#izumi would love it ive decided
yume-fanfare · 6 months
what a good movie. what a good good movie i love it
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sucrows · 1 month
Crow you interested me in ur femstars body headcanons now..... I would love to hear abt everyone but that might be too much work LMAO i invite u to share misc headcanons tho.... i love women
hope you know ive thought about this ask daily for the last 2 months, so its time to free it from its chambers and release the femstars body headcanons
gonna go wild and write as much or as little as i feel like for every character and ignore any i don't have any thoughts on. warning for talk about bodies and weight amongst other stuff
adonis: mostly muscular build but not in like... an instagram fitness influencer way in that she hyper focuses in on glutes. She works out upper body and lower body equally. she keeps her hair incredibly long but always has it up in some way. idk how accurate this is to canon but in MY eyes she used to be heavier before she got into being an idol but since she's moved to japan she's gotten more muscular. She still has the stretchmarks and loose skin in places to show for it. not particularly busty, probably a b or maybe c cup at most
chiaki: bangs and a high ponytail. her hair isn't all that long (just past soulder length) but it's enough that she can pull it up. really sickly as a child so she works out a lot and is decently muscular now.
himeru: if "willowy" were a person. Hair is long and straight and sleek. It falls in her face often. she and fem!adonis know each other well from working on shampoo commercials. Gives the impression of a "mean girl" until you chat with her
izumi: pixie cut. do you know how strict the ballet and modeling scene are on young girls? her self image is rough and she's still definitely struggling with the fact that bodies change as you age. She used to be really thin and was a late bloomer. She's still thin now and has a decent amount of muscle but fem!izumi is even more sensitive about her weight than regular izumi
kanata: short hair. what is up with everyone giving her long hair? if anything, the symbolism of kanata not having long hair anymore means even more if we're talking about fem!kanata.
keito: dresses reallllllyyyy conservatively until its for a job and then she flashes everyone with eyefulls of arm muscles and tits. Genuinely gorgeous and stunning. Bob with a small undercut for hair.
koga: ok i cannot picture her with one specific hairstyle so im going to just say she's always changing it up. She'll go "im growing it out!" and then the next day she's shaved her sides.
leo: her hair has not changed at all, she just plays with it a bit more often. Short and bony. basically the same as regular leo but even shorter.
mayoi: same hair as regular mayoi. very thin and not very shapely. She's not completely flat chested but her breasts are small enough that she can often get away with not wearing a bra. when she's not really anxious but not smiling she has a case of rbf and it's funny
niki: hair is same as regular niki. busty and bottom heavy. really reslly struggled to gain weight as a child and early teenage years due to her health issues but has gained weight as of becoming an idol due to having enough money to actually feed herself what she needs! yippee!
rinne: wolf cut! used to be long but one day after she got to the city she cut it and never looked back. does not work out often but somehow maintains a muscular physique.
ritsu: longer hair as a kid, same as regular ritsu now. permanently wears oversized clothing.
souma: almost identical to regular souma except shorter and with b cups
tatsumi: i am a short hair tatsumi truther. It was really long during reimei but it was such a hassle while she was hospitalized that she decided to go for the big chop. wants to grow it out again but has a bob as of canon time. anyways back to what everyone wants to hear: yeah she has a massive chest but she's kinda insecure about it. she's another one who grew up fat and still isn't quite used to everyone praising her now for having fat in the "right" areas. frequent practice has her a bit thinner than she used to be but do not get me wrong she is still fat (especially on her stomach and arms). oh yeah and also molessssss
Ok getting off my soapbox now i love women ❤️
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voiceofsword · 1 year
do you have any brotps/friendships for rinne or niki ( since they seem to be like . the ones you think about most ) that you particularly like ? aside from the other bees ofc
YEAH!! under a read more bc its a little long :'3
roommates are a given, i think hikari dorm is perfectly balanced (chaotic) in its own way and that even tho the 3 of them are so different they also manage to get along really well. i cant take them seriously at all and i think thats part of their charm lol. they're all such Characters individually that together it just feels Normal. i can imagine the three of them sitting around the bathtub, kanata splashing around while hiyori paints his own nails and rinne gossips. its like if the golden girls were anime boys but theres 3 instead of 4 and none of them are divorced or widowed. so really nothing like the golden girls but im sure u understand...maybe
nihihi dorm is actually tied for my fave with gender dorm god i love them a ton, i think in part because i love nikis relationship with hiiro and how hes adopted him as his own younger brother, but also hinata. i think about niki cooking for them and having them try new dishes and them having movie nights or staying up all night playing games and even tho niki has work the next morning hes like (exaggerated sigh) fine ONE more game...but he loves it
i love both rinne and niki (and crazybs in general honestly) doting relationship on 2wink and im so happy they keep getting collabs .. in case they decide to give us more crumbs... plz. they feel like younger siblings to them. rinne especially makes me so soft because past his initial impression of being a bad influence and generally just pushing his luck on how much he can tease, it always feels like hes looking out for the two
otherwise i also rly enjoy how they both interact within their own circle (i feel like ive been wanting a nikis kitchen tour for the past 2000 years. i hope we get framed picture of izumi in one of the 3*s).
i rly like how rinne gets along with his kouhai both in asobi and craftmonster bc of the attitude he takes on, ive mentioned it in another post but w/ the former especially he rly just allows himself to be playful so much so that it almost takes the kids off-guard bc theyre like what..hes not as scary as we thought he'd be at all. i think the best rinne friendships are the ones where they set those prejudices aside and dont take him seriously at all lol bc that's when he rly starts to feel comfortable. this grown ass man running around playing games and doing arts n crafts with a bunch of 15-17 y/os (and shu i guess) is a funny mental image and it rly feels like he can let himself loose. conversely i also love when he's exasperated with his juniors bc then hes like oh right im an adult i need to set an example.. this is about U chill yellow
on the other hand i like how niki interacts with ppl a lot more "serious" than him i.e ibara, natsume bc he tends to like..soften them? ppl cant help but let their guard down around niki hes just.... himself. like even if theyre initially wary they grow to be like "oh wait this guy's really nice what the fuck"
i particularly like nikis kitchen circle bc its ppl you usually wouldnt see interact with niki but u can tell they want to impress him. its so sweet nikis just some guy who wants to share his love for cooking. also thinking about the difference between how ibara would interact with rinne and niki (harsher with rinne bc hes his Boss whereas with niki he's more accommodating, that one gordon ramsey meme thats like u donkey vs oh oh dear) is funny so even if theres not a lot of interactions for them i want to think ibara would let niki get away with just about anything
AND NIKI AND TETORA...IVE ALREADY DISCUSSED THIS A FEW TIMES THOUGH... i have a huge soft spot for them. ritsu too. they get like 2 interactions (sweets hunter story, craftmonsters recent gacha) but ritsus humor is just so DRY and u can see niki be like (cogs turning in his head) Whar? its really silly ALSO HE CALLS HIM NIKIPYON....IS THAT NOT PERFECT... i need them to be friends
i like niki and mayois friendship, but its admittedly not my favorite; i like how niki feels like he can trust mayoi implicitly and how he tries to make him comfortable too — i think theyre both quite similar irt self image/esteem although they both go about it in different ways. their interactions can be sweet but one thing that stops me from enjoying them fully is how mayoi always seems kind of uncomfortable (and niki seems unaware of how/why he's uncomfortable) ;_; i hope that in the future the writers can let mayoi be more at peace around him, it'd be sweet!!
and atp i feel like ive talked enough about hiiro and rinne for it to not warrant having its own little ramble section here 😭
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songhunter · 1 year
Ideal adonis set for the future?
hello reisakumaproducer
UM um oh gosh there are so many
animal ear card! ive made a whole tierlist on all of the people in enstars who've gotten animal ear cards and adonis is one of the very few people whos never gotten one! rei even refers to adonis as a bear constantly in canon. (im not counting horns / demon ears in this) an undead animal ear gacha perhaps, since rei's assigned all of them animals…
a winter card! we've gotten a ton of adonis summer-themed cards but none of them in the wintertime! id love to see a starfes-like card, or even just see him playing in the snow a la mitsuru's snowman card, since adonis has talked about his love for christmas / the holiday season before
REAL undead goth set i need to see BLACK LIPSTICK and EYELINER and PLATFORMS
something with plants and flowers would be so lovely, like pj sekais sunflower set…
a card where undead goes to adonis' home country okay HEAR ME OUT (rambling under cut)
in the scene where adonis talks about how his dream is to perform in his home country, he mentions that he has "no intention of dragging everyone from undead along with [him]" because it's "[his] dream alone," which i always saw as a little lonely… id love for there to be a story where undead decides to take their performances overseas for maybe part of the year, in the same way that characters like izumi and shu have! koga has spoken before about how he wants to show off his rock 'n roll to people all over the world and not just in japan, and i think rei leaving his responsibilities behind and going off to sing overseas with undead would be a lovely parallel to his travels overseas in the war era — rather than traveling overseas all alone because he feels obligated to help others, he's traveling for the sake of his selfish desire to stay with undead. and they could FINALLY escape from rhylink
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we all know abt the quadruplet womb war, but consider: fantasy au
[referencing past post: Lmao it'd b so funny if someone wrote a fantasy au of the quadruplet womb war complete with alliances betrayals and the fate of multiple kingdoms on the line? The killing of each sibling represented by an eye turning gold, whereupon the one to kill all 3 (kills transfer) is granted all seeing prophetic vision or something? But after the cruel deaths of their other siblings (mika mercy killing one, and suzu killing one willingly to avenge the first one's death) they decide to truce instead so no one gets prophetic vision but also neither of them die?] ive been thinking about the womb war fantasy au for the past few minutes ive fleshed it out a bit more but only really really random bits
i dont read enough fantasy stuff to contribute in a meaningful way but go bonkers pensive lay it out
so they all lived in the same kingdom right in the same castle bc its their kingdom and their castle and they bein the heirs but then their parents die and demon/god/diety/eldritch horror(my fave option now tbh) appears and lays out the rules of the curse that determines the rightful heir (bc they were quadruplets ofc they dont know who takes the throne) (btw its there bc either their parents summoned it for some pre-birth deal that impacted their birth or one specific quadruplet summoned it u'll know when i explain them) so the curse says that the rightful heir would have a pair of golden eyes that will see into the future, but in order to unlock the power the others must die. one death for each eye, and a third (done in a ritual) to unlock the ability to use the power. as it stands the siblings are mika (blue), suzu (pink/red), eldest (working name, first born, green) and guy (3rd born, after mika, orange). mika suzu and eldest r like hell naw bc they fam and love each other but orange is not goin for that route bc he really really wants to become more powerful (overshadowed by suzu's magic, eldest's sword, mika's charm) and longs for the throne, and destest the way everyone else has decided that gentile, weak willed eldest should take the throne.
so yea aft some shenangians guy takes control of the castle by force and tries to kill his siblings but with the help of the servants they manage to escape, although spread out in different directions with varying degrees of help. eldest makes it out with a band of 3-5 trusted aids and heads out to the kingdom of one of his friends (my heart telling me either izumi or eichi for some reason), mika is rescued by 2 kind servants (they run into the woods, no real idea where they are but heading in a direction they hope leads to civilization), and suzu escapes alone (making it to the slums of a busy city in their neighboring kingdom the morning after, as dawn breaks over the horizon. hazy mist covers the streets, not blinding but obscuring, the biting cold stings her cheeks, and in that moment she wants nothing but to lay down and sleep in the wake of civilization. but the stabbing pain of light hitting her eyes shakes a molecule of sense back into her, terrifyingly alone, she has no choice to keep moving. as the morning markets begin to set up, she disappears into the crowd of the bustling trade city)
so anyways mika and pals do eventually reach civilization of their own, deciding the best way to keep themselves hidden + ensure their survival is to get work, they do exactly that. managing to get work at the local lord's house, which they realize too late to be the archduke lord itsuki (ik, hold ur shock).
eldest pleads his case to the kingdom he sought refuge in, gaining their support to in creating a rebellion against his brother's rule bc at that point it'd taken weeks for him to get an audience w people high enough to make the decision on what to do with him (a foreign fuckin prince) and in that time he had seen how his brother treated his people, how their suffering didn't even make it into his eyes. his simple plead for sanctuary suddenly turning into an indignant cry for justice. their prince, enamored wiht the fury of a man known for his placidity, agrees after much deliberation with the council. the kingdom casts a discreet call for war, asking for soldiers from only their most trusted nobles, the cards become set.
