#jacaerys x vampire!reader
mythicmanuscripts · 24 days
Okay, the person who sent the vampire ask awakened something in me, because all my faves from HOTD fit at least one trope of vampire romance/erotica.
We've already established pretty boy Aegon (as usual, love that for him).
I totally agree that Aemond fits in the vampire role (I mean, look at his aesthetic. Boy's right at home there), where he's smitten with a human and refuses to acknowledge that he was basically stalking them at the beginning, until said human calls him out and shows no fear of him, they're just pissed off. And that does it, he's down even worse than he already was.
I feel Daemon and Rhaenyra would also fit vampire roles, with Daemon being the one who turned Rhaenyra, and she took to being a vampire like a fish to water. I think they'd be the type that has several "partners" they feed from, on a somewhat regular basis, but they also enjoy "hunting" every now and again, Daemon especially. They don't kill anyone, but they do enjoy the fear they can feel from the person they're feeding from.
Then One human shows up that seems immune to both Daemon's charms, and threaths, and Rhaenyra is living for it, she's having the time of her life watching him being flustered. And that's how they end up with a regular partner, not just in the feeding sense.
And of course, our boy Jace. I just feel like he would be such a good fit for an ingenue kinda trope? Noble birth, slightly sheltered, intelligent as hell, maybe too curious for his own good. He stumbles upon a vampire feeding on someone, nearly killing them, and ends up conflicted when he finds out the person was a reprehensible sort of criminal (like, heavy shit, type of criminal). And he keeps seeking the vampire out, even after being turned away because he's a stranger at that point, they don't trust him.
But he's relentless, and gets himself into trouble, and the vampire saves him, and he's head over heels for them.
I'm gonna write a little bit about each of these ideas and then we can go from there! All ideas in this AU will be tagged with 'supranational!au' so block that if you don't want to see this or search it to see everything thus far :))
Okay I know this anon didnt even mention much about him but I must briefly discuss pretty boy Aegon!!! Pretty boy Aegon who just absolutely ADORES the vampire who fucked his brains out that one time and now he's obsessed.
Everyone else thinks you're absolutely terrifying, and for good reason, but does Aegon care? No absolutely not. In fact, he gets rid of his personal kings guard and just has you instead. The kings guard can patrol the keep and stand watch outside his quarters but none of them even get close to him anymore because he's got a vampire behind him at all times.
And just one more quick thing about Aegon: originally you don't intend to only drink from Aegon because you don't want to put that much pressure on him and risk harming him. Aegon, however, is very possessive and will be very unhappy if you feed from another.
Absolutely love the idea that Aemond essentially stalked someone for a solid two weeks without even knowing. Even better if you actually knew he was following you. He's not exactly subtle about it, especially because if he's standing behind you then anyone in front of you will look utterly terrified.
The way that you interact with him without fear just gets him completely hooked and yeah you just have a vampire following you around now.
Also, I kinda love the idea that Aemond actually doesn't seem capable of being the same level dangerous and skilled when he's around you? It's like he gets your scent or your attention or lord help him your blood and he just... brain off. No more Aemond.
Okay I LOVE this idea and I can't believe I never considered this concept with them. I definitely agree Daemon would have changed Rhaenya and then hunt together regularly. They're absolutely a couple that would love to fuck whoever they're feeding from at the same time.
I think Rhaenyra would be interested in you first. She'd sport you and have a conversation with you and discover that he really likes talking to you (and complaining about every single member of her small council because of course). You only meet Daemon about a week later, maybe when Rhaenyra invites you to dinner with them. Of course she had told Daemon all about you, and Daemon was certainly excited thinking they'd get a good feed and bed partner out of this.
To Daemon's dismay and Rhaenyra's delight, you don't even react to any of Daemon's attempts at flirting and seduction. You just listen to him and smile, but don't seem flustered at all.
Originally Rhaenyra had hoped to bed you with Daemon that night, but now that she's watching how worked up Daemon is becoming and how good you are at handling him? Well she's more than happy to have a front row seat to your interactions with Daemon.
For the next 3 weeks Daemon is adamant that they will never bring you into their bed, not for sex or for a feed or for both. Rhaenyra just nods and smiles to herself becasue she knows with absolute certainty that you absolutely will end up in bed with them. If Daemon truly didnt want to fuck you then he wouldnt still be talking about you weeks later.
The very first sexual thing to happen is you and Rhaenyra fucking while Daemon can only watch. He had finally made one too many ridiculous comments and so you put him in his place.
And so, Rhaenyra gets to sleep with you and drink from you while all her husband may do is watched. Eventually when you're satisfied with Daemon's punishment, you allow him to come join you two in bed. He ends up drinking from you while Rhaenyra strokes him.
The last thing he says before he falls asleep is to mumble, "We are never letting you out of this bed"
Absolutely love the thought of Jace just sort of stumping into a vampire. Maybe he was in a dodgy part of town? Like maybe he had been dragged out by Aegon but then Aegon abandoned him and now he has no idea where he is. It's while he's wandering around trying to find his way that he finds you.
You're feeding when he sees you, and as much as you want to just ignore him, he's far too pretty and far too scared for that. I think he'd run away at first, and you cant figure out why you did this, but you run after him. And it's damn good that you did becasue you find him being cornered by some people who clearly want to mug him.
Needless to say none of them made it to first light. Once they've all been dealt with, you look at Jace and he is just in awe. You escort him back to the red keep and think that's that.
Except no of course it's not Jace is desperate to find you again, and so maybe... maybe he goes back to that very dodgy area, just wandering around on his own and trying to spot you.
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princessvelaryon · 28 days
Just a Taste
Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Reader
Vampire AU
Synopsis: You and your vampire boyfriend try something new for the very first time
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Light smut
18+ MDNI
Warnings: Light smut, light blood play, talks of depression and self hatred
This is a very, very rough draft that I wrote on my notes app. I haven’t written a fic in years but Jace and my Jace Nation inspired me so I had to get this out of my system. I began with Twilight fanfiction so I have to get back to my roots. I plan to make this a full series but this scene just popped in my head first.
I wrote this as a gift for my girl Nattie @earth4angels
Special thanks to all the Jace Nation writers that inspired me. @swordgrace @jacaerysgf @hxtd @vividxpages @eldrith @benjinotes @entitled-fangirl @gracexthoughts
I love you guys, you all are amazing and deserve awards❤️
At the moment, you and Jace were the picture perfect image of blissful domesticity. You were sitting at your kitchen table, cutting fruit for a smoothie. Jace insisted that as a busy college student, you didn’t eat properly and the compromise was that you would drink a fruit and vegetable smoothie to make him happy. There wasn’t much you wouldn’t do to make that man happy. Jace argued that sometimes you forgot to eat just because he didn’t. You were so considerate, almost too considerate. You hated eating in front of him because you knew it made him feel guilty that he couldn’t even partake in this very simple and very human ritual with you. Since you two were practically inseparable, you have been neglecting yourself as of late.
That was one of the aspects of your relationship that made his heart ache with want. He wanted so desperately to be a normal couple with you, doing all the traditional things normal couples do. He wanted to take you out to nice restaurants like you deserved. He wanted to eat breakfast in bed with you after waking up next to you. Jace believed that sharing meals together was a very important part of bonding and he felt incredibly guilty for making you miss out. It always filled him with a sense of shame when he had to leave you to eat dinner alone for an hour or two everyday to hunt in the woods for his food like the animal he saw himself as.
He may not be able to read your mind but it was hard not to hear the thoughts of your friends and family. They approved of Jace and liked him but they knew something was “off” with him, but most of these suspicious were kept in their subconscious thoughts and that was a slight relief to him. Your mother was worried why Jace was always so pale and cold. He gave her the same excuse he gave you when you first met.
“It’s just some harmless anemia. A family curse, unfortunately. It just makes me sleepy and a little paler than normal. Nothing to worry about.” Your mother was insistant that Jace take his vitamins and eat healthier and he had to lie to her that he did, adding to his crushing guilt.
It was hard to concentrate on your task of chopping vegetables when Jace was across from you looking so ethereal. The sunlight hit his fair skin just right and it made him practically glow. His head was buried in a book of Valyrian poetry, making his brown curls fall in his eyes, framing his face perfectly. From where you sat, you could cound every single freckle along his nose and cheeks.
Jace would often read to you in High Valyrian late at night before you went to bed, your head laying on his chest or buried in his neck. Usually his head would be in your lap as you ran your hands through his curls, making him whimper and shiver until he relaxed under your careful ministrations. But on certain special occasions, your head would be in his lap and he would gently run his fingers through your hair as he read to you.
If Jace had his wish, you would be lulled to sleep by his heartbeat or his pulse. You used to wonder if Jace read to you as a distraction from his nonexistant heartbeat but the deeper you fell in love with him, you realized that your mutual love of literature was how you bonded and how Jace showed his love. In his human life, he used to read bedtime stories to his little brothers just as his mother had read to him and her mother before him.
Thinking of Jace being a mother hen to his little brothers led directly to your next thought. For a brief moment, you were struck by a vision of a future you so desperately wanted to share only Jace and no one else. It was as if you were floating outside of your body, watching an older version of yourself walk around the room.
It was just the two of you in the kitchen, just like this one. You and Jace were a few years older but you looked relatively the same except for the lack of baby fat on your faces. Jace’s hair was a little shorter than usual, the result of a recent haircut because your newborn son kept tugging on his curls. He knew not to cut it too short because of how much you loved his hair. Jace walked in circles around the kitchen, soothing your son. You were busy chasing around your 3 year old daughter who wanted nothing more than her father’s attention and to hold her little brother. Sunlight was beaming through the windows and making Jace look transcendent as it always did. As soon as he turned to smile at you, the vision disappeared as quickly as it came. You wee too lost in your thoughts of a future that will never happen that you lost your train of thought and the sharp knife slipped and sliced your entire palm open.
Jace used his powers to be next to you in a literal flash, something he usually never did. He hated using his powers of strength and speed. They only really showed themselves in times of emergency and any harm that came to you, even slight, was considered an emergency to Jace.
Jace was able to smell the blood and he could even hear it before the thin layer of red showed itself on your skin. He fell to his knees in front of you and grabbed your hand, instinctively covering the wound with his slender fingers. He could hear your hearbeat and breathing speed up.
“I’m so sorry, I got distracted admiring you” you stammered out trying to be as honest as you could be without hurting his feelings. You were admiring your handsome, gorgeous boyfriend. But you left out the daydream about a future with him that could never be in order to not break his heart. You knew in your heart of hearts that Jace wanted a family with you as much as you did with him. He would give you all the babies you wanted if he could.
“Shh, Love it’s alright. I just worry for you. Does it hurt terribly?”
“Not really”
“Let me…”
He lost his train of thought as he looked down and saw your blood dripping to the floor, no longer able to tamper down his natural instincts. As he looked at you, something came over him, a particular look desire in his amber eyes that you had never seen from him before, not even in bed. His fangs popped out and he gave you one last look before he brought your palm to his plump lips.
He began with licking long stripes up your hand, cleaning up the blood that had leaked out of the cut and stained your skin. You couldn’t deny how good it felt. You always loved Jace and how his mouth and tongue felt on your sensitive skin. He had frequently kissed your palm im a tenture gesture when you would caress his face lovingly. But you had no idea your palm could be an erogenous zone until this very moment. You bit your bottom lip and held back your moans, not wanting to make him uncomfortable, knowing this was the first time for both of you. You felt the weight and importance of the moment.
As if he could sense you holding back, Jace looked up and made eye contact with you, his pupils dialated and mouth covered in you. The look he gave you shot straight to your groin and you could fell your panties instantly dampen at the sight. You sensed that he was asking your permission. You nodded without hesitation and he dove right in. Jace alternated between long stripes of his tongue and small flicks of his tongue. Your eyes rolled back into your head when he pressed his pouty lips to your hand and began to suck.
