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confessions-heartland · 1 year ago
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"I truly never understood why (before Jack offered Amy and Ty the land that they started building the house on) Amy and Ty thought they could comfortably live in the loft with Lyndy? When she was a baby and a toddler, sure. But what were they going to do as time went on? There's no room for her up there and no privacy. Was she just going to take her mom's old room in the house? This is why I think Amy should move out of the ranch now that Ty is gone. It doesn't make sense for her to live with everyone anymore."
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tvshowpilot · 3 months ago
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Here's our recap of Heartland episode 1808 -> https://tvshowpilot.com/tv-reviews/heartland/s18e08-recap/
The episode took us on a truly emotional ride because Lyndy's disappearance during the Hudson Farmer's Market sent shockwaves through the family, while Shane faced life-changing news.
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the-real-tc · 4 months ago
We Don't Need No Stinkin' Continuity
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Maybe it's petty of me to keep carping on this, Heartland writers, but if you can't keep even something like this straight...
Maybe we are living in a divergent Heartland timeline, and have been for a while.
Maybe we're in the DeadTy! Universe, where Ty dies (obviously); where Jack had a sister named June whose burial plot is right there in front of everyone's eyes, but no one ever wondered who she was or asked about her because Jack never mentioned her (until Luke happened to notice it); whose lovely little sketch inspired the Heartland Ranch brand, and who should have been alive when Jack married Lyndy; a timeline where Lyndy is buried at the Heartland family plot (and has a headstone we never saw until Jess took a picture of Jack standing in front of it) instead of Jack having spread her ashes in the river like he so poignantly revealed to Lisa on their first real date.
Didn't anyone compile a series bible for this show?
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bumblebyaf · 2 years ago
this show is so fucking stupid why did lyndy and harley doing the bow make me CRY
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writeonthrough · 4 months ago
Namy Nuggets (12/13)
A fanfic collection of Amy and Nathan scenes from CBC’s Heartland. (Catch up on the series here)
Nugget #12: Scott Comes to Visit
"Here's some water," Lou offers Nathan a glass after a long day working together in the fields.
"Thanks." He takes the glass and takes a sip. "And thank you for all your help today. You really didn't need to do all that."
"My pleasure. Easy to do when dad and grandpa are away. And," she shrugs, "I figure I owe you plenty." She turns to pour him a glass of water.
"Lou," Nathan waits for her to face him again. "Can we maybe," he pauses, unsure how to phrase it. He tries, "Get past that night in high school? I mean, we're balancing our two families' cattle businesses, you are one of few people who know about Amy and I—and I just don't want that night to hang between us like you owe me anything."
"I wasn't talking about that night, Nathan." She shakes her head slightly and he notices the sincerity behind her eyes. Lou takes a deep breath. "I know my dad and grandpa can be overly harsh and I've watched you deal with them with a gentle steadiness, which makes a difference. Plus," she nods her head towards the barn. "You've made my sister happier than I've seen her in years and I, well, I've let her down a couple of times in the last few years, so—Thank you."
Nathan nods. "Yeah," he says softly. Still surprised at her kind words, he doesn't know what else to say other than, "You're welcome."
The screen door screeching open interrupts the moment. "Okay, Mom!" Katie and Lyndy walk into the kitchen. "We set the table outside."
"Thank you, girls." She walks to the fridge and starts pulling out food. "Nathan, do you want to stay for dinner? It's just leftovers, but Jack, Tim, and Lisa are gone, so at least it's simple."
Lyndy walks over to Nathan and looks up at him. He watches a sweet expression form; her eyes twinkle and a small smile appears. "Please stay, Nathan."
Lou and Nathan break into smiles at the same time. His heart melts at Lyndy's request. "Of course, I will," he promises Lyndy. Then he looks up at Lou, "Thanks for the invite."
"Sure." Already on to the next thing, Lou hands Katie some serving plates. "Can you take these out, sweetie? And Lyndy—"
The screen door screeches open again. Voices carry through the entryway before people appear. "I'm really happy with his progress, Amy."
"That's great to hear. Thanks, Scott."
"Scott!" Lou exclaims. "I didn't know you were here. Good to see you."
"You too."
"We were just getting ready to eat. Care to join?"
"I'd love to. I can't say no to a Heartland dinner," Scott teases as he gazes from Lou to Amy. "Why else would I make Heartland my last stop of the day?"
Nathan watches as smiles break out around the kitchen. His gaze focuses on Amy as she places her hand on Scott's shoulder. "You know you're welcome for dinner anytime, Scott."
Amy catches Nathan's gaze. "Uh, Scott. Do you remember Nathan?" Her hand gestures between them. "I think—"
"Oh, wow," Scott reaches a hand out to Nathan and Nathan takes it with a smile. "Nathan Pryce Jr. It's been a minute. This takes me back to high school."
"Hey, Scott." Nathan nods and releases his hand. "Good to see you."
Lou takes a step between them, looking from one man to the other. "You two know each other?"
"Ah, Lou," Scott puts a hand on the small of Lou's back. "I was Nathan's rodeo captain."
She narrows her eyebrows at him. "What are you talking about?"
"You came to practice all the time, Lou."
"I don't remember this—"
Nathan watches their interaction and remembers he had the same reaction to Josh at dinner the other night. He notes the irony and then parts his lips to explain.
"Mommy," Lyndy interrupts. "I'm hungry."
