shipcestuous · 2 days
My boyfriend just showed me "Ryder" by Madison Beer and it makes me think about siblings growing up in an abusive household (and falling in love):
"Grew up in the same house So I know why you lash out Oh, I understand you More than you think I do"
"I shouldn't have left you behind And I fall to pieces Sometimes all that you need is A shoulder to cry And I'm lucky that you're mine"
A wrote a whole storyline in my head lol
He knows I'm into incest shipping and before the first verse was sung, he told me "I know you are going to ship this". He was right...
So sad and sweet!
I love that she wrote a song like this.
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haljathefangirlcat · 4 months
List 5 things that make you happy, then put this in the askbox for the last 10 people who liked or reblogged something from you! Get to know your mutuals and followers ^.^
Thank you!!
Okay, here we go:
Talking about my rare fandoms
Cats (mine or otherwise)
Fresh fruit that's just ripe enough not to be too soft or too hard nor too sweet or too tangy
That (fleeting) sweet spot of creativity where you have multiple ideas but they're just enough to make you feel energized and looking forward to your next project rather than overwhelmed and frustrated with being unable to do everything at once
Lately, my family's support and coming to understand that just because things can get messy sometimes, it doesn't mean they won't ever straighten themselves out
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shipcestuous-two · 2 years
I was reading BBC and they hs this article talking about cousin incest that was based on a episode from a podcast. I think maybe some of the people following this blog might enjoy the podcast. "Is Marrying My Cousin Really That Bad?" from the podcast "Am I Normal? with Mona Chalabi" produced by TED Audio Collective and BBC. The article is in portuguese and I dont think it's one of those that have a translated version. But the ending quote is:
"But maybe you like your cousin, and when you're done reading, you might want to ask him out."
(In my case, my cousins are either children or just very ugly, so I got no one to ask out, but maybe some of you do 😄)
Thanks for sharing this!
Maybe sanity is making some inroads? One can dream.
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southcodes · 1 year
Hiii, I use the blog theme "bella" in one of my side blogs and I don't know how to make the blockquote appear. In the feed, the posts appear with it, but when I click to see it on the blog, the marked parts appear normal, with the same line indent was the rest of the post. I don't know if I'm explaining it clearly lol. Is there a way to make the marked parts appear with indent when viewing the post in the blog?
hey there! im not exactly sure what you mean. can you send me a screenshot of how the post looks like and another screenshot of how you want it to look like?
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bisexual-horror-fan · 2 years
I didn't know you were also a fan of musicals!!! Have you seen/heard Sweeney Todd? (I ask it like that because I never saw it live, but I have heard the full cast recording so many times) It seems right up your alley: a (throat) slasher in a musical. We need more horror musicals, like Carrie and The Rocky Horror Show. If you could turn any horror movie into a musical, which one would you pick? And why?
I am a massive fan of musicals! I love, love, love em so much. I am current still very much into Ride The Cyclone, I just watched it, if you can get the time to I totally recc it, Jane Doe is my personal fave, love her sm. Also anything by Team Starkid, my fave musical literally ever is their show Twisted, The Untold Story Of A Royal Vizer. It's Aladdin but from Jafar's perspective, while also being about the relationship between Disney and Pixar and paraelling Wicked. 10/10 I laugh and cry every time.
Oh I have heard of Sweeney Todd and been a fan of it since high school! The horror/comedy/musical is my fave sub-genre mix when it comes to movies! Repo!, Stage Fright, Dead And Breakfast, I fucking love em but we need more entries into this field!
So I know this question came in a while ago but I really fucking had to think and then the move happened SO!
I think there are two clear options that stand head and shoulders above the rest, I can't pick, so the two I think are most deserving of some musical treatment are-
Scream! Listen. It is already so meta, and funny and extra and theatrical, think Heather's the musical kind of vibe, but I think it could translate really, really well. The costuming would be insane, make it like the Evil Dead musical and advertise the first few rows will get bloody and people will fucking pay to be in those seats, (me). Also they could do a whole new story if they wanted to really, make it akin to Scream 3, make it in universe someone is trying to put on Stab as a musical to add to the already extensive canon in that verse and fucking there you go, total classic.
