#jackal the animal truck
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goodnight-bloodsucker · 2 years ago
StEx Appreciation Month Day 19: Joule and Jackal (Animal Truck Joule)
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Favorite Actor: Ida Swann
Favorite Songs/Scenes: AC/DC
Favorite Costumes: idk
Favorite Ships: Freezer Burn
Headcanons: Loves to twerk, married to Volta and Zero is their son, initially a clown car that was sold to Electra as a sort of Jester but converted to a Dynamite Truck a while ago
Unpopular opinions: idk
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Favorite Actor: Debbie Wake
Favorite Songs/Scenes: Idk
Favorite Costumes: Idk
Favorite Ships: N/A
Headcanons: Completely separate from Joule, ran away from the circus as a kid, now tends a bar
Unpopular opinions: Idk
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i-wanna-write · 7 months ago
If One’s Different, One’s Bound to be Lonely - Wolverine x Reader Fic
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Fic Synopsis: We know Wolverine and Sabertooth but the reader is known as Jackal. Just like the other two, their mutation is animalistic, lending them healing factors, enhanced physical abilities, and animal senses. This fic details their relationship with the Anchor!Wolverine and how they ended up meeting the Worst!Logan
Part 1, Part 2
Chapter Warnings: violence, language, lewd comments
Word Count: 3k+
A/N: Chapter 3!!!! Definitely moves the plot along!!
Two years have now passed since you had dinner with James and Victor in your small cabin. You’ve had a few more run-ins with them, but none as long as the last one.
You’ve taken to moving every three months, essentially whenever the seasons changed, due to the growing propaganda against mutants. You settled into a small town in British Columbia for about two weeks before some people were able to detect you were a mutant. You hightailed it out of there, not wanting to wait around to see what they would do to you.
You crossed paths with the brothers as you headed south and back into the US. You were making your way to Colorado, knowing of a cabin that has become your home base the past thirty years.
The first time you saw them, Victor was worse than he was since your last run in. He was more viscous, more animal than human, more feral. It was at a gas station by chance, the boys pumping their truck when you pulled up in a car you stole.
The man had blood on his clothes despite it being daylight, a smile showing his canines and claws out as he pumped the gas. He just watched as you walking into the store, neither of you saying anything but you felt his gaze on you.
James was inside paying, looking up the moment you entered, probably having smelt you. He flashed you a brief smile before grabbing his change off the counter. You stood behind him, waiting your turn to pay.
He moved to the side when he was finished, watching silently as you paid for your own gas. You grabbed your own change, walking away from the counter so the person behind you can pay before turning to look up at the man, gaze meeting his brown eyes.
“Guess I’m seeing you around.” James said.
“Fancy that.” you said back, smiling up at him.
He stared at you a moment, observing to see if you’ve changed since the last run in. You did the same. It’s funny that, while Victor seemed to be different, James was exactly the same. Same smoke and whiskey smell, same haircut, same amount of stubble.
James reached out, his hand on your shoulder causing goosebumps to erupt on your skin. He showed you his teeth and you found yourself enjoying his smile, it being the first time you’re blessed with a full one.
His hand traveled down, moving on the outside of your shoulder, to your elbow, on the outside of your forearm and wrist before grasping your hand. He gave it a tight squeeze.
“Still roaming around?” He asked you.
You nodded, squeezing his hand back before letting go. “Still fighting wars and mutants with crazy out there?”
You knew the man was probably eavesdropping on the conversation. You know he can’t see either of your actions, something you're grateful for as you're sure he’ll tease James about it later. Knowing he’s listening, you couldn't help but take a dig at him.
James nodded to answer your question. “Probably going to join the war in Vietnam in a few years,” he reveals.
You nodded at that, thinking back to how they already fought in two, why not add one more.
“Maybe we’ll run into each beforehand.” You stated, silently hoping for it.
“I hope so,” James smiled again, this time to see your reaction.
You blushed, laughing slightly because those are the exact words you whispered when he left last time you saw him.
“Till next time.” you said before leaving to pump your gas.
The next time you ran into them, it was bloody. You were staying in Montana again, hunting in the woods for dinner. You spotted a rabbit, in a crouched position and ready to pounce.
Only someone pounced on you.
A grunt left you as your back hit the ground, the wind being momentarily knocked out of you. You growled, teeth bared and shooting your head up to rip into your attackers throat.
“Fuck!” a familiar voice called and you immediately pushed the body off you.
You spat the chunk of flesh out of your mouth and jumped to your feet. In the dark, your eyesight was adjusted and you looked down to see none other than Victor kneeling down, hand on his neck as the wound began to heal.
“Told you not to do that.” James' voice called as the man walked over.
Victor shot him a dark look before he stood up, growling and moving towards you as if to attack. You just raised your hand up to stop him, a tired look on your face.
“Don’t make me do it again.” You said to him, as if talking to an unbehaved child.
Victor just growled before stalking away, presumably to continue his hunt.
You rolled your eyes and looked back at James, his face showing the same annoyance as yours.
“He just cost me my dinner.” You said to James.
The man shrugged. “We’ve been hunting the past two hours. I’m all out but he just keeps going. We caught your scent and he got the idea to hunt you rather than the prey. Told ‘em you’d take another chunk out of him. Thanks for proving I was right.”
You smiled, teeth still showing some blood. “I don’t think he’ll ever learn.” You told him.
James just nodded in agreement before he took a step closer to you, your breaths mixing. You felt your heartbeat pick up at the proximity, your eyesight allowing you to see the intense expression on his face.
He leaned down, his lips near your ear and breath fanning it as he spoke. “And he’ll never learn that you’re attracted to me and not him.”
Your eyes widened at that statement, not expecting him to call you out on your attraction to him. You opened your mouth to respond but no words came out.
He just smiled at you before quickly running in the direction Victor went.
Six months after that run in, you were hunkered down in a cabin in Wyoming. You’ve only been here a month, but this cabin has been your favorite so far. It was larger than what you usually found, having a separate bedroom as well as a bathroom with a tub and shower.
You were sitting on the couch, re-reading your go to book - Brave New World by Aldous Huxley. Ever since you were a little girl, you enjoyed reading. Science fiction, historical nonfiction, romance, poetry, mysteries, thrillers. Whatever the genre, you would read it.
Whenever you finished the new ones you acquired, usually through stealing, you would re-read this one, learning more each time. The book has become your favorite since the first time you read it. Annotating each time and finding a new thing that stick out to you.
You were nursing a whiskey, having just finished your dinner. Lately you’ve been on a soup kick and made two cans of some you picked up the last time you were in town.
A fire flickers in the fireplace, the light illuminating the room enough so you didn’t bother turning on the lights. Besides, with your keen vision, you were able to see just fine.
You are pulled from making a note on a specific paragraph when you hear a creak through the silence and were immediately on high alert, listening for any other sound. You placed your book down and stood, listening intently for another noise. Suddenly you were pushed from behind with so much force you fell to the floor.
“Haven’t killed a female one yet. This should be fun.” A voice sounded from behind you.
You turned to see a man, blonde hair and bright blue eyes smiling down at you. He was large, easily over six feet and probably weighing at least 230. His clothes were dirty, appearing to have both blood and dirt stains on his jeans and jacket.
You immediately jumped to your feet, teeth barred and class grown. You didn’t hesitate to attack only for the man to disappear before your eyes.
Another mutant.
You crouched in a fighting stance, ready for what was to come and letting your instincts take over. You listened for another sound. Perhaps a creak or even an inhale of breath.
You heard another creak and turned, your clawed hand aiming for your attacker. You were able to make contact, feeling the slice of skin beneath your claws. The man, though still not visible, let out a grunt and the smell of blood filled the air.
You smirked slightly, satisfied you were able to get some part of him. You quickly went to attack the same place again, but of course the invisible man disappeared causing you to slice through air.
Instead, a punch was delivered to you from behind with a force you’ve never felt. It hit your head and cracked it to the side, making you stumble but not fall. Your head exploded with pain, vision blurring slightly before your healing factor kicked in and you were back to your normal senses.
You closed your eyes, allowing your sight to vanish, trying to make your sense of smell and hearing more attuned to the situation. You waited for the old cabin floor to creak to give away your attacker, getting the feeling that this predator enjoyed playing with his prey.
A creak was heard from your right and you ducked down, assuming the man was going to punch again and reached out. The man missed while you were able to grab what you assumed was his arm and sunk your sharp teeth into it, drawing blood. You ripped it from his body, spitting it onto the ground as blood filled your mouth and flesh stuck to your teeth.
“Fucking bitch!” The man exclaimed, his body once again coming into view.
You assumed correctly and saw a chunk of flesh missing from his arm.
You smiled bloody.
“You may have never killed a woman but I’ve killed plenty of misogynistic assholes.” You state, claws ready and slicing forward, aiming for his throat.
But the man seemed to be as lucky as he was invisible as he was able to jump back, your claws barely missing his jugular for the intended kill.
The man smiled. “I like playing with my victims Darling.” He then disappeared again.
He landed a punch, you landed a punch, and round and round the two of you went. Your home for the past year quickly became a war zone and all furniture destroyed as you fought.
One moment fucked everything up when the man seemed to pull a knife out of nothing and jammed a knife into your left ear. Pain exploded, you being able to feel blood rushing from the appendage white noise seeming to be heard.
The knife stayed in place, not allowing your body to heal itself and leaving you deaf on that side for the time being. You then felt a hand enclose around your throat and your back was slammed into the wall.
The man holding you revealed himself, blood seeping through his teeth as he finally had you pinned. His arm showed the chunk of flesh missing, his face bruised and bloody from where you were able to make contact with him.
You slashed and slashed at his face with your claws but it was no use - this mutant was not letting you go now that he finally had you.
He continued to grin, reaching to pull the knife from your ear, a grunt of pain leaving you as he did so. He held up the knife, smiling deviously and placing it on the side of your neck. You didn’t know what would happen if he were to kill you. Your regeneration has been tested with knife wounds, bullet holes and even strangulation before. But you never questioned about dismemberment - specially your head from your body.
But that moment never came. Because one moment you were being held against the wall, the next your body dropped, your knees collapsing under your adrenaline wore off. You didn’t even see your savior as you watched the man’s mouth start to gurgle out blood, his eyes rolling into the back of his head. His hand dropped the knife as his body was raised from the floor before being thrown to the side, finally revealing your savior.
A growl left his mouth, face snarling as he glanced to where he threw the man and sheathed his claws back into his knuckles. His breathing was heavy, as if he just ran a marathon to get here as his eyes tracked around the cabin to take in the mess. They finally landed on you and your disheveled state.
“You good sweetheart?” He asked, voice low and gravely.
Sweetheart, that one’s new. Usually you’re Bub. Probably smartass in his head if you had to guess.
You swallowed, his voice affecting not just your head this time but your body. Goosebumps rose on your skin and you had to hold yourself together to not take a greedy breath in through your nose to smell his scent. It's been months and you missed the smell of smoke, leather, and something that was solely James.
“Yeah.” You state, raising from the floor and wiping blood from your now healed ear.
You looked around the room, taking in the damage. Your couch was destroyed, slashes form your own claws causing the feathering to fall out. The kitchen table was flipped over, cabinets painted with blood - some yours and some your attackers.
“Where the hell did you come from?” You ask after taking everything in. Your eyes met deep brown and you swallowed before continuing. “I haven’t smelt you or Victor the past few months so there’s no way you’ve been in town.”
James nodded at your statement because it was true. Last you saw each other was four months ago.
“Been tracking this fucker.” James started, walking over to your fridge and helping himself to a beer. He took what you deemed his usual stance, leaning against the countertop. Taking a swig of his beer he continued. “He murdered a buncha’ other mutants and dismembered them throughout the state. Caught his scent but his vanishing didn’t help. Finally tracked him to this town and followed his scent. Lead me here.” James finished, returning to gulp down the beverage and not stopping until it was finished.
You nod, helping yourself to one as well, standing next to him to lean against the counter. You both stood in silence for a moment. It seemed James was taking in the damage like you’ve already done.
Looks like you’ll be moving again.
“No Victor?” You questioned, really hoping you wouldn’t have to deal with his attitude and bite out his throat for the third time.
James smiles, surprisingly not sarcastically. “Sorry, just me I’m afraid.”
You smile back, some reason feeling butterflies in your stomach at the sight. “I won’t complain. Thanks for the save.” You raise your beer to him before chugging it down and finishing it.
James stares at you in that moment and you wonder what he's thinking. This was the first time you’ve run into him alone, no Victor with crude remarks or sexist comments.
For you, this was the first time truly seeing James. He stood taller, if possible, wearing jeans and a brown leather jacket with what looked to be a white tank top underneath. No longer trying to blend in as he showed confidence but wasn’t cocky. As if he knew that if anyone tried to challenge him he’d win in a heartbeat.
You decided that you liked him better without Victor. He wasn’t tied down and had to take a step back from any situation. He seemed to be more relaxed and less on edge.
“What?” James asks, pulling you from your thoughts.
You blush slightly, having been caught up in your own thoughts. You decide to ask him probably the most personal question yet. “Why do you stay with Victor?”
You watch as James's eyes widen, as if not expecting you to ask that. You’ve been dying to know though. You don’t think it’s fair that he’s burdened by his brother and spends his life fighting him, war, and other mutants. Every run in you’ve seen his moral compass and it differs vastly from his feral brother.
James shrugs. “When you live this long, what else is there to do?”
“Don’t you ever want to go off on your own? Do something you want to do?” You probe.
“What else is there to do? Moving from cabin to cabin, alone, reading?” James shoots back at you.
