#ive doodled stuff i havent shared
freakurodani · 5 days
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heres a teaser for the next chapter of my bokuaka fic Lights Cast Shadows
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nartblartmallcop · 1 year
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i dont show it a lot but ive been in a bit sp.ex mood lately
your uncle with no tastebuds hosts a barbeque for you and your friends <3
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larkkspuur · 8 months
the amount of kingdom art i just. havent shared. not even lore locked stuff i just havent shared like. any art ive made for kingdom for the past. 3ish months? maybe 4.
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pancakemolybdenum · 5 months
Hi!!!! I’m also making a physical copy of detective pony and if you’d be willing I’d love to know your method of getting his words and printing them out!! I’m a bit stumped on the best way to do that + his doodles! Thanks!
its been a while since ive worked on it bc work got in the way of me having much energy in the evenings but what i did was take every page in the fic and cut out only the orange bits, so the rest was just white, and put it all together as a pdf. some bits i had to recreate myself like the friedmann model universe equation and the turkish march bit (shoutout to @kh358days2 for helping me figuring out musescore). then i did some test printouts of one page (NOT the whole thing ever. you will thank me) with different sizes until it fit perfectly
i dont really see why i should keep my pdf only to myself so if u dm me i can share it with you (when im not at work lol). with reservations for mistakes here and there. i had to redo a few pages as i went bc they ended up slightly blurry in print from accidentally saving with opacity on
edit: about the doodles i havent gotten to those yet... ive been trying out some orange gel pens and thinking i can just practice them on paper a few times and then hope i get it right on the first try. or maybe i can sketch really lightly with pencil first. biggest problem is the stuff on the covers bc of the slippery material. i have no idea what ill do there. orange paint and a really thin brush?
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the-gayest-show · 2 months
WOFTFI 2023 Review (+ Arc Thoughts Ish)
as a small intro, ive been getting into smg4. A guilty pleasure almost, but uhhh the smg4 merch looks banger af so uhhhh uhhh (also mr puzzles this was his fault too)
watching the puzzlevision arc is great and im doing it in the order prescribed by the smg4 wiki bc fans know best.
anyways im finished the movie and i want to review this thing because i have Thoughts (spoilers under the cut since idk if anyone in this fandom cares [i dont interact with it at all atm] but i do):
I dont really know much about SMG4’s other arcs and previous versions of this movie (i watched like maybe 3 r64 episodes before this, feel free to flame me for it) but this movie was damn good.
though i havent watched the livestream in which apparently all the decisions were made, i find it so interesting that the fans got to choose how the movie went! I love this idea of experimenting with audience feedback and it’s genuinely made for a fun movie!
Like the few smg4 movies, ive watched prior (western spaghetti and its gotta be perfect), the style of animation is good! Ive read thru yt comments that say this is a step up from what it used to be before and such and im inclined to believe it!
The battles were fun and action packed and the whole “spy rizz” meter was a great aspect! If i were a fan back then and i voted, it wouldve been so fun to see whether i chose right or wrong! Great fun!
i like the relationship development of smg3 and 4. Genuinely i love their dynamic a lot and seeing the development even if its just screentime is like enrichment to me (i ship them too now. Getting gay married would solve their problems /silly /hj)
i like how in the end smg3 DOES care for smg4 and crew and moved in closer to them (one criticism: i may be stupid but it took me wayyyy longer than needed to realize smg3 wasnt actively living in the showgrounds before this ? He appeared so often its like he lived there but he lived in that weird ahh starbucks still? Crazy.)
the notebook had a doodle of smg4 and 3 sharing coffee 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
i also like the mr puzzles foreshadowing here (call it foreshadowing when his face gets revealed for real in this movie). Generally, what ive noticed is that every time mr puzzles related shit happens, its got that stupid music attached to it. A motif. (I cant get that shit out of my head) and how the puzzlevision logo appears too. In this movie it made a glitched appearance and the theme is once again burned into my brain.
Knowing exactly what mr puzzles sounds like, the voice distortion on his voice was cool as fuck. So was that wall break. Crazy shit.
