#jack of hearts aib
jack-of-emos · 2 years
rank the players in your game in order from most stylish to least
Yaba.. (obviously)
Girlie with short hair who was in Urumis group
The other people which I completely forgot their names
That blond thing
ooc: These are all the people from the manga, and I put chishiya there because I know people would bark at me if I didnt
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Strength | Banda Sunato
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Pairing: Banda Sunato x Fem!Reader
Author's note: Hi, my exams are not over yet haha, but I'll just drop this here for those interested.
I try to make it readable as a standalone fic but there is a part 1 and (part 2).
Word count: 2.1k
Warnings: Weird relationship (it's Banda, a serial killer), Violence? (Still aib), potential spelling/grammar mistakes? And soft Banda idk, suggestive themes but no mature content
Summary: Banda Sunato takes his girl to the Jack of Hearts game and is impressed by her strength.
You were falling. A pit formed in your stomach from the suddden height difference you were experiencing and it left you wondering if this is what one of those attractions at the amusement park felt like. You only knew that people descibed it as moving down in the elevator and felt that this was indeed an accurate analogy.
You hadn’t willingly dropped youself off the edge of the building, but were trying to escape the other player who had tried to steal your key and you fiercly hoped Banda knew that as well. Well, you weren’t really in any danger anyway, you thought to yourself. Luck is always on your side, right?
And sure enough, your dress got caught by a street light hanging from the side of the building, which slowed down your fall. You threw a glance beneath you and sighed at the moment of impact. A convenient a trash container filled with soft trash bags allowed you to survive without a scratch again.
“Thanks”, you said out loud to no one in particular.
You looked around. Now the real issue is going to be trying to get out of the container and back into the building without touching the floor. Though you had faith in your unrealistic luck, you knew the rules of the game and were not going to test your luck either.
The main problem was that someone did take away the key that you had to find, meaning you had to find another one if you wanted to leave the premise alive again.
And just as you thought about it, a key fell into your lap. You couldn't help but laugh. Someone up there was really overdoing it huh. It's kind getting unfair at this point, you thought amusedly right before a rope dropped into your lap.
You looked up in surprise. “Sunato!” You happily exclaimed when you saw his head hanging out the window.
“There’s four minutes left, hurry up and tie it around your waist.”
“I knew I’d be fine,” was the first this that left your mouth when Banda pulled you inside through the window. His hands stayed in a firm grip around your wrist but he shrugged.
“I know. You wouldn’t leave me.” He stated in a whisper in your ear when he leaned in to undo the knot in the rope around your waist.
“Where did you get this new key from? Did you find it or steal it?” You couldn’t help but ask. He smiled. “Whichever makes you sleep better tonight.” He answered humorously, looking down on you. You swatted his chest with a frown.
“Not the old lady though, right?”
“No, that would upset you.” He reassured you.
You huffed and grabbed his hand. “You better know it.”
He lead you out the room the same way he got in. Across several chairs, a table, a matrass laying on the floor, a dead body that you recognised as the guy who stole your key, and then onto the handrail of the stairs to slide to the floor below.
You held your breath and pulled up your feet, careful to not let the strange synthetic material of the game-specific shoes go within an inch of the floor where you could see a sheen of red light of lasers.
You didn’t really know what this relationship was between you and Banda, you realised while walking away from the game venue in silence, still hand in hand with him. You were partners, as he called it. He’d made it pretty clear two months ago that you were to stay by his side because you were his. In return he kept his promise and introduced a variety of things to you. Lots of things happened in the past two months and despite everything, you stayed.
Even after getting the opportinity to leave when you were both taken to some warehouse by the brother of one of Banda’s victims in the real world. The unknown man had let you go after beating you up and ‘confirming’ that you were just Banda’s next victim. You’d played along, walking out with a relieved face and then came back with a gun. You weren’t planning on killing anyone, just wanted to scare them.
