#cora x ryder
ageless-aislynn · 1 year
My frens! If you know your Mass Effect: Andromeda, then you’ll know what this GIF means.
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I finished the game! 🤗🥳🎉✨
Some important things of note: (SPOILERS, if anybody cares about a 6 year old game 😉)
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I ended up taking 120 hours but, let me tell you, that was with me playing as thoroughly as possible. I did every single task, even the ones where you had to find randomly spawning things like datapads. 😐 Fortunately, thanks to some helpful people on Youtube, I learned that several of those tasks could be sped up by controlling load zones (so you find a datapad or whatever, drive away, drive back and voila, hopefully a new one has spawned in! Sometimes you had to actually fast travel or leave the planet and return to get a new spawn, other times that would totally bork things. It was a process of discovery, lol).
I’m not going to play it through like that again, even when I start over as Scott, but it was fun to take the time to really explore on my first “visit” to the world of Andromeda!
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Fina-frickin’-ly, lol! The big guy played it close to the vest for a lot longer than I was expecting but, well, our love is now true, official and documented! Something I thought was really hysterical, though? Even after you’ve committed to Jaal, which eliminates the option to flirt with anybody else, I STILL had the flirt option for Drack! So, of course, I had to go ahead and take it, Jaal would just have to understand that Drack is an unstoppable Krogan love machine that NO ONE can resist. 😇😛😉 It was all good, though; Drack let me down easy and Jaal never mentioned it.
Though I did wait until Jaal wasn’t, you know, standing right there. Because I have manners and stuff. *nodnods* 😉
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(NOTE: This is a screencap, not a GIF, just so you don’t wonder why it’s not loading, lol) I was SUPER DUPER SAD to learn that I can’t get this look for Scott on his own playthrough. The default face can’t be customized. 😥 ZOMG, I WANT THIS SCRUFFY BEARD LOOK SO VERY MUCH. 😥 I miiiiight see about customizing one of the other faces to look as much like the default face as possible if you can have a scruffy beard. If not, then clean-shaven it will be. *HEAVY SIGH* 😛😉
And speaking of Scott, this actually managed to be something I didn’t know was coming: (SO I’LL MARK THIS WITH ITS OWN SPOILER WARNING, JUST IN CASE) I thought he’d probably wake from his coma by the end of the game but I was FLOORED when I was suddenly playing as Scott and he had a pivotal role in the final fight! 👀 It hit me as hard as an invisible drink, I tell you!
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Hee, for some reason, her drink glasses would randomly not appear several times throughout the game, I dunno why. But that’s not as bad as the glitch that I got thankfully only once where THE GROUND did not spawn in and so she got stuck in a cycle of falling to her death, restarting, falling to her death, restarting, falling, restarting, etc. etc. 😱😱😱 That sucked rocks through a straw big time! 😡
I still kinda laugh at the fact that, because I missed that you can customize your brother or sister, I ended up with customized Sara and default Scott as twins, lol! On Scott’s playthrough, I’m going to customize Sara to look like this Sara, though, just ‘cause. 😎 Also, I find it interesting that their dad Alec changes to match your main character, so if I use default Scott, I’ll have default Alec where as Sara’s Alec matched her look instead, lol. Oh well, clearly Original Pathfinder Ryder™ was a man of many talents! 😛
A few other fun things...
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This is how Peebee showed up when I changed my loadout, lol. You can see Vetra is following me because she’s my Best Girl™ but Peebs (I love it when she starts signing her emails like that 😉) is just hanging out up there! I finally had to get in the NOMAD and then back out again to get her boots on the ground!
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Sara has a radio-like music player at her bedside in the Pathfinder’s quarters and it has my friend THE DANCE PROMPT, YES! (You can’t see it here because I had to shorten the GIF for size limitations. 😕😉) Sara is also modeling both her casual and her sport’s casual looks for y’all as she breaks out her best moves! 😎👍😉
Next, because I’m sure the entire Internet is dying of anticipation to know my next move... 😛😉
Since I’ve learned of my other friend, Manual Save, I kept some points so I can go back and...
