#jabberwock knb
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imalwaysinconfusion · 8 months ago
why didn’t i notice til now nash noticed tetsu when NO ONE notices him. oh wow
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miscellaneoustofu · 3 months ago
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Finished watching Kuroko no Basket a bit ago and wanted to redesign some of the characters. It’s a really good anime and part of me feels like if it had better character design, it could’ve been more memorable today. Similar to how Haikyuu is.
It started with Akashi bc I felt his design didn’t well convey his royal themes. I know how similar he is to Kuroko is meant to reference how in a previous draft, they were meant to be brothers but I feel the final antagonist of a story should be visually striking. Moreover, if it wasn’t for his smug look, you wouldn’t get the tragic wealthy heir vibe at all so his design fails to communicate his most important feature. To ease into the transition, I like to imagine he keeps his og hair in middle school and starts slicking it back in highschool.
Then the redesign fever infected the rest of Rakuzan bc I was dissatisfied with how, despite their narrative importance, the Uncrowned Kings’ had kinda bland designs. There’s a lot of untapped fun there.
Then I redid all the team jerseys cause I felt Kajo got majorly snubbed. And then I hallucinated better designs and a backstory for Team Jabberwock. And then-
Yeah, really it’s not objectively better maybe but I had fun adding things and making up some headcannons.
Hope you enjoy!
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mottemort · 8 months ago
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Random Aomine Daiki sketches
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kirisaki-daichi-scenarios · 6 months ago
How'd you think kiridai, haizaki, imayoshi, nash and jason would use insta? (I know it isn't popular in Japan but still)
Hanamiya Makoto
his account used to be public but he made it private after getting fed up of having to delete comments like “you scumbag you broke my friend’s ribs rot in hell” from his posts which were just cute pictures of the kiridai cat (yes i’m bringing this ancient headcanon back) 
so now he only allows follows from people he knows and trusts which means literally just the kiridai team, imayoshi, maybe a couple classmates, and his mum 
and then within that circle, he has the other kiridai boys on his close friends list and they’re the ones who see the stories that ‘reveal his true nature’ 
like hanamiya sees that someone who played against him has made a post about their journey going through shoulder rehab (no guessing who gave them their shoulder issues), so he reposts that post to his close friends story with the caption “time for a round two?”
meanwhile the posts his mum sees are just pictures of the kiridai cat or pages from some books he’s been reading recently
(n.b. hanamiya’s mum very rarely uses instagram. she only uses the account to keep up with family members, and only made it in the first place because hanamiya had just made his and she wanted to make sure he didn’t get cyberbullied. 
meanwhile her son is the one who has been repeatedly suspended from instagram for bullying.)
Hara Kazuya
has a lot of accounts and if not for the fact that he has basketball and other hobbies he would be chronically online
so there’s one main account which has just a couple photos that make him look cool (a photo of him dunking, or him drumming with good lighting) and occasionally he’ll post a picture on his stories of the city under a dawn sky and a note of the time so everyone knows he’s out grinding streetball at stupid o’clock. 
the main account is his only public account and he only really has it so that, if anyone (family friends, basketball players from other schools) search him up, those curated posts are all they’ll see. he only posts that occasional story in order to see if anyone’s been stalking him.
then there’s the finsta which is what he’s most active on. he posts several times a week on this account and the posts are all either 1) shitposts and memes that make little to no sense, 2) pictures of fellow kiridai members at very bad angles, or 3) photos from matches that he wants to mock, like a picture of kiyoshi’s face in agony as his knee got broken with the caption “tfw tanaka-sensei sets a pop quiz.”
and finally hara has his assortment of troll accounts, most of which he uses to pretend to be a high school girl living in the general Tokyo area so that he can catfish classmates when he’s bored. 
hara has so many of these accounts that he’s created a cinematic universe of his own with elaborate storylines about the tumultuous friendships between these non-existent girls. they’ve become kiridai’s answer to d&d whenever the boys are bored.
plus these catfish accounts have now become strategic. several of the ‘girls’ are in talking stages, and even online relationships with, basketball players from other schools. this means that a) hara can get intel from the players and b) as soon as any important match comes around, he breaks up with/ghosts the guy, in the hope that it’ll make them place worse.
it goes without saying that it was hanamiya who invented this innovative technique of psychological warfare but hara’s the one who puts the hours in - to the point where it would be a little suspicious how well he can pretend to be a teen girl in love if not for the shit-eating grin on his face whenever he goes through his collection of screenshots of messages begging “her” to take them back 
(sidenote - can you imagine how well okamura would fall for this?) 
