#ive only used my drawing tag like once wow
modwalnut · 6 months
I need creativity cuz I need to make and draw a character can you spare some creativity and motivation for a pour soul like me😔?
I don't have that much myself, but here, have smt of ragatha and @/ask-little-gangle.
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valleyyofthemoonnn · 2 years
bitches will create a sideblog just to post their art n then never post there
(im bitches)
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AAhh I really like 45 it pushed the story along while also being just hilarious and touching and it was just so good!! 46 was just pokemon battles...
At breakfast the most of the brothers crowd around MC and ask them how different appliances work, Asmo apologizes for them and then immediately asks MC something as well and well Belphie calls him out on it he says he hasn't been in the human world for a really long time and things have changed. Beel says that the human world progresses so fast that it makes him dizzy and Asmo says maybe it feels like that since the devildom doesn't progress. Lucifer tells MC to get ready to leave once they're done eating (still on the white couches is2g this pisses me off so much) and when MC asks him wtf he says oh yeah forgot you nearly died while Solomon told you about getting a sorcerer's license. MC's got a meeting with Solomon and Beel & Lucifer were asked to come along. Mammon & Asmo protest cause they can't tag along.  Belphie says that Beel and Lucifer were probably chosen cause they'll at least appear as mature functioning adults.
They meet up with Solomon in front of the Sorcerer's Society HQ, which according to Solomon is filled with "Pompous Uptight Bureaucrats". It provides assistance to sorcerer's living in the human world and provides them with first a provisional license and then a full license that'll allow them to practice magic as they pls more or less. Lucifer's like; that's great and all but why the fuck are we here. And Solomon tells him that he'll understand when they get inside. Lucifer says that sounds exactly like something someone who was seconds away from causing problems would say and he tells MC to brace themself.
The backgrounds for both these lessons are really good! Right so when they walk in sorcerers start ooing and awing over Beel and Lucifer - they've never seen them irl before, one even wants their autographs. Apparently Solomon's apprentice taming the 7 rulers was believed to be an urban legend?????????? I dunno imagine going from being a normal human to becoming an urban legend amongst sorcerers? Lucifer thinks Solomon brought them along just to boost MC's reputation (ohhh the poor man). Solomon reveals that he isn't on good terms with the society (is it even a surprise?) and being his apprentice would just make things harder for MC and that he established the society with his previous apprentice long ago but they had a falling out and now that apprentice runs the society (is it sad that there's a huge possibility that the falling out could be food related?). Solomon says he brought the brothers as bodyguards for his cute apprentice/charming apprentice/favourite pupil (If he keeps talking like that whoever runs this place is gonna deck MC) since back in the Celestial Realm the two of the were known as "the two greatest champions and protectors of the CR". Beel gets pissed off cause he thinks this means Solomon is putting MC in danger and Solomon says 'lol that's definitely not who I'm putting in danger' and when Lucifer picks up on that and questions Solomon on it he goes 'man look at the time we really gotta go get MC registered WOW'. The dude at the reception uses his staff to etch a magic seal that's the society's crest on to the back of MC's hand (I really feel like you should tell someone beforehand that you're gonna give them what is basically a tattoo? Also cant wait for that butcher to see this and the rest of MC's harem and come to the conclusion that they're in a cult) which consists of  3 staves and 7 stars signifying the 3 Magis who are believed to have invented magical arts and the 7 virtues (is it bad that before i even started om i knew what the 7 sins were but only had a vague knowledge about the 7 virtues? I wouldn't have been able to name them all without this lesson :/ anyway they're humility, generosity, gratitude, patience, chastity, temperance and diligence. Something i really like is that the brothers have all displayed the virtues that directly oppose their sins on a semi regular to regular basis).  To get their license apprentuces must earn the seven stars via passing 7 trials with the first of the trials being set and judged by their master. (ok so I assumed each test would focus on a brother and MC'd earn the star that opposes each brother's sin and would pass the test by learning and displaying the virtue of that star. But that isn't what happened here? If anything the test was there to teach Lucifer humility? Is that how it will go? will each test somehow focus on MC helping the brothers learn and display their opposing virtue even though all of them have already displayed this virtue to some extent?  I mean I guess the main point of the tests were to show that MC could control the brothers so that makes sense? but even though this test did focus on making Lucifer let go of his pride, the test was about MC learning to control Beel's power and these two lessons are very much focused on Beel so was the star they earned actually temperance? Even though the test didn't have anything to do with that virtue? Ahh i have so many questions about how the stars are earned and neither lesson really clarify it and if anyone wants to come debate about this???)
ANYway Solomon uses a spell to bind Lucifer in place, which pisses Beel off, tho when MC stays calm and just observes what happens Solomon is pleased assessing a situation before taking action is important (Ive had this HC for a while now but solomon is definitely the kinda teacher who throws you into the deep end with just a cryptic warning and watches with a smile as you try to figure out how to not die, if you do something particularly amusing while struggling he'll give you another cryptic hint, occasionally he'll yell out praise with that smile of his even if it looks like you're actively drowning and dying and failing). They start to get an audience while Lucifer threatens Solomon and shifts into his demon form and goes also im still fucking pissed off about that lunch so/ Beel also shifts and threatens Solomon, tho lucifer tells him to stand down cause he wants to murder solomon on his own and that a mere binding spell won't hold him down, Solomon's like Jeez chill it's for MC's exam you fucknugget and Lucifer's like oh shit yeah but you know i'll actually kill you for this later and Solomon's like yeah that's cool and also imma use my powers to make you into the size of a barbie doll and lucifer's like what-  MC then proceeds to lose their shit over a tiny blushing Lucifer. MC's test is to keep lucifer safe for 24 hours which would be fine if they you know didn't live with the other 5.  which is actually what lucifer says when Beel says it'll be easy if they just stay at home cause home according to lucifer also contains his '5 greatest enemies'. MC's job is to protect Lucifer from them without using any commands on anyone other than beel, and the goal is for them to be able to fully command beel like they did with Asmo in S1 against Henry 1.0. Beel is not allowed to act on his own to protect lucifer and can only act on MC's commands.  Beel agrees, Lucifer swears and Solomon asks MC about their confidence levels. MC can promise one of the three of them that they won't mess up.  Solomon says he'll stay in the house with them so that he can judge and Lucifer's more or less like; you're having fun aren't you and solomon says Duh.
So they end up at the café where predictably Luke & Simeon end up screaming and laughing at a blushing pissed off mini Luci, Simeon tells him they physically cannot laugh cause of course big scary Lucifer is now in Simeon’s words ‘Teeny-Tiny” & how he’s so cute he wants to keep him in a jar as a pet (God I love this lesson).  He says Michael would love to see this and when Lucifer yells at him he completely ignores him to poke his cheek (V Relatable). Luke also wants to join in on the fun but Lucifer is a little bitch to him and as retaliation for scaring their son MC pokes luci on the cheek too. Beel laments about wanting to poke luci on the cheek too and when Solomon tells the others to stop teasing lucifer, luci goes, EXCUSE ME WHOSE FUCKING FAULT IS THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Beel notes that luci now smells human. When luke asks about the smelling thing beel says that all 3 species? races? Smell different. Simeon marvels at how much humiliation PrideTM is willing to take cause he’s simping for MC. Luci tells them to shut tf up cause unless they come up with a plan to deal with his hell children they’re probably going to kill him the second he steps foot inside the house. Beel tells MC to use his powers. Luci says they should be able to draw out Beel’s powers like they did Asmo’s in S1. Solomon says since he gave them a power up in S1 simply saying the incantation won’t work this time around and they must first fully understand Beel and his nature to be able to do that. MC has a flashback to the Butcher and his relationship advice and then asks Beel what he thinks they should do to be able to better understand him (while I do think ideally this is the right choice, in context with the other two choices, to me, this is the ONLY choice cause the other two come off as slightly yandere on mc’s part). Beel chooses spending time together via sleepover. But obviously Luci will have to come along and Solomon invites himself along too cause he’s still the judge.  Simeon’s sad about not being able to join in and luke is TOTALLY NOT JEALOUS OKAY!?!?
Outside the house Luci, Beel and MC all make pledges like they’re invading enemy territory; Lucifer: Swear you won’t let your guard down. Beel: Swear to protect Lucifer with your life. MC, 100% seriously: I Swear. Solomon: Are yall fucking serious??? These are your fucking brothers???? You practically raised them??? Lucifer: Have you ever actually met my brothers???? Beel: You legit think they won’t give up their lives just to fuck with lucifer for a day? When Solomon asks what lucifer ever did to make them hate him so much he says he doesn’t know. And look while “locking me up in the fucking attic for a whole year”, “not acknowledging that you’re actually my father and taking some fucking responsibility” and “blaming every minor inconvenience in your life on my very existence” are all very valid reasons none of them actually hate him right, cause I mean using every chance you get to fuck with your siblings is just part of being a sibling?  Which is what Beel and MC both tell Lucifer. Lucifer doesn’t believe them and actually seems sad about it. Solomon said “while I do find the complicated interpersonal dynamics of your family fascinating” my ass is freezing out here. …Do you think they’re like solomon’s favourite show??? I mean Solomon’s old as shit and probably doesn’t remember what it’s like to have a family, and before MC, Simeon and the student exchange he didn’t really have anybody so do you think he just watches the brothers + MC like ‘damn, this shit is wild’????????????????? The instant they enter the house, someone casts a spell and they’re pulled into a portal. The fuck did you say about everyone loving Lucifer, says Solomon while making direct eye contact with Beel. They fall through endless darkness and MC tells them to chill cause it only feels like they’re falling. They end up in a weird ballroom/royal courtroom kinda place, which Solomon marvels. Beel & MC recognize the place as a location from one of levi’s games and meet Levi in his TSL clothes who welcomes MC as the ‘hero’.
Beel, Luci & Sol kinda just wordlessly stare at levi with tired expressions and MC being the bro they are plays along with levi by asking if he is who they think he is. He introduces himself as The Lord of Shadows, the ruler of all 7 lands. Lucifer: WTF. Beel says they don’t have time for games and Levi gets upset that they’re making him look pathetic. Levi gives MC their mission – to save the world by defeating the demon lord satan. Lucifer tells Solomon to get the fuck out of there. Solomon says he can’t considering he has no idea where the fuck they are in the first place. Beel politely asks ‘his majesty’ the way to pantry and Levi yells at them to take it seriously. Beel says well ok and explains the whole test thing to levi as a way to explain why they can’t play. Levi says satan already knows this. After that there’s a flash and black smoke starts curling up around the room and satan turns up in his demon form. And LOOK I hate satan’s demon form outfit but it actually looks really good in this context??? The feather boa and ribbon bow thing really works with the curling black smoke, evil demon lord look. It probably helps that you can’t see his bottom half. Anyway Satan turns out to just be a magical projection and he says, well you’ll have to come to me cause I kidnapped your boyfriend, while Diavolo calls out to Lucifer and MC from off screen. Diavolo had run away from the devildom to surprise the brothers. While Lucifer scolds Diavolo and while Diavolo apologizes, Satan tells they must all come to him along with the “obnoxious talking doll”. Lucifer: the fuck did you just say. Ok this part is really cute; Satan: “I’ll be seeing you MC.” Diavolo, still off screen: Can’t wait to see you MC! Luicfer has a migraine. When Beel tries to say they should head off, Levi tells them they forgot something in RPGs. MC, still dutifully in character, asks the lord of shadows to give them aid. Levi gives them 100 grimm and just anekfnsndfjn the fuck can they do with just 100 grimm. Which is what both Beel and Luci say. Solomon says, well maybe they’re just fucking poor around here so everything here is cheap. Levi gives them a talisman to protect themselves with, Lucifer says cool, but once this is over I’m gonna beat your ass :) Levi says he just bought a new game that lets you create your own story and he just wanted to play it with them :(
So they end up in a cute lil’ game village & beel wants to go to a tavern but lucifer says they need to buy equipment first. If MC asks a NPC they just repeat the same line about how great life is under levi’s rule over and over again, if they search in the grass they find some medicinal herbs but beel immediately eats them, if they break a barrel Solomon starts breaking open barrels too and they get yelled at by lucifer. They end up in No. 2’s armoury. Lucifer’s fed up with life. Solomon says the gear looks like shit and Beel says it makes sense since this is only the first town. When Beel tries to ask 2 for food he repeats his introductory dialogue over and over again. With the money they have they’re able to buy gear for Solomon and MC and the only thing that fits Lucifer is the fairy outfit,,,, I’m NOT fucking wearing that says lucifer off screen and God I love this lesson. Solomon and MC are both little shits and can you just imagine them trying to convince lucifer to wear it just to test it out? Fucking amazing. MC tries to haggle/talk with 2 so they could get armour for beel but he says buddy I’m running a business here BUT there’s a monster in the casino that cheats ppl of their mone– Lucifer & Beel simultaneously: Oh, Mammon. So basically, if they can get 2’s money back he’ll offer them a huge discount on the lord of flies armour.  They decide to find an inn for the night before they face Mammon.
Lucifer finds it hard to eat food. Solomon: Cause you’re tiny ^.^   Beel: Wonder whose fault that is :I  MC can either offer to cut it for him (He thanks MC and tells them to feed him too. Entitled Fuck. Solomon & Beel also want to be fed but Lucifer tells them to fuck off) or tell him to just open wide and take a bite (Lucifer says if he gets too close to the food Beel would probably accidentally eat him). Beel says the food is a lot like devildom food and MC asks him if he likes devildom food or human food, Beel says all food is good. Since they don’t have much money MC & beel and Solomon & Lucifer end up sharing beds with Lucifer telling Solomon to use a spell to keep himself still during the night to avoid accidentally killing lucifer in his sleep. There isn’t a spell for that. At night, Beel asks lucifer if he thinks Satan still hates him and gets “…” in response. Assuming Lucifer is asleep he asks MC what they think. MC says they think Satan just can’t admit that he likes Lucifer. Beel says if that’s what they think then it’s okay cause he just wants Satan to love lucifer like the rest of them do. MC asks Beel if he’s worried about lucifer (Beel says Lucifer wouldn’t want him to worry but… and that he wants to be there when lucifer needs help) or says that Beel really loves Lucifer (Beel happily agrees that he does). Beel then tells MC about how he and Lucifer first met: So back when Beel was an angel, according to him the only thing good about him was that he was strong so he decided to become a soldier except he couldn’t control his strength and always ended up breaking things which led to Raphael always saying something sarcastic to him. The whole thing was depressing for him until one day lucifer came over, sat beside him and talked with him. Lucifer was always really busy and spent most of his days deep inside the palace (places where Beel has never even been to before). He told beel that a soldier was not about attacking but instead about protecting, that protecting was what was most important. He’d told beel that he was special cause he had the power to protect everyone and keep them safe (this shit is the sweetest and it has me sobbing but also that must have hit like a bullet when Lilith died…). Lucifer had told Beel if he learnt to control his powers then Lucifer would recommend him as a Cherubim, gatekeeper. Lucifer had given Beel confidence and his post as a gatekeeper. Which is why Beel wants to protect him, cause he loves and respects Lucifer. He says all his brothers love Lucifer cause if they didn’t they never would have considered leaving the celestial realm. He says that even though Satan’s situation is different he isn’t the same as he was before MC came around and that Beel likes the new satan better. And that he actually likes all his brothers more since MC came around, which is why he likes MC so much too. MC gets to either kiss, hug or thank him. Beel says his powers are there so that he can protect both Lucifer and MC. And FUCK I love this backstory so much????? And I desperately need all the other backstories?
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sastrugie · 3 years
tagged by @lovely-menza and @whossmashedguitar <3 thx
1. Why did you choose your url?
its a form of wind erosion in polar regions. it carves the ice wonderfully :) its called sastrugi but it was already taken so i added an e
2. Any side blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
i have many! one fro reblogging fic inspirations, one for reblogging things i wanna draw and some others to “save” URLS hihihi
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
this blog is 4 years old, but ive been on tumblr since ... 2014?
4. Do you have a queue tag?
a quick one while shes away but its dead...
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I just wanted a place where I could be myself, indulge in my interests and meet people :)
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Because ROBERT PLANT? doesnt need any further explanation
7. Why did you choose your header?
i love flower patterns of the 60s
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I think its either post about a guy reactiong to Pete´s guitar smashing or this Queen post :)
9. How many mutuals do you have?
enough to make me so happy and grateful <3
10. How many followers do you have?
782 :) I hope I can reach 1k soon that would be the dreaaaaaaaaaaam
11. How many people do you follow?
555 lol
12. Have you ever made a shitpost?
YES usually not so successful bc my humour is questionable...
13. How often do you use tumblr each day?
each morning and evening, sometimes in between
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
nope not reeally. i only got anon hate once luckily
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts?
I hate them. But sometimes when I think its important I DO reblog (wow what a weird answer)
16. Do you like tag games?
17. Do you like ask games?
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
probably @bohemianpages ;P
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I used to have but right now I cant think of anyone
20. Tags
sooooooooooooo  @britishsixtiesbeat @candyandcurrantbun @likealotofratsfromasinkingship @highnumbers @gingermoonrising @collarsncrowns @ohbutthenightisyoung @bohemianpages @ashes-and-dust @overthinkinks @chrysochromulina @jonesyjonesyjonesy @ledzeppelinsbonzo @m-faithfull  @guacstorm and whoever wants to!
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Gonna make full use of my ‘comic rant’ tag and roast Future State: Superwoman.
Spoilers! And yelling! Of the disgruntled kind!
So a few things at the start here: 1.) I wanted to love this book. I wanted it to be great. I wanted to give it the benefit of the doubt, in spite of some iffy stuff in the solicit text. So this rant is not coming from a place of having decided this was going to be awful ahead of time. 2.) My tolerance for bad Supergirl comics is pretty high! Takes a lot for me to actually come out and say that a particular issue is trash. Reader: This story is trash.
It’s not ‘middle-aged white guys writing/drawing a story about sending a minor to a potentially hostile planet fully nude’ trash, mind you. It’s the compost bin, rather than the landfill. Slightly nicer trash, but it still stinks to high heaven. Allow me to expand!
PROLOGUE - SUMMARY: ...I actually can’t summarize this comic b/c it would devolve into a lot of senseless yelling. We’ll just have to tease out this terrible plot as we go along. 
PART I - DEAD DOGS TELL BAD TALES: The comic opens with Kara standing at Krypto’s grave. That’s not why this comic is trash, but it bears mentioning. Because why. Why would you do this. 
PART II - IN WHICH IT ONLY GETS WORSE: So, Kara has a running inner monologue, and the main thing we gather from Kara’s thoughts is that it was Krypto who taught her to be a hero. On paper, that sounds very sweet! In practice, it reads as Kara having no moral center whatsoever—whatever good qualities she might possess, she did not learn from her parents, or her foster parents, or friends, or fellow heroes. Nor do they come from within Kara herself. Nope, t’was Krypto who taught Kara not to be a jealous rage monster. That is not hyperbole--Kara’s walking around angry about her cousin all the time and she’s like, ‘It was you, Krypto, who taught me not to judge, and to let go of anger.’ Listen, I love Krypto, but this? This is, as the youth would say, a bad look.
PART III - THOSE CERTAINLY ARE...SOME THEMES: The set-up here is that Kara is on the moon, and has established a sanctuary for alien refugees. That’s a dynamite idea! I love that! Buuuuut Kara didn’t look at the plight of alien refugees and say, ‘I want to help!’ Really, she didn’t even look at herself and say, ‘I don’t want others to feel like I’ve felt.’ No, she said, ‘Earth won’t accept me as a hero, and Clark didn’t name me protector of Earth, so. I’m out!’ (Honestly, if your moral compass is so whack that you need a dog to walk you back from Hulk-Smashing...can’t say I blame Clark for not picking you, Kara!) But apparently, the people on the moon don’t really like her either. And it is literally never explained why. There’s a whole montage of Kara fixing stuff and saving lives and all the moon folk just glare at her. This makes both the moon people AND Kara look like a**holes, because they come across as ungrateful, and she comes across as a glory hound. Thanks! I hate it! So the ‘peace’ Kara’s found on the moon isn’t really peaceful at all, cause she still resents her cousin, and people still don’t like her, in spite of the fact that she’s constantly performing acts of service for them. 
Also, side note, I’m just now realizing this is an entire population of alien refugees...and Kara is somehow still the odd one out. Like, Earth I get, because everyone else is a human and maybe freaked out by the super powers. But a bunch of aliens? WHY. Why did you do this. Why did this need to be set on the moon with alien refugees if you’re not going to interrogate Kara’s identity as an alien refugee herself AND all of the aliens are inexplicably humanoid in appearance and utterly ordinary in terms of power levels.  
Like. This is not the CW show, where they have a budget, and a huge ensemble cast to serve. YOU HAVE NO EXCUSE. AAARRRRRGHHHH.
PART III CONT’D: There’s also this weird ‘birthright’ element introduced...like, Clark and Jon stole Kara’s ‘right’ to be earth’s defender which is...a terrible reading of Kara’s modern origin. It brings in the idea that Kara is a ‘chosen one’ and because she didn’t get to be that chosen one, all of her hero work is for nothing. Never mind the whole central conceit of what makes Clark and Kara heroic...that they have this incredible power, and choose to do good with it. Nah...it’s all about her ‘right’ to protect the people of Earth! And mean ol’ Clark took that away! THANKS. I HATE IT. 
PART IV - A POOR USE OF SPACE: So, all of the Future State books kind of struggle with the issue of too much exposition, which is understandable. They have to introduce an entirely new status quo in a very limited amount of literal page space, so you *really* have to have a handle on how you allocate your time and focus.  
Introducing a brand new, lore-heavy heroic character who gets all of the development and dynamic art and pulls focus away from the character you’re meant to be writing is a bad use of a two issue limited series.
Like, this is a crappy Supergirl comic but it’s a great backdoor pilot for a Lynari ongoing, I guess. 
Imagine if in the Jon Superman book, they introduced a random, brand new best friend for Jon, and he got the big character arc instead of Jon. That’s something you save for an arc in an ongoing title, NOT A TWO ISSUE EVENT COMIC.  
Back to said new character, there’s a lot of forced attempts to parallel Kara and Lynari, but Lynari’s backstory is so confusing, rushed, and poorly explained that it’s like: okay, they’re both...angry? And the moon jerks hate them? ...uh. Okay.
(I’m gonna bring back my ‘why is this set on the moon, even’ question so that my ‘poor use of space’ header becomes a better joke.) 
PART V - I'M HOLDING OUT FOR A HERO...B/C THERE SURE AIN’T ONE HERE: I’ve already mentioned that Krypto was apparently Kara’s conscience so when Lynari’s aunt arrives to...kill them? (again, everything about Lynari’s backstory is rushed and poorly explained) Kara gets real mad and basically pulls a Gothel: ‘You want me to be the bad guy? Fine! Now I’m the bad guy.’ But thank goodness Lynari is there to tell Kara no! Don’t murder the giant aunt eel! Lynari then steals Kara’s powers and gives up the swamp jewel that’s been hidden inside their body and now their aunt is less murder-y!
WOW. Couldn’t even give the big damn hero moment to Kara in her own book, huh?
So the day is saved. It takes Kara a while to regain her powers, and it’s only then, when she’s no longer ‘above’ the moon jerks, that they’re like, ‘oh, we like her!’ There is a bit of narration about how that attitude is awful. But that narration is provided by Lynari. See, the inner monologue is no longer Kara’s thoughts, but rather it has switched to Lynari’s point of view. They’re telling us this story. And do you know why?
Fudge this comic to heck.
See, Kara dies on the moon, presumably of old age. She’s buried next to Krypto. And this random character who we’re suddenly supposed to care about tells us her story. Not Clark. Not the Danvers. Not Brainy. Not even one of the supporting cast members from her solo title. No one from Kara’s life is mentioned at all, save for Jon and Clark, and they’re pretty much relegated to flashbacks of Kara punching them. 
PART VII - TIME TO COMPARE DEATHS, I GUESS: First and foremost can I just say that I hate that’s a sentence that I’m typing about Kara in the year of our lord, 2021. But okay: Kara’s big famous death in Crisis stopped the entire DC universe cold. Everyone paused in the middle of the destruction of the multiverse to mourn her loss and honor her (GENUINELY HEROIC) sacrifice. Clark and Barbara--two established characters with a strong connection/relationship to Kara--offered lovely eulogies. 
This one: Kara gets to die of old age in obscurity after a lifetime of striving to be recognized and only achieving it by de-powering and serving a population of jerks. 
Not the warm and fuzzy ending you think it is!
(Meanwhile, Clark lives for millennia and spawns an entire dynasty of Els, all of ‘em out there, protecting the cosmos. I was looking forward to House of El in the hopes of maybe seeing some Kara stuff but NOPE. Thanks to Superwoman, we’re probably not gonna see any future Kara stuff beyond this! G R E A T)
And like, the argument could be made that this ending makes Kara happy. This is the life she chooses! She wants to be alone and garden on the moon! Except, we get zero insight from Kara regarding the remainder of her life. We only have Lynari’s narration and some montage shots...nearly all of which focus on other characters. But honestly, even if we did get Kara’s side of things, I doubt it would shed much light on her feelings, bEEECAUSE...
PART VIII - SUPER BLAND: This Kara really has no personality outside of ‘detached and vaguely bitter.’ I like Sauvage, I think she’s an incredibly talented artist, but here, Kara is stiff and her expression often reads as aloof. She’s very pretty, but it comes at the expense of being expressive. (And I know Sauvage can do expressive stuff...because Lyanari gets to be expressive.) Like...I love that shojo manga vibe but this is a Kara devoid of spark and warmth. 
...Like...Melissa Benoist’s portrayal of Kara is right there... 
I’ve already sort of touched on this but her inner monologue doesn’t have much personality either. She’s just parroting the same, ‘I need to do as Krypto taught me!’ nonsense for both issues. Until, of course, we shift to Lynari’s narration, and lose Kara’s thread entirely. 
PART IX - LET’S WRAP THIS UP: This book frustrates me to no end because it had a lot of stuff going for it. It’s got a female writer and artist--still a rarity for the Supergirl book--it’s a limited series mostly free of continuity and character baggage, and it’s not tied down to the grimdark cyberpunk stuff happening in the Gotham books. YOU COULD’VE DONE ANYTHING. And, once again, DC goes with a pitch that’s: Kara is angry, Kara resents Clark...and Kara dies.
It’s also happening...right as Kara has no dedicated ongoing title, the movie’s been shelved, the TV show is entering its sixth and final season, and all promotion has shifted to new CW and HBO shows. 
*screams into the void* 
MAAAAAAN I hate this book. I hate that it retroactively makes me hate the Andreyko run a little bit--a run that I took to be about a traumatized young woman forced to confront her grief, and who leans on a beloved animal companion for comfort. Here, Krypto is L I T E R A L L Y the reason Kara’s not constantly frying folks with her heat vision. 
I hate that this book has made me use the word ‘literally’ so much in this rant.
I hate that this could possibly be more in continuity than Millennium.
Remember Millennium? Where Kara was in like...five pages? And she was warm, and kind, and promised to help Rose because it was the right thing to do, and oh yes, WAS PRESIDENT OF EARTH?!??! AND A CLASSY OLD LADY!?!?!?!?! WHO WAS STILL ALIVE AND KICKIN’ IN THE FAR FLUNG FUTURE!?!?!?!?!
I hate that I’m using my lunch hour to rant about how much I hate this comic.  
I hate that DC editorial seems hell-bent on erasing the interesting aspects of Kara’s character to sand her down to ‘the angry one’ or ‘Batman 2.0′
PART X - LET’S END ON SOME (?) POSITIVES: Don’t read this book! Don’t do it! Don’t waste your time and money!
Instead, check out ANYTHING ELSE. If you want mom!Kara, read Tom Taylor’s ‘Last Daughters of Krypton’ in the DC Nuclear Winter special. If you want heroic oldlady!Kara, read Millennium. Honestly? Pick up anything by Bendis that has Supergirl in it. It is miles away better than this. You want angry Kara working through her grief? Andreyko, Red Lantern, even Infected. ANYTHING BUT THIS. HECK, grab Superman of Metropolis instead! That has bad Kara characterization but at least she doesn’t end up dead. 
Anyways. This comic is bad. I wish it wasn’t! And this is now the SECOND TIME IN A ROW that Kara’s book ends on a terrible note before the character disappears from monthly comics for an unknown period of time.  
*screams into the void again*
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nanasarea · 4 years
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𝘗𝘳𝘰𝘮𝘱𝘵: In a world where soulmates can visit each other in their dreams and can only remember the dreams once they found each other, what happens when you’re disappointed at the man of your dreams?
𝘎𝘦𝘯𝘳𝘦: angst and fluff
𝘗𝘢𝘪𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘨: reader x ?
𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵: 1.5k
𝘢/𝘯: and so, the soulmate is revealed! Also Happy first day of Christmas!!!
𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵  𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘱𝘰𝘴𝘵  𝘥𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘵
Tag list: @keiboo​
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“I’m guessing no FBI then?” Renjun pouted as both me and Haechan said that we need to get some work done, Haechan studying for the test and me having an assignment to do.
“Next time?” I asked, feeling slightly guilty, but knowing I had to get the assignment done. I walked outside to get into my car and drove to my favourite cafe near the campus, where I ordered a cold brew and sat in the corner, with my computer plugged into the outlet on the wall next to me and started working on the assignment.
After an hour or two, I had already asked for 3 refills, ate 2 blueberry muffins and had most of my assignment done, so I decided to pack my things, put my bag over my shoulder and grabbed the hoodie I had with me and went to the counter, where I placed the muffin trays and cup before ordering a double-espresso shot to go. While waiting for the coffee, I felt a cold substance dripping down my left shoulder, causing me to turn to my left in shock.
“I am so sorry, I didn’t mean to-“ “Don’t worry, it’s fine.” I quickly cut him off as I placed my bag and hoodie on the table next to us, which he followed with his own bag and hoodie before grabbing some napkins and handing them to me.
“Thanks.” I giggled, trying to soak up the iced coffee, which had no use at this point, as my shirt  had already been soaked. At this point, I looked up and noticed the guilt on his face. 
“Let me make it up to you somehow, please.” He said, holding his arms together as to plead.
“How would you make it up, if you had to?” I asked, trying not to fawn over his cuteness, which reminded me of a golden retriever, if I’m being honest.
“Um, maybe I could pay for your coffee,…or I could invite you to this party that my friend is throwing. It’s at Tealwater, on campus and it’s a costume party!” He answered after a minute of thinking.
“You mean Felix’s party? I thought everyone was invited to that.” I said, giggling. “Oh, so you go to Tealwater?” He asked excitedly, to which I nodded.
“Oh, that’s so cool, I didn’t know that. I just started attending here after doing my freshman year online, but if I knew there were people as cute as you on campus, I would choose lectures instead of online courses. I’m Jeno by the way.” He blushed.
“Yn and thanks. So um, since I’m already going and I already payed for my coffee, how about you make it up to me by buying me a coffee some other time? Monday maybe?” I asked, trying to hide my blush.
“My lectures start at 11am, yours?” “10am.” “See you here at 8?” He asked, picking up his bag, which I copied by picking mine up as well.
“I’d like that.” I quickly said before taking my hoodie and to-go cup and making my way towards my car.  In my car, I quickly out my hoodie on to hide the coffee stain on my shoulder, which is when I realised it didn’t smell like my hoodie.
A flashback of his hoodie snapped into my brain, making me realise I must have took his hoodie, which was the same shade as mine. I sighed, looking outside and seeing him long gone, which means I’ll have to return it to him on Monday.
I then put my car keys in and turned the car on, which is when my car door was quickly opened and before I knew it, a stranger was sitting in my passenger seat and telling me to drive. Out of fear, I did as he said and started driving.
“Are you being chased?” I asked, finally realising what was happening and hearing a laugh escape the man’s mouth. “Yeah, by the cops.”
“The cops? Oh god, please don’t tell me you’re a serial killer.” I said, not realising I said the last part out loud.
“No, not yet.” His response made me scuff. “Planning?” I asked “No, but you never know.” “You’re unbelievable.” I sighed and turned my car around so I was heading towards campus again.
“Unbelievably attractive you mean.” He chuckled, making me steal a glance at him, which he followed when he felt my gaze on him.
“What? You’re gonna deny-“ As his expression quickly changed from cocky to shocked and slightly confused, he cut himself off and asked “Have we met before?”
“Nope, not that I know of, I think.” I said, unsure and looking back at the rode.
“I’m Jaemin.” He said, sticking his hand out for me to shake, which I didn’t take, as I needed to keep both hands on the steering wheel.
“Yn, wish I could say it’s a pleasure to meet you but I feel like helping you run from cops isn’t exactly the best first impression.” I said.
“Figured, you’re not gonna ask me why I’m running away from them?” “Would you answer if I did?” I asked, genuinely curious.
“I was caught buying alcohol.” He said, making me give him a confused look “With a fake ID. Oh, where are my manners, want some?” He asked, offering the bottle of Jack, to which I only shook my head and rolled my eyes. 
“What? You never drank underaged?” He asked “At least I was smart enough to not get caught.” I said, rolling my eyes, making him chuckle.
“Where we headed, darling?” He asked, leaning back into the seat. 
“Tealwater campus, darling. When we get there, I’m going back to my dorms so I wouldn’t exactly tell you to get lost, but get lost.” I answered, mocking the way he said darling, which caused him to chuckle.
“Sounds good to me, I’m a student there too, y’know?” He said “Oo, are you going to Felix’s party? I heard it’s gonna be a blast.” He added, turning to face me. “I am, actually.”
“What you going as?” He asked “I don’t know yet.” I answered.
“Not gonna ask me?” He asked, after putting his hand on his chest and dramatically gasping. “Don’t care.” I answered, parking the car and turning it off.
“As I said earlier-“ “Yeah, yeah, I’ll get lost, darling. Thanks for the ride, I owe you one.” He cut me off before getting out of the car, which I soon followed after getting my stuff.
“See ya later.” He smiled, before walking towards me, stopping and chuckling. “By the way, you have something here.” He added, picking the leaf that had just fallen into my hair, his fingers brushing my hair behind my ear and tossing the leaf away.  
I rolled my eyes before walking to my dorms, where I was met with Renjun, who greeted me as I put my stuff down.
“You would not believe the day I had.” I sighed, sitting down next to her on the floor and resting my head on his shoulder, which I usually did when I ranted about stuff.
“I’m sure you’ll tell me all about it.” he giggled and continued drawing in his sketchbook.
“Well, first I met this guy, who spilled his coffee on my good top-“ “Rude” “-I know, right? But it’s fine, he was cute, like he seems like one of those golden retriever boys but he was dressed like an eboy-“ “Ooo, cute, we love that.” “-Right? Then he told me that he’d make it up to me by paying for my coffee or inviting me to this party-“ “Awww” “-right? and I said I’m already going since I go to this school and stuff and guess what, he goes here too-“ “No way-“ “Yes way.” “So then I told him he could buy me coffee some other time, which is when we kinda agreed on a date on Monday-“ “Exciting.” “-right?!” I sighed happily, laying down on the floor.
“I accidentally took his hoodie, since we have the same one, but I didn’t catch him so I’m returning it to him on Monday- “Exciting-“ “but till then, I shall not remove it, because it smells so good, it smells a bit like him-“ “Love that.” “-right? But then this lunatic got in my car and told me to drive, which obviously gave me a scare-“ “Obviously” “-And so I found out he was being chased by cops for buying alcohol with a fake ID-“ “Wow.” “-right? and let me tell you, he was so annoying but he also goes here so there’s that-“ “Ew.” “-right? So yeah, I kinda had to give him a ride.” I rolled my eyes.
“Oh and the golden retriever boy? His name’s Jeno, he’s like the man of my dreams and I’m like 99% sure he’s my soulmate, we go to the same school, we have the same hoodie.” I got up and smiled, going to take my computer out of my bag. “Is that why your soulmate mark has faded?” Renjun asked, chuckling.
“My what now?” I asked shocked, taking the hand mirror into my hand and looking at my ear, seeing only the outline of the mark.  
“Why aren’t you happy? I thought Jeno was the man of your dreams, I mean, I guess he really is.” Renjun laughed.
“Renjun…Jeno didn’t touch me, the lunatic did.” I said, remembering how he removed the leaf from my hair
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AAhh I really like 45 it pushed the story along while also being just hilarious and touching and it was just so good!! 46 was just pokemon battles...
At breakfast the most of the brothers crowd around MC and ask them how different appliances work, Asmo apologizes for them and then immediately asks MC something as well and well Belphie calls him out on it he says he hasn't been in the human world for a really long time and things have changed. Beel says that the human world progresses so fast that it makes him dizzy and Asmo says maybe it feels like that since the devildom doesn't progress. Lucifer tells MC to get ready to leave once they're done eating (still on the white couches is2g this pisses me off so much) and when MC asks him wtf he says oh yeah forgot you nearly died while Solomon told you about getting a sorcerer's license. MC's got a meeting with Solomon and Beel & Lucifer were asked to come along. Mammon & Asmo protest cause they can't tag along.  Belphie says that Beel and Lucifer were probably chosen cause they'll at least appear as mature functioning adults.
They meet up with Solomon in front of the Sorcerer's Society HQ, which according to Solomon is filled with "Pompous Uptight Bureaucrats". It provides assistance to sorcerer's living in the human world and provides them with first a provisional license and then a full license that'll allow them to practice magic as they pls more or less. Lucifer's like; that's great and all but why the fuck are we here. And Solomon tells him that he'll understand when they get inside. Lucifer says that sounds exactly like something someone who was seconds away from causing problems would say and he tells MC to brace themself.
The backgrounds for both these lessons are really good! Right so when they walk in sorcerers start ooing and awing over Beel and Lucifer - they've never seen them irl before, one even wants their autographs. Apparently Solomon's apprentice taming the 7 rulers was believed to be an urban legend?????????? I dunno imagine going from being a normal human to becoming an urban legend amongst sorcerers? Lucifer thinks Solomon brought them along just to boost MC's reputation (ohhh the poor man). Solomon reveals that he isn't on good terms with the society (is it even a surprise?) and being his apprentice would just make things harder for MC and that he established the society with his previous apprentice long ago but they had a falling out and now that apprentice runs the society (is it sad that there's a huge possibility that the falling out could be food related?). Solomon says he brought the brothers as bodyguards for his cute apprentice/charming apprentice/favourite pupil (If he keeps talking like that whoever runs this place is gonna deck MC) since back in the Celestial Realm the two of the were known as "the two greatest champions and protectors of the CR". Beel gets pissed off cause he thinks this means Solomon is putting MC in danger and Solomon says 'lol that's definitely not who I'm putting in danger' and when Lucifer picks up on that and questions Solomon on it he goes 'man look at the time we really gotta go get MC registered WOW'. The dude at the reception uses his staff to etch a magic seal that's the society's crest on to the back of MC's hand (I really feel like you should tell someone beforehand that you're gonna give them what is basically a tattoo? Also cant wait for that butcher to see this and the rest of MC's harem and come to the conclusion that they're in a cult) which consists of  3 staves and 7 stars signifying the 3 Magis who are believed to have invented magical arts and the 7 virtues (is it bad that before i even started om i knew what the 7 sins were but only had a vague knowledge about the 7 virtues? I wouldn't have been able to name them all without this lesson :/ anyway they're humility, generosity, gratitude, patience, chastity, temperance and diligence. Something i really like is that the brothers have all displayed the virtues that directly oppose their sins on a semi regular to regular basis).  To get their license apprentuces must earn the seven stars via passing 7 trials with the first of the trials being set and judged by their master. (ok so I assumed each test would focus on a brother and MC'd earn the star that opposes each brother's sin and would pass the test by learning and displaying the virtue of that star. But that isn't what happened here? If anything the test was there to teach Lucifer humility? Is that how it will go? will each test somehow focus on MC helping the brothers learn and display their opposing virtue even though all of them have already displayed this virtue to some extent?  I mean I guess the main point of the tests were to show that MC could control the brothers so that makes sense? but even though this test did focus on making Lucifer let go of his pride, the test was about MC learning to control Beel's power and these two lessons are very much focused on Beel so was the star they earned actually temperance? Even though the test didn't have anything to do with that virtue? Ahh i have so many questions about how the stars are earned and neither lesson really clarify it and if anyone wants to come debate about this???)
ANYway Solomon uses a spell to bind Lucifer in place, which pisses Beel off, tho when MC stays calm and just observes what happens Solomon is pleased assessing a situation before taking action is important (Ive had this HC for a while now but solomon is definitely the kinda teacher who throws you into the deep end with just a cryptic warning and watches with a smile as you try to figure out how to not die, if you do something particularly amusing while struggling he'll give you another cryptic hint, occasionally he'll yell out praise with that smile of his even if it looks like you're actively drowning and dying and failing). They start to get an audience while Lucifer threatens Solomon and shifts into his demon form and goes also im still fucking pissed off about that lunch so/ Beel also shifts and threatens Solomon, tho lucifer tells him to stand down cause he wants to murder solomon on his own and that a mere binding spell won't hold him down, Solomon's like Jeez chill it's for MC's exam you fucknugget and Lucifer's like oh shit yeah but you know i'll actually kill you for this later and Solomon's like yeah that's cool and also imma use my powers to make you into the size of a barbie doll and lucifer's like what-  MC then proceeds to lose their shit over a tiny blushing Lucifer. MC's test is to keep lucifer safe for 24 hours which would be fine if they you know didn't live with the other 5.  which is actually what lucifer says when Beel says it'll be easy if they just stay at home cause home according to lucifer also contains his '5 greatest enemies'. MC's job is to protect Lucifer from them without using any commands on anyone other than beel, and the goal is for them to be able to fully command beel like they did with Asmo in S1 against Henry 1.0. Beel is not allowed to act on his own to protect lucifer and can only act on MC's commands.  Beel agrees, Lucifer swears and Solomon asks MC about their confidence levels. MC can promise one of the three of them that they won't mess up.  Solomon says he'll stay in the house with them so that he can judge and Lucifer's more or less like; you're having fun aren't you and solomon says Duh.
So they end up at the café where predictably Luke & Simeon end up screaming and laughing at a blushing pissed off mini Luci, Simeon tells him they physically cannot laugh cause of course big scary Lucifer is now in Simeon’s words ‘Teeny-Tiny” & how he’s so cute he wants to keep him in a jar as a pet (God I love this lesson).  He says Michael would love to see this and when Lucifer yells at him he completely ignores him to poke his cheek (V Relatable). Luke also wants to join in on the fun but Lucifer is a little bitch to him and as retaliation for scaring their son MC pokes luci on the cheek too. Beel laments about wanting to poke luci on the cheek too and when Solomon tells the others to stop teasing lucifer, luci goes, EXCUSE ME WHOSE FUCKING FAULT IS THIS IN THE FIRST PLACE. Beel notes that luci now smells human. When luke asks about the smelling thing beel says that all 3 species? races? Smell different. Simeon marvels at how much humiliation PrideTM is willing to take cause he’s simping for MC. Luci tells them to shut tf up cause unless they come up with a plan to deal with his hell children they’re probably going to kill him the second he steps foot inside the house. Beel tells MC to use his powers. Luci says they should be able to draw out Beel’s powers like they did Asmo’s in S1. Solomon says since he gave them a power up in S1 simply saying the incantation won’t work this time around and they must first fully understand Beel and his nature to be able to do that. MC has a flashback to the Butcher and his relationship advice and then asks Beel what he thinks they should do to be able to better understand him (while I do think ideally this is the right choice, in context with the other two choices, to me, this is the ONLY choice cause the other two come off as slightly yandere on mc’s part). Beel chooses spending time together via sleepover. But obviously Luci will have to come along and Solomon invites himself along too cause he’s still the judge.  Simeon’s sad about not being able to join in and luke is TOTALLY NOT JEALOUS OKAY!?!?
Outside the house Luci, Beel and MC all make pledges like they’re invading enemy territory; Lucifer: Swear you won’t let your guard down. Beel: Swear to protect Lucifer with your life. MC, 100% seriously: I Swear. Solomon: Are yall fucking serious??? These are your fucking brothers???? You practically raised them??? Lucifer: Have you ever actually met my brothers???? Beel: You legit think they won’t give up their lives just to fuck with lucifer for a day? When Solomon asks what lucifer ever did to make them hate him so much he says he doesn’t know. And look while “locking me up in the fucking attic for a whole year”, “not acknowledging that you’re actually my father and taking some fucking responsibility” and “blaming every minor inconvenience in your life on my very existence” are all very valid reasons none of them actually hate him right, cause I mean using every chance you get to fuck with your siblings is just part of being a sibling?  Which is what Beel and MC both tell Lucifer. Lucifer doesn’t believe them and actually seems sad about it. Solomon said “while I do find the complicated interpersonal dynamics of your family fascinating” my ass is freezing out here. …Do you think they’re like solomon’s favourite show??? I mean Solomon’s old as shit and probably doesn’t remember what it’s like to have a family, and before MC, Simeon and the student exchange he didn’t really have anybody so do you think he just watches the brothers + MC like ‘damn, this shit is wild’????????????????? The instant they enter the house, someone casts a spell and they’re pulled into a portal. The fuck did you say about everyone loving Lucifer, says Solomon while making direct eye contact with Beel. They fall through endless darkness and MC tells them to chill cause it only feels like they’re falling. They end up in a weird ballroom/royal courtroom kinda place, which Solomon marvels. Beel & MC recognize the place as a location from one of levi’s games and meet Levi in his TSL clothes who welcomes MC as the ‘hero’.
Beel, Luci & Sol kinda just wordlessly stare at levi with tired expressions and MC being the bro they are plays along with levi by asking if he is who they think he is. He introduces himself as The Lord of Shadows, the ruler of all 7 lands. Lucifer: WTF. Beel says they don’t have time for games and Levi gets upset that they’re making him look pathetic. Levi gives MC their mission – to save the world by defeating the demon lord satan. Lucifer tells Solomon to get the fuck out of there. Solomon says he can’t considering he has no idea where the fuck they are in the first place. Beel politely asks ‘his majesty’ the way to pantry and Levi yells at them to take it seriously. Beel says well ok and explains the whole test thing to levi as a way to explain why they can’t play. Levi says satan already knows this. After that there’s a flash and black smoke starts curling up around the room and satan turns up in his demon form. And LOOK I hate satan’s demon form outfit but it actually looks really good in this context??? The feather boa and ribbon bow thing really works with the curling black smoke, evil demon lord look. It probably helps that you can’t see his bottom half. Anyway Satan turns out to just be a magical projection and he says, well you’ll have to come to me cause I kidnapped your boyfriend, while Diavolo calls out to Lucifer and MC from off screen. Diavolo had run away from the devildom to surprise the brothers. While Lucifer scolds Diavolo and while Diavolo apologizes, Satan tells they must all come to him along with the “obnoxious talking doll”. Lucifer: the fuck did you just say. Ok this part is really cute; Satan: “I’ll be seeing you MC.” Diavolo, still off screen: Can’t wait to see you MC! Luicfer has a migraine. When Beel tries to say they should head off, Levi tells them they forgot something in RPGs. MC, still dutifully in character, asks the lord of shadows to give them aid. Levi gives them 100 grimm and just anekfnsndfjn the fuck can they do with just 100 grimm. Which is what both Beel and Luci say. Solomon says, well maybe they’re just fucking poor around here so everything here is cheap. Levi gives them a talisman to protect themselves with, Lucifer says cool, but once this is over I’m gonna beat your ass :) Levi says he just bought a new game that lets you create your own story and he just wanted to play it with them :(
So they end up in a cute lil’ game village & beel wants to go to a tavern but lucifer says they need to buy equipment first. If MC asks a NPC they just repeat the same line about how great life is under levi’s rule over and over again, if they search in the grass they find some medicinal herbs but beel immediately eats them, if they break a barrel Solomon starts breaking open barrels too and they get yelled at by lucifer. They end up in No. 2’s armoury. Lucifer’s fed up with life. Solomon says the gear looks like shit and Beel says it makes sense since this is only the first town. When Beel tries to ask 2 for food he repeats his introductory dialogue over and over again. With the money they have they’re able to buy gear for Solomon and MC and the only thing that fits Lucifer is the fairy outfit,,,, I’m NOT fucking wearing that says lucifer off screen and God I love this lesson. Solomon and MC are both little shits and can you just imagine them trying to convince lucifer to wear it just to test it out? Fucking amazing. MC tries to haggle/talk with 2 so they could get armour for beel but he says buddy I’m running a business here BUT there’s a monster in the casino that cheats ppl of their mone– Lucifer & Beel simultaneously: Oh, Mammon. So basically, if they can get 2’s money back he’ll offer them a huge discount on the lord of flies armour.  They decide to find an inn for the night before they face Mammon.
Lucifer finds it hard to eat food. Solomon: Cause you’re tiny ^.^   Beel: Wonder whose fault that is :I  MC can either offer to cut it for him (He thanks MC and tells them to feed him too. Entitled Fuck. Solomon & Beel also want to be fed but Lucifer tells them to fuck off) or tell him to just open wide and take a bite (Lucifer says if he gets too close to the food Beel would probably accidentally eat him). Beel says the food is a lot like devildom food and MC asks him if he likes devildom food or human food, Beel says all food is good. Since they don’t have much money MC & beel and Solomon & Lucifer end up sharing beds with Lucifer telling Solomon to use a spell to keep himself still during the night to avoid accidentally killing lucifer in his sleep. There isn’t a spell for that. At night, Beel asks lucifer if he thinks Satan still hates him and gets “…” in response. Assuming Lucifer is asleep he asks MC what they think. MC says they think Satan just can’t admit that he likes Lucifer. Beel says if that’s what they think then it’s okay cause he just wants Satan to love lucifer like the rest of them do. MC asks Beel if he’s worried about lucifer (Beel says Lucifer wouldn’t want him to worry but… and that he wants to be there when lucifer needs help) or says that Beel really loves Lucifer (Beel happily agrees that he does). Beel then tells MC about how he and Lucifer first met: So back when Beel was an angel, according to him the only thing good about him was that he was strong so he decided to become a soldier except he couldn’t control his strength and always ended up breaking things which led to Raphael always saying something sarcastic to him. The whole thing was depressing for him until one day lucifer came over, sat beside him and talked with him. Lucifer was always really busy and spent most of his days deep inside the palace (places where Beel has never even been to before). He told beel that a soldier was not about attacking but instead about protecting, that protecting was what was most important. He’d told beel that he was special cause he had the power to protect everyone and keep them safe (this shit is the sweetest and it has me sobbing but also that must have hit like a bullet when Lilith died…). Lucifer had told Beel if he learnt to control his powers then Lucifer would recommend him as a Cherubim, gatekeeper. Lucifer had given Beel confidence and his post as a gatekeeper. Which is why Beel wants to protect him, cause he loves and respects Lucifer. He says all his brothers love Lucifer cause if they didn’t they never would have considered leaving the celestial realm. He says that even though Satan’s situation is different he isn’t the same as he was before MC came around and that Beel likes the new satan better. And that he actually likes all his brothers more since MC came around, which is why he likes MC so much too. MC gets to either kiss, hug or thank him. Beel says his powers are there so that he can protect both Lucifer and MC. And FUCK I love this backstory so much????? And I desperately need all the other backstories?
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vanillann · 4 years
flashback v (spencer reid x f.reader)
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warning: swearing, mentions of crime, metaions of verbal and light abuse(nothing major i promise) and slow burn
word count: 1.8k
flashback masterlist
Penelope and I stood outside the steel doors of Star Chambers, both of us looking back at the black van parked a decent distance away.
“Okay, hit the blue button now,” Penelope spoke to the two men inside our ears, literally.
“Okay baby girl, you both stay safe in there.”
I went to open the door, Pen placed her hand over mine. I looked over at her counting out loud. After seeing said 10, she nodded to me to open the large door.
As soon as the doors opened, the light from outside flooded the dark room. Computers sat around the entire room, a small laughing sugar skull on each one.
Pen and I marched in, confidence in our walk. I felt like I was lying because there wasn’t a bit of confidence in me. Shane stood at the end of the room, his face morphing into a proud smirk.
The sound of Beyoncé played in the background, Pen and I stopped in front of Shane.
Suddenly Pen snapped her fingers and the doors behind us close. I forget how good at this shit we used to be.
Everyone in the room sat quickly, watching us from their seats. Suddenly Shane started clapping, his smirk growing as he walked closer to us.
“Wow, you lost weight.”
The first thing that Shane said to us and I was already going to knock his brains out.
“Nice one.”
Shane turned to look at me, his smirk growing larger which I didn’t think was possible.
“Little step-sissy hasn’t changed one bit, typical.”
“You wish I was typical.”
He turned back to Pen, walking closer so he was right in her face.
“Miss me?”
Pen paused, waiting a few seconds before she spoke.
I felt my hand fly up to the end of the sweater, trying to remember the feeling of safety.
“Then prove it.”
Shane went to grab Pen chin, she started moving her face closer until she turned her head at the last second.
I didn’t move, but I was definitely doing a happy dance in my head.
She walked closer to a nearby hacker. As soon as she stood in front of him he stood up.
“I’m going to kiss you,” Pen spoke as she put her hands on either side of his face. He only smiled and nodded quickly.
She then gently placed her red lips on his, the sound of a light moan fell from his lips.
I suddenly felt bad for Morgan and Spencer, since they were closer to the action than I was and they weren’t even in the room.
She then forcefully removed her lips from the shorter boy, his face held nothing but bliss.
Shane tapped his foot, looking at the two un jealousy. I looked back at the two to see the hacker boy watching me closely.
“Not look at me, I’m not getting mono.”
I heard a loud cough in my ear but I ignored it, turned back to look at Shane.
Pen stood up straight, getting back into Shane’s face.
“Us three have a lot to talk about.”
Shane looked down at her lips before looking back into her eyes.
“Yes we do.”
I walked up to the two, throwing my arms over their shoulders.
“Then let's get to talking kiddos.”
Shane nodded his head, every hacker in the room left. I sat down in the chair the hacker boy Pen made out with just had. Once every one left Shane pulled up a seat while Open sat in one not far from me.
“Why’d you take the Sam Russell file?”
I didn’t waste any time, wanting nothing more than to be in the back of the van listening to Pen crazy metaphors and Spencer new facts. I wanted to hear Derek making fun of me in a sweater and plaid skirt.
“That stupid profile thing that you do was wrong.”
I felt myself roll my eyes, him looking at me like we used to when we were kids.
Those memories came flooding back quickly. The way we used to throw lamps at each other, brushing off as a basic sibling fight.
The way he used to look at me in my room until I “figured out how to stop being a brat”.
The way he used to playPen for everything that happened, then as soon as she started crying he took out his camera and recorded.
I felt myself pull harder on the yarn at the end of my jacket, my foot tapping on the stone floor.
“Just give us back the file,” I heard Pen yell, but she sounded so far away.
I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up, watching Shane quickly stand from the chair. I felt myself pull closer into myself, scared what might happen next.
“I refuse to work with the FBI,” Shane said, walking behind his desk.
“This isn’t about Sam Russell, this is about doing the right thing,” I spoke softly, the old me was taking over again.
“Shut up, the adults are talking,” Shane yelled, gripping onto one of the metal tables.
I wanted to hide, I wanted to run out of this room and into that black van outside.
“This is sure to give me a lot of flashbacks.”
I didn’t even think before the word fell out of my mouth, needing some familiarity to overthrow everything.
I heard shuffling my ear, and suddenly the sound of Spencer clearing his throat brought me back to reality.
“Did you know the only letter that doesn’t appear on the periodic table is J.”
I watched a Pen didn’t make any more or a reaction to Spencer speaking in my ear. I knew he must have shut it off so only I could hear, which made everything feel so much more intimate.
I smiled to myself, Spencer waiting for a sign to stop.
I whisper so quietly I didn’t think Spencer could hear, but once I heard a “anytime” I knew he understood.
“I took the file because your little friends missed almost everything, maybe like the silent partner.”
Shane spoke quickly, pointing his finger in between the both of us.
“We’ve already gone over that theory.”
I knew I was lying, I knew everyone threw that away as fast as it came through the door, but I also knew Shane was a narcissist and if I gave in, I could get somewhere.
“Bullshit sissy,” he gritted his teeth as he walked closer to me. I stood up from my chair, brought to him.
“You didn’t know shit about the inside killer, I know you couldn’t figure that out.”
Shane was swinging his hands all over the place, drawing pictures in the sky.
“You wouldn’t know, you’re stuck in an underground lair like you’re a Disney villain or something.”
Suddenly a hand grabbed my shoulder, pushing Shane and I away from each other.
“Can we all talk like normal people for a minute.”
Shane only nodded, walking to the other side of the room as me.
“How’s your birth dad doing?”
Pen looked him up and down, sympathy in her voice.
“He died seven years ago.”
I hated Shane, but I felt my heartbreak for him a little. I knew he loved his father, he meant a lot to him.
“I posted about it, neither of you said a word.”
I looked down at my flats, the guilt seating in quickly.
“When we both joined the FBI they told us we couldn’t have contact with you anymore,” Pen answered, placing a light touch to his arm.
“Then why didn’t you do it.”
Shane stepped back into her face, I felt myself walk closer to him.
“I got us caught,” I spoke, his eyes turning from her to me.
“You got caught? Come on I know we don’t get along but I know you are smarter than to get caught.”
I felt myself roll my eyes, the whole situation was getting to me again.
“I didn’t know the FBI would show up, they tracked Pen through my phone.”
“Actually, I went to the station,” Pen turned to me with soft eyes.
Shane smirked while he looked me in the eye.
