#iu 24 steps
taekooktimeline · 1 year
April 24, 2023
April 24, 2023 - Tae and Jk attend a personal event for the movie premier of “Dream,” featuring one of Tae’s good friends, Wooga member Park Seo-Joon (also featuring IU). It’s Jk’s first movie premier event and he had this moment with Tae. And it’s also good to note they went as individuals Taehyung and Jungkook, not as BTS members, nor did they attend in any type of work context.
There is SO much to unpack so I’ll start off with my opinion, especially because I’m so emotional and overwhelmed (in the best ways) by what this means. This was 1000% a statement. Nothing is a coincidence with Taekook. In my opinion, this event explicitly states the obviousness of their relationship, without implicitly saying it in words. Some of the below was mentioned on my IG / Tumblr already but I can’t stress how pivotal this event was, so I won’t apologize for being repetitive.
Let’s start with their clothes, covered in more extensive detail below. Their attire alone is a statement, very queer coded - Tae’s jacket brand, his shirt, Jk’s quotes on his jacket. They didn’t wear their brand ambassador clothing, when this would’ve been a good opportunity to do that. They knew this event would be significant and they planned their outfits with meticulous thought to help convey their message of intent. Them choosing to wear queer coded clothes at their first non-work related premier together is not a coincidence in any way. It’s quite a statement and noteworthy in itself.
And it wasn’t just their clothing choices that were meaningful. Their body language and expressions were significant too. 
They’re familiar with red carpets and big events in their line of work (Jungkook recently performed solo for the World Cup 2022), and yes, Jk is more of an introvert, but he still was extra shy during this premier. And that’s because this was a statement. Both knew this moment was special, and IMO, Jk’s shyness was a result of this knowledge.
They didn’t walk with any other Wooga member, nor did any other BTS member attend. They walked together, just the two of them, knowing what this would signify about them and their relationship. They knew it would be impactful, the next step to normalizing their relationship to the public. This was about them. This was them showing us who they are to each other, how special their bond is. Not only that, this event shows how safe and secure they feel in their relationship, to want to take such a monumental, public step like this.
I’ll go over it in more detail below, but I also find it to be so sweet and telling that these two make sure to be each other’s pillar of strength when the other needs it. Tae made sure to be Jk’s safe space, as he always has been and always will be. When Jk hesitated to walk to the photo wall, he took his wrist. The way Jk looked at Tae when he turned back to take his wrist? He lit up when Tae turned and that speaks VOLUMES, and it shows his trust to Tae. Then they stepped out to the photo wall TOGETHER, as a duo, not individually. 
They prioritize and choose each other and they always will. No matter what any “fan” says on SM. No matter what nonsense lies or fantasy some random person on the Internet spouts. Their relationship will continue as it is, and they’ll keep getting louder, because this is reality. And they’ve shown as much at this event. 
It’s massive and beautiful and significant what took place. For me, as of now this was their biggest moment - bigger than Harry Styles, Atomix, Paradise Hotel, etc. And I couldn’t be prouder. They’re so brave. It honestly leaves me in awe seeing such an incredible display of courage, knowing the media and all these eyes - in person and online - were watching. They’ll change the world. I feel so strongly about that. And I will always support them.
Getting into the premier itself! This is Jk’s first movie premier, and Tae’s fifth. The other four movie events Tae attended are as follows:
11/26/2016 “Derailed” (Minho)
08/07/2017 “Midnight Runners” (Park Seojoon)
07/30/2019 “The Divine Fury” (Park Seojoon and Choi Wooshik)
06 /02/2022 “Broker” (Kang Dong Won)
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Again, because this is important to remember - this is Taekook’s first movie premier event together, on their own, in an unofficial, not work related setting. And this is the first time Tae has brought a +1 to a friend’s movie premier!