(i’m thinking of a yandere!okamura x catfish!hara fic…)
Furuhashi Kojiro 
has two Instagram accounts
account number one is the one his teammates/family/friends follow. it’s a private account that he doesn’t use very much apart from liking friends’ posts. he has a few photos on there, but mostly photos of scenery from holidays
account number two is public, with around 10k followers. it’s completely anonymous and no one irl knows he has it. this account posts quite regularly and every post is an aesthetic picture either of his plants or what he’s baked recently. and when i say aesthetic, i mean aesthetic: the perfect warm lighting and usually some berries or something framing the centrepiece of the photo. 
the captions are usually quite short and wholesome: “making melonpan can be difficult but i find the challenge refreshing” “when the days become stressful, i turn to these larch bonsai to remind myself to stand tall” “i am trying a new macaroon recipe. may it bring great riches.”
he’s also started posting some reels on this account, mostly timelapses of bread rising or plants growing etc
furu uses very few hashtags but somehow still gets super high engagement. his followers adore him and have collectively assumed he’s a fem lesbian living in the countryside somewhere with her beloved girlfriend. (furuhashi naturally never corrects anyone because he wants to keep it anonymous.) the comments are all “cottagecore queen” “i owe all my mental health to you” “the only unproblematic account on Instagram” 
so yeah, on instagram, furu is considered an angel
Jason Silver
this man has not posted a single photo where he is not shirtless
and his stories are like 30% videos from streetball practice and 70% thirst traps which he pretends he’s posting to show his gains... but everyone knows he’s just posting them to try attract the three women who followed him back
his following is around 50% ‘baddies’, 45% nba players, and 5% friends and a few streetballers that he’s played against before
(he follows very few streetballers because he thinks it’s beneath him to follow losers and see how they’re improving. he’s so good at basketball he has no need for that, duh.)
(in reality he has no need to stalk prospective opponents because nash does it for him.)
also actually headcanon that most of jason’s posts are videos of him breaking the hoop while dunking or just generally basketball action shots, because jason can’t pose in front of a camera to save his life
you can’t blame him really - that’s a lot of man to fit in one small lens
Haizaki Shougo
no profile photo, no posts: 100% anonymous account. man just uses his Instagram account to get material to jerk off too - pretty much every single account he follows is of an onlyfans model. (he would still be following some female classmates and kise’s ex girlfriend if not for the fact that they’ve all blocked him.)
in the end, haizaki has no friends to interact with and no aesthetic life he can post about, so why would be bother having a more social instagram
added bonus of the anonymous account is that he can use it to stalk others - and he does like his stalking. 
sometimes he stalks the gom’s accounts, and he tells himself it’s just to make fun of them being desperate for likes or looking pretentious, but really he gets a “what could have been” feeling from scrolling through all the photos (and it hurts -- especially seeing videos of them playing together like back in middle school.)
and sometimes haizaki stalks his fukuda sogo teammates. again, he tells himself it’s just to mock them, and he’ll see photos of them hanging out together and be like “what fucking losers who would want to be seen with them.” but there’s a little pang of loneliness in his heart all the same.
Yamazaki Hiroshi
has had the same instagram account since he was 10 and he never deletes or archives any posts so if you scroll far down enough, you’ll find videos of pre-pubescent him and hara doing ‘parkour’ (literally just jumping over benches and off swings) or those chain posts like “share this with five friends or you’ll be haunted forever.)
zaki’s is a private account with a couple hundred followers - his teammates obviously but also family, cousins, some classmates, some of hara’s catfish accounts, and even a couple fellow high school basketballers from distant enough teams that they somehow haven’t realised that zaki is a member of the infamous kiridai. 
he posts semi-regularly and mostly just very normal, mundane posts - photos from family holidays, a tasty udon noodle bowl he had the other day and maybe the occasional streetball photo (typically with one of the kiridai boys in the frame instead of zaki – zaki’s not a huge fan of photos of himself)
zaki’s feed is mostly hara’s shitposts and also streaming clips from his various video games, and if you do ever see his account in the ‘wild’, it will be him backing up hara’s finsta after hara made a particularly outrageous comment somewhere
because a real friendship takes two people: Person 1 who just stirs shit up, and Person 2 who defends Person 2’s shit-stirring by cursing out every commenter who criticises them
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hey-cringelord · 2 months ago
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rarely do i feel like an anime with characters widely accepted as dark skinned have the source material itself to rely on for representation, so seeing things from JUMP and production i.g where aomine isn’t whitewashed is, like, the biggest unwanted flex
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zyettemoon1800 · 1 year ago
Master list
All of them together (1)
All of them together(2)
All of them together(3)
All of them together (4)
All of the together (5)
Hobie Brown
Thomas Hewitt
Muhammad Ali.Jr
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tetsunabouquet · 1 year ago
Can I have yandere nash gold jr with a s/o who he has a crush on for quite some time? (NSFW pls 🙇🏻‍♀️)
A/N: You didn't specify wether you wanted a drabble, a complete one-shot or a headcanon, so I decided to make a Yandere version of the NSFW Headcanon I created earlier!