“She was too scared to stay with me so he ran after you, knowing she’d get caught.”
“I wanted a different life, I wanted my best friend and I to be able to do something that was illegal all the time.”
I felt myself laugh, the memories of everything we needed in those years were illegal, but we alway made it work.
“Well aren’t you both doing better, baby girl.”
I felt myself step back as she walked back to his desk.
“Oh and let’s not forget Mr. “Did you know”, I hope your kids don’t come out wearing sweater vests.”
I felt the anger boil inside me, the idea of him talking about Spencer made me want to go back to throwing laps.
I heard Morgan's voice in my ear, the realization of everything was kicking in.
“It’s not like that, you don’t understand the phrase,” Pen was quick to jump at Shane, trying to make him understand.
“It’s a friendship, all of it was.”
I felt my heart break, even saying those words in a dangerous situation felt wrong.
“Oh I saw text, it seems the guy you both are sleeping with are miracle workers.”
Shane slammed his hands on the table in front, looking over both of us.
“Because he somehow broke the strongest and smartest woman I ever met in my life and ruined her.,” he said pointing his finger at Pen.
“And Mr. Smarty Pants managed to turn my sweet step-sister into a cold blooded bitch.”
“Oh you want to see a bitch,” I started marching to him before Pen grabbed my upper arm and held me in place.
“We aren’t sleeping with them.”
“Well then I guess you vandalized yourself, which is ten times worse.”
I felt Pen's grip tighten one my, her eyes from liking with tears.
“You aren’t the two I saw as my family.”
“You don’t treat people you see as family like shit, get it right.”
I turned around and stormed out the large building, the sun shining down on the thick sweater. I didn’t wait for Pen and I threw the back of the van open and sat on the bench.
I didn’t do anything as Morgan or Reid spoke to me, the anger building up inside me was too much. I saw Pen join us in the back of the van, her eyes overflowing with tears.
She closed the door behind her and fell into Morgan’s arms, he sobbing took the back of the van.
“You aren’t a bitch,” Spencer said gently from beside me.
“No I am, but that’s the exact trait that's going to let me catch this asshat.”
part iv part vi
cm tag list:
flashback tag list:
@summer-writes @snitchthewitch @mortallythoughtfulgurl @l0ve-0f-my-life @101donuts @siwiecola @eldahae @hot-mess-express99 @itlittlefangirl @afuckingshituniverse @mollygetssherlockcoffee @tinylumpiaa @kermitsaysgayrights @matthewreid
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You Are My Sunshine - Liam x Riley
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Just a short wee fic that ive pulled together.
Pairing: Liam x Riley, Liam x Riley x Delilah
Summary: When Liam comes down with a bug, theres only two people he would want around him.
Word Count: 1,667
I always notice every single spelling mistake or issue after I’ve posted…so apologies in advance! 
Tags aren’t working so I will be tagging in the comments.
It was seven o’clock and Riley was just returning to the royal quarters after her final meeting of the day, Liam’s last meeting finished at four, Liam hadn’t been feeling too great that morning when awoke, he didn’t think much of it so neither did Riley, however when Liam appeared at their quarters after his previous meeting and asked Riley if she would be able to sit in for him in what should have been his last meeting of the day. she instantly agreed, knowing Liam would only ever ask her to do that if he really couldn’t go. When Riley returned, the lights were all off throughout the apartment all except, Delilah’s bedroom. Their three-year-old recently moved from the joining nursery to her own bedroom and she wasn’t yet used to it. It was just about Delilah’s bedtime. As Riley approached the room she stopped at the door when she heard faint singing coming from her husband, a smile fell onto her face when she seen Delilah lying in bed with tear stained cheeks looking directly into Liam's eyes who sat on the floor beside the little ones bed looking directly back at her. 
“You are my sunshine, my only sunshine
You make me happy, when skies are grey
You’ll never know dear, how much I love you
Please don’t take my sunshine away” 
Liam’s baritone voice sang softly as the little one slowly drifted to sleep. It was the same song that he sang to her every time she cried or fussed and every time without fail, she would calm down.
Liam groaned as he went to get up, Riley walked over, reaching her hand to help him up. he smiled as he took her hand and she helped him to his feet. “are you alright?” she asked concerned as they made their way out of the room, pulling the door over as they left.
“I’m fine, I just…my bones are aching”
“either you’re getting old really fast, or you’re coming down with a bug of some sort.”
“hopefully the latter” Liam laughed then regretted it as he let out a cough.
“do you want to go to bed?” Riley asked as she ran her hand up and down Liam's back gently as they entered their bedroom.
“yeah, we can put a movie or something on if you want.”
“yeah, we can do that. Have you eaten yet?” Riley asked as she started changing into her nightwear.
“no, I couldn’t eat anything, I had food sent up for Delilah and I, but I couldn’t eat it” Liam replied as he pulled his t shirt off.
“are you sure you’re okay sweetie?” Riley asked as she made her way over to him wrapping her arms around his bare torso from behind.
“yeah, I’ll be fine” he replied as he turned in her arms then pressed a kiss on her head.
“I love you” she mumbled into his chest.
“I love you too” he whispered as he tightened his hold on her.
“c’mon let’s get you to bed” Riley took his hand in hers then they made their way over to the bed. once they had gotten settled Riley lifted the television control and picked a movie to put on then she shuffled down under the duvet and cuddled into Liam. Within 10 minutes Liam was fast asleep. Riley lifted the control and turned the tv off, not wanting to end up waking Liam up, it took her a little while, but she eventually fell into a deep slumber.
 It was hitting three am when Riley was woken, she groaned as she went to wrap her arms around her husband but realised the space beside her was empty. She sat up confused when she seen the light coming from under the en-suite door. The next thing she heard was the sound of someone throwing up. she climbed from the bed, wrapping the blanket from the armchair on the other side of the room around her, then she made her way to the bathroom door, she gently knocked on the door “Liam sweetie, are you alright?” she asked, his reply…the sound of his stomach making an appearance in front of him. Riley opened the door slowly then sighed as she seen her husband hunched over the toilet. She lifted the glass on the side of the sink and started filling it with water then she sat it down beside him, she grabbed the bottle of Pepto bismol from the medicine cabinet then sat herself down beside Liam, she carefully ran her hand up and down his back. “I’m sorry if I woke you” Liam sighed as he leaned his head on his arm.
“hey, you don’t have to apologize, love” Riley replied as Liam sat back and leaned against the wall, Riley passed him the water with a sympathetic smile.
“I got the Pepto bismol down, it should help with the nausea”
“thank you, sweetie”
Once his stomach had settled a bit Riley helped him to his feet. “you should line your stomach; you brush your teeth and I’ll get something from the kitchen for you.”
“alright” he sighed as he lifted his toothbrush from the holder.
Riley made her way to the kitchen, she made a plate of dry toast, no one liked eating dry toast but, it was the one thing she knew would help his stomach. Along with the toast, she got a glass and water and ice then carried it back into the bedroom, Riley passed the plate to Liam who had returned to bed, then she placed the glass on his bedside table.
“thank you, love” he replied as Riley climbed back into bed.
“Do you want me to call the physician?”
“no, I think it’s just a bad case of the flu.”
The next morning Riley got up with Delilah, she had all their meetings cancelled, well all of them that could be, she had one of Liam's meetings that really couldn’t be rescheduled that she would sit in for him. other than that, she was free to stay with Liam and Delilah.
It was just past lunch time, Riley had attended the only meeting of the day, she had dismissed the nanny then made Delilah and herself something for lunch. Once they had finished Riley and Delilah headed back into the living room where Riley sat herself down on the sofa to go through some documents that needed to be signed.
“mommy? ‘ewiwa draw?” Delilah asked as she lifted a pen that was sitting on the coffee table
“Of course, you can baby, why don’t I take that pen and I’ll give you your crayons?” Delilah grinned as she handed Riley the pen in exchange for her colouring crayons. Riley grabbed some paper from the cabinet then sat Delilah down with her crayons and paper then started drawing.
It was thirty minutes later that Delilah ran to Riley, holding her picture as close to her chest as she could.
“mommy… ‘ewiwa see daddy?” she asked with a grin on her face.
“I think daddy’s sleeping sweetheart, why don’t we go and see” Riley took Delilah’s free hand then they made their way to the bedroom. As the two walked in Liam was just waking up.
“Hey, how are you feeling?” Riley asked “awful” he groaned as he lifted the fresh glass of water that Riley had sat beside him not long before.
“Delilah wanted to come and see you” she smiled as she looked down at their grinning daughter, still clutching her paper to her chest.
“Hey, Baby Bear” Liam smiled as Delilah let go of Riley's hand and ran over to him.
“what do you have there?” Liam asked pointing to her paper.
“dwawing for daddy” she grinned excitedly.
“a drawing for me? Oh wow, that’s very kind of you sweetheart, why don’t you come sit with me and show me?” Liam asked, Delilah giggled and jumped up and down as Riley walked over and lifted Delilah onto the bed, Delilah climbed under the duvet, and lay in the crook of Liam's arm.
“do you want something to eat? Or even try and eat?” Riley asked Liam
“I’m not sure if I’ll be able to keep anything down, but I’ll try.”
“alright, I’ll get you something from the kitchen I’ll be back shortly”
“alright, let’s see what do we have here” Liam smiled as Delilah showed him her drawing. From what Liam could see, it was a landscape of grass, the sky, and two people, he chuckled when he seen the sun had a face and hair.
“alright so who’s that one?” Liam asked as he pointed to the figure with short brown waves for hair.
“mommy bear” the little one replied
“wow she looks very beautiful and who’s that?” Liam pointed at the smallest figure on the page.
“Delilah? Wow, it looks just like you!”
“and who’s that one?” Liam asked as he pointed to the sun
“that daddy Bear” she smiled
“that’s daddy Bear? Daddy’s the sunshine?”
“daddy my shunshine”
Liam's heart had never been as full than it was in that moment. He placed the gentlest kiss on Delilah’s head causing her to look up at him.
“I love you Baby Bear”
“I wove you Daddy Bear” she cuddled into his side.
Liam let out a cough, covering his mouth as quick as he could.
“daddy sick?” Delilah asked
“yes, baby bear, daddy’s sick”
“‘ewiwa make you feel better daddy?”
“yes, you did sweetheart” Liam replied.
“‘ewiwa sing a daddy?”
“you want to sing for daddy?” Liam asked as Delilah moved to crouch beside him, leaning on his chest as she looked up at him.
“mmhmm” Delilah placed her tiny hand on Liam's cheek, the next thing that came out of Delilah’s mouth made Liam's heart swell.
“you my shunshine, my onwy shunshine.
You make me happy, when skies aww gweey
“you newer know dee’ how much I wove you
Pwease don’t take my shunshine away”
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janthonyashtoreth · 5 years
Another big batch of asks!
Answering a bunch of asks under the cut! Most of them are ink and flowers centric. I hope you all are doing well <3
anonymous asked: wait wait hold up Anathema works in Azra's tattoo parlour?? amazing, when i was thinking of making my own florist/tattoo artist au, i also had Anathema be Aziraphale's apprentice :D i like when these two are friends. do you have any more headcanons about Anathema in ink and flowers?
she does!! she was doing an apprenticeship under him but has since graduated to doing her own thing (but she still works at his parlor). i can’t get into the whole plot because spoilers but angels/demons and agnes nutter’s prophecies still exist in the iaf universe, but anathema isn’t her descendant. instead, anathema is a wickedly smart computer genius and her boyfriend newt is an endearing but kind of inept descendent of agnes. anathema was azra’s good friend-turned-wingwoman once anthony shows up. i love her
anonymous asked: concept: aziraphale seeing crowley presenting femininely for the first time how'd you think he'd react? in your flower shop tattoo artist au
anonymous asked: OKAY totally not asking bc i may or may not have been thinkin abt this for like. too long. but would anthony have to like, come out as genderfluid to azra/how would azra react to seeing anthony present more fem for the first time
ooo ive been thinking about this as well! i dont think anthony would necessarily have a “coming out moment”, they just kind of do what they want. if they feel like presenting fem or using different pronouns they would just. do it. and azra would just kind of roll with it. i like to think that the first time anthony presented fem she got all dressed up for date night and didn’t tell azra and azra just Stares bc,,,, wow anthony is just gorgeous like that!! azra’s dead!!!
anonymous asked: You're a cutie pie. That's it. That's the fact.
:’ ) you’re a sweety pie!!!
anonymous asked: i deadass tried for 20 minutes to make the finger heart...... how did your friend do it......
i have absolutely no idea and it hurts my brain,,,
anonymous asked: Wahoo
@alligatorsnbats asked: OK, so what's Oscar's thoughts on Anthony?
oscar LOVES anthony... he’s the worlds most apathetic cat but he actively seeks anthony out when hes around. azra is only slightly salty about it
anonymous asked: Is Anthony cross eyed?
he’s not! i made him a little bit cross-eyed in my latest post on purpose bc he was flustered but i dont know if it came across very well ;;
anonymous asked: not to be *THAT* bitch who comes into your ask box and gushes over your art but i love the way you colour things and your clean line work?? mwah. i wish i could draw like you its just so lovely
bfdkjfdh im cry,,,, just keep practicing my friend!!! i promise it’ll get you where you want to go. the last couple of months have been really nice for me in my ~art journey~ because its the first time i’ve ever really liked stuff that i’ve drawn. ive been drawing for about 7-8 years and this is only just happening and it varies so much from person to person!! some people get to where they want to go in 2 years, some people take 20. just don’t stop practicing!!
anonymous asked: your human!crowley deserves infinite appreciation and the fact that he has coloboma: that right there! is! good shit! he has snake eyes,,,, but as a human. u are a genius good sir and your art is a blessing 👌👌👌
haha thank you!! i think coloboma (i know how to spell it now!!) is such an interesting condition and it’s kind of underused for human aus!!! its so dope!!!
@bolitakawaii-senpai asked: what would crowley's and azi's fav emojies from the cursed emojis??
asking the real questions out here..... i think crowley’s would be the one with all of the teeth and aziraphale’s (assuming he knows what they are in the first place) would be the really cute one with big eyes and the pink hairbow
anonymous asked: concept for the ink and flowers au: something happens to crowley (imma b honest i have no idea) and has a lowkey crisis and chops all his hair off and just. joins his pet snake and snakes around the nursery untill azra comes in seeing crowley crying and cuddling his snake and yeah idk enjoy my the weird shit my brain comes up with
jhuyhaijodfaydgsihfujoi RIP TO THE HAIR...... i love the angst potential (and i can come up with a few reasons for the angst, but i digress) but i dont think i could part with anthony’s hair,,, i love it too much
anonymous asked: I can't handle your ink and flowers Aziraphale. I can't. His hair is TOO fluffy. His face is TOO squishy. He is EXTREMELY friend shaped. His glasses and his eyes are bright like SPARKLES. Every time I see him I want to go feral and show all my friends. I would hug him without letting go of given the chance. 1000000000/10. 💜🐝
anonymous asked: I have a cat just like Oscar (big himbo) and I got him some knit hats for Christmas and he's gonna hate me but I can't wait to dress him up like a little bee so: does Azra ever give Oscar like costumes or footies just for fun? If yes, does Oscar love or hate? 💜🐝
isldakfj im grouping these two together bc im assuming ur the same person anon!! i love your signature!!
you’re correct. his hair IS too fluffy, and he IS entirely too friend shaped. he has the BRIGHTEST eyes. i cant contain my rabid love for him and it spills out into the art. i can’t help it. he gives the best hugs
SLADKFJ YES HE DOES..... IVE BEEN MEANING TO DRAW THIS FOR A HOT MINUTE,,,, as i mentioned earlier oscar is the world’s most apathetic cat so i dont think he would care that much but he’s not super happy about it
anonymous asked: Y'know what? I'm too tired so say smth clever so just know that I love you and your art is amazing 💕💕 PS: i love that you also tag them as Ineffable partners (i guess the point is to be gender neutral)
i love you as well anon,,, and yeah i like the ineffable partners tag! i find that it fits more with their relationship for some reason. though i still tag as ineffable husbands since its such a popular tag lksdfjdfknjbh
anonymous asked: Hello! Fist of all thank you for yor art, you are one of my favorite artists in this fandom and I have Feelings about the Ink and Flowers AU. Second: Don't feel pressured to post daily, we understand that life is complicated and art can be difficult sometimes. Take care! You're the best!
anon i would die for you!!! i never imagined that i would ever be one of anyone’s favorite artists,,,,, im speechless,,,,,,,,
and yeah unfortunately i dont think ill be able to post every other day once this coming semester starts :( i’ll probably have to cut back to once every 3. but there’s more ink and flowers coming at u guys so!! stay tuned for that
anonymous asked: Good omens characters having a game night?
i know this was sent in for the au prompts i asked for but. i dont think im physically capable of capturing the pure chaos that would ensue from this. holy shit it would be so feral. 
thank you to anyone who read this whole thing!! i read all of my asks as soon as i get them and i have a lot that i’ve been sitting on for a while. if you sent me something i promise i haven’t forgotten about it!! if you’ve sent something in that you were expecting a response to and i havent responded, just send it again to be safe in case tumblr ate it
i love all of you! <3
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ronyxfic · 5 years
Educating the Victim - Act VI, Intermission IV
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Pairing: Rose Quartz/Pink Diamond
Rating: Mature
Warnings/Tags: emotional abuse, fatphobia
INTERMISSION: The Happiest Place On Earth
 “Okay.” Rose set down her bag after coming back from the toilet on the train. “Can you tell me where we’re going now?”
She could guess, really; they were on the Eurostar, and there were only a few destinations that made sense at this point.
“Are you taking me to Paris, Roxy? This is a weird time for a big romantic gesture, but I still appreciate it.”
 Roxy gave her a cheeky grin, the kind that used to dazzle Rose just a few months back. "Listen, I know it's been a few rough weeks for you recently, and that I haven't been the best girlfriend to you. So I'm doing something nice for once, alright? It's going to be a chill weekend, you're going to feel revived and then maaaybe get back to work?"
 Rose smiled and sat down next to her, leaning into Roxy. “I’ve always wanted to go to Paris, secretly,” she said, “and you’re the first one to take me. It’s sweet.”
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  Roxy nuzzled her back. "Yeah, well, don't get too used to it. I have a reputation to uphold. But... I think this will be nice. The accommodation is super and we'll be able to do everything there."
 “So... what’s on the schedule? Sightseeing? Wine tasting? Did you scout out some nice restaurants? It’ll be nice to have some good food for once.” Rose gave Roxy a peck on the cheek. “It’ll also be good to spend some time with you. You’ve not been around as much as I would’ve liked the past few weeks.”
 Roxy tensed up a little, frowning. "Ah, well... it's not quite... that. But no, I've not given you as much attention as I'd like to. I've been busy with... my flatmate and you've just been so reluctant to want anyone for company. But we've got each other now!"
 Rose gave a hesitant smile. “Yeah, it sounds nice. It feels like it’s been ages since we actually spent time together.” She leaned in to Roxy, closing her eyes.
 Roxy watched her, and then ran a hand through her pink locks. They were longer, softer than her own. “Well, everyone’s going to know we’re together, too. Can’t believe I convinced you to match with me. I don’t think I’ve ever managed to get another gir... someone else to do that.”
 Rose gave a chuckle. “I like it,” she said, “and I’ve wanted to dye my hair for ages. You still think it suits me, right?”
 “Um, well, pink doesn’t work on everyone.” Roxy clicked her tongue, and then gave a sly smile. “But it certainly does on you. If you want, we could even make the carpet match the drapes.”
 Rose blushed deeply. “I’m not so sure about that, Rox. But, uh. I’m open to it if it would make you happy, I guess.”
 “Hmm?” Roxy’s touches became more firm, her fingers untangling curls before tugging her, just sharply enough to draw a shocked breath from Rose. “And here I was utterly convinced you liked a little pain down there. But, no, I do suppose you’re quite sensitive to bleach. Oh well. There’s been a new trend of chicks dying their armpits online. Mostly tumblr folk, though, you know I don’t mix with them.”
 “I’ve never been on tumblr so I wouldn’t know.” Rose shrugged. “So when do we get to Paris?”
 "In a couple of hours." Roxy seemed a little tense for a second. "And you're really not missing out. Just crazy teenager bitches thinking they can outdo the feminism we've been building for decades, and somehow only to include men. They're all insane."
 “Yeah, sounds like it’s better not to get mixed up with that,” Rose agreed. “The entire thing is too political for me. I have bigger worries, you know.”
 "You do! Like picking out which Rosé will go with the dinner we're having tonight." Roxy pecked her cheek before pulling out a chunky portable DVD player. "And look at what the cat dragged in, too. I brought some films, just for the trip."
 Rose rolled her eyes, but she was smiling. “I mean, that, and my dad dying of cancer,” she said, “but films are important too. What should we watch?”
 "Oh, shit. Sorry." Roxy said, but was preoccupied by looking through her bag. "Hmmm. Inception. Stuart Little... how did that get there? Avatar... That film was so unmemorable for something so big."
 “It was pretty impressive in the cinemas,” Rose said, “well, at least visually. We can start there and see how far we get?”
 "Alright, I can strap myself in for this snoozefest." Roxy seemed visibly disappointed, but didn't say any more.
 Rose read her body language perfectly. She shrunk in on herself. Why even bring it if it’s obviously the wrong choice?
She busied herself with putting on the movie and let out a soft sigh.
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  Roxy read into the sigh and put her arm back and Rose, less intimate. "Is there a problem?"
 Rose cast her a glance. “No, it’s fine. Let’s just watch the movie.”
 Roxy gently tossed her arms up into a shrug. "Whatever, babe." And pressed play.
 Most of the train ride passed with them watching the movie in an awkward silence. Rose barely even dared to look at Roxy.
Well fuck me if this is the way this weekend is gonna go.
 Their silence was broken about twenty minutes before the journey ended, as Roxy got herself up. "Gonna take a leak and get some grub. Want anything?"
 “Some tea would be nice, I guess,” Rose said. “Aren’t we eating when we get there?”
 "I suppose, but that's not likely to happen for a couple of hours. We need to catch another couple of trains when we get to Paris, unless you want to eat at the station." There was a sort of scoff in her voice.
Always eating, this one.
 “Oh. Are... we not staying in the city?” Rose didn’t miss Roxy’s tone.
 "Not exactly. It's kind of a surprise."
 Rose raised an eyebrow. “Taking me to Paris isn’t enough of a surprise?”
 "It is in Paris." It was Roxy's turn to look a little sheepish. "Just trust me, yeah? It's going to be nice."
 Rose softened a little. “Okay. I trust you. Do I need to wear a blindfold or something?”
 "That won't be necessary. I'm sure you'll be able to tell soon enough, anyway."
 “Alright then. You just lead the way when we get there. And... I wouldn’t mind getting something to eat.”
 "Of course you wouldn't. Want something sweet? Crisps?"
 “Actually, I was more thinking like a sandwich.” Rose blushed a little. “But... maybe I just won’t have anything. We can eat when we get there.”
 "Probably a good idea anyway!" Roxy was already making her way down the train cart before turning on her heel. "Were you the one who likes milk and no sugar, or black and sugar?"
 “...both milk and sugar. If that’s okay.” Rose looked down, feeling guilty. “Maybe just milk this time.”
 "I mean, dairy is just more calories." Roxy looked her up and down. "Just sayin'.”
 Rose frowned. “Well, I don’t like my tea black. Oh, you know what, never mind. We still have water. I’ll be fine.”
 "Awh," Roxy pouted before turning again. "Well, if you're sure."
 Rose didn’t answer. She rummaged in her bag until she found the water bottle; by the time she’d pulled it out, Roxy was gone.
 Roxy returned just as the train conductor announced that they were nearly in Paris. She carried an armful of snacks, including a cheese crossiant in her mouth. She placed the array on the table. "The queue was a mile long and I ended up going a bit overboard."
 “Well, we’re nearly there. Do you want me to take some of these in my bag?” Rose offered, reaching out for the snacks.
 "Alright, just make sure I see some of them." Roxy teased as she sat down. "Oh! Look, you can already see the city from here." She went through her bag and pulled out some sheets of paper. "Next train is in ten. We'll need to run to wherever this platform is."
 “Oh boy. Okay.” Rose gathered her stuff. “Let’s try not to lose each other. I’m sure this station will be packed.”
 "Okay." Roxy outstretched her hand as the train pulled to stop, the other passengers began to gather themselves up. "Follow me, yeah?"
 Rose held on to Roxy’s hand as they made their way through the busy station. The train Roxy led them to was about to leave, so Rose didn’t have time to check where it was going. They jumped on, and the doors closed behind them.
The announcement was in French, and there was only one word that Rose understood.
Disneyland. Oh god please don’t tell me... it might just be a coincidence. Surely she wouldn’t.
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  Meanwhile, Roxy began to grow more and more excited. "I've always wanted to go, but never had the time, you know." She pulled out a disposable camera, "I know it's a bit old school and that we can't take naughty pics, but I also brought this. First trip selfie?"
 Rose let Roxy drag her into the selfie and put on a smile. Please tell me you haven’t.
 They drew closer, the sound of children clamouring was getting louder. A group of what appeared to be excited school children had settled in the seats around them. "Ugh. Forgot there would be kids around." Roxy muttered.
 Rose watched in growing horror.
Finally, she couldn’t keep it in anymore. “We’re not going to Disneyland, are we?”
 "Winner winner, chicken dinner! Surprise!" Roxy clapped her hand as the train stopped. "We're here!"
 Rose froze for a solid few seconds.
This is a dream. This can’t be real. This is wrong.
But she didn’t wake up, and nothing changed. She clenched her teeth.
“Wow,” she said. “Uh. I... I don’t know what to say.”
 "Isn't it great?" Roxy roughly grabbed onto Rose's arm, practically trembling with excitement. "Apparently they serve a lot of booze here, too, so it should be really swell!" The train stopped, the noise outside could be heard through the open train window. "You can start thanking me now."
 Rose looked away. “Thanks,” she muttered. As the noise grew, Rose grew close to tears.
This is going to be horrible.
 Roxy clocked in to her tone. She paused for a few moments, frowning. "Hey, what's the matter? You okay?"
 Rose sighed, the tension going out of her shoulders for a moment. “I... just didn’t expect to have to deal with... crowds and loud noises and children.”
 "Awh, shoot! I mean, honey, you're planning to work at a school. You might as well get used to it."
 Rose shot her an impenetrable look.
“It’s kind of different when I’m supposed to be on holiday,” she said. “Whatever. Let’s go. What’s the plan?”
 Roxy turned still. People started to get out of the train carriage, leaving them alone. She then curled her lip. "You can go home right now if you don't want to spend time with me. I thought we were trying to work on trusting each other."
 Rose’s chest tightened. “Which is why I asked you what the plan was. Look, this isn’t... about me not wanting to spend time with you.”
 Roxy's expression shifted into a dark glare. She took out her wallet and pulled a few notes. "Well, go have yourself a time somewhere else, sweetie. I'm gonna hit up fucking Disneyland because I paid for a cool holiday for both of us and frankly, I can do it alone."
 “Roxy, no!” Rose immediately shrunk back to Roxy’s side, her expression meek. “I’m sorry, okay? I... I’m excited about this. I am. Don’t abandon me here, please.”
 Roxy gave her a little more of her glare and then forced a smile, as if nothing had happened. "Alright, sweetie. I'm glad we could figure this out. I love you so much." She grabbed at Rose's hand. "Let's go!"
 Rose let herself be dragged along by Roxy through the crowd of excited children, feeling nothing but dread.
This is like the exact opposite of what I needed.
 Roxy seemed to be absolutely unaware, chatting eagerly as they approached the entrance. "The food here is super special. It's a bit tacky but I'm sure they've got lots of protein options in case you want to stay away from carbs."
 Rose looked around, uneasy. “Are we staying at a hotel here?”
 "Yep! Disney's Hotel New York. It's a bit further away than the Disney hotel itself, but only about a ten minute walk." She gave a cheeky grin. "Empire state club room."
 “That sounds... great,” Rose said. She felt like she needed a drink. “Are we going there first, then?”
 "Yeah, just need to check in and dump all of our shit." Roxy nodded, walking past some children and shooting them a dangerous glare.
 “Okay. Let’s do that, then.” At least a hotel room promised some respite from the children, and maybe Rose would be able to convince Roxy not to go out today in favour of a nap and some cuddles.
 "I can't wait to check out the park. I've always wanted to laugh at how bad the character suits are, apparently the actors need to stay in character too." Roxy chuckled, pulling her blackberry phone out as it buzzed and biting her lip in a sultry way as she glanced at the message.
 Rose ignored Roxy’s phone. Roxy had a busy social life, was constantly getting messages. “That sounds fun,” she said absent-mindedly. “Can we rest for a bit when we get to the hotel?”
 Roxy was quiet as she texted back, tongue sticking out in concentration, seemingly not even listening to Rose. She then glanced up. "What was that?"