And the other is Behind The Mask: The Rise Of Leslie Vernon, likeeee, come on now. It would be so good, so much potential there plus like you mean to tell me Leslie himself wouldn't freak out of the prospect and idea of getting a stage/musical adaptation? He so would! He would be over the fucking moon and so would I!
My fave moment, one of the biggest moments in BTM, the one that made me fall for Leslie, when he chokes Taylor up against the van? You mean to tell me that whole scene wouldn't lend itself to an argument via song with like a patter style of singing, getting louder and bigger and more, until he fucking chokes her out and all the music and everything cuts?! Like! THE DRAMA! So quiet you can hear a pin drop as he fucking lays it down and Taylor realizes just how much shit she is in and how serious and dangerous Leslie can be. Fantastic. Also, also I wanna see how they would do the barn burning down at that end.
Thank you so much for this question and I hope it is a satisfying enough response!
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litcest · 2 months
Guys. I did it. My shipcest community got aproved! It took three attempts, but it's here now . I will finish the set up and discover how to invite y'all onto it. It's not for books or for my followers, i want it to be a general shipcest community.
Edit: i am running it through my main @ivesblosson
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two-faceday2022 · 3 years
Is it completely do what you want free, or is there going to be prompts? If you guys aren't going to propose any offical prompts, I'll just pick two random things and flip a coin to choose as a prompt lol (yes, I'm sending this ask mostily for the joke. my brain came up with it and I just had to share)
We don't have any official prompts, so it's completely up to you! Very fitting to let the coin decide 😂
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tanaka-drew · 4 years
Hey, I just wanted to let you know that I'm using your Eclipse theme for my blog. Thank you for making this amazing themes!
AAA Thank you so much! 💕 I'm glad you like Eclipse. 😊
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bellesque · 4 years
Hey! For the colorful asks: Blood Red & Ice Blue (and now that I think about it, these two color seems to be a interesting combination lol)
Blood Red: Favourite piece of dialogue from your wip
here’s another one!
“Now, sweet, I don’t know—will you cum with a scream? A whisper, a plea? What sound comes out of your mouth when you say my name in sweet release?”
Ice Blue: Ship trope you think is overused in writing
Hmm, another would have to be miscommunication. Only when it’s executed well do I actually enjoy fics with those.
colorful writeblr asks
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shipcestuous · 7 months
Josie and Jack's Valentine's Day
This is my entry for the Valentine’s Day Shipcest Event. I chose the Not Together Yet prompt, and wrote a short story about how Jack and Josie Raeburn (from the novel Josie and Jack) fake date turned quite real.
Jack waved the bright red envelopes at me, a pleading look in his eyes. “Come on, Josie! It’s free dinner!”
I shook my head again. “I’m not going to a Valentine’s gala with you. Can’t you just take Lily instead?”
He growled, lips curling upwards, and I knew he was beginning to lose his patience. “She’s the one who bought these damn things before taking off to L.A. with her girlfriends. Since it’s paid for, I might as well go with you.”
Now, that explained why Jack had been in such a sour mood the whole day. His rich girlfriend had gone partying elsewhere without him on Valentine’s Day. Here’s to hoping she doesn’t come back. I shouldn’t hate her so much. She had been giving Jack lots of money and taking us to cool places, but still, I couldn’t stand my brother’s new girlfriend. At least she’s better than the previous whore. 
He threw one of the tickets on the table. “Go or don’t go, I don’t care. But there’s no food in this apartment and I am not giving you any money.”
Without waiting for my response, he stomped towards the bathroom and slammed the door shut. In this tiny place we called home, the bathroom was the only room he could sulk on when he felt like throwing a fit.
I sat on the couch for a few minutes, thinking about it before I calmly walked up to the door. “Even if I wanted to go,” I began softly, “what would I wear? I don’t have any dresses.”
