#ive read fics with similar themes
achillvs · 2 years
my mind wants to combine jegulus with my house of the dragon brainrot, but it needs to shut the hell up, because the brainrot in question is rhaenyra and lucerys focused and i think i would actually rather die than make regulus and/or james lose a child and then expose myself to it
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its hater hours here at obliqueletterkennyreference
its very funny to me how Thee Ship Episode for the gay zuko pairings are so different... like the boiling rock canonically zukka fans get like... a handful of very awkward interactions including talking about their respective girlfriends.
meanwhile in the firebending masters zukaang fans get the culmination of a year-long slowburn of someone completely changing their attitude about themself and the world around them for the other person, as well as learning the true meaning of firebending together with some very fun and easy banter...
and yet zukka is the more popular ship.
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seiwas · 1 year
currently working on col 3 so please help me decide! :')
atm col 3 already has a running theme and i was intending for its structure to be like 'tell me about love (show me how)', which means it'll be lengthier bc of how it jumps through scenes. BUT if shorter pieces are preferred i think i can split the scenes up so each is reworked as a standalone too.
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imgeekgirlfan · 2 months
The Curse of Cassandra [EP : II]
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Read in Ao3 : here
Pairings:  Qimir x f!reader(SEAsians Reader)  [The Acolyte]
Content Rating : Mature 18+  Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warning (AT YOUR OWN RISK)
tags/themes : Alternate Universe - Dune & Star wars, Partners in Crime, Strangers to Lovers
Summary: your mother always reminded you, "You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb." but You hope desperately that your life will be different.
Status: work in progress (This is a long fanfic that will be about 10+ chapters.)
A/N : Previously, I changed the story from a reader-insert to an OC due to backlash for specifying that the reader is SEA. I didn't enjoy writing it and nearly deleted it. However, support from AO3 readers encouraged me to stay true to my original style and affirmed that specifying the reader's ethnicity is not wrong (especially since Manny is also SEA). I’ll stick with the reader-insert style. If you don’t like that the reader is SEA, feel free to find other fics.
Also, today is my birthday. so I decided to give a gift to others by releasing a new chapter of my fanfic. I hope you like it.
➡  Intro // EP : I // EP : III // EP : IV // EP : V // EP : VI // EP : VII
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[Episodes 2] You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb
You realize how quickly your life has changed, as your feet tread on the wet sand of Pabu, a small planet far from your birthplace.
Tatooine—where you were born and raised, is almost at the edge of the galaxy. There's nothing pleasant to see except for vast stretches of dry sand. The air is scorching hot because there are two suns in the sky. The cities are teeming with thieves, thugs, and smugglers. You hate your home planet so much, but your mother always reminded you, "You will never hate the desert. Your blood is the desert. The desert is your home and your tomb."
You know that the desert your mother spoke of isn't Tatooine, but another similar planet. An ancient world that disappeared from galactic records along with the death of your ancestors.
It's funny how your family's fate has always been the same: born in the desert and dying in the desert.
You hope desperately that your life will be different.
"Stop daydreaming; we still have a lot of work to do."
Qimir's voice comes from behind. His elbow gently nudges your arm, urging you to hurry off the beach. You turn and glare at him in annoyance, but obediently comply. You lift the cargo box to your side and turn onto the old stone-paved road, the only path leading to the upper town, the main trading hub of this island.
After reluctantly living together for more than two years, you've finally been given an additional role beyond being a prisoner. You're now Qimir's temporary assistant, helping him transport contraband to sell on small planets outside the watchful eyes of the Empire's law enforcers.
Qimir is tall with long legs. It only takes him a few strides to reach your side. "Haven't you ever seen the sea before?" the man asks, noticing that you keep turning to look at the blue ocean.
You nod. The faint, fresh, salty smell of the sea and the strong wind blowing across your face make you feel better than usual. "I grew up on Tatooine. There's only desert there. I've never seen this much water before."
You fall silent, suddenly realizing you've said too much.
No matter what, you always stay cautious. You try to speak as little as possible when you're near this man. But Qimir is the opposite—he talks incessantly, which is annoying. The more you show your irritation, the more he keeps talking. It's obvious he's deliberately trying to provoke you.
And this time is no different. Once he notices you're avoiding further conversation, he takes over, telling you about Pabu and other planets without you asking. You want to pretend not to listen, but deep down, you can't help but be interested. You've never had the chance to travel or learn about life on other planets, having spent most of your time after your mother's death quietly hiding. Until you met Qimir,. He's traveled everywhere, and he seems to know everything. Many things sound nonsensical, but many are too interesting to ignore. Like the story of Mon Cala, a planet that's entirely ocean, with a grand capital city standing tall underwater, and most of its population looking like fish. Or the fact that black holes aren't empty as many believe, but home to strange and dangerous creatures. However, they remain an unsolvable mystery because no one who has gotten close to a black hole has ever survived to tell the tale.
"I’d love to see fish people," you mutter to yourself, but Qimir’s keen ears catch it.
There's an inexplicable sadness in those words, he thinks as he turns to look at your profile, half-hidden by black hair blowing in the sea breeze. "If our ship passes by there, I might take you to see them," he says, his words unexpectedly gentle.
You press your lips tightly, not responding. Perhaps you would feel a bit more appreciative if you didn't already know that what he said would never happen.
You've seen it in your dreams. Prophetic dreams foretell the future. In about four months, Qimir will have to deliver his last expensive cargo—which is you—to his client.
But beyond that... a shadow of doom completely obscured the future. You don't even know what this dream means. It's too dark to see, too terrifying, and too mysterious to understand. But one thing you're sure of, that day will be a day of death. And the clearest path is your own demise.
You frown. For a moment, you suddenly feel something—not in the form of a vision, but a deep premonition hiding beneath your consciousness.
A revelation is approaching.
But you are at a loss to determine what it could be.
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Due to Pabu's highly liberal political policies, the city's population includes many immigrants from other planets, most of whom are often outlaws. This means an increase in the number of thieves and robbers, and consequently, a higher chance of being ambushed.
No place in the city was entirely safe, so Qimir decided to set up camp outside the city instead. He called it a vacation home, even though nothing about it resembles a house In reality, it's a large cave on a seaside cliff, which had been modified to resemble a living space. It's somewhat odd and out of place, but it has everything a typical home would have, all neatly organized. There are beds and desks carved from the gray stone of the cave, a small kitchen adjacent to the pantry, and even an old cleaning droid on duty.
For you, this place is much quieter than the city. There aren’t even small animals around, let alone people passing by. It’s an ideal spot for meditation or perhaps trying to use your visions again to find a way to escape.
