#jack russell one shot
heartsfromjeanee · 2 years
Drunken Love
Jack Russell x Reader
Summary: After a night of drinking with a new friend, Jack comes home after having more to drink than he could handle, and you take care of him A/N: I had just recently watched this short film (even though it came out in October oops) and I let me just say Jack is definitely going to be my new hyper fixated character along with Moonknight now
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You were buried up in a blanket on your couch while hallmark movies played on the TV. You let out a soft sigh and glanced at the clock. 12:51 AM. You didn’t know why you were worrying so much. Jack had told you he was going out for drinks with his new friend…Jake was it? You could’ve sworn he said a Steven as well, but you couldn’t recall. You knew he was fine, but it was such a cold night and all you wanted to do was cuddle up with your boyfriend.
Your head perked up from where you were laying at the sudden noise.
“Amooooor? ¿Estás aquí? Mi Amoooooorrrrr”
You could hear his slurred call from behind the door and you could instantly tell that your boyfriend way overestimated his drinking tolerance. You got up from the couch and quickly went to open the door to reveal Jack, who stunk of alcohol. His face lit up into a bright smile at the sight of you.
“Amor!” Jack exclaimed. His arms swung out wrapped them around your waist while his head took its usual spot it the crook of your neck. You could hear him inhale you sent and let out a satisfied hum. “You smell so sweeeeet mi amor, me encanta tanto.” He slurred into your neck.
While he clung onto you, he managed to close the door behind the both of you and lead him to the living room, where you had been laying moment ago.
“Honey how much have you had to drink?” You questioned curiously as you sat the both of you down. Jack began to place soft kisses on your neck mummering incoherent words as he trailed the kisses down to your chest. “Jack,” you placed a hand under his chin and removed his lips away from you skin so you could lift his head up to look at his face, “how much did you drink?”
“Mmmm Jake changed me to a drinking game at the bar…I, I definently beat him but he says he won.” Jack said with a slight pout, and you couldn’t help but let out a soft laugh. You ran your free hand through his salt and pepper colored hair and gave him a little scratch behind his ear, making his eyes flutter close with pleasure.
You leaned you lips to his forehead and placed a kiss upon it before declaring, “Jack I’m going to get you some water to drink and then we are both going to bed, you’re going to be exhausted in the morning. Stay here, okay?” You got up and began walking over to the kitchen. Though as you entered the room, you heard footsteps trail behind you. You turned your head to see Jack stumbling your way trying to catch up with you. “Honey why didn’t you stay on the couch?”
Jack was once again sliding his arms around your waist, placing his head on your shoulder. “I missed you.”
“It’s been literally 10 seconds.”
“No, you left me on the couch forever.”
“If you say so sweetheart.” You shook your head and smiled to yourself. Carefully, you dragged Jack with you to the cabinet and grabbed a glass. Then, you maneuvered over to the sink and filled the glass up with water.
“Okay time to go to the bedroom, love.” You said as Jack stayed attached to you as you led him around.
“Oooo amor those are my favorite words~” Jack whispered into your ear, and you rolled your eyes.
“Not tonight, Jack.” You scolded as you brought the both of you into your bedroom. You leaned toward the nightstand to place down the water before forcefully detaching Jack from yourself so you could get him onto the bed. You sat him up against the headboard and while you turned to grab the water, he began to take off his shirt.
“It’s too hot in here.” He whined while struggling to get his shirt over his head. Once he finally got it off, you moved the cup of water to his mouth.
“C’mon love you need to drink up. It will cool you off.” Thankfully, Jack listened to your instructions, taking a few gulps out of the glass you held for him. When finished, you placed the glass back onto the table where it was before, next to the bottle of aspirin you left there for the morning. You yawned as you walked over to the other side of the bed while Jack fumbled off his belt and pants.
You climbed into the bed and situated yourself under the covers, Jack following suit. He was quick to curl up into you, placing his head in the crook of your neck just as he had done before. Once again, he had been mummering sweet nothings to you as he kissed your neck. It only took a few more minutes before the kisses stopped and soft snores filled the room.
“Buenas noches, mi amor.” You whispered before letting yourself drift off into a peaceful sleep as well.
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eykismyfav · 2 years
Would You Please...
Requested: Yup! see request here @makiekeys
Request: Hello could I pretty please request a Jack Russell x reader fic w/ prompt #18? I am an avid hiker prone to injury & I’m currently recovering from surgery. I got scolded by nurses constantly for pushing myself too hard and being stubborn. I know I’d give that poor sweet wolf man even more grey hair 🤣
Genre: Fluffy and wholesome with a little bit of some good old hurt/comfort oh and lots of cuddles.
Warnings: Swearing, Mention of injury
Pairing: Jack Russell x reader
Characters: Jack Russell, Ted
Authors note: I love Jack he deserves the world and so does Ted. Jack is so done with the reader in this story but he loves them and that is all that matters. Also @lilpunkrock​ I know you wanted more Jack content I hope this helps! Also There needs to be more Jack Russell content on this app. I really hope you all like this story please comment and reblog as well as like it really helps me know what is good and what is not in my stories
Word Count: 750
Prompt:  “I don’t need help” “That is a factual incorrect statement you do need help.”
Request Open For Jack Russell
Werewolf By Night Masterlist
Prompt List
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“You shouldn’t put weight on your ankle my luna!” Jack begs as you ignore him marching forward ignoring the stabbing pain that occurs with every step you take. 
“I’m fine... it’s probably just a sprain...” You mumble the last part knowing damn well it was a lie. You stubble slightly as you encounter a downhill section of the woods. Jack takes this opportunity to put himself in your path, stabilizing you and preventing you from moving forward.
“You are bleeding because you were grazed with a bullet!” Jack is exacerbated at this point why won’t you just listen to him.
“Exactly grazed, it's not that serious!” You grumble trying to push Jack away.  “I don’t need help!”
“That is a factually incorrect statement, you do need help.” Jack growled as he picked you up one arm under your knees, the other supporting your upper back.
“Jack! Put me down this instant!” you shout in a rather undignified manner wiggling about in his arms.
“Would you please just relax and let me help you Y/N? It is okay to need help every now and then.” Jack reasons and you give in just a little bit relaxing in his arm letting you head rest on his shoulder. You might as well get comfortable as you realize this was not a fight you were gonna win and Jack was not gonna put you down anytime soon. 
“Fine..whatever..” Your voice is muffled by Jack’s shoulder which shakes lightly as he chuckles.
“What am I going to do with you?” Jack asks as he continues on walking towards camp.
“I don't know…” You sigh as you close your eyes, relaxing even deeper into his embrace. Might as well take a nap on the way you really had exhausted yourself more than you had thought. As you drift off you feel Jack press a gentle kiss onto your hairline.
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When you wake up later you find yourself alone in the Teepee that you and Jack called home at the campsite with your ankle wrapped in a clean bandage which was clearly Jack’s doing. You are still a little groggy but you hear Jack and Ted talking to each other in hushed tones clearly as to not wake you before you wake on your own. You stretch slightly and crawl over to the entrance popping your head out to look at the two of them. 
“Good morning boys…” You yawn out rubbing your eye gently.  “Ted, would you mind if I borrow Jack for a little bit?” You ask with a gentle smile. Ted replies with a low grunt and the nod of his large head. “Thank you! Jack, come here please.” you request as you disappear back into the tent. You sit in the tent on your butt with your knees to your chest and cheek resting on your knees. 
“Are you okay? Does your ankle hurt? Is it worse or better than before? Is there anything I can do to help? Coffee? Tea? Hot chocolate? Tylenol? Aleve?...” Jack asked at a thousand words a second causing you to chuckle and his endearing behavior. You cut off his adorable ramblings with a light laugh and a gentle hand on his arm.
“Jack sweetie, my love, I just wanted some cuddles, that's all, relax. I’m just fine, I'm all bandaged up.” You gesture to your ankle which Jack looks at.  
“Okay…” Jack sighs laying down on his side. You quickly join him also laying on your side so that your back is facing him so you could be the little spoon. He wraps his arms around your waist and chest holding your back close to his chest. “Is this okay?” Jack asks, nuzzling his nose into your neck. His warm breath tickling your neck causes you to giggle.
“Perfect Jack.” You sigh in contentment. You hold Jack's hands in yours, holding them close to your body. You can feel Jack take a deep breath against your neck. You wished you could stay like this forever.
“Please be more careful for me.” Jack mumble quietly pressing a light kiss to your neck. 
“I don’t know if I can if you aren’t more careful yourself Jack.”
“I’ll try to be more careful than…” He nuzzles deeper, holding you closer. 
“Thank you Jack, I love you.” 
“I love you to Y/N. I don’t know what I would do without mi Luna.” He presses on last kiss to your jawline before the two of you succumb to sleep.
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Werewolf By Night by Derek Landy and Fran Galán. Cover by Corin Howell. Out in September.
"AN UNHOLY ALLIANCE! In the shadows of black-and-white night, Jack Russell races to halt the sacrifice of a young girl at the hands of monsters. Elsa Bloodstone, in all her colorful monster-hunting glory, isn’t far behind. But can they put their differences aside long enough to save the day? And what would such a partnership even look like?"
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shhh-no-ones-home · 1 year
black magic jack russell x reader
guess who watched werewolf by night finally!!!! this man is stuck inside my brain. we love some scared puppy/wet cat energy!!
based on the lyric: "I guess a big bad wolf is afraid of the cat"
Song: black cat bone by the haxans
I awoke suddenly, a sharp Inhale of air forcing it's way into my lungs as I came back to life. I smiled to myself in the darkness, reaching my hand up and tapping my sharp claws against my coffin lid. It was Halloween once again. The time when the dead can roam and monsters play free. In one swift push against the latch and the door swung up and open. I could feel my pupils getting thinner as the sun light hit my eyes, pouring in from the windows of the crypt.
