#ive got a headache so my tolerance is low
silkflovvers · 10 months
My brain is usually too tired to deal with trolls of any sort, so if you hate on a character or thing I enjoy for the sake of humor but do it in a way that doesn't look or feel humorous and instead feels the opposite of good-natured, I'll probably block you.
I get the whole "ugh I hate that guy (fondly)" thing, I get calling something cringe even if you like it. But if your entire blog is dedicated to hating on something harmless like one fictional character or ship that I happen to really enjoy, or you clog tags with complaints about the thing you're tagging, I'm just gonna block. Maybe go silently seethe or laugh to yourself about it instead of souring someone's good mood as some sort of untasteful joke.
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firemama · 2 years
Having a lot of chronic pain is so crazy because i have a high as fuck pain tolerance on a day to day basis, but also i am so constantly overwhelemed with it that it looks like i Dont have a high pain tolerance and im constantly fighting an imposter syndrome for it.
Like as of 1 hour ago, i had: jaw pain from my impacted wisdom teeth that i have not gotten treated despite the pain having been consistent for the last year, numerous other aches and pains from dental shit, constant nagging headache from too much bright light, classic constant back pain because ive got a shit spinal curve, constant shpulder pain in my bad shoulder, a low grade mystery pain in maybe the kidneys or maybe to ovaries who the fuck knows its just painful, and classic recurring pain in my bad leg and ribs because it's storm season and the atmospheric pressure makes them hurt, and a still-sore throat because i was sick and my pansy ass throat gets irritated and then destroys itself by over reacting, and i have a low grade recurring spontaneous fever for no known reason.
But now i have sore feet from standing for my 7-8 hour overnight shift and that one weak ache is the straw that broke the camels back and i am so miserable and complaining about it non stop. And i think to myself: man, you cant even handle a little bot of sore feet? Man you just cant tolerate anything.
Except im staring at the cieling and tryna disect that and, wow, oh my god? I am in so much pain? Just all the time? And yeah i complain about a thing or two all the god damn time but there is just so much pain? Like i now have a fuckin pressure headache with no discernable source, fresh new pain on the list, and i am just. Im in do much pain and sometimes i manage to forget about it until theres just one pain too many and i cant stop fucking obsessing about it?
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boop-le-snoot · 4 years
First time reader click here
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Summary/TWs: Trouble is brewing. Canon-typical violence, graphic descriptions of wounds and Clint whump. Bad, terrible, no-good medical accuracy. Aliens. Reader is an anxious genius with low self-esteem and PTSD. ✨spicy sadness✨
From now on, chapters will be posted un-beta-ed. She's taking a lil break. 💖💝✨
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I liked to think I had made peace with the fact that my boys and girls had one hell of a dangerous job. Natasha, Clint, Steve and Bucky frequently left for missions and while I missed their usual bickering in the background, it wasn't like the tower's common room became absolutely quiet. The fact that they mostly did recon-only missions helped, too, as they would come home unharmed and in one piece. The worry was there but subtle - like setting the table and including silverware for the people who were gone on a mission.
Peter's patrols went less smoothly, usually. He was small and even in his spider-suit, the boy was frequently underestimated by common thugs. Apparently, they didn't know how to read the news - it was blatantly obvious the hero was enhanced. And yet somehow, Pete more often than not sported all sorts of bruises, scratches and tears.
Tony and I routinely tore out our hair over the spiderboy's carelessness. The engineer had a funny way of showing he cared for Peter. Once I got to know him better, my brain dubbed them as Irondad and Spiderson. And it wasn't weird at all, somehow, that I was basically fucking my best friend's dad. Tony never made me uncomfortable, if anything, he went to great lengths to accommodate my whims. Tony continuously found time for me, answered my dumb questions and soldiered through the shenanigans I got up to after having too much caffeine and too little sleep.
Sitting in the quiet, empty common room was unnerving. It was shortly after dinner time - the evening news skipped their usual political debate in favour of the battle that was raging downtown, the reason for my headache and wrung hands.
I missed Tony's running mouth. The aliens the team was fighting looked quite hilarious, murderous intentions aside, and I could only imagine the way Tony and Clint would mock them. Hentai rejects. Tentacle porn knock-offs. The aliens were squid-like, about half the size of a human and very, very slippery, from what I spied on the TV.
An irritated-looking Stephen had me equal parts apprehensive and drooling - one after another, he conjured up a series of small portals, teleporting the aggressive octopods only god knew where. It would have looked incredibly badass if not for the exhausted sheen of sweat I could see on his brow, even despite the camera footage being shaky and grainy.
The news footage showed Tony - Iron Man, soaring contentedly through the darkening skies and taking out the squirmy mass of tentacles with his plasma beam repulsors. Steve and Bucky and Loki appeared too, sporadically, being well-oiled murder machines. Nothing new.
Yet, I worried. The little worm of doubt was squirming full-force. I tried to ignore it, yet pacing, sitting and playing Candy Crush got me nowhere. I pestered Friday to order pizza, the team's usual post-mission order plus a large one for me - stress-eating was better than stress-popping-molly in a tower full of superheroes. It took some courage to admit to myself I'd gotten attached enough to be this much from running away from all that in a blind panic.
And it would be the best option for them, really, because they had much sensible things to worry about than me. Yet every time, my selfishness won against even the most logical arguments I presented. I hated fighting myself but it was all I did - not only I was in love with Tony, I loved him.
Even when he forgot about my existence for five days, to emerge from his workshop with a new piece of tech that revolutionised one or another or something else. I loved him when he annoyed the ever living fuck out of everybody, me included, because I knew that it was hilarious to see people getting riled up over totally trivial shit. I loved Tony Stark when he ran away from his feelings, and everybody else's, because he never managed to run far enough. Or he didn't want to. I loved him, because he was like a multilayered puzzle, complex and captivating and beautiful.
I thought a lot about it, more than people would have noticed. For someone as selfish and goal-oriented as me, Tony lived in my head rent-free most of the time. And nobody would find out if I had the choice because let's face it, I'm a short cameo in his life. I'm a fuckin' catch and even then, I can't expect to hold his attention forever. His genius is too brilliant to settle for one when he could easily have the whole damn world.
Another hour consisted of me pacing and accompanying the pizza delivery boys to the common floor. It was hilarious - they were obviously star-struck about walking the same carpet as their heroes. I could see the faint hope of meeting one of the Avengers in their eyes, their posture. All they got was me - in my sweatpants, Tony's tee and no bra. My tits got the attention they deserved, at least.
My lounging was interrupted by a golden circle noisily appearing in the middle of the room, followed by Clint abruptly falling through it with a pained moan. I froze, the pizza in my mouth turning to ash - Strange poked his head through the hole in space, finding my eyes. He looked exhausted.
"Help him, I don't have much time," He breathed and disappeared, closing the portal behind himself.
The pizza piece flew back in the box as I stumbled, jumped over the headrest, kneeling beside Clint in no time. "Bird, tell me what hurts," I demanded. Not that I had a clue what to do. I mean, I knew basic first aid and...
"My leg," He gritted out, curling in on himself. Fear flooded me, limbs turning to lead. Hawk had a good pain tolerance, I knew he could break an arm and not utter a single syllable until he thought it safe to showcase his vulnerability. "That squid motherfucker stung me, I don't know. My whole body is on fire," His speech was slurred.
I nodded, deciding to limit the touching to only the necessary actions. The leg of his pants was torn and the wound itself was shaped like a whip mark, thin and red and angry. It oozed a yellowish pus-like substance, it smelled bitter, almost like stale water and seaweed salad. I didn't know much about aliens but jellyfish stings, I could work with. A short Google check later, I had an approximate plan.
"Friday, run diagnostics." I ordered, taking a deep breath and filing away the fear, the panic and anxiety for later.
"Mr. Barton has a wound that appears to be contaminated with an unknown chemical that is causing an adverse reaction. The elevated body temperature suggests that his immune system is fighting it. I would suggest a blood test to examine the offending specimens."
A blood draw? I could do that. I definitely, absolutely, could do that.
"Bird, Clint, did you hear that?" I gently touched his shoulder only for him to recoil from my hand, muttering unintelligibly. "Pretty bird, I'm going to help you. Let me." My bedside manner needed improvement - with brain running a mile a minute, I babbled utter nonsense as Friday directed me to the needed supplies. Getting the blood was a feat on it's own - I had to physically sit on top of Clint to get but a tiny vial of the red liquid.
A few tears escaped the emotional fortress I had to build within myself. Clint was in so, so much pain - pain I was inadvertently making worse by touching him. I sprinted to Bruce's lab, feeding the sample to be analysed by Friday, tearing through the room in a hurricane. First aid kit, IV, saline, antibiotics. Restraints, too, just in case.
"Analysis complete. The contaminant appears to be acting similarly to a parasitic infection with a short life-span. Primarily feeds on copper, iron and various metals contained in the human body. Does not appear to reproduce or multiply, my algorithms cannot determine the cause of said behaviour. Calculating..." Friday's mechanical voice paused. "I have calculated the approximate duration of Mr. Barton's symptoms. Onset of critical stage in one to three hours. Complete extinction of parasitic organisms in approximately sixty hours."
"Fri, do you think I have a chance of saving Clint before he goes crazy from pain? And have you figured out what's causing it?" My brain was all over the place.
"I have the best faith in you, miss." The AI sounded almost... Comforting? "I am still running multiple diagnostics. My algorithms suggest the organisms may be attacking the nerve endings - reason unclear."
An idea struck me. A crazy, brash, absurd idea. The pathogen was alien and we didn't have antibiotics to kill it. Even if I gave Clint some sort of medicine, it could go awry really really quickly. Besides, wasn't there a medical team for this..?
"Friday, alert the medical suite."
"Request denied. Per Mr. Stark's protocols, only Sir himself and Dr. Banner are authorized to request medical assistance in case of alien pathogen contamination."