Of course, you haven't given up on your original intention. You’re just waiting for the right moment.
But you can't use your visions recklessly. It’s not just that you don’t want to; foresight is too dangerous, It’s a trade-off that isn’t worth the risk. The future is not like the past. There are countless branching paths that can change at any moment. The further you look, the more painful it becomes, and you risk losing your sanity. You don't have the strong prophetic abilities of your ancestors. You are a weak, distant descendant. Without the training your mother forced upon you, you probably would have died before you turned fifteen.
For safety, you decide to look at the near future, roughly calculating the chances of what will happen tomorrow if you decide to escape. All the results lead to only one path: no matter how you try to escape, Qimir will still catch you.
You sigh in frustration, silently questioning yourself. which path could possibly help you avoid death?
"We are **** ******** We don't hope, we plan"
Your mother's voice echoes repeatedly in your head as you lie with your eyes closed on the hard stone bed, trying to meditate silently instead of falling asleep as you should.
You spend the whole night pondering the things your mother taught you, until the morning sunlight creeps in through the cave mouth, gradually dispelling the darkness of the night.
You hear Qimir stirring, getting up from his bed, followed by the sound of coarse fabric rubbing and footsteps as quiet as a cat sneaking out silently. He always goes out at the same time and returns later in the morning. Qimir never tells you what he does, and you never ask. You don't want to talk to him more than necessary.
...But that doesn't mean you're not curious.
You step down from the bed, feeling the stiffness that gnaws at every part of your body, especially your legs. You shake out your legs before walking outside the cave, following the earlier footprints stretching across the sandy beach. The early morning air is quite cool because the sun hasn't fully risen yet, making the sea breeze chilly. You hug yourself to ward off the cold, regretting not bringing a cloak. All you have on is a long-sleeved cotton shirt and baggy brown pants made of low-quality fabric, so thin they barely protect you from anything.
Soon you notice a pile of clothes left on the sand near a rocky outcrop by the beach. You recognize them as Qimir's clothes. You scan the area for Qimir before spotting his tall figure soaking in the water, naked and relaxed amidst the sea and the surrounding rocks of various sizes, which look like protective ramparts or a hidden place secluded from the outside world.
The sight makes you startle, almost exclaim but manage to stop yourself. Embarrassment quickly forms as a flush of heat spreads across both your cheeks. You didn't expect to intrude on his private time like this. Luckily, Qimir has his back to you; otherwise, you would have felt even more awkward if he had seen you first.
You know that the best thing to do right now is to quietly slip away before Qimir notices. However, something about him catches your eye first.
It's the large scar on his back—a terrifying long mark crossed-shaped. It definitely doesn't look like a scar from a mere accident, but more like someone intentionally tried to take his life.
You frown, confused, curious, mixed with a strange sense of apprehension towards Qimir. What could he have done to deserve this?
For the first time, you realize that you don't know anything about this man, except for the name he told you.
"If you're going to stare at me this long, I might have to start charging you."
You jump in surprise. Qimir didn't even turn to look at you when he said this.
Before you can make an excuse or hurry away, he turns back as if anticipating it, meeting your eyes openly with a mischievous, teasing smile. Those black eyes look particularly intense, contrasting with his pale skin in the water.
"Want to join in?"
His hand sweeps back the damp hair falling over his face before he swims closer to you. Water droplets cling to his tall, muscular frame, sparkling like gems in the sunlight, breathtakingly beautiful and alluring.
The sight makes you breathless, as if you're drowning underwater even though you're standing on solid ground.
It takes almost a moment before you regain your composure. Your feet quickly retreat from the shore, as if afraid he might drag you into the sea. "Don't move!" you shout at him when you see Qimir about to rise from the water while still naked, leaving you flustered and unsure of where to look.
Qimir can't help but laugh at your mix of shock and anger. "If you're not going to join me, I'd like to put my clothes back on." The man points to the pile of black clothes near your feet. "But if you want to see me naked, I don't mind," he smiles innocently, his sparkling eyes never leaving you for a second.
You feel increasingly irritated. You know he's trying to tease you again.
You want to get back at him somehow, even just a little.
Your eyes glance down at his clothes on the sand, and suddenly you have an idea.
"Your suggestion is very interesting," You nod at him before reaching down to pick up his clothes. "Seeing you walk around naked would be quite a sight indeed."
Qimir's eyes widen, only realizing what's happening when he sees you clutching his clothes and running away at full speed.
"You!! Stop right there!"
The shouting voice behind you sounds closer than you expect. You quickly glance back and see Qimir chasing after you rapidly, still naked. His bare body and flustered expression are both hilarious and amusing. The allure he had before is completely gone.
You can't stop laughing, even as he finally catches up to you.
You stand no chance against Qimir in terms of size or strength. As soon as he grabs you, the outcome is inevitable. After a brief struggle, Qimir trips you, causing you to fall onto the sand. The impact leaves you winded, but you keep laughing even while lying there. It is the first time in a year that you have the chance to laugh so heartily and for so long.
Qimir hurriedly dresses as fast as he can, glaring at you as you show no signs of stopping your laughter. He then sits down beside you, his broad chest under his clothes rising and falling with rapid breaths, exhausted from the sudden morning exercise. "You little brat," he says to you, still panting, trying to contain his anger. "I should just kill you."
He means it; he isn't joking. If anyone else had heard this, they might have been terrified, but you don't care. You are laughing so hard you can barely breathe, your cheeks flushed with a rosy glow, as vibrant as any typical teenager should be. Qimir stares at you without blinking, this time not in anger but in contemplation.
You have never smiled or laughed before, not even once. You always wear an expression as if you are carrying the weight of the entire world, like someone hiding something deep in their heart or someone who has experienced too many terrible things to mention. Many times, he senses this—you seem like someone much older, perhaps even more than him, as if an old soul is trapped in your youthful body.
Who exactly is this woman? He wonders, looking at your plain, unremarkable face. There is nothing particularly memorable about it, except for your eyes. They are the deepest, most brilliant blue he has ever seen.
There is something both captivating and unsettling about you.
"You have talent, you're cunning and quick. You'd make a good thief. Could be quite helpful in my work."
You stop laughing and look up at Qimir. His tone sounds too serious to be joking, but his lips are curved into a smile, completely different from his angry demeanor earlier. "Are you offering to teach me?" you ask, confused.
"Would you like to learn?"
You let out a dry laugh, shaking your head slowly. "What's the point, when I'm probably going to..."
You don’t finish your sentence, letting it trail off. The bright expression from moments ago is fading once more.
