#j2 hats are weird
chaos0pikachu · 1 year
Your post reminds me of the early 2000s when people were speculating on which Disney Channel and Nickelodeon actors were actually together IRL (which is weird enough to speculate on the romantic lives of children) and how crazy the tabloids were in general back then when it came to actors personal/romantic lives.
I think people in Western culture tend to downplay the prevalence of that behavior nowadays because it’s not as front and center as it used to be but it does still happen and a lot of the time it’s still used by studios to promote their shows. Definitely not a phenomenon unique to Asia.
Omg you just made me remember the Lindsey Lohan, Hilary Duff, Aaron Carter 'love' triangle that existed back then lmaoooo what a time
I do think western fans, particularly ones in BL/GL fandoms, are so hyper focused on those fandoms/sub-fandoms they either don't pay attention to what's happening outside of those fandoms or don't know general media history. I don't blame~~ ppl for this fandom is ultimately a hobbyist space first and foremost, but I do think it can lead to damaging assumptions about non-American/British cultures and a prevalent belief that these types of occurrences only happen in BL/GL fandoms which can - and has in my observations - lead to some xenophobic beliefs about East Asian cultures in general.
This is a bigger problem in general of xenophobia when it comes to consuming and/or engaging with non-white/non-american media like this belief that Korean media isn't horny in general isn't just something I see BL fans saying but also ppl who watch romance kdramas b/c that's their main focus, romance kdramas not Korean media in general. Which is vast and varied, and exists beyond Crash Landing Into You, Guardian, Squid Game and Parasite
(sidenote, everyone knows Bong Joon-ho for Parasite but his filmography is varied and amazing, The Host is such a clever subversive of a B monster movie and Snowpiercer is probably one of my fave films of all time and Chris Evans best on screen performance to date)
Like, I see folks saying "shipping" a lot when it comes to fans believing idk Mew and Gulf were irl dating when in my fandom experience that shit was called "tin hatting" b/c it was a conspiracy. There was a fine line difference between ppl who like just enjoyed and liked Dom and Elijah's friendship and wrote silly (even if it was sexy) fanfic about them and the ppl who literally stalked Elijah to a gay bar once b/c they legitimately believed Dom and Elijah were in a secret romance. Like way to much fandom shit, Jared and Jensen also popularized tin hatting or rather their fandom did. J2 crawled so Larries could fucking RUN. Back in the days of LiveJournal there were anon communities that had threads with 1000s of comments about how Jared and Jensen were secretly in a relationship b/c omg look at the way they act at cons! They're so touch-feely! They make innuendo jokes!
We'd call this "fan service" with a Thai acting pair and I would argue that's what Jared and Jensen were doing, fan service just in the early 00s. Idk if they still do this at cons I don't follow SPN anymore but you saw the same comments about like the 1D members. In my experience I would argue western tin hatters of western celebs are worse than what I see from BL fans even with the "fan service" or whatever b/c there's a sense of heightened conspiracy think involved. And again, it's not just for same-sex couples the actors for Outlander have been harassed by tinhats for almost as long as the show has been on (so like 8-ish years). At the height of the popularity for Scandal tin hats were saying Kerry Washington's baby was gonna come out light skinned "proving" it was her white costars (for those who don't know Kerry is a Black woman and her husband is a Black man, her former costar is a white man).
idk where I was going with all this but like, this isn't something specific to Thailand or Korea etc it's not even something specific to same sex pairings. I would argue Thailand's just learned how to monetize off people's already pre-existing lack of boundaries towards public figures.
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eisforeidolon · 2 years
I find it a little strange to see blogs talking about Jensen's living arrangement, what property he has bought and sold and the obsession of will or wont he divorce his wife. Has the fandom always been this weird about his personal life like that. I don't seem to see this with Jared. Is JP consided the one in the happy marriage out of the two.Just curious
Honestly, the fandom has always been this weird.
These days invasive and unhinged tinhat behavior from the JA/MC side seems a lot more visible, but for a very long time there was a notorious JA/JP anon gossip forum, Goss, that was known even outside SPN fandom for how OTT it was [fanlore]. In particular, the cockless nuts like to claim they're superior to J2 hats specifically because of how infamous Goss was for virulent hatred directed at both J2's wives.
I doubt all the Gen haters have wandered off, but Danneel is currently involved in TW with Jensen (strike one) and some of the tinhats have always blamed the wives for anything they don't like the guys doing (strike two). Meanwhile, Gen is just running her blog as usual, with nothing in particular to sustain a new wave of outrage over recently. I'm pretty sure when she was cast on Walker the primary target of wife hate was Gen for a good long while. It's always gone back and forth a bit, though I wouldn't be surprised if prequelgate changed some of the dynamics in a more permanent way as it has other aspects of the fandom. We'll see what happens next time Gen does something quote unquote objectionable enough to garner drama.
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incarnateirony · 2 years
how did a post about misha and gk end up being about will and the winchesters? will seems pretty keen for misha to succeed, he even said he’s going to support gk.
Sit down you 2po dicksucker. I don't care. He's a fucking delusional piece of shit. He is, in fact, part of the narrative of lies in discussion. He IS part of those groups and IS one of their loudest ones, convincing people as dumb as you that he's legit instead of the wincel j2 hat motherfucker taking sources from hateful antis lmfao.
Sorry bro. He dug his grave, and y'all wanna lay in it with him to justify random sobbing of He Swears He X Thing. He's part of the psycho mfers sourcing lies used to attack creatives, and is still doing it, and has used his literal delusions to bash on other people and call them delusional for years, just like all his fucking friends do.