"Fuck. Fuck, that makes no fuckin' sense!" I yelled helplessly. "Okay, do you have blood matching Clint's type laying around?" I asked sarcastically. This protocol pissed me off. What was Tony scared of? That someone would steal alien germs? Too late for that, there were plenty of samples all over the sidewalks downtown.
"A-positive, blue refrigerator, top shelf." Friday's answer was curt.
My hands shook. My whole body shook. Clint was laying in fetal position right where I'd left him and the man wasn't looking better - he became paler, dark circles under his eyes, clammy sweat breaking on every exposed part of his skin. Moving him was out of the question - Clint violently recoiled from me once I tried to touch him.
Reluctantly, I dragged the dining room chairs and piled up whatever heavy things I could on top of them, praying to every god that they would hold a trained man trash around in pain. Then, came the restraints. Belts with clips unlike one could see in a movie with a psych ward. I fumbled with them, then with Clint - very slowly, but I got both of his arms fastened and the man rolled onto his back.
"Wwhat... S'appening..?" Hawk finally slurred, cracking his eyes to see my (probably) disheveled and panicked face.
"This is going to hurt, I won't lie. A lot," I rambled, setting up the tools needed for both a blood draw and a blood transfusion. "I'm not a doctor. I'm not a scientist. You have alien parasites in your blood. I'm going to get rid of em," I announced, not mentioning the fact that I had to Google all the things I was going to do to him.
"S'okay, I trust you," Clint slurred again, moving about much more weakly than before. The tips of his fingers began to turn blue and the blood vessels on his face stood out in a pink-purple web. Not good.
My finest thinking moment: laying out some tarp around the archer and putting on gloves and a mask to minimize the possibility of getting infected. I started with the wound first, carefully wiping away the yellowish goop and immediately sealing it into a biohazard container. Some alcohol around the edges, the wound began emanating a faint wisp of smoke as Clint yelled hoarsely. I didn't even react - man, aliens and their germs were fuckin' weird.
Another biohazard container traveled next to Clint's arm. I had a disposable scalpel in one hand and my courage in another - it was now or never. The vein I was cutting was a minor one, but with Clint's body in total disarray, it was an ugly fountain of pinkish-purple liquid that spurted from it. I was no doctor but blood shouldn't have looked like that.
I stared at the timer on my phone. Twenty seconds, thirty, fifty. Eighty seconds, the blood was beginning to have more of a red hue. Clint's breathing slowed, tremors subsiding by a smidgen. One hundred and eighty seconds, the stream was a healthy deep red colour. With a swift motion, I wrapped up the wound, folded his arm, tied off the blood flow higher up his arm with a spare restraint. Clint wasn't moving much anymore; my hand that periodically checked his pulse shook but dutifully did it's job. His heart was working steady.
Compared to having to drain a friend of his blood, setting up the IV with a transfusion was a walk in the park. My mind was empty of any thoughts but for the actions needed to complete the process.
The container with contaminated blood, closed, sealed and put in a plastic bag, along with the gloves and the tarp. My own exposed flesh, meticulously scrubbed with alcohol until the skin became red and raw. All the instruments, Clint's pants, my clothes - in the bag.
The archer himself was laying still, his breathing steady and calm, face no longer looking like he was one step away from the grave. After undoing the restraints, I wiped down every surface we touched with Tony's vodka - rubbing alcohol had run out and I was too emotionally drained to go downstairs and leave Clint for too long. Whenever the booze collided with a stray drop of blood, a wispy smoke emerged. Such an interesting reaction. Part of me couldn't wait to examine the phenomena together with Bruce. The other part was considering the possibility of having a panic attack in a seafood restaurant.
"Fri, keep an eye- a sensor on Clint for me, will ya? I need a shower and some pants," I denounced tiredly, padding to the communal shower. I found respite, however brief, under the steam for a few minutes. Then I found Tony's old tee and a pair of someone's sweats - I didn't care whose. Post-stress adrenaline shivers had me feeling stark naked in the middle of Alaska despite the room being a toasty, comfortable temperature according to the digital thermostat.
Now I just had to think about what to tell the team.
Propping Clint's head on a decorative pillow and covering him with a soft fleece blanket was the least I could have done for the long suffering archer. The floor was hard but I sat next to him, running a hand through his matted hair, my brain an incomprehensible mess.
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@another-stark-sub ​ @mostly-marvel-musings  @vozit @littlegasps ​ @pilloclock ​ @shereadsinquiet @downeyreads ​ @hermione-grangers-wife ​ @individualistfem ​ @sleep-i-ness @capbrie @lillsxd @agustdowney @dee-vn @justanotherblonde23 @fanngirl19 @persephonehemingway @softie-socks @schemefrenzy @letsby
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purplesurveys · 5 years
General Randomness What's the weather like right now? It’s very bright and sunny out, but January is typically one of the colder days of the year so I’m not feeling uncomfortable right now. It’s the perfectly chilly temperature I would have liked to have all year long. What are you currently sitting on? I am sitting on a chair at our dining table, which is usually where I take surveys. How many times have you brushed your teeth today? Just once.
When did you get up? I’ve been up since 8, but didn’t get out of bed until 10.
Have you been in a vehicle for more than 45 minutes today? I haven’t been in a car at all today cos I’ve only stayed home. Angela invited me to go out for some drinks but I didn’t feel like drinking or being out today, so I’ve been home the whole time.
Where is your best friend? I think Angela is at home but I’m sure she’s getting ready to go out for the aforementioned ^ drinking. I’m not sure where Gab is. How many days until Christmas? Oh wow, barely missed it, chief. There are 355ish days left, I’m guessing? Have you kissed someone today? Nope. Is your mom over 50? No, and she still has a year to go. How old were you 7 years ago? I was technically 14, but was about to turn 15 in a few months. Do you know what 'C'est la vie' means? Yep. In Gen Z lingo, it essentially means, ‘it be like that sometimes’ lmao. Do you usually take showers or baths? Showers, because we don’t have bathtubs and also because I find it much more efficient anyway. I only take baths when I’m out of town, in a fancy hotel, and want to pamper myself with bubbles and fancy body wash. What kind of bottoms are you wearing right now? I’m wearing shorts just meant for the home.
Are you wearing anything red? Yes, the pair of shorts I just talked about. What was the name of your first pet? I didn’t keep track of my first goldfish’s name but a good guess would be Goldie. I wasn’t a very creative kid, so I wouldn’t be surprised if that turned out to be right. Do you live in an apartment? Nope. I’ve been living with my parents under their roof. What color is the floor in the room you're in? Cream-ish. What was the most irritating thing to happen to you today? My thesis professor being a headache to talk to. I am genuinely baffled at how she was able to secure a very high position in my university’s administration, considering how erratic she can get. How do you feel about your most recent ex? She’s great. Do you wish at 11:11? No. Do you wish on shooting stars? I would, if they often visited on this side of the world. But they don’t, so. Do you wish on dandelions? No. There aren’t a lot where I live. Are you drinking anything right now? Mmm no, not at the moment. I finished my coffee a little while ago and while I want to make a second cup to keep myself awake, I have an early morning tomorrow so I’d want to sleep early tonight. It’s back to work for me, ugh. About how tall is your father? Not too tall. He’s like, 5′5 or 5′6.  How old is your oldest living grandparent? I only know the age of one grandparent, and that’s my 73 year old maternal grandmother. I don’t get to see my paternal grandparents a lot cos they live quite far, so with that comes my insufficient knowledge about them.  Do you know anyone who has lived to be 100+? Gab’s great-grandmother, but she passed away last November. Have you had your birthday yet this year? Nope. There’s been a mere three days into the year, so very few people would already have had their birthdays hahaha. Do you read your horoscope on a regular basis? No. You do you, but I was never a fan. It’s also a pet peeve when people use their star sign as excuses for their shitty behavior. “Sorry I acted up, I’m a Scorpio,” “I hate everybody because I’m an Aquarius,” “I ghosted them because I’m a Cancer” no it’s because you’re a bitch, Karen. Do you like the color yellow? I hate it a bit less than green (my least favorite color) only because I love the song Yellow by Coldplay and because mustard yellow isn’t that bad of a color. Are you an aunt or uncle? If my friends start having kids soon, then I’ll be an aunt. Why is your best friend your best friend? They both understand my weirdness and all my quirks and never made me feel like I was being judged. What is your hair like at the moment? Tbh it matches my top pretty well so as frizzy as my hair is at the moment, it still looks good with the tank top I have on lolol. How many times have you donated blood this year? Zero. I’m scared of needles, and even if I get over that phobia I wouldn’t be able to donate anyway because I’m underweight. Are you wearing any jewelry? No, not right now. Are you a video-gamer? I wouldn’t call myself that. I play GTA just to be a law-abiding citizen and not actually do the missions lol, I get tired of playing The Sims after ten minutes, and I only play a handful of Nintendo games. Who got married at the last wedding you went to? My mom’s brother and his then-fiancee, now one of my favorite aunts except for the facts that she’s a hardcore Duterte supporter and Marcos apologist. Do you like Chinese food? Yep, it’s one of my favorite cuisines. How far is the nearest Walmart? I can’t walk nor drive to it, that’s for sure. Have you ever been a designated driver? I’m always DD by default because I’m the only one among my friends who has a car other than JM, who also has a (much bigger) car but is terribly low-tolerance and will absolutely pass out. I get tipsy easily as well, but I sober up real quick and always make sure I’m 100% back to reality by the time I drive. Which means that I typically have to stop drinking earlier than the rest of my friends, but so long as that means I get to take everyone back home safe, it’s okay with me. What is something that always brings tears to your eyes? My mom yelling at me. Who is your 20th phone contact? My contacts aren’t numbered thus I’m too lazy to count manually. Do you have any plans to get a tattoo? It’s not completely off the table, but I’ve definitely toned down my original plans of getting tattoo sleeves and getting myself generally covered a la CM Punk (and I have to tell ya, I’m so glad I grew out of that phase). These days I prefer to have small tattoos to memorialize significant people or events, and some of my plans include my dog’s pawprint and a plate of nachos. Or a new piercing? Probably not. What