There was a click and the door was pulled open. Jack opened a wide grim and took something shiny out of his pockets. Keys. “You don’t, but Lily has.”
* * *
An hour later we were in Lily’s bedroom, Jack sitting in the large twin bed surrounded by discarded clothes as I tried to find a dress that actually fitted me. They must fuck a lot in this bed.
“It’s useless, Jack, they are all too large around the chest”, I said to my brother, finally giving up on the fruitless search. I thought enviously of Lily’s large breasts, which Jack seemed to always be staring at or fondling, and how amazing they looked in low cleavage, while my petite small-breasted frame made everything look ridiculous.
“Calm down, Josie, it’s not the end of the world if they look a bit loose.”
I shot him a ugly look. “I feel like a child playing with her mother’s clothing! Everyone will notice that this dress doesn’t fit me.”
“And what do you care what those people think? You didn’t even want to go.”
I rolled my eyes. It was impossible to explain it to him.
He got up from the bed and placed his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his chest.
“Hey, little sister, if it means that much to you, we can try to find a sewing kit to adjust it to you.”
I tried to think of Lily sewing anything and shook my head. That girl didn’t know how to hold a needle. “I doubt she has any.”
“In that case I’ll go out and buy one!”, he said in an exasperated tone. “Why do you have to be so pessimistic all of the time?”
“Fine, I’ll search this room, you check the guest bedroom.”
* * *
We had made the best we could with two safety pins, and while the cleavage still seemed too loose around my breasts, at least the sleeveless dress was no longer threatening to slip down my body. It was a simple black dress, which hugged my waist nicely before getting loose around the middle of the thighs, ending just below my knees. Matched with silver high heels, matching gold necklace and earrings, and a clutch purse, I almost fitted in with the rest of the crowd. Almost. My hair was too messy and the make-up I wore was clearly of terrible quality, but I didn’t let that bother me.
Jack, on the other hand, looked handsome in his tux, like he was born to mingle with the elite that surrounded us. Women much older than him stopped to stare at him while we made our way to our seats. Because of course this party had fixed seat arrangements.
There were already two guests seated at our table, and by the purses laying around, I assumed some others had arrived and were now either socialising or dancing.
Like always, Jack took upon himself to start the conversation. “I’m Jack Raeburn, and this is my beloved girlfriend, Lily Crawford.”
I faked a smile and waved. Since there was a guest list, I was passing myself for Lily since we had walked up to the line in front of the large Upper East Side house where the dinner was being held. I had to hope that no one around here actually knew her. Luckily, Lily preferred to surround herself with the poor and the outsiders and was unlikely to ever have shown her face around this posh crowd.
The other couple introduced themselves and Jack made small talk with them while I sat lost in my own thoughts, wishing I was anywhere else.
My brother poked me, pulling my attention back to him. “Yeah, Lily, why don’t you tell them how we met?”
“W-what?”, I stuttered, not quite sure of what to say.
Jack smiled, “Alison and Jason were kindly asking us how we met and came to be such a lovely couple.”
I gave another fake smile and suppressed the urge to kill my brother. “Well, I feel like I’ve known Jack since I was a little girl. Our families are so close that it’s almost as if he’s my brother”, I said in an overly sweet tone.
“What Lily means is that we are childhood friends. But we lost touch for a while and only recently became a couple”, Jack amended.
Alison exclaimed how cute it was and Jason then promptly began to tell their love story, to which I tuned off again. A waiter came around serving champagne, which both Jack and I took a glass. Sometime during the conversation, the other couple had returned and now chatted eagerly with my brother.
The champagne tasted bitter in my mouth, the bubbles tickling my tongue and I finished the glass in one sip, before carefully switching with Jack’s still full one. No one noticed. It was like Dad’s awful department party all over again.
Jack leaned towards me, his mouth close to my ear. “Are you okay?” I nodded, even though I wasn’t. “Why don’t we go dancing?”, he suggested, noticing how desperately I wanted to get away from that table and the conversation.
“Sure,” I said, a small smile opening on my lips.