I could hear howling in the distance already and looked forward to the bleakness the evening had to offer. I sat up slowly, moving to lift myself out of my resting place. The webs in my hair fell softly against my face as I jumped down from the pedestal, landing on my feet with a clack from my heeled shoes. I looked up quickly as the door to the crypt opened, a small-framed man stepping inside, breathing frantically. He seemed to be running from something. I watched him through the thin rays of light as he closed his eyes and leaned back against the bow locked door.
"You won't find much help from the dead."
I said and he jumped, grabbing for the door again but stopping to weigh his options.
"And what about the living?"
He asked, half turned away from me. I could tell he wanted to run but he still wasn't sure if what was on the other side of that door was worse.
"You won't find them here."
I said with a laugh, placing my hands firmly against my hips and shifting my weight to one foot. He drew his brows.
"If you are not living then what are you doing?"
He cocked a brow and turned more to face me, his hand still on the door handle. I sighed and smirked at him.
"Most would say dying..."
He held his breath.
"And are you?"
"Am I?"
He cleared his throat.
"Dying I mean."
I huffed a laugh.
"Been there. Done that."
He dropped his hand slowly.
"So you know what's out there?"
He asked and I drew my brows.
"Freedom I was hoping."
He sighed.
"Hunters. If you even know what that means."
He dropped his shoulders in defeat. I smiled at him before cracking my knuckles.
"I take it you were the mutt I heard earlier. And here you were, kind enough to bring me a new toy to play with."
I started towards him and he shifted to the side quickly. I could hear his heart rate quicken as I passed him to open the doors. My eyes rolled back as the fresh air hit my cold skin. I could feel the blood starting the pump through my veins. I could smell them. The hunters were close, stalking like they usually did.
"What is your name mutt?"
I asked, turning to look at him as he peered around the door at me.
He stammered, the hunter getting closer. My eyes flashed white as i theard him charging at me.
"Thank you Jack."
I said, snarling, and turning around quickly. I grabbed the blade of the sword flat between my palms as the hunter thrusted towards me.
"over Here!"
He shouted before I ripped the weapon from his hands.
I whispered, pushing my hand up into his throat, forcing my nails through his trachea. He dropped instantly, the blood pouring out into the grass beneath him. I looked up and to the right as I heard a twig snap. Another man came running after me, launching and axe my direction. I stepped to the side, watching it hit the tree across the way and ducking as he came at me with his fist fully loaded.
"You're it."
I said, punching him square between the shoulder blades, hearing his spine crunch. He screamed out in agony as he fell to his knees.
He accused through gritted teeth. I stepped towards him, straddling his feet as I stood behind him. He was struggling to catch his breath with his back stuck arched in place.
"I know you are."
I said softly before slicing my nails across his throat and pushing him to the ground beside his fellow hunter.
"Watch out!"
I heard from behind me. I spun around quickly but it was too late. I was having a dagger shoved through my collar bone by a third hunter.
"Does no one understand the rules of tag?"
I said annoyed, pulling it out of my chest, looking at the Inky black goo that covered the knife. He looked at me horrified.
"You're evil."
I sighed angrily, shoving the dagger through his eye socket and watching his face twitch. His mouth hung open as he groaned, collapsing. I relaxed as I heard jacks heart rate slow, guessing that was all of them.
"Thank you."
I heard his voice softly, as he stepped out into the open. His eyes were dark and set back. His suit was a deep green and his teeth were crooked. But his smile was nice. Genuine. He was handsome. For a mutt.
"For what?"
I asked harshly, crossing my arms over my chest.
"For saving me."
I raised a brow and smiled.
"Thanks for bringing me some entertainment on this fine Halloween evening."
I said a little snarky. He stepped forward and held his hand out for me to shake.
"Let's start again shall we? I'm jack, a-uh, a werewolf."
I obliged and shook his hand.
"Y/n, skin changer, cat, witch, etc, etc."
I said and he laughed, which I gladly shared a sentiment in.
"Impressive, terrifying, awe-inspiring . Someone with many hats I see."
I could feel what little blood I did have rise to my cheeks. I nodded, dropping my hand back to my side.
"Dead as well, I suppose I need to add to the list."
He got quiet and his smile shrank.
"You were woken."
He said knowingly and I nodded.
"I have till midnight."
He looked to the sky ,the sun had began setting.
"Well then y/n, if you don't mind me asking, may I make this Halloween a little more interesting?"
I smiled and laughed.
"More? Interesting?"
He laughed as well, looking to the ground as he crunched a few leaves under his boot.
"I know this place, a dance as it were, where a few monsters go on Halloween. If you would care to accompany me."
He held his hand out for me to take and I gladly took it, minding my nails as not to hurt him.
"A cat and a dog together?"
I joked and he cracked a wide smile.
"Oh no, what will everyone think?!"
My eyes lit up.
"I would like that jack, I could use some company. For the first time in a long time."
He smiled widely and guided me towards the entrance of the cemetery.
"It would be my pleasure cariño."
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bluemoonperegrine · 1 year
Makes the Heart Grow Fonder
@oddbunny suggested that Jack's S.O. calls him "awooo" as a silly nickname, and a plot bunny was born.
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This bit of fluff is set in the MCU crossover universe I've been constructing on AO3. All you need to know to follow this is:
Elsa and Jack have been mated for about five months.
They've effectively been joined at the hip the whole time.
They have a small house with lots of land in the high desert near Sedona, Arizona.
They have a BMW motorcycle that they've used to travel the continental U.S.
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vampyre-rat · 6 months
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sam and dean winchester
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brewed-pangolin · 8 months
Salvation at the Shelter
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This is my first entry into the Soap It Up Challenge by @glitterypirateduck, and apparently I'm feeling angsty. I don't write angst well, but that doesn't mean I won't try. I only used one prompt for this, and I'll let y'all find it. Sorry for the feels on for this Super Soap Sunday.
cw: mentions of loss. also a few callbacks to mwiii if you look closely
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Johnny. Your beloved Johnny.
Taken away too soon. Leaving an emptiness in your heart and a hole within your soul.
You grieve for what feels like years, yet only turns out to be days. Time standing still as you continually waist away into a fetal crouched mess alone on your tile floor.
Friends, family, and colleagues all tell you to move on. You have to.
But you can't.
For how can one heal from the pain of losing the other half of your soul?
It takes you a solid six months to even begin to feel anything again. Feeling everything and nothing all at once. Overwhelming. And not enough.
The emptiness both devours you entirely while continually spitting you back out like a relentless living turbine.
You try to hide the pain behind a smile. It's futile, but it works with most nonetheless. Most.
A few take notice. Those with their own scared hearts and broken stitched souls underneath a practiced expression.
And that's when a coworker confides in you what she did when she lost her husband many years ago.
"Go to the shelter," she says plainly over the rim of her glass.
"The shelter?" You question, raising a brow while fumbling with your lunchbox.
"Like, the homeless shelter?"
"No, silly. The animal shelter. Lots of lost souls needing a home. Maybe one there will help fill that hole inside you."
"I'm fine." You bite back. Swallowing your emotions with a gulp of Orange Fanta as you briskly rise from your chair.
"Mhm. Just give it a shot. Might help." She says before turning to walk down the carpeted hall to return to the solitude of her cubicle.
And you're suddenly left alone again with your thoughts, staring aimlessly at the brightly colored face of the vending machine. The color of the Fanta bottle in your hand so reminiscent to the Irn Bru that was consistently stocked in your apartment, you thought you'd break down right then and there. In the middle of your office hallway.
Subtle reminders of him strewn about all through your day you'd nearly become numb to the constant memory of him.
You choked on your emotions once more. Walking as casually as possible back to the devoid walls of your cubicle. Busying yourself in a desperate attempt to rid the tight entanglement of Johnny's echo buried deep within your mind.
You'd take the advice. Go to the shelter. Fill the emotionless void within your soul with at least something. Anything. Hell, even a goldfish would do.
The sound was defeaning.
It made your ears ring and your bones tremble. The constant barrage of barks, howls and wails nearly made you spin on your heals and exit before even entering the double doors.
Yet you stood fast. Pushing forward. Perhaps somewhere in this cacophony of canine chaos, you could find solace from your unrelenting heartache.
"I'm just here to look," you tell the attendent with a stern brow. It's a lie, of course. But you muster the strength of poise and composure as your heart and spine wither to dust with every passing moment.
"That's what they all say," the keeper, Jared by the nameplate and probably no more than 18 replies. A wisdom in his voice as he's seen the world come through those doors a thousand times.
"C'mon. And don't get too close to the cages."
You follow close behind. Eyes scanning back and forth between metal bars, taking in the mirage of fur covered lost souls while somehow searching for one that may pull at your broken heart.
German shepherds. Pit bulls. Weimaraners. Jack Russels. Dachshunds. Every breed you could name and so many others you barely could identify.
And they all seemed to mirror your expression perfectly.
Searching. Waiting.
Waiting for an absolution that would never come.
You felt their pain. Their loneliness. Their betrayal.
Still though, non called to you. Marked you.
You were told not to look into their eyes, but how could you not. It had become so second nature to get lost in his eyes you nearly forgot what it felt like to be without them.
You were rounding the corner to the main exit, only a few cages remaining, and a sickening feeling began to boil within your gut. Choking on the bile in your throat with a fruitless attempt at speech.
"That it?"
It was a total loss. Heart sinking to your knees as Jared, the wayward keeper, opened the doors to escort you out of the wing and down an adjacent hall.
"I can show you one more. He's scheduled to be euthanized tonight. He's young. But he's very high energy. And a stubborn little shit. Which is why no one wants him."
He knitted his brow, opening the door to let you in as the overwhelming sound of aggressive barking and growling filled your ears.
Reluctantly, you stepped into the confined room. The solitude had made the poor animal more ruthless and hostile to anyone who stepped through those heavy doors.
Yet something pulled you in. A feeling. A tug at your heart that swiftly moved to wrap around your spine and move you forward.