"When you're what?" Qimir asks, his curiosity about you growing stronger.
"Nothing," you answer his question with the same phrase you always use, while painfully swallowing the word 'die', unwilling to reveal more.
You don't realize the sharp, intense gaze from Qimir, subtly hidden beneath his friendly smile.
...and you certainly don't realize that your choice to remain silent might lead to events spiraling beyond control.
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enhasfever · 1 year
bloodline — enhypen hyung line
{ coming soon!! }
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╰┈➤ [ cast.txt ] enhypen hyung line + fem!reader ft. maknae line
╰┈➤ [ contents.txt ] university!au, supernatural!au, vampire!enha, vampire!reader, fake dating, unrequited love, exes to lovers, enemies to lovers, secret relationship, angst, fluff, (possibly) suggestive themes
╰┈➤ [ summary.txt ] in which your journey with these four young men is anything but blissful and glamorous, but you live in a world where people will do anything to protect their bloodline even if it means faking relationships or keeping forbidden love a secret. will it be worth it to you?
╰┈➤ [ notes.txt ] each part can be read as a stand-alone story, though some events within the plot of the series may make more sense if they are read in the order they have been written in. also, the y/n character in each boy's story will appear in the other boys' stories and will be portrayed by female idols to avoid confusion.
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why won't you love me — l. heeseung
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╰┈➤ [ fic.pdf ] teaser! || read it!
╰┈➤ [ cast.txt ] heeseung + fem!reader (y/n character portrayed by le sserafim's yunjin in other stories)
╰┈➤ [ contents.txt ] unrequited love!au, one-sided pining (reader), toxic family dynamics (reader is constantly pressured and guilted), lots of angst, maybe a sprinkle of fluff (more tba)
╰┈➤ [ word count.txt ] N/A
╰┈➤ [ summary.txt ] in which you know heeseung is out of your league, but you still choose to pursue him knowing that your chances with him are slim to none. if you don't obtain his attention and love, you can kiss your place in your family goodbye.
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catch fire — p. jongseong
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╰┈➤ [ fic.pdf ] teaser! || read it!
╰┈➤ [ cast.txt ] jay + fem!reader (y/n character portrayed by itzy's yuna in other stories)
╰┈➤ [ contents.txt ] enemies to lovers, rivals to lovers, reader is sort of a mean girl, eventual mutual pining, angst & fluff (more tba)
╰┈➤ [ word count.txt ] N/A
╰┈➤ [ summary.txt ] in which you and jay have been competing with each other since you were in primary school, and it can't possibly get any worse when you're paired for a project. that is, until you're suddenly planning for an unsolicited wedding.
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impurities — s. jaeyun
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╰┈➤ [ fic.pdf ] teaser! || read it!
╰┈➤ [ cast.txt ] jake + fem!reader (y/n character portrayed by ive's rei in other stories)
╰┈➤ [ contents.txt ] secret relationship!au, mutual pining, star-crossed lovers of sorts, an equal amount of angst & fluff, bloodline discrimination ?? i'm making it a thing idk (more tba)
╰┈➤ [ word count.txt ] N/A
╰┈➤ [ summary.txt ] in which you and jake must keep your relationship a secret, especially from your family. they'd never allow you to be with someone who came from an impure bloodline like his.
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all for love — p. sunghoon
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╰┈➤ [ fic.pdf ] teaser! || read it!
╰┈➤ [ cast.txt ] sunghoon + fem!reader (y/n character portrayed by aespa's winter in other stories)
╰┈➤ [ contents.txt ] fake dating!au, exes to lovers, a lotta angst, fluff to make up for it (more tba)
╰┈➤ [ word count.txt ] N/A
╰┈➤ [ summary.txt ] in which you and sunghoon have been happily together since high school and are destined to marry after graduating from university. the problem? you broke up three months ago, but no one knows.
╰┈➤ [ notes.txt ] i wrote a small drabble/fic a while ago with a plot similar to this one, though i do plan to change up a bit of it in this series. here it is if you're interested in reading it!
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Fanfiction commentary and recommendations: The why´s and how´s and Part I of 'Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood'
Okay, so. I know it may be weird, but bear with me for a moment: i love to comment on fics or stories like some people would a youtube video - with all the comments and snark and further ideas that entails. (though that works best in a chapter-for-chapter basis) And all the random tangents my brain will go off of. Which is why I thought: why not share my thoughts? (also thanks to the comment from @norapretzel) Since I have about 300 fics of the Phandom in my 'Please update I need more' tab folder, I wanna share just why I put them there and what makes them worth reading. (Seriously, tab groups or tab lists are the best thing ever. They have made my life so much easier. And stopped my laptop from regularly fighting for it´s life.) I don´t know how regular this will be or even if, because work and life in general. But anyways: it´s just for fun and to put something out there.
I will begin with the fanfic I am currently reading: 'Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood' by halfagone (milkywxy) [@halfagone]
The other parts can be found here:
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
Part VII
My most recently read chapter is chapter 35 which means: the first mini-arc as well as a few important plotpoints have been mentioned if not completely finished. I have binged those first 35 chapters sometime between late afternoon yesterday and evening today so it will not be as detailed as it would be if i only mentioned one chapter - I do apologize for that.
Anyways, here the actual commentary instead of my usual ramblings:
As for the first point. The most important point. The reason you should read this? It´s a story about family and the difference between the people who raised you and those you actually view as family. It´s about trust and that sometimes you can´t trust those you want to trust the most and that that´s okay. It´s about family by choice and that it may sometimes look or feel weird (especially if viewed from the outside). It´s also about burdens and how one handles them - how it can become unhealthy under circumstances. It´s a story about many themes and plot points and details that play together to become something more. I do hope it doesn´t sound too philosophical to be honest. But to just put it in a nutshell: 'Lex Luthor´s Ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood' is a story about family and how to overcome obstacles together.
The story begins at a gala. Or, more precisely, at a gala where Brucie Wayne (and oh, he holds onto that persona with an iron grip) and Lex Luthor (who has SOME kind of respect for the guy, even though he has his own son run the company instead of himself) are having a talk. And while we all know and love Bruce for this persona it does mean it paints him in a rather incompetent light for other people in this circle. This does not stop him from being a worried parent though. Oh no.
This man has the audacity to tell Luthor IN HIS FACE (though not in those words) that he fears him to be an (more or less accidentally) incompetent father figure. Which Danny predictably finds hilarious when Lex later tells him.