-Considering he's interested in cute, innocent virgins I can imagine the girl he's obsessing over to be that shy, introverted sweetheart who's too stuffed up in her books to realize she's attractive or that Nash is totally losing his mind. -You notice him because the way he speaks is so different from the other Jabberwock members, more intelligent and poised. So you give him the time of day, not noticing you're playing a very dangerous game. -He dreams of being your sun, of having you worship him for his mere existence, just like he worships yours. -Little things like the way your mouth parts when you sleep, the shampoo you use, he knows everything yet he craves to know even more, to know those thoughts going on in your pretty head. -He placed cameras around your room when you weren't looking that one time he got invited in your house and he jerks off regularly at the sight of you in your every day private life, like that time you ran naked through your house because you forgot to place a towel for yourself after you took a shower. -He struck a deal with the rest of his teammates, to intimidate you as often as possible so Nash could prop himself as the hero. -The rest of the Jabberwock team doesn't really care if anything happens to you, and if you were to went missing someday, they'd cover for Nash without a doubt. -Nash uses the money he earns from games to have a home build for the two of you, one where you won't escape. -Though the bedroom looks more like a sex dungeon where he can torture you all he pleases. After all, pleasure and pain are the best ways to hardwire a girl's brain if you'd ask Nash. -Nash isn't stupid and is fully aware women release a lot of bonding hormones during sex and that arousal overrides repulsion and fear. He's fully planning to use this against you. -When you're alone during your captive moments, Nash makes sure to keep you as aroused as possible so you wouldn't want to leave. He makes you wear toys and regularly massages you with aphrodisiac oil. -Nash is dead serious when it comes to wanting to brainwash you, using your hormones against you. -He smirks with joy every time your lips start wobbling and you are at the verge of begging him to take you. It's then when he can shove his cock in your mouth and start pounding your throat to be more honest with what you want. -Disciplining you is his favorite moment of the day. -Never fucks you with a condom on. He's planning to breed you and trap you with as many kids as possible. -Nash loves fucking you endlessly, seeing you be marked with his cum and fickeys stimulates the possessive parts of his brain. -When you're pregnant is the only time he'll let you out of the house without himself to accompany you, but you'll still always be escorted by one of the Jabberwock members, usually Silver is the one to do so because of how much he intimidates you. -Nash won't leave you ot of his sight. Once you gave him that small smile when he met you, you were his for eternity.
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wannabe-cartoonist-blog · 5 months ago
Jabberwock Redesigns + Headcanons (pictures incld. read description)
Thought it'd be fun to redesign/edit pics of Jabberwock from knb, bc I've never really liked their designs (for various reasons).
This is a looooong post, so it's going below a cut, but I hope you enjoy!
Prefacing with these are just my opinions/headcanons.
One of my main issues with Last Game has always been the change in animation style. Characters' hair seems flatter, their eyes smaller, their frames lankier, they also seem much older than they actually are due to an abundance of fine linework. Another thing that always bugged me was Jabberwock. Besides from having only really 2 characters of note (Nash and Jason) their designs were just so....jarring. It didn't feel like these were characters who existed in the world of knb. So I've always wanted to try to redesign them. These are less redesigns, and more like headcanons + edits. I feel like I would draw them (namely Nick, Allen, and Zach) differently if I had the chance (to make them more distinct). But that is a job for another day. A post over on the other subreddit got me thinking harder about my Jabberwock headcanons, and I've always wanted to try to "fix" what I found wrong with their designs, so that's what this post is inspired by. I namely wanted to make it look like you could find these designs for Jabberwock in the anime TV series and not find them aesthetically out of place.
Before I get into my redesigns + explanations, I want to go over something very quickly.
Names in KnB
Canonically, every group/team/character in KnB is given a name with significance by the creator, Fujimaki-sensei. It's one of my most favorite things about knb; how much thought goes into a simple name. A character's first/given name in knb signifies their character traits (Ryouta means "cool boy", Shintaro means "serious son/boy", Atsushi means "serene", etc). A character's last/family name groups them together with their teammates with some sort of theme (the Miracles have colors in their family/lastnames, Kaijo's are names of Japanese rivers, Shutoku's are names of Japanese mountains, etc). Jabberwock's theme for last/family names is precious metals (as assigned by Fujimaki). Of the five significant/named characters in Jabberwock, only two of them have both a first/given and last/family name (Nash Gold Jr and Jason Silver). "Gold" and "silver" being the two precious metals represented by each character. The rest of Jabberwock doesn't have last/family names, and their first/given names are the reference to the precious metal (Allen; aluminum, Nick; nickel, Zach; zinc). So, you can see why this bothers me (bc I'm insane); only two characters match the rest of the knb's cast's pattern of naming. So, a major change I'd make would be to assign lastnames to/rename Allen, Nick, and Zach. But even then, Nash and Jason's last/given names are outliers too, as their names are simply the name of the previous metals by themselves. I've always seen Jabberwock as mirrors to the GoM, and the GoM's last/family names not only have the name of a color in them, but also another word, so their names aren't simply the name of a color on it's own (for example, Kuroko is "kuro" [black] + "ko" [child] and not just simply "Kuro" [Black]). So, if I had control, I would also modify Nash and Jason's last/family names so they weren't simply just the name of the previous metal on it's own. The GoM also have hair + eye colors that are reflective of the color in their names (besides Kuroko, who's color is "black", yet is assigned light blue). So, I would also recolor Jabberwock to have hair + eyecolors that match the colors of the precious metals in their names.