And as you shut the door, the barking steadily began to settle. The blur of furr and teeth slowed and gradually transformed into a more discernable figure.
And as you stepped up to the cage, you cautiously crouched down to meet the animal at its level and finally met the eyes of a soul you had thought was lost to you long ago.
Blue. A blue so pure yet somehow so misunderstood. An icy cerulean wrapped around tan fur and sharpened teeth topped with blacked edged ears and darkened socks on his feet.
His, because it was obvious. He hadn't been fixed yet.
"Yeah, he's got a thing with doors. He's fine while they're closed but goes ballistic at the slightest movement."
You take note of the dogs calming demeanor. Keeping a close eye on him, scanning across his back and hindquarters, inspecting his conformation for any obvious or detrimental abnormalities.
"Poor thing seems pretty docile once he's settled down," you remark. "Why'd the last family give him up?"
You slid slowly along your feet, edging closer as the canine's demeanor shifts to become more open and submissive. Ears perked with a gradual pull of its paw to expose its tender underbelly.
"They lived next to a railroad or something. Apparently, he hates trains, too."
"What's his name?" You inquire, unable to break the stare as you gently move your hand between the bars in an attempt to gain a physical connection.
"He doesn't have one. And I wouldn't do that, ma'am. He's got-"
He chokes on his words as the fearful pup inches forward to bring the top of his nose your fingertips. You remain calm, quiet. And so does Jared. More out of sheer terror of the inevitable bite that was surely to come.
With a few curious sniffs of your scent, the dog pulls himself forward and against your hand in a desperate attempt to feel your touch.
He curls his back into your palm, rolling his spine underneath the tips of our fingers while moving to lay on the concrete floor.
It's in that moment you know you've been marked. Two lost souls finding one another in the cold and metal walls of a heartache and rekindling the vigor of life within your devoid souls.
"Damn. Never seen him do that before."
You acknowledge his voice, but the only sound reverberating in your ears is the constant strum of your beating heart. Alive once more as the ancient connection between man's best friend heals the scars of an unending loss.
"How old is he?" You ask, turning to face the man standing next to you. Comfortable enough to trust the newly found bond forged as a feeling of warmth and rejuvenation bellows from within your abdomen.
"About six months, I think. Give or taken a few weeks."
Six months. It's purely coincidence.
"I'll take him."
"Alright then. I'll get the paperwork."
You retract your hand just as Jared opens the door, and the frightened pup bolts to cowar in the safety of the corner once more.
But he remains silent. A searching stare locking into your gaze to gauge how to move forward with this unknown terrain.
Slowly, you extend your hand once more into the cage to coax him back to your touch. Rebuild the bond of trust once more as you wait for the inevitable to blow through the door.
With a solemn yet comforted look in the pups eyes, he gradually crawls over and rests his chin within the palm of your hand. Soul blazing eyes staring up within the confines of furr, having a certain familiarity you hadn't seen since so painfully losing that love so long ago.
"That's it. I'll take care of you," you whsiper in a voice akin to haunting within the walls. Rubbing your thumb along his bristled jaw line, not to dissimilar to the affection you showed once before to another blue eyed angel.
The heavy door swung open once more, yet you both remained entwined within an enamored bond as the attendant gently turned the metal knob.
"Think you've found yourself a dog there, ma'am," he muttered with a smile, extending the pen and paperwork for your newly attained ownership.
"You think of a name yet?"
You remained silent for a moment. Knowing full well his name was bestowed upon him the moment you walked through that door.
With one quick glance into his eyes once more, you fell in love with him all over again. And uttered the name you'd thought was destined to become nothing more than a distant memory.
"Johnny. Gonna call him Johnny."
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This is hit me just before going to bed and I had to get it out. Love them furbabies. Boop all the snoots.
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@deadbranch @sofasoap @d3athtr4psworld @writeforfandoms @punishmepunisher @glitterypirateduck @homicidal-slvt @jynxmirage @obligatoryghoststare @shotmrmiller @astraluminaaa @ghosts-goldendoodle @kkaaaagt @mykneeshurt @simpingoverquestionablemen @queen-ilmaree @thetrashpossum @designateddeadend @luismickydees @foxface013
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ginnsbaker · 1 year
puppy love
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Summary: Set in the ILGOSS Universe: On a whim, after a conference just outside Manhattan, you stumbled into a nearby shelter. There, you discovered the ideal present for Wanda's 25th birthday. The gift in question is a lively six-month-old Jack Russell Terrier...
...or just a short, bedtime story about how Sparky came into your lives
Word count: 1.7K+ | Tags: Fluff, ILGOSS Universe, Puppy kisses, Wife kisses
A/N: Requested by @icecreamchips ; it was briefly mentioned in ILGOSS chapter 15 that Sparky was from a shelter and our gift to Wanda's 25th birthday, this is just a one shot about that time we were sneaky and impulsive :)
You've always dreamt of having kids.
This desire only grew stronger once you met and married Wanda, and the idea of having a family of your own turned into an actual possibility. Though the two of you have lightly touched upon the subject of starting a family, you're still newlyweds and are both finding your footing in your respective careers. Growing up without siblings and distant relations with cousins, the allure of a big family was always strong for you.
So, on a whim, after a conference just outside Manhattan, you stumbled into a nearby shelter. There, you discovered the ideal present for Wanda's 25th birthday. The gift in question is a lively six-month-old Jack Russell Terrier with a curious glint in his eyes. The shelter staff had endearingly named him Max because of his maximum energy levels. When you picked him up, your pulse quickened at the thought of introducing him to Wanda. Adopting a pet is a serious commitment, but Wanda has expressed her fondness for dogs before and had one while growing up.
When Wanda arrives and the door swings open, you hold your breath, waiting for her reaction. But before you can gently present Max to her, his little legs propel him forward, eager to shower her with puppy kisses. It seems as though he innately knows this is his chance at a forever home, and he is determined to charm her.
Wanda looks utterly surprised. As she crouches to return the puppy's greeting, her gaze flits between Max and you. Her face mirrors the shock and confusion of the moment, only intensified as Max enthusiastically licks her. The only other time you've seen her this taken aback was when she found out her favorite sandwich joint was closing.
“When… how… why is he here?” she stammers, her big eyes trying to piece together the scene. Now, she's settled into a kneeling position on the floor, letting the dog shower her with affection.
“He likes you,” you remark, sidestepping her obvious need for answers.
Wanda gently keeps the dog from overwhelming her any further, and he contentedly settles in her lap, focusing his attention on licking her wrist.
The way Wanda says your name makes your stomach clench. It's not angry, but it's not entirely pleased either. It's a tone that lands somewhere in the middle, like you're teetering on the edge of her patience. You swallow, racking your brain for the best way to explain this unexpected addition.
You attempt a smile, crouching to pet Max, who has now jumped out of Wanda’s lap and is now eagerly circling Wanda. “Remember the conference near Manhattan I mentioned? Well, I might've taken a tiny detour.”
“A ‘tiny detour’? That leads to adopting a puppy?”
Max barks softly, as if wanting to be a part of the conversation. His antics draw a chuckle from you, but you’re quickly trying to keep the conversation on track.
Wanda is on the verge of saying something else when she feels the dog tug at the hem of her shirt, coming dangerously close to ripping it. Your eyes widen in horror as you reprimand the tiny creature, yelling, “Max, no!”
Startled by the sudden sternness in your voice, Max quickly seeks refuge behind Wanda, peeking out timidly from around her waist.
“You named him Max?” Wanda asks wearily, brushing her fingers against the back of his ears, coaxing him out of his hiding.
You shrug. “The staff at the shelter named him.” Only now, with the look on Wanda's face, do you recall that during a stint in college, she went by the same name among her sorority sisters.
“So, uh, yeah…” You clear your throat, the words feeling a tad awkward as they tumble out, now that the grand introduction of Wanda to her birthday surprise isn't panning out quite as you'd envisioned. “Happy birthday, uh, he’s—”
“He’s mine?” Wanda asks, looking down at Max fondly despite her apprehension.
You smile softly at them, your heart warming at the sight. “Yes, but if you're having second thoughts…”
You're half-expecting Wanda to quickly reassure you, to say everything is okay and that Max can stay. However, she remains silent, lost in her thoughts for a few lingering moments.
“Thank you, but uhm, I… I just wasn't expecting this," she finally says, her voice gentle, not wanting to hurt your feelings. She runs her fingers through Max's fur, who has emerged fully to curl up against Wanda’s side, a soft smile pulling at the corners of her mouth. “It's a big responsibility, you know? A living, breathing being that will depend on us.”
“I know. It wasn't a decision I took lightly. And I realize now that maybe I should've consulted with you first.”
“You should’ve,” Wanda says, her lips forming a firm line. “We both have jobs. I'm part-time, which means there will be times he'll be left alone here.”
You take a deep breath, acknowledging her concerns. “I know. I did think about that, and I did some research. Jack Russells are independent and can handle being alone for short periods. And… well, I thought maybe we could look into a doggy daycare or even a dog walker for the times we both can't be around.”
Max looks up at Wanda, his tail wagging slowly, as if sensing the serious nature of the conversation and trying to endear himself further.
Wanda, after a brief pause, says, “Let's give it a try. For a week. If we find we can't manage or give him the life he deserves, he'll have to go back.” She hesitates before adding, “And I'm sorry, Y/N.”
“No, I should be the one apologizing,” you say, your head hanging low, feeling embarrassed by your impulsiveness.
Wanda frowns at the guilty look on your face. Slowly, she extends a hand towards you. “Come here,” she says softly. You step closer as directed, and she pulls you down to sit beside her on the floor, then wraps her arms around you in a comforting embrace. After a moment, she pulls back slightly and plants a soft kiss on your forehead.
“He is pretty cute, you know,” Wanda gives you a small smile, her gaze drifting down to Max. “But we’re not going to name him ‘Max’”.
You laugh softly. “Fine. Anything else you want for your birthday?”
Wanda’s eyes darken at that, before tugging you by the hand and leading you toward the bedroom.
