#jack daniels masterlist
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On Deck Part 1: Hot Corner
Pairing: Jack Daniels x Female Reader Baseball AU
Word Count: 8,117
Rating: M (language, general adult thoughts, etc.)
Summary: Taking your best friend's little brother to a minor leage game to see his favorite player just might lead to a lot of changes in your life.
And you're ready.
Author’s notes:
This story has been in progress for more than two years. I've written about Baseball Jack many times before ... but only the "after". It's time to see how - and where - it all began.
(On Deck universe masterlist for all the extras!)
Thank you to everyone that convinced me to work on this and to keep this pairing going / to flesh them out more. I have had so much fun with this because I have such a love for the MLB (and the men who play in the league) - and I'm so excited to share it.
While there are a lot of baseball references within this story, you only need to know the basics to enjoy it and understand them - we're not getting overrly technical here.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out. I hope you enjoy this as much as I am.
Third base is often called the ‘hot corner’ due to the prevalence of right handed hitters - and subsequent on-field action - in the league. The third baseman is typically the infield position player closest to the batter, so to excel in this position, players need to display quick reaction times and exceptional hand-eye coordination.
“We’re going to be late.” He stood next to you, arms crossed over his chest. “We still have to walk to the stadium.”
“Caleb.” You sighed, closing and then locking the car door before sticking your keys into the small bag you’d bought specifically for games. “We’re here. We’re parked. The stadium is right there.” Pointing with one finger, you raised a brow and grinned. “The parking lot is only half full, and we’ve already got seats, so -”
“Yeah, but we’re going to miss warm ups and the pregame.” He rolled his eyes, turning away from you and heading toward the ballpark. “And those are the best parts.”
You agreed, but for a very different reason than the twelve year old you were with.
You’d been to games with him and Erin before. You and your friend sat a few rows back while the pre-teen hurried down to field level, a baseball and a pen clutched in one hand, hoping to meet at least one of the players after they’d finished warming up and stretching.
From your vantage point, the two of you had been free to whisper about the players - pointing out the way their uniforms fit, discussing whether or not their asses were in mid-season form yet, or even commenting on the stretches they chose to warm up with before the game. Typically, you didn’t have a thing for men in uniform - but baseball pants were a different story.
You loved the game, and had been visiting The Distillery - your local team’s home park - since you were a child, attending games with your family and friends and even dates as the years passed. Baseball games were the perfect summer activity no matter who you were with, and that was even true when your company was the younger brother of your best friend… and the game wasn’t a Major League competition.
“She’s got the tickets.” He made the announcement when you reached the gates, the boy pointing back over his shoulder at you. “Two of them.” You smiled at the attendant, sliding your unzipped bag across the table so she could search it, and then returned your eyes to Caleb. He’d already removed his ballcap and the wallet he carried, pushing them forward and stepping through the metal detector.
“He’s excited, hmm?”
“Yeah.” Letting her scan the ticket barcodes, you laughed. “He really is.” Caleb waited for you to follow him through the turnstiles, his hat flipped backwards on his head, and you could see the impatience on his face. “Caleb, do you want to get something to eat before we -”
“No.” He shook his head. “Not yet. Before the game starts, but …” He glanced over his shoulder and you looked down at the field, where the grounds crew were still getting everything ready. “Can we go down there? I want to try and meet him. He’s playing today. They said it on the news.”
“Go.” Your smile widened, head moving up and down in a nod. “I’m right behind you, kid.”
Caleb took off running toward the stairs that led down toward the third base line, and you followed him slowly, taking your time and eyeing the seating situation. There were people already waiting; a handful of kids and their parents, along with a few women that looked to be your age or a little younger, but there were still plenty of seats open adjacent to the field.
You sat closer than you normally would have, deciding to take a seat in the row directly behind the boy. Just in case. For the next ten minutes, you paid no attention to the field, instead scrolling through social media and waiting, the music pumping through the speakers fading to background noise as you mindlessly browsed and clicked ‘like’ on a few posts.
You also let Erin know that you’d made it to the game, and that Caleb was exactly where he wanted to be. But when you glanced up, ready to take a picture to send to her, you were distracted by the sight of the team taking the field. Caleb was too, the boy bouncing up and down in place as he leaned forward, resting his hands on the low wall in front of him.
You watched for a few minutes - eyeing the players as they did their sprints and stretches, your lips twisting into a small smile at the sight of some of them utilizing their trainers for extra resistance during a few of the exercises. “He’s not here.” Caleb turned back to look at you, disappointment on his face. “Why isn’t he here?”
“Maybe he’ll come out late.” You shrugged, still looking at the field. “You never know, kiddo. You said he’s in the lineup, right?”
“Yeah.” He turned back to the field, leaning forward. “They talked on the radio about how he was coming back today, because they want him to back in Louisville by the end of next week, and -” Caleb stopped mid sentence, straightening up. “There he is!”
You couldn’t help it, your attention snapping in the direction that he was pointing. Sure enough, Jack Daniels and one of the trainers - a woman with short, dark hair and glasses - were taking the field to a low chorus of cheers, many of them coming from the section you were sitting in. There he is.
Despite yourself, you leaned forward to watch him, staring as Jack began his warm up. He started with a few stretches - knee hugs and focusing on his quads, carefully extending and testing his arms, and then bent forward at the waist, the man almost able to press his palms flat against the ground without bending his knees.
You didn’t take your eyes off of him, because like Caleb, one of the reasons you liked going to the Statesman games was looking at Jack Daniels. And there’s so much to look at.
The trainer watched him closely as he continued to warm up, speeding up his movements and then doing a series of static stretches. But when Jack started to do lunges, you actively fought back a groan, settling against the backrest of your seat and chewing on your lower lip. That’s hot as fuck.
He looked healthy, and you were happy to see it, because the truth was that the Statesman needed him to be. “He didn’t warm up yesterday.” You turned your head toward the voice, watching as another woman next to you stared at Jack, her smile wide. “He stretched a little, and took batting practice, but he didn’t warm up.”
“Oh, you were here yesterday, too?” She nodded, and when you glanced back at the field, you saw that Jack and the trainer had switched to more arm exercises, warming up the muscles of his upper body.
“He pinch hit late in the game.” She leaned forward, her smile widening as she watched Jack start arm circles, the trainer standing a few feet away from him with her arms crossed. “So I knew he’d play today. And that’s why I’m here.” She leaned closer, lowering her voice. “Gonna shoot my shot when he comes over here to sign for the kids. Why not, right? We both know he goes for it sometimes.”
The girl was pretty - and definitely dressed to get his attention. She wore one of his t-shirts artfully slashed to show off her cleavage and had her legs on display in a pair of cutoff denim shorts. Good for her. “Yeah, why not.” You smiled, turning your head away from where the players were sprinting into the outfield and back to give her your full attention. “Even if he’ll be back in Louisville pretty soon, you might as well. See what happens.”
“It’s only 40 minutes away.” She shrugged, looking out and pointing at where the man was laying on the field, one knee bent and his other ankle resting against the top of it. The trainer was applying extra resistance, and you hummed in approval as you watched. I wish I was that trainer. “I’d drive there if I needed to.”
Her eagerness didn’t surprise you. Jack was a notably eligible bachelor, and one of the most desirable men on the team. Unlike the others, though, he didn’t often publicly date. But that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t hook up. And … You returned your attention to the field, watching as he stopped to talk to the woman, pointing at the front of his left shoulder and grinning. And I’m sure he’s got his pick in every city he visits.
“Oh, I think they’re coming over now.”
She adjusted her shirt and you watched her posture change, the woman’s shoulders straightening and her smile widening. Instead of staring at Jack’s strut toward the seats, you looked at Caleb. The boy was buzzing with excitement as he turned toward where the man was headed - about ten people to your left, where a small crowd had gathered. “Do you think he’ll come over?” Caleb said your name, frowning. “There’s not much time, and -”
“He will.” You leaned in, reaching out to touch his arm. “You’re wearing one of his shirts, right? He’s gotta stop for you.” Caleb grinned, turning back toward the field, though he kept his head turned to the left.
You watched Jack then, smiling as he interacted with the fans. He signed autographs and posed for a few pictures, his smile genuine. But you noticed that he was really only focused on the kids and teenagers, spending more than a few seconds with them instead of moving along as quickly as was politely possible the way he did with adults. He took pictures with a few women, the man leaning in but keeping both hands behind his back. He puts his hands on the kids’ shoulders, but doesn’t touch the women… interesting.
“Keep your phone out. I’m gonna need you to take a picture.” Caleb was excited, the boy happier than you ever remembered seeing him. You laughed but did as he asked, leaning to the right and angling the phone so that you could snap a picture of the two of them, though Jack was barely in the frame.
The girl next to you leaned forward when he was only a person or two away, and then seemed to second guess that decision. You bit back a laugh as she stood and climbed over the seats, standing next to Caleb and effectively blocking your view of the man on the field. Gee, thanks.
He finished with the little girl that he’d been speaking to, handing her back a signed baseball and a pen, and then took a step to the side and in front of the woman, saying hello.
Clearly hearing his voice in person shocked you - the man’s accent thick, even in the few words he spoke. You desperately wished that you could see him, but you didn’t want to shift in your seat and draw attention to yourself. I’ll see him when he talks to Caleb.
“I heard you were playing and had to come today.” She leaned forward, fingertips resting against the wall. “It’s been too long since I’ve seen you.”
“Yeah?” He laughed, reaching up to pull his hat off and then set it back down on his head, taking a few seconds to think. You caught a glimpse of the bullseye tattoo on his hand, biting down on your lower lip at the sight. “Well thank you for comin’ out. It’s good to be back on the field.” The woman giggled and then held her phone up, tilting her head to the side.
“Can we get a picture? I’ll tag you in it on Instagram, and -”
“Sure.” You watched as the woman spun around and then leaned backwards, holding her phone up to take a selfie. “Hope it’s a good one.” He smiled, peering at the phone from over her shoulder, and you fought back a roll of your eyes at how wide and practiced her smile was - the woman’s head cocked to the side - and toward his.
When she straightened up, he took a half step toward Caleb, already tipping his head down and toward the boy. But the woman spoke up before he could fully move on, reaching out to touch his arm. “Thank you, Jack. You have no idea how much I -” He flinched - just barely, but you saw it, his shoulder jerking back slightly as her fingertips made contact.
“No problem. Thank you, and enjoy the game.” She stiffened, but you didn’t focus on that. You turned your attention to the boy in front of you - and in turn, Jack, whose face split into a grin, the man’s dimple on display, even beneath the shade from the brim of his hat. “Well hi there. I’m Jack, what’s your name?”
“Caleb.” He leaned forward and you opened your camera app again, your smile widening, too. Caleb’s going to be so excited later. “I had tickets to see you play in Louisville and then you got hurt and I didn’t know if you’d be back this season but then my mom bought me tickets for today after I found out you were going to play again, and so we drove all the way here -”
“Slow down there, big guy.” Jack laughed, giving you a glimpse of his teeth, and then gestured to Caleb’s hand, the boy holding a Sharpie tightly. “You want me to sign somethin’ for you?”
“Yeah. This ticket, please.” Caleb held the marker out, looking up at Jack. “And I’ve got your jersey, but it was too hot to wear it today, so I picked this t-shirt instead.”
“Of course I will.” He nodded, taking the Sharpie and the paper, scrawling his name across the front of it. “Turn around and I’ll sign real big on the number on the back.” Caleb spun around and you were thrilled to see that he was almost delirious with excitement, his eyes wide and his smile nearly splitting his face in two.
“Can I take a picture of you signing for him?” Jack glanced up at the sound of your voice, his smile faltering for a split second and a confused look passing over his features. “I didn’t want to just do it and have the flash go off, and…”
“Go right ahead.” He smiled again, giving you a nod. “Thank you for askin’.” It only took a few seconds for him to sign, but you took multiple pictures, and then as Jack capped the marker, you decided to speak up again, not wanting to make Caleb ask.
“And can I get one of the two of you looking at the camera before he turns around again?’
“You’ve already got your phone out.” Jack smirked at you, and then reached up to tilt the brim of his hat back, showing you more of his face. Holy shit, look at him. “I’m more’n happy to take a picture with my new buddy Caleb.”
You couldn’t help smiling at that, and when Jack settled his hand - the Sharpie poking out from between his fingers - against the boy’s shoulder and squeezed, it widened. “Got it.” You lowered the device, mouthing the words ‘thank you’ at Jack at the same time Caleb spoke them out loud, turning back to face the man.
There were only two more kids to the right of you waiting to talk to Jack, but before moving to them, he hesitated, looking between you and the boy. “Where are you and your mom sitting today, Caleb?” Mom? Do I really look like -
“She’s not my mom, she’s my sister’s friend. And we’re over there.” He pointed at the outfield. “Somewhere.” Why is he asking?
“The section right at the end of the dugout.” Jack pointed, but looked directly at you. “First row. Aisle seats, 23 and 24. They’re mine, and if you want ‘em, today they’re yours.”
“What? Jack, that -”
“I’ve gotta go.” He nodded, looking at Caleb and grinning, and then back at you, his smile softening. “Enjoy the game.” He didn’t say anything else before he stepped down the field and then stopped to talk to the other kids waiting. What the fuck just … “That was so cool!” Caleb spun back to look at you, his eyes wide. “He signed my shirt and took a picture with me and now we get to sit in his seats, and -”
“Caleb.” You took a breath, still trying to process what had happened in the previous few minutes. “I don’t -”
“We’re going to sit in them, right?” You didn’t know how to answer him. Should we? You sighed and then looked to your right, watching as Jack signed a baseball and handed it back to a little girl before laughing with an older man that was with her. “I mean he told us to, and -”
“I definitely would.” The girl next to you spoke up, and when you looked over, you saw that she was jealous, her eyes narrowed as they looked you over. “Do you know him? Is that -”
“I’ve never spoken to that man before just now.” You shrugged, unsure of what else to say. “I have no idea what … or why, or …” You would have been lying if you’d said that no part of you was a little smug at the fact that he’d offered the seats to you and not to her, but you didn’t want to be that woman. “He must have liked you, Caleb.”
“Yeah, that’s it.” She rolled her eyes, scoffing. “Whatever. I’ll just see him after the game at the players’ parking lot.” She stood then, but didn’t say anything else before she spun away from you and headed down the row and toward the aisle.
Caleb watched her go, his head tilted to one side.“What crawled up her butt?” You snorted at his question but there was no way you could give him an actual answer - so you gave him a partial one.
“She’s probably just sad that you get to have a great view of the game tonight, kiddo.” With a sigh, you stood up, sliding your phone back into your bag and zipping it. You looked at Jack, watching as he said goodbye to the last of the fans and then headed for the dugout.
But he didn’t go straight there - instead, he stopped and spoke to one of the security guards, pointing at the stands. Oh, he’s… And then you were stunned when both men looked back in your direction, Jack raising one arm to point at you while nodding. The security guard caught your eye and nodded too, and you then watched as Jack gently smacked him on the arm and smiled again, finally turning away to disappear back into the dugout.
“Can we go and see the seats? And can I get french fries? Will you send the picture to my mom? And Erin? And -” He was excited - and you couldn’t blame him - but you still laughed, gesturing for Caleb to follow you down the row and toward the opposite aisle, closer to your new seats.
“Yeah. We’ll do all that. Let’s go.”
There was plenty of room for the two of you to walk to where Jack had indicated, and when you got close, the same security guard that Jack had spoken to stepped forward, gesturing with one hand. “You’re right here tonight.”
You thanked him, letting Caleb choose which seat he wanted, and when you dropped into the remaining one, you pulled your phone out again as the boy leaned forward, resting his elbows on the back of the wall in front of him.