Scott crouches down to meet Lyndy. "Lyndy Borden," He reaches out and starts tickling her. She bursts out laughing. "Did you say you were hungry?"
"Yes! Ahhh!" Lyndy giggles. "You're tickling me!"
"Well, you must be hungry," Scott stops tickling her and gives her a hug. "You're a growing girl," he combs his fingers through her hair and tucks a strand behind her ear. He lowers his voice. Emotions fill his tone as he whispers, "Every time I see you, you're bigger."
Nathan's brow wrinkles as he watches the interaction. He notices a certain love and melancholy in Scott's tone and expression that he can't quite place.
Lyndy holds onto him, keeping him crouched beside her. "I'm going to be eight soon."
As they talk, Lou directs the rest to bring out different food dishes and drink options. Nathan hardly notices the commotion, though, still somewhat transfixed and confused by Scott and Lyndy. He thought Lou and Scott had the most history in the room.
"I know," Scott assures her. He adjusts Lyndy's shirt, realigning it after his tickles had twisted it around. "On September 29th."
Lyndy's eyes grow bigger. "You know my birthday?"
"Hmm," Scott nods. "I know your birthday."
"Lyndy," Amy re-enters the kitchen. "Guys! Dinner is served. Are you coming?"
The Canadian summer night serves as the perfect backdrop for Nathan's first dinner at the ranch. Dishes pass hands and he serves himself, enjoying the company and natural chatter that comes with a bigger family. Even without Jack, Tim, and Lisa, Nathan understands why Scott would rearrange his schedule to have dinner here when he could.
"So, Scott," Lou starts. "You were Nathan's rodeo captain in high school?"
Scott and Nathan glance at each other before answering. "Only for a year. He was a decent bronc rider, even better student."
"Thanks," Nathan takes a sip of water and then his brow furrows. "I think."
"No, no," Scott laughs. "I mean…you're a really good listener. Sure, you had good instincts in the shoot, but from what I remember—you incorporated feedback really well. You listened to, not just me, but the whole coaching team, and took your time to think about how best to do what we advised you to do."
The whole table is silent for a moment at Scott's high praise. After another moment, Nathan recovers and is able to say, "Thanks, Scott."
Lou turns to Amy, and the two share a meaningful look. To avoid noting the irony of how Scott had mentored both Ty and Nathan, they look away from each other. Amy turns to help Lyndy and Lou takes a bite of her pasta salad.
"So, Amy…" Scott fills the silence. "I looked over the upcoming dates for the youth clinic fundraisers you sent me. I think I can make the fall one work."
"Oh, great." She perks up. "Thank you. That means a lot."
The mysterious image of Ty and his youth clinic sends a jolt through Nathan. He tilts his head from side to side, trying to figure it out.
"I didn't know you asked Scott to speak." Lou nudges Amy. "That's actually pretty perfect."
"I'm happy to," Scott shares.
"Why?" Nathan blurts out before he can help himself. When everyone looks at him in surprise, he watches Amy's eye drift down. He tries to recover gently. "I mean…sorry," he catches himself. Then, his expression softens along with his tone of voice. "Why is it perfect for Scott to speak?"
"Oh, sorry," Lou starts, "Scott was also a foster kid and he was really close to Ty, so—" She stops and looks at Scott.
Nathan turns from Lou to Amy. "What?"
"It's not a big deal." Scott takes a drink of water before turning to Nathan and explaining. "I, uh, was one of Lou and Amy's Mom's strays. Marion took me in when I was in high school with you guys and I had nowhere to go and she taught me about horses. Years later she did the same thing for Amy's husband Ty." Nathan nods in the information he already knew about Ty. "I obviously stayed close to the family and ended up bonding with Ty and mentoring him as a vet throughout most of his time at Heartland. So, Amy asked me to speak because I'm close to both foster youth and Ty."
"Ah, okay." Nathan blinks in the information. "That makes more sense."
He turns to Amy. She notices the hurt in his expression, he notices the regret in hers. "Sorry," she whispers.
"Yeah…" he responds under his breath. "You could have said something at Josh's."
Amy turns further towards him, blocking off the rest of the table. "I didn't want Ty to interfere with our night."
He shakes his head. His eyelids drift down and he adjusts his napkin as a distraction.
"Oh," Scott's gaze darts between Amy and Nathan. "Wow. You two?"
Lou breaks into a wide smile. She gives Scott a playful nudge. "I said the same thing!"
Scott engages with Lou, sharing a smile between them. "Really?"
"Okay," Amy reaches for the bread basket, purposely blocking off Lyndy and Katie. "Kids at the table."
Katie looks up from the drawing with Lyndy that she picked up to distract her from the conversation almost as soon as they all sat down. "We didn't hear anything. We working on drawing the barn at sunset."
As the rest of the table turns to praise Lyndy's art skills, Nathan's face falls.
Suddenly he questions whether his time building trust and a bond with Amy at their birch tree spot mattered at all…especially when he could so easily feel left out of the loop in casual family dinners and upcoming meaningful events.
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smokinholsters · 2 months ago
The Lucky Horseshoes - A Heartland Season 16 AU - Epilogue
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“How do I look?”
Lou smiled “Pregnant and happy. It’s a beautiful dress Amy, Renata’s amazing.”
Cass laughed “You look happy Amy, that’s all I need and the pregnant part just makes you glow in that dress.”