The week unfolds in an unexpected way:
Suddenly, your boss drops the news that you're being pulled from the background to spearhead a crucial presentation for the stakeholder's quarterly meeting. Consequently, you find yourself anchored to the office more often than you're at home.
Which means for Max's trial week, Wanda is the one primarily left to manage things at the apartment.
On the final night of Max’s trial week, and after another particularly grueling day at work, you arrive home much later than anticipated. The kitchen sink shines, void of even a stray dish or glass. There's a pot of beef stew still giving off warmth on the stove, with a handwritten note from Wanda. It tells you to dig in if you're hungry, but if you've already had dinner, to ensure it's stored back in the fridge. You smile at the domesticity of it all—you still can’t wrap your head around the fact that Wanda is your wife and you get to come home to her notes and her cooking, and that ever-uncapped toothpaste tube she forgets about in the bathroom.
The apartment is dark, save for the faint glow of streetlights seeping through the gaps in the curtains. You gingerly make your way to the bedroom, trying your best to be as silent as possible, hoping not to disturb Wanda. As you carefully slide into bed, trying to snuggle up to Wanda, you're met with an unexpected obstacle. A lump—warm, soft, and clearly not your wife. You cautiously reach out, your fingers encountering the familiar feel of fur.
The movements wake Wanda, who turns groggily towards you, her eyes barely open. She manages a sleepy smile. “Welcome home, baby,” she murmurs.
“Sorry for being so late again,” you whisper back, trying to reach for Wanda over the dog but the strain on your back and the uncomfortable angle causes you to inevitably stay where you are.
She stretches a hand out to cup your face, her thumb brushing gently against your cheek. “It's alright,” she reassures you, glancing at the dog nestled between the two of you. “Sparky kept me company.”
“Sparky?” You raise an eyebrow in playful confusion.
Wanda shrugs sleepily. “He seems to like the name better. Don't you, Sparky?” she coos.
In answer, the Jack Russell Terrier stretches out, giving Wanda a sloppy lick on her cheek, earning a small giggle from her. With that little display of affection, Sparky curls up once more, his eyes fluttering closed as he nestles closer to Wanda.
“Hey, Sparky,” you grumble jokingly, narrowing your eyes at the dog, “that's my spot.”
“Maybe just let him sleep there for tonight,” she suggests, laughing softly when Sparky keeps his eyes closed and continues to ignore you.
The soft smile on your face fades just a hint, and the question in your eyes is clear—is Sparky staying for good?
Wanda reads the look on your face easily and adds, “He can sleep at the foot of the bed tomorrow. And every day after that.”
Relief and happiness wash over you. You really were hoping for Wanda to keep her gift. You lean over the small distance between you and Wanda, stretching across Sparky to plant a sweet kiss on her lips. She returns it eagerly, her hand finding your cheek to pull you closer. But before the kiss could escalate into something more, she gently presses a hand to your chest.
“Good night, baby,” you whisper against her lips, your smile resurfacing.
“I love you,” she murmurs softly in return, her eyes already closing once more as sleep claims her.
As you lay back against your pillow, Sparky's soft snoring filling the quiet room, a warmth spreads through your chest.
You’ve always dreamt of having kids. But even without them right now, it doesn't mean your family feels any less complete. After all, you have Wanda, and that's its own kind of perfection.
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thisisnotthenerd · 25 days
active stat tracking for never stop blowing up: episode 10
it's the final breakdown, ba-na-na-na
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what a finale, folks. utter chaos. everyone's in costume and looking great.
and in the end, we're still looking at a split breakdown. there wasn't too much leveling up in this episode, but we saw some huge explosions with d20 rolls. vic/wendell had the best split at the end, with 1d4, 1d6, and 7d20.
two nat 20 gm moments, coming from izzy and rekha. everyone came and got what they wanted on both of their intervals.
wildcard? insane. the fact that they saved it for the last episode made everything work. it was the direct cause of wendell's insane weapons roll (131 given all of the tokens, 74 on the die). in the end they beat the system into doing what they needed for it to work, but straining the bounds of credulity and irreversibly altering the world of never stop blowing up.
it's interesting to think about what's changed since the beginning; initially i thought they were going to specialize more than they ended up doing, simply by the nature of the system. they did level up more in the skills they used more often, but each character did not stick to what would purely be the skillset of the avatar. the implication of the movie is that the avatars, without inhabitants, simply have d20s in all skills. in system, the players can level up to their peak in a single shot.
storywise, they emphasized the impact of outside influence on the movie--when you can make anything happen, the only logical progression is absurdity. the chances of blowing up decrease with each explosion, but never get so low that you can't continue to blow up. when you have the will, you can make your way.
paula donvalson / jack manhattan
abilities: Duelist, Relentless, Mastery (Brawl), Quick Healing, Protector, Grit, Wildcard, Interrogator, Mastery (Weapons), Lucky
stunts: d20
brawl: d4
tough: d12
tech: d20
weapons: d20
drive: d8
sneak: d6
wits: d10
hot: d8
liv skyler / kingskin
abilities: Wealthy, Trouble Maker, Demolitions, Quick Healing, Relentless, Wildcard, Criminal Conspiracy (Convenient Item)
stunts: d20
brawl: d20
tough: d20
tech: d10
weapons: d12
drive: d10
sneak: d4
wits: d20
hot: d10
andy 'dang' litefoot / greg stocks
abilities: Mastery (Brawl), Mastery (Weapons), Smokin', Quick Healing, Relentless, Mastery (Tough), Resilient, Wildcard, Criminal Conspiracy (Convenient Item)
stunts: d12
brawl: d10
tough: d20
tech: d20
weapons: d20
drive: d12
sneak: d4
wits: d20
hot: d20
wendell morris / vic ethanol
abilities: Transporter, Protector, Trouble Maker, Quick Healing, Resilient, Mastery (Drive), Relentless, Mastery (Brawl), Grit, Wildcard
stunts: d20
brawl: d20
tough: d20
tech: d6
weapons: d20
drive: d20
sneak: d4
wits: d20
hot: d20
russell feeld / jennifer drips
abilities: Trained (Hot), Neck Snapper, Quick Healing, Inspiring, Wildcard, Relentless, Resilient
stunts: d20
brawl: d20
tough: d20
tech: d4
weapons: d6
drive: d4
sneak: d12
wits: d20
hot: d8
usha rao / g13
abilities: Wildcard, Hacker, Stealth, Quick Healing, Resilient, Demolitions, Relentless, Mastery (Tech), Criminal Conspiracy (Tech Check Benefit)
stunts: d20
brawl: d4
tough: d20
tech: d20
weapons: d4
drive: d20
sneak: d6
wits: d20
hot: d10
group abilities:
la familia (stepping in for a tough roll, lending tokens at a 1:1, sharing skill dice for optimization)
diesel circus (doubling number of tokens on a double explosion, roll 2x on first roll after injury, successful drive check allows a second skill check on top)
alpha squad (gaining 2 tokens when the group suits up, reduce explosion range by 1, two characters roll and add the result)
the ones (reroll a nat one with a different skill, take a nat one as a max roll and blow up, accept a nat one and get 1/2 the tokens of the die value)
bustin' makes me feel good (on a nat 20 they can: a) graduate everyone's lowest die type, b) restart a skill track with advantage the second time, or c) become the gm for 60 seconds.
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madaboutmunson · 2 years
I just saw video online of a Husband Calling competition at a state fair, and I can't stop thinking about the some of the pairings from Stranger Things entering:
Everyone thinks Eddie is gonna win, because he can silence Hellfire with two words, but no one has ever actually had to hear Steve call for Eddie, because he only ever has to do this when they are home alone. When Eddie is too quiet, and Steve knows he's up to no good. And Steve's call is shrill to say the least. People cower and put their fingers in their ears. Eddie looks on proudly, no one can see the ear plugs he's already put in his ears.
Argyle's "Broooooooooooo" call for his husband Jonathan both confuses and delights the crowd. Jonathan makes a bird noise with his hands and is immediately flanked by a bunch of guys in hunting gear trying to learn his secrets, and Argyle has to rescue him.
Robin tries to give her loud call for Nancy but because she's been shouting after everyone all day pointing out all the amazing things she spotted (Like the piglet with one ear smaller than the other) her voice is shot. Nancy wasn't going to enter this stupid thing but Robin looking so disappointed and Steve looking certain he's won, she steps up. She shouts Robin's name once so sternly and loudly that Robin jumps in fright, but then so do several other Robins in the crowd, and a small jack Russel of the same name. A few of them dropping their freshly purchased food stuff or local goods, all of them their eyes wide at the stage.
Nancy gets first place, and pins her ribbon on Robin.
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lilpunkrock · 2 years
Black Silk
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Status: One-Shot
Pairing: Jack Russell x Fem!Reader
Words: 4.8k+
AN: There is a heartwrenching lack of Jack Russell content on Tumblr, so I'm here to throw my hat in the ring. Enjoy a whole lot of fluff and, yes, sensual sniffing with everyone's favorite wolf boy.
Read my other Jack Russell works here and here.
"Cautivante" — "captivating"
"Mi amada" — "my darling," "my love"
"Señorita" — equivalent of "miss"
"Lo siento" — "I'm sorry"
. . .
When you see the dark figure walking along the side of the bustling highway, you’re sure it’s for the first time. After all, you’ve been driving this route every day for years now; you know it like the back of your hand. In your swiftly moving car—hey, so what if you like driving six miles over the speed limit at all times, sue you—you aren’t able to catch many details. A dark outfit and mop of ruffled hair is all that your mind absorbs in the brief moment you have to gather information. As you fly past, your eyes linger on the figure in your rearview mirror.