Jace couldn’t help himself unlike you. He was moaning and whimpering into your palm almost as much as he did when you two were making love. You looked down and could see he was hard. The slurping noises Jace was making would almost be on the verge of vulgarity if the moment wasn’t so erotic, which was one of the only words that came to mind to describe what was currently happening between you two. Erotic and deeply intimate. Jace had told you that sharing blood was the most deeply personal act for people like him. So the moment his mouth made contact with your blood, you immediately understood what this represented for you two as a couple.
You had a feeling this would happen sooner rather than later, you took the chance to fulfill your fantasy, so you fisted your hands in his hair, you two both mimicking the other act you both desperately loved to do. That seemed to spur him on even more. You presumed in Jace’s world, that sharing blood was held the same intimacy as him tasting other parts of you. Jace said that according to Valryian histories, blood sharing is an ancient magical ritual of sorts. No one completely understands it, especially since the Doom of Valyria, where the most of the histories of his people were lost to time. He didn’t have to read your mind to know that you were enjoying this as much as him. He could not only hear your heartbeat but he could feel it increase speed through your palm.
The combination of everything was getting overwhelming in the best way possible. The noises Jace was making, the look on his face, lost in pleasure solely from you, watching him use his mouth to expertly worship your hand the same way he did to your cunt, pouring every ounce of love he did into the acts.
You betrayed yourself and could not longer hold back your noises of pleasure. As soon as you let out a whimper, a wave of shame washed over him, practically burning him from the inside out. He suddenly pulled back from your hand wide wide eyes, with a horrified look on his face. He used his fangs to prick his thumb, then gently rubbing his blood up and down the cut on your hand. You watched in fascination as it healed right before your eyes. Jace’s ran a long finger down your now healed wound and he leaned his head forward to lay a soft kiss on your palm. Jace always took care of you and made sure your safety was paramount, no matter what was going on with him. You two had officially shared blood, and the private magical bond between you and Jace was officially sealed, forever.
He did this all without meeting your sympathic eyes. You could already read him like a book. You knew about his self hatred issues and you knew he would torture himself for getting carried away and actually enjoying the intimate act with you.
He crossed over the other side of the kitchen table to sit down in the chair across from you and he sat down, elbows on his knees and he covered his face with his hands. You continued to look at him with soft, kind eyes, just wanting to help him.
“Please forgive me. You must hate me”
You got up and walked over to his side of the table. You got down on your knees in front of him. You reached forward, and gently reached forward to attempt to take his hands into yours to remove them from his face. You wanted to see him and you wanted him to see you. As soon as your warm hands made contact with his cold ones, he pulled back. You let your hands fall to your lap, wanting to give him his space.
“Please don’t”
“Jacaerys Velaryon, I could never ever hate you, no matter what. I promise”
You could hear him sniffen underneath his hands.
You only used his full name when you were serious.
You reached again for his hands, and this time he let you take them. You joined your hands together, kissed each of them and let them rest on his knees. He swooned at the intimate gesture. He still could not meet your eyes.
“Jace, please just look at me.”
He was being stubborn and pouting, looking instead at your joined hands. You reached out and cupped the side of his soft face and he instinctively nuzzled his face into your hand as he had done a hundred times before. You knew that muscle memory would work and his sad golden eyes finally connected with yours. You could tell he was trying to close his mouth to hide his teeth, but you weren’t having it. You reached out to gently touch his fangs.
“Please don’t hide any part of yourself from me. They’re beautiful, just like you”
He was still pouting but he sighed and reached out his hand like a prince from a fairytale and he helped you stand up. You surprised him by sitting sideways in his lap and wrapping your arms around his shoulders. He wrapped his strong arms around your middle, anchoring you to where you sat. Jace buried his head in your chest, kissing your collarbone. Finally beginning to relax, his fangs retracted. Even though you could still feel him half hard against you, the moment wasn’t charged with raw sensuality like the previous one. This was just pure loving intimacy and comfort between two lovers.
“I really liked it Jacaerys…I loved it actually. In fact, I want to do that more often. Much more often”
He pulled his head back from your chest in surprise. His amber eyes were sparking and not from tears.
“Mhm. I promise”
You leaned forward to kiss him deeply. You moaned into his open mouth when you tasted the metallic aftertaste of your blood.
Surprisingly both Jace and yourself, you enjoyed the taste of yourself on his tongue. You liked this but you much preferred tasting another part of yourself on his tongue.
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cregan-starks · 25 days
Fic Recs (19-25 August)
My feedback can be found on my fic rec blog @missionaria-protectiva
@shewhomustbecalledking - lucky lucky boy [lestat de lioncourt x louis de pointe du lac, nsfw]
@shewhomustbecalledking - recollection (i touch you and i get a glimpse) [lestat de lioncourt x louis de pointe du lac, nsfw]
@moris-auri - the part of me that’s you (will never die) (ao3) [aegon ii targaryen x helaena targaryen]
@eldrith - silken streets [jacaerys velaryon x reader, nsfw]
@eldrith - these days [jacaerys velaryon x reader]
@talesofesther - echoes of a flame [aemond targaryen x reader]
gifmaker shoutout: @nataliescatorccio
artist shoutout: @didoleonina (ko-fi)
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aelenavelaryon · 5 months
In which Sam and Dean Winchester find out their whole life has been a lie and Mary Winchester was never their mother.
New Story Coming Up
A Crossover between Supernatural/ The Originals/ The Vampire Diaries
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aphroditesmoon · 2 months
death grips
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modern!jacaerys velaryon x fem!vampire!reader.
summary: you live vicarously through passing mortal's eyes as a creature of the night, doomed to a life of immortality, and jacaerys is the hand that extends, an opportunity you're reluctant to welcome.
warnings: biting, blood drinking, descriptions of assault, mentions of self harm, vampire esque violence, writer!reader, reader's characterization is highly inspired from the book "Woman, eating."
wc; 5.7k
special dt for my babe @hxtd
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YOU HAVE NEVER felt so hungry. It has been at least two weeks and a half since you fed.
You have suffered longer weeks before, impressive lengths of starvation that you held on to the same way mortals do with air. It was a test at first. You wanted to see how far you could take it, how much until it would finally kill you.
The answer was disappointing. You had walked around the city aimlessly for almost 3 months, staggering as you moved, hands trembling and eyes wild as your stomach churns and begs for blood.
But you did not die. You merely suffered like a living corpse.
Once the realization set in, the starving had soon morphed into a form of self-destruction. A penance you inflicted upon yourself.
Death would never take you. No matter how hard you've tried, your curse was to never have an end to your suffering.
Even as the scars healed and the monsters died. The sorrows and the horrors you've endured replays themselves like clockwork in your mind everyday.
To try and enjoy life like humans do was impossible. Life did not feel worth living when you've died a thousand times, but your body refused to rot.
You thought you knew grief when your mother died, but the universe played a cruel joke on you on the day you were turned a vampyr. A young girl you were, still growing, and kept growing even after you were turned. And yet once you turned 18, your body's growth froze itself, and you then had to learn how to mourn the girl that you were, and the girl you could've been if it had just never happened.
Now, you merely endured.
I've grown weaker somehow, you thought to yourself. The pit of your stomach burned as you rested your head against the hard brick of the nightclub building. You could hear the loud music bouncing through the walls, the tunes so vivid in your ears.
You figured you'd make your attack inside, surrounded by drunken visions and easy targets. No one looked twice at the girl with her face buried a random person's neck in a club at saturday night. But then you heard him before you felt him. His ragged breathing. He watches from afar, predatory eyes and a perverse mind, coming up with ways he would entrap you.
So you make your way to the side of the building where the wind is soft against your skin, making a rise of goosebumps. And like a dog, he followed you.
He thinks he's quiet with his steps, but you can hear arrogance a mile away, and with those impatiently big steps, you feel bloodlust in your veins and on your tongue. You clench your jaw as you feel his presence next to you.
"What are you doing out here when the fun's all inside." His scratchy voice spoke up. You could smell the vodka coming out of his breath, and more importantly, you coulf smell the tangy metallic scent of his blood.
You moved only your gaze up to meet his eyes. And at once, you were ready to pounce. He was so near. So big and so weak, unknowing on what is about to happen. But as his quick hands moved to snake around your waist, another voice intervened, suprising both of you.
"I would think twice before touching her." The other man spoke.
He looked straight at your meal, standing only a few steps away from him. When did he get so close? You did not hear him.
"Walk away man, this is my girl." Your almost victim answered back in annoyance. You tilted your head to get a better view of your supposed hero, curiosity overcoming the hunger.
"Right, that's why you were staring off at her for 3 whole minutes from the other side of the road before you got here." He sassed back.
"Why the fuck were you staring at me for 3 whole minutes ass face." Your meal shouted, his patience thinning.
You wanted to shove his face against the concrete when he had the audacity to grip your waist. But instead, you just cracked his fingers apart from you as he yelped out in pain. "The fuck-"
"Walk away until your legs fail you and forget this ever happened." You muttered at his face before pushing him off of you.
The shock in his fave dissolves slowly, he turns to the other man and back at you in confusion before walking off like you compelled him to.
You watched him until he disappeared from your eyesight, hunger returning again, now that the entertainment has ended. Maybe you'll just eat this one, you thought.
No, you shook your head slightly. You don't kill good men. But a bite would not hurt.
"Are you alright?" He asked you, you could tell the concern was genuine. He neared you until he could see you clearly under the night sky.
He had a regal looking face, one could even say royalty, and a tinge of sincerity in his eyes that added to his charm. You nodded your head once and looked him up and down.
"Not to sound like that kind of guy, but being in a dark, empty space alone in a place like this is like a death wish, isn't it?" The corners of his eyes crinkles as he questions you.
"Maybe I'm suicidal." You retorted in a monotonous voice. "And this is really how you wanna go?"
A smile forces its way on your face, no more arguments left in you.
"Does my saviour have a name?" You shouldn't have asked. Not when you're planning to drain him in a few minutes. As much as your kind claims to be the creature of the night. When the doors are closed and the bloodstains are washed off, guilt washes over you the same way they do to anyone. Attachment is never a good idea.
"Jace. Jacaerys." He had a small smile of his own. "Jacaerys." You enunciated every word with a raised brow. "You must be someone's rich son with that kind of name."
His face flushes and he immediately shook his head, eager to change the subject. "And what's your name?"
You gave him your real first name and felt a small sense of freedom released from your hollow soul.
Everything went quiet then. He looked at you as if he had more to say but his lips were currently sewn. It was either now or never, you've done this a million times, and your aim isn't to kill anyways. But at this very moment, you just noticed that you had completely tuned out the music, the honking cars and the chattering voices. You only heard your own slow beating heary, thumping gently by your chest.
Everyone has a little voice inside of them. The voice of reason, voice that intrudes, the voice that weighs the good and evil.
But the voice in your head took the form of the younger version of yourself on th day you were turned. Tha child had been strongly hurt. And you'd like to think that you've quite moved on from what happened, and yet, stuck in your nervous system, like a ghost that haunts, she speaks to you like she is her own person, apart from you.
And as of right now, as you let Jacaerys walk you home, the voice is yelling out insults and scratching at imaginary doors as if imprisoned.
He isn't like that. You tell her. I can tell, i can see it in him.
The voice gives up, all she does is ask one last question before you shut the locks on her completely. And how has giving a strange man the benefit of the doubt served you before?
Your mother died when you were only 8. She was no saint, but she was the only person in the world who had a single goodness to offer you.
After her death, your father's violent tendencies worsened. You had to walk to school for 45 minutes back and forth every day for scraps of education. Every penny he made had been used for liquor and weed. Food became a privilege you had to earn, not a right. If you're lucky, you'd get to eat at least once a day from a portion big enough for a rat.
