#jaal x vetra
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years ago
My frens! If you know your Mass Effect: Andromeda, then you’ll know what this GIF means.
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I finished the game! 🤗🥳🎉✨
Some important things of note: (SPOILERS, if anybody cares about a 6 year old game 😉)
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I ended up taking 120 hours but, let me tell you, that was with me playing as thoroughly as possible. I did every single task, even the ones where you had to find randomly spawning things like datapads. 😐 Fortunately, thanks to some helpful people on Youtube, I learned that several of those tasks could be sped up by controlling load zones (so you find a datapad or whatever, drive away, drive back and voila, hopefully a new one has spawned in! Sometimes you had to actually fast travel or leave the planet and return to get a new spawn, other times that would totally bork things. It was a process of discovery, lol).
I’m not going to play it through like that again, even when I start over as Scott, but it was fun to take the time to really explore on my first “visit” to the world of Andromeda!
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Fina-frickin’-ly, lol! The big guy played it close to the vest for a lot longer than I was expecting but, well, our love is now true, official and documented! Something I thought was really hysterical, though? Even after you’ve committed to Jaal, which eliminates the option to flirt with anybody else, I STILL had the flirt option for Drack! So, of course, I had to go ahead and take it, Jaal would just have to understand that Drack is an unstoppable Krogan love machine that NO ONE can resist. 😇😛😉 It was all good, though; Drack let me down easy and Jaal never mentioned it.
Though I did wait until Jaal wasn’t, you know, standing right there. Because I have manners and stuff. *nodnods* 😉
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(NOTE: This is a screencap, not a GIF, just so you don’t wonder why it’s not loading, lol) I was SUPER DUPER SAD to learn that I can’t get this look for Scott on his own playthrough. The default face can’t be customized. 😥 ZOMG, I WANT THIS SCRUFFY BEARD LOOK SO VERY MUCH. 😥 I miiiiight see about customizing one of the other faces to look as much like the default face as possible if you can have a scruffy beard. If not, then clean-shaven it will be. *HEAVY SIGH* 😛😉
And speaking of Scott, this actually managed to be something I didn’t know was coming: (SO I’LL MARK THIS WITH ITS OWN SPOILER WARNING, JUST IN CASE) I thought he’d probably wake from his coma by the end of the game but I was FLOORED when I was suddenly playing as Scott and he had a pivotal role in the final fight! 👀 It hit me as hard as an invisible drink, I tell you!
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Hee, for some reason, her drink glasses would randomly not appear several times throughout the game, I dunno why. But that’s not as bad as the glitch that I got thankfully only once where THE GROUND did not spawn in and so she got stuck in a cycle of falling to her death, restarting, falling to her death, restarting, falling, restarting, etc. etc. 😱😱😱 That sucked rocks through a straw big time! 😡
I still kinda laugh at the fact that, because I missed that you can customize your brother or sister, I ended up with customized Sara and default Scott as twins, lol! On Scott’s playthrough, I’m going to customize Sara to look like this Sara, though, just ‘cause. 😎 Also, I find it interesting that their dad Alec changes to match your main character, so if I use default Scott, I’ll have default Alec where as Sara’s Alec matched her look instead, lol. Oh well, clearly Original Pathfinder Ryder™ was a man of many talents! 😛
A few other fun things...
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This is how Peebee showed up when I changed my loadout, lol. You can see Vetra is following me because she’s my Best Girl™ but Peebs (I love it when she starts signing her emails like that 😉) is just hanging out up there! I finally had to get in the NOMAD and then back out again to get her boots on the ground!
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Sara has a radio-like music player at her bedside in the Pathfinder’s quarters and it has my friend THE DANCE PROMPT, YES! (You can’t see it here because I had to shorten the GIF for size limitations. 😕😉) Sara is also modeling both her casual and her sport’s casual looks for y’all as she breaks out her best moves! 😎👍😉
Next, because I’m sure the entire Internet is dying of anticipation to know my next move... 😛😉
Since I’ve learned of my other friend, Manual Save, I kept some points so I can go back and...
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...take Peebee up on her friends-with-benefits offer. And back up a bit farther to do the same for Liam after Sara helps him move the couch. 😛
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Here’s Liam and Jaal giving Sara both Thoughts™ (’cause, hey, she’s been in cryosleep for 600 years and a girl’s got neeeeeeeds, ya know!) and Anxiety™ (’cause she’s the leader of this crew and, fellas, ZOMG, this is Not Professional®) 😂
However, the next full romance I want to do (and am going to back up alllll of the way to when Sara gets the Tempest or thereabouts so I don’t miss anything) is going to be...
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...Vetra, my love. I just freakin’ adore her, what can I say? She was my constant through all of the missions, it was always me, Vetra and somebody else. She’s a total badass but also endearingly a little insecure and with a literal spiky exterior that covers a sweet, caring heart. Nothing but the best full-on romance for my Turian sweetheart! *fist thump* (Can you guess who I already know my fem!Shep will be romancing in the ME trilogy? Three guesses and they’re all spelled Garrus Vakarian... 😂😉)
I still would like to romance Suvi but I get the feeling she’s going to take more work like Jaal did because her flirt options dropped almost immediately as soon as I stopped selecting them. Peebee and Liam, for example, offered flirt options right up until my romance with Jaal locked in, even though I hadn’t selected one for a while. So there’s that to consider.
For Scott, he’ll definitely be romancing Avela because, as we all may recall...
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Also, it’s a short-lived romance so he can probably find time to also romance somebody else in that one playthrough, if I’m feeling it. (I honestly was surprised at how much I ended up loving Gil, so maybe we’ll give that a try, either here or elsewhere?)
But, of course, the full-on romance for Scott is going to be...
