#ive learned tgs
mr-fortunate-97 · 7 months
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thatll be two dollah
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bloodgimmick · 6 months
i love you wound care i love you sacral decubitus i love you necrotizing fasciitis
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compacflt · 7 months
question: how do you find your research/sources? yours and dancing disasters' icemav fics are so inside baseball i love it, but how do you go about doing research?
I just read a lot & google stuff I don't know & am curious about. not that hard to start learning. and in terms of reading I've been interested in military history & milfiction my whole life. mostly related to the US army, actually--im extremely new to naval history and naval literature; all of that interest was driven by top gun. I've also been fortunate enough to visit a lot of the places I write about--ive been to Pearl Harbor a couple times & San Diego MANY times, for instance, and I've toured a few aircraft carriers and military bases. I've also finally bitten the bullet and kinda shifted my career path towards aerospace, so I've been learning a lot just by working in the aerospace & defense sector/spending a lot of time with people who do.
that's obviously not to say that I am somehow Educated in all this stuff. im pretty open on this blog about me being young & naive & wrong much of the time about how the real world works. so, you know, a lot of shit I just Make Up according to my preconceived notions of the military & the world.
here is my recommended military/navy reading list, some fiction and some nonfiction.
someone also asked recently if I had read anything good in the last 6 months--yes!! three new additions to my reading list: a) Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain. So goddamn good. If you have to read only one novel about the Iraq War, make it this one. It's more about America than it is about Iraq. b) Redeployment by Phil Klay. This one is a collection of short stories about Marines in Iraq, written by a USMC vet, talk about inside baseball. Crazy amounts of jargon in here, basically a "to-google" list. won the national book award which idk if it deserved, but it's good. c) No true glory: A Frontline Account of the Battle of Fallujah by Bing West. currently reading this one, really well done so far, talks a lot about how fucked the US strategy was in Iraq with Fallujah serving as a metonymy/case study for the war itself.
again... this is all mostly close-quarters-combat (infantry) literature, I really am not that interested in the navy/Air Force that much outside of top gun lol
though I did recently remember that in early 2022, before I was into top gun, I read "Wingmen" by Ensan Case, which is actually a gay US naval aviator romance set in WWII published in 1979! it's really authentic and kind of sad, obviously, since it was a 1940s navy gay love story published in 1979. I don't actually think Wingmen influenced how I wrote wwgattai or how I think of TG/TGM but I just remembered that I read that book in February 2022 and going "oh my god they were wingmen" so maybe you might find that book interesting.
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badlydrawnrose · 1 year
TG: hey am i still grounded
TG: ive thought about it and shit
- @shitty-davesprite-daily
TG: Okey
TG: What hv we learned?
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bansheeoftheforest · 4 months
putting all your skillpoints in one language is something i can relate tbh. i speak portuguese in my daily life but my own writing in it makes me cringe. the mere prospect of writing smut in portuguese makes me cry, and i love writing smut even when i'm not attracted to the characters involved, i just think it's fun.
anyways. i put everything i like into my jekyll. he has it all: mad scientist (obv), cult leader, religious imagery, mommy AND daddy issues, all my disorders, very queer (not like he'd admit to the later two tho), goth, lawful evil (lawful evil jekyll & chaotic neutral hyde is my favourite combination bc they're annoying in very different ways but equal amounts). my frankenstein is not much better, but she's more toned down (still a transfem girlfailure scientist with lichtenberg scars tho)(i went with female frankenstein because of tgs influence and couldn't let go of it after). griffin is there and he's jekylls ex bf/former academic rival/nuisance. sherlock and watson are minor characters and are bot beating the old married couple allegations. dorian gray is an annoying bitch who causes problems on purpose but his charisma stat is maxed so we can't complain. there's also a bunch of ocs, most of them inspired by characters from other adaptations (esp the musical (i don't fully disconsider traditional publishing so i divorced it from any media that wasn't public domain a while ago)) and a few others who are just blorbos from my brain that i try to fit into any project i'm hyperfixated at.
obligarory "sorry for infodumping on you but i'll do it more if you give me permission" line, and i'll be happy to listen (read actually, but semantics) if you want to yap back.