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...take Peebee up on her friends-with-benefits offer. And back up a bit farther to do the same for Liam after Sara helps him move the couch. 😛
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Here’s Liam and Jaal giving Sara both Thoughts™ (’cause, hey, she’s been in cryosleep for 600 years and a girl’s got neeeeeeeds, ya know!) and Anxiety™ (’cause she’s the leader of this crew and, fellas, ZOMG, this is Not Professional®) 😂
However, the next full romance I want to do (and am going to back up alllll of the way to when Sara gets the Tempest or thereabouts so I don’t miss anything) is going to be...
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...Vetra, my love. I just freakin’ adore her, what can I say? She was my constant through all of the missions, it was always me, Vetra and somebody else. She’s a total badass but also endearingly a little insecure and with a literal spiky exterior that covers a sweet, caring heart. Nothing but the best full-on romance for my Turian sweetheart! *fist thump* (Can you guess who I already know my fem!Shep will be romancing in the ME trilogy? Three guesses and they’re all spelled Garrus Vakarian... 😂😉)
I still would like to romance Suvi but I get the feeling she’s going to take more work like Jaal did because her flirt options dropped almost immediately as soon as I stopped selecting them. Peebee and Liam, for example, offered flirt options right up until my romance with Jaal locked in, even though I hadn’t selected one for a while. So there’s that to consider.
For Scott, he’ll definitely be romancing Avela because, as we all may recall...
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Also, it’s a short-lived romance so he can probably find time to also romance somebody else in that one playthrough, if I’m feeling it. (I honestly was surprised at how much I ended up loving Gil, so maybe we’ll give that a try, either here or elsewhere?)
But, of course, the full-on romance for Scott is going to be...
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Cora. I legit went *SQUEE* out loud when she kept asking about or mentioning Scott to Sara. *furiously waves Scott/Cora shipper flag* It made me feel kinda like she might’ve had a wee little bit of a crush on her Pathfinder’s son (when Alec was her Pathfinder, of course) but she was keeping it professional and all that. I dunno, that might just be me and those darn shipper glasses that tend to fly out of nowhere and land on my face all the time...
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Also, somebody at some point will be romancing Reyes because, and please pardon my language, but he’s the epitome of a sexy mofo. 😳😛😂
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You also get a glimpse that there’s more to him than meets the eye. The only thing I was disappointed in was that, while I intended to choose him over Sloane, I REALLY disliked that the only way to do that was to promise Sloane you’d have her back and would keep things fair... then you let Reyes assassinate her via a sniper shot. But if you save her, you’re choosing her to “rule” Kadara instead of Reyes. *frustrated sigh* I let her get assassinated but I felt bad about it. Not about my choice but just at how it came about. (Cora also called me out on that later, to not forget that he’d had an unarmed woman killed after promising her a fair fight... 😬😥)
In conclusion of my long-winded rambling, I loved this game a LOT. Was it perfect? Was the animation sometimes WAY WONKY? No and yes. But I was here for the chance for some romance and RPG along with my combat and I really enjoyed that aspect a bunch! I’m sorry that they won’t be continuing Andromeda’s story because I would’ve liked to see more of the Tempest and her crew. As it is, though, I’ll just be content believing they’re out there saving the universe and having more adventures!
I’ll eventually be moving to the OG trilogy and I’m definitely looking forward to that! But for now, thank you, Mass Effect: Andromeda, for 120 hours of fun game time and here’s to many more!
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They Include You preview
Jaal had never known any other time in his life that he had been so terrified, or at the very least, he couldn't think of one now. The time he felt closest to this feeling, on the top of his head, was back at the Archon's flagship.
Yet this was worse. Back at the flagship, S.A.M. had some degree of guarantee that he could bring Scott back. However this time, S.A.M. being forcibly taken was the reason Scott was down once more.
Jaal had checked for a pulse, as he had Liam tell him to do after they'd return to the Tempest with the relic that seemed like such a long time ago.
He felt nothing.
Barely keeping himself from going to hysterics, Jaal stood upright once more and tried contacting the Tempest once more while Drack tried forcing the door open by brute force alone.
