#ive got somewhere to be early tomorrow
ashiemochi · 2 years
the demo's out,,,,,,, and oh my god,,,,,,,,,,
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love-bitesx · 1 year
: ̗̀➛ PROTECTOR. hobie brown x reader
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summary: spider-man makes a point of walking y/n home every night, but after befriending them as hobie brown as well, his feelings get complicated. words: 3.5k REQUESTS OPEN ! warnings: non-explicit sexual harassment (a man is very creepy to reader), reader isn't gendered! but be aware, author is female, so possible afab bias, i tried my hardest i swear. all characters are adults :) author is british so this is my interpretation of his silly little slang from what ive experienced hehe also divider credit: cafekitsune a/n: may feel a little ooc, but in my headcanon, when he's pining the way he is for reader, he's so soft. also, spider-man and hobie r completely different personalities u cant tell me otherwise. first time writing hobie so pls give me opinions ty. enjoy!!!!!
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“is it home-time already, darlin’?”
there he was. the familiarity of routine washing over you, turning your head to see him propped up against the brick, spikes on display and guitar pick flipping in between his clothed fingers.
“spider-man, my hero,” you sighed and clutched your non-existent pearls, a smirk on your lips.
“you know i hate that,” kicking off from the wall of the pub you just clocked out of, he stuffed his hands into his patched up jacket, his bouncy stride meeting yours on the pavement.
“i know,” you smiled, allowing your bag to fall from your shoulders and into his outstretched hand, as always.
it had become a routine, over the course of a few months, that the one-and-only spider-man would escort you home from work in the late hours. at first, it didn’t seem real. why would he decide to spend valuable time most days walking you home, when he could be out fighting whatever darkness lurks in the shadows? you’ve asked him, almost every time, but he always gives the same, vague answer;
“who else is gonna keep you safe, love?”
his legs were longer than yours, by a mile. so he had to slow his usual pace for you. naturally bouncy, his booted feet tapped against the pavement like a kick drum, and you wondered whether that was the radioactive blood in his veins, or his natural energy.
laughter flittered through the dark streets as you caught up, it had only been a day since you last saw him, but being a crime-fighting, fascist-killing superhero, there was quite a lot to pack into a 24 hour day.
he bounced off the walls of passing buildings, recreating his fights with the air that hung between you both, throwing in some exaggerated punches here and there, to elicit an extra giggle or two from you. you almost got lost following his animated recreations, but he kept an eye out for the roads ahead. he’d memorised all the paths leading to your apartment.
it had all started a few months prior, after a particularly long shift at work. constantly over the span of a few hours, this guy would not leave you alone. no matter how many times you refused his advances, a smile on your face, masking the unsettling pit in your stomach at the sight of his grin. drink, after drink, after drink, he ordered just to stare at you the whole night, crude gestures and words thrown your way.
you’d gotten used to it, working at a pub in the depths of london, it wasn’t ever unusual to get unwanted advances. but something about this guy, you couldn’t shake it. ~
“what time do you finish, ay?” his accent was thick, you placed him somewhere up north.
“i’m not sure,” you muttered back, forcing a smile.
“oi, come on! ‘course you know what time you finish,” his words were slurred, and his eyes hadn’t left yours once, “was thinking we could ‘ave some drinks together, tha’s’all.”
“sorry, i can’t tonight, i have to be up early tomorrow,” you giggled, and if he wasn’t so drunk, he’d definitely have picked up on the nerves lacing your words.
“come on,” vowels drawn out, he made an attempt to stand up to meet your height, the proximity of him sending a shock of fear to your heart, until a strong hand clapped against his chest, the force almost sending him backwards.
“pack it in, dickhead, they said ‘no’,” a deep, almost calming voice spoke, contrasted completely with the stern, threatening tone of his words.
you looked to meet your protectors gaze, and it almost stunned you. he was tall, taller than you, for sure. dark, smooth skin with an aura of pure mayhem, silver piercings protruding from his face. adorned with a ripped, skin-tight plain top and denim vest, littered with badges, patches and just about any accessory known to man.
his eyes were what really held you. a heavy look, dark brown with the most unique feeling of strength and power that you’d ever seen. you could’ve easily gotten lost.
deciding you’d stared at him long enough, though, you broke the eye contact, diverting it back to the man who looked a humorous combination of terrified and offended at the same time.
“‘s alright mate, we were just talking, back off, yeah?” his liquid courage built up, ignorant of the taller man’s hand still pushing against his chest, ring-clad hands seeming to leave an imprint.
“think it’s time for you to leave, mate,” he spat back, mimicking his slang.
a moment of silence followed. you’d fully expected the drunken creep to swing a punch, or at least bite back, but under the weight of the taller man’s stare, he seemed to lose all fight he had in him. with a final murmer of something you couldn’t quite hear, and unsure you really wanted to, he stumbled backwards, slipping into the crowd.
“thank you,” you broke the silence, to which the man shrugged.
“he was a pig,” he brushed it off like nothing, and you couldn’t help but smile at his attitude. raising his newly free hand, he stretched it towards you, tight in a fist.
“hobie, hobie brown,” he greeted, and his accent completely erased the ‘h’ from his name.
“y/n l/n,” you smiled, accepting his offer and spudding him, the cold metal of his rings against your knuckles. you couldn’t help but grin at the oddity of his presence.
hobie kept you company for the rest of the night, ranting about his thoughts and opinions of various important subjects, ranging widely from drinks of choice to the existence of capitalist propaganda in modern media, all of which you hung onto every word of.
it wasn’t long until he’d managed to book him and his band into a few slots on the pub’s makeshift stage that stood empty on the other side of the room, smiling to himself at how authentically excited you seemed to hear his music.
when he left, his vacancy was immediately obvious. the booming pub feeling oddly silent without him.
after closing up for the night, you grabbed your bag and slung it over your shoulder, switching the lights off with one hand and fiddling with the keys in the other, shaking the door to double check you locked it well enough. body aching from being on your feet all day, you yawned, stepping autopilot into the darkness. the night air was chilling, causing you to wrap your jacket tight around your body. cursing at yourself for not bringing another layer, or pre-ordering a taxi home.
“oi,” you heard from your right, turning quickly to the familiar call.
stumbling on the pavement, the drunken creep from earlier pointed towards you.
you hadn’t expected him to actually wait for you. it’d been hours since he left, he was insane. what was he thinking?
grabbing the keys from your pocket, you gripped them in your freezing hands in defense.
“where’s your little friend, huh?” he spat, clearly enraged by hobie’s interruption earlier. he stepped closer, and you stepped back, trembling as you tripped slightly on the pavement.
“ay, is this twat bothering you?” a voice called from above.
wait, above?
craning your neck up, you made eye contact with possibly the last person you expected.
and from that night, he’d met you every time. waiting outside the pub doors, no exception, to walk you home.
“hey!” spider-man’s upbeat calling snapped you instantly back to him, jumping slightly as you finally noticed he was directly in front of your face, white eyes narrowed on your demeanor, “where’d you go, huh?”
“sorry,” paying him an apologetic smile, “just thinking.”
“wanna clue me in, darlin’?” his tone was playful, but the soften of his masks expression felt genuine.
“just thinking about the day i’ve had,” you lied, unsure whether his spidey senses could tell. not that it was rare for you to think about how you met, but you didn’t want to bring it up again. if he could tell, he didn’t let on.
“whataboutit?” he sped up, slipping back to your pace and slinging his lanky arm over your shoulders, basically hanging onto you as you walked. he liked walking with you like this. it made him feel powerful, like he was keeping you extra safe.
“hobie’s band played again!” you exclaimed, and if he’d been paying attention, he would’ve seen the way your face lit up at the memory. unfortunately for him, his eyes were trained on webbing a chocolate bar from a passing vendor. god knows why it was still open, but he was glad it was.
“hobie, again, huh?” taunted spider-man, punching your arm playfully with the fist that gripped the newly stolen snickers bar, “starting to think you’re replacing me, love.”
“never,” you teased back, elbowing his side, hearing the jingle of his badged vest, “hobie’s just…”
ears pricking, he clung onto the words you were speaking, anticipating possibly hearing something he didn’t want to.
“he’s just so cool,” you breathed with a smile, and he almost verbally sighed in relief, stopping himself in order not to rouse suspicion. he smirked under his mask, “just got this feel about him, so easy to talk to, and he’s so talented! you know, i’ve almost learnt all the lyrics to his songs.”
his heart just about exploded. in fact, he thinks he could pinpoint the exact moment it did.
he played off his burning cheeks, clearing his throat and incredibly glad his mask hid his flustered expression.
“you should come see him, you know,” you looked up at him, and though you knew his answer was ‘no’, it was worth a try, “i can hide you in the back if you don’t wanna be seen.”
“come off it, love,” he dismissed, avoiding your gaze, but his back was tingling like pins and needles under the warmth of it, “i’m not keen to meet the man stealing you from me.”
“fuck sake,” you laughed and pushed his arm off you, brushing off his playful flirting.
his confidence was excelling. the friendship you had formed over the prior months had stemmed from his childish charm, and it hadn’t faltered once.
“well, here i am,” you brought your pace to a halt, hovering in front of the door to your apartment building.
“i’ll miss you tonight,” he fell against the wall, eyes stuck on you. you couldn’t see it, but you could feel his smirk.
“i’ll see you tomorrow, i finish at 11,” you stepped towards him.
“i’ll be waiting,” he kicked off from the bricks, raising his hand to ruffle your hair, much to your protest, before practically disappearing in front of your eyes.
you were left grinning to yourself, much like every night.
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“what’s up, bruv?” hobie’s friend elbowed him harshly in the ribs, causing him to rip his eyes from you.
“nothing,” he huffed, but by the lack of sustenance and playfulness in his reply, his friend was less than satisfied. hobie was a carefree, reckless guy with a constant spurt of irony, and seeing him with a sullen expression and no bite back, was worrying.
“come off it, hobie,” another one piped up, sitting across from him with an empty pint in one hand and cigarette in the other, pointing the latter in his face. he huffed, “you’ve been slumping for like 3 months now, and you’ve only been writing sappy love songs.”
the table snickered, and even hobie’s lips curled into a smirk. his friend was right, he wasn’t even nearly like his usual self. he blames you for that.
“who is it then, huh?” his friend pushed, cigarette still hanging in front of hobie’s face, ash crumbling off the end, “has our ol’ hobie brown got himself a partner?”
“oi, you know i hate labels,” he smirked again, knowing he was lying. not that he didn’t usually hate them, but he couldn’t avoid the fact that every time you made your way to the front of his mind, he was urged to call you his. his partner. his person. his love. just his.
he always did hate consistency, anyway.
“another round, guys?” your voice ripped him from his thoughts, your scent somehow drifting above the sticky smell of beer and cigarettes, he pinned that down to his spider abilities, but he’d be a fool to ignore that he had simply just memorised the aroma.
“please, darlin’,” hobie’s friends chirped up, grinning at you thankfully. he cursed the burning feeling in his chest.
“i could do you guys a deal,” you smirked playfully, and he looked up to meet your eyes. you looked beautiful tonight, like usual. he was fucked.
“if you lot give us a song, it’ll be on the house,” you smiled hopefully, taking note of their usual orders just incase they agree.
“sounds like a plan,” hobie reached his hand out to you, open for a handshake, to which you took. soft hands falling into his calloused ones, he couldn’t help but notice how nice it felt.
turning away, you left to get their usual set up sorted, feeling him still watching you, to which you threw him a smile over your shoulder.
it wasn’t unusual at all. his eyes would always find you. at the table with his mates, his gaze would swim through the crowd to yours. even on stage, lost in the moment with himself and his guitar, it was you he always found his eyes trailing back to. it wasn’t like the other men in the bar, it wasn’t predatory desire or lust, but it was warm. it was safe.
he had three options, really; confess himself to you as hobie brown, coming clean about the way he felt about you, the warmth in his heart that spread across his spine whenever you smiled at him, eventually having to come clean about his alter-ego. he could confess as spider-man, to which he’d have to come clean about his actual identity. or option three. stay silent and suffer in his own pity. bite his lip and pretend his heart wasn’t yearning for you.
but, he prided himself in being able to speak his mind without hesitation. confident in his word, suffocated in his silence. he would always say: if he ever bit his tongue, to kill him there and then. well, here he is; begging for mercy at the barrel, his tongue bleeding from keeping his heart locked in his chest.
he was fucked. well and truly.
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“anything special happen today?” spider-man nudged you, taking a worried note of your unusual quietness recently. it was the same night, he’d picked you up like normal, and hopped along beside you.
“the band played again,” a swelling smile bloomed on your lips, “other than that, not really.”
your voice was hollow tonight. easily mistakable with your naturally soft tone, but to his trained ears, it didn’t feel right.
stopping immediately in his path, his bouncy steps ceasing, you quickly copied him. confusion slipping behind your eyes.
“what’s up?” you questioned.
“you know you wanna tell me,” he stepped around you, arms falling over your shoulders from behind, heavy with his full weight. something about the mask, it gave him a confidence with you that he’d quenched as hobie.
you sighed and rested your head back against his chest, taking him by surprise. there was something intimate about the way your eyes were closed, body resting against him. your brain was hectic, he didn’t need his spidey senses to see that.
“there’s just…” you spoke, eyelids feeling heavy as you opened them, looking up to see him. head split in two, you were unsure if you even wanted to say it out loud, “there’s this guy.”
it was almost cruel how fast his heart dropped, plummeting like a boulder into the pit of his stomach. body stiffening, his head was spinning so fast he didn’t even have the conscience to mask it.
“i just can’t get him out of my head, it’s so stupid,” if your wistful look wasn’t answer enough, the outpour of dissonance he could feel from your body told him it was serious.
“not another fella tryna steal you from me,” he chuckled, but his voice was weak, vulnerable. you hadn’t heard it like that before.
untangling yourself from his weighted grip, you leant against the wall of the building you were stood in front of, staring up into the night sky. there was something so embarrassing about admitting a silly little crush.
“not another one, technically,” you spoke softly, a hint of a smile tickling your lips at the thought of him, he stepped closer, “i’ve already told you about him.”
and he stopped dead in his tracks. mind racing a million miles an hour, picking apart every word you said. was he stupid? was he reaching? seeing something that wasn’t there? he was the only one you’d spoken about, but surely not, right?
shifting closer again, his body begun to feel the heat radiating off you, barely an inch between you both. he towered you, as always, the spikes on his jacket and mask hitting the streetlights perfectly, giving him an orange glow. you bought yourself to look at him, and though you couldn’t see the eyes beneath, you felt his gaze.
insufferably close, closer than you’ve ever been, you could feel your heart in your chest. a tension that you hadn’t quite felt before, bubbling in the air between you.
“say his name, love,” his voice was low, lower than normal, and a twinge of familiarity hit your chest hearing the deeper tone, one you couldn’t quite pinpoint. chills dripped down your spine at the new found feeling.
gulping, you could feel his name in your throat, struggling it’s way out.
“hobie.” your voice was barely above a whisper, but considering he almost had you pressed against the brick, he heard every syllable. and god, did it sound good.
“again?” he croaked, just wanting to confirm, needing to hear it again, needing to hear you say it, relish in every beat.
“hobie,” you repeated, louder this time, more conviction in your chest, “i like him, like a lot.”
he went silent. dead silent, barely moving. heat radiated from him, and you could’ve sworn in the vacancy of sound that you could hear his heart pounding against his chest. reaching up, your hand trembling slightly, you placed it there. on his chest, feeling the material of his suit, the humanity of his heartbeat. he melted into it.
“are you o—“
“i need to tell you something.” he interrupted you.
it was your turn to be silent, eyes heavy with intrigue, begging him to continue.
without a word, his ring-clad hand ghosted your skin, drifting past the air between you and to the base of his mask, sliding along his neckline for the seam, and dragging it up over his face, revealing the man within.
your heart stopped, a thousand things flashing through your head, through your heart, surging in your bloodstream. you didn’t even know what to say, what to think, how to comprehend it.
“hobie?” your voice was small again, shrunk beneath the look in his eyes, the desire.
embarrassment waved through you for a moment, a sudden panic of the earlier confession, your chest pounding at the possible rejection.
he didn’t even leave the thoughts enough time to fester, however, because his hand that was holding his mask was suddenly flush against your jaw, the material falling softly onto your neck. thumb trailing the comfort of your cheek, revelling in the feel of your skin, warm against his hands, he leaned forward.
his lips were on yours, without a word. gentle, but rough. the tension escaping through the feeling of him pressed into you, desire leaping out of every shared breath. his other hand fell to your waist, and yours stayed firm on his chest, bunching the fabric in your hand to bring him closer. he obliged, of course, and the kiss deepened. his head spun.
pulling away for breath, you kept your eyes on his lips, disbelief swimming around your brain, colliding with the need to kiss him again.
“y/n,” his hand brought your eyeline to his, “i like you, too.”
you couldn’t help but smile, relief washing your body out.
“like, a lot.”
he kissed you again. and again.
a/n: hope u enjoyed!! pls let me kno if ur did, this is my first time writing for him <3 thanku!!!
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baalzebufo · 7 months
guard dog
3am drabble about majima and haruka. very short, very sweet. wanted to get this down somewhere because ive been thinking about this scene all day.
The voice is so soft he doesn't hear it the first time. He's too occupied with scrolling, the light from his phone the only illumination in the room, brain locked in that tired haze where sleep escapes you but you have no energy to do anything more. It's only when he hears the sniffle that he picks up on the presence lingering in the doorway.
‘Haru-chan?’ Majima squints, tilting the harsh blue of the phone screen away from his eye. He props himself up on his elbows. ‘That you?’
Oh no. Her voice quivers and immediately, Majima knows something is wrong. He sits upright, glad that the darkness hides his worry. Fuck- Kiryu wouldn't be home until tomorrow. He was good enough at babysitting Haruka when he had to, but this was new- what was he supposed to do now?
‘Hey, hey- Haru-chan…’ He mumbles, sitting up. ‘Whassup? What's wrong?’
Tiny feet pad against the hardwood floor and he feels the bed creak- then all at once, she's on top of him. Little arms wrap around his chest and he hears the muffled sob and-
Oh, shit. Majima’s hugging her, now. Pulls her close to his chest and holds her tight. She's crying.
