#ive tried milk and ham
getreadytosmash · 2 years
I'm going to sell this cat istg
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amjustagirl · 3 years
Lately it's been milk bread!!! It's just been a constant craving. xD omg i also make alot of curry rice. ;-; I'm also on kick lately with curry, i dunno why lmao.
GIVE ME THE LAUNDRY LIST! I LOVE FOOD! I'm a mix of Hispanic and Italian so there's so many good foods, I'm just... Too lazy to make them. Making pasta from scratch takes so longggggg and tamales???? Ugh so long. ;-;
omg curry rice yesss. ive been making a lot of japanese curries nowadays cos im a little lazy, but thai green curry, yellow soft shell crab curry, lontong (which is like, a coconut curry w veggies) are all big big big favs of mine too!
oh gosh....i don't know where to start. like i LOVE italian food (you're so lucky you have a fantastic food culture to draw upon! i have rly fond memories of scoffing cheese pizzas at midnight in milan and i'm a huge huge huge fan of proscuitto and parma ham and italian cheeses (i've even left an exam early just so i wouldn't miss a street market!)
and ooh tell me more about tamales - i don't think i've ever had the opportunity to eat good, authentic south american food, i have tried tacos and burritos but i feel like it's v different eating it in asia yknow?
ok so if i had to narrow down a list of some of my favourite foods:
dim sum (this wld include things like liu sha baos - salted egg yolk buns, chicken feet, century egg porridge, steamed beef balls). i will SWIM TO HONG KONG OKAY.
bun cha (grilled pork served with rice noodles and a sheaf of herbs in some magical fish sauce mixture, i have such good memories scarfing down bowls of this in the narrow alleyways of hanoi - my vietnamese moots wld understand HAHA (@ravyeolii @fail-big)
hokkien mee (yellow alkaline noodles stir fried in a pork and seafood broth, singaporeans go to WAR with each other just to fight over which stall does it the best LOL)
carrot cake (not the dessert version, in singapore we pan fry radish cakes with eggs and preserved radish, comes either white or black (ie. with soy sauce or not). my singaporean / msian moots wld prob war over which version they prefer...i shall keep my preference a secret for now).
kueh salat - it's this pandan custard served over sticky coconut rice and IT'S AMAZING I CLD DIE.
pandan cake - look so our govt shut down bakeries for 2 weeks last year and i nearly cried WEH.
lamb briyani - i rly love the dry hyderabad version, washed down with a mango lassi, please and thank you!
sushi - i will fking fly my ass down to tokyo cos i miss good sushi SO MUCH. mr. nikki is a huge fan - he's woken up at 4am and queued an HOUR just to eat sushi in a japanese fish market. we're both mad over food LOL.
falafel - i rly love mediterranean food, and i have SUCH a weakness for fresh falafel, served with warm hummus and couscous. i make my own hummus BUT FALAFEL NEEDS TO BE DEEP FRIED AND I'M TOO FKING LAZY FOR IT.
hamberg steak - so this is a weird addition but it's sooo good, and i make it at home myself with minced tofu hoho.
and we haven't even gotten to my favourite meals HAHAHAHAA. gods what's wrong with me.
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e8luhs · 6 years
Hey! So, since you run an actually successful fanventure, do you have any tips on writing one? Mine, Scratchwise, is still in the baby stages, and I want to make it the best it can be.
heres the post ive written about character development!
since most of my previous posts on actual plot writing have been nonexistent and very vague, HERE under the cut are a couple of things that i can say ive learned over the course of time and hopefully it will help you somehow. enjoy
obviously the first question that should be asked is this: what story do you want to tell? figure out themes that are important to you. study your favorite novels and analyze the themes you recognize, why you recognize them, and why they may or may not have an emotional impact on you. do you want to tell a story about recovery? about struggle? WHATEVER have you? ask why you want to tell it, and how youre going to tell it.
sidenote 1.1: sometimes you wont know what youre going for for a while, and thats okay. to be honest i totally had no idea what the main theme of cataclysmalbound until later into the game. sometimes this shit just pulls itself together and thats fine too, but i recommend thinking about themes early on because it helps immensely with foreshadowing and character development.
please god do your research if youre going to be writing about heavier topics. honestly this is a pretty obvious point but i still feel it needs to be specified. i cant even really begin to describe how not just annoying but downright frustrating it is seeing stories where people milk their characters trauma or really just have the audacity to write about experiences that they have no authority to speak about. if youre going to be writing about abuse and trauma, please take on these topics with care, and keep in mind that they must be covered with a sense of understanding, nuance, and with education; these are actual experiences that actual people have to go through.
sidenote 2.1: here and here are some jumping-off-point sources for advice with writing traumatized characters. again these are like SUPER JUMPING OFF POINT sources take it all with a grain of salt and sense of skepticism, theres also plenty of writing blogs on tumblr and whatnot which have typically talked about similar. just USE RESOURCES. you get the gist.