"Rrrgh! Open!"
"Tempest, the Pathfinder is down!" Jaal growled into his Omni-tool for the umpteenth time, "Come in!"
Fear was clenching his heart tightly in its fist, and Jaal could hardly breath. He couldn't lose his Taoshay, not to the Kett. Skutt, not to anything.
As if it was an answered prayer, that was the moment they heard a sharp intake of breath and see Scott sitting up. Not even waiting five minutes, he zoned into the console and staggered towards it.
"Ryder! You were dead."
Jaal would've made a comment that stating the obvious wasn't necessary, but he was still reeling in his emotions. He wanted to hug Scott, to kiss him for all he was worth, to cry tears of relief and gratitude that he wasn't forever lost to him. But the Angara had been too stunned to react, and Scott's urgency to keep moving despite just coming back from the dead...
Ignoring the remark, the Pathfinder leaned heavily against the Console, as if his body was drained of energy once more after Scott took a few steps towards the console.
"The Hyperion's dark, S.A.M. with it..." Scott huffed, "We need to get back."
Understanding the implications of that statement, Jaal looked alarmed. "Wait, wait! That door is Remnant," he emphasized, like Scott needed the reminder. "You need S.A.M."
"We need" Scott strained, yet he sounded more determined than usual. "to get back."
Planning to write a complete fic of this in ao3
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southofferelden · 1 year
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I've never posted on Wattpad before so i'm giving it a go ❤️ I don't think i'll get any views or reads but it seems like an easier platform to try out ☺️ https://www.wattpad.com/user/SouthOfFerelden
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hail-libertas · 2 years
Anyone know if there’s cut dialogue in andromeda? Mostly because I’m using Jaal and Cora a lot (I usually do) and they’re saying stuff I’ve never heard them say.
Mostly critiquing my driving though and complaining 😂
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hazelestelle · 10 months
♥: Reacting to the other one crying about something For alec/cora? :>
Thanks for always asking me to write about them <3 This was a bit of a challenge, hahaha.
Read on AO3
It was late, and Cora thought that she was the only one still working. So when she heard a noise coming from Alec’s office, she was instantly on alert.
She crept closer, trying to be as silent as possible, and what she saw stopped her dead in her tracks.
Alec was sitting at his desk, a bottle in front of him, and he was crying?!
Cora blinked several times, but the image stayed the same, and she didn’t know how to reconcile that with her view of him.
Alec Ryder was a lot of things – confident, smart, stern, and unfortunately attractive came to her mind first – but emotional was definitely not among them.
She swallowed drily, not sure what to do here.
If he had just been her boss, she would have probably just left, pretending she had never seen this.
But the thing was, they had been sleeping with each other for a while now.
She didn’t even know anymore how it had started.
Of course, she had always found Alec attractive, it was hard not to notice him - the way he approached every situation like he was in charge, the way his lips quirked when he was proud of something, how his strong hands handled delicate equipment so carefully, or how his eyes shone when he let his dry humour come to light.
She never thought that anything would come off her little crush. She knew that it was inappropriate. He was her boss, and griefing his late wife at that, and she should have never gone there.
But one night, he had approached her, with the unwavering confidence he did everything with, and it had been impossible to resist.
She had tried to leave it at that, but that had turned out to be impossible too.
And now here she was, watching him cry.
Her first instinct was to go over and comfort him, but with every passing second, she realised more and more that that wouldn’t be welcome.
That wasn’t the kind of relationship they had. She knew what they had was just physical, but sometimes it was still hard to accept that. Sometimes, she wanted more.
But Alec was always so collected and in control, he would very likely be angry and embarrassed if he knew that she had seen him anything but, and that would ruin everything.
She couldn’t imagine him welcoming anything more personal between them, as much as it hurt to admit that.
With a silent sigh, she turned away, leaving him to it, vowing to herself that she would pretend that she had ever seen this moment of weakness.
It was better this way.