Because he did not care for you anymore. It was evident then that you could either be invisible, or abused. And for a long time, neither options were something you could just wake up and choose for.
It depended on his mood that was rarely well. And it's worse on nights he's drunk of his ass, insisting that you are the mirror of your mother.
The day you were turned, was the day everything changed.
You were 13.
13 and walking back home from school. And there he was, your maker.
It was dusk then. The sun had sank down. Not that it would make a difference, The heat would've never burned him to death.
And as the dark angel approached you, with red eyes and sharp fangs, like a story you've heard to keep children off the streets after sunset, you're shaken, halted in place.
He was terrifying, but he had looked at you with what could be interpreted at that time as adoration.
But he was no father of the orphans, nor is he a lover of the helpless. No, he was a perpetrator. He is the evil that mothers warn their babies of. He wasn't some wretched creep wanting a feel like all the other men. He was worse. He perversed innocence, and intimacy, you understood it immediately as you're left to pick yourself back up from a back alley, bleeding and gnawing with your newfound teeth, hours after he had drained and fed you.
Despite the newfound strength you had gained becoming immensely helpful when it came to your father, you would never claim it to be a gift. For every defense it had a hand in, it also took, and took and took from you. You were a changed woman at the age of 13, that was the cost of naivety.
"I am not so stupid now", you whispered under your breath.
"Hm?" He looked to you, eyes wide. You hummed ignorantly, facing the road again.
The streetlights brightened your path as you made your way to the large apartment building. Jacaerys struggled to find words to keep the conversation going, but you could feel the screws and gear going off in his pretty head, itching to come up with something smart.
If he were to ask questions, you'd give one word answers and it'll be back from square one. If he were to talk alone, that would be egoistic and irritating.
So instead, he chose to try and make his own assumptions. "You are an artist." He said confidently.
A smirk shadowed your features. "What makes you say that?"
"Most masochists are." You laughed then. Something you haven't done in a while. "I'm a writer." You corrected.
Understanding flowed through his eyes. "Of course you are." He smiled, nodding to himself. "So are you the kind that writes of murder fantasies or are you more of a torturous poet kind of girl?"
You liked him, you decided then. There are lots of things that can make a man attractive, observance is one of them. "A little bit of both. Poetry is essential, and sometimes from the torture and the poetry, a story can be born."
He hummed attentively. "You are a student too, i assume?" You nod. "That's where I study." You pointed a hand towards the glowing building of your university, a sight ti be seen from miles away. "No shit?" He laughed.
"I go there too." He follows up after. You weren't suprised, he looked the typento be able to afford to study there. In a different universe where you were a common girl, neither of you would have ever bunpedinto eachother in this kind of setting. Money had always been an issue back then, and before you had been cursed, you would imagine years of school work being flushed down the toilet as you knew that your dream to further your studies would never be funded.
But now your father's funds and your mothers inheritance are fully under your responsibility as your deadbeat old man lies in a nursing home all the way back in your village.
And if those funds run out, scamming rich men would become your career. You can even start with this one, you joked to the voices.
"And let me guess, finance?" You nudged him with your shoulder. He scoffed and rolled his eyes teasingly. "Business major actually."
"Of course you are." You used his own sentence from before.
His grin was endearing, you almost flashed one of your own back, teeth and all.
The two of you stopped right in front of the main doors and felt disappointment lingering. Should you have talked more as you walked before? No. You did the right thing, to fawn over some business student with great hair isn't a you thing to do, you guard your boundaries strictly.
And yet, as long as you can remember, you have never met anyone that made you want to talk this much.
He looks at you with eyes that were begging you to invite him in, but if you do, there would be no going back. You would eat him, or you would string him into your mess of a life that he could never understand.
So you gave him one last glance before you began to enter the building. "Thank you." Was the last thing you said to him before you returned to your seclusion, and his deep brown eyes was the last thing you thought of before you fell asleep.
He felt his heart beating fast as he watched you disappear into your apartment building that night, a sense of regret washing over him regret of what, he's not so sure. Or was it longing that he actually felt?
It doesn't matter. He had done what he's supposed to, what conflicting emotions he's left with after was not your responsibility, it is his own to look after them.
Jacaerys knew who you were when he saw you that night, or the right rephrase for the sentence is, he remembered you.
You clearly don't recognise him, but he still remembered the first time he laid eyes on you during an unremarkable welcoming frat party on the first week of his semester. You had appeared on the staircase, leaving Dalton Greyjoy's room. The boy had been absent for the rest of the party that night.
Jace wasn't sure just what it is about you that had stood out to him. You dressed just like any other girl, you walked just like any other girl, and yet he noticed how dead your eyes were, not a single shine nor expression. It almost felt sociopathic to look that uncaring. It was alluring.
And yet, a few nights ago, when he had walked you home, your dead eyes glowed slightly under the moonlight, and your rare smiles occasionally made an appearance. He decided then, to retract the opinion he had made before knowing you.
Whatever it was about you, he wanted more. He wanted to know more, to experience more. To be the one who filled sparks in your dull orbs and to be the one who knew how to fish out a laugh from inside.
And so he decided to look you up. All he had was your first name and your course name, even with the privilege of being the dean's son, going through the list of over a hundred thousand people with the same name was a chore, but he was willing to put in the work.
But gods, how disappointed he felt when he couldn't find you after hours of scrolling. There was only 150 students with the name, and none of them were you, and all had different courses.
He wondered if maybe he had spelt your names again and had come up with a list of different variations of your name to try again. By the time he finished, it had been 2pm, and he had remained unsuccessful in his pursuit.
Jace slumped on his chair, closing his eyes as he ran his hands over his face in frustration. This was incredibly stupid. You probably lied about your name because you didn't like him. Why didn't he think about that before?
And trying to hunt you down using his mother's official email adress was starting to explain why you were right to do so.
The right thing to do right now was to leave it up to fate. He saw you once, and then twice. What are the odds of a third time?
That has always been a fatal flaw in Jacaerys' personality. He wanted to believe that things that are meant for him will find him, but he is also very impatient. Always eager for the feeling of control. Fate is only fun as a concept.
But accepting fully that you might not get the things you want the most because it's just not for you is harder than it looks.
He wanted to believe that if he were to try enough, he'd get what he wanted despite the universe's intervention.
And right now, what he wanted is to find you, to learn the proper way to know you, to really know you. While his presence had been seen as amusing to you, yours have bewitched him. If you were to tell him to leave you alone, he would. But first he would try.
Jacaerys opened his tired eyes again, facing the bright screen of his laptop. The battery was dying. Jace stood up to pull out the charger before plugging it into his laptop, watching it brought back to life again before he sat back down on his chair.
He could go back to sleep now, or he could try again for the 4th time. He wanted to try again, bit as his eyes fluttered sleepily, fighting against his will, he decided to give in and turned off the device before climbing onto his bed.
Let fate intervene, and if he never sees you again, he'd learn to live with that.
This is just an infatuation, he told himself. Infatuation dies when you don't feed it, and so this too shall pass like everything else in his life. As he lets sleep overtake, he dreamt of empty oceans and hollow skies hovering above, sand through his toes as he walked closer to the body of water. And your voice, speaking from behind him, saying: "you don't survive loneliness, you accommodate it."
The water under the bridge was so clear that you could see the small shape of your reflection from above.
It's 3AM, and the quiet is calming. It's hard to find peace of mind as someone whose senses are heightened. And what other time do you have for a walk anyway?
You've stood here for a good hour now, just staring down while your thoughts run wild, Tchaikovsky's Valse Sentimentale playing in your airpods on repeat. It's been 3 days since you fed. After you were walked home by Jacaerys, you found that your only option was the security guard on a smoke break by the bathroom.
Ever since then, you have resumed your routine of boredom. Attending your afternoon classes and walking for hours in the evening until night, imprisoned by your thoughts.
You were sure that there was no one in the world who loved revisiting the past as much as you did. After all, the past is all you have.
When you were first turned, there had been no words to describe how it all felt. The overwhelming hunger and confusion, the survivors guilt, blaming yourself and going over the scenario over and over, trying to imagining how different each outcome would be if you had acted differently, if you had ran faster, pushed harder.
Amd even now, there are no words. Was this how Laika the dog had felt? Saved from the streets of Moscow to be sent up to space as the pride and joy of Russia in the space race, but doomed to die by the narrative from the start. To think that you've finay been saved, just to be pushed into a much worse and scarier circumstances? That must be it.
What am I doing? Compare myself to a dead dog. At least Laika died. You can't even do that.
Shoving yourself away from the railing, you decided it's time to go home. So you turned yourself to your right and began to make your way to your apartment.
Funnily enough, you felt your ankles ache as you moved. Your feet is heavy in your one inch heels, that's a first.
You smell the smoke of cigarettes as you crossed an alley, the cold breeze enhancing the scent. You've always had an addiction to them, smoke scents, gasoline scents, bug spray scents, there was something soothing in it. You slowed your steps down and took in as much as you could before exhaling slowly and oicking up your pace.
Something has changed recently. But you can't quite put a finger to it. It was just that you were beginning to feel more pain than usual, you were also feeling more lost and conflicted than usual.
You had always known what your life plan would be like, how once you've reached an age that you aren't able to explain non existant ageing, you'd start all over again until you make enough money to buy yourself some privacy and isolation.
You'll spend the thousands of years to come reading and writing until your hands fails you and your fingers break.
But these past few days, your resolve has been cracking. Is that really what you want? To be so goddamn lonely forever, so alone that not even death can be honoured to it.
It's not about what I want, it's what's going to happen anyways.
Footsteps. Loud and clear footsteps. You stop on your tracks and crane your neck to look behind you. There is no one there.
Absolutely nothing.
You look back to your front and tried to start walking again, but you're stuck, like you're being held back.
It's hard to see in the dark, since when was it hard to see it in the dark? The panic hasn't settled in yet, you were still rational. Or maybe just too tired to freak out.
But when you heard the voices, Your body shook. It was as if your whole world jas been frozen in time, and shadows loomed over your shoulders, taunting you, speaking to themselves in languages you can't understand.
Loud and clear, you feel the darkness around you and you hear their chatter. What is going on?
"Stop it." You muttered out. Thats was supposed to be a scream. "Stop it." You repeated.
Why can't I fucking move? "Stop it stop ot stop its stop it stop it-" You couldn't find the scream in your throat. You had obly your trembling legs and arms as prove that this was real.
When you cracked your head and you're finally able to spin around, every single vision and noise faded into nothingness by a second, and the alley was just an alley. Not even the smoking man was there anymore.
The last thing you saw from your hallucination before it turned into air was a white line, by your feet, like a moving animal that vanished when you flashed it with your phone screen.
"What the fuck." This could not be happening. You looked around you with furrowed brows, your stomach growled. "Jesus fuck."
You hear ambulance sirens away from where you're standing and physically flinch. Was that real or a hallucination, too?
It has been long since real fear had ever crept into your cold soul. But now, your head is dizzy, and every little thing you see and hear feels like an attack.
I need to move. You force yourself forward, counting from 1 to 50 over and over as you walked in the direction of your apartment. But you're weirdly slow, and nauseous.
You pause again like you've been struck by something and looked up to the sky. The dark clouds hung over you moved slowly but surely as it's supposed to be, you find comfort in knowing that the stars are at least real.
And then you felt a hand on your shoulder and jumped. "Fuck."
It was him.
You faced him with an annoyed expression, wondering where he came from. He spoke your name once. Your real name, not the one you give to everyone else.
"Are you following me?" You snapped at him.
His face went from worried to defensive. "No, god no. I'm just heading over the uni library to work on a late assignment that's due this morning, and I saw you walking. I was gonna leave you alone, but you were stopping a lot, and you don't look very good."