When Banda was released however, he had ripped the gun from your hands, turned you to face him to pull you into a kiss, and pulled the trigger. You’d been upset with him for a while and he'd sworn to you that he had only killed the guy for your sake.
Everything was for you. Killing the innocent lady because she was slowing everyone down, including you. Killing the two creepy men because he sensed that they made you uncomfortable. Killing the person that tried to stab him, not for attempted murder on him, because that person tried to take him away from you.
In a sick way, it made you feel safe and cared for. So of course you stayed. And though you weren’t sure of what your relationship with Banda was exactly, you were happy, you decided.
You were slumped half on top of him, your face in the crook of his neck. He had one arm wrapped around you while the other was drawing circles on your bare back. “Why is it so noisy outside?” you grumbled.
Gunshots? No, it's more... sparkly. After taking a moment to let your brain wake up as well, you sat up straight. “Is that firework?” You asked Banda, and glanced down at him to see that he was enjoying looking at your chest. You covered yourself with your arms and opened your mouth to repeat the question when he answered.
“Someone cleared the 10 of hearts game. They announced that the next stage of face cards will start at 12 noon tomorrow.” His eyes flickered across your face and he was pleased to note your excitement which matched his own.
You jumped up from the bed and ran to the window to admire the fireworks lighting up the sky. The view from this hightower apartment was perfect. “Sunato, do I get to pick the first game?” You asked and pleadingly looked at him.
He’d gotten up as well and was standing behind you, chest pressed to your back. “Which one interests you?” He asked before he dipped his head down to your neck to start a trail of kisses. His lips curled up in a smile when you responded.
“We could start with a jack of hearts.”
You slept until you heard loud bangs. This time it was gunshots for sure. Banda looked alert and you quickly slipped on a new unripped dress while Banda went to grab a knife from the kitchen. When you looked to your left, you saw a card move by. The king of spades?
You made the mistake of walking towards the window and looked out it. Before you could even register the enormous blimp moving past the building, you were met with a barrage of bullets.
Despite having closed your eyes, moved your arms in front of your face and having ducked, your eyes were stinging with pain.
Banda, who heard the gunshots, followed by your screams, ran in while avoiding bullets and grabbed you under your arms. He proceeded to practically drag you across the floor to another room.
Banda grabbed your face despite your whimpering. There was glass in your hair and you had gashes all over your face. Some were quite deep like the one across your eyelids with more pieces of glass stuck inside them. Blood was dripping from your wounds into your eyes.
He quickly scanned you up and down to check for bullet wounds andd when he found none, he shook his head in relief. He then chuckled. Despite everything, your dress was still spotless.
"My eyes feel like they're getting stabbed", you choked out.
Banda nodded, not that you'd be able to see it, and went to wipe your face clean as best as he could. The king of spades had stopped firing at the apartment. He probably moved on to find new targets.
Banda opened your eyes forcibly and saw that they were bloodshot. You jerked your head out of his grasp and clamped your eyes shut again.
The gash on your eyelid had reopened when you opened your eyes and blood started seeping into your eyes again.
"I'm going to wrap bandages around your head. Keep your eyes close." He instructed and you did as he told you. "It's going to be alright though, isn't it Sunato?" You asked, trying to get some reassurance.
"I'm not a doctor." He said. Well there goes faith.
Unbothered Banda continued. "We need to make way towards the jack of hearts venue. We'll be safe from the king of spades there."
You shook your head. "I can't see though, I'm going to be a bother." You felt him grasp your hand and he pulled you up.
"I promised you that you're safe with me. Trust me." He said. "This just makes things more interesting, alright?"
You thought about it for a moment. "Well if you put it like that," you laughed. "I guess you're right. It's a new experience for sure."
Banda sqeezed your hand in agreement and as if to say he was impressed by your ability to stay strong. Your hold onto his hand tightened as he lead you to the streets in the direction of the blimp wiith the jack of hearts card.
