#grantchester abraham
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yoursweetheartsrevenge · 1 month ago
Well Bred
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Summary: The daughter of an affluent horse breeder, Charla “Charlie” Denvers, approaches the Romani’s own resident horse expert looking to make a match between their fine breeding stock. However when strong personalities collide will the match simply remain between the stud and mare or bleed into their owners’ passions?  
Warnings: sexual tension, flirting, classism (Charlie's dad does not care nor understand the plights of the common people), MINORS DNI, 18+ 
Word Count: 1.8K
Author’s Note: For @blind-dates-fest. Starting off by saying I know absolutely nothing about horse breeding. The knowledge in this story was gained through research and not personal experience. Shout to my cousin who does have horse experience and assisted me in this story. If anything is incorrect within this story I apologize. Sometimes you just have an idea that involves a subject you don't know about then you spend several hours watching horses trout. Abraham is from one single episode of Grantchester so stretching out his personality was a bit fun.
Standing in front of her was a beautiful horse, a grey lipizzan with a soft freshly groomed mane. 
Charlie had never been more put off in her whole life. 
Her horse.
Her stud. 
She should have a say in who he was to breed with. 
The woman, as she had so often told her father she was now, had raised the sweet stallion since he was fresh out of his mother’s womb. Charlie had even helped pull away the afterbirth herself. He was her forever companion, a responsibility she took seriously despite what her parents thought would happen. 
Everyone always thought of Charla Denvers as another spoiled rich girl. 
She got everything she wanted being an only child of the most well off family in the area. All the dresses and pretty things were hers for the taking. Anything she demanded as a child was always within reach. Nothing had ever been off limits for Charla. 
Except this. 
The only thing she had ever wanted she could not even have. 
The horse seemed to sense her tension rocking his head up and down. Charlie placed her hand gently on his nose. 
“Shh, love. It’s alright.” It wasn’t. She could feel him snort at her lie, hot air teasing her palm. 
She reached with her other hand into her side bag for a treat for her pal. Charlie wasn’t sure what angry munching looked like, but Hades was certainly exhibiting such behavior. 
“Easy, boy. Let’s not lose our temper before we even meet the mare.” His lips quivered at her words chewing and sucking on the sugar cube. 
Charla stepped away brushing her hands together. 
Her father had found the mare after Charlie had proposed one evening at dinner that she would indeed like to get into the family business.
“Papa, I should like to breed Hades. He’s a fine stallion coming from an excellent line and the -” Her father had merely waved her off saying she was fine to do as she pleased. 
He hadn’t really been listening. 
Her father had never listened when she spoke most days. Same as her mother. He huffed and puffed stating it was better to agree to begin with, face consequences later. At least that was how he felt with the two women in his life. 
He had agreed to let her take on a foal from his prized mare, a white beauty fresh off the boat from Denmark when she was a teen. She was a fine mare, belly full of baby ready to give birth to a new friend for his daughter. Charlie had loved the mare, Crystalline as well. She still tended to her, but Hades was her boy. 
Her father had a large array of horses that did all sorts of things. He wasn’t an expert on breeds. Her father paid a nice young fellow to do that for him just like he paid others to manage other things in the house hold. 
This fine young fellow had betrayed her!
“Hades is a rare breed.” She knew that even as he spoke to her father. 
His breed was dwindling, yes, but Charla had already had it set in her head that breeding him to one of her childhood friend’s mares would be quite lovely. 
Charla didn’t care for things like money or preserving a notable line as her father had noted they would be doing breeding one lipizzan to another.
She wanted to have things her way. 
For the first time Charla Denvers would have to NOT get her way. 
She sighed loading up the stallion with more of her overnight equipment. At least she had convinced her father to let her go on this venture alone. He had found that a mare of this breed was close. Two villages over from the Denvers’ sprawling estate was a visiting Romani group spread out across the small community. They had intermingled according to her father enough that his “man on the inside” had found that one amongst them was nursing a sweet dark colored lipizzaner who happened to be female. 
What luck! 
What dread . . . Charlie thought, mounting her horse. 
She didn’t know the first thing about the Romani people, only that they were nomads, quick to wander. It was why her father had told her to make the offer to the young man in charge of tending horses quickly. Normally it was the mare owner that would pay the stud’s owner however in this case, her father was ready to make an offer. 
The thoroughbred foals would be worth more then what a silly breeding price the mare owner couldn’t afford. Her father assumed as he always did. For Charla, she would much rather have her horse breed with a mare she was familiar with, owned by a person she was friendly with. 
What did she know about this man who owned this lipizzaner? 
Absolutely nothing. 
Charlie kept her face void of any emotion. This was a business transaction, plain and simple. She pressed her heels to Hades motioning him forward. The stables were a distant memory as the pair marched forward to what she suspected would be doom for the pair of them. 
The village was very . . . quaint. 
She felt eyes lock on her as she entered. Her light eyes shifted, knowing what they were seeing. Charla wasn’t the type of girl to hide herself. She hadn’t spent hours choosing her outfit or fussing with her hair. She had tied a white bow in her long chestnut brown hair. Charlie’s waist length black coat was pressed as she trouted past the dirt road through the village. She knew she was out of place here, as did everyone else.
The encampments were fixed about the edges of the village. Women hung up laundry. Droves of children played tag with one another, grabbing and laughing in the carefree afternoon. Charla felt her stomach rumble. Hades scoffed prancing forward. 
“Come on now. Almost there.” The two seemed to have a symbiotic relationship. She could tell her sweet boy was hungry as well. 
Charlie managed to ask where the Romani kept their horses. 
“You’re looking for Abraham.” She hadn’t gotten a name, but she supposed that could be the name of a wandering horse tender. The older man with a heavy pipe pointed to an open mock stable area where a few horses were kept. 
She maneuvered her way past a wagon or two to get to the area. There was a young man, a blonde quiff and sleeves of black inked tattoos on arms that were tense with hard muscles. She saw his blue eyes worked her over as she approached. He was feeding a gorgeous brown mare. 
Charla hated the fact that Hades seemed to pick up his trout upon sensing the female. 
“Alright, calm yourself.” She told her boy. Charlie swallowed, seeing his eyes lock on her. 
“You are?” He wondered.
“Charlie Denvers.” 
“Really? Was expecting a man.” His eyes lingered too long on her chest. Her eyes merely rolled. “You're posh.” 
“Thank you for noticing.” Hades shifted impatiently back and forth. 
“You can tie him up on the other post.” The young man poked his chin to another mock spot. “I got some feed here if he’s hungry. Travelled a bit. Don’t want the poor boy starving.” 
She nodded. At least he was considerate of the horses even if he seemed to have an issue with her. 
Charla did as she was instructed, tying him off on the post. She brushed her hands off. When she turned he was waiting there with a bucket of feed. He didn’t hand it to her instead eyeing her again, in a slow nearly menacing way before moving past her. Hades huffed at him. The young man smiled. 
“Feisty fellow, ain’t he?” He put the bucket down as an offering. The horse moved his hooves forward then back as if contemplating. “Don’t worry. I won’t mess with your girl. Much.” She rolled her eyes again to see him smirk. 
She held her own stomach as it rumbled. 
“Would you like some dinner then?” He looked at her. “Suppose we will need to get acquainted to make this deal. Go on then, say hello to my Heidi.” 
Charla turned to the beautiful mare. Her face was deep within a trough of water now spilling over the sides. She was flabbergasted how shiny her coat was complimenting it out loud to Abraham. Slowly her hand worked over the horse’s mid section petting her with hard strokes. The horse’s tail twitched. 
“She’s usually timid. Gave her a talking to. Said she’d be meeting her beau today.” Abraham patted Heidi's shoulder roughly. The mare seemed to be used to the touches. 
“She’s stunning.” 
“Not always the case. She was in real bad shape over a year ago. Nursed her back to health. Took a lot of time and effort. Poor girl was abused, frightened of everyone, especially men.” She was surprised when Abraham nuzzled his nose against her neck. “Nipped at me a few times, but I didn’t give up on my Heidi. She’s my best girl.” He gave the horse a little peck. 
Charla didn’t like that he was sweet. 
Not one bit. 
“But I suppose we should get this business over with.” He nearly sighed. “Wouldn’t want to keep you from your fancy mansion.”
“That depends on how you would like to -”
He was sweet to the horses. 
“I ain’t stupid, missus.” Abraham immediately piped in. “I know what I got. Your man that approached me, he thought I was . . . stupid that is . . . probably think you can one up me cause I’m Romi don’t you? Well you can’t because I know what I got.” He pat the horse again. “She’s pure money here.” 
Maybe she was starting to dislike Abraham a bit. 
“I’m not here because I want to be . . . Abraham . . . is it?” He looked at her nodding as she spoke. “I would rather take my horse and breed him elsewhere, but my father seems to want this deal to go through. For our two lipizzaners to breed and secure a line meant for greatness. So yes, whatever you want is yours.” 
He watched her setting his jaw and swallowing. 
“Whatever I want?” He said it so suggestively it nearly made her blush.
“Money, wise . . . that is.” Her voice was breathy in the stale air that smelt like manure, dry feed, and the dampness of their horses. 
“A shame.” He teased. Yes, he was only teasing. “I can name my price?”
“Mmmhm.” She clarified. 
“Right.” He swallowed, wiping his hands on his pant legs. “Da always said the best deals are made over a meal and a pint. Care to join me, missus?” He offered her his hand.  She did not take it. 
“It’s Charla.” She told him. He simply nodded. 
“Right, well, I’m Abrabram. Pleasure to meet you, Charla. I’m eager to make beautiful babies with you.” He gave her a soft wink as her face flushed a bit at his suggestion, breaking her stern demeanor. “Ponies that is.” 
She was starting to dislike Abraham very much.
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year ago
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Sweet Nothings
Pairing: Abraham (Grantchester) x f!reader Warnings: Dirty talk, smut. Word count: ~1.4k
Summary: They had agreed to call it quits when Abraham's community moved on from Grantchester, however, the urge to keep in touch is too powerful for either of them to resist.
Author's note: Day five of the Smuffmas prompts - "letters and lingerie". No tag list. Follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications.
Abraham had kissed her fiercely, his lips pressed tightly to hers as though he meant to steal the very breath from her lungs. He’d kissed her like it was the last time he ever would, because the reality of it was just that - he was moving on, this would be the last time their mouths would meet with such passion.
She had always known that this was coming; six weeks prior when they had begun their little tryst, they had agreed when his time in Grantchester came to an end, so too would their relationship.
That doesn’t stop the ache in her heart when that day finally arrives though, but she does her best to hold back her tears as she watches him walk away, not wanting to make this any more difficult than it already is. She swears when he looks back she sees a hint of regret cast back at her in the blueness of his gaze. Perhaps that is just her seeing what she wants to see though.
Two weeks pass, and she does her best to carry on as normal, despite the void that Abraham has left behind in her life.
That is until the day a letter passes through the letterbox, landing softly on the doormat. It’s addressed to her, though she doesn’t recognise the handwriting. Tearing it open, a warmth spreads through her chest, recognising the sender as she reads it.
I know we said that this is it, but I can’t stop thinking about you. The pillow on my bed that you laid your pretty head upon still smells like you. I miss the warmth of you, the way your body fits against mine. I can still picture your smile, still hear your laugh, and I think I’m going crazy without you.
I’m sorry if hearing from me is upsetting for you, I just can’t stand the idea that some other bloke will make you smile, make you laugh, make you moan like I used to. I don’t expect you to write back, but I’d be over the moon if you did. We’re camped up at a place called Yaxley, just outside of Peterborough. If you do decide to write back, address it to the Yaxley post office, and I’ll pick it up. I’ll check every day to see if you’ve written.
Yours, always,
The penmanship is a barely legible scrawl, and the letter is riddled with spelling errors, yet she can’t deny it makes her pulse race to know that he’s missing her, so she snatches up a pen and paper and writes back straight away.
Over the following weeks they write to each other frequently, talking about their days, professing their yearning for each other, and with every exchange their words grow more heated and passionate.
She gets an idea when one of his letters states that he is “missing the pretty little pink thing” she used to wear for him, knowing exactly the lingerie set he’s hinting at.
Slipping on the satin French knickers and matching brassiere, the material feels silky soft against her skin. Butterflies flutter in her belly remembering how the last time she’d worn this, Abraham had peeled it off her, his bright eyes following the path of it as it had fallen away from her body.
Setting up the polaroid camera, she takes several photos of herself in various provocative poses - ones she knows will make his blood run hot - jutting out her hip, pushing out her chest, arching her back, accentuating her curves and all of his favourite places to touch her.
Once she is satisfied that she has an adequately arousing selection, she settles down to write.
Enclosed are pictures of that “pretty little pink thing” you love so much. I hope it satisfies your longing, though it does little to sate mine. I ache for the feel of your big, strong hands against my body, and I’m saddened that when this comes off once more it won’t be you that’s removing it.