So, here are the main points to keep in mind as you read through this post and look at my redesigns:
- I want Jabberwock to look like they would fit into the anime TV series' style
- I would re-name them so they all fit a theme + pattern established by the main series/Fujimaki
- I would recolor their hair + eyes to reflect the colors of the precious metals alluded to in their names
Okay, now here we go.
Nash Goldbourne Jr.
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I feel like Nash would have a name that sounds pretty distinguished, and is perhaps from a well-regarded family, but is sort of the wayward son. So, "goldbourne" seems sort of thematic to me (aka, it means to me "born-into-wealth"). I would also give him darker hair, that is more golden and less flaxen. His eyes are green canonically, but again, I want all of Jabberwock's hair and eye colors to match their precious metals, so I'd change those to gold too. I also feel like his Belial Eye would look extra cool all golden (and would serve as a good mirror to Akashi's golden Emperor Eye). He is also the only character in all of knb to have eyelashes the same color as his hair?? So I would take that away and make 'em black, like everyone else. Nash's OG design just looks too much like Alex (light blonde hair, green eyes) to me. (Alex also has black eyelashes despite being white, just as Nash, so it's not like it's a stylistic choice assigned to all caucasian characters). Jabberwock has a lot of piercings, so I thought it'd be fun if all their piercings were made of the precious metal in their names, so I changed Nash's silver piercings to gold. He still looks a little like Kise, but that was the case for his OG design anyway sooo. -shrug-
Jason Silverton
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So. Elephant in the room; anime is notoriously bad at designing characters' of African descent. In specific, I've noticed over the years that a lot of anime artists love to give African characters beady eyes, despite the fact that every other characters' eyes are exaggerated/accentuated. They also love to add a lot of fine linework, which, imo, creates the illusion of wrinkles, which can cause characters to look significantly older than they actually are. Fujimaki/knb is no exception. Jabberwock's members are all in their late teens-early 20s (at most). So, basically, you'll notice a major thing I did for all of Jabberwock's members (that I personally think improved their designs significantly) was simply enlarge their eyes and irises + remove some of their wrinkles. Canon Jason's hair is also very white to me, and doesn't really convey "silver" imo. I don't think I executed it that well, but I think it would be fun if Jason had that same duo-toned hair that Kagami and Aomine had. I think it would be a fun way to allude to the reflective/shiny nature of actual silver. I don't really have a fun explanation behind "Silverton" like I do for Nash's lastname, other than I think it sounds nice and that something, somewhere in the far recesses of my mind is telling me that some sort of irl athlete has the last name Silverton...? Someone lmk is I'm crazy or not.
Nicholas "Nick" Nickells
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His OG design wasn't so bad, but he suffered from small eyes + excessive wrinkles like everyone else, so I adjusted those to help make him look younger. If I had full control, I'd probably make his hair sliiightly longer, so that Nick's hair less resembles Jason's hair and also makes it so Nash doesn't stand out too much as the only character with longer hair (I think it'd help make him look more youthful too). Also, I had no issue with his OG hair color, but since I wanted to keep him on theme with everybody else, I changed his hair color to resemble the hue of actual nickel a little more (and his piercings!). Canonically, he is only known as "Nick", and since I decided to give all the lastname-less Jabberwock characters lastnames, I thought "Nick Nick____" would sound very cheesy. And since nicknames are a big thing in the US, I thought it'd be fun that what if his firstname was actually "Nicholas", and all his boys simply dubbed him "Nick" based on his lastname/nickname for his given name?
Zach Bronsley
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First things first: I gave him less wrinkles, bigger eyes + irises. Now we are truly entering my "I'm doing whatever I want" portion of this post lol. Canonically, "Zach" is suppose to alluded to "zinc" but it doesn't convey that like at all to me. Zinc is also grey-ish and we've got too many elements that color already imo. Plus, we have gold and silver, why not have a bronze, to truly round out the Olympic medals? (lol). So, since I changed his precious metal to "bronze", I recolored his eyes, eyebrows, and 'stache (to a lesser extent) to be more bronze-y. Plus, piercings are now made of bronze!