You grimace. You should've seen that one coming. He’s right of course. You question his way of life when yours isn't gorgeous either. You guess that’s one thing the two of you have in common - never able to settle down in one place. Having no commitments, relying on your animalistic mutation and wanting to be alone.
“And it looks like you're gonna be moving again.” James adds on, taking a look around the room again before turning back to you.
“Thanks for the reminder.” You say sarcastically, watching as laughter dances in his eyes.
“Just trying to help.” James says back, his eyes staring into your own. His head is angled down to look at you.
You let out a chuckle at that. He said it so nonchalantly you had to.
“If you want to help, start packing my shit and maybe I'll thank you.” You shoot at him, smile on your face.
You notice how close the two of you are. How you can lighty feel his breath upon your own face. You can’t believe you’re flirting with him. But, your instinct is telling you to. That the attraction is mutual. That the two of you are compatible. That he feels the same.
“How would you thank me?” James questions, eyes glancing down at your lips before back to your face. “You’re still yet to thank me for saving your life.”
You feel your heartbeat increase and a blush raises on your face. You’re sure he can tell. Because you can tell how you’re affecting him. How his own heartbeat is increased, his breathing is rougher, and eyes are dilated
You make the first move, the animal in you taking over. You lean forward, standing on your toes to reach his lips. His are slightly chapped, rougher against your soft ones. He responds instantly, forming his around yours.
He grabs your bottom one between his sucking it. You use this moment to slip your tongue into his mouth. The moment they meet, you want to moan. He tastes way better than when you grabbed the whiskey bottle from him the last time.
You get a hint of tobacco from a cigar he had to of had earlier, as well as the beer he’s been drinking. Your tongues battle each other, neither of you wanting to lose. Your hands reach up and tangle in his hair, pulling tightly. Meanwhile his own grab your waist harshly, pulling you tight against him.
You groan at the contact, feeling James smile at the sound. Your tongues move together before you retract your own, going back to moving your lips against his.
You finally have to pull away for a breath.
“How ‘bout I pack my shit while you get rid of the body.” You propose breathlessly with a smile on your face.
James is a sight. His perfect hair is all mussed up, lips slightly swollen. He’s just as breathless, large chest moving up and down with each breath.
He snorts. “Seems like you just want to use me for my body.”
You let out a laugh. You move his hands from his hair, trailing them down his chest. “I could use your body for a lot of things.” You wink.
James shakes his head, laughing slowly. He then pushes off the counter and heads over to the body. In turn, you also push off but head to collect your bags.
Time to move again.
Tag List: @randomblogzsblog, @sebastianstanblog, @h0n3y-l3m0n05
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fishrpg · 3 months ago
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2024-12-24: Vermont (Hex 24)
The road meanders and weaves over rolling hills covered in forests. Beech, birch, and maple trees cling tightly to the cool ground; the forests conceal a variety of wildlife.
Notable Feature: The Lotus Eater Forest (Resource)
Consisting of several dozen acres of boreal forest on the edge of a lake, the Lotus Eater Forest is named after the lotophages in Homer’s Odyssey. Several of the trees here produce a chemical aura that is mostly imperceptible to humans but makes mammalian Beasts docile and unafraid of people. For every 4 hours a person waits in the forest near one of these trees, an animal native to the area wanders into the influence of the tree. Roll 1d12 and consult the table below to see what animal appears.
Animal Caught By The Trees (1d12)
Coyote (Use Hyena statblock)
Fox, Red or Gray (Use Jackal statblock)
Bobcat (Use Panther statblock)
Ermine, Weasel, or Mink (use Weasel statblock)
Mountain Lion (Use Panther statblock)
Otter (Use Giant Weasel statblock with a swim speed of 40)
Fisher or American Marten (Use Badger statblock)
Skunk (Use Troglodyte statblock with 4 HP and no chameleon skin)
Raccoon (Use Giant Rat statblock)
Black Bear
Moose/Elk (Use Elk statblock)
Animals found in this way can be easily captured in this stupefied state. Some people in other places would pay good money to have some of these creatures as exotic pets. The animal recovers from the effects of the trees after being out of their influence for 1d4 hours. Sticks and small branches taken from these trees can be placed near creatures to prolong the effects (useful for transporting creatures!), but will lose their potency after 12 hours.
Service Station: Unity Heating Distributors
A small office building and a gravel parking lot is surrounded by industrial-scale storage tanks that hold propane and heating oil. Unity Heating Distributors is not a traditional service station because its purpose is to supply rural Vermont households with the supplies they need to keep warm. However, gas and diesel is often hard to find out here, so the company installed a few gasoline and diesel tanks to top off their service vehicles. Locals and the occasional travelers passing through the area are welcome to fill up here, but it costs about twice as much as a regular gas station. Minor repairs and light engine work can be performed by the garage technicians on site, but they don’t usually keep the parts in stock for cars and light trucks and it’ll be a long wait to get them delivered out here. Those in search of food will need to settle for handfuls of candy from gumball style machines or a soda from a vending machine that hasn’t been refilled in a while.
Items From Other Hexes
Heloise Carter is a reporter for the Freedom Bell newspaper who specializes undercover investigative journalism. She is the contact of Will Karlsson (Hex 9) and is willing to help him cover the story, but she is in the middle of investigating a group of disappearances over the past few years that the police have attributed to hippie cults. Before she can help Will, she needs to finish her investigation on this story and the evidence is beginning to point toward corrupt cops inventing a story about hippie cults to hide murders of local counterculture figures who were openly critical of police actions.
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ri47 · 1 year ago
Forgive me if this is already answered, but what does non-pygmalion/jackal transport look like? What's the state of things there?
as a rule, barring extreme top crusts in the places where most people live (a lot of Kishar is inherently an extreme top crust), personal vehicle ownership is rare. spaceships designed for interplanetary travel aren't all that advanced, outside of the ones containing necromatrix-based daemons to regulate the ship's functions, but those are the kind generally used by civilians. FTL isn't really a thing
on planetary surfaces, most civilian centres use trams and trains to get around. in more rural areas, cars, 'cycles, and trucks aren't unheard of, and the exact nature of ownership there varies. for example, sometimes a community shares one bus or plane for transportation to larger cities. sometimes a family has a car that's a bit of an heirloom. sometimes your father just has a cool motorcycle.
you won't find very many "hovercraft" outside of very specific military applications, although some of the KHU upper class do have things along those lines for avoiding contact with the general public
non-human earth animals past a certain size (read: most things bigger than a cat) aren't really common anymore, but at least one breeding stable of horses is kept by a Kishar lineage, mostly for show. somewhat recently on Irra, there were some efforts to domesticate the predators (ophiotaurs specifically, which are about the size of an aurochs) for transportation usage, but this almost immediately backfired and resulted in yet another grey contractor station becoming nothing more than a stretch of stampeded ruins
planes still exist, with maglaunched spaceplanes being a fairly common way to move human passengers to into orbit for ships that are large enough to render landing impractical. civilian air travel is about what you'd expect, except with more VTOL in locations with built-up infrastructure
moving fortresses are a fixture of surface wars, whether that takes the form of enormous weapons platform aircraft that are designed to never ground or city-sized trains that move without rails. some of these get large enough to necessitate their own internal tram systems
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neodracunyan · 1 year ago
SMG5 - Everybody HATES the Huckerdoos Book Cover
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This is the book cover for my spin-off SMG5 series called, "Everybody HATES the Huckerdoos", where the SMG5 have to deal with the new neighbors that moved in right across the street from Y/n's house as they bring out the hatred on the Huckerdoo Family for being a bunch of obnoxious, annoying, infuriating, aggravating, not-so-perfect neighbors.
Hank Huckerdoo, his wife, Suzanne Huckerdoo and their two kids, Timmy and Susie Huckerdoo are the worst kind of neighbors that you don't want to have in your neighboorhood.
All Hank wants to do is mow his lawn every day and even during the middle of the night and win the best lawn of the year trophies while his wife, Suzanne tries to cheat on her husband with our beloved creative hero, Y/n to which he did not like at all and wanted a restraining order against her after that day when Y/n tried to get a job cleaning the Huckerdoos own pool. The main reason why is because Hank cheats on her wife more than 6 times and she hates Hank for being such a square.
To make matters worse, Y/n and the people who lived his own home had to babysit the Huckerdoo's kids while they go out for dinner at Outback Steakhouse and they didn't even bother letting Y/n agree or not to watch over them, which soon have gone completely out of proportion until they arrived back from the restaurant and Y/n and his family didn't even care if they are not allowed near the Huckerdoo residence after the babysitting job went wrong.
Let's also not forget how the rest of the SMG5 gang including SMG4 and SMG3 share the same hatred for the Huckerdoo family:
SMG4: Didn't like how they think memes are not funny and how Hank's lawn mower kept him up at night when SMG4 decided to stay over at Y/n's place for awhile.
SMG3: Hates them for how they treated Eggdog and how they insulted his streams and his baked bean collection. Not to mention on how they gave his cafe a 1-Star review for how Hank wanted his coffee or how bad the service is.
Mario: Shared the same amount of hatred as Y/n that made him want to piss on Hank's lawn or even burn it to the ground. Not to mention that he would give him the "Bird" for no reason or for the right reason.
Luigi: Hated the Huckerdoos because of Hank being homophobic and hating the LGBTQ+ Community and would join in on "The Huckerdoos Haters Club", which became an actual club as one of the founders.
Jeffy: He hates them for some reason like how Timmy and Susie broke his stuff including his beloved Cat Piano as he hits Susie with a baseball bat.
The FNAF Animatronics: The animatronics from the original and fangames hated the Huckerdoos for a lot of reason that would make them want to kill them in their sleep or even set their house on fire.
Y/n's Pets (Jack the Jackal, Smurf Cat, Teddy the Huggable, Eggbert the Eggdog, etc): They hate them as much as their owner, Y/n and they would do anything for their master to make the Huckerdoos' lives a living hell.
Postal Dude: Honestly, he has no regrets in killing the Huckerdoos with Y/n and his friends, just to release some steam or just for fun.
Meggy: She hates them, she wouldn't mind shooting ink on Hank's lawn or trash the house like throwing TP or spray painting the house and Hank's truck.
Tari: She didn't mind them at first, until Timmy and Susie broke her gaming console by accident, which threw her off the deep end that made her join the Huckerdoo Haters Club.
Saiko: She already hates them due to how the Huckerdoos acted all racist towards her and would play loud rock and roll music with her guitar during the night as payback.
Desti: Much like Meggy, she would do the same thing that she would do to the Huckerdoos and would invite her posse to join in on the fun as well.
Axol: Much like Saiko, he hates the Huckerdoos and would use his magic ink pen to create anime characters to destroy their home and steal their stuff like Hank's lawn trophies just because Hank called him a freak of nature.
Melony: She hates the so much on how loud they can be from Hank's lawn mowing day and night or how they treat watermelons horribly.
Bob: He hates Hank for hating his music and blames him for no reason when he thought that he made his son Timmy join a gang, when in reality, Timmy just wanted to join a friend group, which they did not want him to join at all. So he would use his gangster skills and rap music to make the Huckerdoos lives miserable.
Boopkins: He never liked the Huckerdoos when the Huckerdoos made fun of him for his appearance and his love for anime and would do anything to teach those Huckerdoos a lesson.
The Battle Bears: Let's just say that they don't appreciate Hank and his family for calling them either Smokey the Bear or Yogi Bear as they claimed it as an insult. Even the Huggables want to kill them instead of hugging them like they always do.
Naughty Bear: Like the killer bear he always is, he will kill the Huckerdoos in their sleep or do anything to get rid of them for good.
The Teletubbies: Much like the Battle Bears, they would do anything to get back at the Huckerdoos for calling them freaks or ruining their Tubby Custard.
Officer Monitor: As a honorable police officer, he can understand the hatred from everyone as he considers the Huckerdoos a bunch of "Troublesome" neighbors as they force Timmy Huckerdoo to watch over Hank's lawn during the night and arresting him and his family for being a bunch of squares.
Brooklyn T. Guy: He doesn't like the way the Huckerdoos do something like not tiping people with money and only "Literal Tips" or how Timmy Huckerdoo stole a bunch of stuff from other people or how Hank refused to let Y/n and his friends go with a little warning because Hank Huckerdoo is a stupid Square.
Swag and Chris: How can I put this in terms that you people can understand...Swag and Chris would just blow them all up with a tank or some help from the military and the Goldeneye Guards.
Wario and Waluigi: They absolutely hate them for a lot of reason like how they gave them the "Literal Tip" payment instead of getting an actual tip from the Huckerdoo family and will do whatever kind of scam to bankrupt them and steal their stuff, even asking the SMG5 gang for some assistance in case anything goes wrong since they all hate the Huckerdoos as much as them.
Karen the Cat: She and her kids do not even want to even see or speak to them or in fact, service them in her many jobs. Even her kids don't like them, especially Timmy and Susie Huckerdoo due to how annoying and obnoxious they are. Karen would rather shoot them in the face with a shotgun.
Cuphead, Mugman, Ms. Chalice and Bendy: They obviously hate the Huckerdoos and will do everything in their power, even their power of cartoon physics to take out the Huckerdoos once and for all.
Tails Doll: He hates them as much as his surrogate father and would use his demonic powers to haunt their dreams or kill them in their sleep.
Ember: Much like Meggy and Desti, he would do the same thing they'll do to the Huckerdoos, even in his wolf form to cause more damage to their home.
This spin-off series will show my hatred towards the Huckerdoos in every appearance they are in. If you guys got some ideas for some episodes to bring out the Hatred to the Huckerdoos, leave a comment below to tell me how much you hate the Huckerdoos and how you want to make them suffer and burn in the fires of hell.