You had just enough time to send off a few quick texts to Erin - the pictures of Caleb and Jack, as well as one that you took from the seat and a message that said we got upgraded, I’ll explain later before the National Anthem started.
You rose to your feet again, keeping your eyes on the field. Once the music faded and the announcer began to give the starting lineups, you were excited, your smile just as wide as Caleb’s.
And when they announced Jack and the man trotted out onto the field to even more cheers from the crowd, you clapped along with them, pulse quickening. I love watching him play.
He and the shortstop tossed a ball back and forth a few times while the pitcher made his way from the bullpen, and the grin never left the dark haired man’s face. By the time the ump signaled the start of the game, he was settled in place and standing a little behind the bag, knees spread and both hands resting on his thighs.
It took a few batters for him to see any action, and when you heard the crack of the bat, Jack sprung into motion, moving toward second and bending over to scoop the ball off the infield before tossing it to first for the out.
You cheered just as loudly as Caleb did, clapping your hands without looking away from the field - but you weren’t expecting to catch Jack’s eye when he turned to move back into place at third… and you definitely weren’t expecting him to grin at the sight of you.
The moment was over quickly, and as the players ran off the field after the third out, you turned to Caleb, clearing your throat. “You said you wanted fries?”
You made it back to your seats just in time to watch the bottom of the second, both of you carrying a drink and a snack. Jack was batting 8th, so there was a good chance he wouldn’t hit until the next inning, giving you time to eat before he headed to the plate.
You also checked your messages, a series of exclamation points from Erin and a thumbs up from her mother the only two you had waiting. You showed Caleb, the boy laughing and then scrolling up to look at the picture of him and Jack, his smile so broad that you thought it must have hurt.
There were no seats in front of you, which meant that you had an unobstructed view when the man finally headed to the plate, the familiar sound of his walkup music - Hungry Like The Wolf - blaring through the stadium’s speakers. Here we go. C’mon, Jack.
He took a few practice swings and you were relieved to see that he didn’t wince or hesitate. His swing looked comfortable, and when you leaned forward, resting your hands on your knees, you nodded as he took another, pointing the bat outward before settling it on his shoulder and waiting.
He swung at the first two pitches, making contact on the second one and hitting a long foul down the first base line. But Jack ended up walking, taking his place on first and then getting into position as the catcher stepped to the plate.
You watched him closely - taking in the way the dark blue jersey fit him, the V of upper chest skin - and a peek of the gold chain he wore - visible thanks to two of the buttons being undone, his socks pulled high to accentuate his muscled calves. He always looks fucking great.
You knew it meant nothing that he’d offered you and Caleb his seats that day - that he’d just done it to be nice. But you would have been lying to yourself if you said that it didn’t make you feel good, Jack’s momentary attention a confidence boost, especially after the reception he’d given the woman next to you.
The batter hit a single, and when Jack advanced to second and stopped, you cheered again, the man clapping his hands and shouting something that you couldn’t hear at his teammate. But it was all for nothing, because the following player popped out, ending the inning.
Jack trotted across the field and toward the dugout, the disappointment on his face evident - but again, when he saw you he smiled, the expression only there briefly … though you certainly didn’t miss it.
As you settled back against the seat, halfway listening to Caleb as he recounted team stats, you wondered why Jack was making so much of an effort when nothing would come of it. You thought of the woman’s comment about the players lot, wondering just how likely it was that you’d be able to meet him if you went, too. But not with Caleb here.
The night would be a good memory at least - for both you and the boy, and that would have to be enough.
By the time Jack stepped to the plate, you were more than ready. The setting sun shaded the sky in hues of orange and purple, the stadium’s lights brightening up the field. Your eyes flicked from where Jack stood to the scoreboard, scanning over the information about him that was displayed there and lingering on the giant image of his smiling face.
But when you heard the groan of the crowd, your attention snapped back to home plate, where Jack was arguing with the umpire over the previous call, his head shaking back and forth. He stepped back into the box, but you could see his irritation, though it didn’t last for long.
He swung on the next pitch and made contact again, sending the ball straight through between first and second. It rolled halfway into the outfield before anyone got to it, and you got to your feet and cheered, the sound signaling that a run scored loud through the speakers. Not only had he gotten his first hit after the injury, but he’d batted someone in, giving the Cavalry the lead.
And when the next player swung hard, sending the ball up and out and over the center field wall, the stadium erupted - Jack raising his arm and pumping his fist as he rounded third, before stopping to wait for his teammate to make it home. They celebrated for a few seconds and then off the field, and you slung an arm around Caleb as both of you cheered, too.
They took a three run lead into the next inning, and then handled their business, setting the batters down 1-2-3 thanks to a double play that Jack initiated. You could see his confidence in every movement; his body remembering exactly what he needed to do to be successful on the field even after weeks away. And he’s good at it, too. That makes a difference.
Caleb left the seats to fill up his cup from the fountain at the top of your section, and by the time he came back the game had started again. It was a productive inning. You spent more of it on your feet than sitting, joining the crowd in cheering as the Cavalry scored three more runs. But when Jack’s turn to bat came, you realized what the celebration meant.
“They took him out.” You looked down at Caleb, watching as he frowned. “They’ve got such a lead, that it’s better to rest him, and …”
“That’s stupid.” Caleb crossed his arms, sighing. “He only batted twice.” You agreed, but you also weren’t the manager of a baseball team. You figured he had a better idea of what the right strategy was when it came to Jack’s rehab … even if it did disappoint you that you wouldn’t get to see him at the plate or on the field again.
The rest of the game went by quickly, and though they gave up a few runs, your team ended up winning handily. Caleb requested to stay and watch the on-field celebration after, and as the players lined up for high fives and handshakes before leaving for the locker room, you focused, too. Maybe he’ll come back out for a second.
It was stupid and you knew it, but the moment the field emptied, it meant that the night - and the experience in Jack’s seats - was over… and you didn’t want it to be.
He took his place in line - still wearing his uniform but without his hat - and you watched as he greeted the other players, smiling and laughing with them as they interacted. You couldn’t hear him, but you could tell he was happy, and that made you smile, too. Maybe he really will be back in Louisville by next week.
The handshakes ended, and when Jack headed back toward the dugout, he didn’t look in your direction again - until right before he made it to the top of the steps.
It was then that he stopped, eyeing the seats until he saw the two of you. You tried not to react, but Caleb didn’t hide his response; the boy raising his hand and waving wildly. Jack laughed at the sight of it, lifting one of his hands in a wave, too.
You thought that was it, but then his head turned just enough that he made direct eye contact with you.
Even from the distance, you could see one side of his mouth lift into a half smile as he nodded, raising one hand and touching the tips of his fingers to his temple before tipping them toward you. Your smile grew and you nodded in return, but before you could do anything else, Jack disappeared into the dugout, leaving the two of you standing in front of the seats.
Well that was something. Biting your lip and letting out a breath through your nose, you turned your attention toward Caleb, saying his name. “Alright, kiddo. We’re going to go to the bathroom before we head out, because I am not stopping twenty minutes into the drive to let you pee.”
You’d expected Caleb to talk your ear off the entire drive home. Instead, he fell asleep before you made it back to the highway, leaving you with your thoughts on the drive back.
And you would have been lying if you said that most of those thoughts weren’t of Jack.
The interaction with him had been limited, sure. But it had been meaningful in more than one way, for both you and Caleb. He had a cool story that he could tell his friends, and pictures that he could show them. You’d look back on the way his gaze on you had felt and remember the thrill of being on the receiving end of one of his bright smiles.
You didn’t know him any more than any other person that had ever seen him play or interacted with him briefly, but that didn’t matter. Even if you never spoke to him again, and never saw him in any capacity aside from on the field, you’d have that night as a memory. And a damn good one.
After dropping Caleb off and promising Erin a recap the following day, you drove the short distance to your house and parked in the driveway, turning the car off and enjoying the silence for a few seconds before unbuckling your seatbelt.
Your house was quiet and dark as you moved through it, leaving your shoes and bag by the front door and grabbing your phone before heading upstairs. You tossed that onto your bed and went into the bathroom, scrubbing your face and changing into your pajamas before staring at your reflection in the mirror.
You’d been single for six months, and though you’d talked to a few men through the same dating app Erin had used to meet Troy, none of the conversations had led anywhere past the first awkward meetings. It wasn’t that the men weren’t interested, it was you that was selective, opting not to waste your time with anyone that reminded you of the time you’d spent with your most recent ex.
You knew that you were being picky, but you were content with that knowledge, even if it meant a longer period of being on your own before you found the right person. And Jack couldn’t ever be the right person. You wrinkled your nose while you brushed your teeth, still watching yourself in the mirror. Because he’s been consistently single for his entire career.
Jack kept much of his personal life private, but Janie was the exception to that.
And after climbing into bed and plugging your phone in, you searched their names, refreshing your memory of the story that you’d become familiar with when The Statesman had first drafted Jack.
They’d been high school sweethearts, opting to go to college together. He was going to play ball and major in engineering, and her chosen field was communications. It was clear from all of the pictures of the two of them you found that though they were young, they were in love.
Everything had gone well for the first few months; Jack and Janie settled in on campus, started classes and began making friends. They’d come home together for Christmas, and Jack was set to begin baseball in January with the rest of the team.
But only a few weeks into the pre-season, the unthinkable happened: Janie stopped at a convenience store to buy coffee on her way to meet her study group off campus while Jack was at a team workout, and was caught in the middle of a robbery. She hadn’t even made it to the hospital, and Jack had considered quitting the team due to his grief.
Her parents had convinced him otherwise - reminding him that he’d worked hard for years to get to where he was, and that she wouldn’t have wanted him to give up on his dreams on her account. His parents had agreed, though there were interviews where they admitted that they would have understood if he’d chosen to take a break or even quit outright.
And Jack had taken a few weeks off, but was ready to go on opening day, dedicating his season to Janie and her family. He was a skilled player, there was no question about it, but the coverage of a D1 athlete losing his girlfriend in such a shocking manner helped draw attention to the man and his performance, and it hadn’t taken him long to grab the attention of scouts.
He’d had some attention in high school, too, though nothing had panned out - aside from the offer of a partial athletic scholarship. That all changed in his sophomore year when everyone really took notice of his exceptionally high fielding percentage and his infectious enthusiasm toward his teammates.
Jack declared for the draft that was to take place a month after finishing his junior year - only days after his 21st birthday, and The Statesman had taken him with the fourth overall pick in the first round.
The rest was history.
He’d played with The Cavalry for almost four seasons before getting his first call-up, and though it had been toward the end of the regular season, Jack had received an invite to Spring Training the following year … and he’d never gone back.
In his second season with The Statesman, he’d been named the starting shortstop, making a name for himself with both his agility and personality. His teammates loved him. The community loved him. The cameras loved him, and in the five seasons he’d played in his original position, he earned two gold gloves and got voted into the All-Star Game once.
But he was injury prone, and after careful consideration, they moved Jack from shortstop to third base. It was an adjustment period for everyone involved, though after a few years of playing the position, it seemed almost natural for him, and there were fewer injuries.
Until earlier that season, anyway, when Jack had misjudged a slide into second and jammed his shoulder, spraining a muscle and knocking him out of all baseball activities for weeks. He’d gone on the 60 day injured list, though you’d seen him at more than a few games in the dugout before he’d headed down to rehab with The Cavalry.
He was lucky he hadn’t needed surgery, and even luckier that there’d been no complications with his healing. According to the newest articles you read as you scrolled online that night, Caleb was correct and the team was aiming to have Jack re-activated by the following weekend so that he could finish the final 7 weeks of the season in the majors. Which is where he deserves to be.
You sighed and rolled onto your side, eyes still on the screen - and on a picture of Jack that had been taken a week or two earlier during a Statesman season ticket holder event. He was grinning from behind the bar, one hand holding a glass and the other pulling on a tap to pour someone a drink.
“Enough.” You closed your eyes and took a deep breath, pinching the bridge of your nose with your free hand. Doing a deep dive on Jack wasn’t going to change anything, even if it was keeping you occupied as you wound down for the night.
But before you put the phone down and rolled in the opposite direction, you couldn’t help opening his instagram page and checking his tagged photos, just to see if the woman from next to you had posted the picture like she said she would.
There were countless pictures of Jack in his uniform posted - everything from on-field screenshots to pictures of him with his teammates and family - but those were dotted with more personal ones; people tagging him in photos of themselves, edited photos, or photos of Jack alone that had been taken from other sources. You didn’t have far to scroll before you found the picture of Jack and the woman, tapping it with one finger to make it bigger.
She’d put more than one filter on it, smoothing out her features and his, and when you zoomed in on it, you wrinkled your nose. Why would you filter him? He doesn’t need it. Even with the filtering, you could see the bored look in Jack’s eyes, his smile small and tight. Not like it was with Caleb.
She’d captioned the picture with a black and a yellow heart bracketing the number 7, and it already had more than a few likes. She also had a story, and even though you knew that she’d be able to see who viewed it, you didn’t care, hesitating for only a second before tapping on it.
The girl - whose name was Brittany - had posted a few times throughout the game; pictures from in her seat, a video of Jack walking up to the plate, her grinning at the camera at the end of the game with the scoreboard behind her… but the final story post was clearly a picture of a parking lot with a tall fence around it, and what looked like a security guard in the corner. She went to the lot.
You sighed, backing out of the story - and her profile - and going back to Jack’s, eyes lingering on his account’s picture. You followed him, and had for years - liking and commenting on the pictures he posted as well as tagging him and the other players in the occasional ones you’d taken at games. He’d never replied or acknowledged them in any way, though.
And he won’t, you admitted to yourself as you closed out of the app and opened your alarm, making sure that it was set. “Good luck, Jack.” Closing your eyes after setting the device down on your bedside table, you rolled away from it and got comfortable. As you settled in, you let your thoughts wander back to earlier - to the way Jack’s eyes had warmed when he’d smiled at you, and the way his smile had widened when he saw you and Caleb sitting in his seats.
You would have been lying if you’d said that the memories didn’t make you feel good. It didn’t matter that he’d likely smiled at hundreds of others in the same way. He’d made the night special for you and for Caleb, and that was the important thing.
It didn’t take you long to fall asleep - and Jack followed you into your dreams… which you didn’t mind at all.
You didn’t have a meeting until 10:30 the following morning and so you slept in a little, taking a shower and getting dressed before you even checked your messages.
There were a few from Erin, asking for details, and you promised you’d reach out once you had a break. But before then, you needed to focus and settled in in front of your laptop, clicking open your first email of the day. Back at it.
You worked steadily until almost 1 PM, checking things off of your to-do list and scheduling a second consultation with the same client for the end of the following week. You typically worked virtually - and had since your uncle had hired you a few years prior - but there were occasional accounts that required your presence in person. And this one’s going to be one of them.
That wasn’t an issue. Their offices were located in New Orleans, and you were looking forward to potentially spending a few paid days in the city. But we’ll see.
While you waited for your lunch to heat, you called Erin, your friend picking up on the second ring and groaning into your ear. “Whatever happened yesterday must have been incredible because Caleb hasn’t shut up since he woke up this morning.”
“It was pretty great, Erin,” Taking a seat at your kitchen table, you laughed. “I sent him the pictures, did he -”
“He’s already set the one of him and Jack as his phone background. And he’s been bugging me to take him to get them printed.” You weren’t surprised; Caleb loved baseball, and the opportunity that he’d had at the game the previous night had likely meant the world to him. “So how did that happen? He just offered you the tickets?”
“Pretty much. He stopped to sign for Caleb, and just out of nowhere, asked where we were sitting.” You wet your lips, laughing. “And then once he knew we were in the outfield seats, he just … pointed at the dugout and told us that we could sit in his instead.”
