#jacksepticeye predator
thehearthfire · 1 year
Headcanons I will write: smut, nsfw, fluff. Basically anything
LGBTQIA+ friendly
WILL NOT WRITE: pedophile content, zoophile content. These two things will not be allowed on my blog.
Fandoms: banana splits, transformers (pls specify which continuity and which year it was made), sonic, predator/Yautja, Sonic.exe/Mario.exe/EXEverse characters.
IF I write something about someone’s character and they do not like it, PLEASE DM ME and I will have it removed as soon as I see your text. No ifs, ands nor buts about it. It’s your character, I will respect your choices regarding them. I will add their name to my list of non-writable characters. (See below)
IF you want me to change something rather than take down the writing completely, DM me and I will make the change. Preferably screenshot and optionally highlight what you want changed.
I check my phone daily, so I will be answering quick as I can.
Non-Smut characters: ALL Animators hell, child coded characters, child coded or child possessed FNAF characters, PSFC, “Adult coded” FNAF and Corrupted Purgatory characters.
Non-Writable characters: any real people, Dream SMP, KPOP, Markiplier, JackSepticEye, etc.
Will not write: Guardians of The Galaxy, Marvel, DC
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memorymessage · 3 months
jacksepticeye is my favorite youtuber person
we have the same adhd brain. i'll say something that something in his video made me think of, and then jack will say it and i just to the wojack pointing at my laptop screen, and also the "same hat! same hat!" meme
and my brother spedicey just start spitting silmarillion facts in his recent shadow of the erdtree upload
granted, he called it "lord of the rings" even though he was talking about morgoth and ancalagon, which predate lotr by two ages
but i'll take it!
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vorish-egos · 4 years
Don't Take Photos of a Sleeping Snake
(Hi! here’s the second fic! I don’t know what warnings to put this time. I hope you guys like it!)
Mark had heard of nagas before, and had seen them in photos and videos, but he never saw one in person. He had lived near the forest for a long time, but had yet to encounter a naga in his lifetime.
“You’re pretty lucky.” Some of his friends had told him, “Nagas are very dangerous. Few who have encountered them were able to live to tell the tale.” Despite their warnings, Mark was still itching with curiosity over nagas. Something about them resonated with him; they just felt so human. Sure, they were pretty dangerous, and they could eat him with no problem, but Mark was still very intrigued by them. So going into the forest with a camera in hand, ready to film and catch photos would’ve sounded like a death wish to anyone else, but Mark did it anyways. Maybe he could find one that was sleeping or distracted, so he wouldn’t disturb them too much. He had started his search in the morning when he woke up, and the sun was already at its highest in the sky. He felt like he was going nowhere with this. Mark sighed in defeat, about to give up before he saw something past the bushes in front of him. There was a slight glimmer of green, hidden expertly behind the foliage, but Mark could easily tell what it was. He’d found one. An actual naga! Mark grabbed his camera tightly, holding it in front of his face as he crept as silently as he could. He stretched to see over the bushes, and was delighted at what he saw. A naga was fast asleep in a clearing, basking in the small sun rays that escaped between the leaves of the trees. He looked to be no older than Mark, with chocolate brown hair atop his hair and in his beard. He had a smallish frame, but that seemed to be made up for with his long, green tail, speckled with some blue scales. On the back of the tail were large eye-shaped markings which made Mark feel a little nervous. But the nervousness was swept away by his excitement, and Mark prepped the camera, ready to take the perfect shot.
A bright light flashed from the camera, and the naga flinched, growling at being woken up. He looked up, seeing the human standing with an odd box in its hands. Mark was screwed. The human turned and scrambled away, running back with the camera flailing behind him, the sound of the naga behind him crushing sticks only causing him to run faster. But the naga was fast, and landed right atop of Mark, holding him in a tight grip. “What do ya think you’re doing, human?” The serpent hissed, grabbing Mark’s camera and waving it in front of his face. Mark stuttered a bit. “I didn’t mean to wake you up! I’m really sorry!” “What d'ya mean, you didn’t want to wake me? Were you tryin’ to ambush me!?” “N-no, I just—” The naga only squeezed harder, staring at Mark with slit pupils. “Somebody ought to teach you a lesson in disturbin’ a sleeping naga. Unfortunately fer you, you woke me up right at lunchtime.” The naga giggled in delight as Mark squirmed against the coils, trying even harder to break free. He was so busy that he didn’t notice until the last moment that his face was inches away from the serpent’s mouth. “W-wait, don’t, I can—” But the naga didn’t listen. It gulped down Mark’s head and shoulders with ease, purring in satisfaction as he continued eating. Mark continued struggling the whole way down, hoping by some miracle that it would make his captor sick.  Soon Mark’s head and shoulders were squeezed into the naga’s stomach, starting to stretch out the empty organ. As more of his body entered, the stomach stretched to compensate, and he could feel the naga’s hand pressing against his back. Finally, Mark’s feet were freed, and he was forced into a tight ball, the naga sighing in satisfaction and rubbing gently at Mark’s filling form. “Mmm, that was exactly what I needed. Thanks for that!” Jack watched his prey’s struggles, watching as the human tried to stretch out his belly in a futile attempt to escape. He only pat his stomach, tongue flickering cheekily, before he turned to the small strange box. “… Now what kinda weapon was this? I’ve never seen one like this before.” “It’s not a weapon!” The human shouted, his voice muffled by the surrounding flesh. “It’s a camera!” “A what?” “It’s used to take images of stuff! I was just going to take your picture and leave!” Jack tilted his head, pressing a little button on the top of the “camera,” and watched the little screen light up. On the screen was a photo of him resting peacefully in the sun. “What were ya plannin’ to do with this?” “I don’t know, just—I’ve never seen a naga before, and I wanted to see how cool you guys were for myself? I don’t really know.” The comment made Jack falter, and he looked down at his belly in surprise. The human had stopped fighting, and was just sitting still, making the naga’s belly sag even more. “You think I’m cool?” “I mean… Yeah. You guys were always super interesting to me. I always wondered if nagas could talk as a kid, so we could learn about each other and become friends. But I guess this is how I go out.” “… You just wanted t’ be friends, huh?” Jack grinned, suddenly taking a breath before pushing himself onto the ground, careful not to squish the human. Mark felt the movement, but thought nothing of it. Not until he felt the stomach walls squeeze him up into the naga’s esophagus. With a few painless heaves, the naga successfully coughed Mark up, leaving him soaked in bile and saliva. Jack wiped his mouth, sitting atop his scales and looking at Mark with a gentle smile before handing back Mark’s camera. “I’m sorry ‘bout that. I shouldn’t have been so quick to assume you’d try t’ hurt me in the first place.” “Hey, it’s okay. I should’ve expected it. Thanks for not, uh, digesting me, I guess?” “It’s no problem at all! Honestly, I would’ve just spat ya out somewhere to scare you off.” Jack’s awkward chuckle lightened the mood, and Mark couldn’t help but laugh himself. Finally, Mark stood up, holding the camera tight in his hands. “You don’t happen to have a name, do you?” “Sure do! Name’s Jack. And what about you?” “I’m Mark. Do you mind if I take a few more photos of you, Jack?” “Not at all! As long as ya don’t blind me again!”