meanwhile suzu becomes a mercenary and catches the eye of queen anzu (yaasssssssss girl slaaaaaay), who had inherited the throne after her parents died in an epidemic a few years prior, only winning the title from her brother due to her immense prowess in all fields of study. uhhhhhh shenaniganry happens and turns out mika and eldest were actually in the same kingdom! huzzah they have a tearful reunion and shu offers his soldiers to the war efforts. but when mika asks to join shu refuses bc he doesnt want him hurt & he has minimal combat abilities
[1]mika sneaks in anyways lololol and oopsie doopsie turns out the whole thing was a trap bc guy(orange) had started dabbling in Forbidden Magic Of Mass Destruction (tm) which required snackrafices for use and had destructive tolls on the user's magic poewr, mainly that the source of their power slowly becomes corrupted and eventually leaves them unable to use any other power besides FMOMD (tm) which also gives them Big Pain. so yea he fatally wounds eldest and is about to torture him to death when shu fuckin itsuki (:shushock:) storms in and overwhelms him enough to force him into retreat but at that point eldest is still like, y'know dying and shu is very very conflicted on if he has to right to put him out of his misery bc he knows how much he means to mika and even tho eldest is like "milord, it is alright- we both know how this ends" shu is takin no bitches today and yeets him to the infirmary tent where doctors decend upon him like rabid bagers but they're all like "yea, no way. hes dyin" and he's liek "yep im dyin." and says "i am nothing but a fool, a weak hearted coward like guy said. i didn't have the strength to harm him, and this is the result. how dare i, who hath broken my treasured oath, dare to face you all?(a lot of the ppl there r runaways from the quadruplet's kingdom)" and then he tells them to gtfo so he can die in shame and alone and they're like "NAUUUUURRRR" but get dragged away anyways by the neighboring kingdom's knights who had less stake but was touched by the scene and relented to his wishes. but then ya boy, mika kagehara, who had snuck into battle as a supply runner, and was too busy getting bandages in the storage shed to hear abt thsi piping hot tea, accidently runs through the wall of the tent eldest was in and sees him there. thye have a heart to heart, mika cries, eldest's body is slowly shutting down so he can't bring tears but he still looks like hes holding it back and then mika mercy kills him
[2]and then mika gets the first gold eye wooooooooooo so yea the rebellion keeps fighting but mika (who had been found clutching his dearest brother's hand, a vile of their most quick, efficient, painless poison laying on the cot. a tender smile watching over him from beyond the grave) and is Extremely Distraught so shu takes him to a safehouse nearby (either one of his houses or a friend's) for him to recover where he hears news about ongoing news in the west. ok so lets talk abt the west. i just arbitrarily decided that anzu's kingdom is actually a large empire in the west (making her the empress woooooooo!!) and thye have some Really Big problems with monsters and pirates. you see all along the sides of their empire are massive magical forests, dense in monsters and resources. this has allowed their trade to boom as thye became better hunters and gatherers, but their booming trade all stirred up all kinds of trouble from envious kingdoms/groups/whomevers so they have rampant problems with all kinds of bandits and outlaws. so much that it overwhems the amount of knights they have available, so the kingdom created a really strict but highly compent hiring system for mercs, who get paid well for their loyalty assistance. so then suzu, a hyper-competent-only-seen-in-a-thousand-years-wizard rises to great acclaim very fast and word of her exploits + the empress's favor quickly reaches the kingdom valk is in. so shu, who knows everything abt the sitch by now, sends her news of the ongoings of the rebellion and how eldest is dead and mika is dealing Poorly. suzu likewise reacts Poorly and becomes filled with Vengeful Rage and runs over immediately to go kill guy(orange) anzu finds out shes gone by the note she left behind and makes Plans so suzu gets the drop on guy and kills guy boo de hoo and w/o him there to control the puppet soldier/golem things that had been defending the castle the rebellion succeeds Very Quickly
[1]i oculd cry [2]GIRLSLAY SUZU
shu itsuki bursts into the throne room (where guy died) shortly after and meets suzu who he Knows is suzu bc of her eyes and tells her the castle has been captured the the rebellion has won, suzu is relieved and collapses bc Epic Battle Tiring so shu takes her to the safe house mika is staying in for her to rest and get treatment. so the (now) twins are reunited :DD so suzu now has a gold eye, mika has a gold eye, and whoever kills the other inherits their gold eye from the brother they killed + unlocks the power of prophecy … "yea but htey obvs dont want to kill each other" u say, and ur absolutely right except god/demon/elderitch horror really really wants them too and plagues them with horrible night mares and sleep walking spells and after a few small nightime scares and one Very Big nightime Incident where mika had sleepwalked over to suzu with either a pillow or blanket in hand to smother her (which was seen and stopped before anything could happen by a patroling maid) they beomce Very Concered over it and try figuring out what to do when BA BAB BABAAAAAAAAAA ANZU AND ENJI (<-engirls mc, yes this is his name now im taking this name its my ver of cannon now) appear and reveal that while enji is Magicless (tm) he is suprisingly incredibly efficient at the hwole Hypothetical Magic field of study (the same field utilized/abused into the summoning of the thing) and with the power of Deus Ex Machina he and anzu manage to seal away the demon in a ritual that probs involved the twins's blood ngl and so yea woooooooooo after that thye take some days to calm down from the Everythings and eventaully talk about the . the waht happens next. mika admits he isn't a good fit for the throne due to his airheadedness and tendency to misunderstand the machinations of hihg society (& jus doesn't feel like he deserves it), and while suzu has similar inhibitions she knows one of them has to step up bc no one else will and so despite her fears she takes to plunge and accepts the crown
the kingdoms that helped during the war (anzu's empire+eldest's friend's kingdom) all form alliances as the suzu's kingdom undergoes intense reconstruction, developing a strong focus into research for many fields (mostly medicine, magic, and hypotheticals-a broad term used to emcompass many areas of study people would deem to be fiction, everything from what we[<-fourth wall break lol] consider modern science to the god/demon/elderitch magic that started and ended it all) enji moves there and takes up shop in the kingdom's grand university, becoming one of it's first researchers and lecturers. mika also attends one for a time, learning and researching the medicine that could have saved his brother's life + (accidently) finding a passion for artistic textiles and sewing. anzu and suzu eventually get engaged and circumvent the whole Heir Production thing by using a new hypothetical magic they+enji created that allows the user(s) to insert the blessings of one's bloodline onto anyone they want and proceed to bless two capable and loyal advisers. and while the decision was at first met with harsh criticism, they were eventually proven to have chosen well as the merrits of their successors build and build. oh yea and shu+mika are probs engaged bc why not other notes im toying w the idea of ra*bits also being from suzu's kingdom, but only nazuna managed to escape (by mika's side) while the rest were trapped in the palace with guy. they probs did espionage and helped the rebellion start tho, and defected as soon as they could. arashi's probs the other servant, bc she's mika's bestie. im thinking of making the safe house belong to wataru, bc lmao shu havin to ask a man he's friends w by circumstance for help bc he was the closest n most viable option n must throw away his pride for the one he loves. also bc of that thinkin of the 5 eccentrics all bein in that kingdom and at that point it'd probs make the most sense if it's king was rei huh. meh ill figure it out
mika also attends one for a time, learning and researching the medicine that fould have saved his brother’s life
i could die
[anon4] holy shit i love this
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midorishinji · 11 months
Disappearing act - chapter VIII
Geto observed her more carefully, trying to decide whether she was being serious or not. — Killing non-sorcerers? — It's an option, but I don't take it seriously. Do you? — Yuki pressed him with a loaded question. Suguru Geto thought of them all — Shoko, Nanami, Haibara, Riko, Kuroi, his parents, Satoru — and his chest filled with an unbearable pain, but also an incredibly monumental love, so much that it felt like it would stretch and burst at the seams of his heart that could not contain it. He thought of his father again, reading him "Night on the Galactic Railroad" when he was young, and he thought of Satoru reading his own copy now during his leisure nights. He thought of Giovanni and Campanella, and of the Scorpio of the night sky, and of the nobility of sacrifice, of setting yourself on fire to warm the world.
Satosugu |Finalized|Long fic|Also being published in Portuguese and on AO3
Chapters: I - II - III - IV - V - VI - VII - VIII - IX - X - XI - XII - XIII - XIV - XV - XVI - XVII
Chapter VIII: if I had a flower for every time I thought of you
November 2007. Satoru Gojo was preparing to legally adopt Megumi and Tsumiki Fushiguro, the son and daughter of the man he killed. He hoped he wouldn't have to explain this story anytime soon — preferably never. Megumi had no idea what had happened: he grew up without his father, being looked after by his older sister Tsumiki, and assumed that his father had abandoned the family for whatever reason; he was too young to know the truth, and perhaps he would never really be ready to find out, although that was a problem for the very distant future.
Suguru Geto was sent to a village where reports of curse apparitions held the entire population hostage. It was a solo mission, which gave him plenty of time to read while on the almost empty train. “The Holy Man of Mount Koya”, by Izumi Kyouka, was his choice this time; Suguru wondered if the writer, who had described the monsters and creatures in his work so well, had the ability to see curses like sorcerers. The gentle movement of the train made him drowsy, and several times he had to pause reading in order to rest his eyes.
But currently, Suguru was not reading his book, rather he was following with discreet interest the cover of a passenger's newspaper that was diagonally in front of him. In it, he could see a photo of a woman with a scar on her forehead, and an empty-eyed smile. The title simply said “meet Kaori Itadori, the philanthropist who took Tokyo by surprise”. The name was familiar to him, and the scar on her forehead gave him a feeling of discomfort that was difficult to describe... Kaori Itadori, that is a different name. Geto mentally saved this information for later, once he realized that he was approaching the station where he should get off.
To say that this was a village would be a compliment: half a dozen houses far away from each other, divided into rural properties of farming families, and a few commercial buildings around the train station, were what made up the place. From the platform, he could see a market, some stores selling clothes, fishing gear and other utilities, and a small school. The person waiting for him was the leader of the village, a man with a nervous flare.
— Are you Suguru Geto? Come on, we're waiting... — the man said, hurriedly.
— Yes, it's nice to meet you, sir. I was sent by Tokyo Jujutsu High to solve this problem. Where are we going? — Geto tried to ask, politely.
— To the temple. That's where the problem lies. — that was the answer she got. An unreceptive public, and apparently, he wouldn't find a better explanation, he thought, as they walked up the streets towards the temple that was hidden in the mountains.
Night fell quickly, the deserted streets lit only by torches, in an extremely rudimentary way. Despite the place having electricity poles, all the lights in the city were turned off, everything was operating under the light of candles and torches as if time had gone back a hundred years in the past. The stillness that permeated the streets made him uneasy: it wasn’t only because of the silence of the people, their hushed voices even though fearful and curious eyes watched him through the curtains of the houses, but also the quietness of nature itself, in which there was no rustling of leaves produced by the wind, or the singing of birds or cicadas. Just absolute silence, periodically interrupted by the sounds of Geto and the village chief's footsteps on the dirt path, as they climbed a trail in the mountains.
He could feel the cursed energy of the curse hiding around the Shinto temple as soon as they passed through the torii, like a cloud of toxic miasma. There was also the energy of other people inside the decrepit temple: the wooden boards that formed the walls of the building were rotting, corroded by time and carelessness; parts of the roof were missing, and the grass grew wildly, never being mowed; it showed that the place had been abandoned by the village's inhabitants, which was probably the reason why a curse had appeared there. The ancient spirit of a protective god can deteriorate and become a curse when it is no longer worshiped, when all that’s left is the fear that fuels it. Red flowers grew through the path that led to the main building: higanbana, the flowers that grew in graveyards and through Hell; they were a symbol of abandonment, and of two lovers who part ways to never meet again. Geto felt a shiver down his spine when he thought of the latter meaning.
— How long has this place been abandoned? — Suguru asked.
The village leader lit a torch, the firelight partially illuminating his Gothic gargoyle-like face; Suddenly, Geto felt like the protagonist of the book he had read on the train, one of Izumi Kyouka's fantastic works. — About three years ago, since the old kannushi died.
An ofuda with the words “Temple of the Great Dragon” was pasted on the temple’s entrance door. Suguru stopped to read it while the leader unlocked the entrance. — What did he die of?
The man dodged his question. — Since the kannushi's death, the temple has been abandoned, and the crops have been burning, because of them.
— Them? — the doubt arose naturally, as they walked into the temple.
The village leader pointed in the opposite direction to the door, where some men were guarding a cage. Inside it, two girls (two children) were curled up, tied up to each other.
Right then, Suguru felt his blood boil as he had felt only once in his life, when Toji threatened Riko's life. Those two children couldn't be much older than Megumi Fushiguro, probably the same age as him; given their emaciated appearance, it was likely that they had both been tied up there for days and had not been fed. — What? What the fuck are you doing? Let them go now! — he ordered, pushing everyone away and using one of his spirits to break the cage's chains.
— They're doing this, these liars! It's the kannushi's daughters, they're lying! They say it was the great dragon... — someone shouted in the crowd, trying to hold Geto back, but he freed himself with a simple push, untying the ropes that tied the two girls.
— They're not doing anything, they're telling the truth! It was you who angered the temple’s god when you stopped worshiping him and you are being punished for it! — Suguru shouted, furious — All of you deserve this punishment, you deserve death!