“He offered them to Caleb? Or to -”
“Well… sort of.” You stood, looking out your back window. “He asked your brother where we were sitting but he was looking at me when he offered the tickets…” You pulled your food out of the microwave and set it down to cool. “And then when we were in the seats, he made eye contact with me a couple times, but -”
“How hot is he up close?” You snorted, but she continued. “Because that picture of him and Caleb? That man’s hand is -”
“Really hot.” Humming in agreement, you reached for a fork. “And he seemed really nice, too. Paid more attention to the kids than to the adults. There was this girl sitting next to us and she was clearly trying to catch his eye, but he barely looked at her.” You figured that he was a professional and wouldn’t have done anything to jeopardize his reputation while on the field - and in front of younger fans. But still. She made it obvious. “He was polite, but he was just … going through the motions.”
She hummed again, the sound non-committal as you took your first bite. “But not with you. And not with Caleb.” No, I guess not. “You should post those pictures and tag him.”
“Erin, I’m not trying to -”
“No, just hear me out. Maybe he’ll see them. And maybe he’ll remember you. And maybe he’ll -”
“Erin, come on. That’s a fantasy. I’m sure he’s got a million people tagging him every day. He won’t even see it if I do.”
“You never know. It can’t hurt.” She said your name, the tone teasing. “And since Caleb’s account is private since he’s twelve, it makes sense you’d post ‘em for him. He really had a lot of fun with you. He’s already asking if you want to go to a game again.”
“Yeah. There’s still a little over a month left this season, so I’m sure we can figure out a weekend to see the Statesman. I’ll third wheel with you and Troy.” She laughed at that, agreeing. “I’m going to go, though. I need to eat. I have to run and analyze metrics for two campaigns this afternoon, and it’s going to take forever.”
You hung up soon after, but as you ate, you contemplated what she’d said about posting the pictures. It was really no different than any of the other games you’d been to or posted about. You’d taken pictures that weren’t of Jack, and those could go up, too. Why not post the one of him and Caleb? It’s a good picture.
After sending the final email for the day, you shut your laptop and changed into more comfortable clothes before stretching out on the couch. You needed to go to the store, but figured it could wait til later … and you had pictures to post.
You chose five of them - one of the field from the concourse, one of the scoreboard, a picture from the seats, and then two of Jack and Caleb - one while he was signing and the other of them looking at the camera, which you made the main image. Choosing a caption was harder than picking the pictures themselves, but you finally opted for something extremely neutral: First @The_Cavalry game of the season. Great game, even better seats, and @CalebOnBase got to meet his favorite player.
You tagged the picture - adding Jack and The Statesman’s accounts - and thought about adding one of Jack’s walk up songs to the post. No. That looks too desperate. So you posted it without, taking one final look at the images - and lingering on Jack’s smile - before you checked the Cavalry’s account to see if they’d posted that night’s lineup.
Jack was starting again, but instead of being in at 3rd, he was the designated hitter. So he’ll get to bat, but can save his arm. It made sense, and you figured that if all went well, he’d only play in a game or two more before being called back up to the majors. And he’ll be back here. It made you smile, and the expression widened when you got a comment on the post from Caleb - four baseballs and the thumbs up emoji.
You’d done your part, and that was that. Caleb could see that you’d posted the photos, and if by chance Jack saw the tag, he’d also see that you appreciated the seats he’d allowed you to sit in. With one final look at the pictures, you nodded and then sat up, sighing.
“Alright. Grocery shopping’s not going to do itself.”
You were stunned the next afternoon when you got an alert that The Cavalry tagged you in a story, and didn’t even try to hold back your grin when you saw that they’d reposted your pictures. You got a comment from their account a few seconds later - Glad you had a great time, thanks for coming! - the words accompanied by a blue heart and a baseball.
After sending the link to Erin so that she could show her brother, you set your phone down, returning to the work you were doing. You stayed busy throughout the rest of the day, and even though your phone kept lighting up with new alerts - strangers liking the pictures and commenting on your post, it didn’t break your focus.
And by the following day, things were pretty much back to normal. The story was gone, strangers weren’t still finding your profile, and you’d opted to work for most of Saturday morning to get ahead, which meant that you could take Monday off. And I can take a nap. I haven’t been able to do that in weeks.
You pulled the drapes shut and then climbed into bed, the darkened room helping you to relax much faster than you anticipated. There was no need to set an alarm, and so you didn’t, figuring that you’d wake up on your own when you got hungry… which you did, just after 6 PM. Maybe I’ll order food. I don’t feel like cooking.
You stretched, pointing your toes, and then reached for your phone, mentally flipping through restaurant options. But you froze with the device in front of your face as the screen lit up, eyes zeroing in on the alert in the center of it.
Whiskey_Jack7 liked your post
#jack daniels#agent whiskey#jack daniels x reader#jack daniels x female reader#pedro pascal#pedro pascal character#agent whiskey x female reader#baseball jack#jack daniels baseball au#kingsman au#kingsman: tgs#kingsman the golden circle#jack daniels masterlist#pedro pascal masterlist#on deck#on deck masterlist
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Jack Daniels Masterlist
Main Masterlist | AO3 | Kofi

Save a Horse… or whatever - smut | AO3
Type: one shot, request Word Count: 900 Summary: Whiskey got hurt on a mission and he comes into your lab to get patched up. Tags: Jack Daniels being allowed to speak, medical shit that is completely bullshitted, one mention of blood, some talk of like digging around in a wound, etc, Whiskey calls you Soda pop and Sugar. Technically you're Agent Soda. Brief descriptions of oral m!receiving. No use of y/n, reader isn't gendered (I don't think?)

Under Your Skin - smut | AO3
Type: one shot, pedrostories secret santa 23 Word Count: 3.5k Summary: You’ve worked on Chucho’s ranch since you were 15 years old, grew up with Javi, loved Javi… He comes back after nearly 20 years to find you hooking up with a certain former secret agent. He’s jealous, for sure, but of who? Tags: MMF, post season 3 of Narcos, AU where Jack gets kicked out of the Statesmen instead of burgered, Javi being bi and repressed, Jack being a bisexual slut, SMUT, MMF dynamics, oral (f receiving), javi being a dick, oral (m receiving), javi tries to hit jack, gay kissing (!!!), making out, face sitting, reader kinda gets used and likes it, nipple play, throat fucking, Eiffel tower moment, brief f masturbation, brief m masturbation, pet names (sugar, cowboy, baby, hermosa), truly unreasonable amounts of cursing i’m sorry i talk like this, and also unreasonable amounts of southern phrasing, again sorry I talk like this, unprotected PIV, creampie, cum eating, teasing Javi, actually 90% porn with like a little backstory, kind of enemies to lovers, they’re all ranch hands technically, also they’re all romantically into each other but also javi is dumb and jack can’t believe anyone would want him for more than sex haha oops :)

Trussed Up - smut | AO3
Type: one shot, PMAMC 2024 Word Count: 2.4k Summary: The stress of being a Statesman Agent, especially one in charge of the entire New York operation, gets to Jack sometimes. When he needs release, he comes to you. Tags: PEGGING!!! Smut, sex club stuff, dominatrix!reader, dom!reader, sub!Jack, BDSM stuff, everyone is up to date on their STD checks and birth control and such, brief mention of shibari, mommy kink!whiskey but he calls reader “Momma” and also ma’am, reader calls Jack baby, baby boy, and cowboy, rope bunny!Jack, bondage, hog tie (modified), butt plug, spanking, fingering (m receiving), begging, lots of check ins, several uses of “good boy,” hand job (more so just teasing tbh), riding the cowboy, brief little gentle bite, unprotected PiV (but it’s about as safe as it can get… still don’t do that), creampie, aftercare, cuddling, unprofessional amounts of caring about your client.

Villain - angst | AO3
Type: drabble, pedro boys prompt fills Word Count: 419 Summary: You catch Jack before he takes off to stop Eggsy and Harry from saving the world. Tags: some language, Jack being the bad guy (canon), briefly threatening vibes.

#Jack Daniels#Jack Daniels fics#Jack Daniels fanfiction#Jack Daniels x reader#Jack Daniels x you#Agent Whiskey#Agent Whiskey fics#Agent Whiskey fanfiction#Agent Whiskey x reader#Agent Whiskey x you#Kingsman fanfiction#Kingsman: The Golden Circle fanfiction#Kingsman 2 fanfiction#pedro pascal#pedro pascal character fanfiction#ppcu fanfiction#pedro pascal fanfiction#jack daniels masterlist#nav
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──.★ fooled around and fell in love [ @agentwhiskeysdarlin ]
⌗ f!reader
⌗ mostly in jacks pov
⌗ 3.4k
⌗ fluff
⌗ bar setting, alcohol consumption
⌗ brief mentions of death and funeral setting
⌗ 18+, piv, heavy makeout session, oral m & f-receive
──.★ honey honey how you thrill me [ @americnprometheus ]
⌗ f!reader
⌗ 1.7k
⌗ goofy fluff !!
⌗ insinuation to smut
──.★ when you say nothing at all [ @agentwhiskeysdarlin ]
⌗ f!reader
⌗ soft!jack
⌗ 1.4k
⌗ so fluffy
⌗ 18+, piv, sensual sex, floor sex, oral f-receive
──.★ save a horse ( ride a cowboy ) [ @deardjarin ]
⌗ f!reader
⌗ 1.5k
⌗ 18+, piv, office sex, riding, moving of voyeurism
──.★ bull ride [ @palioom ]
⌗ f!reader
⌗ jack's cringey
⌗ 2k
⌗ 18+, piv, public sex ( middle of nowhere ), spanking, dirty talk
#jack daniels#agent whiskey#agent whiskey x reader#agent whiskey x you#agent whiskey x female reader#jack daniels x reader#jack daniels x you#jack daniels x female reader#kingsmen golden circle#kingsman#kingsman secret service#fanfic rec#fanfiction#fanfic#jack daniels imagine#jack daniels smut#jack daniels fanfiction#jack daniels fic#jack daniels masterlist#agent whiskey imagine#agent whiskey smut#agent whiskey fic#agent whiskey fanfiction#agent whiskey fluff#agent whiskey masterlist
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Roll-A-Trope Challenge Masterlist
Y'all the response to this challenge blew me away!! 🥺🥰 We are going to have so many amazing fics to read! 🧡 Check here for all of the character/trope pairings from when people joined.
I'll link each one as they're posted. Under the cut you'll soon find fics for Dave York, Dieter Bravo, Din Djarin, Dio Morrissey, Ezra (Prospect), Frankie Morales, Jack Daniels, Javi Gutierrez, Javier Peña, Joel Miller, Marcus Acacius, Marcus Moreno, Marcus Pike, Max Phillips, Nathan Landry, Oberyn Martell, Pero Tovar, and Tim Rockford! And so many amazing tropes!!
Last updated: 12/27 | Fic count: 56!
Dave York
Audience of One by @katareyoudrilling | 3k | Dave x f!reader Trope: famous person AU
Can You Remember Who You Were? by @punkshort | 9.1k | Dave x f!reader Trope: reincarnation
Danger Zone by @almostempty | 6k | Dave x Lana Kane (you) x Sterling Archer (crossover with Archer (TV)) Trope: snowed in
Down Bad by @schnarfer | 6.1k | Dave x f!reader | part 2 Trope: only one bed (and bonus, it's a coffee shop AU!)
It's Only Make Believe by @jennaispunk | 7k | Dieter x f!actress!reader Trope: fake dating
Sunshine & Rainbows by @jeewrites | 10.1k | Dave x f!reader Trope: amnesia
Dieter Bravo
Broken Hearts Mended by @bitchesuntitled | 6.1k | Dieter x f!reader Trope: time travel
Just like the Picture by @nerdieforpedro | 936 | Dieter x gn!reader Trope: landlord
Teleportation and Blue Whiskey (part 1) by @davnittbraes | 1.5k | Dieter x f!reader Trope: stuck in an elevator
this protector by @perotovar | 3.1k | Dieter x Din Trope: only one bed
Din Djarin
Familiar yet Foreign by @whxtedreams | 3.7k | Din x f!reader Trope: fake marriage
New Home (Part 1) by @weirdoneattheparty | 2.1k | Din x f!reader Trope: friends to lovers
something worse by @corazondebeskar-reads | 3.2k | Din x f!reader Trope: enemies to lovers
The Long Way Round by @din-cognito | 3.17k | Din x gn!reader Trope: road trip
Dio Morrissey
Crimes Against Each Other by @crowandmousewritingco | 2.9k | Dio x trans!reader Trope: enemies to lovers
Ezra (Prospect)
To Leave the Green by @cas-readsandwrites | 2k | Ezra & Cee, gen Trope: time loop
Frankie Morales
a kiss, my panacea by @skittlesfics | 917 | Frankie x gn!reader Trope: sickfic
Better Love by @docharleythegeekqueen | 3.4k | Frankie x reader Trope: snowed in
Dreamers (part 1) by @beefrobeefcal | 3.4k | Frankie x reader Trope: soulmates | now with Part 2!
Forever starts tonight by @sawymredfox | 3.6k | Frankie x f!reader Trope: pining
GOING DOWN by @aurorawritestoescape | 3.4k | Frankie x f!reader and Joel x f!reader Trope: exes
I Like You A Latte by @inept-the-magnificent | 752 | Frankie x f!reader Trope: coffee shop AU
I'm Yours by @ashleyfilm | 3.2k | Frankie x reader Trope: secret relationship
To Feel Your Body Against Mine by @flightlessangelwings | 4.5k | Frankie x f!reader Trope: secret relationship
Jack Daniels
i'd give anything for more time by @penvisions | 2k | Jack x f!reader trope: time loop
If I should die before you do by @maggiemayhemnj | 1.7k | Jack x f!reader trope: soulmates
Life's a Dance by @wordywarriorwrites | 2k | Jack x reader Trope: didn't know they were dating
Lucid Dreams by @fhatbhabiee | 3.2k | Jack x reader Trope: friends to lovers
Javi Gutierrez
Things You Knew by @eff4freddie | 8k | Javi G x reader Trope: soulmates
To Make a Day for You by @yopossum | 3k? | Javi G x f!reader Trope: stuck in an elevator
Javier Peña
3 sides of a man by @milla-frenchy | 3.3k | Javi x f!reader Trope: secret relationship
between two floors by @glowingxeyes | 1k | Javi x f!reader Trope: stuck in an elevator | there’s a part 2 and 3!
GOING DOWN by @almostfoxglove | 3.3k | Javi P x f!reader Trope: stuck in an elevator
good guys, bad deeds by @miss-oranje-disco-dancer | 3.9k | Javi x f!reader Trope: only one bed
Joel Miller
Birds of a Feather by @whocaresstillthelouvre | 5.3k | Joel x f!reader Trope: snowed in
Besties by @butterphii | >1k | Joel x f!reader
drive by @kedsandtubesocks | 2k | Joel x f!reader Trope: road trip
For Better or Worse by @captainredspade | Joel x f!reader Trope: fake marriage
Fragile State by @galway-girlatwork | 2.5k | Joel x OFC!Tara Trope: amnesia
Galway Girl by @yxtkiwiyxt | 7k | Joel x f!reader | part 2!! Trope: soulmates
If You're Reading This by @crowandmousewritingco | 4.5k | Joel x nb!reader Trope: epistolary
It Had To Be You by @jobean12-blog | 4.8k | Joel x f!reader Trope: enemies to lovers
Wish by @hotgirlbedtimescenarios | 1.7k Trope: time travel
Marcus Acacius
Searching for the stars by @the-mandawhor1an | 2.7k | Marcus x f!reader Trope: time travel
Marcus Moreno
Through Every Lifetime by @joelalorian | 4.5k | Marcus x f!reader Trope: reincarnation
Marcus Pike
Pike's Place by @pedges-world | Marcus x reader Trope: snowed in | series!!