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taliatravels · 9 months ago
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...safari continued...
Entering Murchison Falls National Park, I was amazed by how much has changed in the last nine years. The road to the park is now paved, and the gate to the park has transformed from a rickety metal stick to a large, Disney-esque welcome arch. The roads in the park have also been paved since COVID, making it easier for tourists (and Chinese oil drills) to reach the savannah. Despite the new roads, the journey was less than smooth. About 25 km from our lodge, our bus broke down, coolant and steam streaming from the engine. As the driver tried to fix it using whatever water we had left on the bus, Kelly and I took a swig of vodka and prayed for rescue. Finally, a big truck pulled over and gave us more than enough water to cool down the engine and get moving again.
The next morning, we left the lodge at 5:30 to beat the sunrise and see all the animals at the park. We watched the sun rise over the grasslands as we were greeted by a herd of elephants--with their babies--right off the side of the road. We soon saw more elephants, giraffes, buffalos Jackson's hartebeests, cobs, arupi, guinea fowl and even a jackal. At one point in the early morning, we noticed gazelles running through tall grass--a sign that something is chasing them. Soon enough, we saw a hyena (one of the rarest animals to see) lumbering after them, hoping to pick off a slow one.
Rounding the corner into a more wooded area, we saw a bunch of safari cars all stopped to look at something. Quickly, we spotted a leopard, and then moments later, we saw a second leopard! Leopards are typically solitary animals, and our guide told us that we were lucky enough to see a mommy and an almost grown juvenile together. What was perhaps even more exciting was that we saw the mommy leopard jump, showing off her amazing spots to the world.
Making it to lunch though, there was no sign of the final member of the Big Five: lions. We lazed at the hippo pond, bolstered by our morning successes, until one of the guide got news of lions hunting nearby. We ran back to the cars, and we jumped in and tore out of the rest area. Soon enough, we found the lions. Two females were resting in the sun a bit off the road. With our driver, we were able to get up close to see the lions, driving around the two lionesses as they watched us warily. What an amazing thing, to see these majestic beasts in person. 
The next day on our game drive, we weren't nearly as lucky. We saw a group of three hyenas hunting, and we saw some neat birds, but nothing like our triumphant sightings on the first day.
After the second game drive, we hopped on the boat to get a tour of the Nile river. We, of course, drank a Nile beer on the Nile River, a tradition that Kelly and Mark have continued on each trip they've taken. Although we saw less animals on the boat ride than I saw last time, we still got a great view of some Nile Crocodiles basking on the shores, along with a number of mommy and baby hippos.
After lunch, we all jumped back in the cars to drive up to the top of Murchison Falls--the most powerful waterfall in the world. At the falls, we even saw my favorite monkey, the Colobus Monkey, which these days is a rare site. Such a bittersweet place for me, remembering all those years ago being astounded by the beauty of nature with my friends and now standing on the banks of the waterfall with Kelly, Mark and a number of sweet students, still astounded by nature. It is amazing that we are lucky enough to live in a world where things like that waterfall exist. We wrapped up our safari, having one final dinner at the lodge before preparing for our long journey to Bududa the next day.
0 notes
casspurrjoybell-27 · 1 year ago
Claimed by the Beast - Chapter 30
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*Warning Adult Content*
Mercy - Part 1
Knox slips on a pair of gloves after getting the tarp set up on the floor.
"Take the dog out to the truck and then come back for the Jackal's bike. I got Hayes from here."
"No," Hayes' panic intensifies and his grip on the dog tightens. "You're not fucking listening to me. If you would just stop and let me explain why he was here, then you'd know that I didn't..."
"How about you speak when I tell you to fucking speak?"
Knox's patience is frayed.
He marches over to Hayes and a snarl curls his lips as he speaks..."
You aren't walking out of this goddamn house alive, so I suggest you shut the fuck up and do what I fucking say because the longer you stall, the more creative my thoughts get for how I want to end you."
Tears stream down Hayes' face as reality officially sets in.
"Please don't hurt Milo. I don't care what you do to me... just don't hurt my dog. He's innocent."
"I'm not the monster you think I am. I kill worthless fucks like you, not animals," Knox says, cracking his knuckles. "Now give Finn the damn dog."
The scent of fear wafts from Hayes.
Knox can almost taste the man's desperation and it fills him with a sick satisfaction.
He notices the slight tremor in Hayes' hands as he plants a desperate kiss on his dog's head before reluctantly releasing it.
Finn whistles and the labradoodle bounds toward him like he's dangling a juicy treat from his hand.
After they leave the house, Knox makes his move.
He grabs Hayes by the neck and punches him in the face with his free hand, a violent explosion of force that crunches against his nose, breaking it instantly.
Blood sprays everywhere but the sight doesn't bother him and neither do Hayes' tears.
The sound of the man's cries get distorted by the blood welling in his mouth and even still, Knox doesn't let up.
He shoves Hayes down onto the plastic tarp and stomps the shit out of him again and again.
He doesn't allow the man a second's worth of rest as he eventually gives his legs a break and reverts back to using his fists.
Blow after blow rains down, his fists leaving fresh waves of carnage on Hayes' already wrecked face.
Every hit sends a shock of raw energy coursing throughout Knox's body, a primal thrill he's come to recognize in moments like these.
Hayes' garbled pleas for mercy fall on deaf ears.
Knox's body is humming with power, the pain of his own bruised knuckles and strained muscles only serving to strengthen his stamina.
He's so focused on making Hayes pay for coming after Everett and disrespecting their relationship that he nearly forgets about the dead man lying a few feet away.
He only stops when Finn returns to pull him off Hayes' limp and battered body.
"Knox," Finn shouts. "He's dead, man. You can stop."
"He isn't dead. I... I didn't finish him off. Not yet," Knox's breath comes in short, ragged pants.
Sweat trickles down his temples and his fists throb, the exertion of the assault finally catching up to him.
"I zoned out but I'm good," he shakes Finn's arms off him. "Don't worry about me."
"Too late, brother. You taking it old school with your kills now?" Finn asks in reference to Knox's hands.
"Nevermind. Did he tell you more about the Jackal?"
"Haven't asked him anything yet."
"Right. Because you zoned out..."
"Shut the fuck up judging me and check to see if the Jackal has a phone on him or something."
Knox takes a step back while looking down at Hayes' unconscious form.
One of the man's eyes is swollen shut and his bottom lip is split open, the plastic tarp now painted with his blood.
Knox spits at him before removing his gloves.
He tosses them into the duffel bag and then walks over to the connected kitchen.
He uses the bottom half of his shirt to open the refrigerator door, not wanting to leave any prints behind and grabs a cold bottle of water.
He drinks half and then pours the rest on Hayes' face.
The chill stuns him awake.
"Toss this in the bag. Don't want to leave any leave evidence behind."
Knox gives Finn his empty water bottle before bending down to address Hayes.
"You have my permission to speak," Knox says. "Tell me about your connection with the Jackal. Were you only fucking him or do you have a deal with his club?"
Hayes coughs up blood when he speaks.
"One of them a-approached me a few weeks back for a job. Paid me 15k to hide a suitcase inside The Angel's Lounge."
"You motherfucker," Finn roars. "So you're the one responsible for bombing our strip club? What the hell is wrong with you, man? Who's stupid enough to bomb the place where they fucking work?"
"I-I didn't know what was inside the suitcase, okay? There was a combination lock on it..." Hayes says. "When I heard about what happened to the club afterward, I... I felt horrible. They reached out to me again and wanted me to do other stuff but I turned them down. And the only reason why I took the job in the first place is because I needed the extra cash."
"For what? Gavin almost pays you better than he pays us," Finn says.
"I have family that I've been keeping out of sight from you crazy fucks," Hayes explains. "And in case neither of you know, college is really fucking expensive."
"Don't worry about your family. We aren't interested in them," Knox says after Hayes starts crying again. "If you're done with The Jackals, then how do you explain him?"
Knox gestures to the dead man.
"What was he doing over here, besides the obvious?"
"He's the one who delivered The Jackal's payment to me," Hayes says. "We hit off and have been fucking around ever since. I called him over to help me move, not because of the imaginary beef that I have with you but because I knew the truth would eventually come out about me being responsible for the bombing."
"I believe you," Knox says.
"Please don't fucking kill me, man. I was just messing around before. I'm sorry for what I said about you and Everett..."
At the sound of Everett's name, Knox takes out his knife and plunges it into Hayes' skull.
He pulls it out seconds later, wipes the blood on Hayes' shirt and then stands with a relieved sigh, like he hasn't just brutally killed a man.
"Did the Jackal have a phone on him?" Knox asks, turning to Finn. "A wallet?"
"Yeah. I'm in the phone now. No passcode," Finn mutters while going through the cell phone. "Hot damn, I think we might've hit the jackpot, baby. There's a contact in here named G. Only one person that can be."
"How do you want to handle this? Should we send him a text to..."
"Let's not make any rash decisions until we inform Gavin and the others. Call him and tell him what's going on while I deal with the bodies. Prospects should be on the way over to clean up the place."
"Sounds good. But, uh... what the hell are we going to do about his dog?"
Knox smirks.
"Present for Everett."
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fregget-frou · 3 years ago
So I never actually made a reference for Jackal my Darling oc so here
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I got distracted and started to draw him looking stupid in wolf form and him being a scraggly little puppy
Anyways headcannons of him:
- as mentioned, he was really scrawny as an early teen and then got a sudden growth spurt and just bulked. Hit him like a truck and now had a bunch of stretch marks from all the height and muscle gain
- the worst at social interaction, like really bad. Can’t really flirt is not a romantic person
- I’m just like imaging during high school he got confessed to and he went “…..ok.” And left them standing there. He was just really nervous and didn’t know what to do
- his eyebrows are really dark and thick in both human and wolf form so he looked like this
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- he has a fight reaction to things
-he is absolutely terrified of centipedes
- he punched a hole in a wall once when he saw a centipede on it
- very bad with emotions and is slow to understand his feelings
- when he gets attached to people he gets attached and really protective
- tries to protect everything he cares about and hoards his stuff
- has a food problem, leans over his food when eating and moves his arms around it like he’s protecting it
- has a soft spot for small animals, really gets his “small. Weak. Hurt. MUST PROTECT!!” Instincts kicking in and has a small horde of stay cats that he feeds
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Ebony Anderson → Nafessa Williams  → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: July 23rd
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Catholic
Like Ebony? Consider taking her in our Hunter Giveaway Event! We will be waiving applications para samples, personalities and histories requirements for all canon hunters. Just send in the first and last name of the hunter(s) you would like to the main.
→ Her Personality (one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Tracker and Dealer
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Vibrant Colors and ‘Me’ Time
Two Dislikes: Coconut and Muttering
Two Fears: Semi Truck Accident and Disappointing her Parents
Two Hobbies: Attending Fashion Weeks and Researching
Three Positive Traits: Outgoing, Persuasive, Flexible
Three Negative Traits: Frivolous, Instigative, Selfish
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Grant Anderson  (Father): Ebony has always been daddy’s little girl and has had Grant wrapped around her finger since birth. He taught her everything she knows and made sure she trained only with the best. Ebony knows Grant will make a great leader but is also unsure if taking the mantle at 53 years old is wise or beneficial for their family.
Candace Anderson (Mother): Ebony’s mother is loving and smothering. Candace’s family believed in breeding for the best possible hunter outcomes. Ebony does not blame her mother for running and finds her story encouraging; especially about meeting her dad. This also made Ebony life hell with a clingy and opinionated mother. Candace has been lighting the fire under her to get married and have kids.
Sibling Names:
Imani Colt nee Anderson (Sister): Ebony and Imani have a common sisterly bond. They have each others backs and get along well but are also constantly fighting about stupid things and pissing each other off. Ebony encouraged Imani to start dating Blaine and has always been supportive of their relationship.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Chris Shaw (Dated): Ebony dated Chris for 3 months for information about Isaac and Sol for her cousin Nia. Chris thought she was human and that she was too busy to continue their relationship. Chris was boring but very easy to pull information from, while he didn’t right out tell her what was going on, Ebony could easily piece together his subtext and hints.  
Tristan Lawton (Ex-Boyfriend): Tristan was surprisingly easy to get close to but Ebony was unable to make it last as long as she would have liked to. The witches and warlock supernatural community is tightly knitted and Tristan called her out for being a hunter on their second date. He seemed cool about it and asked to keep seeing her which Ebony indulged in for a few months pulling away. They have continued to see each other off and on for the past 6 years.
Carter Bialar (Ex-Boyfriend): Ebony went after Carter after Alice Colt was attacked by someone from the Cat Pack. Grant wanted info and they only had a last name to go off of. She tracked down his son and pumped him for as much info as she could. He ghosted her after she met one of his friends and she thinks they may have figured her out.
Riley Anderson (Flirted): Ebony inadvertently got Riley’s information from Carter. Riley was his college buddy that Ebony found out was a bear shifter. She shared the information with Alexus and Grant but was told to hang back while Alexus worked with the senior members of their pack. Riley was unknown to them since he never frequented the Fields Hotel. Ebony still flirted with him and faked interest in purchasing a house. They attended a few parties together and hung out but Ebony had to call it quits when he wanted to introduce her to his friends, including Carter who she had recently broken things off with on bad terms.
Audo Wilhelm (Ex-Boyfriend): Audo was one of Ebony’s first targets. Grant wanted her to get an inside look at Shutter House Exports & Import and Audo was supposed to be her ticket in. He was literally the only magic user they knew that took some type of transportation to work instead of using magic. Ebony was sure she was ready but she quickly caught genuine feelings for Audo. It wasn’t love but she cared about him and his well being. Ebony quickly got what information she could and called things off.  