‘Hey… s'alright. It's gonna be okay.’ He says, words uncertain. ‘Did ya… have a nightmare?’
She nods against him, grip tightening.
‘Okay… okay, I get it. Shh, c'mere-’ He leans back and pulls her next to him to lie down more comfortably, tugs the blanket back over himself and nestles her in. Okay, no need to panic- just comfort her. It can't be that hard- fuck, he wishes Kiryu was here.
‘Do ya’ wanna talk about it?’ He ventures. She shakes her head, burying it further into his collarbone. Her voice wavers up from beside him.
‘I want Uncle Kaz…'
‘Yeah- yeah. You too, huh? Shh- s'okay.’
He rests his chin atop her head, shutting his eye. It must be even worse for her, he thought. She'd been through so much, and at such a young age… Kiryu must have been her entire world. To wake up, scared and alone, without the one person you knew could protect you…
Majima hugged her tighter.
‘S'okay. He'll be back tomorrow. But until then, I gotcha. I gotcha…’ He sniffed, the warmth against his chest making him feel… something. Something he hadn't felt in a long time.
‘I'd never let anythin’ happen to ya. Okay? I'll scare off all the bad dreams.’ He hushed her again, felt her shaking slow down and sniffles quiet. ‘No monsters or ghouls or nothin’ is gonna getcha when I'm around. They gotta get through me first.’
She hiccuped, a noise that might have been a tearful laugh.
‘Yeah. Yeah.’ He whispered. ‘Y'know, uh- th’ tattoo I got. The scary lady, right?’
There was a pause. Then, in the quietest voice-
‘I don’ think she's scary…’
Majima smiled.
‘Yeah, you don't, cause you're braver than anyone. But monsters, they're all real scared of her. She helps keep ‘em away. Even when I'm asleep.’ He whispered, almost conspiratorially- like he was sharing a big secret.
‘See… she's nice…’ Haruka mumbled, and Majima nodded in agreement.
‘Yeah, exactly. Means you can sleep here an’ you'll be safe and sound. I promise.’
He shuffled, arms hooked around the girl clinging to his chest as she released him to get more comfortable. He could, in the light of his phone screen still laying upright on the bed, faintly see her eyes. Still glistening with tears, but looking at him. Looking at him, like…
Like how she looks at Kiryu, he thought.
‘Thanks, Oji-san…’
Her voice was thick with sleep- must have been tuckered out from the crying, he thought. She buried her face back into his arm, nestled up next to him. Something soft and warm felt like it had crawled into his chest.
‘No prob, Haru-chan.’ He chanced it, and leant down to give her a kiss on the forehead. Felt the way, even in the darkness, her face creased with a smile.
‘Sleep tight, kid.’
When Kiryu crept in the house early the next morning, the sight of Haruka's empty bed made his heart jump into his throat.
Only after he peered into his bedroom did he see the familiar sprawl of Majima, coiled protectively around his soundly sleeping daughter. One of her hands was resting on his head, fingers tangled in his hair.
As he turned away to prepare the kitchen for breakfast, Kiryu was glad they weren't awake to see the smile on his face and the tear that snuck down his cheek.
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talkintrashcann · 2 years
Campout - Xavier Thorpe [pt.3]
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summary: the friendgroup is going on a camping trip and miscalculated how many tents they needed, so now you have to share a tent with your least favorite person.
warnings: slow burn, enemies to lovers, multiple parts, fear of drowning
word count: 1.8k
a/n: im terribly sorry for disappearing for about a month, i didn't mean to be gone for so long. my life has been put upside down for the past couple weeks and ive had to figure some things out about my future so writing wasn't my priority at that time, but ive got it all figured out now (for the most part) so im not planning on taking so long for the next chapter. i promise the story is actually getting somewhere this time !
[part 1] [part 2] [part 4] . . .
Acting like nothing had happened earlier today, everyone was sitting by the campfire munching on their food while they all ignored the obvious tension between you and Xavier. They were used to situations like these by now, but for some reason it felt as if something in the two of you changed. You used to give each other angry glares and held those for hours, whereas now you can't even make eye contact for longer than 5 seconds. The tension was slowly shifting throughout this trip, and there was no way of stopping it.
"Hey Enid, what have you got in store for us tomorrow? Please tell me it's not as exhausting as today's hike.", Kent caught everyone's attention.
"That's a surprise. I don't want anyone to complain about the plans I made again, so you'll just have to wait and see. But I'm sure you will all love it, we're gonna have so much fun !", the girl that couldn't hide her excitement said. It was obvious that the group was a bit skeptical about Enid's interpretation of fun, but hopefully this time she's right. What's the worst that could happen?
For the rest of the night everyone was singing along to some campfire songs while Divina was playing the guitar, for just a moment you forgot everything that happened today. You loved moments like these, just you and your friends enjoying each other's company while singing riptide at the top of your lungs. This was the exact reason why you said yes to this trip, these were times you wished would never be over. But all nice things must come to an end, and soon everyone disappeared to their tent once more. Surprisingly enough your tent was quiet for once, neither of you wanting to speak to another. Maybe because you were simply too tired from today's exhausting hike, falling asleep as soon as your head hit your pillow.
Waking up pretty early the next day, you realized you were the first one to be awake. You opened your eyes and turned around to find Xavier laying not so far away from you, a strand of his long hair covering his eyes. He looked quite handsome like this, sadly enough he wasn't always this quiet and peaceful. Remembering what he did to you yesterday, you got up with a smirk as you thought about your great plan to get him back somehow. Sneaking out of the tent as quiet as possible, you grabbed a cup that someone left near the campfire and filled it with lake water. Already giggling to yourself as you walked back to the tent with the cup in your hands, careful not to spill too much water from it already. And just like that, you threw the cup with water over Xavier's head.
Waking up confused and in shock, he looked over to see you sitting next to him dying of laughter. He on the other hand was definitely not laughing with the little prank you pulled on him, instead he pushed himself up and dragged you out of your shared tent. Picking you up in his arms and carrying you towards the lake, you quickly realized what his intentions were.
"You're gonna regret doing that to me.", he said with his deep morning voice. You'd never admit this but you'd be lying if you said he didn't sound a little hot with that voice, or maybe more than just a little.
"Nonono, please don't Xavier.", you tried to convince him not to drop you in the lake.
"Please, I'm begging you.", desperately trying to change his mind you tightly held on to him as you were getting closer and closer to the lake. The word begging caught Xavier's attention, surprised to hear how much you're willing to do just so he wouldn't drop you into the shallow water. Of course he noticed your tight grip on him too, figuring this was more than just something you didn't like. He could even see tears forming in the corner of your eyes, making him feel bad all of a sudden. Seeing you annoyed was like music to his ears, but realizing he caused you actual suffering felt so wrong. He never thought hearing you beg would feel everything but satisfying. Right before you reached the lake, he slowly put you back down on your feet without saying a word. As soon as your toes hit the ground you ran back to the tent and stayed there until it was time to leave for Enid's big surprise.
After a long and not so calming drive you finally reached today's destination, Kent hurrying out of the car the second you made it. His stomach was a little sensitive and all the turns in the mountains didn't help with that at all, but Enid's surprise definitely made him feel better.
"Okay, it's time to reveal the big surprise... We're going kayaking!!", Enid yelled out and the others jumped up with pure excitement. You on the other hand felt your stomach drop as you thought about how terribly wrong this could go. You were terrified of drowning and would much rather avoid anything that could lead to that, so you weren't exactly fond of the thought to go kayaking. But you never told anyone about this, not even your best friend, and you most definitely didn't want anyone to find out about this. You remembered how Enid said she didn't want to hear any complaints about today, so you tried to hide your anxiety building up to not ruin everyone's day but it felt as if your heart was beating outside of your chest.
"All the kayaks are for two people so let's pair up with our tent buddy and get ready to race!"
"We are so winning this.", Ajax spoke while showing everyone his winner pose.
"You don't have a chance against us, Serpent.", Bianca said as she leaned against Kent.
You didn't pay any mind to what the others were saying, too busy trying to process the whole facing-your-biggest-fear thing. While the group was so focused on fighting over who's going to win this race, Xavier was looking at you this entire time. He noticed how anxious you looked and couldn't help but think back about what happened at camp earlier, aware that you're trying to hide something from him. Not wanting to bother you with everyone else still being here, he decided to leave you alone for a bit until the others were gone.
Before you even know, all your friends had left off in their kayak and it was now your turn. Shaking on your legs as you took a couple of deep breaths before stepping into the kayak, Xavier following soon after. He wanted to win this race, hell he wants to win at everything. But he had a feeling he wasn't winning this time, at least not in the way he had hoped for.
"If we want to win this race we better start paddling now."
Xavier was really pushing you over the edge right now. All you needed was a couple more seconds to mentally prepare yourself, but he couldn't even give you that. Ignoring his existence completely, you once again tried to calm down. But that calmness didn't stay for long.
"Can you start moving already? I don't wanna get behind on the others and I'm definitely not planning on doing all the work by myself."
His complaining only fueled your anxiety more and more, ready to burst any moment now. You couldn't help but panic, needing to get out of this kayak and off the water this instant. Unfortunately your kayak had already drifted off a little too far from the shore for you to just get up and walk back. Feeling hopeless and scared, you couldn't help but cry as you were looking for a way to get out of the unsteady kayak.
Xavier froze in his spot as he saw you cry in front of him, he didn't understand what was happening. He might not know what you're so afraid of, but what he was certain of was that your fear was very much real and you needed to calm down asap. Except, you weren't calming down at all. The tears kept rolling down your cheeks, your breathing was unstable and you were shaking so much that the kayak started shaking too. You looked at your reflection in the water, trying to see how deep it was but your tears blurred your vision.
Something in his mind clicked, he needed to get you back to shore immediately. So without any hesitation he jumped out of the kayak, the water coming up to his chest, and picked you up in his arms. He had you cling to him as he carried you over the water, arms tightly wrapped around his neck and nails slightly digging into his skin out of pure fear. It didn't bother him though, he'll allow you to do so if it gives you a more secure feeling.
He didn't pay any mind to the salesman desperately yelling at him to bring back his kayak, to be completely honest he couldn't give two fucks at the moment. All he cared about was you. Yes, you. He couldn't explain why he felt the need to help you for once, he didn't even understand it himself in all honesty. And it sure as hell didn't make any sense to you either, the guy that tries to make your life a living hell suddenly starts being nice to you. There must be something hidden behind his caring behavior, he'll probably strike you with another rude action later. You were sure of it.
Wriggling yourself out of his grip as soon as he got out of the water, you turned around and walked away to hide yourself from everything else behind a large tree. You needed a moment to calm down after what just happened, a moment to just let the tears stream down your face in peace. You felt embarrassed that he out of all people had to witness that, you wished he'd never seen you that way. Certain he'd never let you forget this, he'd bug you with this till the end of time. Or that's what you assumed he'd do. But in reality, Xavier wasn't planning on telling a soul about this. Not because people would find out he did have a heart, but because this wasn't a pleasant experience for you.
It seemed like things had changed in Xavier's dark heart, could it be that he had grown a soft spot for you? Or was this just another trick of him to get your trust, just so he could break it later?
To be continued . . .
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if you would like to be added to the taglist for campout please let me know in the comments or through asks/dms!
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wellthebardsdead · 1 year
*Secrets part 2. Part 1 here*
Henwen: *wincing a little as Kaidan looks over his neck and wrist where dirge got his hands on him* is it bad?…
Kaidan: It looks bad… can’t really tell, Ive never seen another snow elf as a point of reference… but it looks like nightshade flowers against snow…
Henwen: It’s just bruised then… *sighs* why did you follow me?…
Kaidan: I wasn’t drunk. I was pretending to be, I saw those creeps eyeing you up all evening and when they followed you out I went after em. *huffs* I knew the thieves guild were a group of thugs but they really need to reconsider their recruiting method if they think grabbing people by their throats is appropriate… but, what did he mean by debt?…
Henwen: …when you were having a rest today he offered me some work… then asked me to plant a stolen ring on some poor guy… so I put it in his pocket instead and set the guards on him in front of everyone… must’ve really bruised his ego, heh…
Kaidan: *snickers* well, serves the bastard right but, you should have told me. Tonight could have ended very differently if I wasn’t on my toes… I don’t want to be known as the bastard who let the last dragonborn get killed. Never mind the last snow elf.
Henwen: I know, I-I’m sorry…
Kaidan: …hey… *places his hand to his shoulder* it’s okay… just… don’t wander far from me until I get you trained up a bit more yeah?…
Henwen: okay… *smiles up at him* we should go to bed… early rise tomorrow…
Kaidan: With how bruised up you are I say we move at whatever pace your comfortable with. But I agree, I want to get out of this town fast… *stands up and stretches as he walks to his bed* goodnight… Wendy.
Henwen: *still unsure of the nickname but too tired to argue it* goodnight, Kaidan…
*a few hours later*
Henwen: *blinks awake hearing whispering from outside his window* … *peers out to see shrouded figures staring at the blood on the ground from where Kaidan cut Dirge’s arm clean off*
???: Told Brynjolf to be careful, anyone who can outfox him shouldn’t be taken lightly.
???: yeah, Maul said to watch out for the big guy but I think Bryn underestimated just how big his companion really was. Let’s see if the face sculptor can reattach dirge’s arm. He’s lucky he didn’t lose his head while he was at it.
???: Shame it went so wrong. The lad had some real talent, the guild could’ve done great things with him. *sighs* Anyway, how’s about we grab a drink at the flagon after we give dirge his arm back? Ey vex?
Vex: shove off delvin or I’ll be shoving that arm somewhere you don’t want it to be. *walks off ahead*
Delvin: Oh come on I was only teasing!
Henwen: … *quietly watches them sneak off, almost undetectable, invisible* … *looks over at Kaidan*
Kaidan: *snoring like a bear*
Henwen: … *gets up and pulls on his robes hiding his face again* I’m sorry my friend… I can’t always rely on you to be there to keep me alive… I need to find a way to do that on my own… *tucks him in a little making the swordsman groan and roll over*
Kaidan: *still snoring, fast asleep* I didn’t mean to make the horkers stampedezzzzi just wanted a sandwich…
Henwen: *snickers and sneaks out of the room and downstairs before heading out of the tavern, slowly tailing the two thieves down into the ratway*
*Agonised screaming echoing from far off in the sewers*
Delvin: Welp take it dirge isn’t handling the pain well.
Vex: he lost an arm what did you expect? *waves the floppy appendage at the other thief before freezing in her tracks seeing movement in the shadows* whose there?!
Delvin: *heard Henwen following for a while now but was waiting for vex to notice, just smiles and turns around, hands out showing he’s unarmed* hey there lad, it’s alright, come out. No mean tricks ere.
Henwen: *slowly peers out, spear at the ready and covered in dried blood from the last frost troll he killed*
Vex: *reaches for her knife but stops as delvin glances at her*
Delvin: oi, no weapons. No force, just words. Let’s talk lad…
Henwen: *steps into the light of the torch hanging on the wall, bright blue eyes glimmering from under the shadow of his hood* okay… we talk…
Delvin: Okay lad… I’m guessing Brynjolf just plucked you off the street and threw you into the thick of it yeah? Wanted you to get your hands dirty immediately and wouldn’t let you back down?
Henwen: he wanted me to get an innocent man imprisoned…
Delvin: Aye, and your not one for that sort of work, I think he often forgets many members of the guild have different morals when it comes to their preferences for thieving. *snickers* The mans never done an honest days work in his life. But you, you’re a good lad, I can tell by the way you walk you’re young and cautious of the world too. But yet, your here. Why is that?
Henwen: I’m not a thief… I’ve never taken anything that didn’t belong to me in my life… but I know I can’t survive in this world without someone else’s help. Everyone is out to use me or… *shudders a little* never mind… but… I need to know how I can use them too. If I can’t protect myself with brute force then-
Delvin: protect yourself with information, and the shadows.
Henwen: *nods*
Delvin: Then I think the guild can help you after all lad. Come with me, we’ll talk a little more on the way.
Henwen: … *slowly puts his spear away and steps closer to follow*
Vex: …Y’know delvin I really question why we have Bryn bringing in new recruits when you can do so much better.
Delvin: Aw thanks vex, making me blush.
Vex: Say that again and I’ll hit you with dirges arm then make him hit you himself after it’s reattached!
*a few moments later*
Henwen: *walks into the flagon after delvin to hear the screaming now at full volume and yelling between two men*
Henwen: good I didn’t appreciate the bruising he left me.
Everyone: *shuts up so fast you could hear a pin drop before looking at the three as they enter*
Vex: I got the arm let’s get it back on his body.
Delvin: and I. Got us a new recruit. *pats Henwen on the back*
Brynjolf: I- what?!
Delvin: Maybe try communicating with potential new hires ey? Rather then randomly accosting them.
Henwen: *knowing there’s a massive risk to showing his identity but deciding it’s best to be honest amongst a den of thieves* Sorry for embarrassing you lot twice now but- *pulls back his hood showing his pretty snow elf face, his long white hair, and the now dark purple bruise on his neck* I’d say we’re even now, yeah?
Brynjolf: *nearly as red as his hairline* I-… aye.