Jk kept smiling as they walked closer to the photo wall -
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His smile -> he’s practically glowing as he acknowledges this fan 🥹
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Walking closer to the photo wall - 
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Tae looking so happy in these stills as he sees fans - (😭)
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https://twitter.com/taeguide/status/1650473934872092672?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/dailyforjk/status/1650470591009370112?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
The sequence of these two photos 🥰
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As they make their way closer to the crowd, Jk smiles - 
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He then glances at Tae with a softer smile (his expression 😭) -
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His smile widens again as he looks away -
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I saw some have interpreted the next moment as the guards stopping Jk from walking to the wall with Tae. That’s not how I interpret this moment as the reason for Jk stopping. We see the guards stopping them both, but it looks like only Jk heard, and Tae initially didn’t hear.
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View angle here - https://twitter.com/wintertaeta/status/1651226619556638721?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
One guard places a hand on Jk’s back for a moment -
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And you can see another guard stopping them both from walking, before motioning for them to step forward -
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The other guard briefly places his hand briefly on Jk’s back a second time (encouragement to head out to the photo wall) -
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The way I interpret this moment is - Jk was very adorably shy throughout this event. This was an important moment for them and they both knew that. Jk stops walking (because the guards instructed them both to). However, when Tae turned around, the indescribable emotions in Jk’s eyes as he looks at Tae is absolutely everything. I can’t stress enough how important, how special, how monumental this night was. “Their moment of truth.” And after this sweet exchanged look, the MC yells out, “BTS!” and they step out in front of fans, reporters - a crowd - together.
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Tae was very much encouraging, Jk’s safe space, his source of strength. He turned and gave assurances, giving him a small nod -
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before confidently holding Jk’s wrist for a moment, unbothered by the people and cameras surrounding them. And, in turn, Jk trusted him and that speaks volumes too.
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Front view of Tae holding Jk’s wrist -
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Note Jk’s sweet, soft smile and gaze after Tae held his wrist -
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When Tae turns to walk to the wall and the waiting crowd, his face looks very determined. For me, his energy throughout the event radiated that he was very mindful and protective of Jk. “I’ll take care of everything.”
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Jk has a small smile on his face before they walk out together. It’s hard to see in a still so it’s encouraged to view the clip below. As OP mentions in the tweet, it seems as if he’s simultaneously anxious but excited (we can only speculate based on demeanor). This is a personal opinion, which you’re welcome to disagree with, but honestly this moment read to me like, “We’re really doing this,” accompanied by all the excited nervousness and butterflies of such an important moment. And then, they stepped out as a duo.
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https://twitter.com/evexece_kthjjk/status/1650861346777600000?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg I’m going to leave a lot of links since this moment in itself was incredibly special - https://twitter.com/kookvtwins/status/1650468584693301248?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/_onlytkv/status/1650468023952875523?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/_k91230v_/status/1650475125266059264?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/regalkv/status/1650519708079362053?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/prashan57668544/status/1650672175966482432?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/regalkv/status/1650534829430280193?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/kazunessa/status/1650655293519585281?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/peachesminty/status/1651359920036671488?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
I found this so sweet. Tae turns back to check on Jk as they walk to the green wall - 
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https://twitter.com/taekoomania/status/1663830729430814720?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://www.instagram.com/p/Cs5o1yHtPCg/?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Another adorable angle of shy Jungkookie🥰 - 
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On the red carpet, Tae looks at Jk out of his peripheral vision -
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Tae then nudges a bashful Jk -
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who looks back at him shyly, asks “What?” and smiles. His expression to Tae is so endearing!
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While Tae gazes fondly, Jk closes his eyes and smiles widely.
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Jk proceeds to cover his face in shyness.
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Tae’s endeared smile towards Jk’s reaction -
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Tae does an adorable copy / paste. 
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They proceed to pose for photos. 
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And they acknowledge people in the crowd - 
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More posing and waves - 
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Long clips (adding many in case one ever goes private or deactivates) - https://twitter.com/v_of_me/status/1650470523317657600?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/vantaemaybe/status/1650461397636222977?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/myu_kookv/status/1650461248604045313?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/prashan57668544/status/1650688583630753792?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Threads - https://twitter.com/diortetae/status/1650471960017788930?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/yoongellic/status/1650469143223885824?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Another way Tae encouraged Jk was by passing him the mic and letting him speak first, when the MC asked him directly, “V-ssi, any word of support for actor Park Seo-Joon?” Taekook exchange a glance after her question. Their reaction when they make eye contact is so sweet, full of shyness and adoration.
