#jack russo
breakingarrows · 1 year
[Glad I approached this as a test as it wasn't until it was uploaded that I remembered the robo-copyright bots that will destroy anything that resembles infringement. Not going to even bother with disputing it as commentary just going to let the robots trim it out and think of ways to avoid this for future entries.] This is a new series I've been thinking about for awhile, something breezy and easy to produce and publish as compared to the more scripted and edited videos. It is also a good way to talk about movies which I haven't done on the channel for awhile. Please to enjoy!
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gameofthunder66 · 1 year
'The Majorettes' (1987) film
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-watched 6/7/2023- 2 stars- on Tubi (free)
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moonys-library · 11 months
men just don’t men like men in books
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asadfangirlbitxh · 8 months
Daddy Issues
If you are like me and you cry every time a Father is kind to his child. This post is for you
For the parents who stayed
Jay Pritchett who worked on himself and became a better father, Modern Family
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2) Uncle Phil, the father that stood up, The Fresh Prince of Bel Air
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3) Jack Pearson, he was the father that he never had
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4) Burt Hummel, the father who tried. Glee
Burt is the one character that Glee did right
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5) Chief Hopper, he will always protect his kids.
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6) The captain, kitty's protector, bbc ghosts
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7) Jerry Russo, a father who has a solution to all his kid's magical messes, Wizards of Waverly Place
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8) Raymond Holt, the father all his employees deserved, B99
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9) Haymitch; he was the only one who saw Peeta and Katniss as humans and not just symbols of a cause
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10) Mufasa; the father we all grieved
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saiyanprincessswanie · 5 months
SaiyanPrincessSwanie Reading List Week 195 & 196
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A/N: Thank you again to those who gave me recommendations for fanfics. 💜 This week had me reading 35 fics. Absolutely amazing stuff here.
As always these will be listed in no particular order. None of these stories are mine. I’m just signal-boosting them. The author is listed next to the title. My goal is to signal boost writers and spread positivity in the community.  💜💜
Click HERE to see what I will or won’t read. This is very important.
Click HERE for past reading lists.
For my Masterlist click HERE.
Please make sure you’re reading the warnings on every story. They range from dark to fluff. Do Not Read if you are under 18 years old. These stories are meant for adults only. You’re responsible for your own media consumption.
Page-break by @whimsicalrogers
Header by @fictional-affairs
If you can, please reblog these lists so they can reach more people on Tumblr.
I love you 3000 💜 Missy
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Morning Cravings - (Steve x Reader) - @saiyanprincessswanie
Ethereal Part 5 - (Ari x Reader) - @labella420
Thoughts - (Brock) - @nekoannie-chan
Revenge - (Brock) - @nekoannie-chan
Late Night - (Andy x Reader) - @katherineswritingsblog
It Was Sunday - (Bucky x Reader) - @ellemj
Wrecked (Part 3) - (Frank x Reader, Billy x Reader) - @tuiccim
Competition 2.0 - (Lloyd x Reader, God the Bounty Hunter x Reader) - @holylulusworld
Love and Flowers - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Ethereal Part 6 - (Ari x Reader) - @labella420
Reconnect - We’ll Always Be Friends - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Switched Sides part 5 - @deliciousangelfestival
Flood - (Bucky x Reader x Steve) - @biteofcherry
Alone again - (Jack R) - @nekoannie-chan
Evermore: Prologue - (Ari x Reader, Andy x Reader) - @joannaliceevans-fanficblog
Evermore: Part. One - (Ari x Reader, Andy x Reader) - @joannaliceevans-fanficblog
Lost in the Dark (Part 2) - (Bucky x Reader) - @tuiccim
