
Lots of people will love him to.
Choose love
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zowrawkr · 1 year
I'm too tired, but I still able to write tho
Hormones are strong enough to have your ups and downs mind breaker. And you choose to blame hormones, for your sudden change of moods; you get depressed, angrier, stressed out, hopeless, sadness, all those negative thoughts haunted you all day long in your mind.
You can't scream, you just could scream silently in your own thought that brought you even deeper and deepest thoughts. It's dark here but you choose to do so, because what you felt is valid. You believe when you choose it, you'll be able to rise again even better and able to fight it later on.
I literally choose this song instead, to scream out my mind. And hoping it could relieve me soon enough.
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misspoetree · 2 years
@scarefox tagged me to list 10 songs from my most recent playlist, on shuffle. Thank you! 🤗
So the playlist in question is called "That was a stupid idea". I created it in 2020, between two lockdowns, when I was still a student and working at a university library. Back then, I decided to just fucking walk the 6 kilometres to and from work because using public transport was stressing me out so much. It turned out to be quite a good idea, actually - but I kept the name anyway. 😂🤷🏻‍♀️
It started out as a playlist of songs with good, speedy "walking rhythms"...but now it's just a terrible mess of everything for everything - as you can see by the shuffled songs listed below. 😅
Running in Circles - FIL BO RIVA (The voice of this man!!!!!)
I Don't Wanna Talk (I Just Wanna Dance) - Glass Animals
Get Wild - MIYAVI (If you don't know MIYAVI - go check him out right now. I'm obsessed with this man and the things he does to his guitar)
Dying in the Heat - Nightseason
Escalate - Ben Böhmer, JONAH
LIT - ONEUS (This song is just such a mood boost for me - and the aesthetics of the MV are beautiful!)
22s - KOKO, Nina Chuba, Dillistone
Es regnet Hirn - OK KID (Spot the Germans I guess. On of the chorus lines means "The Lord is a woman, it's raining brain" and yeah, great song. 😂)
Pretty Please - Jackson Wang, Galantis (The man, the myth, the legend 😭❤)
Beds Are Burning - AWOLNATION, Tim McIlrath of Rise Against
I'm tagging @a-cookie2121 @ailig @hedgewyse @tessaaaaa and @magicaldreamfox1 - but as always no pressure! 😊✌🏻
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toxicrevolver · 2 years
I was tagged by @accal1a THANKS FOR THE TAG!!
Rules: You can usually tell a lot about a person by the type of music they listen to. Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 10 songs, and then tag 10 people. <- I’m not doing that. I am a weenie and too scared to tag people.
So the last playlist I used was this one.
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HOWEVER. I rarely ever use my playlists. I’m more of a turn on a song and then shuffle my entire liked songs list. And I feel like that’s a better representation of my music taste so I’m including that too. I KNOW THAT WASN’T THE TASK. I’M SORRY. IT’S PART OF MY CHAOS THO.
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However however. I’m sleep deprived and in the mood to over explain myself. Lately all I do is turn on an album by someone and put that album on repeat until I’m done with it for the time being. So. For the last two days all I’ve listened to is the album Magic Man by Jackson Wang on repeat bcs it itches my brain just right.
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sungtaro · 2 years
i know you said you're a little iffy on the create portion but im sooo curious about your ideas for 7 and 8 lmao also ill ask for 17, 30 and 33!
adfhjd i will try my best for you despite not feeling my most big brained <3
7. create your ideal guest list for a jackson wang party (lol) tbh i'm not rly familiar with the Vibes but idols i think would be really funny drunk together ... mx hyungwon, svt seungkwan, ab6ix woong, golcha jangjun
8. create an idol group with some of your mutuals, including positions and a group name! the hardest one JBHDH but ok so i am thinking a kind of like . musical theater themed group that just does these super fun over-the-top concepts and has really fun vocal arrangements and ensemble choreo ... we'll call y'all CAST and you debut with a super flashy song called "Curtain Up!" the fun thing too is that each member gets to shine in each comeback with a unique concept that suits your vocal styles and the 'role' that would be best for you. Mairin i see you as a vocalist and sub-rapper who helps develop the overall concepts! @awek-s rapper, writes lyrics and helps direct / script performances @wabisaba main dancer, mood maker, leader @taeminblr vocalist, works on art direction, captain of camp @yukuz vocalist, works on makeup concepts
17. group that makes the best workout bangers i feel like a lot of groups have like a few songs that are great to work out to as opposed to one group that excels in this subgenre JKBDJHGB but treasure definitely has a lot of good pump-up music (also i just . listen to what i like when i workout anyways haha)
30. top 5 favorite b sides of all time clover - a.c.e / maybe baby - cravity / surf - to1 / fever - enhypen / 20cm - txt
33. if you had the ability to switch concepts, what two groups would you like to switch concepts? so i would really like to swap nmixx with another group just because i'd be fascinated to see them in something that isn't as specific as the change-up concept they have, especially with all the talent in that group i feel like it makes it hard for people (myself included) to listen to them casually. but i don't really know the girls well enough to know who to switch them with kadgbhj maybe purple kiss ??? i feel like the quirky and fun but still kind of dark concept would work well and i also think purki would kind of slay the change up
unique kpop asks !