Platonic Connections:
Nia Anderson (Cousin): She couldn’t stand Nia while they were younger, believing she got everything she wanted for a quarter of the work that Ebony and Imani did. They’ve become closer in their 30s and Ebony has come to realize that Nia doesn’t really seem to want to be head of the Andersons. That realization has taken a lot of the animosity away, and Ebony can have fun with Nia.
Trevon Anderson (Cousin): Ebony likes Trevon and thinks he’s making his own path. He seems to have really taken to Grant and Blaine, and Ebony thinks it’s made him a better hunter.
Marquis Anderson (Cousin): Ebony doesn’t really know what’s going on with Marquis. He always seems to be lurking in the shadows, or on his way out. She hasn’t been hunting with him in ages, but apparently he holds his own.
Raven Jenkins (Cousin): Ebony likes Raven. She gets her independence and thinks it should be encouraged. She’s loyal to the family and a good hunter, so there shouldn’t be any problems.
Tirra Jenkins (Aunt): Ebony can’t stand her aunts. Tirra is off in her own world thinking she matters more than the rest of them. The best thing she did was have Raven.
Amy Colt (Good Friend): Imani and Blaine introduced Ebony and Amy to each other when they first started to date. They bonded over being their families dealers and hunting. They’ve recently started to share contacts. Their personalities matched enough to hang out away from their families and hunting in general.
Rebecca Stone (Friend): Rebecca pulled Ebony aside at Lilly’s House with inquiries about a leather jacket she was wearing, Ebony took it upon herself to order multiple genuine leather jackets for Rebecca; Ebony heard Rebecca was a leather jacket enthusiast. They’ve remained in contact and have become friends.
Samir Khoury (Acquaintance): Ebony orders ingredients from Samir and Judsoin for the Anderson’s batch of hunters Ancestral Elixir. To keep supernaturals from finding out what exact ingredients they use, Ebony orders 100 different ingredients a week but for the entire month only one or two of them would be what she actually needs. Since ingredients are rare, it’s hard to find other hunters who are willing to share their sources or supplies. Samir doesn’t ask questions and thinks she is a human beautician and naturalist.
Judson Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ebony orders ingredients from Samir and Judsoin for the Anderson’s batch of hunters Ancestral Elixir. To keep supernaturals from finding out what exact ingredients they use, Ebony orders 100 different ingredients a week but for the entire month only one of them would be what she needs. Ebony thinks Judson may be suspicious of her but he has yet to say anything or acted out in any way to confirm it. He has randomly started to add care tips for growing her own ingredients at home but none of them have been any of the key ingredients she needs. She thinks he’s just being nice and helpful.
Sirius Cobic (Mutual Agreement): The human shifters seem to be the neutral party in Chicago and they own the police. Ebony can’t tell for sure if every person in the police department is a human shifter or if it’s a mixture but it is clear that Sirius is the ring leader. Sirius randomly approached her one day with a proposition that Ebony couldn’t refuse. He was willing to hand off untouchables and other supernaturals that go unpunished by their packs to the Andersons.  
Douglas Gish (Mutual Agreement): Douglas is another known human shifter that approached Ebony nearly a year after Sirius did but around the same time as Sarah. The human shifter police officers were willing to hand off human cases that weren’t handled properly or didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute. They are willing to turn a blind eye to their activities as long as they aren’t messy. Malik seems to be the only one that still gets speeding or parking tickets.
Sarah Harris (Mutual Agreement): Sarah has approached Ebony and Elle Colt about hunting human criminals. Jackals have no use to hunters besides information; the same can be said for rats and nimbles. The Anderson’s family hunt for hire for the local Jackal Pack and in return the jackal government workers look in the opposite direction when it comes to zoning, public records, licensing, code enforcement, power and light bills, etc.
Blaine Colt (Brother-In-Law): Ebony encouraged Imani to start dating Blaine and has always been supportive of their relationship. Ebony likes Blaine’s way of hunting and looks forward to working more with him in the future.
Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz (Friendly): During a really bad tornado, Ebony took an anonymous order for animal shifter and human shifter blood. Her contact turned out to be a vampire. They continued to deal like this for bad thunderstorms and tornadoes. After Imani joined the Colt family, Ebony shared another dealer, Amy Colt’s information with Fi to lessen her load.
Hostile Connections:
Malik Jenkins (Uncle-In-Law): Malik has never tried to get to know Ebony personally. While Malik and Grant are friends, he has practically ignored Ebony and Imani. They’re unsure why but cannot bring themselves to care about it.
Alexus Anderson (Aunt): Alexus always looked down on Ebony and her open ways. Besides family and hunter business, Ebony tries her best to ignore Alexus.
Seth Allen (Annoyance): Seth is a new player in town. Sarah Harris has apologized on his behalf multiple times and Ebony had to fight to get his name off of the hunters free for all board at Lily’s House. Seth has been spotted around town in his animal form and spraying graffiti everywhere.
Jazmine Anderson (Aunt): Ebony can’t stand her aunts. Jazmine is the biggest backstabber of them all, and even though they all know this, they repeatedly get played. Ebony knows she’s not immune and has limited her time talking to her after she created a fight between her and Imani.
Meowth (Siamese Cat): She saw Meowth in the window of a pet store on a “Me Time” vacation and couldn’t get his face out of her mind. She went back three times that week and on the third time, bought him and everything he’d need.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Nafessa Williams [1][2][3][4]
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chicagocityofclans · 4 years ago
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Ebony Anderson → Nafessa Williams  → Hunter
→ Basic Information
Age: 31
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Straight
Birthday: July 23rd
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Religion: Catholic
→ Her Personality (one to two paragraphs)
→ Her Personal Facts
Occupation: Tracker and Dealer
Scars: None
Tattoos: None
Two Likes: Vibrant Colors and ‘Me’ Time
Two Dislikes: Coconut and Muttering
Two Fears: Semi Truck Accident and Disappointing her Parents
Two Hobbies: Attending Fashion Weeks and Researching
Three Positive Traits: Outgoing, Persuasive, Flexible
Three Negative Traits: Frivolous, Instigative, Selfish
→ Her Connections
Parent Names:
Grant Anderson  (Father): Ebony has always been daddy’s little girl and has had Grant wrapped around her finger since birth. He taught her everything she knows and made sure she trained only with the best. Ebony knows Grant will make a great leader but is also unsure if taking the mantle at 53 years old is wise or beneficial for their family.
Candace Anderson (Mother): Ebony’s mother is loving and smothering. Candace’s family believed in breeding for the best possible hunter outcomes. Ebony does not blame her mother for running and finds her story encouraging; especially about meeting her dad. This also made Ebony life hell with a clingy and opinionated mother. Candace has been lighting the fire under her to get married and have kids.
Sibling Names:
Imani Colt nee Anderson (Sister): Ebony and Imani have a common sisterly bond. They have each others backs and get along well but are also constantly fighting about stupid things and pissing each other off. Ebony encouraged Imani to start dating Blaine and has always been supportive of their relationship.
Children Names:
Romantic Connections:
Chris Shaw (Dated): Ebony dated Chris for 3 months for information about Isaac and Sol for her cousin Nia. Chris thought she was human and that she was too busy to continue their relationship. Chris was boring but very easy to pull information from, while he didn’t right out tell her what was going on, Ebony could easily piece together his subtext and hints.  
Tristan Lawton (Ex-Boyfriend): Tristan was surprisingly easy to get close to but Ebony was unable to make it last as long as she would have liked to. The witches and warlock supernatural community is tightly knitted and Tristan called her out for being a hunter on their second date. He seemed cool about it and asked to keep seeing her which Ebony indulged in for a few months pulling away. They have continued to see each other off and on for the past 6 years.
Carter Bialar (Ex-Boyfriend): Ebony went after Carter after Alice Colt was attacked by someone from the Cat Pack. Grant wanted info and they only had a last name to go off of. She tracked down his son and pumped him for as much info as she could. He ghosted her after she met one of his friends and she thinks they may have figured her out.
Riley Anderson (Flirted): Ebony inadvertently got Riley’s information from Carter. Riley was his college buddy that Ebony found out was a bear shifter. She shared the information with Alexus and Grant but was told to hang back while Alexus worked with the senior members of their pack. Riley was unknown to them since he never frequented the Fields Hotel. Ebony still flirted with him and faked interest in purchasing a house. They attended a few parties together and hung out but Ebony had to call it quits when he wanted to introduce her to his friends, including Carter who she had recently broken things off with on bad terms.
Audo Wilhelm (Ex-Boyfriend): Audo was one of Ebony’s first targets. Grant wanted her to get an inside look at Shutter House Exports & Import and Audo was supposed to be her ticket in. He was literally the only magic user they knew that took some type of transportation to work instead of using magic. Ebony was sure she was ready but she quickly caught genuine feelings for Audo. It wasn’t love but she cared about him and his well being. Ebony quickly got what information she could and called things off.  
Platonic Connections:
Nia Anderson (Cousin): She couldn’t stand Nia while they were younger, believing she got everything she wanted for a quarter of the work that Ebony and Imani did. They’ve become closer in their 30s and Ebony has come to realize that Nia doesn’t really seem to want to be head of the Andersons. That realization has taken a lot of the animosity away, and Ebony can have fun with Nia.
Trevon Anderson (Cousin): Ebony likes Trevon and thinks he’s making his own path. He seems to have really taken to Grant and Blaine, and Ebony thinks it’s made him a better hunter.
Marquis Anderson (Cousin): Ebony doesn’t really know what’s going on with Marquis. He always seems to be lurking in the shadows, or on his way out. She hasn’t been hunting with him in ages, but apparently he holds his own.
Raven Jenkins (Cousin): Ebony likes Raven. She gets her independence and thinks it should be encouraged. She’s loyal to the family and a good hunter, so there shouldn’t be any problems.
Tirra Jenkins (Aunt): Ebony can’t stand her aunts. Tirra is off in her own world thinking she matters more than the rest of them. The best thing she did was have Raven.
Amy Colt (Good Friend): Imani and Blaine introduced Ebony and Amy to each other when they first started to date. They bonded over being their families dealers and hunting. They’ve recently started to share contacts. Their personalities matched enough to hang out away from their families and hunting in general.
Rebecca Stone (Friend): Rebecca pulled Ebony aside at Lilly’s House with inquiries about a leather jacket she was wearing, Ebony took it upon herself to order multiple genuine leather jackets for Rebecca; Ebony heard Rebecca was a leather jacket enthusiast. They’ve remained in contact and have become friends. 
Samir Khoury (Acquaintance): Ebony orders ingredients from Samir and Judsoin for the Anderson’s batch of hunters Ancestral Elixir. To keep supernaturals from finding out what exact ingredients they use, Ebony orders 100 different ingredients a week but for the entire month only one or two of them would be what she actually needs. Since ingredients are rare, it's hard to find other hunters who are willing to share their sources or supplies. Samir doesn’t ask questions and thinks she is a human beautician and naturalist.
Judson Cleirigh (Acquaintance): Ebony orders ingredients from Samir and Judsoin for the Anderson’s batch of hunters Ancestral Elixir. To keep supernaturals from finding out what exact ingredients they use, Ebony orders 100 different ingredients a week but for the entire month only one of them would be what she needs. Ebony thinks Judson may be suspicious of her but he has yet to say anything or acted out in any way to confirm it. He has randomly started to add care tips for growing her own ingredients at home but none of them have been any of the key ingredients she needs. She thinks he’s just being nice and helpful.
Sirius Cobic (Mutual Agreement): The human shifters seem to be the neutral party in Chicago and they own the police. Ebony can’t tell for sure if every person in the police department is a human shifter or if it’s a mixture but it is clear that Sirius is the ring leader. Sirius randomly approached her one day with a proposition that Ebony couldn’t refuse. He was willing to hand off untouchables and other supernaturals that go unpunished by their packs to the Andersons.  
Douglas Gish (Mutual Agreement): Douglas is another known human shifter that approached Ebony nearly a year after Sirius did but around the same time as Sarah. The human shifter police officers were willing to hand off human cases that weren’t handled properly or didn’t have enough evidence to prosecute. They are willing to turn a blind eye to their activities as long as they aren't messy. Malik seems to be the only one that still gets speeding or parking tickets.
Sarah Harris (Mutual Agreement): Sarah has approached Ebony and Elle Colt about hunting human criminals. Jackals have no use to hunters besides information; the same can be said for rats and nimbles. The Anderson's family hunt for hire for the local Jackal Pack and in return the jackal government workers look in the opposite direction when it comes to zoning, public records, licensing, code enforcement, power and light bills, etc.
Blaine Colt (Brother-In-Law): Ebony encouraged Imani to start dating Blaine and has always been supportive of their relationship. Ebony likes Blaine's way of hunting and looks forward to working more with him in the future.
Fiona ‘Fi’ Marz (Friendly): During a really bad tornado, Ebony took an anonymous order for animal shifter and human shifter blood. Her contact turned out to be a vampire. They continued to deal like this for bad thunderstorms and tornadoes. After Imani joined the Colt family, Ebony shared another dealer, Amy Colt’s information with Fi to lessen her load.
Hostile Connections:
Malik Jenkins (Uncle-In-Law): Malik has never tried to get to know Ebony personally. While Malik and Grant are friends, he has practically ignored Ebony and Imani. They’re unsure why but cannot bring themselves to care about it.
Alexus Anderson (Aunt): Alexus always looked down on Ebony and her open ways. Besides family and hunter business, Ebony tries her best to ignore Alexus.