would your name be if your last name was the color of your shirt? Brown. If you could find out how you would die, would you want to know? Yes. I hate the unknown and would rather be certain, no matter how ugly or nasty the certainty holds. Do you make your bed regularly? Every morning. Do you look forward to the weekend? NO. I have a 2-day meeting for my 2-day weekend. I am so dreading it. I just want to stay a lazy couch blob for another week. How much do you know about the mechanics of cars? I know how to turn a car on, go forward, reverse, brake, and open my gas tank... and that’s about it. Has anyone ever told you you should be a model? Model and beauty queen, yeah. How old was your mom when she had you? She was 26, but was turning 27 that year. Do rainy days get you down? No. I thrive on rainy days lmao. Who is the artist/band you're listening to at the moment? No music keeping me company at the moment. Do you ever take aspirin when you 'feel a headache coming on'? Not aspirin but I take a Biogesic. I dunno if those two or the same thing or not. Is there a calendar in the room you're in? Nope. Do you prefer to be in a relationship or be single? I’ve been seeing a person for technically six years, so now I prefer a relationship after being accustomed to having one for so long. If you're single, do you wish you were in a relationship? Have you ever had your heart broken? Sure. Do you live within an hour of the beach? No. I’m very far away from the beach :( How do you like your steak? Rare or medium-rare. Were you born in the 1980s? I was not. A Few Firsts What was the first sound you heard when you woke up? I woke up to the sound of my mom calling me on my phone. I was half-asleep and didn’t feel like answering, so I muted it and went back to sleep. I feel guilty now that I remember, but she didn’t call back or text me so it probably wasn’t a big deal. Who was your first best friend? It was a girl named Kaye from kinder. We were good friends for like two years, and then we got sorted to different sections in Prep and drifted apart after that. Who was your first boyfriend/girlfriend? I’ve said her name so many times on these surveys already. Y’all know. Who was your first date to a formal dance? I haaaateeeeed the idea of asking guys out and being in a relationship for most of high school, so I made sure I only asked my cousin for my prom. How bad was your first break up? Pretty messed up. There was a lot of tension and resentment and confusion in the beginning. Throw in my grandfather’s sudden death and me taking the UPCAT, and you have my mental health completely rattled! What was your first favorite movie? High School Musical, for sure. How old were you when you had your first kiss? 16. What was your first trip to the emergency room for? My platelet count was really low, I was in danger of getting dengue, and had to stay the night at the hospital. Then there was sticking the IV onto my wrist, upon which I made a complete scene in the emergency room and thrashed and kicked around while my (very frail) grandma (sorry, Lola) tried to hold me down with a lot of patients watching lol. Where was the first place you went today? The kitchen. Who was the first person you saw? My sister, I think. What was the first thing you thought about when you woke up? I wondered why my mom called, realized I was too sleepy to care, and went back to bed. Do you remember the first time you spent the night away from home? Yupppp. I was in third grade, my club had an overnight camping thingy as its culmination activity, and it was the first time ever that I was allowed to spend the night somewhere else. I remember being around a campfire, roasting marshmallows for the first time, having to share a sleeping mat with Katreen, and her kicking me in her sleep.
Where was your first big vacation to? Boracay. What was your first job? None yet. I’ll make sure to update you by the end of the year. What was the first thing you had to drink today? Coffee.
Some Lasts Where was the location of your last kiss? My girlfriend’s car, when she dropped me back at my place. How old was the last person you kissed? 21. What was the last movie you rented? I’ve never experienced renting a movie, which definitely confirms my status as a Gen Z kid lmao. But I can tell you that the last movie I watched was Knives Out. Where was the last place you went? Other than around my house, we went to church last Tuesday night for New Year’s Eve mass. What was the last restaurant you went to? Yabu. Who was the last person to call you? My mom, this morning. Who was the last non-relative you spoke in person to? Gabie. What was the last thing you bought? I got dinner from Yabu, haha. When was the last time you drove more than an hour somewhere? December 14th. That evening was INSANE. It was Saturday + Christmas traffic, and it took me two hours to travel from Antipolo to Rita’s place in Makati. JM and I drove separately cos we were a big group - his drive took FOUR hours. Why did you last get angry? My thesis prof was doing us so fucking dirty and I couldn’t do anything about it. What color was the last vehicle you rode in? Blue-green. How long ago was your last birthday? NIne months. When did it last rain? It drizzled a little bit yesterday. What was the age difference between you and your most recent ex? A month and a half. When was the last time you used a dictionary? Maybe an hour ago for a word I used in a past survey lol. Mini iPod Shuffle: Don't Cheat, Use Whatever Song Comes Up, No Matter How Ridiculous (I have several playlists, so I’ll just use the Spotify-curated playlist made for Gab’s account called Your Top Songs 2019 hahahaha) My love song: Love song - Lana Del Rey (Wow.) My fight song: Swim Against the Tide - The Japanese House My break-up song: New Light - John Mayer The song for when I'm sad: Money - Leikeli47 The song for when I'm angry: Constant Conversations - Passion Pit My song to have sex to: Bad Girls - Tennis The song about my ex: Just the Same But Brand New - St. Vincent The song about my best friend: Juice - LIZZO The song about my crush: Seventeen - no rome My 'feel good' song: Venice Bitch - Lana Del Rey The theme song of my life: Formation - Beyoncé I literally know four of these songs, which I’ve since bolded just so y’all know that I have no idea what the other seven songs are and if they make sense with the situations at hand. Gab clearly uses her account more than I do, which should be the case anyway lmfaoooooo.
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deadmomjokes · 6 years
(Normal? 1/2) I just went to a psychiatrist for the first time today. I got a recommendation from a therapist I used to see for a handful of appointments. I tried to be open minded, but I think they were bad at their job? They didn't tell me what the diagnosis was for sure (I could only assume depression/anxiety), and when I brought up concerns with general side effects, they brushed it off saying all things have side effects listed. They didn't even ask for all my symptoms?
(Normal? 2/2) I brought a whole notebook of information per recommendation of my past therapist, but then the psychiatrist never even asked about my family health history or triggers or coping mechanisms Ive tried. I don’t know, I felt like I was just treated like a body and had a set routine she was going through rather than actually hearing me. Am I just being overly anxious about this? Was this normal? Do they not need to know all my symptoms if I think I know what I got???
(Normal, Bonus) I don’t know, sorry for bothering you about this, I’m just super worried and don’t know anyone I can ask if this is normal for these kinds of appointments/treatments. Thank you so much for your time, even if you don’t answer. Have a lovely day
You’re definitely not bothering me at all! This stuff is hard enough to navigate without having a rotten experience like you did. And I do think your experience was terrible. You’re not just being overly anxious, you’re well within your right be frustrated and confused by your experience, and I would certainly find it anxiety provoking, myself!
A psychiatrist should absolutely be interested in both your symptoms and how they are affecting your day-to-day, as well as family history. As my husband explains it, a psychiatrist is primarily a doctor that also knows some psychology. If you went to a doctor experiencing a bunch of symptoms, and with a family history of certain conditions, and they just kind of brushed them aside and sent you straight to pills, it would be bad form. This is no different.
While it’s true that all medications have side effects, even stuff like ibuprofen, a doctor should never dismiss or handwave your concerns, particularly when it’s a psychiatric medication, where the side effects can be more serious and bothersome. She should have spent time talking to you, too, about what her thoughts were and WHY she was prescribing you a medicine in the first place. The fact that you walked out of there with pills and no clearly stated differential diagnosis is concerning to me. Not to say that the medication won’t help, but she should have taken time to talk to you about her thoughts and what the medicine is generally used for. It’s possible that she wasn’t able to make a definitive diagnosis after one appointment, or that she assumed your therapist had more or less diagnosed you already and she was going based on that, but she should have explained it a whole lot better.
It’s possible that if the therapist referred you, they could have sent over their case notes and that’s what the psychiatrist was going off of. She could have seen things like your symptoms and history in the notes, but since the therapist told you to bring a list to your appointment, and you said the therapist was a past therapist, I find that slightly less likely.
Depending on what the medicine is, I’d say it’s almost certain to be for anxiety/depression. Medicines like SSRIs and SNRIs, which are used for anxiety/depression/ptsd are generally considered safe, and so most doctors are comfortable writing prescriptions for those even after just one appointment. I know you’ve probably been doing a ton of research on it already, but since the psych didn’t take the time to talk to you about these meds, I’ll give you a quick (non-professional) rundown. (Handy graphic I did here!)
SSRI stands for Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor. Basically, when anxious/depressed, your brain doesn’t get enough of the serotonin it needs from what you’re producing naturally. Serotonin naturally gets reabsorbed after a certain amount of time anyway, meaning the places its supposed to go are short because the supply is low to begin with, and then your brain keeps sucking it back up before it can get where it needs to go in the quantities it needs to be in. The medicine stops much of the serotonin from being reabsorbed so more of it floats around free and ready for your brain to actually use. It won’t naturally increase the amount you make, but it does increase the amount that’s available, and sometimes having a good, steady, sufficient supply will allow your brain to get back to normal levels of production, because hey, everything’s working great now and we don’t have a nasty feedback loop! That’s why some people can go off their meds after a while and be fine; their brain has fixed the deficit enough to fix the production problem. (If you’re like me, your brain has something wrong with it where it has never produced enough and probably will never until they make a bunch of medical advancements.) SNRIs do the same thing but with both Serotonin and Norepinephrine (Serotonin-Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitors).