Ahhh anon! What a marvelous job! Seriously, all so well put together, a gorgeous balance of vore and story and a budding friendship! Wunderbar!
(also I think the spacing derped a bit with italics, sorry about that!)
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fischyplier · 5 years
Tumblr media
Please be careful with who interacts with you online.
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ashtreelane · 2 years
love sam the most comically bad game ever seen
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chaotic-cheshire · 4 years
Seán: It’s pretty awesome being the apex predator of the ocean.
Me: I mean until you run into a killer whale or a pod of killer whales, that is...
0 notes
homo-sex-shoe-whale · 3 years
Online shipping, the fetishisation of gay men, and the romanticisation of queer trauma
An essay by me!
Word count: 2.8k
A link to the Google Doc version of this essay.
A big thank you to my friends Nathan @themeerkatnate, Mav @not-mavv , and Duke @dukedark-ness for reading this essay and giving me their thoughts as mlms on the topic. Make sure to check out their blogs and give them a follow!
So I was on a lovely website by the name of Twitter.com yesterday, just scrolling through while having my afternoon cup of coffee, when I saw that viral post of a girl reading a Larry fanfic through a classroom projector. I'm sure most of you have seen it. It's gone viral on Instagram, TikTok, and likely Tumblr too, and if you haven't come across it I'm positive you will soon.
Now, after getting through my initial reaction to that post which was, holy fuck, that's so embarrassing, I had a second reaction of... wait, this ship is still around?
And after I had some thoughts on the incredible permanence of some online ships and the weird obsolescence of others, I did get to thinking of how lots of these popular ships seem to stem from the same types of perceived relationship dynamics and homophobic stereotypes.
These online fandoms often seem to have an obsession with objects of queer trauma, such as having to hide a relationship, lying about sexuality for self-preservation, and even social rejection. So, after some opinions from my followers and the great archive that is the internet, I've decided to discuss some of the most popular examples of online shipping and the particular nuances they came with.
NOTE: Out of respect for all these people, I won't be sharing viral images or videos of them in perceived romantic proximity (or even kissing, as is applicable for some examples), but I will be describing certain moments I deem to be relevant. So even if you're unfamiliar with them, you won't be confused as to what I'm talking about.
NOTE 2: Although not all people within these fandoms were/are toxic, this essay is focused on the overall toxicity of the fandoms, and how they are toxic more so as a "hive" than as a group of individuals. When I refer to a fandom I don't mean every person involved in the fandom, but rather the collective impact of the group.
 1. Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson 
This is arguably the most popular example of online shipping. The absolute permanence of this ship, and how its fandom never seems to fully die off even beyond the lifespan of One Direction as it once stood, is downright impressive.  
I'm going to be the first to admit I was never in the loop with this fandom. My childhood best friend was actually a massive Larry shipper and asked me to beta read one of her fics, but that was before I even knew who tf Harry and Louis were! Not because I avoided the fandom or even because I rejected the online shipping, but just by coincidence, I delved into the world of pop punk music right when One Direction began gaining its popularity. I bought my first ever album, Riot by Paramore, in 2011- only a year after One Direction made their X-Factor debut. So, this fandom just bypassed me by a sort of weird coincidence.
But I don't need to be in the loop with this fandom to know the astronomical obsession with these two men, no, these two BOYS, was extremely toxic. In 2010, when One Direction made their debut, Harry Styles was only 16 years old. And Louis Tomlinson wasn't much older at 19! This made the two of them incredibly young when this unprecedented wave of shipping hit the internet, and although that must be traumatising for anyone, I cannot even fathom how overwhelming it must've been for two boys that young.  
I'm 18, almost 19 now, and I cannot begin to imagine how scary it was for the two of them to have their every interaction nitpicked within an inch of its life by thousands upon thousands of people online. I do not know this myself, but from numerous recounts by some of my followers, this massively impacted Harry's and Louis' nondescript relationship in real life, seemingly driving the two previously close friends apart. 
Now, before we move on, there's something we need to talk about. And that is the obsession with the dominance/submission dynamic within the world of gay shipping. 
With almost every popular mlm (an acronym meaning man-loving-man) ship based on real people, it seems that fandoms have a particular fascination with power imbalances in these relationships. You don't even need to look at the insane amount of fanfictions based on BDSM to figure this out. In almost all of the examples I'll be citing today, there is an age gap within the perceived relationship and a person the fandom has seemingly decided to be the top/dominant figure. 
Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson are 3 years apart in age. Although it isn't all that relevant now, an age gap of 3 years when you're in your late teens is a lot more significant. In 2012, for example, when this shipping really started gaining traction, Harry Styles was 18 and Louis Tomlinson was 21. That power imbalance, albeit not that significant, is enough for a fandom to latch on to. We'll see this a lot more in the coming example with Dan and Phil.
 2. Dan Howell and Phil Lester
It's impossible to have a discussion about internet shipping without talking about Dan and Phil.
 Dan Howell and Phil Lester, although being popular YouTubers individually, are arguably one of the internet's most iconic duos. The two creators published their first videos together in 2009, and while their relationship was already a motive of speculation back then, the peak of the "Phan" shipping definitely came in the 2013-2016 era of Tumblr.
Now, I'm going to admit… I was actually on Tumblr when that happened. 
The 2013-2016 period perfectly aligns with my middle school days (I started middle school in 2013 and high school in 2016), and I was not only on Tumblr back then, but I was on Wattpad too! Again, this wasn't a fandom I had much contact with as I had a huge anime phase in middle school and I was on Tumblr posting mainly photography and Soul Eater content more than anything. 
But I did watch some of Dan and Phil's videos! And the occasional "Phan" content did not completely evade me as one of my closest friends in middle school had a fanchat for them. I wasn't involved in the fandom myself but they were actually one of the few English-speaking YouTubers I watched once in a blue moon (back then I watched mainly Brazilian YouTubers). One thing I did in fact notice over the years, around 2014ish perhaps, was that the two of them seemed to grow increasingly "awkward" around each other, in a way that many folks on the internet thought was reminiscent to Markiplier/Jacksepticeye, two YouTubers who also dealt with extraordinary amounts of shipping.