Why would he get brought up? Bc people like you are still dumb enough to refuse to connect the dots and I'ma repeat it until you all realize how badly you've been suckered by a man blowing denialist smoke for years he's done nothing but fail through.every time he fails he makes up a story of Someone Else Failed, Too, So Everyone Sucks As Bad As Him. then like. I have receipts I said the opposite.
And you guys never learn and run his NEXT bullshit lie narrative he spins up 4 hours later. Literally fucking hopeless, brainless. The world doesn't care whether you like me or not or like what I'm saying or not, the real world is going to keep real worlding, where I never said the shit 2po claims I say and have disproven it every time with receipts, where he's just a delusional piece of shit crying in denial trying to drag everyone down to his own abysmal failure rate by weaving up fantasies everyone is as SHITTY at this as him, like he has been for years every time he wiped out, and where his fanfiction about me need not apply.
This is your friendly reminder that the following things 2po assigned delusional/schizophrenia/grifter/whatever claims to: Market testing, Berens intent, there being a confession S15, a roadhouse ending, omissions, CW being sold, the relevance of old syndication both to production and plot, the script being real, the morals of the season's episodes, whatever else. alchemy, tarot and spiral narratives, he screamed that shit about that too before we magically hired those exact folks tweeting out those exact things. Extra weird he's so clueless he thinks my song posts are "random junk", not ironic DJ booth tweeting out the plot that's already dickslapped his dumb ass repeatedly without him even realizing it.
*whispers* notice... these are all things that were real that he simply wasn't privy to for years while I was. Even when he confidently misinterpreted M&Gs as sources and reasoning back then, too. So that just means... he and everyone that listened to him were delusional those 3 years, and the 2 years after, and they haven't changed now.
Just like you guys never learned "I don't like it/don't want it/don't believe you" doesn't impact reality no matter how many diapers you fill about it. Refuse to update your bad methodology and sources all you want but don't cry to me when the nasty people you work with send you a pipe bomb or some shit for the amount of smoke you've blown up their ass when the truth hits again at The End Of The Road.
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wheniwrite28 · 3 years
Apparently JP just talked about his wife but yeah sure JA is talking about JP here.. Right that makes sense..
Well to each his own but on a more honest front, I think JA just wants to be inclusive. I think he wants to present an opportunity for everyone to know that love comes in all shapes, sizes and people.
His gender ambiguity is such that. Also, that man freaking loves his wife! I can see that, a cockles shipper from miles away. So should anyone, but J2 tinhats live on another planet where you have serious beards with whom you have children, a lot of them and are head over heels in love with them.
You know what I want that kind of love, but rn, my friend, let’s just give this a soft chuckle and see this brilliant picture I love of Jensen and Danneel
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Does the crew not know Jensen’s gay or with Jared to send him spank bank material of a blonde woman on the cover of a magazine?
I have gotten some troll messages in my life but holy fuck you take the cake cause......wtf? You saw an attractive blonde woman on the cover of a magazine and are suggesting that the crew is providing Jensen with material to masturbate too??? 
1. I know Sports Illustrated - especially their swimsuit covers - has a long-standing reputation of pretty much being softcore porn but for better or worse it actually is a legit magazine read by both men and women of all different sexualities. Also, the woman on the cover has a name, Kate Bock. Let’s be respectful to the young lady.
2. And there is such a thing as gag gifts. Did you not see some of the other things they got him? Like toilet paper. They got him some things for self-care, and they got him some things to get a laugh out of him. (and some things he could enjoy with jared like the green juices and the gummy bears both things we know he enjoys) 
I am full-blown judging you and your bullshit, and I want you to know that
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freakygirlie · 3 years
Hi. Itk here. Believe me, don't, doesn't matter. Thought I'd drop (after you summoned ha) by given the chaos and try to enlighten the ones who choose to believe me, as much as I'm capable of.
The first thing I wanna say is: stop trying to figure out their relationship. You most likely never will. Fans are stuck on both extremes, when the actuality of it is far more in the middle (perhaps even up or down and all around ha). It's complex and strange and not at all "normal" (as normal as they could be, anyways).
It's not as simple as "oh they're just a closeted couple who engage in bearding and have kids and behind closed doors they're just a regular, old married couple and a big, happy rainbow family".
Doesn't sound like itk info, believe me, I get that but observing the fandom I'd say it almost is because most fans simply hang on extreme simplistic ideas of what their relationship is.
Second thing I'd like to say and unfortunately seems like it's not at all obvious but: do not believe anything they share publicly. Not saying they're lying compulsively, but they are public figures and they have a lot at stake to just casually drop the actual truth of any given situation.
Just don't. The same salt you have regarding itks, have towards them. It'd do you some good...Believe me. Unless you are involved in the entertainment or political life, you cannot even begin to fathom what it's really like, the level of manipulation, falsehood and well, overall deviation of it. It's quite disturbing tbh. So just always take whatever's said and shown with a good amount of salt. With public people hardly anything is accidental or casual.
I think the most prominent question now is...Why? Why would they do something like that? Regardless if you have the ingenuity to believe the little scene they made or not...Still, the question lingers.
With my level of "in the knowness" I cannot for sure say the real reason, yet from the pieces I've collected so far, seems to be a multiple gain scheme. It was a high risk, they were well aware, and it paid out in the way they were expecting, minus small bumps here and there. But overall it seemed to have worked in their favor. How in the hell, one would ask?
Believe me, I used my best sneaky capabilities to find out exactly why but they were smart enough to keep this one locked tight, minus a few loose lips. And from those all I've heard was that "whatever the purpose was, it worked out".