Are they lost? Having car trouble? Homeless? Your heart clenches as you watch several other cars pass up stopping for the stranger in addition to your own. You’ve listened to enough true crime podcasts to know some core rules to live by. Sure, none of them explicitly stated, ‘Don’t pick up strangers off the side of the highway,’ but you felt you could gather as much from context clues. Still, as the figure’s form grows smaller in your mirror, you find yourself heaving a reluctant sigh. It’s unusually cold for late October—under forty currently, with a low of twenty-nine degrees expected tonight—and the sun will set in just a handful of hours. If you’re driving with your seat warmers on, you know the stranger must be freezing. You don’t think they were even wearing a coat. 
After you’ve pulled off the side of the road, you throw the gear in reverse to close the distance between yourself and your stranger. The figure stops in the glow of your red tail lights, anticipating your approach. When you’re several feet away, you throw the vehicle in park, grab your bottle of pepper spray, and slip out of the car before you can change your mind.
The face that greets you when you turn around is…endearing. Your stranger is a middle-aged man with warm-toned skin, a prominent nose, and a strong, square jaw. His salt-and-pepper hair looks like it’s been freshly touseled, complimenting the dark shadow of stubble along his jaw. His green eyes are wide as he stares at you, his pale pink lips parted in surprise.
Standing here with his startled eyes upon you, you suddenly feel incredibly awkward. Maybe he didn’t want to be helped. Maybe he was perfectly fine walking on the side of the highway. Then, a frigid wind whisks past you, cutting right through your cashmere sweater, and you decide no, there was no way. This guy was dressed in nothing more than a plain black crew neck sweater and dark jeans. It was impossible for him to not be freezing.
“Uh, hi,” you greet him awkwardly with a small, sheepish wave. “I’m sorry, I know this is really abrupt, but I just saw you walking on the side of the road and…aren’t you freezing?”
The stranger’s eyebrows jump upward in surprise. He looks down at his clothes as if wondering to himself, ‘Should I be cold?’ He lifts his head to look at you again. “Uh, no. I’m not, actually.” His voice is soft, lilting slightly with a distinct accent. He offers you a small smile. There’s something about the slight crook of his teeth on the upper left hand side of his mouth that melts the awkwardness from your bones. “I guess you could say I’m pretty warm blooded. I always run a little on the hot side.” 
You nod thoughtfully, though you really can’t fathom how he’s not freezing his ass off right now. “Okay. Well, why are you walking out here? Where are you coming from?”
“Ah, my friend and I recently moved here. I live just that way,” he explains with enthusiasm, pointing one hand toward the expansive forest sprawling off the side of the highway. 
Your eyebrows furrow ever so slightly. You’ve lived in this area all your life, have spent countless weekends walking the trails in those very woods. You know no one lives within them. Is he homeless, then? you wonder. Deeming it rude to pry, you instead respond, “Oh, okay. Well, is there anywhere you want me to take you?” 
The stranger’s eyebrows raise again, as if this thought had never occurred to him. “Actually, I was just walking to town to get coffee for my friend and I. Once a month we have a bit of…a, uh…a wild night, you could say. I was trying to get prepared before dark.”
You purse your lips, debating on how to give him the bad news. He definitely must be new to the area. “Well, I hate to tell you this, mystery man, but you’re moving away from town.” You point your finger in the opposite direction of where he was walking, back toward where you’d driven from. “Town is about twenty minutes that way.”
The stranger’s face falls at your words. Something about the tender disappointment in his expression reminds you of a kicked puppy. Your heart clenches at the sight. “Oh,” he says softly, seemingly at a loss for words. 
You offer him a friendly smile, seeking to lift his spirits. “I could drive you, if you wanted.” The words are out of your mouth before you even have time to contemplate them. What the fuck? the logical, true-crime-podcast-obsessed part of your mind hisses. Your pitiful heart pushes back, still insistent on helping this poor, coffee-needing, puppy-esque man. 
The stranger’s eyes brighten for a moment, glimmering a brilliant shade of grassy green. But then he lifts his hands, as if in apology. “That is very kind of you, señorita, but I must decline. I really need to be back before dark.” His voice is slightly anxious as he raises his hand to scratch behind one ear. 
Señorita. Your heart melts slightly at the word. Why were accents always so damn endearing? You shake your head at him. “Nonsense. If you need to be back before dark, that’s all the more reason for me to take you. You’ll never make it back in time on foot.” 
The stranger seems to weigh this hefty truth, nibbling his bottom lip in thought. The crook in his teeth peeks out at you adorably. Staring is rude, you chastise yourself, tearing your eyes from the sight. After a long moment of hesitation, he gives a slow nod. “Alright, you’ve got me. I thank you for your generosity.” 
You give him a wide, toothy grin, beckoning him back toward your vehicle. As he climbs into the passenger seat, you quirk an eyebrow at him expectantly. “No thanks needed, mystery man. I will, however, require payment in the form of your name.” 
The stranger gets to work making himself comfortable, burrowing his back into the warmth of the heated seat. He peers at you out of the corner of his eye at your question, watching you curiously. After a long moment, his lips draw into a slow smile. “Jack. Jack Russell,” he says quietly with a nod of affirmation. 
Your lips upturn slowly, mirroring his. “Well, Jack Russell, it’s nice to meet you. Now, let’s go get you that coffee.” 
. . .
The more you observe your new friend during your drive, the more convinced you are that his spirit animal would be a dog. Jack rides with his high cheekbone pressed against the window, his green eyes bright and curious. The radiant, warm-toned fall foliage passes by in a blur outside, along with birds, cars, and road signs. His eager eyes flicker about, taking in all of it in rapid succession. Your heart flutters at the earnesty in his gaze, the bone-deep contentment in his expression. If picking up this handsome, puppy-eyed stranger off the side of the highway was how you became the subject of one of your true crime podcasts…well, so be it. 
Several quiet minutes into your drive, you clear your throat quietly, seeking to break the silence. “So, Jack, where are you from?”
Jack’s gaze lingers on a small cluster of deer grazing beside the treeline before he draws his eyes to you. When he does, his gaze is all-consuming, attentive. Having grown up in a world with constant sources of distraction, the sheer intensity of his focus on you is startling. “I have lived in many places, actually. I typically do not stay in one space for too long. My work keeps me busy.” 
Your heart clenches slightly at his admission, and you mentally chastise yourself for it. Why be disappointed that he doesn’t stick around? It wasn’t as if you were liable to see him again, anyway. “Oh, I see. Well, what do you do for work?” 
A heavy pause. “I hunt monsters,” he says seriously. 
His words hang in the air for a long moment, suspended. Then, your abrupt laughter fills the car. Sure, the two of you might live in a world of spidermen, aliens, and tech genius superheroes, but you had never heard of any monsters. Jack gives you a cheeky grin, the quiet rumble of laughter in his throat joining in with yours. “Ah, a comedian, then,” you comment, shooting him a knowing glance. “And your friend? What do they do?” 
Jack’s eyes turn to the ceiling of your car, that warm grin still plastered on his face. “I suppose you could say we’re a traveling duo,” he says simply. 
You shake your head incredulously, a soft chuckle purring in your throat. You’re inclined to pry more, but think better of it. After all, you’d only asked for his name in payment for the ride, not his entire life story. “You said you had a wild night planned. What are you up to?” 
Jack’s olive green eyes turn to you again, dancing in the low light of the late-afternoon sun. His cheeks are flushed pink from the warmth of the car. “We’re going to…watch the moon,” he responds. 
Now, that one makes you deadpan. “Watch the moon,” you echo, eyebrows lifting in surprise. 
Jack only hums in response, affixing you with a closed-mouth smile and a self-satisfied gaze. His eyes twinkle in challenge, as if to say, ‘You don’t believe me?’ You pin him with a knowing look and a smirk of your own as you flick your blinker on, turning into the approaching Walmart parking lot. “Alright, mystery man, keep your secrets,” you say with a laugh. “We’re here. Let’s get you that coffee so you can get on to your…moon watching.” 
Pulling into the first parking spot you see, you turn off the car and exit it swiftly, Jack following quickly behind you. Though nightfall is a little over an hour off, you want to be conscientious of his need to get home before dark, especially if he was going to be trekking through the woods. As you walk toward the grocery entrance, Jack’s head moves on a swivel, taking in the sight of customers coming to and from the building like a kid in a candy store. Lost in thought, he nearly walks directly into an elderly woman pushing her cart toward her car. Jumping back just in time, he murmurs a sheepish, “Lo siento,” and bows his head in apology before shuffling after you. An amused chuckle rises up in your throat, and you trap it behind a smile. 
As the two of you approach the grocery entrance, you spy the familiar sight of a Girl Scout’s booth set up just outside. A young girl, likely not even ten-years-old, stands beside the booth, her scout’s sash displayed proudly over the thick coat she wears. She bravely steps forward as customers enter and exit the store to give her brief sales pitch. Your heart aches at the crestfallen expression on her face when customers respond with gentle denials. Your hand is dipping into your purse before you even realize it, your fingers clasping onto your wallet. 
“Hi,” you say kindly as you and Jack come to a stop beside her booth. She turns toward you quickly, all bouncy black curls and brown doe eyes. You give her a radiant smile as you hold out a handful of bills. “I’ll take a box of Tagalongs and Adventurefuls, please. And you can keep the change.” 
The girl positively beams at you as she accepts your money with tentative fingers. When she places the boxes in your hands moments later, you add with a wide smile, “Thank you so much. You have no idea how you just made my day.” 
Tagalongs and Adventurefuls in tow, you and Jack walk into the store with purpose in your step. As your eye searches for the aisle marker labeled ‘Coffee,’ you can’t help but notice Jack staring at you out of the corner of your eye. At first, you think it’s just a momentary glance, but when you still spy his face turned toward you after several seconds of walking, you turn to look at him fully. He’s pinning you with the same thoughtful gaze as he had in the car, all closed-lipped smiles and twinkling eyes. As if he’s collecting observations of you and bottling them up, studious impressions reserved for him and him alone. 
Suddenly acutely self-conscious, you give him a nervous smile. “What is it?” you ask, voice quiet with hesitation. 