So here we see a first glimpse of the relationship between these two - a relationship that seems to have already been developing for quite some time already. It´s also here that we find out that Danny is stranded in this dimension - i do not want to say 'trapped' but in a sense it is the correct word. (all his friends, his family, everything he knows - they are are not here. He is the only one in this dimension. And even if some things are similar enough - I doubt it´s the same.)
While sad to think about, i do believe that he is making the best of his situation and he already seems to have found himself a parent figure. A parent figure that seems to actually care even. Who wants his best and won´t put their own work before the wellbeing of their child. Though we´ll only get there a little later in the story.
And personally I must say that it´s just damned funny to see the 'showdown' between Lex and Bruce go down. It´s such a stark contrast to the conversation Lex and Danny have later in the chapter that i did have to laugh quite a bit at all of the reactions both them tried to hide xD
I don´t want to sell the story short, but I also don´t want to spoil all too much, because honestly? That just takes the fun out of a story. So I´ll just summarize the next bit for a bit:
What follows are some serious and some funny conversations between Danny and several Heroes and Danny, as well as our favourite halfa and his new father figure about the nature of their relationship, his life before all of this, the nature of cloning and clones and no one has asked to be born and should not be treated any less for their parentage. Also about people being superweapons and how well (or bad) that can turn out. (And also the question: Are Lex Luthor and Superman bitter Exes? An important question I must admit. It would honestly explain so MUCH about their relationship. And even if it´s not true: i kinda want Danny asking it out loud at a press conference with Clark Kent and Lex Luthor present. That would be just hilarious xD)
And honestly? After the heartwarming talk about clones I kinda want Danny ripping Superman a new one about his behaviour with Kon. It would 1) be a very amusing thing to watch and 2) Our boy deserves a brother who will defend him from the people who have hurt him the most.
After that we get to Cass and Danny meeting and my god, those are such frankly adorable scenes that i DO NOT WANT TO SPOILER. So I´ll just ignore that whole comment in my head and just say: it´s the most adorable thing ever and i think i have diabetes after reading it. Also: I think my neighbours were about to knock on my door to ask where all that squealing came from and if i needed help because of all the running around they heard. I may or may not have run around my flat squealing like a little kid. Maybe.
What we also get to is Lex´ reaction to their meeting and it did not disappoint. He´s just such a tired dad now. Before long he´ll have talks about their children and their relationship with bruce. And both will probably be absolutely suffering during it lmao. As well as the batfamily as a whole. They don´t know what to think yet but they are already preparing the shovel talk xD
We also get to see one of the many abilities and strenghths Danny has and how he constantly holds himself as small as possible - our boy has a low self esteem and such a low opinion of his own intellect that it just physically hurts me :')
Okay so it´s quite late now - those were the first 5 chapters. Those are part commentary and part speculations and i hope it was entertaining. I did expect to get out a bit more, but my brain wants to go to sleep and and who am I to deny my brain it´s rest? Will try to at least do another 5 chapters tomorrow but I can´t promise anything ;p
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quaranmine · 7 months
I know I already commented this on AO3 but I literally cant stop thinking about this fic and I so want to talk someone's ears off irl. Cuz holy fuck. I just absolutely the characterization in the story. The voice and expression of Grian is just so palpable and well-written. You sympathize for the guy even as he digs himself deeper into the abyss. Like, I know from the beginning, from playing Firewatch, that there is no conspiracy, just circumstances. But you understand where Grian is coming from, you hope that he is in some ways right, that Mumbo is still out there (doesnt help that Im a mumbo main lol). At some point, part of you just believe the conspiracy along with him even as everyone else, including the back of your own mind, tells you otherwise. And the other part wants to grab Grian from the other side of the screen and shake him til he realizes. That fucking dread of in some way knowing the ending just created that underlying layer of tension when reading. And, as someone else has pointed out, Grian's agency in his search for Mumbo being like denied somewhat fits in so well and just hits home that, nothing is really in his control, that its all just an accident. Its that gut-renching punch and realization that is stuck in my head after reading chapter 11. And im glad that chapter 12 presents some closure and breathing room. Its not the ending, but its an ending and a start. The melancholy of the last chapter, of Grian's acceptance and him finally meeting Scar. All of it is just, GOD. Anyways, excuse my ramblings, I love this fic and its genuinely one of the best Ive read. You did an amazing job.
THANK YOU!!!! I love this review of my work so much, as well as your AO3 review :)
I like that you bring out that having played Firewatch clued you in on the lack of conspiracy. I know the game's ending is controversial, but I actually like it a lot. I love the way the game makes you paranoid and how the remoteness of the setting reinforces that. I love how it's just a story about broken people running from their problems. Whenever I think about the game, I think about this Medium article I read (massive game spoilers.)
And so with this story, I didn't want to do the same thing as the game's plot, but I wanted to harness some of the same themes and explore them in my own way. I think the fic works well alongside the game because it sort of complements it, neither requiring prior game knowledge to read nor spoiling the game--but having game knowledge makes it even better.
I worked backwards knowing I was going to have an obvious ending. It's obvious because it's the most realistic option. But there is also an interesting extra level of writer-reader meta to play with, which is that nearly everyone is primed to sympathize with and believe the pov character. Everyone is also generally primed to expect better ending, or to expect that impossible will somehow happen because it's a fiction story. So I knew that readers would start off with a similar hope to Grian. And I knew that as the story went on further and further, I could direct readers toward the real conclusion. At some point, the very length of the fic itself and number of chapters left with make readers realize they're running out of time for things to happen. At some point, the reader is going have an objective picture of events and realize how irrational some of Grian's actions are.
I'm glad it worked to create a lot of tension! I also think the way a lot of other characters interact with Grian creates tension, because most of them are sort of "scared" to be direct with him since they know it'll upset him. And the way every one of Grian's actions keep adding and adding until the potential consequences grow greater and greater continue to add to the out-of-control feeling of this story. My goal for his character was always to keep pushing him to see where it led. It was a sad story to write, but it's a fun one to analyze for me.
I'm glad you liked chapter 12. I wanted it to try and resolve some of the things that needed to be said still, and provide a little bit of rest from the last three major action-filled chapters. The story is really 11 chapters of getting Grian to the first step in healing, and chapter 12 is that first step. It isn't the last one. Just the first.
Also my condolences for being a Mumbo main, I really need to get my blorbo rights revoked. I've been privately joking for the past year about fridging the poor man 😭mumbo ily i promise
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dumbcrustyassbitch · 7 days
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hey !! this is basically just a silly blog where i ramble and reblog about my interests !!
you can call me bee :3
will unlikely be the one to initiate conversation, but feel free to talk to me !!! im just a very anxious person
neurodivergent in some way, im still working myself out
can get very passionate, just lmk if im being annoying or too much !!!