I'm not the only one who thinks this. The change in Dan and Phil's relationship, at least to the outside world, was clear to almost anyone who watched their videos for a while. I cannot blame them at all. The shipping was nuts. Between the countless fan videos, speculative comments, and insurmountable number of fanfics, there's no way the two of them didn't feel the weight of the shipping. The term "demon phannie" made its way into internet vernacular and there it stayed for years. Even Shane Dawson, who was one of the largest creators on the platform at the time, made several videos speculating on the nature of Dan and Phil's relationship and their sexual orientations. 
There was even porn made in which actors with similar appearances to the creators were made to have sex on camera. 
Now, this is actually a rare example where the two people involved in the ship actually came out as gay once the shipping seemed to die down. I'm incredibly happy Dan and Phil both reached a point where they were comfortable being publicly out, but I hate to say I'm shocked this day ever came. If I'd gone through what the two of them did, I don't know if I'd ever trust the internet. 
And again, this ship's fandom definitely had an obsession with the power dynamics they thought existed between the people within the ship. Dan Howell is 4 years younger than Phil Lester, and was only 18 in 2009, when they started making videos together. From my personal understanding, the shipping was often quite focused on this dominant/submissive dynamic especially in discussions from their early relationship. And this is in no way exclusive to Dan and Phil.
This general fascination with the older man/younger man dynamic, in my opinion, plays into the homophobic stereotype that gay men are predators. The idea that gay men usually seek younger men, and somehow "convince" them to engage in homosexual relationships, is popular homophobic rhetoric. The popularisation, exaggeration, and fetishisation of these power imbalances, in age and/or in relationship dynamics, is directly harmful to the mlm community. 
Not only that, but the romanticisation of a "hidden/forbidden relationship" is also detrimental not only to gay men and the mlm community, but to queer people as a whole. Queer people face huge trauma having to hide their relationships; queer attraction is already a societal taboo. And acting like this is good, or even desirable, is harmful to queer people as a whole, regardless of whether or not it's actually applicable to the people being shipped. It normalises this trauma not only to cisgender, heterosexual people, but to impressionable queer youth who grow to believe this type of trauma is to be expected. 
3. Frank Iero and Gerard Way
This is another example where the perceived power imbalances between the two subjects of the shipping were directly exploited online. Now, this ship did precede the others mentioned above. If we're looking at this topic chronologically, this particular ship did come first in the shipping timeline. It's closer to the origin of the shipping extended universe, if you will.
In case you aren't familiar with them, Frank Iero and Gerard Way are both members of the American emo band My Chemical Romance. This ship is the first one here of which I don't recall the full popularity. It really peaked in popularity around the late 2000s, circa 2008. And I don't remember this moment online as in 2008, I was only 6 years old and believe it or not, I wasn't really all that concerned with rumoured homoeroticism as a first grader. 
However, the popularity of this ship did carry over into the 2013-2015 Tumblr shipping boom. The emo fandom (or "bandom" as it was called) involving not only My Chemical Romance but other similar bands such as Fall Out Boy, Panic! At The Disco, and Pierce the Veil, found its hub on Tumblr. 
During this time, I did in fact listen to this style of music, but was focused a lot more on the anime side of Tumblr as mentioned earlier. Of course, I wasn't 13 years old like, "hey, this type of content might be harmful and can inadvertently perpetuate homophobic stereotypes," I just happened to care more about my silly little anime and ended up not getting involved. 
This ship does involve a discussion that the others don't, however. With Frank Iero and Gerard Way, there is quite often a certain sentiment of, "Oh, they brought this upon themselves!" as the two band members very famously kissed during a show in 2007. In my opinion, though, this doesn't really justify all the obsessive shipping. If you look at Green Day, a band often grouped in with MCR as another famous pop punk group, the members don't follow too different of a trajectory. Billie Joe Armstrong has, on numerous occasions, kissed both of his fellow band members onstage- particularly Tré Cool, the drummer. And Billie Joe Armstrong is openly bisexual, which none of the members of MCR seem to be but some, or even all of Billie's bandmates, are too. 
You'd think Green Day would face a lot more shipping as the more persistent onstage homoeroticism and Billie Joe's openness about his sexuality would warrant more "substantiated" speculation. However, Green Day faces nowhere near as much shipping as My Chemical Romance. Why is this? I actually don't know. It might've been because Green Day has been around for over a decade longer and generally has an older fandom, but I really am not that sure. 
 It could also be because of the lower lack of potential for forced relationship dynamics. The members of Green Day are all less than a year apart in age and are even similar in height. However, Frank Iero is 4 years younger than Gerard Way, who is not only the frontman of My Chemical Romance, but also considered to be the group's intellectual and creative "leader". Even beyond that, Gerard Way is quite visibly taller, and the perceived power difference between the two of them definitely did not elude their fans. 
This difference could even be partly due to the lack of a "mystery" with Green Day. There's not as much to speculate as, well… the members of Green Day are already open about their sexual orientations. It might be that shipping in the Green Day fandom has less of a forbidden appeal for most people. 
Of course, I won't just keep repeating myself, but my previous points about forced relationship dynamics still stand.
4. Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch
Better known for their roles in BBC Sherlock as Sherlock and Watson, Martin Freeman and Benedict Cumberbatch unfortunately had their roles follow them well into real life. This is the example I know least about, so have these thoughts from a follower by the name of @indubitably-a-goblin, who had the following to say:
"the main issues i had with it were:
a) they were both married at the time, freeman to amanda abbington and cumberbatch to sophie hunter (in which both had children)
b) the main reasoning for it was their chemistry in the many projects they've done together. which is, shockingly, their Whole Job. They're actors! That's what they're supposed to do! if they weren't good at interacting then they wouldn't be good actors! i don't know how people can't understand this.
c) they're real people. we don't know them. we aren't friends with them. we aren't their family members. we have zero right to be pushing this onto them and ruining their friendship by doing so. (this one relates to most of the ships you've mentioned though)
d) healthy friendships between two men are ignored so plainly in most medias and in fandom. its obvious that these two men have a relationship, but that doesn't mean it's a romantic one.
e) its fine to ship their characters, but actors shouldn't be treated as less-than-human or some sort of prop. they're doing a job, and once they are off-screen, they aren't here for your entertainment."
I believe she did a great job of summing it up on her own, and for the sake of avoiding redundancy, I'll leave it at that!