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Both smile when they turn away from the other -
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https://twitter.com/dailyforjk/status/1650495457506779137?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/bxt321/status/1650527557966790658?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Tae then hands the mic to Jk to answer the question first. What’s interesting here is when Jk cheers on Seo-Joon, he doesn’t call him Seo-Joon-nim or Seo-Joon-ssi. And he doesn’t just call him Seo-Joon either. He gives him a nickname, adding an -ie to the end of his name and saying, “Seo-Joon-ie hyung, fighting.” Honorifics are important in Korea (and other Asian cultures, like Japan) so for Jk to use a casual nickname at a premier event indicates closeness. We’ve seen many instances of Jk spending time with Tae and his Wooga friends (Wooshik only following the two of them on IG (when Jk had IG) Hobi’s party, bowling, skiing and the musical, for example). This is another instance that shows his close friendship with Wooga. 
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Small recap of Jk with Wooga on TW- https://twitter.com/kakostel/status/1633220597969743874?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/kakostel/status/1633220703917883393?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Tae’s fond expression towards Jk, covered in a few different angles -
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https://twitter.com/sorte613/status/1650538970256932864?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/sorte613/status/1650468439541284864?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg YT recap - https://youtu.be/EU0EAaX3dmA
Taekook head back to the lounge area together.
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You can see Tae glance back towards Jk in this last photo-
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Taekook exit the theater with Wooga -
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Stills of them exiting the theater -
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Jk nods his head, smiles at OP and even briefly glances back -
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Preserving these photos because they’re so beautiful -
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As they head to meet actor Kim Soohyun, Jungkook visibly takes a breath. As others have pointed out, we haven’t really ever seen Jungkook exhibit this type of nervous energy - before concerts, work related events, or when he performed solo for the World Cup 2022. This is another indicator of how nervous (but excited, happy and brave) these two were
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https://twitter.com/vcutath/status/1657087078230896642?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/mytaekooook/status/1657262532162142209?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg Close up- https://twitter.com/peachesminty/status/1657270571649081344?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/taekoomania/status/1657289089408974848?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Close up- 
Taekook also met Director Lee Byeongheon at the Dream VIP after party! (Remember, Tae mentioned he got drunk, as he briefly recounted in his live the next day- https://www.tumblr.com/emporium/716493153047363584/pg-hellsite-hecksite-patch-500 ) 
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Taekook made a lot of statements at this premier, and I especially want to draw detailed attention to their clothing, as this wasn’t a coincidence. They’re both brand ambassadors - Tae for Celine, and Jk for Calvin Klein, but they, instead, chose LGBTQIA+ coded outfits to wear to a movie premier they attended together, knowing what the connotations of this would mean. 
Jungkook’s jacket (designer Enfants Riches Deprimes) is incredibly queer coded.
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The front right pocket is covered in Biblical scripture. “For all sinned, and come short of the glory of God ~All we like sheep have gone astray ~Sirs, what must I do to be saved?”
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Detailed thread written by a good friend - https://twitter.com/heaven_borahae/status/1650493166938886144?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
According to another good friend, Jungkook’s Biblical scripture is about two men, Paul and Silas, that were jailed for their practices and for “causing a public nuisance” - one of the men being someone that many believe was gay.
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More info here - https://twitter.com/koosyoyo/status/1650503243670208514?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/koosyoyo/status/1650500286052544513?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
Jk’s left sleeve is an excerpt from “Anonymous Diary of a New York Youth, Vol. 3” which was written by columnist Taylor Mead, who wrote the first gay newspaper in NYC called “Gay Power.” He was also friends with Andy Warhol, a celebrated, famous gay artist, known for the Pop Art Movement. Andy was impressed by his writing and film roles by the time they met, and Andy would end up filming Taylor in “Tarzan and Jane Regained…Sort Of” “Imitation of Christ” and “Taylor Mead’s Ass”. 