 Rose already regretted asking. “Nothing, never mind. You know where we’re going, right?”
 "Uh, yeah. What do you take me for?" Roxy looked back at her phone. "Unless you wanna get food first?"
 “Food might be nice.” Rose started to relax a tiny little bit.
 "Alright, I'm also sure there's stuff closer to the hotel?" Roxy looked at her phone again. "Hold on, I'll see if I can find the map screenshot I downloaded."
She scrolled through her gallery, past a few of her own nudes. "Oh shit, better turn that brightness down."
 Rose got an eyeful of those pictures and immediately blushed. “Hey, I haven’t seen those. They look nice. Were you saving them for me?”
 "Uh, yeah." Roxy's eyes darted left to right. "I guess I ruined the surprise there. Oh! Found it! We're just a couple of minutes away. Can you manage until then?"
 “Of course, I’m not that desperate for food.” Rose gave Roxy a small smile. Things were okay... weren’t they?
 "Oh good. Then we'll slip bags away and go get food?" Roxy finally put her phone away.
 “Sounds good.” Rose hesitantly reached out for Roxy’s hand.
 After checking in, the two made their way into the hotel suite. All aspects seemed incredibly family oriented in the decor, ranging from garish colours to more adorned spaces. Roxy opened the doors and ran for the bed, "Haha! Check this place out!"
 Rose came in after her, the colours and decor already feeling overwhelming. She set down her bag and looked around. "Yes, it looks really cute," she said. For a five year old.
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  "Isn't it just?" Roxy looked starry eyed. "Oh, it's everything I hoped for us! Ooo, look at that view, you can actually see a lot of the park!"
 Rose joined her by the window. "Wow, yeah, you can," she said, trying to sound enthusiastic. Down there she could see rollercoasters, shops, more bright colours... people. Children. Everywhere.
"Fantastic," she said, trying not to let sarcasm bleed into her voice.
 Roxy clocked the tone. "Is something the matter? Are you alright? Hungry?"
 "... yeah. Tired from travelling, I guess. Some food might be nice." Rose sat down on the bed, which at least felt comfortable and soft. She wanted to sink down into it and sleep until it was time to go home.
 "Alright. There's some places around, I can go and scout out some things while you nap, if you want?" Roxy said, starting to take out her luggage. "I've got some friends who live in Paris to meet up with at some point just in case you're not feeling up to going outside."
 "Oh, actually, I would love to see Paris, if you're going into the city... but a nap might be nice as well." Please, I want to see Paris... get me out of Disneyland, please.
 "Ah, well, I'll have to arrange it first and we want to stay mostly at the park, anyway?" Roxy tilted her head up from the closet where she was stacking her clothes. Something in her tone spoke that she didn't want Rose to be involved with going into the capital.
 Rose caught on, her heart twisting. "Please can I come? I've always wanted to see the city. It's so romantic as well, we could get dinner at a nice place there? And if you've got friends here I'd love to meet them. Please can we go together?"
 Roxy suddenly looked suspiciously uncomfortable. She didn't look Rose in the eyes, despite the forced pleasantness of her tone. "I'll see what I can do. How about you catch that nap while I see about food? I'll find a place that does something nice and low carb for you, yeah?"
 "Yeah, sure." Rose's shoulders slumped, and she began taking off her jacket. "Do you know when you'll be back?"
 "Not too long, feel free to rest as long as you need to. If you want, you can even sleep and lemme know when you wake up so we can meet up at the park?" Roxy got her makeup bag and pulled out a few bits.
 "Maybe... but maybe food first." Rose, personally, wanted to avoid going into the park for as long as possible. "We could, uh, chill for today and go in... maybe tomorrow?" she suggested timidly.
 "Oh man, but I paid a lot for all the days." Roxy pouted behind her mascara wand. "How about... I get us some food and you can sleep after while I hit the park? Or you could just sleep and avoid the calories. Might help!" Her tone was barely just joking.
 "Maybe. I don't know." Rose was exhausted. "I'll take a nap and see how I feel."
 "Alright, well! I'll be a phone call away. Kisses!" Roxy's lips were glossy and glittery, leaving a sticky mark on Rose's cheek.
 Rose waited until the door had closed behind Roxy, then gave in to the urge to wipe the lipgloss from her cheek. She sighed and slowly unpacked her bag, changed into her pyjamas, but not without looking at her belly, feeling disgusted. Roxy was right. Maybe she should just skip lunch. And maybe dinner too.
She'd slimmed down a little in the past few months, but not enough. Never enough.
She sighed once again, wrapped herself in blankets and tried to fall asleep.
 It was their last day at the park. Roxy had been sifting through her desired rides, seemingly blind to Rose's increasing contempt and frustration. She fidgeted at her set of bedazzled Mickey Mouse ears as she spied a map. "Just a couple left! How about ‘Small World’? Cl- My old ex and I always chatted about going there to make out, it's a staple of the Disneyland experience."
 Rose avoided Roxy's eyes. "Sure. Last one?" The thought of having to once again live up to Roxy's ex made her feel sick.
 "Yeah, I'm getting pretty tired of all this." Roxy began walking towards the direction of the queue. The timer display noted that the wait would be approximately fifty minutes. "Oh, hey, not too bad!" Roxy exclaimed, pointing at it.
 "Oh. Fantastic." It had gotten increasingly difficult to keep the sarcasm out of her voice. Rose looked around and was put off by how many small children there were. "Are you sure about this?"
 "Uh, yeah?" Roxy narrowed her eyes. Her tone passive aggressive. "Is there a problem?" Her voice was dangerously loud.
 "No, no. Of course not." Rose shrugged it off, as usual. "Let's do it."
 Roxy smiled, but something in her eyes still seemed to be burning. "Excellent! Can't wait, I've heard this one is incredibly catchy."
 "Cool." Rose forced a smile. "Can I get one of those slushies before we join the queue?"
 "Uh... I think we've had enough of that today." Roxy gave Rose's belly a little pat, her tone condescending. Members of the queue turned to look. "We could fill up on food after?"
 "Okay." Rose turned away from Roxy a bit. "Let's go then."
The queue was long, full of children, and looked like it moved very slowly. Rose couldn't think of what to say to fill up the time they had, so she stood in silence.
 Roxy took her phone out to text, and did so for about the wait time. As they approached the entrance, she turned to Rose. "You okay?"
 Rose didn't look. "Yeah, I'm okay." She couldn't help sounding bitter. "Having the best time of my life, in fact."
 Roxy frowned. "I don't appreciate your tone. What is wrong?"
 Rose looked at her, a comical grin on her face. "Nothing is wrong! Everything is great! I just said I'm having the best time!" Her voice rose a bit.
 "Jesus! What is the matter with you?"Roxy hissed, looking around. "Chill! What's the problem, I know you're messing with me."
 "What's the-" Rose snorted, laughed bitterly. "What isn't the problem!! I haven't been enjoying any of this! Not that you would care!"
 "Um? I paid for your fat ass to have a vacation in the happiest place on Earth? Why are you not enjoying yourself?"
 "The happiest place on earth, my ass. Maybe if you're five." Rose was seething. She stopped, though, as it was their turn to go on the ride.
They entered the boat and were engulfed by a tunnel. The boat they were in moved slowly, and in the tunnel, small figurines in picturesque settings started singing and dancing in slow, robotic motions.
"Seriously?! We waited in line for an hour, for this?" Rose hissed.
 A loud 'shhh' emanated from the boat behind them. Roxy swallowed, her cheeks red even in the dim lights. "Stop it! You're being embarrassing! And fucking ungrateful, you brat!"
 "Ungrateful? I never asked for this!" Rose did not pipe down. Actually, she got louder with every word. "Maybe I'd be more grateful if you'd actually asked! Or considered my feelings or wishes, ever! But no! We get fucking Disneyland, with an obligation to go on the side. I hate noise! I hate kids! I hate rollercoasters! I hate all of this!"
 "You haven't said a peep about that until now!" Roxy somehow grew louder than Rose, nearly standing up. "You're so fucking blind if you can't see how ungrateful you're being, and it's appalling! And now you're causing drama and ruining this bloody trip! Do you know how long I've looked forward to this? Over twenty fucking years! Twenty years, I've wanted to go to Disneyland, with my dad, with Claire, and I chose to do it with you because you're the most important person to me!"
 “Am I really? Because wow, that’s big news to me! I’ve really just gotten the impression that the only person you really care about is yourself! I wanted none of this! I didn’t want to go to fucking Disneyland, I didn’t want to go on this ride, and I sure as hell didn’t want to live off food from Disneyland when we’re in Paris. I thought I made myself clear that I wanted to go into the city! But no, you snuck off while I was asleep and didn’t even bring me anything! I don’t want to be here, Roxy!”
 “You never said anything about being unhappy, though! Do you expect me to read your fucking mind?” Roxy hissed, but a deep blush seemed to have formed over her cheeks as her visit to the city was mentioned. She suddenly turned as she heard a child crying from the boat behind her, and realised that all other attendants had been staring at the confrontation, wide eyed. “Listen, you fat twat. Do you want to break up right now? Because I’m happy to leave this ride single if you’re going to be this ungrateful and shitty to me. But good luck finding someone, anyone else that’ll drag you to Paris, all expenses paid.”
 Rose drew back, tears gathering in her eyes. Her lips trembled, and she continued, whispering. “I just... I was hoping for something quiet. And nice. And to spend time with you, and maybe talk about stuff, you know I’m going through a lot right now, with my dad and everything. I just wanted to rest a bit. And that’s not really possible here. Is it?”
 “I mean, I figured it would be a good distraction. We’ve even got the hotel room for privacy, but you’ve been bloody mum about all your feelings since we got here, frankly.” Roxy rolled her eyes. “You’re acting like I don’t care about any of your family shit, and I really, really do. I’m here for you and I love you and I’m, like, listening? Who else has been here for you, huh? Your mom? Friends? Absolutely fucking no one.”
 “Well, you kind of... get upset with me if I mention it or if I talk to anyone else about it. I don’t have anyone else to talk to and if I try to talk to you, you just tell me to stop being such a baby!” Rose found herself crying, unable to control her volume anymore. “And you never listen to me when I tell you what I want! You had a million chances to give me what I want this trip! And you squandered each and every one of them because you wanted to go to Disneyland! And because apparently listening to me is too much of a fucking chore!”
 Roxy shot her a hard glare and sat down, face displaying deep upset. "Have fun finding your way back to England."
 The ride had ended. The child behind them was still crying. Other people were giving them looks ranging from pity to outrage.
Rose just wanted to cease existing in that moment. She didn’t even bother answering Roxy, just turned around and ran for it, making her way back to the hotel room while crying.
If this is what she wants, she can have it. I don’t care. I’m going home.
When she reached the hotel room, she tried to pack, but found herself unable to in the midst of her emotional turmoil, blinded by her tears.
 Roxy was staying behind, still within the park. She glanced into her wallet, considering where Rose had gone off to. The direction of the hotel.
No bother. Rose could do what she wanted, and it was likely going to be self harming in some way. All according to plan. Roxy would just have to avoid the fallout and swoop in at a convenient moment to save her. A few hours would do. Maybe a day of ghosting... Hm...
Roxy smirked for a brief second, already wondering how she'd post up this event as an entry on her account.
Her eyes briefly widened. The account was still open on a tab on her laptop.
 In the meantime, Rose ended up blindly throwing stuff into her suitcase. Once she was a little distracted by packing, she found that her tears had died down. She could think a little more clearly again.
“Right.” She stood in the chaotic hotel room, looking like a mess, talking to herself. “I need to figure out what train I can take.”
Her eyes fell onto Roxy’s laptop. It looked like it was still on. Rose approached it – knowing that Roxy would flip out if she knew Rose had even thought about touching it.
But then, she didn’t really care about what Roxy thought right now. She opened it up. The internet browser was opened on a LiveJournal.
I shouldn’t.
She skimmed a few sentences, then looked away. She couldn’t help looking at Roxy’s username, though.
Might have a look at that later. I wonder why she’s never told me about this.
She chased the thoughts away and opened a new tab to have a look at trains.
 Roxy was sprinting towards the hotel, earning strange looks as she practically flew past families of park goers. She pressed past the hotel doors, heart beating loudly in her chest.
If Rose had a look through her LiveJournal, it would all be over.
 Rose had been looking for trains on a French website. Her French was only barely good enough to figure out what she was doing, and she had finally found a suitable train when Roxy burst through the door.
Rose immediately jumped away from the laptop.
 Roxy was staring at her, wide eyed. After a pregnant pause, she cleared her throat and straightened her posture, but her voice was still uncharacteristically shaky. "What are you doing?"
 Rose shrunk into herself. "I was just looking up trains to go home," she said.
 "That's all?" Roxy's gaze was unblinking.
 "Y...yeah... I was so upset. I... I want to go home, Roxy."
 Roxy looked at the laptop and let out a deep breath. She approached Rose. "You sure? We can still figure things out. I'll take you to Paris, yeah?"
 "Please don't feel like you have to." Rose looked down. "I don't know, it wouldn't mean as much if you're only doing it because I got mad at you."
 "Nah." Roxy smoothly stepped closer. "It's the least I could do after you had such a shit time. We could hit a restaurant or something on our way back?"
 "Oh... please." Rose found herself caving, her anger dissipating. "That... would be nice."
 "Yeah?" Roxy offered a small smile, rubbing gently on her arm with the light tips of her fingers. "I'm sorry about that fight, I'm such an idiot. I really should just die sometimes."
 "No... no, you don't deserve that." Rose sighed. "I... started packing," she said. "I mean, we're going home tomorrow anyway. We could have a nice evening out in Paris."
 "You've got that website up, pass me the laptop and I'll get us some tickets." Roxy's touches reached Rose's neck. "I'm starting to see your collarbones. Good work."
 "Huh, despite all the Disneyland food?" Rose gave a weak chuckle as she leaned into Roxy's touches. "Well, it wasn't particularly good, so maybe that's why. I haven't eaten that much."
 "Sounds like you're on a good track. You look sexy."
 "Oh, do I, now?" Rose smiled at Roxy and leaned in, pressing a soft kiss onto the corner of Roxy's mouth. "I suppose we could stay here for a little while longer before we go out."
 Roxy returned the smirk as she closed the laptop. "I suppose we could."
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nottodaylogic · 6 years
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Summary: It’s the social media AU you never wanted but got anyway! Starring: Roman, a writer gay! Virgil, an artist gay! Logan, a aesthetic/edit/headcanon/not-really-sure gay! Patton, a crafts gay! Continuity? Who’s she? Never heard of her. All we have is fluffy gays and bad attempts at everything else.
Warnings: Gratuitous musical references, especially Be More Chill and Falsettos because they're my favorites and I'm trash, basic knowledge of them might be required? Also spoilers for Parks and Rec if anyone’s watching that right now, that happened apparently. Unrealistic depictions of online interactions/dating, probably. Panicking. Disappearing from the Internet. And, of course, lots of gay.
Ao3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15745062 (Ao3 deleted my formatting, words can’t do describe my annoyance, I’ll fix it later)
Ships: Prinxiety, Logicality, platonic lamp (every form, not gonna even try)
A/N: Well, we made it. I am happy (and relieved) to finally post this. This is my Big Bang ( @ts-storytime ) fic! It’s a weird format because my dream of making a Social Media AU has finally been realized. This is rEALLY LONG because I am a dumb child and thought, “it won’t be that bad!” It is. It is that bad.
My artist is @hghrules , they are fantastic, I’ll post a link to their part later! 
...later has become now, I’m screaming, https://hghrules.tumblr.com/post/177446248126/what-up-heres-my-ts-storytime-art-for check it outttt!
Virgil’s photos were taken by my amazing friend, she has an Instagram at @tofushoes_photography, if you like the photos please consider following her! 
And without further ado, let’s start this thing!
Greetings, fair citizens! Thou mayest address me as Princey! I draw occasionally, as well as writing quite often. I am the gayest of the gay, forget this not!
Salutations. I am Logic, Lo if we are friends. He/him pronouns please, asexual homoromantic.
99% anxiety, 1% mess
call me anxiety, or anx if you want. i draw. i’m a socially awkward mess. that’s all.
Your happy pappy Pat!
Hiya, kiddos! I’m Pat, and I love puns, cute animals, and crafts! He/him, feeling ace pantastic as pawssible!!  Feel free to chat! :D
Starbound-big-bang posted: After months of writers writing, artists preparing, and general anticipating, the writer/artist matchups have been made! Writers, show the artists everything you have so they can start. Artists, you can make as much or as little art as you like, but make sure it’s something you’d appreciate for 6 months of work.
Have fun!
1. @Veerleft — @perisureimace 2. @boundinboundinnrollin — @vectnxaer 3. @awkwardkitty — @veertrash 4. @disneynbroadwaynprinces — @anxiousanxietyart 5. @veertrash71 — @ilovegayrehearsal 6. @pastapastadad — @booksnstuff 7. @mewmewmew — @read-write-water 8. @mostlyhamilton — @drawing-n-art 9. @owlsareawesome — @becky-becca 10. @thefandomlife — @casey
Read more
Anonymous asked: Hey, Princey! Oh my gosh I love your art??? And your fics are fantastic aahh???? Especially your collabs with LogicallyLo? How did you two meet?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: Thank you most kindly, Anon! Thou hast earned shiny Internet Golden Points! ‘Tis a long, thrilling tale, full of magic and danger! @logicallylo and I met when I rescued him from a vicious—
L: We’re brothers. That is the extent of the tale. Princey is exaggerating. As always. He is quite incorrigible.
P: You take the drama out of everything, dear Lo.
L: As the elder brother, it is my job.
P:  ANYWAYS, I introduced him to Starbound after listening to the musical soundtrack, and we read the books together. We became quite obsessed.
L: I also beta his fics. That is what brothers are for: so that they don’t make foolish spelling mistakes.
P: I do not?? Rude????
L: Sure. Lie to the Internet.
P: Everyone makes mistakes with these things!
L: I don’t.
P: October 24th, 20XX?
L: We agreed to never speak of this again. Thank you for asking, Anon.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Greetings, Bounders! I humbly beg forgiveness for lack of content lately. I can, however, promise that that will change, very soon. No exact date yet, but keep your eyes peeled!
Veerleft replied: Dark Princey show us the Veer angst
Perisureimace replied: Ooh, can’t wait!
Veertrash71 replied: You literally posted a doodle yesterday. It hasn’t been that long…
Anonymous asked: Hey there Princey! I really love your art, but I was wondering: what the heckety heck is Starbound? Thanks!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: Greetings, Nonny! Welcome to the Starbound fandom! We have red space gelatin and canon gays. Allow me to explain:
Starbound is a book-series-turned-musical-turned-almost-TV-show about space exploration and aliens with no concept of the gender binary. The cast of characters includes the protagonist, Peri, a part-human ace child who can kick some serious butt. There is also Vect, the bi/pan/is it bi if it’s in space/who even knows anymore disaster mechanic with some blaster talent. He used to date Peri, but now they’re the best platonic buds around. There’s also Xaer (Xay-eer), a pan cinnamon roll genderqueer fashion extraordinaire who has never even heard of the gender binary, zey are amazing and I love zem.
Veer is the ship Vect/Xaer. Need I say more? They are heavily coded gay and canonically queer, so it’s only a matter of time, I say.
To say any more would spoil stuff, so go read the books and listen to the musical and avoid the movie like the Black Plague and wait for Starbound: Awaken and the TV show while writing 50 tons of Veer fanfic like the rest of us!
Pattonhead: Heya, Logic! I saw your concept art for a Murder Mystery Detectives Veer AU, and I was intrigued! I’m not that good at drawin’, but maybe I could make something? Or maybe just talk about it?
Logicallylo: Salutations, Pat. Please, call me Lo. Feel free to do whatever you like with my AUs, so long as you tag me in the finished product.
Pattonhead: Aw, thanks, Lo!
Logicallylo: You are very welcome. It is my pleasure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Stop pondering the meaning of life and come eat dinner, nerd!
Logicallylo: On my way, prep.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know, you could have just typed omw?
Logicallylo: MYOB.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No one says that anymore
Logicallylo: MYOB.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings, Anxiety! It has come to my attention that we have been paired up for the Starbound Big Bang!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I am Princey, it is a pleasure to meet you.
Anxiousanxietyart: umm… hi, Princey?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hello! Do you happen to have a Google Docs? I can share what I have with you so you can begin to do your drawing thing!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, yeah.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Splendid! Here’s the link: XXXXXXXXX
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Here’s to working with you, Anxiety!
Anxiousanxietyart: patton why did i let you convince me to do this big bang thing, i had to meet a new person, why
Pattonhead: Now, kiddo, it’s just one new person. That’s progress! I’m really proud of you!
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, i guess?
Pattonhead: You have a lot of love to give, my child.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okaaay then?
Pattonhead: You know I love you, you majestic and amazing sea otter giraffe, you.
Anxiousanxietyart: sea otter giraffe? that’s a new one
Pattonhead: ssh child sleep now
Anxiousanxietyart: ...it’s 2 pm
Pattonhead: s s h c h i l d s l e e p n o w :)
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okay then
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: P: So, recently, my good ol’ bro @logicallylo was an idiot, and he might have thrown his computer at a wall. It’s broken now. So he’ll be using mine for now. Because of this inconvenience, I have decided to take this opportunity to make it into a bonding excercise!
L: Bonding excercise?
P: Yes, just go with it Supernerd!
L: Essentially, you may now ask me and Princey questions, and we will answer them to the best of our ability.
P: So let’s do this thing!
Anonymous asked: Are you two twins! Who’s older?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: L: I am the elder, and yes, we are twins.
P: But I’m taller!
L: Tallness has nothing to do with it. I’m older, I have always been older, I will always be older.
P: Sure, shortie.
Veerleft asked: What’s your favorite Starbound book?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: P: TAKE OFF! It’s really fantastic, and very gay.
L: For once, I must agree with my brother. Yes, Take Off is the best, objectively.
Perisureimace asked: Any pets?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces answered: P: Verily!
L: ...verily?
P: Just roll with it. I have plans to procure a hamster, and will post a poll for names soon!
L: No pets here.
Anonymous asked: Lo, what’s your favorite book? Princey, what’s your favorite musical?
L: I could not possibly pick one favorite book. There are simply too many to pick. That being said, I would be morally obligated to say that I am quite fond of detective novels, such as Sherlock Holmes and The Murder of Roger Ackwood.
P: ...that all could have been said in about 6 times less words…
L: Perhaps. However, unlike you, I prefer to use a great many words, as it shows my infinitesimal knowledge.
P: mhmm. Sure.
L: What does that mean?
P: oh, nothing! Nothing at all!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: L: I have now procured a computer. You need not send any more questions, but thank you for the previous ones.
P: This was very fun! I thank you all most kindly, young Padawans!
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo: this is just a sketch i made. i was listening to silhouette by owl city and angst happened. i’m sorry in advance.
Veertrash71 replied: Wow I didn’t need my heart???
Veerleft replied: Why would you do this Anxietyyyyyyyy
Pattonhead: Virge? You doin’ ok, kiddo?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah, i’m fine, why?
Pattonhead: Just checkin’ in. Love you <3
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yo, Anx!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, what’s happening?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So, my dude, if we are to work together for the Big Bang, we should know some more things about each other.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...okaaayyy?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Soooooooooo:
Anxiousanxietyart: sooooooooo?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Twentyyyy questionsssss!
Anxiousanxietyart: what.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know, twenty questions!
Anxiousanxietyart: how does guessing objects help to get to know a person?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What?
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, I ask you a question about yourself, you answer, you ask me a question, and so on!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...i think we’re thinking of two different games here.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No kidding, Sir Glooms-a-lot
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It seemed to fit.
Anxiousanxietyart: well, you know me well enough if it seemed to fit. guess we don’t need to do the question thing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, we’re doing this!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’ll start us off:
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What’s your favorite color?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: really?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes really!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mine is red, specifically stage curtain red, although gold is suitably regal as well. What is your answer?
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: i like purple.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ah, purple! The color of kings!
Anxiousanxietyart: also black.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Let me guess, like your soul?
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Anxiousanxietyart: like the void where my soul would reside, if i were to still have one.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ooookaayyy. I asked for it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Now you ask!
Anxiousanxietyart: are you bored or something?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: MASSIVELY.
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry, gotta go help out pat with something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh, okay. See you later
Anxiousanxietyart: bye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Can we do something? I’m really bored aahhh
Logicallylo: Could you bother someone else?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Anxiety left, and everyone else is offline, and my theatre friends are sick or busy
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Help me Logi-Wan Kenobi
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re my only hope
Logicallylo: Very well. Would you like to meet me in the kitchen?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YES! 
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: did i mess it all up?
Pattonhead: Oh, kiddo.
Pattonhead: You didn’t mess anything up! You’re a sweet summer child and you could never mess anything up!
Anxiousanxietyart: i feel like i made him hate me. how could he not hate me after that?
why am i such a mess, patton?
Pattonhead: You just need to talk to him! Explain yourself! 
Pattonhead: And you’re not a mess! You’re Virgil Brava. You are an amazing, kind, loving person, and if you say one more self-deprecating thing I will physically fight you <3
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, pat. love you.
Pattonhead: Love you too <33
Anxiousanxietyart: hey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings!
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What for?
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s just
Anxiousanxietyart: i feel like we got off on the wrong foot, and i definitely should have phrased needing to go help feed the pets better, and i’ve been thinking about this slightly obsessively all day, and i
Anxiousanxietyart: i just felt like i owed you an apology or something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey, no biggie! Lo and I figured out how NOT to make cookies and instead make a huge mess of flour fight residue, so no harm done!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: (except to the kitchen. rip kitchen.)
Anxiousanxietyart: haha, thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No problem.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have to go now, but maybe we can finish 20 questions later?
Anxiousanxietyart: i’d love to.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: @logicallylo Trade-off poetry, go!
Logicallylo replied: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Saw
Logicallylo replied: It
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: In
Logicallylo replied: The
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Window
Logicallylo replied: And
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I
Logicallylo replied: Couldn’t
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Dismiss
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...you guys are literally quoting bmc.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: ;)
Logicallylo replied: Wow.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: princey. you are the biggest nerd I’ve ever known, and i know lo.
Logicallylo replied: …he has a point.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Betrayal!! How could you do this?! I trusted you!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: do you know me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   You know BMC?!
Anxiousanxietyart: duh.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   I can’t get any of my friends into it for some reason!
Anxiousanxietyart: maybe because “listen to this musical! it’s about a guy who takes a computer pill to boost his self-esteem but it takes over the school” is hard to promote?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …a fair point to you.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, you have friends?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces:   RUDE. Who else would put on Falsettos with me in a few weeks?
Anxiousanxietyart: who are you? jason?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ha ha, no. Too tall to be 13.
Anxiousanxietyart: maybe marvin, then. you’re self-obsessed enough, if nothing else.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Marvin is a wonderfully well-developed character, shush.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I’m Whizzer!
Anxiousanxietyart: the one with the worst name.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mendel. Weisenbachfeld.
Anxiousanxietyart: true.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Who would you play?
Anxiousanxietyart: trina. i’m always breaking down, it’d be easy.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I knew you were a (Michael) Well Of Despair, but no need for theatrics! Don’t say such things!
Anxiousanxietyart: we’re discussing musicals. with you, most dramatic of dramatic. theatrics are a given.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, too late :)))
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nooooo! I’m forbidding you from saying bad things about yourself!
Anxiousanxietyart: you sound like pat.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Darn right I do! From now on, every time you say something bad about yourself, you have to come up with at least 3 good things.
Anxiousanxietyart: and if i don’t…?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’ll tell Pat and he’ll fight you. Heck, I’ll fight you!
Anxiousanxietyart: you couldn’t beat me in a fistfight. you’re too small.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces! Square up cutie, I have a black belt in karate and I’m not afraid to use it!
Anxiousanxietyart: hmm. really.
Anxiousanxietyart: does princey have a black belt in karate?
Logicallylo: Well, brown belt black stripe, so technically no. Why do you ask?
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, specs
Logicallylo: You are welcome, Eyeshadow^3
Anxiousanxietyart: …umm you should… probably work on your nicknames
Anxiousanxietyart: you liar.
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: BETRAYAL! The karate studio closed the week before I was to get my black belt!
Anxiousanxietyart: details, details…
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: After I go fight Lo, wHO WAS LUCKY ENOUGH TO GET HIS BELT BEFORE IT CLOSED, you’re next.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m terrified. you’re so fierce.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Heck yeah I am!
Anxiousanxietyart: i was being sarcastic.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: rude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted a photo: [photo] BEHOLD THE AS-OF-YET-UNNAMED HEIR TO THE KINGDOM, PRINCE HAMSTER! Help vote on his name! Here are the top cantidades as of right now: - Evan Hamsen - Alexander Hamsterton - Jeremy Heerester - Mendel Weisenbachham - Why do so many musical characters have last names with the first letter H? Opinions?