You studied his face for any deceit and found none. "I don't feel so good." You admitted honestly.
"What are you doing up at 3AM?" He shook his head.
"Taking a walk." You mumbled while massaging your temple with your thumb.
"Taking a walk?"
"Yes, and I'm leaving now, so you can go do whatever you're about to do." You did not wait for his answer and left immediately, but just as you silently expected, he followed you.
"I'll walk you home." He offered, or stated moreso.
I don't need you to walk me home like some guard dog, you wanted to say. But deep down, you were kind of grateful for some company after what had just occurred.
"What about your assignment?" You asked. The route you were using was the opposite of where he's going.
"It's not important." He assured, fixing his laptop bag on his shoulder.
"Not important?" You shot him a glance. "I can cram it in 2 hours before the submission time." You'd argue in a different night, but it wasn't this one.
The first few minutes of the walk, you were resigned to being silent, going over what had just happened to you over and over. Your first thought was that something more evil and monstrous than you cursed you for something you had done.
You wouldn't call yourself the devil, but you haven't exactly been the nicest person to people around you. Had you bitten a witch's man or something?
The second assumption that so far has sounded the most logical, is that you're insane. You've had hallucinations before of course. Little voices in your head. Hearing things that aren't there, seeing shadow people. But they always disappear on second glances, fast enough for you to blame it on the trick of your mind.
But the recent one? It was vivid, and clear. It was real. Or at least to you it was.
You were glad Jacaerys wasn't forcing a conversation either, but once you reached your apartment, you turned to him and asked him the one thing you wanted to the first time you met him. "Do you want to come in?"
"Yes." He answered, too quickly. "Okay."
You made him a cup of tea as he politely sat on the couch, bag on the floor. "Sugar or no?"
"Sugar." You added sugar.
You'd get him something to eat too but in truth, you have nothing. There are stale biscuits that exists in your kitches as fillers to the empty space and some fake fruits on the counter, but nothing truly edible.
"Here." You placed the cup into his hand, your fingers brushing together.
You move casually to the seat opposite him and laid down on the cushion, facing him.
He had questions. That was obvious.
"Cig?" You offered, pulling out a pack and a lighter from your back pocket. "No thanks." He declined politely.
Your hands shook lightly as you struggled to light the cigarette, balancing your elbow on the material of the couch, you try again and succeeded this time. You feel the whole day's exhaustion catch up to your tired body.
"So what happened back there?" He spoke finally. You looked up to him. "What?"
"I saw you then, you were just standing. You looked lost, what happened?"
"Oh that." You shrugged. "I thought I saw something." He nodded slowly, taking in your words. "Did you?"
"Did I what?" You raise a brow. "Saw something."
You gave yourself a second to really think before you answered, "Yes, I did."
He did not push for more answers surrounding the situation, accepting your response as it is.
He leaned back against his seat, relaxing properly. The small dim light that shone down on the righy side of his face makes his eyes look like they're golden, the same way yours would be sometimes when you fed.
The idea of Jace as a vampire is conjured in your head for a moment, you imagined he'd be the good kind. The type to suffer guilt for every kill and never get used it. Or perhaps you're wrong and he's much more resilient than you think.
As you settle into your thoughts, finally having the space to unravel from you earlier fears and shock, you notice just how disheveled he looks. It wasn't that he looked a mess, but more that he's such an open book to the poinf that his emotions are all over his face against his will.
"You look tired." You chose your words carefully, trying to open through his cracks.
He shifts slightly, looking up to you from the carpet. "Tired? No, no I'm good."
You gave him a few seconds, letting the silence push him.
"I'm just a bit frustrated." He continues. "Oh?"
"I had a fight with my mom this evening." You hummed, letting the context of it all fall together. "What did you fight about."
"She says I'm distracted- from my classes." Jace shrugs.
"Are you?" He raises a brow. "Distracted, i mean."
He hesitates but then chooses to deny it by shaking his head. "Sometimes there are things you can't help but be completely average at. There are classes I excel in, and there are those I just can't force myself to."
"I'm sure that's not true. You put enough effort, you do good in it even if you believe you won't."
"Maybe." He idly agrees. "But what if I don't think it's important enough for me to put all my energy in until it drains me too much that I can't do what I like?"
You offered him a small smile and copied his earlier shrug. "Then you just don't do it. I guess in the end, it depends on how much you want that thing to happen or work. And if you don't want it that much, then it shouldn't matter."
Quietness seeps into the are again very slowly, but before it could catch up into awkwardness, Jace spoke again.
"And what about you?"
"What about me?" You asked, amused.
"Do you often see things that aren't real." Whatever response you had in mine died in your throat and was replaced by a suprised laugh. "Excuse me?"
He grinned. "Just making sure you're not schizophrenic."
"And what if I was, is that a turn off for you?" You retorted teasingly.
"No, of course not. I like my women neurotic.”
"And I like my men credulous."
You stood up and grabbed his empty mug to clean it at the sink, but his own hands were wrapped over yours, stopping you. But before he could offer assistance, you said; “Let me get us something stronger than tea.”
You awoke the next morning, comfortably on the right side of the bed with your blanket over your shoulders, a position you rarely place it in.
The soft sounds of footsteps force your eyes open immediately as you twist yourself to face the ceiling. You push yourself upwards using your elbows, looking fixatedly on his naked back that's hovering over your desk.
"You're still here." You stated the obvious.
"What's the rush." He mumbled back, you can hear the sound of paper being flipped in his hands. " 'I could drown in those eyes. So it's summer, so it's suicide.' Did you write this?"
You snorted, pleased be thought so. "No, that's Richard Siken for you." He responds with a soft 'oh' before turning around to see you.
"When can I read yours?" He asks gently. You see the way his gaze lingered on your face, refusing to look anywhere else. "Usually that happens after a few dates."
"And do you wait after a few dates first before telling people your real name or?" You frowned, confused.
"The name you gave me when we met, it was never in the university system."
"Why were you looking for me in there?" He clicked his tongue, averting his eyes somewhere else.
You weren't really worried that he had tried and failed miserably in an attempt of stalking you, in fact, you felt a sense of glee fill your hollow soul at the thought of it.
"I didn't lie about my name." You confessed after a while. "I changed it a long time ago into something else."
"I see." He relaxed visibly. "So you just have two names?" You nodded. "Then what do I call you?" He genuinely asks. "Whatever I ask you to." Not meaning for it to sound as scandalous as it did, Jace's face broke into a smirk. "Right, you like your men credulous."
"Come back to bed." You demanded, placing your head back onto the soft pillow. "Whatever you want, my girl."
It was at that moment, as you feel the bed shifts and his hands reaching for your waist, did you realize just how satiated you hunger has been since last night.
You were sure that this was doomed to end in a devastatingly ugly way. The love between two humans itself often destroys itself despite efforts against it. A love between a cursed being and an innocent soul is a one way ticket to never being the same again for either of you.
“And what happens from here?” A different voice speaks from behind him. A voice you dreaded to hear. Your maker tilted his head, judging the circumstances with humor.
I don't know. You figured you had your whole life worked out for you. Your mundane immortality wrote its own story before you could put pen to paper. And this boy is an unexpected chapter.
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lady-ashfade · 11 months
Day 4 Of Fictober
Vampire Au
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Yandere!VampPrince!Jacaerys Velaryon x Fem!Human!Reader, X Platonic!Yandere!Vamp!Queen!Rhaenrya Targaryen
Ask: can I request yan vampire Jace? And platonic Yan Rhaenyra.
Hope you like it, my little darlings. I worked really hard on this.
Warnings: Kidnapping, ropes!being tied up, Collars, Blood, Blood drinking, Yandere tendencies, Controlling behavior, slight!primal chase, Over all some dark themes, and vamps having lightning speed.
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The rough ground made your feet ache as you raced through the woods without shoes on your feet. Mud stuck to the ends of your feet and the rocks hurt to step on but you had no choice but to. There was no path, no grass patches to step on that weren’t covered in sticks and other small things. It seemed as even the trees were against you every turn you took with another one making you almost crash into it. Panting you tried to keep the ends of your dress from getting caught on anything else so it wouldn’t slow you down.
The blue dress you had on has tares and dirt all over it. It was ruined. Steaming from your eyes and down to your cheeks were tears of fear, of death and the thing chasing you. The night was always scary for you since childhood with stories of monsters that only come out in the dark. Growing up you forgot all about those stories and feared your own kind or the silence that came along with the stars. Now you wished to be back at home and afraid of nothing.
Focus. You had to just focus on getting away and safely out of the woods to find someone to help. Screaming you called for help for anyone to hear you, hoping at least one person would.
“I’m afraid that’s not going to happen dear,” your legs hit something and your body came chasing down on the ground and your body ached at the pressure. A sinking feeling made your stomach made you feel like puking out your insides. From the ground you looked up to the man you had been running from. Red eyes stared down at you, they stood out in the darkness from their glow.
“Please- Let me go, I’ll never come back.” Sobbing you back up with your legs kicking and arms crawling backwards. The beast only titled his head and watches you closely as you plead for your little life.
“But that’s not what I want,” the bark of the tree hits your back and makes you itchy. He could hear your breath so loudly as your chest raises up and down at a rapid pace. Your eyes full of terror, your body tensed up at the fear of death, and the smell of sweet blood coming from your veins. Pushing out of his gums his fangs emerged.
“You’ll stay here forever, with me- With our family. I never expected you to be a human but, I’ll take anything.” As he inches closer you tried to get away from him, to run free. But you had no chance and his speed bet you to it and pinned you against the tree with force. His hands squeezed your wrists and you already felt them bruise.
“Silly little human, running from a prince?” His head lowered to your neck and you tried to fight it but he wasn’t moving. “I can- I will give you everything you deserve. Just sit still and this will be over soon” his lips kissed his favorite area on your neck to prepare you for what he was about to do.
You whined and struggled against his hold and cried you heart out. “Please.” You sob but he only smirked at your small voice. He knew humans were weak and fragile but you were so much different then all the humans he’s killed. So much sweeter, so much prettier and warm. Maybe that’s why you two were destined to be together because he could protective you from everyone else.
His eyes flashed before black started to cover the glow, his mouth opened with a wicked smile.
“It’ll be only a bite,” your neck was pushed to the side and taken into a tight grip as you whimpered. “Goodnight, my darling.” He spoke before a sharp pain in your neck made you cry in pain. You could feel the blood leaving your veins and you started to get lightheaded after a few seconds of him sucking aggressively. Then your mind started to shut down and your eyes closed slowly, your body giving up and you passed out.
It felt so cold.
A stone floor against your legs and feet made you toss awake from your sleep. The moment you were awake you could feel the aching feeling in your head and your body feeling too tired to move. Moaning you open your eyes and blink at the lit up room with nothing around you, it looked like a cell. You tired to call out for help but your voice gave out and felt raspy. A knock at the door made you jump out of your skin and move back.
“Stop screaming.” A male voice that was deep called from the other side. The sound of the lock being fiddled with made you looked around the room once more to see if you could find anything. So you cling your fists together in fear.
When the door opened two men with the dark eyes and a guard like outfit that matched each others stepped into view. In fear you push yourself back, “Queen says not to hurt you, so don’t be afraid.” The taller one smiled and the other took out rope from his belt. No matter how much you plead you couldn’t get out of their inhuman grip and hold.
The rope on your hands scratched your wrists as they pull you out of the cell and into the hallways. After a while you realize it was a castle you were in and a beautiful one at that, but it was much darker then anything you’d been in. Everything was red or black and the paintings creeped you out.