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Tae’s jacket is by Juntae Kim, a brand famous for creating gender fluid clothing.
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https://twitter.com/taeguide/status/1650526602445332484?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/taeguide/status/1650476212039430144?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
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His shirt is a “rare find” on Etsy - an Oscar Wilde and Morrisey print.
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More info on Tae’s shirt:
Oscar Wilde paved the way for gay rights. He was intimately involved with Alfred Douglas, convicted of sodomy and was imprisoned for two years for this. After his release, he spent his final three years in exile. At the time of his “offense,” homosexuality was a criminal offense and serious societal taboo in Britain. Oscar went back and forth between hiding and attempting to gain public acceptance.
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You can read more here - https://twitter.com/heaven_borahae/status/1650484860753186816?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg 
And here https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/oscar-wilde-is-sent-to-prison-for-indecency 
Morrisey, the other component to Tae’s shirt, is pansexual, and coined the term “humasexual” to describe himself.
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More info here - https://www.theatlantic.com/culture/archive/2013/10/morrissey-confirms-attraction-humans-probably-not-attracted-you/309767/
The reason I went into such depth and detail with their clothing is because their choice of attire for this premier is not a coincidence in any way. As a moot (TaeJkForever) beautifully wrote, their outfits allude to the stigmatization of homosexuality. They’re both very smart, and they knew exactly what they were doing by choosing these queer coded outfits for their first movie premier together. There was intent in that choice. They came to make a statement about their relationship, and they absolutely did, in so many different ways. 
Getting into the media coverage: as expected, Dispatch covered the duo. On their IG, they posted their photos first, before IU and Seo-Joon, who’s premier this movie was for. 
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This was their IG story -
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Their YT reel featured the hand holding emoji -
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Remember - Dispatch used the same 👬emoji for Taekook in March 2018 -
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Recap - https://www.tumblr.com/taekooktimeline2018/625075008238125056
A reporter’s observation -
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Another article -
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And another - 
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The entertainment agency for “Dream” used Taekook’s signature 💜💚 in their coverage - 
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Elle Singapore called them Taekook -
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World music awards called them Taekook also -
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As an aside, I love that Jk said “my mom made me pretty.” It’s obvious he enjoys calling himself pretty and being called pretty by others. This reporter complimenting him as such is really sweet. (Also note the worldwide trends that showed up on the news - their national debut!) -
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https://twitter.com/tcnckclnsmaek/status/1651103138257174528?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg https://twitter.com/ilykv_/status/1651100156102860801?s=46&t=StSwHjW0_Domk_lHUFMaCg
122 notes · View notes
vashtijoy · 1 year
index: third semester
Meta posts about the third semester.