As weird as it may sound to the innocent mind, it's actually not at all, given that even leaked nudes are not at all leaked or accidental, and those tend to (at least in the past) get immense amount of backlash. It's not the first time famous folks fake a fight, surely won't be the last.
A lot goes into public image, it's not black and white as "well but it looked bad on Jensen", "it looked bad on the prequel", etc. You'd be surprised as how little this truly matters given the level of manipulation they are able to pull on the public. And well, even with them...It happens all the time. Both made mistakes far worse than just "not telling my bestie about my new project" and fans would eventually let that go and put them back on the pedestal.
So just remember, always: not in the industry? then don't judge anything because you simply do not understand how it works.
Another piece of itk information I can give besides "this was planned and it worked" is: they are fine. From what I've heard they are not fighting over it or going through anything more dramatic than what they usually have been going through ever since they met haha.
So just sit back and chill out. Breathe, read fanfiction and remember that we will never truly get answers, because even what comes out of their mouths are most of the time carefully thought out and directed to have a specific meaning and effect (why do you think Jared mumbles and rambles so much?).
Another interesting piece of itk: you know how they always say they never fight? Even though that sounds insanely hard to believe even if they were just friends because who knows someone for that long and is constantly together and never fights? Unlikely, right? Yes, as obvious as that was. But unfortunately a lot of you seem to believe that, given the level of shock you had for this little twitter feud (as fake as it was). Yeah. They fight. A lot.
They fight as much as individuals in their situation would. Like I said, not at all what most people absentmindedly seem to think it is. They go through a lot. Way more than anyone who isn't in a similar situation would understand. It's messy, although they try their best to make it simpler in the ways they can.
On top of being in a very complex situation, they both have strong personalities and one of them is quite hard to "pin down". So altercations happen a lot, but they know how to deal, and they are exceptionally good at making sure that doesn't interfere in their work (oh well, at least not any work that doesn't benefit from intense emotional exchanges, anyways 😉...chemistry isn't something random, you know? haha).
I find it quite...interesting (to put it nicely) that a lot of hats easily believe they are a couple that lies constantly about almost every aspect of their lives, yet, they cannot believe they would fake a social media narrative. It makes no sense whatsoever.
It'd do you all good to be a little less tendentious and look at them as, you know...Humans? They are not what they seem to be, just as you guys also take in different versions of yourselves in different situations, they do too. And don't be so hopelessly naive to actually believe they see fans as "hashtag family". This is their work. And as grateful as they are for supporters, they certainly do not consider them family. To the point of never lying and trusting you with their life.
I'm sure they love their fans, but come on, saying they would never lie because that's mean to fans is just beyond naive. They've been doing it all along and oh, another interesting info? They don't think they're doing anything wrong.
Yeah, sounds weird, you'd think they'd feel guilty. But again, unless you were media trained, you'd never get it.
From years now if there's one consistent info I've gotten was this: they don't feel obligated to tell you anything. They believe they are doing "what they are supposed to do, the right thing for everyone involved".
So. Yeah. And hell, they are right about not being obligated to say anything about anything, I guess.
Well, I hope that was helpful or at least entertaining. It's hard to share info without accidentally making it obvious who I am for the lurkers (sure you guys were well aware that they lurk around the fandom). But it's safe because as long as I don't provide evidence, I'm fine. Just walking a thin line between sharing and not sharing something too specific that would be easy fir them to know who has that info and although they can't do anything against itks, they can manage to cut us off somehow and I enjoy having access lol, so that'd be a bummer.
Anyways, take itks and J2 themselves with a ton of salt haha! You are lovely, btw, you seem very kind and I enjoy your blog very much! much love!
itk anon everything you said was <333 and i agree with like almost all of it. very nice analysis and ask thank you ! i don't always believe everything j2 put out but the whole stunt being a false narrative just seems wrong so idk what to make of it. regardless i myself can sometimes get carried away in my star-struck love of j2. and i am a tinhat so well :) and now they look to be really good and taking a break from here was well worth it <3
''You are lovely, btw, you seem very kind and I enjoy your blog very much! much love!'' i love u so much hope u have a great day !
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teamfreewill2pointo · 2 years
J2 have “stretched the truth” for years . One time being for example the infamous dinner story which Jared shared as being out with Gen and then Jensen later retold as being him and Jared. Or March 2021 when there were sightings of J2 in Colorado together around jensens bday but Jared claimed he wasn’t with him (and nearly slipped up with “I was with you on your birt-ER HAPPY BIRTHDAY ACKLES”! (1/2)
"(2/2) and they are just two examples along with Walker. I’ve often wondered why ? The Colorado thing can be explained by not wanting to take heat during a pandemic , but others are weird to me (and let me clarify - I don’t think it’s a shipping thing, at all , I just want to know why they stretch the truth so often? Safety ?)" Ever since I've realized that tinhats claim that they aren't hat, I'm not sure what I should say to clarify that I'm genuinely not a hat. Before I talk about this more, just be clear that I don't think that any of J2M are in a secret sexual relationship with each other. I think the Js marriages are real and that their wives aren't beards. Jared and Misha have both said that they are straight very recently.
So first, Jensen will insert himself into stories where he wasn't there to begin with. For example, when Jared and Gen had a couples staycation at the Driskill hotel, Jensen at one point claimed that he was the one pulling the sheets off of Jared. To me, this was very clearly a joke.