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Cora. I legit went *SQUEE* out loud when she kept asking about or mentioning Scott to Sara. *furiously waves Scott/Cora shipper flag* It made me feel kinda like she might’ve had a wee little bit of a crush on her Pathfinder’s son (when Alec was her Pathfinder, of course) but she was keeping it professional and all that. I dunno, that might just be me and those darn shipper glasses that tend to fly out of nowhere and land on my face all the time...
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Also, somebody at some point will be romancing Reyes because, and please pardon my language, but he’s the epitome of a sexy mofo. 😳😛😂
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You also get a glimpse that there’s more to him than meets the eye. The only thing I was disappointed in was that, while I intended to choose him over Sloane, I REALLY disliked that the only way to do that was to promise Sloane you’d have her back and would keep things fair... then you let Reyes assassinate her via a sniper shot. But if you save her, you’re choosing her to “rule” Kadara instead of Reyes. *frustrated sigh* I let her get assassinated but I felt bad about it. Not about my choice but just at how it came about. (Cora also called me out on that later, to not forget that he’d had an unarmed woman killed after promising her a fair fight... 😬😥)
In conclusion of my long-winded rambling, I loved this game a LOT. Was it perfect? Was the animation sometimes WAY WONKY? No and yes. But I was here for the chance for some romance and RPG along with my combat and I really enjoyed that aspect a bunch! I’m sorry that they won’t be continuing Andromeda’s story because I would’ve liked to see more of the Tempest and her crew. As it is, though, I’ll just be content believing they’re out there saving the universe and having more adventures!
I’ll eventually be moving to the OG trilogy and I’m definitely looking forward to that! But for now, thank you, Mass Effect: Andromeda, for 120 hours of fun game time and here’s to many more!
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They Include You preview
Jaal had never known any other time in his life that he had been so terrified, or at the very least, he couldn't think of one now. The time he felt closest to this feeling, on the top of his head, was back at the Archon's flagship.
Yet this was worse. Back at the flagship, S.A.M. had some degree of guarantee that he could bring Scott back. However this time, S.A.M. being forcibly taken was the reason Scott was down once more.
Jaal had checked for a pulse, as he had Liam tell him to do after they'd return to the Tempest with the relic that seemed like such a long time ago.
He felt nothing.
Barely keeping himself from going to hysterics, Jaal stood upright once more and tried contacting the Tempest once more while Drack tried forcing the door open by brute force alone.
"Rrrgh! Open!"
"Tempest, the Pathfinder is down!" Jaal growled into his Omni-tool for the umpteenth time, "Come in!"
Fear was clenching his heart tightly in its fist, and Jaal could hardly breath. He couldn't lose his Taoshay, not to the Kett. Skutt, not to anything.
As if it was an answered prayer, that was the moment they heard a sharp intake of breath and see Scott sitting up. Not even waiting five minutes, he zoned into the console and staggered towards it.
"Ryder! You were dead."
Jaal would've made a comment that stating the obvious wasn't necessary, but he was still reeling in his emotions. He wanted to hug Scott, to kiss him for all he was worth, to cry tears of relief and gratitude that he wasn't forever lost to him. But the Angara had been too stunned to react, and Scott's urgency to keep moving despite just coming back from the dead...
Ignoring the remark, the Pathfinder leaned heavily against the Console, as if his body was drained of energy once more after Scott took a few steps towards the console.
"The Hyperion's dark, S.A.M. with it..." Scott huffed, "We need to get back."
Understanding the implications of that statement, Jaal looked alarmed. "Wait, wait! That door is Remnant," he emphasized, like Scott needed the reminder. "You need S.A.M."
"We need" Scott strained, yet he sounded more determined than usual. "to get back."
Planning to write a complete fic of this in ao3
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tigereyes45 · 5 months ago
Today (Oct. 16th) is my 26th birthday!
As many who have been following me for at least a year now know, I always open my asks to writing prompts from everyone to celebrate my birthday.
This year I'll be accepting requests from October 16th - October 23rd. (My hand has been sore due to a bee sting so this post is a little late. As a result me accepting requests will last a little longer than typical this year.)
As always you can send as many prompts/requests as you want, for any fandoms/characters/ships/etc. Under the Keep Reading there will be a list of the fandoms I am the most into at this moment in time. As far as shipping goes I'm a multi-shipper and enjoy most ship(s)/ship dynamics. I'll only write smut for the listed star trek shows. My inbox is open and anon is on.
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The list includes my current favorite fandoms/shows/ships/characters. However you can also make requests for ships/people/and shows not on the list. So here's what I'm most into writing at the moment:
Star Trek TOS (Mcspirk, Uhotty (uhura x scotty), Chulu)
Star Trek AOS (Mcspirk)
Star Trek Lower Decks (Mariner, T'lyn, Tendi, Rutherford and basically any ship of the core four or any of them plus T'lyn)
Star Trek Voayger (Especially Janeway x Tuvok, Mark x Janeway x Tuvok x t'Pel, T'pel x tuvok x Janeway, and B'Elanna x Tom x Harry)
Star Trek Ds9 (they are such a polycule, in so many shapes and forms, my favorite characters are jadzia, kira, odo, Ben Sisko.)
Star Trek Enterprise ( Trip x Archer, Archer x T'pol x Trip, Mayweather x Hoshi)
Star Wars (Ahsoka, Hera, Kalluzeb, Kanera, Plo Koon, Captain Rex)
Red vs Blue ( I will never not be a grimmons fan though all the other ships are fun too! Not to mention any gen fic of any of these characters is always a blast to write!)