Allen Copperty
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Last but not least, we have our camera-shy Allen. Seriously, it was so hard to get a decent pic of him (and even then, Nick is still in this frame, I just cropped him out lol). Again; bigger eyes + irises, less wrinkles. His canon element is also aluminum, and just like with "Zack" + "zinc", I don't get "Allen" from "aluminum" at all (plus it's also another grey-ish metal grrrr!!). So, I decided to change his precious metal too. Copper is a very iconic precious metal to me so it came to mind/seemed fitting. Also, if we have nickel, it only seemed right to have copper. So I changed his hair and eye color to a more orangey/coppery brown. And his jewlery, but probably not made of actual copper, bc that shit would turn green so fast lol. I also think it'd be quite fun if he had medium-length dreads or something (akin to Meguro's, but with Allen's sweatband pushing them back, plus perhaps copper-toned tips?; it'd also help make him look more youthful). But I wouldn't have been able to edit that well, so just accept this for now.
And that's that!
If you read all the way to the end, thank you! Again, this is just for fun and I don't mean to upset anybody. These are just choices/changes that I personally would make, hypothetically. Lmk what you think!
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ravenna222 · 2 years ago
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I can't find the artist but god bless them 🙏 (this makes me want to write a nash fic)
Anyhow, here's the link to the pin: https://pin.it/vFkUiQ6
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fonmythenmetz · 2 years ago
How different characters watched Nash break Akashi’s ankles
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Haizaki (wearing Jabberwock merch of course):
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Himuro (wasn’t invited as a part of the team for some reason except being x1000 better than base Kagami)
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Kuroko (secretly):
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Random people all over the country who were humiliated and laughed at by the generation of miracles:
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imalwaysinconfusion · 2 years ago
the way that these boys call people monkeys… nash gold jr and geto suguru are brothers
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todorokitouyasleftshoe · 1 year ago
Vorpal Swords when Nash said Akashi has the same eye as him:
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kirisaki-daichi-scenarios · 8 months ago
girls just wanna have fun | nash gold jr + younger sister!reader
for anon who asked “Since you did a Nash with a little brother headcanons, could you do Nash with a little sister? (Maybe like a 2 year difference)” … yeah so much for that. in my defence i did start writing hcs with a 2 year difference, but then i had a Vision and suddenly words started flowing through my head for the first time in weeks so i had to type at the speed of light to get them down before my phone died. then my phone died anyway so the second half of this was originally written on a napkin. being sat on a train floor writing fanfiction on a napkin is possibly the most loser-y thing i’ve ever done but hey, at least i had fun. you might still get some hcs - it depends on if i can be bothered / how well this au does, but i hope you like this oneshot anyway!
“Practice more next time,” is what 12-year-old Nash tells you, age seven, after you’re eliminated in the first round of the school’s spelling bee.
Then he sees your lip start to wobble.
He rolls his eyes and adds, “but they gave you the hardest word. Totally.”
As he listens to you complaining about how unfair life is, whilst knowing that, at your age, he could have spelt “rosette” backwards, Nash just keeps biting his tongue. Lets you rant and nods in agreement whenever you check to see if he’s still listening.
He’s a big brother now, that’s how his parents put it, he has to be a good role model. And - this is what Nash is thinking to himself - he has to be an extra good big brother to make up for the useless parents who should have been here for their daughter’s first spelling bee. He has to be the one promising he’ll take you to the ice cream shop round the corner so that, in years from now, it’ll be the vanilla that sticks in your memory, and not the two empty chairs with “reserved for the Golds” on the seats. He doesn’t want you to think of your childhood years like how he thinks of his.
Nash Gold tries hard to keep his little sister happy.
But once Nash goes into high school, and starts taking his basketball, water sports, boxing, and everything else more seriously, there’s less time for being the stand-in parent attending all your events.
The good news is that you start doing less anyway. The preteen years have made you shy away from the world, flitting from hobby to hobby without anything to really bury your soul in. There was the anime-inspired volleyball obsession that died as soon as you finished your binging the seasons; the brief craving to join the basketball club until you realised just how incompetent your teammates were compared to Nash, how boring and difficult everything was when it was not your big brother doing it; the desire to be the West End’s next star that was crushed by receiving the role of tree in the school play and tripping over in your only scene (how Nash had laughed! And then scowled at the people laughing at you next to him); and then the single-day infatuation with joining the chess club, the infatuation dying as soon as you realised your chess-playing crush already had a girlfriend.
To fill your time, you start accompanying Nash to Jabberwock’s practices. No one wants you there. Nash has forbidden them from swearing around you, and any sex jokes are an even bigger no: given these two things combined are 90% of the usual Jabberwock conversation, it’s not a surprise that there’s grumbling when they see you walking behind Nash.