His words echoed through the temple, reverberating through the silence. His body shook, filled with anger and hatred. He should kill them all; he should kill them like Gojo should have killed the goddamn members of the Time Vessel Association, he should exterminate all these vermin, these monkeys in this sick world, because people who planned to execute two children are not worthy of living. He should end it all at once. One hundred and twelve people who wouldn't make any difference to the world, on the contrary... The world would become a better place without them. It would be as easy as snapping his fingers.
But Suguru thought again and pitied them. He thought of how those vermins were so infimum in their ignorance that they were capable of committing such an atrocity out of fear; they weren't aware of anything, they didn't know that it was their own fear that fueled the curse, like he had discussed with Yuki Tsukumo. He thought about how they had the right to live their insignificant lives, how they were entitled to the meager joys that non-sorcerers, in their innate ignorance, deserved.
But most of all, Suguru Geto thought of Satoru Gojo. He thought about the promise they had made to each other: Satoru said he would be there for him when Suguru inevitably faltered. He thought about how he missed him, how he needed him, and how he wished he were there. He thought about last weekend, when they both took Megumi, the most insolent and ill-tempered five-year-old to ever walk the face of the Earth, to the zoo and how he wanted the rest of his life to be filled with happy moments like that one. He thought about how Satoru laughed at his own bad jokes, how he was guilty of always sending a thousand text messages at once until he got a reply, how Satoru slept, exhausted, with his head resting on his shoulder when they agreed to watch a movie, and of all the random gifts he got whenever Satoru said he thought of him, which happened more often than he could imagine.
He wished Satoru was there.
— Let's make a deal. I’ll exorcise the curse that is affecting your village... — Suguru suggested, cautiously — And in return, I will take these two children with me.
The inhabitants hesitantly looked at the village chief, who accepted the deal. Sending some of his spirits, Geto located the temple's curse and managed to exorcise it effortlessly, without even leaving where he stood. The sounds of the forest returned as he led the two girls to the train station, where they would still wait a few hours for the next train that would take them to Tokyo. Buying a bunch of chocolates and bottles of water from the station's vending machines, the two ate their first meal in days while he made a phone call.
It didn't take long for him to get an answer. Banalities and formalities aside, Suguru Geto got straight to the point: — Satoru… I need you now.
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honeybeekao · 2 years
top 10 enstars
im gonna take this as meaning characters just know im giggling at this
1. rei - who's surprised? no one. his aura is alluring if youre not ritsu so i think im justified. also im mentally ill and he's mentally ill and ive decided we're mentally ill together. vampires with back pain and gay tendencies unite. he's such a kind creature there's so much love in his heart, and i wanna hug him!! i think people should pull him out of his coffin more, if only to make sure he's alright because god can he isolate. if you get me started on how rei feels about himself i'll start sobbing, he doesnt feel human due to being placed on the highest pedestal and othered his entire childhood and i just want him to feel worthy of love. also need him to recognize the love HE feels is real and not evil and he's not evil and OUGDHDHZJ rei's so sweet he's my favorite weirdo, i love him
2. oh god okay Madara - i actually cant pick between him and kaoru sometimes so these two are interchangeable. i think madara's like the most interesting character ever, theres something wrong with him BUT it isnt in the way that /he/ thinks. he isnt a monster and i think he deserves to be held gently. also he needs to wear a wedding dress and more flowy sleeves in my opinion he's sooo pretty he's beautiful he's gorgeous. his whole outlook on religion being disdain and sorrow is understandable, i think the conversation with kanata where kanata says "you cant say such things, you need to respect it even if it isnt real. because it's real to them" - i think it's a little profound. he doesnt wanna respect something predatory and dangerous and life threatening, not to mention the worst thing of all, it hurt KANATA. which madara will never forgivw or respect. fuck you fish cult
3. kaoruuuuuu - i adore kaoru my aro babygirl my lovely poor sad little man, do you think if someone asked to take a selfie with him he'd get flustered? i think so. actually just boosting his ego would be fun because you know he's so pathetic IM NORMAL ABOUT KAORU I SWEAR okay Okay i think he's really sweet and deserves the world. he's oblivious and that's okay. also i need him to fix izumi for me because im not doing that (yes i am but dont tell him or izumi) date plan is like my favorite story, i love his conversation with rei soooo much. he's a little gay. (he's very gay) kaoru doesnt understand girls he should talk to arashi. also transfem kaoru fandom where are youu
4. chiaki - sweetie lovely "only enstars character with morals" my wonderful little hero boy, i dont think i need any justification if you dont like chiaki i don't trust you /j. he makes me feel so many emotions, i think everything he's done is so impressive because at a point he was Terrified that he couldn't do anything that he reeeaaally wanted to do. but he got there, eventually. scrimbly of a guy, he's so silly i totally believe he ends up in the hospital every month and kanata scolds him for it . and kaoru tsks at him for it and they both love him this is what i'm saying. ryuseitai as a unit are here too because i adore them all with my entire heart
5. rinne - never thought he'd be here but i'm also glad he is despite his attitude flaws. he's a bitch and i love him!! he's fucking ridiculous sometimes like i love that it's canon he's pretended to be walking a runway because of his FS outfit. also his ways of getting things to work, while insane and good god why would you do that, it makes him so interesting. i cant believe this man exists in the enstars universe he's like an anomaly to me (oh did i mention he also has the "im not human" issue? all of my blorbos are ill) he's pretty. dont tell him that. or do, see what happens he probably needs to hear it. he feels he's disappointed hiiro already and so he avoids him which also makes me unbelievably sad. please hug your little brother he misses you. i promise you didn't disappoint anyone!!!
6. izumi - i joke that he's my problematic fav but i think what happened here is he has the perfectionism illness that leads to self destruction and mean approach to loving others. and i understand this on a level due to people in my life, i think he deserves a caring hand and should also get shoved a couple times. like once a year. i got obsessed with ironic blue and i Never went back im not sorry. ALSO HE'S SO EASY TO BOTHER i think kaoru should challenge him to more shit it's incredibly entertaining, those two <3 there's something wrong with him and He knows it and Everyone knows it, No One here is acknowledging it though!
7. kohaku - I LOVE KOHAKU he's so funny he's like an oddball but isnt an oddball and it's because he fucking grew up on the internet! i love that he treats his 2 units like a day and night job umm DOES HE EVER SLEEP? dear enstars dear cospro, he's 15 that isn't healthy. he makes me sad because he's still a kid and will continue to sorta be a kid because of growing up in such a Way. being locked away by your assassin family cannot do anything good for your mental health. i'm glad he has companions though, and i'm sure he at least has fun in idol stuff. how the fuck does he deal with rinne AND madara daily? i think i'd die. dealing with them in my head is already a nightmare sometimes /affection
8. keito - picking these is not difficult actually im having fun. KEITO HASUMI'S MY POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW dear god i look at him in any given moment and go Awwwww........ 😰 i love him so much. how can you be so stuck up yet So prone to causing problems. it's so fucking funny he's a little embarrassing and i think is very easy to mess with. madara says he's taking kuro away to be a solo unit and keito flips his shit he feels SO betrayed, this poor guy. i would say he's gullible, but that one's more on the sense of He doesnt trust madara at all and can totally envision that being the truth, hey madara at least one person thinks youre capable!! <3 keito's so normal and so very unhinged all at once, i love his glasses and his intertwining story with eichi and rei, i love his unit. akatsuki my beloveds i really like all 3 of them dearly
9. ritsu - oh ritsu dear ritsu you make me so sad i dont know what to do with myself. he can't stand change because it feels like loss to him, cough cough thisll happen when your brother is gone cough, but his home in knights is everything. he's sooo smart and i love when he's content and happy. just chilling out, he deserves it and i think him sharing that with others is really sweet. i think ritsu should take more shared naps with people, all of knights should nap more!! especially tsukasa. him and mao are insane to me i havent looked into them too much so you arent getting analysis, but mao's very obviously important to him
10. natsume - i love this witch boy with all my heart, probably just as much as i love the transmasc hc for him. i think he's a fucking genius, i think he's gonna dominate the world with his powers, i think he's insane but he's too little to be scary. also war era makes me Cry, the other oddballs were protecting him from as much of the evil as possible, sobs weeps hits the pavement. switch are very important to me.. i Love natsume's design they outdid themselves when creating him, coolest hair Ever..i think he should've had fangs though. Give natsume fangs and a trans flag thank u
honorable mentions!!
kanata, arashi, niki, mayoi, hinata, souma, hokke, shinobu
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
thank you @chiptrillino for tagging me in a wip game!
not quite sure what the rules are but based off of your AMAZING POST OF ART WIPS (check it out here yall chip is so talented) ive decided to just share some parts of my writing wips that i rlly like because i cannot draw whatsoever lmao
enjoy some lil snippets hehe
from heart don't stand a chance:
"Zuko couldn’t get over her eyes. She was looking past the camera towards the man who took it. Zuko could see clear as day the love she held for Sokka in her gaze.
It was a perfect moment that Sokka had captured. No wonder held it with him at all times. If someone had looked at Zuko like that, he’d never want to see anything again.
As he took in the photograph, Sokka sat next to him in silence. His hand was clutching the ring around his neck again in his fist, pressing it close to his mouth as he peered over Zuko’s shoulder to look. Zuko turned to him to compliment the picture and saw a sad fondness lingering in his eyes."
this is a scene i wrote a while ago thats gonna appear in a much later chapter. but yeah. more yue angst for you guys im so sorry.
from i love you (and that's all i really know):
"Mister Sokka," a little voice wishpered in his ear as he felt tiny pokes on his cheek, "Wake up Mister Sokka."
"Good morning to you too Izumi," Sokka responded wearily as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. He looked towards the little girl who was standing on her tippy toes to see over the edge of the bed and poke his face until he rose.
She smiled at him once she realized he was awake.
"Can we have pancakes?" She asked shyly, hiding her mouth just below the edge of the bed as she looked up at him with hopeful eyes.
That look was going to be dangerous for him later on, he could aready tell.
"Sure thing, Izumi, just let me sleep for five more minutes, mkay?" He asked as he shut his eyes again. He was exhausted from last nights events, and the sun had barely risen. How did Zuko do this?"
this is a scene from the next chapter of this fic. so much sokka and izumi bonding you guys are gonna explode hehehe.
from cherry (the mailee fic i wont shut up about that is now a whopping 19 pages):
"Mai never had to guess with Ty Lee. She always knew when Ty Lee was happy about something because she would use an obnoxious amount of exclamation points. She would send gifs of people or cartoons making outlandish expressions whenever she wanted to react to Mai’s text with a specific facial expression. Sometimes Ty Lee would even send voice memos whenever her thoughts became too long, or she got too excited about a story that her fingers couldn’t type as fast as she could speak."
hehe i love mailee.
from yours (the mailee sorority fic that i promise i did not forget about):
"Mai lifted her head off the pillow again and met Zuko’s eyes. She studied his impassive expression, trying to figure out if he was joking or not. He did seem like he missed Mai and Azula, so maybe he did really just want to catch up with them.
But Mai wasn’t going to give up a golden opportunity like this.
“Tell us everything about the boy toy as well and you’ve got yourself a deal,” Mai said.
Zuko rolled his eyes and sighed, “Ugh, fine. And his name is Sokka by the way.”
“Nuance. You also have to wake up Azula.”
“No chance in hell,” Zuko scoffed, “You’re the roommate and her fellow ‘pong princess,’ wake-up duty is all yours.”
“If she murders me, it’s your fault. She’s a bitch when she’s hungover.”
“Whatever you say, Mai,” Zuko grinned before returning back to his phone."
i have decided that zuko is a little shit for this fic and no one can stop me.
from Where'd All the Time Go? (the yuekka fic that i have severe writers block with that i also promis i have not forgotten about):
"“Sokka I really think you need to take a moment and-”
“I am fine Aang, I don’t have time for a feelings talk right now. Right now I need to find the fucking chief of this damn place.” His words came out harsher than he meant, but he didn’t have the time to dwell on that.
Before Sokka could run off again to continue his search, a hand grabbed his arm. One of Arnook’s advisors, Malina, had started dragging him towards the podium.
“Do you not realize how late you are for this Sokka? The ceremony was supposed to begin with your speech nearly an hour ago-” she hissed at him as she pulled him along through the crowd.
“Malina I’m sorry but I really need to speak with Arnook it is urgent-”
“This damn speech of yours is what’s urgent right now Sokka, you can speak with Arnook later but the guests are getting antsy so you need to give your speech right. Now.”
Maline shoved Sokka towards the podium and suddenly all eyes were on him. Every guest in attendance had their focus solely on Sokka."
homeboy is stressed in this scene. things are slowly going to shit in this chapter. i promise i will update this before the end of the year. i swear. im so sorry.
from a currently untitled jetko/sukka boiling rock fic:
"“Oh good, you survived after all,” She said in a mocking tone.