Fire Emblem Awakening (Kellam, Yarne x Lucina, Morgan x Nah)
Fire Emblem Fates (Siegbert)
Fire Emblem 3 Houses (Claude, Raphael, Marianne, Byleth)
The Walking Dead Game (Clementine, Violet, Louis, Lee, Kenny, Nick)
RWBY (Nuts and dolts, Nora, Ren, and Sugar rush)
Mass Effect (shakarian, tail x shepard x garrus, kandros x ryder, vetra x ryder, jaal x vetra, jaal x vetra x ryder)
The Librarians (Cassandra, Jenkins, Fleve)
Merlin (Merwaine my love)
Dragon Age (All games/books, I adore Sten, Shale, Warden Surana, and Varric x Hawke)
Tales of Arcadia (Blinky x Aaarrrgghh, Draal, Barbara)
Fallout (tv series)
Fallout 4
Critical Role (I like campaign 2 the best, Caduceus. Veth, and Caleb)
TMNT (all versions)
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natsora · 3 months ago
ao3 meme
tagged by @helila thank you!
tagging @tungstenb @phoenike @berryshiara @cassandra-pentughasst @wickedwitchofthewilds No obligations
[my ao3] 
How many works do you have on AO3?
What’s your total word count?
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
To Unbreak the World - A Namaari and Raya canon divergence multi-chapter fic. Added more whump and angst
Fractus - A She-Ra Catradora fic with whump and angst! Part 3 in a series
Cephalalgia - A She-Ra Catradora fic. Catra gets a headache. Adora gives her a massage. Part 1 in the series
Pyrexia - A She-Ra Catradora fic. Catra gets a fever. Part 2 in the series
The Cetus Arc - My giant ass post-canon fic for Mass Effect Andromeda. Focuses on Sara Ryder, Jaal and the business of keeping the cluster together while not being able to trust her memories and actions.
Do you respond to comments? Why/Why not?
Yes, always! They are my food. They feed my soul!
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Well... They are all angsty. But I think maybe Memini. Bad guys inadvertently wiped Ryder's memories of Vetra while trying to free her of SAM's influence.
Or maybe Demons Within and Without. Ryder gets captured by the Archon. She got experimented on and Jaal comes to rescue her. But living might be harder than dying.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
In You I Found A Rhyme - No whump, no angst, just fluffs
Do you write crossovers?
Yes, but it typically feature me and my partner's OCs in the various fandom. And I do write AU. Like a Ryder & Shep fic but in a zombie au - Pictures On The Wall
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Do you write smut?
Light smut yeah. It's scattered across a bunch of long fics. But this is a standalone - Privacy Mode
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Cassnadra Pentaghast / Female Inquisitor, I love them I swear! Yes I hurt them a lot too, but I love them!
What’s a WIP that you want to finish don’t think you ever will?
I don't post WIPs. I only start posting once I'm done with the entire thing. But truthfully, it might have to be the entire series of Trials of Ryder. It's... a lot. Might take me 20 years or something.
What are your writing strengths?
Whump? Angst?
What are your writing weaknesses?
Making the OCs pop off the page. After a couple, they are pretty flat and 2D
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
That's fine as long as that's the intention
What’s the first fandom you wrote for?
Probably X-Files. Those were handwritten and somewhere in the house. LOL.
What’s a fandom/ship you haven’t written for yet, but want to?
Hmmm... Arcane? I have not written anything for canon yet. But I have something in the works. So it's coming soon-ish.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Splintered Minds. It still stands as something I'm really proud of. A very different Ryder. A very different kind of story. Delving into the world and adding more into the worldbuilding.
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fereldanwench · 1 year ago
Sara Ryder Master Post
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✧ BASICS ✧ Full Name: Sara Elizabeth Ryder Pronouns: She/her Date of Birth: 28 Mar 2154 Place of Birth: The Citadel (Widow System in the Milky Way) Height: 5'11" (180 cm) Weight: ~160 lbs Body Type: Absolutely shredded Eye Color: Light blue Hair Color: Dark bronze brown
✧ PERSONALITY & SKILLS ✧ MBTI: ISTP Training: Operative Combat Profile: Infiltrator
✧ RELATIONSHIPS ✧ Father: Alec Ryder Mother: Ellen Ryder Brother: Scott Ryder (born 2157) Closet Friends: - Vetra Nyx - Jaal Ama Darav - Nakmor Drack Partners: - Jonathan Barrett (ex-fiance; remained in the Milky Way) - Keri T'Vessa (ex; fling) - Reyes Vidal (ex; fling) - Dr. Harry Carlyle
✧ NOTES ✧ - This is an updated version of the Sara Ryder I created in 2017/2018. Her personality and pre-Andromeda history hasn't changed too much, but she is older during the events of the game (about 31). - She and Scott are not twins; she's the eldest sibling by about 3 years. However, he has his shit together way more than she does, lmao. They have a great relationship, and Sara considers him one of her best friends. - Sara is very much Alec's daughter--Smart, curious to a fault, tough, ambitious, and does not like being told what to do. (Don't tell her that, though.) - She met the basic requirements for N7 training back in the Milky Way, but was denied officially due to her pattern of insubordination in the Alliance. The real reason was political--aka because of her pariah of a father. She still holds a grudge about it. - Sara and Harry met about a month before leaving for Andromeda--Alec invited (well, insisted, really) Harry to join them at the Ryder family compound for some pre-launch training and SAM assessments.
Tags and relevant links updated under the cut:
Last updated: 10 Jan 24
���‍🚀 oc: sara ryder
💖 fave: sara ryder
🖼️ art: sara ryder
🔖 fic: sara ryder
✨ oc inspo: sara ryder
💑 ship: harry x sara
💖 fave: harry x sara
🔖 fic: harry x sara
Aesthetic Builder
About My OC (out of date as of this post)
Bold the Traits/Aesthetics
OC Relationships
OC Negative Traits
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thiefbird · 10 months ago
I'd love to hear about your otps.
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer within a certain amount of time or at all.*
I don't actually tend to have OTPs - I am an inveterate multishipper in almost all things. Even the X Files I have some side ships for. But here are a list of my most enduring and beloveds <3 the ones in bold are ones I've written for(not all are on my current AO3 and I will not deliver the name of my old FF.net to anyone ever)!