Remember the last time I wore this? I do. If I close my eyes, I can still feel the weight of you on top of me, the feel of your lips against my skin, the wonderful ache between my legs as you moved against me.
I’d give anything for just one more night with you. I fear you have ruined me for all other men.
Yours forever.
The envelope she drops into the postbox the next day is thicker and heavier than usual, and she grins excitedly, imagining the smile on Abraham’s face when he eventually opens it.
For the next week, her gaze is fixed on the letterbox each morning, waiting for his reply to drop through, but nothing arrives and the disappointment she feels mounts by the day, sadness and embarrassment causing a heated feeling in her cheeks and a heaviness in her chest.
She has all but given up on the idea of him ever replying, thinking she has made a fool of herself, or worse still, that her letter has gotten lost, when one evening there’s a knock at her front door.
Strong arms wrap around her, and once more her breath is stolen away, as Abraham’s mouth descends upon hers, backing her up into the living room as he kicks the door closed behind him.
He cups her cheek, keeping her close to him when they eventually part for air, his chest heaving. “Couldn’t find the right words for what those photos made me wanna do to ya, so thought it best I just show you.”
She squeals as he throws her over his shoulder, carrying her towards the bedroom and depositing her onto the bed as though she weighs nothing. Propping herself up on her palms she looks at him in wide eyed excitement as he looms over, his darkened gaze roving over her form before moving to follow her.
He bumps her nose with his as he plants a hand either side of her head. She can feel how hard he is already through his trousers, as he presses himself against her, and it makes her core throb with want.
“First,” he whispers, “I want you naked, no flimsy underwear compares to the feel of you bare against me.”
She gasps, as he all but tears the clothes from her body, the barely audible pop of buttons and seams lost to the desperate need she feels for him as she pulls at his shirt and trousers in turn. Sighing in pleasure at the sensation of his skin against hers once more, she feels a sense of relief. Having him like this is like returning home after a prolonged absence.
He kisses her, and she whines when he pulls away, the gesture all too brief, though she is quick to giggle as his lips trail a path from her neck, all the way down her body until he’s positioned between her legs.
“Then,” he continues, eyes flitting up to meet hers. “I’m gonna taste you, see if you’re sweet as I remember.”
Her head falls back with a moan as he licks a line with the flat of his tongue from her opening to her pearl. The rumble of appreciation that growls within his throat vibrates through her, and she buries her hands in his hair, certain she is ruining the carefully waxed and styled coif, though he is making her feel too good for her to care.
His hands grip her thighs as alternates between lapping at her with quick precise movements, and fucking her with his tongue. As she feels herself on the crest of her pleasure, he pulls away, and she cries out in frustration.
He grins as he moves back up her body, his chin slick and shining with her arousal.
“Now, I wanna feel you squeeze around my cock until you peak,” he murmurs, lining the head of himself up with her and pushing slowly forward.
Her mind goes blank as he presses inwards, only able to focus on the stretch of him inside of her, causing her to arch against him.
“I want every thought to be gone from your mind, every thought but how good it feels when I fuck you,” he continues, keeping his thrusts slow and steady, “So that that’s what you’re thinking of when I leave again and ask you to come with me.” As she feels the pressure begin to build in her lower belly again, she knows there is no way she can say no to him. Letters just won’t be enough anymore after this, she needs all of him.
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More Abraham fics
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schniiipsel · 1 year ago
Wow! That was so sweet and yet so hot! That was awesome 💋
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Abraham (Grantchester) x Reader
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Inspired by Ewanmitchellcrumb's amazing Abraham fics, in particular this one.
Contents: smut. first kiss, making out, dry humping, handjob. Porn without plot (and porn without penetration).
Warnings: arranged marriage, oldfashioned gender roles and attitudes towards sex and marriage. Abraham being dickish (but he's trying to be nicer)
Words: 3600
Purity culture and dry humping, name a more iconic duo, i'll wait.
The rain is beating hard against the tin roof.
You are huddled up against the wall, your arms wrapped tightly around your legs to keep warm. You had gone out for an afternoon walk to find some peace and quiet, and maybe pick some of the first little spring flowers, when you were suddenly caught in a torrential downpour. Not too keen on the idea of sprinting all the way home, you scrambled to take shelter in the first place you could think of: a dilapidated shed at the edge of a muddy field. The old farmer used to store tools and machinery there, but now it stands abandoned and in disrepair, full of cobwebs and mouse droppings.
If one was alone it might be quite an unnerving place, located as it is right on the border of the woods.
But you are not alone.
Abraham is sitting right across from you, dressed in his usual plaid jacket and red neckerchief, his long legs stretched out on the floor. When you stumbled inside he was already there, having sought shelter from the rain himself.
You only narrowly managed to convince him to stay.
As a young, unmarried girl, you are not supposed to be alone with men. Not even with Abraham - especially not with Abraham. The two of you will be getting married in just over a month, but the rules of courtship are strict, and every minute you spend with him must be chaperoned. Something that he has, surprisingly, taken very seriously. Maybe because his first attempt at an engagement didn't exactly work out as planned.
Still, your parents are satisfied with the match, and for the most part, you are too. Abraham is quite handsome, you think, with those splendid blue eyes, and he's just a few years older than you. A little rough around the edges, but he doesn't mind hard work, and he is good with children and animals, and those are fine qualities in a man.
Sometimes, he lets you sit and watch while he cares for his horses; cleans their stalls and their hooves, brushes their coats, takes them out to the pasture for excercise. He speaks so calmly to them, firm voice when they disobey him and soft when they are skittish or scared, and there is something so endearing about it. You wonder if he will speak to you in the same way once you're married. Harsh when you disappoint him, but gentle when he lies on top of you at night. You'd like that, you think.
Right now, Abraham doesn't speak to you at all. It is not too out the ordinary, as he isn't particularly talkative in the first place, but you had hoped that being alone with you might loosen him up a little. Instead, it seems to have had the opposite effect, and for the past twenty minutes or so, he has occupied himself with throwing pebbles and broken bits of plaster at a glass jar on the floor.
Not the most riveting pastime - but it does give you an idea.
"How about we make a game of it" you suggest, when the silence has become so deafening you can hardly bear it. "Best of five. If you win, I'll bring you lunch tomorrow - anything you want."
"Yea?" Abraham hums, looking up and right at you, clearly intrigued.
"And If I win - " you pause, a deep scarlet blush creeping up your neck. "If I win, I want a kiss".
"No" he says, right away and with a stern expression, his mouth forming a thin line.
"Just one -"
"No" he repeats, but it's a little softer this time, and he gives you a cocky half-smile. "You'll get one soon enough, don't you worry about that".
"But I won't win" you try. "You know I won't. Or" - you eye him teasingly- "do you really think you might loose to a girl?"
It's the same argument you would use against your little brother, and when Abraham's face settles into something very offended, you can hardly believe it actually worked. But all boys are the same apparently, even when they're grown men. Always have something to prove to the world and themselves and each other.
"I win - " he grumbles, "you bring lunch every day, rest of the week. And your mum's cider."
It's Wednesday today. Four days isn't a lot, you can manage that. There's not much cider left, but Mum will understand, she'll be happy to know that you're taking good care of your soon-to-be husband.
"Alright then" you nod. "You go first."
The odds are against you, because Abraham has had plenty of time to practice already, something you forgot to consider when you issued the challenge. But you are determined put up a good fight, not only because you ache to know what kissing is like, but also because you want to know what Abraham is like. If he's rough or gentle. If he's a passionate lover, or someone who just wants you to lie still and be quiet when he performs his marital duties.
As expected, his first stone goes straight into the glass; yours unfortunately bounces off the side of it. But then Abraham narrowly misses his second one, while yours actually hits the intended target. It gives you at least a glimmer of hope.
And then, something happens. Something very strange.
Abraham picks a rather large stone, but he overshoots by just a little and it lands on the dusty floor.
And the next one does too. And the one after that.
It must be on purpose, it must be. But his face betrays nothing at all, only the same disgruntled expression he always wears, and soon there's only one pebble left. Your very last one, and it lands in the glass with a loud plink.
"I won" you state, in complete disbelief, and the corners of Abraham's mouth twitch up a little.
"Looks like it, yea"
You eye him with suspicion. "But you hit - you got four in a row just before we started -".
"Beginner's luck" he shrugs, rising to his feet and brushing his hands on his trousers. When you hesitate, he cocks his head. "C'mere".
You do not need to be told twice, instantly flitting to his side and tilting up your face like you've seen ladies do in the movies. Abraham breathes deeply, and he places his hands on your waist to pull you closer. He smells nice, like fresh rain and firewood and a little bit like damp wool. You close your eyes.
"You ever kissed a man before?" he murmurs, so close that you can feel his warm breath fanning over your face.
You shake your head - of course you haven't.
There's no response to that, only calloused hands touching your face, Abraham's nose brushing your temple. He bends his head, and when he presses his lips to yours, you are not prepared for how soft they are, and how warm, and how gentle. His mouth opens slightly, his tongue slipping just past your lips, and then he releases your face and pulls back.
"There" he mutters, but you are not ready to part from him yet. Your hands cling to his jacket and your eyes are heavy and hooded when they flutter open.
"Again" you breathe.
He shouldn't, he really shouldn't, you are absolutely not allowed to do such things before the wedding. But Abraham is a young man, and since your engagement was officially agreed upon, he has surprisingly managed to stay out of trouble - mostly, at least - and away from neglected young housewives and the reverend's shapely daughters. It has been... a while since he last touched a girl, and you are the prettiest little thing, with your wet, parted lips and your hair frizzed from the rain. How could he possibly resist when you're looking up at him like that, begging for more?
Your first kiss was sweet and demure, but this time, Abraham wraps both arms around your waist and runs his hands up your back. He nibbles at your lower lip before he slides his tongue into your mouth, deeper this time, so he can brush it against your own. When you mewl it goes straight to his crotch, and he deepens the kiss, tilting your head to the side with a finger under your chin.
You mustn't, you shouldn't, you can't, but your body is burning with want, and you think Abraham's must be too. He's holding you closer, letting his hands wander over your body, your hips, your waist, the small of your back. They move to squeeze your bottom, and when he pushes his hips forward, there's something hard poking at your stomach.
It sends a jolt of excitement down your spine.
In theory, you know what a man looks like under his clothes. The men work outside in the summer, and many take off their shirts and roll up the legs of their trousers in the heat. But you have never seen a man fully naked, and you have never felt a man's body pressed up against you like this. Abraham's chest is hard, and his shoulders are broad, and his arms feel so strong when they're wrapped around you. He moves to kiss just below your ear, and you take the opportunity to let your hands roam tentatively over his chest and his stomach, even reaching under his jacket to feel the warmth of his skin through his shirt.
It's nice, but it isn't enough to satisfy your curiosity. You want to touch him there.
Abraham breaks the kiss when he feels your hand inching towards his crotch, but he doesn't stop you. Just looks at you stunned, with darkened eyes and a slight flush across his handsome nose. His... his - cock is straining in his pants, and you brush your fingers over the bulge, feeling how he hardens even more at your touch. It is clumsy and inexperienced, but Abraham still closes his eyes, and his hand comes down to cover yours and press it harder against him.
It feels good for him, despite your lack of practice; you can tell. You cup his crotch, and he lets out a sharp breath and bucks right into your palm. You tilt your face up again to kiss along his jaw as you rub him through his trousers, feeling how he swells and throbs from your touch, until he suddenly swats your hand away.
You worry that you have overstepped, or done something that hurt him, but he leans over you, and tugs at your hips - to pull you down with him, you realise. Right down to the floor, although he is at least gallant enough to shrug of his jacket and lay you on that, rather than directly on the ground.
Immediately, he starts on the buttons of your coat, almost ripping the garment open to part it from your chest. His hands greedily palm your breasts, covered only by your dress and the brassiere underneath, and he squeezes your flesh; pinches your nipples through the fabric and rolls them under his thumbs. They stiffen from his touch and he leans over you and brushes his mouth against your chest, even latching onto one pert nipple, sucking and biting until your dress is wet from his spit.
It makes you whine with both pleasure and pain, and surprise too. You have never been touched like this before, never felt wanted like this before. Abraham's eyes are dark with lust, and it is almost frightening how determined he looks when he hooks a hand under each of your knees to push them apart.
You gasp when he lays over you. His body is warm, and heavy, and it feels so right to lie like this underneath him, caged in by his arms and with your thighs spread wide around his hips. His cock is big and hard and he presses the thick bulge between your legs, and grunts softly at the feeling. You can't help but wonder how many girls have been underneath him before, because he's so unabashed in the way he pushes his hips against yours, so eager when he starts rocking back and forth, clearly mimicking... other things.
Your hands cling to his shirt and you arch up to kiss him again, sighing when catches your lip between his teeth. They don't kiss like this in the movies. At least not in the ones you have seen. Your mouth is wide open, and Abraham is absolutely devouring it, licking your lips, shoving his tongue all the way to the back of your throat. It is rough and needy, and there's a trail of spit between you when he pulls back to catch his breath.