*the next morning*
Henwen: *groans flopping back into his bed in the bee and barb, covered in bee stings and smelling of wood smoke after completing the golden glow job by sheer dumb luck alone and somehow managing to not fuck it up*
Kaidan: *yawns awake* good morning, howd you-
Henwen: *snoring into his pillow completely conked out*
Kaidan: …sweet get to sleep in. *lays back down and goes back to sleep*
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astrogremmin · 18 days
Ya she still didn't text me. Cool. So I'll go hiking tomorrow then come home hang out maybe to do list stuff then go for a walk later watch a movie. Boom go to bed early go to work Sunday outside time after work come home laundry or just hang out figure something out? Monday morning hike or run then work. Then tuesayd therapy and something outside Wednesday go longboarding somewhere/s. Thursday work and go for hike or run in morning. Friday need to find something to do Saturday work and then outside time and chores and on Sunday. Hike run Monday and work. Ive got this figured out. Yup. Got my national parks pass so that's where I'll start going. Goals something to do. Probably shouldn't see Alyssa anymore cause I'm going crazy one way or another. I'm willing to hear her out at this juncture tho. Going to casually tinder and focus on wellness and better job opportunities. Yup that's the mainframe. I'm willing to hear her but I think I'll kinda say no on tomorrow and let things cool off. Or she could just completely be ghosting me in general so then I'll get to process that. Yay. Why did I do this again with her? It started off better right? Right?? I don't want to look back and read. Cause I think both my therapist and Jen will both say it's been termoltuous from the start. But she's so hot. Lol and smart. And fucking shady. When ty and I started dating I said to her after she said something funny but rude I was like that wasn't nice . And then she was like I never claimed to be nice and smiled smugly. I didn't like that then cause I wasn't sure if she was kidding. And that's the same reaction I got from Alyssa when I said she was shady. Maybe I am, smug smile. I should listen to her. Yup.
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phantalgia · 28 days
Another Day of Feeling Sick...
Perhaps I should just use dates as journal entries. I’m not sure. Every thing I post feels more like a journal entry than anything else.
Is this chronically ill or will this just pass? That's something that is taking up my mind right now. So I made the booboo of staying up late last night and part of that was working on that last post. I don’t know why I needed to. I could have canned it for later.
Good Afternoon
I woke up at around 1 pm or just before it. I went to bed late as hell and I have to be up tomorrow early for my ultrasound. I really don’t feel good this morning. Maybe not the worst. But I just don’t feel good. I’m nauseous, slightly feverish, my body feels very sensitive (I don’t know how to describe it), and a little shakey.
Again, Ive been stuck like this since surgery earlier in the year and I think it's an extention of the Long Covid and possible long term POTS Ive had before. I’m still reluctant to call it POTS, it's just I don’t have any other way of calling it. I don’t have an official diagnosis. Long Covid is a yes for sure.
And now with getting Covid again I don’t know what to think. My mind just keeps doubting how I feel. Some days are good, some days are bad. Some hours are good, some bad. It's driving me nuts.
I just keep wondering what if this just blows over? What would it all have been for?
I Can't Stand the Medical Industry
I really cant. I mean when I feel sick it's just kind of like Ive been through this song and dance for two years with no end or answers in sight. I have a basic understanding of how the medical industry has been shaped by capitalism. Essentially reducing humans to how effeciently can we get people back to work. Frankly, this entire system has not even been able to do that for me, ever.
I Never Worked
I never worked and never managed to get my diploma. It's a long story, but I couldn't do it. Being institutionalized for mental health issues hasn't produced any results for me. In fact, insurance didn't want to pay anymore so I had to leave in the middle of being in out-patient programs. At that point I was left to my own devices. Pretty much stewing in my own frustrations and angst.
I think now that these health things that have happened it became clear that whatever they diagnosed me with is not a complete picture. It feels that way for me.
Getting Tested
I was given a full psychological evaluation by probably the worst person you can think of. Essentially I was tested for ASD, Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety. It wasnt anything new. I was depressed and anxious. There was apparently a blip I guess you could say of ASD, but it wasn't enough to call it ASD, whatever that means.
And then finally I got lectured by this guy about how I probably need to be put in a "home" somewhere against my will. A place where I can finally reintegrate with society. I got asked what I was going to do if my Dad was gone. Essentially making me more nervous and scared. So, learned nothing new, a little blip of ASD, but it's not ASD, and get lectured and scared shitless for a few thousand dollars. Amazing...
Maybe Not ASD but ADHD and or OCD?
But what they didn't test me for was ADHD and OCD. A waste of like thousands of dollars. Because as soon as me and my psychatrist looked into ADHD and OCD, something started to become much more clearer. In fact, I kind of tested highly for ADHD and some OCD when I did a self assesment with him. I took that paper home and even did it twice to make sure I still felt the same way about my answers weeks just before my next visit.
But a lot of that was lining up with what was happening to me in school. Anxiety, trouble concentrating, obsession with perfection and proper study habits, a very fixed mindset, my mind would wonder, I couldn't focus by the time noon hit especially during math, I would pace around the house at home, my mind would just keep moving and moving non-stop.
Where I Stand Today
I pretty much self diagnosed myself as ADHD/OCD. Unfortunately I cant be medicated yet for reasons I have explained in prior posts. I think it's quite possible I may be on the Autism Spectrum as it's very hard to diagnose in adults from my own research and you need actual expertise and they can cost you a lot of money. I mean if I've been masking this entire time, of course I’m not going to "look" Autistic.
Obviously, that's an ableist way to put it. But the reality is we live in a very ableist society, there's no getting around that. If you don’t fit the "norm" you're left out of economic system and society at large. In a lot of ways to me, Good! I don’t want to be around you people and this economic system. You fuckers decide who gets to be called abled or disabled and even then it's still tearing us apart regardless!
We're going to have many more disabled people coming as Covid continues to cause mayhem and destruction. On team Red with Trump, they call it a hoax, just a flu, or tell you to drink bleach. On team Blue, they gaslight you by saying the pandemic is over. Which is sort of true, just that it's fucking endemic now. So it's two sides of the same coin of Covid denialism just to keep business as usual. And let me tell you:
That won’t happen, instead Covid became a culture war issue of course.
Anyway, that was a side rant. I'd love to talk about how Covid didnt become a tool to create class conciousness and instead became a culture war issue some other time.
ASD Makes Sense to Me But Also Doesn't
I don’t know, when I look at what accounts for ASD. I see a pattern. Some sentitivity to certain stimuli (especially water and groups of people and hugging), obsessions over interests, trouble with social cues, stimming, trouble responding to people's emotions. I don’t know, it just also doesn't make sense to me because I don’t have an issue with eye contact and I'm more able to respond to other's emotions. Maybe not too well and it gets overwhelming for me at times. But I do like to be around people that like to show some vulnerability. I think the opposite is just...oh don’t get me started XD.
Perhaps I’m not understanding the Autism Spectrum as concise as I can. I probably just butchered the entirety of what it is in the last paragraph but I don't know. I hate this desperation for answers to your woes. It's nuts. And I got other things to worry about that complicate it like...
My Physical Health Makes It Harder to Tell If I Have ADHD/OCD and or ASD
I mean I can't sit upright or concentrate generally, I’m fatigued by the end of a school day, get a throbbing headache. I mean it's nuts. So there was that in the mix of all of this. And if I do have dysautonomia or POTS then it would make sense why it feels like I have ADHD. You get adrenaline surges. But I also start stimming? I mean I stim a lot and pace and ruminate all the time non-stop.
The only way to really know is to have this holistic understanding of myself, look at each thing and see where they fit in the bigger picture that makes up me. I just want the peace of mind, the relief to know anything at all. Just nothing feels right. Mentally and physically. And it's making me lose my mind.
I Don’t Like Labels...*
There's a little weird paradox amidst all of this. I’m not too crazy about labels*. I'll let Alexander Avila take this away. It's a long video so maybe watch it when you can:
Really, the video just kind of says that labels, mental health, and maybe even disability in general is just a thing we call amidst a capitalist society. As with any society, there's new ways of reframing human phenomenon. Whether it be you were possesed by the holy spirit or affected by a chemical imbalance or told you may not work again because of a physical disability.
But there's a good point at the end...the labels are useful in modern context and are needed to get the care, what little there is, people need. So they're inescapable much like how capitalism feels inescapable.
I’m More Than Just a Label and Don’t Want to Be Reduced to It
So theyre useful, necessary even. And I may even crave them, especially in this moment. I can't really live without the labels because that's just how the system is designed right now. But I can at least acknowledge that I’m more than just my labels. I don’t want my labels to create a black and white world. I want the labels to make me feel empowered and get the agency I need.
Perhaps in another world...
Perhaps in another world we would acknowledge that everyone is different and may require different needs than others and we can get rid of this black and white thinking that comes with the moniker "disability". Where the disabled may be able to find where they can fit amongst the world and not be babied or treated as some pathetic class of people. This, in my mind can only be done under some form of libertarian socialist model. It just can't be done in any other way.
Libertarian socialism would free each individual and each will be able to realize their fullest potential and get the assistance they need to fully understand themselves and their needs. They will mingle amongst their minds, connect with their bodies, and connect with others and communicate in ways never before imagined.
Healthcare wouldn't be reduced to black and white thinking, and production and turned into a real system of care and humanity and a sense of belonging. It would go along with the individual in their journey of self discovery as the healthcare system learns itself at the same time.
The disabled individual would be free to decide how they can and can't work or participate in how they see fit. They would get the assistance they need from the community, the creative ideas from them, and feel like they're a proper member of the community.
The disabled individual would neither be seen as pathetic or as some "poster boy" of inspiration when they "go against all odds". They would just be like everyone else, a human being with unique needs. They will retain the autonomy they need as much as anyone else.
Final Thoughts
I don’t know what's going on with me yet or if there will be an end in sight for me. I don’t know what's going on with me mentally and probably won’t because of how expensive it is to know. But I can say is I just don’t want to live in this type of world anymore. I want a better one that sees me as human.
I think I'll meet people eventually where we can get together and help each other out and find out how we can live amongst the chaos. I have faith. I have faith in anyone reading this that you too may find that place and the right people who have the same mindset.
We're in this together, we'll find our way, we'll do our best...
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thekhoei · 4 months
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my friend just introduced me into this recently. ive not dig in very much of Nixonverse but i have to talk about how Jesus in Vietnam grasps me
i peak in history classes when i learn about two modern wars in Vietnam during 1919-1975. the invasion of France in three lands of Indochina (we dont even bring up other places that is also colonized) and the infamous lost in that war crime game the USA played on the land of Ho Chi Minh. the big countries have been going to small lands, the "third world countries" and trying to kill, to assimilate us smaller nation as their modern-day slaves for centuries and centuries. and the fact that it still occurs today, tomorrow and no one knows when will this shit ended. Vietnam got out of the war only around 50 years ago (2025 is the 50th anniversary of our win against the US), and there are still people believe that it's Vietnam civil war, or this is communist propaganda (where the fuck are some people's sympathy anyway?). rumors about the third world war are on the verge of becoming true, although it's predicted to happen in one more millennia. shit being called "natural selection". my favorite thing to learn about history is how history is shaped to fit one's belief of a government, and in history classes, i love studying about revolution the most. not about Hitler, or any US president, not even Stalin (bad bitch i always heard shit abt you), but about smaller voices getting louder and louder, and how their fights mean to human rights. im talking like im belong to leftism or sth but no honestly, sometimes i have doubt about my so called "communist" government, too much that i do fear to be in jail if i try to crack one more joke about how shitty they act sometimes. more than a half of Vietnamese population are mad at our government too, i hear them talking sour everyday. from the early days of the existence of humanity til now, four horses of apocalypse have been wandering around, makes me shiver about how vague the concept of death is, yet the way its so significant in daily life.
i talked too much about war stuff above that i forgot the second big topic in the title "Jesus" and religion. im not a big fan of believing in any entity, although i dont deny their existence at all. i do follow Buddhism's belief everyday bc it has been a tradition in Vietnam, but ig its an exception because bro isn't qualified as God. Buddhism is considered as a atheism religion as i read somewhere. anyway talking about Jesus he is the ambiguous concept i learn through tv, books, western medias from younger ages, that sometimes i pray to him although i get scolded for acting offensively to a religion i do not belong too. besides that other thing relevant to him that i learn about is cults, and that shit is wild 💀 i still remember my teacher talking about how France used Portuguese pastors to get Vietnamese people believe in the theory "God allows me to invade your homeland 😜", and how Christians Vietnamese fight against them (my grandfather once joined the Vietnamese Christian to exchange info for the VC (Việt Cộng lmao)). wildest thing i ever learn in secondary school (we learn it in 7th grade which is the second year of secondary school in Vietnam and its around the age of 13) that got me into reddit posts about Jesus when i googled to learn more about the topic. im glad i pay attention to class because i did not know i would be too much invested in Vietnam history back in the day. Jesus is believed to be a propaganda of the US, and when i learn more about this God, it's a cultural shock for me. US government turned out to be the biggest cult in my eye (i love my American friends but honestly im against yall's government and i know yall do too)
anyway i think John Lennon would be invested into this idk
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Please Forgive Me (Request)
Natasha Romanoff x Teen Reader
Warning: mentions of hospitals, IV Drip, guns, death.
Age: 16
Word Count: 2,724
Requests: Closed.
After getting in a fight with your Mom just before you were to leave to go on a mission and saying something that you wished you hadn't now you don't know if you'll ever see her again.
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Requested By: Jordan_Romanofff on Wattpad
Fury had assigned you to go on a mission with Steve. This was the first time that you were going on a mission with one other person. Normally you would go with all the Avengers and your Mom would be right there watching your every move.
Your mission was to go to an old HYDRA base somewhere in Canada and seek out any information of what they could be up to.  You and the Avengers had cleared the place of HYDRA soldiers days ago but didn't have time to collect anything.  You and Steve were to leave early tomorrow morning.
After the meeting was finished I made my way down to the training room. I wanted to do some target practice. Even though I were already confident with a gun there was always room for improvement.
Just as I was about to put on the noise cancellation headphones, the door of the training room slammed shut which startled me slightly.
I looked over at the door and saw that mom was walking over and oh boy she didn't look happy.
"Hey, Mom," I said as I went to put the headphones on but she grabbed them out of my hand and threw them on the table.
"Don't hey, Mom, me, Y/N. What do you think you're doing?" She demanded.
"Um, target practice," I said sarcastically but instantly regretted it the moment I said it.
"Don't get smart with me, young lady, I'm talking about you accepting that mission." Her tone was getting angrier.
"God, Mom, do you even know what the mission is? Cause I'm sure if you did then you would know fine well that I'm perfectly capable of doing it." I argued back at her.
"And Steve is going to be there too so it's not like I'm going on my own. Don't you trust Steve?" I added.
"I don't care if Steve is going to be there you are not old or responsible enough to go on a two-person mission." She Yelled.
"But I'm old and responsible enough to go on a group mission that doesn't even make any sense," I questioned.
"The difference is with a group there is always someone there beside you at all times. Steve will be too busy dealing with other stuff to constantly keep an eye on you. It's just too dangerous honey," she said slightly calmer than before.
"But Mom, we are going to that old HYDRA base that we cleared out days ago. We are only going to collect any paperwork or computer files there is nothing dangerous about it." I tried to tell her but she was having none of it.
"I don't care Y/N you're still not going," she said whilst sighing.
"I'm not a little kid anymore, Mom, I can handle a lot more than what you think I can." Now I was the one that was starting to yell.
"I'm going to see Fury and taking you off that mission" she threatened.
"No, don't. If you do that I'll never forgive you." I was unsure myself if I were serious or not by that statement.
" I don't care Y/N, it's for your own good." She said sounding fed up with this pointless argument.
I stormed off but before I walked out the door I turned around to look at Mom and said something that I wished I hadn't.
"I hate you and I wish you weren't my Mom," I shouted before running to my bedroom.
When I got to my room I was so mad that I couldn't focus on anything so the best thing that I could do right now was sleep.
I climbed into bed and set the alarm on my phone for 6:30 am.
I must have been pretty tired since It didn't take long to fall asleep and the next thing that I knew was rudely awoken by the alarm.
I stumbled out of bed and took a much-needed shower.  After I got out of the shower I got myself ready.
I was suited up I made my way to the top of the compound where the QuinJet was.
Once I walked through the double doors I noticed that there were SHIELD agents everywhere getting everything ready.
I was expecting Mom to be standing at the doors waiting for me to tell me once more that I wasn't going but she wasn't there. Not even Steve or Fury approached me to tell me that I couldn't go.
I headed over to the storage unit where all of the extra weapons were kept. I picked up the widow bites that was used by Mom but she let me have them. Then a handgun that was also Mom's and it make me think, everything that she's done for me was to protect me. All the hours of training, giving me her weapons, looking out for me during every mission. Maybe that's why she didn't want me going on this mission not because I wasn't responsible but before she couldn't stand the idea of anything happening to me.
"Hey, are you ready to go?" Steve asked as he walked over to me putting his shield on his back.
"Yeah, wait, Steve, do I have time to quickly find my Mom I need to tell her something?" I asked him.
"You don't have time you both should have left 20 minutes ago." Fury said as he walked over to us.
"Sorry Y/N," Steve said whilst giving me a sympathetic smile and walking off.
I quickly grabbed the rest of my weapons and jogged over to Steve and boarded the QuinJet.
I was sitting on one of the seats on the QuinJet Steve must have sensed that something was not right with me.
"Is everything thing alright?" he asked as he sat down on the chair next to mind.
"No," I said as a shook my head.
"I said something really stupid to Mom yesterday and I can't stop thinking about it and what if something goes wrong" I started to panic slightly.
"Nothing is going to go wrong. It's an easy mission and I'll be with you the whole time." Steve said trying to calm me down.
"But what if it does and the last thing I said to her was that I hated her and I wish that she wasn't my mother." I started to panic even more just thinking about it.
"Hey, listen to me, I promise you that nothing will happen and it won't be long till we are back here heading home, and I know your Mom will forgive you." He said as he was calming me down.
"Hopefully," I whispered.
Once the QuinJet had landed we made our way inside of the building.There was nothing but sheets of paper everywhere, old computers and dust or so I thought.
"You start in this room and ill check the next one. grab what you can." Steve instructs you before walking to the next room.
I tried to turn on one of the computers but nothing was happening. I walked over to a filing cabinet and pull out a cardboard box that says New York on it. Inside there was lots of paperwork of information about how they were going to destroy New York.
"Steve I've found some..." I was interrupted by an explosion that came from the other side of the room that I was in.
The explosion caused not only the walls but the floor to collapse and I fell through the floor everything went dark.
Steve's POV
"Y/N?" I called out before I started coughing due to all the dust in the air.
"Y/N" I called out once more but there was still no response.
I started to move the large pieces of the rubble but there was still no sign of her.
"Come on kid, where are you?" I said to myself.
I moved a smaller piece of rubble and underneath it was Y/N's gun.