Seth Allen (Annoyance): Seth is a new player in town. Sarah Harris has apologized on his behalf multiple times and Ebony had to fight to get his name off of the hunters free for all board at Lily’s House. Seth has been spotted around town in his animal form and spraying graffiti everywhere.
Jazmine Anderson (Aunt): Ebony can’t stand her aunts. Jazmine is the biggest backstabber of them all, and even though they all know this, they repeatedly get played. Ebony knows she’s not immune and has limited her time talking to her after she created a fight between her and Imani.
Meowth (Siamese Cat): She saw Meowth in the window of a pet store on a “Me Time” vacation and couldn’t get his face out of her mind. She went back three times that week and on the third time, bought him and everything he’d need.
→ History (paragraph(s) on background)
→ The Present (paragraph(s) on how the character connects to the plot)
→ Available Gif Hunts (we do not own these)
Nafessa Williams [1][2][3][4]
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three-of-swords · 5 years ago
Things I’d Like!
I’m thrilled with all the terrain options and the museum looks fantastic, but there are a couple things I’d be happy to see if they were implemented (and not very fussed about, if not).
1: New villager species. I know New Leaf added Deer and Hamsters, but it’d be cool to see a couple new species. Bats, Lizards, Wild Dogs of some kind (animals could be based around foxes, jackals, African wild dogs, hyenas, bat-eared foxes, aardwolves, etc). Maybe Sea Lions, too. They have a Walrus, so something with a tail fin instead of legs isn’t too far-fetched, I think.
2: New villager personalities. New Leaf introduced Smug and Uchi. I’d like more personality variance, but I feel this is less likely than the above.
3: More Octopus villagers. We have three for base game and one added from Welcome Amiibo. Three or four is simply not enough, especially since we’re on an island.
4: Something silly, but I’d like if there was a retirement island of some sort. Tortimer, and now Chip, Nat, and Joan, have all retired from their previous positions. And on that note...
5: Reese and Cyrus haven’t been shown yet, but we’ve seen a lot of kids inheriting the roles of above NPCs. I would absolutely love to see Reese and Cyrus have a child revealed. And let’s be frank. It’d be a cute af kid.
6: Food shop or ice cream truck or something. We see villagers eating donuts, soup, ice cream. This used to be something we got from StreetPass, but I like watching my villager carry around something to chow down on. Maybe The Roost can sell snacks, or something. I’d like that.
7: This one is extremely likely, but since we seem to be in relative control over who can move in (and where they move to), I’d love to be in control about who moves OUT, and when. Don’t like someone? Kick ‘em. Love someone? They never leave without permission, and never unexpectedly. This, to me, would fix my biggest issue with Animal Crossing. I’m really hoping I finally get a game where I never have to worry about that again, but I won’t get my hopes all the way up until it’s confirmed.
8: Not at all likely, but it’d be nice to be able to change your and/or your town’s name. Just saying.
I’m...sure I have more, but I’ll add to this post later if something comes up.
Let me know what you guys would like to see!
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hatari-translations · 5 years ago
Kappsmál (25.10.19) - translation
Kappsmál is a game show on RÚV about the Icelandic language; I think it started this year. The title itself is a play on words: kappsmál means an issue or aspiration of great importance to someone, but it's a compound of "kapp" (race/contest) and "mál" (which in the actual word means an issue, but also means language).
On October 25th’s episode, Matthías was one of the contestants on this show, his teammate being Alma Mjöll Ólafsdóttir, his housemate and one of his partners in the Little Kettle Theatre Company (Ketiltetur) in 2016, which I've translated an article about before. Thus, I have taken on the Herculean task of translating a game show about Icelandic wordplay. Oh boy. Strap yourselves in.
I'm not going to translate every word that is said; I'll translate Matthías and anything that provides context to something he says, but otherwise mostly give the gist of what's said. However, I will be explaining everything that's going on in the show, what the rounds are about and the words, wordplay and grammatical concepts involved. So this is going to be one for my Icelandic-curious readers!
The female host (Björg Magnúsdóttir) begins by introducing it as the show where Icelandic is "the alpha and the omega". She asks the male host, Bragi Valdimar Skúlason, what he's been up to tonight, and he says that he's been thinking about words that share the same letters and go together, which he calls "Siamese words", such as "traust sturta" (a sturdy shower). What kind of vehicle do you travel on between countries? "Iðulega galeiðu" (usually a galley).
Björg introduces the contestants, asking each one what they think is the most difficult Icelandic word. The first is actress and playwright Vala Kristín Eiríksdóttir, who says she was about to use "ströggla", which is slang, an Icelandicization of the English verb "to struggle", to describe her difficulties with the word "spúla", which means to wash something with a high-pressure water pump; some people say it's "smúla". Bragi agrees that people are divided on the matter; he grew up saying "spúla" but then he started working at a freezing plant and they'd say "smúla".
Her teammate is actress Júlíana Sara Gunnarsdóttir; the two of them form a comedy duo. Júlíana's most difficult word is declining the word "ær" (a female sheep). This word is one of a few that are infamously counterintuitive and people get them wrong all the time; the four cases go ær - á - á - ær. Björg says that, but then Júlíana challenges her on the plural, ær - ær - ám - áa. (The plural actually is more intuitive than the singular, but Björg still admits defeat.) Bragi quips, "Þess vegna var kindin fundin upp", or "That's why they invented the sheep", except that he's obviously referencing the word "kind", which also means a sheep but is easier to decline.
Matthías is introduced next, as a "playwright, hater [hatari] and of course Eurovision contestant. Matthías likes to fry asparagus in butter and garlic and enjoys boiling beans in a pot and putting into taco shells." His most difficult word is "ímyndunarveiki" - which is apparently officially defined as hypochondria, but in casual usage I've always felt it to mean being delusional or just overly lost in flights of fancy. Literally, this is a compound that means "imagination sickness", and Matthías says, "Because why is that a sickness?" He asks why it's not "ímyndunargleði", which is literally "imagination joy". When -gleði is used as a suffix, it tends be a word used to describe someone who enjoys something - e.g. "vinnugleði" for someone who's enthusiastic about their work - so "ímyndunargleði" would just mean "liking imagination".
Matthías goes on: "I think that's hard. Why is it a sickness to be imagination..." Björg suggests there's a kind of shame to it. "Yeah, it's a kind of imagination-shaming." Júlíana says, "That's how a playwright thinks." Matthías says "Yeah, isn't it? Why... I don't know. It seems very loaded, somehow. That's why I'd like to suggest ímyndunargleði."
Alma Mjöll, journalist, twin and author of opinion columns and stage projects, apparently likes to make guacamole for the aforementioned taco shells, because she and Matthías live together. Her most difficult Icelandic word is "brúðkaup" (wedding), which is a compound of "brúður" (bride) and "kaup" (purchase). She doesn't want to get married until this word has been changed, because of the dodgy connotations of that compound. Matthías nods. She also doesn't like "gifting" (marriage), which like in English implies the bride is a gift. Björg asks how she feels about "að ganga í hjónaband", another alternative that literally means "to go into a couple bond". Alma doesn't feel like that's neutral either, but some of the others suggest that's just a bond between individuals; she says she'll think about it.
Björg says "So you two just want to exterminate those two words." Matthías says "Yes. We're here to exterminate."
Next, the teams get names, which are created by Bragi by taking letters from their combined first names and making a word out of them. For Vala Kristín and Júlíana Sara, Bragi suggests Vínsala (a wine store), Snúllar (snúlla is a sort of general cutesy nickname, along the lines of "cutiepie"), Vínkjallarar (wine cellars) or Kínarúlla (Chinese roll), but ended up on Sjakalar (jackals). For Matthías and Alma Mjöll, he suggest Maísmjöl (corn flour), Tímatal (reckoning/calendar), Mjaltatíma (milking time) or Maltöl (malt beer, very popular in Iceland), but settled on Smjatt (the sound that you make when chewing loudly). Alma Mjöll gasps and calls it perfect. Matthías says something in response to this but I'm not quite sure what it is; it sounds like "Wasn't Smjatt going to come tonight?", but I'm not sure what he could be referencing there and I can't hear it super clearly.
Finally time for the actual game show! The first round is "The letter", where the contestants are given categories, and they're supposed to come up with as many words as possible that fall into this category and start with a given letter in ten seconds. For this episode, the letter is V.
Sjakalar go first.
The first category is "Men's names". They come up with Valur, Vignir, Vigfús, Valdimar, Villi and Víðir, all pretty common Icelandic men's names.
Next, they get "Animals" and only come up with "valur" again (which means a falcon in addition to being a name).
Next, "Verbs". Vaða (wade), velja (choose), vera (be), vakna (wake), vilja (want), vona (hope), and vita (know).
Then, "Cities". Varsjá (Warsaw), Vilnius, and “Volga no that's a river.”
"Jobs". Viðgerðarmaður (repairman) and verkamaður (labourer).
Next, they go over the answers. Bragi adds vatnabuffall (water buffalo), villisvín (hog) and vambi (wombat) to the animal category, and Björg suggests vampíra (vampire), though that one's obviously pretty dubious. They get 17 points all together.
Next, still a part of the letter round, they're supposed to see pictures of things that usually start with a V, only they're supposed to come up with new words for them that don't start with a V.
The first picture shows lipstick (varalitur). Vala comes up with "litastifti" (color stick). Júlíana starts to say "túss-" (marker), but doesn't manage to finish what was presumably meant to be a compound in time.
Next they get waders (vöðlur). Vala comes up with "vatnabuxur" (water pants), but unfortunately that also starts with a V. Then "buxnahlíf" (pants cover) and "fiskigræja" (fishing gear).
Then a flashlight (vasaljós), for which Vala suggests "ljósastöng" (light stick). Júlíana says "ljósapera", which is totally not a new word, it's just the word for a lightbulb. Vala comes up with "lýsiskaft" (lighting grip) and "ljósatæki" (light machine).
Next, a steamroller (valtari). Júlíana suggests "bílatrukkur" (car truck), Vala "vinnutæki" (work machine), then Júlíana "bílatæki" (car machine).
Finally, a vampire (vampíra). Vala suggests "blóðkona" (blood woman), "dauðadís" (death woman) and "dauðavera" (death creature); Júlíana "blóðmaður" (blood man).
Out of these, Bragi considers the lipstick, flashlight and vampire categories to have received valid contributions, with "litastifti", "lýsiskaft" and "dauðadís". I'm guessing this is judged subjectively. For this, they get six points, ending with 23.
Next up is Smjatt, still with the letter V, starting with the things that actually start with V.
For the category "Women's names", they come up with Vala, Valgerður and Vigdís, plus Matthías says "Vonheiður" and "Valheiður", which are not actually names but do sound like they could be, and Alma says "vinkona" (female friend) and "vorheiða", which are definitely not names.
Next, "Clothing". Matthías immediately says "vatnabuxur" (the water pants from earlier), but unfortunately doesn't come up with the original word, "vöðlur". Then "vínfatnaður" (wine clothes), and Alma says "vorklæðnaður" (spring clothes). Matthías adds "vorklæði" (spring clothes again) and "vorhúfa" (spring hat).
Then "Adjectives". Matthías says "vænn" (good), Alma says "vongóður" (hopeful), Matthías says "vær" (peaceful, as in sleeping peacefully), Alma says "veikur" (sick) and "veiklulegur" (sickly).
"Machines and tools". Matthías says "vísindaglas" (science glass, which is not actually what we call a vial).
"Companies". Matthías says "Velcro" (not Icelandic, but okay), Alma says "Valitor" (which is). Matthías says "Vinabær" (friend town), which actually exists and is apparently a place that hosts bingo. Alma says "Viss ehf.", a mobile phone insurance company.
Bragi thinks Vonheiður and Vorheiða should totally be names. When he gets to the machines and tools category, Matthías asks, "Can you help us a bit there?" Bragi suggests "vélsög" (chainsaw), "vélbor" (power drill) and "valtari" (steamroller). All in all, this got them 14 points.
Next, for the new words that don't start with a V:
First, a crib (vagga). Alma suggests "barnarúm" (child bed), Matthías "barnadýna" (child mattress) and then "barnadýnugrind" (child mattress frame), Alma "barnagrind" (child frame), which is very unlikely to catch on because it's frighteningly close to "barnagirnd" (pedophilia). Matthías says "barnahristir" (child shaker), which is hilarious, and "barnasvæfir" (child put-to-sleep-er).
Then, a glass of water (vatnsglas). Matthías says "glesill" (an actual proper non-compound neologism deriving from "glas" with a vowel shift), "drykkjarfang" (drinking utensil, already a word) and "drykkjarberi" (drink carrier).
Next, a waffle (vaffla). Matthías suggests "Belgíuskonsa" (Belgian scone), "Belgíubrauð" (Belgian bread), "Belgíuvinur" (Belgian friend) and "Belgíumatur" (Belgian food). Alma says "ekkipansa" (not a pancake), which is also amazing.
Then, some grapes (vínber). Matthías suggests "Ameríkurúsínur" (American raisins), and Alma starts to say Brazilian something but the time runs out.
Finally, an alarm clock (vekjaraklukka). Alma says "klukkuvinur" (clock friend), Matthías says "morgunhani" (morning rooster, also a term for an early riser) and "morgunfjandi" (morning devil).
Bragi judges "barnasvæfir", "glesill"/"drykkjarberi", "Belgíubrauð"/"Belgíuskonsa" and "morgunfjandi" to be valid, and thus they get eight points, ending with 22.
The next round is "Óorð", which can mean slander, but is literally "Un-words". In this round, they will see four words, of which one does not exist: it's an unword. The contestants need to guess which is the unword and what the other three words mean.