5. Corpse Husband and Sykkuno- an emerging yet subtle example
I am absolutely positive you remember how popular the game Among Us was a couple of months ago. And with the popularity of this game, some of its most prominent content creators became the targets of online shipping- as is the case with YouTubers and streamers Corpse Husband and Sykkuno. 
Although the shipping involving these two creators is nowhere near as strong as it was/is with the examples above, I do think there is once again a reemergence of a common theme here. Whilst Sykkuno is known for his happy-go-lucky, almost "innocent" persona, Corpse Husband is the antithesis of this, known for his much darker and moodier personality. 
Do I even have to mention what the common theme seems to be?
Again, although the popularity of shipping - at least with real people - seems to have died down a bit since the Tumblr shipping boom of the early to mid 2010s, I do believe this example is worth mentioning. Even though the creators are still close, they have in fact expressed discomfort regarding the shipping, and I can only hope the internet as a whole lets their friendship blossom and exist naturally without obsessive speculation. 
My final thoughts
As explored in the essay:
The romanticisation of objects of queer trauma as a part of online shipping normalises queer trauma to both cishet and queer youth. 
Online shipping, especially at a high intensity, can end up negatively impacting the very relationships they pine over. 
The relationship dynamics often forced on mlm ships perpetuate homophobic stereotypes about non-heterosexual men. 
If anyone else has thoughts on this matter, do share! This essay is moreso an opinionated observational piece and isn't meant to be taken as fact but rather just as my thoughts on the matter. I hope it was useful as a reflective piece regardless!
Date of posting: June 16th 2021
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hornet-breaker · 3 years
Children in the Dark
Inspired by the interactions between Jacksepticeye and Tommyinnit: Tommy is a borrower in Jack’s house who got caught one day. Jack thought he was hallucinating but he finds out later on he wasn’t, and now he has a young orphan borrower to worry about. Good news: no vore for once!
Tw: panic attack, fear
Tommy knew it was dangerous for a young borrower to be alone, there were so many predators around! But he had been doing just fine living in the walls of the human’s house. He was a big man! He didn’t need anyone to help him! He did miss his parents though, and learned not to trust anyone that plays nice music.
Tommy poked his head out of the hole behind the toaster, silencing his breathing so he could listen. He heard noise upstairs, the human must be in what he called a recording. Tommy darted out, he didn’t have a hook or a string to help him get around but he did have a lot of adrenaline and fear. He wasn’t paying attention and hadn’t noticed the noise upstairs was moving.
Tommy had gotten his fill and was about to leave the breadbox, when suddenly he heard footsteps. Big and loud ones. He should have been paying more attention as he darts out and around to the back, hearing a startled Yelp. He had been seen. He panicked, clasping his hand over his mouth. He was too young to even be up here in the first place, he should have never tried to borrow. Heavy footsteps approached his hiding spot and carefully moved the box. He panicked and bolted out from the other side. The human yelped in surprise and suddenly a loud “clink!” Surrounded him as he ran into an invisible wall.
He looked up into widened ocean blue eyes magnified behind a pair of glasses. His breath hitched in his throat as he tried to back away. The voice that followed was a harsh possible whisper of wonder and confusion.
“What the fok are you?” He said.
“I, I’m not food,” Tommy said. The giant recoiled with shock and surprise.
“… yeah, I can see you aren’t,” he said carefully. “What are you and why are you in my kitchen?”
Tommy shivered violently. He was having a panic attack. He never gets caught! He was a great borrower-no, the best! How could this have happened? He felt himself getting dizzy, hearing a muffled voice as the cup was lifted, and passed out onto something soft and warm. . .
Jack had been skeptical he had mice. Tiny nibble marks on bread, food disappearing, ya know, the usual signs of pests like rodents, but then his sock disappeared. Okay, maybe a rat? His desk wires were once neatly arranged but now a tangled mess again, so probably a rat trying to chew them, maybe. It wasn’t until his watch and capture card cable (which if you asked him was rude because he wanted to stream Horizon Forbidden West that day >:/ ) started disappearing that he started to think he didn’t have rodents. What would a rodent do with a cable anyways?
So when he walked downstairs to get another refill of water, he did NOT expect to nearly get jumpscared by a tiny creature disappearing behind his breadbox. And he did NOT expect a tiny, child, to be there. He definitely did NOT expect the child to suddenly pass out on him as he barely caught them with his fingertips, gently nudging them onto his hand. They were so fucking tiny though! Upon closer inspection it appeared to be, a little boy?!
Fuck where are his parents? Jack thought. He searched all around gently calling out for any more of the child’s kind, nothing answered, there wasn’t any movement or even any tiny sobbing. The little boy was here all alone, in a house in a city that would get him killed if he stayed by himself. Unless…
Jack held the child close to his heart, knowing the drum like rhythm should help to calm him down. Keyword, should. He rushed upstairs to his recording room and immediately shut off the cameras and paused the recording. He can finish Meme Time later, right now he had to focus on the child and making sure they didn’t die of a heart attack. He sat down and risked a glance, the kid was sleeping, and clinging to his shirt. That was actually kinda cute. He gently rubbed the child’s back with his thumb and pulled up a new google tab, looking up “little people in my house,” and it just came up with the plastic children’s toy. Jack scoffed,
Yeah, like this little guy is a toy. He did some more searching, and finally found an answer.
“Borrowers,” he mumbled, reading the article. “Little people that steal to survive, and are scared of humans.” He felt guilty the more he read, these little guys seem to have the shortest end of the stick a lot.
Jack changed the browser to YouTube and was going to put on calming sounds until he felt the little guy move. He kept calm, feeling the child waking up.
He didn’t even have to speak and the child for him to suddenly try to get away from Jack.
“Hey, hey, easy, you’re okay, you’re okay.” Jack cooed, trying to keep the child calm.
“Are you gonna hurt me?” The child asked.
“No, no you’re safe here.” Says Jack, “do you have a name?”
“T-Tommy,” The child whimpered.
“Nice to meet you Tommy, my name is Jack,” he says, going back to petting the child with his thumb. He seems to like that as Tommy relaxed. “Just relax little guy, you’re okay here, I’m not going to hurt you. You’re safe.”
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Gonna be honest, I’m a little disappointed in people who are saying they didn’t like “House of Ashes” because the writing was corny (looking at you, Jacksepticeye). I’m sitting here like...does no one remember how corny “Predator” and “Aliens” were? I still love those movies, don’t get me wrong, but they definitely have that eighties cheese that adds to their appeal. That’s how “House of Ashes” was written, in the style of old school, action-survival horror movies. And in that regard, the game is a solid, fun tribute to the survival horror genre.