But Nash silences any grumbling with a glare as cold as ice.
Because, sure, he doesn’t want his little sister following him around everywhere but he’d much rather you were doing your homework in the corner of a street ball court instead of sat alone in an empty house.
Nash’s priority is always that you finish your homework. Only then will he let you help out as the team’s mini manager: topping up water bottles, fetching balls, collecting the boy’s hoodies when they get too warm. And, over time, your place in the team feels more secure. You’re good in your role as the little helper. You crack a “that’s what she said” joke that gets everyone guffawing - everyone but Nash, that is, who scolds you the high heavens, demands to know where you’ve been hearing jokes like that, whilst, in his heart of hearts, being thrilled that you’re coming out of your shell. You sit down with Nick during breaks to ooh and aah over his Animal Crossing Island, trembling with excitement when he hands you the Nintendo and lets you design a room of your own. You beg Zack to teach you to spin a basketball on your finger, and hug him overjoyed when you manage it for the first time. You fetch fresh headbands for Allen while looking down at the ground, blushing frantically: your crush on the boy lasts several months, though you never notice how Nash burns holes in Allen’s head whenever the two of you are talking, or how awkward having a middle schooler crush on him makes Allen feel.
Then, one day, you decide you want to learn how to do a dunk. After spending an hour watching you struggle to jump even one foot up in the air, Jason lifts you up onto his shoulders. Tells you to “try now - just tell me where you want me to go and hold on tight.”
Looking around from over 7ft tall, you feel like you’re the queen of the world.
By the time you’re in high school, you’ve become more confident. You don’t come to Jabberwock’s practices as often. You’ve got friends to hang out with instead, a study group that you always attend, and, inspired by your brother’s prowess in everything fisticuffs, you’ve signed up to be member of the school’s taekwondo club.
Nash never makes you to come to practice. Though it hurts seeing your corner of the court empty, devoid of the rucksack and textbooks that used to fill it, he knows that this is for the best. A teen girl shouldn’t be living in her brother’s shadow. Hell, a guy shouldn’t have his little sister in his shadow either.
But Nash still finds it hard to hold back a grin when you see him grabbing his basketball bag and ask if you can “come with?” And when you’re at practice, it’s like nothing’s changed. You join in with everyone else teasing Zack over his newly shaven head; you still get a little shy when talking to Allen; and you whoop and gush over Nick’s high arc shots as if you’ve never seen them before.
“You’re my number two favourite basketball player ever,” you tell Nick, rushing over to him as he awkwardly runs his hand through his spiky blonde hair.
Overhearing, Allen says with a little hope, “he’s not number one?”
“Obviously not,” you roll your eyes, “Nash is my number one. Duh.”
No one loves Nash as much as you do, and no one loves you as much as he does.
It turns out Nash is an anomaly, and that combat sport skill does not run in the family. You are horrible at taekwondo: your kicks are accurate - surprisingly so given how bad your balance is - but, no matter how many drills you do, or how many times you insist Nash comes up with a workout routine for you, they never develop much power.
But you’re trying hard to improve, forever inspired by your brother, and you take any chance to kick that you’re given.
“Taekwondo?” asks Jason one morning, as practices a free throw. “They don’t have any good martial arts clubs at your school?”
“You wouldn’t be saying that if you’d felt the pain of my kicks,” you retort, hands on your hips.
Jason turns to you. “Go on then.”
You ready yourself, check your footing’s correct, and then swing your leg out. With a thud, your foot makes contact with Jason’s side.
He stares at you, almost in pity. “That’s it?”
But Nash is walking by and he’s glaring like he normally does whenever someone that’s not him makes him little sister look inadequate. So, dutifully, Jason falls backwards in slo-mo and pretends to roll on the floor in agony, crying out for his mother and claiming that he’s never known such pain, while you give him another kick in his side for being a jerk.
(Nash never scolds you for kicking his teammates, though, of course, he’d have a fit if any of them even looked at you wrong.)
Of course, you’re not an idiot; you know you’re not good at taekwondo. But, unlike all your previous school clubs, you’re not planning on leaving this one. After all, without the club, you’d have no opportunities to say good morning to star of the Taekwondo club, Ryuu. And you’d never get to feel his fingers brushing against your arm as he corrects your posture; you’d never get to see his grin and thumbs up as he tells you he’s sure your kicks are improving; and, more importantly, you would have never got the opportunity to wait for him outside the dojang, see him walk out looking more handsome than ever, and ask him if he’d ever think about going out with you.
“Think about it?” Ryuu replies. “Man, I dream of it!”
Smiling from ear to ear, he reaches out to intertwine his fingers with yours, and he doesn’t let go of your hand until he’s walked you all the way home. The feeling of his touch lingers, the warmth flooding through your veins, and keeping your smile fixed on your face.