However, Jensen may have been with them at the restaurant in Italy as well - they traveled around together outside of the con on multiple occasions. He talked about how he went with Jared while Jared got a haircut and just hung out with him. So it wouldn't surprise me if he was always with them and they just dropped that part off the first telling.
There are several stories where we didn't get the full story until much later. What's interesting about that Walker photo is that anyone who actually watches Walker would know that it was from an earlier episode, so it's not like they are working extra hard to hide it. In the case of Walker, I think part of it is security, but I also think part of it is them trying to prove that they can stand independently of each other.
And it's not just with Jared, Jensen will do this with Misha too. For example, when it came to the infamous house rental story, Jensen initially tried to say that they didn't sleep in the house and was clearly reluctant to tell the whole story. Jared barrelled on. Misha brought up the house rental story at a recent con and clipped out much of it, especially the gay porn part. I think he forgot that they already told it to us at Jibcon.
It was also funny seeing fandom reaction to that because the J2 tinhats thought that J2 shared the room, the Cockles tinhats thought that Cockles shared the room. I saw a lot of "why are they lying about this?" FWIW, I don't think they are lying about where they slept.
Also, AFAIK, Jensen has never once talked about Misha staying with him or their "slumber parties". Misha and Jared have been the ones to talk about Misha staying in Jared's apartment in Van. DJ talked about how Misha mostly stays with Jensen when he's shooting in Van. Rob talked about the Jacksonville "slumber party".
Jensen is a very private person and is much more concerned with his public appearance. Do you remember the It Gets Better Campaign? In 2010, a bunch of people released videos telling young queer people that their lives will improve. Obama even did it. I've heard that Jared really wanted to do it, but Jensen was hesitant and, in the end, Jared didn't do it because it would look awkward if Jared did it alone. From what I hear, Jensen thought it would be considered as "proof" to the tinhats, which is why he didn't want to do it.
Sometimes they are doing things they shouldn't be doing. Like Jared going to visit Jensen in Colorado. Jared also wasn't supposed to be skiing and had in his contract that he wouldn't ski, but still skied anyway.
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ficforthought · 4 years
Why do you think J2 kept their visit for Jensen’s birthday secret and did you think it was odd about Gen's anniversary post? IDK if you tin hat so just curious.
Sorry for the delayed reply on this, anon. I think in large part because there's still a pandemic going on and even though I'm sure they were as safe as they could possibly be because of not wanting to put the kids and people on set at risk, they would inevitably get a lot of criticism for it. IDK what the situation is in the US about non essential travel (I just about know my own country!) so I can't comment further on that part. We know Jared almost slipped up at the StageIt panel, though, which was adorable. He just couldn't contain himself! 😆 I'm happy they got to be together after so long apart, they looked so giddy at that panel and no doubt some of that was leftover excitement at being together. 🥰
Re the anniversary post, I thought it was a little weird to post an old photo when they were apparently together on the day. There are IGS posted several times a week so again a bit odd. Maybe they were just enjoying their time. 🤷🏻‍♀️
I would say I'm a semi tin hat, lots of things don't add up and never have, IMO. As long as J2 are happy, that's what matters to me. 💕
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princesssjared · 3 years
Hello, are you still answering asks? Idk, if you're active or not. I hope you're. I'm on fence with j2 and their relationship but my question is about their wives. What's with the wives domination in this fandom? Why love their wives just for marrying the actors? Never once in any fandom I saw this. I mean no obsessed over Chris H or Chris P or Benedict C wives just because we like 'em. Their wives have SM too. And also it is only happening with J2 & wives but nobody else. Why? I'm confused.
I apologize for the late reply, but I tend to disappear from the fandom months at a time and then return when I start missing J2 again lol
Your ask is so interesting because that's a phenomenon us hats have been questioning for many years now. Literally, WHY stan someone's wife simply because they're married to the actor you like? Stans will give you many reasons, like "they used to be actresses as well and had good shows" "they were also on spn!!" (Both playing horrible characters btw) "they're successful women who own businesses and they're role models" but let's be real here.
There's no reason to create fan accounts and stalk their wives because they are NOT celebrities. They have no other fans beside J2 fans.
So the real reason het stans support and love the wives so much is because they are TOKENS. They represent J2's heterosexuality and somehow stans feel safe stanning them because it makes it easier to pretend tinhats don't exist and so they can scream about how much J2 love each other and how beautiful their friendship is without feeling guilty or maybe even asking themselves the hard questions:
is this REALLY like best friends should act?
Is it really normal to be married with someone for so many years and yet spend so much time apart?
Isn't it weird that Danneel and the kids were allowed to go to Canada to visit Jensen anytime during the year but they didn't?
Why did they lie so many times about not being together just to be proven wrong a few weeks/months later?
Just to mention a few haha :')
Hope you liked my answer and I hope you're still around, anon!
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touchstarvedsam · 4 years
As I read through your blog, I wonder is it possible to love both Sam/Jared and Dean/Jensen pretty equally? I wouldn’t call myself a “Stan” of either, but of both, however, I’m not a tin hat, I enjoy reading Wincest and J2 fics (that’s a recent development but it has to be way, way WAY au) and cheer for them and their families when they share something with us. I would never pour hate on one or the other because I love them both and can’t conceive of being that way to someone they each love. I don’t understand people who do. I’ve watched SPN since the first episode and I love the finale even as much as it hurt.
I’m going to love the hell out of Walker and of Soldier Boy, I’m glad they’re moving on, but I’m also looking forward to the day when Sam and Dean come back to us.
I’m weird. Maybe it’s my age. Nice blog 😁 I quite enjoy scrolling through.