revise revise revise. listen to me right now, youre not going to go with the first version of your story. in fact you SHOULDNT go with the first version of your story, EVER, because your story WILL become better alongside you and your own writing style. give yourself time to let your story sink in, and adjust accordingly when you find hiccups.
sidenote 3.1: im tellin you that cataclysmalbound originally? was nothing like it is now and its because ive been working on it since 2016. i have obviously changed not only as a person but a writer since that point in time. i originally tried starting up the comic one month after the creation of the characters. guess how that went? TERRIBLY! because i had NO idea who the characters were, half of them were irrelevant, the plot was rushed and all in all it was a bad time. just like, let yourself SIT on it no matter how enthusiastic you are. i get it... i know... but seriously
be flexible. in my experience its good to have a plot but its even more important to go with what feels natural to your characters. im personally a very character driven person so it MIGHT just be me, but honestly if your plot is TOO structured it can be almost suffocating to the characters because it gives them no space for development, conversation, emotions, it leaves NO space for tension. dont guide your characters, FOLLOW them because it will ultimately be 20x more impactful in the end due to it being driven by your characters feelings/motivations/actions rather than just like... whatever.
pacing is important. if you have too much going on too quickly, it will lead to an ultimately unfulfilling and lifeless story. let things build up over time. this might not come naturally and thats okay as well! ive had to re-write and re-pace my story like 3 or 4 or HOWEVER many times because ive realized later on just how rushed it sounded. again: youre going to evolve and flexibility is important so that you CAN evolve.
keep track of your plot. duh, obviously. write it down, keep it in a google doc, keep it on a google sheet, whatever is best for you
sidenote 6.1: write down all of your new ideas too. “oh ill remember this later its too cool to forge--” NO. you WILL FORGET. WRITE IT DOWN. KEEP NOTES ON YOUR PHONE. KEEP A NOTEPAD ON YOU. you will thank yourself later.
talk to other people about your characters. overcome the anxiety! its worth it! not only will it help you with bouncing new ideas for plot points off of other people, but it will also give you an idea of how these events and characters will be interpreted. taking from not only your OWN skillset but OTHERS is really great and good and no matter how “solo” of a job youre pulling, writing and literature ultimately is about teamwork because of the fact that it can be interpreted and tweaked upon in unique ways by everyone.
when in doubt write it out. i have run into pitfalls where i have an idea of what i want to happen, but i dont know HOW to make it happen. what causes it, what are the characters intentions, how does it build up, etc. sometimes the best thing you can do at these points is just WRITE like, from whichever characters perspective is necessary and go ham on it. write out the aftermath, or write DURING the plot point, or write how relationships might be affected by it. genuinely it has been helpful to me for brainstorming, since it puts me into my characters places and helps me ask “what would logically happen based on how everyone acts”. sometimes its really as simple as getting it out of your head and onto the page.
sidenote 8.1: on the topic of characters, as ive stated in the “character development” half of this, if you dont care about or dont have a place for your character in the plot, ditch em. really. throw em out if they dont have an actual impact. if you DO care but still dont have a place, its up to you to make one.
sidenote 8.2: also sometimes you might have a character which you might really favor and want to give them a lot of like DRAMA but if you want to have equal emphasis on all of your characters, you need to figure out how to redistribute the spotlight.
finally all i can say is that the rest is up to you. to get all up and fucking poetic in here, the sparks of inspiration will naturally come from your own life and experiences and feelings. utilize that and also the ways that you as an individual garner ideas... because thats what makes your story unique ^_^ go fucking hogwild. apeshit, if you will
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suckitsurveys · 5 years
1. What big corporation(s) do you support, particularly because you like what they stand for (many vegan items, donate large amount of money to charities, pay their workers a living wage, etc)? ~*~There is no ethical consumption under capitalism~*~ 2. For those who menstruate or have in the past, is it worse to deal with a period in the summer or winter time? Why do you feel that way over the other season? It sucks year round my friend. 3. If you wear foundation or have in the past, what type of applicator do you use (beauty sponge, foundation brush, fingers, etc)? Is there a type of applicator that doesn’t work for you? Sponge. 4. For those of you that do listen/watch ASMR videos, what are your favorite “triggers”? If you don’t watch ASMR, what are your thoughts on the whole phenomenon that seemed to happen the past couple years over it? I don’t watch the videos, but I can see where they can be pleasing. Except for the whisper ones. Those are fucking creepy af. 