Jack Harkness/Ianto(Torchwood)
Jack Harkness/Gwen Jones(Torchwood)
Anders/Happiness(Dragon Age)
Anders/Justice(Dragon Age)
(here's an Obscure Rarepair that I've thought way too much about) Anders/Justice/Solas(Dragon Age)
Anders/Fenris(Dragon Age)
Anders/Nathaniel Howe(Dragon Age)
Anders/Karl Thekla(Dragon Age)
Shepard/Garrus(Mass Effect)
Shepard/Thane(Mass Effect)
Shepard/Tali(Mass Effect)
Ryder/Jaal(Mass Effect)
Ryder/Vetra(Mass Effect)
Mulder/Scully(X Files)
Mulder/Krycek(X Files)
Will Graham/Hannibal Lecter(NBC's Hannibal)
Jack Aubrey/Stephen Maturin(Aubreyad)
Jack Aubrey/Sophie Aubrey(nee Williams)(Aubreyad)
Diana Villiers/Stephen Maturin(Aubreyad)
Diana Villiers/Clarissa Oakes(Aubreyad)
Stephen Maturin/James Dillon(Aubreyad)
Horatio Hornblower/William Bush(Hornblower)(TV and books)
Horatio Hornblower/Sir Edward Pellew(Hornblower)(TV only)
Horatio Hornblower/Archie Kennedy(Hornblower)(TV only)
Tenzing Tharkay/William Laurence(Temeraire)
John Granby/William Laurence(Temeraire)
Jane Roland/William Laurence(Temeraire)
(here come the crazy crossover rarepairs)
Jane Roland/Diana Villiers
Stephen Maturin/Horatio Hornblower
As you can see: crazyass multishipper. Many of these all sit in my head simultaneously in the same stories!
I guess my only real OTP is Hannigram, but thats less because I think its perfect and more because I think they should never involve anyone else in their dynamic ever for the sake of everyone else lmao
I hope surgery recovery is going well, and that you're getting back to your preferred level of Normal <3
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telltalebatman · 8 months ago
thoughts on me:a 20 hours in:
it's not terrible, but it's not exactly incredible either.
open world formula does not do this game any favors.
writing at times feel kinda choppy irt pacing, especially the character dynamics.
the angara only have 2 character models lmao
to be honest, most companions feel like a "we have X at home" versions of characters from the original trilogy. sure, they are distinctively different, but at the same time - they do represent the same "types", so to speak. and it's not grating, but it does feel like a massive disservice to the fact andromeda was supposed to be doing its own thing.
(vetra and jaal are honorable exceptions here. good for them.)
it is kinda weird how it's been 20 hours and i still know next to nothing about the kett and the scourge.
i know it's cold, SAM.
i genuinely forgot ryder has a twin. a dialogue brought up scott and i went "wait who- OH, RIGHT."
the game throws way too much stuff at the player. there's research, but also crafting, but also AVP, but also apex missions, but also exploration - and none of these things stick out. they all just blend together into background noise.
why are there memory triggers for SAM located on random alien planets that no human had ever visited? i feel like i need to be walked through the thought process behind this particular design decision.
even in a different galaxy, we're still mining for eezo. some things never change, i guess.
all in all: a solid 7/10 for sure. could use more time in the oven, and at times it feels like they never bothered to run focus tests for this game. it's a shame bioware abandoned it; maybe if they handed the project to a more experienced team - it could be great. the unused potential is very tangible.
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roadkillxd · 2 years ago
Entirely out of left field and six years too late, I wrote a ME:A smut drabble...
Kandros x Scott Ryder  ↪ 468 words — 18+ / SMUT
Content tags — cis male dominant Ryder, cis male submissive Kandros, xenophilia, hookups, mention of Scott having fucked an angaran before, dirty talk, teasing, handjobs, and fingering.
“I’ve always had a thing for turians,” Scott purrs, running light fingers over Kandros’ mandibles just to watch them twitch and shudder under the attention.
“Oh, yeah? Just any turian?” Kandros smiles, gripping Ryder’s hips, settling him a little more into his lap. 
“God, no. M’not one of those humans, trust me,” the man hums, “I have a type…”
“Care to inform me?”
“Mmm… I like big crests, and fringes. Makes ‘em look dominant… and, oh, long mandibles, the ones that hook upward in the back—it’s a shame you usually only see them in the women. Like Vetra… woof.”
Kandros chuckles, pressing (what passes as) kisses against Scotts neck, tongue dipping out ever so slightly to dampen the press of his hard lips.
Scott grasps the back of Kandros’ head, pulling him away gently to trace idle fingers over his face markings.
“And I like turians with tattoos, bright ones. I was told once, that markless turians can be… dangerous.”
“Hmm, stereotypical,” Kandros offers, “though, in most cases, very true.”
Scott chuckles, leaning down for a kiss, sucking eagerly on the turian’s pointed tongue. 
“Universally, though…” Scott murmurs, pressing his soft lips to Kandros’ mandible, against his neck (and Spirits, how can a predator's lips—entire body—be so soft?), “I like the small waists.”
Scott smiles, grabbing Kandros hips for emphasis, squeezing the plates there.
“Is that so?”
“And the voices��� fuck. Your people, and the angarans, too. They drive me insane. That deep, resonating hum whenever you speak. Or fucking… Jaal. Or Evfra. Makes my cock ache.”
“Sounds like you just have a thing for military men, Ryder,” Krandos purrs, his subvocals vibrating with lust that has Scott’s spine shivering. 
“And did you know,” Scott continues, palm trailing down over Kandro’s scutes, down to his crotch to tease at his pubic plates, fingers between his slick slit, “the Angarans have a, uh, similar form of protection down here?”