0 notes
jaketrains · 1 year
PAW Patrol: 10 Year: Characters (2023)
Tuck and Ella
(Cat Pack)
(Rubble & Crew)
Charger (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Mix (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Wheeler (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Motor (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Auntie Crane (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Grandpa Gravel (Debut in PAW Patrol)
(Junior Patrollers)
Mayor Goodway
Julia Goodway
Julius Goodway
Gustavo Goodway
Uncle Otis Goodway
Mayor Greatway (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Mr. Ducky-Doo (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Mr. Porter
Alex Porter
Mr. Hudson
Cap’n Turbot
Francisco Turbot
Tilly Turbot
Dr. Tammy Turbot
Taylor Turbot
Codi Gizmody
Eddie and Emmy
Mayor Humdinger
Kitten Catastrophe Crew
Meow-Meow (Hench-Cat)
Harold Humdinger
Cheetah Humdinger
Helga Humdinger
Farmer Yumi
Farmer Al
Ms. Marjorie
Hurricane Harrigan
Adventure Bay Cameraman
Adventure Bay Residents
Princess of Barkibgburg
Earl of Barkingburg
Butler of Barkingburg Castle
Henry and Elizabeth
Duke of Flappington
Sparks the Dragon
Luke Stars
Traveling Travis
Mr. Wingnut
Mrs. Wingnut
Cowgirl Beryl
Tough Guy (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Carmen (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Marty Muckraker (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Adventure City Camerawoman (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Butch and Ruben (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Window Washer (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Kendra Wilson (Debut in PAW Patrol
Tony (Debut in PAW Patrol)
Cora Colors
Mother Mer-Pup
Baby Mer-Pup
Victoria Vance
Flight Controller
Captain Gordy
Hailey Daily
The Copycat (Mr. Nibbles)
Big Hairy
Little Hairy
(Ruff Ruff Pack)
Speed Meister
Mr. McTurtle
Camila (Truck Driver and Pilot Airplane)
Grocer Gabriel
Cafe Carl (Ice Cream Shop and Popcorn’s Cafe)
Shopkeeper Shelley (Bike Shop and Toys Shop)
Sierra Sparkle
Farmer Zoe
Park Ranger Rose
Builder Cove Residents
Precious Owner
Precious Owner’s Father
Precious Owner’s Mother
The Great Wendini
Ace Sorensen
Daring Danny X
Sid the Swashbuckler the Pirate
Cake Judge
Chili and Pizza Judge
Little Boy
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oceanmusings · 2 years
I'm pretty chill when it comes to roleplays, some days I can't plot or be able to reply, but eventually I will respond to you!
If you want the same love interest as me we can instead just do like AU type universe instead, if you really don't want to I can find a different Love Interest (but some fandom's I won't be flexible)
the amount of ♥ is how much I am interested on rping it.
♥ - 1 (not interested)
♥ - 5 (absolutely would)
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Marvel Universe | ♥♥♥
Status - watched most of the shows and movies, working on netflix shows (currently on "Jessica Jones, season 2") (9/23)
Notes - Won't write for any of the protagonist, this doesn't include the anti-heros. And I won't write for Yelena romantically, since she is aroace. Only platonically.
Claimed - Tom!Peter Parker, Michelle "MJ" Jones-Watson :: paired with Charlotte "Charlie" D'Angelo (fc, vaness marano) || Andrew!Peter Parker :: paired with Charlotte "Lottie" D'Angelo (fc, emmy rossum)
Star Wars | ♥
Status - Watched all the movies, The Mandalorian, Kenobi, and Andor. I haven't watched the clone wars or played all the games, so my knowledge is limited.
Notes - Won't write for villains, like Darth Vader (not Anakin)
Claimed - Rey Skywalker :: paired with unknown || Cassian Andor :: 0aired with Addimaev Carric (fc, daniella pineda) || Obi-wan Kenobi :: paired with unknown
Harry Potter | ♥♥♥♥
Status - read all the books and movies (except for the last fantastic beast movie, I refuse for obvious reasons)
Notes - I don't condone anything JK or some of the actors have done. I will shit talk and make this fandom my own and anything we do for the rp that will piss of JK is okay for me. But also I refuse to write Severus Snape, Voldemort, or Barty Crouch. Mainly any Death Eaters (Draco doesn't count since I like giving him a redemption arc and believe his dad forced him)
Claimed - George Weasley :: paired with Anna Diggory (fc, liza weil) || Ginny Weasley, Harry Potter :: paired with Karina Carter (fc, zendaya) || Fleur Delacour :: paired with Athena Owens (fc, jenny walser)
Marauders Era | ♥♥♥
Status - Gimmie all the headcanons, I will accept anything.
