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motylekk-anyv · 7 months ago
chejka motylki
jakis czas mnie nie bylo bo bylam na wakacjach, zepsul mi sie telefon i nie mialam tez internetu i czasu zeby zapisywac i musialam duzo jesc i nie wiedzialam ile wszystko ma kalorii wiec po prostu ich nie liczylam
bilans 17.08.24
fast dzien I
zjedzone: 0
spalone: 439
0 - 439 = -439
czuje sie strasznie ulana przez to ze bylam na wakacjach i jadlam bez pochamowania sie bo wazylam juz 66.9 z 72 i boje sie wejsc teraz na wage wiec zeby sie nie przestraszyc chce zrobic fasta i zwazyc sie dopiero jutro lub po jutrze dlatego wlatuje fast dopoki ktos mi nie wcisnie jedzenia. bylam dzisiaj na urodzinach i bylo jedno ciasto chipsy i jakies ciasteczka ale udalo mi sie z tego wybrnac mowiac mamie ze przejadlo mi sie to ciasto i go nie zjadlam. zrobilam tez dzisiaj jablecznik bo moja mama miala duzo jablek i mnie poprosila ale na szczescie nie smakuja mi gotowane jablka wiec nie bede jadla tego ciasta
chudej nocy motylki🦋
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skrzynka · 6 months ago
nie no chujowy dialog przezyje ale ze jedza jablecznik ktory wyglada jakby mial nadzienie z pasztetu a nie jablek to przesada
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klan zszedł na psy, jest jakieś ciasto ktorego bym nie zjadla
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itsdetachable · 2 years ago
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For the third week in a row I'm making jablecznik/szarlotka (Polish apple pie) and I think I got it this time! It took probing my parent's minds, using a recipe from the back of a szarlotka spice blend as a starting point, and some tweaks along the way.
Anyways, Time To Share! Measurements are in grams bc that's what I had. I'll 'translate' them but non-gram recipe mileage may vary.
Polish Szarlotka (apple pie)
400 grams flour (3 1/3 cups-ish) (you can chill it if you want)
85-125 grams Powdered/Confectioners sugar (3/4 cups should be just fine)
250 grams VERY COLD butter (i don't know the conversion here it was about 3 and 1/3 regular sticks? ish?) CHOP INTO LITTLE BITTY SQUARES unless you're using a food processor or mixer in which case just slice it
3 egg yolks (just the yolks not the whites! save the whites to brush on top)
Pinch of salt
Like a half teaspoon of baking powder? Maybe a touch more? I eyeballe dit
1.5 kilograms of apples, pre coring (if your grocery has produce weights that'll be helpful) err on the side of MORE rather than LESS
What types of apples? We like slightly tart and firm apples in our szarlotka so we go with Granny Smith here in the USA. I think that's more 'traditional'. You can go with sweeter apples if you like but don't go too sweet. Also, I recommend firmer apples bc we're gonna be cooking them first.
100-150 grams sugar (3/4 to 1 cups ish?)
AT LEAST a tablespoon of Cinnamon. You can add more if you want.
If you have ground cardamom and cloves you can add some too. Whatever floats your boat. I'd probably do at least 1-2 tablespoons of cinnamon, 1/2 tablespoon each of cardamom and cloves (ground). Smell it. That might help.
Lemon uh crystals? NO. CITRIC ACID. Ok, take like a teaspoon, no more, and put it in the apples if you want delightfully delicately tart apple pie.
2 tablespoons of water
ALSO: keep some butter and flour to butter the baking dish and flour it. I use a 9x13 glass backing dish so make your best guess on what you want to use based on that
First the dough - you want your butter cold, your flour can be chilled too. You're gonna mix the flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder and give it a stir.
Then you're going to add the 3 egg yolks. No need to stir.
Then you're going to take the butter and add it in. Now the fun begins.
If you have a food processor : PULSE for like a minute until its coming together but not fully mixed. You don't want it creamy
If you have a standing mixer : similarly only mix it until its come together into a dough consistency
If you want to show the dough dominance and wreck your hands in the process : knead the hell outta it. Just squeeze it in your hands and roll everything around and push it into the bowl and keep doing it until it's a dough. It'll happen pretty fast once it does.
once your dough is doughy, put it in a plastic bag or plastic wrap, whatever you want, and toss it in the fridge. It's going to need a while - recipes say "30 minutes" but they suck and you should plan at least 1 hour if not 4.
When your dough is getting nice and hard in the fridge you're going to switch your attention to the filling!
