#izu (01)
flaim-ita · 1 year
“Flaim the tropes are misogynistic”
Favorite part of Takahashi shows is when girls are trapped by their nature and the narrative and don’t know how to get out but slowly drag themselves forwards anyways.
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hidengifs · 9 months
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Happy New Year from Hiden Intelligence!
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I used @thetokusatsunetwork's YouTube Video and @bobcatmoran's Pun Spreadsheet to translate the joke!
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jettiebettie · 1 year
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Fuwa and Yaiba getting their own rider machines is really cool! I like this! Sucks that it's completely overshadowed by Brandon Easton continuing to write Izu as out of character as he possibly can. Could have been the singular slam dunk of this comic run, but he just could not help himself...
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iristial · 2 years
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rider system album izu (zero one) | episode 45 (finale)
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
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it’s such a good suit...
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tokugoodness · 2 years
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Then there’s this, they Rule 63′d Izu in this picture.
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pandaluver · 10 months
I came across a 01 MV and remembered a theory I had after watching ZI-O x 01…..
Because Aruto used a ForceRiser that’s only been used by Humagears before I thought that they were going to reveal that Aruto was a Humagear later in the series.
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Here’s the how I thought Humagear Aruto was gonna go.
During the Daybreak Incident, the actual Aruto died alongside the Soreo Humagear
In his despair of losing the last of his family, Korenosuke created a Humagear in Aruto's likeness
But in his desire to see his Grandchild grow Korenosuke somehow managed to make the Aruto Humagear in a way that he was almost completely identical to a human
Knowing the Aruto Humagear would be shut down due to the laws following Humagears taking the appearance of a dead person, Korenosuke hid the actual Aruto’s death from everyone and gave the Humagear memories of Aruto surviving
The only other person to know the secret would be Gai, who publicly reveals this secret to Aruto and the world to turn the public against Aruto & Humagears even more.
Gai finds a legal loophole that takes Aruto’s position in Hiden Intelligence away since the actual Aruto Hiden is dead
Of course, Aruto would have an existential crisis over learning that he was just a replacement.
Izu manages to help Aruto accept himself by finding a hidden file left by Korenosuke in which he apologizes to Aruto for not saying anything and so on.
At first Horobi & Co. try to convert Aruto to their side but they later mark him as a traitor to their kind
All enemies try to capture and reverse engineer Aruto because of how human-like he is.
After getting Zero Two he starts going around with the Humagear headphone things on him
I just realized that this is basically the same as Neon’s reveal in Kamen Rider Geats….
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Flowers saying how much she cares about new Kamen Rider depends on how much she cares about the girls was so eye-opening to me bc it's made me realise that's exactly how i feel.
Sabela was the one thing i was really liking in Saber and my interest tanked once they introduced her brother
Revice is arguably the worst reiwa rider of the 5 but it's the one i like the most specifically bc it's the one that has a really well-built girls romance in it
A good part of why i hate 01 is to do with how badly Izu and Yaiba are handled
I couldn't get into Geats bc of Neon's ultimate progression and how much many of the other girls like Tsumuri and Sara are treated as plot devices for the men's development
Gotchard has 4 women who transform and take part in combat and my feelings on them scale from "likeable" at worst to "i love her so much & she's having lesbian sex" so despite Gotchard's flaws i really really like Gotchard
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animinarts · 10 months
Your oc looks so cute! Tell me more?
Sokone Hiden (飛電底値, Hiden Sokone)
It's kind of long oops ^-^
Following the events of Metsuboujinrai.net defeat, a secret underground organization attempts to continue ZAIA’s corrupt weaponry, starting with reviving Azu to bring back the Ark. Fortunately AIMS seizes their progress before properly rebooting her and takes the Humagear, as well as all the members of the organization into custody. Two of these members however were Sokone’s biological parents who planned to use her as a test subject for their goal of cyborg creations. Luckily she was instead taken away from these terrible people and was admitted to a hospital to ensure she was in healthy condition. After finding no leads to extending members of Sokone’s family, Yua decided to put her up for adoption but a certain CEO took interest in the child before she could make the proper arrangements. As Yua accompanied Sokone as they ran her vitals, Aruto was in the hospital along with Izu to visit Isamu after the whole debacle that went down. Yua weighed out the options and agreed to having Aruto have custody of the child.
Sokone was given her name by Aruto since she never received one from her previous parents. They just referred to her as “Test Subject-01” in regards to the files from their experiments. Aruto doesn’t have much experience with children especially since he himself practically is still one. However he does have the help of his fellow Humagear compatriots to assist in taking care of his new daughter.