Generally speaking, the first try for anxiety and depression is an SSRI. If, however, you only have anxiety and not depression, or depression which stems from the constant anxiety, they may try an SNRI, which is specifically for anxiety and things like chronic pain. That’s not to say that SNRIs aren’t helpful for depression, because they are (that serotonin again), but it’s generally for a primary anxiety or pain concern. SNRIs can also sometimes be helpful for people with ADHD, but it’s generally not a first try or used alone.
Some common SSRIs that they start people on are Lexapro, Zoloft, Prozac, and Celexa. they have fewer side effects than most, or are most easily tolerated. Generally it’s things like temporary headache and fatigue (which can be reduced by taking the medicine at night). Common SNRIs are Cymbalta, Pristiq, and Effexor. They tend to have more side effects or more annoying side effects, like nausea, dizziness, and sweating.
Ultimately, only you can decide whether you’re comfortable enough with that doctor’s analysis of the situation in order to start the medication that she prescribed, but it is well within your rights both to go ahead and see, and to find a second opinion. Most insurance allows for a second opinion if you schedule the appointment as such, or you could contact your insurance to find out how they’d handle a second psych appointment with someone other than the first doctor.
Your therapist wouldn’t have agreed to refer you to a psychiatrist if they didn’t think medication might be in your best interest, so the question here may be whether you’re comfortable enough with the analysis of your problems to start this medicine. Unfortunately, side effects with psychiatric medication are relatively common, but not all of them last the whole time you’re taking it or are that serious. Sometimes they can also be predicted by your past health history; for instance, if you’ve ever experienced migraines, you’re more likely to get headaches as a side effect when starting or upping dose on a medication.
I’m sorry you’re in such a sticky and anxiety-provoking situation. That’s a lousy place to be in, especially when you’re already having a rough time. Feel free to ask any more questions you like, to vent, to ask my opinion on the specific medicine (I’ve been on a lot of them, because my brain is garbage and likes to build resistances), or to keep me updated on what you decide to do. Also, I apologize if I’ve misread the situation/your asks, or if my response was totally off the mark for what you were hoping. I’m gonna blame that on baby brain and also switching dosage of my own medicine. (I’m starting the Weird Zone today, so hopefully this response has been coherent cuz I’m not in any position to tell that for myself.)
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alicedoessurveys · 3 years
What do you like about the house you live in?
its quiet and surrounded by trees
What furniture do you own?
the typical house furniture? i live in a 2 bed house im not gonna list everything i own haha
What’s the most cliche song you can think of right now?
well Whitney Houston ‘I will always love you’ literally just started playing as i got to this question so
Name three of your favourite crepe toppings.
i don't like crepes
Do you watch How I Met Your Mother? What did you think of the ending?
i did yes, the ending made me sad
Have you ever played paintball? Did you get hit?
nope, i want to try it but i have an incredibly low pain tolerance haha
Right now, are you too hot, too cold or just right?
bloody freezing 
What was your favourite fairy tale when you were a kid?
sleeping beauty 
Do you depend on others for happiness?
How do you feel today? Tell me about it.
ive had a pounding headache all day and had to go out to work in a storm (im a dog walker) so i not feeling great today 
What’s the weather like today?
were on our 3rd storm this week, its gross out there 
Do you ever use a laptop in bed?
What were you doing in 2014?
mate, i cant remember what i was doing last week haha! 2014 was the year my illness started so i was mostly just processing that 
Are you wearing socks right now? What colour are they?
yes, they’re grey harry potter ones
What time are you taking this survey?
Have you ever eaten Caribbean food?
Do you need to make any purchases soon, big or small?
i need to get a portable dog wash for my job but i don't have the funds right now 
What was the first movie you saw at the cinema? How old were you?
i don't know 
Do you feel hopeful for the future?
cautiously optimistic. hoping for the best but preparing for the worst
Where did you last fly to on a plane?
Cyprus ten years ago 
If you were going on a daytime date tomorrow, what would you wear?
something casual and warm
Are your parents still together? If not, do you know why?
they are 
What is the COVID-19 vaccine roll-out like in your country?
pretty good, most people i know have had it but there is also a lot of people who refused it for various reasons, i personally didnt have it due to extreme needle phobia but im happy people can have it if they want
Have you ever been evicted? Why?
Would you say you’re an organised person?
i try 
Have you ever worked as a manager or supervisor?
not a manager but i am head of a department at my theatre job so kind of?
Do you eat at a table or on the couch?
couch usually
Tell me something good about the last week of your life.
i went on two dates with the guy im seeing
When was the last time you heard a siren? What kind?
this morning in the park, i think it was police because there was a lot of shouting 
Do you like jogging?
What brand is your TV?
the one in my bedroom is jvc or something like that, i cant remember the name of the one in the living room 
What was the last thing you voted for?
cant remember 
Do you remember much from high school?
What’s the longest you’ve ever stayed awake? Why did you do it?
less than 24 hours 
What’s the most amazing animal you’ve ever seen in captivity?
all animals are amazing to mee
Do you live in the state/province/territory you were born in?
What do you want to eat right now?
Have you ever been wrongfully accused of something?
What are the five apps on your phone that you use most often?
instagram, whatsapp, facebook, snapchat, emails 
What’s one of the most useless things you’ve ever purchased?
ugh too many things, i have no impulse control so i just buy shit that at the time i think will be super useful and then regret it when i get home 
0 notes
snowwolf1118 · 7 years
Humans Are Weird: Women’s Edition Part XIV
This update has been a long time coming, guys. My sincerest apologies for the delay. I hope you can forgive me. In the meantime, please enjoy this long, drawn-out post that is painfully slow and agonizing post. I guess I want everyone to suffer with the characters.
Part I >> Part II >> Part III >> Part IV >> Part V >> Part VI >> Part VII >> Part VIII >> Part IX >> Part X >> Part XI >> Part XII >> Part XIII
The escape plan had proceeded so smoothly until now. Balogh and her team freed a few dozen other prisoners along the way to the hangar and took down a few more Pollikons. Her group was feeling good. They had momentum. Things were looking up. And, as Balogh and the others got closer to the hangar, they kept in communication with Murakami’s, Vallion’s, and Jay’va’s groups for their escape. They were to search for the Frek’jon’s escape pods once they arrived in the hangar and to locate a habitable planet where they would lay low until they could contact the A.F. and go home.
After that, Balogh was not sure of what the A.F. would do, but she was sure she would fight for more A.F. vessels to return to this area of the universe. More victims―human, H’hish, and many more races―were likely enslaved and in need of emancipation.
Or we can just start some sort of rebellion like late twentieth and early twenty-first century movies did. Whichever comes first.
Balogh honestly believed things would change. Unfortunately, life never goes as planned.
Why? Because right now, she was splayed out on the ground, unable to move, nearly lifeless.
Balogh struggled to breathe, every single one of her muscles burned like she ran a 3K marathon in a New Harlem Province winter. Black spots danced in her vision; she could barely see. And of what she could still see? Mayhem. H’hish hunched over humans, desperately calling out their names, performing CPR. Riel’on, Kiel’ish, Jaja’ion, someone, was performing chest compressions on her. Everything she saw was a blur. Everything she heard was white noise. Everything she thought was a jumbled mess. For the first time in her life, Balogh thought for sure this moment was her death. Her frustrations and regrets; satisfactions and joys; her family and friends; all of them came to mind.
I. WON’T. DIE. I. WON’T. DIE. I WON’T DIE. I WON’T DIE. She chanted the words as she struggled for another breath, the last of her vision fading.
I can’t die...
Can’t die...
Won’t die.
Vallion knelt over Fatima, helpless as she and the other humans collapsed one by one, going into various levels of muscle spasms and unconsciousness. CPR was attempted on the humans, but Vallion decided the chest compressions made the situation worse. Why does it feel like my chest is the one being compressed? Fatima is the one dying right in front of me. Fatima, Romano, Freshwater, Wong... All of them are the ones dying, so why do I feel this pain in my chest? What’s going on? Why can’t I stop this? How can I be so selfish? I need to fix this. Save them.
I am their superior. I need to lead them.
Vallion gripped their head, focusing their thoughts into actions. Think. Think. Think. You can’t let her die. You and her just reunited.
You can’t let anyone die. They are all your responsibility. You are their protector. Their leader. Their friend. Think, Vallion. Think.
As Vallion wracked their brain, a thought suddenly occurred to them. The humans were having difficulty breathing...but the H’hish were not. “Jon’kon, check the oxygen-carbon dioxide ratio of the air. Now.”
Startled, Jon’kon fumbled with her stolen Port Dev before she went to work checking the air composition of the ship. A heartbeat stretched into several when Jon’kon released a startled “Ah-ha!” and gave Vallion a knowing look. Soon, Jon’kon was hacking into the Frek’jon’s ventilation system and they all could hear the results of her efforts.
However, Vallion knew damage must have surely been done on all the humans and simply escaping from the Frek’jon was no longer a viable option. Taking a deep, steadying breath, Vallion looked at Jon’kon once again. “Patch me through to Murakami, Balogh, and Jay’va’s groups. We have a change of plans.”
Jay’va checked Thompson’s pulse and growled in frustration. Gone. First Pérez, then Ivanenko, and now Thompson. The other humans were down and out, suffering from whatever took Thompson and the others, but the H’hish were perfectly fine. Physically that is. A little winded, but physically fine.
Mentally, we’re fucked. We’re falling apart at the seams, as the human idiom goes. I’m not even over Cyborg’s death, and now I’m losing my whole team. Jay’va felt the energy of the universe crashing down on her and sweeping her along in a tidal wave.
Jay’va buried her head in her hands, feeling the hopelessness and grief pile up on right after the other because she was just that fucking lucky of a H’hish—
“ —va...”