Kandros gasps, subvocals twinging as he throws his head back and groans, feeling his cock slowly slipping free as Ryder’s fingers tease.
“They’re a lot softer, without the chitin, like a human woman… but, oh, Kandros,” Scott moans, and the tone makes the turian’s cock pulse, the tip peeking out from his slit, “their slits feel just as good as a turian’s to fuck. Tight and slick, their pretty cocks just as blue, pulsing with that fucking—bioeletric field…”
Kandros’ cock is fully exposed now, Scott stroking the slick member.
“But you know why I’ll always love turians the most?” Scott asks, his fingers trailing down Kandros’ shaft, “the Angaran are so… open. But turians… with all that self control. That discipline. I just love to watch them break.”
Ryder punctuates the statement by slipping two fingers into Kandros’ slit, massaging the sticky walls and making the turian cry out, subvocals oscillating wildly.
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sailingtempest · 1 year ago
favorite canon ship for this muse?
a plot you’ve been dying to do?
For Jaal ❤️
Muses / RPs questions!
Favorite canon ship for this muse?
☆ I know it says canon ship, but it is quite obvious what this answer would be. So, I'm going for a different ship, even if it is not canon by any means.
Outside of Ryder x Jaal (and again, it is quite obvious), I have to say Jaal with Vetra. I know the fandom wants Jaal to end up with Peebee thanks to their conversations, but I personally don't see it all too much. Maybe my perspective can be changed one day.
A plot you’ve been dying to do?
☆ Honestly, a good question.
I think I have to say anything after Andromeda. I don't know if the next game will carry off of the game, though I am sure it will be or got involved, given if you look closely, there is an Angaran in the new Mass Effect poster. But I don't know if we are getting a second game carrying off of Ryder's story or a whole new storyline. Regardless, I just love to explore - with a whole plot in mind - about his journey continuing after Andromeda.
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amassingeffect · 6 years ago
If Jaal had one complaint about the Tempest, it was that the shower stalls were small. It barely fit him. Attempting to bathe with his taoshay, Vetra had proven to be disastrous. It was arms and legs everywhere, a nearly broken showerhead and a bent partition no one had inquired about yet.
All he had wanted was the pleasure of bathing properly with her at least once. So when she had invited him around to her apartment on the Nexus, Jaal had easily agreed but wasn’t too sure of the standard turian protocol for matters such as these.
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ageless-aislynn · 2 years ago
Since that last post was kinda long and rambly, here’s a look at the four different looks I mentioned that I’ve given Sara according to the romances she’s had:
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Jaal’s Sara: she loves dancing, comfortable default clothing and helping absolutely anybody who asks 😉
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Reyes’ Sara: cool, sophisticated and usually always 10 seconds away from being sent to Horny Jail over this devilishly handsome scoundrel 😂😂😂
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Peebee’s Sara: friendly, approachable, with comfortable fashion and a ponytail that is always on point 😉
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Vetra’s Sara: stylish cinnamon roll, looks like she could kill you, could actually kill you, but also gives great hugs 🤗
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I spotted this in the scene with Peebee and Sara and, of course, couldn’t resist a cap of Reyes lookin’ FIIIIIINE. Also, I’m going to confess that I wish there was an option to romance Evfra (the blue angara directly to the left of Reyes). Enemies to lovers is utter catnip to me, what can I say? 🤷‍♀️😉 He dislikes Sara SO MUCH at the start, then grudgingly grows to respect her skills as time goes on. I can practically write you a fic at how very much Evfra would haaaaate himself for falling in love with the human Pathfinder, heh.
And also, well, Reyes is just lookin’ SO FIIIIIIIINE here. Dang, do I love him. 😍😉 Yes, basically, my take on Mass Effect: Andromeda is
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Love ya, frens! 💖
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vivinightingale · 3 years ago
Loosing thier S/O to the Kett
I'm feeling angst so here we are 💕
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Being a merchant had you constantly traveling from planet to planet. Jaal knew you know how to handle yourself so he didn't worry too much.
That was until when he came back to the Nexus and you weren't there. He asked the other merchants, but no one has seen you since you said you were going to Eos for supplies.
It didn't take him long to ask Ryder for help, so they immediately set off for Eos to find you.
What they found Jaal could never had prepared for. At the strong hold not far from the outpost, on a cold steel table layed your lifeless body.
PeeBee was the first to spot you. She tries alert Ryder before he saw, but it was too late.
He stared at you wide eyes before dropping his gun and running to you. His eyes scanned the damage they had done to you. It was like they were dissecting a frog.
He felt the tears streaming down his face as his hand ghosted over your cheek.
How could he let this happen? He should have been with you! He should have protected you! If only-
His thoughts were cut short when Kett came rushing through the door. Before Ryder and PeeBee could react he quickly went back for his sniper and began going at them one by one.
Even during battle he couldn't stop the tears coming, and he knew they never would. As the last kett fell he put away his gun, and was at your side once more.
"I promise my beloved...The Kett will pay for what they have done to you. Even if it's the last thing I do."
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Unlike the rest of the crew Vetra liked Kadara. She usually found what she need there, but the best part is that's where she met you.
You were a hacker for one of her contacts, so you both knew the dangers of Kadara. Supposedly the Kett weren't suppose to be one of them.
Vetra learned the hard way that wasn't the case. Kaetus asked the pathfinder group to see if the rumors of Kett on Kadar were true.
The group was successful in tracking them down, and taking them out with the help of sloan. Ryder wanted to do a sweep of the cave just in case.
But what they found still haunts Vetra to this day. Your body tied to a rock bloody, broken, and lifeless.
Vetra rushed to you crying your name. "(Y/n)! Oh God (y/n) please be alive!" She cut your body off and held you close.. Tears streamed down as you were unresponsive to her please.