If someone found out, you'd be in so much trouble. Abraham is on you, and his cock is stiff, and he is moving so intimately against you, but you can't bring yourself to stop him. It feels wonderful, having his weight on top of you, having his hard cock pressed against your center. His bulge is big and hard and heavy between your thighs, and he's groaning as he rubs it against you, rolling his hips steadily, rhythmically. As though he was really inside you, and you are not sure if it's on purpose or pure instinct, or maybe a bit of both.
It has you swooning, just thinking about it. How badly he must want you, how needy he must feel, his cock all hard and swollen and his balls so full of his - his come. The thought of it makes you sigh, makes you feel soaking wet, makes that tingling warmth spread even faster in your loins. There are so many things are happening in your body; the kissing, the rubbing, the pressure between your legs - God you've never felt anything like it. You squirm underneath him and spread your thighs wider.
it makes Abraham groan, your hands on his chest and the way your hips are bucking and circling against his cock, and fuck he'll go crazy if you keep making those noises, those soft little whimpers. His cock is pulsing and his balls are pulled tight, and seeing your face all twisted with pleasure has him leaking already.
Truthfully, it was Pal's idea that he should pursue you, just like it was Pal who first spoke to your father on his behalf - but as you are a sweet and pretty girl, Abraham could see no reason why he shouldn't go along with it. He is a grown man, and a grown man needs a wife, and he likes looking at your legs when you help your mother with the laundry. Especially when you wear that grey dress that is a little too tight around your hips. Once you're married he will buy you a brand new one, and a nice pair of shoes with a little heel, and you'll be such a pretty little wife, cooking his meals and washing his clothes and giving him kisses when he comes home.
He moves faster, pressing his hard bulge even tighter against you, and you can feel something building in your body, though you are only barely aware of what it is. Your muscles are tightening and tensing up, desperate for a release that you instinctively know how to find, and you arch your hips up and rub frantically against Abraham's cock. You need more, more friction, more pressure just there, and you hook a leg over his back so you can push up better. Abraham lets you chase your peak, even helps you along by sliding his hand underneath your bottom to press you tighter against him. He is utterly mesmerised by the sight, your blissful expression as you shamelessly use his body for your own pleasure, sighing and whimpering and grinding your little cunt so desperately against him.
When he kisses you again, all the tension breaks.
You gasp, and Abraham watches you intently as a series of tiny little shivers run through your body. A very gentle climax - your first, by the looks of it. You writhe and moan beneath him, and when the waves of your orgasm settle, you are all blushed and looking up at him with glazed, love-struck eyes.
He could probably coax you into sleeping with him right now if he wanted to, but in a - frankly rare - moment of chivalry, he decides against it. You're a sweet girl, saving yourself for marriage and all. Your first time should be somewhere nicer than in this cold, filthy shed.
One way or another though, he will make you finish him off properly, and he sits back on his heels and quickly unbuckles his belt. Abraham's cock is impressive in size, and he is very proud of it; always enjoys the look of amazement on a girl's face when he frees it from his trousers.
You look equal parts intrigued and horrified. It is much bigger than you had anticipated, long, pink and bulbous at the tip, and he boldly gives it a few quick tugs as you watch. Even in his hand it looks massive, and you wonder how on earth it'll ever fit inside you, but that is an issue for another day, because Abraham mutters here and reaches for your hand. Your fingers wrap cautiously around his shaft, and it is hard, stiff, and yet so soft at the same time. You have no idea what to do, but Abraham's hand closes over yours, guiding the strength of your grip and the pace of your strokes.
It turns out that pleasing a man is not difficult at all. All you have to do is move your hand up and down, dragging the skin over the tip of his cock and back down again in a quick and firm rhythm. Abraham dips his head into the crook of your neck, and his hands come up to fondle your breasts, his teeth gritted and his eyes squeezed shut. You quickly grow more comfortable with the motion, and you slip your other hand between his legs to fondle his balls too - carefully, as you know that is a very delicate area for a man. They feel big, and hairy, and heavy in your hand, and he moans when you squeeze them lightly, trying your best to massage them in a way that gives him pleasure.
It would seem that you succeed, because it isn't long before Abraham's body tenses and his balls tighten right in your grip.
" - gonna come" he grunts, and you can't help but hold your breath in anticipation.
Abraham groans, and his cock pulses in your hand, and then his semen starts spurting from the tip. There's so much of it, spilling all over your fingers in thick, sticky ropes, and you keep stroking him through his peak, taking in his ragged breaths, the shallow jerks of his hips, the deep furrow of his brow. It is the loveliest thing you've ever laid eyes on, and when he stills your hand and collapses next to you on the floor, your chest swells with pride. You made him do that.
"Fuck" he pants. There's a lock of hair sticking to his forehead, and you are dying to reach over and gently brush it back, but you are too shy to be so familiar.
"Was it good?" you ask instead, hoping for praise or maybe a nice compliment, but Abraham just gives a hoarse laugh as he tucks his cock back into his trousers. You look away. Despite what you did just a moment ago, looking at it now feels terribly indecent.
Outside, the rain has stopped, the wind has died down, and it is high time for you to return home. You wipe your hand clean with a handkerchief - you can rinse it in the stream on the way back - and turn away from him as you smooth out your skirt and button your coat.
"What do you want" Abraham asks suddenly. "For your wedding gift. What do you want?"
Immediately, you start going through all the lists in your head - there are a hundred things to consider when setting up a new household, clothes and dishware and furnishing, and the little hope chest under your bed is already filled to the brim.
"Well-" you begin, "I'll get linens from my mother, and you already have the stove sorted, and Cora said we could have her old cast iron skillet, but we should probably start saving for a -"
"No" he interrupts, impatiently. "Forget all that, what do you want from me"
He looks sheepish and uncomfortable and it takes you a moment to realise that he is trying to be attentive - maybe even romantic.
It makes you want to throw your arms around his neck.
"I don't know" you mutter, blushing all over again. "I haven't thought about it - you don't have to give me anything"
"I'll get you something. Something pretty, yea?" he grins, wide enough that his cheeks crease and dimple - God, he's awfully charming sometimes, when he wants to be.
You blush even deeper, picking at your nails and responding with an awkward yes, yeah alright.
Abraham doesn't say anything after that, already back to his usual sullen demeanor - but right before the door closes behind you, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you back to kiss you right on the mouth.
You make your way back home, warm all over from the kiss and the excitement and the lingering heat in your core. And maybe a little bit just from the very thought of Abraham himself.
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I have never posted fics to tumblr before, please let me know if there's anything wrong with it!
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hoosbandewan · 7 months ago
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Ewan Mitchell + the angry stomp (prev)
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ewanmitchellsource · 3 months ago
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EWAN MITCHELL as ABRAHAM in Grantchester (2017)
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fan-goddess · 1 year ago
Girlish Daydreams
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A/N: I am not a member of the Romani people, nor do I know anyone who is. This whole thing is based off limited research and other fics I’ve read about his character and his culture, which I have tried to keep as accurate as I possibly could. Google is known to be misleading in searches, so If I for instance get a name wrong or use a phrase incorrectly and I offend someone, tell me what it was so I can apologise and hopefully correct it as best as I can do. I want this to be a place where someone isn’t afraid of reaching out when I have made a mistake
Pairing: Abraham x reader
Summary: You’ve never seen Abraham as a husband, let alone a person worth thinking of. Yet his sudden new involvement in your life may have you thinking differently not just about him, but about everything you’ve ever thought about
The story Taglist: @omgbrcat @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity @anjelicawrites @lexwolfhale
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Chapter One: A child’s dream
Chapter Two: A change of heart
Chapter Three: Before and now
Chapter Four: A new kind of promise
Chapter Five: Loving your husband
The Epilogue: Where’d all the time go…
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barbieaemond · 1 year ago
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Ewan Mitchell as Abraham in Grantchester
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thought--bubble · 1 year ago
All the things you promised
Abraham X (Best Friend Reader)
Warnings after the cut
Word Count:2546
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Abraham Masterlist
Full Masterlist
Banners and Dividers by @arcielee
Header by @zaldritzosrose
Based on THIS request
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Warnings:: Cheating, Breeding Kink, unprotected PinV, virginity loss.
You stand proudly next to Andrei as your father announces your engagement in front of everyone at dinner.
You're elated. Andrei is sweet and charming, and you were hoping he would eventually ask your father for his blessing.
You had nearly given up hope when finally your father came to you to let you know of Andrei's intentions and ask your opinion on the matter to which you smiled and approved.
You realize now, though, as you stand before all of your family and friends that you missed one very important step in all of this. You did not tell your best friend before the announcement.
No, he had to find out here and now with everyone else. The look of shock on his face and the way he quickly turns and exits make it clear. That was an error.
You hop down from next to Andrei and scramble to find him.
"Abraham!?" You call out as soon as you get outside. Your head swings wildly from side to side, your eyes scanning each farmhouse, stable, and open space before you.
You huff in annoyance when you can't locate him. "Abraham?!" You yell out again. He just came out here. There is no way he can't hear you. Is he ignoring you? No he wouldn't do that.
You don't want to wander too far since it's dark, so you sigh once more before turning to go back inside where everyone is eating. Unaware of the pair of angry blue eyes that watch you from the darkness.
The blue eyes that avoid you from here on out.
The next day, you look high and low for Abraham. You go to all the spots you think he may be working at, you ask around, and no one seems to know where he is. He doesn't come around your wagon once, which is odd. He usually checks in on you at least once each day. Even on his busiest days.
This trend continues over the next few days, quickly becoming a week. You finally see him again, cutting wood and attempt to speak to him, but the moment you get close, he leaves.
Your heart sinks into your stomach as he continues walking away from you as you call his name. Even as you chase him. It's as if he is on auto pilot, and his only goal is to get as far away from you as possible.
With a bruised ego, you give up. You decide to give him some time. Obviously, he is mad that you didn't tell him about the engagement. Maybe he needs just a bit longer to cool off.
You try to be patient, but as the cooling off period stretches across another two weeks, you begin to lose hope.
You decide to search for him again. At this point, you are angry, too. Why wouldn't he just talk to you? Explain why he is so upset? Allow you to apologize? You know he isn't one to get all sensitive or in his feelings, but the least he could do is attempt to speak to you.
These thoughts swirl through your mind as you stomp angrily through the encampment, looking once again in each of the places you think he may be until you finally spot him, brushing a horse in the stables. His eyes staring off in the distance.
"There you are, you mangy mutt." You chuckle, attempting to sound light-hearted. "I've been looking for ya. As I know you are aware."
He stays silent, his eyes still trained toward the nothingness in the distance.
You sigh and pinch your nose in frustration. "Abraham. What is wrong? Is this about the engagement? I meant to tell you, really I did, but things moved quickly"
He grunts and puts the brush down, gently patting the horse on the back before turning to leave the stables.
"Do you plan to just ignore me then? Until the end of days?" Your annoyance and anger are evident in your tone
He lowers his head, his back still turned to you.
Finally, he speaks, weeks without hearing his voice have made you feel tender at the sound. The anger and annoyance start to fade, and you're left with your hurt and longing.
"Then talk to me. Look at me! Something." you take two small tentative steps toward him. Your heart beats in your chest loudly, adrenaline causing your hands to shake, yet you keep on.
"Abraham, please" You step even closer still, just about close enough to touch him.
"Stop" he near whispers, a painful edge to his voice.
You freeze in place. "I can't lose you. Not over this" Your voice is strained, your heartbreak woven into every syllable. You know he doesn't like Andrei, but you could never imagine the announcement of your engagement would push him this far away.
"Don't touch me. If... if you touch me...." He keeps his face angled away from you as his voice starts to crack.
You sigh softly, and you decide right then and there. He won't push you away anymore. You won't allow it.
You reach your hand out and touch his shoulder, and he bristles instantly before he turns around to face you. Those steely blue eyes meeting yours for the first time in weeks.
"Did you consider me?" He asks sharply. "Even once?"
You're slightly taken aback by his aggressive demeanor but swallow back your frustration so that you can answer him. "Of course I considered how you would feel about this" you start but are abruptly cut off as Abraham paces toward you.
"No. Did you ever consider ME? " he asks again. You can feel his breath on your cheek as he brings his face up to yours, whispering in your ear. "Was I ever your choice?"
Your face heats up, and your chest tightens at the question. You had always thought of Abraham as your friend. Someone you trusted and depended on.
"I....I ....." You stumble over your own tongue at a complete loss for words.
His eyes scan your face and start to darken with each passing second. "No. You didn't, " he turns from you again.
"You never gave any indication!" You desperately yell out to his back, and it's true. Never once had he let any intentions be known. You had assumed this was because he simply did not see you that way, and you had accepted that fact a very long time ago.
He again stops without turning back towards you, so you continue on.