Veertrash71 replied: ALEXANDER HAMSTERTON
Logicallylo replied: You are not naming your hamster any of those.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Watch me.
Pattonhead replied: All these names are really ham-tastic!
Logicallylo replied: ...stop.
Pattonhead replied: :) no
Anxiousanxietyart replied: these are all simultaneously terrible and amazing. how.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You all still have to VOTE…
Logicallylo replied: All of them are terrible.
Pattonhead replied: All of them are wonderful!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: nah.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You are all the worst. I guess Alexander Hamsterton it is.
Veertrash71 replied: :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thank you, Pat, for your help with finding hamster puns!
Pattonhead: My purr-leasure! :3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you happen to have any more?
Pattonhead: Fur sure! Coming right ruff! :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m sure Lo would love for you to send him puns… :)
Pattonhead: Ooh that’s a pawsitively wonderful idea!
Pattonhead: Fur reals, we need to talk more!
Logicallylo: …did you mean to send this to me?
Pattonhead: Yep, purr-etty sure you are the one :)
Logicallylo: I don’t like puns… why?
Pattonhead: Are you suuuure? That seems like a ruff decision to make.
Logicallylo: …
Logicallylo: Very sure.
Pattonhead: I coulda sworn you liked them… guess I was wrong…
Logicallylo: I am the wrong target for this. You are barking up the wrong tree.
Pattonhead: …
Logicallylo: Oh no.
Pattonhead: you mADE A PUN!!!!!!!!!!
Logicallylo: Unintentionally! This means nothing!
Pattonhead: I will get you to make more puns if it’s the last thing I do!
Logicallylo: We shall see.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton.
Pattonhead: Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re flirting.
Pattonhead: No?? I’m not???
Anxiousanxietyart: yes you were.
Pattonhead: What?
Anxiousanxietyart: never did I ever think I would see the day
Anxiousanxietyart: that Patton Spider
Anxiousanxietyart: my best friend and roommate
Anxiousanxietyart: flirts with someone
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m shocked.
Pattonhead: Who would I have possibly flirted with?
Anxiousanxietyart: with lo, of course.
Pattonhead: ...oh.
Pattonhead: Well, I wasn’t flirting with him!
Anxiousanxietyart: i saw your messages. that was flirting.
Pattonhead: ...you can’t prove anything!
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm. anyways, come over here. i have cookie dough. wanna make chocolate chip?
Pattonhead: Virgil. I love you so much. You know me so well!
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too pat.
Pattonhead posted an image: Chocolate chip cookies with the best best friend in the world! <3 @anxiousanxietyart deserves the world and I’d give it to him if I could and he helped me make these so at least I can give him half of these cookies!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: no, you’re the best best friend in the galaxy, pat.
Pattonhead replied: I love you more than the stars and moons and universes.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...you win this time
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Those look really good??? I want one????
Anxiousanxietyart replied: too bad, princey :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: whyyyyy
Anxiousanxietyart replied: :)
Pattonhead replied: Now, now, kiddos, be nice.
Logicallylo replied: Those do indeed look quite delicious, Pat.
Pattonhead replied: Aww, thanks Lo! :3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is that what you call flirting Logan?
Logicallylo: Shut up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wrote a bit on the fic, check it out!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, okay.
Anxiousanxietyart: hey, so one question.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Bring it!
Anxiousanxietyart: did. you. make. a. little. mermaid. au???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes, duh!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...well, if nothing else, it will be fun to draw.
Anxiousanxietyart: that being said, why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It was fun! Also it fit really well! Thou mayest judge me, but that will be your loss!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also, since I find the most plot holes (read: any) of any Disney movie in it, it is my sacred duty to fix them in this fic.
Anxiousanxietyart: i mean, it’s a good idea?????? it’s just not what i was expecting is all
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But of course, doing what others expect is not the Roman way!
Anxiousanxietyart: roman?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...Logan’ll kill me
Anxiousanxietyart: logan???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Curse my loose lips! Ah look at that, tis time to leave! Places to be...
Anxiousanxietyart: your name... is roman?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...yes...
Anxiousanxietyart: that's a pretty name
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You think so?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: well, thanks, Anx.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...do i need to say my name? is that how it works?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No! You don’t have to!
Anxiousanxietyart: okay.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...maybe later, who knows.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: !!!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, it’s only if you want to! It’s your decision!
Anxiousanxietyart: gtg, bye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Goodbye, Anx.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh, Logan? I think I did a mistake.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Logicallylo: Roman. You are an idiot.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I knoooooooooowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What do I do now?
Logicallylo: Do I need to give you the Stranger Danger talk?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Please don’t.
Logicallylo: I won’t, but only because it would be more effective to tell you in person.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ughhhhhhhhh fiiiineeeeeeee. I know I deserve it. Kinda.
Logicallylo: ‘Kinda’?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Absolutely deserve it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But he’s not a creepy stalker! He’s Anx!
Logicallylo: “Anx” could be a front in order to lure disaster gays to meeting with him in order to murder you or eat you or something.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: EAT me? Now, I know I seem delicious, but that seems just bizarre. I thought I was the creative one here!
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And fear not, I will not be meeting with him anytime soon, if ever. Besides, there are possibly many Romans in this world, much less the US!
Logicallylo: That does seem reasonably logical… However, be careful. You never know what people’s motives are on the Internet.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yeah, alright.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And now…
Logicallylo: Roman. What are you doing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ;)
Logicallylo: You are going to die.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Live a little, Logan!
Logicallylo: You can’t do if you’re dead.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: PAT! COME HITHER AT ONCE!
Pattonhead: Yes Princey?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thou mayest call me Roman now.
Pattonhead: Oh okay!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And do you perchance like hamsters?
Pattonhead: All pets are valid!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Boom.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I know :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your crush knows my name now.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Logicallylo: First of all, he is not my crush. I have no crush. I am unfeeling.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nice try to the person who’s known you since you were sobbing because you lost your stuffed bee.
Logicallylo: I’m going to ignore that.
Logicallylo: Second of all, I hope I don’t have to explain to you why that was a terrible idea and if you get murdered in your bed, I won’t mourn you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Pat won’t murder me in my bed. He’s too soft.
Logicallylo: Oh I meant by me. Out of anger at your stupidity.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Point taken.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But don’t my brave actions inspire you to do something about your situation?
Logicallylo: No. Not really.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Talk. To. Him.
Logicallylo: Why would I do that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because he’s a soft puffball and he likes you.
Logicallylo: No he doesn’t. He doesn’t even know me. And I don’t know him. He could very well be 80 years old and wishing to murder me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Not romantically! Not yet, at least.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He likes you as a person! That means the spark for romance is there!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Besides, this is Pat you’re talking about. Biggest-puffball-in-the-universe Pat. Are you aware of the words exiting your fingertips?
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: tALK TO HIM! IT IS YOUR DESTINY!
Logicallylo: ...fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HUZZAH!
Logicallylo: Only because I know you will pester me until I do.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know me too well.
Logicallylo: I. Am. Your. Brother.
Okay, Darth.
Logicallylo: So.
Logicallylo: Hello, Pat.
Pattonhead: Hiya Lo! :D
Logicallylo: How has your day been going?
Pattonhead: It’s been pretty good so far! Yours?
Logicallylo: It has been satisfactory.
Pattonhead: That’s… good?
Logicallylo: It is.
Pattonhead: Yay!
Logicallylo: ...so, how’s the weather where you are?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: The weather? Really?
Logicallylo: Why are you still here? Why are you looking over my shoulder? ...why are you messaging me instead of talking?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because I can.
Logicallylo: But why?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because I can.
Logicallylo: Ugh.
Pattonhead: It’s raining a little, but I don’t mind! Virgil and I are havin’ a lil movie night!
Logicallylo: That sounds nice. What movie(s) are you watching?
Pattonhead: Well, I say movie night. I really mean we’re rerererewatching Parks and Rec for the 45th Time.
Logicallylo: I see.
Pattonhead: It’s a good show!
Logicallylo: It is indeed. Where are you at?
Pattonhead: Season 3 :)
Logicallylo: What’s your favorite character?
Logicallylo: Because I wish to know more about you.
Pattonhead: Oh.
Logicallylo: Yeah.
Pattonhead: Uhh, I would honestly die for Ann she is my child I love her
Pattonhead: Also Leslie in general? She’s just great?? AND tHE TRIPLETS!!!! I cried aah
Logicallylo: Ann is indeed a good character.
Pattonhead: :D
Logicallylo: Objectively, everything about Tom’s business strategies is terrible and ineffective and illogical. However, Roman appears to enjoy him to some extent, for what reasons I cannot fathom.
Logicallylo: Ron has earned my admiration, although the probability knowing how that happened is as unlikely as Mark Brendanawicz (how is his last name spelled again?) returning.
Pattonhead: Oh yeah I forgot about him! Aww I’m sorry now
Logicallylo: There is need to be. He was likely removed for a reason.
Pattonhead: Who’s your favorite character?
Logicallylo: …
Pattonhead: Hey, there’s no bad characters!
Logicallylo: ...while I do enjoy Ben (despite his infuriating refusals of perfectly logical job offers for Leslie, of all things), he is not my favorite character.
Pattonhead: Who is it? You can tell me!
Logicallylo: …
Logicallylo: Objectively, I respect the heck out of Jerry.
Pattonhead: That… is not what I was expecting.
Pattonhead: But Jerry is good too! He deserves love <3
Logicallylo: I agree, and when he got to be mayor it was quite satisfying.
Pattonhead: Virgil likes April, of course. He seems to find her relatable :)
Logicallylo: That makes sense.
Pattonhead: What about Roman?
Logicallylo: He is quite fond of “Treat yo self”, obviously.
Pattonhead: Ooh that’s good too!
Pattonhead: Oh! I gotta go now, Virgil’s looking at me weird.
Pattonhead: Talk to you later?
Logicallylo: Of course.
Pattonhead: YAY! See ya, Lo!
Logicallylo: ...Logan.
Pattonhead: ?
Logicallylo: You can call me Logan. That is my given name.
Pattonhead: Oh. I’m Patton!
Logicallylo: So your username is not a typo?
Pattonhead: Haha, nope! XD Night, Logan! <3
Logicallylo: Goodnight, Patton. I hope you sleep well.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That went well ;)
Logicallylo: His name is Patton.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...you got his NAME?!
Logicallylo: His URL is a pun.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It wasn’t a typo?
Logicallylo: A self-referential pun.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Exactly your type, isn’t he?
Logicallylo: ...I am going away from you. I have no destination in mind. I simply need to exit your presence.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Rude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wait, who the heckity heck five abs and a peck is Virgil?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Didn't get that answer, huh?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ugh, nvm.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton, you’re not even paying attention.
Pattonhead: Sorry kiddo! I guess I’m a little distracted.
Anxiousanxietyart: there was a puppy onscreen. you didn't even look up, much less start screaming and crying as usual.
Pattonhead: ...a little distracted, that’s all.
Anxiousanxietyart: this isn’t distraction, this is straight up black magic.
Pattonhead: Kiddo, it’s you and me here. It cannot be straight up.
Anxiousanxietyart: true, but not the point.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...wait.
Pattonhead: What is it?
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ve been staring at your phone all night, smiling like
Anxiousanxietyart: ...oh.
Pattonhead: ??
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ve been talking to lo, haven’t you?
Pattonhead: ...yes, what about it?
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh Patton, you are not subtle at all.
Pattonhead: He messaged me, and we’ve been talking a lot, and he’s just really nice, that’s all!
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm…
Anxiousanxietyart: don’t lie. lying is wrong.
Pattonhead: I'm not lying!
Anxiousanxietyart: if you say so…
Pattonhead: I do say so!
Anxiousanxietyart: then come watch april be socially awkward and relateable in the corner
Pattonhead: Okay! :D
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wait, who the heckity heck five abs and a peck is Virgil?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Didn't get that answer, huh?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ugh, nvm.
Anxiousanxietyart: ?!?!?!?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh, sorry Anx! I meant to send that to Logan.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...or logicallylo, since he seems to be telling everyone his name tonight.
Anxiousanxietyart: where the hell did you hear that name?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh, while spying on my brother messaging with his crush, why?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: no reason. i just know someone named virgil. that's all.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ah, okay.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So not because your name is Virgil?
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m not a murderer, don’t worry. I will not use this information to find you and kill you.
Anxiousanxietyart: um.
Anxiousanxietyart: not reassuring.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What can I do to prove my identity?
Anxiousanxietyart: give me your full name? sell me your soul? sign an oath in blood that you are prince roman of singalongland?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YOU might murder ME if I give you my full name, I already sold my soul, and how would you know it was my blood?
Anxiousanxietyart: you could take a video of you signing it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: OF COURSE! A SELFIE!
Anxiousanxietyart: eww no.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: eWW YES!
Anxiousanxietyart: why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You cannot dissuade me now! It is too late!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But you must take one too, so as to prove I’m not sending my beautiful visage to a random 80 year old man named Chuck.
Anxiousanxietyart: i… haven’t ever taken a selfie before… and i'm not a random 80 year old man named chuck...
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, I am a champ in the Great Selfie Game, so you may learn from a mASTER!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I'll believe it when I see it, CHUCK.
Anxiousanxietyart: Okay, but until I see you, you can't prove you’re not an 80 year old woman named gertrude, so you have to go first.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m not an 80 year old woman named GERTRUDE!
Anxiousanxietyart: Whatever you say, gertrude.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Logan help me
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh wait you’re asleep
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So if I get murdered because of this, it’s your fault okay
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: For not stopping me I mean.
Anxiousanxietyart: patton help i don’t know how to selfie
Pattonhead: Kiddo, it’s late? I thought you were going to sleep now?
Anxiousanxietyart: sleep is for the weak.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, i might have promised roman a selfie…
Anxiousanxietyart: help.
Pattonhead: Why would you do that?
Anxiousanxietyart: i have a death wish
Pattonhead: KIDDO NO
Anxiousanxietyart: also because i'm weak and gay
Pattonhead: Don't talk bad about yourself!
Anxiousanxietyart: that’s not talking bad about myself…
Pattonhead: Anyways, I will help you with taking a selfie!
Anxiousanxietyart: Thanks, pat.
Pattonhead: Np! :D
Anxiousanxietyart: um. it’s hardly that.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nonsense! I’m sure you look as fantastic as you are inside!
Anxiousanxietyart: uhh.
Anxiousanxietyart: can you go first?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Absolutely!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ta-da!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Feast upon my glorious visage!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...Virgil?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You there?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wow I can’t believe my stunning good looks actually killed a man
Pattonhead: Kiddo, what was that thunk?
Anxiousanxietyart: i'm gay.
Pattonhead: Hi gay, I'm Patton!
Anxiousanxietyart: can you come here?
Pattonhead: We’re in the same room, Virge.
"Patton please burn my phone I can't stand to see such magnificence."
"...I'm sorry, what?"
Virgil held up his phone, blushing furiously. There was the picture that had murdered him. The brown and green eyes that had captured him. The reddish brown hair that he wanted to run his hands through. The smirk on his face that he wanted to ki...
"If you ever cared about me, you will get rid of this picture of Roman so I can stop looking at it." His face was as red as Roman’s magnificent locks.
Patton looked smug. Too smug. "Sorry, kiddo, but nope."
Virgil fell over sideways on the bed, groaning, face flushing. Patton patted his head comfortingly.
Suddenly, Virgil shot up. “OH MY GOSH I NEVER RESPONDED!”
He lunged for his phone.
Anxiousanxietyart: you are really wow.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It took you 25 minutes to say that? My self esteem is pretty high already but wow, you could have warned me.
Anxiousanxietyart: no, like good wow.
Anxiousanxietyart: like stunning wow.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thanks.
Anxiousanxietyart: i only speak the truth.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’d hope so!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Okay, Chuck, your turn?
Anxiousanxietyart: okay um so i’m not as pretty as you or anything or at all but um here you asked for it
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: i know i took like half an hour to respond but honestly please don’t.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Um
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wow
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re kind of really stellar, you know that?
Anxiousanxietyart: i most certainly am not!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You most certainly are! Beauty calls to beauty!
Anxiousanxietyart: wow.
Roman gasped openly at the sight of such beauty, and didn't care if Logan heard him or not.
The purple and black hoodie covered part of the boy's face, but even in the dark room, Roman could still make out his utter splendor. His dark brown-black hair was dyed a brilliant purple, and it partially covered his eyes, which were a stunning indigo color. Black eyeshadow was smeared beneath them too carelessly to be truly careless. He had a small, almost shy smile on his face, and beneath the white foundation, were those...
"FRECKLES?!" He yelled in surprise and delight.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So my brother is awake now.
Anxiousanxietyart: ???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I screamed upon seeing you and woke him up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oops.
Anxiousanxietyart: well there goes the last of my self esteem
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, good scream! Very good scream!
Anxiousanxietyart: oh
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: okay
Anxiousanxietyart: wait what time is it for you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Like 1 am-ish?
Anxiousanxietyart: same here, but go to hecking sleep!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Says you!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fiiiiiiiine. But only to appease the angry monster of a brother woken from his (much-needed, if I may say so) beauty sleep.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Goodnight, Virgil. Sleep well.
Anxiousanxietyart: night, ro.
Logicallylo: Why was I the only one to get any sleep last night?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ughhhhhhhhhhhhhhh let me sleep
Logicallylo: You woke me up, I wake you up.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Why.
Logicallylo: Because I can. I believe the correct emoticon to use here would be “:)”
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You make me so proud, and yet so furious.
Logicallylo: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And now, LET ME SLEEP FOR GOODNESS SAKE!
Logicallylo: Sure. If you can.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: oh good lord.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: wHY ARE YOU PRACTICING THE CELLO AT 6 AM
Logicallylo: I shall not respond, for I am too busy playing the cello.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uuuuughhhhhhhhh you’re evil. Evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh gosh what have i done
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Logicallylo: Why are you messaging me specifically with this? I play no part in this. I was asleep.
Anxiousanxietyart: because you have more common sense than anyone else i know.
Anxiousanxietyart: also, patton is asleep, and i’d rather die than wake him up.
Logicallylo: True.
Logicallylo: You were tired, I believe, and not thinking straight. Is that correct?
Anxiousanxietyart: i never think straight, lo.
Logicallylo: True. However, I did some research, and there are 81,875 people in the U.S. with the first name Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: how did you—you know what? never mind.
Logicallylo: I used logic. It was quite simple, but the fact that Roman has used the same password for his phone for 10 years helps.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh.
Logicallylo: There are 6 time zones in the US, so 81,875 divided by 6 is approximately 13645.833 Virgils in this time zone, so the odds of a potential stalker finding you is very unlikely.
Logicallylo: Plus, I can vouch for Roman.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: He’s sleeping on the couch right now. It is almost noon. He should not be sleeping. This is not promoting a healthy sleep schedule.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, lo.
Logicallylo: Call me Logan.
Logicallylo: And you’re welcome.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...but warn me before you send me these images? i need time to prepare before another pic of roman?
Logicallylo: You mean this guy?
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: This boy right here?
Anxiousanxietyart: stooooooppppppppp
Anxiousanxietyart: i’d take a photo of patton in retaliation, but he’s asleep in the other room and i would rather be tortured in tartarus for all eternity than betray him.
Logicallylo: I see what’s happening here, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: ???
Logicallylo: You cannot hide from logic and reason.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes i can.
Anxiousanxietyart: freakin watch me.
Logicallylo: Virgil. Why.
Anxiousanxietyart: because i’m in denial and i will run from my feelings forever
Logicallylo: That is not healthy, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: well well well, look who’s a hypocrite.
Logicallylo: I do not run from my feelings! I simply do not have them.
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm. go message patton, then.
Logicallylo: That I will.
Logicallylo: Salutations.
Logicallylo: ...I have realized that he is asleep.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: You knew this.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: You said this multiple times.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes.
Logicallylo: Virgil Lastname.
Anxiousanxietyart: brava for you on your attempt at guessing.
Logicallylo: Honestly. Why.
Anxiousanxietyart: because it’s fun.
Logicallylo: You are evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know :)
Logicallylo posted: I will now list all the reasons why a regular sleep schedule is necessary, and what not keeping one does to your body. @anxiousanxietyart and @disneynbroadwaynprinces will listen to every single reason, as payment for their crimes.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: you called me evil.
Logicallylo replied: Reason number one: sleep helps you think. Without sleep, you cannot think straight.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i have a few choice words to say about that reason, lo
Logicallylo replied: Hush, I am chiding you for your behavior.
Pattonhead: Sorry Logan! I was asleep. How’s it goin?
Logicallylo: No need to apologize, Patton. It is going well here, how about you?
Pattonhead: I’m good! A wee bit tired, but that’s ok!
Pattonhead: Lolo look Khoshekh is on my legs aaaahhhhh???
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: Um
Logicallylo: Who is Khoshekh, why did you take a picture of your whole body, how did you take a picture of your whole body when you’re not even holding the device?
Pattonhead: My cat! :3 Virge named him, of course!
Pattonhead: Virgil also offered to take the pic so he wouldn’t leave, haha!
Logicallylo: Ah, of course. I see.
Logicallylo: Virgil, you evil, evil man.
Anxiousanxietyart: chaotic neutral baby :)
Logan was in awe. The boy on the other end of the screen had light brown curly hair and glasses that made him look, somehow, even more adorable than he already was. He was blushing, and had freckles spanning across his entire face and neck. His eyes were the color of clear, clean, blue-green pool water. His grin radiated joy. Everything about him seemed alive alive alive.
Somehow, he was even more cute than the fluffy orange kitten on his lap.
Patton was absolutely stunning, and Logan could do nothing but sit there and attempt to control his heartbeat.
If he had had feelings before, this was nothing compared to now.
He was, objectively, done.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: I suppose that it is only logical that if you send me a picture of yourself, one of me is in order.
Logicallylo: And I thought Roman was the overtired one…
Pattonhead: Kcoadkdksskmasajxkff
Patton stared at the picture of the most handsome man he'd ever seen (and he'd gazed upon Virgil's glory). He had black hair with fading blue tips, an angular face (were those freckles on the cheeks? Adorable!), and glasses with the same frames as Patton's own (who'da thunk?). The glasses framed beautiful navy eyes, the precise color of sapphires. He had the small smile of someone who didn’t smile quite as much has he deserved, but when it did, it counted.
Logan was beautiful.
Patton was in love.
He threw his iPad across the room.
A surprised yell came from Virgil in the other room.
Logicallylo: What happened?
Pattonhead: I’m sorry, Khoshekh got on the keyboard!
Logicallylo: Ah, I see.
Pattonhead: You look really nice!
Pattonhead: I mean good!
Pattonhead: I mean pretty!
Pattonhead: I mean—
Logicallylo: Thank you, Patton.
Pattonhead: ^-^
Pattonhead: Soooooo, Virgil!
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah?
Pattonhead: So as it turns out, i miiiiiight have been flirting a liiiiittle with Lo
Pattonhead: Because I might have a teensy weensy itsy bitsy tiny little bitty crush…
Anxiousanxietyart: i heckin knew it!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have awaken from my beauty sleep!
Anxiousanxietyart: didn’t know you needed it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did you just
Anxiousanxietyart: i meant—i—oy vey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You did! YOU DID! Oh happy day!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Great Zeus almighty, I thought this day would never come!
Anxiousanxietyart: we’ve known each other for only a few weeks, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Forever.
Anxiousanxietyart: mm hmm totally.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I can taste your sarcasm, Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But no matter!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I only have to scroll up to remind myself what you REALLY think about me.
Anxiousanxietyart: that you’re annoying?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That I’m hot.
Anxiousanxietyart: was that selfie really necessary?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes. Yes it was.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And you didn’t denyyyyyy iiiitttttt
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re not hot, roman.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He said, like a liar.
Anxiousanxietyart: he said, like a man in denial.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: He said, like a man in a river in Egypt
Anxiousanxietyart: ??
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: De Nile
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey why
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted:
I was too lazy to think of a title but it involves Hamilton so
Summary: It’s Vect and Xaer and Peri being the friendos they are, but they’re Hamilton buds and that makes it all better.
Word count: who knows? not I, not I
Warnings: a lot of Hamilton
A/N: Writer’s block sucks. It most verily does. That is why this exists. (In other words, I miiiiiiight have hit a wee bit of a snag with my Big Bang fic…) It is an attempt to salvage my writing skills.
Read more
Veertrash71 replied: I loooooveeeeee it! Aaaaaahhhhh it’s so fluffyyyyyy
Perisureimace replied: I’m pretty sure I’m gonna explode from all the Hamilton haha
Veerleft replied: This is canon now I decided
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Lo and I are having a mooooovie night!
Anxiousanxietyart: weren’t you up super late last night? why is he endorsing this behavior
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because we’re watching Rogue One and he’s gay for Cassian Andor (who isn’t tbh)
Anxiousanxietyart: i… haven’t seen it…
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: G A S P ! ! ! HOW D A R E
Anxiousanxietyart: umm i just? never did? it can’t ever be as good as the original trilogy so
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Umm, it’s pretty far up there! Worth watching at the very L E A S T
Anxiousanxietyart: you’ll have to tell me about it
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You. Me. FaceTime. Now.
Anxiousanxietyart: um??? what is happening
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You are Going to Watch this Movie with me, and you Will Like It!
Anxiousanxietyart: is there a choice?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you have a pressing appointment?
Anxiousanxietyart: nope, free all day
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Than nope!
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh roman
Anxiousanxietyart: i didn’t peg you for a diehard star wars fan?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …how??? I’m like the biggest freaking Star Wars nerd since Logan (well, he likes Star Trek better, honestly how are we even related)
Anxiousanxietyart: i have realized my mistake
Anxiousanxietyart: (and star trek is totally better?)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: nO NOT YOU TOO!?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart: there are a lot of reasons, which i can and would list, but i only need one:
Anxiousanxietyart: which was first to have canon gays, hmm?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Finn and Poe came before Culber and Stamets??
Anxiousanxietyart: but stormpilot isn’t canon 
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Not with that attitude it isn’t!
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also, Baze and Chirrut are totally married wHICH REMINDS ME, ROGUE ONE. NOW.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: please?
Anxiousanxietyart: alright fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YAY! ONWARDS, MY NOBLE KNIGHT, AND LET US B E G I N!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Sooooooooo?
Anxiousanxietyart: so what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Whaddya think?
Anxiousanxietyart: it was alright, i guess
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ALRIGHT YOU G U E S S?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Falsehood! You cried so hard you turned off the camera!
Anxiousanxietyart: who’s falsehooding now?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Still you! You loved it and you know it!
Anxiousanxietyart: you can prove nothing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You may try, but you cannot deny the truth that is your tears
Anxiousanxietyart: try harder, lor san tekka
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Dangnabbit!
Anxiousanxietyart: i know my star wars lor
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did you just
Anxiousanxietyart! patton is right over my shoulder i couldn’t just not
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: well, LOGAN is over MY shoulder, and he’s absolutely done
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well done young Padawan
Logicallylo: Why, Patton. Why would you do this.
Pattonhead: Oh hello Logan! How’s it goin’ in Logantown?
Logicallylo: Alright, I suppose. I was just consoling a sobbing Roman because of Rogue One, and now he has been sent off to bed because he was up late last night, and he has rehearsal tomorrow.
Pattonhead: Ooh, rehearsal?
Logicallylo: He is in a production of Falsettos with some friends of his (yes, he has friends).
Logicallylo: How about you?
Pattonhead: I’m not in any plays, if that’s what you’re askin’, Lo.
Logicallylo: No, I meant how was your day?
Pattonhead: Ooohhh! It was good!
Logicallylo: That is good.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m a badawan, thanks very much?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yoda Chronicles, and I'm a Jedi Knight
Anxiousanxietyart: i am ready to fight
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: foR THE SITH!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ZOOM POW ZAP ELECTRICITY
Anxiousanxietyart: why haven’t more people watched that thing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Who knows?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Honestly I was super freaking gay for Jek-14 when I was younger
Anxiousanxietyart: who wasn’t?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Truth hath most verily been spoken here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Look look look look look
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s a lesbian from next door!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Followed by her lover who’s a lesbian from next door too!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But seriously look here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: is that
Anxiousanxietyart: a freaking
Anxiousanxietyart: jek-14 lego set???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: YES IT IS INDEED
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: LOOK AND WEEP
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh
Anxiousanxietyart: you freaking nerd
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Nerd?! I thought I was more of a geek!
Anxiousanxietyart: okay jeremy
Anxiousanxietyart: (nerd)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: r u d e
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: VIRGIL
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: V I R G I L
Anxiousanxietyart: three m o o n s what the heckity heck do you want?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Wings of Fire, and are you awake?
Anxiousanxietyart: no, definitely not
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh okay then
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wait
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You little
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re welcome
Anxiousanxietyart: now why did you message me at three in the morning?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I can’t sleeeeppppppp
Anxiousanxietyart: not with that attitude you can’t
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I have a Very Urgent Question for you
Anxiousanxietyart: shoot.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do dryads have skin? Or is it just bark?