Jack’s eyes crinkle at the corners as he dips his head to his chest, his eyes never straying from yours. “You are very kind, señorita. Helping strangers as you do.” His voice is soft and earnest, each word carefully crafted and caressed as they pass the curve of his pink lips. He seems to smile a little wider as he adds, “Myself included.” 
Your lips part slightly in surprise at his statement, heat flushing your cheeks in a rush. Was it hot in this Walmart or what? You’d need to tell a manager that the thermostat was a little off if you spotted one. “Well, I’m definitely not perfect, but the world desperately needs more kindness. I try to do what I can,” you say bashfully. Seeking to divert the focus of conversation from yourself, you fix him with a knowing gaze. “You seem like a pretty nice guy yourself.” 
Jack chuckles quietly at you, turning his olive green eyes to the aisle signs overhead. “You are too generous to this stranger, señorita. I try to be as kind as I can. I struggle once in a full moon, but I suppose we all do.” 
You giggle good-naturedly at his slip. “You mean once in a blue moon?”
Jack’s lips part slightly, his expression one of genuine surprise. However, it lasts only a moment. He quickly gives you a sheepish grin, raising a hand to scratch hastily behind his ear. A nervous tick, you supposed. “Uh, yes, right. Of course.” 
Within moments, you find yourself alongside the coffee aisle. You dip into it swiftly, Jack following only a step behind. You come to a stop in the center of the coffee section, a wide array of possibilities available before you. “So, what kind are you looking for?” you ask expectantly. 
Jack’s eyes rove over the options quickly, seemingly seeing everything and nothing at once. His dark brows knit inward as he admits, “I…I’m not sure. My friend, Ted, normally gets the coffee. I haven’t any idea what I am looking for.” 
Your eyes widen in surprise. If this man had no idea what type of coffee to get, there was only one way to proceed. “Black Silk,” you say matter-of-factly. 
Jack turns to you slowly, confusion pinching his handsome features. “Black silk?” he echoes, the words rolling off his tongue without recognition. 
You nod wholeheartedly, eyes imploring and earnest. If there was one way you could truly help this man today, it would be this. “Yes. Folgers’ Black Silk. The only option when it comes to purchasing coffee. Especially if you don’t know where to start.” You beckon him toward the shelves of familiar red containers. Your trained eye finds the black-labeled tub instantly, and you crouch down, grabbing the largest option with eager fingers. “Let me tell you, mystery man. This coffee right here? A life changer.” 
“Oh.” Jack’s eyes are wide as saucers as he looks from you, to the container in your hands, and back to you. One corner of his full lips creeps upward as he gazes at you in equal parts amusement and intrigue. “A life changer, you say?” 
You nod. 
“And you think I need the largest tub they have?” An adorable peekaboo from that crooked grin of his. If you didn’t stop staring, you’d be reduced to nothing but a puddle on the floor. Clean up in Aisle 20.
“Yes. You’ll thank me later. If you’re doubting me…” Your gaze sweeps the aisle on either side of you. It’s just the two of you here, alone. Your fingers make quick work of popping the lid from its place and peeling back a section of the Aromaseal within. “...then just smell it. I promise, all your doubts will be erased.” 
Jack’s eyes dance with amusement as his gaze flickers between you and the coffee. You hold your ground, a challenge portrayed in the slant of your smirk. As if to say, ‘Yes, this is a hill I will die on.’ After several moments of bated breath, Jack lowers his head to the lip of the container. Instead of drawing in a long inhale like most human beings, he sucks in several short, rapid sniffs in succession. In that moment, you’re signed, sealed, and delivered–this man’s spirit animal is undeniably a dog, without question. Shaking your head incredulously, you close your eyes and dip your chin to savor the aroma yourself. 
The first word that enters your mind as you draw in a deep inhale is ‘bold.’ The scent of the dark roast is rich and robust as it weaves through your senses, awakening them instantaneously. The aroma is intense, luxurious, alluring. Your mouth waters unbidden as you hold the scent in, savoring it, before exhaling slowly through your nose. You can practically taste the notes of dark chocolate and smoke on your tongue. 
Satisfied, you slowly open your eyes. When you do, you find yourself gazing into two pools of olive green. Jack stares at you over the container of Black Silk between you, his eyes thoughtful, watchful, attentive. There is a gentleness behind his soft gaze, something intangible in the supple curve of his lips and his vaguely knotted brow that is fond, affectionate. 
“Cautivante.” The endearment is spoken on a breath, so faint you’re unsure you truly heard it. Your eyes fall to Jack’s lips, now parted slightly with bated breath. Your heartbeat flutters rapidly in your chest, fast as hummingbird wings, making you dizzy. Your very flesh seems to sing under his enthralled gaze, your skin warm and flushed, your knees weak. Unable to pry your eyes from the softness of his lips, the dip of his Cupid’s Bow. Your own lips seem to hum under his watch, calling out to him, buzzing so intensely you’re certain he must be able to see it, to feel it. As if drawn together by an invisible thread, you see him inch imperceptibly closer, and you mirror him, the song in your bones growing louder and louder– 
Ca-thunk. The sound nearly startles you out of your skin, slicing clean through the tension of the moment. Jumping backward, you turn to look past Jack at a very uncomfortable-looking woman several paces away. It’s very clear that she had been aware of your little….moment and had been trying to grab her tub of coffee unnoticed. Sorry, she mouths with a pained grimace. She dips down to grab the container of French roast that she had dropped on the floor and scurries off without another word. 
Fuck, your mind groans as panic sets in. Your gaze reluctantly slides to Jack, expecting to find his face twisted in regret, mortification, or awkwardness. Instead, you find him still watching you intently, captivated, spellbound. His olive eyes drink in your features like a man starved of drink. The feeling steals your breath away. 
You watch as his lips part wider, as he draws in a breath to speak. A rush of white hot panic sends your heart leaping into your throat at the sight. What would he say? Nerves thoroughly fried, you weren’t sure you could handle it, good or bad. So you beat him to it, hastily blurting out, “So, did you like it?” 
For a long moment, Jack’s expression hangs suspended, still as stone. He scarcely breathes as his eyes rove over your features, searching. You give him an awkward half-smile, mentally loathing yourself and your painful awkwardness in matters of affection. Part of you wants to tuck tail and run as far away from here as possible, hoping to save some scrap of your dignity. A bigger part of you wants to take his handsome, stubbled face in your hands and press those blush pink lips to yours, throwing caution to the wind. 
But neither of those things happen. When Jack finally releases the breath he’s been holding, the sound is low, wistful. “Yes, I liked it very much,” he says quietly, his voice thick with an emotion you can’t place. 
You release a bated breath of your own. Regret fills the space it once occupied, cold and heavy. “Alright, then…Great. Let’s get you home to your friend.”
. . . 
The ride back from town is quiet. Well, quiet on the outside. The inside of your mind is utter turmoil, a cacophonous tirade of:
What the fuck were you thinking–
Damn that woman���
He’s still a stranger, you know. You never should have picked up a stranger–
His lips were so perfect, how the hell can he be so–
“Here will do.” 
Jack’s soft voice startles you out of your mental beratement so abruptly that you have to white-knuckle the steering wheel to keep from swerving. Your eyes flicker to the side of the road where you’re currently driving, a grassy hill leading down to the forest beyond. You look at him next, eyes settling on his clasped hands, the fingers that he’s been twiddling for the past twenty minutes. “Here?” you say, your voice quiet. “Are you sure?” 
Jack gazes at you out of the corner of his eye, his lips upturned in a small, sheepish smile. “Yes, I’m sure. I live just a couple miles from here. If I begin walking now, I can arrive home before dark.” 
Ah, yes, nightfall. Your eyes turn to the dipping sun, just barely visible over the treeline to your left. It paints the sky in gold and burnt orange, the clouds overhead dip dyed in radiant shades of pink and purple. Your heart clenches at the sight, at the thought that time is running out. You turn on your blinker and pull into the gravel off the side of the highway with a lump in your throat. 
The two of you sit in still silence for a moment as you shift the car into park. The air in the cab is thick with nerves, with words left unsaid, actions left undone. You nibble at your bottom lip anxiously, wondering what on earth you could say to cut the tension. 
Jack beats you to it. “It was lovely to make your acquaintance, señorita.” His voice is sweet and kind, his eyes wide and emphatic. He gives you a small smile. Your eyes drink in the sight greedily, committing it to memory. “Thank you for helping this poor stranger. You have a warm and generous heart. I will leave you to continue your night in peace.” 
Peace. Your heart knows no such feeling as his hand closes around the grocery bag between his legs, as his fingers clasp the car door handle. Your heart revolts as he pushes the door open and begins to step out of the car. Sure, this was all your fault. You’d known from the get-go that your mystery man wasn’t sticking around. He’d told you as much himself. But that didn’t change how outright wrong it felt to watch him go. It didn’t change how desperately you wanted him to stay, the lengths you’d go to see him again, just one more time. Moon watching be damned. 
“Jack,” you say suddenly, his name slipping from your lips like a prayer. Your mystery man’s posture stiffens slightly, followed by a slow, agonizing turn as he shifts to look back within the car, back at you. Swallowing the lump in your throat, your eyes rove over his face, searching, imploring. “Will I see you again?” Your voice is small, fearful, hopeful. 
Jack’s eyes widen at the raw emotion in your voice, a wealth of words said and unsaid. His green eyes search your face, picking you apart, reading you like a cherished novel. Whatever he finds within your expression, it prompts him to crouch down, reaching the front half of his body into the passenger side of the car. His earnest eyes do not stray from yours as he gently takes your right hand from the steering wheel. His fingertips are warm and lightly calloused as he lifts the sleeve of your sweater ever so slightly. His breath is hot against your skin as he nestles his nose against the soft flesh of the inside of your wrist. Slowly, he draws in a deep, long inhale. He holds the breath in his lungs, savoring. Your heart stammers wildly in your chest as you transcend several levels of the multiverse in the length of his breath. 