Helicarrier - (Steve) - @nekoannie-chan
Your Mark On Me - Part 7 - (Steve x Reader) - @georgiapeach30513
Monkey See, Monkey Do - Chapter 15 - @spectre-posts @what-is-your-plan-today
Indecent Proposal (1) - (Stucky x Reader)- @holylulusworld
Promises To Keep - (Andy x Reader) - @americasass81
Winning - (Brock x Reader, Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
Advantages - @nekoannie-chan
The Tarzan to my Jane - (Ari x Reader) - @nicoline1998enilocin
Release Me Pt. 4 - (Andy x Reader) - @labella420
Opportunity - (Steve x Reader) - @nekoannie-chan
In the Boss’s Grip - (Ari x Reader) - @labella420
Teased and Tied - (Bucky x Reader) - @rookthorne
Aftermath - (Bucky x Reader) - @jobean12-blog
Two Bosses Part 11 - (Ransom x Reader) - @labella420
Wrecked (Part 4) - (Frank x Reader, Billy x Reader) - @tuiccim
Just Like That - (Bucky x Reader) - @navybrat817
Collared part 39 - @spnexploration
Collared part 40 - @spnexploration
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veenazegoddess · 1 year
me when the morally grey traumatized character shows even an ounce of humanity:
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also, the said character if they ever heard me call them baby:
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Lionesses Cub (England Womens and Mens imagine) Gender Neutral Reader
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The moment had arrived when F/N's teammates decided it was time to let them in on a little secret. that the Lionesses had a tendency to "baby" them from time to time. It had been a source of amusement among the team and they couldn't resist spilling the beans.
One evening, while the teams was gathered in their hotel room, Rice, Grealish, Foden and Pickford sat F/N down for a serious discussion, or so it seemed. They all wore exaggerated, stern expressions that F/N couldn't help but find suspicious.
"F/N" Declan Rice began, his voice grave, "there's something we need to talk to you about."
F/N raised an eyebrow, glancing around at their friends. "What's going on?"
Jack Grealish leaned forward, placing a hand on F/N's shoulder for dramatic effect. "You see, mate, we've noticed something... peculiar."
Phil Foden chimed in with an equally serious tone. "It's about the Lionesses, F/N. They seem to have a soft spot for you."
Jordan Pickford nodded gravely. "A very, very soft spot."
F/N's confusion deepened. "Soft spot? What are you guys talking about?"
Declan Rice cleared his throat and then began to recount some rather amusing incidents involving the Lionesses. "Remember that time Bronze tied your shoelaces during practice?"
"Oi, F/N," she called, her voice carrying across the field.
F/N looked up, Their brow furrowing in confusion. "Yeah, Lucy?"
Lucy, not one to beat around the bush, simply bent down and began to tie F/N's shoelaces, Much to F/N's confused face
"Lucy, I've got it," F/N protested, trying to pull their foot away, but Lucy's grip was firm.
"Nonsense," she replied playfully slapping their boot to signal stop moving. "We can't have you tripping over your own shoelaces, can we? Safety first, mate."
The male players couldn't help but watch the spectacle, their amusement growing with each passing moment. F/N's protests grew more and more comical as they tried to wriggle out of Lucy's grasp.
"Lucy, seriously, I can tie my own shoelaces," They insisted, but Lucy was having none of it.
"There you go," she declared triumphantly, having successfully tied a perfect knot. She gave Jack's boot a playful pat. "All done. You're welcome." Lucy said with a smile and ran back on the pitch
F/N sighed in disbelief , realizing that there was no arguing with Lucy's determined instincts.
F/N's eyes widened in realization. "...........that was one time.......well she still does it" they looked down scratching the back of their head
Jack Grealish couldn't contain his laughter. "And what about when Millie Bright offered to carry your bags after training because they looked heavy?"
"Oi, F/N," she called out, her voice carrying across the hallway. "Need a hand with that?"
F/N, determined to prove that they could handle their bag on their own, shook their head vigorously. "Nah, I've got it Millie. Thanks though."
But Millie was having none of it. Ignoring F/N's protest, she strolled over to them, a confident grin on her face. she grabbed the heavy bag, hoisted it onto her shoulder and began to carry it up the stairs with ease.