Max Phillips
A Little Broken by @clawdeewritesfanfic | 3.2k | Max x f!reader Trope: pining
Time After Time by @grogusmum | drabble | Max x f!reader Trope: reincarnation
Nathan Landry
consensus ad idem by @sunshinehaze1 | 4.9k | Nathan x f!reader Trope: snowed in
Oberyn Martell
sweet and sour by @iamasaddie | 5.5k | Oberyn x f!reader Trope: fake relationship
The Correspondence of the Contagious by @crowandmousewritingco | 1.4k | Oberyn x gn!reader x Ellaria Trope: epistolary
Pero Tovar
Memories made, memories lost by @avastrasposts | 7.9k | Pero x f!reader Trope: amnesia
nothing is sure by @tinytinymenace | 2.5k | Pero x OFC Trope: didn't know they were dating
Tim Rockford
|Bump in the Night| by @dc418writes | Tim x black!reader Trope: friends to lovers
Keep Quiet by @auteurdelabre | Tim x f!reader Trope: secret relationship
When Only Memories Remain by @artsy-girl-76 | 3.4k | Tim x f!reader Trope: "shop" AU
#roll a trope challenge#frankie morales x reader#joel miller x reader#javi gutierrez x reader#din djarin x reader#dieter bravo x reader#dave york x reader#dio morrissey x reader#ezra prospect x reader#jack daniels x reader#javier peña x reader#marcus acacius x reader#marcus moreno x reader#marcus pike x reader#max phillips x reader#nathan landry x reader#oberyn martell x reader#pero tovar x reader#tim rockford x reader#fic masterlist#masterlist
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These are the teams I have written for so far💕💕
Request open
Reblogs are heavily appreciated 
New Jersey devils
Montreal Canadians
Florida panthers
New York rangers
columbus blue jackets
Colorado Avalanche
Philadelphia Flyers 
Utah hockey club
San Jose
Formal one
Red bull
#nhl#nhl x reader#fanfic#masterlist#jack hughes x reader#connor bedard x reader#quinn hughes x reader#juraj slafkovsky x reader#carlos sainz x reader#nathan mackinnon x reader#daniel riccardo x reader#lando norris x reader#charles lecrelc x reader#cole caufield x reader#max verstappen x reader#nico hischer x reader#timo meier x reader#clayton keller x reader#f1 x reader#f1 x y/n#oscar piastri x reader#rafe cameron x reader
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Request Status: Open (Selective)
Pedro Pascal Characters I Write: Din Djarin , Joel Miller, Javier Peña, Oberyn Martell, Ezra (Prospect), Frankie Morales, Comandante Veracruz, Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels, General Acacius.
Gabriel Luna Characters I Write: Tommy Miller, Boro Polonia.

Be My Future - Din x Reader (Breeding Kink)
Touch Starved Din
Teaching Din To Eat You Out
Take It - Dom! Din x Reader (Breeding Kink)
Over Eager, Inexperienced Din
Din Spanks You With His Belt
Din When You're Pregnant
What's In A Name? - Din Djarin x Named OC (SFW)
Din As A Girl Dad (SFW)
Domestic!Din x Teacher!Reader (SFW)
"I'm Not Wearing Underwear" - Prompt

Jealousy, Jealousy - Jealous!Reader x Joel / Jealous!Reader x Tommy (Most Popular Fic!)
Jealousy, Jealousy (Part Two) - Jealous!Reader x Joel
Joel's Kinks
That's My Girl - Jealous, Possessive Joel x Reader
Differences Between Game!Joel & Show!Joel
Playing Rough - Joel x Reader (ft spanking & the knife handle).
Mine - Possessive!Reader x Joel
DBF! Joel Catching You Staring At His Arms
'Accidentally' Getting Joel A Shirt That's Too Small
DBF! Joel Has Enough Of Your Teasing
DBF! Joel With A Bratty Reader
Joel Sees Your Scars (SFW)
Seducing Joel
Joel Wants You In Sub Space
Oblivion - Joel x Reader (Established Consent / DubCon CW)
Breathe Through It - Joel x Anxious!Reader (SFW)
Pre Game - DBF!Joel x Confident!Reader
Plus Size Reader Is Reassured By Joel (SFW)
“We Have To Make This Quick” - Prompt
Joel When You’re Sick (Headcanons)
Curls - Jackson!Joel x AFAB!Reader
Honeypot - Joel “kisses it better”,

Heat - Ezra x F!Reader
Taste - Ezra x F!Reader, short continuation of Heat
Ache - Ezra x AFAB Reader (Sex Pollen Fic)

Jealousy, Jealousy (Alt Version)
Bedside Manner (TLOU2 Spoilers!)

Fall In Love In A Single Touch - modern!Oberyn (fluff & hurt/comfort)

A Breath Of Fresh Air - (Dubcon Smut)

#masterlist#my writing#rues fics#pedro pascal#pedro pascal character fic#joel miller#joel miller smut#joel miller x reader#tommy miller#din djarin#din djarin smut#javier pena#the last of us#the mandalorian#ko fi link#ezra prospect#comandante veracruz#Frankie Morales#fic requests#Oberyn Martell#Jack Whiskey Daniels#gabriel luna#tommy miller x reader#boro polonia#tommy miller smut
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Welcome!! My name is Adriana, and if your'e on my page it's because of Pedro Pascal.. isn't it? Yeah, I thought so. Feel free to stay awhile and peruse some goodies on le menu below.
My blog is all about Pedro, with a few other fandoms sprinkled in.
Please check below for works on your favorite Pedro boys! (I do not write or reblog RPF.)
Feel free to leave an Ask and say hi, discuss fics, or plain just fangirl with me! I don't bite.
I am currently quite busy with some life changes and won't be able to fulfill requests immediately, but it never hurts to ask.
(Please be aware that this blog is for those 18 years or older, minors DNI)
Le Menu...
Joel Miller ~ well-seasoned cut of dbf! beef, a lot of fans' comfort food. Warm, filling, and dependable, it doesn't hide its complexity, and is served with a varying sides of age difference, angst, or secret relationship. (Our most popular dish)
Din Djarin ~ he's brought in warm, not cold. A smoky char on the outside that's surprisingly tender on the inside and unexpectedly sweet. Served with a side of touch starvation and strong honor code. (If a little green creature tries to float your meal away from you, please inform the staff at once)
Tim Rockford ~a perfectly crafted espresso - strong, focused, doesn't sugarcoat the facts. Just when you think you have him figured out, there's another layer to explore. Served with a dark chocolate truffle enrobed in mystery and film noir vibes.
Marcus Moreno ~ classic, no-fuss meal that's timeless and has a comforting sense of warmth. A crisp golden exterior to a tender inside, with flavors of strength and dependability. (Don't mind the eggshells) Served with an appealing side of total dilf vibes.
Frankie Morales ~ complex, smoky, but always satisfying. Cooked low and slow to bring out the deep, intense flavors. But don't be fooled by this deliciously flavorful meal - this is a dish that loves to eat you. Served with a side of coke (just don't tell his lady).
Dave York ~a well-mixed Old-Fashioned that's deceptively smooth on the surface with a hidden bite beneath. The sweetness of the sugar hides the strong kick of bourbon, wrapped in a sleek and refined package. You'll never even see it coming. Served with a silencer.
Jack Daniels ~ maybe you expected whiskey? This is an impeccably cooked steak served in a delicious glaze of smoky, bold heat with a slightly sweet aftertaste.. a brash exterior hiding a more sensitive side. *No ground chuck in this meal.* Served with a hearty glass of whiskey.
Javier Pena ~ a gritty, no-nonsense meal deeply rooted in tradition with plenty of South Texas spice. Made with care, simmered over time to develop depth. Wrap yourself in a nice afghan while indulging. Served with an unfiltered cigarette.
Max Phillips ~ slick, a little greasy, and surprisingly indulgent. You don't think you wanted this meal until you spend more time around it, and before you know it you're stuffing your mouth with it. Served with a pint of blood. *Particular blood types may be seasonal*
Oberyn Martell ~ bold, vibrant, full of intense, contrasting flavors. Exotic and daring, with unexpected crunch and smooth complexity. This is meant to be enjoyed by all. *A shareable plate -- not served a la carte*
Marcus Pike ~ warm, approachable, comfort food with a touch of sophistication. A classic dish simple in execution but bursting with flavor. Makes you feel at ease and taken care of and will never let you down. Consistently satisfying and leaves a lasting impression. Served with a side of pancakes.
Reblogs and comments appreciated! I love that shit ♥️
#baroness von glitter#masterlist#pedro boys#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal characters#ao3 author#pedro pascal#pedro pascal fandom#pedro pascal character fiction#pedro pascal character smut#pedro pascal character fanfiction#pedro pascal cinematic universe#pedro pascal characters fanfiction#joel miller#din djarin#detective tim rockford#marcus moreno#francisco morales#dave york#jack daniels#javier peña#max phillips#marcus pike#oberyn martell
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pedro pascal characters fic recs

joel miller two three four five
frankie morales
javier peña
din djarin two
marcus pike
agent whiskey
marcus moreno
miscellaneous characters

#pedro pascal#joel miller#frankie morales#javier peña#tlou#triple frontier#narcos#pedro pascal masterlist#pedro pascal characters#agent whiskey x reader#agent whiskey#kingsman#kingsman x reader#jack whiskey daniels x reader#jack daniels x reader#dieter bravo#dieter bravo x reader#din djarin#star wars#the mandolarian#the bubble#masterlist#pp masterlist#reed richards#ezra prospect#ezra#pedro pascal fic recs#max phillips#max philips x reader
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Pedro Pascal
One Shot:
♡A kitchen disaster
♡Just let it go…
♡New job, new problems...
♡Just breathe
♡His Curls - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3 (completed)
♡Hate run, love speed - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (in progress)
♡We don’t love each other - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 - Final (completed)
♡A perfect day for a perfect girl (It's your birthday and Pedro makes you feel loved and special all day)
♡What sleeping position do they most like when you are with them? (Pedro Pascal characters)💤
♡How will they react to your makeup? (Pedro Pascal and his characters) 👁️👄💅
♡Headcanon: How do they behave when you have a migraine? (Pedro Pascal characters)🩹😴 (+ Dave and Marcus)
♡Headcanon: How will they react if you tell them about CDD? (Pedro Pascal characters) 👰💔😱🤕
♡Headcanon: Who will be ready to kill for you? From most willing to least... (Pedro Pascal characters) 🔪💀☠️🩸
♡Headcanon: How do they cook for you? (Pedro Pascal characters) 🥕🧑🍳🍓
Joel Miller
One Shot:
♡This is just a nightmare… (The Last of Us ff/ Joel/Ellie)
♡Strong for both of us
♡Trouble with ex
♡Dyeing your hair…
♡Together in happiness and depression… (no outbreak)
♡One last time…(no outbreak/angst)
♡Unforgivable mistake, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7 Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11, Part 12, Part 13, (in progress)
♡I can't be everywhere (No outbreak!) Part 1 , Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5... (in progress)
♡You need a better place (Joel loving a girl with epilepsy)
♡Blue dress (Joel Miller x plus size!reader)
♡When Joel goes limp… (JoelMillerxf!reader)🤷🍆🩹
Javier Peña
One Shot:
♡I’ll protect you… (bc you’re mine)
♡I’ll hurt you… ( bc you’re mine )
♡I’ll leave you (bc youre not mine)
♡I'll stay with you... ( bc I love you)
♡You’re hot…
♡A girl from the street
♡Dancing With Your Ghost - Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, Part VI, Part VII, Part VIII, Part IX, Part X, Part XI, Part XII, Epilogue (completed)
♡Too many shadows behind you - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5 (in progress)
♡Nicotine (JavierPeña and You)
Agent Whiskey (Jack Daniels)
♡Dynasty - Part 1, Part 2, (in progress)
One Shot:
♡Mean (JackDanielsxf!reader)
♡Llamas don't drink whiskey...
♡What does Jack's ranch look like? 🤠🐴🐓🐮🧑🌾
Javi Gutierrez
One Shot:
♡Too hot
Frankie Morales
One Shot:
♡Lost cat
Marcus Pike
One Shot:
♡"7.44 am"
♡If Teresa tried to get Marcus back after years...
♡Marcus tells you about his meeting with Teresa...
Marcus Acacius
One Shot:
♡Even if you fall apart...
Oberyn Martell
♡Red Viper and Fox - Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4 (in progress, soon english version)
One Shot:
♡♕Queen's Milk
♡I Hold You
♡Remember me… (ANGST!)
♡Leave... (ANGST)
♡Headcoanon: Oberyn's finger kink... 🤤💦🤌
The Old Guard (movie)
One Shot:
♡ Amira
♡ It hurts like hell
#masterlist#my fanfiction#my wriring#pedro pascal#pedro pascal fanfiction#pedro pascal x reader#javier pena x reader#joel miller#narcos#the last of us#the game of thrones#oberyn martell#the old guard#Immortal husbands#joe and nicky#joel and ellie#joel miller x reader#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller and you#tlou fic#pedro pascal headcanon#pedro pascal characters#agent peña#agent whiskey#agent whiskey fanfiction#jack daniels fanfiction#jack daniels x reader#kingsman the golden circle#javi gutierrez#javi g x reader
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Please Note: This is an 18+ blog. Unless otherwise stated, all linked works can be assumed to contain adult content. Specific content and trigger warnings can be found on the individual posts/series masterlists.
Masterlist will be continuously updated as content is posted.
Din Djarin is on what he expects to be his last bounty hunt for Greef Karga. However, after capturing a wanted starship engineer who would rather go anywhere other than “home,” the Mandalorian is forced to reassess his priorities. Your taste of freedom had been brief but glorious. Now you are a prisoner of the most infamous bounty hunter in the Outer Rim – it’s only a matter of time before he turns you in. There isn’t much you would not do to keep from being sent home, but as you find yourself growing closer to your captor and his strange little companion, you start to wonder whether escape is really what you want. Set immediately following Chapter 13: The Jedi.
I'd Like To - COMPLETE
Din has always struggled to prioritize his own happiness, even more so now that he is a single father. When some well-meaning friends create a dating app profile for him without his knowledge, he finds himself on his first date in years with a woman who seems determined to bring some much-needed softness to his life. Written for @hellishjoel's Hot DILF Summer Challenge
Miller Tours | Secret Springs Resort - COMPLETE
Prompt: Joel Miller & Speedboat Rides Created for the Secret Springs event hosted by @secretelephanttattoo
Stay Right Here - COMPLETE
You never had a problem getting out of bed in the morning until you started sharing one with Joel. A Secret Santa gift for my dear friend, Britt @pedroswife69 <3
Whiskey's Sour | Secret Springs Resort - COMPLETE
Prompt: Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) & Cocktail Bar Created for the Secret Springs event hosted by @secretelephanttattoo
Frankie comes home after a long day at work and learns how you have been keeping cool in the midst of a heat wave. Prompt: Frankie Morales x Grapes Written for the @happypedrohoursCharcuterie Board Challenge
Work of Art - COMPLETE
Your pregnancy brings out a vulnerability in Marcus you never would have expected. When he reluctantly shares his insecurities with you, you are more than happy to reaffirm your affection for each and every part of him. Written for @joelmillerisapunkPPCU Body Worship Writing Challenge
Sins of the Flesh - COMPLETE
After multiple chance encounters with a mysterious stranger, you begin having the most unsettling dreams. Written for Monster (S)Mash hosted by @quinnnfabrgay-writes and @hauntedhowlett-writes
Wash & Fold - COMPLETE
After discovering some unfamiliar clothes in your laundry (and losing some of your own in return), you begin exchanging messages with another resident in your apartment complex. Written for @jolapeno’s Dear-uary Epistolary Writing Challenge.