After I searched this entire place Y/N wasn't there. Unless she had somehow managed to escape the last minute there was no sign of her and the only thing left for me to do was leave.
As I waited for the QuinJet to come and pick me up again I walked for a bit calling out for Y/N in the hope that she did escape but it was no use there was again no sign of her.
I sat in the QuinJet waiting to go back home and the only thing that kept replaying in my mind was that I promised that nothing bad was going to happen and I was going to protect her but I failed.
The QuinJet had finally arrived back at the Compound and I didn't even think about that I had to tell Natasha about what had happened to her daughter till I saw her standing there waiting for her.
I noticed her smiling when she saw me but it didn't take long for her smile to drop.
"where's N/Y?" Nat asked.
I just stood there trying to think of the right thing to say to her.
"Steve, I'm not kidding, where is my daughter?" Nat demanded to know.
"There was an unexpected explosion and Y/N was caught in the middle of it." I began to tell her.
"I'm so sorry, Natasha, She's dead." I struggled to bring myself to say those words.
I watched as the tears started to form in her eyes.
"Did you find her body?" She asked.
No, I..." Started to say.
"Then how do you know she's dead?" she interrupted.
"Natasha, it was a pretty big explosion there would have been no way that anyone could have survived that," I explained to her.
"I don't care, Steve, I'm going out there and finding my little girl," Natasha yelled.
Natasha tried to walk off but I grabbed her arm to stop her from leaving and pulled her into a hug.
"Natasha, no, I'm sorry but she's not out there," I whispered to her.
I woke up lying on the ground uncertain of how long I was out for. I had a banging headache, pain in my left leg and right arm.
how I was unsure how I managed to survive but I did know that I had to hurry up and get out of this building before the whole place collapses.
The pain in my ankle hurt like hell after every step but it was manageable but I couldn't move my arm at all so it was most likely broken.
I managed to make my way out of the building safely but then there was the problem I was in the middle of nowhere in a country that I've not even properly been to.
My only option is to just walk and hope that I come across a house or a town of some sort.
I had been walking for hours, the sun's getting real low and it was getting colder.
I was seriously struggling to keep going but then I heard traffic. At first, I thought I was just hearing things but I kept pushing myself to keep going.
As I got out of the forest I never thought I would be so happy to see a gas station.
I was so close to the door but I just couldn't go any further. my entire body was in so much pain and I started getting extremely dizzy and all of a sudden I passed out.
I woke up in bed somewhere. The room was bright and a loud beeping. I was also attached to an IV drip and my arm was wrapped in a cast.
A few moments later a woman walked into the room and she looked over at me.
"it's nice to see that you're awake," She said in a cheery tone picking up the chart that was attached to the end of the bed and writing something.
"Where am I?" I asked the woman
"You're in Toronto General Hospital, Love," The woman who must have been one of the hospital's nurses said.
"Do you remember your name? Where are your parents? Can you remember their names?" the nurse asked too many questions at once.
"Umm, yeah, my name is Y/N Romanoff, my Mom's name is Natasha Romanoff," I told the woman and she wrote down what I said on the chart.
"Good job, sweetie, you're doing a good job." She praised me
"Do you know where your mom is or do you know her cell phone number?" the nurse asked
"No, I can't remember her number. We're not from here, we live in New York. I need to get back to New York. I need her to know that I'm alive, please," I said as the tears started streaming down my face.
The nurse walked over to me and she gave me a hug being careful of my arm.
She held me for a few minutes before letting go.
"I'll be back in a moment I know someone who might be able to help," she said before walking out of the room.
Minutes later the same nurse and an older man came into the room.
"Hello, Y/N, my name is Doctor Morrison, I am the senior doctor of the hospital, Nurse Claire has informed me of your current situation and I'm going to help you out."
"Keep in mind that I don't normally do this but if I don't I have a feeling that you will try to walk out of those doors and attempt to get to New York by yourself. This is what I'm going to do for you. My team is contacting all hospitals in New York and when they find the one that you are registered at we are going to take you there in our helicopter and they will contact your mother and she'll meet you there. How does that sound?" He asked even though he already knew what my answer was going to be
I couldn't quite believe what I was hearing, home I'm going home.
"Thank you, thank you so much," I said to the doctor I couldn't stop smiling and the tears of joy were running down my cheeks.
"I'll be back when we find the right hospital." Doctor Morrison said before walking out of the room.
It didn't take long for them to find the right hospital and before I knew it I was getting safely strapped inside of the helicopter.
I must have fallen asleep whilst in the helicopter. I woke up and I was lying in bed in another bright room this time I felt someone holding my hand.
I looked over at the person holding my hand and I knew it was her.
"Mama?" I said while squeezing her hand.
She looked up at me and wrapped her arms around me
"Y/N, thank God," Nat said carefully hugging me.
She pulled herself away and cupped my face.
"I'm so sorry Mama, I don't hate you, I could never hate you and I'm so glad that you're my Mom. Please forgive me?" I begged for her forgiveness and tears started falling down my cheeks.
"Of course I forgive you, baby, I'm so happy to have you back home safe and sound," Nat said as she wiped my tears away.
"Can we go home now Mama? I really don't like being in hospitals." I asked her.
"Sure thing, baby, I'll go get you signed out," Nat said before kissing my forehead and I watched her leave the room.
One Week Later
It had been a week since the accident occurred and Steve apologised to you every day since you returned home. You told him every time that you forgave him and that he didn't have to apologise anymore but he just didn't care and continued to apologise.
You know that once you fully recover your Mom will maybe one day let you join back in on group missions again. But there is no way that you're going on any solo missions not for a long time anyway.
You have learned your lesson that no matter what your Mom is and will always be right not that you'd ever fully admit it to her.
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ohtobeleah · 2 years
Ive just started reading “I’m’perfect” and i cant wait to see what happens next. i feel like something happens that we aren’t expecting to happen. knowing you.
“I’m’perfect” Masterlist
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“You okay?” Matt cooed as you handed him his drink. The dark liquor spilling over the side of the vessel as he took hold of the glass, watching as you pressed your lips together with a pained smile. “Something happen or—?” Without hesitation, you spilled your sorrow to the man who’s been nothing but kind and loving towards you. Something you surely didn’t think you deserved. Not when your feeling for Bucky for so twisted.
“Barnes invited himself, I know Sam’s around here somewhere too but God, he does my head in you know? Who does he think he is?” You huffed. Taking a sip of your vodka, feeling the comforting burn of the straight liquor. Matt listened, he could hear the frustration in your voice, how your heartbeat grew a little faster as you spoke about the man Matt only knew of but hadn’t had the pleasure to meet in person. “He just keeps beating a dead horse, I can't escape him, he’s everywhere!” You sighed, slumping your head into Matt’s shoulder.
“Here, sit, I wanna walk you through a hypothetical.” Matt tapped his cane around for the nearest table, you helped to guide him with a gentle sigh. Bucky had really gotten into your head, Matt wasn't too sure what had gone on with you and your ex but he knew enough to know that he very easily got under your skin. Not one to want to pry too deep into your personal life too early in your relationship–Matt respected the fact that if you wanted him to know, you’d tell him eventually.
“Matt please, this is silly, I just wanna try to enjoy the rest of the night okay?” you grumbled, you never knew how he managed, but somehow Matt always managed to meet your gaze.
“Just hear me out alright?” Matt leaned in gently to kiss your cheek. Pulling away as his hands found yours in your lap. “Now listen, If you betray me, then I have no choice but to see you differently.” Matt paused as he tried carefully to choose his words, his analogy. “And you know, if we’ve interacted a long time, I've built up a hell of a model of you.” Matt paused for a quiet moment to make sure you were listening. “It's taken a tremendous amount of effort to generate that, and I may have used that model of you as a predicate for all sorts of other plans which is what you do with an intimate relationship.”
“Matt what are you getting at here–”
“And so then—“ Matt interrupted with a smirk so deep and all-consuming you had no choice but to listen. “If you do something that indicates a true mismatch, it isn't only that I have to adjust my actions, God only knows what I'm gonna have to retool.” it started to sink in the more Matt spoke. “Hell, I may even have to retool my perceptions of myself. Turns out I'm a lot more gullible than I thought I was for example.” You couldn't hide your chuckle as matt beamed at you with a wicked smile. “And God only knows Matty what the implications of that are, hell, if you’re close to me and you could do this to me, is that my flaw? Am I carrying that into other relationships? All I know for sure is that every breakup, every friendship breakdown, every overly insatiable ex that shows up to benefits just to rile you up brings up all those questions and it can be an absolute catastrophe if you let it consume you.”
“He broke me, Matt–” you looked at Matt with glassy eyes as his grip on your hand grew tighter. “I never knew that something that could take just two seconds to break could take an utter lifetime to fix.”
“Are you still in love with him?” Matt asked softly, he was brave enough, strong enough to handle whatever answer you gave him. “Seriously, if Bucky turned around tomorrow with a ring and a promise to be by your side every day until death do you part, would you say yes?” Your silence was Deafening but spoke volumes.
“I’m not in love with Bucky Barnes Matt, I’m not even in love with myself.” You sighed, your shoulders drooping slightly as you leaned into Matt’s chest. The smell of his Cologne encapsulating you. “I’m not in love with him, not anymore—I’m just broken and don’t know how to fix myself.”
“It's okay to be broken—“ Matt kissed the top of your head. “Look, I'll be honest with you, I Like you, I like you a lot Matty, I think you’re a great person, your ability to just light up any room you step foot into makes me want to be a better man and help this city to become better so people like you can thrive in it.” You couldn't help the way your heart skipped a beat inside your chest. “But I wouldn't be mad if tomorrow you turned around and told me that you needed space. It would suck, but I'd wear that, because you’ve been honest with me since day one about how you weren't looking for something too serious too soon.”
“I’ll break your heart, Matt.” You tried to hide your tears that pooled behind your waterline, knowing Matt couldn’t see you, you slowly tilted your head from his chest to wipe away the tears. Matt’s thumb worked to do the exact thing you were about to, beating you to it as his palm rested against your cheek. The pad of his thumb warm against your rear kissed skin. “And I won’t even mean to.”
“You have to stop watering plants that aren’t growing, there’s a lot of us that are just pouring our souls into people who aren’t even grateful for the things we have to say, let this be the year that you stop letting people take advantage of your love, your kindness, let this be there year you make sure all of your relationships are fruitful, you pour into me and I’ll pour into you, you’ve been pouring water into these plants that just aren’t growing, not a single inch, it’s your chance to move on to the next seed.”
“I think New York in general needs more men like you around Matt Murdock, I think the whole men aint shit movement would be a hell of a lot smaller if there were.” You couldn’t help but to chuckle your tears away, feeling safe in the arms of a man who truly cared for you. Matt smiled back, kissing the back of your hand.
“Well maybe the world needs more women like Mataje Santos who are badass, independent girl bosses, who really don't need anything from anyone.” You cheered your glass with Matt’s, smirking behind the glass. “If Barnes couldn’t see you, appreciate you, I’m more than happy to.” It was within a blink of an eye that such a meaningful conversation could be flipped In chaos before your very eyes. The obnoxiously loud sounds of glass shattering, concrete blasting apart, and tremendously violent explosions from left and right rang in your ears as you felt the debris flying around you. The cool of the ballroom floor juxtaposes your racing heart rate, working to send a wave of adrenaline pumping through your veins. Blood dripped harshly from your head, raising the question as to whether or not your previous head injury had just been exacerbated by the impact you'd hit the ground at. Only time would tell. Pinned under the concrete pillar that had come tumbling down with one of what felt like hundreds of unexpected explosions, you shouted for help.
“Sam!” you hissed, inhaling what you would only assume was a mixture of rubble and dust. “Sam! Are you around!” trying to unpin yourself from under the weight of the pillar, you groaned. “Bucky!?” you cried out! “Matt!?” you let your head fall back down against the floor, your chest rising and falling softly. The pillar felt unstable, pinning you down, your chest to the floor.
“Matty!” you heard a voice shout. “Matty, are you here!” it was the panic in his voice that struck you the most, the pain in every shout. “Matty!”
“Bucky!” you replied. “I'm done here!” you tried to push yourself to your knee to no avail. Still trapped helplessly under a mountain of rubble. It didn't take long for Bucky to spot you, racing to your side, pushing concrete debris from his path to get to you. He looked seemingly unscathed. “What happened?” you mumbled, blood pouring from your mouth. The taste of iron so strong on your tastebuds. “What–”
“Some sort of attack, Sam and I were over by the bar, Were you with anyone?” Bucky asked as he looked around, fishing for your hand, gripping you tight to let you know he was there with you. Watching you nod as he assessed the damage. It wasn't good. “Where’s Murdock?” Bucky looked around, unable to spot anyone.
“I dunno, Bucky, I can't breathe–” you hissed painfully, the weight of the pillar crushing you slowly.
“I'll go get some help, yeah?” Bucky tried to pull away but you held his hand too tight. “Matty I–”
“Don't you dare leave me here.” you cried. “Please, please Buck don't leave me again.” it hit Bucky like a ton of bricks as he worked to get closer under the rubble you were trapped in. pushing slabs of unstable concrete to the side to make enough room so he could see you. “Don't leave me here.” you repeated softly.
“I have to get you some help–”
“You’re a bloody super soldier with super strength James!! Get this shit off me before I'm crushed to death and decide to haunt your nightmares!” you groaned, trying your best to maneuver yourself out from the crushing weight of the pillar. Bucky worked to dig you out. Helping to hold up some of the pillars weight enough so you could wriggle out.
“Nightmares are already pretty haunted, not sure if everyone else who plagues my conscience will be happy about making room for another.” Bucky teased as you wiggled your way out into his lap. Breathing rapidly as you held your ribs. Covered in gray debris. “
“I'd shoot you if I had the energy.” you hissed, coughing up your lungs. Bucky chuckled softly as he pushed your hair from your forehead. “Thanks for the search and rescue.”
“Don't mention it.” Bucked cooed as he held you close to him. Your head in his chest. “Let's get you outta here hey?” you only nodded in response. Allowing Bucky to help you to your very wobbly feet. Throwing your arm around his shoulders as he helped you towards the nearest exit he knew of.
“Not so fast.” a masked man stood before you, reaching for your gun strapped to your thigh, you pulled it up, aiming it high at the masked man before you and Bucky. He did the same with a wicked smile.
“Drop your weapon–” you hissed, blood staining your teeth as you stood on your own, why didn't Bucky have a weapon. You always have a weapon of duty, it's the life. The job.
“You first sweetheart.” without a single moment of hesitation, the masked man fired a single shot into your stomach, Bucky watched in what felt like slow motion as you fell to your knees beside him. Following you down Bucky caught your fall, working to apply pressure to a wound that could end in fatality. “We haven't met yet, and I haven't introduced myself.” Bucky looked up at the masked man already knowing who he was. “How rude of me Sergeant Barnes.” the masked man smirked maniacally as he cocked his gun again.
“I'm Daredevil.”  
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airis-paris14 · 3 years
See You Again
A/N: Just something short I never posted. It probably sucks, but I thought I'd share anyway. WE OUTSIDE YALL. (Please be outside RESPONSIBLY. COVID is still a thing. Please get vaccinated and or wear a mask.) Love Y'all.
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“My King,” Okoye called, handing T’Challa a bag he forgot. “Next week.”
“ I know Okoye. I promise I will be ready to leave.” Okoye nodded before reboarding the jet. The king watched before beginning the short walk up to his friend's front door.
He rang the doorbell before staring up at the building. It’d been years since he’d last been in this apartment. Freshman year of college to be exact. Anaya’s parents had invited him to spend Thanksgiving with them after finding him and their daughter studying together on a surprise visit to their daughter's dorm. They weren’t in the room, lucky for them, but it seemed that her parents were invested in a dream that wouldn’t come true. Not that either of them was ready to admit they couldn’t be together either. At least that early on.
So much has changed since then. They graduated. Got two Ph. Ds respectively and then moved on. Anaya became a celebrated fashion historian and critic, and T’Challa a king. Halfway across the world, they’d reconnected by chance in Paris and hadn’t let go since. Somewhere T’Challa had been holding on to a silly notion that maybe he and Anaya could give being together another go, but he knew it was a fruitless endeavor.
Same as his ringing of the doorbell had been. Worried, the king began knocking on the door. “Quit your racket! She’s not here!” An elderly woman crooned from her front porch. “Pardon?”
“She ain’t here! The baby called.” The woman chuckled to herself, “Ran outta here like a firecracker. Her two friends following close behind.”
“She was pregnant?”
“Don’t know how you missed it sonny, big as a blimp, carrying high though. My bets on a girl you know,” she paused to size up the young king. “And you must be that no good bastard baby’s father. Walking out on her like that you know I should-!”
“Ma’am, I promise you I am not him. As much as I wish I could have been,” the king mumbled the last part.
“Well then now’s your chance son. The real father ain’t here, and I hate to see that child grow up without a father figure. What’s keeping you from claiming that child?”
“A lot more than you’ll ever know..” T’Challa looked up, despair written across his face. The woman's gaze softened. “You’ll never know till you try. At least go and see her. I mean you came to her house. All dressed up with flowers and a bag of gifts. You must really care for her.”
“I do.”
“She’s at the university hospital.” The old woman instructed. “Thank you,” the king nodded. “Anything to see her happy, ever since her parents died she’s been sitting up in that house all alone. Make it right.”
Two hours and four phone calls later, T’Challa pulled up to the hospital in his hired car. The driver opened the back door of the SUV to allow the king and his baby present out into the air. He nodded at the driver before making his way up to the reception desk. “Hi, how may I help you?” The woman looked up from her computer. “You must be looking for our maternity ward. This your first?” She nodded at the gifts. “You could say that,” T’Challa chuckled.
“May I have your name and the patient’s?”
“T’Challa, and Anaya Johnson.”
“Great, Ms. Johnson is in room 408 in the maternity wing. Go down the hall, on the left, there will be an elevator. Take that up to the fourth floor, make a right and it should be the fourth door down. You can’t miss it.”
“Thank you,” the king smiled hoisting up the big teddy bear, careful not to crush the flowers and various other bags. “Would you like an escort Mr. T’Challa?”