Jet didn’t answer. He knew anything he said would be used against him. He didn’t know where he was. He didn’t know what was happening. But he would be damned if he showed that weakness in front of the fire nation.
“I was told you were more talkative than this,” the girl mused. There was something familiar about her, “my informants were very detailed when discussing your little teashop romance.”
I knew it. Jet snarled in his mind, That bastard betrayed me."
i want this fic to be a little darker but idk how good i am at writing darker fics because i love fluff and humor too much. this could be good angst practice for me.
from a toph and sokka fic that i wrote a while back to help me cope w some shit that i dont know if ill ever post:
"“Sokka? Are you still there?” Toph asked, the slightest hint of concern began to slip into their voice
“Tell me a story,” he was trembling. Despite all of his efforts to sound calm, he knew his voice came out trembling and scratchy and pathetic-
“Is everything okay? You don’t sound too hot,” Toph said through the phone.
Breathe, Sokka, breathe. You don’t want them to be worried, you just need to calm down.
“Please, Toph, I just,” he said through shaky breaths that weren’t nearly deep enough for him to be getting enough oxygen, “I just need a distraction. I just need to hear your voice okay?”"
nonbinary toph anyone?
from a 10 things i hate about you kataang and zukka au:
"“What? Something on my face?” the guy asked deadpanned. He rubbed at his scar as if he were wiping off a smudge of mustard, and Aang’s face went pale.
“Stop scaring the sophomores Zuko, this one’s new. He won’t get your… humor… just yet,” Ms. Wu said as she waved Aang off again.
“I’m hurt that you’d imply I’m not funny, Wu. I’m hilarious,” the senior, Zuko, said as he walked past Aang.
Aang let out a sigh of relief knowing that this Zuko guy didn’t seem all that offended by his awkwardness, and darted out of the room."
zuko is a little shit part 2. the amount of sarcasm i have dripping off of heath ledger zuko is glorious. let zuko be a little shit. i havent added to this in months but when i finish some of my other wips i cant wait to get back to this.
i have more wips and drafts saved but none of them have anything juicy or funny or interesting yet because all of them are like less than three pages so far
but yeah, heres a good chunk of sneaky peakys from my wips!
I hope you liked them!
anyone who wants to do this can totally go for it. imma tag @ambykinns @lumities and @flowers-inthepieshop (only if you all want too!!) because this was fun :)
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intomybubble · 4 years
Well I havent posted about my a3! x pokemon au in a while. I have a lot of thoughts about it, but never got myself to post any of them. For now here are some of my shorter headcanons and my last update on everyone’s teams. Ive made some changes since then, but i wont post another update until i decide on evolutions and when they were caught
Yuki’s buneary is a stubborn brat. Its the most misbehaved pokemon on his team and one he caught recently. All his other pokemon are pretty well-mannered which is pretty surprising at how sassy yuki tends to be. All of yuki’s pokemon are all male
Azami’s pawniard was his first pokemon and a gift from his dad on his 10th birthday. His dad thought it was a pokemom befitting a yakuza but maybe one thats covered in blades and takes a long time to evolve wasnt a good idea. It’s pretty loyal towards azami, but it tries to keep its distance after it accidentally hurt him. It’s a kuudere that would like cuddles but, again, covered in knives :/ When azami’s pawniard eventually evolves into bisharp, he gives it a back hug since he can now easily avoid getting cut.
Sakyo’s caught his persian as a meowth back in high school. He was doing a delivery job when a bothersome meowth pounced on him while passing through an allyway. He thought it’d leave him alone if he picked a different route, but it somehow always found him. It just loved his reactions. Eventually sakyo caught it out of desperation. It likes accompanying him on jobs and harassing clients that have yet to pay their debts (rip matsukawa)
Izumi’s politoed was initially a poliwag that her dad caught for her when she was younger. It didn’t properly become her’s until she was 10, but it helped keep an eye on her when her parents were busy. It was with her when she visited mankai for the first time, and it was actually able to recognize sakyo when he and izumi had their reencounter. It let izumi figure that out for herself, but looking back on it her poliwirl seemed pretty happy whenever sakyo did his check-ins
Tbh one of the reasons why izumi didn’t recognize sakyo was because of his pokemon. When they first met as kids sakyo had a spearow, ratatta, and a nincada (that soon evolved into a ninjask). But izumi didnt see any of them until he moved into the dorms and only saw him with a persian.
Kazunari has a separate instagram for his pokemon and its pretty popular. His raichu and jolteon have a competitive relationship and try to get kazunari to take pics that’ll get them the most likes. His smeargle isnt as popular as the other two, but has a pretty strong following for its unique artwork. Kazunari has posted some of their collabs on his main account as well
One time when hisoka’s wooloo was having a depressive episode and it spent nearly a week aimlessly rolling around the hallways and bumping off the walls. Yuki started getting annoyed at the noise and did some research before shearing the pokemon and knitting some clothes for it and hisoka. It was actually appeared a bit happier afterwards and hisoka was enjoying how soft his new sweater was
Itaru’s rotom was actually found in one of the cartridges after he went out on a vintage video game haul. Although he has to be careful of getting caugh, in exchange for some treats, itaru asks rotom to possess the fridge in the kitchen before he shuts in to game. Sometimes when it wants itaru’s attention, it’ll possess whatever device hes using and mess with him. Actually, Rotom once tried to get into chikage’s computer out of curiosity but it was already rotom proofed rip
Chikage’s delphox was gifted to him as a fennikin by august when he first joined the Organization. The same happened with hisoka, he was gifted a froakie which is currently a frogadier. August had a chesnaught, which was as much as a busybody as he was.
When Yukio disappeared, he left two pokemon behind at mankai. A shiny chatot named kamekichi, and a klefki. Matsukawa sometimes uses them in battle, but since they’re not his they often do their own thing and join in battles as they please.
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jumukus · 4 years
A3! Event: Starring Party ‘Stories of ‘24′ 2′ Translation
Let’s watch the video messages from everyone! p.s. the words in italic mean they’re taken from the video.
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Citron: Hello, I'm Citron~! I played Tennis Saionji in Spring Troupe's sixth play "Harugaoka Quartet".
Izumi: It's Enis Saionji!
Citron: Oops, I said it wrong.
Banri: We're going hard right from the start, huh.
Citron: So I'm the first one!
Kazunari: I compiled the videos in reverse order.
Citron: I had a lot of fun when my turn to be the lead actor finally came. After all, I was merely an extra in our first play. I thought I was being bullied!
Tsuzuru: That's because you couldn't even say your lines, duh!
Citron: I was really happy to be able to perform my favorite violin-themed play with my beloved troupe members.
It's all thanks to Tsuzuru. I appreciate it.
Tsuzuru: I didn't do anything special…
Citron: I'll have him rewrite "RomiJuli" script and make Friar Laurence the lead at this rate!
Tsuzuru: Hey, hold it right there!
Citron: In my "spring," I'm not alone. I'm with everyone. Let's keep traveling the world through various plays!
Chikage: I'm not sure whether to feel moved or to laugh.
Itaru: That's Citron for you.
Masumi: He's the same as ever.
Sakuya: Let's keep performing together, Citron-san!
Muku: Eh, um, ah, uhhh…!
Yuki: You're too nervous.
Misumi: Hang in there~!
Izumi: Muku-kun, calm down.
Muku: Y-Yes!
Uhh… I'm Muku Sakisaka. I played Florence in Summer Troupe's sixth play "Floral Prince".
This play is really, really precious to me, since I've got to play my dream role, a prince.
I didn't have any confidence at first. But thanks to everyone in the Summer Troupe who supported and encouraged me, my dream came true on the stage.
I could take on the lead role because I've been rehearsing together with them ever since I joined this troupe, not only in this play.
Kyu-chan has known about my dream since we were kids, and standing onstage with him as the semi-lead was reassuring. Thank you.
Kumon: Me too, thank you!
Muku: I'll continue to work hard to become an ideal prince. Please take care of me!
Misumi: I'm sure Muku can become all types of princes~!
Yuki: Anyway, your standard of an ideal prince seems to be high.
Kazunari: I think Mukkun is already princely enough~.
Tenma: Good luck.
Muku: Yup!
Juza: I'm Juza Hyodo, portraying Blood in Autumn Troupe's sixth play "Fallen Blood".
Since this play marked the first time I took on the lead role, it made me think about a lot of things, like my potential as an actor and my goal.
I still don't know how far I can go, and how I'm supposed to be as an actor now. I still can't decide on that.
But one thing for sure, I'll continue to live my life on the stage. I'll break my butt to tell the life of the characters entrusted to me.
In order to do that, I'll move forward to polish my acting. It doesn't matter whether I'm clumsy or slow. I'm going to do it.
The video Omi-san took at the time has become my precious treasure. Thanks.
Omi: Glad the video was helpful.
Juza: I'll re-watch the video over and over again whenever I hit a wallーー.
Except Settsu's part.
Banri: You bastard!
Taichi: Ahaha!
Sakyo: God, don't be sloppy.
Azami: But that's just so like Juza-san.
Hisoka: Hisoka Mikage, playing Liam in Winter Troupe's sixth play "Risky Game".
...What should I say?
Izumi: Anything is fine, like how you felt when you got chosen as the lead role or any memorable moments.
Hisoka: Lead role, huh… I've got so many lines.
Tasuku: Hey. After all that, and that's what you've got to say?
Tsumugi: That's just like Hisoka-kun.
Hisoka: But I've got to remember something precious because of this play. Thanks to everyone… I was able to meet someone important to me once again.
Homare: Good for you, Hisoka-kun.
Hisoka: I'll continue to live as actor Hisoka Mikage, together with them…
Azuma: Yeap. Let's keep working together.
Guy: I look forward to seeing Hisoka Mikage's acting in the future.
Itaru: I'm Itaru Chigasaki. I played Lancelot in Spring Troupe's fifth play "Knight of Round IV THE STAGE".
I think it'll take around an hour for me to talk about Kniroun. Is that okay?
Izumi: Please make it short!
Itaru: Got it.
Back then, I have never ever imagined becoming Lancelot from my favorite Kniroun game.
Even though I had issues with the gap between my ideal Lancelot and the reality during our rehearsals, I had fun.
After all, I've got to play the game with everyone… I had so much fun I wanted to tell my younger self about it.
A new installment is gonna be released soon, so I'll continue to devote myself to conquering the games.
Tsuzuru: Please devote yourself to our plays!
Masumi: He doesn't grow at all.
Citron: Itaru is Itaru!
Sakuya: Let's play together again!
Itaru: Speaking of which, senpai, how many hours is your total playtime?
Chikage: ...It's a secret.
Itaru: Come on, isn't it fine to spill it now?
Chikage: I have too many save files to count.
Itaru: Seriously?
Citron: What an admirable addict!
Kazunari: Heya, Kazunari Miyoshi here! I played Kiichi in Summer Troupe's fifth play "SHI★NO★BI Misadventuring".
Leading a play was not an easy task, but I had a lot of fun~. All six of us drew togetherーwe made so many memories.
I had a blast doing action scenes with Sumi!
Misumi: Me too~!
Kazunari: I've gotta admit there was pressure in becoming the starring actor, so I'm glad I learned how hard it is to be one.
Because of that, I've come to understand further how everyone feels when they're chosen to be the starring actors!
I'll continue to be your perfect support!
By the way, I've come to cherish my passion for both acting and art even more through this play.
I don't wanna give up either. I don't wanna settle on one. I'll succeed in both. With that said, please continue to take care of me!
Muku: Likewise!
Kumon: I'll be in your care too!
Yuki: I won't lose to you.
Tenma: I'll be stricter during our rehearsals.
Kazunari: Go easy on me on that one!
Misumi: Let's do action scenes together again!
Taichi: I'm Taichi Nanao, playing Chan in Autumn Troupe's fifth play "Fire Up, Mantou Fist!"
I felt complicated back when I was chosen to be the lead actor for this play. It sure made me happy, but I wasn't sure whether I was good enoughーー.
No, this isn't good. Lemme do it one more time! Please cut this part out!
Taichi: They didn't cut this out…!
Banri: They keep this one, huh.
Taichi: Umm, I was so happy and pumped up to be the starring actor. I might make mistakes in certain parts, but I had fun!
I'm so lucky I could lead a play as Autumn Troupe's Taichi Nanao.
I'll keep working hard so that I won't embarrass everyone in Autumn Troupe. I'll be an actor that can make everyone proud!
I'm aiming to be the star performer of Autumn Troupe!
Sakyo: What a thing to say.
Banri: Bring it on.
Juza: I won't lose.
Taichi: Ugh… I should've just settled with the fourth best actor, after all.
Azami: It's too early to give up.
Omi: Haha, let's do our best together.
Tasuku: I'm Tasuku Takato, playing Musashi Miyamoto in Winter Troupe's fifth play "Die by the Sword".