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my interests
mean girls
my favourite version of mean girls is the broadway !!! regina is my favourite character, ive watched the 2024 movie over 30 times !! also im an avid rejanis shipper !!! please send me asks/dm me about mean girls, i could babble for hours :3 my favourite song from the broadway is meet the plastics, and my favourite from the movie is someone gets hurt !! WISHING SO HARD FOR WEST END TICKETS🙏🙏🙏🙏
reneé rapp
ive been a fan for just under a year !! my favourite song of hers is either so what now, in the kitchen, snow angel, or moon. ive seen sex lives of college girls 4 times (leighton murray marry me) i own the mean girls and snow angel cds, and its my dream to own one of her vinyls !! i love her so so so much, she's helped me understand myself a little better, and SHE'S SO FUCKING FUNNY AND HER VOICE IS JUST AHAJABFAJAMAN
rachel mcadams
the first movie of hers i saw was mean girls ofc, and then i decided to go on a watching spree !! my all time favourite movie of hers is 100% morning glory, but a few honourable mentions are the notebook, the vow, red eye, eurovision (don't come for me it's not good it's just funny) and game night !! ALSO HER SNL SKIT>>>
erin caldwell
been a fan since 09/05/2023, met her twice, genuinely actually saved my life. there's not much more to say really. as a scottish person, it makes me so proud to see someone like me on stage (help im getting sentimental) but seriously, erin is one of my biggest inspirations, and she's helped me develop my confidence and skills and self esteem and SHES JUST AMAZING OKAY
musical theatre
my longest interest !!! favourite shows that ive seen live are six (ive seen it 4 times, round 5 and 6 booked !! the uk tour 23/24 cast hold a very special place in my heart), come from away, everybody's talking about jamie, pretty woman, hamilton, and grease :3 my favourite shows that i wish i could see/could've seen are mean girls, the notebook, and the great gatsby !!
gravity falls
been a fan for a while :) my favourite episode is “the golf war” because I LOVE PACIFICA HONESTLY !!!! (regina and pacifica are very similar, im sensing a pattern) very very strong shipper of mabel and pacifica !!!! I NEED THE BOOK OF BILL PLS🙏
other interests include the owl house, heartstopper/osemanverse, superstore, olly murs, chappell roan, towa bird, wednesday, descendants, dove cameron, bluey and olivia rodrigo :3
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homophobes, biphobes, etc. any anti lgbtq+
racists, xenophobes, etc.
transphobes, terfs, etc.
NO NSFW !!!!!!
just generally don't be an asshole pls, im here to have fun, not report you for being a cunt <3
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i don't write fics or draw very often, I JUST GENUINELY HAVE NO CREATIVE TALENTS TBH !!!! but i tend to shitpost about mean girls and reneé mostly, some rachel thrown in there !!
also i frequently get the urge to change the entire theme of my blog, just go with it. but it's unlikely that i will change my username !!!! (it's a reneé lyric for those of you uneducated)
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jaeyunverse · 1 year
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hi! i’m sage and my pronouns are she/they. welcome to my blog and i hope you all have a nice time here. let’s be friends :D
enhypen masterlist | nct masterlist | carrd | collab | fanfic library
on a semi-hiatus! i’m pretty busy with uni so i don’t get to write as much as i used to :( therefore i’ll be posting fics sporadically!
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𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝗺𝗲
eighteen. desi. gemini. enfp-t.
lover of chocolates, travelling, thunderstorms, dark aesthetics, horror/thriller films and shows, and gaming.
absolutely hate assholes, introductions, and insects.
ults: riize, enhypen, nct dream, lesserafim, aespa.
regs: newjeans, txt, itzy, kiss of life, somi, bts, triples, alexa, ateez, skz, everglow, seventeen, ive, treasure, (g)-idle, twice, eric nam etc.
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do not interact if: you fit the basic dni criteria; you are over 25 and under 16 (current moots ok!); you are ableist, homophobic, racist, anti-hindu or have any similar prejudices; you do not hold your favs accountable for the shit they do; you’re only here to be a party pooper.
before you follow: pls don’t ask me to be mutuals w you if we have barely interacted before; i generally don’t use tone tags while conversing but lmk if you want me to use them with you; i delete asks that make me uncomfortable so take the hint if yours is not answered.
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𝗿𝗲𝗾𝘂𝗲𝘀𝘁 𝗿𝘂𝗹𝗲𝘀 (closed)
themes i don’t write/am not comfortable writing: yandere, non-con, anything abusive or morally unethical, huge age gaps, a/b/o, toxic relationships (example: bully!member x victim!reader) etc.
stuff you can request: headcanons, reactions and timestamps! sorry but i don’t take requests for longer works :( 
while i do like creating the content you want to read, please keep in mind that i am under no obligation to write your request!
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enginator2000 · 1 year
What are your thoughts on Infidget (the ship of Infinite and Gadget the Wolf)?
i think its fine? i dont inherently dislike it or anything, and i dont mind seeing it from time to time. the only thing that i dont like is like, a lot of the shipping community's interpretations of it. and by that i mean the people that twinkify and feminize gadget into being a little wooby baby that cant do anything without his big strong man and infinite is just the stereotypical scary-on-the-outside soft-on-the-inside masc/male/im a man/im he him boyfriend. either that or gadget is fine and its just infinite who is extremely out of character. i had a lot of "he would not fucking say that" moments with infinite when infidget was at its most popular bc these kinds of depictions were everywhere and it was really annoying
the only version of infidget ive ever shipped was a lovers to friends to enemies to... somethings type deal where they dont go back to how they used to be by the end but its not vitriolic, they just outgrew each other in their own ways during the events of forces. that or their relationship cant get mended at all and theres no closure bc infinite dies or whatever like he did in canon. and i know this is the best version of infidget bc i made it up, thanks
i actually shipped it before forces even came out bc i thought that that was sort of the route that sonic team was going to take with tying the avatar into the story. it made sense to me for the avatar (or in this case gadget) to have some sort of previous history or connection with infinite bc in my onion, that makes their dynamic a little spicier and more compelling. in my version, gadget and infinite (then zero) used to be very close until zero started getting more involved with a local gang, the jackal squad, which began to drive a wedge between them until they got more and more distant from each other. and then some more time passes and gadget hasnt heard from zero for a long time and then the events of forces start. i think part of the idea was from this dialogue that we got to hear when footage of infinites second battle came out before the game itself:
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(image text reads as infinite saying "and those eyes.. i feel like we've met before.")