“I believe I can handle this one,” The king insisted. “Very well, and congratulations.”
The king frowned. “Thank you.”
Four floors up, and three doors down, T’Challa finally stood outside of room 408. He took several steadying breaths before knocking. “Who is it? A familiar voice called. He heard footsteps on the other side of the door before it carefully creaked open.
The king smiled in surprise. “Tella? Hi.”
“Hey, what are you doing here?” The brown skin woman beamed, opening up the door, her eyes widening slightly as she saw all of the gifts.”She said she hadn’t heard from you in months.”
“Yeah, I was on my way to visit Anaya and her neighbor told me she was here, having a baby.”
“Yeah, um come in. She and Jean went for a walk, the doctor said it would help with contractions.” Tella grabbed the bear from T’Challa and moved to set it in a corner, while he found space to set down his other gifts. “So how’ve you been? We used to get status updates from Anaya for you. Then you just vanished.”
“Well, there is a lot I haven’t told you all. Wakanda is a monarchy, and my father, and his father, and his father, and his mother, and her father, and his mother, and so on, have all ruled our country. Now it is my turn.”
“To rule?”
“To rule.” The king nodded. “So you vanished because you became king?”
“I vanished because there was a coup, an attempt on my life, which was almost successful. The coup sent my country into a civil war,” The king explained.
“T’Challa, this doesn’t even sound real,” Tella interrupted. “I mean, how is anyone supposed to believe you?”
“May I see your phone?” T’Challa stopped her.
“Just let me prove it to you. I did not ghost Anaya by choice. I still want to be with her.”
“After all this time-”
“Please, I know it seems implausible, but let me show you,” the king reached out a hand.
“Fine T’Challa-” Tella handed over her phone. “Ask siri,” the king instructed.
“Seriously?” Tella frowned. “Just ask her.”
“Siri, who is the king of Wakanda?”
Her phone glowed before responding, “T’Challa Udaku was crowned King of Wakanda after the passing of his father last summer during a United Nations Assembly. I found this article online from the New York Times and several other sources.”
“T’challa if this is true, I mean since this is true, the prospects of you and Anaya getting together is now even more impossible. Why are you here?”
“Because she is my friend, and I love her. She is having a baby, and I will support her.”
“You are not its father!”
“Don’t you think I know that? Do you know how much it hurts me to know that I’m not? That I may never be the father of any of her children.”
“This isn’t about you T.”
“I know, but the child’s father is not here. I am. Even if he was, I still would be, because she is my friend too Tella.”
“I just do not want to see her hurt. Don’t give her false hope T’Challa.”
“On the contrary, I believe it is she who gives me false hope,” the king sighed. Tella pulled him in for a hug. “Just give it time, and who knows, you’re a king now aren’t you?”
“That I am,” T’Challa nodded as the room’s door squeaked open. A nurse helped Anaya back into the room and T'Challa couldn’t help the way his eyes widened at Anaya’s pregnant form. His heart erupted in butterflies, imagining if that had been his child. Tella slapping his arm startled him back to reality. Tella jerked her head towards where the nurse was trying to help Anaya and maneuver the IV stand back into the room with her. T’Challa hurried over to wrap an arm around Anaya’s waist and grab her other hand. The nurse smiled in thanks and surprise. No surprise could top Anaya’s expression. She gaped as T’Challa shot her a smile. “Long time no see,” The king teased as he helped her further into the room and onto her bed. A grimace stole her smile as another contraction hit.
“I’ll grab Dr.Ben and she’ll be right in to check on your progress, Ms. Johnson.” The middle-aged black woman smiled at the expecting mother. “Thank you,” Anaya smiled before turning back to her best friend. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to surprise you, only to find out from your neighbor that you were in labor,” The king smiled.
“Mrs. Patterson told you where I was?”
“I guess so,” the king frowned. Anaya and Tella laughed. “What did you do to her? Mrs. Patterson doesn’t like anyone. Especially men.” Tella explained.
“She did almost try to beat me up when she thought I was your ‘bastard baby’s father’.” T’Challa told the two women who groaned. Anaya grimaced her way through a contraction and T’Challa stepped over and offered her his hand. The mother smiled at his touch and threaded her fingers through his as the contraction dissipated.
“I’m gonna go find Jean in the gift shop,” Tella excused herself, leaving T’Challa and Anaya alone. “What’s been going on with you King T’Challa,” Anaya teased as she tried to push herself into a seated position.
“Nothing much. The world of politics cooled off for a while and I wanted to apologize for being awol these past months.” T’Challa helped rearrange the pillows so she could sit up. “What about you soon to be umama?”
“Well, this has been my life pretty much, still don’t know how I’m going to manage working at museums and shows towing this one around.”
“Where’s the father?” T’Challa asked softly. A tear formed in Anaya’s eye, “He doesn’t want to be involved. We were drunk that night and you know…..”
“You don’t have to explain,” T’Challa squeezed her hand. “Thanks,” she murmured. “What are you having?” The king inquired, sweeping some box braids back over her shoulder. “I don’t know. I wanted to be surprised.”
“Your neighbor thinks it’s a girl,” T’Challa laughed. “She’s been telling me about me carrying high since it became visible I was pregnant.” Anaya laughed. “I guess we’ll find out today or tomorrow.” T’Challa chuckled. His face quickly fell as she slipped into another contraction. He tried to help her breathe the way he’d seen on television but ended up making her laugh. “You’re really bad at this,” Anaya reclined back onto her pillows rubbing her stomach absentmindedly. “Thanks for the vote of confidence,” T’Challa smiled. “It’s two quick ones and long out. Not in out in out,” Anaya explained. “I’ll do better next time,” T’Challa promised.
“How long are you visiting, you don’t have to stay. It could be another day or so before I give birth.”
“I’m here for the week, until next Tuesday. And Anaya I want to stay. Besides, I can give Tells and Tonya-Jean a break to walk around.”
“Thanks,” the pregnant mother smiled. Her face contorted as another contraction washed over her. “There you go,” T’Challa soothed as she squeezed his hand. He helped her breathe through and eventually, she settled back. “At this rate, it’ll only be a couple of hours until they’re here with us,” the mom to be sighed. “Then I’ll be here as long as you’ll let me be here,” T’Challa kissed the back of her hand. Sweat had gathered on her forehead and he reached for something to dab it away. “I want you here as long as you can be, distract me.”
“Why? You are not enjoying the miracle of life.”
“Says the man not currently pushing a baby out of his body.”
“Fair enough,” he raised his unoccupied arm in surrender. “Tell me about Wakanda and being a king,” Anaya asked, groaning through another contraction.
“Well,” T’Challa started.
Eight hours later, the room was silent. Tonya and Tells had gone home to catch up on sleep. Anaya was sleeping off her exhaustion and the king of Wakanda sat rocking a sleeping baby girl. Well, she was sleeping. Sydney Iesha Johnson’s big brown eyes fluttered open and stared at the man holding her. She stretched out her tiny body and T’Challa’s heart soared at the feeling of her moving around in the swaddle.
“Hi pretty girl,” he whispered. “Hi,” he cooed, smiling as she yawned. “You are so beautiful, just like your mommy. She was the most beautiful girl in the world and now she’s tied with you.” He rocked the infant softly. “T’Challa?” Anaya croaked. “Hey,” the king stood up and walked the baby over to her mother. “She was fussy in the crib, and the nurse suggested I hold her, I hope you don’t mind,” he rambled. Anaya laid a hand on his arm and shook her head. “It’s fine. I love seeing you with her.
“You know I’m here for you right? Both of you now,” the king searched her eyes. “I know I’m not her father, and I’ll never try to be that for her, but she’s a part of you and that makes her important to me.”
Anaya teared up and nodded.
“I want you to move to Wakanda.”
Taglist: @almostpurelysmut @blackbypurpose @tchoking @sisterwifeudaku @wikiwakanda @royallyprincesslilly @90sinspiredgirl @thedelightfulone @autumn242 @purple-apricots @kumkaniudaku @queertrex @kaciidubs @halfrican-heat @skysynclair19 @dramaqueenamby @leahnicole1219 @kreolemami @mzbritt @derangedcupcake @chaneajoyyy @lalapalooza718 @ororowrites @leahnicole1219 @sarcastic-sunshines @sarahboseman @faatassbitch @lady-love-and-glitter-roses @cxnismajcr @tchallasbabymama
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wing-ed-thing · 3 years
Senioritis: Table 4 (Hidan x Reader, Chapter III)
Synopsis: You were officially stuck with Hidan for the last semester of your senior year of high school. You’re determined to spend as little time with the obnoxious flirt as possible.
Word Count: 4,242
Tags/Warnings: Language, Sexual Innuendo (and no, I still don’t do NSFW), Crude Humor, American!High School AU, Jock!Hidan, Nerd!Reader, Modern AU
Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
Notes: I’m running out of gifs where Hidan looks like a normal fucking person and isn’t just licking shit all the time.
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Hidan texted in a similar manner in which he spoke: a lot. His sentences seemed as fleeting as his thoughts; when you received the first sentence, you quickly received another, and another, and another in quick succession. His stream of consciousness was an enigma and certainly not your problem. You should have guessed when you gave him your number and turned the vibration on your phone off while you were at it, but still, you didn’t have it in you to block him completely. Your tutoring sessions lingered somewhere in the back of your mind and that’s how you explained away the fact that you might have gotten attached to, of all people, Hidan.
On the wrong day, you had to talk with your teacher at the end of your class before senior seminar. The chat was a quick one, something about missing points on a test that you had cleared up in a few minutes, and it didn’t even make you late for your last class of the day. You cleared the doorway just as the bell rang only to find that, naturally, everyone had gotten there before you, leaving the only available seat across from a beaming Hidan. You turned to Deidara, who still sat at the desk right near the classroom door.
“Hey, why didn’t you save me a seat?” you asked him under your breath and you tapped your fingers against his desk.
“You know I don’t get here early...” He muttered at about the same volume as you. Deidara picked up his coffee, and by the vague silhouette, it appeared more than half full. “I haven’t even had all my coffee yet. What kind of person do you think I am?” You sighed in resignation, thanking him anyway before turning on your heel.
An uncaffeinated Deidara was a useless Deidara.
You reluctantly plopped down in front of Hidan who looked more than happy to see you.
“So—” Hidan waggled his light eyebrows at you. —“tomorrow…”
You looked up at him with a piercing glare. Deidara had offered to make you a drink earlier that morning and now you knew for sure that you greatly overestimated how long your minimal amount of sleep would last throughout the day. You were positive that you passed Ms. Senju’s test from your first class, but reviewing for that in tandem with work for the project from your second period class made for a late night. A small coffee wouldn’t have hurt. Perhaps an herbal tea. Anything would have been better than the nothing you opted for.
“What?” you asked, taking a second to physically blink away your exhaustion. It never worked for you in the past but it never hurt to try again.
“Tomorrow. You promised that I could take you out.” Hidan’s smile was nothing less than smug as he watched the gears turn in your head. You considered the memory, something that you were convinced had been a dream up until now.
“You mean when you came to my window in the middle of the night like a psycho stalker? I thought that was a stress-induced hallucination.” You rolled your eyes, only half paying attention as you prepared your various pens and binders for the period ahead of you. Your head shot up, confusion painted on your features. “Wait, you only mentioned something about the weekend.”
“Yeah, well I chose tomorrow.”
“And how was I supposed to know that? What if I had plans?” Hidan leaned a bit over his desk.
“I’m willing to put down money on the fact that you have no Saturday night plans.” Your mouth opened to retort, but Hidan got it spot on. You didn’t have plans and little other excuse to deny something that you promised, even if you were half-asleep.
The class began before you could answer. Your teacher began to speak as a few papers hit the center of your cluster of desks and you took it upon yourself to pass them out to your three deskmates. You handed a sheet to the two others at your table, but when you finally looked down, your blood ran cold. The header read: Group Project #1. You forgot all about what Deidara had warned you about. Hidan slowly reached over and pulled the top paper off of the ones still left in your hands.
“I’ll pick you up at seven,” he whispered and left you to your own spinning thoughts.
Hidan, to your surprise, said very little throughout your after school session. It actually worried you how little he spoke and it worried you more that he only stopped working to ask a few questions pertaining to the academic material. He sailed through the problems for the day and what took you hours to teach, he seemed to be able to replicate in a small portion of the time. You watched him quietly with your hands in your lap as Hidan stared at the simplification problem.
He etched down a few numbers and symbols with his face a bit too close to the table. You supposed whatever helped him focus worked just fine, but as he kept writing, your lips pursed. Hidan calculated that wrong. He paused at the same time you glanced over at him, his eyes still on the page. He quickly erased the previous step and pushed the pencil deeper into the paper. The large, jagged writing hardly covered up the dark spot he created when he corrected his mistake.
Hidan handed the completed worksheet to you and turned in his chair with expectant eyes. You scanned it over and quietly sighed at his sloppily circled answers. Despite the chicken scratch, they were all correct. You took in a sharp breath and your hand hit the table along with the paper.
“Tomorrow night, where are you taking me?” Hidan met your eye, humming. You decided against your better judgement that you would be letting him take you out after all. Worse came to worse, he’s just as annoying as usual. Hidan may be obnoxious, but you were confident that he could gracefully take ‘no’ for an answer if that was the answer you wanted to give him. You thought about it all throughout your last period class and ended up coming to a simple conclusion.
Fuck it, why not?
“Huh?” he asked rudely and your features drooped.
“Where are we going?” You only grew more tense as Hidan sat back in his chair, slowly shaking his head.
“Not telling you. It’s a surprise.” You should have expected as much and you began to file away your things back into your backpack. Hidan watched on with wide, puppy dog eyes. “Wait, what are we doing now?” You snorted.
“We?” You raised an eyebrow at him. Hidan stood when you did and you took a break from packing to roll some tension from your shoulder. He took the time to swing his large sport bag over his shoulder. “You finished your work early. Don’t you have practice to get to?” Hidan paused.
“Well yeah—” You began to walk away and he followed. —“but I’m always late, I got a reputation to uphold. If I knew that we’d just leave once I got done with that bullshit, I would have taken my time.” The halls were empty, but if you listened hard enough, you could hear music from the auditorium. You wondered how Deidara was fairing doing set.
“Don’t make me stay at school longer than I need to be,” you muttered as your tongue found the inside of your cheek. “So what am I supposed to wear? If you’re not telling me where you’re taking me I should at least know that before I look like an idiot.” Hidan only shrugged as you approached another set of cheap, double doors.
“Somethin’ sexy.” Part of his bag got caught on the doorway and Hidan’s own confident stride yanked him back. You scoffed, something about karma died on your lips.
“Want to try that one again?” you asked and watched on in amusement as Hidan took his bag off of his back in order to unhook the thread from the doorway. He ran a finger through his slicked back hair. Hidan always wore his emotions on his face and feelings of confusion proved to be no different.
“How should I know?” He recovered quickly and ran out in front of you to grab the last set of doors. The veins in his arm bulged as he carried his pack now by the top strap, the rest of his back still slung across his back. Your thoughts wandered again as you considered that perhaps Hidan wasn’t horrible to look at, but you snapped out of your thoughts when you realized that you had to answer his question.
“Because you’re the only one who knows where we’re going.” The cool, outside air hit you. Today actually seemed like nice weather. You were never overly a summer-type person, but you were excited at the prospect of graduation. Hidan’s hands rested on the back of his neck.
“I dunno, wear what you usually wear, I guess. See ya tomorrow.” And that’s all he said before he departed from the edge of the parking lot to the sports fields. A wave of something unfamiliar washed over you, something that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. All you knew was that you loathed it.
You brushed your hair one way and then the other… and then on second thought back again. Frustrated heat spread across your skin and you finally plopped back on your bed to give yourself a moment to cool off. You had no idea why you cared, considering who you were going to spend your time with. You and Hidan had known each other since you were little and never once in your time together in public school did you ever care about how you looked to Hidan.
“Gaaah!” You threw your head down between your knees, careful not to undo your, now, hours of preparation. Butterflies fluttered around your chest, marking about the second time in the past two days, but as you sat up, you assured yourself; you did not catch feelings for Hidan.
When he pulled up in front of your home, you quickly dashed out the door. The last thing you needed was for him to get out of his car and to be seen on your front step or worse, to honk his car horn in your driveway until you came out. That would certainly bring the entire neightborhood’s attention onto you. You bounded across your small yard and slid into the passenger’s seat with a zeal that might’ve gotten you onto Hidan’s baseball team. He gave you a once over with his usual goofy smile.
“Good to know that you’re glad to see me,” he said, watching on as you battled to get the seatbelt out from where you accidentally shut it in the door. You faced him, eyes and hair a bit wild, as you snapped the latch into the buckle.
“So where are we going?” Hidan let out a soft chuckle, but didn’t answer your question.  
“You’ll see, it’s not too far.” He put the car in drive. If you had any chance to duck out, it would be now. Tucking and rolling was a valid option, but as the scenery began to move slowly outside the window, you remained seated and silent.
Hidan’s elbow rested on the door while his hand brushed over his lower lip. As you found yourself staring, you realized that you had never given him a good look before. You always saw Hidan as the same obnoxious, crybaby you knew from elementary school, but for once you considered how much of a man he grew up to be. He got tall over the years, just as he used to brag that he would. Perhaps it was just odd seeing him outside of a school setting, you weren’t quite sure. And then you realized that he was talking.
—“were uptight about what to wear so I broke out the fancy jeans.” He glanced at you briefly and you tried to act as if you hadn’t been completely lost in thought. You fiddled with your hands sheepishly, embarrassed with yourself.
“The fancy jeans?” You snorted, “I was only asking about clothes so that I’d know what I needed to—” You laughed nervously before mentally kicking yourself for feeling nervous in the first place. You shook your head. “Nevermind. What makes them fancy? Do I even want to know?”
The street bustled with cars and people. Hidan pulled into an adjacent one with more parking. You weren’t sure if his puffed chest came from his focus parallel parking or from the prospect of talking more about his ‘fancy jeans’.