And not to mention, she also had to deal with that thing that happened back in her cell. From that odd smell. Her head was a mess afterwards and now her memories would forever be scarred by these events—
Startled, Jay’va whipped her head around, searching for the H’hish shouting her name. “WHAT?! What could you possibly want?!” she snapped.
Gigi’ish did not flinch at her harsh words. He just held out the stolen Port Dev for her and said one name: “Vallion.”
Yeu’ish was helping Fuku’kon tend to Lt. Gen. Murakami when a Comm came in from Maj. Gen. Vallion. The escape plan was changing. Seize control of the ship. Kill all the guards. Kill anyone who stood in their way.
Then they would put the humans into the infirmary. Heal them while making their escape back to the A.F. Made sense, for the still living humans, but Yeu’ish knew as Murakami’s pulse ceased, the dead had little chance of revival. But who knows? she thought, humans always prove to be more resilient than they seem.
Krellion leaned against the central control console, watching as the ship’s security droids and feeds went down; listening as communications between guards decreased. The humans and dulgo arrogantly thought they would escape. Their little jailbreak could not succeed.
“The filth moved exactly as you predicted, Captain,” said Krellion as he pushed himself off the console. “However, I am hesitant about the extent of the neurological damages this experiment of yours could cause to the cargo.” As he spoke, Krellion pulled up the vital charts of the human cargo, assessing the current oxygen saturation levels.
Zeelot did not spare Krellion a glance as they pulled the charts towards their position. “These dulgo are as weak as the humans with whom they cohabitate. Once enough of the humans become ill, the dulgo will panic and be at our mercy. The fondness they carry for the humans will lead to their surrender.” Zeelot was correct. Already, more of the humans began showing symptoms of oxygen oversaturation and the duglo were becoming increasingly concerned for their human companions’ welfare.
Still, waiting was tedious and Krellion had no interest in toying with the cargo as Zeelot did. “As you say. Oh, these humans will do well as servants of kulgo. They are exhibiting better resistance to oxygen toxicity than the other humans,” he noted.
“Add that to their profiles,” Zeelot ordered before seating themselves down to watch the carnage.
Carnage of all Krellion’s hard work. His hard work in fixing all the neurological and physiological issues with which the humans were prone, yet Zeelot wanted to test Murakami’s loyalty and the abilities of her crew.
But my opinion does not matter. All that matters if my work wasted for a needless experiment or two. Aaaannnnd I must revive Snell again.
But whatever, Krellion truly had no say in the matter, so he just stood and watched as the cargo neared the hangar and the humans began collapsing. A few humans even fell into seizures. Krellion spoke in hushed tones to his fellow kulgo as they all became increasingly worried about the health of their cargo. The amount of overtime they all had to put forth into fixing the damages Zeelot’s experiment was causing became a headache, especially when they were due to arrive at the Market any gulkib from now. If I have to revive a single human or dulgo, I swear by the mighty reign of Ghayz Tadmir’lis, I will leave this vessel and take my team with me...
As Krellion fumed, the overhead lights dimmed and a odd chill ran down his back. He glanced at the other kulgo and they appeared as confused as he did.
However, the confusion was over within a heartbeat because within that heartbeat, the emergency lights began to flash and the alarms blared. Warnings flashed on the ship’s control console about oxygen levels increasing in the room. For Krellion, he only needed less than a qulib to understand the events that were transpiring.
The dulgo figured out the cause of the humans’ collapsing, but they were foolish to think they could kill a kulgo so easily. H’hish had higher oxygen tolerance than any humans, and kulgo as fine as Krellion and his team more so. Even the Pollikon had high oxygen tolerance. And whatever creature Captain Zeelot was, they would not fall to such a lowly and pitiful revenge tactic. Already, the room was filled with twice the oxygen levels needed for a kulgo to comfortably breathe in air and already Krellion’s team worked on combating the increased oxygen levels. “These dulgo are simpletons,” one of his team said with a laugh. Another kulgo added, “They are as clever as the humans.” Krellion could only agree with his team. The dulgo were as slow witted and unimpressive as the humans.
So that brought to question why Captain Zeelot remained so calm, and why they had such a smug look on their face. Just as Krellion opened their mouth to ask, Zeelot spoke first. “I will be returning to my quarters. And do not disturb me.” Their warning carried an additional meaning, one of which Krellion did not wish to invoke.
Swallowing his trepidation, Krellion refocused on the monitors, tracking the remaining guards and the locations of all the escaped cargo, but they were gone. The Pollikons, the ones he could see on the vids, deceased. Brutally so. The humans, remained were he last saw them, but he could see most of their life signs were gone. He and his team had their work cut out for them to revive all the worthless filth. The dulgo and other cargo were nowhere to be seen, as could be said for the escape pods. None of them showed up on the life signs monitor. They were out of range of the transmission. They jumped ship.
Murakami talked big about the loyalty of her crew, but the dulgo escaped the first chance they got. Pathetic. Dulgo are as cowardly and weak as those humans.
Krellion was so lost in his superiority that he never heard the knocking.
Only the sound of the room engulfing in flames.
After that, he only felt the searing pain of his death.
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fartypooper · 7 years
Grateful Beyond Measure
Hello everyone. It’s story time! Warning: this is *kind of* a sad life story. In case you can’t tolerate dramas in real life, better stop right here and just watch your fave Netflix series instead. But if you decided to read on, I may not have an incentive for you but you’ll just gonna meet a girl who has finally decided to share her story, not to ask for any pity, but to help increase awareness and help anyone out there that is of the same page as hers. 
It has been half a year since I have been diagnosed with Chronic Kidney Disease Stage IV IgA Nephropathy. Currently, is on Stage V also known as the End-Stage Renal Failure. For those of you who doesn’t know about this condition and just in case you want to expand your bag of knowledge, you can click on the links https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/iga-nephropathy and https://www.niddk.nih.gov/health-information/kidney-disease/kidney-failure . 
Well anyway, yes you read it right!! I have a *freaking* (lovely) kidney disease that “may” cause my trip to meet Our Father early or maybe earlier than we may imagine. Lol just kidding. But who knows. Anyway, yes I have a chronic disease that after all these years I thought I was healthy and all my organs were functioning as they were supposed to be, right? But I’m just too blessed that mine’s were not. 
Honestly, this is the most difficult phase I could ever face in my life. Depression was in its finest. Was in denial. “Why me?”, the question I have been asking in repeat everyday (na parang sirang plaka). Crying myself to sleep. Disconnected from social media. Tried to stay away from events and parties. Isolated myself from the eyes of people. And I admit, this was the major major major turnover in my life and of my family as well. What is hard is the fact that I am a nurse, I’ve read about all those kinds of disease, I know how to take care of patients with those conditions and even help them conquer their fears and depressions etc etc etc but when I was told about my condition and my treatment plan and all, I was in a shock (who wouldn’t be right?). I can’t even grasp every informations the doctor has been telling me during my clinic visits. I really don’t know what to do at first. I was really in shock that I can’t even think straight anymore of what I need to do to help treat my body. (It hurts)
I tried everything and drank any kinds of stuff (not to mention herbal stuff) hoping I can be cured. I was even put in a medication trial to see any improvement but still it didn’t work out so well. Unfortunately, there was no improvement. Instead, my bodily function has been declining. I have been experiencing all these symptoms even while I’m in the middle of my work. To list some of it: super bad cramps on all extremities, headaches, round-face, abnormal fat distributions, weight loss (14lbs in 2 weeks), fatigue, extreme mood swings etc. I have been keeping up with my diet as well (low protein, low potassium, low sodium diet). Basically, all I can eat is air. Lol just kidding. It has been strict that I got to have to look up in Google at some points if I can eat this veggies (for example) or not. I have been seeing different doctors to rule out something from another. I have undergone different procedures, lab works every month and do clinic visits (which I was so sick and tired of).
But you know what, it’s not bad at all. Those months have passed with all these I have going through trying to stay away from the *most dreaded* dialysis. I have been trying to control everything to be able to get everything back to normal. But I got sick and tired of doing such, which then I decided to just surrender. I prayed every night for guidance to the right path. And as soon as I settled with this, everything went smoothly. My mind opened and understand what I’m supposed to undergo since both of my injured kidneys can’t do its jobs while waiting for a kidney donor. 
After all I have been through, I then realized how important our prayer and mind works in this journey. Instead of asking the question “Why me?” this time, it’s a statement “It’s me” now. “It’s me” whom God have chosen. People may think I’ve changed. Yes I did! My lifestyle, diet, perspective and goals in life has changed. And I believe it’s for a good cause. This change is not because I want to but God made me realized how I need to change my life to live up the life He wants for me. 
Leading me to life realizations and this is the part I want to share to whomever is going through their hardest part of life. Despite all these, we should think that Our Lord wouldn’t give us any battle in life that we can’t fight off. Patience and faith is being tested all the way. There is no human power that can do to ease all the pains and troubles we experience. It’s only God, and God alone, who can wash it all away for us because He loves us. He’ll give and do whatever we need to be in this fight prepared. How great right? 
And as for me, the love and care from my family, co-workers and friends has been the tool Our Lord gave me to be able to fight this battle beyond of what I can imagine. Indeed, I am grateful beyond measures because that’s all I need. “God’s Love.”
So never give up. I know it’s easy to say but hard to do. Let’s be real. But you know, Nothing is impossible with Him. Just lift everything up unto Him and everything would fall into places. 
“So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.”
-Isaiah 41:10
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Vital Signs, pt24
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Word Count: 1814 Tags: @to-pick-ourselves-up-7 @outside-the-government, @jimfromsales, @donnaintx, @enterprisewriting @starmission @supermoonpanda @rayleyanns @sistasarah-sallysaidso @flirtswithdanger
I awoke with a start, my heart racing. I could feel Steve’s heart beating under my hand, and his slow even breathing told me he was still asleep, so I had at least not wakened screaming. But my heart was racing, and I couldn’t catch my breath. I couldn’t remember what I’d dreamed about either, which was unusual. As my breathing returned to normal, my head started to throb, like it was being crushed in a vice. I sat up, and gasped. And I still couldn’t catch my breath.