“If you’ll excuse us, it’s time to take my girl to the dance floor”, Jack announced and the two couples laughed enthusiastically. No matter what he said or did, everyone seemed to love him.
The dance floor was full with other couples moving around at the sound of the orchestra. Jack placed his arms on my waist and, copying what the other women were doing, I placed mine over his shoulders.
“There you go, little sis, just dance with me. Soon they will serve dinner and I can go home with our bellies full without having spent a cent.”
“We should just have eaten whatever Lily had on her fridge.”
Jack wrinkled his nose. “Good luck trying to find anything edible in that house. I’ve never seen that girl cook. Unless you consider mixing vodka and coffee as ‘cooking’.”
I laughed and rested my head on the crook of his neck. The song had gotten slower and without even noticing, I had allowed our bodies to get closer, my chest pressing against his.
Song after song played as we waltzed around the room. Suddenly, the orchestra stopped and a man got up on the stage. The microphone screeched when he tapped on it, testing the sound and I shrinked into my brother as an involuntary reaction to the noise.
“Welcome, welcome, welcome”, the presenter began, each other sounding louder than the previous, “to the tenth annual Éclat Gallery’s Valentine’s Day Gala.”
There was a round of applause and cheers. I had never heard of an Éclat Gallery, nor had known this party was from some art gallery or such.
There were some other announcements and then the man announced a little game. “Whoever the light lands on, has to kiss and will win a bottle of the prized Dom Pérignon Vintage 1996”. I had no idea what that even was, but I supposed it was expensive. A spotlight was turned on and danced around the room, from one side to the other, before stopping on a table towards the back. “Why don’t the young lovely couple show us how it’s done?”
I watched as the woman giggled and the man gave her a chaste kiss on the lips. There was a round of applause and a waiter appeared to hand over a bottle of champagne. The spotlight shifted again, landing on another couple, who once again shared a kiss and took their prize.
“And now, for our final winner!”, the presenter announced. I watched the light moving around the room until I could no longer see where it had stopped. I was flooded with brightness.
I was confused for a moment, but Jack touched my cheeks softly. “Our turn, girlfriend.”
My face burned bright red. I saw the waiter approaching with the bottle. All that was left to do was to kiss. “We can’t!”, I whispered urgently to my brother.
“Come on, just a little peck. And then we get drunk on vintage champagne.”
I closed my eyes and tilted my head to meet his mouth. His lips touched mine, soft and tasting of alcohol. Warmth filled my body and I opened my mouth to allow his tongue in. It was more than a little peck, but I couldn’t stop. Something primal had taken over me and I kissed him in the way I had wanted to all my life.
“Wow, things are getting hot and heavy over in the dance floor”, I heard the presenter say and was brought back to reality. The reality that I was kissing my brother. Because no matter how handsome and charming Jack was, no matter how much I wanted him to touch me like he touched Lily, he was still my brother and I couldn’t allow myself to go down that path.
I pulled away from him, untangling his hands from my dress and charged for the exit. People, shocked by the brutality of my movements, opened the way for me to pass. I made it out of the house and onto the street before I tripped on the ground, the stiletto heel getting caught on a crack in the stone pavement and sending me to the floor.
“Fuck,” I screamed as pain began to burst from my ankle. Just then, I felt the first drops of rain falling from the sky, because of course, things could get even worse. Tears pricked my eyes and I was about to start screaming when I heard Jack calling my name.
“Josie, there you are”, he said walking up to me, Dom Pérignon in hand. His gaze moved to my broken shoe and he knelt down. “Are you hurt?” he asked and I could feel the worry in his tone.
I shrugged. “Just some scrapes. And my ankle is hurting like hell.”
“We need to get you home. You might have broken something.”
The chilly rain made me shiver and, noticing my discomfort, Jack removed his suit jacket and draped it on my shoulders. “There you go, now, wait here as I try to get us a taxi.”
I shook my head. “It’s okay, I’m sure I can wal-”
“No. I’m getting a taxi”, he said, not even letting me finish my sentence. 