“Cautivante.” His soft lips brush affectionately over the flesh of your wrist as he speaks the word. Turning your palm over, he presses a gentle kiss to the back of your hand, his lips warm and plush. Dazed and flushed, you’re certain that your soul has left your body until he speaks softly, grounding you to the spot. “Do you wish to see me again?” His voice is small, fearful, hopeful. 
You don’t even hesitate. “Yes.” 
His olive eyes sparkle at your eagerness, mouth widening into a delighted grin, eyes smiling at their corners. Your heart melts at the crook in his teeth as he looks down at your hands, bashful, then back up at you again. His teeth tug at his bottom lip thoughtfully as he grins at you. “Well, if that is what you wish, mi amada, then that is what you shall receive.” 
And in the blink of an eye, he’s gone, with only the slightest lingering aroma of Black Silk remaining in his place. 
. . . 
Driving home from work the following day, you’re almost embarrassed to admit that you’ve spent more time searching the woods on the side of the road than looking at the road itself. But when you spot a familiar dark haired man standing off the side of the highway a half mile ahead, all sense of shame leaves your mind. You flick on your blinker in an instant, pulling over without hesitation. 
The first thing you notice about Jack is how bone-deep exhausted he looks. His salt-and-pepper hair is entirely unkempt, his eyes framed by dark, shadowy circles. You’re almost sure he’s wearing the exact same black sweater and jeans from the day before. Still, when he sees you approach, his face brightens like a man who’s just had his best sleep in years. Your heart swells three sizes at the sight. 
He throws the door open and dips into your passenger seat like it’s the only thing he’s thought of in the past twenty-four hours. “Hello,” he greets you adorably, face split with a wide, cheeky grin. 
You couldn’t hold back your laughter if you’d tried. “Hello,” you greet him in return. Your skin seems to sing in his very presence, heart fluttering with an intoxicating mix of nerves and anticipation. “Out of coffee already?” you joke. 
He gives you a knowing smile, eyes twinkling. “Sure, you could say that.” 
Your teeth pin down your bottom lip, trying to bite back a grin. “Well, that sounds like a serious problem,” you try to keep a straight face, to keep the bit rolling, but glee sneaks into your tone anyway. “We’d better fix that.” 
Jack’s hand slips over yours on the gear shift, his thumb kneading the backs of your knuckles affectionately. With his olive green eyes on you, you feel like you could do anything, go anywhere. His presence is a drug, so much more addictive than caffeine could ever be. “Indeed, mi amada.” His grin widens ever so slightly, giving you the perfect glimpse of that endearing crook in his teeth. Your lips hum in response, eager to kiss that sacred spot, to adore every inch of him. To keep that grin plastered on his face forevermore. “Lead the way.”
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eykismyfav · 2 years
Hello could I pretty please request a Jack Russell x reader fic w/ prompt #18? I am an avid hiker prone to injury & I’m currently recovering from surgery. I got scolded by nurses constantly for pushing myself too hard and being stubborn. I know I’d give that poor sweet wolf man even more grey hair 🤣
Aww babe I'm sorry to hear that but I 100% relate I don't know when to rest after I get hurt. I love this request you can read the one shot here!
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missmarveledsblog · 1 month
You're not wrong but don't mean it's right ( Billy Butcher x reader) part two
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Summary : Butcher is trying to convince himself he had done the right thing when MM gives him him the hard facts. His efforts to protect her fail as she is attacked by homelander as frenchie hears the whole thing through her phone , only docs got a secret weapon but is it to late ?
Warnings : drinking , violence , homelander (don't need more explanation) more angst sorry
He did the right thing it or so he kept telling himself  as he sat feeling more guilt than achievement .  He sat Staring into the Amber Liquid in his glass  losing count after the 5th glass .  whether she liked him  the same way or just a friend whatever the bollock reason it wasn't safe , homelander would pick up on how he felt and yet again the blonde Prick would take great pleasure in taking his happiness. He couldn't go through it again  , he couldn't feel that kind of  pain never could he feel That kind of pain in his life , no her being away would make him happy …that's what he kept telling himself. 
“ what's going on with you” MM walked In taking in the man state and deep set frown on his face . 
“ doctor sweetness won't be around no more ain't that great” he sang stumbling As He stood the whiskey from his glass sloshing around some Spilling to the floor. 
“ you stupid fuck what did you do” mm pinch bridge of his nose . 
“ just did what was right mate she ain't one of us “ the brit Laughed.  A front mother milk knew Butcher better anyone he  could see past the whole asshole bravado front,   yes he was a bastard no denying that but their was more to the complexities that was William butcher . 
“ you scared her away huh big man too afraid of his own feelings so he scares  The one possible good thing away , how does it feel ? Did it feel good that why you drinking  celebrating Or silencing The voice that's telling you ya made a real fucking mistake” 
“ she'll be fine she big girl not my fault she got daddy issues” butcher Scoffed taking his seat . 
“ what about Frenchie , you not take Into the fact scaring her away gonna hurt him  , nah you didn't Once again you're thinking about you fuck the rest of us man not that we didn't want her around” 
“ my dear mother's milk Others docs out there that we can find, s’not my fault frenchie isn't man enough To fuck her tell her how he feels  that's  on him now me” Billy Slurred starting to get really fucking annoyed with it all . 
“ you haven't got clue what your talking about you dumb Son of a Bitch , frenchie doesn't like her like that which may Come as surprise the man's a fucking jack Russell but with doc it's different it's a deeper Connection like a mentor or brother , and it ain't about her skills as doctor you fuck , it the person she is  fucking only good thing we had around her and she gone cause you won't admit you like it” MM voice raising. 
“ like er , mate you hit your head cause your talking out your arsehole now” 
“  yeah right I see it man I see how you watch her when you think no one's looking , the secret little smiles  I know you more anyone here I see it” mm sighed . 
“ im Billy Fucking butcher I ain't got feelings “ he snorted . 
“ keep telling yourself that, don't choke On your vomit “ he called leaving him to his own pity party. 
She barely looked at her alarm clock , head thumping From the drinks she had to get the mental images of her past out of her head . The banging on her door that had her growling and groaning at the intrusion Of sleep . Padding her way through the hallway of her small apartment  looking out the peep hole eyes widen Waking her instantly as she ducked at the heat that shot through the wood . Rushing to her counter grabbing her phone hitting Call only to drop the phone when the door broke open the wood splintering In different directions as she dive behind her sofa . 
“ hey doc sorry to drop by like this but you see you have information I need” the blonde smirked as she stood. “ such a shame William gets the most beautiful  ones” 
“ you dement fucking Ken doll I don't work for them anymore” she growled looking around the fail safe she had was in her bag and yet it was no were to be seen. She walked his eyes following like he was the cat and she was the mouse .   Like he was playing with his food. 
“ yeah I believe your telling me the truth but that doesn't mean your not useful huh” hid eyes darting down her body that made her skin crawl and the bile rise in her throat. 
“  look you  lab rat reject of a man , I mean can I even call you that because let's be real that suits awfully tight my friend and the button on my jeans look bigger” she taunted only for his face to drop the pr smile and the blind anger take its place . He picked her up and threw her through the walls. 
She groaned as her body burned , pain almost blinding her vision til she seen her bag, her hands shaped as she grabbed it pulling the vile out and drinking its contents hiding the now empty tube in her pocket she could her his boots approaching and yet she smiled feeling the affect almost instantly . First the red and then everything fade completely black .  
“ ah shit” homelander growled standing above her hearing her heart beat gone  and no sigh of life coming from the woman laying in the drywall debris . “ fucking weaklings I was just starting to have fun” he scoffed heading out the bed room slightly dejected he couldn't do what he planned.
“ petite fille talk to me please talk to me sweet girl ” the voice called .  That accent he knew it anywhere as his eyes landed on the phone .  
“ ah French I'm sorry your little friend currently unavailable to talk at the moment want me to take a message” . 
“ you evil fuck leave her alone”  the man spat. 
“ tell William we said hi” he laughed breaking the phone before the man could talk leaving the apartment completely. 
His Eyes didn't even open and he felt it the feeling his head was gonna explode , the acidic tast that lingered threatening To spill from his mouth  that Equally  Dryer as a desert.  What he didn't want was the rustle and loud stomps Of footsteps . Light blinding his eyes as he watched the others Scampering around.  “ tryna fucking get some kip here fuck off” he growled pulling his coat over His head. 
The next words sobered him quicker Than anything on God's green earth when hughie mouth opened . “ docs in trouble” . 
Every part of his body instantly came to life as he got off the chair Not bothering to change his clothes as he pulled his coat On . “ where is she?” 
Not one of them spoke , frenchies Eyes filled with worry  more so than the rest wondering why the one thing in his life was in trouble and why he stupidly let her be apart , his Own selfish  he  felt like he wasn't around  much  joining butcher in his crusade so  he figured Have her join be with all the people he cared about and now she was deep trouble or worse. 
“ what's going on? How we know she in trouble and not just whatever” Butcher asked Secretly hoping it was something stupid something that they were jumping To conclusions about . 
“ play it” frenchie winced at MMs words playing the recording He took of the call .  The sound of  things hitting the floor . Then his voice the bane of  Billy Existence talking to her , taunting her. He couldn't help smile inside even in a situation like that she was smart mouth little spitfire then he heard a louder crash and homelander Following after , it was muffled til the man and frenchie spoke .  that recording was going to haunt their dreams for a long time .
“ does that sound like whatever” mm asked holding himself in place as the van jerked to a stop .
The walk to her apartment felt like miles away , even as they ran It felt faraway away each pleading that she was ok but when it came to homelander and his psychotic brain it was never an easy outcome .  The door completely gone and the burned scorch Marks that littered the walls inside , debris everywhere they didn't know were to even begin.  Till frenchie Seen the hole that led to her bedroom almost Stumbling and falling as he raced to the room. 
