#izuku is traumatized
justatalkingface · 1 year
I have tons of things to say. But can I say this: do you think Izu is more used to prop others characters and no one does that for him?
Look not saying people need to worship him. But Shoto can traumadump on Izu, but Izu can't ever talk about himself or his struggles.
And I'm not sure if is intentional or not. (I do think Hori is a bad writer, I do think Hori hates his mc but...at the same time, to hate a character you need to think about him...sometimes feels he never thinks about Izu)
In a very real sense, this honestly is a lot of Izuku's characterization at this point; sacrificing himself to help others, both as a person and as a character.
Or, to be pithy: Izuku's goal in life seems to be to literally martyr himself for others, in every possible way he can, and there's no sign that's ever going to stop.
There's also the writing, which uses Izuku as a convenient point to support a character or an idea, as a not-so-subtle way to tell the audience that, 'You should like this!', and to some extent, these two things mix with each other to the point where it's hard to distinguish what's what, but...
It's easy to point at, like Izuku being Shoto's trusted vent friend, for example, and say that's Izuku being, well, supportive for one of his friends. That makes sense. Then you think about it and realize that, for all their parallels in situations, with Shoto and Endeavour to Izuku and Bakugou, neither of them ever... bring that up. Izuku never vents back to Shoto, even though I'm sure he'd be happy to return the favor, and Shoto never reaches out to Izuku, his first friend.
Why? Is it because Izuku is too traumatized and too used suppressing his negative emotions to bring it up? Is Shoto still too unsocialized to know to ask? Or does Hori just not want to bring that up?
Any or all of that is probably correct, depending on what point we're at in the story.
And then Bakugou, while we're at it; to some extent, there is definitely some Hori work in the background making sure they're "friends" despite all logic, but looking at how Izuku acts, and how he used to think (because we can no longer see him think on screen any more)... how much of that is forced? How much of that is that Izuku just wanting to help Bakugou? How much is his old awe of his old tormentor, always so superior in every way to the pathetic Deku (and, for the record, I put 'Deku' very much as Izuku being used to support Bakugou, specifically to protect him from having to grow the fuck up and use his actual name), and long engrained habits to the tune of, 'Bakugou is never in trouble, so don't even bother because it will only hurt me?'
Again, the answer is basiclly, 'Yes'.
The thing is, even before Hori started messing up the plot to push one agenda or another, one of Izuku's biggest traits was self-destructive behavior; hell, even as a kid, he would try to protect others, even at his own expense. It's clear that at this point in canon, no matter how much better it should be by now, that Izuku still has no self worth, and thus, little to no need to protect or prioritize himself and his needs.
He doesn't value himself, so him taking on extra burdens from others, and refusing to talk about his own, isn't just likely, it's still canon. But at the all the same....
Like, Endeavour. Izuku spends a lot of time with him, doesn't tell anyone about the blatant abuse, and even tells Shoto 'you're already try to forgive him', and that? That is just so forced. That's just Hori dropping Izuku next to someone he wants to be more popular, and hoping that his 'I'm A Good Guy' energy rubs off.
So... ultimately the answer is C, all of the above. Izuku does his best to be everyone's hero, it tears him apart because that's impossible, and he doesn't see anything wrong with that. Hori is trying to use him to support his other characters, and prevent the parts of him that he doesn't like anymore from coming up, so no one ever really talks about Izuku's problems, even if they actually would, or why he's like this, or how he feels about things, and of course Izuku would never be so rude to bring up his own problems when they could possibly inconvenience someone!
To be frank, at this point being Hori's character support character is so interwoven into Izuku's characterization that we're long past the point where it could be excised realistically; this is something that's ruined his growth as a person for years now, and would require changes to Izuku and others long before The War Arc, much less the last arc of the story, changes that would organically change how people interacted with him and how he responds to them, changes that would escalate naturally over time to the point where many characters, especially Izuku, and even the story itself would be drastically different than they are now.
But... well. Izuku doesn't get nice things. He just gets to be everyone else's nice thing.
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tabbyrocks · 10 months
I'm just gonna say these guys could have been a FANTATSIC fucking trio if hori actually payed attention to his side characters.
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puppetmaster13u · 3 months
Still Thinkin of Yokai Amity
Y'know, where all of Amity have pretty much become yokai creatures. I might be weak for Japanese mythology and cryptids. Or really all mythology and cryptids, but Japan has a lot and it's near never-ending meaning it's fun to continue discovering and learning stuff. But anyway!