-which implied that the avatar and infinite had history. which was technically true, but it was within the timeline of the game bc it turned out he was referring to like. the flashback cutscene of the avatar being too scared to fight back the first time they ran into infinite before joining the resistance, so it wasnt what i was hoping for
another reason iirc was uhhhh whatshisface? sega scourge on youtube? they made a theory video about infinite getting his mind wiped by the ruby or something and that added fuel to the fire. its a really cool concept and while i dont think that the avatar wanting to avenge those they lost is necessarily bad, i feel like its just kind of meh for the kind of story forces was trying to tell, what with the friendship-is-cool themes and whatnot. so i thought the avatar/gadgets arc was going to be we get to find out how they and infinite (or at least just the former lol) know each other, and how infinite became infinite in the first place, and gadget wanted to both help put a stop to everything but also get his friend back through, you guessed it, the power of friendship. hooray! i read a really good fic that was like that called til we touch the sun on a03 (that fic still makes me go insane thinking about it) that went with a sidestory for gadget that was quite similar to what i just described
plus the idea of infinite and gadget having shared a past but only one of them remembers it and now has to deal with a monster that looks like who they used to be but is no longer the same in every other regard due to them going dark side (willingly or unwillingly) is super angsty. and i like my ships raw and some degree of brutal for the soul. it keeps me young
but yeah im overall neutral. tl;dr: infidget is a fine ship, i just wish it had more canon-supported flavour and i wish the majority of shippers would stop writing infinite so poorly to make him fit properly into their milquetoast domestic fluff romances, but whatever. we all get enjoyment out of different things, even if theyre wrong :3 (for safety reasons i have to disclose that the previous statement was a joke)
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redstonedust · 2 years
What are some of your favorite long fics? Looking for rec <3
unfortunately i dont do a lot of reading atm so my recs are fairly popular ones that everyone knows but:
literally everything in EHK. obviously. its coming to an end soon-ish and i will never not shill for it. its spooky its goofy its existential and its one of the only bastions of keralis focused writing like. at all.
the parting glass my favourite in the 'what happened to the NHO?' genre, still very enjoyable even if you didnt watch s5/s6 (i didnt when i read it!)
hounds tooth not quite as long but its my other fav doc focused fic, this time set in s8. honestly they have similar themes in different settings so if you'd like one you'd like the other!
still the echoes give us light (series) i fell out of love with watcher grian focus fics and series but this is like. my one exception. love how they reframe actual scenes from 3L/LL/HC to fit their lore.
this is about a stuffed bird yeah everyones read it but they should read it. they should read it twice actually. stuffed bird is so good ive reccomended it to people that dont watch HC.
aaaand it definitely doesnt count as a 'long' fic but read fixed and dialated. its good. its horse head farms content. i am biased.
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ilsanslut · 4 months
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hii friends! ♡
i know its been such a long LONG time since i've last been here, written anything, or interacted with any of you. i apologize for dipping so suddenly with no real indication of when i would return. tbh, this is the first time since my hiatus message that i last opened tumblr, (SHOCKING IK BUT IVE BEEN LIVING OFF OF J.AI) and seeing all of your well wishes as well as compliments on my works since i've been gone just made my heart swell sooo soo much, and i figured that i couldn't leave y'all in the dark any longer.
so, first thing's first. i am a full-time nurse now, (yaay!) but that also means that i work 3-4 12hr shifts a week. sometimes in a row. long story short, it's exhausting and extremely laborous, but it's my passion, and it's what i want to do so it's okay for me! i'm taking care of myself in between shifts too, dw! but i'm also sleeping A LOT more.
that being said, i do not feel comfortable stating a full return to tumblr just yet. (maybe in a few months when i feel thoroughly comfortable balancing writing and working, but no promises as of right now) i'll be active here and there and maybe share a little blurb or a horny/fluffy thought every now and then, but it will take some time for me to get back into writing full fics like i was before.
however, what i do feel comfortable with is bot creation! sometime within the next few weeks i'll be moving some of my nsfw themed c.ai bots onto j.ai (janitor ai), as well as creating a few new ones in the future! i find these to be less time consuming than that of full-length fics or blurbs, so i'll be sticking to making bots for the time being until i feel comfortable to write something larger!
on another note, it's been brought to my attention that recently, a few of my bots have been stolen from c.ai and posted to j.ai or other sites without my permission/credit. am i mad about it? nah (to an extent). does that make it okay? fuck nawl.
what pisses me off about it is: one, when people don't give credit to me or the original idea, and two, when people not only take my bots WITHOUT ASKING, but then they play it off in the bot description or on their page like it's their own creation. deadass, i wish nothing but the worst for y'all and i hope y'all get an incurable yeast infection or sumn. to those of you who HAVE asked first or given me credits, i love you all my lil' precious sugarplums and hope you wake up with 100 million dollars in your bank accs tomorrow!! 🫶🏾
all i'm saying is that if you want to use my bots, please, PLEASE credit me or state that my bot inspired your own (if they are very similar) and please ask/tell me before you do so that there's no confusion later down the line. thank you, lovelies.
if yall do see anyone stealing/using my works, please, let me know, report it, and/or make others aware that the content is stolen. i would appreciate it so, so much. 🫶🏾 ( cough cough: spidersay )
but if i'm honest, that's pretty much it from me! besides working my ass off, sleeping, and revamping my pc setup, that's all i've been up too in these past 4 months. i look forward to interacting with you all soon, and hope you all have a gorgeous day/night! ♡
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staraxiaa · 3 months
I just read Sunflower and i kid you not, i directly send a 3 minutes long voice mess to my boyfriend. This was genius. Incredible. I love you. Please teach me. Please be happy. You deserve the world. My head is going to ne filled with this.
responding to all your comments that you've left here below - thank you, you are so kind. this is really long. sorry for the yapping.
firstly, oh my god. the one you left on sunflower LMAOO i laughed out loud bc i never imagined someone would like my work so much, that they'd contemplate printing it! i'm glad you enjoyed the way i wrote the reader - i wasn't sure how to characterize her at first, but she grew on me so much. i'm honored. hopefully one day i will be able to write longer-length fics with the same depth that i did for this one!