Overall 10/10, will continue watching this arc and eventually ill go backwards in continuity and watch the other arcs (feel free to roast me for this decision but mr puzzles brainrot and i was unable to not think about the puzzle vision parts I DID watch.)
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Overdue Life Update
I know I havent drawn or posted much tbh ive been in such an art slump and havent done much in terms of doodles, Ive been spending a lot of time with kyo and crew rping in vrchat and testing and retesting stuff for 2pdtalia. Sorry I havent updated you all
recently one of my codevs dropped out of every game project I had with them and dropped off the face of the earth, and my other codev has been struggling with personal matters so the promise I made for 2pdt I dont think Ill be able to do on my own. so for now Im going to just slowly chip away on it this year, tho if you all wanna see weird screenshots of my code lmk Id be happy to share
Im still going to try to post more often and i will hopefully soon be able to draw some more. Ive just been kind of taking a break, focusing on finishing the minibios for all my 2ps and learning more with rpgmaker.
tbh when this happened I decided to take a step back and go through a lot of my aus and projects and cut fat and decided to shelf a lot of my projects and try to narrow down what Im working on. I have so many things I want to work on- I want to do so much because I often feel like I dont produce enough for as long as I have been here, and so many people have supported me I feel like I need to produce something completely so people will be proud. Not to mention I just have so much au ideas and beans for creation but I am so eternally drained and exhausted its an intense balancing act with my health conditions.
But for now Im just going to keep learning systems and fiddling with mini ideas. I need to stop being afraid of not living up to an invisible standard, but also need to remember to take time to improve and actually see things through to the end. Just wanted to update you where Ive been, I hope yall are well <3
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heptasepta · 6 months
trans day of visibility and other thoughts
i have mixed feelings about this because i really dont know if im trans (nb) or not (cis guy). this isnt actually the first time ive questioned my gender, since i presented as a trans woman during 2020-2021 during covid. basically ive kinda liked the idea of being a girl for a while but certain circumstances made me untrans myself.
the first thing was that i was lazy and didnt want to go through the hoops that was mtf transitioning. also the thought of going out in public as a trans girl was scary but at home it was fine. i know this sounds cowardly but i just didnt really want to deal with that kind of crap so i just didnt. the second and arguably the more important one is that i think i falsely attributed the source of my unhappiness with being a cis guy and not the lack of a strong support circle and zero intimacy with people close to me.
while I do have friends, both online and irl (these days i talk more to irl friends) i still feel somewhat empty as well. not to mention the friends i made years ago dont really keep in contact with me. i try to reach out sometimes and we talk about whatevers been going on but after that its not much else. then they move on, only talking to me when i initiate something to them. i know this is also my fault too because i sometimes dont reach out to talk but it actually really sucks when youre too socially anxious both online and irl so any attempt at socializing comes across as desperate or inexperienced (with how to talk online) like genuinely i feel like im still stuck in 2021 despite the covid lockdowns being over years ago. i also never share anything about myself, not to my family, or people online. because of this i dont really know who i am and its been like this for years now.
i have doodles and papers and text documents full of ideas but i never share them because theyre always in a state of incompleteness and i dont want people to see what my work "couldve" looked like rather than what it actually looks like, without any proof that there existed earlier versions that id rather not talk about since i believe it shows a its imperfection which i know is a stupid thing to believe but at this point i dont really know. hopefully someday ill get it out there but for now, no.
also theres the fact that i really want to make stuff again but i havent, which i keep blaming on being in school but i think its just an excuse for me to keep doing this rigorous anime and video game consumption. i made myself basically a schedule for watching anime and playing video games that i follow diligently. the video game schedule isnt as strict but idk i feel like the past 5 years ive done nothing but watch content or whatever and not creating anything. i keep telling myself that once i "catch up" to enough shows/movies/games/whatever but its just an endless cycle at this point, also considering how slow i watch things, usually one episode a day is all i can tolerate so i dont know why i keep doing this. or maybe im lazy/depressed idk???
i dont really know what the future holds, i just hope i can get out of whatever this is.