- 🕷️
I have to admit when i was boyfailuring on writing bg3 fics i considered just turning to smut in the equivelent of giving up becoming a doctor and deciding to be a stripper. just "PLOTS AND GENUINE RELATIONSHIPS ARE HARD. WHY CANT I JUST WRITE THE MOST BASIC SMUT". In the end i have so far decided against it because for once in my life ive learned to have shame /j
ANYWAYS, THIS ALL SOUNDS VERY VERY INTERESTING /GEN. Esp love the Griffin / Jekyll exes part bc them being enemies to lovers or lovers to enemies will always hit right. Sherlock and Watson never misses. Never read dorian grey tho so sadly cannot attest to any of that but it sounds very on brand xD
YOU ARE VERY FREE TO INFODUMP but. My day has not necessarily been good so I really cannot promise that I will answer now or answer in a satisfactory manner, I would also love to yap but sadly I dont really have a lot to yap about rn xD
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6, 12, 17, 18 and 19 for fandom asks teehee Sorry theres so much-
oooooo thanks for the ask!! and dont even worry about it, I love answering asks <3 (sorry about the wait I was at the mall)
6: what is your favorite headcanon?
ooooooo this is a difficult question…. I have so many this is hard… not my favorite but one of them is that hyde would speak with a glaswegian accent!!!
12: craziest thing you’ve ever done as part of a fandom
… once, before I learned what “cringe” was, I got my dad to ask a woman at his work if she shipped tododeku from bnha… and she read either just my sister’s fanfic or both of ours…. I feel so much shame to this day….
17: favorite blogs in your favorite fandom
OH NO DONT MAKE ME PICK- all my moots are so cool :”)
18: all time favorite fanfic
maybe how to be a proper gentleman…? it was a very inspiring fic for me when I first got into tgs so I kinda have to say it lolol
19: fanfic you read again and again
all of them!!! every fic I read and love I end up reading a million times bc im obsessed + theres not as much fic as there was in past fandoms ive been in
thanks for the ask!!
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Maybe you think you got one over on us because you didn't mack-face with John, but yeah. I am. Proud of you even, taking the first steps into learning to healthily manage emotions and not self-isolating in tough situations is hard, but you got there in the end.
Maybe next time we won't haveta continuously shove the thinly-veiled metaphor that mishandling your emotions can fuck you up in your face.
Baby steps, though.
TG: ...
TG: no offense or nothing but youre weirdly invested in this shit
TG: seriously dude do you have like any hobbies
TG: ive heard writing is fun. drawing. fuckin playing video games
TG: hell just staring at a tv for eight hours straight while your brain leaks out has to be a better use of your time than this
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miscletoe · 2 years
Neat Galactic Things
Stuff I noticed about Team Galactic in the games. Warning: lot of text.
• In the Diamond and Pearl games Mars is the only one with a clear strategy. Her Pokémon’s moves focus on critical hits and flinching and her Purugly can super effectively counter its two weaknesses counting Ghost, plus the grunts at Lake Verity were arranged to be two double battles. She favors Physical and Status moves. Saturn favors a balance of Physical, Special, and Status moves and his Pokémon somewhat focus on lowering stats and taking backfire risks. Jupiter favors Status moves and Special over Physical, if by 1. Cyrus heavily favors Physical moves and mostly redoes his Pokémon’s moves both times he’s fought
• In D/P, Mars only refers to Cyrus as “the boss,” Jupiter only as “our boss,” and Saturn as “the boss” when talking to himself and “our boss” when talking to others
• Take this with a grain of salt (I stole their D/P Pokémon but read their Natures and IVs are random), but most of the grunts’ Pokémon have the ‘scatters things often’ or ‘often lost in thought’ characteristic, while a few have ‘good endurance.’ Exceptions are the scientists’ Kadabras who are ‘highly curious’ save Fredrick’s, who ‘loves to eat’
• In D/P, none of Jupiter’s grunts – or, rather, the grunts with her – have a Stunky while at least 2/5 then at least 4/5 of Mars’s have a Glameow and at least 3/6 of Saturn’s have a Croagunk