I don’t know, it just strikes me as odd that some people are calling out “House of Ashes” for being cliched, especially since we’re in the era of 1980s nostalgia (looking at you, “Stranger Things”). 
P.S.: I’m not saying the game is immune to criticism, I’m just saying I don’t agree with the criticism that it’s full of horror cliches/the writing is cheesy since that was intentionally done by the creators. It’s like saying you didn’t like Avengers because they had superheroes, like, what the hell were you expecting then?
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im-lmfao · 4 years
Blame, blame, blame.....
It's weird that all tea blogs blame only Jack about Cloak when also Mark take decisions. It's weird that haters call Jack's merch overpriced when the Unus Annus merch have mostly the same prices and blatantly prize Mark and Ethan.
Jack vs Unus Annus merch
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Long sleeve
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I'm blaming haters' double standards, not Mark, not Ethan, not Unus Annus.
When it's about something wrong with Cloak then it's always and only Jack's fault.
Mark and Ethan just promote their new collection, but, no, for haters when it's about Ethan and Mark the pandemic doesn't exist. This haters' way of thinking is toxic and unfair. When it's about Jack are like: ”How Jack dares to make merch? We are in a pandemic, people can't buy his s**t!!”.
It's weird that people blame Jack of sell his Youtooz during a pandemic when those Youtooz were a collab with Callmekevin and RTGame but nobody blame them about it.
It's weird that there are millions of progress pictures online but only Jack is a sxxual predator. Haters excuse? "But it's not a fitness youtuber". Guess what, the pictures Google finds are from Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter from profile that are not fitness, just people proud to show their results after work out or a diet.
Those are not opinions, not suggestion.. but pure hard hatred for someone. Also extremely close to trolling.
This mean be two-faced and have double standards.
Why people don't understand that "I want Jack to be better" and "I just want to give people a voice to their criticism" is a perfect coverage for their hate because give the illusions they are on the right side and makes look bad who dares to criticize them. And some people fall for it like fools.
Obviously Jack made some mistakes, so hater mix exaggerations, out of context (like the thumbnail of the 7 second riddles video "Only really smart people know the answer to this", that fyi Jack changed it, mostly caused by judging random Jacksepticeye post because both tea blogs and their anon said they don't follow Jack in any way) with real mistake and confuse people about what's real and what's not.
Obviously Jack made some mistakes, so hater mix exaggerations, out of context (like the thumbnail of the 7 second riddles video "Only really smart people know the answer to this" that fyi Jack changed it) with real mistake and confuse people.
Blame someone and not other people that do the same is a huge red flag.
At this point f***ing admit that you haters are doing this just because you want to annoy us. It's toxic for us, it's toxic for yourself. Move on for both good.
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liamvore · 4 years
Call me Liam. I’m 23, male, and into vore.
THIS IS A N/S/F/W VORE BLOG- This is your warning if you don’t like vore sexualized for whatever reason!
 However, even if you see vore as a SFW/Comfort, minors should not be allowed in kink spaces and don’t interact if you think they should be.
 I was groomed as a minor and take these things very seriously. Please stay off of this blog and out of vore/kink spaces in general if you are under 18. 
Additionally, D/D/L/G or similar kinks, and p/regnancy fetishists do not interact either. For the former, I am not a fan of your pedo-adjacent kinks, for the latter I am severely tokophobic and also find the sexualization of a fetus fucking abhorrent and disgusting.
 I do not wish to interact with RPF (Real People Fiction) content either. Vore is a fantasy fetish for me and it’s not fucking cool to drag non-consenting people into it. Please don’t follow me if you enjoy RPF (including but not limited to Markiplier/Jacksepticeye, Sanders Sides, MCYT, and so on.)
Anyway sorry for the big loud disclaimer, my interests lie mostly within canon-based vore for series that I like, male predators, digestion, and macro/micro.
I’m also open to discussing roleplaying! (I play solely as prey.)
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taideko-balsam · 5 years
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The boy! He is here!!! So my buddy @doodle-egg-noodle has a super neat swamp au with the septic egos (check out their designs,they’re super good) and I was allowed to ‘insert’ my favorite zomboi in this au :D (Also I dont know which version to go for him,arms or no arms,and i still can’t decide azsd)
Okay,so,a few facts about him!
-Robbie is a leech mermaid! That also means he’s cold blooded and need to find heat sources to regulate his body temperature. -He doesn’t have a lot of vocabulary, but the longer he’d stays with the other septics,the more he’ll learn and the more he’ll speak! -He loves getting comfy and burrow himself in any sort of nests he’s able to find within the swamp. (now to the more ‘scary’ part) -His teeth are retractable! He use them to have a better grip on his prey when he’s feeding,so he can properly use his leech-tongue-thingy and drink blood without having his prey escape. -Goes into a blind rampage when he hadn’t had any blood in days/weeks.He’ll attack and suck dry anything that moves,so the best thing to do in that situation is to play dead until he calms down. -Kinda voracious and tends to drink blood when he’s already satied.(someone should scold him about this) -Okay,so its a bit yucky,but if Robbie ever came across a predator bigger than him,he’d be able to spit the blood he collected in his tail to distract the ennemy,in order to flee in time,as a defence mechanism (you know like how squids spew ink to confuse predators?Its the same) -All in all,he’s very curious when he isn’t hungry,and is quite chill.An absolute sweetheart when you get to know him better!
Tagging a few peeps that I think may like this!  @nes24mf @lilakennedy @caori-azarath @tabbynerdicat @robbiethezombie @flowers-zombie-rob @jacksepticeye-egos @septicart-appreciation Also credit to my friend @ari-trash for giving me the leech tongue idea
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vorish-egos · 4 years
A Friend in Need
((Hello, it’s me again! I have one more fic for now. It’s more of a fluffy fic with an ambiguous ending. Hopefully the format isn’t changed too much 😅 and thank you everyone who’s been showing so much love for my writing!! Enjoy!))
Being friends with a predator wasn’t as terrifying as many borrowers made it out to be. But then again, it might depend on the type of predator.