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pocket-void · 4 years
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My brain is still rebooting after the absolute wild mess that was this week, so have this messy silly lil thing. o///o
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pinkmilkyblue · 5 years
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Schoolwork,,,,? Who’s she?? Never heard of her,,,,,
aka guess who drew the snek man instead of doing math homework,,,, oops
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teethcake · 4 years
apologies on little slow posting and getting to ask! in all honesty, ive been little out of it and not in the best art moods but after just taking a little pause i’m getting back! i been wanting to post my updated commission sheet but i’m too nervous so, it’ll take me a hot minute before post it. also DD, i’m far to excited for that new dlc ;;;
also to help getting back the art mood i’ve been drawing my dnd oc + scenes that happened in the campaign i’m in bc, gotta have visuals for funny moments. heres a peek at my character in a scene im doodling out
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milliekou · 5 years
some dumb blurb
So...I noticed I haven’t updated my profiles and some parts of my blogs in years, ORZ.
I’m gonna do a bit of a revamping/updating today and create a portfolio for commissions this year since I’ve got my Paypal finally sorted out. 
 I was also thinking of writing a more polished blog post in WP on how I do my planning, scheduling,  tips and tricks when it comes to working on comics ( or doujinshi as people like to call it) since some followers have been asking for my help there (to which I am very flattered  @///////@ ).
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hinatahajimess · 6 years
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consider...... ultra despair girls on a segway
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reidsnose · 4 years
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overview: reader doodles on her hands a lot and spencer has to give into the temptation of coloring it in
genre: flufffffff
a/n: sorry ive havent posted a fic in like a week, ive been in quite a slump but i had this idea well after midnight but i just had to write it so lmk what u guys think of this one :)
doodling on your hands: a once nervous habit that had seeped into your everyday life and now is just a regular habit. nearly everyday you would come to work with clean hands and get home with a mini art gallery on your non dominant one.
Spencer admired this from the moment he noticed it. at first he thought you had a tattoo but when you came back the next day with it completely gone, he was a tad confused, only to catch you doodling on that very same hand a couple hours later on the jet. he thought maybe it was an occasional thing, a habit you'd quit once you got better situated into the team, but after nearly a year you still left work almost everyday with some cutesy sketches drawn on your hand.
Spencer found himself looking forward to your doodles, imagining in his head what you might draw each day, and thinking of all the colors you would add if you had the time. being the great profiler that he is, he noticed a pattern: you subconsciously correlated your doodles with your mood.
after especially hard cases or just bad days you always drew roses.
when you were very happy you drew all sorts of fruits.
anxiousness bore little swampy creatures and lily pads.
tired days filled your hands with random, intricate designs that you didn't even have to try hard to make.
and content was anything else.
he was so impressed and absolutely adored your little coping mechanism. watching you concentrate on making those teeny pieces of art simply for your own pleasure was definitely a sight to see. the way your eyebrows furrowed and tongue poked out a bit was absolutely positively adorable. and soon he had noticed that he was looking forward less to the doodles and more to watching you draw them. and after that he began looking forward to just you.
you were sat on the jet with your back to the corner of the last seat on the plane, creating a pattern of roses on the back of your hand. Spencer plopped down in the seat next to you, growing tired of watching from so far away.
"that bad, huh?" he asked, noticing the type of flower you were gracing your hand with.
"hm?" you looked up, confused.
"you only doodle roses on bad days." he explained, pointing to your hand.
"what? no i don't!" you defended, " i just think roses are neat."
to be fair, you were having a bad day but he could've profiled that without the doodle. he cant be right, can he? there was no way you had a mood system for your doodles! unless there was.
"repetitive strokes are therapeutic, so roses being rough days make sense. the spiral in the middle followed by however many layered petals you want is a perfectly repetitive while still interesting enough to doodle."
"if i didn't know any better i'd say you've been spying on me, Dr. Reid," you teased, enjoying the slight rouge that appeared on his cheeks.
"what! no! i'm- i'm a profiler i notice patterns! i just- spying sounds creepy." he stammered.
"ok. how about admiring." you jabbed, turning a little red yourself.