Few months go by and Sokone has grown up to the point where she can crawl around leaving Aruto to question whether his living space is big enough to fully raise his child. It is also around this time that Isamu finally wakes from his coma much to everyone’s relief. During Aruto’s next visit to the hospital, he decides to bring Sokone along to meet him for the first time. Without proper context, Isamu is thoroughly baffled at the idea of Aruto having a child but after explaining the situation to him he calms down. When Isamu is finally released from the hospital, he offers to help take care of Sokone since he is still jobless and won’t have anything else to do. Aruto agrees and they work out a schedule together which Izu points out that this is a common thing responsible parents do.
Due to the concern Aruto has for the size of the living space, he seeks help from Sumida Smile, the real estate agent Humagear, to find a suitable house. Once she found a place that fit his requirements, Aruto moved into the new space setting up Sokone’s own room as well as his own. Also due to Isamu’s frequent visits and assistance with Sokone and the moving process, Aruto offered him the space as well. Isamu was skeptical about it at first, but he figured it was better than living alone; and if it’ll help out the already busy president he couldn’t say no. Although sharing a home and taking care of a child with someone sounded a lot more domestic than the situation actually was. Or so he thought.
Over the next six years, some unsaid feelings were brought to light between the two men after a panicked Isamu told one of Aruto’s jokes to Sokone in an attempt to make her laugh when she was crying. The joke seemingly worked as they both laughed together while Aruto watched the interaction from afar. Some confessing on Isamu’s part later, and their relationship further developed overtime. Then one fateful Christmas night, a purchased custom made ring sealed the deal for the both of them. Now their daughter is grown, attending kindergarten. Their house is full of Sokone’s intricate drawings with one being neatly framed on Aruto’s office desk. Sokone frequently visits her dad’s office space especially after getting picked up by him. When Aruto is occupied with something, she rants to Izu about her day and Izu listens to every word. Then when night falls, Isamu takes Sokone home to get ready for bed. He’s also responsible for taking her to school in the morning when Aruto can’t. Then on some days, Yua takes her out for a girls day which Sokone always enjoys especially when they get to eat a lot of desserts. Her life is filled with all the joys that her previous parents were going to deprive her of. So she’s very grateful to have been raised by her new family and thankful for everything they’ve done.
Sokone’s personality resembles Aruto’s in many ways. She always wants to see the good in everyone including the Humagears her dad is fond of. She’s also very talkative and is only quiet when focusing on her drawings which consist of the people she loves and butterflies. Sokone has really grown to like butterflies after hearing a story about them being able to cross between the real world and the afterlife. She believes that butterflies are reborn humans sent to pass messages to their loved ones. Acknowledging her love of them, Isamu bought her hair ties adorned with butterfly wings which she fell in love with instantly and immediately demanded that they be put in her hair. Although her personality does resemble Aruto more, things take a turn when Sokone decides to throw a tantrum. She gets a bit violent with her trashing and may have broken a few things around the house. Aruto has to be the one to deal with the aggressive child before she starts getting into a fistfight with his husband. Luckily her temper is resolved with the help of some juice and terrible jokes.
Sokone’s biological parents:
She has no recollection of them other than knowing that they’re being held in captivity after being a part of a dangerous organization.
Aruto Hiden:
Having been taking care of her for 6 years, he learned a thing or two on how to keep her spirits up when he notices her mood drop. He also had to learn about her violent side whenever she got too agitated. He still wonders where she got all this strength from. His work unfortunately limits the time he gets to spend with Sokone, so he cherishes all the moments he’s had with her whether it’s just letting her help cook dinner, or their visit to a zoo so she could see all the different breeds of butterflies. Although Sokone finds joy in just spending time in his office and having idle chatter with her dad. Sokone really likes Aruto’s cooking especially when he prepares her lunch for school. Her classmates seem to be envious of these homemade meals. She also enjoys hearing his lame jokes which makes him filled with glee and makes their home erupt with laughter after a simple telling of one. 
Isamu Fuwa:
Initially he thought he wouldn’t get along with Sokone due to his nature but she actually grew quite fond of him. Mostly because he unknowingly spoils her with toys. He doesn’t really know how to tame a rampaging child however and retaliates against Sokone which leads to a stern lecture from a very upset Aruto which he rather avoids. The butterfly hair ties he bought also became one of Sokone’s most precious possessions which made him happy so he learned different ways of tying her hair with the bands. Isamu is also very protective of her when it comes to the press since she is the daughter of a CEO and often gets bugged by reporteres at times which Isamu does not appreciate. Since he’s responsible for taking her home and putting her to bed, he often sings a small melody which eases her right to sleep.