* * *
Soaked, starving and aching, we finally made it to Lily’s home. The taxi had been paid with the jewellery I had borrowed from Lily, which Jack said she wouldn’t even notice that had gone missing. Jack took some ice and towels and wrapped it around my ankle as I sat patiently by the couch.
“Why did you run?”, he asked me after opening the champagne bottle. We had won, afterall.
“I guess I just panicked. Too many eyes on me”, I said, hoping the lie sounded convincing.
He scooted closer to me on the couch and passed me the bottle after taking a large sip from it. I copied him and let the drink soothe my pain. “It doesn’t taste anything special”, I said after thinking about it for a moment. “We could get the same flavour for a few bucks at the liquor store.”
Jack laughed. “I’m fucking starving. Couldn’t you have waited until dinner was served before running off?”
“You could have stayed”, I answered with a shrug.
“And let my little sister wander New York all by herself? No, I couldn’t do that.” His fingers caressed my exposed skin and I felt at peace. “Seriously, why did you take off like that? Am I such a terrible kisser?”
“Quite the contrary.”
He raised an eyebrow. “Really? Did you like kissing me?”
I could feel my face burning. “I… I did. I….”
“What is it, Josie?”, he asked in a sweet tone I rarely heard.
I couldn’t look at him. Staring at the floor, I forced myself to say the words I had been thinking of since our lips had touched. “I guess I had been wanting to kiss you for a while. I know I shouldn’t but…”
“Me too.”
Carefully, he moved my head so our eyes were locked into each other. “Josie, I’ve been wanting you for so long. I want you more than just as a sister.”
The words flooded my heart with relief. Before I could stop myself, I began to sob, feeling the stress and worries of so many years dissolving under his touch. “I love you, Jack. I always have.”
He kissed me, hands exploring all over my body. I no longer felt cold or pain, I only felt him. The dress fell to the floor, along with his clothes. It didn’t matter where we were, only that we were together. As long as I was with my brother, I was safe and at home. 
When we finally got too tired, he helped me onto bed and laid by my side. I felt him take my hands into his.
“Will you be my Valentine?”
“Yes, today and forever”, I said with the last remaining strength I had,before closing my eyes and drifting off to sleep.
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shipcestuous · 7 months
Dropping by to make by Obligatory Literary Recommendations (™️) to the anon who asked for shy brother x flirty sister, I recently Cheryl and Miles from a fic called Stardust Days by shroomyystar on AO3. I absolutely love it. I immediately thought of them when I read the ask.
From published books, nothing really comes to mind. There's Beautiful Kate and maybe you can consider Lochan and Maya from Tabitha Suzuma's Forbidden, although I would hardly call Maya "flirty", it's just that Lochan is way nore socially awkward than she is.
Thanks for the rec!
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shipcestuous · 2 months
Just came home from watching Maxxxine and SPOILER ALERT but her dad watching her do a burlesque dance and getting all worked up is very suggesting.... as is some of his dialogue when he tries to to "baptize" her
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shipcestuous · 7 months
SPOILERS for Netflix's Avatar. There's a Secret Tunnel in Omashu in which love lights the way forward. In the OG Avatar, the tunnel scene is a romantic moment between Katara and Aang.... however, in the Netflix version, the scene involves Katara and Sokka, her older brother.
They are arguing the whole episode, and it's only when they think they are about to die and apologize (abd hold hands!!) that they find the way forward.
I don't ship Katara and Sokka (Zutara for live), but I found it so weird they took one of the very first scenes that suggest a romance between Aang and Katara and turned into a "platonic sibling love" thing.... specially because in the OG, some could consider that moment as a show of "platonic friendship love", which later turns romantic.
So yeah, basically what I am trying to say is thay who knows how platonic is the love between Katara and Sokka (it's also important to mention that he also gets super jealous when she flirts with Jet)...