"fine. but you know coloring helps too." he flipped back to the old topic of conversation.
"unfortunately i only have the standard blue, black and red ink."
"roses are red." he chuckled.
"interesting point," you bent down and reached into your bag, pulling out a red pen and handing it to him, "knock yourself out."
"what?" he looked at you slightly bewildered.
"coloring is therapeutic, you said it yourself. and you and i both know that you need something to relax you after a case like that. we all do." you explained, trying to be as nonchalant as you could knowing his skin would touch yours.
he grabbed the pen and clicked it open, coloring smoothly and slowly inside the lines you had already made in black, careful not to go over them and smudge the ink. you and him both tried your best to ignore the warmth shooting through your bodies from every place your hands touched. his fingertips lightly grazing your knuckles as he worked.you worked your way up your arm, giving you both space to work and by the time you landed, you had a half sleeve garden of surprisingly well colored (and somehow shaded) red roses.
you went home that night and bought a pack of colorful (washable) pens, hoping this little rose garden with him wasn't a one time thing. and even if it was, you would want to add your own pop of color to your doodles.
thankfully it wasn't.
you and Spencer found yourselves drawing and coloring on your hand a lot. he would catch you doing it and pop in over your shoulder just to add a touch of color where he thought it fit. and you began to feel sad washing off what the two of you had created that day, feeling nostalgic for time that has hardly passed.
and sometimes on the jet you would get tired of your own skin, so you would draw little doodles on his hand, often times leaving a little heart at the base of his thumb. these little hearts he avoided washing off for as long as he possibly could because they felt like a part of you was always with him. he started doing the same thing to your hand, a sort of signature the two of you shared.
most days, the doodles on your hands were pretty much fully colored in.
but now Spencer began to worry. what if you get ink poisoning because of his coloring? sure, the risk was statistically low, improbable even; but never zero. so one night after work he went out and bought a little sketchbook and on the front he scrawled,
"y/n's super duper special sketchbook"
upon receiving it, after giving him a hug he never wanted to let go of, you took a sharpie and started editing the title he had given it. so it now read:
"y/n and Spencer's super duper special sketchbook"
the two of you used up a whole page that day, front and back filled with all types of fruits. Spencer smiled to himself, knowing this had made you very happy. you took a second to take a step back and admire him doing the very thing he admired you for. and you understood why; he just looked so precious and you suddenly realized you craved the feeling of his hand touching yours. so you leaned over and drew a little black heart at the base of his thumb. he looked up at you, smiling widely before returning a red heart to the base of your thumb.
and you guys tore through that book, using a page a day and filling it cover to cover in no time. your own personal handmade coloring book. it turned out to be both of your most prized possessions, a pang of sadness filling your chests as you finished the last page.
you felt bad taking it home with you that night, wondering if maybe Spencer wanted to keep it. maybe you should keep it at work so you can both have it. thats the fair thing to do. you looked down, smiling sadly at the little red heart on your hand.
he did want to keep it. but he had a better idea in mind. he looked down, smiling excitedly at the little black heart on his hand.
the next day when you arrived to work all your worries were solved. on your desk laid a new sketch book entitled:
"y/n and Spencer's super duper special sketchbook: volume ii"
you laughed as you read a small lilac post it note that said, "i want to keep this one please" signed with a little red heart in the corner.