I staggered to the bathroom and splashed cold water on my face. The pain in my head was getting worse, and I tried to think if I’d done anything in particular to cause it. I heard Steve stirring in our bed.
“You okay?” He mumbled from the dark.
“Headache.” I managed the one word before I forced myself to lie down on the cold tile of the bathroom floor. I heard Steve make his way toward me, and then drop to his knees suddenly.
“Hey, are you sure you’re alright?” He ran his hand down my back and then tried to push my hair off my face. I cringed away from his touch when he neared my forehead.
“I don’t know,” I admitted. He ran a washcloth under the tap and pressed it against my forehead. The cold was searing and painful, then soothing. I sighed, frustrated.
“Do you trust the new CMO?” Steve asked, rubbing the small of my back. I nodded weakly. He lifted me into his arms, and carried me out of the bathroom. He paused long enough to slip on his runners, readjusting me in his arms, and carried me toward the infirmary. The motion made my stomach turn, and I gagged on the bile rising in the back of my throat.
The infirmary lights were so bright that I turned my face into Steve’s chest and whimpered. He walked directly to the nearest bed and laid me down, drawing the curtain and dimming the examination lights so that I was able to tolerate the brightness.
“Can you get Dr. Morrison?” Steve asked Derek, quietly.
“What’s going on?” Derek asked.
“She said she has a headache, and I found her on the floor in the bathroom. She’s barely responding to me. She got that concussion in New York.” Steve was brief. He sat down on the edge of the bed and kept rubbing my back. I could hear Derek talking quietly to someone on the phone.
“Okay, Lex. I’m going to start an IV. Kevin will be here in just a minute. We’re going to test drive all that new charting software on you, starting with labs and an MRI. Did you have any follow-up after your discharge from Midtown?” Derek was efficient, speaking as he ran through the initial assessment.
“No. I was supposed to have a second MRI last week, but I got busy with this project with Stark.” My voice was whisper quiet. I tried to sit up and was immediately hit with such a huge wave of nausea that I laid back down. Steve put another cool cloth across my forehead. I tilted my head to smile at him, but couldn’t focus my vision. I could tell he hadn’t stopped to get dressed though. I could make out the blur of his plaid pajama bottoms slung low across his hips.
“You must be cold.” I placed my hand on his chest. He bent down and kissed my forehead.
“Don’t worry about me. I’ve been colder.” There was more than a hint of irony in his tone. I smiled weakly. Dr. Morrison pulled back the curtain.
“Let’s get you into the MRI, Lex.” He flashed a penlight across my eyes. I flinched again. Kevin motioned to Derek to help me down to the MRI, but Steve waved him off and picked me up again. I was in too much pain to protest. He laid me on the MRI cot and stepped out of the room.
“You know the drill, Lex. Hold still. We’re just going to scan your head so it shouldn’t be long.” Kevin’s voice came through the speaker.
“Focus on my occipital. There was quite a bit of swelling there from the concussion, maybe we missed a bleed,” I mumbled. The machine roared to life around me. I closed my eyes again and focused on breathing as the cot moved forward for the scan. When the scan was over, Steve carried me back to the exam room, and Derek gave me something for pain. I slipped back to sleep.
Steve was sitting at the bedside, head down on the bed, snoring lightly. He was still in his pajamas, and despite his facetious comment about having been colder, there were goose bumps playing across his shoulders. I closed my eyes and then looked at him again. My vision was clear, and he was in focus. I reached over and ran my fingers through his hair. He stirred, and sat up. When he saw I was awake, he smiled in relief.
“Welcome back.” He squeezed my hand. I returned his smiled and then looked past him and noticed there was a window. And I was looking across the New York skyline.
“What happened?” I asked. My head felt heavy and I was exhausted.
“You were right. You had a bleed in your occipital. Thankfully small. Dr. Morrison sedated you, and transported you to the Hub for emergency surgery,” he explained.
“How long?” I asked.
“You’ve been in and out for the last week.”
“And you haven’t got changed yet? Has my sense of smell been affected? You should reek,” I stated. Steve laughed, the look of relief so palpable it was alarming.
“I had a shower before I came up this morning. I just had a feeling I shouldn’t waste time this morning, and didn’t bother getting dressed.” He touched my face and looked so sad, “I thought I’d lost you.”
“I’m right here.” I put my hand over his, and closed my eyes. I was so very tired. I felt his forehead touch mine, and he kissed me gently. Someone at the door cleared her throat. At one point in our relationship, we probably would have pulled apart like we’d been burned, but Steve was slow to withdraw his touch. I looked over at the doctor waiting at the door.
“Dr. Richmond, you’ve given Captain Rogers quite the scare,” she admonished. I smiled weakly.
“Keeps him young.” I squeezed his hand, and he shook his head, smiling.
“I suppose you want the straight story, no sugar coating. Your colleagues suggest you are the kind of person who doesn’t waste words when they aren’t necessary. I am Dr. Jane McAndrews, and I am the head of neurosurgery for SHIELD. You had a bleed in the occipital. I understand you actually diagnosed it?” She paused.
“No, I just suggested that was where to start looking, based on my MRI after my concussion.”
“At any rate, we needed to surgically decompress the site. I irrigated and cauterized the vessel. You’re lucky it was a small tear and slow bleed, or you could be dead. As it was, the clot was quite large when we opened you up. Your recovery has been unremarkable. I expect you’ll need a few weeks of rest, with no exertion. Physio will be in this afternoon to assess you, and ensure there has been no long-term damage. All our neurological tests so far have suggested you will have a full recovery,” she explained.
“Thank you, Dr. McAndrews,” I nodded. I struggled to push myself up to sitting. Steve leaned over and helped me, and then elevated the head of the bed to support me.
“So she should be fine?” Steve asked. He was pale and looked exhausted. I didn’t think it was possible for him to get exhausted. The super soldier serum should have negated that and allowed him to get by on much less sleep. That was the first sign I had that I might not be getting the full story about my injury.
“I’m cautiously optimistic that there will be no ill-effects. We’ll see what happens with physio this afternoon.” Dr. McAndrews was fairly non-committal. I glanced at Steve and back to the doctor.
“Steve, can you get my a glass of water?” I asked. He nodded and slipped out of the room. I turned my gaze on the doctor.
“What aren’t you telling him?” I demanded.
“We lost you a number of times during surgery. Quite frankly, I’m astonished you made it through the surgery, let alone woke. It will be a long road to recovery, and I’m hesitant to suggest that you will ever practice medicine again,” she spoke quickly and quietly, glancing toward the door with every phrase. My heart started to pound.
“What do you mean?” I could feel the panic rising in my chest. I couldn’t imagine what I would be without my career. Would SHIELD even have a place for me? Where would I go? What would happen? Would Steve still want to be with me, if I was an invalid?
“Time will tell, Dr. Richmond. I don’t want to dash your hopes, but I also want you to remain realistic. You’ve had a serious head injury. We won’t know how badly you’ve been injured for months. For what it’s worth, I am the best in the country. My technique is precise and my part of the surgery was flawless. How is your vision?” She glanced over her shoulder again.
“Clear, in focus,” I answered honestly. She nodded.
“That’s a good sign. The bleed was contained in the occipital, so I’ve high hopes that nothing else should be affected. But Director Fury knows you won’t be back to work for a long while, if ever. You should anticipate a visit from him soon, now that you’re awake.” She stopped speaking abruptly, and Steve rounded the corner into the room moments later.
“Thank you, Doctor,” I hoped she understood that I’d dismissed her. She collected my chart and left the room. Steve sat down beside me, and handed me the cup. He waited until I was drinking before he spoke.
“She doesn’t think you’ll work again.” It was a question.
“You heard everything, didn’t you?”
“I’m not stupid, Lex. I knew why you sent me away.”
“What happens if I’m sidelined forever?” My words were a whisper. Steve pulled me into his arms.
“You’re too valuable to sideline. Fury will find a use for you, one way or another.” He almost sounded angry with that. I leaned into his arms.
“And you?” I asked. He buried his face in my hair and sighed.
“I’ve cast my lot. I love you, Alexandra. That won’t change.” I felt a tear slip down my cheek and leaned into his embrace, relieved.
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gulescamisade · 7 years
New York:  Day 2
JOHN: - ASSUMING they ended up sleeping in an alley, John probably cuddled up with Kankri. However, he miserably wakes up over and over to vomit, straying farther away from the group during these excursions for courtesys sake. He gets more sweaty, stumbly and shaky the more this goes on-
ROSE: -She looks up from her typing to watch John. At some point he feels her hand on his back, rubbing in little circles.- Good morning. ROSE: It is a punctual wake up call, if I were pressed to say one good thing about this place.
JOHN: - he is NOT having a good morning but he wheezes and smiles anyway. He's chewing some peppermint gum, and still slathering on the Vicks which is helping somewhat- yeah, no kidding. bright and early in flavor town.
ROSE: As far as I can tell, based on the feed, no one else is in any danger. ROSE: Immediate danger, I should say. But we're not sure where Roxy, Jake, your father or the cherubs are.
ROSE: It could be a good sign that they're off the grid like that.
JOHN: - Thank you for providing a positive option he'll be choosing that one- yeah. i mean... my dad is with them. i'm not worried. he probably has things on lock down. - oh how ironic this statement is-
JOHN: d'ya want some water? the only food i have is cake but i have lots of water bottles. - also the sort of shock blankets EMTs carry. there were likely three that they all had to share. -
ROSE: Wherever it is, I presume it's better than what you'd get if Banksy were commissioned to construct a parody of a city.
ROSE: ...Yeah. that would actually help a lot.