I'll Pick You Up - COMPLETE
On your first Valentine’s Day together, Javier shows you how much you mean to him. Written as a Valentine's Day gift for my dear friend Kat @sunshinehaze1!
The AK-Vintage Archives (works published pre-2023) can be found here.
#ashley's masterlist#ak's masterlist#pedro pascal#pedro pascal characters#pedro pascal character fanfic#ppcu fanfiction#ppcu fandom#din djarin#joel miller#jack daniels#agent whiskey#frankie morales#general marcus acacius#pero tovar#ezra#ezra prospect#javier peña
69 notes
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On Deck Part 5: Ahead In The Count
Pairing: Jack Daniels x Female Reader Baseball AU
Word Count: 10,857
Rating: NSFW. This is a smut - and a lot of it.
Summary: Once at Jack's place, the two of you clear up a few things about what's going on between you - and to your surprise, it's him leading the conversation. Later, it's Jack that caves first, much to your surprise.
Days later, Jack makes you an offer that you're not expecting - and couldn't possibly refuse.
Author’s notes:
This chapter is a true shift for Jack/Reader, even if neither of them are ready to admit it. I absolutely love writing for these two, and the very very end of this is one of the first scenes I pictured while coming up with this story - even back before I wrote any of the "extras".
(On Deck universe masterlist for all the extras!)
While there are a lot of baseball references within this story, you only need to know the basics to enjoy it and understand what's going on - we're not getting overly technical here.
As always, if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reach out. Thank you so much for being patient with me; I promise updates on this will be coming more regularly.
“Ahead in the count” can be used to describe either a pitcher or a batter, depending on the situation. This term refers to the number of balls and strikes accumulated during a plate appearance. The player that is ahead in the count has the advantage during that at bat - but the description is fluid, and advantage can change pitch by pitch.
The nerves didn’t set in until you parked your car in his driveway, but the longer you looked at Jack’s townhome, the more you realized that your worries were unfounded. It’s just Jack.
There was a light on over the front porch, well-tended bushes and even a few flowers near the door, which gave it a lived-in look. He told me it was nothing special, but I still didn’t expect normal. That thought got you out of the car, your bag slung over one shoulder, but the moment you stepped into the light on his porch and caught a glimpse of the bright yellow material you were wearing, you were nervous all over again.
You contemplated taking it off before ringing the bell, but Jack didn’t give you the opportunity - as you raised your hand to push the button, you saw the knob twist.
He didn’t speak as the door swung open, but at the look in his eyes - and the way his grin widened - the tension you felt eased again. I like it when he looks at me like that. “You going to make me stand on your porch all night, or actually invite me in?”
Jack took a few more seconds to stare at you and then reached for you with one hand, waiting until you took it to clear his throat. “I want you to c’mon inside, darlin’.” Warmth filled you at that admission, and when you finally stepped over the entryway and into his home, it lingered.
You wanted to look around but didn’t want to seem nosy, though you didn’t think he would have been upset if you took a peek. Maybe later. “I was surprised to hear from you tonight.” Your fingers were still linked, Jack’s thumb circling over your knuckle. “I figured you’d want to celebrate with the team.”
“Nah.” He pulled you closer, his other hand sliding under one side of your jersey and settling against your hip. “We already did that on the field.” He eyed you again, his gaze sliding downward and then back up, smile never faltering. “Looks much better on you than it did on me.”
“Bullshit.” Your voice was quiet, heart pounding as you tried to convince yourself not to make the first move and appear desperate. “You look handsome as hell out there and you know it, Whiskey.”
That was all it took. Jack tilted his head and leaned in, giving you ample time to stop him. When you didn’t, he kissed you, his grip on your hip tightening at the same time he let go of your hand and brought his to the side of your head, holding you in place.
His mustache tickled your upper lip, but before you could worry too much about it, the kiss ended, Jack clearing his throat as he straightened up. “Y’know, I’m not sure I should have done that.” Your face fell, and Jack noticed immediately, the man muttering your name and pulling you even closer. “Not because I didn’t want to, but because I didn’t ask you if you wanted me to.”
“Jack, I came to your place in the middle of the night, I think that implies that -”
“It doesn’t.” He let go of your hip, sliding his hand around to your lower back while the other one moved over your shoulder and then down your arm. “It tells me you wanted to see me, and nothing else.” It didn’t surprise you that Jack was confirming what you’d hoped to be true about him.
Instead, it made you want him more, your thoughts racing as you tried to reconcile what he was saying with what you thought you knew about him. “I did want to see you.” Biting your lip, you sighed out a long breath. ��And I definitely wanted to kiss you.” But. “But I don’t want to read too much into this, Jack. Tonight was really fucking overwhelming and I’m still trying to play catch up.”
“How’d you like the suite?” He grinned then, the expression somewhat cocky. “Nice surprise?”
“Too nice, honestly.” You rested your hands on his hips, realizing for the first time that Jack was already changed for bed - and that he was wearing sweats that hung low on his hips. This man is going to be the end of me. “It was great. The food was amazing and the privacy was perfect. Not having to share a bathroom is -“
“And the view?” He cocked an eyebrow, tilting his head slightly. “You were right up close to the action.”
“Oh. Yeah.” You frowned, pretending to think. “I guess that was pretty cool, too.” Humming briefly, you finally nodded. “Your teammate? Number 11? His ass looked fuc-“
“I can’t believe you.” He groaned, but you saw the smile he attempted to hide, Jack once again closing the distance between you. “Woundin’ a man’s pride on the day he comes back and …” He trailed off when your mouths met, the kiss brief. “Guess I’ll have to step it up next time since that didn’t impress you.”
He was teasing - and you knew it - but when he backed away, you were struck with panic. What if he thinks I mean it? “Tonight was perfect, Jack.” Closing your eyes, you nodded. “You have nothing to step up. I have no idea how you’d even manage to do that.”
“I can think of a few ways.” He hooked two fingers into your belt loops and tugged, urging you forward. “But since I am a gentleman, I’ll offer you something to drink first.”
“I … actually, yeah.” You bit your lip, nodding. “That would be great.” He seemed surprised but didn’t miss a beat, grinning before he pulled his hands away and turned so that his back was to you.
“Kitchen’s this way.” You followed him down the hallway and into the room. When he flipped the switch on, bathing it in warm light, you inhaled sharply, eyes going wide. “What’s that noise for?”
“I figured this would be a typical bachelor kitchen, not …” You looked around, stopping near the end of the kitchen island and putting your bag down on top of it. “Not look like you actually use it.”
“Oh, I use it.” He looked over his shoulder at you, one hand on the fridge’s handle. “I love to cook. Don’t have as much time for dinner during the season, but …” He opened the door. “I make myself breakfast every morning.” The idea of Jack in the kitchen - and cooking for himself - sent a wave of warmth through you. Another thing I got wrong. “What do you want? I had groceries delivered yesterday but because I’m outta here Sunday, there’s not much. Juice, water, coffee…” He rustled around. “There’s a couple beers, some whiskey.”
“I had a few drinks at the game, so if I’m driving, I probably shouldn’t have another.” You sighed, leaning back against the counter. “Water is alright.”
“Why would you have to drive?” He stood up, two beers in his hands. “I’m not gonna kick you out.” You hadn’t even considered that Jack would want you to stay, even though he’d tried to reassure you the previous time that leaving wasn’t his typical behavior. “So if you want a beer, please have one.”
“I…” Keeping your eyes on him, you made your decision. “OK.”
He opened both bottles swiftly and then made his way to where you stood, handing one over. “No way in Hell I’d expect you to leave in the middle of the night.”
“I just didn’t want to assume.” You took a drink, waiting until Jack did the same. “I overthink shit like this, Jack. Especially since I’m not quite sure what this is or why I’m here.”
“What do you mean?” He frowned, but the expression was more confused than upset. “This?” You hadn’t planned on bringing it up, because you didn’t want to be that woman, but you figured that being clear with him was the best possible call.
“Not this as in “what are we” because that’s ridiculous, but more like …” You took a sip and then shook your head. “More like …if I hear from you when you’re in town, am I allowed to look forward to seeing you? Can I assume that we’re friends, or that I can kiss you hello? ” He took a swig of his beer, eyeing you, but Jack stayed silent. “Because the sex was great, Jack, and if going straight for that’s what you’re looking for when you reach out, I’m into it. But I’d be lying if I told you that I didn’t think we get along well, and that I like the way we greeted each other when I got here.”
“You’re really standing here and askin’ me if …” He set the bottle down and shook his head, moving closer to you. “Darlin’ you can kiss me any damn time you want to when we’re together.” What? He paused, rolling his eyes. “Any time I’m not in uniform, I mean.” Jack laughed, reaching out to grip the counter’s edge on either side of your hips, but then he tilted his head to the side, staring at you. “Can’t just be leanin’ into the crowd and kissin’ people in the stands in front of all those kids, can I?”
“No, I guess you can’t.” You bit your lip, putting your bottle down next to his before reaching up with both arms to wind them around his neck. “But there’s no kids here right now.”
“You’re damn right.” He mumbled the words before your mouths met, and you could feel that he was still smiling, even through the kiss. He rocked his hips against yours as he nipped at your bottom lip, the edges of his teeth catching the plush of it, and when Jack straightened up, the smile was still there. “And to answer the ridiculous question that you never asked, this is …” He shook his head, shoulders rising and falling in a shrug. “I don’t know what this is yet, or what it might end up being. But I do know that I like spendin’ time with you. And I also know that even if you hadn’t invited me back to your place last week, I still would have wanted you in that suite and over here with me tonight .”
“Jack, wh-”
“So yeah, you can kiss me when you want to. And we can have sex if that’s alright with you, because I definitely want to. But I need you to know that no, that’s not all that’s gonna be on my mind every time you hear from me.”
It was almost too good to be true.
Jack was basically telling you that he was interested in you - even with the physical aspect of your relationship removed. It was entirely possible that he was playing a game - saying the right things and what he thought you wanted to hear to keep you close. But that doesn’t match up with what he’s done before. That isn’t…
“I like spending time with you too, Jack.” Moving one hand to his cheek, you dragged your thumb over it slowly. “And I know that you won’t have a lot of time for the next month and a half, so I don’t expect…” You trailed off when he moved one hand from the counter to your hip, pushing it beneath the jersey and curling his fingers against the denim of your shorts. “I don’t expect anything.”
“Good.” He smiled, his dimple deepening. “Means I can’t disappoint you then.” You laughed, tilting your head back - and Jack used that to his advantage, leaning in and ducking his head so that he could kiss your neck. The laugh cut off, turning into a quiet moan, and the hand on his face slipped back and into his hair, your fingers tangling in his locks.
He didn’t stop you, continuing to kiss his way across your throat and then down, the touch of his lips sending a shiver through you. “Jack, wait.” You forced the words out, and then exhaled, your breath shaky. “Hold on a second.”
He backed off, confusion on his face. “What’s goin’ on? You alright?”
“Yeah.” You pulled your hands away and then used both of them to support you as you climbed up to sit on the counter, tipping your head to the side as you widened the spread of your legs. “I just figured you could get closer this way.” He grinned at you, both of Jack’s hands back on your hips as he stepped forward and between your knees.
He urged you forward, guiding your hips to the edge of the countertop - and when you wrapped your legs around his waist, Jack encircled you with his arms, eliminating all of the remaining distance between you.
He kissed you hungrily, and you could feel how much he wanted you - Jack’s desire pressed against your core with only a few thin layers of clothing in the way. It backed up what you’d been talking about, and what he’d said to you, and when you pulled on Jack’s hair and he groaned into your mouth, it was you that smiled against his lips, your legs tightening against the backs of his thighs.
You shifted and then jerked away from Jack with a gasp as one of the beer bottles fell over and rolled into the sink, but he didn’t let you go far. “Jack, it spilled on the -”
“Don’t care.” He kissed you again, shaking his head. “It’s fine.”
“Maybe it’s a good thing it fell over.” You combed through his hair, taking a deep breath. “Otherwise we would have gotten a little carried away here, and since you cook on this counter, I don’t want to …” He laughed, rolling his eyes. “What?”
“You want my opinion? We didn’t get carried away enough on this counter.” That made you laugh, too, but you stopped abruptly at the feeling of Jack’s palm sliding over the top of your bare thigh. His eyes dropped to follow the movement, and yours did, too.
You liked the way his hand touching you looked. You liked the way it felt, too, the tips of his fingers pushing beneath the bottom hem of your shorts and his thumb curling against the inside of your thigh. He squeezed gently, and then said your name, his voice quiet. “Hmm? I’m sorry, I was just distracted.”
“D’you want to move this to my bedroom?” His other hand dropped to your opposite leg. “Protect the integrity of my counter an’ all that?”
That made you laugh, but you nodded without pause. I want that very much. He stepped back, giving you space, and you bit your lip at the sight of his tented sweats, Jack reaching down with one hand to adjust himself through the material. I did that. “Um.” Hopping off of the counter, you gripped the back of your neck. “Do you have a charger down here? My phone’s low, and I -”
“You can plug it in upstairs.” He let out a breath. “I’ll show you.” Jack held out a hand and you took it, letting him lead you forward and out of the kitchen. You picked up your bag on the way, holding onto it with the hand that wasn’t linked with Jack’s.
It was a big deal - he’d told you that he didn’t want any photos or videos of your time together, and yet he was encouraging you to bring the phone with you up and into his bedroom. I’d never take pictures here, though. That’d be an asshole move.
He flipped the light on and then urged you through the doorway. “I’m not sure what you were hoping for, but … here it is.”
You laughed when your eyes landed on the laundry baskets, lowering your head as your fingers tightened against his. “You’ve only been home for two days, how do you have so much laundry?”
“Some’s from last weekend.” He squeezed your hand and then let go. “I’ll throw a load in tomorrow. But if you’re gonna give me shit about the laundry, you can go right back down and out the -”
“No.” You held up your hand. “I’ll stop. But fuck, Jack. I kinda thought you were kidding the other night.”
“Hell no.” He turned to face you, lifting one hand to point at the dresser over your shoulder. “Cord’s over there.” You turned away from him and dug into your bag, pulling out the device and checking to see if the volume was off. After you’d connected the charge cable, you flipped it face down and then set it atop the dresser, putting your bag beside it. Ok. Now it’s just … us.
When you turned to face him again, you saw that Jack was sitting on the end of his bed, knees spread and both feet planted on the floor. “How’s your arm feel?” Stepping forward, you let your arms hang by your sides. “I know I need to be careful, but -”
“Feels good.” He reached out, his hands finding the edges of the jersey’s front and pulling you closer. “Ginger gave me the all clear, and I trust her.” You nodded, biting your lip and reaching out to run your fingers through his hair.
“You want to help me out here, Jack? As much as I like wearing this, I think I’d like to have you take it off of me more.” The neutral expression on his face slowly turned into a sly smile, but instead of Jack easing the material from your body, he pulled his hands back - and then raised them above his head. Wait, what?
“Jack?” You caught the slight hitch in his arm, but chose to ignore it, instead staring into his eyes. “You -”
“You gonna keep me waiting, darlin’?” He winked, poking his tongue into his cheek briefly. “I hope not.” You didn’t want to. Without any further delay, you bent forward enough so that you could grab the shirt and ease it up over his torso.