5. Are there any true crime cases that bother you immensely because of the story or verdict of the court case (ex. OJ Simpson)? I’m not familiar enough with them.  6. When looking for discounted events or activities, where are you most likely to look for these deals (besides Google or other big search engines)? I mean, Groupon? 7. What is your favorite type of lip balm (brand, scent, what ingredients are in it, etc)? What about sunscreen or other sun protecting products? Burt’s Bees. And whatever is the highest SPF for sun screen. 8. What store(s) do you have the worst time finding clothing/accessories in because they don’t cater to your body type (disregard price and other factors when considering)? If this isn’t something you struggle with, what store(s) do you think people might struggle finding clothing options in if they were the opposite body type as you? Most stores, thanks. 9. Do you use store loyalty programs? If you don’t use them, what is your reasoning behind that? What store loyalty programs do you feel offer the best incentives, regardless if you aren’t a member of them? Starbucks is the one I use most often because I get a damn drink everyday. 10. When it comes to skincare, what product could you not go without over the other ones? Where are you most likely to shop for your skincare needs? I love my St. Ives Apricot scrub. 11. Regardless if you aren’t someone who hoards or keeps stuff for a long time, what is one (type of) item that you have a hard time getting rid of? I have a hard time getting rid of mementos 12. If you eat meat, what is at least one vegan item (not necessarily a banana) that you like or would like trying (such as a trying a soy ham substitute)? If you don’t eat meat, what is one meat item that you like and understand why people eat it? I use soy/almond milk almost exclusively. And I kinda wanna try the impossible burger. 13. What is a food that is always better homemade? How about a food that is always better at a restaurant? Spaghetti comes to mind. My dad makes this AMAZING sauce and it’s better than any restaurant’s spaghetti I’ve ever tried. Typical take out foods just cannot be replicated the same way at home. 14. If you watched teen dramas growing up (such as 90210 or One Tree Hill), which one was your favorite or you liked the best? If you watched family sitcoms growing up (such as Full House or The Fresh Prince), which one was your favorite or liked the best? DEGRASSI JUNIOR HIGH holy shit. As far as sitcoms. Dude. My whole damn life was sitcoms. I loved SO many growing up, I can’t even name them all. 15. What is a tradition either within your country or family that you feel is not needed or could in fact even be bad (ex. using paper plates for every party, eating hot dogs every weekend during the summer, etc)? Those are traditions?
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unbotheredloaf · 5 years
I've never had anything red velvet
I've never had mac n cheese
I've never had anything 'birthday cake'
I've never had potato salad
I've never had captain crunch or whatever fucking fruity pebbles or cinnamon square wedge kens
I've never had a like an actual burrito witj like rice and beans in it? I just have ones w like salad and veggies and sauces and chicken and they slap idk wjy yall put beans n rice in em
I've never had 'loaded' fries???
I've never had like proper ramen i dont think? I mean ive had mama instant noodles
I've never had actual smores I've tried to recreate something similar like once but not rly
I've never had grilled cheese it sounds disgustig
I've never had cheetos or the other ones whayever takis or what
I've never had like american pie? Not the movie but yall make different pies like in a deep dish and with the dough on the top and it's weird but it looks good???
I've never had lot of different sandwiches, all of them always gotta hve cheese or something yek and yall put liie bacon and ham and like freaking crisps on them?
I've never had girl scout cookies? They look good
I've never had those like whayever pizza pockets thay people talk about?
I've never had eggnog? What is it? Why does it have the word 'egg' in it???????
I've never had turkey I think? Or maybe I've had like a slice like from a package but idk
I've never had butternut squash. What is it? Why is it called that? Is it a vegetaböe?
I've never had like salty pie? Why do yall wanna put things like dat in a pie? I don't want ur livers in my pie????
I've never had tater tots. I just heard about them in a buzzfeed unsolved video. What are they? Did they have like apple inside them?
// Things I've had but only in recent years:
Oreos! In my early teens I got to taste oreos and they are nice
Doritos! Sweet chilli ones slap
Sour patch kids! Very nice
Peanut butter and jelly sandwiches! Like a year or so ago I was like fuck it I'm an adult and I'm going to fucking try it and I like them. I've never really been a peanut butter person because we just don't really eat peanut butter but I've gotten more into it in later years, which brings me to
Reese's pieces! Quite nice indeed
Pumpkin pie! I had pumpkin pie for the first time ever last November and it's actually good!!!! Does not taste like pumpkin!!!!!!!
Pop tarts. I don't really like them, they taste really artificial and bland
Marshmallow fluff, it's ok. Super super sweet
Maple syrup. It's okay, even more sickly sweet
Hash browns. I tasted one, not my thing. Why do yall like em???
Tomato soup, it was alright. Can't really be eaten without garlic bread, though
I never had bacon until I tasted it somewhere as a preteen. It's bad
Didn't have like american pancakes until a few years ago. Very thick boys. They're okay but I prefer waffles
Condensed milk! Didn't know what it was until I looked up recipes for homemade ice cream and it came up and oh my lawd
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