JOHN: - passes her one-
JOHN: - SIGHS because he already really hates this place. - this is beyond banksy this is like what michael bay would've done if youd asked him for a dystopian flick. pretty on the nose, betty. just sayin...
ROSE: Nothing is on fire except for our reliable steel trash fire, John, and I would never insult our most stalwart ally that way.
ROSE: Although if I see one single depiction of Ronald McDonald anywhere, I am extraordinarily liable to flip a tit.
JOHN: well i hate to say it, Rose but in all likelihood your tit is getting flipped.
ROSE: I said a tit, John, not necessarily any of mine. Ronald -- can I call him Ronald? Is that deemed appropriate?-- likely has at least one under that puffy yellow garment.
ROSE: All I am saying is that it is likely to be golden brown on both sides.
ROSE: Not unlike the McGriddle.
JOHN: - laughs helplessly even tho he doesn't want to. STAHP-
ROSE: -She twists open the water bottle-- grateful that they've got something-- taking a sip. Her head still hurts, but it's normal style headache, not migraine getting nuked by all the lights of times square, so she can deal a lot better.- ROSE: I mostly have some of Baldur's baby food I prepared. ROSE: I doubt that will last terribly long, but I'd like to avoid any of the food here if we can help it.
ROSE: So, we have banana and peanut butter mush, and cake.
JOHN: maybe the others have some more stuff. - he doesn't wanna wake them up yet tho. let them rest... -
ROSE: Well, it could be a lot worse.
JOHN: hey I'm not knocking banana peanut butter mush. sounds good honestly. - except he's not interested in any food rn, he's too nauseated. the only reason he stopped vomiting is because is tum is empty except for water-
ROSE: It is. Protein and at least one kind of potassium. The possibilities are endless.
MEULIN: -She's slept pretty restlessly -- post-traumatic stress and dangerous locations will do that to you -- and only manages to sleep soundly once she sees familiar words scrolling over her sunglasses, knowing that at least someone else was awake to watch out in her stead. It was difficult having only so many senses, being unable to tell if any noise should alert them. Now, though, she stirs again, squinting in whatever haze of light manages to permeate the neon signs.-
JOEY: =rubs at her eyes, sitting up= ...what guy?
ROSE: Fieri, comma.
ROSE: Morning.
JOEY: oh....
JOEY: he's still a thing?
ROSE: I took the liberty to scout by air a bit. I can confirm two things.
ROSE: One is that this city is hopelessly large, and most of the buildings are equipped with searchlights on the highest floors.
ROSE: The other is that he is very much still a thing.
ROSE: He's plastered all over the place.
JOEY: sorry ive been out of the loop in this universe for quite some time now
JOEY: i can tell you in some of them he is but a distant memory
JOEY: although it might be to give the world a false sense of security, waiting to rise again
ROSE: Let's start a fair clip back, actually.
ROSE: Should I be horrified by him? more so than everything else about this place, I mean?
[He's only the high chaplain of interstellar war. The key architect of the hilarocaust itself. Pay no mind to the fact that he ruthlessly murdered and cooked every supreme court justice in his rise to power]
JOEY: your guess is as good as mine =shrugs= i dunno what this version of him is supposed to be like
JOEY: hes either a harmless cook with his own tv show using way too much grease or not many really know about him
JOEY: here its obviously not the case
ROSE: Right.
ROSE: It's fine. We should eat, anyhow. Keep our strength up without succumbing to the Big Bite. Do any of you have food on you?
JOEY: oh shit! =rummages through her sylladex= i have a bag of milky ways!
ROSE: I wonder how long we can last on candy and baby food.
JOEY: =places a milky way fun size bar on her sleeping brother's head=
ROSE: Edible what, exactly?
MEULIN: ...RR...
JOEY: boogers are edible, yet....im not feeling that
JOEY: ???
ROSE: I really don't. Although I should disclose I was working under the assumption you were talking about edible panties or body chocolate.
ROSE: So they're probably not worse than that.
MEULIN: SO.........
ROSE: Well, that'll at least help us cope.
ROSE: We'll ration.
JOEY: hehehehehe
JOEY: we get high or get cavities
JOEY: it's a race to either
MEULIN: -casually pulls out Rice Krispies on that note... TIME TO GET FUCKING BLAZED. She offers one each to Joey and Rose.-
ROSE: ...Thank you. -TIME TO DO A WEED BREAKFAST. she might reconsider but she's sick of her head hurting, and she hasn't had a thing in her stomach since they arrived.-
JOEY: thanks
JOEY: =she wipes her hands on her pants before taking it. Does it help? Who knows?=
JOEY: =nibbles the krispie=
MEULIN: -They're pretty tasty and definitely Rice Krispie treats. They don't seem to taste any different than a normal one, but in about five to ten minutes they should feel a nice buzzy body high and a bit more floaty than before... depending on how high or low their tolerance is. They might be a lot floaty and a lot buzzy.-
JOEY: =she's a lusus vet. the occasion never called for drug use!=
JAMISON: =slowly lifts a manhole cover then jumps out of it. Where has this old man been?? Puts the cover back and scurries to the group= Oh fantastic you're eating! Here I've got some clean water. =thunks down a gallon jug, yes he's still shirtless... AND ARMED=
ROSE: -She's just starting to relax and let that buzzing feeling take over when JAMISON THE SUDDEN.-
ROSE: Fuck!
JOEY: =Nearly jumps out of her skin and fumbles with the rice krispie, almost dropping it. It's like when your parent catches you smoking! It's...almost like that, actually.=
ROSE: That was sudden. I figured you'd gone somewhere, but... It seems you went... There. This is good to have.
ROSE: Hello. Also.
JOEY: hiiii dad! um...where did you get the water?
JAMISON: Oh... didn't mean to give you all a start! Good morning! I'll go hunting down normal appearing meat later! No worries on the water I staked out a source and purified it myself with something I whipped up! :D
JOEY: =I knew it, it IS sewer water=
ROSE: That's a relief. ROSE: We were just taking supply of what we've got. Suppose we'll be able to manage for long enough to figure which way is... out.
JAMISON: Any way can be out, missy! Haw! Simply pick a direction!
JOLENE: -waddles over after disappearing herself. this is a bad habit this family has.- agreed! and if it requires blowing holes into any of the buildings then i have explosives. :)
ROSE: Well. Shit. 
ROSE: Alright. I'd first want... a car. Because it seems kind of desperate if we're going to be making our getaway from acts of explosives on foot.
ROSE: I was thinking we could try and tail one of those freight trucks.
JOLENE: that's probably a good idea........ -she just wants to level this whole place-
JAMISON: =beams at Jojo= Like the old days!
ROSE: The old truck hijacking days.
JOLENE: it really takes me back...
JOEY: ive never heard this story =chinhands, munching on this riceweedie=
JAMISON: Oh! There's tons of stories we can tell!! =proudly beams=
ROSE: I'm sure there's... plenty of time.
JOHN: - HE GAVE MEULIN A LOOK LIKE... so it's you... you're the supplier. but given they're in a crisis situation he lets it slide. And takes a bite of a rice krispy hoping it will help with the nausea. -
JOLENE: yes, true. for now let's focus on getting out of here. -peeps the rice krispies- what have you got there?
ROSE: Breakfast. 
ROSE: Laced with a relaxant to dull the overwhelming stimulus of our environment.
ROSE: -WOW she's starting to think she's really good at being high-
JAMISON: They've scrounged up some-- oh? Hm........ 
JAMISON: So long as your reflexes are kept sharp!
JOHN: - How elegantly she puts it-
ROSE: :)
ROSE: :)
JOLENE: ... -squints-
JOLENE: are those weed rice krispies????????????????
ROSE: ...There is a mite touch of THC.
JAMISON: Awww come now Jojo! The youngsters aren't used to such dastardly dangers as we are!
JOHN: - please body digest these faster so he can feel not sick-
JOHN: - pleading with your body is a common medical practice don't you know-
JAMISON: Also it's a bit hard to find something that seems safe to consume out here.... I've even got looking for meat but I apparently haven't gone far enough on my last search!
JOHN: well i have lots of cakes
JOHN: they're safe... my dad made them.
JAMISON: Oh! Well that'll do finely! Good job old boy!
JOHN: it's not the most nutritious thing but...
JAMISON: Mustn't be picky about what you get to feast on in the wild, it could be the last meal you pass up! Haw!
MEULIN: CAKE IS GOOD. -thankfully being high makes you also want to eat just about anything... unless it's made by Guy, because fuck him.-
JOHN: - he breaks two out right now. months old but they're kept fresh although they might taste like they've been in hammer space for a little too long-
JOLENE: -frowns thinking about the cakes because she knows james is missing...- i'll have some cake. thank you, john.
JOHN: - he's frowning for the same reason-
JAMISON: I'll take one as well! Need to keep my wits sharp!! =THEY'LL FIND EVERYONE AND FIX JADE, BUCK UP EVERYONE!!!=
JAMISON: Now then! I'll take that to go and SCOUT! :D
JOHN: -there's yellow cake that says HAPPY LATE DECEMBER and another one, chocolate that says HAPPY EARLY JANUARY
ROSE: Be careful. Try to avoid shooting anything.
JOLENE: .... -james............-
JAMISON: =DIBS ON THE YELLOW CAKE, pistol-winks at Rose= No promises but I will gather a route for us so get your rears in gear!!
JAMISON: And drink some water!
ROSE: -She is interrupted by a STOMACH GROWL. She levitates over a pretty large slice with her majyyks.-
JOLENE: -grabs a slice of chocolate cake and gobbles it down. YUM.-
JOHN: - HE makes sure everyone gets a large slice except himself because he's waiting for the cannabis to kick in-
JAMISON: =Bends down to touch his toes, stretches this way and that. If they're in the alley still he takes a running start at the wall and hardcore parkours his way up to the roof of one of the buildings= TALLY-HO!!!! =There he goes....=
JOHN: - bemused amazement at Jamison-
JOLENE: ... there he goes.