Even though you'd seen death before and weren't nearly as bothered by it as you should be, he found comfort in the fact that you couldn't see the scattered bodies across the street.
"Are we there?" you asked. The two of you had stopped walking. "What does it look like."
"It's a prison. This will make for an interesting game." He said and you could hear him smirk. Banda pulled you along. "Let's go."
The voice registered you two entering and started giving out instructions. Despite the bandages that covered your eyes, the phone was still able to go through with facial recognition.
With the collars in place, you and Banda moved up to the central area.
"Guess the suit on the back of your collar after each round." The voice explained and you whipped your head into Banda's direction. "I will try to open my eyes and tell you your suit." You immediately said to him.
"No". He immediately interjected. "It's going to be fine. You're a human lucky charm after all."
You nodded your head and listened to the rest of the explainations of the game. When it ended, people immediately started to group up and you were starting to get anxious again. How was Banda going to guess his suit correctly?
Just as you were stressing about it, a voice behind you interrupted your thought process.
"She can't tell you your suit so I'll tell you yours if you tell me mine."
You frowned and were about to ask him who he thinks he is for adressing Banda so directly and impolitely, but Banda spoke up before you could.
He let go of your hand and stepped forwards to what you guessed was the new guy. Though you disliked the guy's tone, you hoped Banda would accept his help as he needed someone to tell him his suit. You released your breath when he did.
Banda introduced you as his partner and the guy introduced himself as Matsushita. They told you your suit and started to tell eachother their suits.
"I'm going to get something to eat" you announced and put a few steps into a random direction when you realised you had no idea where you were walking to. It had been a while since you've been this helpless, you thought to yourself bitterly. So when Banda put his hand on your lower back to guide you, you snapped at him. Annoyed because it reminded you of your life before the borderlands. Always men in suits guiding you back inside the building, watching your every move.
"I'm sorry Sunato" you immediately apologized afterwards. "I wanna go on my own." You explained and he seeemed to understand. "Follow the wall to your left. Keep going straight." He simply replied. You nodded and walked off.
"These cookies are really good." You heard coming from beside you. You hadn't realised you sat down at a table next to someone else. You felt the stranger push a package of cookies in your hand.
"Thanks." You said, gratefully.
Thinking about it, you hadn't actually conversed with anyone in the past month except for Banda.
You nodded his way as a thank you and got up. Before you could leave the room, he called after you. "You should disinfect those wounds. Wash out your eyes and get rid of the glass. It's also better not to cover your eyes with a bandage, let it breathe." Chishiya didn't know why he said that. Maybe because you seemed familiar. He'd ponder about that one for a while.
You followed his advise and had Banda help you. It benefited you to walk around without bandages because you were able to discern light and dark.
When the hour passed, Banda walked you to a cell. "Sunato" you called to him. "See you in a moment." You felt a pat on your head in response.
"Well then, please state your suit."
You sighed relaxedly. You trusted Banda so this was easy for you. "Diamond."
For a second nothing happened and then the door behind you buzzed. You stepped back, stumbled over your own feet and fell the the floor. "Fuck" you whispered as you got up and hopped on your right leg while you clutched your left ankle.
The door behind you was ripped open. Before you could turn around and ask who it was, you felt Banda hold you. His heart was beating fast and you realised you must've worried him by not exiting immediately.
"I knew I'd be fine." You said and turned around to him. "You wouldn't leave me."
Banda grabbed you by your neck, pressed his lips against yours aggressively and pushed you against the wall, his other hand on the back of your head to brace the impact.
You reciprocated the kiss and wrapped your arms around him, while his moved and lifted your dress up. His hands roamed your body and finally settled on your sides, pressing himself against you.
Matsushita had seen Banda rush in your cell and was now patiently waiting outside for the both of you. He jumped at the sounds that came from inside, and when he looked through the small gap in the door which confirmed his suspicions, his eyes widened before immediately averting them and hurrying away.
'So they're partner-partners', he thought to himself, and he shook his head, trying to shake the image away.