This wasn't my first time leading a play, but I've got to admit it felt kind of different when I did it as a member of MANKAI Company's Winter Troupe.
Through this play, I've got the chance to think about the reason why I'm in this troupe, and what kind of an actor I'm supposed to be.
I'll keep going as an actor of Winter Troupe, Takato Tasuku.
After all, performing with my fellow Winter Troupe members has become an important thing to me.
I don't know what will happen in the future, but I'm going to carefully determine what kind of an actor I'll be.
Azuma: Fufu, you're so stiff.
Guy: It was a very Takato-like message.
Homare: I've got to hand it to Tasuku-kun. He's strict with himself when it comes to acting.
Hisoka: Totally different from Arisu.
Homare: I don't want to hear that from you.
Tsumugi: Guess I need to think about how I should be as an actor too.
Chikage: I'm Chikage Utsuki. I portrayed Oz in Spring Troupe's fourth play "The Wonderful Charlatan of Oz".
My recollection of the play, huh… the only thing I remember is that I've caused troubles.
I've also given you so much trouble that time, director-san.
Izumi: No, it's okay.
Chikage: But well, I'm going to make up for it.
Izumi: It's alright. You don't have to.
Citron: Let's go eat Yakiniku! Chikage will treat us.
Tsuzuru: Sounds great.
Masumi: Let’s invite all troupe members.
Chikage: I got attacked right away, huh.
Chikage: Back when I just entered the troupe, I’ve never thought I’d stay this long.
Nor have I thought I’d spend my days with these feelings…
Since this troupe has become a place where I’ve got a precious family, I need to treasure it. I’ll be in your care.
Sakuya: The same goes for me!
Itaru: I look forward to the yakiniku.
Izumi: I’m fine with curry too!
Chikage: Alright, alright.
Kumon: I’m Kumon Hyodo, playing Souta Akiyama in Summer Troupe’s fourth play “First Crush Baseball”!
First Crush Baseball is the first play I ever performed and the first play I ever led. I was so clueless at first.
But because everyone taught and supported me, I was able to go on until our final performance.
The fact that I could stand on the stage without collapsing until the end made me so happy…
Thanks to this play, I've gained confidence from the fact I could accomplish something.
This is all thanks to everyone in Summer Troupe who accepted me. I’m glad I joined Summer Troupe. I love you all!
Misumi: I love Kumon too!
Kazunari: Me too, me too!
Yuki: But well, your current acting is better than that time.
Tenma: That’s right. You’ve greatly improved.
Kumon: Seriously!? Yeeaaay! I’ll work harder!
Muku: Let’s do our best together!
Azami: I’m Azami Izumida, portraying Abel in Autumn Troupe’s fourth play “DEAD/UNDEAD”.
Back when I ran away from home, I never would have thought I’d perform onstage. But well, I had a blast beating up shitty Sakyo on the stage.
Sakyo: ...Hey.
Azami: I got to do makeup to my heart’s content, and now I feel like I really could go on living with makeup for the rest of my life.
I’m glad I joined this theater troupe. There’s a lot of interesting people here, and I never run out of people to use as guinea pigs when I want to test my new makeup.
I’ll study makeup more and improve my acting.
Banri: Yo, good luck with that.
Juza: I expect a lot from you.
Omi: Ever since this play, our stage photos look nicer than before. It’s all thanks to you, Azami.
Taichi: I’ve become cooler thanks to your makeup too, A-chan!
Sakyo: Putting makeup aside, you still have a lot to learn in acting.
Azami: Shaddup.
Guy: My name is Guy. I played Phantom in Winter Troupe’s fourth play “Le Fantôme de l' Opéra”.
Back when I stood on the stage, I thought I was just going with the flow. But now that I think about it again, everything went as Citronia intended.
Citron: Of course it did.
Guy: I’ve got to know the things Citronia deemed precious after coming to this country and joining this theater troupe.
I myself was able to regain my precious memories and take off the armor that has restrained me for so long.
And as I spend my days here, I continue to discover new sides of myself.
Strangely enough, I don’t hate this. Rather, I want to keep enjoying these changes.
Tsumugi: You were an android at first, right.
Guy: Yes. That was what I believed.
Tasuku: Those days felt like an eternity ago.
Hisoka: ...You’ve changed.
Homare: Yes, and in a good way.
Azuma: You’ve become more human now. That’s great.
Citron: He’s still as hopeless as ever, though.
Guy: I’ll do my best.
Tsuzuru: I’m Tsuzuru Minagi, playing Luke in Spring Troupe’s third play “A Clockwork Heart”.
This play, which I led, was the most unforgettable play for me. Everything is etched deep in my heart, including my self-reflection.
Itaru: Dude, you spoke freaking smoothly in this one.
Masumi: Unbelievable.
Chikage: Were you reading notes?
Tsuzuru: Ughーー.
Izumi: They got you.
Tsuzuru: At the time, I looked back at the reason why I wanted to write scripts and do theater in the first place.
I’d like to keep doing my best in both script writing and acting without throwing away my beginner’s spirit.
And even though I got swayed a lot by my co-lead Citron, he saved me in an unexpected time and place. I appreciate it.
I can’t thank you enough. I look forward to continuing working with you all.
Citron: Same here!
Sakuya: You two are the best pair from Spring Troupe!
Misumi: Hello, I’m Misumi Ikaruga. I played Sky in Summer Troupe’s third play “Captain Sky Pirates”.
You see~ I found 54 triangles during this play~!
Tenma: You sure remember that kind of thing well, huh!
Yuki: What a waste of memorizing skill.
Misumi: Among the triangles I found that time, the one I like the most was the big triangle we saw in the night sky.
Ever since I joined this theater troupe, I found lots of precious triangles. I want to let grandpa know about it one day.
Kazunari: You still have more and more triangles to add to your collection.
Muku: Let’s collect so many triangles you can’t even count them!
Kumon: I’ll help you find them!
Misumi: Yup~! Let’s go find lots of triangles~!
Sakyo: I’m Sakyo Furuichi, portraying Ginji Kazama in Autumn Troupe’s third play “Tales of Chivalry: Ginji the Wanderer”.
I couldn’t stop thinking it was too late for me to be the lead actor, but I’ve gotta admit, I learned a lot at the time. Furthermore, I once again realized I’m still lacking experience.
I’m gonna keep on learning very seriously, shamelessly and move forward.
Banri: Oh shit, so scary, what a scary man.
Azami: So childish.
Sakyo: Age and experience don’t matter on the stage. This is a serious fight. Prepare yourself.
Juza: Bring it on.
Taichi: Somehow, that part just now sounded like a criminal declaration!
Omi: His statement sure is powerful.
Azuma: I’m Azuma Yukishiro, playing Reo Kuto in Winter Troupe’s third play “Nocturnality”.
I can't say I got especially attached to the play just because I played the lead role, but I felt the bond between Winter Troupe members got stronger at that time.
I could take a step forward thanks to Tasuku. I'm glad we performed this play.
Tasuku: I didn't do anything special… I just thought it was necessary for the play.
Homare: So it has something to do with the play in the end.
Hisoka: What a theater fool.
Azuma: But that's just how Tasuku really is.
Tsumugi: Yes, even his dishonest side.
Azuma: Compared to that time, with Guy joining us, the Winter Troupe is changing little by little.
I think this is a nice change, though. I feel at ease with you guys. Look forward to continuing working with you.
Tsumugi: Same here.
Guy: I'll be in your care.
Masumi: I'm Masumi Usui, playing Alice in Spring Troupe's second play "Boy Alice in Wonderland".
Izumi: Masumi-kun, the camera is over here! Look here!
Masumi: But I want to look at you…
Izumi: ...I'll move, then.
Masumi: Can I express my feelings for you?
Izumi: I rather have you express your feelings towards the play!
Masumi: ...Itaru was annoying.
Itaru: Heeey.
Masumi: We took a long time to finish rehearsing.
Tsuzuru: That was because you kept trying to impress the director and criticized us too much!
Masumi: Itaru was annoying.
Chikage: You must have been really annoying at that time.
Itaru: …
Masumi: But I think the play turned out great.
Izumi: Yes, I feel the same.
Sakuya: I think so too!
Masumi: My acting has gotten better since that time. I'll continue to improve so much you can't even take your eyes off me. Keep looking at me and me only.
Citron: He kept staring at the director the whole time!
Tsuzuru: That's Masumi for ya.
Yuki: I'm Yuki Rurikawa, portraying Shiro in Summer Troupe's second play "The Adventure for Sardines".
The thing I remember the most during this play was that I caused everyone's troubles, since I struggled to juggle between my position as the lead actor and the costume designer.
Kazunari helped me a lot.
Kazunari: It's no biggie~!
Yuki: But compared to that time, I've grown now.
I mean, it's thanks to the events at the time that I'm now able to balance acting and costume making well.
I only started acting because I wanted to get feedback for the costumes I made, but now I genuinely find acting fun.
I find it fun to stand onstage and produce a play together with everyone. It's a different kind of fun from making costumes.
I've learned a lot of things by doing both, so I won't settle on just one and continue doing them all.
Kumon: Let's continue working together~!
Muku: Let's do our best together!
Misumi: I love Yuki's costumes!
Tenma: Well, your acting has certainly gotten better since that time.
Yuki: You're still as arrogant as ever though.
Tenma: What!?
Omi: I'm Omi Fushimi. I played Wolf in Autumn Troupe's second play "Stranger".
It feels rather embarrassing to have someone shoot me when I've always been the one filming.
For me, this play means much more than just being the play that I led.
It's hard to put it into words, but…
This play made me, who's always been looking at the past, face forward and walk towards the future.
Now, I plan to chase the dream that my friend gave me for my own sake.
Taichi: Good for you, Omi-kun!
Omi: Thanks for your help that time.
Taichi: Your welcome!
Sakyo: Fushimi broke out of his shell during this play.
Banri: His acting changed a lot. I still remember it.
Juza: It was stimulating.
Omi: Haha. I hope I can grow further than that time.
Homare: I'm Homare Arisugawa. I played Tooru Sagishima in Winter Troupe's second play "The Master Likes a Mystery".
For me, the most unforgettable thing during this play was definitely my grandmother's watch.
I feel like this watch gave me the opportunity to be able to touch everyone's hearts little by little.
Especially Hisoka-kun. I never thought he'd do something for the sake of other people, and not just marshmallows.
Hisoka: It's because Arisu was hopeless.
Homare: You're right, I won't deny it. You helped me out back then.
Homare: This play turned out great because of Hisoka-kun and everyone.
Unlike poems, a play is something that you create with other people. It's too difficult for me alone, but that's what makes it very interesting.
No matter how many times I experienced it, I've never gotten tired of it. I think it's a wonderful thing.
Oh! I've found some poem inspiration. Ahemーー.
(video shuts down abruptly)
Guy: Oh, the video got cut.
Homare: Why did you cut off that part!?
Izumi: Huh? That's weird. There must be some technical issues…
Tasuku: He was going off topic, anyway. Perfect timing.
Homare: But that was part of my video message!
Tsumugi: Please let me hear it after this.
Azuma: I’d like to hear it too.
Homare: All right! I shall organize a recitation later, then.
< ‘Stories of 24′ 1 | Masterlist | ‘Stories of 24′ 3 >
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bunteatime · 5 years
aramika coffee shop au pt. 1
ok so!! ive had this au in my head for like.. 5 months now and i luv it sm so i decided to turn it into a lil fic!! im still workin on tha story but i couldnt wait 2 post it so here is part 1..
(also!! apologies if this is written poorly!! its one of tha first times ive ever tried to like. seriously write)
Part 1: Arashi’s POV
Arashi took a step forward. She was standing right in front of a small cafe. It was located in the middle of the city so it was usually quite busy. However, she had arrived just before opening. She smiled and tightened her work apron. 
She wasn’t normally too fond of the idea of working but there was just something so romantic about working in a coffee shop. She had read so many books about two lovers meeting in a coffee shop and the thought of meeting the love of her life while at the cafe practically made her swoon. What if she met the love of her life today? What would they look like? Would they sweep her off her feet the second they saw her? More importantly, would she even realize who they were before it was too late?
Quite suddenly, she snapped out of her daze and look around. Focus, Arashi, she told herself confidently. She stepped inside the cafe and was instantly greeted with the smell of coffee beans and Leo waving at her.
 “Hey, Naru-chan!!” He said almost too excitedly considering how early it was. 
“Hello hello Leo!” she giggled and waved back. 
Just then, Izumi walked in while glaring at his phone. Arashi could’ve sworn she heard him make a little tch sound. 
“Oh, hi Izumi! What’s wrong?” She frowned. 
“Tsukasa won’t be coming in today. Apparently, he fell ill.” He huffed back. 
“Ah, well that’s alright. We still have the four of us!” She attempted to comfort him. Izumi could get worked up so easily, it seemed. 
“Three of us. Ritsu slept in again and knowing him he probably won’t show up until the end of the day.” 