“These are the only pants I have that don’t have dirt stains on them,” he proclaimed as he finally settled into the parking spot. “They’re also American Eagle. I guess they have good jeans, but to be honest whenever I go into that place my dick starts to hurt, but like in a mental way? You know what I mean?”
You took a deep breath. Maybe things didn’t change much after all.
“Gross, Hidan.” You rolled your eyes and your seatbelt returned back to it’s usual spot to your right. He came around to meet you on the pavement.
“No, no, you know what I mean. That store sucks. I don’t know why they have to spray perfume in there all the time, it smells like shit.” He paused. “Or is that a different store?” Hidan’s head bobbed from side to side before you both continued forward, seeming to drop all American Eagle discourse completely. Music that you couldn’t quite make out played somewhere in the distance.
And just as you turned the corner you saw it. The top of a ferris wheel peeked over a few buildings and you found yourself taking the lead as you hurried Hidan over to the entrance. The parking lot tended to stay empty, but once a year, the carnival came. Between the rides, vendors, and booths, the classic, town-wide event ended up taking three whole blocks of typically empty space. Everything was donated and the proceeds went to local charity. You went all the time as a kid.
“Wow, I haven’t been here since the beginning of middle school.” You mused just loud enough for Hidan to hear. Stars glittered in your eyes as the nostalgia hit you in full force. He grabbed your hand as he eagerly escorted you forward to the ticket table.
“I knew just from looking at you that you lived under a fucking rock.” Before you could speak or even pull out your wallet, Hidan was already handing you your access wristband. “You need to take a break more often, you’re tense as shit all the time. And don’t start on that ‘let me pay you back’ shit either.”
You did feel guilty that he paid as the two of you stepped in, but you couldn’t deny a child-like excitement at the prospect of trying your hand at a few games. Giddy, you stuck the sticky end of your band loose enough for the neon paper to cling semi-comfortably around your wrist. Hidan had his bracelet pinned to his wrist using his torso as he grabbed with the sticky end.
“You look like you need help.” You took the bracelet in your own hands as you quickly wrapped it back around Hidan’s right wrist. His pretty irises met yours for the briefest of seconds. In the sunlight, his eyes truly held a soft violet. “All set.” Hidan’s hand dropped back to his side.
“So—” He gestured out widely before turning to you with a goofy grin. —“I hope you know that we’re going to hit every ride twice.” He backed up, still facing you. You followed, with your arms crossed playfully across your chest.
“You mean like that one?” You pointed to one behind Hidan, a tiny carousel made up of three small horses and most definitely meant for toddlers. He struggled, the mischievous look on his face growing wider as he backed up in the ride’s direction.
“Oh you won’t think I will? Because I will!”
“No!” You laughed, running over to tug him in the opposite direction by his arm. “I’m not getting kicked out of here because of you.”
“So I did a good job with the location?” The words left Hidan’s lips as more of a not-so-humble brag than an actual question. You maneuvered through the crowd of people as color lights illuminated the sky.
“Maybe,” you hummed and Hidan raised his brows in mock offense.
“Maybe,” he repeated with the corners of his lips upturned. Your nose turned upward as you walked. Your hand still rested on his arm.
“You’re fuckin’ with me. You can’t sit here and tell me that a bag of popcorn outranks a corn dog for you.” Hidan gestured widely to your plates, acutely distraught over the news that he just received. “God’s beloved creation.”
The two of you grew bored of waiting in lines by the time you had ridden most of the rides. You were at the end of the line of another when you both wordlessly decided that it was time to eat. You claimed a table before splitting up briefly to bring back every traditional, carnival food from each vendor.
“Corn dogs are disgusting! It should either be a hot dog or be nothing!” You exclaimed and almost snorted at how Hidan’s jaw dropped in horror. “Meanwhile—” You gestured to a plate piled high with popcorn from your oversized bag. —“kettle corn is a carnival staple. Ten out of ten perfect balance of sweet versus salty. Fight me, Hidan!” He swung one of his ankles over his knee, shaking his head slowly.
“You’re talking as if corn dogs aren’t a carnival staple. For fuck’s sake, it’s on a stick!” You picked up the pen that you had taken from the mini-golf area and Hidan groaned as you etched your choice down as the next numbered spot on your makeshift napkin paper.
“I’ll put corn dogs down at number six if that makes you feel better.” He pouted over his half-eaten pretzel as you giggled to yourself.
“Oh shit, Hidan! What’s up, babe?” A hand came to clamp down on Hidan’s shoulder and he turned to see the bruised face of Obito. He reached out his hand for Obito to dap up.
“What’s up, bitch? Get hit in the face with another ball?” Hidan turned on the table's bench, now facing his friend with his elbows propped against the table behind him. Obito pulled away from his friend in a fit of exaggerated frustration.
“Nah, it’s the same one, but everyone keeps saying it looks worse today!” You watched on from across the table. Obito was someone else that you usually never spoke to, but you did see him from time to time lugging along the same type of bag as Hidan. He seemed smart to you, if not a bit goofy, but that was the extent of which you were familiar with the Uchiha. You could have assumed that he would be good friends with Hidan. “Nagato is with me but I doubt you’d want to hang because he brought… you know… Konan.” You didn’t see Hidan’s face. Rather you decided that their conversation didn’t include you, so you looked off somewhere else accompanied by your excessively large bag of popcorn.
“Well, I won’t hang out because I’m with someone right now, but if you find us again and they want to say ‘hi’ then you know I don’t give a fuck.” Obito gave Hidan a pointed look before shifting his gaze to you. You pretended not to notice him staring.
“Okay, dude. We’ll see ya’.” Obito fluttered back into the crowd as Hidan turned back to you with apologies on his tongue.
“So top ten carnival foods!” he exclaimed, not so much as acknowledging his odd conversation with Obito. “The fuck were we on? Six? Seven?” You nodded, not wanting to pry. The atmosphere felt a bit more tense than before, but if Hidan intended to ignore it, so would you.
“Yeah, we were on seven.”
The discomfort didn’t linger for long, but it also wasn’t the last you saw of Obito.
“You want a huge-ass bear?” Hidan asked.
The amount of people around you almost seemed to double from the time you first arrived. The two of you stood to the side as Hidan stared over at a few of the game booths. It was the only thing that you hadn’t gone to so far. The sky had turned completely dark and the stars were completely drowned out by the lights flashing below. You recognized a few of the songs playing from the radio. Hidan’s arm rested laxly across your shoulders. You didn’t remember when it got there, but you made no effort to shimmy away from him.
“You think you could win one? Those games are so rigged.” You watched together as a few people tried their hand at the throwing game. The stack of weighted milk bottles stared upright and mockingly back at them. Hidan began to usher you forward with him.
“Well lucky for you, we have an advantage.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” Hidan leaned down, positioning his lips right next to your ear. Heat rose to the surface of your skin and you prayed that Hidan didn’t notice. You didn’t have to see his face to feel his wide smirk.
“I’m a pitcher.”
His arm left you as he handed a few dollars to the volunteer employee, leaving you to your scoffing. You suddenly felt colder. A shiver went down your spine, although it might not have had anything to do with the cool, night air. Standing at the ready, he offered your one last glance, not even bothering to hide his own self-satisfaction before knocking down the stack of bottles in one, precise hit.
“If I do it twice, I get a big-ass one right?” He placed another few dollars on the counter, insisting that he didn’t need another baseball in addition to the other two he held. And with another throw, the second stack came toppling down. You couldn’t help but shake your head and laugh as he made a grand show out of selecting his prize. You gave him a playful round of applause.
“I stand corrected.” Hidan looked as smug as ever as he plopped a large, honey colored plushie in your arms. Between that and your bag of popcorn, you weren’t even sure if anyone could see you. You heard Obito’s voice somewhere over the bear’s bright red ribbon.
“Damn, you just got to this one? I think the whole team has one of these now.”
“Obito, you’re sure everywhere today.” Hidan glanced at Nagato and Konan who stood to Obito’s left. “Fancy seeing you guys here.” They said a quiet greeting and nothing more, but Hidan continued to beam his usual smile, another thing that you couldn’t see. Your bag of kettle corn dropped to the ground, still tied up although now lopsided, as you fumbled with your new prize.
“Hi,” you waved, feeling like you had to say something now that everyone’s attention fell onto you. Hidan scooped up your fallen bag and his arm returned to its place across your shoulders. He gave the trio a curt nod and cut off Obito just as he began to speak.
“We were actually headed out. See you guys Monday.”
And you quickly retreated. Another interaction that you didn’t ask about.
Hidan didn’t lie, the two of you got to do everything that you set out to do before the carnival closed for the night. The car ride back to your house felt short and a sense of disappointment welled up in your chest as your house came into view. Your bear sat in the back seat where Hidan had buckled it in. And soon enough, Hidan had parked in your little driveway and you were at a loss. You didn’t know what to say. He looked at you, visibly a bit worried as you gaped rather than making any sort of move to exit his car.
You didn’t know what demon possessed you, you really didn’t, but you leaned over, grabbed the collar of Hidan’s shirt and kissed him right on the lips. His large hand came to cup the side of your face after a second of initial shock. It was sloppy, being your first kiss, but Hidan seemed to know what he was doing so you followed his lead. He leaned forward a bit over the console so that you didn’t have to crane your neck. You broke away around the same time the sheer horror of what you had done hit you in full, dazed and mortified. Hidan, on the other hand, gazed upon you with sheer amusement and something else that you didn’t have the mental capacity to decipher. You found yourself unable to decide between ‘thank you’ and ‘I had a great time’ and what came out was a resulting,
“Thanks! Great!”
You set a speed record bolting from Hidan’s passenger seat and in through your front door. Your bear still sat buckled in the back of his car.
Senioritis (each character series interweaves with the others, but they can be read alone or in any order)
Table Four (Hidan x Reader), Part I Part II Part III Part IV Part V Part VI
Table Two (Deidara x Reader), Part I 
Senioritis: Lab (Sasori x Reader) Part I Part II
Notes: Wow this fic is kinda bringing up feelings from high school that I... didn’t know were there. Yikes.
Thank you to all who liked, reblogged, followed and otherwise supported. Your support means so much and is greatly appreciated.
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kookdbean · 3 years
a/n: another addition to so it goes! just little snippets of acts of service between jungkook and oc. this takes place over the first school year together. also, if you guys have any ideas for more drabbles, pls send them in! enjoy! warnings: mentions of food consumption, coffee consumption, hints at students family life.
series masterlist
It's Friday, the end of the second week of school.
The past three days, Jungkook and you have been arriving at the same time. You'd wait for one another, catching up from the day before since you parted. He'd crack a joke about how he wasn't sure what tires him out more, his roommate's stupid shit or waking up early five days in a row.
Today, you're running twenty minutes behind; twenty-five minutes before school started.
Teeth brushed and face washed were your first two priorities this morning. You were able to throw your hair up into a messy updo; not having enough time for the full routine, only patting moisturizer into your skin. It would be enough to make it seem like you put some effort, right?
It's after you've parked, backpack hanging over your shoulder, tote bag hanging low from your hand, that you spot Jungkook's car and freeze.
Did you leave him waiting?
Clocked in, you make your way to drop off your belongings in your room as fast as you can. No one stops you in the hall, a small sigh of relief leaves you. Who knows how long Ms. Lee Ji-Wan, a second grade teacher who literally beams sunshine, would have kept you if she spotted you.
A moment, just a small moment you allow yourself. A moment where you're not rushing yourself, worried about being somewhere, in the comfort and stillness of your classroom. Hand rubbing your nape, head slowly rolling out to the side. Just a moment.
And it's not ruined, not when you hear three soft knocks on your door before sliding open.
Jungkook's head is poking in, his wide eyes searching the room before settling on you. His eyes quickly look you over before he allows himself in, door closing behind him.
"You didn't wait, did you?" is the first thing that comes out of your mouth, your hand moving down to rub your fingers against your collarbone.
"Not long, no," Jungkook reassures you, not staying still.
"Jungkook," you frown, reaching over to your desk for your coffee, that you realize you forgot when your fingers wrap around nothing, balling up into a loose fist.
"Here," Jungkook laughs, moving his hand from behind his back. An iced coffee.
Hands instantly clasping against your chest, big eyes and a hopeful tug of your eyebrows; your facial expression reading, "is that for me?" Jungkook laughs, holding the coffee out to you, shaking it to show you that it's real, and it's for you.
"I got here just before you, actually. I was in the mood for some expensive coffee and figured you'd like one, too," Jungkook explains, that smile never leaving his lips.
The end of a meeting is always such a relief.
The quiet, exciting buzz that comes with the meeting being called to it's end, almost like an exhale that relieves your body from the weights of the world for just that moment; weightless and carefree.
The chairs being pushed away so teachers could stand, the sound of shuffling paper and occasional crumple, quiet chatter while some people gathered together, others just making their way of the room. Talk of lunch plans, upcoming events (personal and 'professional').
That was feeling is what you look forward to at the start of every meeting.
It's the feeling you relish this moment. Tae-yeon rubs your forearm, telling you she'll see you after the day ends before rushing off to join Jae-eon, physical education teacher. You look after her, standing up, watching as the pair makes their way out of the room.
You turn back towards the center of the room, eyes scanning the room until you spot Jungkook.
Jungkook's not in the spot he deemed as his unassigned assigned seat during meetings, but at the front of the room, talking to the principal. His body language is animated; his papers on the chair closest to him, hands moving regardless of close they are to his body. You could see how his eyes widened and his tone came off as serious, passionate.
You can't help but watch. You can't help but wonder what he was so passionate about, what he was sharing with the principal.
You can't take your eyes away, not until they bow to each other and the principal is turning towards you, to make his way to the exit behind you. Quickly, you duck your head and a quiet wish leaves your lips, "have a good day, sir."
"You waited," Jungkook simply says, your head turning upwards and eyes automatically moving to his face.
"Yeah," you hum.
"You didn't have to," Jungkook reassures with a small smile, folding his small stack of papers in half and tucking it under his arm. He makes his way towards you, hand gesturing towards the door.
"Yeah, but I wanted to. We always go to lunch afterwards," you state.
"Oh," Jungkook falters behind you. He watches you make your way to the door, turning midway when you don't feel his presence.
"You wait for me," you shot back, a teasing look on your face.
"Yeah, because I haven't been sucked into a teacher's clique," Jungkook defends jokingly.
You're looking over the math worksheets from this morning, red pen in one hand, chopsticks handling japchae in other.
"This is DEAN" playlist on Spotify plays softly from your computer. You hum, in tune to the music and to the taste of the japchae that your roommate, Sana, made last night.
You don't hear the door open, your face down towards the container of noodles. Cheeks full and puffed out, you throw your head back, a quiet moan, eyes closed. God, you loved noodles.
"You okay?" Jungkook laughs, taking you by surprise.
Head lowering to look at him, your eyes are wide and don't bother chewing, just watching as Jungkook gets closer.
"I thought you had lunch plans," you struggled, slowly chewing and swallowing, repeating the process until your mouth becomes empty again.
Jungkook laughs again, reaching over to twist the cap off your bottle of juice open before handing it to you.
"Take it slow."
You wave him off, taking a sip, eyes looking him up and down.
"You didn't met up with your friend... Seokjin?" you ask curiously, hoping you got the name right.
"I did," Jungkook nods and taps his finger against your desk, "but Jin-hyung had something come up."
Your lips pout, brows furrowing, "Sorry. I know you were looking forward to it."
"It's fine, I know where he lives," Jungkook cackles, placing a small container in front of you, "but just as I promised..."
"Is this the cake he made last time?" You gasp hopefully, pulling yourself closer.
There's a glimmer in your eyes, it makes Jungkook laugh quietly, shoulders shaking and nose scrunching up as he nods.
"He gave me some extra after I mentioned that I shared it with a friend from work," Jungkook smiles, popping the lid open.
What you didn't know about Jungkook that his hyung(s) did was that Jungkook only shared food with people he really cared about.
Since the days Jungkook and you used to just magically show up at the same time to school and wait for each other so that you could enter the building together (neither you or Jungkook know that the other peeked at the time when they realized that arrive at that time, thus the new addition to their daily routines), you've both had the other's phone number.
First, texts were exchanged when one of you decided to go for a coffee run, always asking the other if they wanted something.
Then came the texts to tell the other that you were running late (you showed up ten minutes before the school day started just to find that someone turned on your computer).
Following that were the texts that came in the evening. The "what was the name of the website that you those pens?," "what was the dish you mentioned Namjoon made for dinner?," the "I have roommate cake and coffee tomorrow morning!!!"
You remember the first time Jungkook took a sick day, after the winter break, after you'd deemed yourselves friends and not just coworkers.
You're in the teacher's lounge, lips hovering over your water bottle. You're pretending to pay attention to your phone, thumb scrolling against the screen as if you're on social media, but in reality, you had your conversation with Jungkook opened. Subtly trying to type out everything you were hearing in the teacher's lounge.
"before you call me a child, I just have to say... you chose the wrong day to be absent, mr. jeon."
Jeon Jungkook: what is this? are we fourteen? are you trying to get me to wonder what the day is like without me?
You scoff to yourself, trying to bite back a smile.
Jeon Jungkook: when I woke up again this morning, it was already 10am, and the first thing that popped into my head was that it was two hours into the school day and math is almost over.
A laugh leaves your lips, the noise from the nearby teachers becoming quiet as they looked over at you.
Eventually, your texts ranged throughout the entire day. From the morning texts asking if the other wants coffee, texts swapping recipes in the late afternoon, to just asking about weekend plans and just...talking to one another.
"I'll have you know, Jeon Jungkook, that my Saturdays are sacred," you gushed, waggling your finger jokingly.
Jungkook snorts, pushing the cart past you, leaving you standing there. He throws a quick glance over his shoulder at you, rolling his eyes with a smile on his face.
"No one forced you to tag along," Jungkook points out.
"You're right. But, you also know that I cannot and will not turn down a lunch invitation," you sigh dramatically.
"Ah, so when you see my face, you see a money bag?"
"Didn't you hear? The way to someone's heart is through their stomach," you sigh, hand over your chest, walking closer to where Jungkook's stopped.