Nash is sitting on the sofa when you walk in. He looks up from his phone and frowns, “who was the guy?”
“I’m dating the coolest guy in the whole school,” you gush, racing to your brother’s side to tell him all about Ryuu, and you’re still talking about the boy - enthusing now about his Taekwondo prowess - by the time Nash starts preparing dinner.
Nash says he’s happy that you’re happy, grunts occasionally in agreement with your rambles, and accepts the fact that this is probably all he’ll be hearing for the next few hours.
“You’re not upset with me, are you?” you ask eventually, noticing how your brother’s gone quiet.
“Never” replies Nash. “Why would I have an issue with you dating a guy who’s made you this happy?”
But it’s funny how often you bump into him when you’re out with said boyfriend. And not just Nash: it’s like the whole team starts appearing out of nowhere at cafes, parks, funfairs. And these chance encounters always follow the same trend: the boys are happy to see you, chatty and joking, and then they look at Ryuu and their faces take on a cold sneer, every inch the vicious Jabberwock archetype they’re known for.
Nash tells him, “you look after my sister, yeah? Or else.” And if looks could kill…
Zack pretends to be polite, saying “well, I’ve got no problem with you - for now. You make sure to keep it that way.”
Nick has to hold back a snicker as he replies to your boyfriend with “yeah, nice to meet you man, whatever.” Then he turns to you and whispers, “you would have been better off with Allen.”
Allen wipes the sneer of his face when you ask him to be nice; he smiles at you, but then, as he meets your boyfriend’s gaze, he mumbles to you, “you’ve got my number if you ever need me to sort any problems out.”
Jason says, “this guy? Seriously? Shit, I could snap in two him like a twig.”
By the time he meets Jason, your boyfriend’s long fed up of the slander. He stands up from the bench, even though it only makes him look smaller against Jason’s muscular 6ft11 frame, looks up into the other man’s amused expression, and replies, “with all due respect, I was the Taekwondo state champion last year.”
Jason’s laugh is so loud and booming it practically triggers an earthquake.
Ryuu’s a good boyfriend. Nash never learns to genuinely like him, but he stops disliking him as much as time goes on. He orders pizza for the three of you when you and Ryuu are doing a study date at the Gold household; he drives you to Ryuu’s Taekwondo tournament and grudgingly claps when he wins; or he throws a couple condoms at Ryuu when you’re snuggling against your boyfriend on your bed, watching your favourite movie together.
“You should be grateful I’m such a good brother,” Nash laughs when you start punching him for embarrassing the two of you like this. “You know, when I was your age…”
“Go away, Nash!” you screech, pushing him out of the room, “God, you’re such a nuisance.”
“All I’m saying is use protection,” comes Nash’s sniggering voice as you slam the door shut behind him.
You walk back over to Ryuu. “I’m sorry about him. Honestly, he’s the worst.”
“Nah, your brother’s cool,” says Ryuu, but he’s still blushing a bit as he gives you that golden grin of his that makes you feel like you’re his entire world.
But all good things come to an end.
Ryuu moves to a new state where he’ll be able to get better Taekwondo instruction. His coach thinks he’s got Olympic potential - they don’t want him to be wasted in this city where nothing good ever happens - and his parents are in agreement.
“They said the sooner I leave, the better for my future,” quotes Ryuu as squeezes your hand, looking down at the ground beneath the swings you’re sharing. “But I wanted you to be my future.”
Nash had told you not to interfere - that you don’t want to be the person holding Ryuu back from his dreams - so you encourage Ryuu to go, tell him that you’ll still be his future, it’s just a few years of separation.
And it’s Nash who drives you to the airport and watches from a distance as the two of you hug for the final time, promising to say in contact, promising that you’ll be able to make long distance work.
When you walk back to Nash, your lip’s wobbling like it did back when you were seven. As soon as he wraps his arm around you, you burst into tears, sobbing into his shirt. Your brother hugs you tighter, like he’s the only thing in the world keeping you from falling into pieces. His voice is quiet and calm and betrays none of the pain he feels looking at your crying figure.
Into the top of your head, Nash mutters, “As soon as the season’s over, you and I will go on a road trip to go see him, alright? And you can call him every night if you want. And if he even thinks of looking at another girl, or ignoring a single text of yours, Jason and I will fly over and deal with him. Or we’ll kidnap him and bring him back to you if that’s what you want.”
You’re crying harder, fingers clutching onto Nash’s shirt even tighter.
“I’ll skip practice today if you want; we can do a movie night instead.”
Voice muffled by how your face is pressed into Nash’s chest, so none of the passersby might see you crying, you reply, “no. You should go to practice.”
“I’m not gonna leave you alone like this.”