Every inch of his bared torso was like a gift, and even after the conversation you’d had in his kitchen, you reminded yourself to take note of what you were seeing - to drink in the sight of his tanned skin and freckles, of the way the trail of dark hair disappeared beneath his waistband, of just how broad his upper body was.
His eyes were bright when you removed the shirt entirely, and before you could even let it fall to the floor, his hands were back on you and pushing the heavy material over your arms. “Wait, Jack, don’t let it fall onto the floor!” He mumbled something about how it didn’t matter, and even though you disagreed, you let him remove it, leaving you in your sleeveless shirt and shorts. “If you say so.” You muttered the words, following the way Jack’s gaze moved over your body, his hands going back to your hips. “You’re a real charmer.”
“I know.” He moved one hand in, using two fingers to unbutton your shorts. “Heard that once or twice before.” You stiffened, but Jack shook his head slowly. “Not from who you’re thinkin’ either.” He slid the denim down and over your thighs, his head tilted downward to watch what he was doing. “My teachers.” He sighed, the man’s knuckles against your skin making you shiver. “My Momma.” They fell to the floor and you kicked them to the side, taking a deep breath as Jack looked back up at you. “Janie.”
“Oh, Jack.” Lifting a hand, you covered your mouth with it. He brought her up. It wasn’t me. “I didn’t -”
“No, it’s alright.” He stood, winding both arms around you and pulling you close. “Must be the truth then.” The fact that he’d so brazenly brought up the other woman while you were both in various states of undress was a shock to you - as was the fact that he was comparing the two of you. But it’s not like that. We just talked about this.
“I’m in good company then.” Pressing your palm to his chest, you locked eyes with him. “And hell yeah it’s true, because you literally just charmed my pants off, so…” You weren’t expecting him to laugh. And you also weren’t expecting him to walk you backwards until your back hit the wall, your lips parting in surprise as you sucked in a breath at the contact. “Jack.”
That was all he let you say before his mouth met yours, the kiss hard. You tilted your head and dropped your hands to his hips, the waistband of his sweats bunched against your palms as the bulge beneath them pressed against your thigh again.
When Jack slipped his tongue into your mouth, he accompanied that with a roll of his hips - which you answered with a moan. Being so near him was overwhelming, and when your thoughts wandered they didn’t go far, lingering on the fact that you wanted to touch more of him. I don’t want to stop touching him.
One of your hands slid between his pants and skin, fingertips following the curve of his ass before you squeezed. It was small but firm, and at your touch, Jack groaned, teeth grazing the fullest part of your lower lip. He broke away a few seconds later, kissing his way over your cheek and toward your ear.
Once there, he paused, turning his head enough so that he could press his cheek against yours. What is he doing? “Get in bed.” He spoke slowly, voice quiet. “No reason to rush tonight, so I’m going to take my time with you.”
When the two of you separated some time later, you couldn’t tell which of you was breathing harder.
Jack rolled onto his back and brought one hand up to rub at the space between his eyebrows, his chest rising and falling rapidly. You laid on your side, facing him, and didn’t speak - instead letting yourself stare as he tried to catch his breath.
Unlike the first night you’d been together, both of you had approached things with some restraint. He’d kissed his way across your upper chest and then moved down, mouthing against your breasts and belly before peering up and cocking an eyebrow in question.
When you’d asked if his rule was still in place and he’d said yes, you shook your head, hoping that your expression didn’t betray how much you wanted to give him a different answer. He’d been surprised but nodded in agreement, lowering his head and then making his way back up your body to kiss you soundly.
You hadn’t been facing away from him that time, but you also hadn’t quite been in charge like he’d promised. It didn’t bother you, though, especially when Jack slid into you without breaking eye contact and you got to watch the way his eyes flashed, his lips parting in a quiet grunt.
And it bothered you even less when Jack lowered his head to speak into your ear - telling you that he needed to feel you come, that he wanted to make you feel good, that all you had to do was give it to him.
So you did - pulling on his hair and crying out, lips not far from his ear when your body reached its peak and you shuddered beneath him. The sound turned into a low moan of his name, and then Jack came, too, the man stilling inside you briefly before he resumed the thrusts of his hips.
“I still feel like that was real quick.” He sighed, turning his head toward you. “Feel like I could have gone longer.” He narrowed his eyes and wet his lips, one hand resting against his stomach. “Feel like I should have gone longer.”
“Nah.” Scooting closer, you grinned at him. “Makes me feel better about myself if it’s not taking long.” He smiled at that, but stayed quiet. “Are you sure you want me to stay? It’s not that late, and I live close.”
“Yes.” He said your name, and then frowned briefly. “Stay.” You eyed each other for a few seconds, and when you nodded in agreement, he visibly relaxed, both eyes closing. “You can use the bathroom in here, I’ll go out into the hallway.”
He got out of bed before you could say anything, reaching down to grab his sweats and then heading for the door. You watched him go - focused on the way his toned thighs looked in the moonlight, and when he was gone, you rolled forward, pressing your face to his pillow and opening your mouth in a silent scream. I want to stay but I don’t know if it’s a good idea.
You decided that you needed to clean yourself up before you made any decisions, and so you sat up and then got out of the bed, bending over to grab the jersey before striding the few paces into the bathroom.
Once the door was shut behind you, you let out a whoosh of breath and hung your head, fingers gripping the edge of the sink. Shit. You didn’t want to get ahead of yourself, but the night was going well. Your friendship with Jack was leaping forward, and if nothing else, you were sexually compatible. Very much so.
Turning the water on, you eyed the countertop and sucked in a breath at the sight of the rectangular jewelry tray next to the sink. His chain. And the pendant. You’d seen it countless times before in pictures and on TV, and even though you knew it wasn’t yours to touch, you reached for it.
Lifting the jewelry and letting it rest against your palm, you traced over the smooth surface with your other thumb, lips curving up and into a smile. He’d worn it for years and considered it a good luck charm, so the fact that he didn’t have it on at home was a surprise to you. But maybe it’s just a baseball thing. Maybe it’s just one of those superstitions.
With one final smile, you set it down and then returned to the task of cleaning yourself up. It didn’t take too long, but by the time you pulled Jack’s jersey back over your shoulders, you were calmer. I’ve stayed over with hookups before. This is no different. Eyeing yourself in the mirror while you rinsed your mouth out with mouthwash, you smirked at the way the open front hid just enough, and the length of the hem in the back covered your curves.
But when you stepped back into the bedroom, Jack was already there, too, standing with his bare back to you and looking out the window. “Find everything alright?”
“I did.” Biting your lip, you moved closer to where he stood, crossing your arms. “Hope you don’t mind, but I picked up your -”
He spun to face you and you watched the man’s expression change - his eyes going wide before they raked over you, lingering on the strip of skin visible on your torso. “Well goddamn.” He breathed the words out, taking a step forward. “Look at you.”
You wondered if it was something that he’d known was a turn on - and if some small part of him had hoped that the night would end with you in his bedroom wearing only a piece of his baseball uniform. Even if he didn’t, it’s happening now. “That’s how I feel when I see you on the field, Jack.” You moved closer, cocking your head to the side. “So I’m glad you …”
You sucked in a breath as he moved away from the window and toward you, the look in his eyes unreadable. But he’s focused. He’s focused and he … oh. Jack’s kiss was hard, his lips crashing into yours as his hands found their way to your hips again before they slid down and curved to your body. He squeezed, pulling you closer, and you moaned into his mouth, the fingers of one hand resting on the back of his neck and the other gripping his bicep, his skin almost hot to the touch.
Jack kissed you soundly, hands remaining in place until he broke away for air. “You’re drivin’ me wild, darlin’.” His voice was hoarse, Jack clearing his throat before he leaned closer and rested his forehead against yours. “I need know what you taste like.” You trembled at the words - and at the tone he used to speak them. “Please.”
“No.” It almost hurt to deny him, but you forced it out, shaking your head. “It’s not fair if I let you, because -”
“Fuck the rule.” He groaned again, one of his hands sliding inward so that he could curl his fingers against the inside of your thigh. “It’s a stupid ass rule anyway, and -”
“Wait, are you serious?” You leaned back, narrowing your eyes. “Jack, I don’t…” Your heart was pounding, but he didn’t flinch, the man’s head moving up and down as he nodded slowly. He means it. “Ok.” Swallowing hard, you locked eyes with him. “Where do you want me?”
“Bed.” He smirked at you, jerking his head to the side. “Easier on my knees.” It shouldn’t have made you laugh, but it did, and you caught the roll of his eyes before he let go of you and turned back toward the mattress.
“You’re not just saying this, right?” You moved to stand behind him, putting your hand against his back. “You’re not just trying to get me to let you -”
“Hell no.” He turned slowly, lifting both hands to frame your face. “I promise.” He hadn’t given you any reason not to trust him, and so you nodded, turning your head enough so that you could kiss one of his thumbs. “Now get back into my bed.” He curled his fingers briefly and then let you go. “And get comfortable.”
Your heart was pounding, but you did as he requested, bouncing gently against the mattress with each motion as you scooted backwards. Jack stood at the foot of it, just watching, and even though the room was dark, you could see the bulge beneath the sweats again, straining against the material. He hasn’t even touched me, that’s … impressive.
Leaning back against the pillows, you took a deep breath and then opened your mouth to speak - but Jack didn’t let you.
Instead, he climbed in with you, kneeling at your feet before using both hands to ease your legs apart enough for him to move between them. He touched you gently, working his way up your legs with both hands, thumbs circling over your skin - and even when he lowered his head for the first time to press a kiss to your calf, you couldn’t look away.
He was methodical without being slow, Jack’s lips moving over your skin with patience and determination. He lingered near your knees, urging you to bend one leg, and then pressed a kiss there, sucking your skin between his lips briefly before he released it and continued his journey up your body.
The closer he got to your center, the more uneven your breathing became, but Jack gave nothing away. His large hands caressed your skin, fingertips curled over and around your thighs - and then Jack lifted his head, meeting your gaze without blinking.
“You doin’ alright?” His voice was lower than usual, and though it didn’t catch, you heard the desire in it, watching as he wet his lips and then glanced down before saying your name. “You’ve gotta tell me.”
“I… yes.” You nodded twice, reaching down with one hand to run your fingers through his hair. “Better than alright. I’ve … been thinking about this, and -”
“Me too.” He turned his head to the side, dragging his nose along the inside of your thigh. “More than I should be.” You didn’t know exactly what that meant, but you didn’t want to question it. I’ll ask later. “You want me to stop, you tell me, alright?” You nodded, still staring into his eyes. “Hook this leg,” he continued, fingers tightening. “Over my shoulder.” You did that, keeping the other foot on the mattress and grinning as you realized that he’d positioned you so that he could put more weight on his good arm while still keeping you as open as possible. Oh, Jack. “Yeah?”
“Yeah.” You let out another shaky breath, nodding. “Anything else?”
“Mmmhmm.” His smile widened and then Jack winked at you, taking a deep breath. “Don’t you dare try an’ keep quiet. I want to hear you.” His smile remained at your surprised inhale of breath, but Jack just lowered his head and settled his lips against the crease where your leg met your body.
He didn’t stay there long, though, turning his head inward - and when you felt his mouth move, too, you hummed out your approval and flexed your hips upward a few inches, widening the spread of your legs. He chuckled, the sound drawing your focus until you felt the drag of his tongue across your skin followed by his mouth settling into place between your legs.
You moaned at the feeling - and that spurred Jack on, lips and tongue laving over you while the fingers of one hand held tight to your hip and the others slipped over one thigh and under your body to squeeze the back of it.
You were still sensitive from earlier, but that only added to what you felt, your hips rolling against his mouth as he alternated between flicking his tongue and pursing his lips and sucking. The fingers in his hair tightened, too, and you arched your back, urging Jack even closer, the tip of his nose rubbing against you and making you shudder. But it feels so goddamn good. “Jack, pl… please. Keep going, please k-”
It broke off into a long, loud moan, and you dug your heel into the center of Jack’s back as he used both hands to pull you closer, his groan vibrating against your skin as he circled his tongue against you. He’d hardly had an opportunity to learn your body and what you liked, but he’d had no problem letting it guide him, and even through the haze of pleasure you felt, you hoped that that night wouldn’t be the last time you felt his mouth on you. Because he’s fucking good at this. He’s so fucking -
“I’m gonna come, Jack.” It took you by surprise, your admission tumbling out as the heat gathered in your belly, the fingers in his hair loosening and then releasing him before they moved to your belly and then down. You used them to touch yourself, spreading Jack’s saliva over you - and giving him the opportunity to shift his focus lower.
But he didn’t, instead chasing your fingers with his mouth and sucking the tips of them between his lips. That made you cry out again, and with one final flick of his tongue against you, you came hard, toes curling into the blankets and your head whipping to the side, mouth open in a wordless gasp.
Jack kept going, his hums and sighs those of a contented man, and when your body finally went limp you took a deep breath and cleared your throat as you touched his temple. “Jack, hey.” He lifted his head enough so that he could look at you, eyes glittering in the low light. “That was fucking great.” It took a few seconds to get the words out, but the smile he gave you in return was well worth the effort. “But come up here.”
Rising onto both elbows, you swung your leg down from his shoulder and caged his body in between them, Jack carefully repositioning his arms so that he could do as you asked. But he didn’t hurry, instead kissing his way slowly up the center of your body and using both hands to expose your skin by pushing the material to the side.
You felt him pressing against you as he moved, Jack’s hips rocking forward and trapping himself between your bodies. “Was worth it.” He mumbled the words against the swell of your chest before sucking a nipple between his lips and releasing it with a pop. “So fuckin’ worth it.” He moved up and grazed your jaw with his teeth before pressing a kiss to the hinge of it. “Not gonna last long,” he rasped into your ear, his hips thrusting against your core again. “Feel that?”
“Yeah.” You nodded, turning your head to the side and using one hand to move his to match. “I feel it, Jack.” It was you that kissed him then, alleviating his need to ask you if it was alright. And it was a deep kiss, Jack’s tongue stroking along yours as you rested one hand on his back and the other one on his hip, fingers dipping below the waistband of his pants. He moaned into your mouth, but then pulled away and looked down at you, his smile crooked.
“You gonna cash in now?”Jack’s brow rose, his tongue swiping slowly over his lower lip. “I wasn’t kiddin’, it won’t take much, and -”
You wanted to. You wanted to tell him to lay on his back and let you return the favor. You wanted to feel him swell and pulse in your hands and against your tongue, to know what he tasted like. But what if that’s not what he wants? You let out a shaky breath and then closed your eyes, sighing.
“It’s your call.” You reopened your eyes and swallowed hard, staring up at him. “That was my plan. But now …” Reaching up, you pushed his hair back from his face, smiling at the way the roots were damp and making the rest of it curl even more than usual. “You tell me what you want. That, or …” Lifting your hips to drag them against his, you saw the way his nostrils flared at the increased pressure, Jack’s jaw twitching while he waited. “Or you can make good on what you promised me the other night and let me take charge.”
“I thought you wanted to…” He frowned for a few seconds, the lines between his brows deepening as his gaze flicked down to your mouth. “Isn’t that what you wanted?
“It is.” Using your thumb, you smoothed the wrinkles at his brow, biting your lip. “But I also don’t want to be quick, y’know? You just told me it probably won’t take much to get you off, and I don’t want …” You lifted your hips, rocking them against his. “I don’t want that to be my first -”
“So I’ve got something to look forward to?” He arched a brow, the smile on his face growing. “Somethin’ to think about while I’m on the road?” You hadn’t thought of that - hadn’t even dreamed that while he was in other cities with hundreds of potential opportunities to take other women to bed, Jack would think about being back in Louisville - and back in bed with you. “This all part of your plan?”