Sjakalar start again. The four words are "Draumhugi" (dream mind), "Draumsvæfa" (dream sleeper), "Svefnpungur" (sleep scrotum) and "Bliksvefn" (flicker sleep). They guess that the unword is draumsvæfa; svefnpungur sounds like it'd be fake, but something about it sounds familiar. They are correct. They also correctly guess that "draumhugi" is basically equivalent to the English word "dreamer" - someone who daydreams. Matthías suggests maybe such a person is ímyndunarglaður; Vala suggests "ímyndunarvirkur" (imagination-active).
For svefnpungur, Vala first thinks of a sleep mask but she knows that's not it. Júlíana suggests it might be similar to "svefnpurka", which is a gently derogatory term for someone who sleeps a lot, like "sleepyhead". Then she suggests maybe it's just a pillow. This is incorrect, so they ask Smjatt for their take. Matthías asks as an aside whether it's svefnpurka or svefnburka, but the answer is inconclusive (it's definitely svefnpurka, what). Alma suggests either it's where you put your money while you sleep, or it's somebody who's really grumpy in the morning. Bragi explains that it's actually just bags under your eyes. (I have never heard this word, but it makes a lot of sense.)
They guess bliksvefn is dozing off shallowly. That's wrong. Matthías suggests when you fall asleep suddenly. Bragi explains it's actually REM sleep (where your eyes flicker), which immediately makes sense to everyone. Icelandic compounds can be cool and transparent like that.
The next batch of words, for Team Smjatt, is "Næturgöltur" (night hog), "Náttsvín" (night pig), "Náttfilla" (night membrane), and "Blóðnætur" (blood nights). Matthías says, "I think it's suspicious that that filla doesn't have a y" - fylla is a common word meaning fill, filla is a word that I had to look up in a dictionary just now. Alma comments on how there's both næturgöltur and náttsvín; Matthías says "Yes, they're trying to trick us." At "blóðnætur" he just blinks and says "I have no clue. We are being lassoed into a trap." Matthías thinks the unword is "náttfilla", because what is a filla without a y. Alma thinks it's næturgöltur. They go with næturgöltur, but it's actually náttsvín. Alma thinks náttsvín sounds cuter than næturgöltur.
Now they're supposed to guess what næturgöltur is. Alma suggests someone who misbehaves in their sleep. Matthías suggests, "Someone who sleepwalks, makes noise, swears..." Then he suggests maybe it's a nocturnal animal, maybe in forests. This is wrong, so the question goes over to Sjakalar. Júlíana says it just makes her think of her husband, who snores a lot.
Bragi explains it's actually not "göltur" as in hog, it's a different word that means wandering - so næturgöltur is wandering in the night. Matthías asks if the animal is actually derived from this other word, which Bragi says it is!
Time for the mysterious náttfilla. Matthías and Alma jokingly pronounce it as if it were Swedish, then Matthías says, "I'm just going to admit that I have no idea." Alma suggests maybe it's a piece of clothing. Bragi throws it over to the other team; Vala says she thinks it's derived from "fullur" (full) and that it means when you get a full night's sleep, but as Bragi points out, she got confused there; if it were derived from fullur it would have a y. Vala can hear her mother's disappointment in her. Bragi explains it's actually a nighttime fog.
Finally, we're looking at blóðnætur. Matthías says "See, we had vampires, or night women, or what was it - death women. So that's where I'm at." Alma suggests, "Something bad happened this night." He agrees; "The blood nights, where a lot of people died. They were great blood nights." Bragi says they're on the right track, but not quite. Sjakalar suggest it's when the sky is red at sunset. My guess would have been that it means a period, as in menstruation, but no, apparently it's "the time just after a man has been slain, when the thirst for revenge is at its peak". #relatable, eh?
All in all, Sjakalar got seven points, and Smjatt got zero, leaving Sjakalar with 30 and Smjatt with 22.
The next round is "The Pump". In this one, a combination of letters is displayed, and then each contestant in turn has to name a word starting with this exact combination of letters in a few seconds; if they fail, they're eliminated. The letters are "Tja", and:
Vala: tjara (tar)
Júlíana: tjald (tent)
Matthías: Tjarnargata (Pond Street, a street in Reykjavík)
Alma: tjaldur (Eurasian oystercatcher, a bird common in Iceland)
Vala: tjasla (to patch something together)
Júlíana: "tjassa" (not a word; she's eliminated)
Matthías: tjatta (Icelandicization of "to chat")
At this, they stop. Bragi is doubtful. Matthías says "Young people do it every day." "Doesn't that have a ch?" asks Björg. Matthías says he thought the Icelandic version had a tj. "I thought it was such a progressive language." For what it's worth I agree with him; c is not a letter in Icelandic and if you're using the word at all it should be spelled with a tj. But it's not yet in the dictionary of modern Icelandic, so Matthías is out. We continue:
Alma: tjaldbúðir (camp)
Vala: tjaldvagn (wagon)
Alma: tjaldstöng (tentpole)
Vala: tjaldútilega (tent camping)
Alma: "That's not a word! tjald...aðu" (pitch a tent, imperative)
Vala: tjaldsvæði (camping ground)
Alma: tjarnarhringur (a circle around a pond; might be, for example, walking around the Pond in Reykjavík)
Vala: Tjarnarbíó (Pond Cinema, a theater near the Pond in Reykjavík)
Alma: tjarnardrulla (pond mud)
And at that Bragi stops her; it's not in the dictionary. With that, Sjakalar get five more points, jumping up to 35. Matthías says "I'm still in shock about the chat." Bragi says he has a certain sympathy for him.
The next round is "Þvers og kruss", which is an idiom meaning "all over the place" or "back and forth", but it's reminiscent of a crossword; þvers means across, and kruss is apparently a sailing term but sounds like kross (cross). It's basically like two simultaneous rounds of hangman, where the two words cross each other, and the teams take turns guessing a letter, which might help the other team.
Team Smjatt gets to pick which word they want; they pick across/horizontal. Björg asks why, and Matthías says with a shrug, "She asked what my feeling was, and I just..."
To help, they're told the words are both birds. (Matthías says something, but I can't make it out.)
For the first letter guess, Matthías and Alma guess T, which appears twice in the other word but not at all in theirs.
Team Sjakalar guess Ð, but there's no Ð in either word.
Next Matthías says, "We want E." There is one E in their word, and Matthías says "Smjattið er ekki dautt", or "The chewing isn't dead," obviously referring to their team.
Sjakalar guess I, of which there is one in their word.
Smjatt guess S, of which there is none. Matthías says "Þetta er ógeðslega spenandi", which means "This is incredibly exciting." You may recognize the word "ógeðslegur" from Klámstrákur; it literally means "disgusting", but in this adverb form it's used frequently as a generic intensifier.
Team Sjakalar guess U, which is in their own word again.
For their next guess, Matthías and Alma are whispering to each other. Matthías suggests N, and Alma goes "Yeah... no!" Matthías says "But then we're just out." Presumably they're thinking of the fact it's very likely N is in Sjakalar's word as well (it's one of the most common letters in Icelandic). They end up going with K. Matthías says "We're still just shooting in the dark." Luckily, there are indeed two K's in their word.
Sjakalar guess Ú. (Note how U and Ú are considered completely separate letters in Icelandic.) There is an Ú in their word, and at this point I know it's "Turtildúfa" (turtle dove).
Smjatt is still having trouble. Matthías: "U...O?" Alma: "No, stop." Matthías: "I'm just saying, taking a shot, taking risks." Alma: "Okay, take risks. You do that." So they guess O, which is in neither word.
Sjakalar guess F. They've probably worked out their word too.
Matthías asks if they've guessed B yet, which they haven't. "We might maybe want to guess that." Bragi says "Very good letter, one of the best, but it's not in these words." Björg says "Það eru smá áföll að dynja yfir smjattið", which you might translate as something like "There are some setbacks raining down on the chewing."
Sjakalar guess L, which is of course also in their word.
Matthías is confused that there isn't an I at the end of theirs - a word ending in -ki would be pretty typical. (Their word is probably actually something ending in "kráka", or crow.) Matthías: "H!" Alma: "M!" Matthías: "Or M!" But then they both go with H, which is not in either word.
Sjakalar guess D, predictably enough, but it's also the first letter of Matthías and Alma's word. At this point I figure it's probably "Dvergkráka", or "dwarf crow" (Western jackdaw).
Matthías and Alma are still puzzled. Alma jokingly says "The bird Dekk", "dekk" being a car tire. Matthías says "We were just talking about this at home, Googling bird species. We didn't do it." Alma: "We didn't." Matthías: "Did you?" Alma: "I didn't." They go with R, of which there are two in their word, but unfortunately one overlaps with Sjakalar's.
This means Sjakalar have only one letter left, and they guess A and complete their word. Matthías says something like "Nú kannski kemur í ljós hvað þau voru... Fórnir til að ná árangri", or "Now maybe we'll find out what they were... Sacrifices for success”; not sure what he’s getting at. Bragi asks Team Smjatt if they know their word yet, but they look confused, and instead Júlíana guesses dvergkráka, at which Matthías and Alma clearly feel very stupid. Bragi calls it "A very nice bird, a friend to its friends."
Either way, Sjakalar have won the round and get ten points for it. They're now at 45 to Smjatt's 22.
For the next round, both teams have a bag with Scrabble tiles representing "Turtildúfa", except the D has been replaced with an S, and they're supposed to make a new word out of them, as long as they can, in sixty seconds. Bragi adds, "It has to be in the dictionary. No tjatt."
While the teams work on it, Björg and Bragi discuss how tjatt really should be at least in the slang dictionary, because people use it.
As the sixty seconds finish, Matthías asks, "Does it have to be in the nominative case?", which is the "default" case for words, the one you'd actually find in a dictionary - it doesn't. Their word is "súldar", which is the genitive case of "súld" (drizzle). Bragi muses it could also be the name of a country; Matthías says "The sultan of Súldar?" Sjakalar's word is "saltur" (salty). Alma: "Does that exist?" Matthías: "That exists." Alma: "I'm joking."
Bragi tells them they could theoretically have made the words "fúlastri" (a bit weird-sounding, but a form of "fúl" (grumpy/annoyed, feminine)) or "litfastur" ("color-stuck", something that doesn't change color easily). Matthías says "That would've been cool." "Trúlausi" (atheist) and "trúfasti" (faithful) are both also in there; Matthías says "Ah, we didn't see the 'trú'."
Either way, each team gets six points for making a word six letters long. They're now at Sjakalar 51, Smjatt 28.
It's time for another round of The Pump. Björg says "We're hearing groans of anguish from the contestants." Matthías: "It was so stressful last time." This time, rather than finding a word starting with the given letter combination, they must find a word with that letter combination in the middle of the word, but not at the start. The letters this time are "ölv".
Matthías: "Not the most pleasant word to start with, but ofurölvi!" (super drunk)
Alma: fölvi (paleness)
Vala: bölvun (curse)
Júlíana: völva (seeress)
Matthías: völvuspá (seeress prophecy; he makes a face at this, probably because he's actually thinking of the ancient poem Völuspá, but they give it a pass)
Alma: "ofurölvasssss... ohh!" She's out.
Vala: tölva (computer)
Júlíana: Sölva (masculine name)
Matthías: tölvuleikjaforritari (video game developer, I love him)
Vala: tölvuskjár (computer monitor)
Júlíana: mölva (smash to bits)
Matthías: "I'm just stuck on the computers. Tölvumús?" (computer mouse)
Vala: tölvuhleðslutæki (computer charger) - but she's too late and she's out.
Júlíana: tölvutækni (computer technology)
Matthías: tölvuleikjamót (video game tournament)
Júlíana: tölvutakkaborð ("computer button board" - she was obviously trying to say "tölvulyklaborð" (computer keyboard) but apparently this counts)
Matthías: tölvuleikjaleikmaður (video game player)
Júlíana: "Grölva?" Obviously just guessing, and this is not a word; she's out.
Thus, Matthías wins this round, and they get five points - 51 to 33.
The next round is called "Frasakássa", or "phrase casserole". They get a grid of letters and are supposed to find a line from an Icelandic pop song in it. After a few seconds Matthías asks, "They can be diagonal?"; they can be, but not backwards. Matthías and Alma end up getting it: "Haltu í höndina á mér og ekki sleppa" (hold my hand and don't let go), a lyric from the song Í síðasta skipti, which was apparently one of the Söngvakeppnin entries in 2015; I didn't follow the contest that year and don't think I've ever heard this song before.
They can get extra points by naming the songwriter(s). Smjatt guess Friðrik Dór [Jónsson]; Júlíana says Ásgeir Orri [Ásgeirsson] and Pálmi Ragnar [also Ásgeirsson; they are brothers]. They're all well-known songwriters, and it turns out all three of them worked together to write this song, so neither team gets points for that. Team Smjatt gets ten points for being the first to find the phrase, though, bringing them to 43 points. Matthías balks at getting ten whole points for this. Júlíana says yeah, it was hard, and Vala adds she'd started screaming a sentence from one of the Passion Hymns.
It's time for the final round of the night, "stafapressan" (Letter Press/Letter Pressure). They can choose a six-point, twelve-point or eighteen-point question. The way this works is that they get a phrase and a grammatical form to put it in; one team member has to say it out loud, and then the other has to spell it correctly.
Team Smjatt go first because they have fewer points. Alma says, "We could win." Matthías says, "You have to take risks to succeed. We did that for the last round." So they go with an eighteen-point question! Alma volunteers to spell, leaving Matthías with the task of declining the phrase correctly. When Björg asks if he's ready, he says "Oh my god."