“I still can’t believe Renata made it. I should check on Lyndy.”
“She’s with Lisa, Katie and Jess, she’s fine.”
“I’m sure she is Lou, still, I’ve got to move, come on.”
Amy knocked gently on Lyndy’s door and then cracked it open. “How’s it going ladies?”
“It’s going great and look at you.” Lisa said standing to hug her.
“You look stunning Amy.”
“Thanks Jess. Lyndy, what do you think?”
“You look beautiful momma and look at me!!” Lyndy sang out twirling once for her mom.
“You look like a fairy princess sweet girl. Come on and give me a big hug.”
“Hear from Finn?”
“Not a peep Lisa, I’m not sure I expected to though, so there’s that. He’s with his folks and Al.”
“What do we do now mamma?”
“I guess we should head downstairs sweetheart, we can wait for the rest of the guests on the porch. I’d also like to check on Renata and the kids but the porch is a good base.”
“Ok, I’ll bring a book.”
Amy smiled “That’s a good idea. Go pick one and we’ll wait.”
“Nervous Finn?”
“Not nervous at all mom, you can be nervous for the both of us.”
“I’m not nervous, anxious is a better word. Amy’s a very special woman, I’m happy for you both.”
“And the baby?”
“Ok, I’m not too thrilled with the order of things but I’m so happy about it all I’ve chosen not to care.”
“Good for you mom, boy or girl?”
“Well, Lyndy’s a dream, either would be fine by me and who’s to say it’ll be your last?”
There was laugh that came down the hallway “Let’s not get ahead of ourselves Mary.”
“A girl can hope Thomas.”
“Ready son?”
“I’m ready to not be asked anymore, and I’ve been ready for two months since I proposed. Where’s Grandpa, we should get this show on the road.”
“I’m right here, let’s head out, we don’t want to be late.”
“Is there actually a schedule Finn?”
“Nope, just winging it mom, Amy didn’t want a fuss and I don’t blame her. We’ve got the license, Jack’s performing the ceremony , there’s a reserved cabin near Banff for the honeymoon and no schedule. When everyone’s there, we’re tying the knot and then it’s party time.”
Since his mom absolutely forbade him from driving himself to his own wedding Finn sat in the back with Al. He closed his eyes and thought about Amy and Lyndy. They’d been together as a couple for 4 years now and though they didn’t technically live together Finn ended up spending most nights over the past couple of years in Amy’s room at the center. Through the years their businesses and work at the center meshed and it was almost odd not to see them together at the center or on house calls at various times during the day.
He smiled when he remembered that day 2 months or so past when she came into the bedroom from the bathroom holding the small blue stick and sat down next to him staring at it.
“Whatcha got there?”
She smiled and then just passed it over.
“Is this what I think it is?”
“So Finn, you’re gonna be a dad.”
“Wow, uhm, I mean how, we’re using birth control.”
“Big wow. It’s not 100 percent, I don’t know, we could have missed. Guess I’ll go see Trish. You Ok with this?”
Finn smiled “Are you kidding, I’m definitely Ok with this, I’m thrilled.”
“We’ll tell Lyndy after the doctor confirms it.”
“Works for me, and the rest of the clans?”
“I don’t know, how will your parents take this?”
“They’ll be fine, Grandpa will be over the moon.”
“And us?”
“We’ll make the TV room into a nursery for now and figure something out.”
“And us?” Amy asked again more slowly tilting her head to the side and smiling.
“Uhm, oh, us” Finn mumbled, smiled and got down on a knee in front of her “Amy Fleming, will you marry me?”
“Gotta ring?” She asked her smile growing as she held out her right hand.
“Funny thing, Grandpa gave me my Grandma’s engagement ring a few months ago and told me to use it if I have a mind. Think he knew something?”
“Maybe so, and yes Finnegan Cotter, yes, yes, yes I will marry you and I expect that ring on my finger by nightfall please.”
“I love you Amy.”
“Yeah, yeah, I love you too. I can’t believe you knocked me up.”
He opened his eyes when the truck came to a stop and looked past his dad who mumbled “traffic.”
They waited for both Jack and Tim in one truck and Caleb and he assumed Carson in the second passed and followed them down the road but past where the other two trucks were parking along a line of cars already parked along the gravel drive.
“A groom shouldn’t have to walk from a parking lot. You three go and I’ll park.” Thomas said as he pulled up to the side of the house.
“Thanks dad, Grandpa you’re ok? I’ll walk mom over.”
“I’m fine son, walk your mother.” Al answered getting out and straightening his jacket.
Neither Amy or Lyndy were sitting on the flower festooned porch but the long line of hugs and kisses started when Finn, Al and his mom reached the top step.
“Amy’s inside with Renata or over at the residence checking on the kids, Lyndy’s probably with her.” Lisa told him as they hugged and kissed and they both moved on to the others waiting with smiles.
“I think that’s probably everyone now that Jack, Tim and Caleb are here.” Cass announced as she lifted Carson for a kiss and hug. “You look great Finn, nervous?”
“Thanks Cass and not at all, I couldn’t be happier.”
“Good to hear son.” Jack said joining them on the porch.
He made his way back to the steps just as Lyndy turned the corner of the house and announced her presence by calling to Finn and running up the stairs to get scooped up  and perch on his arm. A second later her arms were wrapped around him as she kissed his cheek.
“Hey sweetheart, where’s mom?”