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because like if they have bark, how do they move? And like they’re tree ladies? So like how
Anxiousanxietyart: can you facetime me? i need to see your face while you say that.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Mm ok
When Roman accepted the FaceTime request and was greeted with five solid minutes of Virgil laughing. Which was a nice greeting, yes, but a wee bit annoying, it being at him rather than with him.
“Rude,” he said when Virgil finally calmed down. This, of course, made him start laughing again.
“I’m sorry, haha!” He wiped away a tear. “It’s just—such a random—haha—question!”
“Doesn’t mean you had to FaceTime me JUST to rub it in.”
“Umm, yes I did. Obviously.”
Roman rolled his eyes. “But do dryads have bark?”
“I’m gonna say no.”
“But they’re trees, Virgil!”
“Tree people!”
“Trees! Have! Bark!”
“But they have to move???”
“Yeah, but if they have tree spirits, then can’t they have flexible bark?” Roman asked, trying to convince Virgil.
“No? That’s not how it works?”
“How would you know?!”
“Because I have basic sense?” Virgil sighed, laughing. “How did you even come up with this?”
“I was rererereading Percy Jackson, and I just thought of it,” Roman said.
Virgil shook his head, smiling. “Only you, Roman.”
Roman looked like he didn’t know whether to be pleased or offended. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“That you’re unique and hilarious and creative and dramatic.”
“Heck yeah I am!” Roman flipped his hair, and Virgil covered his mouth to keep from laughing too hard. Roman finally lost all control of his traitorous gigglebox, and let out a snort that turned into a giggle that turned into a laugh that he muffled with his pillow in order to keep from waking up Logan.
Virgil stared, his cheeks growing red in the darkness.
“I gotta gay—I—um—go.”
He hung up quickly, leaving Roman to wonder what the heck had just happened.
“Wait, but do they have skin?”
Anxiousanxietyart: Patton holy crap
Pattonhead: Language, kiddo. Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: i think i have a crush on roman
Anxiousanxietyart: i have feelings for him and i don’t even know him and it’s terrifying and i don’t know what to do
Pattonhead: Aww, kiddo, come over here.
Anxiousanxietyart posted: i’m sorry guys, there’s not going to be anything for a while, maybe ever. sorry im such a failure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I have many ideas to tell you of!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thou must come here so I can tell you them!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh Virgil?
Anxiousanxietyart: im sorry.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What for?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You on?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hello?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: …
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fine, I’ll give you some space
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virge you okay?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil stop ignoring me
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Answer me! I command you!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virge?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fine. You don’t want to talk to me, I don’t want to talk to you. I’m done.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m sorry Virgil I didn’t mean it just talk to meeeeee
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is it something I did? I’m sorry for whatever it is, just tell me what to do to make it right. Please.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil, I really miss you. Please come back. I’m begging you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: I’m sorry, all, for the lack of content. I’ve just been really sad lately. I’ll be back soon, hopefully, maybe, sometime.
Logicallylo: Virgil? Are you on?
Logicallylo: Virgil, normally I would respect your privacy, but this is not a normal occurrence.
Anxiousanxietyart: what?
Logicallylo: Did something happen with Roman?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...sort of?
Anxiousanxietyart: how did you guess?
Logicallylo: It’d be impossible not to know, seeing how much he’s moping around lately. Living with him is… well, like living with him how he is usually only with more sad songs played around the house and more moping, as well as less general cheerfulness. It’s concerning.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: oh crap what have i done
Logicallylo: Virgil. Breathe. In through your nose, out through your mouth.
Anxiousanxietyart: what do i do???
Logicallylo: You need to talk to him. Now. Before it’s too late.
Anxiousanxietyart: do i have to? can’t i keep repressing my feelings longer?
Logicallylo: No.
Anxiousanxietyart: fine, but you need to talk to patton then.
Logicallylo: What about?
Anxiousanxietyart: don’t play dumb.
Logicallylo: …fine. But if he doesn’t respond well, I’m blaming you.
Anxiousanxietyart: he won’t, but ditto.
Logicallylo: Very well. I will leave you to contact my brother. I wish you luck.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, lo. you’re a good friend.
Anxiousanxietyart: ro? you there?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: SWEET MOUNTAIN DEW RED YOU’RE ON!
Anxiousanxietyart: sorry for disappearing like that. i just had to think through some stuff.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, warn a prince next time!
Anxiousanxietyart: um, ro?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes?
Anxiousanxietyart: i need to tell you something, and it wouldn’t really… work… over messaging. could i call you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, Virgil. Anytime.
Virgil stared at the number on the screen in front of him. It seemed to dare him to do what he did best: panic enough to avoid doing this, Tell Roman to forget about it, it was nothing, go back to how it was before. Don’t risk this friendship, the possibility of the other man not being who he said he was, and just let things stay the same.
It was a tempting thought.
He looked to his left to see Patton sitting next to him, giving him a supportive thumbs-up and mouthing, ‘you can do this!’
What would he do without Patton, honestly?
He took a deep, grounding breath. I can do this. I can do this.
Virgil dialed the number, and he heard Roman pick up.
“Hello? Virgil?”
Virgil threw his phone across the room.
It hit the other wall with a thunk and hit the floor.
Problem solved.
Patton looked at him. “Uhh, kiddo, what was that?”
Virgil huddled into himself. “I can’t do this!” He hugged his knees to his chest, shaking his head.
Patton took hold of his shoulders. “Hey. Virgil. Look at me.” He did. Patton’s sea-colored eyes were wide and comforting. “I believe in you. I know Roman feels the same way. You can tell him. It’s all right. Okay?” When Virgil hesitated, the other boy continued: “You don’t have to do this today. It will be perfectly fine if you don’t. However, you will have to do it sometime. Better sooner rather than later. One step in front of the other. You have got this.”
Virgil nodded. He let go of his knees, and stood up. He crossed the room slowly, his heart in his throat. He slowly picked up the phone.
...the phone had not hung up.
“Sorry Roman!” Virgil stared at Patton in panic. “I—uh—I don’t know what happened!’
“Uh huh.”
There was a silence. It was tense, awkward, expectant. Virgil knew he had to be the one to break it. He took a deep breath—
“So what was it you wanted to tell me?”
“Uhh—I—um—” Virgil lost all control of his filter. “Ithinkimightkindareallylikeyouandthatterrifiesmeandpleasedontbemad”
There it was. His soul laid bare. Virgil had done it. Patton was grinning and giving him the thumbs up. He felt a weight lifted off his chest.
What the freaking heck had he done.
A bigger weight fell on top of him. Roman hadn’t spoken yet. He didn’t like him back. It was official. He hated him. He—
“Oh. Wow. Cool. Um. Ditto?”
Roman laughed awkwardly. "Um. Oh wow this is not how I wanted this to happen. I had a whole thing planned and it was spectacular but. The feeling is mutual. I quite like you too. Romantically."
“Wait, really?!”
“Oh.” A pause. “Well what do we do about that?”
“Um. Wanna date?”
“Cool.” There was silence. Neither of them knew what to say.
Suddenly, Virgil began laughing. He tipped over, giggling uncontrollably into the phone. He snorted and rolled around, laughing and laughing and laughing.
“Virgil? You alive?”
“I—I just can’t believe,” he began between laughs, “that I avoided you for all that time, and all I needed to do was just call you? It’s just—it’s really ironic, isn’t it?”
Roman caught on, snorting into the phone. “Yeah, it is.”
They finally stopped laughing minutes later, drifting into comfortable silence. No one said anything. They didn’t need to. Everything that had been needed to say had been said, and all the tension was gone.
“So what happens now?” Roman asked.
“I guess we just try and see how things work out,” Virgil answered.
“You really have no clue, don’t you?”
“I really don’t.”
Roman snorted. “Neither do I, so it’s fine.”
Virgil let out a soft laugh. It felt good to be talking to him, really talking, nothing left as a secret.
They really should do this more.
And that’s when Roman broke the spell.
“NOW, LOGAN JOAN BERRY, GET YOUR TUCHUS OVER HERE AND TALK TO PATTON!” He yelled, his mouth still next to the gather-sound-thing on his phone. How could Virgil tell? Because it was right in his ear.
“Um, ow?”
“Oh, sorry Virge!”
“No worries. My bleeding ear will recover. However, my traumatized eardrum will not.”
“My voice is lovely, your eardrum should be thanking me for allowing it to hear my magnificent voice!”
“If you say so.”
Roman made a wounded and offended noise on the other end of the phone. Virgil snorted.
“If you want Logan and Patton to talk to each other, can they have their own call? I don’t want them to be flirting over my phone.”
“...oh yeah, that’s a good idea.” Roman paused a moment. “Uhh, maybe hold the phone away from your ear.”
There was a thunk and a faint yell. A different voice shouted, “WHAT THE CRAP ROMAN?!”
“Whaaaaaat is happening?” Virgil was very confused. Patton, still sitting next to him, had even less idea of what was going on.
“Umm, kiddo, is everything alright?”
“Who knows?” He shrugged. Patton did not seem to calm down or seem less confused.
And that’s when his phone rang.
Virgil and Patton both stared at the phone vibrating and playing “Baby Bumblebee” on the table. It kept ringing, undisturbed by the stares. Phones don’t care about you or what you do. They just ring.
Roman cleared his throat, yanking Virgil’s attention back to him. “Virge, tell Patton to pick up his phone before Logan spontaneously combusts, taking me with him and rendering the world devoid of this magnificent face.”
Virgil repeated this sentence word for word, dumbfounded.
“I, um, okay?” Patton walked over to the phone and picked it up. “Hello? Hi, Logan. Umm, what did you want to talk to me about?”
Patton walked out of the room, still talking.
“Lo? What’s going on?”
Logan cleared his throat, preparing himself. Now was the time. He’d say ‘it’s now or never’, but after The Last Jedi, he swore off the phrase forever. Besides, it was inaccurate. He could always procrastinate.
No. He would confess now.
It was time.
He opened his mouth.
“How was your day?”
Nailed it.
Patton sounded a bit confused. “Umm, it was okay. Steve Carlsberg died today. It was sad. We had a funeral for him.”
“Oh, one of our fish.”
Silence on both ends.
Logan opened his mouth to ask about the other fish names.
“I kind of really like you!”
Wait what.
What in the holy name of the pythagorean theorem did he just do.
Patton was silent for a long, nerve-tearing-into-pieces minute. When he finally spoke, it was to say that, “I like you too, Logan! That’s why we’re friends.”
“I—no.” Logan took a deep breath. If he didn’t say it now, he never would. Also, he would have to live with this miscommunication on his conscience for all of eternity. “Romantic like. As Roman would say, ‘I’m gay for you’ like.”
“Oh! I like you romantically too.”
‘Wait what’ was what he would have thought if he had had the ability to form coherent thoughts.
“I. Um. What?”
“Yeah.” Patton sounded like he was probably blushing. No, definitely. He was definitely blushing. “You’re really nice and kind and smart and beautiful and amazing and yeah I like you romantically back!”
“I—that was. Um.” Logan, you’re speaking nonsense. Collect yourself. I swear, sometimes you’re just too gay to live. “That’s good.”
“I’d hope so.” Patton’s voice was filled with a feeling Logan couldn’t place, but it was good. Definitely good.
“So,” he said, “what will happen now?”
“I don’t know!” Patton giggled. “I’m honestly just happy to be here, talking to you.”
“You are simply too sweet.”
Patton made a slightly flustered noise.
Logan cleared his throat. “Shall we just continue how we’ve been continuing and just see what happens?”
“Whatever we do I know will be just fine.” Patton spoke with an air of wiseness that said he knew what he was talking about. He was more people-smart than Logan, and that was one of the many reasons they complimented each other.
“Why is that, Pat?” Logan asked.
“Because dogs exist, and nothing bad can happen in a world with dogs,” he said very seriously.
Logan snorted. While that may have not been strictly logical, Patton was correct. They would be just fine.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Guess who’s not a single bean anymooooreeee??? This guy!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: oh my gosh
Veertrash71 replied: wait WHAT
Pattonhead replied: I was confused for a sec there, kiddo, but then I remembered.
Veertrash71 replied: UM
Logicallylo replied: Congratulations. You have found someone to deal with your nonsense. Lucky for all of us.
Veertrash71 replied: Is no one else going to freak out??
Perisureimace replied: Oh congrats!
Anxiousanxietyart: hi
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Greetings and salutations!
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: is there, like, protocol for talking now that
Anxiousanxietyart: um
Anxiousanxietyart: you know
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your guess is as good as mine.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh okay
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Uhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Any pets?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I had to think of SOME conversation topic.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Your answer?
Anxiousanxietyart: a cat and fifty billion fish.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: What are their names?
Anxiousanxietyart: the cat is khoshekh, the fish are all named after wtnv characters but i can never remember who’s alive anymore. i think janice ate carlos last week, but i’m not sure.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: How dare you Janice?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Do you perchance happen to have any pictures? If a pic of you came into the mix, I wouldn’t complain, just sayin’
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh ro
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Love you too <3
Anxiousanxietyart: ajckskskkckdkfes
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did I break you?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...maybe
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Honey
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Sweetie
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Apple of my eye
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: My one and only
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Knight in dark and angsty armor
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: take my pet photos and freaking leave
Anxiousanxietyart: babe
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Amckskjdhdjsjsjakkadf
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gosh is that you with your cat???
Anxiousanxietyart: yes
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No mere mortal eyes should gaze upon such cuteness!
Anxiousanxietyart: good thing you’re not a mere mortal
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aww!
Anxiousanxietyart: your ego alone is godly enough for ten zeuses
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...I retract all my praise.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Alexander Hamsterton and I go on all sorts of adventures.
Anxiousanxietyart: ajdkdkskfjkssa
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fair play is turnabout, Virge >:)
Anxiousanxietyart: why would you do this terrible thing
Anxiousanxietyart: my mind is dead now
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I tease because I love <3
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: uhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh gosh I didn’t mean like that it’s too soon aah ignore me oy vey
Anxiousanxietyart: um okay
Anxiousanxietyart: so
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey so I’m wondering
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Why do you always text with no caps???
Anxiousanxietyart: it's for the a e s t h e t i c
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gods you utter and complete e m o
Anxiousanxietyart: thank you for the compliment
Anxiousanxietyart: much appreciated
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It… I… I give up.
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh you NERD
Anxiousanxietyart: said the theatre geek to the emo.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...what is that supposed to mean??
Anxiousanxietyart: no hecking clue.
Logicallylo: Greetings and salutations, Patton.
Pattonhead: Oh hello! How are you?
Logicallylo: I am doing well. And you?
Pattonhead: Same here! A wee bit tired, but good all the same!
Logicallylo: I feel an urgent desire to sleep as well.
Pattonhead: Well, that’s one way to put it!
Pattonhead: HELP
Logicallylo: What’s going on?
Pattonhead: [image]
Pattonhead: SPIDER!!!!!!
Logicallylo: It appears to be a Pholcus phalangioides, or daddy long legs. It has venom, but is so small that it cannot bite or transfer venom. It is harmless.
Pattonhead: STILL! SPIDER!
Logicallylo: Do you have arachnophobia?
Pattonhead: No, but I’m terribly afraid of spiders!
Logicallylo: That’s what I said. Arachnophobia.
Logicallylo: I have no idea of Virgil’s whereabouts.
Logicallylo: Perhaps you can message him?
Pattonhead: SPIDER!
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ll be there asap
Pattonhead: Virgil has taken the spider outside! It cannot return any more.
Logicallylo: That is good. I am glad that it is gone.
Pattonhead: Just had a scare there!
Logicallylo: Is your emotional state better now?
Pattonhead: Much, thanks, Lo.
Logicallylo: No problem. Would you like me to call you now?
Pattonhead: Ooh yes please!
Patton was now sitting on top of his bed, idly petting Khoshekh and staring at his phone intensely. Maybe if he stared hard enough, Logan would call sooner!
As if on cue, the phone started ringing. Patton picked it up without even looking at the screen.
“Hiya Lo!” He chirped, bouncing up and down.
“Salutations and further greetings,” replied the voice of Logan. Patton’s heart melted upon hearing him. “Is Virgil in the room?”
“Nope, just me! He’s trying to make brownies in the kitchen, apparently ‘to sacrifice to the great and almighty deity of removing all feelings’, so the normal reason, pretty much!”
“Ah. Usual Virgil?”
“There’s nothing usual about Virgil.” Patton’s tone was very serious. He loved his kiddo a lot. He was a small angsty baby koala kangaroo child who needed love.
“I am aware of this.” Despite the words, which would have sounded annoyed, Logan’s tone was fond, and Patton could picture him smiling as he said so.
“You may want to hold the phone away from your ear,” Logan said.
“Why is that?”
“ROMAN, WHERE IS ALEXANDER HAMSTERTON?” Logan’s voice was muffled, but he was obviously yelling.
A quiet reply that might have been “I was playing with him”, but sounded like “I mass gaying with him” was shouted from somewhere else. Patton was slightly confused about what was going on.
“Uhh, Logan? What’s happening?”
“Roman’s hamster wasn’t in his cage, but he’s back now,” explained Logan reassuringly.
“Oh okay! Thank goodness he’s back!”
And that’s when Virgil spoke.
Patton shuddered, whispering. “It’s ironic because I have a very large fear of spiders.”
Logan laughed over the phone, and Patton’s heart did some cartwheels. “Ironic indeed.”
They shared a blissful few seconds of silence, nothing to say.
“I should probably go,” said Logan. “You may want to assist Virgil with the brownies.”
“But I don’t wanna hang up! I wanna talk with you!” Patton protested.
“We can talk later, if you wish.”
“Ooh yay okay!” Patton bounced up and down. “Bye, Logan!”
“Goodbye, Patton.”
Logan hung up, and Patton ran to save some brownies from certain doom, still thinking of Logan.
Logicallylo posted a photo: My boyfriend @pattonhead sent me these brownies today. They taste absolutely delicious! Love you Pat.
Pattonhead replied: Aww, so glad you like them honeybee! <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: THIS is a Marvelous Cookie! (or brownie, whatever)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: SWEET! With an excellent CRUNCH!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: perfect to follow a dinner
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Or just after breakfast
Anxiousanxietyart replied: and prior to lunch! (really though pat, they're probably really good)
Pattonhead replied: Aww thanks kiddo! <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know all my obscure references! A man after my own heart <3
Anxiousanxietyart: you cannot hide from my musical knowledge with frog and toad.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Shall we make a competition out of it?
Anxiousanxietyart: i'm listening.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: We each shall make as many references as possible without telling the other.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: If the other doesn't catch it, the referencer gets a point. If the other does get it, they get a point.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: The one with the most by the time our Big Bang project is posted wins!
Anxiousanxietyart: ro, you got yourself a challenge. let's do this thing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Can I FaceTime you so we can shake on it?
Anxiousanxietyart: yes
Anxiousanxietyart: can i call you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, Virgil! Might I ask why?
Anxiousanxietyart: i just need to talk to you rn.
Roman picked up immediately. “Virgil? You okay?”
“No.” Virgil sounded out of breath and terrified to his own ears. “Patton isn’t home and he left his phone and I’m alone and there’s noises and I’m fREAKING OUT and—”
“Hey. Virge. Breathe.” Roman’s voice was calming, cool, soothing. “In. Out. In. Out. Breathe with me, okay?”
Virgil took a deep, shuddering breath. He heard Roman do the same, in sync with him. In. Out. In. Out. They continued, for how long was unknown.
After several minutes of silence, accompanied by the noise of their breathing, Roman spoke. “You feeling better?”
The hesitation of a few moments that seemed to take an eternity followed his words before Virgil replied.
“I—yeah. I’m better now, I mean.” And he was. Who knew that for once the most-recommended, least-remembered tip would actually work?
“Why were you panicking, if I may ask?”
“I kept hearing noises? Not sure how exactly.” A pause. “Thanks, Roman.”
“Anytime.” And he meant it. He would do anything to help Virgil.
He didn’t exactly know what to say after all that. “Do you want me to leave?”
“NO!” Virgil blurted out before realizing what he just said. “I mean, umm, if it’s okay, could you please stay? I don’t really want to be alone right now.”
“Of course,” Roman said softly. “Anything.”
“Is exactly what Han Solo said before getting stabbed by his son.”
“Why are you like this?”
Virgil snorted, and Roman felt a sudden urge to hug him.
“I kinda really love you, you know that?” Roman blurted out. He then slapped his hand in front of his mouth.
Virgil was silent. Utterly, completely silent.
You utter and complete dunce! You’ve driven him away!
“I—ditto.” Virgil let out a small, slightly awkward laugh. “This is not what I expected this day to be like.”
“What did you expect?”
“You can’t see because this is a call but I’m shrugging.”
Roman laughed. “That sounds about right.”
Virgil cleared his throat. “Patton just sent me a text, you don’t have to stay. He’s coming back in a few.”
“I can stay if you like,” Roman said. “I won’t leave you if you don’t want me to.”
“No, it’s fine. You can go.”
Roman shrugged. “If you’re sure. Love you.”
“Love you too. Bye, Ro.” Virgil hung up, and Roman sat there, shocked and blushing.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You feeling better?
Anxiousanxietyart: yes. patton’s home now, we’re watching the princess bride.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Glad you’re ok.
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks again, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: All you need to do is ask. I’m here for you, love.
Anxiousanxietyart: anfkdmfjsjfk
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Did I mess up? Oh gosh I’m sorry
Anxiousanxietyart: no
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: kind of like it???
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Okay love
Anxiousanxietyart: gonna pay attention now, gnight, love
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ajkfmsjdhjfjd
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: sleep well, mi amor
Anxiousanxietyart: how the heckety heck do you know spanish
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ;)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HAVE I GOT THE STORY FOR YOU!
Anxiousanxietyart: good morning to you too.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It’s 1 in the afternoon.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...
g o o d m o r n i n g
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ANYWAYS
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: SO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just saw a woman.
Anxiousanxietyart: whoa. never knew women existed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hush, I may be gay, but I know women exist and are amazing
Anxiousanxietyart: never knew that you were gay???
Anxiousanxietyart: truly shocked
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ANYWAYS, BACK TO MY STORY!
Anxiousanxietyart: oy vey.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: At the salad restaurant.
Anxiousanxietyart: …salad… restaurant?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes it exists
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ordering a salad.
Anxiousanxietyart: wow. never would have guessed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wHILE EATING A FREAKING DONUT.
Anxiousanxietyart: i… what?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You heard me!
Anxiousanxietyart: no, i didn’t. we’re texting.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know what I mean!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: A chocolate covered donut. In line. Ordering a salad. To-go.
Anxiousanxietyart: why were you at a salad place?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Because they have the best gosh dang Mac n Cheese in the galaxy and I was in Urgent Need for it
Anxiousanxietyart: huh
Anxiousanxietyart: so, not because you suddenly decided to take care of yourself?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Despite Logan and Patton’s best efforts, no. Never.
Anxiousanxietyart: good, i was starting to worry you weren’t you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Fear not, I am still my magnificently fantastic self!
Anxiousanxietyart: and that’s a reason not to worry? counterproductive.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: RUDE.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Someday, I will take you to Crunchy & Emerald, and you will see just how fantastic their Mac n Cheese is.
Anxiousanxietyart: really?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Couldn’t stop me if you tried. And don’t try.
Anxiousanxietyart: i guess it’s a date, then.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ahfkdmfjdkf
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Evil. Truly evil.
Anxiousanxietyart: said it before, i’ll say it again:
Anxiousanxietyart: chaotic
Anxiousanxietyart: neutral
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Chaotic good, myself
Anxiousanxietyart: i can see that. class?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Paladin, Fighter, sometimes Bard
Anxiousanxietyart: huh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You?
Anxiousanxietyart: rogue
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You dark, angsty soul.
Anxiousanxietyart: got that right.
Anxiousanxietyart: you ever actually played d&d?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aye, verily! Logan and I once arranged a campaign with friends (he was a sorcerer). It was quite fun!
Anxiousanxietyart: sounds like it.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yep! What about you? Have you ever embarked on the nerd adventure of a lifetime that you can take more than once?
Anxiousanxietyart: i have one (1) friend who’d consider it, and he’s clueless about these things (patton)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Well, now you have 3! We shall organize a campaign at once!
Anxiousanxietyart: three?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Me, Patton, and Logan!
Anxiousanxietyart: he’d like that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Are you kidding? He LOVES nerd stuff like that!
Anxiousanxietyart: ...somehow, i am not surprised.
Anxiousanxietyart: wait.
Anxiousanxietyart: aren’t you lactose intolerant?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: :)
Anxiousanxietyart: i forbid you from eating that mac n cheese ever again
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Try and make me. I dare you. You will never separate me from my one true love! NEVER!
Anxiousanxietyart: what about me?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Babe.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I love you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But if you try and keep me away from Crunchy & Emerald’s sweet sweet cheesy macaroni, you will be unboyfriended.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my dog.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You have a cat.
Anxiousanxietyart: umm, my point still stands
Pattonhead: Lololololololololo!!!!
Logicallylo: I am here, Patton. What’s the matter?
Pattonhead: I’m at Target with Virge, and on the way we had the most magical encounter!!
Logicallylo: Would you like to tell me about it?
Pattonhead: That’s why I’m here! :3
Logicallylo: I am listening.
Or rather, watching. This isn’t a call.
Pattonhead: SO me and Virge were walkin’ to Target, and I heard? this? “meow meow” noise?
Logicallylo: That does indeed sound adorable.
Pattonhead: The kitty ran up to us and went between Virgil’s legs and around my legs and I petted him and then he walked away it was amazing and pure and magical and I feel blessed
Logicallylo: Wow.
Logicallylo: That seems like a pleasant experience.
Pattonhead: It was the BEST DAY of my LIFE!
Logicallylo: I can believe that.
Pattonhead: Aaa gotta go, the friend is on the Virge of leaving me behind to shop alone :)
Logicallylo: I shall see you later, Pat.
Pattonhead: Byeeeee Lo!
Anxiousanxietyart: pat and i went out shopping today for some sweet sweet starbound preparation materials, and look what i got
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is that
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: A freaking
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: XAER PIN?!
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Anxiousanxietyart: they had them at the store, and even though they were out of vect pins, pat got a peri one and i got this
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: That
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Is
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: So
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: COOL?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I am so jealous you have no idea
Anxiousanxietyart: i know
Anxiousanxietyart: whiiiich is why i lied
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ???
Anxiousanxietyart: they did have vect pins
Anxiousanxietyart: [image]
Anxiousanxietyart: and it’s for you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ?!?!?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart: i wonder if he’s excited at all
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: THE M O S T!!!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: THANK YOU SO MUCH VIRGE <3
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re welcome :)
Pattonhead: Lololololololo!!! :D
Logicallylo: Yes?
Pattonhead: Look look look look look I got a new beanie!!
Pattonhead: [image]
Pattonhead: I’m a cat!!!! :3
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: I need a moment.
Pattonhead: You like it?
Logicallylo: Patton, you are adorable. You know that?
Pattonhead: Aww, that’s so sweet! ^u^
Logicallylo: You are so cute that I fell on the floor.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: You have slain me.
Pattonhead: Aaaaaaaaawwwwwwwww! Nooooooooo don’t dieeeeeeee!
Logicallylo: Roman has taken this opportunity to “conquer the foul beast of Calculatortown”.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: Why will he not stop stepping on me.
Pattonhead: Whyyyyyyyy Roooomannn?!
Pattonhead: Step off of my boyfriend!
Logicallylo: He is gone now.
Logicallylo: [image]
Logicallylo: With your encouragement, I have slayed the brother.
Logicallylo: Or rather, made him leave my room.
Logicallylo: And now, I can get back to my book.
Pattonhead: Nooooooo keep talking to meeee!
Logicallylo: As you wish.
Pattonhead: YAYY! :D
Pattonhead: What’re you reading?
Logicallylo: Rebel Rising, by Beth Revis. I had a desire to learn more about Jyn Erso, and this is about her backstory.
Pattonhead: Ooh, sounds fun!
Logicallylo: It is, although I find it interesting how Jyn had a boyfriend before Rogue One, and the reason why she is captured by the Empire is somewhat unexpected.
Pattonhead: Huh!
Logicallylo: But enough about me, or about Jyn. What about you? How is Khoshekh?
Pattonhead: Adorable as ever!
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: You speak no falsehoods about that. Khoshekh is, indeed, adorable.
Logicallylo: However, you are even more so.
Pattonhead: Awwwwww, Lo, you’re makin’ me blush!
Pattonhead: [image]
Logicallylo: The evidence you have just sent has only strengthened my case. You are incredible, Patton. You make people feel, despite their original hesitance. You love so much, and are so many wonderful things.
Logicallylo: I haven’t the words to describe how I’m feeling. Emotions were never my forte.
Logicallylo: However, you… you are incredibly good at forcing me to feel things, and at making me like it.
