#izzy fucking hands
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three--rings · 1 year ago
There's something I think is important to say, in the wake of the season finale.
And that is that Izzy Hands' death wouldn't be such a huge blow to Izzy fans if the fandom had treated them better for the last year and a half.
Losing a beloved character can be devastating. I personally have cried for days over it. (In retrospect I had Other Shit going on that made me extra susceptible.)
But Izzy fans have been through the wringer. Outcast and targeted for abuse in the fandom, accused of every kind of derangement and personal flaw, death threats, doxxing, organized harassment campaigns.
I don't even know most of it, because I'm not someone who spent time in the Izzy trenches, I still got death threats for talking about him. But I saw things that really made me disgusted with the whole fandom.
Then they got the high of being proved right by S2 in their interpretation of Izzy's character. The writers agree with Izzy fans, full stop. And just when it seemed like all the shit might be over and have been...IDK worth it? Rewarded?
Well, then he's killed off.
I understand the rage, the grief, the despair to feel like you were finally getting the thing you wanted from a show and then to have it soured. (coughTheMagicianscough)
I think it's important for the fandom, if it doesn't want to descend back into toxic sludge, to have some compassion and tolerance of Izzy fans emotional reaction. Talking shit about the fans that just experienced a great loss is not a class move.
Please try to have an ounce of empathy and humanity.
Because it's only NATURAL in in such a hostile fandom environment, Izzy fans grew deeply attached to their messed up little guy. They suffered abuse for it. That only makes things more intense.
I've been there, multiple times. It fucking sucks. We all are having a lot of emotions about the finale, and the very least we can do is to not turn on fellow fans.
I have very little hope for this fandom not turning back into a dumpster fire, because frankly the track record is POOR. But, well, figured I give it a shot in the dark.
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tulipseason · 6 months ago
sappy izzy post (sorry)
something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately is how easy it would have been to give izzy a big self-sacrificial heroic death to drive home his redemption arc? but I think one of the reasons why his death was so surprisingly moving to me is how the show very explicitly didn’t do that. I guess granting antagonists/former antagonists those kinds of save-the-day, self-sacrificial deaths gives the act of dying some leverage to save the character. (which is a trope I’m not usually opposed to and think can be done well!). But in ofmd it’s as if izzy dies to let that notion go. and it’s freeing, to be able to let that go. in this world of pirates that resign themselves to short lives, this idea that dying can’t save you or redeem you, that it’s a tragedy and not a hero’s ending, that only loving authentically and learning to be loved and can bring closure, and that’s what these characters found in the end. including izzy
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shirou-chan12 · 1 year ago
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indestructible little fucker
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avatheoak · 1 year ago
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Trans Izzy my beloved <3
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jelimeon · 1 year ago
Drag wee john
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it was just too perfect i had to draw it
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can't forget izzy of course
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semper-flowers · 1 year ago
I have a hc that in episode 6 after Stede kills Ned and the party starts back up, Jim, Olu, and Archie would go up to Izzy and be like “slay queen!!!”, which would scare the fuck out of him. Then he’d get anxious and defensive and be like “slay? The fuck you mean slay? Who are you calling queen?”, but they’d laugh it off and explain what it means and he’d look at Wee John for reassurance before being like “huh….yeah… I guess I do fucking slay” and then later he’d tell Stede all about it.
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astrocatarcadia · 1 year ago
Don't worry guys he's fine he managed to avoid all the important bits!!
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tonsoffuckinsequins · 1 year ago
I'm still thinking about the pirate show sometimes and my worst, hottest take is that I think that the contents of the letter that Ed found (and could read 🤔) were mid and generic. For a pairing with so much specific content to choose from, "we wrote our names on eachother in permanent ink" is...boring. Nonsensical. Not for them. Ed has "trust no one" on him in permanent ink. He signed the act of grace with an X. Stede has nothing on him in permanent ink that we know of. Figures of speech and language and all, but it felt like trying to pour "you wear fine things well" accidental rizz into a half baked romantic overture. If the writers were going to go that route, why not build in something more specific? A reference to the dock or "you make Stede happy"? Even a "you came back/never left" reference? So many options, so many missed opportunities.
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cieldunoir · 1 year ago
I watched the season finale
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We deserved more of Izzy the Unicorn
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cardboardboxfly · 1 year ago
i feel like a sad puppy atm, my friends don't want to listen to me rant about Hannibal & Izzy hands :(
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foxssleeplessness · 1 year ago
I've always loved Izzy and to see him break down completely will absolutely destroy me
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three--rings · 1 year ago
The extremely uncharitable reading of Izzy saying to Stede, "You and me did this to him and we cannot let this crew suffer for our mistakes" as being Izzy pushing all the blame onto Stede is almost not worth engaging with.
But also let's talk context. Two things are happening in this scene. Izzy knows that the crew is in danger of being executed for mutiny and he doesn't want that to happen to them, so he is seeking out Stede as an ally to help him protect them. He needs Stede to buy into this, so he's pointing out he's partly responsible. (Which he is, like, he broke Ed's heart. He's not morally responsible for what happened later, imo, but he wasn't uninvolved.)
The second thing that is happening is that Izzy DOESN'T WANT STEDE TO FIND ED'S BODY. They're standing in the same room as it. Stede is searching. Izzy doesn't want them to get caught, if possible, and he doesn't know what Stede might do if he finds out Ed is dead. Right now I think Izzy is really mostly concerned for the crew's lives, more than his own or more than pointing any fingers. He's trying to cover up a crime.
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tulipseason · 11 months ago
izzy calls stede a boob!!!!!!!!!!!!!
imagine pete or wee john or one of them off to the side being like: but we love boobs? boobs are great
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Izzy Hands really brings the generations together ❤️
I watched the entire season with my aunt and we decided upon rewatching that it would take us 0 shots to sleep with Izzy
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avatheoak · 1 year ago
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~ Cant stop thinking about him ~
Constantly thinking about Izzy and his rockin tits, I love this mf so I obviously had to give in and draw him with a boob cutout and hey why not make it a bodysuit while we’re at it 🤭
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fandom-in-a-mess · 1 year ago
I'm Back !
and with a new fandom!
I fell in love with the Our Flag means death series!
I start a new notebook with A.U sketches of Izzy and Lucius ☕🏴‍☠️
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While watching Wwdits ☺️
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