“She’s coming but she can’t run in her heels.”
“You ready?”
“Of course I am, it’s our wedding day.”
They all smiled listening to her. She had decided that Finn was not just marrying her mom but that she was included in that package and both Finn and Amy were fine with that arrangement. He had come to love her as if she was his own and she felt the same way. The arrangement and this courtship were always going to be a bit bizarre as the facility the trio worked and lived in was named as a memorial for Ty Borden, Amy’s ex and Lyndy’s birth father who had passed almost 7 years prior, but it was what it was and they all loved living at the facility.
“There’s Pop-pop.” Lyndy’s said pointing past Finn’s shoulder at his dad who had stopped at the corner of the big house. He smiled when he saw Amy walk into view and into a brief hug before taking Thomas’ bent arm as they turned to the porch and he saw Amy’s smile when she looked at him and Lyndy at the top of the steps.
“Hey you.” She said as she made it to the top step and leaned over to kiss him and then Lyndy.
“You look beautiful Amy.”
“Thank you Finn, I love that suit.”
“Our first real date suit.”
Amy smiled “It was a great date.”
They both turned when the porch door opened and Renata came out and looked at the both of them. “Foods done or resting, kids are ready, let’s get this done.”
Amy laughed “You’re Iike the perfect wedding coordinator Renata, you’ve missed your calling.”
Renata smiled at the woman who had become like a daughter to her. “Come on, let’s get the show on the road.”
In the few short years since they started, the facility grew in size along with it’s success. They’d graduated the original 8 students they had taken on who had all finished high school and moved on to college. They expanded to 12 students over time and with some timely construction. For now they were at their limit but Clint had a plan he described one evening after dinner on the porch to start looking for a second ranch to start a similar second program, perhaps one more geared towards farming or ranching.
The 12 current students and their counselors lined the walkway leading up to the porch steps, 7 x 7 with all the guests gathered around on the porch or surrounding them on the lawn. Jack stood on the second step of the porch with Renata and Clint a step up past him.
Carson walked down first carrying their rings on a red pillow followed by Lyndy spreading flower petals and finally Amy and Finn who stopped at the foot of the steps, held hands and looked up at Jack who smiled back and began. With Carson now over near his parents who were close, Lyndy stood right square in the small space between the couple and Jack. Amy took a second to run her hand lovingly over her daughter’s head.
Weeks later Amy admitted to Cass that the ceremony and the party was almost a complete blur to her. From the second her grandfather had started she was lost in Finn, as if she could feel his love through his calloused hand. As the ceremony went on and she turned to him for their vows, she was caught staring into his soft deep blue eyes. His wide smile etched into her thoughts and while she heard the words she knew that no matter what he or she said at that moment that they loved each other.
Their first kiss as a married couple was electric and set off the familiar trace of goosebumps that their contact often did along her arms and spine. When he lifted Lyndy for her kisses and hugs she saw her daughter’s smile and knew that she was happy and loved and felt it.
Moments later they were caught up in a whirlwind of hugs, kisses and congratulations that led them inside to the buffet where the bride and groom were toasted before the guests filled their plates and headed outside to where long tables were set. The band started soon after the first guests came out and some left their plates untouched to join in the first dance. Shortly after they settled, the band leader introduced them as husband and wife and invited them to the dance floor. After riding together, dancing had become their favorite couples activity by far and they tried to go as often as they could fit it in. They had become quite good and on this night she melted into his arms and lay her head against his shoulder as they danced alone until other couples stood to join them.
While a bit blurry she remembers dancing with her father and Grandfather, Caleb, Al, Logan, Clint, Thomas and many others. As it got later they sat, talked and joked around with Lyndy as they’d be leaving her with the family at Heartland for a few days. She was fine with it and was old enough to understand the concept of a honeymoon without pushing details.
They took Amy’s truck for the two hour drive to the luxury cabin they had reserved. Renata had packed food though they’d be eating out most of their meals. They sat quietly holding hands as the Alberta scenery passed. Every now and then she glanced over at him and smiled when he glanced back smiling as well. She had felt a pang of memories as they drove out of the facility and she saw Ty’s sign fade as they drove off. She remembered back to the dreams she had for the couple of years after she lost him, and specifically to those where he promised her a good life and that she’d never be alone. She wondered what he would think of Finn and decided that they would probably have liked each other.
Those thoughts brought her to Lyndy and the new baby and she put her hand on her belly and their child who was not yet ready to kick or flutter. It would come in time.
“Feeling ok Amy?” Finn asked seeing her move her hand to her belly.
“I’m fine, just thinking about the past mixed with the future.”
“I couldn’t be happier Finn.” She said as she felt his thumb gently rub her hand.