Anon #2: Avatar live action came out and there were no scenes of Azula and Zuko interacting, but she is present during the season, sabotaging him through Zhao. She just can't leave him alone. What is this if not love? lol There's predictably a lot of interaction between Katara and Sokka (duh) but I'm not personally a fan. Lots of bro x sis moments, although Sokka has two love interests in the season and Katara only one.
Anon #3: There's really good content for sokka x Katara in the new atla live action. They give the love tunnel subplot to Sokka and Katara and it's ridiculously shippy. It helps that Aang looks way too young for Katara so less ship vibes there.
I watched the live action ATLA this past week, though I didn't remember enough about the cartoon to notice that difference. Thanks so much for pointing that out.
(The cartoon creators walked away form the Netflix adaptation over creative differences, and I had wondered if part of it was because Netflix wasn't going to keep Katara/Aang endgame. This change makes me even more curious. I don't know if they ever got into specifics over why they left the production, I didn't look into it.)
Sokka and Katara had some great scenes. Loved all the development work on their relationship in the Omashu episode. Sokka is not happy at all when Katara is interested in Jet, and Katara rolls her eyes plenty of times at Sokka's various flirtations.
I was pleased they introduced Azula earlier on. I love how Zuko and Azula have been a world apart for three years but they're totally under each others' skin. I don't think it's going to be as shippy as it was in the cartoon, or any of the other relationships either. The characters just don't have the same...I don't know, vitality?
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shipcestuous · 2 years
Astrid and followers, I recruit you to a mission, I think most of us agree that the Flower in the Attic movie from 87 was terrible. It cuts of the most important part of the book (that is, Chris and Cathy's relationship). So let's gather around and vote for that movie as one of the worst book adaptations. I just realised it's going Ender's Game, which I never read, but I know the book is a lot of incest-y than the movie.... anyway, just vote for which made the worst adaptation of a shipcestuous classic.
I do remember having an anon who was a big fan of the 1987 movie and they had good reasons but I think most of us can agree that cutting out the incest was a pretty questionable decision considering how important it was. You can still tell a good story without it, but it's not the same story.
Followers, go check out the poll!
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shipcestuous · 2 years
There's 2022 a movie called The Banshees of Inisherin, which has been nominated to an Oscar and a movie theater near my house was having an screening of it, so I went. The movie is about Pádraic Súilleabháin and the falling out of his friendship with Colm, but Pádraic has a sister, Siobhán and they have a lot of awesome shippy moments together. They are adults who live by themselves in a house, which already is a great starting point.
(After Colm calls Pádric dull) Siobhán to Pádric: You’re not dim! You’re a nice man, all right? So, move on!
A very drunk Pádraic to Colm: And my sister, she’s nice. I’ll remember her. Forever I’ll remember her.
And then the following day, talking out what Pádraic had said:
Pádraic: Was I awful last night? Siobhán: No, you was lovely. Pádraic: Well, I know I wasn’t lovely now, Siobhan. Siobhán: You were lovely. About me, anyways. Pádraic: Of course I was lovely about you. What else is there to be about ya?
In the end of the movie, Siobhán leaves the island to work on a library in the mainland, which even a shopkeeper notices it destroys an already depressed Pádraic:
Shopkeeper, to Siobhán about Pádraic: Well, it’d crucify him, your leaving!
As a side note, Siobhán and Pádraic are always arguing because Pádraic wants his pet donkey, Jenny, to stay inside the house, and Siobhán says that animals are for the outside. They are lovable!
I'm SO glad you sent something in about these two because I love them. I wrote something up here, so I won't repeat myself.
Thanks for including those quotes. They show how much these two love each other.
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shipcestuous · 2 years
In case you haven't seen it, Daemon x Rhaenyra got places on 21st place in tumblr's top 2022 ships. That's a huge win. I hope the antis are twisting in their seats by this.
Huge thing for this uncle and niece couple. Now, we just pray that one day, a sibling couple will take a spot on that list
Anon: I see Daemyra got a place in the top 100 ships on Tumblr! Feels nice to see an incest ship in there, ngl. <3
It has certainly earned its place, so I'm glad to see that acknowledged.
Top 100! We made it!
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