also thank you and sorry in advance i need to rant about my fics/concepts - im going to dump them all here, since you asked about them! i don't have anything other than what's on my profile right now, but i hope these suffice. if you have any more questions about anything feel free to ask anytime :). barring outright spoilers, i'm happy to answer anything! some of my in-progress works are on my masterlist ( only titles / pairings, nothing else ). they will be posted to tumblr eventually, and i think they will be long enough to also be posted to ao3! however, i've only started working on these fics recently (read: after july 1st, when i made this blog) so they probably won't be posted for a while, unless i sink into a sunflower-level brainrot again. but! soon! these will likely be in x reader format. here's a tentative list, i won't go too much into detail ( i really want to. i want to do it so bad. but i won't bc spoilers!! )
porcelain, shouto todoroki x actress! reader. - but this will deal with very dark themes (eating disorder, suicidal ideation, sexual violence, child abuse, and anything similar associated with the acting/idol industry) that a lot of people will likely find uncomfortable. will also take me a significant amount of time to write due to the research i need to do to give these themes (hopefully) justice.
pirate! katsuki bakugo x siren! reader. - i came up with the concept this morning. it needs to marinate for a bit. but the vision is there!! pure self indulgence fic!! i thought of it and i was like WAIT i am a GENIUS and ive also been listening to the song that inspired it on loop so. mild darker themes but nothing like porcelain lol
sukuna x kitsune! reader - honestly i just really like kitsune mythology and whenever i think of this i want to stick my fist in my mouth and scream because im like the POTENTIAL. i also really like aus about fantasy historical times (im a diehard historical xianxia cdrama enjoyer. they are terrible. i eat every single one of them up.) will also deal with dark themes, considering the status of the world/women during those times.
i do have a tentative x oc in the works - vampire hunter! character x vampire. not sure abt the pairing, but it's bnha. i can tell you that this will be an au, like i take liberties with the entire universe and rewrite it style, with an entirely new plot set after the entire anime. (afo wins. i think.) this will hopefully be a chaptered work, which also means it will take me a significant amount of time to write. i like to have a clear vision + most chapters prewritten for anything longer than a one shot before i post bc all of my past projects have been abandoned lol. theyre getting reworked into some of these fics tho!
finally, onto this ask: i actually showed your message to my parents after squealing over it lol thank you. i'm honored you liked my fic so much that you shared it with your loved ones. i am also glad that your head will be filled with this - that's exactly how i felt writing it! nothing else. just ideas bouncing around the rest of my horrifically empty head.
you also mentioned being taught by me how to write twice - i don't think i'm qualified for a teacher. i'm not even an english major :^). i just enjoyed english classes in hs, and write in my spare time. (im actually studying computer engineering and my friends think its really funny bc like lol an engineer?? a coder?? who writes?? i am simply Special)
however, i think i can say this! write for yourself, write whatever you want to write. my first works were published on wattpad back when i was 13. that account has since been deleted, and i cringe really hard when i think back to that time, but i think that without it, without the love that those few interactions gave me, and towards my confidence to post, my writing would not be at all what it is today. it doesn't matter if what you write is bad, or not at all on par with what you'd like - writing, to me, is a journey that you build up every step of the way. you will improve in anything if you pour enough love into it, i think.
( ok unrelated interlude sorry i feel like a wizened sage i should really take my own advice and focus up on school LOL. sorry if this is also like,, condescending at all?? in any way?? i promise i don't mean it in that way )
with regards on how specifically to improve at writing: idk, i'm not that much of an established writer myself. i'm definitely not as good compared to some authors whose works i've read, though i'd like to get someday! firstly, i think reading anything you can is important. the books i usually read are of the fantasy/action/romance types, and i am a serial reader of fanfiction myself. read as much as you can, whatever you'd like. note the authors that say something that sticks with you, cut up the emotions of their characters into a million pieces, hold them within your heart. i am the writer i am today, only because of the thousands of authors who came before me, because i carry snippets of them that i admired, i thought were particularly amazing, and tried to make it into my own. i think i said this in a response to someone else: it's amazing to see how different authors interpret a character and make it into their own, taking little snippets from a fandom, tweaking it just a bit to add their own.
read for your own enjoyment, write for your own enjoyment, practice with a drabble a day or anytime, anything that you want. love the process and every step of it. be like me, and think of a comment at 11pm while watching your cdramas because one reader told asked you if you really liked to make them suffer. think of a concept because you tell them that you'd like to write fluff one day, and fixate on this so strongly that you think of nothing else for a full 48 hours, even when you are sleeping, so much that you wake up, have an idea click together, hop over to your laptop at 8am in the morning on 5 hours of sleep after you sleep at 3 (because you're grinding) and start the grind anew. or, ruminate on your ideas! let them sit, let them simmer, plan it out as slowly as you'd like. it can take you months, years - lord knows. i have a concept i've been sitting on for the better part of minimum five years? i say this, because once an idea clicks for me, the flow of it feels natural. i grin whenever i think of something really stupid to put in, a sentence that feels just perfect, a reference that 90% of my readers will probably miss.
when i decided to start this blog, it was because i was like: it'd be really cool if i went viral! and also because i wanted to share my work, to motivate myself into writing. i write because i am delighted when anyone chooses to interact with my posts, to like my writing. but i also write - and i think this is really important - solely for myself. yes, it's astounding to see the numbers go up, and i've honestly obsessed over the notifications for like hours now im ngl. but i write works for me, in a way that i know i will love; that will have me rereading over and over going oh my god i love ME. i write for those moments i will read back upon and grin quietly to myself at my own self-supposed literary genius.
tl;dr, write for yourself, and write something you know you will love.
if you have specific questions, i would be happy to answer them. to the best of my ability. i write entirely based off of vibes. i am also not sure if you asked that as like an unserious thing but i still tried my best either way.
sorry if this took too long / if any of it is unreadable / stated a bit? weirdly? tried my best :^)). also apologies for the yapping, it is also a disease, and like with my brainrot, i fear it is terminal
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unda-dsk · 3 months
have you read umineko? i was just curious since ive been reading through it recently and as someone who cycles through rereads of your fics somewhat regularly im noticing a lot of similar themes, specifically with AU which im 2/3 of my way through like my 4th reread of rn :0!
I'm partway through umineko since my beta RKO is a huge fan of it. I love it so far!
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juicezone · 1 year
Pinned Post!
DNI (last updated 6/12/24)
-If you are K!nk, dd/lg (or similar communities), NSFW, ect. If your account is NOT child friendly, DNI! -if you’re following for a sideblog, it’s really REALLY appreciated if you just send us a message ^^’ -If you engage in sys/course. we personally are fine with systems regardless of origins, because the brain is complex and dumb, and sometimes it's hard to A) describe what's going on and B) it's nonya business. basically, we'll do our best to not interact with you, and we ask you do the same >TLDR: we are ENDO-SAFE. if you aren't, please leave us alone, and we'll leave you alone.