JOEY: so now we have dessert, candy, and happy times to fuel our energy =giggles=
ROSE: I... You know, that sort of reminds me. 
ROSE: Obviously you are not beholden to stay, but I haven't seen any other trolls, outside of our group. Right? Just humans and... Less... Healthy looking humans.
JOHN: that is weird now that you mention it...
JOEY: if the troll to human ratio is low here, theres a chance of another group out there with one human surrounded by trolls 
JOEY: =presses meulin's nose= boop
JOHN: hehehehe... boop! - does it too-
MEULIN: -IS BOOP!!!- (=゚・゚=) 
MEULIN: PRRP! -bunts at their hands. Pet her.-
JOHN: - It's good luck! he gladly gives her head scratches. -
JOHN: i kind of imagined... more trolls?
ROSE: Yeah...
JOEY: =Pats Meulin's hair floof, shrugging=
JOEY: maybe were meant to be here
JOEY: if youre saying this isn't a coincidence
JOEY: =sorry! it's not a lullaby to her either=
ROSE: I don't doubt there was intent in the decision.
ROSE: What I would like to find is the purpose behind this place.
ROSE: What these glamorous banalities mask.
ROSE: You know, that shit.
ROSE: Chemicals, probably. Fuck it.
JAMISON: =APPEARS again= Mind-control! Well.. it's a theory. Also if you have the necessities then you control the land. 
JAMISON: A typical tactic done with water mostly but food isn't any different!
ROSE: Chemicals. -nods-
JOHN: maybe the food is... - dramatic pause- PEOPLE
JOHN: nah just kiddin
JOHN: or not..???
ROSE: Let's not rule anything out.
JAMISON: True, we should keep open minds so to not be surprised! JAMISON: Whatever these devils are eating isn't good for them and I can't say cannibalism does a body good!
MEULIN: .....
JUDE: -he's in the bg here just perpetually going hhhhhhh-
JAMISON: =Peeps Jude.......=
JAMISON: Well yes, for you troll lot it is fine you're biology is capable of handling it. The same can't be said with our own digestive system. =Do you need a hug Jude? A sweaty, shirtless, hairy dadhug?=
MEULIN: -stares off into the neon distance...-
JAMISON: Then it's quite possible that cannibalism has been introduced or even forced upon locals!
JUDE: okay but haven't you noticed the traits the humans around here are taking on?
JUDE: ashen skin... they've got growths on their heads??
JUDE: it'd make sense if they're being forced to eat their own
JUDE: if the condesce is trying to convert humanity to troll customs-- no, worse
JUDE: convert them into trolls themselves
[No? Maybe. Look, it's a decent proposal. However, no, there aren't any signs EXPLICITLY advertising frying babies, or any other humans for that matter.]
JAMISON: Why that's a silly thing to do EVEN FOR Fish Hitler...... =squints= so she might just be doing it..... JAMISON: Confound it the seabeast is no genius when it comes to biology!.... Perhaps capturing one for testing is necessary....
JAMISON: I'm sure I would whip up a DNA analyzer!
JOEY: its a motivation if the fish queen wants an army of mindless followers
JOEY: rebuilding her race to the extent that all choice or doubt in her reign has been taken from them
MEULIN: MAYBE SHE SHOULD CLAWNSIDER REBUILDING HER BUTT WHEN I PUT MY FOOT IN IT. -grumpy growls. This cat does not like this town.-
JAMISON: Well said! There's ample space for my fists of fury along with your boot old girl!
ROSE: Haha. Fuck.
JAMISON: Right-o! Never stray for long when there's work to be done!
JAMISON: So, seeing how shooting is against the group consensus what about capturing?
ROSE: I could justify that, yes.
ROSE: We want to avoid a ruckus until we're certain they cannot corner us.
JOEY: .....(adorable...)
JAMISON: Meulin! Would you like to capture a zombie with me? :D
MEULIN: -SNRKS and nudges bashfully at Joey. She heard that!!!-
JAMISON: =Holds up a net he made=
JOHN: i think we should establish a base first that isn't an alley out in the open :0
JOHN: what about hijacking one of those trailers
ROSE: Was there room in those sewers?
JAMISON: Do we plan on being here for long? JAMISON: We could appropriate a building!
JOHN: - scratches under beard as he considers all these options-
ROSE: No, we need to catch up with the others. And despite her enthusiasm, I don't think Jolene has enough bombs to demolish this whole place.
JAMISON: Oh, well that's just a matter of creating more.
JOEY: we should keep a low profile before coming up with a solid game plan
JOEY: THEN we can make things blow up
JAMISON: Hm.... actually I would like to meet this "Guy" and take all his files.
ROSE: Well. Ideally, we would have a bomb on the side of town opposite we're going to escape from.
JOHN: hmm we're more than 20 hours from minnesota... if we somehow scored a trailer we could get out of town quickly if we need to and then take turns sleeping on the way there...
JAMISON: That is my near-end game to see what the devil is going on!
ROSE: Establish some sort of distraction.
JOEY: or direction
JOEY: if were going to sightsee, lets make an itinerary
JOEY: =smiles blissfully=
JOHN: - takes a deep breath. his stomach feels better and his nausea is gone. - those were really bomb ass rice krispies, meulin.
JOHN:... you still have that pb and banana...
ROSE: -SNORTS and laughs uncontrollably-
JOHN: @Rose
ROSE: -slides a lil plastic baby food container towards JOHN-
JOHN: - here he is, a grown ass man with a child eating baby food-
JOHN: - incredible-
JOHN: - also he feels all tingly-
MEULIN: -she hasn't kept up with the conversation too terribly, thanks to the fact that she doesn't have to listen and can read it instead.- I THINK THE SEWERS MIGHT BE GOOD. THEY HAVE LITTLE AREAS DOWN THERE RIGHT?
JOHN: alright well... we have a lot of different ideas. and i honestly don't know what's the best choice.
JOHN: should we vote?
JOEY: =her eyes get spherical=
JOEY: theres such a place as buffalo ranch nook hell?
ROSE: Let's steal the zepplin.
JAMISON: I would like to have a base of operations and the sewers weren't so terrible for tha- oh a zepplin would be grand!
JOHN: is that a serious option because if so i like it.
ROSE: Yes. Fuck it. Fuck the sky. Let's steal it.
JOHN: yeah! - fist pump-
JOEY: does anyone know how to actually fly one of those? it's hard from what i have heard :\
JOHN: oh, I have wind powers
JOHN: plus they probably do... - points at jo jo and jamison-
JOHN: - he just takes for granted that the old people know everything-
JOHN: - floats as an example for joey-
ROSE: I, too, have powers, but I'd also think that hauling everyone up into the sky will attract a measure of attention we're not prepared for.
ROSE: Which is second to my previously stated stance, fuck the sky.
JAMISON: Oh! Yes you have been floating as of late I recall... =strokes mustache=
JOHN: ohhhh thats true. - considers this-
JOEY: ... =glances down at the rice krispie- aight, how strong is this stuff?
ROSE: Thank you.
MEULIN: (ฅ•ᆺ•ฅ)
JOHN: - only took a bite of his and put the rest wrapped up in his pocket-
JOEY: since when can people fly??
JOHN: it's not such a weird thing where we come from.
JOEY: i come from earth. this earth! everything is weird to me!
JOEY: anger....stare....
ROSE: Redglare.
JOHN: but like... if we had somewhere to land it, i could use wind currents to bring down the zep. maybe rose's psiionics could steady the landing.
MEULIN: (●ↀωↀ●)
ROSE: I am a psionic, of sorts. -Little finger sparks to demonstrate...-
JAMISON: Probably!
JOEY: =whispers to meulin= (why is redstare so mad?)
JOHN: wow haha... settle down there.
JAMISON: Or capture them HAW!
JOHN: we don't have to kill anyone.
MEULIN: -considers giving her boss weed... hmm-
JOEY: =gasps= does she like desserts? what about one of your riceweedies?
JOHN: ok all in favor of trying to steal the zep say aye.
JOHN: that works.
JOEY: okay if you know what youre doing! :D
JOHN:... but we're not going to kill anyone unless they try to kill us first. - STERN GLANCING. -
JOHN: - makes a face. don't even joke about that. he wants to hide behind rose. -
ROSE: And we should kidnap a... are we really going with Zombie? As a name?
JAMISON: I haven't the slightest what the devil else to call them.
JOHN: hey we can knock out two birds with one stone. there has to be a pilot, right?
ROSE: Yes, but I doubt the people down here are running anything of importance.
ROSE: I mean, look at them.
JOHN: maybe the pilot will know more. - head scratcher-
JAMISON: By the time you all have the zeppy down Meulin and I should have one secure.
JOHN: alright. that works too!
JOEY: =starts singing, clapping john on the back= 
JOEY: she says that my life is over 
JOEY: "boy you don't know what you got till it's gone 
JOEY: come put your head upon my shoulder" 
JOEY: she gave me her hand but i ignored her 
JOEY: oh dr. john 
JOEY: what am i doing 
JOEY: what am i doing i wrong? 
JOEY: cuz i keep on trying 
JOEY: something ain't going 
JOEY: something ain't going on 
JOEY: oh dr. john
JOHN:... - THIS CHILD. he loves her already-
MEULIN: -she would sway but she has no idea this is a song-
JOHN: - pushes her playfully- get back jojo!
JOEY: =im 37 my dude=
JOHN: - he has no idea-
JOHN: - you're like 10+ years older than him-
JOEY: =theres probably something in grubloaf tbh=
JOEY: =aww you say that cuz im your kid=
JAMISON: =Also he and Jojo have THE BEST GENES. Spry old folks=
JOEY: =that she wont deny=
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