Jungkook's looking at things that he can gift the students in the after school art club. You both had already gotten little gifts for your respective classes, but Jungkook had told you that he wanted to give his art kids some supplies so that they'd be encouraged to keep doing art; supplies that parents couldn't afford or in some cases, didn't want to purchase.
"I have three students who go to high school next year," Jungkook murmurs to himself, scratching the back of his neck, "but I don't want the rest of them to think I don't care about them."
"What were you planning on getting for them?" you ask gingerly, hands running over the different sketchbook covers.
"Taehyung was able to get some good quality mixed media sketch books from the art museum. They hold workshops every week and he found some extras," Jungkook turns to look at you, a hint of a soft smile, "so I was thinking a basic watercolor set, some pencils, color pencils?"
"Mmm, maybe leave the water colors for the ones going to high school? Not that you don't trust the younger ones, but water colors seems like some more responsibility," you comment.
Jungkook hums back in acknowledgement, moving to stand next to you. The hairs on the back of your neck stand at his proximity, your heart racing when you catch his scent.
"You added erasers and sharpeners?"
"Pencil set."
"Hmm," your eyes scanning down the aisle. You spot chalk hanging at the end of the aisle, hand reaching out to pat Jungkook's bicep before quickly moving down the aisle. Adjusting your bag onto your shoulder, you dramatically gesture towards the various packs of chalk.
"Not only can they make art in their sketch books, but out in the neighborhood," you try telling it to him like a salesman at a car dealership, "art that can be remade, reworked. Sidewalks, driveways, whatever!"
Jungkook can't fight off the laugh as he doubles over, his laugh echoing around him.
His laugh is contagious, it might be your favorite sound. It has you breaking character, your laugh joining his; a symphony that could bring crowds together, one that people never wanted to stop hearing.
"What? It's not good?" you defend yourself through giggles.
"Did I say something?" Jungkook chuckles, pushing the cart towards you, carefully placing several packs of chalk in.
"Did I win myself some dessert?" you turn away to peek at the other aisles.
"That already came included with the lunch offer. You, my friend, have won yourself something even better."
You realize Jungkook's movement until you hear his voice right in your ear.
"You get to pick one thing from the store and I'll buy it for you."
You shiver, stepping away from him, overwhelmed. You try to brush off the way the back your neck heats up, your heart beats a little faster, your hands get a little clammy. Just a moment to compose yourself, yet, a moment becomes too long when the hairs on the back of your neck fall back down and his scent is no longer surrounding you.
You look up with wide eyes, watching Jungkook make his way into the aisle that had "acrylic and oil points" written at the top.
"Wait!" You call out, trying to catch up to him, "you can't judge what I pick!"
tagging: @yslkook
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babyyweebbitch · 4 years
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: Strong language, crying (but they’re happy tears)
Years after Reunited again
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Six years had passed since highschool, Bakugo and Y/N were in a happy relationship with each other, they developed a crush on each other after their second year of highschool and dated ever since
Once the two graduated together they moved in with each other, a nice three bedroom apartment since they can afford it from money they had saved up
Y/N was cleaning up around the apartment while Bakugo was out again, he’s been leaving the apartment almost every morning at the same time and Y/N had thoughts he was cheating on her but she knew he would never ever cheat on her
The two were the kind to talk to each other about serious things about that, talk after an argument even when Bakugo didn’t wanna talk about it, Y/N somehow made him talk and everything would be good again
So if they weren’t happy in the relationship they would come to a mutual agreement to either take a break or break up to see other people
7:34 P.M
Bakugo had come home and he sighed softly as he took his shoes off by the door and looked around for his girlfriend
“Oi Y/N! Come here real quick!” Over the years Bakugo had calmed down with his lil ‘kill everyone’ ‘I’m better than you’ attitude
Y/N came from the bedroom in one of Bakugos large shirts and thigh high socks “Yes?”
“First happy early anniversary and we have somewhere to go tomorrow morning” Bakugo had said as he took her smaller hands into his, he had a smile on his face that nobody ever saw before her
“Ooh! Where?” Y/N happily asked as she held onto his hands, she was a very curious person
“Now wouldn’t that ruin the surprise?”
Y/N laughed softly as she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went into the kitchen
“I know silly, don’t tell me! Also I made you your favourite! Spicy Ramen with all my love!” She said as she started to get him a bowl with his food in it
Bakugo sat down at the table as he watched her, he was mesmerised by her, the way she moved so delicately, the way her hair swayed in that ponytail of hers, the way she hummed — He knew he wanted to spend the rest of his life with her and start a family with this woman
He finally was snapped back into reality when she walked over and placed the bowl in front of him
“Do you want anything to drink?”
“Huh? Oh um..... Just water please” Bakugo was nervous about tomorrow, but it was gonna be worth it, Y/N placed a glass of water next to him and sat down to talk with him so he didn’t get lonely
8:01 A.M
Bakugo usually woke up early in the morning so he can workout, shower and get ready before Y/N did. After he showered and got dressed in an all black outfit he went to wake her up
“Y/N... Happy anniversary!” Bakugo shook her awake a bit and he sat next to her on the bed
“H-huh..?” She slowly sat up and rubbed her eyes before looking over at him, her hair was a mess but be thought it was adorable “H-happy anniversary!” She said happily as she hugged him tightly and a kiss was placed on her forehead
“Get ready! We need to be there by 9:30. I figured I wake you up early so you can shower and stuff”
“Alright!” She got up from the bed and that’s when a smack was placed on her ass, not a hard one but Bakugo did it out of habit. I mean, who wouldn’t smack an ass like that
After about thirty minutes Y/N brushed her hair and put it into a ponytail, her hair was long and curly. She’s dyed it a few times and it still looked healthy as hell
“You ready?” He leaned on the door frame as he watched her get ready, she was so beautiful to him he could just stare at her forever
“Yeah, I just need makeup on”
“Why? You’re naturally beautiful, you don’t need it”
That’s when her cheeks immediately turned red as she looked at herself before leaving the bathroom to put on a black dress, she liked matching with Bakugo since she felt closer to him when she did
“You’re too sweet to me..”
“Just saying the truth”
9:26 A.M
The two got to the place and Bakugo got out the car and opened the door for her
“Okay, I’m gonna have to cover your eyes until we get inside.”
“Just don’t trip me” she jokingly said as she felt Bakugos hands go over her eyes and he guided her into the building, they went slowly so they both didn’t trip, they stopped after three minutes and Bakugo stood behind her
“Okay you can open them” The male said from behind her. Once she opened her eyes she had saw a huge screen with a projector pointed towards it, the room went dark and all she saw was a two minutes video, with different videos and pictures they took over the years together
She was tearing up from the video and she played with her bracelet he had on
“Without you Y/N I wouldn’t know what I’d do... Ive never felt happier with anyone ever in my life. You are the sunshine to my dark days. Always so kind, happy and putting other first before yourself” the voice over in the video said
“I love you... forever and always.... Turn around”
Y/N turned around and saw Bakugo on one knee holding a black box with a ring inside of it
“Y/N... I’ve been planning this day for months, for hours and hours... I’ve had to restart a few times because I wanted to get it just right for you. And I wanted to do this on our anniversary.. Will you marry me, Y/N L/N?” Bakugo said, trying to hard not to shed a tear but he was so nervous that one rolled down his cheek
“Yes! Yes yes yes!” She said happily before going to hug him tightly. When she said yes his worries went away and he held her tightly wrapped his arms around her waist
Bakugo cried into her shoulder for a few seconds before pulling away and putting the ring on her finger, Y/N looked at her hand she couldn’t help but cry as she saw it
Shes wanted to marry Bakugo for so long... She’s thought about growing old with him, having kids with him, babysitting their grandchildren. She’s wanted that for years and years
“I’m never taking it off! I’m keeping it on forever!”
This had to be the best anniversary ever...
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bananapie99 · 4 years
Leaving Home
Part I of my new Home series
Part II here
Part III here
Part IV here
Inspired by Welcome Home from Bandstand the musical
Bucky Barnes x Reader, Steve Rogers (brother) x Reader
The scraping of a key in the lock jolted you back to reality. Your hands flew to the chest on top of yours and shoved back. Quickly you attempted to straighten out your dress and rake your fingers through your hair. You straightened his tie and desperately swiped your hand over the lipstick smudged onto his lips. Your hand found its home back in your lap from wiping around your own mouth just as the door swung open. A silent prayer danced across your lips as your brother’s eyes came to meet yours from the doorway.
“You’re home early,” you noted in what you hoped was your usual tone.
He shrugged off his coat casually. “Got lucky today I guess.”
I don’t think he caught on to what he practically just walked in on....
The man next to you on the sofa cleared his throat. “Busy day punk?”
“You wouldn’t believe it Buck. I’m just happy to be home now.”
Just as you thought you were off the hook, your brother seemed to pause mid thought.
“Buck, why are you here? I thought you weren’t gonna be by ‘til tonight.”
“Oh, ya know punk, I was just around. Thought I’d stop by and see how your sister was doin’.”
“Steve, when is he not here?” You try to say it casually, with a little laugh in your tone.
That seemed to satisfy him. “Alright I’m starved,” he said walking down the hall. “What’s for dinner tonight (y/n)?
Dinner. You hadn’t even thought about that today. You were a little...preoccupied.
“Umm...” Your thoughts were interrupted by a nip at your collarbone. You shoved your elbow towards Bucky and let out a soft growl. “Not now James.”
He let out a laugh and threw his hands up in surrender.
“I was thinkin’ I would just heat up the meatloaf from last night. I’ll get that goin’.”
As you stood from the couch to head towards the kitchen, Bucky made a grab for your waist. You stumbled back a step but he was quick to catch you on his lap.
“Beautiful and quick on her toes,” he whispered into your ear. Heat rushed to your cheeks, his warm breath brushing your neck sent a tingle down your spine.
Pulling yourself together again, you pushed off him. “Still not the time. Care to help me in the kitchen?”
“Baby doll, you know I don’t cook.”
“Well at least keep me company?” You batted your eyelashes and held your hand out towards him.
Rolling his eyes he replied “how am I supposed to say no to that face?”
With a smile, you risked a quick peck to his cheek. Heavy footsteps approached and you dropped Bucky’s hand, making a beeline to the kitchen. Pulling the leftovers out, you strained your ears to try and catch what Steve and Bucky are talking about, listening for any clues that your brother was not as clueless to what he walked in on as he seems. Sadly, your hearing has never been amazing, so you were left praying for the best.
Lost in your worry and preparing the meatloaf, you jumped out of your skin as familiar hands slid across your waist. Out of fear that Steve would hear, you managed to choke on your scream.
“James, stop it! Steve could walk in and see.”
“You think I’d let him catch me with my hands on his baby sister? That wouldn’t end too good for me baby doll. He’s got a headache, said he wanted to lay down for a bit.”
Bucky’s hands on you, his chin resting on top of your head softened the blow of Steve not joining you for dinner. Feeling the sudden slump in your shoulders, he squeezed at your hips.
“Chin up cookie. You’re all decked out and now we can have a nice little dinner for two.” He spun you around to give you a real kiss. Whether you were dizzy from the spin or the kiss was anybody’s guess.
The rest of the night was a bit of a blur between the wine and Bucky. Steve must have decided to call it a night and never made an appearance. Even so, you two tried your best to keep your voices low and your hands to yourself... mostly.
A little past midnight Bucky decided to head home. “Wish I could stick around, but I don’t want your neighbors thinkin’ you’re a different kinda dame, baby doll.”
More intoxicated by the wine than him, you stumbled to the door of your apartment, steadied by Bucky’s hands, to let him out.
“Goodnight (y/n), I’ll see ya tomorrow.” He pulled your hand up to his lips and left a soft, lingering kiss. “Lock the door behind me.” With a wink, he disappeared into the night.
Somehow you found your way to your bed and fell asleep as soon as your head hit your pillow.
You woke up with your head throbbing, dreading opening your eyes. Then a noise caught your ear. You could not understand the words being spoken, but it was definitely two men talking. Steve and Bucky. The thought of seeing Bucky provided the necessary motivation to try and get up. No way were you getting all dolled up feeling like this, but you found your way to the bathroom to wash your face and brush your teeth. You cleaned off the smeared makeup left over from yesterday and just added a little mascara. Yesterday’s dress was all wrinkled from sleep, but it would do for now. Following the mumbles, you found your way to the living room where Steve and Bucky were seated on the couch.
The sight in front of you seemed foreign and you could not pick up on what it meant. Bucky’s head hung low in his hands, a piece of paper seated next to him, your bother’s hand on his shoulder.
“It will be okay Buck.”
Your eyes zeroed in on the paper again. The longer you looked at it, the deeper it sunk into the cushions, the heavier the air got in the room. Suddenly you felt off-balance. When did the stars start coming out with the sun?
You woke up on the couch, Steve and Bucky’s faces coming in and out of focus. Finally your eyes locked on Bucky’s and that was when you broke down, sobs shaking your whole body. Both men put a hand on you in concern.
Bucky spoke first. “Baby doll, what’s wrong?”
“You- you c-can’t leave. They can’t m-make you go.”
The words were tangled in your throat, fighting their way out.
“I’ll be okay (y/n), I promise. I’ll be home before you know it. I could never leave my best girl.”
You were too upset to register the implication of what was just said, but Steve was not.
“Your best what?” His tone was caught somewhere between shocked and indignant.
“Steve, I’ve been tryin’ to decide when to talk to you...”
“You- You’re with my sister?”
“You gotta understand, I love her, I really do.”
Silence is deafening. You had never understood what that meant until now. Somehow you sat yourself up on the couch and reached for Bucky. He moved closer, taking a seat next to you. The rough pad of his thumb wiped at your tears, pleading with them to disappear. You collapsed into his chest, no longer afraid of what your brother might think, instead afraid of losing the man you love to your country. Steve remained quiet, observing the two of you. He watched you relax into Bucky’s arms, your sobs softening to whimpers. He saw how Bucky stroked your back, how he fingered through your hair. He saw Bucky’s lips moving near your ear, the words inaudible to him, but seemingly soothing to you. Steve’s body relaxed with your heart rate. When you turned to face Steve, his heart shattered. Your face puffy from crying, mascara staining your cheeks, your arms extended to Steve. He knelt in front of you and pulled you into him.
“It’ll be okay (y/n). He’ll come back to us. He’ll come back to you.”
You could not bring yourself to look at the paper, could not bring yourself to ask when he had to leave. Bucky opened his mouth to speak.
“Please,” you whispered. “Not yet. Don’t tell me when. Not yet.”
He nodded and kissed the top of your head before pulling you back into his chest.
Bucky did not leave Steve and your apartment that day, even decided to stay the night. The men would be lying if they said they were not worried about you. Something broke in you upon arrival of that letter. That night before bed you finally asked.
“Buck... when do you have to go?” Tears threatened to spill over but you fought them back.
“In a week baby doll. We have time.”
A week was no time at all. A week to live a lifetime. It could easily be the last week at home for his lifetime.
Stop it. You cannot think like that right now. Bucky is here, safe in front of you. What comes after this is not yet your concern. Love him now. You squeezed Bucky tight, as tight as you could. He hugged you back, gentler but just as desperate. His hands slid around your waist to hold you there. He started rubbing up and down your back as he felt your chest start to shake.
“No need for tears cookie, not tonight. I’ll be right here waitin’ when you wake up.”
The next few days went by quicker than you would like. Before you knew it Bucky was leaving tomorrow. How can that be correct? He just got his letter yesterday.
Steve was kind, understanding of the new relationship between you and Bucky. Well, new to Steve. The two of you had been sneaking around for a while. You had been scared your relationship would ruin their friendship. You loved Bucky, but you would never put your happiness before the two of them. They had been inseparable your whole life. Whether Steve would have always taken it this well or if it was a result of the letter, you would never be sure. Knowing Steve, you believe he would have gotten to this place eventually, it just might have taken a little longer under normal circumstances. You caught the two of them talking and laughing the night before, same as always. That warmed your heart. Both of the men had been so concerned with how you were handling the letter, you were worried they had not processed the information for themselves. As the thought crossed your mind, you caught the little sniffles and chokes mixed in with their laughter.
Bucky was acting different today. How could you blame him? He ships off tomorrow for training. It’s 1943, by now you all knew the statistics of those shipped overseas. Holding onto hope was necessary to not just collapse then and there, but that was an exhausting task.
You got all dolled up that day for Bucky. You put on his favorite dress, which had actually been a Christmas gift from him the year before. It was beautiful. The dress was navy blue with a scoop neck that showed off your collar bones. The sleeves ended just above your elbows, the waist cinched in with a matching belt, and the A line skirt landing just above your knees. You spent extra care on your makeup this morning, though you are sure the mascara will not last the night.
The morning and afternoon went by as it would any other day, the three of you pushing the inevitable to the back of your minds.
Around four o’clock that evening Steve asked you to run an errand. It seemed inconsequential given the circumstance and you argued it could be done in a few days. Steve insisted it be done now, and indignantly you left the apartment.
You arrived back around forty-five minutes later, errand completed. As you inserted your key into the lock, you picked up music coming from inside. Once the door opened you instantly recognized the tune, Glenn Miller’s “Tuxedo Junction,” your and Bucky’s song. The lights were low, candles everywhere. You did not remember owning this many candles. You followed their glow and the music into the dining area. There Bucky was seated, dressed in his best suit, waiting for you.
“James, what’s goin’ on?”
“Sit down baby doll.” Bucky got up from his seat to pull out your chair.
As you sat down, he pushed your chair back in and leaned down to kiss you.
“I should be doin’ this for you, you shouldn’t be doin’ this for me.”
He let out a low laugh. “No (y/n), tonight is all about you.”
This felt backwards. He was the one leaving for war, not you.
Steve appeared from the kitchen, two plates in hand. He sat one in front of each of you, then retreated back towards the kitchen.
“Steve where are you goin’? You should be eating with us.”
“Tonight is for you, (y/n). Bucky and I had our time while you were out.”
With that he disappeared and you and Bucky were left alone, just the food, music, and candle glow to keep you company.
The two of you were silent for a while, afraid speaking would ruin the illusion that this was just a romantic night in with one another, and not possibly your last.
Bucky was the first to speak.