Indexes: [one] [two] [three] [akechi's confidant]
What did Akechi think was in Maruki's warehouse? (posted 2024/08/15)
"This one just got betrayed by its teammate!": the traps of bad translations. (posted 2024/06/18)
[P5R artbook] On Akechi's wish. (posted 2024/03/29)
Akechi's deepest fear: "It's too late, I'm going to die." (posted 2023/11/12)
Gloves as symbolism in the P5R opening. Also, Akechi's bat of justice. (updated 2023/05/24)
Followup ask: Akechi may still want to be a hero in the third semester. (posted 2023/05/25)
Is third semester Akechi a cognition? (posted 2023/04/26)
Early "yes, third semester Akechi is Akechi" thoughts. (posted 2023/01/13)
Maruki's attitude to life and death is fucked up. Also, Sumire's wish, and Futaba's choices in the third semester. (posted 2023/05/14)
Third semester Akechi seems subdued for a reason. (posted 2023/04/25)
On third semester Akechi as all that's left after his distortion is removed. (posted 2023/02/19)
[twitter] On Akechi and Haru and Futaba. (posted 2023/07/17)
Akechi is the only character who backtracks on their change of heart. (posted 2023/02/18)
Like Yoshizawa, Akechi let someone rewrite his identity. [tags mine] (posted 2023/01/23)
sou iu tatemae as an expression of regret. (posted 2023/04/30)
Maruki wants and needs Joker's acceptance and approval in the third semester. (posted 2023/02/01)
Akechi and the Phantom Thieves have a fucked-up family dynamic. (posted 2023/02/13)
Followup ask: Futaba and Haru's third semester approaches to Akechi deliberately contrast. (posted 2023/02/13)
Third semester: "lying is easy and being real is hard". (posted 2023/02/16)
plot and the P5R endings
[twitter] The parallel third semester. (posted 2023/07/11)
Two important dates in Maruki's backstory correspond suspiciously with important canon dates. (posted 2023/05/15)
[twitter] Maruki's diary entries and timeline. (posted 2023/07/16)
Where is Akechi between the engine room and 12/24? (posted 2024/07/14)
If Akechi is alive on 12/23, Maruki creates a reality where he died in the engine room and was then revived. Plus, Maruki cannot read Akechi's mind. (posted 2023/02/22)
What does Akechi remember in the third semester? (posted 2024/07/14)
Does Akechi see the events of 12/24? (posted 2024/07/14)
Why doesn't Akechi turn himself in on 12/24 in the non-Maruki timeline? (posted 2024/07/14)
Akechi's reactions to Wakaba. **needs updating for 8/28 **(posted 2023/03/27)
Akechi *almost *always uses Joker's given name in the third semester. (posted 2023/04/26)
1/2: Sojiro doesn't recognise Akechi in Leblanc. (posted 2023/03/14)
1/2: Akechi's deliberate step back from the intimacy of the engine room. (posted 2023/03/26)
1/11: is Akechi wearing Ren's tracksuit at Shujin? (posted 2023/10/21)
Akechi's five chat sequences outside Penguin Sniper in the third semester. (posted 2023/04/20)
Akechi's insistence that he's still a detective. (posted 2023/04/09)
Followup ask: Akechi's deleted Mementos mission is too good for cut content. (posted 2023/04/09)
Akechi is strangely calm when he tries to shoot Maruki. [followup to this] (posted 2023/04/22)
2/2: Maruki objectifies and ignores Akechi throughout. (posted 2023/02/09)
2/2: Shido described himself as making Akechi "dance", and Akechi now describes himself as compelled to dance. (posted 2023/02/15)
2/2: kaigoroshi: "I won't be kept around like a used-up farm animal." (posted 2023/01/16)
Akechi seems to have the same remote expression in the helicopter as he often did in the interrogation room. (posted 2023/04/23)
Joker staring up at the helicopter before he lets go. (posted 2023/02/27)
Deleted scene: Akechi at the refuge in February. (part one) (posted 2023/12/05)
Jose's star doesn't fade unless you establish a romance route. (posted 2024/04/16)
Does someone see Akechi wandering around with guys in suits after 2/3? [sadly, the answer is no] (posted 2023/03/28)
Early thoughts on the Maruki ending. (posted 2022/12/22)
Does Akechi remember what happened, in Maruki's ending? (posted 2023/02/23)
Akechi and Haru are friends in Maruki's ending, also burn the Maruki harem ending with fire. (posted 2023/02/22)D
There are two pursuit teams in the true ending, one after the PTs, and one with Akechi on the platform. (posted 2023/02/04)
Translation: The text message in the true ending is always the same, and extremely boring. (posted 2023/02/11)
Joker does not frown in one version of the true ending and smile in the other. (posted 2023/02/13)
Translation: Our Light. (updated 2023/05/14)
Followup: discussion of why translations differ. (posted 2023/02/24)
Followup and correction: yes, there's an explicit reference to Akechi's "I will choose my own path for myself" here. (posted 2023/04/28)
Followup: does Akechi call Maruki's reality a fairytale kingdom? Is this song really Maruki-viewpoint? (updated 2023/05/23)
Followup ask: "Our Light" is supposed to be ambiguous and is about them all. (posted 2023/05/26)
the black mask getup
Akechi still uses his detective prince sprites in Maruki's palace. (posted 2023/04/25)
Black mask sprites and their parent icons [part 1] [part 2] (posted 2023/04/26)
Is Akechi's white suit more intricate than the black one, and what does that mean? (posted 2023/05/28)
The black mask outfit is a two-piece, not a one-piece. (posted 2023/04/14)
The dark stripes on the black mask outfit are leather sewn to the spandex. (posted 2023/03/20)
Followup: The black mask outfit: jesters and snails. (posted 2023/06/06)
Akechi's top button in the third semester. (posted 2024/01/14)
Terms of address: what do the squad call Maruki? (posted 2023/12/29)
21 notes · View notes
hwanchaesong · 1 year
a/n: i am back for now, so i've decided to open this prompt once more. the flow and genre of each stories that i will write will be based from the songs in the prompt list, so be sure to choose carefully!