Jack wasn’t like the stereotypical predators that you’d learned about at a young age, the ones that gobbled up borrowers with no thought to how they felt. Jack made sure to only eat borrowers as a last resort, and even then, if he could find a way to keep them from meeting their fate inside his belly, he would. Often times, however, his predator instincts would be unbearable, and he had to compromise, lest he lose control and hurt someone on accident. But still, you stuck around. You should’ve just snuck away, as you had been planning to, but something about Jack kept you there. He was kind, fun to be around, and loved all people with his whole heart. Besides, he had rescued you from the snow when you were first discovered, holding you close to his chest and nearby a toasty fire to keep you from getting hypothermia. You owed him your life, practically. The predator’s home was surprisingly open to other borrowers. You’d seen others come and go, some relieved by the predator’s kindness, some too weary of him to stay too long. A few, however, had actually been violent, trying to force you out of your home to claim as their own, but Jack always intervened. He made sure to punish those territorial borrowers by letting his instincts take the wheel, the cruelest ones disappearing down his gullet and never coming back out. In that way, he showed just how fond he was of you, always pampering you and taking care of you when you were sick or hurt, and snuggling against you as he purred warmly. Now it was autumn, almost a year since you’d been saved by him, and you could tell. Visits from other borrowers became rare, with few only staying to warm up. Some winters caused borrowers to flood the outside world until they found suitable shelter, but other winters were scarce of them. It was a quieter winter, where the borrowers had nice little homes and were warmed and well fed in their new homes. But that relief for borrowers seemed to be an ordeal for predators. You witnessed the toll of winter firsthand, watching as Jack became more lethargic, his weight slowly but surely diminishing. Had he lived closer to the city, he probably would’ve been fine living off of what he could buy, but his home was in the forest, where borrowers dwelled away from humans, but also where he could record his videos in peace. He was walking a fine line between his common sense and his survival instincts, one that you couldn’t help but shudder at. He was silently suffering, and you couldn’t help but feel guilty. Suddenly, you thought back to how he had helped you, how you had wanted to pay him back. Maybe you could pay him back now. - - - You squeaked as you stood at the foot of Jack’s bed, catching the predator’s attention instantly. For a split second, you could see the instincts kick in, but once he realized it was you, he calmed himself down, watching as you climbed the bed frame and strolled up to him and climbed his gigantic body. He greeted you with a deep purr, rubbing the top of your head with his thumb.  His stomach rumbled loudly underneath your feet, begging for at least a little bit of food. Jack flinched in pain, chuckling shyly as he shifted in an attempt to keep the hunger at bay. He apologized awkwardly, trying to play off his hunger; but you knew better. You thanked him for saving your life all those months ago, and told him how you’d been looking for a way to pay him back. When you told him your plan—you wanted him to eat you as a way to keep him satisfied—he was visibly shocked, quick to wave away such an absurd idea, and he insisted that he couldn’t possibly do such a thing to you. But you wouldn’t accept defeat; you wanted to help him, and you couldn’t bare to see him quietly starving. He still refused, about to speak up before another loud growl from his belly interrupted him. It seemed like he didn’t have much of a choice, and he accepted your offer. You’d seen how he ate borrowers before, so you knew what to expect. He carefully lifted you to his face, opening his mouth and letting you climb in. You felt his sharp fangs, which were meant to tear into flesh, against your back, but they did no harm. Jack closed his mouth gently, his cheeks puffing out slightly with how you filled his entire mouth, and he carefully moved his tongue, tasting you. His heavy purr made you giggle, and you made yourself as flat and straight as possible.
The sound as you were pulled into his throat was surprising, but you didn’t flinch. The walls of his throat gently cradled your form, pushing you deeper with each swallow. Soon enough you were being pushed down, deeper into the predator’s body, until an opening appeared in front of you. You carefully slid into the awaiting stomach, careful not to hurt yourself or Jack as you entered in. The walls stretched as more of your body fell into his belly, leaving a decent bulge in Jack’s middle as you curled up. Jack was still purring, but much louder this time, as he gently pressed his hand against his belly in satisfaction. It’d been forever since he’d felt full, feeling the borrower shifting inside his stomach was something he secretly enjoyed, and it catered to the predatory side of him. He burped suddenly, causing you to laugh cheekily, and Jack laughed in embarrassment. Perhaps he was a little too full, actually.  Inside, the walls of his stomach held you, gurgling and growling in fullness at your form. You stretched out your hands and massaged the flesh around you, the predator responding with happy giggles. The massaging sensation only served to make him feel more full, it seemed. Only a few seconds later, Jack fell asleep, his hand resting atop his rounded stomach and occasionally rubbing at your form. The warmth and darkness of his insides made you feel sleepy. A voice in the back of your head wondered if he’d let you out, but that didn’t matter at the moment. You had intended to be a meal for a friend in need, and you were content with that thought. As you closed your eyes, the sounds of Jack’s belly and slowed heartbeat lulled you to a blissful sleep.
Ahhh anon, that was lovely! You're running me dry of unique compliments, because this was so good too XD Jack to me is a very versatile character in pred-prey situations, he plays both roles well; him as a predator can make for interesting fearplay and doubt— or delicious tooth-rotting fluff (and yes, whenever I say fearplay any time on this blog, I mean the platonic kind that's "experimenting with fear to invoke feeling within the reader", aka. basically angsty-fluff). I like that you went ambiguous so parties of both safe and unsafe could imagine their own ending or possible demise, but at the same time I am once again eager to see more of this universe, haha.
(And the formatting did bork slightly, but let's just blame that on Tumblr lol, the story's there and that's all that matters
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starry-sparky · 4 years
Hunchback and dark themes
Ok ok, I need to get something off my chest, I watched Sean(jacksepticeye)’s “Unpopular Opinions” video recently and he said he didn’t like Moana and wishes Disney would go back to taking risks like they did with Hunchback of Notre Dame. Him not liking Moana is fine, I could not care less, what bothers me is him saying he wants Disney to take risks and talk about darker themes. Anyway, that’s what I’m gonna talk about, yeehaw.
Gonna start this by saying I’m not attacking Sean, he just happened to say something I had wanted to talk about for a long time but I didn't have a way of bringing it up. Sean just happened to say something that fit well as a vector for me to talk about what I’ve wanted to for a very long time now. This isn’t aimed specifically at Sean, it's aimed at ANYONE who thinks darker themes are necessary for everything. Ok, let’s get into it now.
First off, Hunchback is a good movie, I wouldn't say it's the best Disney movie, or even my favorite, but it’s good for what it is. Second, people have different favorite genres, some people prefer drama over comedy and vise versa but that doesn't necessarily mean they're right about a film or show in that category. Ok, now let's talk about Hunchback. Hunchback is a good movie but people have put it up on a high pedestal and regard it as one of Disney's best movies because of the fact that its darker than other Disney films. If it weren't for the fact that Hunchback has a darker tone, no one would be regarding it as one of Disney's best movies. In fact, a few years ago I saw Hunchback for the first time. For years I heard of how supposedly great it was and I was very excited to see this masterpiece of a movie I had been led to believe it was. And, even though it is beautifully animated(which is another reason people hold it in such high regard) I remember being pretty underwhelmed. I thought it was good but I didn't really have any interest in seeing it again(sidenote: I haven't seen it since). And yet, I’ve continued to hear people singing its praises even though it honestly wasn't all that special. People act like it’s a surprise doesn't make movies like Hunchback anymore but it isn't when you really think about it. As good as people like to think it is, Disney doesn't do movies with dark themes for two reasons. One, Hunchback didn't do well at the box office so it’s no wonder Disney wouldn't want to do another movie in the same vein as Hunchback. Two, Disney movies are family friendly, they can appeal to both children and adults but are made to mainly appeal to kids. Although, I think we can all agree Disney cares more about the money so.