Amity Park, practically empty of humans now. Not even following the usual rule that things do thanks to how malleable ecto is. Along with how a form usually depends on ones own thoughts, feelings, and Core.
But anyway, Amity? Kind of having some trouble now that, again, no one there counts as human. Visibly so. Which, yeah the GIW is sort of incompetent, but it's also kind of... not?
Let them reiterate, individually or even in pairs, they can easily deal with the Guys in White. Heck, even a small battalion is easy enough- but they have... a lot of people. And the backing of the government. So.
Plan B? Escape. Where to?
Well, see, they've all had to interact more with the Realms, not to mention that well, the entire town was pulled into it at one point. Which was how everyone got that last bit of ecto to push the transformations from contaminated to Liminal.
Which means? Time to escape through the Realms to somewhere, maybe even somewhen else. But they also can't stay in the Realms indefinitely. Because even with their own Cores, most of them are still Living.
But they also can't agree on a World to settle down in, not with how they're still wary of reactions. So what's a city to do?
Why, pop into multiple worlds of course. A wandering city, the entrance shifting through gates and alleys and doorways that appears through time and space.
Sometimes another haunted being finds their way through, sometimes they visit one dimension more than another- sometimes they leave one behind forever. But tales still spread of the wandering city that flickers through existence.
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sherylhooper · 2 months
Now that BNHA is ending, I can finally say.... I didn't care about LoV at all, lmao. I didn't care about Shigaraki (kinda pitied little Tenko, sure), didn't care about Toga at all, didn't care about Spinner, Dabi, Compress, etc. Mind you Overhaul was more interesting with his "end the quirks cuz they are desease (kinda turned out true from AFO and Yoichi's backstory)".
People calling mangaka bad writer just because most of the criminals died and faced consequncws of their action and weren't "integrated into the society" (as if they hadn't killed hundreds of people) to live their "sunshine and rainbow lives" and how dare mangaka only make it seem like only children deserve to be saved and not villains...
How delusional are you, people? They were fucking murderers! Young or not, abused or not, shamed or not, discarded or not, they killed people! Do ya'll know how many serial killers had horrible childhood and were abused as children? Should we make it okay for them to roam the street juat for that and discard all the crimes they did?
"Just because it's realistic, doesn't mean that mangaka wrote it well, they deserved better" 🙄
And I say death for most of them was mercy and deserved to rot in Tartaros, end of story.
(LOV lovers dni, cuz I see one word and I'm gonna block your delusional selves)
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herbarimoon · 8 months
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outlawssweetheart · 1 month
I'm just a girl pondering my favorite autistic-coded characters. 😌 (And the characters who aren't exactly "coded," but I can see the vision. 😌)
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kickbutts-singsongs · 8 months
I just realized that the closest thing we got to a proper anime beach episode in bnha was the pool competition 😭😭😭
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seagreenstardust · 8 months
Kaminari, to Bakugo: dude if you’re always gonna be this scary no one is ever going to like you
Izuku, from off screen: i mean somebody might, also it’s me, I’m somebody
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z-mizcellaneous-z · 1 year
all might: you may kiss the groom- midoriya: oh no all might, you misunderstood. kacchan isn't gay for me bakugo: damn right. now fucking kiss me already you dweeb all might:
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mettywiththenotes · 7 months
The way this is going to be a scene shared between them that nobody outside will know or experience being a part of
Nobody else will see the moments of Tenko's origin, the hurt and the pain and the blood spilled in that garden
Nobody else will see those happy moments with his sister and his dog. The moment he discovered his grandma was a hero, staring starry-eyed at her photo
Nobody else will see the neglect on the street as a little boy with blood on his hands walks away
Nobody else will see AFO picking him up, the first person to act sympathetic and hug him and give him a place to stay
Nobody else will see the way Tenko hesitated to use his quirk
Nobody else will see the way AFO encouraged him to kill
Nobody else will see the image of a small boy hugging the dead hands of his family and wearing them, surrounded by the "gifts" he was given as a reward for killing
Nobody else will see the purposeful neglect, the trash bags in his room and the isolation, the way he stares at a computer screen as his future hero loses the sports festival but saves a traumatized boy's heart
Nobody else will see it all, experience it playing in front of them, except Izuku
It's so personal. Blood in the wounds, sharing each other's experiences, only for the other to see and know
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tabbyrocks · 1 year
as much as i love monoma, and am SO happy to see him getting some of the spotlight he deserves, i am SO scared that hori is just going to make his character revolve around bakugo. one of my favorite things about monoma is how much he hates him, and picks on his flaws, BECAUSE HIS FLAWS NEED TO BE PICKED AT. I don't want bakugo dying for like 5 minutes to completely change monoma's veiw of him / give him a "newfound respect" for him because THATS BULLSHIT. I cannot stand hori trying to force respect or admiration of a quirk discriminator onto victims of quirk discrimination. if monoma KNEW how horrible bakugo used to be (and we know he already doesnt like him because hes a fucking asshole) he would literally despise him, because people like bakugo were the people who told monoma that he would NEVER be good enough.