His phrase is "velgja volgan elg" (to warm a lukewarm moose). They want this in the imperative singular superlative plural dative. (You may note there's both a singular and a plural in there. What they mean by it is that the imperative should be singular but the noun plural - that is, commanding one person to warm multiple of the lukewarmest moose. In Icelandic, the adjective is declined and pluralized along with the noun.)
Matthías doesn't take long to say, "Velgdu volgustu--" and then he pauses to decline "elgur" in the definite plural to be absolutely sure: "Hér eru elgirnir um elgina frá elgunum - velgdu volgustu elgunum." "Are you locking it like that?" "Yes." Very confident, and totally correct. Alma also spells it out without problems, and they get their eighteen points, putting them at 61 points, suddenly ten points ahead of Sjakalar. Bragi notes that "elgjunum" would also have been accepted.
It's time for Sjakalar to decide which difficulty they want. Júlíana notes that she's just thinking of winning, for which they'd need twelve points; Alma says "No, Vala, think of your mom!", referring back to Vala's earlier comment about how her mom would be so disappointed in her getting something wrong. But they decide to go with the twelve points, and Júlíana steps back to be the speller.
Vala's phrase is "sigggróið ilsig", or "a callused flatfoot", and they want the dative singular comparative definite form: the more callused flatfoot. With some difficulty, she comes up with "sigggrónara ilsigisins" - but unfortunately that's the genitive and not the dative, which she would definitely have known if she were putting it in a sentence, but it's confusing keeping track of all those grammatical cases under pressure. Júlíana panics at the looming time limit and also fails to correctly spell what Vala just said, and all in all they definitively lose the round, leaving them still with 51 points to Matthías and Alma's 61. Team Smjatt has claimed victory!
When Bragi explains Vala's error and that it should have been "sigggrónara ilsiginu", Alma quips, "A common mistake." Júlíana notes that she didn't think there was much of a difference between the difficulty of the twelve-point phrase and the eighteen-point phrase, which Matthías agrees with, and I have to agree too; I honestly think I probably would've had more trouble with sigggrónara ilsiginu than velgdu volgustu elgunum. (The latter was worth more points because it's three words rather than two.)
Vala says Júlíana's probably going to break off their professional relationship; Alma says it would've been worse if they'd lost, because they live together. "If I'd screwed it up in the final stretch with the moose..." Matthías: "Matthías, get out on the street."
Finally, for the viewers at home, they ask for social media suggestions for a word for the divider that you place on the conveyor at a store between your stuff and the people before and after you. Vala suggests there's already a word for that - "vöruaðskilnaðarferna", or "product separation cuboid" (or rather, presumably they're going for cuboid, but as it is the word "ferna" is exclusively used for cardboard containers around liquid, like milk cartons or juice boxes). This is an extremely, extremely awkward word and Matthías goes "Ugh!" Me too, Matthías.
As they ask for people to post their suggestions on the #kappsmál hashtag, they say "Just spray it out!", which just reminds me of Griðastaður, but that's probably not intended to be a reference.
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awildhanmonster · 6 years ago
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And so, the time has finally come!  I’ve jumped off the precipice of making these things adoptable, and the reception has been really joyfully humbling!  Below is a master post of my collective information on Roadhounds and what I consider their technical “canon”– HOWEVER.  IF YOU HAVE PURCHASED A HOUND FROM ME, PLEASE NOTE THAT YOU DO NOT HAVE TO FOLLOW ANY OF THIS.  If you want to take your weird dogbirds and jam them in your own respective headworlds or turn them into something else entirely, you have my full and open blessing to do so!  All I ask is for a footnote of being the technical (first draft) creator somewhere. These guys are meant to be for FUN, in whatever way brings you the most joy.  If you DO, however, want to see what lore they come with, keep reading!  
What is a roadhound?  
“Roadhound” is a catchall term encompassing a group of strange, largely enigmatic, bird-faced canid-type lifeforms sighted worldwide.  They are considered by most to be a modern day cryptid, and would be considered a “Safe” Class SCP as a whole despite their numbers and lacking research from observation.  
Origin of species:
There is no current consensus on the origin of roadhounds.  They always seem to just appear one day along human-made paths of travel where people have walked— dirt roads, hiking trails, highways, etc— seemingly fully formed and mature.  No human has ever witnessed the “birth” or emergence of a hound, but this mysterious generation may be associated with traveling, restlessness, or wanderlust.  Similarly, there has never been a firsthand account of hounds actively copulating, pregnant, or with young, and it remains unknown whether or not they are even capable of sexual reproduction.  No bodies have ever been retrieved for study, and their lifespans can only be guessed upon as “ambiguously long.”  
They are sometimes regarded as ill omens or bad luck by the public, given their tendency to appear along stretches of road plagued by car accidents, though this has not in any way been substantiated.  
Observed phenotypes:
Roadhounds all follow a loose construction of two major parts: a bird— generally from the corvid family (though passerine and raptor variants have been observed) and a canine— most commonly wildtype variants of wolves, coyotes, foxes, jackals and etc.  They are almost universally described as having a “doglike body” and tail, functional in shape and of reasonable proportion, a formidable beak, small, but fully formed wings in place of mammalian ears (ear canals are suspected to seat around the “armpit” of the inner wing), and three sets of eyes seated in the bottom half of a long, highly flexible feathered neck.  Forefeet, while canine in structure, have diminished fur in favor of tiled scaling up the carpals/metacarpals, with tough pads and a hooked, birdlike talon replacing the dewclaw.  Nails are thick and sturdy, but non-retractable.  
The bird component, densely feathered and often with an excess of fine bristles around the beak/chin area, can display plumage ranging from drab to offensively colorful depending on species.  The body, however, tends to remain neutral in a range of grays, blacks, whites and browns.  The false “tail” anchored to their sternum can be flattened, fanned, or pulled up slightly by muscular tension for various types of display.  Their wings can also be moved freely, shuffled, flapped or mantled as a key component of body language.  Typical specimens can range anywhere from approximately 30-120 pounds, though outliers can and do occur, if infrequently.  
Known Behavior:
Roadhounds are (usually) fairly clever, displaying robust intelligence on par with (or surpassing) their component fauna.  They seem to have a sense of self-recognition when presented with mirrors and tend towards an inquisitive, playful, and occasionally irritating nature, though this can vary wildly from specimen to specimen.  They can and do use crude tools for basic problem solving when available, and often display behaviors suggesting a grasp of concepts such as forethought, altruism, and grief.  They may even possess a crude language, though it is poorly understood by researchers.  
Curiously, roadhounds all universally seem to lack any prey drive.  Despite a meat oriented semi-carnivorous diet, they have never been seen actively hunting live prey and may regard other animals as anything from a companion to a moving toy that must be coddled or harassed.  When threatened they may stand their ground, displaying various threat gestures, but prefer flight over an altercation.  Shyness and flight radius/“tameness” seems to vary wildly, but a genuine fear of humans is rare.
The majority also seem to have a love bordering obsession of shiny and/or metallic objects, most commonly those associated with automobiles or electronics.  They have been observed “collecting” anything from shed scrap metal (generally shed from highway collisions) to hubcaps, dollar coins, tin cans, window decals, side mirrors, jewelry, truck nuts, and more.  These trinkets have even (rarely) been used as apparent “gifts” and offered to other life forms, with mixed results.  
Roadhounds possess impressive sound mimicry and a robust vocabulary ranging from typical bird/canid vocalizations to machine noises and eavesdropped fragments of human language, the latter regurgitated in tinny, childlike voices.  Given their frequent proximity to roads and civilization, common “acquired” calls include car horns, squealing tires, NOVELTY car horns, metallic crunching sounds, engines revving, toll booth ringers, car alarms, sirens, variants of SPEED UP ASSHOLE, and etc.  They will pepper these noises into their more organic calls seemingly at random, each unique to the individual.  If you hear a car alarm going off incessantly at 3 am in the middle of nowhere, with no cars in sight, you may have a visitor.  
Despite a complete lack of hunting instinct, roadhounds subsist almost entirely on meat: more specifically, on roadkill and scavenged carrion.  They prefer fresher carcasses, but are opportunists and generally not picky.  More human/urban acclimated individuals have also been seen raiding garbage bins and city dumpsters for a variety of other (presumably food-based) material.  Dry cat or dog kibble left on porches is also a commonly raided, even preferred snack, and some individuals have been observed going out of their way to raid farmhouses for the delicacy.  
Roadhounds are anomalous little cryptid dogbirds I’m making purely for fun and if you get one, you should play them in the way that gives YOU the most fun in turn.  Cheers, y’all!  
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alliebruns-blog · 6 years ago
The Namibia/Panama Crossings Part Two: The Desert, Day 1.
DAY 1: Namibgrens to the Erongo region - 28.5 miles  (AKA ‘The Naivety of the British Runner EXPOSED’) 
I love 5.30 am starts, which is lucky because that’s basically the deal for the next week. Yes reader, 5.30am is a time. A real time. That people get up. 
Kit on and bags packed, and it’s off for breakfast for musli and yoghurt and then straight into the car for me and Darren. Jim and Danni get on their bikes for the first leg of the bike ride. They are starting 100km behind us. We will drive 100km to the edge of the desert and start the run there. We won’t see Jim, Pete and Danni for 2 days now. It’s emotional, but we deal with it. If they want to cheat it’s up to them. They have to live with that decision. And boy, does Jim live with it…. (TBC)
After an hour in the car we get to the edge of the Namib-Naukluft Park and the giant NO ENTRY sign. There’s a gate, but one of the team has left the key to the padlock at the office 200km away in Walvis Bay. So we do what we always do, and knock the fence down. We put it up again. It’s all good. The government said we could do it. What are the laws on guns here again? 
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Seems legit.....
Darren and I have had a brief discussion about running together. It’s hard when you don't know someone that well - or when you do, and know that they are faster than you (which is what I know about Darren). I say 10 min miles are my jam, which they are for these longer back to backs and Darren agrees he can deal with that. I am talking about 10 min miles in the UK on trails in about 12 degrees. Our 10 min mile plan lasts just that. About 10 mins to a mile. 
We start running on a gravel path - it’s pretty runable, soft in places, and it’s a cool morning - cloudy and not too hot - so we manage about 6 miles in about an hour - a pretty good pace. With one support vehicle in front of us and one behind, we have access to our kit and fresh water and food pretty much all the time. It’s great! I am still running with a small pack and a bladder - I am obsessed with running out of water. 
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First part of the day looks do-able....
We trot on through the never ending gravel plains and then, suddenly from nowhere there is a big group of animals running as a pack. They look like ponies BUT THEY ARE ZEBRAS! Wondrous mountain zebras, stampeding along and crossing in front of us. A literal Zebra crossing. Amazing. There are some big cats in the area, so we keep and eye out to see if it’s a chase, but don’t spot anything. Seeing these animal up close like that, just doing what they do is astonishing and we don't take it for granted. 
Zebra Crossing!!!!!
Also out on the plains that morning were Oryx’s - great big deer type creature with huge spiked horns and long fluffy tails. They’re very shy and they can run FAST. We also see a couple of little sidewinder snakes and some fun new crickets we’d not seen before. Our “taking photos of everything” habit is slowing our pace, so we try to crack on. 
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Snake holes.....
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New Pal......
We keep running, with more walk breaks now. It’s getting hotter - it’s becoming obvious that we can’t keep up a flat 10 min mile pace for the whole day. The clouds clear and the sun comes out with a vengance. It’s 9am and boiling. 
Our first hill appeared in front of us, a long, slow rising dune made of red sand. There’s a burnt car - the remains of a poachers vehicle left in the sand; a reminder not to break the rules. An eerie sight in a beautiful landscape. At the top of the hill we get our first view of the red dunes. And what fun they were. Soft and fluffy - these are the small guys - we power up them and speed down them.
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Views..... (get used to this....)
As we cross, we also get our first high view of the desert sprawling in front of us. It was magical and terrifying. At the top of the hill, under a tree lay the remains of a Springbok, bleached white by the sun. Possibly left in the tree by the triumphant cat that caught it, with the carcass dropping as various animals made the most of a good meal. It was a very real reminder of what happens when you are left alone out here. 
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That’s what dehydration can do to ya.....
Danny and David realised the ‘road’ they had plotted was now no longer passable, as the dunes had moved and were too soft to drive on. This was highly amusing for myself and Darren, who got to watch them attempt to get the cars up the new mega deep, fresh dunes. Those guys are some of the best drivers I have ever seen. What they do with those cars is MENTAL and they never (well barely ever) get it wrong. The tracks from the support trucks lead the way for us to run - but running IN the tracks of the cars is difficult - they make the sand soft and moveable. The tracks serve only to show us the way-ish - we can run alongside them or cut across plains. As long as we have the trucks in sight it’s cool. And losing them actually freaks you out a bit. 
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We decide to run off road and do an explore - trotting over dunes in the general direction that Danny and David pointed us in while they sorted truckgate. This meant negotiating spiky bushes, snake holes. lizard guys, big cat prints and dunes, not necessarily in that order, in rising heat. We kept on pushing and pace was good for the terrain. Darren though he saw some ostriches but it because clear these were actually a steel posts. Heat brain was setting in. 
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Spot the car.....
Lunch was served at about 14 miles, in a small makeshift tent that Danny, David and Johnny had erected on the path for us - cold water down the back and on the head, bread, meat, cheese and GERKINS YES GERKINS were on the menu. I took a second to take in what was actually happening here. A picnic in hell or heaven? I dunno. It was one of the best lunch spots I’ve ever stopped at though…..
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Lunch - doesn’t look that hot. Was fucking boiling. 