As soon as you came to a stop your throat began to close and your stomach became sick. When the doors opened you took a glance in the room that opened. A large room with pillars, a red carpet leaning up and the most important part. A Throne. Sat on top of the throne was a beautiful woman with pale skin and with the whites hair you’ve ever seen. You knew those eyes.
Just like his.
“Bring her forward.” Her voice echoed off the walls and the men obliged and tugged you forward. You couldn’t move at all as her eyes had broken you. The woman watched as they tugged you against and you pulled against their hold and tried to get away. A poor little thing you were. You looked so scared and hurt, even if you were so weak from having your blood drained.
“Pull her again and I’ll have you beheaded.” You all stoped and look at the woman on the throne. They had mentioned a “Queen” earlier and her place… it was her. “Now, little one. Walk to me.” She waves you over but her voice deepens at the command. Looking at the two guards you pull your rope away from them and take liberty to do it on you own. So you walked to her and stop a few feet away from her. You looked at the ground and to afraid to meet her eyes.
“I apologize for my sons actions…He’s never smelled your blood before, but I can promise you now he’ll be well behaved.” Stepping back as you saw her shadows stand up off her set. She sighed and walked down with her dress in her hands.
“You’re very beautiful, a fine mate for my son. A queen to replace me one day.” Your looked at her and your cheek was instantly cupped. You didn’t even see her move to you until you looked up. She could hear your heartbeat speed up and your veins pulse. It made her smile.
“He will never hurt you again. Just needed to claim you is all he did.” She rubbed your skin sweetly and you felt like mush. “Sorry for keeping you in a cell, I’m having everything prepared for you.” Her hands came down to rip the ropes off of you so hard they snapped.
“You’ll learn to love it here, with us.” Gasping your neck was grabbed ever so lightly and something cold pressed against the skin. You heard metal hit each other and a snap at the back of your neck. Your throat felt almost suffocated at the new feeling, “What-” you tried to speak but she hushed you by putting her finger on your lips, her nails so sharp.
“Silver suits you well, and red gems are beautiful as well.” You moved up to touch the thing around your neck in a panic. She watched your eyes tear up and heavy breaths leave your lips. “Don’t look so sad.” She looked over at the servants in the corner. “Get her something to eat.” And they ran off quickly.
You tried to run it all over in your head and it was too overwhelming that you couldn’t breath. You started to cry and grab onto the air and your chest for relief.
“What have you done?”
His voice made you turn and you fell to your knees, he was quick to be at your side within less then a second to catch you. “Go- Let me go.” He could barely understand your breathless words but he could guess them by the way you tried to break free.
“Awe, don’t cry. My human is too pretty to cry,” his fingers wiped away your tears and you closed your eyes not to get them scraped by his nails. He only smiled and pushes you into his chest. “You can get used to it, I’ll get you everything you want…” he leaned down to place a kiss on your forehead.
“You’re mine now.”
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elaratyrell · 1 year
The Lost Boys {Aemond x Reader, Aegon x Reader, Cregan x Reader, Jace x Reader}
-> Part One {Introduction}
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*All images found on Pinterest*
Warnings: Language, mentions of drugs and drug use
*Divider from Firefly Graphics*
Synopsis: Wanting a fresh start after her divorce, Rhaenyra and her two sons, Jace and Luke travel to Dragonstone island to live with her father Viserys. While Luke seems happy enough reading comic books and attending the nearby amusement park, Jacaerys seems to resent his new life here. That is, however, until he meets you. The catch? You're part of a gang of vampires. And Jace becomes their newest target.
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"We're almost there."
"You said that an hour ago," Luke groaned, slumping back against the car seat.
"Well now I know we definitely are," Rhaenyra replied. "Look." She pointed to a rather large, faded billboard depicting a long pier leading out to the sea, the words Welcome to Dragonstone Island adorning the board in large white letters.
"What's that smell?" Luke asked, his white German Shephard, Arrax, sniffing the air intently.
Rhaenyra inhaled deeply "Sea air," She sighed with contentment.
"Smells like death," A voice piped up from beside Luke.
"Well look who finally decided to wake up," the younger boy teased as his older brother, whose gaze was focused on behind the billboard, where the words Murder Capital of the World had been spray painted on in scarlet. Jace simply grunted in response, earning a sigh from his mother.
"Look, there's an amusement park right on the beach!" Luke exclaimed. "Mum, can we go there?"
"Maybe later, Luke. Your grandfather's expecting us and I'll need help unpacking our things."
"Fine," Luke sighed, scratching Arrax behind the ears as Rhaenyra pulled into a gas station. He eagerly clambered out of the car with Arrax, running into the station to fill up his pockets with snacks.
"Are you okay?" Rhaenyra asked as she got out the car, looking at where her eldest son was resting his head on his propped up arm, the window rolled down halfway.
"I'm fine." Was his response.
"Look, Jace, I know you're still upset by the divorce-"
"I'm fine."
"Things sometimes just don't work out," Rhaenyra continued, resting a hand on his forearm. "Harwin and I-"
"You don't need to explain your break up to me." Jace interrupted. "If it's what you had to do, it's what you had to do."
Rhaenyra lightly squeezed his arm. "I understand how hard that's been for you, Jace. And I understand if you feel any sort of resentment towards me, or your father. But who knows, this could do you the world of good. Fresh sea air, a change of scenery... I'm sure you can even find somewhere you can ride that... contraption-"
"Vermax is a motorcycle, mother," Jace mumbled.
"The fact that you named it," Luke said as he got back into to car with Arrax, his voice slightly muffled by the candy bar he was shovelling into his mouth. "Just makes it sound even more crap."
"Luke, language," Rhaenyra chided before turning back to her eldest. "Yes, I am aware, and even though I personally wouldn't invest in such a thing, your father seemed more than happy to provide you with the money, so who am I to argue? That being said," She held up her index finger. "No gangs-"
"I know, you said that back in King's Landing." Jace rolled his eyes, turning his face away from Rhaenyra, ending the conversation.
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"He looks dead."
"Luke, don't say such things," Rhaenyra gasped, getting out the car.
They had pulled up to an old manor house at the top of the hill, the stone walls crawling with ivy and moss, the red paint on the front door peeling from age. Sat there in an old rocking chair on the front porch was an old man, his stringy silver hair tied into a braid, a shotgun resting on his lap. He was clad in a red and black plaid shirt and ratty blue denim jeans faded with age, a pair of black slippers on his feet. He was slouched over slightly, his eyes half closed and mouth slightly agape.
"Father," Rhaenyra murmured, her hand resting on the old man's shoulder. "Father," She repeated, her voice raised slightly as she gently shook his shoulder.
"He's dead."
"Luke, he's just a deep sleeper." Jace rolled his eyes.
"He doesn't look like he's breathing."
"He is."
"If he's dead, can we move back to King's Landing-"
"Luke!" Rhaenyra exclaimed. "That's enough."
"Playing dead," The old man rasped, opening his eyes. "And doing a good job too, from the looks of things."
"Father," Rhaenyra let out a deep exhale of relief, her hand held to her chest. "Thank goodness."
"It is good to see you." Viserys smiled, slowly rising to his feet with his daughter's help to embrace her. "I will get a pot of tea ready while you unpack."
As Viserys shuffled inside, Luke shared a look with Jace.
"Well... Grandpa's a loon."
"Just get the boxes." Jace muttered, dragging a hand through his curls as he opened the trunk of the car, grabbing one of his boxes labelled weights, while Luke eagerly grabbed his own, black capital letters scrawled comic books across it.
"This... is actually kind of cool." Luke admitted as they walked into the house. There were two worn black leather sofas in the centre of the living room, red throws and cushions scattered across them. Mahogany shelves were pressed against the walls, decked with dragon ornaments, old leather bound books and various silverware. Guns were mounted on the walls, as well as two wooden stakes crossed over in an X shape above the mahogany dining table. It was cluttered with various other bric a brac, but it still held a sense of charm.
"I suppose," Jace murmured, walking upstairs to take his box up to his room.
"That's my room!" Luke yelled, pushing past Jace to get into the larger of the two guest rooms.
"I saw it first!" Jace protested.
"I got in the room first."
"I'll flip you for it," Jace said, placing the box on the floor.
"...Okay..." Luke mumbled, letting out a small shriek and Jace grabbed him, lifting him into the air and turning him upside down.
"Heads or tails, Luke?"
"Neither!" Luke yelled, elbowing his brother in the crotch and landing on the floor in a crumpled heap.
"You little shit!" Jace exclaimed, staggering downstairs after his younger brother.
"Mother! Help me! Someone help, there's a monster after me!" Luke cried out, sliding open the door to the kitchen and running inside, Jace right on his trail.
Luke smirked at his brother, opening the door to the fridge so Jace ran right into it. The older boy let out a small groan, grabbing ahold of Luke and pulling him into a headlock.
"You're gonna pay for that, you little-"
Both Jace and Luke jumped slightly at the voice, turning to see Viserys standing in the kitchen doorway, those pale eyes of his twinkling in the fading sunlight.
"I have some rules around here," The old man continued, reopening the fridge and pointing to a shelf labelled Old Fart. "This shelf is mine. I keep my Iron Island beer and double stuff oreos in here. Don't touch my shelf."
Jace and Luke shared a look, the latter twirling his index finger around his temple.
Jace nodded, returning his attention back to where their grandfather was now pointing outside to a fenced off field.
"Second rule," He continued. "You can go anywhere except for my special field."
Luke shot Jace a confused glance, mouthing the words 'Special Field?'. Jace raised his first two fingers to his lips in a smoking gesture, making his expression clear in realisation.
"Third rule," Viserys slammed his cane down on the ground to get his grandsons' attention as he led them into the living room. "Every Wednesday the mailman brings the tv guide. Sometimes the corner of the address label's curled up. Don't rip it off. It'll rip the cover and I don't like that. Rule four, don't go exploring the caves and stuff round these parts. It'll kill you. And don't join gangs." He hobbled over to a locked door. "Final rule, stay out of here." He added, unlocking the door and opening it ajar before stepping inside, closing it again behind him.
"Well... should be fun living here." Luke murmured, his gaze travelling to the stairs. Before he could make a break for it to steal the larger room, however, Jace grabbed him, pulling him back and digging around in his pockets for a coin.
"Heads or tails?" He asked, letting go of Luke for a second to flip the coin into the air and catching it in his palm with ease, turning it on the back of his hand, the other concealing it from sight.
"Heads! No, tails. No, heads? Actually-"
"Pick. One."
Jace removed his hand, his lips quirking up into a triumphant smirk at the dragon head staring up at him.
"Fine," Luke sighed in defeat, before spinning on his heel and charging upstairs. Jace yanked him back by his shirt, throwing himself into his own bedroom and slamming the door shut, pushing Luke out of the doorway.
Jace exhaled, picking his box off the floor and placing it down on his bed, adorned with what was most likely a hand sewn quilt of scarlet and ebony. He stood there, enjoying the fleeting moment of silence after having to deal with Luke in the car for the past seven hours.
Unfortunately, it was fleeting, and soon enough Jace heard a hurried knock on the door.
"What now, Luke?" Jace pulled the door open, glaring at his brother.
"Grandpa doesn't own a tv. He owns a tv guide and yet he doesn't. Own. A tv. And this place has no mall, no proper cinemas... no MTV..."
"You'll have to survive on comic books then. There might be one in town," Jace sighed in response.
"I don't think that'll be enough-"
"Well what do you want me to do about that, huh?" Jace suddenly exclaimed. "You want me to drive you back to King's Landing? And do what? Leave you there on the street? Or maybe all the way to the other side of the country where dad had to move?"
"I... no I..."
"Just go and unpack," Jace sighed, pushing past his younger brother to go back downstairs. "The sooner you unpack, the sooner you can go down to that amusement park you've been babbling about."