"I heard you. Talk about Luella. Some of the others. You never did speak about me that way"
He growls, his back still turned. "I could never speak about you that way." He turns back toward you his lips pursed. "You don't speak about a wife like that."
You take in a sharp breath and avert your eyes.
"But now... you will not be my wife. " There is a mischievous glint in his eye, and he cracks a slight smile.
The presence of a smile on his face has you confused. As you arch a brow at him, he rushes toward you, pulling you tightly in his arms.
"Abe!" You push slightly against his chest, but he pays you no mind as he lifts you off of your feet and walks you further into the stables and away from prying eyes.
"He won't have what's mine," He grumbles as he places you back down on your feet in the furthest most part of the stables.
"Abraham...." You say your voice slightly trembling. From fear or anticipation, you weren't entirely sure.
His eyes lift and meet yours for just a moment before his lips crash down on yours, his large, rough hands tightly grasping at the sides of your head. He prods at your lips with his tongue begging for entry of which you against your better judgment grant him.
Abraham grunts into your mouth as he explores with his tongue all the while pushing your body further and further backwards until you feel the solid surface of the wooden wall against your back.
He starts to shuffle your dress up towards your hips, never breaking the kiss. You pull away slightly, meaning to protest. You know this is wrong, but Abraham quickly brings his mouth back down to yours and mumbles against your lips. "He won't have what's mine"
He begins to trail kisses along your jaw and down your neck, gently licking and nibbling at the skin as he moves.
The heat starts to pool in your belly at his rough touch, his calloused fingertips gripping at the soft flesh of your thigh under your skirts.
"Abe......" You say breathlessly between kisses.
He only grunts and brings his hand further up your thigh before cupping your ass and playing with the hem of your knickers.
"You were always meant to be mine." He whispers with a voice that is uncharacteristically soft.
He slides his hand between your legs, applying pressure to your pearl as you gasp.
"Already sopping," he chuckles into your ear, "and I've barely touched you"
He removes his hand quickly, spinning you around to face the wall and rucks your skirt up around your hips.
"He won't have what's mine," he growls again, pulling your underwear down your legs quickly and helping you step out of them.
Your mind is in overdrive and moving on instinct. You grip the post that runs through the middle of the wall before you, as Abraham reaches one hand between your legs and grips your hip harshly with the other.
You lean your head back and close your eyes, taking in all the sensations as his rough fingertips stroke your pearl.
"You're considerin' me now," He whispers breathlessly into your ear. You clench at the sound as you feel a tightening in your lower stomach.
"Oh my...... Abe!" Your fingernails dig into the wood of the beam you're holding when Abe pulls his fingers from your pearl and instead slowly slides one into your heat.
Your eyes open wide at the intrusion, while your body quickly responds, your hips bucking lightly. You try to ignore the embarrassment you feel at the sounds emanating from your lower body as he continues his ministrations when he suddenly slips a second finger in.
"Abe too much too much." You jolt slightly at the uncomfortable stretch.
"You'll get used to it. Gotta get you ready, " he says in between husky breaths, although he slightly slows his pace.
"Ready?" You huff, he chuckles again before removing his hand.
"Think you're about as ready as you're gonna get." You can hear him moving behind you, the soft clink of his belt ringing in your ears.
Your mind tells you to stop this now before it goes too far, but your body stands still. Legs spread, back bent and hands holding the post. Exposed and vulnerable before his eyes.
You take a sharp inhale as you feel the tip of his cock sliding against your slick folds and over your clit.
"Try not to be too loud" is the last thing he says before he brings his cock back up to your entrance and slowly starts to breech your walls, the stretch slightly painful yet satisfying.
You attempt to heed his warning and pant quietly, but as he continues to push farther you can't help but whimper.
He leans down, slightly pressing his chest to your back and pushing your hair over your shoulder.
"It will pass," he coos gently before kissing down the back of your neck, the feeling soothing.
He continues pushing, the stretch and the sting becoming less and less uncomfortable until his hips are pressed tightly against your ass.
He gives you a moment, not a long moment, but a moment to acclimate to his size before he starts to move, slowly at first but quickly gaining speed as the painful stretch is replaced with a comfortable fullness, that knot in your stomach beginning to tighten once again.
"He won't marry ya. Not when you're carrying my child. " He grunts his pace, still picking up speed.
You're unable to respond to his words. The pressure between your legs, growing nearly unbearable.
You reach down between your thighs to rub your pearl, the need so strong you can feel your heart beating in your nub.
Abraham quickly pushes your hand away, instead bringing his rough fingertips back over your clit and starts rubbing in small, determined circles over the nerve.
Your body grows tense as you feel your pleasure reach its ultimate high. Your entire body shuddering and clenching.
"Ahhh!" You screech out as your orgasm moves through you in waves.
Urged on by your climax, Abraham wraps his arms around you, standing you up nearly straight as he thrusts up into you harshly.
"He won't have what's mine," he snarls again, breathing heavily into your ear. "You'll leave here just as much mine as you ever were"
Abraham continues to thrust into you, one hand on your hip, the other around your throat.
"I'm gonna fill you, right now." his thrusts grow sloppier and more desperate as he nears his own climax. "Tell me you want it, tell me to do it," he demands, pistoning himself into your heat harshly, the muscles in his thighs growing tight from the exertion.
"Do it. Please, " You whimper "fill me"
He sighs in satisfaction and thrusts only twice more before you feel the warmth of his seed spread within your womb.
He stands there holding you tight to him as he rides out his high, his body slightly twitching with the aftershocks of his heightened pleasure.
After a few minutes, he pulls out and releases you. You stumble forward, nearly falling head first into the wooden post you had been gripping so tightly earlier.
Abraham catches you and stands you upright. He wordlessly fetches for knickers, helping you to slide them back on.
You stand bewildered before him not sure what to make of the moment.
"Go tell your father and Andrei you have to end the engagement," he says sternly while pulling his suspender straps back up over his shoulders.
"It.... it's not that simple. " You stutter out the words. You know, in good conscience, you couldn't marry Andrei now, and you didn't want to. Now that you know what it's like to be with Abraham.
"It is. Tell them you're pregnant by another man. Your father will give us his blessing. He'll have no choice" he states plainly, as if it is the most obvious thing in the world.
"But I'm not......." You trail off knowing that you could be after what just happened, yet you couldn't be sure for quite some time.
"Trust me." He leans in pressing his forehead to yours briefly before stepping away from you and moving to leave the stables.
"Where are you going?" You call out after him, not wanting your moment to be over.
"To do my work," he smiles back at you. "Now you go do yours!"
With that, he exits the stables, a large grin plastered across his face as he mutters one last thing under his breath.
"He won't have what's mine."
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To be added to taglists see HERE
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ewanmitchelldaily · 11 months ago
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EWAN MITCHELL as ABRAHAM in Grantchester S3E05
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yoursweetheartsrevenge · 2 months ago
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This blog is exclusively 18+. Minors do not interact.
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You stumble across a woman as typical as any writer should be. She is steaming with stories to write and tales to tell. It's all smut, angst, darkness, and the occasion fluff piece.
Hello. I'm Cecilia. Mid 30s. Literate Bitch living on the East Coast of America. I am just getting back into writing again. Ewanverse characters are my main squeeze, but may dabble with more fandoms in the future. I also occasionally write Aegon II Targaryen fics.
My inbox is always open for chatting and now open for requests! See guidelines located here.
This is a side blog. My main blog is @thewhisperedone You get a follow from her it is but me in a former life.
Cross post all my stories here - My AO3
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Aemond Targaryen - Canon - HOTD
When You Were Mine - 1/1 - aemond x madam sylvi's daughter - COMPLETE 🔥💝💘
On A Dark Stormy Night You Awaken - 1/1 - aegon II x reader x aemond - COMPLETE 🔥🔥🔥
Blood of My Blood - 1/? - aemond x ofc - outlander inspired - WIP 💘🔥💀
Aemond Targaryen - Modern AU - HOTD
Your Blood, My Love - 5/? - vampire!aemond x ofc - WIP 💀💘🔥
The Academic - 1/1 - modern aemond x librarian - COMPLETE 💀🔥
Ettore - High Life
Disease - 12/12 - ettore x ex gf - COMPLETE 🔥💀💘
Tom Bennett - World on Fire
Thick as Thieves - 3/? - tom bennett x ofc - WIP 💘💝🔥
Will - Salad Days
Never Again - 1/1 - will x fem!hostage - COMPLETE 💘💀🔥
Michael Gavey - Saltburn
Stressors -1/1 - michael gavey x gf - COMPLETE🔥💝💘
Billy Taylor - The Halycon
Sweet Little Flower - 1/1 - billy taylor x ofc - COMPLETE 💝💘
Abraham - Grantchester
Well Bred - 1/? - abraham x ofc - WIP 🔥💘
Osferth - The Last Kingdom
Billy Washington - Trigger Point
Genyen/Shaun - BBC Doctors
Aegon II Targaryen - Canon - HOTD
In Need of Comfort - 1/1 - aegon ii & reader COMPLETE 💘💝
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ewanmitchellcrumbs · 1 year ago
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Like Real People Do
Pairing: Abraham (Grantchester) x f!reader Warnings: Allusions to smut, mild angst, mentions of pregnancy. Word count: ~2.5k
Summary: Her and Abraham have been seeing each other on the sly for the last six months. Some unexpected news makes her worry she's ruined everything between them. Based on this request.
Author's note: No tag list. Please follow @fics-by-ewanmitchellcrumbs and turn on post notifications. Community labels are for cops.
She gasps as she feels Cora’s hands gently squeeze her breasts through her blouse.
“Sorry, love,” the dark haired, older woman smiles at her apologetically, “it’s one of the only ways I can know for certain. Might be worth you seeing a doctor though, just to be sure.”
“No!” She shakes her head vehemently. “No doctors. If mum finds out she’ll kill me.”
“Seems to me you’re not far along, but give it another month or two and you’re gonna start to show. You can’t hide it forever,” Cora tells her softly. “Does Abraham know?”
Feeling tears prickle at her eyes, she lowers her head, inhaling shakily. “N-no,” she replies, her voice wobbling. “God, Cora, what am I gonna do? Please don’t say anything.”
Cora sighs, stepping forward and pulling her into a tight hug. “I’ll pop some water on to boil and we’ll have a nice cup of tea. That always makes everything better.”
The Romani people had arrived into Grantchester six months ago, setting up camp on Mr. Ruskin’s land. They’d kept to themselves and caused no trouble, so there had been no rush from the farmer to move them on, especially when they were paying him good money to make use of his stables for their horses.
She had been enamoured with Abraham from the moment she’d laid eyes upon him. His intense blue stare and the way it had dragged slowly down her form from top to bottom then back up again had made her skin feel hot.
He felt impossibly tell as he’d approached her and introduced himself, a lopsided smirk upon his sharp, handsome features. From the way her heart raced as she’d told him her name she’d known instantly she was in trouble. She was going to fall hard for this man, and she had.
It was a warm summer’s evening, the sun hanging low and vibrantly orange on the horizon as they’d walked to the top of the grassy hill that overlooked the village, settling down onto its grassy bank.
“I like it up here,” she’d told him, “I come here when I’m feeling sad or worried. Nice to pull my head out of the clouds by being close to ‘em, y’know?”
He’d raised an eyebrow at her, that trademark smirk reappearing and she’d felt for certain he was going to make fun of her, until she’d felt the weight of his arm around her shoulder. It had made excitement flutter in her stomach.
“Pretty girl like you shouldn’t ever feel sad or worried,” he’d told her, pulling a brown glass bottle from his inner jacket pocket and holding it up to her, “Pal’s ginger wine, fancy a swig?”
She’d giggled, accepting the bottle from him and uncorking it before taking a drink. It had burned the back of her throat as she’d swallowed, making her eyes go wide as she’d covered her mouth with the back of her hand, coughing and spluttering.
Abraham had laughed, taking the bottle back off of her and rubbing her back. “Yeah, it’s a bit on the strong side. Go easy with it.”
They had shared their first kiss that evening, and the ginger wine tasted so much sweeter upon his lips than it had from the bottle. His lips pressed against hers firmly, yet felt soft against her own as he’d threaded his fingers into her hair, their breaths heavy as his tongue had slipped against her own.
Every night after that had been filled with his presence, his large hands wandering over her curves as their mouths had moved together.
When he’d pressed inside of her for the first time, as they’d laid against a blanket on the hay, she’d winced slightly, tensing up at the uncomfortable sting. He moved with such self assuredness that she couldn’t help but feel a pang of jealousy, acrid and bitter in her chest. How many girls had there been before her?
Her worries were immediately pacified the moment he’d sensed her discomfort and pulled back slightly to look her in the eye, his palm cupping her cheek. “Is this your first time?” He’d asked quietly.
She nodded, embarrassment heating her skin, and averted her gaze with shame.
Abraham had grasped her chin between thumb and forefinger, brushing the tip of her nose with his. “Good,” he’d whispered, “that means you’re mine.”