F/N stood there, their mouth agape, watching in awe as Millie Bright effortlessly managed what they had struggled with just moments ago. Rachel Daly who was walking with Bright couldn't help but chuckle at the sight.
But Millie wasn't finished. Once she had deposited F/N's bag at the top of the stairs, she turned back to him with a mischievous glint in her eye.
"Alright, F/N, hop on!" she declared.
F/N, baffled and unsure of what she meant, "Hop on what?"
Without Warning, Rachel lightly pushed F/N into Millie who simply crouched down and pick them up onto her shoulders into a firemens carry
F/N's eyes widened in disbelief. "You've got to be joking!" They said turning red in the cheeks as Millie walked up the stars
As they reached the top of the stairs, Jack Grealish, who had been nursing a hangover in a nearby room and had wandered out to see what the commotion was about, stood there, wide-eyed and utterly baffled by the sight before him.
He rubbed his eyes, thinking he must be seeing things due to the remnants of his hangover. Without a word, he turned on his heel and quietly slipped away, leaving the scene behind.
F/N covered thier face "She didnt put me down till we got to my hotel room door"
Phil Foden added with a grin, "Or when Hemp gave you THAT pep talk?"
"F/N" F/N who was sitting at a pub watching a game turned to see Lauren Hemp. her tone filled with the conviction of a big sister, "you've got this. You just need to walk up to them, look them in the eye and be confident."
F/N, slightly bewildered by Lauren's words, furrowed their brow. "Huh? What are you talking about, Lauren?"
Lauren leaned in closer, giving F/N an encouraging nod. "Don't be shy, F/N. Just go for it. We're all here to support you."
Y/N, still a bit perplexed, glanced back at the television screen and then back at Lauren. "Are you ok?, Lauren? I'm just watching the match."
Lauren, not one to back down, was convinced she had caught Y/n in the act of asking out a stranger. "Come on, Y/N! Life's too short. Ask them out!"
F/N's confusion deepened, but before they could explain that they was not interested in anyone at the bar, Lauren, with an encouraging pat on the back, said, "You've got this. Just be yourself."
With that, Lauren Hemp left the pub, leaving a bemused F/N and a chuckling Phil Foden in her wake.
F/N turned to Foden with an incredulous expression. "Did she just...?"
Foden burst into laughter, shaking his head. "I think she thought you were about to make a move on someone at the bar, mate."
Jordan Pickford chuckled. "And let's not forget Mary , who made you a cup of tea and said you needed to relax after a tough match."
"F/N, you look like you could use a pick me up. How about a nice cup of tea?"
F/N, always appreciative of a comforting cuppa, nodded gratefully. "That sounds perfect, Mary. Thanks."
Mary bustled about, preparing a cup of tea with precision and care. handed the steaming cup to F/N, but she leaned in with a whisper.
"F/N, I have to give you a piece of advice," she began, her tone serious.
F/N raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "What's that?"
Mary's expression grew solemn as she leaned in closer. "Promise me, you'll never, ever drink Lipton tea."
F/N blinked in surprise. Lipton tea? It wasn't their favourite brand anyway, but Mary's dramatic warning piqued his curiosity.
"Why not, Mary?" they asked, playing along.
"Because it's just not proper tea, F/N. You deserve better."
F/N couldn't help but burst into laughter at Mary's playful theatrics. "Don't worry, Mary, I'll steer clear of Lipton. I wouldn't want to offend the tea gods."
Mary grinned, satisfied with her mission accomplished. "That's the spirit, F/N. Stick to the good stuff."
As the stories continued to flow, F/N's face shifted from confusion to a mix of embarrassment and amusement. They couldn't believe they had never noticed these "babying" moments from the Lionesses before.
"You guys are having a laugh, right? Has Jack been on a pub crawl with you guys again?" F/N said, realizing and trying to deny that they had been on the receiving end of some well-intentioned but sometimes humorous acts of care from their female counterparts.