It is absolutely possible to love both! I think they’re called bibros/bronlies, but supposedly the bibros/bronlies don’t ship wincest, they just love the platonic relationship between the brothers, which is the core of the show. I consider myself a Sam/Jared girl, but I also love Dean/Jensen. I’ve been known to be critical of Dean sometimes because I do wish he’d own up to some of the bullshit he does, but I don’t love him any less. I love the character, I love his actor, and I have never had any problems with Jensen whatsoever. The man is actually an angel. He’s just good at playing the characters he plays.
It should honestly be impossible to love one and not like the other because of how important to each other Jared and Jensen are. They are literally best friends, their wives are (or were, I don’t know at this point) best friends, their kids are all friends/protective of each other. Jensen’s kids say Uncle Jared and Aunt Gen (JJ used to call Gen “Aunt Mommy” not sure about now? T_T) and Jared’s kids do the same for Jensen and Danneel. There was one con where Thomas wouldn’t stop crying until Uncle Jensen picked him up. :/ So the Padaleckis and Ackles are so ingrained within each other that they’re going to be a part of each other for the rest of their lives, despite what bitter fans think. :)
I totally feel you on that. I love reading J2 fics, but I can’t comfortably read non-AU fics, especially if they’re involving cons and real life instances. Because I’m not a t*nhat, I don’t feel comfortable reading those. I love my monster AUs, my high school/college AUs, A/B/O, tentacle monster!Jensen, werecat/werewolf/werefox!AU. God, I just love AUs.
I also love their families. I’ve had a major crush on Genevieve for such a long time. Her and Jared are literally just so freaking cute together, I want to cry sometimes. Jared and Gen are two of the sweetest people, and they’re so good for each other. They love each other so much. I can’t stand seeing people hating on Gen (or Danneel!) just because they don’t think they’re good enough. This fandom is disturbingly misogynistic and toxic and sometimes I wish I could just leave, but it’s not that easy. I’ve been in this fandom for too long now to just pack up and go.
I’m super excited for Walker, and I’m super proud of Jensen and I wish I could watch The Boys, but that show really isn’t my kind of show. I love Jensen but I can’t make myself watch something I know won’t really interest me, or might make me uncomfortable. Maybe sometime I’ll give it a shot, but. T_T
Sam and Dean will always own my heart. <3
I’m so glad you like my blog though! I say/post a lot of dumb shit, but I try to be inviting and nice? I rant a little too much when I’m set off by three specific sets of fans and lose followers for that sometimes, but I won’t stand for hate on Jared, Jensen, or their wives, so those followers are a loss I’m willing to accept if they have a problem with it.
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freckles, tea stains, memories (the title of my next soft dean playlist, but also some ethereal asks for you :D)
FIRST of all --- you’re ruDE! Love when that happens ٩(●ᴗ●)۶
(That is th Best Title, pls send me that playlist when it’s done, thank you.)
Freckles: Five facts about you.
1. In kindergarden I had a “crush” on a boy and there was a fake wedding (yes, kinda messed up idk) where he fake married some other girl and this was my first heartbreak y’all. 5yo me swore revenge and forgave him a few days later (or so my parents told me).
2. When I was 14 years old I fell out of my loft bed and fainted lol. 
3. I’m kinda scared of the deep sea. Terrified, really. 
4. In my early 20s I accepted the label “straight” for myself and ran with it after thinking “not being sexually attracted to anything other than ~Cis Dudes(TM)” meant I had no business being in queer spaces even though I felt at home in them, and I kinda sorta maybe totally regret that because I have the tendency to reinforce opinions about myself again and again until I can't break out of the box I put myself into. I hate that box now, it is not my box anymore! There, I said it.
5. In 6th or 7th grade I ate 3 sticks of chalk but it didn’t change my voice :( Like, at all! 
Tea stains: Name three of your followers you would like to have tea with? 
I will only name three people I don’t know in real life. This is really scary because those people don’t know me and probably find this really creepy. I’m sorry.  @onemoresoultothecall, @fuzzytale and @funnyinenochian. I see you and I appreciate you.
Memories: Ever met a famous person?
Funny that you ask this, since you’ve been with me most times I met a “famous person” ;) So I’m gonna pretend you’re some stranger, yeah?
I met a few, even though it was only ever for a few moments. I met some people from the SPN cast - once, I walked into J2′s bodyguard and yes this is a weird info and no I don’t remember it clearly, it was 10 years ago. I met Jared and Jensen too but I have no recollection of the words being exchanged (because it was 10 years ago, you see). I mostly remember mint-y smells from several cast members. Rich Speight Jr referenced the hat I was wearing (this information has no importance whatsoever). Also, I had a very awkward photograph taken with Misha (i hate it, it’s amazing :]) And I had a Matt Cohen-Rich-Sandwich (photo taken that is) with friends and it was awesome. In a hormone driven kind of way. I also met some people from the Doctor Who cast: Catherine Tate was SO nice, Caitlin Blackwood was a sweetheart - and meeting Karen Gillan was wonderful but very awkward - and I never felt more gigantic. I met Bob Morley, too, he said something in German to me (a German Individual) but I didn’t understand it.
Let it be said though that I met those people by paying for convention tickets. I don’t remember meeting any famous people without paying for it.
EDIT: That was a lie. I once met Joachim Löw while crossing the street and thought it was a guy wearing a Jogi Löw mask (yeah idk). But I don’t count this as meeting him. 