He had kissed her passionately, his movements inside of her slow and gentle.
God, I love you, she’d thought, and every day since then the feeling had intensified.
It had been half a year of bliss, and she had been too wrapped up in her whirlwind romance with her handsome traveller to take any notice when she’d missed her monthly bleed the first time. However, when a second month had passed without any sign of it she had noticed and grown worried. Her breasts felt tender and she was more tired than usual.
The thought of telling her parents she might be pregnant had terrified her, she was sure they’d disown her. Cora was a kind, motherly figure of the Romani people’s camp and had always been welcoming to her, she had felt like the safest option.
Now as she sits opposite her, her hands cradling the comforting warmth of a cup of tea, she knows she’s made the right choice.
“I can’t tell Abe,” says quietly, figures stroking against the delicate china of her tea cup. “We’ve never even said I love you. He won’t want a baby with me, I was just a bit of fun until you all move on again.”
Cora tuts, pushing a plate of biscuits towards her. “You do both of you a disservice. That boy loves the bones of you, anyone can see that. Tell him.”
“What if he finishes with me?” She asks worriedly, her eyes big as she stares across the table at her.
“Then I’ll give him a bloody good clip round the ear,” Cora quips, snatching up a custard cream from the plate.
She feels lighter as she steps out of the caravan, more prepared to deal with the burden she has to bear. Filled with courage from Cora’s words, she makes her way towards the stables, knowing that’s where she’s most likely to find Abraham at this time of day.
Hearing voices as she gets closer, she pauses, listening intently to the conversation, keeping herself out of sight.
“So you’ll be ready for us to make a move once this thoroughbred’s sold then?” She hears Pal ask.
“Yeah,” comes Abraham’s response, “she’s fast, so she’ll sell quick.”
“And what about your missus, is she alright with all of this?”
“She’s a good girl,” Abraham says, “easy going, she’ll give us no trouble.”
Her heart lurches in her chest, her throat feeling tight and she turns and walks quickly away in the direction of home.
She’s a good girl, easy going, she’ll give us no trouble.
The words play on a loop in her mind. Abraham’s easy summer fling, one that will give him no hassle when it comes time for him to abandon her and move on to the next town, the next girl. Is that really all she is to him?
Hot, fat tears roll down her cheeks as she bows her head, wrapping her arms around herself, willing her feet to move faster, so she can fall apart in private. The thought that she is carrying the child of the man who plans to leave her is more than she can handle.
She shuts herself away in her bedroom for the next couple of days, feigning illness to her parents. It’s not a complete lie, the morning sickness has begun in earnest, though she is displeased to find it doesn’t have the courtesy to restrict itself simply to that time of day, and waves of nausea have her crouching over the porcelain at all hours.
This is the longest she has gone without seeing Abraham since they met, and in spite of the fact she knows their relationship is doomed to fail, she can’t help but miss him. When she’s not vomiting up the tea and toast she’s fought to keep down, she’s curled beneath her duvet, fear and sadness gnawing at her. What will she do without him? What will she do with a baby?
It’s early afternoon, and her dad is at work, her mum out running errands, when she sees the small pebble sail towards her bedroom window, dinging loudly off of the glass as it makes contact before falling away again.
She feels a rush of excitement as she looks out to see Abraham standing on the path below, looking up at her. Despite everything she cannot help what she feels for him, can’t deny the effect he has on her. He gestures for her to come down, brow furrowed slightly in concern.
Dread forms a hollow pit in her belly. Has he come to tell her he’s moving on, to end things? She is not sure her heart can take hearing him say the words to her, yet she slips on her shoes and goes outside anyway.
Abraham moves to embrace her, but pauses, stepping back as she hovers by the front door. “Your mum and dad in?”
She shakes her head and he visibly relaxes, posture becoming less rigid as he reaches out and takes her hand.
“Not seen you for a few days,” he tells her, “everything alright?”
She stares at where their hands join together, then up at his face and suddenly it feels as though she can’t breathe. She doesn’t want this to be her final memory of his touch, the clasp of his hand in hers as he breaks her heart. 
Snatching her arm back, she swallows thickly, ignoring the way his eyes widen and his lips part slightly in apparent shock. “No. No, I’m not alright,” she says, voice wobbling.
Tell him.
She can’t. She doesn’t want the reason he stays to be because she has trapped him by falling pregnant. She wants to be enough for him, but the fact that he has her and wants to leave anyway tells all she needs to know; she isn’t.
She presses on, not giving him the chance to interrupt her. “I heard you and Pal in the stables the other day. I know you’re leaving, I just wish you’d had the decency to tell me sooner. So, if you’ve come here to finish with me, I don’t wanna hear it. I know. Spare me.”
Her breathing is laboured by the time she finishes speaking and she’s crying once more.
Abraham steps forward, his own eyes watery as he reaches for her. “Please, I–”
“Don’t,” she chokes out, before spotting her mum coming from the end of the lane.
Abraham follows her line of sight and stuffs his hands into his pockets, walking quickly away in the opposite direction, as she steps back into the house. She slams the front door and runs up the stairs to muffle her tears into her pillow. She doesn’t emerge for the rest of the day, falling into an uneasy sleep.
It has been four days since she overheard Abraham and Pal’s conversation, three days since she left the house, and the walls are beginning to feel as though they’re closing in on her. She is desperate to get outside, to breathe in fresh air and clear her mind and body of the heartache that plagues her.
She heads for her favourite hill. The climb feeling more tiring than it usually does, a side effect of her being pregnant she supposes. She wonders if she will have to stop coming here altogether as she gets bigger. The thought makes her sad. She is losing everything she loves.
The tickle of the grass against the backs of her legs as she sits down, coupled with the gentle breeze on her skin, has her closing her eyes, turning her face up towards the sun, enjoying its gentle warmth.
Staying like that for a few moments, she smiles to herself, savouring the first time her mind has been quiet since Cora confirmed her suspicions about her current condition.
She senses the sunlight darken through her eyelids and slowly opens them to see Abraham standing over her.
Her mouth turns downwards, her heart sinking.
He’s come to finish what he started.
“Alright?” He says, long limbs folding as he settles beside her on the grass.
She sighs. “Why’d you follow me here? I’ve said all I’ve gotta say.”
“Good for you,” he says, narrowing his eyes, “but I haven’t, so you’ll listen for once. I’m not leaving you. What you overheard the other day was Pal asking about me planning to bring you with us, you misunderstood.”
Tell him.
“I’m pregnant,” she blurts, acting on Cora’s advice before she has the chance to talk herself out of it.
Abraham’s eyebrows raise, his baby blues widening as he stares at her wordlessly for a moment. Time feels as though it stretches for an eternity, and she worries he’ll simply get up and walk away, but then he smiles, a wide grin that crinkles the corners of his eyes and makes them twinkle.
“Just as well I’m taking you with me when we go then,” he says, placing a hand on her knee and squeezing gently.
She sighs, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms around her middle. “You aren’t obligated to me just because you got me up the duff.”
“I know that,” he says, his hand never leaving her thigh, “but I meant what I said, I won’t leave you, baby or no baby. Look–”
He reaches into his jacket pocket, pulling out a delicate gold wedding band, and she gasps.
“This was me nanna’s. Mam held onto it, wanted to give it to her daughter. Unlucky for her, she had all boys, so she said whichever of us got married first could have it. Been carrying it round since we first kissed, I’ve always known I wanted to ask you.”
“You were gonna ask me to marry you?” She asks in disbelief.
Abraham nods. “I still am. Figured you wouldn’t wanna come with me if I didn’t make an honest woman outta you, and well…I love you.”
She sniffles, resting her head against his shoulder and he wraps his arm around her, pulling her close. “You’re not angry that I’m pregnant?” She wonders aloud.
“Not at all. It’s not happened in the order I thought it would, but that’s life, I s’pose. Just means you might look a bit fat in your wedding dress.”
She huffs a laugh, swatting at him playfully and he grins.
“So, we’re doing this then?” He asks.
“Yeah, looks like we are,” she smiles up at him.
“Good, ‘cause I wouldn’t leave without you.”
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More Abraham fics
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slytherincursebreaker · 7 months ago
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Arm wrestle with a baby.
Idk why his former Fiancée left him i mean look at him. He hot, he likes horse and he arm wrestle a little boy which is adorable and.. He's hot
Also i like drawing babies it's the cheeks
No regrets.
.. Ewan's characters in parenting
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hoosbandewan · 5 months ago
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Ewan Mitchell + profile (requested by anon! <3)
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myfandomprompts · 1 year ago
How do you think each ewan character would be like as a girl dad.
I have been dying to write prompts again (I did that in another life), and I have no time nowadays because of work, but because I am an unreasonable person apparently, I'll take great pleasure doing this headcanons!
Ewanverse!girldad headcanons
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He would be harsh with her/them. His community wouldn't really see girls in high regards and would be loving and caring only in private. He loves them, but is scared to be "too close" to them. In public he can't help but keep an eye on them though, they are his blood after all, his precious women.
Aemond Targaryen
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He would be over protective. At first, he would think that he would care only for boys, but no matter if it's his first child, or second, or tenth, he will go into dad mode and just- raise her to be the best. He would take pleasure spending evening reading High Valyrian with her, be very wary of what dresses she wears, of who she meets. He would encourage activities, would it be dragon riding or sword fighting, and whenever she would grow up to be a little rebellious he would turn mad and worry all the time she escapes the Keep or get into trouble. But he would be so proud.
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Billy Taylor
Clumsy at first. There is nothing more scary than to have a child, and have a girl of all things. He would be amazed during all the infancy, and then panick. All the time. But he would adore the moments where they would connect and spend time together. She would be as sweet as him, and would be showing her off to her mother and family proudly.
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Billy Washington
↑ This is his genuine reaction learning he'll have a girl. The minute he realises it, his mind is set on doing better, on getting all the help he needs in order to be a better person, and the best dad. There is something scary about having a girl, but he knows she'll be okay because the girls in his family are brilliant.
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What will he do with a girl? Is that the product of his obsession? Why is this different of any other girls he knows? > Because it's his daughter. On earth, he would be an awful dad (if he managed to keep her, that is), would provide but barely. Maybe send her to fetch his cigarettes or do things for him that a child shouldn't do. But in the end he would like to have her closer to him. It's his daughter, no one else's.
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Would not care, at first. Hell, what even is the point? When he sees her for the first time it's so odd, she is his, and she will grow up to resemble him. Maybe he could teach her a thing or two, who knows? How to fare for herself, how to con people. And as time passes, the more they team up, and he can't see his life without her.
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It's his babygirl. He is so lucky. She will be brilliant, how could she not be? He will protect her from the others that will look down on her, because no one deserve her anyway. They don't deserve to be in his presence. He would buy her so many books, her first computer at four, and from there just watch her grow to be as brilliant as him. And then she would crush all the category of person that looked down on him when he was himself growing up. He would be so proud.
Oh, and he would made dad jokes. All the time.
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Caring, loving. A product of the sky she is. What is more beautiful than his daughter? She is a gift, and he would protect her with his life, cherish her until she is so happy she shines. He would read to her early on, and then when she would know the psaums better than him he would have the biggest grin. He doesn't want to fight anymore, just take care of her.
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Him, a dad? Okay, he'll manage. Shouldn't be so hard, eh? But then a girl? He'll turn into someone else. Attentive, doting, a little firm but it's because he just want to protect his family, and hell how he would want to protect her. He would have an even closer relationship with her than the mother and would be so happy. She teach him how to be more responsable, because there is nothing more worth than changing for her.
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Will Will Will. Would be really lost at what to do, but then he looks and looks at her and just fall in love. Why should he not spend all the time he can with her? Would feel guilty nonetheless. What if he is not good enough? He would let the mother take care of her, but he can't stay always long. Believes she would be better without him, anyone would be actually. But life gave him this girl, he should at least try. And he won't regret it.
I excluded Jason, Jack, Poacher & car thief (SOAH)
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troublesomesnitch · 1 year ago
Abraham (Grantchester) x Reader
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Inspired by Ewanmitchellcrumb's amazing Abraham fics, in particular this one.
Contents: smut. first kiss, making out, dry humping, handjob. Porn without plot (and porn without penetration).
Warnings: arranged marriage, oldfashioned gender roles and attitudes towards sex and marriage. Abraham being dickish (but he's trying to be nicer)
Words: 3600
Purity culture and dry humping, name a more iconic duo, i'll wait.
The rain is beating hard against the tin roof.
You are huddled up against the wall, your arms wrapped tightly around your legs to keep warm. You had gone out for an afternoon walk to find some peace and quiet, and maybe pick some of the first little spring flowers, when you were suddenly caught in a torrential downpour. Not too keen on the idea of sprinting all the way home, you scrambled to take shelter in the first place you could think of: a dilapidated shed at the edge of a muddy field. The old farmer used to store tools and machinery there, but now it stands abandoned and in disrepair, full of cobwebs and mouse droppings.