🍀Steps for the request!!🍀
📌choose a member and a prompt
📌please do specify the genre and other things that you want me to include in the fic (if you want it suggestive, au, etc). as i want to write what makes you all comfortable
📌you can send me a message, ask, or just directly comment in the post
📌requests will be open only for a week. after the deadline, i will no longer accept any requests
📌no request limit. one person can request as much as they want to within the time limit
📌it's okay if you want to request a song that is not included in the list. i'll still do my best to write based on it (it's also a chance to get to know some good music 🫶)
English songs:
1. Hurts So Good - Astrid S
2. Shout Out To My Ex - Little Mix
3. Midnight Rain - Taylor Swift
4. Double Take - Dhruv
5. Cheating On You - Charlie Puth
6. abcdefu - Gayle
7. Good For You - Olivia Rodrigo
8. Angel's Like You - Miley Cyrus
9. Die For You - The Weeknd
10. Lie - Sasha Sloan
11. I Quit Drinking - Kelsea Ballerini ft. Lany
12. Reckless - Madison Beer
13. Limbo - Keshi
14. Hands To Myself - Selena Gomez
15. Falling - Harry Styles
16. Sunroof - Nicky Youre & dazy
17. Atlantis - Seafret
18. Swim - Chase Atlantic
19. New Rules - Dua Lipa
20. Still Into To You - Paramore
21- I Don't Care - Ed Sheeran
22. What Lovers Do - Maroon 5 ft. Sza
23. Kiss Me More - Doja Cat
24. Maniac - Conan Gray
25. I Like Me Better - Lauv
1. Love Me Like This - NMIXX
2. I Don't Understand, But I Love U - SEVENTEEN
3. Can't Control Myself - Taeyeon
5. Sorry, Heart - NCT DREAM
6. Hype Boy - NewJeans
7. Impurities - Le Sserafim
8. That Feeling When - ENHYPEN
9. Sugar Rush Ride - TXT
10. All About You - The Boyz
11. Turbulence - ATEEZ
12. Eight - IU ft. Suga
13. Some - Bolbbalgan4
14. Euphoria - Jeon Jungkook
15. Cupid - FIFTY FIFTY
16. Talk That Talk - TWICE
17. Boys Like You - ITZY
18. Illusion - aespa
19. After Like - IVE
20. Teddy Bear - STAYC
21. Christmas Tree - Kim Taehyung
22. Hello, Sunset - Red Velvet
23. I Love You - WINNER
24. Love Scenario - IKON
25. Only - Lee Hi
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iuleejieunbaby · 2 years
2016-12-03/04 巡迴演唱會 -《24 STEPS : ONE TWO THREE FOUR》首爾站
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2016-12-03/04 巡迴演唱會 -《24 STEPS : ONE TWO THREE FOUR》首爾站
161204 아이유 콘서트 직찍 By.YoonKB
Twitter @yoonkb_iu
포토타임 사진은 추후에 업로드 됩니다
#IU #아이유 #콘서트
Tistory repost by yoonkb
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She's so pretty.