• In the D/P beta leak, Cyrus has a note on his title as Galactic Boss: Gonna have to use this name, so try to write their text a bit shorter on the first line
• Also in said leak, internally Mars is GingaLeader1, Jupiter 2, and Saturn 3, though earlier Jupiter and Mars switched numbers in one instance. Saturn’s also marked as female and unlike Roark it’s not corrected. Additionally, the Lake Valor grunts were supposed to disappear with him but that was never fixed so they hang out on an exploded lake bed presumably having mud baths and picnics until the universe nearly ends. I know because I checked on them at various plot points. Well, not quite true – he takes the non-battling grunts with him. I like to think he had them on standby in case Mars or Jupiter wanted backup or to stall anyone else who investigated
• Jupiter's the only Commander (IDK about Charon and haven't checked if changed in Platinum) to never do the [!] startle/alarm thing
• Not really TG-related, but Floaroma used to be called Botaniville, the Windworks the Generating Plant, Veilstone Valance, and indeed Team Galactic Team Galaxy
• In Platinum, Cyrus’s Golbat knew Confuse Ray then Supersonic, and as a Crobat learned Confuse Ray again. Also, for his Pokémon that can have two abilities, his have ones that negate statuses (sleep and flinch)
• According to the Smogon dump of Platinum trainer data, Jupiter is one of three trainers with an AI level of 15, the others being Lucian and eventually Mars. But a number higher than 7 is meaningless far as we know
• Saturn’s the only non-grunt TG person whose Pokémon are fully legal in that they don’t evolve or know any moves early and their non-learned moves can be taught by TM. In Platinum he’s the only commander to not evolve his Bronzor despite it being within level but that’s game balance. He’s also the only TG higher up to never have an in-battle comment. I’d say his D/P Toxicroak has moves shared with the main Pokémon of every other team member (Purugly for Faint Attack, Skuntank for Poison Jab, ...well, Croagunk for Mud Bomb, Swagger, and Revenge, and Weavile for X-Scissor and Brick Break) but that’s likely just move pool limitations or whatever...be great if the developers customized a trainer’s Pokémon to reflect said trainer, though
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red-denarts · 3 months
I sweat tg I’ll be lost in the sauce once I figure out how to put music to lyrics effectively.
I will reblog this once I learn n have something more fr
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pesterloglog · 10 months
Jade Harley, Dave Strider
Act 4, page 1510-1511
GG: ok some of these things we can deploy but some things we dont have nearly enough grist for!
TG: you mean the jumper block thing
GG: no no weve got enough for that.....
GG: but its still pretty expensive
TG: wait what
TG: the thing costs 1000 for me
GG: yeah me too!
GG: and we have 2000 to work with
GG: ok 1998 ._.
TG: what
TG: man i only got 200 to splash around with in roses rainbow world
TG: what the hell
GG: ohhh...
GG: how much did rose start with? when she was playing with john?
TG: hang on ill ask
GG: k
TG: she says 20
GG: i guess we keep getting more with each server/client connection!
TG: yeah
TG: so i guess you can buy everything now
GG: no!!!!
GG: i cant buy the holopad thingy and the intellibeam laserstation
TG: ok now i know youre making this shit up
GG: hahahaha no theyre right here!
GG: they cost a fortune
TG: well all i got here is the designix which i cant deploy cause i dont have any purples
TG: and the expensive as hell jumper thing and the cheap shunts which i assume do dick all without the jumpers to put em on
TG: oh also this cd which is 100 but i didnt drop cause it seemed like a stiff allocation of resources for now
GG: yeah ive got that too!
GG: i will deploy it
TG: so with each new connection in our player chain i guess new weird deployables are introduced
GG: yes i think that is how it works
GG: when john connects with me he will probably get some cool new things too!
TG: hey look we're learning stuff
TG: what should i do with these beta copies
TG: i dont really need them anymore
GG: i suppose just hang on to them for a while........
GG: and then later
GG: just do whatever you are naturally compelled to do with them!
TG: wow that was a weird answer
TG: but ok
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keratoconusgroup · 11 months
Best T-pRK + CXL in america?