Notes - I won't write for Peter, mainly cause I just don't know him. IF you really want me to, send me things you like about him (like headcanons, fanfic, tiktok's) to help me get his vibe.
Claimed - Remus Lupin :: paired with Devyn Edwards (fc, eliza scanlen) || Sirius Black :: paired with Reese Sudsworth (fc, joseph quinn) || James Potter :: paired with Ava-Rose Wyatt (fc, holland roden)
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Daisy Jones and the Six | ♥♥♥
Status - Completed both the book and the show!
Notes - I will write for anyone
Claimed - Karen Sirko or Graham Dunne :: paired with Talia Montgomery (fc, zooey deschanel) || Daisy Jones :: paired with Andrew "Andy" Foster (fc, billy crudup)
Shadow and Bone Series | ♥♥
Status - Completed the show, read the Shadow and Bone books and the first Six of Crows book.
Claimed - Nikolai Lantsov :: paired with Elisa Volkov (fc, mathilde ollivier) || Genya Safin :: paired with Stafford Lantsov (fc, harrison osterfield)
Gilmore Girls | ♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed a thousand times, I technically have never seen the last season tho.
Notes - I'll write anyone.
Claimed - Paris Geller :: paired with Eloise Gilmore (fc, talia ryder) || Jess Mariano :: paired with unknown
Switched at Birth | ♥
Status - Currently on season 4 (9/23)
Notes - Will not write for John Kennish
Claimed - Tobey Kennish :: paired with Cora Shepard (fc, hayley williams) || Kathryn Kennish :: paired with Adalia Parker (fc, holly marie combs)
Charmed | ♥
Status - Have watched the originally many times, I haven't read the comics or watched the reboot.
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Paige Matthews :: paired with unknown
X-Files | ♥
Status - Currently on season 7 (9/23), and have never seen the movies either.
Notes - Will not write any antagonist (like the smoking man)
Claimed - Dana Scully :: paired with unknown || Fox Mulder :: paired with unknown
Teen Wolf | ♥
Status - Have finished the show to the point Stiles and Scott leave, wont go any further. (I trust Kai's judgment)
Notes - Won't write for Peter.
Claimed - Allison Argent :: paired with Adam Dorian (fc, milo ventimiglia) || Lydia Martin :: paired with Avery Primula (fc, sarah ramos) || Derek Hale :: paired with Sadie Price (fc, meghan ory)
Stranger Things | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Have watched all the seasons many times. Currently reading the books!
Notes - I won't write for Billy
Claimed - Robin Buckley :: paired with Daisy Hopper (fc, florence pugh) || Steve Harrington :: paired with Paige Evans (fc, kate hudson) || Robin Buckley :: paired with Vivianne Owens (fc, talia ryder) || Will Byers :: paired with Francis Levin (fc, aiden gallagher)
Supernatural | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed, have not watched "The Winchesters" (9/23)
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Dean Winchester, Charlie Bradbury :: paired with Lori Holt (fc, krysten ritter) || Sam Winchester, Castiel :: paired with Virginia "Gigi" Rivers (fc, alyssa marano) || Bela Talbot :: paired with Beau Rivers (fc, colin o'donoghue)
The Walking Dead | ♥♥♥♥
Status - Currently on season 8 (9/23)
Notes - Won't write for Negan or Merle
Claimed - Michoone Hawthorne, Daryl Dixon :: paired with Jennifer "JD" Moore (fc, jodie comer)
Criminal Minds | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Currently on season 14 (9/23)
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Spencer Reid :: paired with Arwen Valentine (fc, imogen poots) || Emily Prentiss :: paired with Michaela "Mika" Briggs (fc, tatiana maslany) || Any :: paired with Dana Hart (fc, deborah ann woll)
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Percy Jackson | ♥
Status - Currently on House of Hades (9/23)
Notes - Won't write for Luke
Claimed - Percy Jackson :: paired with Arely Wesseck (fc, natalia dyer)
The Raven Cycle | ♥
Status - Completed. Have not read Call Down The Hawk. (4/23)
Notes - n/a
Claimed - Richard Gansey, Blue Sargent :: paired with unknown
The Diviners Series | ♥
Status - Currently on The King of Crows (4/23)
Notes - Will not write for Jake Marlowe.