“(Y/n), you know I love you, right?”
“Of course James, why would you even ask that?”
“I know we’ve been dancin’ around what tomorrow means.”
Your heart dropped at the mention of it. He noticed the change in your demeanor and reached a hand across the table to hold yours.
“Baby doll, I love you more than I thought a man could ever love anything. You make up my whole world. Without you, there is no life I want to live.”
“Promise me you’ll be waitin’ for me when I get home.”
“Of course I will James. My heart leaves with you tomorrow.”
“(Y/n)... I talked to Steve, asked for his blessing.”
His blessing? You are both adults, there is no need to ask for a blessing to love one another.
He stood from his chair and took a step closer to you before kneeling.
“(Y/n), I know there’s no time before I leave, but when I get back...” He reached into his coat, fingers pinching an object. His hand came back out and the object caught the candlelight, creating a little sparkle like in a dream.
A ring.
“When I get back, will you do me the honor of marrying me? Since our first secret date I knew you were the one, cookie. Please make me the happiest man on Earth.”
You lunged forward, taking his face in your hands and kissed him as tears streamed down your face.
“Yes, James. I am yours forever and always.”
He slid the ring onto your finger. It was beautiful, elegant in its simplicity. For such a small ring, it weighed heavily on your finger.
When I get back he had said, but he meant if. If I get back.
Please God, bring him back.
The night was again a blur, made up of wine and Bucky. Your Bucky. That night he slept with you, tradition be damned. Steve did not even bat an eye as you led Bucky towards your room. All of the ifs weighed heavy between the three of you.
Morning came too fast, and Bucky gathered his things to leave. You did not bother with makeup this morning. It would all be gone before he even stepped out the door. You stayed in bed while he got everything in order. He found you there, wrapped tight in your blanket and clearly lost in your thoughts. He slid behind you, placing an arm over your waist, pushing his face into the back of your head, clinging onto your scent.
“It’s time, baby doll.” He spoke just above a whisper.
No. Not yet. It’s not fair.
At that moment you broke again, violently, much like when you first saw the letter.
“Shhh, it’s okay cookie. I’ll be back in a jiffy, just you wait. I’ll write ya a letter every day. Cross my heart.”
Knowing this was even harder for Bucky than it was for you, you forced the tears to stop. You forced the sobs silent, and you turned to face Bucky.
“I love you James.”
“I love you (y/n).”
With his help, you got out of bed and headed towards the front door. Steve was sitting on the couch, waiting. He stood when he was the two of you. Bucky walked over to him and gave him a hug. Both men teared up, praying this was only a temporary goodbye.
“Don’t do anything stupid ‘til I get back.”
“How can I? You’re taking all the stupid with you.”
One last embrace and they let go.
Bucky turned back to you and opened his arms. You leapt into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist and your arms around his neck. You buried your face in him, your turn to memorize his scent.
He kissed your head and you looked up. Steve was right there, but neither of you cared, and I doubt he did either. Bucky kissed you, long and deep, trying to make up for all the kisses you will miss between now and who knows when the war will end. The kiss of a lifetime.
He set you down, wrapped one arm around you again in an attempt to delay his departure. He released you, hand landing on the doorknob. He twisted it and pulled the door open. One last look back.
“Come home James.”
“Before you even have time to miss me.”
With a wink he closed the door.
Requests are open!
Tags: @belladonnabarnes @moteldwelling
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gloriafc · 4 years
Slight greys anatomy mention
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You're Eddie's daughter. You were the product of a teen pregnancy, the reason your parents got married. They had Christopher as an attempt to save their marriage and it worked for a little bit. When your mom left you were also graduating high school and ready to go off to college.
"Dad I don't have to go. I can take a year off. You need help with Christopher." "I can handle it mija. You go and become a doctor like you want. Make us proud okay?" And you do just that, the year you graduate med school is the same year he joins the 118. You take a trip to visit them and help them move before your internship starts, Christopher of course is very happy to see you without a screen separating you two and your dad is happy to see how much you've grown.
You start your internship in Seattle, becoming a surgeon at Seattle Grace.
When the fire station finds out about Christopher, no one finds out about you, your dad not knowing how to bring up that he has an adult daughter.
When the incident with the bomb in the or happens, your dad is worried about you resulting in him finally telling the firehouse about you. "Why didn't you ever say anything?" "I don't know. I don't put pictures up, there was never any reason. But now." "Now she's been injured."
They don't get the chance to meet you until the mass shooting, you've been shot twice in your side protecting others. Your dad is your emergency contact and gets the call while he's at work. He freezes as he listens to the doctor talk, "She's alive though right?" Everyone can hear the worry in his voice an immediately question him when he gets off the phone. Bobby immediately gives him time off as he and Christopher head to Seattle to visit you.
It kills Eddie to see you injured, you're his baby girl after all, but you hide your pain well around Christopher. After you get discharged you decide to head back to LA during your time off to heal and to be with your family. So you finally get to meet everyone. Of course Buck quickly becomes the protective uncle you never had, and you're happy to see that your dad has a friend like him.
Halfway through your visit is when your mom comes back, and you don't really know how to feel. You've always bumped heads with her, but it got worse when she'd fight with your dad, even worse when she decided to leave and never made it to any of your graduations. And now you're an adult who watched you're dad build up everything she tore down. She didn't know that you were staying with your dad and tried to hide her reaction when she saw you sitting on the couch with Christopher playing a game of cards.
You tried to keep things civil but you can only do so much on your part. You kept your responses short or hardly spoke unless spoken too, until one night you both finally snapped. There was nothing Eddie could do, he loved you both, but he knew this was something you both needed to work out. "Admit it mom. If you knew I was here you never would've come back, not yet at least." "Y/N-" "No! I bet you don't even know the reason why I'm here. Fuck you couldn't even show up to my graduations. You say you left for yourself but what about your kids? You said dad never made time because of work, but he did. He was there. Me and Christopher forgave him for the things he missed because he made up for it. And you were too busy being pissed that once you got the chance you dipped. You probably don't even know that I went to medical school. That I put in so much effort I graduated early. That I'm a surgeon and one of the ones at the top of my class. And you can't even be proud because I'm a mistake." No one knows how to respond so you continue, "Admit it. You never would've married dad if I wasn't born, if I wasn't a mistake."
You leave the house and as much as Eddie wants to go after you he knows you better than that, better than your mom. He stands in the kitchen doorway as your mom sits at the table with her head in her hands, "She's always been difficult." He can only look at her, "No she hasn't. She's hurt and she has every right to be. She's right she was a mistake, but I wouldn't have it any other way. But what about you? She's here because she was shot twice in a mass shooting protecting others from the shooter, but you didn't know that. You didn't know your daughters a hero. You probably didn't know that she was injured by a bomb either. But I did because I was the first person she called, because I am her father. I made up everything I missed for them because of how much I love them, they both understand that I made a sacrifice to keep us financially stable. They learned love comes with sacrifices from me. You had your reasons to leave and I know that but she's right, you had no reason to leave your kids behind, you could've sent them post cards or something. I had the decency to write letters while I was on yours. I'm so proud of her, of the things she's done. She tried to take a year off of school to help me with Christopher because I had no idea what I was doing, but I figured it out. She lives in Seattle but she still finds time to call and text so Christopher doesn't think he's the reason shes gone. She's sacrificed just as much as everyone else, so if you still think she's a mistake, then what did you think our marriage was? Why did you come back thinking she wouldn't be apart of things like she's not your daughter as well?"
Athena's the one to see you walking the street at night, recognizing you from one of the pictures Christopher showed her. "You're Eddie's daughter right?" "Uh yeah, Y/N." She sits with you, "Athena, Bobby's wife. Why are you out here so late?" You don't know why but you vent to her, "My uh. My mom came back. And we got into a fight." You explain everything to her and she offers her couch to sleep on seeing that you don't want to go home just yet.
In the morning Bobby is the one to drop you off, your dad opening the door when he hears the car in his driveway. You walk passed everyone not wanting to say anything, but your dad follows you to Christopher's room where all your stuff is. "Where'd you go?" "I met Athena she let me sleep on her couch. I already ate, Bobby made breakfast." "Mija-" "Dad I just want to take a shower. I'll probably catch a bus and head somewhere. I'll be back before dinner." He can only sigh as he looks at the floor as you rummage through your bags, "She might be staying." "That's your marriage dad, not mine. You work out what you need to work out. I'm going back to work in a couple days anyways. I'll have to deal with a therapist there. Everything will be fine." He moves and pulls you into his arms sighing as you wrap your arms around his waist and press your face into his chest like you did when you were little, "When did you grow up?" "When I got boobs." You both laugh before he kisses your head and tells you he's heading to work leaving you in a quiet house with your mom in the kitchen.
You quickly shower and head out before your mom can even say anything to you, getting back just as your dad arrives. You end up leaving a note for your dad and leaving in the middle of the night with all your stuff, catching a cab to the airport and catching a early flight back to Seattle. Of course Eddie is upset but he understands that you and your mom will just continue to bump heads and if you think it's what's best for yourself, who is he to argue, you're an adult.
Of course you text and video call all the time, sometimes catching him when he's at the fire station and he's just happy to see you're happy and healthy.
When the plane crash happens he finds it weird that he hasn't talked to you in a few days but brushes things off thinking you're just busy. The day you call, he's at the firehouse with Christopher for a family dinner, he happily answers the phone. "Hey baby! We're having dinner, do you want to talk to Christopher?" His smile quickly faulters when he hears your shaky voice, "Daddy." He quickly walks off after checking that your brother was with Buck, "What happened?" "There. There was an accident. We had a case. We. We had to fly to Idaho. The uh. The plane. The engines were faulty and the plane crashed. My. My right side was, uh. They have to do surgery to repair my right side from my ribs to my knee."
Eddie can feel tears threaten to fall just listening to how scared you are but you continue talking, "They did enough to fix everything but they're sending me to LA for the rest of the cosmetic surgeries and physical therapy while they work out everything with HR. I'm already at the airport with some medical staff, were getting on the plane." Your dad runs a hand down his face as he tries to stay calm, "Uh okay. Call me when you get here. I'll meet you at the airport in a few hours."
Your mom is the one to find your dad outside, "What's going on? Christopher's waiting for you to play the game with him and Buck." "I'm uh I'm going to the airport. Tell him to start the game and I'll play tomorrow." "What happened?" "Y/N was in a plane crash they're flying her here." "I'll go with you." "No. Just stay with Christopher. We don't. We don't need a recap of what happened last time. Not while she's like this. And I need to be alone. Before I see her, with her injuries."
Your dad waits for hours at the airport, the staff tell him where the airplane will land and offer to take him out when the plane lands so he can stay with you. You're out cold when he gets to you, "She started freaking out before the plane took off, which was understandable we sedated her to keep her under for the plane ride, she should be waking up soon."
Your dad sits by your side as you sleep. He counts and recounts all the IVs connected to you, quickly standing when he hears Christopher, "Dad what happened to Y/N?" He looks at your mom and the rest of the firehouse behind them, "What are you guys doing here?" Buck answers, "You left without saying bye. We figured you needed some support, that she needed some support after we heard what happened. She's family too." While everyone is distracted Christopher makes his way to the spot your dad was sitting in and grabs your hand. You're laying on your left side due to your injuries and Christopher can only wonder what happened to you. After a few minutes you open your eyes squeezing the small boys hand in yours, "You're awake Y/N/N." "Hi Christopher."
At the sound of your voice your dad is immediately at your side, "How are you feeling?" Your sarcastic side comes out, letting your dad know you're okay for now, "Like I fell out of a plane."
Of course everyone quickly learns how bad doctors are as patients, "The stitches are wrong." "They should've done this, it's faster." Buck easily jokes with you, "The doctors are probably ready to discharge you and your whining already." "They wouldn't be if they knew how to do their jobs right."
After you get discharged your dad takes you home. Everyone can see you're out of it, so someone is always with you, even your mom, but the conversations stay short but trying for your dad and brother. One day Athena offers to take you out to lunch. "How've you been feeling?" "I don't know." "Your dad's worried about you. Everyone is. You're putting on a brave face." You blink away tears, something that doesn't go unnoticed by Athena, "What's wrong?" You look around thankful you got a corner table and it was a slow day for the restaurant. You take a deep breath before looking at Athena, "I haven't told my dad yet, but a few days before the accident I found out I was pregnant. I'm not anymore... Obviously."
Athena sits with you, talking about the news that is no longer news for anyone, "Are you going to tell your dad?" "I don't know. I think. I think I'm still trying to process everything. The baby. A miscarriage. The crash. The fact that I was only a few seats away from getting crushed to death." Athena nods, "Do you know what's happening with everyone else that was on the plane?" "Uh yeah. The hospital is taking fault for using that airline service with known cases of faulty engines, were basically sueing the hospital for damages up to 15 million each. It'd shut down the hospital, but we all plan on purchasing it." "So you're going to own a hospital." "Part of it along with the others that were on the plane. So I'm not actually pocketing anything right now, but over time."
After a few more days you tell your dad about the miscarriage as you both sit on the porch, "Did you tell the dad?" "No. Uh we were never in a relationship. At least I don't think we were. It only happened once and we were both pretty drunk."
After another month you go back to work to finish off your residency. You apply for fellowships, but know which one you're going to accept. You never tell your dad, opting on surprising him randomly. You show up at the firehouse, your dad running over as soon as Hen points you out, "What are you doing here?" You smile, "I decided which fellowship I'm taking." It takes a second for it to click in his head, "The one here?" You don't get the chance to respond before your dad's picking you up in a bear hug. "Wait until Christopher finds out."
You jump into working, even though you live in your own house now your dad and brother are both excited to have you close again. After a few years, and after your mom's death, things fall into a normalcy. You get invited to any family dinners Bobby and Athena throw and you always find time to spend with your dad and brother.
You manage to become chief of trauma, you still have your board seat in Seattle and occasionally fly out sometimes taking Christopher and your dad for a getaway.
The first time anyone in the firehouse actually sees you in your natural habitat is when they have to bring in a druggie with a gsw. Athena is also there since the patient is the one who had the gun. Buck was grazed by a bullet so the firehouse was still in the ER while he got patched up, as Athena asks you about the patient. "I wouldn't try questioning him yet. He's still whining like a baby." "Can't you give him something for that?" "If I give him morphine I'd have to pump his stomach. And considering he knows the exact name of the morphine I'd have to use. I'm deciding against that. It's one bullet that was at the surface and has been removed. He can suck it up, I'm not gonna be the one to aide in his addiction."
All the beds are in the open with curtains as dividers so everyone can hear the man complaining and pulling against his restraints. The firehouse can hear everything go down when you declare he's ready to leave. "You gotta give me something for the pain." You simply look at him before shaking your head, "I really don't." "You bitch." You push the man back down on the bed making him since since his wound is on his shoulder, "You're the bitch in this situation. The pain you're feeling is from withdrawal from all the drugs in your system you idiot. You want something for the pain fine but that comes with your stomach getting pumped. Do you really want that considering you're over here bitching about a small bullet wound?" The man looks at you before seething, "You don't know the pain I'm in!" "Try me. Your bullet was at the surface and has been removed, the area was numbed with cream so you didn't even feel it. I've been shot twice in a mass shooting both bullets imbedded in muscle. I survived a bomb incident, a plane crash, and a miscarriage while stranded during that plane crash. So tell me I've never felt worse." When the man doesn't say anything you look at Athena, "Get him out of here."
Your dad looks at the spot you were standing, he's never heard the things you've been through ever leave your mouth like that. Bobby sets his hand on his shoulder, "She's tough Eddie. She's fine."
When a natural disaster occurs the hospital sends out surgeons to aid first responders for the people who wouldn't make it to the hospital otherwise, you're one of the few that get sent out due to your trauma certification being more than qualified. The firehouse is lightweight surprised to see you in the field working the tent. "You got sent out?" "You do realize I worked in a trauma one center right? My first year we had a ferry crash." Everyone is amazed with how fast and calmly you work, half of the patients you get wouldn't of survived even getting on an ambulance otherwise.
There is one patient who's stuck under a piece of cement inside a building but is in critical condition. Unfortunately you're the only one small enough to fit through the gap to get to him. "No! She's not going in there!" You can only look at your dad, "We have no choice. We can save him." Reluctantly your dad lets you go knowing you'd go anyways and he doesn't technically have a say in what you can and can't do. They give you your dad's jacket and helmet as a precaution before you slowly slip through the hole. You yell out when you reach the patient allowing the firehouse to continue trying to get the guy out.
You manage to move the patient under a stable piece of metal before suddenly yelling out making everyone stop, "What's going on?" "It's starting to collapse!" Before anyone can respond the building shifts closing the hole they were making. You dad starts freaking out, "We have to get her out of there!" "And we will. Eddie calm down or sit out."
When they finally get to where you and the patient are they can see the patient is stabilized and sort of groggy but they find your body a few feet away. Due to you having your dad's protective gear he wasn't allowed to enter the building but Buck is at your side checking on you, "I got a pulse! She has a leg stuck under some concrete. She probably knocked out after she got stuck." Bobby nods, "Let's get them out of here!"
Your dad watches as Chimney and Hen bring out the man, "Where's Y/N?" Chimney sets the man up on a gurney as Hen talks to your dad, "She moved the man out of the way. She has a pulse but her leg was caught under some concrete." Just as she finishes Buck and Bobby leave the building with you in Bucks arms. Eddie is instantly taking you into his arms as he slowly sets you down on the ground, "Baby wake up." You let out a groan before slowly opening your eyes, "Why are you so loud?" Everyone chuckles, even your dad, at your ability to bounce back so fast even with a broken leg.
Everyone helps you out while your leg heals, Christopher decided to spend the night with you one night and before your dad left he sat with you on the porch. He looks at the cast that everyone has signed and Christopher has drawn multiple pictures on before throwing his arm around your shoulders and pulling you into his chest, "When did you grow up?" "The day you told me go to college to make you proud. Did I?" "You did... You're still not dating until you're 45." You can't help but laugh and shake your head as you both watch the street lights come on and the stars come out. "Aren't you the one that had a kid at 16? The irony." "You're my baby I can be as ironic as I want."
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