“Can I come?”
“What - to practice? Yeah, ‘course. The boys are always happy to have you around.”
You look up and force a smile, biting on your tongue like it might stop you crying, as Nash matches your smile with a sad grin of his own.
“It’s gonna be rough, but you’ll get through it,” he says, “you’re the toughest kid I know.”
And he pulls you in for another hug.
fun fact: the original plan was for the boyfriend to cheat on reader who breaks up with him, and then for jabberwock to go teach him a lesson. but then i thought “why the need for all this violence?”, me of course being the admin of a blog dedicated to a team that’s known for their non-violent ways. but anyway i figured it was an overused trope and why not show nash being an actually good supportive brother, so here you go. (and if anyone enjoyed reading about the lesser known jabberwock members, then you might also like these hcs) (and if you wanna read the nash little brother hcs, you can find them here)
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zyettemoon1800 · 2 years ago
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tetsunabouquet · 8 months ago
Hello, I saw your fic about the bad boys hatefucking the reader and it was amazing, I just wanna request if you could make a whole fic about Nash's part. If that is alright with you?
A/N: Of course it's alright with me! I actually wished the KNB fandom got more active in their requests. I apologize this came out later as intended, this idiot over here didn't save so after nearly finishing half of the fanfic my computer had an error and I had to restart my computer without getting to save T-T (18+)
Nash had hated Marcus since his second year of elementary school, when his mother had decided to put him on a local basketball club for young boys. It hadn't taken him long until he ran into Marcus who as a young prodigy, was the most popular kid in the club. The two quickly developped a very toxic rivalry which you played a part of, being your brother's first ever cheerleader and you treated Nash like he was a piece of dirty you found on your shoe. Once you fell on the floor because Nash had grabbed at the ribbons holding your pigtails together and you had fallen onto the floor. The coach had been furious, telling his mom that if Nash were to ever pull that crap again he wouldn't be welcome at the club anymore. Nash had been so furious, all because he had gotten god damn sick of those ribbons trailing in the air when you weren't even part of the club! It was why, he approached you with the biggest smirk of his life, after he had finally done what seemed impossible to his younger self. Beat Marcus at his own game. The look on our brother's face had been golden and had made him feel as if he were drunk but Nash wasn't done. He needed to teach you a lesson too. High as a kite on adrenaline and vengeance, he took you in, going over your short summer dress with a tingling sensation in his nether regions. The pink dress clung to your sun-kissed skin and he drank in the breasts that had started developping since the time he first saw you. Finallly, the dream he had since puberty started racing through his bones and his hatred for you had developped a dark side of desire and seeing you cry as he fucked your brains out, was in his reach and he grabbed you by the wrist, "You should come with me, I deserve something after all the shit you put me through." You were staring wide eyed at the blonde, too flabbergasted to think of a response. You had never seen your brother lose, especially not to someone like Nash. You were thinking of what to do as Nash pushed you against the locker of the dressing room, his blue eyes glued to yours. "What on earth do you think you're doing?" You demanded as his fingers wrapped themselves around your waist, grateful for finding your voice. "You still talk to me as if you're better then me, huh? Didn't it get through yout head little princess. Your shithead of a brother lost." You didn't know what to say to that, even though your instinct was to defend Marcus, not that you needed to as Nash crashed his mouth against yours. His kiss tasted hot and sharp, filled with lust and hate burning hot enough to melt your bones until you were nothing but a puddle in his hands. Unlike your brother, Nash dominated you with ease and you whimpered as he grabbed you by your pussy, squeezing your lower lips as your heart raced. You could already feel yourself growing wet, and you breathed out as he laughed in your face. "I cannot believe how easy you are," he sneered but the way his fingers were digging into your clothed pussy had you weak. He shoved your panties down, and you mewled as he pushed two of his fingers in your core. "Allow me to drill into you how much better I've always been." He said as his fingers started pumping and scissoring your sweet hole. You couldn't helpt but pathetically nod, his fingers were too good and his vile words struck some kind of weird, almost masochistic chord. Suddenly the virginity you had kept safe for your boyfriend didn't matter much to you anymore, all the sweet promises just faded away as the only thing that you wanted right now, was to have your brother's most despised rival mark you with his cum. A primal need to be claimed filled you, and you begged for more. And Nash was glad to give you more, breaking your hymen with a swift thrust, tears were pooling at your eye sockets, but you felt high, so high you might never come down. Yes, Nash really had his own magic, you thought as he moved deliciously inside you, as he growled in a vicious delight at the discovery you were a virgin and that his victory was even sweeter as he dreamt off. Your pussy was enchanted, indeed.
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ravenna222 · 2 years ago
I wanna be trapped between Nash and Akashi so badly 🙏
Also happy birthday to Nash aka "Mr. Goldilocks" (or just trash king)
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