Claimed - Mempis Campbell :: paired with unknown || Sam Lloyd :: paired with unknown
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-video games-
Detroit: Become Human | ♥♥♥
Status - Completed most endings.
Notes - Will not write Richard Perkins.
Claimed - Connor RK800, Markus RK200 :: paired with Alizarin Morgan (fc, suzy berhow)
Heavy Rain | ♥♥
Status - Completed, have seen 2 endings.
Notes - Will not write Scott Shelby
Claimed - Norman Jayden :: paired with unknown
Life Is Strange | ♥♥♥
Status - Completed, have seen both endings.
Notes - I have only played Life Is Strange and Life Is Strange Before The Storm. I also won't write for David.
Claimed - Chloe Price :: paired with unknown
Red Dead Redemption | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed both games. Only seen high honor.
Notes - I won't write for Micah Bell, Bill Williamson, and Hosea Matthews.
Claimed - Arthur Morgan :: paired with Emmaline Nielson (fc, jessica brown findlay) || Sadie Adler :: paired with Delilah Matthews (fc, rosamund pike)
The Last of Us | ♥♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed both games and show!
Notes - I will not tolerate Abby slander
Claimed - Joel Miller :: paired with Fiona Kelley (fc, molly parker) || Abigail "Abby" Anderson :: Camilla Miller (fc, unknown)
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Fruits Basket | ♥♥♥♥
Status - Completed the reboot
Notes - N/A
Claimed - Sohma Yuki or Hanajima Saki :: paired with Tamaki Sayuri (fc, rinka urushiba)
Cowboy Bebop | ♥
Status - Completed both the show and live action
Notes - N/A
Claimed - Spike Spiegel or Faye Valentine :: paired with unknown
Spy X Family | ♥♥♥
Status - Watched up to season 2!
Notes - Willing to do just 1x1
Claimed - Yor Forger :: paired with unknown
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Sara to Jaal: I love laying my head on your chest when you sleep so I can hear your heart beating.
Cora to Scott: I recorded you snoring so you can hear how fucking loud you are and why I can't fucking sleep.
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orderofsam · 2 years
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Random collection of screenshots featuring my bro!Ryder and Cora Harper.
I just think they’re neat
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nerdynicwriting · 3 years
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Need help deciding who to romance in #masseffectandromeda? Here's just the link (with detailed walkthrough videos) for your romantic heart: https://www.gamersdecide.com/articles/mass-effect-andromeda-best-romance
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dr-ladybird · 3 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Mass Effect: Andromeda Rating: Explicit Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Cora Harper/Male Ryder | Scott, Female Ryder | Sara & Male Ryder | Scott Characters: Cora Harper, Male Ryder | Scott, Female Ryder | Sara, Tempest Crew (Mass Effect) Additional Tags: Character Study, Explicit Sexual Content, Age Difference, Developing Relationship, Cunnilingus, Come Eating, Misuse of Biotics, but it's sexy, Love Confessions, Alec Ryder's A+ Parenting Summary:
“Scott, this isn’t a good idea. You’re going to find some gal—”
“Or guy.”
“Or guy closer to your age and I’m going to be a footnote in this part of your life. And I’m happy to be, but I told you. I’m not here to play games.”
Scott takes a step forward, putting his hand on the desk she’s sat at and leaning down. “Well, good. Because neither am I.”
or: cora's got a lot going on, she doesn't need to be in a relationship. scott might have something to say about that.