If one was alone it might be quite an unnerving place, located as it is right on the border of the woods.
But you are not alone.
Abraham is sitting right across from you, dressed in his usual plaid jacket and red neckerchief, his long legs stretched out on the floor. When you stumbled inside he was already there, having sought shelter from the rain himself.
You only narrowly managed to convince him to stay.
As a young, unmarried girl, you are not supposed to be alone with men. Not even with Abraham - especially not with Abraham. The two of you will be getting married in just over a month, but the rules of courtship are strict, and every minute you spend with him must be chaperoned. Something that he has, surprisingly, taken very seriously. Maybe because his first attempt at an engagement didn't exactly work out as planned.
Still, your parents are satisfied with the match, and for the most part, you are too. Abraham is quite handsome, you think, with those splendid blue eyes, and he's just a few years older than you. A little rough around the edges, but he doesn't mind hard work, and he is good with children and animals, and those are fine qualities in a man.
Sometimes, he lets you sit and watch while he cares for his horses; cleans their stalls and their hooves, brushes their coats, takes them out to the pasture for excercise. He speaks so calmly to them, firm voice when they disobey him and soft when they are skittish or scared, and there is something so endearing about it. You wonder if he will speak to you in the same way once you're married. Harsh when you disappoint him, but gentle when he lies on top of you at night. You'd like that, you think.
Right now, Abraham doesn't speak to you at all. It is not too out the ordinary, as he isn't particularly talkative in the first place, but you had hoped that being alone with you might loosen him up a little. Instead, it seems to have had the opposite effect, and for the past twenty minutes or so, he has occupied himself with throwing pebbles and broken bits of plaster at a glass jar on the floor.
Not the most riveting pastime - but it does give you an idea.
"How about we make a game of it" you suggest, when the silence has become so deafening you can hardly bear it. "Best of five. If you win, I'll bring you lunch tomorrow - anything you want."
"Yea?" Abraham hums, looking up and right at you, clearly intrigued.
"And If I win - " you pause, a deep scarlet blush creeping up your neck. "If I win, I want a kiss".
"No" he says, right away and with a stern expression, his mouth forming a thin line.
"Just one -"
"No" he repeats, but it's a little softer this time, and he gives you a cocky half-smile. "You'll get one soon enough, don't you worry about that".
"But I won't win" you try. "You know I won't. Or" - you eye him teasingly- "do you really think you might loose to a girl?"
It's the same argument you would use against your little brother, and when Abraham's face settles into something very offended, you can hardly believe it actually worked. But all boys are the same apparently, even when they're grown men. Always have something to prove to the world and themselves and each other.
"I win - " he grumbles, "you bring lunch every day, rest of the week. And your mum's cider."
It's Wednesday today. Four days isn't a lot, you can manage that. There's not much cider left, but Mum will understand, she'll be happy to know that you're taking good care of your soon-to-be husband.
"Alright then" you nod. "You go first."
The odds are against you, because Abraham has had plenty of time to practice already, something you forgot to consider when you issued the challenge. But you are determined put up a good fight, not only because you ache to know what kissing is like, but also because you want to know what Abraham is like. If he's rough or gentle. If he's a passionate lover, or someone who just wants you to lie still and be quiet when he performs his marital duties.
As expected, his first stone goes straight into the glass; yours unfortunately bounces off the side of it. But then Abraham narrowly misses his second one, while yours actually hits the intended target. It gives you at least a glimmer of hope.
And then, something happens. Something very strange.
Abraham picks a rather large stone, but he overshoots by just a little and it lands on the dusty floor.
And the next one does too. And the one after that.
It must be on purpose, it must be. But his face betrays nothing at all, only the same disgruntled expression he always wears, and soon there's only one pebble left. Your very last one, and it lands in the glass with a loud plink.
"I won" you state, in complete disbelief, and the corners of Abraham's mouth twitch up a little.
"Looks like it, yea"
You eye him with suspicion. "But you hit - you got four in a row just before we started -".
"Beginner's luck" he shrugs, rising to his feet and brushing his hands on his trousers. When you hesitate, he cocks his head. "C'mere".
You do not need to be told twice, instantly flitting to his side and tilting up your face like you've seen ladies do in the movies. Abraham breathes deeply, and he places his hands on your waist to pull you closer. He smells nice, like fresh rain and firewood and a little bit like damp wool. You close your eyes.
"You ever kissed a man before?" he murmurs, so close that you can feel his warm breath fanning over your face.
You shake your head - of course you haven't.
There's no response to that, only calloused hands touching your face, Abraham's nose brushing your temple. He bends his head, and when he presses his lips to yours, you are not prepared for how soft they are, and how warm, and how gentle. His mouth opens slightly, his tongue slipping just past your lips, and then he releases your face and pulls back.
"There" he mutters, but you are not ready to part from him yet. Your hands cling to his jacket and your eyes are heavy and hooded when they flutter open.
"Again" you breathe.
He shouldn't, he really shouldn't, you are absolutely not allowed to do such things before the wedding. But Abraham is a young man, and since your engagement was officially agreed upon, he has surprisingly managed to stay out of trouble - mostly, at least - and away from neglected young housewives and the reverend's shapely daughters. It has been... a while since he last touched a girl, and you are the prettiest little thing, with your wet, parted lips and your hair frizzed from the rain. How could he possibly resist when you're looking up at him like that, begging for more?
Your first kiss was sweet and demure, but this time, Abraham wraps both arms around your waist and runs his hands up your back. He nibbles at your lower lip before he slides his tongue into your mouth, deeper this time, so he can brush it against your own. When you mewl it goes straight to his crotch, and he deepens the kiss, tilting your head to the side with a finger under your chin.
You mustn't, you shouldn't, you can't, but your body is burning with want, and you think Abraham's must be too. He's holding you closer, letting his hands wander over your body, your hips, your waist, the small of your back. They move to squeeze your bottom, and when he pushes his hips forward, there's something hard poking at your stomach.
It sends a jolt of excitement down your spine.
In theory, you know what a man looks like under his clothes. The men work outside in the summer, and many take off their shirts and roll up the legs of their trousers in the heat. But you have never seen a man fully naked, and you have never felt a man's body pressed up against you like this. Abraham's chest is hard, and his shoulders are broad, and his arms feel so strong when they're wrapped around you. He moves to kiss just below your ear, and you take the opportunity to let your hands roam tentatively over his chest and his stomach, even reaching under his jacket to feel the warmth of his skin through his shirt.
It's nice, but it isn't enough to satisfy your curiosity. You want to touch him there.
Abraham breaks the kiss when he feels your hand inching towards his crotch, but he doesn't stop you. Just looks at you stunned, with darkened eyes and a slight flush across his handsome nose. His... his - cock is straining in his pants, and you brush your fingers over the bulge, feeling how he hardens even more at your touch. It is clumsy and inexperienced, but Abraham still closes his eyes, and his hand comes down to cover yours and press it harder against him.
It feels good for him, despite your lack of practice; you can tell. You cup his crotch, and he lets out a sharp breath and bucks right into your palm. You tilt your face up again to kiss along his jaw as you rub him through his trousers, feeling how he swells and throbs from your touch, until he suddenly swats your hand away.
You worry that you have overstepped, or done something that hurt him, but he leans over you, and tugs at your hips - to pull you down with him, you realise. Right down to the floor, although he is at least gallant enough to shrug of his jacket and lay you on that, rather than directly on the ground.
Immediately, he starts on the buttons of your coat, almost ripping the garment open to part it from your chest. His hands greedily palm your breasts, covered only by your dress and the brassiere underneath, and he squeezes your flesh; pinches your nipples through the fabric and rolls them under his thumbs. They stiffen from his touch and he leans over you and brushes his mouth against your chest, even latching onto one pert nipple, sucking and biting until your dress is wet from his spit.
It makes you whine with both pleasure and pain, and surprise too. You have never been touched like this before, never felt wanted like this before. Abraham's eyes are dark with lust, and it is almost frightening how determined he looks when he hooks a hand under each of your knees to push them apart.
You gasp when he lays over you. His body is warm, and heavy, and it feels so right to lie like this underneath him, caged in by his arms and with your thighs spread wide around his hips. His cock is big and hard and he presses the thick bulge between your legs, and grunts softly at the feeling. You can't help but wonder how many girls have been underneath him before, because he's so unabashed in the way he pushes his hips against yours, so eager when he starts rocking back and forth, clearly mimicking... other things.
Your hands cling to his shirt and you arch up to kiss him again, sighing when catches your lip between his teeth. They don't kiss like this in the movies. At least not in the ones you have seen. Your mouth is wide open, and Abraham is absolutely devouring it, licking your lips, shoving his tongue all the way to the back of your throat. It is rough and needy, and there's a trail of spit between you when he pulls back to catch his breath.
If someone found out, you'd be in so much trouble. Abraham is on you, and his cock is stiff, and he is moving so intimately against you, but you can't bring yourself to stop him. It feels wonderful, having his weight on top of you, having his hard cock pressed against your center. His bulge is big and hard and heavy between your thighs, and he's groaning as he rubs it against you, rolling his hips steadily, rhythmically. As though he was really inside you, and you are not sure if it's on purpose or pure instinct, or maybe a bit of both.
It has you swooning, just thinking about it. How badly he must want you, how needy he must feel, his cock all hard and swollen and his balls so full of his - his come. The thought of it makes you sigh, makes you feel soaking wet, makes that tingling warmth spread even faster in your loins. There are so many things are happening in your body; the kissing, the rubbing, the pressure between your legs - God you've never felt anything like it. You squirm underneath him and spread your thighs wider.
it makes Abraham groan, your hands on his chest and the way your hips are bucking and circling against his cock, and fuck he'll go crazy if you keep making those noises, those soft little whimpers. His cock is pulsing and his balls are pulled tight, and seeing your face all twisted with pleasure has him leaking already.
Truthfully, it was Pal's idea that he should pursue you, just like it was Pal who first spoke to your father on his behalf - but as you are a sweet and pretty girl, Abraham could see no reason why he shouldn't go along with it. He is a grown man, and a grown man needs a wife, and he likes looking at your legs when you help your mother with the laundry. Especially when you wear that grey dress that is a little too tight around your hips. Once you're married he will buy you a brand new one, and a nice pair of shoes with a little heel, and you'll be such a pretty little wife, cooking his meals and washing his clothes and giving him kisses when he comes home.
He moves faster, pressing his hard bulge even tighter against you, and you can feel something building in your body, though you are only barely aware of what it is. Your muscles are tightening and tensing up, desperate for a release that you instinctively know how to find, and you arch your hips up and rub frantically against Abraham's cock. You need more, more friction, more pressure just there, and you hook a leg over his back so you can push up better. Abraham lets you chase your peak, even helps you along by sliding his hand underneath your bottom to press you tighter against him. He is utterly mesmerised by the sight, your blissful expression as you shamelessly use his body for your own pleasure, sighing and whimpering and grinding your little cunt so desperately against him.
When he kisses you again, all the tension breaks.
You gasp, and Abraham watches you intently as a series of tiny little shivers run through your body. A very gentle climax - your first, by the looks of it. You writhe and moan beneath him, and when the waves of your orgasm settle, you are all blushed and looking up at him with glazed, love-struck eyes.
He could probably coax you into sleeping with him right now if he wanted to, but in a - frankly rare - moment of chivalry, he decides against it. You're a sweet girl, saving yourself for marriage and all. Your first time should be somewhere nicer than in this cold, filthy shed.
One way or another though, he will make you finish him off properly, and he sits back on his heels and quickly unbuckles his belt. Abraham's cock is impressive in size, and he is very proud of it; always enjoys the look of amazement on a girl's face when he frees it from his trousers.
You look equal parts intrigued and horrified. It is much bigger than you had anticipated, long, pink and bulbous at the tip, and he boldly gives it a few quick tugs as you watch. Even in his hand it looks massive, and you wonder how on earth it'll ever fit inside you, but that is an issue for another day, because Abraham mutters here and reaches for your hand. Your fingers wrap cautiously around his shaft, and it is hard, stiff, and yet so soft at the same time. You have no idea what to do, but Abraham's hand closes over yours, guiding the strength of your grip and the pace of your strokes.
It turns out that pleasing a man is not difficult at all. All you have to do is move your hand up and down, dragging the skin over the tip of his cock and back down again in a quick and firm rhythm. Abraham dips his head into the crook of your neck, and his hands come up to fondle your breasts, his teeth gritted and his eyes squeezed shut. You quickly grow more comfortable with the motion, and you slip your other hand between his legs to fondle his balls too - carefully, as you know that is a very delicate area for a man. They feel big, and hairy, and heavy in your hand, and he moans when you squeeze them lightly, trying your best to massage them in a way that gives him pleasure.
It would seem that you succeed, because it isn't long before Abraham's body tenses and his balls tighten right in your grip.
" - gonna come" he grunts, and you can't help but hold your breath in anticipation.
