#ivy embra is a horse girl
ankarnaofjustice · 2 months
i have this crazy thought of ivy embra living her horse girl summer and bonding with a misunderstood griffin from wherever rangers get their griffins. she’s a ranger, it’s a griffin, they’re both struggling to overcome their pasts. i think about it at least once a day
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magical-girl-coral · 29 days
Did I realize too late that only Beast Master rangers get to have an animal companion? Yes
Am I still going to give Ivy the most feral emotional support pet that can hurt enemies in battle that I can find in the monster wiki despite being a Gloom Stalker? You bet your sweet ass I will.
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sebeth · 6 years
Crisis On Infinite Earths #5
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Warning, Spoilers Ahead…
 Psycho-Pirate’s master is very upset – he’s destroyed the two prime universes, murdered the Monitor, and he still isn’t able to level up!
The Monitor - via pre-recorded message – reveals the he used his death energies to create a netherverse that absorbed the Earth-1 and Earth-2 universes.  However, the two universes are merging and will cause the other’s destruction.
Alex Luthor (son of Earth-3 Lex Luthor and Lois Lane) reveals the Monitor left him with instructions to save the two universes.  The rapidly aging Alex is now a teenager.
The Flash and Red Tornado are prisoners of the mysterious master.  Psycho-Pirate abuses poor Barry out of sheer boredom.
Lana Lang for WGBS-TV reports on the current insanity of the newly-created planet. In one city, you have dinosaurs, Neanderthals, Viking ships, blimps, horse-drawn carriages, and buildings from the 30th century.  
Sinestro himself has a “What the hell?” look on his face – and he’s seen some stuff!
Alex Luthor and Harbinger have gathered an assembly of heroes and villains.  Big two page spread of the assembly.  We have the Legion of Super-Heroes, the Outsiders, Infinity Inc., the Metal Men, Cave Carson & his team, the Teen Titans, the Sea Devils, the survivors of Easy Company, Dr. Light II, Swamp Thing, All-Star Squadron, Ragman, Riddler, Captain Boomerang, Kamandi, Rag Doll, Star Sapphire, the Persuader, Elongated Man, Steel, Hawkman, Hawkwoman, Captain Comet, B’Wana Beast, Bir Sir, Solomon Grundy, the Mist, Aqualad, Tula, Lori Lemaris, the Blackhawks, Phantom Stranger, the Cheetah, Robotman, Per Degaton, Dr. Polaris, the Creeper, Cinnamon,  Monsieur Mallah, Phobia, the Legion of Substitute Heroes, Batgirl, Batman, Earth-2 Robin, Earth-2 Superman, Earth-2 Huntress, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern (John Stewart), Martian Manhunter, Celsius, Arion, Scalphunter, Green Arrow, Killer Frost, Firestorm, Deathstroke, and Plastic Man.
The main thing I love about George Perez’s artwork – the man is not afraid to draw a large group of characters.   The groups are never standing in straight formation either.  The characters are reacting and interacting.  A few examples:
1)      Easy Company is clearly freaked out by Swamp Thing.
2)      Beast Boy (Changeling) re-uniting with the missing Cyborg.
3)      Aqualad and Tula assisting Lori Lemaris.  Lori can’t stand because she’s a mermaid.
4)      Solomon Grundy is very annoyed.
5)      Couples are standing next to each other: Nightwing/Starfire, Brainiac 5/Supergirl, Lightning Lad/Saturn Girl, Bouncing Boy/Duo Damsel, etc.
6)      Elongated Man, Plastic Man, and the Metal Men are using their stretching abilities to great effect.
Lois Lane – also from WGBS-TV – interviews people on the street:  Tomahawk and Grixx of Ceti Alpha 6.   Poor Tomahawk doesn’t even know he what a television is – only moments ago he was fighting with George Washington’s troops.