Arashi sighed and looked at her phone. They only had about ten before the coffee shop opened. She would be extra busy today, considering there were only three people working that day. She wished that she could’ve been sick too, so she could just sit at home and paint her nails all day rather than spend it making coffee. She didn’t mind too much though; the pay was really good and with that, she could go out shopping this weekend. She got behind the counter and scrolled through Instagram to pass time. 
“Oh! Before I forget, Naru-chan, there’s gonna be this guy coming sometime around now with a bunch of pastries for the shop! I thought I’d be the one to accept them from him but Izumi-chan said he wanted to ‘talk finances’ with me so would you do it for me?” He smiled brightly at her. She seriously didn’t understand how he could be so peppy at 6 am on a Monday. 
“Of course, dear! Leave it to me.” She winked at him and smiled. 
Leo suddenly got really serious. “If I’m not back in an hour, just know that I died of boredom listening to Izumi talk about stupid adult things.” He said in a scared tone. 
Arashi giggled and pushed him towards the back. “Yes, yes, I’m sure you’ll be fine.” She responded. 
Leo went into the back and it was officially opening time. Looks like I’ll be all on my own this morning, she told herself with a sigh. She walked over to the front of the store and flipped the sign on the front door to the side that said “open” in a cursive font. On her way back to the counter, she straightened some of the chairs and unwrinkled the tablecloths. She was curious over the pastries Leo had mentioned. She assumed they were from a new store than they usually bought their pastries because the usual store wouldn’t send anyone to drop them off. 
The first twenty or so minutes after the opening of the store went well. She had about ten customers come in, all of which looked like college kids wanting to study before class. Just then, the door was opened rather loudly and a boy with shaggy greenish-black hair stumbled in. He was carrying a large box with him and seemed to be out of breath. Did he run all the way here? He was wearing a black sweater and jeans, despite it being the middle of summer. He came up to the front counter and set the box down. The moment he looked up at Arashi, she almost gasped. He had absolutely stunning eyes. One was a beautiful ocean blue while the other was golden. Arashi wondered what they called that. Heterochromia? Was that right? She’d have to look it up later. His eyes were so captivating that she felt like she couldn’t look away.
“Uhm, hello! What can I get for you today, babe?” She asked. 
“Well, uh, ‘m not really here to buy anythin’. Coffee ain’t really my thing… too bitter.” He stuck his tongue out a little bit as he said that. “I dunno if you know but I’m here to deliver some pastries!” He rubbed the back of his neck nervously.
As soon as she heard him speak, Arashi felt butterflies in her stomach. Fate had just set her up with the absolute cutest boy she’s ever seen and she was so happy. She was absolutely enamored with him. His accent was absolutely adorable and the way he looked down and played with his sleeves shyly as he explained the situation to her made her think that she might die from a cuteness overload. He was just so cute! She’d known this boy for maybe 60 seconds and she had already unashamedly fallen head over heels for him. He was perfect. 
He looked back up at her and they stared at each other for what felt like a blissful eternity, before looking back down awkwardly. His face was bright red. Oh how absolutely adorable he looked when he blushed like that. 
“I, uhm, I should go… Oshi-san’ll be real mad at me if ‘m not back soon..” He said shyly. It might’ve been her imagination but Arashi could’ve sworn she heard a little regret in his voice. 
“Oh, yes, yes of course!” She responded quickly. “Thank you so much for the pastries!” She smiled.
He smiled back at her and began to walk away. Right as he was about to open the door and leave she spoke up again. 
“Also… Your eyes are absolutely gorgeous, babe.” She winked at him and watched as his eyes widened and his face went tomato red again. 
“Th- thank you…” He said quietly and proceeded to leave.
She giggled and sighed as she rested her hand on her head. She was in love, wasn’t she? That was the prettiest boy she had ever seen and with only one interaction between them, she had fallen in love. She wasn’t complaining, though. She absolutely loved the feeling of butterflies in her stomach as she thought about the next time she would see him. 
“Arashi, you’re slacking.” Izumi’s voice spoke behind her. She could almost feel the glare she knew he was giving her.
“Oh my god, Izumi! You won’t believe what just happened.” She said excitedly.
Part 1: Mika’s POV
Mika sighed loudly and rubbed the back of his neck. He had been up since four making pastries. He was starting to get sick of the sweet smell, but he knew Shu would be mad at him if he stopped working. 
“Oshi-san,” He whined. “Can I have a break yet?” He was really hoping he could get out of there soon; today was supposed to be his day off but Shu had called him in suddenly. Although, that wasn’t too odd for Shu to do. 
“Actually, yes. You have to take this box of pastries to this cafe, though.” He handed him a piece of paper with an address written on it in cursive handwriting. “Do not be late, Kagehira. You’ll ruin our business’ reputation.” 
“Will do, Oshi-san!” Mika responded happily. He picked up the box and practically ran out the door.
Once he was outside, he sighed happily. He was glad he wasn’t inside anymore. He hurried over in the direction of the store, however, he got lost along the way. He somehow ended up in the shopping district and couldn’t find his way out. Shit, he panicked. Oshi-san’s gonna get mad at me if ‘m late. It took him a while, but he finally found his way to the coffee shop, however, he was ten minutes late. He would’ve been later if he hadn’t run the whole way. Maybe Shu wouldn’t get as mad at him if he lied and said he had just wandered around after taking the pastries to the cafe?
He went to pull the door open, but it wouldn’t. He tried again and it still wouldn’t open. He tried a third time before reading a sign that said “push” right next to the door. He embarrassedly pushed the door open and stumbled inside the store. He glanced up at the girl at the register and immediately looked down. Oh no, she was pretty. Like, really pretty. Stunning, even. He felt embarrassed. He walked up to the counter and set the box of pastries down before mustering up his courage and looking back up at her. 
Oh god, he was right the first time. She really was pretty. Her eyes were sparkling. They were a deep purple and so so pretty. Her hair was beautiful, too. She looked so effortlessly stunning and it honestly took his breath away. Her smile was stunning, too. She radiated warmth and he found her presence to be oddly comforting, despite knowing her for thirty seconds. 
“Uhm, hello! What can I get for you today, babe?” She said. Did she.. Did she just call him babe? He was falling for her so hard and so fast it almost scared him. He never considered himself the romantic type, but this girl made him feel butterflies in his stomach.
“Well, uh, ‘m not really here to buy anythin’. Coffee ain’t really my thing... too bitter.” He stuck his tongue out and he heard her giggle at that. He immediately blushed and started fidgeting with his sleeves. “I dunno if you know but I’m here to deliver some pastries!” He gestured at the box and rubbed his neck with his hand. It was a nervous habit of his to do that, and he sure was nervous right now. He really hoped that she didn’t find him weird.
He looked back up at her and as soon as their eyes met, he felt those famous butterflies that he didn’t know existed outside of stories. Her eyes were deep purple and stunning. He couldn’t look away. She was smiling at him and it seemed so comforting. He felt like he could stare at her for an eternity and still be as blissful as he was at this moment. 
He looked down nervously and could feel the heat rising to his cheeks. He suddenly remembered that he had to get back to the bakery or else Shu would be angry at him. 
“I, uhm, I should go… Oshi-san’ll be real mad at me if ‘m not back soon..” Mika said, trying not to show how sad he felt about having to say those words. The way she had gazed into his eyes was unlike the way anyone had looked at him before. He constantly felt as if people were judging him for his eyes. That he was weird for his mismatched orbs. Due to this, he absolutely hated them. He resented them and they made him feel terrible. 
This girl, though, she was different. She didn’t judge them, in fact, her gaze was so full of wonder. She was looking at him with so much kindness and warmth that he thought he might melt right then and there. She made him so happy, which was completely absurd considering he had known her for maybe three minutes. 
“Oh, yes, yes, of course!” She responded, quickly looking away. She smiled brightly at him. “Thank you so much for the pastries!”
Oh, god, she was so pretty. He started to walk away and right as he opened to door to leave, she called out to him. 
“Also… your eyes are absolutely gorgeous, babe.” She winked at him. Oh no. Oh no, oh no. Mika had tried so hard during the entirety of their conversation to keep calm and seem cool but he couldn’t handle it anymore. His face immediately went as red as a tomato, despite his wishes. That was the first time anyone had complimented his eyes before. He was shocked. This whole time he had absolutely hated his eyes. But for the first time, he liked them. They made him happy. And it was all because this girl, whom he had undoubtedly fallen in love with, had complimented him with complete sincerity. 
“Th-thank you…” He stuttered. He clumsily opened the door and walked out. He just knew that he had to tell Shu about this girl when he got back to the shop. 
When he arrived back at the shop, he suddenly stopped right in front of the door. “Shit, I forgot to ask her name..”
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fauzhee10069 · 6 years
JoJolion’s main villain? Will it be female?
Okay, so whenever I find a discussion about JJL main villain, who will it be? And with the thirst from fans who wanted the first female main villain in JJBA, a popular theory emerged that Higashikata Caato would become the main villain. Yeah, so far… she is really popular, lots of hints point towards her, I can see some reasons of why:
Her motivation, she is currently in conflict with her ex-husband, Norisuke IV. Their conflicting views of how they have to sacrifice to save their son from the curse. Her sacrifice made her imprisoned for 15 years and separated from her children (how sad when her three children did not know her as their mother). Now, she returns and demands a payback.
Her persumably dominance over her son, Jobin. Jobin who previously was hyped as potential main villain is now overshadowed by his mother. Especially, it was pretty much confirmed that Jobin isn't the mastermind by Dolomite and Rai. “Jobin sweetie, remember that I went to jail to protect you, to save you, all for your sake. Imagine she says, ”I can see that Jobin must feel very indebted and grateful to her, that’s why he looks very respectful to her.
Her first impression of Gappy!Josuke was that she doesn't like him, regards him as freeloader (a potential enemy?)
Her Stand being a space-manipulating related type, often being regarded in the same boat with D4C (though I see that it’s more similar to Enigma currently).
Despite being 52 and a granny, she looks attractive for no reason, Araki’s habit of creating his main villains. Look how he changed fat!Valentine into the hot 48 years old president. Caato could be the antithesis of Lisa Lisa. Both are hot milfs in 50s and supportive to their sons, only the side is reversed.
Advanced points:
Norisuke IV he is one of the people closest to Josuke but the one who is likely most despised by Caato. I can see the potential conflict between Josuke and Caato or even her conflict with her other children.
The race to obtain Locacaca fruit, Caato’s side (Tsurugi, Jobin and Mitsuba) are fighting to cure Tsurugi. Josuke is fighting to restore himself to normal and save Holy.
Now, enter my personal opinion...
Actually, I like Caato as villain, or even major villain. But to be honest, though I also crave for the first female main villain, I don’t really like the concept of Caato as the one. Reasons:
Her conflict/motivation is too domestic, a household disputes; an ex-wife who wants to take revenge on and punish her ex-husband for the sacrifice and misery that she have to endured and demands payback (she openly asked for half of the household fortune). Basically, she wants to take back what's rightfully hers,  probably dethrone the patriarch to dominate the family business and fortune. This sounds like a plot taken out from Korean/telenovela family drama (with revenge as its main theme) only that it involves Stand battle, could be good for side plot but not for main plot. I wish the Rokakaka fruit, Rock humans, scientist and the curse will be a greater focus than this family drama bullsh*t.
Her background itself is too ordinary, a former housewife with no visible past career or other interesting things, unless she had other past background that is still hidden, maybe a past career that hasn't been revealed yet, ala Izumi Curtis. Though she could be a counterpart for part 4 main villain, being ordinary salary man.
Her flashback and motivation in the past, in my opinion, is too sympathetic (something that Araki claimed to avoid whenever he writes a main villain). To save her son from her curse, rather than sacrificing her life, she preferred to sacrifice the life of other (stranger). To be honest, I prefer her method than Norisuke IV, therefore Jobin (and her other children) do not need to lose a mother figure (which ironically happened). This is a husband’s common mistake; assuming that his wife is not different with his mother, hoping that his wife will do the same thing with what his mother has done. Basically, a mom who did sacrificing her own contented life for the sake of her child, imprisoned for 15 years away from her children, she had just been released and is still reorganizing her life. Unlike other JoJo main villains, in which their trouble pasts had become a past completely (that happened years ago) as their current life in the present storyline is much better but Caato still had to face her ex-husband who seemed to abandon her and had to try re-bond her relationship with her children again (idk why but her story kinda reminds me of Cookie Lyon from Empire). She just barely regains her life back.
Her personality that is too obvious for a villain. Being very two-faced and deceptive, showing her true calculating personality to those she deeply trusts yet truly capable of however seems to intimidate and inspire fear, but in public, she comes off as charismatic and loving person. It’s like “Oh looks… she is evil… she must be the main villain!!” I mean, just as she first appeared (which is not long ago), she already acted menacing, intimidating and declaring her objectives. Whereas JJBA main villains in general were acting pretty casual.