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sentofight · 1 year ago
ooc. me replying? nah. i will make a ship thingie post for my muses wahahaha.
bold (prefers it) italics (can happen) cross (needs building but could happen)
This list will not be naming the ships i have but the name of characters in the muse's franchise (if i have interactions in other verses might add characters i see my muse clicking with in that verse.) Though i will add if the character named is taken or not.
deuce (taken by @/oursongofhealing)
honestly he is probably one of the few muses i can't put a name just some ideas of who can be compatible with him.
strong willed
willing to accept that he is not a romantic person and will see his job as important as you? and maybe more because he is pragmatic person
can compromise to some extent, but never that be conflicting with the person or their interest
Lara Mel Marta
Fractured Milla
Jude Mathis
Avatar/ Robin m/f
Avatar f/m
Avatar f/m
Mark ( taken by @/rcdhotnight)
someone kind and understanding of his 'vampire dilemma'
idk what else to write he is not that demanding he is a sweet child sobs
MC f/m
shinji (im putting him despite not being one of my favs for personal reasons but i cant ignore that he is part of aki's life and ngl i like the trio mitsu x aki x shinji but haha we dont talk about that cuz some d.umblr ding dong people are fossils with ideas)
probably more but thinking
Lu Guang
Can't think of someone compatible with his in the TYPE0 world, but Emina can and might ruffle his feathers a little bit. idk.
ngl Aki Minahara could have a chance if she is a little bit older dlfkjsdkfs
anyway he looks for someone serious about the relationship.
he wants a family not just one night stand but he is afraid of making said family because of the crystal and dying and getting people's memories wiped clean.
basically, he does not want to be forgotten ...
uuh he can cook so he is not expecting the whole 'gender role thing'. as long as you are good in the things you like to do, then sure fine. tbh he prefers to cook. he is not big on eating other people's food. though he wont stop you from cooking. surprise him.
cats. tbh it is not something he can give up on for a partner???? because for him feeding and looking after the stray cats is an important part of his life. silly as it sounds but he takes it seriously.
he can compromise a little bit with the cat thing but don't expect him to stop going out to feed them.
laugh tracks but sure. I feel like Severa would be fun to see her bicker with him. they can judge their parents together lol
---she's younger than the 2nd generation.
---she's old than most of the cast.
someone who can understand her past is not something she is proud of and wants to change
Licca (big crush she's older than him but he does not understand)
in lore
in awakening verse
Avatar f/m
in lore
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heartlandtfln · 2 years ago
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Jack Bartlett is available for hire! Have him DJ your next party!
(Disclaimer: Will only play his own songs or those of late wife, Lyndy Bartlett).
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ambermarshalldaily · 3 years ago
First Look Friday: 15x02 - Runaway
In the episode, a wild stallion escapes from Sam’s ranch during a burglary and Amy will stop at nothing to find him. Lisa’s latest business investment is at risk. Tim and Jessica adjust to life back at Heartland.
Tune-in this Sunday, October 24th at 7/7:30NT on CBC Television and streaming on CBC Gem!
Source: Heartland Youtube
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selenaurrr · 4 years ago
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Ty’s memorial
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confessions-heartland · 1 year ago
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"I don't think they should do a flash forward spin off. I think they should do a spin off and go back to when Jack's dad died and Jack and Lyndy were settling into the ranch."
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tvshowpilot · 5 months ago
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The recap of the Heartland season 18 premiere is LIVE -> https://tvshowpilot.com/tv-reviews/heartland/s18e01-recap/
Episode 1801 saw Amy navigating her budding romance with Nathan while Lou, Jack, and Tim dealt with the pressures of a water shortage and competition from Pryce Beef and Logan faced a dilemma that tested his loyalty to the ranch!
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the-real-tc · 1 year ago
More Plot Hole Heartland...
Don't get me wrong. I've actually loved a lot of Season 17 of Heartland. But they get themselves into trouble, it seems, with their dead characters. This time around, it's Lyndy (Sr.). Granted, even I didn't quite pick up on this one right when it dropped, but on further reflection, I now know why the "Jack has rift with Jess" plot line struck an odd note with me.
SPOILER ALERT. Read no further to avoid stuff.
Jess took the bold move of shooting a candid photo of Jack. She had all this flowery language about the lighting, the vulnerability of this tough cowboy standing at a gravesite, blah, blah, blah... And Jack was justifiably upset to have had an intimate moment caught on film and put on display in a public gallery showing...
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The intimate moment at the gravesite in question is where the potential trouble comes in.
The headstone is apparently Lyndy's (Jack's late wife).
A headstone we've never seen before.
A headstone that should not exist, because Jack told Lisa way back in Season 1 that he spread Lyndy's ashes at the riverbank near the fishing cabin.
Granted, Jack could also have interred some of Lyndy's ashes at the Heartland cemetery, but all this time we never knew of a Lyndy headstone.
The conflict between Jack and Jess was weak, and even unnecessary, in my opinion (apologies to the writer[s] who pitched that idea). In my opinion, it would have worked better had it been June's headstone, or even Marion's headstone, because then there wouldn't have been any ret-conning of events for it to work. But I digress.
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writeonthrough · 5 months ago
Namy Nuggets (2/13)
A fanfic collection of Amy and Nathan scenes from CBC’s Heartland. (Catch up on the series here)
Nugget #2: Caleb picks up Amy
“Hello?” Caleb knocks on the Heartland front door as he walks inside. “Anyone here?”
“Caleb,” Lou calls him into the living room. He rounds the corner to find Jack, Tim, and Lou sitting down with Nathan. Jack and Tim greet him with smiles. Lou continues, “Good to see you.”
“Caleb!” Jack stands up to shake his hand. “How the heck are you? We’ve missed you around here.  How’s Colona treating you?”
“It’s alright, but it’s not home.” He looks from Jack to Lou and then back towards Amy’s room.
“Perfect timing, Caleb!” Tim jumps into action mode. “You can help us with the cattle drive this afternoon. We’re down a couple people. We could use your help.”