Abraham groans, and his cock pulses in your hand, and then his semen starts spurting from the tip. There's so much of it, spilling all over your fingers in thick, sticky ropes, and you keep stroking him through his peak, taking in his ragged breaths, the shallow jerks of his hips, the deep furrow of his brow. It is the loveliest thing you've ever laid eyes on, and when he stills your hand and collapses next to you on the floor, your chest swells with pride. You made him do that.
"Fuck" he pants. There's a lock of hair sticking to his forehead, and you are dying to reach over and gently brush it back, but you are too shy to be so familiar.
"Was it good?" you ask instead, hoping for praise or maybe a nice compliment, but Abraham just gives a hoarse laugh as he tucks his cock back into his trousers. You look away. Despite what you did just a moment ago, looking at it now feels terribly indecent.
Outside, the rain has stopped, the wind has died down, and it is high time for you to return home. You wipe your hand clean with a handkerchief - you can rinse it in the stream on the way back - and turn away from him as you smooth out your skirt and button your coat.
"What do you want" Abraham asks suddenly. "For your wedding gift. What do you want?"
Immediately, you start going through all the lists in your head - there are a hundred things to consider when setting up a new household, clothes and dishware and furnishing, and the little hope chest under your bed is already filled to the brim.
"Well-" you begin, "I'll get linens from my mother, and you already have the stove sorted, and Cora said we could have her old cast iron skillet, but we should probably start saving for a -"
"No" he interrupts, impatiently. "Forget all that, what do you want from me"
He looks sheepish and uncomfortable and it takes you a moment to realise that he is trying to be attentive - maybe even romantic.
It makes you want to throw your arms around his neck.
"I don't know" you mutter, blushing all over again. "I haven't thought about it - you don't have to give me anything"
"I'll get you something. Something pretty, yea?" he grins, wide enough that his cheeks crease and dimple - God, he's awfully charming sometimes, when he wants to be.
You blush even deeper, picking at your nails and responding with an awkward yes, yeah alright.
Abraham doesn't say anything after that, already back to his usual sullen demeanor - but right before the door closes behind you, he grabs you by the wrist and pulls you back to kiss you right on the mouth.
You make your way back home, warm all over from the kiss and the excitement and the lingering heat in your core. And maybe a little bit just from the very thought of Abraham himself.
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fan-goddess · 9 months ago
The Epilogue: Where’d all the time go…
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Catch up on the fic here!
Authors Note: Thank you everybody for sticking with me through this while I tried to write this going through a writing blockage it means so much to me to know that people were looking forward to this! I hope you enjoy the final chapter of these twos love story 🩷
Summary: Some time has passed since your wedding day, and it appears all you’ve wanted has come true.
Taglist: @omgbrcat @humanpurposes, @watercolorskyy, @blue-serendipity @anjelicawrites @lexwolfhale @helaenaluvr @scarletbedlam @tssf-imagines @vhagar-balerion-meraxes @arcielee @ilikechocolatemilkh @tumblin-theworldaway @skintoskinsstuff @darylandbethfanforever9 (italics cannot tag)
Warnings: P in v sex, pregnancy, kids, dick jokes, pregnancy kink, breeding kink, lactation kink, domestic kink, p in v sex, indirect breastfeeding, domestic fluff, she/her pronouns used, reader is referred to as being a woman (if I miss any let me know!)
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Like most mornings in the last few years of being a married woman, you’re not allowed to lay peacefully in your bed anymore.
“Mumma…” you hear a small voice say drawing you from your sleep with a small start. Though when you look to your over to the source of the noise, you cannot help but smile softly as you meet eyes with your daughter Penelope, who in turn stares up at you from the doorway with that small irresistible pout of hers that she knows will make it so she gets her way.
You cannot help yourself from reaching out a hand to her to let her know she can come up to the bed, which she does so eagerly with her arms held up to let you know she wants to be lifted up to be close with you and her father. Usually he’s the one lifting them as he’s forbidden you from doing anything that could harm the baby, but you’d damn him before he gets in the way of you spending time with your babies.
“What’s wrong flower?” You whisper to her after lifting her onto the covers and looking to your right to see Abraham still somehow deeply asleep against the pillow. “Did you have a nightmare?”
“No! I’m a big girl! I just missed sissy!” She stumbles, leaning forward to place her hands against your swollen belly through your old t-shirt. She also much to your amusement put her face as close to your belly as possible so she can murmur some illegible words to it before looking back up at you.
“Is daddy still sleeping?” She asks though, pointing to your husband who much to yours and her amusement, at that very moment begins to snore deep into his pillow like some comical pig seen on one of her tv shows.
“Yes he is, So we can’t wake him up! Do you understand flower?”
“Yes mummy!” She quickly nods, flopping herself down between you and Abraham and burrowing her head into a pillow, before closing her eyes and putting her thumb in her mouth.
You yourself try to move back to how you were so you try and get comfy and get back to sleep, but it appears the baby has other plans as it begins to immediately kick you in a way that makes you wince hard in pain.
You get the urge to go to the kitchen and make yourself a relaxing cup of tea, but as soon as you begin to move you hear two very familiar sets of footsteps. With a smile you turn your head back to the doorframe and see your boys Joseph and Elliot, who sleepily stand there with their blankets in hand.
“Hey babies…” You whisper, reaching a hand out to them both so they know it’s okay to come up to the bed. “Any nightmares?”
“No mama!” They both say, eagerly moving to get up and be held by you as you try and balance them both in front of you. Making sure to shush them so they don’t wake up their sister or daddy. Yet it appears to be father like daughter as they both appear to be too deep asleep to hear anything and instead just breath louder into the pillow.
“Do you wanna sleep here?” You say, smiling softly as they both eagerly nod their heads before moving themselves to snuggle next to their sister and daddy. They quickly beginning to snore peacefully away while you simply just stare at your family in awe. Rubbing a hand on your swollen belly as you’re reminded of the other life inside you.
You have no idea on whether you’re having a boy or a girl, but Cora has already made the prediction that it’ll be another little girl. Which you know Penelope would definitely be pleased with given her sureness that you carry her little sissy inside your belly the entire time you told her you were having a baby.
Though after a while of trying to comfortably position yourself just right, the itch in your throat becomes too prominent to ignore. So even if it takes you an embarrassing long time to actually get out of bed and make it all the way to the kitchen, it’s rewarded deliciously with a hot cup of tea and a half eaten packet of digestive biscuits that are hidden at the back of the cupboard where the kids can’t find them.
Soon, even though it’s still relatively dark outside, you find yourself immersed with looking at the dim lights hanging from the place opposite. Watching it slowly swing against the slow wind and the flames flicker in a hypnotic fashion.
“What are you doing up Mrs Lee?” You hear the familiar rough morning voice of your husband ask. A happy smile on your face appearing as before you can turn around to see him, Abraham sneaks up behind you and pulls you against his body gently so he can softly kiss on the top of your head.
Yet when you give him a little pout while looking him in the eyes, Abraham makes it all the better when with an exaggerated sigh, he pulls you in again only this time for a kiss firmly on the lips.
“Happy now Mrs?” He jokes, sitting next to you and placing a hand on your swollen belly almost instinctively. As if he’s terrified someone’s gonna suddenly burst in and hurt you and the baby.
“Very.” You simply say. Placing a small kiss of your own on the skin of his shoulder. It’s the only place you can really kiss him right now without straining yourself too hard and getting a stern lecture from your husband. And not even the fun kind, as you found out sadly enough a few weeks ago when you tried to dust the hanging light in the living with him present.
“How’s my little one doing though?” He smiles, dipping his head close to your belly to speak to it. Apparently Abraham is insisting that the baby can hear him, and that supposedly it’s good practice for the baby to learn who their daddy is. Yet all you hear coming from his lips is while adorable, complete utter bullshit. But why stop him when it’s entertainment for you and is honestly an adorable thing to witness? He did it for all your pregnancies, and it always makes your heart warm when you look at the man you married being so gentle and loving with the child of his not yet even born in this world.
“You been good for your mum eh?” He continues though, directing this particular question at both the baby and yourself.
“Not been kicking much this week. Cora said it were a good sign apparently, but don’t ask me why cause ain’t got a clue at all…” You say, taking advantage of Abraham still leaning over to kiss him quickly and lightly on the edge of his lips.
It’s been the closest you’ve ever been to being physical with your husband in weeks, as according to him, having sex would hurt the baby. Yet with how desperate you’ve been feeling for him be inside you and make love to you like how he did the day after your wedding, you’re actually heavily debating on testing that theory out.
“Why haven’t you let me kiss you?” You find yourself asking though. A small pout on your lips as you find yourself reminiscing on a life before being pregnant. A life where Abraham had kissed you when he wanted, and how he wanted. Which usually, much to your happiness, was always hard and heated, leading to both his and yours clothes being discarded to do certain activities wherever you or him wanted.
“I’ve told you,” Abraham grunted, making it a point to kiss you on the side of your head while he makes himself comfortable sitting next to you. “I don’t want to harm the baby-“
“For gods sake Abraham as much as I compliment it your dick is not so big that it’ll harm the baby!”
“Mummy?” A familiar voice speaks, both yours and Abraham’s heads turning fast at the sound of your daughters voice. Her bunny low in one hand, the other’s thumb in her mouth. “Why are you and daddy fighting?”
“Oh no we aren’t fighting flower!” You smile, motioning her forward and ticking her as soon as she came close enough. It was addictive the way your daughter made you feel so carefree without even trying. When she smiled, even if you were at your lowest, she still manage to find a way to bring a smile on your face. “We just didn’t agree on something and were talking about it! Did we wake you up?”
“Nope! Josie kept kicking me so I woke up!” She continues smiling, yet it soon turns to insesent giggling as soon as Abe scoops her in his own arms and like you did moments earlier, begins to tickle her with little mercy.
The sight of it makes you all the more excited for when the baby eventually comes, as unlike your worries from before you got married, you now know Abraham is an amazing father and husband.
Unlike most women’s husbands, whose wives typically clean and do the chores all before the husband came back home even while heavily pregnant, Abraham actually insists on helping out round the house especially when you’re pregnant. So while you do the polishing and the dusting, he’s the one helping out by cutting up that nights vegetables for dinner or picking up the kids never ending hurricanes of toys. It was messy, and sometimes downright disgusting when you’d find mysterious splurges hidden on the sofa cushions, but by God was it home.
“How about you go wake your brothers up huh little flower? Yuh gonna hang out with auntie Cora today!” You hear Abraham say, knocking you out of your thoughts as you raise a brow at the sudden predicament. As far as you were aware, today was just a relaxing day between the 5 and a half of you, with the occasional dispute over a toy. When was this sudden auntie Cora visit gonna be mentioned to you?
Your daughter though doesn’t appear to really care about the news and simply runs off with her thumb back in her mouth, presumably to ruthlessly wake up her brothers to tell them what daddies told her. So you take advantage the kidless room while you can.
“When were you gonna tell me they were heading to Cora’s?” You ask, turning to him with a single raised brow.
“I didn’t even know myself till a couple minutes ago…” He shrugs, moving to make some toast for you,the kids and himself even though you swear it’s only 6 in the morning. “Sides… with the kids gone then I can prove to you just how dangerous my dick can really be…”
And like that, it was quickly agreed that Cora would be coming in an hour as arranged over the phone. Not that the kids had the same enthusiasm of the idea though…
“But I wanna stay with mama!” Joseph says, eyes watering so much you almost get the urge to call it all off so you can hold him in your arms for the whole day and never let him go. But it’s a good thing your husband knows how weak you are when the kids pull out the puppy eyes, so he makes sure to quickly pull both the boys in his arms so you don’t need to feel anymore guilty about having a day with just you and your husband.
“Well little ones, mama deserves a day to relax what with the baby and all. Don’t you think mama deserves a break?” Abe asks, practically forcing them to agree as they know they’ll get a small clip round the ear from him if they dare mouth you off especially in front of their father.
“Of course daddy…” Your boys say practically say in unison while your daughter just nods refusing to let go of her thumb, before all three of them quickly get distracted by the sound of the front door opening and Cora opening her arms to welcome the three little hurricanes in a warm hug.
You quickly chat with Cora for a bit while Abraham plays with the kids to get them ready and simultaneously distract them, yet somehow she seems to know the real meaning for this early morning conversation and quick to arrange visit. As just shes about to leave, turning to let you know the kids’ll be dropped off around dinner time tonight, she gives you a noticeable cheeky wink before shutting the door behind her. The almost unrecognisable sound of silence ringing out through the room.
A blush forming on your cheeks though as you feel your husband’s strong arms move to envelope you in his warmth not even five seconds after the kids leave. His breath tickles your ear as he moves to whisper in your ear, “I suppose we should make the most of this and head to the bedroom, shouldn’t we Mrs Lee?”
“I suppose so husband…” You murmur back, sighing against his lips as Abraham kisses you deeply and his hands roam along the length of your body. He hasn’t had a real opportunity to feel out the newest changes your pregnancy has given you, and he’s all too eager to get familiar with them.