I understand that the two clinics in canada that are mentioned here are basically amazing, but well.. i sadly cannot travel to canada for some reasons but i digress. I need to have cxl at some point very very soon and i had not learned about T-prk until very recently. My vision is somewhat bad off, but not to bad that i am able to get away with sometimes not wearing glasses at all ( still quite blurry ) i believe my last check up on it was around the 20/70 ish for good eye and 20/100 for bad eye. I have some slight ghosting when looking at lights during the day, and at night its a nightmare may as well be fireworks going off. I have to have my web pages on the computer black as the white background causes issues with text becoming washed out and ive now started getting quite blurry when watching TV. Im looking to try and get TG-PRK + the CXL sometime soon together at least on my worst eye first. But i cannot seem to really find anywhere thats very good except recommendations for the canada based clinics which are not an option for me, are there any America based that you would boast about? I'll never have 20/20 vision and i never expect to again, but i would like to get to a point where i can have good vision with glasses. And not need to wear even soft contacts. submitted by /u/ParaMorph [link] [comments] https://www.reddit.com/r/Keratoconus/comments/17hf4a0/best_tprk_cxl_in_america/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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desferal · 4 years
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Not me reverting back to my TG days as I struggle to figure out Gimp
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eirikrjs · 2 years
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Celebrating 10 Years of Bad Demon Designs!
10 years ago today, on September 19th, 2012, I was living in Japan, doing my usual morning routine of eating breakfast (probably a bowl of Cisco’s BIG Choco Saku Saku Rings cereal) and checking forums on my laptop for news. Shin Megami Tensei IV had been announced shortly after I arrived in the country only a few months earlier. Excitement was at a fever pitch; moreover, a friend and I had made plans to attend Tokyo Game Show later that week. I’d see the newest trailer up close and personal. Absolute thrills.
But I wasn’t prepared for what the forum hubbub had in store. The week’s TGS-themed Famitsu issue had leaked, and its SMT4 cover story brought with it the two-page spread seen above, firing the initial salvo of guest artist demon designs.
Asmodeus (Yasushi Nirasawa)
Koga Saburo (Tamotsu Shinohara)
Raphael (Keita Amemiya)
Omoikane (Yoshihiro Nishimura)
Kuebiko (Kyouma Aki)
I was never quite the same after seeing this image, inasmuch that it permanently altered my relationship with Shin Megami Tensei. My initial reaction from the morning has been preserved (time displayed is American EST, 13 hours behind JST):
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The suffocating silence surrounding Kaneko’s presumed involvement with the game (art-wise) finally resounded with scoops of dirt covering his lowered coffin. An Asmodeus-sized punch to the gut that set me off... a wee bit, lol.
But it was ultimately a learning experience. Almost immediately, the news prompted me to deeply examine what made Kaneko’s designs flourish and the guests’ flounder, at least for the sake of forum arguments. Very nearly 10 years of Tumblr later, I’m still analyzing and answering questions about demon designs, so I have Asmodeus and his stupid keys to thank for that.
The post-Kaneko years haven’t been 100% bad, though for the current Doi epoch the key word is “inconsistent.” A succulent Fionn mac Cumhaill here and a savory Mephisto there combine with a burnt Zeus and rotten Inanna for quite the unappetizing stew. Better than the overall spoiled gruel of the SMT4 guest artists? Sure, but both are equally unsatisfying.
10 years on, I’m still not “over” Kaneko and why should I or anyone else be? The void he left is huge and will probably never be filled--that’s just reality. But the great thing about unique artists with unique minds like Kaneko is that their work has no expiration date.