Yua Yaiba:
Sokone gets taken to the amusement park a lot by Yua and they end up buying a bunch of food together. She enjoys spending her girls day with Yua and sees her as a cool aunty. Yua likes that title and wears it with pride. She also picks up Sokone from school depending on the circumstances and even showed her the AIMS headquarters once which Sokone marveled at the different types of technology there as compared to Hiden Intelligence. Yua is also responsible for the purchasing of Sokone’s outfits since she knows Aruto and Isamu’s taste in fashion, which is no taste.
Sokone really likes talking with Izu since she can pick up every detail from her spiel. She’s also good company to have when her dad is busy with work. Izu sometimes also fetches Sokone from school at times giving Sokone more opportunities to talk with the Humagear whether it’s simple conversation or Sokone’s limitless list of questions.
Gai Amatsu:
Sokone once called him grandpa and he never recovered since.
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savagesneversleepnyc · 3 months
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As WAVES break overhead
And the tide swells up like
The kettles call at dawn
Gulls sing bright clips
That slip-over whitecaps and
Fins that coalesce in obtuse
Order and motion in chaos
Spiraling out of boundless upon the liquid
Heath where catfish’s that wishes it could
As the orb warms the surface and
The eye dips into blindness
So sublime in the wink
It thinks not of anything
But the next bite of KRILL of the breath of KHAN
Who holds to the greatest
Story ever told hidden
Deep in the box at the bottom of all
That we think we could ever
Dream to KNOW
Tentacles of LOVE clutch
GEMS so the WAVES do not
BREAK and take them out to SEA
The heart of the LEVIATHAN
Perched upon the wreck is always
Clicking and ticking down the
Moments that flow at a different rate
When the pull of GRAVITY
And the insurmountable weight of the universe
Of liquid pushing endlessly to implode
But the mighty thing sleeps in slow drones
That gives only the softest murmur as the old JUNK
Slowly floats past the GYER of plastic and refuse
To see but a glimpse of the slurry bubble from the
Deep that breaks and takes back the
Breathe from where it came
Is all but nonexistent
The fish with oil in it’s bones knows this too
But sleeps tight knowing only a
5:01 AM HOD (desk) OGE IZU 314
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flaim-ita · 1 year
Izu and Jin both died because of how much they believed in Aruto. In the end, despite it all, they were right
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hidengifs · 1 year
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Kamen Rider Zero-One (2019) ↳ “A Miraculous Rematch!? Aruto VS Fukkinhoukai Taro: Fateful Gag Battle!”
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eclipse-song · 1 year
just got reminded that the music they played in 01 when Izu fucking exploded was royalty free stock music and I need to run very fast in the direction of Toei studios
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tsunflowers · 2 years
the donbros ending is what 01 was trying to do with izu and it missed the mark but I think donbros nailed it. this whole episode is about how tarou changed the lives of the people around him as they changed his. there's a possibility that he can remember the time they spent together but even if he doesn't it's always there in their memories and in haruka's manga. and they can form a new bond
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year
finding myself to be incredibly fond of fuwa and i don't know when it happened
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tokuteasings · 1 year
My cousin shared this headcanon with other toku/rider blogs that I still question how my cousin hasn't shared this with you too and I've shared this HC to kari's blog asknarashikari sometime ago
So here goes
01 HCs
After Izu's death, the one place Aruto went to was Day Break Town.
Azu was a great "help" in that regard.
Aruto did not eat while he went AWOL, the only thing he consumed to go on living was the waters of Day Break Town.
Aruto did not really care about living at that point.
He's aware that Azu wasn't Izu, but that is only a testament about the fucks he gave to whoever was with him.
Or the fucks he gave about living.
Which is none.
Things only got worse when Jin took the blow for Horobi.
That was the point of no return for him.
Aruto had decided then and there that he'd well go where Horobi was likely going to after everything was over.
While Azu was giggling about the interracial war that might occur because of this fight
Aruto was wholly unaware of that.
The moment he hesitated on his decision was when everyone, everyone was trying to stop him. Fuwa, Yaiba, Gai and what remained of Metsubojinrai.
Even Fuwa and Naki worked together to stop him.
Subaru and Ikazuchi had even met him [off screen lol] and pleaded for him to stop.
Then things proceeded as canon with him asking for his father's guidance.
This??? This.
This is fucking great.
I love angst and here you are: DELIVERING-
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