“Yes.” You evened your expression out, hoping that you looked serious. “My master plan. You’ve got me all figured out, hmm?”
“No.” He leaned down, resting his forehead against yours and taking a deep breath. “Not yet.” You kissed him because you didn’t know how else to reply, but even that was short, because there was still a pressing matter to attend to.
“Lay on your back, Jack.” You whispered the words against his lips, nodding. “Relax.” He took your lip between his teeth and tugged, but when he released it he moved off of you and laid down, bending his arm and sliding one hand beneath his head while the other rested on his belly. You sat up, turning to reach for the condoms on the nightstand.
He took one from you wordlessly, but made no move to pull his pants down to put it on - and so you got into position, kneeling next to him and reaching for his waistband with both hands. Wait, though. Diverting one hand, you dropped it to rest against him, Jack’s hips rising to press against your palm. He grunted at the contact, and you curled your fingers around him, nodding. “Fuck.”
He was hard to the touch, and when you moved your hand slowly, stroking him through the soft fabric, you were smiling, too. “Lift your hips again.” He did, and after giving him one final squeeze, you pulled the material down carefully, chuckling when he kicked his pants all the way off. You wanted to touch him again, but Jack didn’t give you the opportunity,
Instead, he opened the foil wrapper and pulled the condom free, using one hand to steady himself while the other rolled it down and over his length. Once it was securely in place he met your eyes and gave you a nod. You could see the excitement in his, the anticipation almost tangible. Ok, here goes nothing.
You rose up, using one hand on his thigh to brace your weight as you moved to straddle his body. “You’re gonna need to tell me if I’m doing this how you like it.” Scooting up, you glanced down to watch as he adjusted his positon, lining himself up with your body. “You good?”
He nodded once and you took a deep breath, sinking down slowly and taking him in, inch by inch. He swore under his breath, his eyes closing, and you hummed at the way he filled you, widening the spread of your legs until you couldn’t take anymore. Fuck, he feels good this way.
Instead of rising up again to sink back down, you rotated your hips and then rolled them a few times, getting comfortable with the position - and letting him do the same. “I could get used to this.” You weren’t sure you’d heard him correctly at first, but when Jack moved his hands to settle them against your hips, he continued. “Seein’ you on top?”
“Oh yeah?” He nodded, eyeing you as you tried desperately to keep from giving yourself away. Is he just saying that? Is he just caught up in this? Does he mean it? “Good.”
You started moving then, up and down, letting him drag slowly through you but never moving enough that there was a chance he’d slip out. Every rise and fall of your hips gave you more confidence, thanks to the way he held you and the way you could feel the muscles in his thighs tensing in anticipation. Watching Jack’s chest rise and fall as you rode him, you wondered what was going through his head - and if he’d say anything to you about it after.
He met your movement with upward thrusts of his own, but to your surprise after only a few minutes, he moved his hands to tug on the jersey you wore, murmuring your name. “Take it off. Let me see you.” You slowed down enough that you didn’t need both hands to balance and let it slide down your arms before tossing it to the side. “Gorgeous.”
His praise gave you confidence, and when you began to truly ride him in earnest, you let yourself get lost in it - in him, and the way he felt beneath you - the way he filled you over and over again, one hand steady on your hip and the other moving over your thigh and side, occasionally squeezing as he grunted out encouragement.
“Hey.” You reached down, flattening one palm against his abdomen as you slowed your movements. “Tell me what I need to do to make -”
“Don’t wanna come yet.” He released a breath, eyes closed. “‘M enjoying this too goddamn much.” He sighed, taking another breath. “You can c’mere though.” His hands slid up your sides and then around to your back, easing your upper body down to press against his. “Like that.” You supported your weight with your forearms on the bed, fingers combing through his hair as Jack’s spread across your skin to hold you in place.
Jack kissed you softly, his lips parted enough that your lower one fit between them, but after a few seconds that changed, his grip tightening at your quiet whine and his lips parting further, tongue pushing forward and into your mouth.
He thrust upward slowly, the new angle hitting a different spot inside of you, and even though neither of you could move as much, you liked the way it felt. Too much, I think. I like it too much. Pushing backwards, you ground down onto him, the grip you had on his hair tightening. “Feels good, Jack.” Breaking the kiss, you turned your head so that your mouth was near his ear. “So fucking good.”
His lips dragged over your cheek and when you dropped your head, letting it rest against his shoulder, he pulled your hips closer, Jack’s rotating before he withdrew a few inches and paused. “So do you.” He took your earlobe between his teeth and tugged, the sharp pain making you gasp. He released it almost immediately though, and when you shot back up into a sitting position, you saw that he was grinning, his eyes bright. “You wanna make me come?”
“Yes.” Moving your hands to press against his chest, you nodded, hips moving slowly. “I do.”
“Faster.” He swallowed, reaching up to drag one thumb over your peaked nipple, your back arching in response to his touch. “Just move faster and it won’t take long at all.”
Nodding, you bit your lip and then resumed the pace you’d set before, never looking away.
You thought about him for days afterward, and even though you tried not to let yourself miss him, it was difficult not to.
You’d woken up to his arm curled around you the following morning, Jack’s sleep-tousled hair hanging over his eye as he’d asked you if you could stay for breakfast. And he’d cooked, the two of you moving through his kitchen together as you got plates and cups out, setting the coffee pot to brew while he stood in front of the stove with a spatula in one hand.
You hadn’t lingered long after finishing your meal, though, because you didn’t want to be that person, or overstay your welcome - and because you wanted to give him time to relax before he had to be back at the stadium.
Jack had seemed surprised, but hadn’t tried to convince you to stay. However, he had made it a point to tell you that everything he’d said the night before was true. He wanted you to reach out whenever you wanted, wanted to keep in touch with you, wanted you to feel comfortable being his friend. “It wasn’t just a line to get you back into my bed,” he’d promised, his arms around you as you said goodbye at his front door. “I’m gonna be gone for ten days starting Sunday, and it’ll be nice to hear from you while I’m on the road.”
He’d been the first one to reach out, sending a text before that night’s game to show you a pair of painted and personalized cleats he was wearing, and that had opened the floodgates.
You hadn’t seen him again before he left, but that didn’t stop you from talking to each other. The communication wasn’t overly flirty, but he seemed interested in getting to know you, one short message at a time.
As you packed on Tuesday to catch a flight from Louisville to New Orleans to meet with your client the following day, you debated over letting Jack know that you were also going to be out of town for a few days, and finally decided to do so, keeping it simple.
May not be able to answer as quickly as I have been on Wednesday and Thursday. Traveling to meet a client, and I’ll be in their office all day both days.
He didn’t respond right away, but when he did, it was with a phone call, his voice bringing a smile to your face, even through the speaker. “A client? Where do you get to go?”
“New Orleans.” You laid back on the couch, staring up at the ceiling. “For at least two days, maybe three, depending on exactly what they need. I’ll probably fly back home sometime Friday or Saturday so I can work Monday.” He was quiet for a few seconds and then sighed.
“You’re gonna be close, then. We’re in Texas this weekend.” You’d known that, though you hadn’t wanted to be the one to bring it up. “My parents are comin’ to the game on Thursday night. Haven’t seen them in a while, so that’ll be nice.”
“Is it far for them?” You knew where he’d grown up, but didn’t know distances between Texan cities offhand.
“Couple hours. They’re getting a hotel so we can see each other before the game Thursday and then during the day Friday before they go back, but it’s a quick trip for ‘em. I’ll be back when the season’s over, they’re just worried about my arm and my Momma wants to check on me in person.”
“How’s that feeling?” You closed your eyes, wondering if asking was overstepping. “I saw you swing last night, and it looked like you winced once or -”
“You watched the game?” He cut you off, amusement in his voice. “Didn’t you get enough of me last weekend?” Shit.
“I like baseball, Jack. You just so happened to -”
“Bullshit.” He laughed and you did, too. “But no, my arm’s fine. It was actually my lower back that bothered me last night, but me an’ Ginger worked it out between innings. It’s better today.” Good. I’m glad to hear that. “I actually have to get going, though. Team meeting at the stadium in a little while, so we’re all taking the bus over early.”
“Ok.” You sat up, fingers closing around the phone. “I hope you have a good game, Jack. And if I don’t talk to you for a little while, I -”
“Let me know you make it to New Orleans.” He said your name, clearing his throat. “And just because you’re working doesn’t mean you can’t reach out if you want to.” Jack paused. “Shit, that sounds real needy, doesn’t it?”
“Nah.” You wanted to reassure him - because you were thrilled to hear him say it. “And if you really want me to, I will. I just didn’t want to bother you while your parents are there, or while you’re -”
“You’re not bothering me.” He laughed, and even though you couldn’t see him, you had the image of him dragging his fingers through his hair in your mind, the corners of his eyes creased as he smiled. “If you were botherin’ me, I wouldn’t answer. Or call you. Or invite you over to my place in the middle of the night and spend hours in bed with you.”
“Those are all very good points.” You stood, your own smile wide at the memory of those hours. “Go to your meeting. Have a good game. I’ll let you know when I land tomorrow. I’m on an early flight so that I can work when I get there.” He agreed, and even though you knew that you wouldn’t speak to him again that night, you were still energized by the call and the outcome.
The flight the following morning was uncomplicated.
You even managed to nap for a little while on the plane, waking up to an empty seat beside you instead of Jack, like you’d been dreaming about. You waited until you were in the rideshare line to text him, sending a picture of the line of people and a message that said I’m here and I might be for a while.
He didn’t answer until you were almost at the office, and Jack’s reply of that’s a long ass line, holy shit made you laugh out loud in the car. It was nice to hear from him - and on a regular basis - but you knew that you couldn’t get used to how he responded to you, or even how frequently you spoke. Because in a couple months he’ll be back in Texas and he’ll be enjoying that.
The client you met was nowhere near as needy as you’d expected. After only an hour and a half of touring the building, you were able to nail down plans for your stay - and the work you’d be doing, signing the final contract and getting started.
And you worked quickly, both on your own and with the other employees. It led to you walking out the door at 4:05, and making the short trek back to your hotel room to decide what you wanted to do with the rest of your night. You were close enough to the French Quarter that if you’d wanted to, you could have gone out for dinner and drinks, but after taking your shoes off and sitting down on the edge of the bed, you realized just how tired you were.
I’ll take a nap, and then I’ll figure it out. Dragging yourself out of the bed, you put on your pajamas and plugged your phone in, then turned to the window and pulled the curtains all the way shut. You thought about sending a message to Jack but chose not to, instead climbing under the covers and settling in.
You woke up disoriented, groping for your phone and were stunned to see that it was almost 10 pm, and you had two missed texts and a missed call from Jack. “Shit.” Sitting up, you rubbed at your eyes, yawning. You needed to be back at the office at 8:30 am the following morning, so your options were limited - and it meant that you didn’t really have time to go out and explore.
So you ordered room service and then got in the shower while you waited. Once you were clean and redressed for bed, you turned the TV on and flipped through channels, trying to find something to watch. And when the food came, you took a few bites before you reached for your phone, reading what he’d sent to you hours earlier over again.
How’d your first day go?
You must be out and enjoying things. Hope you’re having fun.
He’d tried to call almost an hour later, right around 5 PM his time but hadn’t left a message. After a quick check, you realized that it had been just before he’d taken the field, since that night’s game had a 6:10 start. You wondered if it meant that he was worried since he hadn’t heard from you, or if it was just Jack being Jack.
It didn’t matter, though, because there was no way to know until after the game ended. And he’ll be on his way to the airport immediately, so I can’t even call him then. You ate a little more and then muttered fuck it before texting him back, fingers flying over the screen.
Went great. I’ll be able to finish tomorrow. Took a nap when I got back to my room and I just woke up. UGH. Hope you have a safe flight to Texas.
While you ate and halfway paid attention to the TV, you thought about Jack - and whatever it was that was going on between the two of you.
In the weeks since you’d known him and exchanged numbers, you’d spoken to his just as much as you’d talked to Erin, and more than some of your other friends. That didn’t track for a casual hookup, and even though Jack had assured you that you were friends, too, it still gave you pause. Because getting closer to him, and getting to know him better would make it harder when it inevitably changed between you … and you knew that he was with someone else. If I like him this much already, there’s no way around that feeling.
You were under no assumption that because he’d slept with you a few times, there wouldn’t be anyone else in his bed. It couldn’t matter to you that he’d admitted he’d be thinking of you and looking forward to what you still had to explore together while he was on the road.
Jack was Jack, and had plenty of opportunities to choose someone else to occupy his time. So, if you were going to continue what was going on between you, that was something that you had to be alright with. But am I? Can I be his friend and sleep with him and not care if he’s also sleeping with other people?
For the moment, you thought you could. For the moment, you would, because you were having fun getting to know Jack, even in the limited ways you’d had the opportunity to so far. It was a dangerous game you were playing, and you knew that you’d likely need to reevaluate things as your friendship progressed. But admitting it is the hard part.
You checked the score of the game - The Statesman were losing by one in the 8th - and then opened your laptop, spending some time going over what you’d be doing the following day. You also checked potential flights home on Friday and Saturday. There were multiple options for you, and you decided to hold off on booking until you were certain that nothing else would come up, lengthening your stay.
It was after 11:30 when you finished, and even though you’d just woken up, you decided it was time to get back to sleep, since you had to wake up early enough to get ready for work. But Jack had other plans, and his name lit up your phone’s screen just as you got comfortable in bed.
“Takin’ naps in the middle of the day?” He bypassed the greeting and went straight into questioning, his voice quiet but full of amusement. “You’re gonna be up all night now.”
“Actually, no. I’m back in bed.” You stretched, rolling onto your back and staring up at the ceiling. “I sleep really well in hotel beds for some reason, so even though I’ll probably be done with work tomorrow, I might wait to fly back home until Friday or Saturday, since I’ve got the room until -”
“You’re gonna be done tomorrow?” You heard some noise, which was likely Jack shuffling the phone from one hand to the other. “That’s quick.” You caught him up on what the scope of work was, explaining that it hadn’t been as complex as you’d imagined and he hummed while you spoke, but didn’t speak.
“Are you excited to see your parents?” You decided to ask something personal, figuring it was a good opportunity to change the focus from you to him. “And did you guys end up winning tonight? I checked and saw you were down by one.”
“We lost. Their pitching was fuckin’ great tonight. It’s fine, though. And hell yeah. They’re bringing brisket and all the fixins for all of us, so the entire team’s excited. But I haven’t seen ‘em in so long that even if they weren’t, I’d be just as happy.”
It was something else about him that you’d learned almost by accident - that his parents were still just as involved as they had been when he was young, and that their cooking was good enough that it got an entire baseball team amped up.
“You’ll have to tell me how it is.” You paused. “Take a picture, or -”
“Well, about that.” He cleared his throat and then the line went quiet for a few seconds. About what? “You could try it yourself, if you wanted to.”
“What?” Gripping the phone tighter, you sat up, eyes narrowed. “How?”
“It’s a short flight from where you are to where I’ll be, and …” He swore, and your heartbeat raced as you realized what he was suggesting. There’s no way this is happening. “And I’ve got a room all weekend for the series. You could come to the games, or just do whatever while I’m gone, but I’ve … I’ve been thinkin’ about you all week that I’ve been gone, and… I’d like you to come out.”
“Jack, that …” You wanted to say yes - wanted to scream it into the phone and the dark room, but instead you forced yourself to remain calm, taking two steadying breaths before you opened your mouth again. “You really want me to fly to Texas and spend the weekend with you?”