Ok now I'm addressing something else Sean brought up about the dark themes he wishes Disney would address, racism. First off, I guess he forgot Zootopia existed, which is about racism through and through, even down to the fact that stereotypes exist in the world. Zootopia has lines that are very clever and 100% intentional, like when Judy says “You're not like them[predators].” and Nick responds with “Oh there’s a them now?” which are great lines. Hunchback does bring this up with Esmeralda being Romani(they say g****, but that's a slur so no). The difference here is, the main theme and message of Zootopia is centered on racism so the writers can dig into it, but Hunchback doesn't do too much with it outside of Frollo and Esmeralda(and even that’s mainly because he wants her romantically/sexually(and hates her for him being attracted to her)).So we talked about dark themes in Hunchback but those dark themes, and dark themes in general, apply to anything anywhere. Hunchback at least was made with those dark themes in mind and went with it because that's the kind of story it is. What I’m tired of though, is people thinking a movie or show is amazing, deep, complex, and deserves every Oscar known to man for having dark themes. People don't care if the dark themes are well handled or not anymore, what they care about is if they have dark themes or not. If an animated movie or show(or even a movie or show that's not animated) comes along that wants to be fun, people will dig through every part of it to find something that can be construed as a dark theme. If they find it then they’ll make theories and insist the next movie or episode be darker to fit their need to feel good about liking something that was made with kids in mind. If it doesn't seem to have a dark theme, people will hate it automatically, regard it as “kiddy trash”, and treat the show like it was made for 4 to 5 year olds, when in reality it was most likely made for 10 year olds. It’s fine to have drama shows, serialized shows, or even shows that have more serious moments. What is not okay, is making a comedy show and then completely changing direction to make it “darker”(by that I mean edgier coughcoughstarvsandtangledtscoughcough). There's a reason why people remember The Little Mermaid, Aladdin, Tangled, and even Frozen more than Hunchback, because they were fun movies. As much as people claim to want media that has darker themes, it’s never actually the case because it's boring. It’s why Spiderverse won best animated movie in 2018, because it was fun and, though it had serious moments, they were well handled.Stop claiming to want dark themes from Disney and/or from cartoons because you think it would be cool. They aren't usually known for darker themes but you want them to be. If you want drama, go watch a drama and stop forcing drama upon cartoons that weren't made to be dramas in the first place. Going back to Hunchback quickly, I am not saying Hunchback starts off as a comedy and becomes a dark drama, it knows what it is and that's why it’s good, not great, not the best movie Disney has ever or will ever make. Hunchback is more of a drama, which is fine, but stop forcing Disney to make more stuff like it, because if you wanted that, it would be more well remembered and would have done better at the box office.(once again going to stress this is NOT an attack at Sean himself because people may think it is, thanks for your time, bye)
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dragonlover123a · 5 years
New Home
5'10!Jacksepticeye, 1/4in!Hatchling!Reader
Requested by: No one
Sequel to Hatched
The only thing you could think at the moment was "Where am I?"
Looking down at yourself, you saw that you had legs instead of a tail and your (s/f/c) fin had transformed into a cover that went up to your knees (like knee high boots)
You sat there, unsure of where exactly you were. After a while the entrance, or at least you figured was the entrance, to this strange room opened, causing you to squeak in surprise.
Making a quick decision to escape the possible predator, you ran, and jumped off the surface you where on and spreaded your wing membranes to glide to the floor.
You didn't make it though.
You squeaked in surprise again as giant hands suddenly wrapped around your small form, and you where about to panic, until familiar blue eyes filled your vision, causing you to relax.
"Don't do that li'l duder! Ya almost gave me a heart attack!" The giant exclaimed, "Wait, aren't you that super rare creature I found in Subnautica? Weird..."
He continued to ramble about how weird it was to see you in "real life", but you where more focused on your stomach.
"Oh shit!" He suddenly exclaimed, making you jump. "Yer probably starvin', aren't ya?"
You nodded. You haven't eaten since you hatched.
"Don't worry little duder! I'll take care of ya!" He said as he walked out of the room, cradling you to his chest.
After a while he stopped and set you on a different surface than before.
"You little guys are omnivores, right?"
You nodded in confirmation
"Awesome! That makes things so much easier!"
You watched curiously as he rummaged through a large white container that expelled cold air and as he pulled out a few choice ingredients.
"It was about dinner time anyway. I can't wait fer Evelien and BB ta meetcha! Yer so cute!" He poked your belly gently, causing you to giggle a little
As time went on, you learned more about this strange world, and to love your caretakers. And you where thankful to the kind giant who brought you home.
A/n: This is my first multi-part series that I've put off since Sean's second Subnautica series, so let me know what y'all thought!
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the-wild-ego · 6 years
Kitten~ Part Five
Requested: No.
Fandom: Markiplier/Jacksepticeye
Paring: Darkiplier/Reader/Antisepticeye
Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: Cursing, Smut, Extreme Sub!Reader, Threesome, Harsh Treatment, Choking, Bondage, Sensory Deprivation, Reader Has No Control, Reader Struggling(?), Knife Play
A/N: Keep in mind that this is fanfiction and I am aware of how sex works~ Anyway, my lazy ass finally wrote something… However, @freckled-words helped me write this… Enjoy!
Tag List: @nicememerino, @ayachaos, @kathie54, @iamaconfusedchild,
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You swallowed thickly, glancing up at the two men as they circled you like predators, “What are you going to do to me, Loves? I hope it’s something new.”
Dark's shell cracked, red and blue edging his body he stepped forward, taking hold of your chin he instructed, "Oh no, none of that this time. You will only address me as Sir, and only talk when told to."
Anti circled around behind you, his hand flashed out slapping your ass hard, "You can call me whatever the fuck you want, but you're still begging for everything."
You yelped at the sudden contact on you ass, your body lurching from the shock and pain. He slapped the other cheek just as hard, making your breath hitch as you groaned from the pain.
"We need a fresh start before moving forward."