“Tim, I can’t,” Caleb steps further into the room. “I would love to, but I’m spending the day with Amy and Lyndy today.”
Nathan sits straighter at Caleb’s intentions, but says nothing, watching the interplay between them.
“What? No, no you’re not. She’s just doing a clinic.” Tim laughs to no one’s amusement. “Come on. We need the help.”
“It’s not just a clinic, Tim. It’s a clinic at Ty’s foster youth center.” Caleb shakes his head. He purses his lips before speaking. “Do you know what today is?”
“Oh, my, god,” Lou interjects quietly. “It’s Ty’s birthday.”
Nathan's eyes widen as the room’s atmosphere shifts. He watches as everyone’s expressions drop and their attentions turn to towards Amy’s closed door.
Caleb scoffs. “Father-in-law of the year as always, Tim.”
“Hey!” Tim bites back. “That’s not fair. You have no idea—”
“No idea?” Caleb challenges. “No idea of what? Ty was my best friend for twelve years. I’ve now been best friends with Amy for longer than that. I was best man at their wedding. I’m godfather to Lyndy—”
“We don’t need the list, Caleb—”
“You think I don’t know that you treated him like crap? They were together seven years—were engaged—but Amy literally had to go blind for you to finally accept him as family.”
“What?” Nathan speaks out before he can help himself. The shock of Amy’s history of blindness plus the realization of how long Amy and Ty were together forces him to turn to Lou for confirmation. As Lou focuses between Tim and Caleb, she doesn’t catch the question in Nathan’s expression.
Tim leans back into the chair dismissably. “They weren’t together seven years before—”   
“Sure, they were.” Caleb argues back. “Because even when they weren’t together, they were still together.”
The room goes silent at Caleb’s declaration. While Nathan digests new revelations about Amy and Ty, he senses the room’s tenseness fade.
Caleb’s tone softens, “Is Amy in her room?” He looks at Lou. “She’s not in the barn.”
“Yeah,” Lou gestures towards the back of the house, inviting him in further. “She’s been pretty quiet all day.”
“That makes sense.” Caleb steps back into the hall. “Miracle Girl!” He calls out to Amy. “Let’s go!”
Before he knocks on the door, Lyndy pulls it open. “Uncle Caleb!” She reaches up to him.
“Lyndy Borden!” He exclaims, pulling her into his arms and raising her up to kiss her cheek. “How’s my favorite goddaughter?”
“I’m your only goddaughter,” Lyndy corrects him.
“You are, are you? That makes me pretty lucky.” Caleb shakes her in his arms and she laughs. “I’ll tell you what, though, I do know many cowgirls and you are by far my favorite one.”
“Hmm,” Lyndy thinks. “What about Jade?”
“Oh,” Caleb eyes widen, teasing her. “Well, Jade is pretty cool, but you are still my favorite.”
“Really,” he promises. “Amy?” He knocks on the door and then opens it further. “We’re gonna be late.”  Caleb finds her on the bed, sitting up but not moving, with one leg bent and the other dangling on the floor. “Hey,” he notices the unease in her expression. “Are you okay?” he asks, before shutting the door.
Nathan continues to watch the door as Jack and Tim re-start planning for the cattle drive. He didn’t know what revelation of Caleb’s shocked him the most. He couldn’t decide which one he thought Amy should have told him, if any. For a moment, he wished she had clued him in on all of them. Nathan checks himself: he wonders if that was fair though, given that Caleb had apparently moved away. When or why would Caleb have naturally entered any of their conversations? Even when she told him about the clinic yesterday, he didn’t ask her anything about it.
“Okay,” Caleb re-enters the room with Lyndy on his back. “We’re off.”
To Nathan surprise, Amy appears in the hallway as her normal self with a smile. Maybe she was fine the whole time or, he wonders, did Caleb say something to cheer her up?
Jack reaches for Amy as she passes his chair. “Hey, honey. Sorry we all forgot Ty’s birthday. Are you okay?”
“Yeah, yeah,” she squeezes his hand and then waves him off. “We’ll be back for dinner, okay?”
“Okay,” Lou mentally adds a placemat for Caleb at the dinner table.
“Have fun, honey,” Tim chimes in.
“Thanks, Dad,” Amy takes a step towards the kitchen and then turns back to Nathan. For a moment, it is just them in the room. She smiles at him and he smiles back. She parts her lips to say something and then closes them.
Nathan surprises himself by speaking up in front of her whole family. “Good luck with the clinic, Amy,” he says, still keeping her gaze.
They communicate through silence. Both Amy and Nathan feel calmer and connected just by looking at each other. He knows she means more than her words when she replies to him, “Good luck with the cattle drive.”
With one last secret exchange of smiles with Nathan, Amy follows Caleb and Lyndy out the door.
Nathan watches her hair flow behind her as she leaves. His gaze settles on the front door screen; watching Lyndy jump into the truck and Amy laugh behind her—before Tim calls his attention back to the meeting.
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smokinholsters · 2 months ago
Nothing Complicated About That - A Heartland Season 18 NAMY Fic
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Nathan walked out of his dad’s assisted living facility and stopped in the parking lot to take a deep breath. He was thoughtful walking to his truck and realized that he’d tipped his hat to two separate people without even thinking about it. The one thing he had on his mind was what his dad had said not an hour earlier.
“Is she the first person you want to see in the morning, the last person you think about before you close your eyes at night?”