After the refuel, we set off again. It was getting really tough now, with heat peaking in the late 30’s between 1 and 3pm and zero wind. It was also getting sandier, which sounds stupid when you consider where we are but it WAS getting sandier! Elevation was also on the up. It’s easy to decide  try and give everything to the run in these conditions, but I was constantly reminding myself that we had another 3 days of this and we had to respect the distance. Oh yeah, then we had a good 250-300km to do in Panama. We ran and marched through another 15 miles of beautiful but essentially non-descript hill dunes. We ran past a small dune filled with big holes, and out popped a desert jackal (possibly one of the cutest things on earth) He should have been asleep really, and he couldn’t believe his bulgy eyes. I imagined him running back down into the maze of tunnels to tell the other jackals what he’d seen outside and them saying “go back to sleep Dave, you’re drunk”. 
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Hello little pal! 
Eventually we saw the trucks had stopped at the top of a huge dune - we were 28 miles in to what was supposed to be a 30 mile day and we were all knackered. Doing that distance is one thing, doing it in sand and heat, without a rest day after 24 hours travel is another. We decided as a team to add on the extra couple of miles to tomorrow and try an get out heads down for the night. At the top of the dune, we downed tools and took in the the view of the valley below. Zebras and oryx’s were grazing as the sun set. It was Lion King beautiful.
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I’ve camped in worse spots.....
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Tent life.....
Our crew set up camp as we dealt with the important issue of re-hydration with a beer, a sit down and foot check. The make-do camp shower looked out across the plains. The toilet took in some of the most beautiful views on earth. We were so lucky to be there. 
That night as we settled down for a bolognese dinner, an huge owl flew over camp and drew our attention to something larger sloping down the hill. To the amazement of Danny (who has been working in the desert for over 25 years) it was the extraordinarily rare brown mountain hyena. He was trotting down the dune towards camp. We could just about make out his distinctive shape and he was obviously curious about the smells and sounds. He had probably never seen human beings before.  It was mesmerising. In his 25 years Danny has only ever seen 4-5 of these creatures and we get him on the first night. I swore it was because I was a dog person, and hyena guy could tell. 
After dinner we sit round camp and chat and then it’s bed. First day done, feet looking good and bellies full. Onwards to day 2. 
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turtlechix · 7 years ago
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(from a book I bought in Barns & Noble, of which I am going to use)
Angel’s Wings Dr.Seuss Hat Your Reflection Asteroids The Milky Way Comic Book Cover Lotus Flower Looking Through a Keyhole Tree of Life Something with Two Heads Light saber Grim Reaper Fountain of Youth Man in the Moon Lightning Strike Goddess Psychedelic Portal A View from the Top Masquerade Mask Poseidon Jackal Deer Antlers Medusa Carousel Voodoo Doll Tiki Idol Sugar Skull Something Abstract Aladdin’s Lamp Tooth Fairy Blue Prints Cyborg Totem Pole Magic Kingdom Beach Scene Packman Video Game Your Zodiac Sign (Normal or Chinese or both) Something 3-D Anaconda Something Upside Down Computer from the Future A bright Idea Grand Canyon Lion Mad Hatter Football Dollar Bill Koala Bear Hummingbird Woolly Mammoth Giraffe Wishing Well Bull’s-eye Bouquet of Roses Aurora Borealis Sky Boombox Ticket Stub Captian’s Hat Something Nautical Banjo Bowling Alley and Pins Labyrinth The Kraken Armadillo Eiffel Tower Jack-in-the-box Goblet Mutant Weeping Willows Grappling Hook Shepard Your Country’s Flag Water Slide Didgeridoo Power Lines Olympic Medals Warrior Stop Sigh Piñata Coliseum Artichoke Bushel of carrots Bubbling cauldron Crystal ball Alphabet soup Rubber ducky in a bubble bath Red riding hood Flamingo Fler-de-lis Noah’s ark Lit candle Hourglass Three Blind Mice Honeycomb Compass Comet Snow globe Stonehenge Your school mascot Racetrack Jungle Lily pad with frog Your favorite emoji Hologram Robot Hawaiian lei North Pole Rainforest Gecko Sheriff’s badge Grandfather clock Tribal spear Sundial Eggs frying in a skillet Gingerbread man Nutcracker When pigs fly Tacos Bowl of macaroni and cheese Your favorite superhero Castle Talking parrot Atoms & molecules Scary cemetery Stained glass window Personalized license plate Charm bracelet Skyscraper Sorcerer’s wand Field of sunflowers Abandoned ghost town Cool mailbox Four leaf clover Angel Monkeys Bumper sticker Hammock Garden gnome Good vs. Evil Peeled oranges Pomegranate center Giant moth Snowflakes Parachute Frankenstein Science experiment All seeing eye Roller coaster Roller coaster Your favorite cartoon Kangaroo Donut with sprinkles Barbed wire Treasure map Pirate ship Nautical scene Princess tiara Sombrero Fedora Fireman’s helmet Mandela Oil rig Spinal cord Wheel of fortune Layers of the Earth Drawbridge and moat Chariot Phoenix rising Wrecking ball Phone booth Egyptian pharaoh Exit sign Old pocket watch Cocoon metamorphosis Brick wall Tire swing Perfect garden Ball and chain Dove Henna tattooed hand Cowboy boots Moccasins Bird’s nest Bonfire Aquarium Battleship Army tank Dungeon Dragonfly Tarantula Carnival Crocodile Catfish Twilight zone Mansion Jester’s hat King’s crown Spartan Trojan horse Haunted house Box of crayons Megaphone Mohawk Candelabra Dream car Rainy day Tugboat Ship’s Anchor Dreamcatcher Cobra head Rusty truck Potato head man Cheshire cat Polka dot bow tie Party hat Barracuda Piranha Coffin Scary shadow Maze Conch shell Great white shark teeth Utopia Brass Scuba helmet Lobster Cherry blossoms Park bench Hula dancer Slice of pie Something bohemian Something bursting into flames Chandelier Ice skates Tree roots underground Locket Class ring Kimono Nerdy glasses Factory Inside your refrigerator First place ribbon Quilted blanket Maracas Jackpot Star constellations A nightmare Tiger claws Titanic Your favorite logo Famous sign Rastafarian Laboratory the Abyss Poker chips Loaf of bread Wild animals Phases of the moon Roulette wheel Orchid Biplane Banana split Laughing donkey Solar system Fireflies Witch’s Wooden clogs Cassette tape Celtic design boomerang Centipede Dark alleyway Locomotive Something Imaginary Baseball diamond Leprechaun Internal clock mechanisms Santa’s sled Satellite Something melting Palace Padlock Dart board Something funny Your closet Dream house Kaleidoscope New cartoon character Time capsule Panda bear Something futuristic UFO Postage stamp Crow’s nest on a pirate ship Purple people eater Sunset Coat of arms Excited face Lucky dice Animated Martian Circus tent Skyline
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river-phillips · 7 years ago
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Rules: bold any which apply to your OC; remember to repost; feel free to add to the list.
I’m stealing this too don’t mind me
red. brown. orange. yellow. green. blue. purple. pink. black. white. teal. silver. gold. grey. lilac. metallic. matte. royal blue. strawberry red. charcoal grey. forest green.apple red. navy blue. blue grey. crimson. blood red. cream. mint green. cobalt blue. lime green. beige. khaki. light brown. olive green. lavender. pine green.
fire. ice. water. air. earth. rain. snow. wind. moon. stars. sun. heat. cold. steam. frost. lightning. thunder. sunlight. moonlight. dawn. dusk. twilight. midnight. sunrise. sunset. dewdrops. magic. storm. shadow. energy. ether.
[ BODY ] 
claws. nails. long fingers. thin fingers. fangs. teeth. wings. tail. lips. bare feet. freckles. bruises. canine. scars. scratches. wounds. burns. spikes. feathers. fur. hair. curls. webs. eyes. hands. sweat. tears. feline. chubby. curvy. short. tiny. tall. normal height. muscular. lean. piercing. tattoos. lithe. moles. dimples. scruffy. mangy. bony. skinny. pale.
fists. sword. dagger. spear. arrow. hammer. shield. poison. guns. axes. throwing axes. whips. knives. throwing knives. pepper sprays. tasers. machine guns. slingshots. katanas. maces. staffs. wands. powers. magical items. magic. rocks. mud balls. pyre. teeth. rifles. words.
gold. silver. platinum. titanium. diamonds. pearls. rubies. sapphires. emeralds. amber. amethyst. metal. iron. rust. steel. glass. wood. porcelain. paper. wool. fur. lace. leather. silk. velvet. denim. linen. cotton. charcoal. clay. stone. asphalt. brick. marble. dust. glitter. blood. dirt. mud. smoke. ash. shadow. carbonate. rubber. synthetics. jade. latex. obsidian. flint. crystal.
grass. leaves. trees. bark. roses. daisies. tulips. lavender. petals. thorns. seeds. hay. sand. rocks. roots. flowers. ocean. lake. stream. river. meadow. forest. desert. tundra. savanna. rainforest. caves. underwater. coral reef. beach. waves. space. clouds. mountains. poppies. galaxies. stardust. sky. storms. herbs. stone. shade. night. day. soil. dirt. wind. sandstorm. hurricane. flood. volcano. glacier. jungle. swamp. canyon. trench. hills. plains. prairies. fields. wilderness. garden. pebbles. sticks. ponds. cliffs. lagoons. spring. autumn. winter. summer. full moon. new moon. puddles. icicles. pine trees. pine cones. wildflowers. vines. ivy. maelstrom. eclipse.  
lions. wolves. eagles. owls. falcons. hawks. swans. snakes. turtles. ducks. bugs. spiders. crickets. bees. birds. whales. dolphins. fish. sharks. horses. cats. dogs. bunnies. praying mantises. crows. ravens. mice. lizards. werewolves. unicorns. pegasus. dragons. rats. livestock. foxes. bluebirds. deer. dingos. jackals. tigers. bats. sea serpents. raccoons. squirrels. mooses. elk. seals. badgers. elephants. giraffes. vultures. coyotes. sasquatches. yetis. gorillas. chimps. monkeys. lemurs. jaguars. panthers. cougars. hummingbirds. butterflies. alligators. crocodiles. frogs. toads.   
sugar. salt. bitter. candy. bubblegum. wine. champagne. hard liquor. beer. coffee. tea. spices. herbs. apple. orange. lemon. cherry. lime. strawberry. watermelon. vegetables. fruits. meat. fish. pies. desserts. chocolate. dark chocolate. white chocolate. mint. cream. ice cream. caramel. berries. nuts. cinnamon. burgers. burritos. pizza. french fries. ambrosia. honey. curry. gumbo. shrimp. noodles. macaroni. pasta. jerky. beans. fried food. fast food. soul food. soup. pumpkin. popcorn. crisps. cookies. biscuits. brownies. bacon. sausage. eggs. pancakes. waffles.  
music. art. watercolors. gardening. smithing. sculpting. wood carving. painting. sketching. fighting. writing. composing. cooking. sewing. training. dancing. acting. singing. martial arts. self-defense. electronics. technology. cameras. video cameras. video games. computer. phone. movies. theater. history. libraries. books. comic books. magazines. cds. records. vinyls. cassettes. piano. violin. guitar. electronic guitar. bass guitar. harmonica. harp. woodwinds. brass. bells. playing cards. poker chips. chess. dice. motorcycle riding. driving. racing. eating. flight. climbing. running. jogging. exploring. partying. yoga. camping. hiking. sailing. fishing. stargazing. swimming. concerts. dueling. sparring. hunting. tracking. science. literature. soccer. football. rugby. ultimate frisbee. baseball. softball. basketball. track. cheering. tennis. bowling. golfing. riding. mysteries. mischief. pranking. thieving. stealing. shopping. fashion. surfing. skateboarding.  
[ STYLE ] 
lingerie. armor. cape. dress. tunic. vest. shirt. sweater. boots. heels. leggings. trousers. jeans. skirt. jewelry. earrings. necklace. bracelet. ring. pendant. hat. flower crown. crown. circlet. helmet. scarf. brocade. flannel. cloaks. corsets. doublet. chest plate. gorget. bracers. belt. sash. coat. jacket. duster. trenchcoat. hood. gloves. fingerless gloves. socks. masks. cowls. braces. watches. glasses. sunglasses. visor. eye contacts. makeup. eyeliner. ties. bowties. suits. uniform. fancy shoes. leather jacket. denim jacket. sport underwear. converse. combat boots. sneakers. shorts. shawls. kimonos. overalls. skinny jeans. bohemian. edgy. couture. designer. sweatpants. boxers. briefs. boxer briefs. tank tops. sports uniform. jerseys. hiking boots. cargo pants. band tees. crop tops. bralettes.
[ MISC ] 
balloons. bubbles. cityscape. light. dark. candles. war. peace. money. power. percussion. clocks. photos. mirrors. pets. kisses. sex. intimacy. diary. fairy lights. madness. sanity. sadness. bittersweet. happiness. luck. optimism. pessimism. loneliness. family. friends. assistants. co-workers. enemies. loyalty. smoking. drugs. kindness. compassion. love. hugs. revenge. lust. regrets. passion. spontaneity. cursing. recklessness. practicality. hope. greed. envy. gluttony. wrath. hate. loathing. intensity. aura. soul. chains. fences. cages. backyards. house. home. castle. cabin. newspapers. books. journals. gardens. pencils. pens. ink. sheets. laundry. organized. messy. confidence. doubt. destruction. creation. paranormal. ghosts. cemeteries. graveyards. bones. skin. blood. needles. razors. new. old. ancient. rural. urban. local. stranger. cars. bikes. trucks. planes. travel. marbles. calligraphy. languages. medicine. healing. spirituality. religion.  
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