And to think I once studied the English language! Sorry for any grammar mistakes. Thanks @theuncannybalth <3
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samslosthoe · 4 years
j2 compatibility chart expanded part 2.
here’s a continuation of the aspects of the j2 chart. we’ve got a lot more in here to do but i'm gonna edit a little to make it go faster. HERE’S PART 1 if you missed it.
i think by now we all know that the astrology says these two are quite the pair, whether it be in friendship or in something more. under the cut i’m gonna do the challenges/negatives after i finish my positive aspects. 
[ jared mars sextile jensen neptune ] - this one isn’t for the hats of the bunch. the thing that sticks these two together is a focus on a cause, a project, or an idea of how to make the world better. they’re creative together, and if this were the only positive aspect these two had, i would worry that their connection would end after supernatural/any other joint projects. however, we do have many other aspects to support a long lasting union here, so i’m not too worried. this IS a friendship aspect, but the part i find most interesting that it tells us that jared is the leader and jensen is the idea person. i don’t know that many people see them that way, but i think it sounds accurate.
[ jared mars conjunct jensen pluto ] - welp, THIS ONE is for the hats. and i quote: “sexual energy seems to simmer barely under control.” shit, y’all. “THE INITIAL STAGES OF THIS RELATIONSHIP ARE FRAUGHT WITH SEXUAL TENSION, WHETHER OR NOT THIS IS AN INTIMATE UNION.” i, uh. think that’s all that needs to be said. i don’t even need to add anything here. well. maybe this gif.
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[ jared jupiter trine jensen jupiter ] - ancient astrologers said that jupiter was really lucky/beneficial in a chart like this, meaning this aspect tells us much of what we already know: any kind of connection between the two of them is going to be good. the attraction between them is like a magnet, but jupiter doesn’t necessarily mean sexual, just that they’re ridiculously drawn together. however, this aspect also comes tacked with it “lucky in love.” so uh. take that as you will.
[ jared jupiter sextile jensen saturn ] - while the bond is strong, they take different approaches. jared is adventurous and jensen is cautious, but it balances out. jared beings jensen to life and jared gets some much needed stability. 
[ jared saturn sextile jensen neptune ] - see, this aspect right here is why i don’t pay much attention to the first one i listed today saying that they could split up after supernatural. saturn speaks to commitment, which i think i talked about a lot in the last post, and neptune is dreams and inspiration and that kind of stuff. so together, this is another one of those “THIS IS FATE” aspects. this one, again, doesn’t mean necessarily a sexual relationship, but in any case, it’s fate to be close. 
SO unlike last time, i’m gonna be skipping the duplicates, which is just the planets swapped. like up there says “jared saturn sextile jensen neptune”, well the next one is “jared neptune trine jensen saturn” so basically, same thing. 
[ jared pluto trine jensen jupiter ] - yet another soulmate-y one. this isn’t just a love-at-first-sight thing, though that is also implied. this is that they really fuckin get each other on a bone-deep level. this is gonna be intense no matter what the nature of the relationship, and they make each other better people. 
skipping more repetitiveness... blah blah blah, soulmates, make each other better, more fate, more creativity, bffl, yadda yadda. YOU GET IT.
OKAY it’s challenge time. what have you got for me, space friends? tiny cheat sheet that you don’t need: a square is a challenge, and an opposition is a bigger challenge. 
[ jared chiron square jensen saturn ] - here we have past hurts getting in the way. this challenge actually has a positive spin in that, if they communicate the past hurt to each other, they’ll bond over it and overcome it together. but if they don’t, they’re just going to compound the pain. this is not one we’d be able to see as they’re hidden hurtful experiences, but as this is already a 15 year partnership of some kind, i would say we’re out of the woods on this one.
[ jared pluto square jensen mars ] - this one is interesting because it shows an explosive nature. here we have the issue of if communication doesn’t happen properly, they will explode. this could actually get physical, which i find really interesting. basically, all that magnetism and passion of the positive aspects can get volatile if they didn’t have a way of understanding each other. from history we’ve been told that jared and jensen don’t really fight, that they did the one time and that they made the decision to never do that again and handle it in a different way. but who knows if that was just a thing they said in public? honestly, though, it doesn’t seem like these two struggle to communicate.
[ jared neptune square jensen venus ] -  this is the romeo and juliet aspect. which, hey, sounds great, but then you remember how that story ended. basically here we have such an intense kind of love that makes you forget perspective. they get lost in each other and forget the rest of the world. this isn’t so much dangerous for them in a relationship, but everything outside of it. this is that friend who forgets you exist once they have a new partner. 
[ jared uranus square jensen saturn ] - the combo here comes up a lot, actually, so i’m interested in this. however, it seems backwards. it says JARED is hard to pin down and jensen wants the commitment, but in other aspects, we have jensen needing to make sure he has freedom and jared to respect it. basically this challenge is finding a balance between ALWAYS BEING TOGETHER and being independent, which is what we’re seeing these days at the end of spn and quarantine keeping people inside and apart. this is an aspect made for this weird time.
[ jared mars square jensen mars] -  mars pitted against each other makes these two have this idea that they’re in competition. i think this one probably worked itself out early on, but i can see how it would flare up again now that they’ll be working on different things. there could be a lot of tension if they both want to pursue more acting and one does better than the other. however, they could skate through this easily if they’re doing different things or if it IS something they addressed when they were younger. 
more squares that talk about tension without communication, i think we kind of covered that, so let’s hit these oppositions before i leave you for the night. 