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sinister-art · 5 months
In light of the recently spoiled chapters, I give you:
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Oh no! He's armed!
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nightowl1556 · 8 months
BKDK Animatic - "The 30th" by Billie Eilish
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herbarimoon · 1 year
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Ghost Izuku AU is one of my favorite flavors of bkdk fics
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everypanelofizuku · 1 month
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Chapter 92 - One for All
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mobunso · 3 months
Chapter 1 PREVIEW
TW panic attack, physical aggression, physical abuse.
Again, this is only a preview! I’m going back through and adding more development with Bakugo and the other classmates. I’m also making this chapter at least twice as long and will be delving briefly into Izuku’s mental health as well as his relationship with his parents (or lackthereof).
Feedback is welcome and so so appreciated!!! Enjoy (-:
His hands were trembling, a physical manifestation of how rapid his thoughts trampled through his mind. Shaky meticulously fingers picked through emerald green hair, as if looking desperately for any sort of distraction from the issue at hand. There were none. The reality in front of him stared him in the face. Izuku Midoriya could not run away from how others perceived him or how their perception caused others to treat him. He couldn’t blame them. Who would want to be kind to a worthless, not to mention quirkless, disgusting child like him? For fuck’s sake, he couldn’t even take a shower. His parents said that he would taint the purity of their house if he went anywhere other than his own room. Izuku could sleep on his putrid, dirty comforter while he’d catch sounds of laughter dancing up the stairwell, only to stop before ever getting close to his door.
A voice jolted the green-haired child from his mumbling. “Hey! What the fuck are you going on about? Did I say you could speak, nerd? Don’t forget your place. You’re just a worthless Deku.” His childhood friend sneered at him through gritted teeth. Deku felt the familiar burn of Katsuki Bakugou's explosive quirk melting into his skin, but he didn’t cry out. He didn’t cry at all. Izuku stared dead ahead of him, not an emotion to be seen. He was empty.
Izuku had been bullied like this for as long as he knew he would never be like the other kids. He had a target placed on his back the day that the doctor proclaimed him to be quirkless. Kaccha- Katsuki would parade his cult of like-minded bullies around the school like a king. Every chance that he, or any of his goons got, they would harass, burn, pin, kick, punch, throw things at, and report Deku to the teachers for any reason they could think of.
“Settle down class!” The complacent chime of his teacher’s voice rang out like a bell. The students sat idly and half-listened to a lecture that seemed to last forever. Izuku may not have cried out when Bakugou charred his flesh, but he was broken on the inside. He couldn’t escape the abuse, not even once he left school.
As soon as the bell shook Izuku from his seat, he sprang out of the classroom. Anxiously, he darted through the halls, avoiding all of the pointed looks from what should be his peers.
Izuku yanked off his shoes and practically threw them into his locker. Inside was his worn-down pair of tennis shoes that barely fit him anymore. His parents had begrudgingly bought them from a garage sale because, “If we want to be able to pawn you off to the school so we don’t have to deal with you, unfortunately we have to pay for shoes to wear so that they don’t get too suspicious. Not to mention, it could ruin our reputation if we sent you without something to wear home from school.” Shaking the voices of his parents away, he quickly pulled on the raggedy shoes and shoved the locker shut.
Green hair flashed by the entrance of the school and past the gates. Once he bolted down the first alleyway, he slowed his pace. He should be safe now. Even if he was fun to play with, nobody would chase him this far away from the school. At the end of the day, he was worthless. Why would anyone go out of their way to follow him out of their way?
Eventually, the slow trudging of his feet came to a stop. He raised his eyes to the door of what should be his home. Shaking again, he pulled out his house key and fit it inside the lock with a ka-ching. A feeling of despair flooded Izuku’s mind as he carefully attempted to keep the door from making any noise as he shut it.
Being careful didn’t matter when his mother loomed behind the door.
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