Apples - peeled, cored and quartered.
If you have a mandolin slicer this next part is gonna be easy. If you don't, i'm sorry. Do your best. Anyways, you want to slice the apples thin, like, 1/8 inch thin? No thicker than two quarters stacked on each other. Though, I think you can get away with thicker slices, or small chunks, because we're cooking them and that should soften them for the most part.
Next - mix your apples with all the apple filling things. The spices, the citric acid, the sugar, the water. Take a taste test - if its too sour add a bit of sugar. Too sweet, add more citric acid. Not enough cinnamon? Add it now. The flavor will deepen after baking but the taste here will definitely help gauge the taste when its done.
Now, take a pan large enough to hold all of the apple stuff and a lid for it. Put the apples in, put them on a medium heat, put the lid on. Stir every now and then, try them every now and then, and cook them for no longer than 20-30 minutes. You still want them to be firm when you bite into them, not mushy.
Great! While they're cooking set your oven to preheat to 400 F
As the apples near the correct texture you want, pull the dough out and portion it into a 2/3 piece and a 1/3 piece. Put the 1/3 back in the fridge, that's the top. Roll the 2/3 of the dough out on a floured board. You want to do this as quick as you are able to because the more it warms up, the stickier it gets.
Once it's rolled to the thickness you want (I go with 1/3 of an inch just about) transfer it to the baking dish, making sure it's wide enough to go up the sides to the top of the dish as well.
Poke the bottom with a fork and pop it in the over for 15 minutes until the edges are brown.
Great! Pull it out, let it sit for a second while the apples cool just the tiniest bit and you handle the rest of the dough.
Now, you have a couple ways of topping the pie. We tend to like a full cover, so we roll the dough out and pop it on top, pinching the edges down, then poke holes in the top.
HOWEVER you can also take the hunk of dough and using a grate, grate it on top of the pie, trying to get somewhat even coverage.
Anyways, once you decide on what you're doing, put the apples into the pie crust and then top it with the top you want. Slather that top with egg whites so it comes out flaky and golden!
Done? Good. Pop it back in the oven (that you should've turned down to 350F!) and set your timer for 30 mins. Check after the 20 min mark if you remember, but 30 mins should be just right. You want it to be nicely browned.
Take it out. Set it to cool. Wait like an hour if you can resist before cutting into it.
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magirose90 · 5 years ago
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Beautiful apple pie by me!! Przepiekna tarta jablkowa wlasniej roboty! Yumi! posted on Instagram - https://ift.tt/2W1b9Dn
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spiderlegeyelashes · 2 years ago
wracam z poznania kocham poznan chlopaki jakie to piekne miasto ale moj przyjaciel jest fajny ale super wyjazd wow kupilam kurczaka zabawke ma na imie nils aha i rogale marcinskie one sa super bardzo dobre polecam 10/10 chodzcie do poznania
going 2 poznań........
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fan2021ny · 3 years ago
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Jablecznik Stracciatella.
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bloglinepl · 4 years ago
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Jabłecznik z pianką kokosową | ciasta │ #blogikulinarne Szukasz nowego pomysłu na jabłecznik lub zamierzasz upiec go po raz pierwszy? Świetnie trafiłaś. Mam dla Ciebie prosty i sprawdzony przepis, który nie może się nie udać. Jabłecznik z pianką kokosową jest łatwym, mega pysznym ciastem z dużą ilością jabłek, a... https://blogline.pl/jablecznik-z-pianka-kokosowa-ciasta/?feed_id=281&_unique_id=5f8c92a8701b0
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latekhotels · 6 years ago
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Hotel Ibis Styles deser. Polecam #latekhotels #ibis #bozenarodzenie2018 #christmastree #christmasdecor #christmasdecorations #christmas #decoupage #decorations #fruit #desertdecor #deser #podróżnik #travelbloger #travel #travelholic #tea #herbata #czekolada #chocolate #hotels #luxurylife #foto #fashionphotography #fashionblogger #fruitsalad #freshfruits #czekolada #jablecznik #room #jedziemyztym #love #talerze #karmel (w: Ibis Styles Warszawa Centrum) https://www.instagram.com/latek_hotels/p/Br-vlvIFbd9/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vz97zklvj8f0
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magirose90 · 5 years ago
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Beautiful apple pie by me!! Przepiekna tarta jablkowa wlasniej roboty! Yumi! #autumn #apple #applepie #tart #jablecznik #domowewypieki #jesien #jesienneklimaty — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/32AuYUz
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wuzetaa · 11 years ago
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