[ jared jupiter opposition jensen chiron ] -  i’m gonna be honest, i don’t get this one. but this could be because we don’t see these guys talk a lot about this kind of stuff, but anyway. this opposition says they have conflicting ethics? that their challenge is to respect each other and learn from their differences. says that jensen is more sensitive and touchy here but jared is all about learning and talking about it. this is an oppositon meaning it’s more intense than a square, but i...? it says also that if they can work through it they’ll be better and stronger together for it. maybe this already happened. i dunno, they seem to have a similar code to me. 
[ jared neptune opposition jensen jupiter ] -  okay, maybe this one explains the last one. this bad boy says they’ve got differing beliefs in the spiritual and religious sense. apparently jared thinks his way of spirituality is better. and that this aspect could really bring a deterioration to their union if they don’t respect each other’s beliefs. huh. interesting.
that’s all i have for you for now, folks. if you have any questions, comments, suggestions, please let me know! i love talking about this with y’all. seriously, you make my days. hope you enjoyed! 
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incarnateirony · 3 years
"There's a storage unit here in Austin that has everything from his apartment and my apartment that we didn't want to- that we haven't unpacked yet"
"there are a lot of boxes that I didn't wanna brave yet- we had a full sized apatment for the last six years"
Jensen and Jared shared an apartment for the last 6 (SIX!!!) years in Vancouver. After SPN wrapped they packed up a truck with all their stuff and roadtripped to Texas
Hello J2 hat trying to sound like a confused cockles shipper, or someone who tries to blend in with the cool kids club.
I suggest you take what you retyped Jared saying, and re read it very carefully. Read it slowly, if you have to. Several times, even. "His apartment, and my apartment." Not "our apartment." We have actually even seen both apartments, dears. They are separate apartments. One was in west van near downtown and one was in Yaletown. "We" had an apartment is about Gen who was sitting right next to him. Misha on the other hand never had his own van apartment, which is why he talked a few years back about Vicki helping him move in with a friend up there. To which he finally gave away to the general public who that was, while about a quarter of fandom has been making teakettle noises for a chance to actually talk about it. Because everybody been knew since at least S14 vancon. Like, knew, with a disturbing amount of documentation they should have never been able to get their hands on. Not like, knew, like J2 hats playing connect the dots but not knowing how to count and going 1-41-17-25.
Glad you gave me the chance to clear that one up for you! Clif also helped by talking about their apartments.
J2 tinhats, stay pressed.
I regret to inform you sad, sad beans --since you're sending people to my blog now via anon prompts that I've been sent --that my server that you were so damn afraid of and angry had secure information, this was one of the things we ritualistically dumped people in (lol cult) as a rite of passage. We just didn't involve the more doxxy information. And I promise. No weird for bizarre extrapolation needed like you guys do.
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wheniwrite28 · 3 years
Never thought in the year of lord Jensen Ackles, I could go on J2 tag and see so many jokes and just plain clowning rather than weird tin hatting. I am sorry to all of J2 shippers, you have been had.
The aliens are here and they just kidnapped your other half of J and now he is matured and doesn’t want to be a frat boy anymore.
JA, you are my alien king!
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J2 Gold Panel Orlando Con 2022
Before the questions begin Jensen points out that his coffee cup says ice cold and Jared says he wants butt cheeks on the other side of the cup 😂
First question is which of the top three tv and film characters that they’ve played in the past would survive in the Supernatural world? The characters the fan gives as examples are: for Jared, Wade from House of Wax, Dean from Gilmore Girls, and Cordell Walker. For Jensen, Priestly from Ten Inch Hero, Eric Brady from Days of Our Lives, and Soldier Boy from The Boys. Jared says he doesn’t know if he has a character that would survive that Jensen has a much better shot; Wade got cut by one crazy guy in a bunch of wax, Cordell would be too smart for it, and Dean in Gilmore Girls was not as equipped as the Dean from SPN so all his characters are dead.
Jensen says Soldier Boy who has super powers but that one's not really fair so he goes with Alec from Dark Angel because he’s living in a post-apocalyptic world already, and he had special abilities so he would fare well. x
The second question is individual ones for each of the boys so for Jared what are his, Jensen's, and Sam and Dean’s Hogwart Houses? Jared answers he's apparently a Hufflepuff, Jensen a Ravenclaw, and Sam and Dean are Gryffindors. 
Then Jensen makes the comment that he has never read the books or watched the HP movies, and implies that he doesn’t even know his Hogwarts house. The thing about the books and the movies is not new however him acting as if he doesn’t know his Hogwarts house stood out to me because this man did the WB studio tour last year and some of the activities of the tour were HP themed including him getting told his house by the Sorting Hat. So either he is exaggerating his lack of interest/knowledge in HP or he fully forgot that trip. 
The question for Jensen was could he talk about him attending The Boys event that’s happening in Brazil in July, and what the event is? It is going to be a press junket similar to what they did in Europe and he thinks there will be some red carpet events for the season finale. x
Third question is also an individual question for each of them. First to Jensen: how is the cast on The Boys? Are they as cool as they [j2] have been? Jensen says that he and Jared have been fortunate to work with not just really talented people but also goodhearted, nice, enjoyable people. That he had a blast on The Boys, and he thinks it's a testament to Kripke and Sgriccia who set a great tone and put together a group of cast and crew that work in harmony. He has nothing bad to say, same thing on Walker he says it was a really good set. Him and Jared have been a part of toxic sets and have heard stories, and he thinks they’ve done a good job setting the tone and environment on SPN, and now Jared on Walker where the toxicity is not allowed.  Love that he threw in a little Walker mention.
Has Jared been able to work with actual Texas Rangers on the show? Yes, they have liaisons who came in but the show is more about a family where one happens to be a Texas Ranger. 