Most likely, Araki did the Principal and The Pauper to Norisuke IV’s character. From the fun & loving dad and a supportive father figure for Josuke to be an asshole husband who is disregarding his wife for the sacrifice she had made and even refused to pay her alimony. Now I am confused whether I should cheer for Norisuke IV (Josuke’s side) or Caato. This will potentially rival my disappointment over Xiao Fan ruining Zhao Yun and Xiao Meng’s dynamic. >:(
She doesn’t have any moment that can be mocked over and meme’d. Also, all of her appearance so far is like a boss. If she constantly stays like this till the end, I’m afraid that she would potentially ruin the funny dynamic between The Main Villains gang in fandom!!!
I don’t need another mom archetype in JJBA main villains gang, we already have Kira as the mom.
Her determination to live free from the men (read: husband)’s control and decision yet seems to be in control of her son (and possibly grandson) makes her sound like feminazi. I hope I’m wrong though, hopefully Araki doesn’t write her to be main villain only to fulfill the quota (due to the lack of female main villains) or as political correctness. I just want my first female main villain to be just a character of her own without being the feminist advertisement (though that’s what you likely will get from a character with just housewife as background). I have faith in Araki though because in my opinion he was quite successful as he wrote Jolyne, she is very likeable for the only female JoJo as she is simply being who she is without promoting feminism.
A mother controlling her children (in this case, Jobin). Though this is personal, I’m never into this kind of villain. I think it is very cheap, there is a teach that children must respect their mother who had nurtured and raised them and one mom decided to take this as an advantage to control her children. Most likely, Caato could be the main cause of Jobin's authoritarian attitude to his son, Tsurugi.
Mom: “Okay son, remember that I had carried you in my womb and suffer for 9 months for it, I had painful labor to bear you, I had taken care of you when you were a helpless baby, teaching you everything and saved your life from the curse, even saved you from your crime, by letting myself go to jail and lost my 15 years of life… all because I love you. Now, do me a favor and never question it!” Son: “No, sorry mom.” Mom: “(How dare you!) Why not?” Son: “Because I never ask to be born (especially by you).” (I don’t think Jobin would ever say that, probably Joshu).
So, if Caato turns out to be the main villain, she could be my least favorite main villain despite I am being a female myself. Though it's still too early to judge, there is still a hope that she will deliver something more interesting than those 5 points above. One of them is the theory and possibility that she is the mysterious head doctor or the Rock human’s leader.
My other personal wish is that Holy Kira is the actual main villain. This is purely crack theory and something that is even less likely than Caato, but I think Holy Kira will deliver something more interesting than Caato:
Her more interesting background as an Ophthalmologist, emergency doctor, and guest professor. A woman, a mother and A PROFESSOR!!!
Her more direct connection with Rokakaka fruit, it is revealed that Holy created the hidden Rokakaka lab at T.G University Hospital, she was researching the fruit! Therefore, A SCIENTIST!!! There is a possibility that she was part of the Rokakaka Research Organization (though probably she just did the research independently).
She is a direct descendant of Johnny Joestar, therefore… a Joestar! Imagine being a Joestar and a main villain at the same time!! Okay, despite being a Joestar, Holy is not a JoJo. But this will be hilariously the greatest irony ever, a main villain is descended from a JoJo.
Her, tricking Josuke, the main protagonist (who is also part of her son) to cure her is something far more brilliant than a mom straightly controlling her son through intimidation. Perhaps her illness is part of her master plan (“計画通り/keikaku doori!!”ala Light Yagami or Aizen), it’ll be a greater troll than Joseph trolling Jotaro as reincarnated DIO XD.
Holy Kira might be the antithesis of Holy Kujo, the purest and most loving milf ever in JJBA to be the worst and ambitious mom.
Holy Kira might fit the theme of the villain being the opposite of the protagonist, what is the opposite between Josuke and Holy? One being the guy stitched together from two other guys and one being a woman who has a lot of missing parts (in this case, her brain).
She already had her possibly funny/crazy moment when she was trying to use a nurse like a pair of boots and a magazine XD.
Personally, I think that Holy has better design than Caato. While Caato looks like the older version of Jolyne, her messy appearance looks like a middle-aged woman who couldn’t let go her teenage years (that’s why she can’t beat Lisa Lisa as a hot milf in 50s imo, her appearance is tidier and more elegant). Look at Holy Kira, she is trendy and the dark cape looks fabulous for a villain’s design.
Holy may possess a more interesting Stand, I’m sure she is a Stand user if she can see Paisley Park and knows about Killer Queen. Please, Araki… show me what her Stand is capable of!!
If Caato stays the same until the end of the story, she will be the most deviated villain in JJBA history besides being female, Araki might breaks the pattern with her. But isn’t using Holy Kira as main villain would be a greater pattern breakers??
Besides Holy Kira, I found another crack yet brilliant theory of Yasuho being actual main villain without her realizing it, played it like an alter ego ala Doppio. Disclaimer, it is not written by me. While this is very interesting (and I support this theory tbh), this could be another case of The Principal and The Pauper in Yasuho’s character.
Hopefully, Caato is just a red herring for the actual main villain (as she is too… obviousss), but the possibility of Holy as the main villain is even smaller. That’s why I keep my expectation of evil!Holy so low, she could be just a straight SBR counterpart for Holy Kujo (the purest mom in critical condition that needs to be cured asap) with slightly bigger role, nothing more. Perhaps, the main villain could even be neither Caato nor Holy.
Now, let’s countdown the villains we had so far and how Caato or Holy will fill it up:
A vampire (and an ex-lawyer student)
A Pillar Man, boss of his own kind
A vampire… again (at least he is hundred years old now)
A salary man and serial killer
A mafia boss
A priest (and the vampire’s lover best friend)
A president of alt!US
A former housewife and former inmate / A mad scientist and a Joestar / A Rock human and head doctor (another mad scientist), assuming the third possibility of main villain is a guy / The main villain is a concept (not a person), the Locacaca fruit itself (I love this one tbh)
Pick your choice!!
Summary: I welcome Caato as villain, even as major villain. She is the first female villain who has her own motivation without being a mere pawn for the main villain. She deserves a big role, but not the biggest role. Gappy!Josuke deserves a greater villain to fight than a greedy and vengeful milf who is wronged (by her husband) in the past, someone who hasn't even reached the top (and her own happiness). The mystery of Locacaca’s fruit, the origin of the Higashikata’s curse;the rock disease, what’s up with the Rock humans and the Wall Eyes should be prioritized over the game of throne inheritance fight drama of the Higashikata family’s property and power. To be honest, I still prefer the main villain to be a man… again rather than Caato (even if it is Jobin).
TL;DR Caato will still be my most favorite female villain but potentially becomes my least favorite main villain in JJBA.
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brodaveisbad · 4 years
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there’s gonna be obvious spoilers for the series also trigger warning for rape/rape attempts/mention, cisnormativity and all that shit. I’ll say when it’s coming up. — now bad yaoi anatomy aside, let’s review this masterpiece that isn’t really a masterpiece as you can see this is some yaoi anime called LOVE STAGE!! clearly, since it’s right up there in big pink letters. goddamn that’s bright i watched this a few years ago because some person i knew recommended it to me and swore that it was the best thing ever and even though i didnt really care for it i thought hey, why not give it a shot now let’s just start off saying that this anime is total bullshit so the main guy is the blonde twink here in the glasses.  (is it just me or does it look like his glasses are fogged up and he needs to clean that shit) izumi, or whatever his name is. I don’t know. anyway he lives with his family which consists of well-known celebrities in their big ass house. his parents are actors and they constantly belittle him and push him away from his dreams because they’re pricks he’s an ‘otaku’ aka huge anime nerd, and his art sucks and he’s sweet and weird but pure so come on man don’t fuckin crush his dreams jfc. parents, man he also has a waifu named lala-lulu (what the hell kind of name is that) and has a body pillow of her  the other guy here is a famous actor or something, I forgot his name.  who the hell cares though his new name is douchey mcasshole because thats accurate and I’ll get to why later (and goddamn check out that seme yaoi face a++) –S P O I L E R– anyway they met when the twinks parents were doing a wedding commercial a long time ago when they were kids.  mini douchey mcasshole was supposed to be the one who caught the flowers with some little girl but something happened and that girl couldn’t be there so they were like hey your kid looks like a girl (ugh) so he can fill her place so he did and he was nervous and kept fuckin up so mini douche who wasn’t much of a douche back then gave him a marble for good luck and they got through it they parted their ways and never saw each other again until the company that made said commercial decided they want them back to make a 10 year anniversary reprise or some shit the thing is though, after that commercial mr douche got a crush on izumi but only because he thought he was really a girl and he still fucking had it after all those years, and because he didn’t know and izumi was dressed up as a girl in the first commercial he had to do it again and he didn’t want to but his goddamn parents decided to force him into it like the pricks they still are also while the douche held onto the memory, izumi wiped it from his memory because the majority of it was a terrible experience for him AND he isn’t great at acting anyway so thats great so blah blah blah they get it over with and all that douchey mcasshole still thinks the twink a girl and is actually really nice until okay first let’s introduce this guy  this is the twinks older brother who’s in a boy band or some shit and I don’t like him much because of what he did here but there’s something he’s pretty cool for that’s gonna come up some time after this (also he gave him the lala-lulu body pillow as a reward for getting through that commercial. what a good bro) anyway back to what I was saying –TW FOR CISNORMATIVITY/TRANSPHOBIA TOO MAYBE–
(he isnt trans but still im just being safe here because of the dudes reaction is pretty…. yikes) basically after douchey mcasshole gives him a sweet, heartfelt love confession, izumis brother comes out and proves to him that he’s a guy by proving that he’s got a dick (ehhhhhh) and so douchey mcasshole gets pissed and hates him now for “"tricking”“ him and wasting his time or some bs like that (like i said, yikes) luckily it doesn’t bother izumi that much, but hes still disappointed that he isn’t the nice boy he met 10 years ago then some time later the douchebag realizes that he actually still likes him even though now he knows he’s a dude, so he comes over to get rid of those feelings by burning the fact that he’s a guy into his head so heres when things go to shit –TW FOR ATTEMPTED RAPE/RAPE MENT.– this fucker ends up chasing him around and makes him strip and those feelings don’t go away and instead take over, so tries to force himself on him which is not okay and why I fucking hate him so much luckily though izumis brother comes in and saves the day, thank god  so hes stopped before he can really do anything and leaves out of sheer terror and izumis big bro hates him now and they both lost whatever trust they had for him Izumi locks himself in his room for a while but eventually leaves for school. there he sees the guy at the front entrance or something, the guy notices him and goes to talk to him. flashback time. twink is fucking terrified and RUNS. douchey mcasshole chases him, and izumi thinks hes gonna try that shit he did again. so he kind of escapes, but then some fucking. weird sumo wrestling dudes with animal heads are blocking the way and he can’t get trough (what the fuck)  and yaoi douche catches up to him, then they spin away (I’m done) much to izumis surprise, he isn’t gonna try anything. he bows down on the ground and apologizes, promising not to do it again.  so of course all of his trauma is dropped, he is magically not afraid anymore and forgives him. after this douchey is somehow less of an asshole and acts like a happy cutesy gay guy, and they even go on a date he even helps him out later with his entry for a manga contest thing. and Izumi, the twink, happened to promise his familys manager dude(whatever he is) or his parents or whatever that if he lost he would start his career as a star so of course since his art sucks ass he didn’t make it. poor guy.  (im not gonna lie though. this shit looks worse than the bad anime art i made when i was 11. no fucking wonder he lost) so since im lazy as hell and I don’t feel like explaining the rest of the 10 episodes as a whole, im not gonna do that. skip skip so now he’s finally following his parents footsteps, everyone’s making a big deal about it and he gains popularity pretty fast. as everything’s going on he debates whether or not he has feelings for guys, douchey mcasshole specifically one day he accepts those feelings on that one day he has to hide from something and ends up in an area with this group of creeps.  these creeps saw him on tv before or something, and don’t really believe that he’s a dude so they want to make sure. –TW FOR RAPE ATTEMPT AND CISNORMATIVITY, AGAIN– these guys hold him down, lift up his shirt and see his flat chest and are like aw man, hes really a dude. but then because he still looks cute to them or some shit they try pulling the same shit douchey mcasshole did so just as it’s about to happen again izumi realizes that he only wants douchey mcasshole, so he puts a stop to this and kicks some ass  you go, man. (aw, our little twinkie is growing up) so he escapes, later runs into one of his nerd friends. they were supposed to hang out with some other guys but that didn’t go well since he was chased by fans earlier. and they talk about mr seme and it makes him think of his feelings more or something so he runs off to his house there he knocks on the door, tackles him, kisses him and says he wants to fuck so they fuck and that’s it, that’s the end. they fuck. douchey mcasshole finally gets the ass hes been craving and glasses twink gets the dick. the end, y'all. so what do i think is bs about this? the love interest dude is an asshole obviously, even though he acts like a fucking dork a lot of the time. because of his reaction when he found out izumi was a guy, the fact that he tried to rape him (twice, i didnt mention the second time because fuck that tbh) izumi left behind all of his fear and got over his trauma from what happened immediately which isnt even a thing that happens realistically he also ended up loving his almost-rapist and only truly accepting it when he was about to get gangbanged. and its kind of ridiculous how many times that shit almost happened to him. like, fucking hell, leave this guy alone. he ended up letting go of his dreams like his parents wanted just like that (practice makes perfect, my dude. keep drawing) there are some good things though, the art style is fine aside from the yaoi anatomy and the colors are alright. douchey mcasshole isnt really much of a douche a lot of the time and he does really care for izumi and there were some laughable parts, ive got to admit but jfc those sumo wrestling things, what the hell were they doing there? could they really have been more lazy so anyway i still think its bullshit
0 notes
kuriquinn · 7 years
Prompt/Request - Gal Friday [Pt 2]
Anonymous said:
Your stories are frigging awesome. I fell in love with Gal Friday and it’s the best boss and Asst fic I have ever read in any fandom. You made Sakura so Bamf without Mary sue tendencies. I am desperately hoping for a small sneak peek into Sakura and Sauce's interactions at the office from Sauce's Point of view. It can just be a one-shot as I know you are very busy. Take your time and keep up the awesomeness Kuri.