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"So, are you boys going to check out that amusement park tonight?" Rhaenyra asked as she wiped dry the plate Luke had given her with a red checked dish cloth.
"I guess," Jace murmured, picking up another dirty dish to wash.
"Um, you promised you would take me," Luke pointed out.
"Your grandfather tells me there's a concert on. Some... rock band I believe. Perhaps you'll enjoy that Jace."
Rhaenyra sighed, giving up her attempt to engage in conversation with her son, instead drying a hand to turn up the volume on the old stereo sat on the windowsill.
"Remember this one?" She asked softly. "We used to dance to it all the time."
"Yeah," Luke smiled, quickly drying his hands to take Rhaenyra's, allowing her to pull him to the centre of the kitchen to dance. Jace kept his gaze focused on the dish he was washing as Luke twirled Rhaenyra around, the both of them laughing.
He glanced in their direction to see Rhaenyra beckoning him over, but he just turned away again, cheeks flushed slightly in mild embarrassment as he dried the last dish, wiping his hands clean.
"Come on Luke," He sighed. "Let's get going." He muttered, walking out pf the kitchen to grab his jacket, ignoring the hurt look Rhaenyra sent his way.
Jace pulled on his shoes and shrugged on the leather jacket his father had gifted him, patting its pockets for his motorcycle keys.
"Luke! Let's go!" He called out, already walking out the door to where his motorcycle was parked against the porch, gleaming a blood red in the dim porch light buzzing overhead.
"I thought we were taking the car," Luke wined as Jace swung his leg over to sit on the bike.
"We can take Vermax... or you can walk," Jace replied.
With a slight huff, Luke reluctantly climbed onto the bike behind his brother.
"Hold on."
"I'm fine, I do not need to- shit!" Luke immediately grabbed his brothers jacket as he revved the bike's engine, the tires squealing slightly as he drove away from the manor.
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"So, where do you want to start?" Jace asked as they made their way along the boardwalk.
"Amusement park. Then maybe that comic book store we passed," Luke replied.
"Great, have fun."
"Wait! Where are you going?" Luke grabbed his brother's arm.
"To the concert," Jace replied, shrugging his brother off. "I'll meet you back here in a couple of hours."
"B-but..." Luke glanced around. "Fine..." He sighed, walking away in the opposite direction to his brother.
The music practically vibrated from the makeshift stage at the base of a small grassy hill as Jace navigated his way through the swarming crowd of various goths, punks and druggies, his hands rooted firmly in his jacket pockets.
He ascended the hill, turning to look at the crowds swarming around the stage. Broken bottles of vodka and beer littered the ground, the faint scent of weed lingering in the air. The people around him were swaying from intoxication, passed out of the ground or dancing to the music, swarming around the stage.
He felt himself stand up slightly straighter as he laid eyes a pair on the outskirts of the crowd. There was a young boy, no older than ten maybe, with long white hair reaching down to his shoulders and bright violet eyes. He had a stone faced expression, and was deathly pale, clad in a black band tee, ripped black jeans and a grey jacket.
But it was who the young boy was with that piqued his interest.
It was you.
He watched as the boy led you through the crowds, his hand tightly holding yours. You were dressed in a white puff sleeved summer dress that fluttered in the breeze, the skirt coming midway down your thigh. It had a sweetheart shaped neckline that exposed a hint of your cleavage. On your feet were a pair of white wedge sandals. A pair of dainty ruby earrings hung from your ears, and your hair was loose.
You were stunning.
A vision.
Despite the sea of people cheering to the concert, Jace only saw you.
He felt his cheeks heat up slightly as your gaze met his, his staring having been discovered. He broke out of his trance enough to give you a small smile. Your eyes crinkled slightly, the corner of your lips twitching in a fleeting glimmer of a smile that soon faded as the boy pulled you further into the crowd.
As though hypnotised by you, Jace felt himself step forward, and then another, soon following you into the swarm of swaying people.
He felt his pace quicken as he found himself in the harsh lights of the fair ground. He strained to spot you through the bustling crowds, cheers and screams of joy ringing in the air, the scent of cotton candy and popcorn lingering in the air. It was as though you had vanished in thin air.
A hand clamped down on his shoulder, and Jace jumped, spinning to see Luke standing behind him, half eaten cotton candy clutched in one hand.
"Are you okay?" Luke asked.
Jace opened his mouth to reply, but a flash of white out of the corner of his eye had him grab Luke's sleeve and drag you in your direction.
"Jace, what the- where in seven hells are we going?"
"Nowhere," Jace muttered. "Just stay quiet."
"Well we're obviously going somewhere," Luke mumbled, struggling to keep up with his brother's brisk pace, his gaze locking onto your retreating figure. "Are you following that girl? Jace, are you stalking-"
"If you're not going to shut up, you can go somewhere else." Jace snapped, releasing his grip on his younger brother.
Luke looked across the street where turquoise neon lighting was flickering the words 'Great Second Hand Book Store'.
"Actually, I do."
"Fine, see you later," Jace called over his shoulder, not paying attention to his younger brother, too entranced by you to focus on anything or anyone else.
Jace kept a safe distance between you and him as he followed you, close enough to keep you in sight and far away enough for it not to look... suspicious.
He came skidding to a stop as you suddenly turned to face him, your hand still clasped in the young boys.
"Are you following me?" You asked, your voice quiet but with a sharp edge to it, your gaze burning into his.
"W-well... well I..."
"Did you need something?" You prompted, raising an eyebrow. "Do you have something you want to say?"
"Uh... well yeah..."
"Then talk."
"I just... I just wanted to... to say..."
"Jace! Mum's here so I'm going home with her. She told me to tell you that you need to be home before grandpa locks the house up at midnight."
Jace hung his head as Luke tugged on his sleeve. "Okay, Luke. I'll see you later," He muttered.
"Okay. Here, look!" Luke suddenly pushed a comic book into Jace's hands. "I got a new one."
"That's... that's really great..." Jace replied, pushing Luke's hand away. "You'll have to tell me about it later."
Luke nodded, glancing over at you and the young boy. You had your gaze focused on Jace, eyes glittering in amusement. Your companion, however, had his gaze focused intently on the comic book in Luke's hands. Almost protectively, he held the book closer towards his chest, an action you seemed to notice. You let out a soft chuckle.
"Don't mind him. Maelor's just a big fan of... vampires..." You said, voice faltering slightly towards the end. Maelor simply squeezed your hand lightly in response, tugging at your sleeve lightly. "Nice talking to you." You murmured to Jace before Maelor pulled you away from the two brothers, leading you down the street.
"Oh... did I interrupt something?" Luke asked, grinning at his brother who shot him a small glare.
"Jace? Luke? There you are," Rhaenyra breathed, rounding the corner, "What's taking you so long? Now, come on, we're going-"
"I'm staying. I'll be home later. Before midnight, I promise." Jace said, already hurrying off in the direction you went, fainty hearing Luke snicker to Rhaenyra "He met a girl."
Jace rounded the corner, his smile fading as he caught sight of you, surrounded by four boys all on motor cycles.
One of the boys, the leader he assumed given he had the largest motorcycle and was at the front of the pack, turned to look at Jace. He had long silver hair tied up in a bun, one eye a vivid blue and the other a cloudy white. He was clad entirely in black leather, resting forward against his bike. His lip quirked upwards into a small smirk as he laid his eyes on Jace, tilting his head to the side as he looked him up and down. Upon deeming he wasn't a threat, he sat properly upwards on his bike, also black, hands resting on the hand grip, the three other boys following suite.
Maelor, the young boy you were with, had clambered onto the silver bike of another boy, with long brown hair tied half up, a graze of stubble dotting his face. He looked tall, and was certainly more physically imposing than the first guy, but he didn't have that same coldness in those storm grey eyes of his. He shot Jace a lazy smile as Maelor wrapped his arms around his middle, starting up his bike.
Jace's gaze then settled on the boy that was nearest to you, perched upon a gleaming gold bike, a rolled up joint hanging from his lips and a hand firmly planted on your waist in a way that made Jace's fists clench. He, like the supposed leader of the gang, had platinum hair, although it was shorter and slightly more dishevelled than the former's. Two small gold hoop earrings gleamed in his ear, and he had a slightly glossed over look in his eyes.
The effect of whatever he was smoking, no doubt.
The fourth boy seemed slightly younger than the others, maybe around Luke's age, with curly platinum hair and a cheeky smile on his face as he revved his cobalt and emerald bike.
The first boy turned to you, tilting his head in a gesture that said come here, and you immediately tore yourself away from the one perched gold bike to sit behind the leader, your arms wrapping tightly around his middle and your chin resting on his shoulder.
The four bikes roared as they spun a circle around Jace before speeding down the boardwalk, and the last thing Jace saw before they disappeared into the night was the small flash of a smile you sent his way.
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knight-of-flowerss · 1 month
So I’ve got 3 fic ideas (alr started one (the witch one)) and I’m thinking either js post them as I go or write them and post them for each week of Halloween. So like I need another idea for a fourth fic, like a monster or summin. And I need to know who for. I’m thinking maybe Luke? Like he survived Aemond and it’s like the Athelstan fancast from tlk?? I’m thinking maybe a fairy reader or something but idk or maybe a dragon reader. Maybe ghost reader?? Idk I need help lol
These are the fic ideas I have so far:
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Memento Mori:
Jacaerys Velaryon x Witch!Reader.
Synopsis: Your relationship with the crown is wearing thin. You once lived in peace, being left alone by everyone, but the more King Viserys grows weak, the more hate is coming your way. You are stationed, imprisoned in the Red Keep until your execution but a certain Prince’s curiosity leads him to you.
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Blood Sacrifice:
Vampire!Benjicot ‘Davos’ Blackwood x Septa!Reader.
Synopsis: Many say the church can protect you against evil, that’s a lie. You pray to the Seven for forgiveness and protection, but they do not grant it. The stranger himself gets invited into the church, what will you do when he bears his fangs and gives you the choice between death or lust?
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Lady of the Moon:
Werewolf!Cregan Stark x Moon Spirit!Reader.
Synopsis: You and Cregan were apart most of time but when that full moon came, you were one. Whole. You were free from the confinements of the moon and free to see your lover. A steamy session under the stars was something you looked forward to each year.