Truthfully, she was all he thought about any time of the day. They had agreed, it was just too painful being together, knowing how her family felt about him and she needed their support. Lou in particular, since Jack and Tim seemed to have come around to at least not blaming him for a whole lot he had no control over or things he had nothing to do with at all. They hadn’t heard from his sister yet.
He laughed at the ridiculousness of the whole thing as he got into the truck; for two people who wanted to stay apart for their family’s sakes, they seemed to spend a lot of very enjoyable time together despite the family noise.
Just thinking about finding her walking and them double riding a couple days past sent a teen aged shudder through him mimicking that exact same feeling he had when she slipped her arms around him. He had to tell her, he couldn’t keep on like this, it would drive him crazy, was, driving him crazy.
Then he thought about Gracie and shuddered for a completely different reason. He should have realized that as soon as he signed his father into the home there would be legal consequences. He shook his head and decided that he wouldn’t have thought of her anyway. She hadn’t been in touch in years even after he knew she had been told about their dad and what was the deal with her and Heartland.
Lou and Gracie, why me?
Heading home, having just reminded himself of her, he once again thought about Amy, all the way to the house where, to his surprise, he thankfully wasn’t met by his irate sister.
Amy left the round pen and after getting Stetson settled, headed into the house to change from work clothes to party clothes and join the fun or at least pretend to. She was thrilled to see Ashley and was relieved to hear that Caleb had moved on from his fantasy of her and him as a couple. She found the whole thing very weird and was glad that it was over.
Stetson. Just thinking about him brought Friday to mind where the memory popped up at the oddest times and the goosebumps ran haphazardly over her body exactly as they had when, finding her wandering home after being abandoned, she hopped up behind him and slipped her arms around him as he rode her home.
He was all she could think about or at least it seemed that way. Even Lyndy reminded her of him, Lyndy truly liked Nathan and Amy wondered if her daughter knew how her mom felt. This was not like how she felt with Ty or Finn. Maybe because she went there with both or tried to with Finn. Finn turned sour fast but at least she gave herself the chance. Being away from Nathan was painful for her, she knew she loved him, she could feel his love for her, she could see it in his eyes and his smile, but for now; they had decided not to take that chance.
Nathan sat on the edge of his bed holding his head in his hands for a minute before heading into the bathroom to wash up and then he remembered the open house and Kyle and Amy’s invitation and decided. This has got to end one way or another. Dad was right, he was madly in love with Amy and just had to tell her, get it over with. The hell with his sister and her sister for that matter; he’d deal with both of them and everything else after. A few minutes later he was at his wardrobe picking a shirt and noticing that he had butterflies building up in his stomach.
Amy checked herself in the mirror and absentmindedly adjusted her dress and top before reaching for her well worn boots on the bottom shelf of her wardrobe and slipping her feet in. After a minute of checking her hair and face she sighed and headed outside.
Nathan saw his sister’s truck coming down the road towards him and slow down as if she wanted to talk. He had no desire to stop or chat and just drove past heading to Heartland. He’d tell her he didn’t see her and she would know he was lying but what the hell, it couldn’t possibly worsen their relationship.
Amy came out and walked to the edge of the path and through the small fence that separated the house from the ranch proper and stopped for a second to listen to the band that only existed here because of Kyle Mcearney’s relationship with Nathan. One more reminder. They were good and Amy immediately thought back to dancing with Nathan. Lisa served waffles for breakfast that morning, her favorite except they reminded her of him too. There was no getting away from her thinking about him. It was driving her crazy.
She put two and two together as soon as she saw Ashley dancing with Caleb and smiled. Seriously, he could have mentioned that his mysterious woman from the past was his ex-wife. She was surprised when she watched them start towards the parked cars and trucks and they noticed each other. They said they were heading off to catch the sunset and Amy was happy for them.
She was also surprised when Caleb asked for a second alone with her to ask what she thought of him and Ash giving it another shot, actually, a third shot and Amy felt it was fine, and told him so, after all, she thought to herself, third time’s a charm.
She watched them leave and scanned the crowd. She saw Tim dancing with Jess, her Grandpa doing the same with Lisa and Lyndy dancing with Katie while Lou snuggled with Peter at the picnic table watching them. All the adults in her life coupled up and in love, all except her, in love and apart. She realized at the moment that her unhappiness wouldn’t go over well, and she really didn’t want her sister’s small talk, she just wanted to be alone and found herself unconsciously walking to that field beyond the pond where she might find some solace to her thoughts and peace watching the sunset.
Nathan pulled up onto the lawn they had set aside for parking and saw Caleb and a blonde woman he didn’t recognize walking towards him though actually towards Caleb’s truck which he realized was not far from his.
“Hey Caleb.” He said as he got out of his truck and then walked towards the couple.
“Hey Nathan, how’ve you been? How’s your dad?”
“I’m good and I’ve moved Dad into a home, seems the best for now, we’ll see.”
“I hope it works out, Alzheimer’s sucks.”
“Thanks, yeah it does.”
“This is Ashley Stanton, Ash, meet Nathan Pryce, Pryce Ranch.”
“Oh, hey Ashley, Briar Ridge right? Good to meet you.”
“Good to meet you too Nathan.”
Caleb smiled “I actually didn’t expect to see you today.”
“Amy invited me yesterday and I know the band, any idea of where she might be?”
“We just spoke with her, I’m sure she’s in the crowd somewhere.”