Upon hearing Dark’s statement you arched a brow, ready to ask what that meant. Before you could, he snapped his fingers and a torrent of freezing water fell on you from above
"SON OF A BITCH!" You spluttered, losing your footing for a moment. Your body shook with violent tremors, goosebumps raised making your nipples, almost painfully, hard.
"Too cold? My apologies." He snapped his fingers again and water, just below scalding temperatures, dumped on you next. You gasped, crying out in shock. Though your skin seemed to time red, you were glad you weren't cold anymore.
When the water stopped Anti grabbed your leg and stretched it out, his tongue pulled along your folds, "All clean. Now let's mess this bitch up!"
Your arm ached as you struggled to remain standing on one leg. Your hands ached from gripping the chains so tightly.
Without any preamble he shoved three fingers in scraping along your walls, "Need to loosen it up a bit."
"Any requests?" Dark hummed as he strolled over to the racks, his hand brushing along the various items.
You hissed in pain, rolling your hips to try to ease it. The sound of Dark's voice drew your attention and your head lulled back, glaring at Dark's form.
"N-Not particularly." You growled, though it was meek.
Dark grabbed hold of a harness contraption, one part of it comprised of a knotted cord. He handed it off to Anti and went back to browsing the walls.
Anti had ripped his hand out, making sure to stroke along your walls as he did. The straps of the harness went around your hips, the knotted cord hung limply, just below your opening. On either end was a particularly large knot. Certain you'd be confused he decided to explain.
"I call it the ‘Fuck-Me-Knot’. If I pull on this end..." He pulled on the loose end that hung under your ass. The large knot on the other side snapped against your clit while the rest of the cord's knots rubbed against your opening.
"Ohhhhh my God." You groaned, eyes fluttering shut at the feeling. The first initial snap surprised you and you muffled your groan by biting your lip.
"And if I go to the other side." He pulled on the harness from the front, and the knot at the back rubbed against your ass, the rest of the knots continuing against your opening. You whined as you squeezed your thighs together, halting the movements of the knots. If they kept moving you were sure you'd cum. And you didn't know of that was a good thing or a bad thing.
Anti's hand came down hard on your thigh causing you to hiss angrily, the ugly, red handprint, stung.
“None of that! Those legs stay open or Dark gets to play with whatever the fuck- HE FINALLY PICKS!" Anti cried, cutting himself off as Dark finally chose his instrument of torture.
Dark growled and took down the one he'd been debating on. It was a small dagger, one edge grooved, the other flat and smooth. It was sheathed in a leather cover, "This will be a decent start."
You turned quickly, chains rattling as you turned to see what he'd pick, "Oh, fuck."
You could already feel more heat pool to your, still dripping, cunt. When Dark had enlisted you as one of his companions, he'd made you admit to each and every one of your kinks. How else would he be certain to hold full sway over you otherwise?
Anti reached eager hands out for the dagger, "Nice! Gimme!"
Dark scowled at the other man, "You use your harness, I will use MY dagger."
His eyes meeting yours he advanced and held it closer for you to see as he drew the sheath off. The metal of the blade was a mix. The half that was curved had a blue rippled layering to it, the half that was smooth was a dull black.
"A little explanation for you. If you misbehave and I need to punish you, it will be one of two ways.  If I use the smooth half, every last bit of your arousal and lust will be taken from you. If I use the rippled half it's an immediate release. Would you like a demonstration?"
You knew how this would pan out. Either way you'd be getting a demonstration. So you glanced between Dark and Anti, eyes raking up and down both of them. Sucking in a breath, you finally made a decision, "Yes, Sir.
Dark smirked, "Good girl." He regarded the blade for a moment then turned to Anti, "For this to be fully effective you'll need to be in a better mind set."
Taking the hint Anti skipped back over to you as you watched him curiously, fearing the worst. You groaned as he placed his hands on your breasts and licked a trail up your throat to your ear, "You're a smart one Kitten, what happens when water and electricity mix?" Before you could answer he pinched your nipples, the smallest bit of electricity left his fingers and scorched over them, travelling along down the rest of your body. You cried out in pain-filled-pleasure, body jerking and arching as the electricity hit all of your skin at once.
That small shock had nearly evaporated all the water off your body. Your skin still damp Anti moved his fingers to your back, "I didn't see ya twitch nearly enough, guess I need to change where I start."
His fingers scraped down your back, over your ass and between your legs. His index and pointer finger just at the edge of your entrance he teased, "Let's see ya dance Kitten.~"
You sucked in a breath through your teeth, you bucked backwards only to go forwards seconds later from the shock. They watched as you cried out again, the chains rattling loudly as you gripped them. When he pulled back the chains were still rattling, softly, as the tremors still pulled through your body. Your legs nearly gave out and little bit of drool dribbled from your lips. As your head lulled forwards, soft pants left your lips. In your daze, you pressed your thighs together.
Anti took hold of the back knot on the harness and pulled hard, the cords tightening against your entrance and pressing against your clit, "Ah! What'd I say about your legs?"
You let out a strangled cry, your legs opening to relieve some of the pressure the knots had. Dark was on your other side just as quick, the rippled edge of the blade pressed against your wrist but not breaking skin, "This seems like a good opportunity to test it."
He drew a small shallow line through your skin. A foreign energy escaped the blade and entered the opening, searing through your veins and acting like the world's strongest dosage of ecstasy. The cry turned into a scream of shock and pleasure, the cut had caused pains that were soon pushed out because of the pleasure. The cuffs dug into your wrists as your legs finally gave out. You were trembling too hard and your breaths were fast, shuttering gasps as you tried to regain your bearings.
You had to take a moment before you was able to lift your head. Your eyes were blown, a thin layer of color was all that was left of your iris, your cheeks were flushed and your swollen lips were a jar, still panting.
Dark's tongue swiped over the crook of your arm where the small bit of blood had trickled down. Your arousal gave it an even sweeter tang, "Now for the reverse."
He tossed the knife to Anti to hold, his shadows slipped up your foot and along your leg to your core. Dragging the knots up they ground them against you, while part of them delved inside forming a cool solid form to fill you.
"Wait, no.” You whispered, voice already raw. You groaned at being filled, whimpering pleadingly. It felt so good. You knew what the 'reverse' was and as sensitive as you were, you didn't want this to end.
Despite already being warned twice you couldn't help yourself. Her thighs pressed together, moaning softly at the feeling. Anti's next slap against your thigh was much harder, accompanied by a snarl. Without waiting for Dark to say so Anti flipped the dagger and dragged a long shallow line over the part of your leg he'd slapped. The black metal turned red slowly as it absorbed all the heat, arousal, and lust that coursed through your body. When it changed back to black Anti gripped your chin with a vicious grin.
"Now we get to start all over."
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