The tempest crew held a small funeral for you. Pictures of you Vetra took filled the meeting room. Looking at them only fueled her need for revenge.
"I swear to you (y/n) I'll hunt down ever kett bastered till there is nothing left."
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toastedwrittenthoughts · 3 years ago
"That means they're meant to be with us. It's our fate, right?" Orion wondered aloud, his fingers trading over his Mark that started midforearm and rose up until his shirt sleeve hid it from view. No doubt marvelling at the intricate layout he now would forever bear upon his skin.
Selene straightened on the railing, a mixed look crossing her face that had Orion frown slightly.
"Just be careful Orion. Just because they're your soulmate, doesn't mean they are GOOD for you..." And with that hanging between them, she walked away from the rail, no doubt going back to her data pad to continue working.
Orion looked back down to his mark and wondered to himself if Selene had perhaps an inkling as to who her Fated Match was... And if she did, did she truly think that?
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nerdynicwriting · 3 years ago
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Need help deciding who to romance in #masseffectandromeda? Here's just the link (with detailed walkthrough videos) for your romantic heart: https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/mass-effect-andromeda-best-romance
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jessicamariana · 5 years ago
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~ never alone again ~
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diavolodigitale · 4 years ago
The Hitchhiker's Guide to Andromeda Galaxy - pt.3 Havarl
Oof, the chapters are getting longer as it always happens with me. This one, I think, is significantly better than the previous ones if we don’t consider the lame beginning ahahah
Genres: comedy, romance (vaguely), friendship maybe, some philosophy? I really don’t know what to call that.
Pairing: m!Ryder/Evfra
Characters: Ryder, Evfra, Vetra, Jaal
Rating: PG
Size: around 9 pages
Pt.1 - Pt.2 - Pt.3 - Pt.4 ----- All chapters in PDF
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       The weather on Havarl was as foggy and gloomy as always. High humidity made it hot and stuffy, so at times Ryder found it hard to breathe, wearing his full set of armor and carrying around all the weapons. The squelching of wet leaves and grass could be heard behind him as his companions made their way forward.
       “I heard that Evrfa is now on Havarl as well,” mentioned Jaal, stepping over a peculiar looking mushroom.
       “I thought he never leaves his sanctuary. Hard to imagine him doing something else besides work,” commented Vetra and proceeded adjusted her rifle so that it didn’t impede her movements.
       Ryder coughed a few times. They were already a few steps away from the research facilities.
       “The Resistance operates on many planets. We need to control the Roekaar activity here, so regular investigations on Havarl are no exceptions,” said Jaal.
       Vetra sighed.
       “Isn’t it crazy how the Resistance grew?” she began somewhat excitedly. “I’ve heard rumors that it used to be just a bunch of small groups of angara fighting off kett. And now you have a complex and highly flexible organization controlling most of the galaxy!”
       “Indeed,” agreed Jaal. “What Evfra did to bring them all together is unimaginable. Even if his approach and methods aren’t unanimously accepted between the angara, his achievements are irrefutable.” Jaal stopped and took a long look at the cloudy dark sky.
       “You seem so fascinated by him and his work,” noted Ryder, giving Jaal a light pat on the back.
       “I respect him, yes. The decisions he has to make every day are a tough burden to carry on your own,”—Jaal took a deep breath, lowered his head and continued—“although, considering he thinks of me as his best soldier, he could have bestowed upon me an unrestricted freedom of choice in any situations.”
       “And a better rank?” asked Ryder, giving the angara a friendly understanding smile.
       “Undoubtedly,” agreed Jaal and nodded.
Vetra checked the time on her omni-tool and looked around to make sure they arrived at the right place.
       “Okay, I’ve got to leave you now. See you here exactly in three hours,” she said. “And no being late. Especially it applies to you, Ryder. Nobody will let us back on the ship without the Pathfinder,” she added strictly.
       “And here I started to think that you really worry about me,” replied Ryder in a sad voice.
       “My mothers always worry about you if that makes you feel better,” said Jaal in a sincere attempt to comfort him.
       “Yes, Jaal, this is exactly what I needed to hear.”
       Jaal headed to one of the local ships stationed on the landing area. He intended to visit his family since the vault on Havarl had just been activated, and the crew of the Tempest had some time to consider their subsequent steps in raising the viability of the planet. Besides, it was a good opportunity to just hang around and have some alone time since always being under pressure and not having enough time for themselves could lead to unwanted aftermath in terms of physical and psychological health, and nobody wanted that, especially being hundreds of years far from home.
      Vetra disappeared in the dense forests, heading in the unknown direction with the unknown purpose. She refused to let the Pathfinder know about her business on the planet, but he reckoned it had something to do with illegal shipments. Nothing special, your usual smuggler stuff.
      And Ryder… Well, he simply made up a reason to come. He had some data waiting to be transferred to the angaran scientist here on Havarl, but it surely wouldn’t take him three hours to do that. Usually, he tried to spend every free minute doing something productive and important, but after rescuing the whole planet it would be fair to give his team and himself a little rest. Unofficially, of course.  
       He decided to spend some time talking to the local researchers. The angaran history and culture was so foreign, yet seemed so captivating to him. Of course, humans already went through the phase of first contact with other races, but nobody had seemed so distant till this moment. Nothing here reminded him of familiar worlds, and it was simply riveting.
      Most of the scientists were happy to share what they knew and even more happy to listen to the information he could provide them with. Despite that, some still preferred to stay away from strangers like the Pathfinder. Their distrust could easily be explained by the strong influence of the Roekaar on this planet. Being here, Ryder was content simply with the fact that nobody tried to shoot him on sight only because of him being an alien.
       Having left the safety of the research station behind, he strolled into dense jungles that covered major part of the planet. He didn’t have any particular purpose in mind apart from exploring a bit while he still had the time.