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Tags: @thethreeeyed-raven @lost-in-fiction-like-ur-mom
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Valaenatargaryensdragon Kinktober 2023-2024
(This year I made the list for the kinktober fics, I decided to do this as a way for everyone to know what I am comfortable writing and what I can write and for a way for you all to see my writing style however next year I will be holding requests for Kinktober)
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1. Santorini Serenity: Fingering/ Handjob, Dry humping- Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
2. Whispers of Desire: Orgasm Denial/ Control, Daddy Kink- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
3. Love Flames: Speech/ Movement Restriction, Body Worship- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
4. The Stag and The Dragon: Dirty Talking, Cunnilingus/ Blowjob- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
5. Mommy’s Baby Girl: Sex Toys/ Strap-On, Overstimulation- Rhaenyra Targaryen x f!Reader
6. The Queen’s Gambit: Breeding/ Impregnation, Hair pulling- Viserys Targaryen x f!Reader
7. Pregnancy Sex, Lactation Kink- Cregan Stark x f!Reader
8. Mutual Masturbation, Anal penetration- Aegon Targaryen x m!Reader
9. Anonymous Sex, Cumshot/ Squirting- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
10. Wrist/Arm Restraints, Face Sitting- Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
11. Group Sex, Sex Toys/ Strap On- Rhaenyra Targaryen & Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
12. Sex Pollen, Triple penetration- Aegon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen & Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
13. Threesome, Leash and Collar- Aegon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
14. Prostitution/Camming/Sex-for-Service, Degrading- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
15. Cockwarming, Pet Play, Crying- Maegor Targaryen x f!Reader
16. Pegging, Orgasm Denial, Mommy Kink- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
17. Double Penetration, Shower Sex, Chocking- Jacaerys Valeryon & Cregan Stark x f!Reader
18. Forced Orgasms, Face sitting, Fingering- Helaena Targaryen x f!Reader
19. Titjob, Thigh Riding, Spanking- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
20. Caught Masturbating, Whipping, Master Kink- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
21. Bloodplay, Biting, Overstimulation- Vampire!Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
22. Public Sex, Sex Toy, Degrading- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
23. Praise, Size Kink, Cunnilingus- Helaena Targaryen x f!Reader
24. Double Penetration, Dry Humping, Lactation Kink- Viserys Targaryen & Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
25. Guided/Mutual Masturbation, Fisting, Stockings- Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
26. Mirror Sex, Praise, Somnophilia- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
27. Car Sex, Hate Sex, Breeding/Impregnating Kink- Cregan Stark x f!Reader
28. Phone Sex, Mutual Masturbating, Anal Fingering- Aemond Targaryen x m!Reader
29. Knife Play, Blood, Threesome- Daemon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen x m!Reader
30. Virginity Loss, Office Sex, Against the Wall- Viserys Targaryen x f!Reader
31. Reverse Roles, Voice Kink, Bondage, Mommy Kink, Cumshot/Squirting- Aemond Targaryen x f!Reader
Additional Fics:
32. Fingering, Caught, Breeding/ Impregnating Kink- Viserys Targaryen & Alicent Hightower x f!reader
33. Wet Dream, Dry Humping- Jacaerys Valeryon x f!Reader
34. Rough Sex, Hair Pulling- Daemon Targaryen x f!Reader
35. Quickie, Public Sex- Aegon Targaryen x f!Reader
36. Size Kink, Daddy Kink- Aemond Targaryen x m!Reader
37. Body Worship, Sex Toys- Aegon Targaryen x m!Reader
38. Sixty-Nine, Thigh Riding- Rhaenyra Targaryen x f!Reader
39. Degrading, Fingering- Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
40. Group Sex, Mutual Masturbation, Several Penetrations, Daddy/Mommy/Master/Mistress Kink, Bondage, Gagging, Blowjob, Fingering, Cunnilingus- Aegon Targaryen & Aemond Targaryen & Jacaerys Valeryon & Baela Targaryen & Cregan Stark x f!&m!Readers
41. Rough Sex, Overstimulation, Orgasm Control, Sex Toys- Daemon Targaryen & Rhaenyra Targaryen & Alicent Hightower x f!Reader
(Requests for Kinktober are always welcome and will be written even after October, the Kinktober requests will be closed at 31st October but will all be written even after)
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Welcome my the new masterlist. Yes thats vhagar you saw that right.
UPDATED ON 16-5-2024
Hello, welcome, welcome welcome!
I hope you brought cookies
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Aemond Targaryen
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The girl in the silver dress (Modern royalty au) (Completed)
🔷Summary: You are invited to become a selected girl for Prince Jacaerys's selection. You never thought you would fall for his uncle, prince Aemond instead
part one part two Part three (completed)
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Heaven knows (We belong way down below) (slasher au)
🔷Summary: Reader or oc (You) is the new resident of a seemingly peaceful town, which hides dark secrets.
prologue, part one (Mini series) (NOT CONTINUED!!)
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Wicked dark and twisted dreams part one (vampire au)
🔷Summary: After you have been kidnapped, you get sold to the vampire king's brother, Aemond Targaryen.
One part, possibly being rewritten into a bigger series, but thats a maybe. A really big maybe. (NOT CONTINUED!!!)
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Sweet Nothings (College au) formally known as ''Games in the library''
🔷Summary: Your GPA is tanking and you need help. Luckily there is the grumpy antisocial Aemond to help you out.
PART 1 PART 2, updates planned but it will be a mini series. (Maybe continued)
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The heart is an ocean (Aemond titanic au) (mini series)
🔷Summary: You attend the ship of dreams, the Balerion in hope of finding your match to enrichen your family. But fate is cruel for those who dream. And the Balerion might not even reach the harbor of Valyria.
Part one, part two
updates are planned but it will remain a mini series.
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the doomed jaessa (???) (aemond avatar au) ONE SHOT
🔷Summary: You are a witch hunter, looking for the witches that killed your family all those years ago. Those people are called Heyks or Summoners.
Part one, one shot.
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maffia au (aemond maffia au) One shot
🔷Summary: Its your 21st birthday. You dont expect to spent it as the captive of your new criminal husband, but here we are.
Part one, one shot, but might be rewritten in a bigger series.
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Sandstorm (Dornish oc x aemond request) (One-shot)
🔷Summary: You are Elna/Reader Martell and before you marry you go on a vacation to the land that always held a close space to your heart: The Six Kingdoms. You become the captive of Aemond Targaryen.
One shot, Part one
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A little wicked (dark prince regent x niece)
🔷Summary: After your husband dies, his brother claims his throne and also you.
Part one, one shot
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Ashes Burn
🔷Summary: Dark aemond fic about a girl who becomes aemonds bedmate. Very dark.
part one, part two, part three, updates planned but might become a smaller series.
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What power looks like dark prince regent one shot
🔷Summary: You once bullied Aemond and fell in favour with his brother, but now that Aegon is uhm...not able to talk right now, Aemond wants revenge for all you did to him. And he means all of it.
Part one, finished one shot
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Fight and die (Main series)
🔷Summary: Your ancestors once betrayed the Targaryens and paid a high price. Now you are back at court with your brother, who hopes to sell you in exchange for his freedom.
Part one, part two, part three, part four, part five, part 6.
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The Song of Ice and Fire (Mini series)
🔷Summary: After getting kidnapped on your way to King's Landing, you end up in another time where you meet a dangerous prince
Part one, updates planned.
Mis characters
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Daemon Targaryen
Daddy dearest (stepdaughter request) (One shot)
🔷Summary: You are Rhaenyra's and Harwin's daughter and you just proposed to Aemond, your stepdaddys worst enemy.
Part one, one shot, finished.
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Vhagars diary (on hiatus for now)
Summary: The majestic dragon Vhagar shares her story, in a exclusive interview/tell all biography. What does she remember and what can she tell us about the past? What do we know? Vhagar tells all is part of a mini series featuring three parts of Vhagars life leading up to house of the dragon, with her ...unique thoughts and perspective!
Part one
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Aegon Targaryen II/ Attention
Summary:🔷Summary: You are studying in college and you fall for a mysterious boy named Aeg. Who hides a dark secret.
Part One, more updates planned, mini series.
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Older masterlist with old work (mind your step please) series
Old and mostly very dark fanfics about aemond.
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Ready to read somewhere else?: Bitterballetje - Works | Archive of Our Own
last update 9-7-2024
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princessvelaryon · 3 days
I’m almost done with my outline for my 10+ chapter Vampire Jace AU series and all my favorite scenes and reveals are in the later chapters. It’s going to take so much build up to get there, so please be patient with me y’all. I’m fighting the urge to spoil all the best parts, while also making the first few chapters as interesting as I can.
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I also have about ten other WIPs and another multi-chapter Jace series in the works.
I’ll post some snippets later tonight, I promise!
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cregan-starks · 1 month
Fic Recs (12-18 August)
My feedback can be found on my fic rec blog @missionaria-protectiva
@shewhomustbecalledking - emperor of shards [lestat de lioncourt x louis de pointe du lac, louis de pointe du lac x armand]
@shewhomustbecalledking - late night, warm skin, beating heart [armand x louis de pointe du lac, implied lestat de lioncourt x louis de pointe du lac]
@moonlight-prose - asterism (ao3) [cassian andor x reader]
@eldrith - on sunny days I go out walking [jacaerys velaryon x reader]
@sunkendreams - the wolf heeds the dragon [cregan stark x reader, nsfw]
@peachysunrize - tangerine dreams (ao3) [aemond targaryen x reader]
gifmaker shoutout: @remusjohnslupin
artist shoutout: @irlplasticlamb
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jacevelaryonswife · 2 years
► Modern Headcanons | 「AU」
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pairing: Jacaerys Velaryon | Aegon Targaryen | Aemond Targaryen x Fem!Reader (the famous big three).
a/n: This is situated in college and I hope you all like it. English is not my first language, sorry for any mistakes.
warnings: mentions of alchool, drunking and sex.
Modern headcanons masterlist
— Aegon ↺
We must begin with Aegon. The dude changes of graduations like he's changing clothes. He never knew what field to choose, he never had a big dream to fulfill or an aspiration to something — perhaps because his family was flying in money.
In high school he was the typical popular boy who part of the team and dated one cheerleader a month, in college it's no different.
He's a fuckboy, living in a frat (even though he doesn't have to) and throwing a thousand parties. He loves all girls, but freshmen, exchange students or super smart girls get his special attention. And some boys.
When I said that he changes courses like he changes clothes, I wasn't exaggerating.
First he tried physical education (why? He don't know), then computing at Luke's insistence (lots of numbers, he fucking hated it), then he tried law (WHY DOES A BOOK HAVE 800 PAGES?), he considered international relations and end tourism.
He wanted to do an exchange, but Alicent forbade it until he settled on something.
He just wanted to be an heir :(
He would probably meet you at a party and flirt compulsively. He wouldn't rest until he had your number, or kissed you, or better yet, performed obscenities in his room.
Eventually he would rent an apartment to have more privacy for his one night fucks.
Aegon would try to steal Jace's girls — why not?
He's used every drug you can imagine.
He would wake up drunk in the middle of campus.
He's a himbo.
— Aemond ↺
You know that handsome and mysterious guy that you would definitely have a crush on? Well, it's probably Aemond.
Among the areas he could choose, in addition to history and philosophy, I see physics or some impeccable academic career.
Unlike Aegon, the opportunity to run the family business would eventually excite him, so studying business administration is also a high possibility for our boy.
He would attend the best colleges.
He's intimidating at first sight and likes to do things alone, which makes you reluctant to try to get close.
But damn, he's super charming and seems to give off attractive pheromones and you can't pay attention to anything but him.
It's like Edward — you thought he was a vampire too.
He is super stylish and has an impossible presence to divert attention.
He would NEVER live in a frat. The idea of ​​sharing a house with other guys his age is a nightmare. Seven Hells, he thinks he'd throw up at the smell of alcohol, drugs, and bed sheets after sex. Fucking gross.
He would rent an apartment close to university and other things that can enrich his routine.
He goes to some parties (not like Aegon) but getting drunk is not an option.
Maybe he'd try marijuana at a certain point, just to prove it.
He would always be with a book or phone in hand, or just contemplating the environment.
You'd meet him at some party or the library or any other part of college.
He was the best kiss you've had in years.
He makes you feel stupid with his intelligence and eloquence, even if he doesn't mean to. When you tell him you feel inferior, he'd take your hand and grope your face and say there's nothing that makes you any less than him.
— Jace ↺
I confess that choosing an area for Jace was the HARDEST thing about this headcanon, so he was the last.
I see him as a sports guy, but it would hardly go from a hobby. He could do business administration like Aemond to take care of the family business, but I also see him doing architecture. (If you have another option please enlighten me).
He would be a frat boy, BUT, with BIG caveats. He would be the boys' dad, guiding them not to drink too much, use illicit drugs and not take girls to his room (the latter mainly).
He's all sweet, kind, and protective with girls, unlike most frat boys.
He loves parties but tends to stay sober at most of them (sometimes he allows himself to get so fucking crazy and he turns cute and red when he's drunk).
He would smoke marijuana a few times and would definitely be a smiling high. Afterwards he would feel a little guilty.
You would also meet him at some party and be suspicious of him. Respectful, sweet and handsome? Just one low blow to get into your pants.