Following after they heard him scream Out in anger,  pain and truly Heart broken. Something completely alien to the usual boisterous personality .  Each Silently agreeing it was too late walking towards the room .  They gasp As  he held her limp body in his arms holding her Close  to his chest. They were too late , too late to help the woman that helped them beyond just their physically pain . She would sit And talk to them about anything knowing they were suffering from something else being The voice of reason  it was honestly something they never knew they needed Til she started.  
“ I feel something” frenchie sniffled The mysterious object Poking his chest probably something from her being throw through the wall stuck in her chest . The moment he took the little tube out the writing On the side he laughed out loud.  "Juliet" he repeated it like a prayer on his tongue .
“ he's lost it” hughie whispered Holding annie tightly to his Side . kimiko walked about to pull him away .
“ oh you beautiful little genius” he laughed Louder kissing her head . “ someone Hold her “ he called as butCher Took Her in his arm a selfish need to hold her even if it was the last time ,  the regret filling his every fiber  , he tried To save her pushing her away and It Done no good now she was completely gone . 
Frenchie ignored the looks as he race to her bed trying to pull the mattress up . “ mon Cherie if you could” he turned to kimiko who look around just as confused. “ hurry” he said again The woman pulling the mattress up   all eyes seeing the little fabric and Tiny zipper that  almost could be hidden.  Pulling it ope to reveal another compartment   that led to a little silver box . “ let's go we don't have much time I'll explain later” he rushed out Of the room . Not once did butcher let go of her body  and now he had a rare feeling creeping inside.. he had hope . 
part three
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halevren · 3 months
Never Stop Blowing Up Spoilers || my live thoughts as I watch episode 2
I'm so ready for this chat
The intro is so so cool I love it
oh Brennan you are rocking that leather jacket
The turbo tokens kind of look like pomegranate seeds. Man now I'm craving pomegranate
The decor....
"Wow so we're like a sandwich...." "Yeah! And we're the bread"
"I'm just being... Funny today..."
"Don't worry boss, we killed them."
Kingskin's so hit
I am eating watermelon rn so I won't be doing every single reaction
"You threw that punch like 6 feet away from me"
"You're not mad at me?" I resonate with you liv
The empresario is kinda hot... Even though he's got purple man fnaf vibes
I love Izzy she's so much in her element
"My pepper spray is black...."
"Did I love him?"
we're on a train building helicopter
it's so hot
shout out to Russel for immediately playing as Ms. Drips
He's thinking about Dang 😢😢
Kirk Blade is kinda...... 👀
oh no he's rolling the car
if Wendell's character doesn't make it..... Does that mean he dies in real life
I should listen to Blink-182 again. It's been a bit since I've listened to any of their songs because I'm super into like sigilkore and stuff rn
Wendell channeling his inner vin diesel
I feel so stupid I just unstood why his name is Vic Ethanol. I forgot Ethanol gas is a thing
he's cool, leave it
usha might be dead
usha my beloved I love you
doin a lil jig
That was so sick I love you rekha
Saint Jude is kinda...... 🫦
St. Francis.... Hm
"Don't tell me that again." "Don't tell me what to do"
I wanna shoot a car
"I'm going to leave this interaction"
I have a gun and I have a penis
Computer blizzard wizard
"What Brennan?" (Hostile)
"You doin okay?" "No." "Oh." "It just feels good to be touched." 😭😭😭
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cricketgutz · 4 months
Can you say some more fun facts about White? I think she's so interesting. She's the youngest character in the cast but clearly has had so much shit happen to her.
White is the epitome of "when you hit rock bottom, there's nowhere to go but up"
She was shot down by her ex boyfriend as she tried to leave him one night, he shot her right dead- or so he thought, he never bothered to check. The tenacity of a half dead and broken down 20 year old with nothing else to lose lead her to take this as an opportunity to reinvent herself, one big reset.
She lives for her own enjoyment now, which doesn't take much. She's a simple woman, some glass bottles and a hammer and she's the happiest lil bitch around. She likes having friends around she can be mean to and roughhouse
She is like a Jack Russel terrier was a woman and could give you tetanus
She is themed off "Death," taking from the Ace of Spades (also known as the death card) and the grim reaper.
Speaking of cards, each Heartbreaker has a cartomancy card, hers is, imagine that, the ace of spades.
It's common in their area to pick a patron saint as good luck/protection, even if you aren't religious- hers is Saint Agatha
Her mode of transportation is a black Kawasaki KFX 450r
Half of her outlaw work is based almost entirely on rumors and intimidation. They say she tore a guy's body in half with her hand (it was just his arm) They say she bit a man's hand off in one bite (it was just most of his fingers)
They say she's a cannibal, but she "ain't been convicted"
Zeki suspects she is autistic, but she "ain't been convicted"
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the-wintershade · 2 years
cold branches and warm sighs
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pairing: jack russell x reader  summary: transformations are exhausting for Jack, but you’re always there to find him and keep him safe wc: 1.0k+  genre: worrying, sweet, comfort, sleepy warnings: jack’s cuteness, honestly a/n: hi loves! happy early halloween! this mcu short was so well done! i loved every moment of it!
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“Jack!” Gunshots fizzed and sparkled in the cold air. Your feet crunched against the leaves and frost. “Jack! Where are you?”
Ted pounded over to your camp scared and white-eyed. It didn’t take many grunts and huffs from you to get the picture. Hunters, again. 
The branches rustled in agitation, and they scratched against your skin, drawing angry welts. Your hurried breaths frosted into white clouds. The sleepy blue dawn threatened to spill through the trees.
It would be moments until Jack changed back if he hadn’t already. More leaves split apart as you tore through the trees.
“Jack! Answer me!” The flashes of the guns were getting closer now, emissions floating in the air colored orange and red. You stopped, splaying your hand against a nearby tree to steady yourself. 
You wouldn’t be able to hear him if you kept running like this. If you stopped, maybe you’d hear a grow or a stumbling. The leaves and wind grew hushed. The clang of the hunter’s gear shot through the quiet, but just beyond, just out of reach, there were discombobulated steps. It had to be Jack.
More controlled this time, you moved over, the leaves parting instead of flying away from your feet. It was so dark he was hard to spot. Every patch of blackness could be tree or a bundle of branches.
Then you found one that moved. A voice, tired and cracked trickled through the dark. “Mi vida?”
Your stomach unfurled. You almost fell into him, crushing him against your body, arms around his neck. His forearms dug into your back, curling you against his chest, his cold nose brushing against your exposed neck. Your warm sighs tickled each other’s cheeks in sync.
He must have just turned back. All he had was a blanket, thin and scratchy. As he hugged you, he wrapped it around your back, drawing you into his warmth as much as he could.
Your shaky arms slowly loosened from his neck and you smoothed them against his upper arms. “You okay?” Your eyes searched his tired expression.
“I’m alright. Just a little tired.” His eyes drooped in tandem with his words. Then he started to fall, leaning into your chest. Your arms wrapped around his torso to catch him. “Just need to rest.”
Sparing a glance over his shoulder, the golden sparks of the weapons were getting closer, red twinkles from enchanted whips and daggers. You couldn’t stay here. Every moment put the both of you in danger of people that are a lot less forgiving than the dark, looming trees. The only thing they could do was intimate you.
Except for Ted. Ted could incinerate people. You had plenty of people behind you for him to become acquainted with.
You angled Jack so your hips were aligned, curling an arm around his middle to pull him forward. His legs were slow to cooperate but your determination more than made up for it. “Come on. Let’s get you somewhere warm.”
“Hey,” you smoothed your hand through his tussled hair. He began to stir, humming and squeezing you closer. His head rested near your neck, right where he always liked it. His arms rested around your center and his chest was half pressed against your torso. 
By the time you’d gotten back to camp, he’d nearly collapsed, half from the exhaustion from the transformation and from avoiding the hunters chasing the wolf. You’d had to lay him down, tucking him under the blankets and breaking some heating pads to life.
He dressed when he felt some life in his bones again, sleepily slugging into his pants and shirt. You just returned from giving Ted a hot mug of coffee, refueling him for getting the hunters off your trail. You’d make sure to go later in the morning with him to help clean up the evidence.
Just as you pushed the flap to the tent open, he rolled over to face you, a soft smile on his face. “Come here,” he freed an arm from his blanket to hold out to you. 
He was asleep a few moments later, mumbling his thanks and affection. You pressed an I love you into his scalp, thankful he was back in your arms again.
Now, his eyes peeled open, a contented hum slipping from his lips. “Good morning,” he grinned. He shifted higher so you could rest against his chest, rolling over so he lay beneath you. “How’d you sleep, amor.”
Snuggling against him, you breathed in the leaves and cold air still stuck to his clothes. There was something warmer and deeper there too; it was uniquely his. He said the same thing about you when he woke up in the mornings. He loved holding you close enough to memorize your scent. He wanted to keep it near him so he wouldn’t forget when he changed.
“Better now that you’ve gotten some rest.” His answering kiss to your crown sent a flare up your spine and warm jelly to spread through your core. 
“How’s Ted?” His voice rumbled against your ears.
“He’s alright. He was worried about the hunters before. He thought they were getting close to where we were.” You could still see Ted’s wide-open eyes and rushed strides.
Jack frowned, holding you against him tighter. “I hope I didn’t scare him. I was trying to lead them away before I got close to transforming.”
“I’m sure he knows. He sent your knight in shining armor after you anyway,” you smirked, watching his eyes light up in amusement.
“Oh, amor, I see you take your responsibilities seriously.”
“I always do. It’s you we’re talking about.”
He didn’t answer, but his growing smile answered for him. His lips parted as he brought a finger beneath your chin, tilting your face up to touch foreheads and then gently eager lips. His kiss was soft and smooth but you deepened it, pressing your worry away with your lips.
As you broke apart, he trailed a pinky down your forehead, brushing your hair away from your face. “Thank you,” he sighed, a peaceful look in his eye.
“I love you too,” you hummed. He giggled.
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