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ageless-aislynn · 1 year
10 characters, 10 fandoms, 10 tags
Tagged by the most awesome of awesomeness tag teams @authortobenamedlater and @mrtobenamedlater 😂😇😉
Just a note in case somebody doesn't know me but I usually include GIFs and stuff for things like this because I'm extra™ that way. 🤷‍♀️😉
Also, in alphabetical order because I would never rank my love of my blorbos. Annnnnd I live to ship so you're getting my fav pairings as a bonus. Yes, I included the ships TOTALLY FOR YOU, MY FRENS. No, no, don't thank me, it was my pleasure! 😛
Eobard Thawne x Caitlin Snow (The Flash)
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2a. Eowyn x Aragorn (Lord of the Rings) / 2b. Eowyn x Faramir (Lord of the Rings)
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3. Garcia Flynn x Lucy Preston (Timeless)
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"Maybe Someday" (Garcy, Timeless)
4. James Sawyer Ford x Kate Austen (Lost)
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"The Time Traveler's Wife" (Skate, Lost)
5. John-117 x Kai-125 (Halo the Series)
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6. Logan x Jean Grey (X-Men)
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"Shuffle Song Ship meme" (multi-fandom drabble/short fic collection)
7. Lydia Martin x Peter Hale (Teen Wolf)
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8. Master Chief x Cortana (Halo the game... which is TOTES different from Halo the series, yep *whistles innocently* 😇)
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9a. Sara Ryder x Reyes Vidal (Mass Effect Andromeda) / 9b. Scott Ryder x Cora Harper (Mass Effect Andromeda)
"Dance The Night" fun facts: yes, 00:50 is exactly why I made this, lol! (Though the entire thing ended up being one of the most fun times I've had making a vid! 🥳) Also, most of this wasn't recorded in order to gather vid footage - I was trying out outfit and armor colors to see what they looked like in-game. Hence, the Ryder twins put on a bit of a fashion show here! 😛 Oh, and I was also trying out a new inspired-by-me Sara, which is why she doesn't look like the Sara I've shown previously in my other vid and in GIFs. 😉 Bonus for my Flash friends - if you watch this, see if you spot Scott in his Reverse Flash inspired armor! 💛💖 (The lighting was a little poor in the scene, though, so let me know if you need a timestamp. 😉)
10. The Tenth Doctor x Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
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Update, okay, so I decided to come back and do the tagging properly so to absolve my guilt at failing that part, lol!
No pressure tags (and apologies if you've already been tagged in this) @sarnakhwritesthings @sporadicbelievernightmare @fandomdancer @architectofimagination @missoliverstark @vampcoffeegyrl23 @coleishere @pif-reepa @ghostslillady @androidtrashfire
annnnnnd anybody who's reading this and would like to play along! No, seriously, everybody's welcome to play along! *boops your nose politely* 💖💖💖
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regalpotato · 5 years
Installing the Cora Romance mod (to allow femRyder to romance Cora) was the best and worst decision of my life. Because some of it is actually voiced and I continue to hate Straightoware for doing this to me in every game.
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southofferelden · 1 year
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We love Cora Harper and Scott Ryder ❤️ https://www.facebook.com/SouthOfFerelden https://www.fanfiction.net/~southofferelden https://www.wattpad.com/user/SouthOfFerelden https://archiveofourown.org/users/SouthOfFerelden Would love you to read all about them in my story "A Different Set Of Stars."
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deadlymaelstrom · 5 years
Cora Harper: A few of the others are talking about settling down. Putting down roots.
Scott Ryder: You don't like the idea?
Cora Harper: I like you and me, and a garden. But I like open skies and stopping bad guys, too. Maybe I'm used to living in other people's houses.
Scott Ryder: Think you'll ever want a somewhere of your own? OUR own, maybe?
Cora Harper: When you're around, I rule nothing out. It's tempting. We all came for a new life. I just... want to live mine out there a little longer. With you.
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scredgirl · 7 years
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@sasseffect  a dit :2B with Cora and Ryder being post-firefight space gfs please thanks
space girlfriends  ❤️
(with and without post-fighting blood~)
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