Pattonhead: I
Pattonhead: I just don’t know what to say?
Pattonhead: I love you too, Logan. Always.
Logicallylo: I
Logicallylo: That
Logicallylo: You said you didn’t know what to say. But that was perfect. It was absolutely, positively perfect.
Logicallylo: I have no words.
Pattonhead: I can give you some of mine?
Logicallylo: I’m not entirely sure that’s how it works.
Pattonhead: I’m not entirely sure that I care.
Logicallylo: I feel as though you should probably care about that.
Pattonhead: I do, I just care about you more <3
Logicallylo: ajdkskndjdjs
Pattonhead: Did you just
Pattonhead: Did you just keysmash???
Logicallylo: Umm.
Logicallylo: If I said no would you believe me?
Pattonhead: YOU DID!
Logicallylo: Oy vey.
Pattonhead: Don’t worry, your secret is safe with me <3
Anxiousanxietyart: help me roman i’ve been laughing at this for like 5 hours
Anxiousanxietyart: https://youtu.be/JMV3lRrduf0
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m just watching it on repeat and dying
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: AND THAT WAS THE FRIEND
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: NOW TELL ME
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: E N D
Anxiousanxietyart: this is true art right here
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Yes indeed.
Anxiousanxietyart posted 6 photos:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
i’ve been attempting some photography, and here’s some of my and pat’s favorites. he’s the one who talked me into posting these. if you hate them, blame him.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: HATE them? H A T E them? H A T E T H E M ? !
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I L O V E T H E M ! ! !
Anxiousanxietyart replied: oh.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: thank… you?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I do not say these things lightly, Virgil. You have real talent, my love!
Pattonhead replied: I told you, kiddo! Your photos are amazing!
Logicallylo replied: They are indeed absolutely fantastic, Virgil. Well done. You have a true eye for photography.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i don’t know what to say?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: No words needed.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Only more pictures, if you please! I haven’t seen true beauty since I saw your selfie (or maybe my mirror image), and your photography is truly stunning! Almost as stunning as you!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ajkfmfjfhgnzkdjfm
Anxiousanxietyart replied:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Anxiousanxietyart replied: take my photos and g o
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Amazing!
Pattonhead replied: What’d I tell you, kiddo? You’re great at this!
Logicallylo replied: Spectacular. Simply spectacular.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: here’s some more, i guess
Anxiousanxietyart replied:
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I haven’t the words to describe just how talented you are, love.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: wow. i never would have thought anyone would like these? thanks, guys
Pattonhead replied: No need to thank us! You’re the one who took the photos, Virge.
Veertrash71 replied: wHOA ANX HAS TALENT???
Pattonhead: Hey kiddo!
Pattonhead: I’m proud of you.
Anxiousanxietyart: why?
Pattonhead: For opening up, and showing your pictures even though you didn’t know how they would be received. I knew you were nervous, but you handled it like a champ.
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: thanks, pat. love you.
Pattonhead: Love you too, kiddo. Wanna draw and listen to music?
Anxiousanxietyart: gosh yes.
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo: a bunch of sketches and an actual decent fanart i made. i just really wanted to draw xaer more. zey are really fun to draw.
Pattonhead replied: Nice job!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: You have quite a lot of talent!
Logicallylo replied: Well done, Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Loooogannnnn helpppp
Logicallylo: What is it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: It’s just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Virgil’s so good at so many things
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And he’s really nice and sweet and amazing
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I love him so much
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: But he doesn’t realize how talented he is?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: And I wanna tell him and help him but I don’t know hoooowwww
Logicallylo: Roman.
Logicallylo: You are helping him already. By being there and letting him know you’re there for him, you have already done more than you know.
Logicallylo: As for letting him realize his worth, just keep doing what you’re already doing. The two of you have a great support system, and you both know how good at so many things the other is.
Logicallylo: But both of you are oblivious to how amazing both of you are, and neither of you see how the other isn’t superior to you. You both are equally talented in different areas.
Logicallylo: That is how the world works, Roman. You need to let him realize how talented he is on his own, but help him in any way you can. Don’t rush it. One thing at a time.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: ...wow. Thanks, Lo.
Logicallylo: You’re welcome, Ro. Now go get that boy. Again.
I should get paid for my matchmaking skills.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Hey Virge?
Anxiousanxietyart: what is it ro?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re really amazing, you know that?
Anxiousanxietyart: no, i’m really not, but thanks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: No, seriously. You’re super talented and great at so many things and I feel like you don’t know that enough.
Anxiousanxietyart: i
Anxiousanxietyart: i don’t know what to say. thanks, roman.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You’re welcome.
Anxiousanxietyart: why are you saying these things, if i may ask?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just felt like you needed to know this.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Love you, Virgil.
Anxiousanxietyart: love you too.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: @logicallylo and I will not be here for about a week? There’s a family gathering for a cousin’s bat mitzvah in another state, and we won’t be able to be on for a while. There shall be a surprise when I return, however! ;) See you soon!
Pattonhead replied: Awwww, we’ll miss you!!!!!!! Have fun!!!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: goodbye, ro. stay safe, and tell me when you get back.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I shall miss you very much, my love.
Pattonhead replied: You can’t really see him because we’re texting, but Virge is blushing like a tomato and I felt it important that you know :)
Pattonhead replied: [image]
Pattonhead replied: See?
Logicallylo replied: Oh my gosh I love you.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: this is complete and utter betrayal?!?!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: aaaAAAAWWWWW! Baabeeeeee, you have a crush on me?!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: we’re dating, andy
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: that was an easy one, it doesn’t count!
Pattonhead replied: Oh my gosh you totally have a crush on him!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: if i’m being made fun of, it totally counts.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: We’re not making fun of you! It’s just adorable, that’s all!
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: [image]
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: This face can make many a man swoon ;)
Logicallylo replied: If it helps, his cheeks are a bit flushed as well. You can see in the image.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Wow thanks Lo?? Honestly why would you point that out???
Anxiousanxietyart replied: that doesn’t help??????? it’s only worse now?????? you are e v i l
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Chaotic good, love. We’ve discussed this?
Logicallylo replied: Lawful neutral myself.
Pattonhead replied: Neutral good! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: chaotic neutral.
Logicallylo replied: Somehow, the fact that I am the only lawful one makes sense…
Pattonhead: Viiiiiiiiirgiiilllllll
Anxiousanxietyart: yes?
Pattonhead: I miss Logannnnn
Anxiousanxietyart: i know. i miss roman too.
Pattonhead: I just wish they were here, y’kno?
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah. i know.
Anxiousanxietyart: wanna have a game night?
Pattonhead: Anytime, kiddo :)
Pattonhead: I’m going to the store, want anything?
Anxiousanxietyart: a soul
Pattonhead: ...kiddo, I have 5 dollars
Anxiousanxietyart: what were you gonna buy with 5 dollars?
Pattonhead: Chips.
Anxiousanxietyart: chips… don’t cost 5 dollars…
Pattonhead: ...chips.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ll be there in a sec
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: I AM HERE, I AM QUEER, AND I HAVE RETURNED FROM MY QUEST! Did you miss me? (oh, and @logicallylo ‘s here too)
Pattonhead replied: LOGAN!!!!!!!!!!! I MISSED YOU SO MUUUCHHHHHH
Logicallylo replied: I missed you too, Patton. A lot.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: hey, ro.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: VIIIIIIIRGILLLLLL!!! Did you miss me?
Anxiousanxietyart replied: no.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: ?!?!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m kidding! yeah, missed you.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Missed you too, my cruel and heartless love.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m not cruel and heartless.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I know that you are anything but.
Anxiousanxietyart: facetime me?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Of course, my dear Virgil.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted a video: In celebration of returning from a week-long hiatus, here’s a video of me singing! I chose A Whole New World because it’s Disney and it won the wheel spin of fun songs to sing haha! Enjoy!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i’m dead. you’ve killed me.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Haha thanks babe
Anxiousanxietyart replied: you? just? keep murdering me? in cold blood? honestly
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: It’s what I do best ;)
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Ughhhhhhhh help meeeeeee
Anxiousanxietyart: what’s happening? You ok?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just having a bad day…
Anxiousanxietyart: wanna talk about it?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just have writers block and no play rehearsal because I got the most HORRENDOUS cold and Logan is out doing things and I’m alone and in pain and bored and these few days before the new Starbound are always the most terrible and I’m just uuuughhhhhh
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m sorry, ro. anything i can do to help?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Just being here is amazing, thanks <3
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Also wanna have a Harry Potter marathon with me?
Anxiousanxietyart: how could i refuse?
Anxiousanxietyart: facetime?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I don’t really feel like my normal magnificent Princey self…
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m pretty sure that you could never be anything near less than godly in looks.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: aww, thanks
Anxiousanxietyart: besides, i see worse every time i look in a mirror.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: nO BABE
Anxiousanxietyart: kidding, i had to say that, i’ll call you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Thanks for binge watching Harry Potter with me, Virge. I owe you one.
Anxiousanxietyart: no problem, love.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oh my gooooshhhhh
Anxiousanxietyart: did i do something wrong?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: NO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: HEAVENS NO
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m just
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aaaaaaaaahhhhh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: you killed me
Anxiousanxietyart: oh my gosh
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: I’m deaded
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Slain
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: By my own boyfriend
Anxiousanxietyart: you’re so lucky i love you
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aodkdjdakkdkslskdjdk
Anxiousanxietyart: :)
Pattonhead posted: TODAYTODAYTODAAAYYYY!!! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: wow, I wonder if he’s excited
Logicallylo replied: Of course he is, Virgil. It is rather obvious. I’d have thought you’d have noticed. No need to wonder.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: sarcastic.
Logicallylo replied: Ah. Very well.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: Thou art a bunch of liars! All of you are most excited as well, I know this with absolute certanity!
Logicallylo replied: Certainty, and falsehood. I am not excited. I have no emotions.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I saw you dance in your room earlier. Don’t lie.
Logicallylo replied: Falsehood. That was you. I saw you.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: i never said i wasn’t excited. only a fool wouldn’t be.
Logicallylo replied: ...I suppose I shall concede a point to you. I do feel an adequate amount of excitement to read the newest book of Starbound.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: yeeEEEESSSSSS!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: woo.
Logicallylo replied: Are you satisfied?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces replied: I WILL NEVER BE SATISFIED
Anxiousanxietyart replied: god i hope you’re satisfieeeddd
Pattonhead replied: AAAAAAAAAA VIRGE TIME TO GO GET IT NOW!!!!!!!!
Anxiousanxietyart replied: coming.
Logan walked into the crowded bookstore with low expectations, if any.
Roman had, of course, come down with a cold, but nothing was going to stop him from running down to the bookstore himself if Logan didn't go and get them both copies of Starbound: Awaken, so here he was. Alone. In a social setting.
Why was he here again?
Ugh, there was a line. He walked over to stand in it. While waiting, he pulled out his phone to check Tumblr. Roman was complaining on the dash about being sick, Virgil was retaliating with sass, and Patton was being cute with puppy and kitten photos and energy in the corner. Logan held back a laugh. He really loved his friends.
He turned off his phone and surveyed the people around him. There were kids with parents dressed up as Peri and Xaer and Vect and all the other characters, making Logan smile a little. One confused adult was dressed as Luke Skywalker, which made him sigh a little. Honestly.
He made his way to the front of the line, purchased two copies of the book, and began making his way towards the exit. The smell of new books was particularly strong in this bookstore, and Logan stopped to stand and enjoy it a while. He was about to continue walking when he could have sworn he heard the most familiar voice.
"C'mon, kiddo! Let’s get in line! Aaaa I'm so excited!"
"I can't tell at all..."
Logan's head swiveled around 180 degrees like R2-D2's. Standing there was a pair that looked too good to be true. There was no way Patton and Virgil could possibly be here. It just wasn't logical. And yet, a purple-hoodie-clad back and another with a blue shirt and gray cat hoodie tied around his shoulders were standing there, chatting animatedly.
"No way in Crofters," he muttered to himself, staring at the two. And yet, there must have been a way in Crofters, as they were there, weren't they?
He was debating the pros and cons of approaching them (Venn diagram and all) when Roman called. He took that as a sign to leave, but made a mental note of this day.
Logan had a lot to think about.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: How about them Starbound?
Anxiousanxietyart: it was very good.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: GOOD?! It was INFURIATINGLY AMAZING! SPECTACULAR!
Anxiousanxietyart: good.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Oy vey. You’re lucky I love you.
Anxiousanxietyart: ahsidjsndhshhsidiska
Anxiousanxietyart: why.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: You know you love iiiittttt :)
Anxiousanxietyart: i know nothing except hatred.
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: As Logan would say,
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: FALSEHOOD!
Anxiousanxietyart: how often does he say that?
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: More than you could possibly know.
Starbound-Big-Bang posted: Friendly reminder that you have one more week before posting time! Authors: You must have your fanfics done and above the word limit. Artists: You must have your drawings/projects done and ready for posting.
Anxiousanxietyart: oh congrats! i’ll read it in a sec
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: AAAAAAAAAAA!!!
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s very good, congrats
Disneynbroadwaynprinces: Aww thanks! Call me?
Anxiousanxietyart: of course
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted: Only 3 days ‘til Showtime!
Pattonhead replied: Break a leg, kiddo! :D
Anxiousanxietyart replied: what pat said. you got this, ro.
Logicallylo replied: Fracture a femur.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ????
Logicallylo replied: It WAS break a leg, but I improved it.
Anxiousanxietyart replied: ...never say that again.
Logicallylo: Virgil, may I have a word?
Anxiousanxietyart: what is it?
Logicallylo: You are aware that Roman is to do the thing where he makes a fool of himself in front of others while pretending to not be himself?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...you mean acting?
Logicallylo: Yes, that is what I said.
Anxiousanxietyart: how could I not know?
Logicallylo: And are you aware that I believe that we do not live too far away from each other?
Anxiousanxietyart: ...how would you know that?
Logicallylo: I… may have seen you and Patton at the bookstore…
Anxiousanxietyart: WHAT
Logicallylo: On the day Starbound: Awaken released.
Anxiousanxietyart: which bookstore?!
Logicallylo: Formerly a Bruegger's Bagels
Anxiousanxietyart: and you were going to tell me WHEN?!
Logicallylo: It slipped my mind.
Anxiousanxietyart: it. slipped. your. mind.
Logicallylo: I wasn’t positive it was you.
Anxiousanxietyart: why didn’t you SAY anything?!
Logicallylo: You left before I could approach you.
Anxiousanxietyart: and how did you conclude that we don’t live too far away from each other?
Logicallylo: Roman and I live only a block away from the bookstore, and you and Patton appear to have walked. You are too lazy to have walked more than a mile, even with Patton’s puppy eyes as a factor, as well as the fact that it’s the newest Starbound. Hence, not too far.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...i could have been visiting from australia. i could have wanted some exercise for once. heck, i could be a serial killer. i know where you live now!
Logicallylo: You didn’t have an Australian accent, we are in the same time zone anyway, I don’t think that’s likely, and I highly doubt you’re a serial killer, as we’ve known each other for too long and too well. Also, you don’t know exactly where I live, as I didn’t give you the address.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...logical, as always.
Logicallylo: Of course. Necktie.
Anxiousanxietyart: what were you going to ask me?
Logicallylo: Virgil, Roman has his play in a week. It is at the school auditorium.
Anxiousanxietyart: …no.
Logicallylo: Whyever not?
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Anxiousanxietyart: i’m just anxious
Logicallylo: This is not news to me. You are always anxious.
Anxiousanxietyart: ...yes, but
Logicallylo: Your name is AnxiousAnxiety.
Logicallylo: There is an “art” in there as well, but it is not beneficial or necessary to the point I am attempting to make.
Anxiousanxietyart: yes, but
Logicallylo: So why won’t you come to see Roman preform?
Anxiousanxietyart: it’s just…
Logicallylo: You can tell me.
Anxiousanxietyart: i’ve known him for 5 months, and we’ve only ever talked here or on the phone. the thought of meeting him in person, it just…
Logicallylo: It seems daunting. Final. Real. I know.
Anxiousanxietyart: yeah, exactly.
Logicallylo: You don’t have to come. It would be fine if you didn’t. However, for Roman’s sake and yours, please consider it.
Anxiousanxietyart: …
Logicallylo: Just consider. That’s all I ask.
Anxiousanxietyart: alright. but if i die, i’m blaming you.
Logicallylo: I wouldn’t expect you not to.
Anxiousanxietyart: Hey, ro.
Anxiousanxietyart: so, today's the day. showtime.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know you won't be able to read this until later, because you're backstage preparing and all, but i wanted to tell you
Anxiousanxietyart: break a leg, ro.
Anxiousanxietyart: i know as well as you that you'll do amazing, and you will rock this show, you hear? you'll blow us all away with your splendor.
Anxiousanxietyart: you always were too much for anyone, and you're so energetic and alive, and i
Anxiousanxietyart: i just really love you.
Anxiousanxietyart: i had to tell you that before the show started.
Anxiousanxietyart: break a leg. you'll be amazing.
Anxiousanxietyart: you truly are a star.
The theater was dim, as one would expect.
It was packed, as one would not.
At least not from a 7-person show in the auditorium of a school that was only available for this one night. There were plenty of seats, and there was an actual stage with actual curtains obscuring it, which was honestly all it really needed to set the theatre mood, at least in Virgil's opinion.
He and Patton were roaming the isles, looking for a person they'd never actually spoken to in real life, in the same place, not on the phone. The murmur of hundreds of whispers at once was somehow almost deafening. It was certainly overwhelming, whatever else it was, and if was all Virgil could do to keep calm.
‘it's okay, you've got this, you're only going to go see your boyfriend for the first time in the same room as him, no biggie,’ he thought. This did not calm him.
"C'mon, kiddo! You excited?" Patton was bouncing up and down on his toes, clutching his gift bag (containing two homemade plushies) with all his strength. No points for guessing if he was excited at all.
"Yeah..." Virgil brushed some stray violet strands of hair out of his eyes and sank further into his hoodie. Patton looked at him, concerned.
"You alright there, Virge?"
"Just anxious… More than usual, I mean."
Before Patton could respond, his phone rang. When he answered it (the ringtone was the Baby Bumblebee song; Pat had great ringtones for all his friends. Virgil's was the Little Einsteins theme song (why? no one knows.), and Roman's was I’ll Make a Man Out of You), his face lit up.
"Heya Lolo!" Patton listened intently for a few moments, during which Virgil could barely make out Logan's voice on the other end of the call.
"Mhmm... Uh huh... Okay... Alrightie!... Love you!... See ya in a sec!" Patton hung up and turned to Virgil.
"He's in Row G, Seats 7-9. C'mon!"
If Virgil wanted to turn and run out the door screaming, he couldn't have. Patton had him by the arm in an iron grip. There was no escape.
Patton tugged him at a run to the seats, which were full of people. However, Patton had eyes for only one person.
A man turned, his glasses glinting in the light. His hair was blue in the dim light despite being black, the ends lighter and in need of a re-dyeing, and his expression, which had been neutral yet nervous, now sported a fond smile.
Said boy ran and tackled Logan in a flying hug. Virgil was content to watch.
"LOGAN!!!!!!!!" Logan was unable to reply, his face being smushed into the shoulder of Patton.
"Mmph," he managed to get out.
Virgil felt like he was massively intruding on a private moment.
“Um, I’m just gonna go over there, away from here.”
Logan said something that might’ve been “You do that,” but also may have been “I like hat” or “potato fat”.
Virgil edged past them, giving Logan a sympathetic pat on the shoulder as he did so. He headed to his seat, and read over the program (it was a folded piece of paper with the show on the front and the cast list and people-who-helped list inside) in boredom. At one point he opened his phone and scrolled through Tumblr a bit, but he couldn’t concentrate. His nerves were up so high they’d breached the atmosphere and now couldn’t breathe because they didn’t have spacesuits.
He turned off his phone, sighing. There was nothing for him to do now but sit, wait, and check and double check and triple check that his bag was still there.
Minutes passed, and the lights did not dim, the chatter did not stop, and Logan and Patton had not returned. They were probably still catching up.
‘Or they’ve been kidnapped. Or they’re dead. Or they’re lost. Or they’ve abandoned you. Or they’re—’
Patton, hand in hand with Logan, was heading towards him. His freckled face was very flushed, his curly hair mussed up a little. He was waving, and almost pulling Logan behind him as he walked. Logan also appeared to be holding the gift bag Patton had given him.
“I’m baaaack!”
“I noticed.”
Logan looked a little sheepish. “Salutations, Virgil. Apologies for not greeting you earlier. I was, er, occupied.”
“No biggie,” replied Virgil, grinning. He then hugged Logan, who seemed to be a little more unaware of how these things went than he was.
They headed to their seats, chatting about life, the universe, and pie. Lots of pie.
“Chocolate is obviously the best!”
“No, pecan pie!”
“You’ve never even had pecan pie.”
“I know it’s good!”
“You’re allergic to nuts.”
“...it’s good!”
“Pumpkin is still the best.”
“Objectively, chocolate has the best taste.”
This discussion had been carrying on for a while when the lights finally dimmed. Virgil elbowed Logan (he wasn’t sitting next to him, but he would have rather been sucked into the dark, cold, unforgiving void than accidentally hurt Patton) to get him to stop ranting about chocolate pie and shut up.
“Shh! It’s starting!” He hissed. Patton and Logan instantly shut up, and soon, so did the rest of the theater.
There was a pause.
Then, the curtains opened.
The play began.
Virgil sat up anything-but-straight in his seat.
There, onstage, in real life for the first time, was Roman, as animated and alive as possible up in front of hundreds of people.
It was impossible to see the details of his face (beyond "beautiful") through the makeup and lighting, but it was unmistakably him. The energy was too alive and purely Roman to be anything but him. The hair was the precise shade of Roman's, the infectious grin was the same, the singing voice was obviously his. It was a judgement no one needed talent to make.
Also, Virgil knew this play. He knew who Roman was in this play. He couldn't NOT figure it out.
Whichever friend was playing Marvin started singing about being an idiot, but he wasn’t paying attention. He just kept staring at Roman, on the side, watching Marvin, still in character. Obviously. This was Roman. He had enough acting focus for all the people in this room, and then some.
When Roman actually stood up and started having an actual singing part in “Thrill of First Love,” Virgil nearly died.
"Shall we head out for chocolate?" Logan suggested.
Neither Patton nor Virgil was one to turn down chocolate.
They exited the theater, and were overwhelmed instantly by the crowds you only seem to find during intermission: every single one desiring candy, not enough time for everyone to be fortunate enough to get some.
It was quite overwhelming, and Virgil decided that Logan and Patton could be left alone for the sake of him getting a moment of relief.
"I'm going to hide over there, can you get me some MNMs?" He asked. “I’m just gonna get away from people for a little bit.”
Patton nodded, and Virgil took that as his cue to leave.
He walked away, dodging crowds and clumps of clustered humans, huddled together so as not to lose each other. He did his best to avoid contact with them; fleeting touches were hard to deal with emotionally. He managed to make it to the bathroom, where he figured he could be alone for a few moments.
Virgil stepped into the bathroom, and collided with a blur of a person.
“Oh, pardon me!”
“It was my fault.”
Virgil separated himself from the stranger, and made it a full 5 seconds before halting.
He spun around at the same time as the “stranger”. His green-brown eyes were wide with surprise and recognition.
“Oh my gosh it’s you!” Virgil exclaimed, eyes widening even more than he’d thought possible. Roman ran at him and wrapped him in a huge hug. Virgil hugged back, burying his head in Roman’s shoulder as he did his very best to hold back tears.
He was not prepared for this.
When they finally separated, they each kept their hands on the other’s shoulders, not ever wanting to let go of each other, even for a moment. They just looked at each other for a full one minute, not sure what to say.
“You’re still in costume,” Virgil said.
“You’re still wearing that same hoodie you always are,” said Roman, and hearing his voice and touching him and seeing him talk and him being right there, right now was just too much.
“Please tell me I’m not the only one on the verge of tears here, because if I’m the only one crying, it will be really bad.”
“Are you kidding?” Roman laughed. “If I smudge my stage makeup, I’m gonna be really upset, and so will everyone else in this gosh darn ding dang show, but they’ll just have to deal with it because I just saw my gosh darn ding dang boyfriend for the first time, in real life, so heck yeah I’m gonna cry!”
“Oh thank goodness you’re gonna cry too, I’m gonna return to Logan and Patton with smudged eyeliner and they’re gonna be so confused.”
They both laughed, wiping at their eyes. When they finally calmed down, they just kind of stared at each other some more, drinking each other in.
Roman was the one to break the silence. “Oh, here!” He fished around in his pocket. “I accidentally put the eyeliner in my pocket instead of back in the makeup bag,” he explained. “Can’t do anything about the eyeshadow, but from your selfies, I’m pretty sure at least some havoc there is normal.”
Virgil snorted. “Alright. Eyeliner me up.”
Eyeliner him up Roman did. A few moments later and Virgil had wings so sharp they could cut a man.
“There!” Roman exclaimed when done. “Your makeup-strewn beautiful mess of a face is no longer makeup-strewn!”
“Wow, thanks.”
He suddenly realized that Roman had not pulled back, and was still very much in Virgil’s space bubble. Normally the space bubble was a holy, sacred space. This was not one of those times.
They were staring at each other. Virgil could see the flecks of gold in the depths of Roman’s eyes.
He was truly extraordinary.
Finally, Virgil had had enough, and pulled Roman in by the face. Their lips met with all the pent-up passion of many months of desire. He was filled with a kind of happiness and love he'd never even thought possible.
Inevitably, regretfully, they parted. Both faces were flushed. Cheeks were very red beneath white foundation (Virgil) and loads of stage makeup (Roman).
"Ah, shoot!" Roman cursed. "I must take my leave—I must be behind the stage by the time intermission is almost over. They only let us out for bathroom breaks, and even then time is tight. My apologies, Virgil."
"I get it, Ro. The show needs you." Part of Virgil wanted to scream 'but I want you to stay here with me!', but he couldn't make himself do it. Also, his brain was short-circuiting a little. He had kissed Roman. Roman had kissed him. His brain would never work right again.
"I shall see you in a bit, then!" Roman kissed his cheek quickly, and the space where his lips touched was suddenly the place where his blood wanted to be at this moment. "Or rather," continued Roman, "you'll see me." He winked.
"Uhh," Virgil said, very intelligently.
"See you later, alligator." Roman swished out of the room with a flourish he was certainly quite proud of.
"Uhh, crocodile."
He was ruined. Ruined.
When he got back to his friends (whose hair was not as neat as it once was, but if you thought Virgil was going to point that out, you also probably thought the Percy Jackson movies were good), any hope of them not noticing his slightly messed-up makeup was shattered.
"What happened to your face?" Patton asked.
"Um, so I think I just saw Roman."
Logan tilted his head. "How do you know?"
"I made out with him in the doorway to the bathroom."
Patton squealed. "Wait, really?!"
"Why and how would I make this up?!"
Patton made some more incoherent excited noises. Logan cleared his throat.
"You were sure it was him, correct?"
"Don't worry, I didn't kiss some random stranger. He was in costume too. And he looked exactly like Roman. And sounded like him. And talked like him."
"If it looks like a tomato, smells like a tomato, sounds like a tomato, it's an orange!" Patton said.
"That's... not how it goes..." Logan sighed. "You're lucky I love you."
Patton smiled and leaned his head on Logan's shoulder. "Love you too, honeybee."
"I feel like I'm intruding," said Virgil. "Should I maybe leave?"
That's when the lights dimmed again. Apparently not.
The curtains parted, and there stood Mendel, waiting to begin the second act.
Mendel was pointing at them. He was freaking pointing his little airplane guide things at them.
Did he know anything?
Mendel winked at them before continuing.
Curse you, Roman.
The rest of the show went quite smoothly (and bonus, Virgil learned just how attractive Roman was with sunglasses: very attractive indeed). By the end, Patton, the only one who didn't know what was coming (Virgil was a theatre nerd and Logan was the brother of another), was sobbing openly. Virgil was, for the first time, grateful for his earlier cry. It helped to hide the tears streaking down his face at the moment. Even Logan was trying to hide that he, too, had shed more than a single tear. Lo, you good ol' liar.
Roman’s voice was beautiful, as usual.
Even when what he was singing was heartbreaking.
Many tears were shed that night.
By the time the show was done, and the cast ran out for bows, there wasn’t a dry eye in sight. A roar of applause sounded around the theatre, and Virgil could feel his hands hurting from clapping so hard. One person stood up. Then another. A tidal wave of people rose to their feet, and Virgil was among them. He couldn’t have resisted if he wanted to.
In the spotlight, Roman seemed to thrive on the cheers and applause of the audience. He had never looked better, more comfortable in his own skin (which was ironic, because he was just acting).
He was, simply, stunning.