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incorrect-hs-quotes · 2 years
TG: the most important lessons ive learned over the course of my entire life is that its really good when you kiss your homies tonight and every night
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debussyandbooks · 2 years
HI I HOPE YOURE HAVING A GOOD WEEK. i'll be straight to the point lmao 🥺 some of u ive talked a bit to and some of u a little more, some of u ive never even DMd but would like to get to know and ok in my opinion it would be bare cozy to set up a gc for like bookblr/ studyblr/ academic/ scholarly type of tumblrs¿¿¿¿ on either telegram or whatsapp or discord (i recommend telegram its bare user friendly + your phone number isnt public like on whatsapp, but if whatsapp/ discord is preferred im down for that too), where we could all maybe sort of get to know each other better? 🥺
lowkey let me know here or in dms if youre interested, if you'd prefer it on wA/ tg/ discord (pls tg i do vote tg), send ur @ and ill make one and add u guys to it 🥺
@luthiest @gushuwa @alioshakaramazov @natreadsthings @itsmodernlitfam @wecandoit @adelinestudiess @therefugeofbooks @ckmstudies @katarinareads @anxiousstudybuddy @ruby-learns @yughostlavia @discipulusstruggles @godzilla-reads @ghostinzero @balkan-ballad
+ if mutuals ive forgotten to tag or interested followers sees this youre super welcome to let me know if youre interested too
+ if ive tagged u and you dont relate to the bookblr/ studyblr/ academic/ scholarly sort of part of tumblr its cus i like u and would like ur presence in a theoretical gc still
+ if someone has acquaintances theyd want to add to such a chat you can ofc add them afterwards or tag them here?
+ if youre not interested and ive bothered you by tagging you im sorry 🥲🥲
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theminecraftbee · 2 years
also reminds u to get back to philza because Yeah. phiza. ive had an ae in empires au rattling arounf for a while seeing u touch somethin similar has my eyes big and ready to perceive. so phila. him. long post moment?
(how does he feel abt elytras)
- tg
so, once, in the distant past, when magic was more on earth than it used to be, there were a people who lived in the antarctic. they were technologically and magically advanced, but also, perhaps, a bit foolish. they'd ended up in the antarctic in the first place largely after being kicked out of previous homes for meddling with powers they should not be.
these people built magnificent, strange technologies, but one of their strongest technologies was that of accessing another plane. they soon determined this was one of the orbiting moons. and on this moon, there were dragon eggs.
now, on both earth and in empires, there are stories about dragons. dragons are powerful. when dragons are born, they represent powerful loci of magic. and when dragons are killed... well.
a planet home to dragons? that's a dangerous thing to be meddling with. but the old antarctic was full solely of people who liked to meddle, of people who'd thrown off old gods and nature spirits before, and who made themselves gods. they would do so again, constructing their own portal in order to draw on the magic of the dragon eggs on the other side of the portal, as well as on the living dragon there.
unfortunately, dragon magic isn't something even men who have made themselves into gods should mess with more than they must. one of the dragon eggs they were using for power, despite trying to keep its magic levels such that it wouldn't hatch... did.
and its hatching destroyed them. basically everyone living in the antarctic was wiped out in an instant by the magical backlash, and former members of the antarctic who were elsewhere remained such as the once-shining realm of the gods crumbled to ash beneath a power it couldn't control, leaving only ruins behind. over time, these remaining few members of the people of the antarctic became members of other nations on either side of the desert, and died, and had children, and those children had children, and the only lesson anyone learned was that you shouldn't go messing with dragons.
(meanwhile, on the empires side, a dragon is born in a far-flung dimension, and the magic of that is used to seal a great evil. but that's a different story... right?)
two years after the last time anyone had stepped into the stronghold, philza wakes up in it, the last of an extinct nation of gods, with almost none of the knowledge they'd had - he was young, after all, then. he was very young.
and now he's immortal, and about to be older than anyone else.
when the pigmen arrived in the antarctic, philza waited, and then he joined them from the edges. for a while, he played at being one of the non-pigmen who'd moved to the antarctic out of a desire to stay somewhere that wasn't their homeland. it wasn't until he met techno that he began to have a more active interest in the politics of the antarctic empire, and in gaining more genuine political connections.
...and it wasn't until the antarctic empire and the united nations began to speak of going through the portal in the stronghold that philza made several other decisions, the most important of which would be: well, in that case, the antarctic empire would keep an eye on the dragon eggs.
there are stories about dragons, after all. its only proper.
(when some time later, after he'd taken down wilbur and his men over a stolen egg, elytra that he'd gained back at long last opened wide behind him, sword in hand - when some time later, after that, they started calling him the angel of death, he'd laughed and laughed and laughed, and only techno knew the whole story why.)
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