Back to the assembled heroes.  Adding to the roll call:  Sargon the Sorcerer, Firehawk (the Western character), Black Orchid, Gizmo, Deadman, Gypsy, Penguin, Brother Blood, Validus, Jemm (Son of Saturn), Amethyst, the Warlord (Travis Morgan), Catwoman, the Atom (Ray Palmer), Jonah Hex, Vibe, Captain Cold, Earth-2 Wonder Woman, Ocean Master, Dolphin, and Black Canary.
We take a quick peek at Rann where Adam Strange battles monsters from the pre-historic era.
Superman steps up with the big hero speech: “Maybe I’m wrong talking for everyone but I will. Send us back. Let the doubters decide. But I promise you this, if we can save the worlds that remain, we will!”
The series has consistently shown Superman as the standard bearer of the DC Universe – the one you turn to when the end of the world is here. It has also demonstrated the struggles Clark has with the role: he has fears and vulnerabilities but has to ignore it and order to be the “shining light” for the other heroes.
A team of Green Lanterns, including Arisia and Katma Tui, arrive on Oa.  They discover the Guardians in stasis but are quickly taken out themselves.  
Lois Lane is attacked by a sabretooth tiger but is quickly saved by Earth-1 and Earth-2 Superman.  
Rip Hunters and his Time Masters are adrift in time.
Alfred and Jason Todd call for aid as Anthro, Embra, and a host of Neanderthals are invading Wayne Manor! Batman responds and he brings back-up. The back-up consists of Earth-2 Robin, Earth-2 Huntress (logical as they know the secret identity and are part of the family, Katana & Halo of the Outsiders (Batman’s team, also in on the identity), Nuklon (he’s trustworthy), Per Degaton, Kung, the Brain and Monsieur Mallah, Poison Ivy, Plastique, and Weather Wizard.  What?! Bruce is obviously not concerned about maintaining his secret identity at this point.
We have a brief panel of Batman putting his arm around Jason Todd’s shoulders. Jason is in civilian attire, not in his costumed identity. Earth-2 Robin (an adult Dick Grayson) is clearly looking at the duo with an unhappy “Who are you” expression. Again, George Perez – master of small details.
Unfortunately, my adorkable Anthro has no dialogue. The world is missing out on what would have been an awesome Alfred-Anthro interaction.
Starfire, Sun Boy, Firebrand, Firestorm, Polar Boy, and Killer Frost head to the Soviet Union to assist Red Star.  Killer Frost has reverted back to her lovable “I will kill you all” self.
Red Star refuses the aid until Starfire reminds him: “It’s our world. Please, we have to work together if we’re to save any of us.”
Red Star concedes: “Your words should be heeded by all. I apologize. You are right. Perhaps if we all survive, the politicians will remember this cooperation and build a better world for us all.”
Good luck with that!
Psycho-Pirate is still picking on my poor sweet Barry.  Meanwhile, the master is transforming the Red Tornado from machine into a primal force.
The Legion, The Justice Society, Zatana, and Sargon are attempting to combat the out of control weather only to discover that it’s being caused by the Red Tornado. Wildcat���s spine is shattered by a lightning bolt – he will never walk again.  We also get a quick two panel glimpse of Yolanda Montez.  Yolanda will become the second Wildcat.
The heroes and villains unite to save the universe.  Alex Luthor informs the group there are five universes that need to be saved.  
The master reveals himself to Psycho-Pirate and Flash:  Call me…the Monitor!”   A very corpse-like Monitor.
We end on Earth-X: “An earth where World War Two had continued for more than forty years.” AKA the home of the Freedom Fighters (Uncle Sam, Phantom Lady, The Ray, the Human Bomb, and Black Condor).  
So…Five Universes to save…
We have:
1)Earth One
2)Earth Two
3) Earth X
4) Earth F – Marvel Family
5) Earth C – Charlton characters – Blue Beetle, Captain Atom, Question, Nightshade
Earth One and Earth Two are DC’s golden and silver age characters. The remaining three earths feature characters from various comic book publishers DC bought out over the years: Charlton, Fawcett, Quality, etc.
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