The journey from the theatre to the overcrowded hallway was a blur of wow. Logan and Patton were chatting (read: consoling Patton as he sobbed into Logan’s shoulder), but Virgil was in a daze and didn’t pay attention.
He certainly rectified that when he saw a specific, familiar grin and eyes like the prized jewels of power in some fantasy novel.
“ROMANNNNNN!!!!!” Patton ran and hugged Roman, then was confused when no one else joined him.
“Am I the only one?”
Logan cleared his throat. “I’ve known him long than any other combination of two people here have known each other.”
“And I just met him for the first time. Sorta kinda.” Virgil thought for a moment. “Is it the first time? Or not? How does this work?”
“You cannot fool me with the play I just starred in!” Roman smirked. “Oh, also, who knows? I certainly do not.”
“You know nothing.”
Roman let out an offended noise. “Rude!”
Virgil snorted. “What else is new?”
Roman looked him up and down slowly. “For once, the fact that you are actually here, in person.”
“What are you going to do with me now that I’m here?” Virgil asked.
He was answered with a smirk. “Well, first—”
“You’re going to accompany us to the nearest restaurant,” Logan interrupted, “where we will have a nice dinner, free of any icky romantic-type shenanigans. After that, you are free to do as you wish, without informing me about it, and certainly without me right here. Witnessing it. With my eyes. Which need bleach now.”
“Any romantic shenanigans?” Patton and Roman asked, for completely different reasons.
“Any. At all.”
“Pretty sure you don’t really think you can stop them…” Virgil pointed out.
Logan sighed. “I am aware. However, that will not prevent me from trying.”
“Fair enough.”
Roman raised his hand. “I vote Crunchy & Emerald!” He fingergunned at Virgil. “I hear the mac n cheese is excellent there.”
“Oy vey.” Despite his words, Virgil was smiling, and his tone was fond.
“Sounds good to me!” Patton nodded.
Logan shrugged. “Why not?”
Roman extended his arm to Virgil. It was a very olden-timey gesture. It was also adorable. “We never did finish that game of 20 questions, did we?”
Virgil grinned, taking his boyfriend’s arm. “That is indeed not something that we did.”
“I believe it’s your turn to ask a question.”
“Nah. Can you start?”
“I will gladly do that, love.”
“Shall we?”
“We shall.”
Disneynbroadwaynprinces posted:
Summary: Xaer, heir to the mer kingdom, wished for more than a life of sitting (or hovering above) a throne. Vect, prince of the mainland, wanted adventure and exploration. Peri just wanted a nap in the seaweed.
Word count: 34716
Warnings: Drowning (or rather, almost-drowning), water, sharks, blood in said water, a gigantic octopus lady
A/N: At Last, posting time has arrived! I have waited anxiously for the time to come to share this with you, and now you can see for yourself! Art by my lovely boyfriend and partner for the Bang, @AnxiousAnxietyArt , is here! Enjoy!
It was all quiet under the cover of night and dark waters.
Anxiousanxietyart posted a photo/photos:
here’s the art for the starbound big bang. My partner was @disneynbroadwaynprinces , and his fic can be found here.
When Virgil went to ring the doorbell, he almost hesitated. For the first time since Roman and Logan had taken a trip 3 months ago to go see about 10 million musicals in New York and summer break ended, Virgil was going to see his boyfriend again. What if Roman didn't still love him? What if he was possessed? What if he got SQUIPped over the summer? What if—
Patton pushed the doorbell with enough enthusiasm and energy to power China for three years.
Okay then.
Virgil had just enough time to wonder why the doorbell was apparently the "Ma-na-ma-na" song from The Muppets (possibly from Patton messing with it) when the door opened and a very familiar voice yelled his name.
He was pulled into a tight embrace by his boyfriend. Virgil hugged Roman tight, ignoring the tears leaking past his eyelids. He was barely aware of Patton edging past him to greet Logan. You do that, Patton. I'll just stay right here.
"I missed you," Virgil whispered.
"I missed you too," replied Roman, dipping Virgil and kissing him passionately (like everything else he did). Any stray ends of thought that may have been there instantly vanished, gone into the void. There was only Roman, the reality of him, he who lives in fantasy. His chest filled with a jumble of emotions, and for once he didn't try to repress them.
When they finally broke apart, both were content to stand there, basking in the presence of each other. Neither wanted to break the silence.
"So, we watching this thing or not?" Virgil said finally. There would be plenty of time for saying all that needed to be said, doing all that needed to be done, all of that later.
"Not so fast, mister." Roman looked stern, but also like he wanted to laugh. "Where's that art you promised me?"
"Aren't I art enough?" Virgil joked.
"Well, yes, but a promise is a promise! Fulfill your oath, or you shall feel my wrath!"
"Nothing." Virgil reached into his bag and brought out a piece of paper that had been looked at many times over the course of the last month.
Roman stared at it. It was an image of the day the two had met the first time, Roman onstage, in his costume, radiant. He was utterly spectacular. In the spotlight, he seemed to glow.
“I—Virgil, this is…”
“Full of mistakes and terrible line art, yes, I know.”
“Shut up!” Roman’s face was very, very red. Normally, Virgil would have teased him, but something stopped him. Maybe it was the expression on Roman’s face, maybe it was how he turned to look at Virgil, maybe it was the star struck look in his eyes, maybe it was—
Maybe it was the fact that Logan chose to speak up just then.
"Come over here, you horrifyingly sappy gays! It’s starting!" Logan was standing on the doorway, arms crossed as he looked at the pair. They jumped apart, surprised, the drawing fluttering to the floor. It landed face-up.
"Rude!" Roman yelled back.
Virgil placed his arm on Roman’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go join the others.”
Roman nodded. “Alright. Let’s go.”
They walked over to join a frantically-bouncing-up-and-down Patton on a couch with Logan, who looked extremely calm for the situation.
Roman settled himself on a comfortable armchair. Virgil perched on the armrest of said armchair.
"Why are you on the armrest?" Roman asked. “You're not an arm. You would be the blue lion, if anything. You’d be a leg. The leg of Voltron, but still a leg.”
Virgil rolled his eyes. "Because places that aren't meant to be sat on are always more comfortable than regular chairs. Duh."
“Oh, of course.”
Patton bounced even higher and faster, if that was possible. “Come on come on come ooooonnnnnn! Starbound is here!!!”
Logan stared at his boyfriend, placing a hand on his shoulder. “Did you happen to have any sugar within the last 24 hours?”
Virgil sighed. “I told you not to, Pat!”
“But there were MnMs! I had to have the MnMs!” Patton protested, not slowing down in his frantic movements.
Logan kissed his cheek. “Patton, I love you, but that was a very illogical decision.”
“I knoooowwwww, but MnMs!”
“There is only one way to resolve this conflict!” Roman declared. He ran into the other room, returning a minute later with a bag full of marshmallows.
“Ro, what the heckety heck are you doing?” Virgil asked.
“We must ALL eat excessive amounts of sugar in order to have Patton be less hyper by comparison!” He ripped open the bag and tossed a marshmallow into his mouth with ease.
Logan raised his hand. “That would be not only quite damaging to your health, but also illogical.” Logan walked over to Roman and stuck his hand into the marshmallow bag, grabbing a large handful.
“I cannot allow you and Virgil to consume this entire bag. It would be bad. Also, the fact that the amount of sugar in a few MnMs is quite different to the amount of sugar in marshmallows is quite different. To even it up more, we must all eat marshmallows.”
He stuffed the entire handful of gooey marshmallows into his face.
Virgil burst out laughing as Roman stood there, looking scandalized at the actions of Logan. “How dare?”
Patton made grabby hands. “Can I have some marshmallows?”
Logan grabbed one (prompting more protests from Roman) and gave it to his boyfriend. They all settled back down in their seats, prepared for what was coming.
Khoshekh ran into the room, meowing. He made a flying cat leap onto Virgil’s lap, purring contentedly. How he perched there when Virgil was sitting on the edge of a chair, no one knew. He was a cat. Cats make their own rules.
Logan, who was (after a unanimous decision) in control of the remote, set up the TV. A few minutes later, everything was up and running and ready.
Virgil put his arm around his boyfriend and cuddled him close. “Ironic, isn’t it?” He laughed softly. “This is what brought us all together.”
Roman leaned into Virgil’s touch. “Yeah. To think that we’re here now, it feels… right.” He kissed his boyfriend’s cheek.
Patton paused his bouncing long enough to nod excitedly in agreement  and give Logan a long hug. Logan closed his eyes and attempted to kiss Patton, but by then he’d resumed his bouncing.
“I can’t believe Logan is dead,” Roman whispered in his ear.
Virgil shook his head. “Rip Logan. He will be missed.”
Logan the corpse leaned over to punch Roman’s shoulder. “Shut up.”
“Shutting up now, sir.” Roman smirked and pantomimed zipping his lips.
“Let’s watch this thing!” Patton exclaimed, making grabby hands for the remote. If Logan didn’t start it soon, he would do it himself.
Lo finally managed to kiss Patton’s cheek. “Alright, let us begin.”
He pressed play.
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wlwtsubomi · 6 years
Well, uh, I have to admit I somehow never even saw your OSAS stuff until you mentioned it and I looked through the tag?? And I can’t really get what it’s about from just the art but it looks rad and I’m always down for original works (I feel you on drawing shit for your own stuff instead of actually progressing the story) so have at it! Tell me about OSAS, anything from what the world’s like to what the characters like to eat!
akgajdagh honestly thats valid!! osas tends to fly under a lot of peoples radars 😔✊
and also algjakdg thank y ou!!! ive been trying to work on osas for a long while so im rly touched that u think its cool and also that im still Relatable™ ;;w;; i can,, talk a lot,,,, abt osas,,,,,,,, im answering the two questions u gave (what the worlds like and what characters like to eat) and just gonna sneak it under a cut
ok so the world?? ive mentioned it several times but the worlds called uxordra!!! if u go back and find stuff u MAY find that like. i have called it uxodra or uxorda and honestly?? im not sure which one was right so i mashed the two together called it uxordra and called it a day
its ruled by kingdoms bc its. kinda like every other fantasy world like that. note that i started working on osas when i was like. in 6th grade so u have to rly bare with me here bc all the ocs have those 6th grade oc Tragic Backstories or are ocs from a fandom that ive reworked to put them in here. and also if u look closely u would be able to pick out the inspo for some parts of osas.
ALGJAD but yeah its separated into kingdoms!! surprisingly, there isnt a lot of conflict between the kingdoms in the story. surprisingly bc like. thats the plot for several fantasy stories huh. but thats mainly bc 6th grade me didnt even think abt making a fuckin map of uxordra. like ok i get it. but why. 6th grade me i couldve evolved the story so much if only i had a map but instead i didnt and now the story that i came up w rly only mentions only a few different kingdoms and im too invested w it so im too lazy to change it and figure out how to change it. and also they have like. no names
and for that im serious i mean. the kingdom that osas is mainly set in? thats like. the only one named so far. its called valkarie and yes its like valkyrie but just iwth an a instead of a y. see its bc one day 7th grade me realized that i needed a name and came up with one on the spot. but ive been thinking of it and refering to it as valkarie so much that now thats what its called. its a big oof. its arguably one of the biggest kingdoms next to this other one that i dont have a name for??
five out of the main group was born in valkarie!! while iovita ( hes the one w curly hair thats mainly sketched in green) was born in that other big kingdom!! that other kingdom (which is REALLY need a name for considering its the origin place of one of the MAIN CHARACTERS) is like. ok so valkarie is rly just. powerful as a kingdom. but that other kingdom?? theyre just funky! theyre a big trading hub and outsource of crops and everyone thinks theyre cool.
valkarie is. kinda mess. as ive mentioned before yeah no one rly likes them but?? theyre powerful?? they have a big military and iovita comes over here and immediately hisses thru his teeth bc man this is. hm. this seems Excessive. but in their semi defense there was already a good amount of guards and knights and shit but then this whole entire thing happened in ruresi and now all them from there moved to the capitol and its just agakdagjajd Too Many Guards! but yeah like. they also are kinda hggjghjdjg-ing bc there was this whole entire thing called the idarist war which will eventually be elaborated in osas once i actually WORK ON IT!!!!!!!!!! and like it rly just depleted a lot of resources and threw people out of wack
oh my god and i like. just realized i forgot to put this here. but like. theres also gods!!! whenever theres a character in the osas tag that doesnt look human?? tahts a god!!! they just kinda exist and give people things and sometimes start droughts like a fuckin idiot!!!!!!!!! aglajdajg ill probably explain them more in osas. again if i actually WORK ON IT!!!!!!
but yeah. the kingdoms are rather peaceful when it comes to each other. the real conflict most of the time is within the kingdoms themselves?? and at the start of osas its not even that full of conflict. the real peak of hardship was like 80 years ago during the idarist war but most (i say most bc. ruresi.) of valkarie has recovered or at least. recovered as much as they could.
and uhhh what the characters like to eat??
bodil (the ginger one with the teal-ish coat!!) likes salty things!! admittedly its bc her diet kinda. Sucks??? she lives off of preserved things and things merope serves (which is all bar food so. lots of salt.) she also likes milk. she is a simple lesbian she sees milk she drinks
merope (the one w an eyepatch and vitiligo and also sharp chompers………..) really likes stew!!! his aunt used to make it a lot when he was younger and its been his favorite food since!! he makes so many salty things that at this point hes kinda exhausted
aludra (the one with those red marks and blank eyes?? shes mostly drawn in red) cant eat anymore. shes a ghost. BUT anyways she also likes stew. but she also loves dry food that is rly easy to snack on (like crackers or smn!!) bc she kinda used to like just sit in her room and Brood.
iovita (yeah ive mentioned him already. hes the one in green) likes pies!! he likes fruits and as such was like “holy shit you can bake SO MANY fruits into pies. he really likes everything really?? bc yeah his kingdom is known for their abundance of farmland which means lots of fruits and meat and vegetables and its just. wild. but he really doesnt like sour things. conan eats a lemon in front of him and iovita realizes that Their Gods Will Not Save Them.
alfjadka yeah conan (has the light hair w dark roots, that emo bang, and drawn in grey) likes sour things. or so he says. he really likes sweets actually. especially caramel. his mom used to sneak him candies and its a mixture of just that positive association and also just. sweets good. that just makes him really love candy.
sorin (has the bandage over eye and the burn scars. also a ginger. mostly drawn in a yellow-gold) does really?? have??? a favorite food???or a favorite thing to eat???? he takes what he gets and at the least he knows that bread at the least is semi-reliable. ruresi while it was still up wasnt especially known for their food and it really shows?? well at least, sorin says that but conan has noticed that sorin sometimes stares at cakes for a long time………..
(conan buys every cake he sees sorin staring at then always eat a bit before going “oh wow!! i cant finish this sorin u can have it”. sorin is always a bit skeptical abt actually getting it and every other bite asks if conan is Really Sure He Can Have All This. but he eat its every time.)
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gfn-sam-evans · 6 years
Texts || Fabrevans
Taggings: Sam Evans & Quinn Fabray When: Thursday to Saturday Notes: Getting to know each other! <3
Quinn: Please do! And once you've got it, we'll talk about a vlog. Quinn: Oh geez. That's such an unflattering picture!! Quinn: Honestly, I started getting bored. Everyone was so busy with each other, I figured I'd get home to Jude. He gives me all the attention I want. Sam: Aye, aye! It shouldn’t be too far from now. I’ve talked to Blaine about singing there. Sam: It’s not! I think it’s cute. Sam: I didn’t realize you were bored.
 Quinn: Oh that'll be a great show then. I'm sure other people will show up to join in. Quinn: oh but it really is. I could always send you a better one. A way cuter one. Quinn: I mean it was fun at first but then idk...i was ready to leave. I felt slightly odd ball out
 Sam: I hope. Sam: Business is good but it’s not booming and I don’t want to hit a bad stretch of months. That freaks me out. Sam: I won’t say no to that. Sam: I didn’t realize how fast the night turned until that truth or dare game happened. Sam: I hope I didn’t make you feel awkward
 Quinn: I understand. I can see why you'd freak out. Your business is your baby. You want it to do well. Quinn: Well hopefully we can get you some publicity and get more people to come in :) Quinn: Hmmm, now i gotta pick a good one. GIve me a sec. Quinn: I think everyone was just tipsy, and horny apparently lol Quinn: oh no no. You didn't make me feel awkward at all. I won't lie, it wasn't a bad sight
 Sam: It really is. I never thought I’d have my own store. I still pinch myself about it. Sam: Yeah. Even my date and I got carried away but I reeled it in. Sam: It was fun to do that. Not something I wanted a group of people I know to see but I couldn’t back down.
 Quinn: Was it something you always wanted to do? Or did little Sammy have other aspirations? Quinn: Oh I saw that. Although, I think she would have been okay if you hadn't. Quinn: Hey sometimes alcohol makes us do the wildest things. As long as you had fun with it, that's all that matters
 Sam: Little Sammy wanted to play football but when that didn’t look like it was happening he changed things. Sam: You saw us making out? Sam: I did but when people started taking their shirts off I didn’t know if it was about to turn into a sex party.
 Quinn: So I take it you were a football player in high school? Woulda been just my type.  Quinn: Oh I thought you meant the lap dance. No. I didn't see you make out. I'm assuming this happened after I left. Quinn: Yeah it was getting wild. And while I'm not afraid of wild, I had had enough for one night
 Sam: You’re into jocks? I still play but only when I’ve got time. Sam: Yeah. That’s why I was confused. I took her home and then left after she fell asleep. It was a fun date but I don’t like being that guy who hooks up with someone right off the bat. Sam: Kissing is fine though. Sam: You’re not? What’s the wildest thing you’ve done?
 Quinn: Well I mean I was in HS. I was head cheerleader after all. But I was super into the artistic types too. Quinn: Ahh gotcha. Sorry for the confusion. But that's very gentlemanly of you. Quinn: I don't think there's anything wrong with kissing on the first date. Especially if you've had a good time... or you're super into/attracted to them. Quinn: Wildest? Ummm... climb up to the roof of a house and jump into a pool, half naked? I mean granted I was drunk so that could have been super dangerous.
 Sam: I try to draw but I’m not the best. I can do macaroni art and make actual masterpieces with it. I can show you if you ever want to see it. Sam: Quinn! That’s insane! Even I wouldn’t do something like that.
 Quinn: Wait seriously?? I have to see this. Ive never heard of someone who makes macaroni masterpieces. I'm intrigued.  Quinn: Yeah... not one of my proudest moments. I won't lie... I did a lot of stupid stuff the first two years after HS...
 Sam: They’re good. What I lack in drawing I’ve picked up with macaroni. Sam: Why after high school?
 Quinn: That's impressive. You're full of surprises Sam Evans Quinn: Well pretty much my whole childhood and high school career I had an image to uphold. For the sake of my mother basically. I got tired of it. So when I graduated, I wanted to live my own life. I uhh... I partied a lot. I was super social. But along with all of that, I hung out with the wrong crowd, did things I shouldn't have.... Just lost control of my life basically.   Quinn: wow I'm sorry, we barely know each other and I'm unloading all this heavy stuff on you. I'm so sorry.
 Sam: I like you shared that with me. I did a lot of stupid things in college. Not to live a deprived life but because I hung out with a lot of frat guys. They wanted me to pledge but I didn’t want to go through the whole Greek thing.
 Quinn: Are you sure? That's alot of information I'm sure you didn't want to know. Quinn: But yeah.. I didn't even bother with sororities. But I knew where all the parties were. Living in LA, there's always a party somewhere
Sam: We’ve all been through stuff, Quinn. It’s s lot but it’s still things that help me get to know you better. Sam: I spent my freshman year drunk most of the time. I had fun and met a lot of cool people. Did crazy things kinda kind what happened at that party.
 Quinn: I don't tell people these things. Even some of my closest friends here in Nashville know about this part of me. About my past. Quinn: Yeah sounds like me. I didn't even finish though. I uh... kinda got kicked out because I missed too many classes.  Quinn: I'm uh... really not proud of that.
 Sam: I used to dance for money. Sam: Only sharing that because you said you told me something real personal. But I get doing things you’re not proud of.
 Quinn: Sam you didn't have to do that. Just because I'm basically word vomiting right now doesn't mean you have to too. Quinn: But now I know why you're so good at it.
 Sam: That was me drunk. William sent me the video and I could tell I lost my touch. I needed money to send home and that was a quick way without dropping out of college. Sam: Just don’t tell anyone. Okay?
 Quinn: I've always heard it was a good way to make some serious chunk of change.  Quinn: Your secret is safe with me. I promise. I wouldn't tell a soul.
 Sam: It is. I made a crap load. It was insane because I’ve worked all types of jobs but that one was a last resort job and it paid the best. You lose a little of yourself and I had to go slow with giving my parents the money because they thought I was delivering pizzas.
 Quinn: oh wow. So like on average how much were you making a night? If you don’t mind me asking. I won’t lie but I kinda wish there wasn’t a stigma about the adult business. They’re just trying to make a living like everyone else.
 Sam: it depended on the night and how busy it was. The most I made in one night was $300. Sometimes you get requested by clients. I was one of the favorites there which seemed weird but it was extra money. I did it for a few months.
 Quinn: Wow. That's nice. The money I mean, not being favored by people. I'm glad you found what you actually wanted to do though. Although  some lucky lady is gonna be able to see your experienced moves.
 Sam: it’s nice but it messes with your head. I didn’t really want to date for awhile and didn’t exactly like to be touched. Sam: Technically many lucky people have.
 Quinn:  Oh wow. I never even thought about it messing with someone. I'm sorry. Here I am praising you for it and when in reality... it sounds like it's something you didn't really want to do.  Quinn: Well true but it's not the same like in the intimacy of the bedroom. That's what I meant.
 Sam: It’s cool, Q. You didn’t know and it wasn’t all bad. I met interesting people and got to take part in shows. It felt like being in theater with some of the acting we did. Just when I thought about what it was in the end. That’s what gets me. Sam: Oh. Uh, yeah. That...I haven’t heard any complaints when it comes to that.
 Quinn: Okay then, let's just say you were in Magic Mike... the musical? lol idk Quinn: Well from seeing your moves the other day, I didn't think you had
Quinn: I had a good time yesterday btw
 Sam: I did too! Sorry I didn’t realize I had pasta sauce on the side of my face.Sam: Magic Mike would make an interesting choice for one.
 Quinn: It's alright. It happens to the best of us. It was cute seeing you slightly blush. Quinn: actually i think it's actually a thing...
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hobslobster-remade · 7 years
tagged by @softest-yoongi , thank you bb!!!! ♥ ♥ ♥
WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE SONG(S) TO SING/HUM: lately its been a couple of songs from camp rock alkudsf (also i listened to the goblin ost all over again recently and it brought back so many feelings i wanna cr i)
WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE FLOWER/TREE/PLANT (ALL 3 OR WHATEVER YOU HAVE AN ANSWER TO)? god im so glad its not the american spelling of favourite  mm i really like carnations?? willow trees are the true aesthetic and any flower thats a pale yellow colour, ill fall in love with
FAVOURITE COLOR(S): tardis blue, soft purple-y, black (to wear)
WHAT DO YOU ALWAYS DOODLE (IF YOU EVER DO)? ive been trying to practice anatomy and stuff lately so theres been a lot of lips and noses everywhere on my papers lmao
HOW DO YOU TAKE YOUR COFFEE/TEA? IF YOU DON’T LIKE THOSE WHATS YOUR FAV WARM DRINK? i drink neither (unless french vanilla counts, in which case i only add like half a spoonful of sugar since i like having a bitter aftertaste) waRM MILK FTW IM SO BASIC BUT IDC PLS STAN MILK
FAVOURITE CANDLE SCENT? anything sweet/? ive never really thought about it tbh
WHAT PERFUME DO YOU WEAR, IF ANY? my natural scent aka sweat
WHATS YOUR GO-TO DANCE MOVE WHEN YOU’RE ALONE? alone? just generally swaying to the music ig once in a while i’ll take out a broom and use it as a mic during a particularly powerful performance tbh im more of a dramatically sings along kind of person than i am a dancer 
FAVOURITE QUOTE? we’ll be in full bloom at the end of these hardships
FUZZY SOCKS OR HOUSE SLIPPERS? fuZZZYYY SOCKSSS i loB socks with a passion no one understand why not even me
WHATS YOUR FAVOURITE EYE COLOUR ON OTHERS? any, it doesnt rlly matter, eyes are meant to be looked into not looked at 
CHEEK, NECK OR NOSE KISSES? nose kisses are so cute and sweet but wow neck kisses?? god tier?? (not that ive experienced any but just the thought yk afdkjfdsa)
WHAT DOES YOUR HAPPY PLACE LOOK LIKE? alone, drawing or just staring off into space, smile on my face even though theres nothing funny happening, just because im happy in the moment
DO YOU EVER WANT TO BE MARRIED? IF SO, WHAT COLOURS WOULD YOU PICK FOR YOUR WEDDING THEME? idk tbh, (my sexuality kind of makes me wonder who id end up with, and if my parents would ever approve if i told them), but i mean when i was little i did wanna get married. id chosen red and silver as the colours. 
CURSIVE OR PRINT? print, my cursive looks chicken scratch so
FAVOURITE WEATHER? grey days, warm rain
tagging: @religion-agustd who never does these cuz shes old and probably forgets, @aesthetic-local-trash, @hosseokss, @girl-meets-disrespect, @softest-yoongi, @taeboos, @hosseokss (none of u have to do this if you want!) @stardoges @yoongiscookie @biminnie @piedparkjimin
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red-dyed-sarumane · 6 years
5 things tag
tagged by @undinefin サンキュー!
Rules: list 5 things under each category then tag some friends!
5 Things You’ll Find in My Backpack/Bag:
(aside from the normal things like wallet, phone, keys, ect):
oof the only bag i use is my school bag
• sketch book
•3 classes worth of stuff i really should get rid of
•atr pounch thing im using as a pencil case
•tsuyu & ochako pins
•a book rn a certain magical index 2
5 Things You’ll Find in My Room:
•6 bottles of tea 5 of which u couldnt pay me tp drink anymore thats how long theyve been there (open)
•bookcase with just about all my utaite stuff on & albums
•another bookcase that actually has books
•a lot of scissors why do i have so many scissors
5 Of My Favorite Things:
•reptiles & amphibians dear god theyre so cute i love them esp like turtles frogs snakes salamanders etc but all of them
•music (go fucking figure) i love game soundtracks a lot & of course vocaloutaite certain songs just give me such a strong emotional response & i just always have earbuds in listening to something except in class i just really love
•dreams theres just so many different impossible things that happen in dreams like yeah sure ive died maybe 7 times but the things like dreaming soraru’s real name was “chouki milkmilk” and “did you know quail are the only flightless birds” and all the other stupid things dreams are fun
•art im REALLY frustrated rn bc i cant get risru right & im probably gonna have the same problem with shiru but honestly???? until u get rid of my hands entirely i’ll always be drawing something theres like 3 pages from school that DONT have doodles on them and i love how other people do things its just interesting how a collection of lines an colors looks like something else entirely and of course other forms of art like pictures & crafts & writing & music just so many protrayals of so many persectives & all pretty
•language although i kinda hate how picky rules can be & i can never express one (1) coherrent thought i love how word choice changes things in any language like the other day i said “so you get yourself a brand new kid” that made it sound like the kid is factory made rather than like ... a baby.... & also how there are so many collections of scribbles that are somehow representatives of words and people just?? read. and it means something. or how collections of sounds make words and sentences and its just... kinda cool
5 Things I’m Currently Into:
•the obvious: utaite. there are so many. i cant keep up. but i try to. when do they sleep. i dont know. voice pretty tho
•Etrian Odyssey. i SUCK at eo but the characters are cute & whats better than beating up monsters with a team of cute girls??? & wow the music is so pretty. i really love the second stratum in eo4. sure wish i could finish a game tho lmao
•ive been reading clockwork planet bc atr just had to do the ed & i actually really like it naoto reminds me of toki from heisei project
•the weathers finally warming up so i’ll be bothering the frogs again soon the water they live in is fuckin nasty tho
•corpse party. i’ve been meaning to replay it bc im missing some name tags but i havent gotten around to it yet. speaking of good music i really love some of the songs but of course those are the ones that werent on the bonus cd (at least theres that room in game tho)
5 Things On My To-Do List:
•actually study for once in my goddamn life. i really wanna. learn japanese but like... reading tweets & listening to twitcasts really isnt the most intense studying method i’ll get on it soon but oof havent really studied since second quarter and 4th quarter just started
•I WANNA LEARN TONCHINKAN NO EN & various other songs (c-caste)
•i have a list of things to draw mainly shirurisu shikioriori, shintaro’s pilgrim he just covered, atr’s yuudachi, ageyuki’s shoumei, ohayou, & c-caste, & i want a new lock screen for my phone so soborogohan
•kinda goes with sudying but i wanna reply with more than just good morning
•i wanna read bnha rather than just watching it but we’ll see
im not tagging anyone
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