I’m gonna make a comment, and I don’t say this with any shade towards the fan but at the end tells the boys how cute their kids are and then says they hope they bring the kiddos around so the fans get to meet them as well- I’m sure it was not their intention but I find comments like that a little creepy, reminder that those are children, they have nothing to do with the show, fans don't need to meet them. If their parents wish to take them to cons that's one thing but for a fan to say they hope they're taken to cons so the fandom gets to meet them that's weird. x
Moving on to the next question, other than Sam and Dean, who have been their favorite characters to play? Jared says he’s loving Cordell and that it's a lot of fun to play him and tell his story. A fan yells out Gilmore Girls and he replies that with that role it was a bit more daunting because he didn’t have a technical understanding yet and he was still figuring out how to learn and still learning the rules of the game but he’s enjoyed different aspects of all his characters.
Jensen says there's an element to every character they play that they find some attachment that fulfills them and they enjoy doing that he really loves doing what he does; if he was to pick one he says he had a really good time playing Priestly that was a lot of fun. Another one that's more recent that he enjoyed was the character he played on Rust, Woodhelm who he describes as a US marshall who was written more as a detective which he thought was an interesting character to play in that time period because back in the old west it was a lot of the good guys track down the bad guys and a shootout happens but this character was written differently. And he had a lot of fun being in that production until it was a tragic ending. x
Were there even any pop culture references that Kripke included that they didn’t know the meaning of? They’re sure there were but none come to mind for them at the moment. 
Did they get direction on how to deliver those lines? Jared quips that there was usually a director on set. But fan says that from what they’ve heard they don’t take direction which the boys take in good spirit and joke about. Jared says they get a script ahead of time so if there was something they didn’t get they’d google it or would call someone and ask. Or, Jensen adds, it would be written out. Jensen brings up something Samuel L Jackson said in an interview about how he only does 3 takes and that if they needed him to do more than that they had to really convince him saying that if they need more than 3 takes somebody is doing something not right and it ain’t him. x
Is there anything their kids have said that they always remember and they like to tell a funny story about? Jared tells a story about one of Richard Speights' kids; basically Jared, his kiddos and G went to Whistler with Speight and his fam and one of Speight’s kids stayed the night over in Jared’s fams room. The next day they were ordering breakfast and asked them what they wanted and the kid said oatmeal with breast milk which left Jared going ‘what?’ 😳 Then he said rice milk. So they’re not sure if they misheard him, or if he was just being cheeky. 
Jensen says his littlest one says things on a daily basis he has to have her repeat, not because it’s inappropriate but because it’s mature sounding. Also says Zep and Arrow will be going to kindergarten with Odette, aawww 🥺
Jared also mentions that O is at a stage of being very independent that a couple weeks ago she had a cough and he was at work so G wanted to send him a vid of O coughing so he could hear and decide if they should get her checked out and G is asking her to cough and O just goes ‘umm no thank you.’ Jared where the hell were you working and how bad was this alleged cough because by the sounds of it you didn’t know what it sounded like even though you’re supposedly home and G couldn’t wait for you to get home that day to hear it in person but she could wait for however long it would take for you to receive, watch, and reply to the video 🤨 
Last question, when was a time that their character challenged them? Jensen says everyday on set there would be the challenge of figuring out what he’d have to seek out, find and overcome as Dean Winchester. Every scene, moment and emotional journey the characters went trough whether together or separate were a constant challenge to find the honesty in those moments to make it relatable to the audience. Jared agrees and also says it was more challenging for him to play parts of Sam that he himself was going through like the end of s8 because he himself was struggling during that time.
Jensen says Dean’s death scene in the finale was a challenge for both of them of not getting too emotional because they were saying goodbye to the characters as actors. So it was challenging to not let the emotions take over and separate his personal emotions from what Dean should be feeling in that moment. x
J2 Gold Panel Orlando con
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freakygirlie · 3 years
The idea that J2 shippers all believe that there is a secret tunnel connecting their houses is a meme that goes around in anti-J2/cockles shipper blogs (and anons sent to J2 blogs). Until recently, I had no idea where it came from or why I've seen several anons/accounts claim this, given that I have never seen a J2 shipper or hat profess to believe anything close to this.
So, I went digging, and this rumor comes from an August 2014 thread on spn-gossip, and the person who started it wasn't actually an anon (or a hat), they were an anti-hat troll with "occam" in their LJ name. People were discussing Jensen's upcoming house purchase on the same street as Jared and how J2 would keep the relationship secret given that others on the street would see them driving to each other's houses, and "occam" commented (obviously sarcastically) "they're going to dig a tunnel from one house to the other."
No other users believed this comment (and only one briefly responded) and anons continued to talk about what they were previously discussing. And if you go to this person's LJ (last active 2015) they have several posts and comments hating on hats and spn-gossip, etc.
So there you go. Anti-hats favorite example of how delusional J2 hats are is
a.) not something any hat ever actually believed
b.) a comment originating from an anti-hat troll
c.) not something ever even discussed extensively
d.) from 2014 aka eight years ago.
Meanwhile, if I wanted to find delusional beliefs from the destiel/cockles/anti-J2 side of the fandom that the perpetuation of this rumor originates from, I could find dozens of idiotic tweets every week. Try harder anon trolls!
ohmygod 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
they call hats delusional and weird when they do this stuff on their pages and keep talking about us and making weird theories of their own like hello 😭😭😭
literally all im doing is chilling and being happy over my smol crumbs why are people with nothing to do coming here and telling me about sarcastic theories developed in heller spaces like i do not care !!!!!!
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