“I guess I should go find her then, I’ll see you Caleb. Ashley it was good meeting you.”
“You too Nathan, have a good day.” Ashley said with Caleb’s nod along as they turned arm in arm towards Caleb’s truck.
Nathan took a deep breath and headed towards the crowd and the music. He glanced at the stage and caught Kyle’s eye and smiled back when Kyle nodded to him. He was glad his old friend had agreed to step in and help.
“Nathan? It’s good to see you!” Jack said walking over arm in arm with Lisa. “I didn’t expect you.”
“Amy invited me yesterday, Lisa, good to see you.”
“Well, you’re certainly welcome, can I get you something, a beer or something to eat?”
“I’m fine Jack, thanks, I was actually looking for Amy.
Jack looked around for a second “come on over, let’s see if anyone’s seen her.” He said walking over to the rest of the family who were now all clustered around the picnic table.
“Nathan, it’s good to see you.” Lou said. “Have you met Peter, my ex, and, current I guess.”
Nathan smiled “I did a while ago but not formally.” He said reaching out to shake Peter’s hand.
“Thanks for the music by the way, they’re great.”
“I’m glad they were free to help Lou, uhm, have you seen Amy?”
“I thought I saw her a few minutes ago but lost track.” She answered. “Lyndy, do you know where your mom is?”
“Nope, hi Nathan, did you bring Molly?”
“I’m sorry Lyndy, she tends to act up in crowds like this.”
“It’s Ok, we can play another time.”
“I’m sure she’d love that.” He said scanning the crowd.
“Nathan, welcome, it’s good to see you, how’s your dad?”
“Thanks Tim, good to see you too and dad’s doing as well as can be expected, any idea where Amy headed off to?”
“I saw her talking to Caleb and Ashley a few minutes ago, she can’t have gone far. Might be easiest to wait here and have her find you.”
“Well, let me make the rounds and if I can’t spot her, we’ll make that plan B.”
“We’ll let her know you’re here and looking if she shows up.”
“Thanks Lisa, that would be great.”
“Nathan, I wanted to say I was sorry for, well…….”
“It’s fine Lou, let’s call it all water under the bridge, besides, something’s come up.”
Nathan sighed “It can wait, we’ll work it out, it’s not a party thing.”
“Fine with me, we’ll talk soon?”
Nathan nodded thinking that Lou and Gracie would not get along well, definitely something for another day, where hopefully, cooler heads would prevail.
He tipped his hat at the group and wandered into the crowd and then up to the porch where he called into the house for her and got no response. He stood and surveyed the crowd from the porch and watched as Kyle walked around the edge of the makeshift stage and towards the house.
“Hey Nathan, good to see you!!” He said holding out his hand. “I didn’t realize you’d be here, nice crowd.”
“Kyle, thanks for doing this, I really appreciate it.”
“Hey, it’s a gig, exposure, and a paycheck, that’s the business. You here alone?”
“Actually looking for someone; long blonde hair, blue eyes, very good looking, cowboy boots, maybe a hat?”
“Lou’s sister, we met before, uhm, Amy?”
“Amy, yeah, seen her?”
“Last I saw she was heading that way,” he said, “along the pond.”
“Excellent, how long you staying?”
“Playing for at least another hour before we start breaking down.”
“Hopefully I’ll see you before then, I’m going to try to catch up with Amy.”
“Bring her back for a dance bro, now, I’ve got to take a leak and I hate portables.” He said heading into the house after patting Nathan on the shoulder.
He walked to the edge of the lawn and noticed the path that had worn into the ground over the years and followed it. He could see where it veered off to the left further down, around the pond and assumed that’s where she had gone. Soon after he saw the small bridge that apparently spanned a stream that was one of several that were presumably feeding the pond and stopped to gather his thoughts. What would he say and what would her reaction to his words be? He’d only done this once before when he said the words “I love you” to his ex-wife whose reaction was perfect, more than he could have asked for. It took him a second to realize that he had always thought of Tristan as his one and forever and decided that it just wasn’t the case because more than anything, he was sure that his one and forever was Amy.
He saw her through the reeds a few steps later and stopped again just to look at her. He could only see her face partially as she was facing the pond and he was looking at her silhouette and she took his breath away and still; he had no idea what he would say.
He was surprised that his boots walking across the bridge didn’t alert her that someone was coming or for that matter the sound of his coming through the grass and he stopped, not wanting to scare her.
“Not dancing with the others?”
He could see her brief smile at his voice before her answer. “I didn’t want to miss the sunset.”
“Mind if I join you?” He asked and then thinking for a moment that maybe she would just send him away before her head shake which was his invitation.
He walked up next to her and glanced at her for a second and noticed she looked sad, almost on the verge of tears.
“I think we’ve got a problem.” He commented breaking the silence.
He saw her brief smile before she answered, “Just one?”
He smiled at her for a second and then looked out over the pond. “I know we agreed to stay apart, and we had a million good reasons……... that’s not gonna work for me.”
He was now partially facing her and her to him, “Why’s that?” She asked.
He turned to face her dead on at that point and decided to just say it “Because I love you.”
And the world around him stopped momentarily.
Her answer was all he needed “I love you too………so what are we going to do?”
He realized that he was smiling, having lost all sense of reality hearing her say those words and it took him a second to step towards her and leave no doubt of what they were going to do.
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Family photo season 13
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