-If you don't want us interacting, just shoot us a message! we usually "like" things so that we can check and make sure we follow DNIs properly (not that we're trying to break them! sometimes things are hard to read and process properly, so we save them as likes until we can <:)) >We'll apologize, and block! (The blocking is just to try and prevent accidentally interacting w/ you in the future!)
-If we interact w/ a questionable/bad person, please shoot us a message!! we try and be aware, but sometimes things slip by or people are sneaky.
-I am! not super likely to follow back/in general if you are under 18 (and def not if you’re under 16 ^^’ sorry)
Check under the readmore for the following!
-Indiv Intros -Link to Agere/Petre art request rules! -Character Links
🦈TL - He/It 🦈 -likes space + ocean themed things! -Likes stuffed animals, and soft things! -Really likes Tigger, Sharks, Sheep -Age range is generally 1-8, usually somewhere around the 5 mark -likes to chatter a lot!! -Sleepy baby soo much. -tag is TL and av posts! -Most active on here -LOOK AT THESE THINGS THE BEST ICONS EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! -TSS (tiger sheep sharks) board made for me :D!!!!! -LOOK AT MCBONES AND DICKIE BEING FRIENDS!!!! -LOOK AT THE BEST BOARD IVE EVER SEED BONES AND MCBONES ARE THERE
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-Removed other sys kids profiles at their request, they'll still have stuff tagged for them tho!
💬Discord💬 -Message us/send us an ask (off anon) for our discord :D
Link to character tags:
Rory | Ward | Cooper | Cade | Fischer | Toby | Rory Ref ( Capri Ref ) | Ward Ref | Cooper Ref | Cade Ref | Fischer Ref | Toby Ref | Fic masterlist
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zukkacore · 3 months
i can't. remember if i sent in numbers for the writer's ask already. if i did, crying ignore this but: 11, 12, and 30?
11. a wip you'd like to finish someday
Oh god i started so many just w/in the past few days. Jace hireling au obviously. jaceporter first time. Actually, the true honest to god earnest answer is i always felt terrible abandoning my multichap danganronpa talentswap. It's so old i really don't think its indicative of my current skill level but it was so much fun and it means so much to be and its so long and i did have a whole ending planned out but im just not that good at writing detectivework. I do think there's some good shit in there still tho.
The other answer that's kinda cheating is i have a fantasy based Taming of the shrew retelling i've been like retooling for like a goddamn year. It's such a fucked play but i have so many mixed feelings abt it. My feelings on taming are very similar to del toro's on pinocchio in that it's very pro domestication of the human spirit that i think is kinda depressing. Like im very centrist abt whether the play is irredeemable or whether its not meant to be taken seriously, but the themes are interesting. In my mind, there's like. all this stuff abt performance and palability and. Individiuality vs community. Acceptance vs ostracization. This tension between vulnerability n connection vs. power and control and how those are competing needs w/in people. Like. Kate n Petrucchio are both outsiders and petruchio could choose vulnerability and connection w/ his wife and instead he chooses social approval in a patriarchal society which he gains through proving how good he is at subjugating his wife. The themes are INTERESTING it's just the fuckin CONCLUSION (aka its morally good and just to gaslight your wife actually) are fuckin DIRE. On the other hand. Kate and Petruchio have mad chemistry and is it so wrong to think they should fuck nasty?
12. a trope you're really into right now
... 4 jaces? I feel like i have a weird stance on the clonefucking joke poll that goes around every few months (in that its not the same as masturbation b/c the minute their consciousness is different from yours thats like. a full person but not a person i would be compelled to be with but maybe im to arospec for that) so its never particularly compelled me before, like i thought that shit in Loki was kinda cringe. but just bc i don't find the idea particularly compelling for myself doesn't mean Jace can't be a little obsessed w/ himself. Tbh the idea of being a xerox of a xerox of a xerox in general is very interesting for me tho.
There's also something I think i keep returning to abt like. Having to renegotiate or reclaim power and love in a relationship that should otherwise be fucked and heartbreaking. By all intents and purposes, there should be one break at the heart of this that ruins everything, a moment at the beginning that should have ruined everthing from jump. but if we're stuck together, I'm determined to reconcile w/ myself that there's love there. It's very Jaceporter. It's very Kate n petruchio. Very hades n persephone I have another very old school ship that actually has something very similar happen. If you can figure it out based on this text i sent my friend then you were probaly on tumblr when a certain webcomic was updating.
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30. share a fic you're especially proud of
I feel like me giving so many answers to these is a total copout. The truthful answer is that I have like a 10k togakure (hiro n togami for those curious) pwp fic thats on my google drive somewhere that i've never posted bc ive been too embarrassed and the ship is NOT that popular so i think like .5 people would read it. But it's like my favorite thing i've ever written. I might post it eventually. If i pluck up the courage. I have sent it to like 2-3 people in my lifetime. I'd cite a scene i like, but I like all of it. And also most if it is smut.
The half-hearted answer is my talentswap bc i am fuckin proud of it im just embarrassed bc i abandoned it. I'm legit so sad. I'm such a Hiro n Mukuro should be proxy siblings truther and im glad their scene was the last thing i posted but now it will never come into fruition.
So i guess. My default answer is my Sky High AU for It chapter 2. It's called Welcome To the Loser Track and it's reddie and in it Richie is the kid who glows and Eddie is the kid who turns into a guinea pig. I actually really like the movie Sky High a lot, I think it's a really good kids movie and it's got a lot of fun setpieces and cool design components and even some of the camerawork is pretty neat and cute stuff in it that's rly underrated. Its like one of the main Things i feel like ppl who are my friends or have been w/ me a long time know about me, and the silly thing abt me is that i really do earnestly like Zack/Magenta as a ship, but mainly bc i just think Zack gives off baby butch dyke vibes (and. I hate to use the phrase. but it's kinda black cat x golden retriever vibes). I actually like it so much that Sky High reddie is probably my favorite version of reddie, and i do think the other Losers in that mode are also very fun (Bill is strong n can fly, Mike controls plants, Stan melts, Bev is pyrokinetic, and Ben is a technopath). The main thing abt it is that it's COMPLETE (i have so many abandoned wips), but i am geuinely proud of it. I don't think the writing is like always the most polished but i think there is a lot of interesting queer subtext in that movie (in that there is basically a coming out scene even if the conclusion of the story is that he was straight the whole time lol) that i kinda picked at and did a good job elaborating on. There's actually a lot of underutilized subtext in that movie that isn't rly interrogated that i think is fun. I just think there's very romantic abt two people with "useless" powers seeing the beauty in each other.
I feel like some old school mutuals from my IT days already know this, but this is probably my favorite scene from the fic:
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