      Due to the abundance of wildlife, it was practically impossible to take a good look around without being in constant fear for your life, so Ryder tried to approach his expedition with caution.
       “Pathfinder, I detect motion in the bushes in front of you. There appear to be two lifeforms engaged in a fight. Be vigilant,” warned him the voice in his head.
       Trusting SAM unconditionally, Ryder turned on tactical vision on his helmet and indeed saw two figures, one of which looked like an angara, and the other one reminded some kind of an animal, most likely a Challyrion, judging by the silhouette. Recalling reports about unnatural mutations which animals on Havarl had undergone, Ryder took out his shotgun, ready both for fight and flight.
With a sharp motion of his hand, he removed the leaves blocking his field of vision only to see Evfra holding a giant beast by its neck. Startled by Pathfinder’s sudden appearance, he got distracted from the animal, which indeed turned out to be a Challyrion, and it managed to break free and go invisible.  
       “Sorry?” mumbled Ryder, still standing with his shotgun drawn out.
       “Hide your weapon”—Evfra shook off bits of non-existent dust from his clothes—“or you might hurt yourself.”
       Ryder removed his weapon back to the holster and took off his helmet, panting. He rubbed his forehead, trying to wipe away the sweat, but instead leaving a dark line from his dirty glove.
       “What are you d—”
       Evfra interrupted Ryder and made a gesture with his hand for the Pathfinder to follow him. “It is best if we don’t stand here. It may have fled now, but it will soon come back with all its pack.”
       “Seems like we meet awfully often lately,” commented Ryder, following Evfra.
       “Yes, unfortunately,” grunted Evfra.  
       “Really, what were the odds that I’d stumble upon you here when you are on another mission.”
       Ryder tried to keep up with Evfra’s pace, even though it was quite challenging for him. The heat made it hard to breathe and the fact that he didn’t know the surroundings didn’t help either. The Resistance leader, it seemed, knew every tree and every winding of the path, while Ryder stumbled and bumped into everything.
       “Actually, it is my day off,” stated Evfra indifferently.
       “Visiting your family?”
       “I have no family to visit,” without hesitation said the angara with voice still clear and unshaken.
       “Oh… I didn’t… I mean, Jaal came here to see his family, so I just assumed…” Ryder apologetically lowered his head. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to.” He cleared his throat.
       “You didn’t kidnap them, so you have nothing to be sorry for.”
       “Did kett do it?” asked Ryder carefully.
       “There was nobody else to do it. Angara are in no habit of harming their own kind.”
       “Is that why you decided to join the Resistance?” asked Ryder. Actually, this particular question was something that had interested him for a long time.
       “That is why I decided to lead it,” answered Evfra, without giving it a second thought.
       “Seems like we have something in common.”
       Evfra hemmed. He could not see a single thing they had in common.
       “Don’t be so skeptical,” said Ryder, noticing his reaction. “I lost my mom 600 years ago and my dad… Let’s just say, he was supposed to be the Pathfinder, not me.”
       “Jaal mentioned you have a sister.” Evfra began walking more slowly, trying to adjust to Ryder’s speed.
       “Yeah,” simply replied Ryder.
       “And where is she know?” continued Evfra, sensing something must be wrong with this topic.
      “Lying in the cryo pod on the Nexus, waiting until I find at least one place appropriate for a new beginning of a human race.” Ryder stopped in front of a massive tree with long crooked branches. He took off his glove to feel its gnarled desiccated texture. “You know, being in a coma, she now talks even less than you. Really doesn’t provide much moral support, huh?”
       Evfra watched the Pathfinder stand before the tree, illuminated by the bluish light emitted by plants endemic to this planet. The facial expression the Pathfinder had reminded him of that one James showed on Kadara when hearing his careless remark about other human Pathfinders.
      Unlike humans, angara not only expressed their emotions freely, but were also able to sense true feelings of others, even in spite of poor manifestation. Evfra mostly expressed anger, impatience and persistence, but that didn’t mean he didn’t know the other ones.
      Misery, despair, grief. He had seen it all long before.
      Not being a master of leading fruitful conversations, he tried to change the topic as best as he could.
      “Was it beautiful on Earth?” he asked, seemingly genuinely interested.
      Ryder made an effort to pull himself together, put on the glove, and turned his reddened face to Evfra.
      “It was. No matter where you went, all places were different. It took years to discover all things that inhabited it and to understand their purpose. I cannot really do justice describing life on Earth, because it is impossible to turn into words.”
      “It is hard to believe such a place existed.”
      “I hope it still does,” said Ryder, and a faint smile appeared on his face. “Being here, sometimes I like to imagine returning to Earth and seeing how everything has changed.”
      “You have already been to some “golden worlds”, as you call them, in our cluster. Did you like any of them?”
      “Well, most of them don’t look the way we expected…”—Ryder rubbed his nose clumsily and gave Evfra another barely noticeable smile—“but even if we imagine that they are habitable… I don’t know. I just don’t think I’ll ever see the place that’s able to make me feel the same way Earth did.”
      “Really?”—some kind of playful air appeared around Evfra; Ryder had never seen him like that before—“Follow me then.”
      James didn’t understand the sudden change, but decided to give in to this strange challenge. He followed Evfra closely, carefully stepping over weird plants and avoiding curious insects hitting him right into his face after approaching way too close. This time the tempo of their walk wasn’t as fast, so it was easier for him to follow.
      They didn’t say a word, but this silence was not at all burdening. Ryder listened to how the wilderness sounded, observed how the Havarl jungles lived and transformed in real time. They didn’t look like anything he had ever seen before yet felt so intimate and not at all threatening, even though they should have.
       Ryder was thinking about how he could prolong this moment and never come back to the Tempest, when they approached an enormous dark wall. It was part of the remnant construction, the likes of which were scattered all around the planet. The cracks in it were glowing with blue and turquoise light, adding to the gleam created by fluorescent plants and fungi.