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ripleyshomegirl · 2 years
Because I’m the devil who’s searching for redemption
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And I’m a lawyer who’s searching for searching for redemption
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And I’m a killer that’s searching for redemption
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I’m a motherfucking monster who’s searching for redemption
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t-bird510 · 4 months
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ALICE IN BORDERLAND. GOOD SHOW. I read some of the manga. —Duh.
I feel like this show needs more love and stuff like that!!! So let’s keep the fanbase alive guys!!!
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halohalona · 2 years
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sidneycaitlinart · 1 year
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Chishiya, absolute legend, unbothered king, cheshire cat and winner against all odds.
Alice in Borderland S2 spoilers ahead and in tags - continue with caution!
I love Shiya so much, he’s such a cool character. He was the MVP of the games; turning the King of Diamonds challenge into a twisted Hearts game was an incredible move, and his calm and calculated demeanour during the Jack of Hearts was astonishing - despite everything he goes through, he always manages to stay super chill. But it is sad to look back on his relaxed attitude after watching S2, and realising why he’s so apathetic and careless with his own life.
This piece is one of my most detailed yet - the backs of the cards are fully accurate to the ones in the show, and the face card designs are also exactly as shown. I spent hours trawling though episodes and the intro to find reference images of each card so I could recreate them as accurately as possible… all the hassle was worth it in the end though! Also, the cards shown here include all of the games Chishiya is seen playing! See if you can spot any other bonus details :)
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agunisscar · 2 years
rewatching the jack of hearts game and it's so interesting how obvious the jack seems when you know what happens. i love it when a piece of media is able to plant all the clues before you're actually able to string it together. no shot is unintentional, chishiya even tells ippei (and the audience) this...
'if you're trying to survive, i would examine all the people here a little more carefully.'
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trubbishfan · 2 years
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Day 7 of making memes AiB themed  
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unlimitedartblock · 9 months
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jack of hearts
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islandnymphorthila · 2 years
Chishiya during the jack of hearts game while everyone is being betrayed and dying.
"These cookies are better you should try them"
Person walks away
"Well more for me bitch 🤷🏼‍♀️"
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jack-of-emos · 2 years
About your prosthetic, Can't we just disinfect a ping pong ball or something and shove it into your eye??? That would work right??
I don't think it works that way..
Plus I don't trust you with that and I don't want a fucking ping pong ball in my eye socket..
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misty-doodles · 2 years
helloo i saw your latest chirisu drawing in the aib tag and your artstyle is so cute 🫶🫶 chirisu are so real
um the post said you're okay with requests atm so if you feel like it you can draw enji (jack of hearts, that one emo guy with the bangs, however you might know him as) and urumi (girl in blue dress in jack of hearts) as besties i think they'd be interesting together but that's probably just me /lh
you can also just draw enji if you don't take requests for two characters in one drawing if you wanna
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Ask and you shall receive<3
My style changes constantly, but thank you so much for your complament!! I was going to render this, but then i was likez nah, I like mental stability. Always a next time.
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of-fluxions · 2 years
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enji | beta alpha release(?)
a discord bot for playing the jack of hearts game from alice in borderland
source: https://github.com/fIux-dev/enji
not publicly available yet (so you can’t invite it to your server), but you can download the source and host your own by replacing the bot token with your own (more instructions to come later if anyone is actually interested in this)
but lmk if you want to help test it out! :>
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having-conniptions · 1 year
Broooo I just started watching The Hidden Character and the boys trying to figure out whose story it was and trying to team up, come up with a tactic and deceive each other is giving me serious Alice in Borderland vibes, Chishiya would be soooo good at this
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jackof-hearts · 1 year
Let's play a game.
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松下 苑治 Enji Matsushita Borderlands Citizen Jack of Hearts.
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mxliv-oftheendless · 2 years
Y’all my mom and I just finished watching the Jack of Hearts game and she was stunned XD
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