The room erupted in laughter as their friends confirmed the truth of their stories. "Mate, you're like the Lionesses' little Sibling!" Grealish exclaimed, still chuckling.
F/N couldn't help but think of all the moments they didn't mention. "Well, I guess I never really noticed. They ain't that bad, are they?"
The next day, during the joint training session where both the men's and women's teams were on the field together, F/N couldn't help but notice the subtle instances of "babying" from the Lionesses. It seemed like their friends had opened their eyes to something they had been blissfully oblivious to.
As they stretched before practice, Lucy Bronze offered them a water bottle and reminded them to stay hydrated and double checked to see if F/N shoelaces were tied, earning F/N a playful jab from Harry Kane who basically said "see" with his facial expression. Millie Bright flashed them a knowing smile when she saw them tying his shoelaces and Lauren Hemp couldn't resist giving them a thumbs-up from across the field when he put on yellow bip on.
During drills, The team had some free time to do a game and F/N swapped places with Ramsdale letting F/N go in goal. Mary Earps called out encouragement to them as they made a save, her words carrying across the field. The rest of the women's team were equally supportive, offering F/N high-fives and words of encouragement that were just a tad more enthusiastic than usual.
After a gruelling training session, as the players gathered to cool down and chat, F/N found himself surrounded by the Lionesses, each offering their own version of friendly advice and care.
"F/N, don't forget to ice that ankle!" Lauren Hemp said with a grin.
Lucy Bronze patted them on the back and said, "You were amazing out there today, young one."
Millie Bright chimed in, "Make sure you eat a good meal, F/N. We don't want you getting too tired."
Mary Earps gave them a wink. "And get a good night's sleep, alright? No late-night gaming sessions."
F/N couldn't help but laugh at the attention they were receiving. "Alright, alright, I get it! I'll take care of myself."
Sterling: "This is mad"
F/N male friends, who had been observing the interactions, couldn't resist but watch the lionesses surround F/N.
Sancho: "Yeah its like F/N is their child"
The group watched as F/N made eye contact with them and made a face saying help me. To which the group of Sterling, Sancho, Jack, Foden and Saka turned thier backs leaving a betrayed look on F/N's face
Saka: "You guys are never gonna let them hear the end of this are you?"
Grealish: "You are correct, The young cub needs to learn" Jack said in a playful voice as Foden gasped
Foden: "Oh my days. F/N is the lionesses's cub" The group laughed at the new nickname and the accuracy of the name
Throughout the day, the nickname "the Lionesses cub" stuck and spread to all the male footballers and staff even Serena Wiegman was told by Southgate. The men couldn't wait to announce the name to F/N
Later a team meeting was held in a spacious conference room and it was a special occasion where both the men's and women's teams were gathered together. Gareth Southgate and Serena Wiegman, the respective managers were present.
As the meeting progressed, the topic of team dynamics and bonding was discussed. Serena Wiegman, with a twinkle in her eye took a moment to address the combined group.
"Before we continue," Serena began, "I think it's important to recognize the strong bonds that have formed between our teams. We've become more than just teammates; we're like a family."
Gareth Southgate nodded in agreement, acknowledging the sentiment. "Absolutely. Our collective spirit and support for each other are what make us stronger on and off the field."
Serena then turned her attention to F/N, who was sitting among their male teammates. "Speaking of which, I believe there's a certain matter we need to address."
All eyes turned to F/N, who looked genuinely terrified as both teams starred at them but slightly curious. They had a sinking feeling that they were about to be the center of attention once again.
Serena smiled warmly at F/N. "L/N, it has come to our attention that you have a new nickname within the team, one that reflects the unique care and camaraderie we share."
Y/N: "this can't be good"
Gareth Southgate, who couldn't hide a grin, decided to spill the beans. "Y/N, from this day forward, you shall be known as 'the Lionesses' cub.'"
The room burst into laughter, and even Serena couldn't help but chuckle at the playful reaction. F/N, their face turning red and became frozen.
They hadn't expected the managers to join in on the teasing. The room erupted in laughter, both from the men and women players.