However, he's kind of hard to resist and by the end of the night he has your number and Instagram. Maybe even an excited kiss.
He's such a great kisser, it's so fucking unfair.
He would take you to a candy store or anywhere you want to go. Totally a good boy who treats you like a queen.
He would try to hide you from Aegon's clutches at family meetings.
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alexagirlie · 4 months
Now that I have finished writing all the Monstrous May Drabbles (Part 8 coming on May 31st!) I get to work on something else but cannot decide what!
What would people be most interested in? This is my short list. Yes this is the short list >.< I have a lot of WIPs!
Bathhouse Reward - Coccham Squad x Reader (reader rewards her favourite warriors during a trip to the bathhouse, includes some m/m as well. gotta stay on brand.)
Sihtric x Masema 1 - Modern AU set in a BDSM club with Sub Sihtric seeking out a Dom and meeting Professional Dom Masema. Someone gets tied up and used 😘.
Sihtric x Masema 2 - Set within my vampire au, The Latest Plague. Uhtred is visited by another vampire court after his coronation and one of the visiting vampires catches Sihtric's eye.
Sihtric x Masema 3 - Set within WOT universe. Cult Leader Masema has some pent up frustrations/energy and devoted acolyte Sihtric offers to help.
In Another Life - Jacaerys x Aemond Omegaverse canon divergent - Aemond tried to sneak Aegon out of Kings Landing but was caught in the act. The Blacks find him locked up when they win Kings Landing.
Where We Come Alive - War of Hearts Part 2 - TLK/Shadowhunters crossover , Finan x Sihtric x Uhtred (boys partake in some fun seelie/magic drugs and have a night full of self indulgence and fucking)
Close Your Eyes and Dream of Revenge - Close Your Eyes Part 3 - Paul x Duncan (conclusion to Close Your Eyes Series, Paul does not work on his trauma and chooses revenge instead)
Spandauers and Crowns of Flowers - modern au Finan x Sihtric x Uhtred (Sihtric opens a Dane inspired bakery alongside his long time boyfriend Uhtred. They meet Finan, the owner of the Flower shop next door. Feelings ensue. This is a longer Multi-Chapter Idea)
Figure You Out Part 3 - Sihtric x Finan x Reader (Sihtric gets his next lesson, this time an introduction to anal play with reader getting DP'd by Sihtric and Finan)
This is How I Disappear - Danger Days Part 3 - Finan x Sihtric (post S4 attempt on Bebbanburg, Sihtric tries to use sex and pain to forget their failure. some bad bdsm ettiqutte but Finan is a good dom)
Why must WIPs breed like bunnies :D
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aphroditesmoon · 2 years
all's blood runs dry but yours
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jacaerys velaryon x vampire!reader
summary; The targaryen prince gets himself lost in a forest in winterfell, and finds himself lured into the house of the lady of night.
(strongly inspired by Angela Carter's short story Lady of the House of Love)
warnings; NSFW, blood, smut (minors dni!!)
You have many names given by the folk people. Winter's witch, night killer, bloodsucker.
What you are, really, is a moroi, a vampyr.
A murderer. Though that is a call you never answer to. Every blood shed was for survival, never pleasure, it's not your fault those two things seem to go hand in hand everytime.
The stories people spread of you though, are almost always never true, most of them mistake you for the first lady of the night and of the house, your maker, the monstress you owed your life and pain to. Your mother.
From her womb you came from, her bite you were made of, and now her dress you wore.
It's the only dress you have, in your defense.
Years come and go like rain drops for you, as all the clothes wither and fade like the state of your house, only your mother's wedding dress survived somehow.
The blood stained ball gown with ripped sleeves eaten by rats (you ate them back so it's fine) worn every night as you lay out your tarot cards on the dusty wooden table.
A hobby did you well to survive these lonely last years, having less and less lost villagers to devour and too lazy to wonder out of the comfort of your hiding, you settle for rats and stray dogs by midnight after your little fun of cards, then by day you strip yourself bare to your last nightgown and rest in your coffin until dark comes again.
That was the repeated routine of the scary bloodsucker of Winterfell. No one could ever imagine the bore of settling for bitter blood of rotten animals and getting the same fucking card of 2 and 8 of Swords whenever you lay them by yourself to pick.
This night though, the wind feels colder and the trees shake harder, and the card you flip over is The Lovers. What ever could that mean?
Surely you're mistaken, what a confusing card to get in your state. You wipe your rat stained lips smudging the blood even worse and frowned as you put the cards back in it's stack and lean over the grand cow-webbed filled chair.
I'll need to clean the chandelier one of these day, such a shame for a beauty like that to be covered by spiders. You tell yourself as you stare up at it.
Your thoughts were fast interrupted as you feel the wind outside shake through the forest faster.
A dragon. haven't had one of those in years.
You wonder, who you assume would be a Targaryen, might have business doing in Winterfell.
And even more, you wonder if pure valyrian blood tastes any different than any others.
You heard the crash of the dragon's landing a few walks away from your dark mansion.
Whoever it was would come to your home. it was fated. For a second, the memory of your card appear your mind, might this be another sign? A smile carved itself on your stiff face, how exciting.
You heard him then. His knock, his yelling asking if there's anyone inside.
You stay seated on your chair as you hear the doors slam open from his push and the strong wind. His footsteps entices you as you fight the urge to lunge for his neck from where your placed at.
He appears in front of the dining room, clothes wet and hair damp. You wonder if he fell in the snow. It was fine though, You've always preferred your meals cold.
He notices you too slow, seated at the edge of the dining table, one lighted candle in the middle as the only source of light for the whole house.
He takes you in as you took him. Entranced by such unexpected peculiar sight in front of him. A ghostly girl in a white dress too big for her, red stained and patches all over, contrasting the paleness of herself.
"I apologize for the lack of welcome. Haven't had a visitor in years I have to say." Your voice broke the magic he was caged in. He snapped out of the trance he was in and stuttered as he realizes he's been standing there staring at your for a full minute.
"I- my lady- I hope I'm not intruding-" He starts, still falling over his words.
"Intruding? No, never, though visitors were unexpected, doesn't mean they're unwelcomed. You and your dragon both shall stay the night to shelter yourselves from such weather." You demanded easily.
He agrees as easily too.
He walks closer and sits by the opposite of the table as you invite him so and asks him to introduce himself.
"I'm prince Jacaerys Velaryon, my lady, son of the queen Rhaenyra Targaryen. It seems my dragon has found himself in a bit of a confusion, he lost his balance of a sort in the wind and crashed." He explained himself as you nod understandingly.
"Jacaerys. what a pretty name for a pretty boy". His pale cheeks blushed at your words. You offer a rare smile and watch as his eyes beamed at the sight of it.
"I figure you'd want to know my name now. I've many names and titles as well, you know. But I'll spare us both the boasting of my reputation. You may call me [name]."
Your own name felt odd in your tongue, You haven't had the pleasure of speaking or hearing it out loud since your mother died.
And as you hear him repeat the name you were born into, you wish to lick the syllables off his tongue and bite the lips that says them until they bleed into yours.
But for now you offer a bigger smile to show your contentment.
You rise abruptly from your seat and walk over him offering your hand. He hesitates before standing with you and wrapping his fingers with yours as you pull him up the stairs to a suitable chamber for the night.
You saw him stare in confusion at the sight of your coffin in the middle of the hall upstairs by the corner of your eyes, but he says nothing as he follows your lead still.
As the door of the room creaked open, the dim shine of the moon by the window shone through the dark walls of the chambers.
You heard him gasp as he saw the walls painted in blood stains and broken lamps static on the floor.
This is it. You tell yourself, Either I kill him here and now or I kill him as he tries to leave, doesn't matter.
You are hesitant still and just when you thought things couldn't get any interesting, he does what you least expect him to.
He sits on the bed.
At the edge of it he stayed as his eyes rake over you, eyes still in shock but the fear seemingly to slowly die down as he asks you what you never thought he would.
"When was the last time you showered?"
The randomness of his words pushed a suprised laugh out of you as your eyes widen.
"Do I stink so badly, princeling?" You tease as you stalk towards him like a predator eyeing it's prey. "I wouldn't dare suggest such a thing my lady." He responds cheekier than you'd expect.
It was then you notice the look in his eyes, the way he's watching you. He knew what you were, and was not scared. He viewed you not as a predator, but more as a kitten playing ambush with a rat. Not a monster, but a damsel to be saved from the curse of her own self.
As you stand in between his legs, your fingers cup his chin making him look directly in your eyes. "Did the gods sent you to me my princeling? Are you my knight in shining armor?" You wondered out loud.
"Realistically, a dragon sent me here." He jested nervously, confidence of minutes ago faltering as you stand inches away from him.
"hm" you responded softly, a smile etched on your lips as you took in his adorable he looked up close.
"You can't save one from the dangers of herself, i'm afraid. But I could save you from myself " you whisper to him as your lips came closer to his. His breath quickens and his eyes blinked before you closed the gao between the two of you.
His hands were fast to wrap them around your waist, as yours move to the back of his head, pulling on his hair as his tongue slips in your mouth earnings a moan from your side.
A feast of a man was what you wanted today, but a kiss is as equally as pleasurable, you learned.
You patience thinning, you push him to lay on the bed as you climbed on top of him, both legs by the side of his hip, you can feel how hard he was for you making you giggle through the kiss. You feel him unable to stop his own smile as he pushes you deeper in the embrace of his lips.
That smile ceased to exist as you start to grind on his clothes cock making him groan in your kiss.
You bite his bottom lip, giving in to temptation and you continue rutting into him fast with his hands moving from your waist to your ass, gripping it hard, pushing and moving you deeper to grind on him.
Your hands paw at his chest to feel him and he immediately rips his buttons off with one hand, showing you his bare upper body as you pull off the rest of the top.
You were humping him at this point, trying to chase a high your inexperienced self isn't sure how to exactly. It seems he shared your frustrations as he snaps and pushes you off to fall on your back on the messy bed.
Pushing your clit into his hard on deeper as you start sucking and kissing his neck, hands roaming his chest and squeezing his nipples, exploring his body thoroughly as he fights moans and groans of his own, letting you do what you want with him.
He rips of the extravagant skirt of the dress easily, impressing you.
His hands move to spread your thighs apart and he growls as he stares into you wet slicked cunt clenching on nothing.
You were gripping the sheets above your head, a moaning submissive mess laid upon him, begging to be fucked.
And he complies as he fits his head between your thighs, folding then over his shoulder and gripping them apart to savour your pussy.
His tongue moves in and out of your sopping hole making you scream in pleasure as you almost rip off the sheets. His name a a curse, a prayer, you screamed out repeatedly.
Eyes fluttering close you arch your back so had you fear you'd break your spine.
What a funny way for an immortal to die, you thought.
His fingers make an appearance as he slips two of them inside your cunt, moving them in and out your tight wet hole, making wet slapping sound of skin, adding intensity to the pleasure using his mouth to suck on your clit hard.
You move your grip from the sheets to his hair, pulling it hard as you squeeze his face between your legs, riding it.
Your suffocating pussy seems to entertain him as he groans againts your cunt, the vibration making you whine as you push yourself deeper in his tongue and mouth.
He kitten licks your folds and add a third finger. As he starts to suck on your bundle of nerves again, you scream in intense high and clench againts his fingers as they continue to fuck you through your orgasm.
Your heavy breathing dies down as does his movements as his fingers leave you. Your eyes remain on eachothers as he pushes his cum filled finger in his mouth and sucked it clean before moving on top of you, spreading your legs back open.
He closes his lips againts yours In a passionate lustful kiss and you wrap your hands around his neck, reciprocating the kiss.
And as he breaks the kiss to whisper over you, you swore he'd be the death of you instead of it's supposed reversed role.
"My turn."
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