       “Ready for a quick climb?” asked Evfra the dumbfounded Pathfinder.
       “Only if there’s a safe way down,” said Ryder, although intending to climb up there anyway. It wasn’t every day that he got the opportunity to experience something Evfra willingly wanted to share.
       Evfra started ascending first, showing where it was better to put a foot or a hand. Ryder watched attentively and repeated every step.
      The remnant constructs were as solid and firm as they could be, so there was almost no chance something would collapse under him. Getting used to the overall rhythm of their movements, he began finding his own way up, climbing differently from Evfra.
      Repetitive actions made him dive deep into his thoughts about the remnants and the role they played in the survival of this planet. He couldn’t grasp even the smallest impact they really had on the history and development of life here, and it scared him. Facing such a strong and incomprehensible force made him doubt his most significant success as well as the future of his endeavors.  
       Engulfed into his reflections, Ryder didn’t notice one piece of the construct that was about to fall out and grabbed it. His hand slipped, weighed down by the piece now detached from the wall.
As soon as Evfra heard rustling and swarming under him, he looked down only to see Ryder pathetically hanging on one hand.
       “There is no rest beside you,” he sighed and lowered himself to grab Ryder by his loose arm and pull him up.
       “Thanks,” mumbled the Pathfinder ablush. It really bugged him that whatever he did in front of Evfra led to him embarrassing himself.
       “We are not far, hold on for a little longer.” Evfra’s voice almost sounded comforting and Ryder though that it was unusual for him to be like that.
       After a few more minutes of climbing, they finally reached the top of the construct. Evfra made it up first and offered the Pathfinder his hand once again. Ryder did not attempt to refuse.
       “If you wanted to show me the view from above, we could have just used the Mithrava Ascent,” stated Ryder, overcoming the last obstacle while tightly gripping Evfra’s hand. Having to experience such a treacherous way up, he now wanted to complain a bit to feel better.
       “It is not quite the same. The fog at Mithrava makes it hard to see the real picture. Here the horizon is clear and… there is not a single soul.”
       Red and inhaling jerkily, Ryder got down on his knees to give some rest to his tired limbs and to catch his breath.
       “Take a look,” said Evfra, taking a seat beside Ryder.
       James gazed up slowly and got lost in the open skies. He saw hundreds of stars gleaming through semi-transparent clouds and a huge red Gas Giant taking up a great part of the horizon. It seemed like beyond those starts and clouds he could see other clusters, other galaxies yet unnamed and undiscovered. Beneath the skies lied a sea of trees, living and breathing, the leaves of which whispered in the wind. Dark and bottomless, it reflected the lights of the stars in the glistening surface of plants. From the height he was on, they reminded James of fireflies.
       A strong blow of wind cooled his heated face and made a mess of his short hair. He inhaled calmly, taking his time to fill the lungs with fresh night air, and exhaled. Now there was no place in his mind for the Tempest, for colonies, outposts, and diplomatic fuss. No place for exiles, kett, and all the people they have lost.
       “Here you can pray to your gods. Even if they stayed in your homeworld, they will still hearken,” uttered Evfra under his breath.
       James looked at the other remnant constructs and monoliths towering in the distance. He did not know whom to pray. Everything here was created by someone, but he was alien to this place. For him, there were no gods and no masters, only a vague purpose ahead, unshaped and remote. Far from home, he did not know what destiny awaited his people, but even though he would constantly carry the responsibility for his whole species, now it did not seem that arduous. Now it became an opportunity to outline his own future, intertwined with his people and many others who depended on him.
       “Is it close to how good you’ve felt on Earth?” asked Evfra, his voice still low and quiet.
       “Not even remotely,” said Ryder, smiling to himself. “It is much, much better.”
       He didn’t know for how long they continued to sit there. Frankly speaking, he did not care. He felt like being there at that moment was much more decisive than fighting off hordes of enemies or planning the next offensive.
       When they finally got down, the dreary overgrown forests of Havarl met them with the same apathetic attitude. Nothing altered down here, all the changes remained at the top of the construct and in Ryder’s mind.
       The leader of the Resistance and the Pathfinder exchanged a few words on their way back to the research station, but overall didn’t talk much. Ryder seemed more composed and reserved than ever.
       Being about fifty meters away from the place Ryder was supposed to meet his teammates at, Evfra looked at him one last time and said, “We are quite similar after all, Ryder,” before going his own way.
       “I already told you, my name is—”
       “I remember, no need to repeat,” he threw negligently over his shoulder without turning around.
       The Pathfinder quickly reached the point of destination and was greeted by peacefully snoring Jaal, who leaned on a nearby wall, and nervous Vetra frantically walking back and forth.
       “What. The hell. Is wrong with you?!” she yelled, approaching him and furiously waving her hand. “Three hours! We had to meet in three hours! Not six! That’s twice as much, Ryder, twice!”
       Jaal suddenly woke up because of Vetra’s wailing and rubbed his eyes.
       “Oh, Ryder, finally. Vetra already wanted to go look for you, but I assured her that if you’re lost in the Havarl jungle, there’s nothing she can do about it.”
       Being in high spirits, Ryder laughed off all the questions and inquiries and headed in the direction of the Tempest.
       “Come on, guys, let’s get going,” he appealed to his crewmembers. “The next time we’re in Vortex, drinks are on me.”
       “You are just unbearable, do you know that?” asked Vetra. She was still annoyed no matter what he said in his defense.
       “Yeah, I’ve heard that a few times.”
      “Ask Peebee to go with you when you plan on disappearing for a few hours, she definitely won’t worry about you being eaten by a giant Eiroch or kidnapped by the Roekaar. I am sick and tired, so don’t you even come crawling…”
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