Alessia Russio and Toone exchanged a mischievous glance, clearly enjoying the moment. Lucy Bronze couldn't help but grin, and Millie Bright covered her mouth to stifle a giggle. Mary Earps laughing as she thinks how this can be turned into a TikTok.
Later that night Alessia Russio and Toone sat together on the training field, "I mean, I could tie my own shoelaces, but Lucy was so adamant about it."
Russio nodded, laughing at Toone's comment. "I remember Lauren Hemp giving me a whole speech about confidence and pick up lines"
They both turned to see a rather unamused F/N in the distance. What caught their attention even more was the sight of Fran Kirby, standing on her tiptoes, holding a handheld fan to F/N's face, trying to cool him down.
Wanted to try something new and thought why not do something with both the lions and lionesses. i hope you guys enjoyed and if you want more let me know. feedback is always accpeted too
Sorry for spelling mistakes and bad grammer
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caswensworld · 4 months
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The character
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The characters blueprint
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Kinktober 2023
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This years Kinktober is going to look a little different. Due to a whole lot of things I was only able to complete five fics. So starting October 22nd I will start posting and I will be posting a fic every other day up until Halloween. I also will be leaving the prompts a surprise until I post them! Massive thanks to @clint-aww-no-barton as always for not only putting up with me but being my unofficial/official editor.
I will be posting this post ahead of time with tags so if you want to be tagged in any Kinktober fic please let me know! I will be using taglist from last year along with most recent taglist from fics.
Also I will be using the tag agentwhiskeysdarlinkinktober if you don’t want to see any of this you can mute!
All fics will be posted at 7pm central time.
Day 1: Bath & Praise-Jack Daniels
Day 2: Breath Play & Thigh Riding-Aleksander Morozova (The Darkling)
Day 3: Public Teasing & Edging-Logan Delos
Day 4: Roleplay-Joel Miller
Day 5: Knife Play & Sugar Daddy-Billy Russo
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stephstars08 · 6 months
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My Top Comfort Characters (Live Action)
Pt. 2
(Not in particular order)
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nade2308 · 9 months
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"Look at this fucking beaut."
Or as I like to call it: Love at first punch
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ellelans · 7 months
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Oh.Well, look at you.Don't you feel more civilized now,Ms. Doolittle?Wait, where are the clothes you were wearing? Garbage.Garbage,why? I'm already carrying boots.If I had any more clothes,pretty soon I'd need a suitcase.I got a suitcase,I need a house to keep it in.Then I need a car for the driveway.Before you know it,I'm filling out all kinds of forms.So,a spare shirt's just too much of an attachment for you?Anyone ever diagnose you as a sociopath? Diagnosed?No.
Reacher 2x04.
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quietfounder · 4 months
What would a sequel to Chip 'n Dale: Rescue Rangers even be about?
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A crossover film? A take on that failed in-universe Double-O Dale series? A road trip film? Somehow a combination of all of those ideas?
NGL, I even thought of this moment of Chip asking Ellie to pet-sit his dog Millie while he and Dale leave on a trip to somewhere (maybe to a convention) and another where she sees them on the news.
I also been thinking of characters that could cameo in that hypothetical film such as Bobbi Baba (deleted Muppet character), Skye & Jack Savage (deleted Zootopia characters), Secret Squirrel, Red Hot Riding Hood, Tina Russo, Pepé Le Pew, and Claudette Dupri.
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moonys-library · 1 year
For all the readers who like their book boyfriends covered in red flags.
Red's my favorite color too 🚩🚩🚩
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sleepyashin · 11 months
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smoothestjazz · 1 year
How is the American left so consistently and laughably bad at foreign policy?
"Uuuuuh, Russia invaded Ukraine out of self-defense because of NATO." What? What? What? Are you stupid? How can you actually think that?
Anti-imperialism doesn't mean "the US is imperial, and therefore, every state in opposition to the US is morally correct."
Two things can be bad at once!
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