“So fucking beautiful.” He says, kissing and marking slightly the length of your neck in such a way it leaves you sighing out in pure pleasure. “And all fucking mine too… luckiest man in the world…”
“I thought you wanted to go to the bedroom Abe?” You giggle, yet quickly stop as you gasp and realise the sudden slight sting on your backside was from your husband’s palm coming down on your quick and fast.
“Don’t talk back to me now love…” He groans directly against your ear. “You may be pregnant with my baby, but I can still treat you like the dirty little thing I know you to be…”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” You purr, your heart pounding hard in your chest. Yet that sudden surge of confidence quickly disappears as Abraham takes you in his arms and drags you to your bedroom, slamming the door behind him with his foot alone as he continues to stare you down.
“It would be a promise little one…” Abraham this time purrs, a single rough hand of his trailing down your shivering form and leaving goosebumps in its wake. “But I wouldn’t dare think about accidentally harming you in this state. So I’m going to make it a threat this time. But I swear as soon as this baby is out of you and into this world, I’m gonna fuck another in you.”
Your breath hitches as he speaks and yet you can’t deny the way his words make your legs desperately clench together in a way to get rid of that now aching sensation only Abraham can provide you with.
“I can see your legs clenching little one,” Abraham says, gently moving you to the edge of the bed so you slightly fall against the covers in an admittedly not so graceful fashion. Still, you’re so grateful when Abraham chooses to ignore you at your clumsiest and focus solely instead on your quivering form laid out in front of him. “You’re not very good at hiding it from me.”
“I can never hide anything from you.” You admit, smiling as you look up at your husband who himself begins to smile bashfully at your words. “You look so pretty when you blush…” You continue, smiling even more when you see his face manage to darken even more.
“Shut up…” Abraham murmurs, distracting you from his bashful face by leaning over you and kissing you deeply. Very much effectively making you forget everything except your husband’s touch. His lips trail down your neck down to the skin between your breasts, where for the first time in months he leaves harsh no doubt bruising marks in his wake.
“Fucking love this body…. love it even better when swollen with my child…”
“Fuck Abraham…” You whine, closing your eyes as you bask in the feeling of pleasure that for the first time in months is running through your whole body faster than anything you’ve felt before. “I want more!”
“You’ll take what I give you wife,” Abraham grunts, lightly pinching your upper thigh as he begins undoing the buttons of your nightgown, only to stop suddenly as he when his hands trail up the length of your thigh he realises you have no underwear on and are currently almost already fully bare to him to see. “Now what do we have here…”
“They got too annoying,” You admit, finding amusement in the way Abraham can’t stop staring at the naked skin that’s been revealed to him already, apparently too distracted with the idea of you naked and dripping beneath your clothing to think about anything else.
He’s so distracted in fact, that he doesn’t seem to even care about continuing with what he’d previously been doing. Too distracted staring at your barely covered skin to notice your shy bashful face. Yet too distracted to miss how your legs try to subtly move together in an embarrassed attempt to stop Abrahams staring.
“Don’t try and hide from me.” He practically growls, finally looking away to stare instead into your eyes so intensely he reminds you of a predator looking into the eyes of its prey. “Never hide from me, you hear?”
“Yes Abe!” You practically whine, falling apart at the smallest of indecent touches as Abraham pinches the inside of your thighs with his fingers just like he did earlier. Not hard to enough to hurt, as Abraham would never, but hard enough so you know who it is who holds the power right now.
“Good girl,” He grins, tilting his head down again once more as he quite practically tears the dress from your body which shakes in pure anticipation. Eager to be ravished by the man in front of you.
As soon as your body is revealed to the cold air and the hungry eyes before you, your husbands hands make eager work of touching every inch of you. He eagerly takes the flesh of your backside that he can get too in his hands and squeezes it just to make you gasp, yet when his hands make it to the bulging curve of your stomach that same rough unforgiving touch turns soft and gentle.
You can barely even feel him as he traces your curves, his lips kissing just above where your belly button sticks out as a reminder to you that he is still the man who loves and adores the very ground you walk on.
Though when his hands make it past the curve of your swollen stomach to the swollen curves of your breasts, that once soft touch turns greedy once more as he takes one in each hand and grips them just enough for you to need to bite your lip to stifle the pleasurable gasp that’s dying to be let out and heard by him.
Yet if you hadn’t have stifled your gasp, you wouldn’t have been able to have heard your husband’s own gasp. His eyes wide and focused as he realises with a thrill running down the full length of his spine, that your milk trickles slightly down the back of his hands from the rough treatment he showed you moments before.
Before you or even he knows it, your husband is putting the back of one of his hands by his mouth and licking the trail of your milk that begins to dribble down his arm. Abraham hums in delight at the sweet taste exploding on his tongue, and he can’t help but lick at the other hand too. Even sucking at the skin on the back of his thumb to truly savour the unique taste.
“How is it you’re so delicious everywhere?” He groans, leaning forward to kiss you again before swiping his tongue on your swollen bottom lip. It teases the edge of your teeth before caressing your tongue and slipping out back to his own mouth like nothing happened. He leans back and grins as he mimics licking his lips with joy. “Like I said. Fucking delicious…”
You can’t help but blush at his words, yet you can’t help but want more from him. Want his hands to touch your inner parts. Want his lips to leave marks that’ll make the other wives envious of what you have with your husband. Want his cock too-
You gasp when his cock teases your entrance, and you can’t help but whine especially hard as he pushes himself deep inside of you. His hips connecting with yours as he leans forward and in a sort of sweet way bangs his forehead against your own.
“Beg me for my cock…” Abraham groans, his breath slightly fanning your lips. “Do it for me…”
“What’s the magic word sweet husband?” You can’t help but tease, relishing in the shiver you can feel run down his spine as your breath tickles his own lips.
“You know I hate it when you tease me…”
“Well then it’s not good for you that I oh so adore it…”
“Little minx… you never fail to surprise me.” He admits, kissing the side of your head that faces him.
“And you always seem to love it no matter how much you say you despise it.” You laugh back, leaning into his warm touch.
The two of you in that moment feel as close as you can be. His cock which still lays inside of you is actively pulsing against your warm walls, and yet he makes no move to begin fucking you. Instead his head merely moves to sit in the crook of your neck, where his lips begin to leave small marks in his wake, and his hand leaves delighted butterfly’s in your belly as he caresses your swollen stomach with utter care and devotion.
“I love you…” He whispers against your skin.
“I love you too…” You immediately whisper back, tilting your head to kiss his damp salty forehead. Giggling as he begins to adjust himself yet moaning as his hips finally begin what they’d earlier started to do.
His lips find yours while his cock slowly moves inside you, muffling the sounds of yours and his pleasure. Though soon its admittedly too slow for both of you, as Abrahams hips begin to smack against your own. The sound of yours and his wet skin making contact both loudly and sinfully.
"Fucking beautiful..." Abraham groans, looking down at you with dark hooded eyes. "Fucking perfect wife..."
"Perfect fucking husband..." You groan back, pushing your heavy breasts further against his chest. Reminding him of the treasures he has yet to fully ravish while he takes you.
Your massive belly doesn't exactly give your husband much room to work with, yet that doesn't at all mean he won't still try. As while he continues to thrust his cock deep inside of you, his earlier worries about supposedly hurting the baby long forgotten in the wind, his lips move from your lips onto the part of your breast he can actually bend his neck far down enough to mark. He nips at it slightly with his teeth, and its not long before that small area is marked and bitten much to Abrahams content. The skin already blooming a deep purple that leaves Abraham glowing in pure pride.
"They'll all know who you belong too," He grunts, giving you a break from the roughness as he possessively kisses the side of your forehead. It’s a reminder of what started this whole thing off.
"As if the four kids you've already given me isn't enough..." You can't help but sigh, kissing his bare shoulder. You make a strange sort of giggle when Abraham playfully pinches your side, yet as soon as he begins to pick up the pace you quickly begin gasping and whining right up against his ear.
The knot in your stomach twists and turns as you’re hurdled closer to your impending orgasm, and by the why your husband pants against your own ear and groans so deliciously you can make a clear guess and say his own orgasm is approaching too.
“Fucking love you,” He gasps, interlocking one of his hands in your own and clutching you tight as if he was afraid you’d suddenly get up and leave him. “So much…”
“I love you too!” You say back, whining loudly as his cock manages to hit the special place inside you that always makes you act loud and shameless.
Abraham grins as his only free hand comes down to caress your bump, making sure it’s safe as his hips somehow manage to move even faster just so he can try and hit that spot inside you again that made you react like that. Which he does. Multiple times…
“Oh fuck!” You yell, mouth hanging wide open as your orgasm washes over you. Your grip on your husbands hand tight as you attempt to ground yourself from being swept away by it all. With this being your first orgasm in a while, it'd make sense for you to practically go insane at the moment.
Your heart is all aflutter as you feel Abrahams hips jerk and bump against your own as he orgasms. The feeling of your walls clenching hard around his cock forcing him to cum deep inside you. If you hadn't already been pregnant at that moment, Abraham can't help but think with a smug smirk how you definitely would've been after that.
Abraham leans his body against yours as he manages to move both himself and you in a spot against the bed where somehow the two of you are comfortable.
Or at least you're comfortable, as most of the pillows and the spare decorative cushions are being used to make sure your belly isn't in an awkward position.
Abraham however makes sure he is left with the very flat and used pillow with the stiff uncomfortable cushion that is placed under it so Abraham can sleep with his head at a tilt. You can see that him wince slightly as a feather manages to pierce his cheek through the weak pillow fabric and offer to get him a cushion from the sofa, or even a pillow from the kids room given that they'll be away pretty much the whole evening. But if there's one thing for sure you know about your husband it's that he's stubborn as a mule in his ways. So he emphasises he's fine as he makes sure to prioritise your comfort over his own.
It doesn't matter how long the two of you spend in each others arms, but as soon as you make one small complaint about the uncomfortable feeling around your lower area, Abraham is immediately up on his feed still naked in order to fetch you a dampened cloth. He is careful and loving as he makes the cloth make contact with your sensitive body. Whispering small words of sweet affirmation against your skin. Even kissing slightly the area of your inner thigh, which leaves you glaring down at him from where you lay as you admittedly manage to find yourself aroused by the whole scenario in front of you.
When first thinking about having a husband, you never would've thought you would have a husband who prioritises your pleasure over his own. And yet here you are with a man practically on his knees for you, making sure you are okay as he carefully wipes away his remaining climax from your inner thighs.
"How are you feeling Mrs Lee?" You hear Abraham say, no doubt with a smirk on his face as he kisses your inner thigh.
"Oh I am feeling very well Mr Lee..." You can't help but giggle back, smiling as Abraham comes up from between your legs and positions himself next to you so he can be near you as much as possible.
His lips softly kiss the length of your neck, not leaving marks in a possessive manner, but doing it instead to be comforting. He moves you so your head is tucked near to his chin and your stomach is pretty much propped up by his own torso. His left arm is wrapped around your body to bring you in, which you eagerly accept in order to embrace your husband, while his right arm moves so he can place it on your stomach.
You feel so at peace, that you can't help but close your eyes and allow yourself to relax in your husbands arms. You feel safe, and oh so happy that you said yes to Abrahams proposal all those years ago. So safe that within minutes you actually find yourself falling asleep to the sound of Abrahams heartbeat.
Abraham watches you while you sleep, his eyes unable to look away from the beautiful woman before him. He has no idea how he managed to achieve this. How he managed to get a wife who loves him as much as he adores her. How he managed to have three, about to be four wonderful children with this woman, he will never really know. But all he does know, is that he's so grateful for being able to be gifted this gift. Abraham grabs the bed cover and covers the two of you under it so the three of you, but mainly so you and the baby are warm, and closes his eyes allowing himself time to indulge in your loving embrace.
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When the baby came, you were surrounded by those who cared for you. The kids weren’t allowed in the room due to how scary you and Abraham knew it would’ve been for them to see you in such pain so young, so thankfully one of your friends from your old friendship group offered to look after them and keep them out of trouble for the few hours while you gave birth.
So with your husband holding your hand on one side and your mother on the other cheering you on, you managed to give birth to a beautiful baby girl. A daughter that without telling your husband, you had decided to name Lily. When you told Abraham what her name going to be, before that day you had never seen him cry like that. Yet now, he was allowing himself to be as vulnerable as he ever could be in front of you as everyone else had left seeing this was a private moment between your family.
He is unable to look away from you as you hold the baby in your arms, same as you find yourself unable to look away from him when he all of a sudden drops to his knees before you laying on the bed and places his arms by the baby to stroke her face.
"Thank you my love..." Abraham murmurs, leaning forward to place a kiss on your admittedly very sweaty forehead. "Thank you for this gift..."
"Thank you for marrying me..." You murmur back, moving forward so your forehead touches his. "Thank you for loving me, and for making me realise my girlish daydreams could become a living reality..."
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