AN: Well, I was eventually going to continue this one but I figured, why not, let’s treat it like a prompt/request :P Also, I’m posting early because I might not have time tomorrow and I don’t like to use the queue option because for some reason it mucks with my formatting...
Once again I shamelessly stole from Suits, but I just love the idea of Sakura Haruno being as chill and confident as Donna Paulsen. Inner Sakura is totally reigning in this fic…
Sasuke arrives work the next morning with a throbbing headache and a larger than usual disdain for the world.
He hates mornings on principle, but powers through them because he has to. Today he’s regretting that second tumbler of whiskey – alcohol tolerance is one of the few areas that he doesn’t shine – and wishing he could have just stayed in bed.
The surreal meeting with someone named Haruno feels like no more than a dream, and he thinks it’s entirely conceivable that he hallucinated her –
Except when he exits the elevator and heads into his office, there is a perplexingly familiar pink haired person standing by his desk.
What the…?
He strides forward, trying to disguise his confusion with a scowl.
“What are you doing here?” he demands, his head pulsing painfully with every word. He hopes to convey several other questions with that one demand -  how did you get in the building without identification, who let you up, why wasn’t I informed?
“I have my ways,” she informs him, sounding maddeningly cheerful and enigmatic as she hands him a cup of coffee. “Here – black, no sugar and a dash of cinnamon and chili power.”
He blinks, so caught off balance by the segue that he automatically reaches for the cup.
“How do you know that’s how I take my coffee,” he asks, eyes flicking disdainfully down to the cup, all the while blaming sleep-deprivation and the hangover for his uncharacteristic malleability this morning.
“The same way I know you’ve decided to hire me.”
He narrows his eyes. “You know I’m going to hire you because I haven’t called security yet.”
“Oh, I knew you were hiring me the second you let me help sneak you out of that soiree early,” she retorts easily as he shifts in surprise – he doesn’t remember that – and continues smugly, “I did tell you I know people better than they know themselves.”
Sasuke considers her again for a further minute, and then relaxes. He’s not sure if it’s in resignation or acceptance. At least she’s dressed appropriately for work today, pink hair aside. And she brought him caffeine, which is a start.
“Fine,” he says, reaching for his chair. “When Hokumono gets in tell her –”
“Already done.”
He raises an eyebrow, only slightly taken aback. “You didn’t kill her, did you?”
“While that’s not outside of my power, no, I had Nanmono-san reassign her,” she informs him unconcernedly. As if there’s nothing outstanding about some strange woman walking into a major business and ordering a man three times her size to reallocate another employee.
“Shikamaru Nara.”
Sasuke’s mouth twitches, because he knows how much that will piss off the other man – and have the added bonus of ensuring he can’t nod off watching clouds. Hokumono Tayuya swears like a Yankī at the most random moments, and he’s pretty sure she would rather head a biker gang than be working as a corporate assistant. He vaguely recalls hearing that a powerful relation or something got her the job – which she kept due to the general uselessness of the former CEO and Sasuke’s own distaste for filling out paperwork.
It’s a change he welcomes, although he doesn’t tell this to the unbelievably cheerful woman before him. Instead he deflects, inquiring, “Other than firing my assistant, do you actually know how to complete administrative work?”
“Really, Sasuke-kun, you’re still doubting my abilities?” she teases, reaching for a tablet beside her. It’s this more than anything that stops him from reacting with knee-jerk annoyance at the casual form of address.
“Where did you get that?” he demands, staring at the company issue digital tablet that her fingers dance across.
“I know someone in IT,” she answers, and then passes him the device. He stares uncomprehendingly down at the screen and sees that – somehow – she’s managed to space out his double- and triple-booked meetings and appointments throughout the week according to maximum efficiency. The most important individuals are always scheduled in the morning, just as he likes it, and she has even accounted for his kendo schedule and a weekly luncheon at his favorite restaurant.
She looks as if she’s expecting him to compliment her or acknowledge his amazement at her skills, but he was raised in a family that didn’t waste praise on qualities a person knew were exceptional. She’ll learn that quickly if she expects to stay here.
“Hatake will never be on time for these, no matter how adequate you are at scheduling things,” he points out, gesturing to his Tuesday and Thursday appointments with his head of advertising.
“We’ll see about that,” she says, grinning wolfishly like she has taken that as a personal challenge. Sasuke thinks he doesn’t envy Kakashi having to face that particular resolve.
“Hm,” he says, because he has nothing to say to that.
“On that note, I have paperwork to file, and you have phone calls to return,” she goes on, passing him a notepad with neat writing on it.
“You answered my phone,” he deadpans.
“Well, Hokumono wasn’t going to, she was busy swearing a blue streak all the way down to the fourth floor. Also, your mother called – ”
“… you spoke to my mother?”
“ – She wanted to know if you were coming to your nephew’s birthday.”
Sasuke’s eye twitches. “What did you tell her?”
“That the Taka merger is today and you can’t miss it, but because you know the importance of family you’ll squeeze in a half hour on your way there,” she answers without missing a beat, “which will give you enough time to make a quick round of greetings and drop off a gift.”
“I don’t have –”
“Yes, you do, you’re giving him a giant Lego set, which is fun enough for a boy Haochizuki’s age and is educational – it helps with motor skills, fosters lateral thinking and creativity.”
“Did you memorize the brochure?” he grumbles, trying get over the constant sense of being thrown off balance.
“No, I played with a lot of Lego as a kid.”
“Of course you did,” he mutters.”
“Anyhow, given the short time frame you have, you won’t be able to stay very long – and if you greet the following guests that I’ve noted at the bottom of the page there –”
“Hold on, you know who’s attending?”
“Of course, once I called your sister-in-law to make sure the gift was age appropriate –”
“How the hell did you get Izumi’s phone number?” he demands, all ability to pretend aloofness disappearing.
She smirks at him. “Ways. I have them. Now stop interrupting, you have a tight schedule this morning and don’t have time to be basking in my awesomeness.”
Sasuke’s mouth snaps shut with an audible click.
“As I was saying, if you greet all those people I listed, you can make some valuable network connections, and also limit the amount of time you actually speak to your brother to about a minute and a half. Forty-five seconds if you stop in to compliment Inuzuka-san about his dog. It’s up to you which one you’d rather stomach.”
“Do you ever breathe?” he asks dimly.
“Only when I have to,” she chirps. “I told you – I’m not like any other assistant you could have. I’m Haruno Sakura. And I’m really looking forward to working with you.”
Again, he doesn’t know what to say to that.
It bothers him that somehow this…this person manages to put him off balance to easily, to the point he actually has to interpret what she’s saying to him because it makes no sense. He wonders if this is what it’s like for Naruto when Sasuke talks to him.
So, instead of commenting, he instead says, “Whatever,” and sits down.
“I’m taking my conference calls now – don’t let anyone disturb me.”
“You got it, boss!”
She strides confidently from the room.
“And for the record, I don’t take cinnamon in my coffee,” he calls after her.
“You will when you try that,” she replies without even turning her head.
Sasuke scowls at her retreating back through the glass windows of his office and sits back in his chair, somehow already exhausted.
How can anyone be so…exuberant this early in the morning?
Considering the merits of just firing her and finding a quiet, boring secretary – someone like Hyūga Hiashi’s daughter – Sasuke takes a resentful sip of his coffee.
And then startles at the sharp kick that shoots through him as he swallows.
Because it actually tastes good. Spicy, not sweet, and it feels like someone has hooked up an IV of caffeine directly to his veins.
“I told you so,” he hears Sakura singsong and when he glances up, she is grinning at him from her place at the desk outside his office.
Sasuke scowls at her and pointedly shoves the coffee cup away, reaching for his phone to dial his first appointment of the day.
What the hell have I gotten myself into?
So, as I said, I’ll continue this one whenever the mood strikes me. It might not update as much as other stuff, but hey, when I’m inspired, you’ll get a chapter.
Reviews and concrit are appreciated!
Next Chapter
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hello-yue-here · 3 years
Sukitara (with and without past sukka) and kyalin (with and without past tenzlin) qwq for the ask game 👉👈
with past sukka-dont ship
1) i dont ship sukitara because i genuinely think they would be like the best gal pal duo. to me ive always seen them as super close best friends and they remind me of me and my best friend because my best friend is katara to a goddamn t. (she thinks im zuko but our dynamic is such a suki katara friendship) and idk i rlly just prefer them as best friends
2) maybe is the ship didnt remind me of my best friend and i i could ship it more. also if past sukka is in the equation i rlly dont think katara would date sokkas ex. i dont see that in the equation i dont think shed do that to him because i have a feeling sokka could be kinda weird ab that like bro thats my sister. hed be supportive ofc but also like,, i think itd be awk.
3) just as all the other ships i dont ship if i saw a rlly good argument as to why they could work or maybe a rlly cute fic or fanart of them my opinion could be easily swayed! my opinions on ships change all. the. time. i used to not shup zutara and then i saw the CUTEST fanart for them and decided “i need to read a fic for them rn to see if i actually like it” and the zutarians reccomended so many amazing fics and now i firmly ship zutara! who knows i may ship sukitara tomorrow lmao
sukitara- without past sukka
kinda ship??? idk im neutral ig on this
1) i like the idea of it but idk im still linda sceptical ab it. i still see them as best friends hut also... best friends to lovers is an ELITE TROPE. like theyd already be so close and know everything ab one another and just add love and romance to it? omg so cute. shit i think i may have just changed my own mind ab it LMAO
2) seeing as there is no past sukka in this form of the ship i like it a lot better because siblings dating exes always sits weird with me. like if i dated one of my sisters ex boyfriends that would be soooooooo weird to me. but thTs just me!! and since there is no past sukka thats not an issue anymore. okay yeah ive changed my mind i do ship sukitara with no past sukka lmao. i think if sukka was a ship at some point in whatever universe theyre in theyd end up married lol. i dont believe in past sukka. its sukka or bust for me. but not past sukka means sokka and suki are shipped with other ppl in my little universe im thinking of. i dont know if any of this makes sense oopsies.
3) i guess since ive decided i ship this now something i dislike about the ship is the fact that ive literally seen maybe one (1) piece of content for them and that was as a minor minor minor background ship for a zukka fic. if i rlly wanna ship this im gonna need more content lol.
kyalin with past tenzlin and without past tenzlin
1) i ship this so hard because even watching lok for the first time the first time i saw lin i thought she was gonna be a lesbian and then they said she used to date tenzin and i was like,,, wtf. im sorry i could never picture the two of them together. but kyalin makes so much sense in my fantasy. when i first saw fanart for them i was like omg this is gorgeous.
2) i like this ship because theyre both badass milfs. i like old wlw relationships because so many wlw relationships are between teenagers or young adults in lretty much any fandom and this gives fans a fanon glimpse of some lasting loving older wlw (for lack of better word) representation (ik its not representation since it isnt canon but its the best word i can think of) and i think thats so heartwarming and cute because we deserve stories of wlw relationships that last past teenage and young adult years. lifelong loves people!!!
3) i genuinely dont have anything i dislike ab this ship. i see content for them a LOT and i dont rlly read lok fics all the much but im sure if i did i think id see a decent amount of kyalin stories because of how popular they seem to be on tumblr. also suggestion: kyalinzumi. i saw some art for the three of them once and even tho i lowkey ship izumi wnd bumi ii i thought oh my god this is SO CUTE. and i loved it. just something to think about. i love milfs lmao.
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