ultra mega super cool taglist:
@mac99martin @imhreid @spencersmagic @hollydaisy23 @raelady1184 @a-broken-pact @padfootswife @hey-there-angels @star-stuff-in-the-cosmos @sonnydoesrandomshit @coffeereid-deactivated20210303 @averyhotchner @laurakirsten0502 @reidyoulikeabook @rem-ariiana @spencerreid9 @vampire-overlord @takeyourleap-of-faith @s1utformgg @violetspoetic
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socksandbuttons · 2 years
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I’m gonna describe as little but descriptive as i can here We got ErrorFell Pap, he based on a previous fellpap doodle ive shared before. Take a guess. Then we got 8ball Papyrus. U dont get too much context here either. He’s seemingly related to a redacted boyo not shown. Tama is a Fresh!Error Papyrus. You can guess who. He’s pretty friendly actually, bit of an airhead. Uses 90s toys for things. The only 90s accurate color is yellow apparently. Besties fave and also named him. Then we got Wing!Error or Wings as we call him. His palette and wings sport area’s in the game. He’s still got his brother (we’re still working on him) hes got more art somewhere but from the same timeline Vsiuri is from. Also now apart of Soul’s adoptive family. We’ll explain another time we’re just goin here. But stuff happens to his timeline, it took him a while to find it and get his brother out of there. They wonder around voids and the multiverse before finding Soul and Vsiuri. Bestie @ohlookanothercartoontofallinto came up with him. Also her fave. THATS THE NEW BOYOS. THERES MORE BUT I HAVENT FINISHED THEM YET. theres also fusion papyrus but thats in concept and unless you’ve been on blog the last UH 5 years then you wouldnt even Know what that ones about.
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awakened-void-deity · 2 years
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Havent drawn Awakened Abyss PK in a while so uh take this lore doodle i did <:]
Also a couple shitposts and other stuffs below the cut these were all done with my friend @starryofthy btw, we've been messin ab with aus meeting stuff for a bit LMFAO- [i will not be posting their side of things, as it is not my art to share,,so these are all out of context lol]
hope they dont mind me posting these funnis uh,,
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[small text for these in image desc]
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[tiny context thing here uh. This all started with TNH, they are. currently in TNH's dream...]
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also take a cute lil wyrm for scrolling through all these shitposts and stuff, also bc that first image h u r t s
Its sad most of these are the best PKs ive ever drawn
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the-stray-liger · 3 years
MAN i sent u a fucking ESSAY and i accidentally cut the first paragraph bc im so goddamn tired. To sum up: im 28 and depressed and moving and also trying to make art as a living despite not being Super Good at it and its forcing me to Relearn things when my style has been stagnant since 2013. I know u said u wanted to try getting back into drawing so im sharing things that took me out of my OWN block and maybe it can help u ???
Lookin at sketchbooks and preparing my comp for drawing feels daunting bc it FEELS like i have a responsibility to make whats i draw there look good. It HAS to be perfect; it has to make up for the fact that im going to show people. So have u considered drawing on temporary mediums like sticky notes? Theyre tiny and small and i can doodle and experiment as much as i want bc i can just crumple and chuck out the things i didnt like. And i can take pictures and save the ones i DO like. I have HUNDREDS of stickies that ive tossed in the garbage that were just Circles for drawing a head that didnt come out right. The impermanence of sticky notes lets me flail around w a workspace smaller than my hand and try to make Detailed Eyes or Cute Chibis and then toss em out later.
Also like, its very hard to just say Go Make Friends but like on god having one or two ppl who look at ur shit and hype u up (and vice versa) helps w ur confidence its so unreal. I have tons of art i havent posted ANYWHERE but u know who saw it? My discord friends who comment w 😭💖 and 🥺✨✨ and let me bounce ideas off of them, even if were in completely diff fandoms. Confidence, lack thereof, and the fear of no recognition makes for a terrifying combination thats sucks out the will and energy of all kinds of artists, and if u rlly want to get back to ENJOYING making art, u unfortunately have to address ur relationship w art and how it affects u, and then begin trying to reverse damage thats been done yknow? Letting myself be a beginner in things again has taken (SOME OF) the stress of being perfect; sharing art w friends builds my confidence; even just sharing aus and ideas and concepts lets me be creative when drawing just doesnt seem feasible. Just some food for thought maybe; i wish i had more advice and options to give u 😔
This is actually excellent advice? I think Im gonna go looking for post its. Part of the stress of this for me is also that I feel super guilty drawing something shitty on good paper, and I think postit notes would help with that since they're cheap!!
I do try to share some of the stuff I make on discord for friends to look at but I still struggle a bit with it. I'm gonna try to trust my friends more too and let them help rebuild my confidence
I'm gonna try not to beat myself up for being a beginner again and try to give myself the chance of enjoying art again!!!
Thank you SO MUCH anon!
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