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Zombie Apocalypse
Jackson Wang
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Chinese Name- Wang Ka-Yee
American Name- Jackson Wang
Nickname- Jack
Sexuality- Homosexual
Gender- Male
Birth date- April 27th
Birth place- Busan, South Korea
Mother- Sophie Zhou
Mother Status- Unknown
Father- Wang Ruiji
Father Status- Unknown
Status- Alive
Married?- No
-(Physical Appearance)-
Age- 25
Weight- 163bls
Height- 5'9
Body build- Trapezoid
-very toned and muscular
Face Type- inverted triangle
Eye color- Dark Brown
Glasses or comtacts- none
Skin tone- Beige/Honey
Hair color- Black
Overall Attractiveness- 8/10
Physical Disabilities- Nerve damage in his left hand
Usual fashion of dress-
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Favorite outfit-
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Backpack Inventory-
-2 flashlights
-spare batteries
-first aid kit
-water bottle
-multiple lighters
-change of clothes
-multiple hand guns
-multiple hand blades
-extra Diapers and wipes
-Baby blankets
-extra baby outfits
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Weapon preference- Sniper Rifle
List of weapons on him-
-multiple knifes stashed on his pants
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-multiple guns in his belt and in his jacket
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-Sniper Rifle
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Good traits-
Negative traits-
Mood most often-
-He is often seen as moody but just because he tends to be quiet.
-A man of few words.
-He's actually very contempt most of the time.
Greatest fears-
Jackson is an ex-military sniper. He and his sister were sent to America while he was a teenager. He enlisted the moment that he was able to and picked up on english pretty quickly. He was on leave when the outbreak happened and at the time he was living with his sister and her son in Atlanta. Unfortunately his sister didn't survive while Jackson and her son waited out the gassing of Atlanta in his sisters apartment. He had cleared out their floor but it eventually got over run and he was forced to jump out there window, two stories up, into a dumpster. Keith, the baby was fine but Jackson managed to add to the scars on his back.
Greatest strengths- agility and use of fire arms
Greatest vulnerability/weakness- Keith
Color- Black
Least favorite color- Pink
Music- Hip hop
Food- cheesecake
Smokes- yes
Drinks- no
Extremely skilled at- being a sniper
Nervous tics- his left hand twitches
Optimist/Pessimist- Optimist
Introvert/Extrovert- Extroverted Introvert
Daredevil/Cautious- Cautious
Logical/Emotional- both under different circumstances
Disorderly and messy/Methodical and neat- Methodical and Neat
-5 months old
Birthday- October 8th
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jojoroxye · 2 years
Favorite K-songs of 2022
I chose 35 songs, in no particular order, all of them are korean songs but not all of them are kpop per se :
Just Breath - JinJin&Rocky
Play - Yuju
Decanting - Suho
Blow - Jackson Wang
Same Scent - ONEUS
Nocturnal animals (Feat. Zior Park) - ZICO
Undo - Heize
Natural - PIXY
The Story - Kang Daniel
MANIAC - Stray Kids 
RING ma Bell - Billlie
Universe_ - ONEWE
Trigger_ - ONEWE
Somebody! - Loco & Hwasa
Shutdown (ft. Seori) - Moonbyul
Pink Cloud - Wheein
IMAGE (5_52 am) (Prod. JUNGKEY) - Solar
Tomboy - (G)I-DLE
DARK (X-file) - (G)I-DLE
Anywhere But Home - Seulgi
Dead Man Runnin' - Seulgi
Pretty Psycho - Purple Kiss
Love Is Dead - Purple Kiss
Ready 2 Go - Jiselle
Closer - Girls' Generation
Can't Control Myself - Taeyeon
Toddler - Taeyeon
Do Me Right  - GEMINI
Alive - VICTON
Still Life - RM
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