“Sure do.” He cleared his throat. “My parents will have my tickets tomorrow night, and then if they decide to stay Friday, they’ll have them, too, but I can still get you in no problem.” You stayed quiet, thinking, and Jack went on, his words rushed. “This was a stupid idea. I don’t know what I was thinkin’, I just figured since you were just going to go home and didn’t have any plans, I -”
“I need to look at flights home on Sunday, and see if I can aff-”
“I’ll fly you home.” He scoffed. “‘Course I will. I wouldn’t expect you to pay for somethin’ I suggested. I’d pay for you to come out here, too, if you wanted me to.” All of this for someone you’re casually sleeping with? This makes no sense. “Is this … something you’d even want? Fuck, I don’t know if I’m bein’ an asshole.”
It felt wrong to let him flounder, but to be truthful, you were stunned that he’d made the offer, especially when he would be home in the middle of the following week and could just see you then. You thought back to what you’d been considering only minutes earlier about the nature of your relationship with him, and gave yourself a few seconds to think.
It was him initiating the invitation, just like it had been him to invite you to his home. It was him making the most effort to contact you - and the repeated attempts to reach you earlier that night backed up the fact that he had been thinking of you. He wouldn’t string me along just to get laid. He doesn’t need to.
“You’re not an asshole, Jack.” Biting your lip, you reached for your laptop and opened it, navigating to Google Flights. Just to see. “I want to see you, too. I just wasn’t expecting this.”
“Neither was I.” He sighed. “Not at all.” You heard noise on the other end of the line and wondered where exactly Jack was… until again, he answered a question you didn’t ask. “We’re gonna be takin’ off soon, so if you want to sleep on it and let me know tomorrow, you can. But the offer’s open. There’s only one bed in my hotel room, but -”
“Only one bed?” You gasped, hoping that your sarcasm translated over the line. “Oh no, Jack. How would we ever figure that out?” He laughed, the sound a relief to you, and then you continued, feeling a little more settled. “There are two afternoon flights that will get me there tomorrow. There are open seats on both, and if I take my stuff with me to the office, I can go straight to the airport. I should be done by 2, and that’ll be cutting it close for the earlier flight, but …”
“So you’re going to come?” You heard his voice change, anxiousness turning into relief, and at the sound of it, you knew you’d made the right decision. “I’ll leave a note at the front desk that they can give you a key to my room, and I’ll let you know what room I’m in as soon as I check in, if that works.”
“Jack, I have no idea if I’ll be able to make the game. If the flight’s delayed, or if I get delayed, or -”
“Don’t worry about that. You’ll have a ticket waitin’, but if you can’t be there tomorrow, I’ll see you when I get back to my room afterward.” He paused, and then said your name. “I’m glad you said yes.”
“Me too.” Sighing, you covered your face with one hand and then said goodnight, telling him to enjoy his flight and get some rest.
When you hung up, you sat motionless for a few seconds, and then without pause, reached for your laptop again to begin the process of booking a plane ticket to Texas - giving yourself no time to second guess it.
#jack daniels#agent whiskey#jack daniels x reader#jack daniels x female reader#pedro pascal#pedro pascal character#agent whiskey x female reader#baseball jack#jack daniels baseball au#kingsman#kingsman: tgs#kingsman the golden circle#jack daniels masterlist#pedro pascal masterlist#on deck#on deck masterlist
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❄️ PedroStories Secret Santa event 2024 ❄️
Thank you again for participating in PedroStories’ third Secret Santa event! We hope this event gave you some joy this holiday season! 💙
Thank you so much to @baronessvonglitter for stepping in as a pinch hitter! 💙
* - Mature/Explicit work
Frankie Morales fanart
stalker!Frankie Morales gifset
Dave York
* Princess Treatment (feat. Frankie Morales)
* Locked Room Rivals (feat. Max Phillips)
* Christmas in Paris (feat. Joel Miller)
Dieter Bravo
The Yule Lodge
Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe
Din Djarin
* The Hunter
* Warriors
Love To Keep Me Warm
Just Feels Right
The Reluctant
A Christmas Getaway
The Prospector, The Merc and The Treasure Hunter (feat. Pero Tovar)
Frankie Morales
Stories We Haven’t Written Yet
My First, My Last, My Always
Sprinkle of Cinnamon
* Princess Treatment (feat. Dave York)
Jack Daniels
(Who is in the barn?) Must Be Santa
Holiday Spirits
Javi Gutierrez
Joel Miller
* See Me After
* solstice
* Holiday Heat
* Yes, Professor
* Keep A Leftover Light Burning
right kind of dream
When Life Gives You a Lemon
At the Ballet
Cat and Mouse
An Unexpected Present
Icy Escape
Christmas encounters
* Christmas in Paris (feat. Dave York)
Marcus Acacius
Local God
Marcus Pike
* Merry Christmas, baby.
A Holiday Rescue
Novelty Socks
Max Phillips
* Locked Room Rivals (feat. Dave York)
Mr. Ben
* Educational Benefits
Oberyn Martell
Happy Accidents
Pero Tovar
* Let All My Love Keep Silence
* The Prospector, The Merc and The Treasure Hunter (feat. Ezra)
* Ah, but it's cold outside
Sweets and Swords
* no flights tonight
dividers by the lovely @saradika-graphics 💙
#pedro pascal#christmas#masterlist#fanfiction#frankie morales#jack daniels#oberyn martell#dieter bravo#marcus pike#joel miller#joel miller x reader#din djarin#javier pena x reader#ezra#javier pena#max phillips#pero tovar#pedrostoriesgift24#admin post#marcus acacius
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( spotify playlist )
one shots:
woman taken by the wind ( e )
desire is a delicious thing.
foreigner’s god ( e )
screaming the name of a foreigner’s god, the purest expression of grief - hozier
( spotify playlist )
one shots:
take me where your heart is ( e )
even in a big world, there’s not much else to do but be fascinated with one another.
flesh & blood ( e )
javier peña has never been the best at deciding what’s good for anyone but sometimes, just sometimes, he can figure it out for himself
i remember you well ( e )
there are memories that haunt and there are memories that merely linger; what they were that one summer is the latter to Javier.
life could be a dream ( e )
to outrun being human is not sensible. its their constant state of being and something that they are reminded with frequency. so, they’ve stopped trying at that. instead, javier and this woman have decided to embrace the pain of being human together. its a wicked game, sure, but no worse than realizing separately that they are one lonely drop in a big ocean.
scenes from a marriage ( finished ) ( e )
javier peña is a dea agent naively navigating his way through life in colombia. as if life is not complicated or risky enough while he partakes in the search for the infamous pablo escobar, javier has decidedly fallen in love. these are the scenes from his marriage, full of trials and tribulations, set in colombia, circa 1979–1993. anthology series, but definitely better if read in order.
time of the season ask ( m )
( spotify playlist )
one shots:
ungodly hour ( m )
‘til the cows come home ( e )
jack daniels is the sort of man lucky enough to happen upon beautiful women’s windows, and she is the sort of woman unfortunate to want men who do that. it’s been working beautifully ever since he did.
his girl friday ( on-going ) ( e )
when agent jack daniels discovers that his partner alicia fitzgerald (better known as pinkie to jack, because of her preference for pink champagne) is to be married, he decides he must do his very best to save her from the life of the mundane.
( spotify playlist )
losing dogs ( on-going ) ( e )
frankie morales knows he isn’t the most perfect man, but he’s found someone who cares for him despite it. a friend. a lover. this is a collection of one shots about the same couple, but they can all be read separately.
( spotify playlist )
one shots:
it’s never over ( m )
dieter asks you to go to the opening night of his play and you do. for this he rewards you handsomely.
only backwards ( e )
it has been 6 months since you last heard from dieter bravo. this time he comes back to you with a black eye and he asks for too much. it is just like always.
you can(t) always get what you want ( e )
your relationship with dieter (albeit the very loose definition of the term) has finally landed you in the tabloids. he attempts to make it up to you
three’s company ( e )
the world is slowly descending into madness all around you, so you decide to give in and go with dieter to his latest poor decision: a franchise movie filming in england. one night while there, you both sweep another into this odd half-hearted, life-long tryst you've got.
the hollywood hedonist method ( e )\
dieter's movie is bad and he looks to you for a quick fix to a long problem.
#pedro pascal x reader#javier pena x reader#javier peña x reader#dieter bravo x reader#frankie morales x reader#dave york x reader#oberyn martell x reader#javier peña#pedro pascal#dave york#dieter bravo#frankie morales#javier pena#oberyn martell#jack daniels x reader#jack daniels#pedro pascal masterlist.
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Pookie’s Masterlist
Joel Miller
Don’t Look Back — Jackson!Joel Miller Angst
Eldest Daughter Reader Collection
Night Terrors — Jackson!Joel Miller X Eldest Daughter Reader — coming soon!
I Like You — Jackson!Joel Miller X Eldest Daughter Reader, fluff
Imagine — Jackson!Joel Miller X Eldest Daughter Reader, fluff
Agent Whiskey/Jack Daniels
I guess that’s why they call it the blues — Jack Daniels x f!reader, fluff
Your Song — Jack Daniels x f!reader, fluff
Javier Peña
I’ll be home for Christmas — Domestic!Javier Peña x f!reader — coming soon!
Javi Gutierrez
coming soon! - Javi G x f!reader
Dieter Bravo
fall from grace — coming soon!
Clint (Spooky Tales)
coming soon!
#tessa's assets#pedro pascal#joel miller#jack daniels#agent whiskey#dieter bravo#javier peña#javi gutierrez#jackson!joel#joel miller tlou#tlou fanfiction#Tommy miller#jack daniels headcanon#joel miller fanfiction#joel miller thoughts#tlou#joel miller x reader#pedro pascal characters#jack daniels x f!reader#eldest daughter reader#domestic javier pena#Clint#Tessa’s masterlist#please read my stories#open ask box#open asks#open requests
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*:・゚✧*:・゚ nincompoopydoo // MCU MASTERLIST
loki laufeyson
⋆ debris and misery [series - on hiatus]: Loki crashes on Sakaar and into your home. you don’t take it lightly when you find there’s a massive hole in your roof. ⋆ to catch someone's eye: During the celebration of Frigga as the Queen of Asgard, Loki finds himself slipping away from the events to the palace courtyard. To where you unfortunately found yourself stumbling towards an escape from your parents. ⋆ in another timeline: stranded on Lamentis, the event of the impending apocalypse seem to mend the fire and fury between you and Loki as deeper feelings begin to come to light. ⋆ for the sake of us: Loki dies (The beginning of Infinity War) and is sent to a place unknown to him, with never ending fields of Asgardian flowers. there, he meets his Sigyn, his late wife. he hadn’t seen her for years ever since her unexpected death of an unknown illness that no Asgardian technology could cure.
sam wilson
⋆ trouble man: you and Sam Wilson are neighbors. never spoke a word a to one another but somewhat developed an unhealthy crush on each other. as a series of unfortunate events that began with the burning of spaghetti, you find yourself entangled in a mess of the appreciation for Marvin Gaye and your fear of cockroaches with the very man himself. ⋆ coming home: Sam’s coming home. ⋆ snowed in: you get a visit from your hot neighbour on Christmas day.
bucky barnes
⋆ whiskey: you’re waitressing at your father’s bar filled with the 107th’s drunk soldiers. In the midst of chaos, you catch the attention of a certain sergeant that goes by the name Bucky. the both of you then realize that one can still find happiness in the middle of a great war.
steve rogers
⋆ pretty beautiful: after the events of Sokovia, Steve and Sam are both on the run, along with Natasha, seeking for a safe house. thankfully, Sam knows the perfect place. ⋆ promises: platonic! you find an unexpected visitor at your doorstep during spaghetti night.
agent jack thompson
⋆ steps of the fire escape: Jack spends the last minutes of New Year’s Eve looking for the morning paper and his cat, Ginny. turns out, Ginny has a knack for discovering those who are spending the last day of the year alone. ⋆ you're gonna be fine, kid [series]: you get shot and the annoying Jack Thompson maybe you’re only hope at surviving after all. ⋆ knucklehead: where Jack and reader are pissed at each other because you wouldn’t stay off the field and put yourself in danger during a mission while Jack was being a total prick about it although the two of you refuse to admit you love each a little too much. ⋆ pretty confessions: returning to the SSR, golden hour in the midst of New York’s traffic may just lead to some pretty confessions to a very pretty woman in Jack Thompson’s passenger seat. ⋆ unbelievable: you’re strong-witted, frank and independent, and Jack finds it a little unsettling, yet he refuses to admit that he probably adores you a little too much after that one incident at the office. ⋆ babysitter: Jack Thompson finds himself babysitting Daniel and Peggy’s baby daughter. and then realizes he has forgotten how to change nappies. ⋆ baby emergency [babysitter part 2]: you, the Sousa’s neighbour, mistakenly arrive at their doorstep, thinking it was pie night rather than date night. Yet, the sight of a dishevelled, troubled and somewhat handsome Jack Thompson convinced you to help out with baby Nancy. ⋆ call me trixie: you, an aviatrix is partnered with Jack Thompson on a SSR mission.
daniel sousa
⋆ just a gunshot wound: you were badly injured from a mission and Daniel Sousa, your fellow colleague was not the biggest fan of the outcomes of the mission. yet, things get a little heated up, in a bad way, but it may have gave Daniel the courage to act on something he had always wanted to since forever.
#loki laufeyson x reader#steve rogers x reader#sam wilson x reader#bucky barnes x reader#jack thompson x reader#daniel sousa x reader#masterlist
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This is an 18+ blog. No minors, pretty please.
✨ = new 🖤 = smut 🌈 = fluff 🔪 = dark 💥 = angst
series and collections
something wretched about this 🖤 - joel x f!reader 5 part series featuring Joel Miller; self appointed pharmacist, medication supplier, drug dealer and total, utter slut.
welcome to the carnal-val 🖤🎪- various x reader a pedro pascal character circus AU home of bravo the clown, ringmaster whiskey, and more.
cuck!Joel 🖤🌈- joel x f!reader, m!OC(s) x f!reader adventures in cucking one Joel Miller.
Dieter's PA 🖤💥- dieter x gn!reader a collection of Dieter Bravo's antics with his long suffering PA.
✨dress up Joel 🖤🌈 - joel x f!reader welcome to your seasonal encounters with one Mr. Joel Miller.
sleepless 🖤 - joel x f!reader - 3.5k It’s been days since you last got anything resembling decent sleep. You’re exhausted, but more than that, you’re angry. Every little thing is pissing you off, and you just want to be left the fuck alone. Joel, ever the gentleman, has a solution to your sleeplessness, and your bad mood.
best in show 🖤- dieter x f!reader - 3.7k The Academy Awards, the most well known, well planned, film award ceremony in the world. So why is the host missing?
some good friend 🖤 - tim rockford x sex worker!f!reader - 7k Somewhere between Detective and himself, Tim Rockford comes to you for a relief he's finally letting himself have.
propagation 🖤 - dieter x f!alien - 2.8k He always knew their existence to be fact, but Dieter Bravo never considered their continued existence would one day rely on him.
tool time 🖤 - joel x f!reader - 3k a simple tool belt pushes you over the edge.
✨solstice 🖤🌈💥- joel x f!reader - 4k Joel can't get enough of those three little words.
✨single rider 🌈 - dieter x gn!reader - 2.5k the single rider line brings you more than you bargained for.
y2k 🌈- no pairing a day in the life of Joel and Sarah Miller
fic recs
the perfect peach
SWAT kink recs
#masterlist#pedro pascal characters#joel miller fanfiction#dieter bravo fanfiction#dieter bravo#the bubble fanfiction#frankie morales#triple frontier fanfiction#joel miller#tess servopoulos#tlou fanfiction#jack whiskey daniels#kingsman fanfiction#tim rockford fanfiction
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