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jieunlq · 6 years
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[IU TV] ‘24 STEPS’ in HongKong
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jieunicons · 7 years
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bokutosworld · 4 years
seconds, hours, minutes, days | kenma k. 
pairing: kenma kozume x gn!reader  word count, genre: 2.2k words, fluff, university au, strangers to friends to lovers.  summary: love is nothing more than just a fleeting feeling. until he meets you and suddenly, he finds himself looking forward to every moment he can spend with you.  press play: blueming by iu, leo by bol4 ft. baekhyun 
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The door to the cafe opens, the addicting aroma of coffee beans travels through the air and greets Kenma when he steps inside. He scans the room, finding the familiar figure of his longtime friend who was currently chatting the barista by the counter. He’s walking towards Kuroo and he could already hear excited laughter coming from the front. 
When he enters the scene, the stranger directs their friendly gaze to him and the second that their eyes meet, Kenma feels he’s in the middle of a meet-cute of some romcom movie. 
The first thing he notices is the way your eyes crinkle when you smile, the corners of your mouth turning upwards as you greet him. He hears your voice, but he couldn’t make out what you were saying—as if he was entranced by a spell, too busy to pay attention to anything else and finding it all too easy to become drawn to your aura.  
Kuroo watches it all unfold before him: his best friend who was too stunned to do or say anything, and his other friend, you, who was too clueless to figure out their effect on him. He chuckles before putting his arm around Kenma, steering the situation to introduce you two to each other. Something about you was captivating and Kenma knows he’d be lying if he said that he wasn’t already bewitched by you. 
As he stood in line with Kuroo, who was ordering the drinks they’d need for an all-nighter, his mind is occupied—thinking about how of all the things he’d expected to happen when he agreed to help out for a project, falling in love at first sight wasn’t on the list. You left a strong impression on him, and Kenma knows he wouldn’t be able to stop thinking of you in the days to come. 
He encounters you for the second time when he attends a party organized by Kuroo’s college org. This wasn’t his usual scene, on a typical weekend, he’d much rather stay at home and catch up with either his studies and papers or his games. As he’s standing in the middle of the room, surrounded by loud and drunk college students, he considers going back to his dorm. 
But the moment that he’s about to leave, he hears a familiar voice. 
He stops in his tracks, because there you were—so full of life, so mesmerizing standing surrounded by different people. He could see a spotlight shining down on you, naturally attracting the attention of everyone in the room. He’s sure that this was the reason Kuroo had been persistent on getting him to go to the party (the boy spent days on end pestering him about it to the point that he had no other choice but to say yes).  
Eventually, Kuroo finds him and they go around, with the former introducing Kenma to his classmates and acquaintances. The night draws on, and some time past midnight, he rests on the available seat on the couch. He takes deep breaths to calm himself before he spots your presence again in the corner of the room. It doesn’t surprise him that you were still full of energy and stories to tell your friends. 
What surprises him is when your eyes meet his. His heart skips a beat when he sees that look of recognition and that knowing smile on your face. He watches as you apologize and leave the group, steadily making your way towards him and taking the empty space beside him. 
You beam at him, “Hey.” 
“I remember you.” He watches you take a swig of the drink in your hand. “You’re Kuroo’s best friend, right?”
“Yeah. I’m surprised you do.” 
“Who wouldn’t? I think you’re cute.”  Kenma was flustered. Your words sending his mind into a spiral, struggling to form a coherent reply to your straightforward statement. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you here. Figured this,” you wave your hands in the air exaggeratedly. “…might not be your cup of tea.” 
“Well, I had no choice.” 
“Oh, yeah? Tell me about it.” You scoot closer to him, knees almost touching at the reduced space between you two. “I want to get to know you, Kenma.” 
Kenma couldn’t find it in himself to say no. And before he knew it, he’s openly sharing bits and pieces of his life. You ask him about his past with Kuroo and he’s eagerly taking you to a flashback of his childhood, narrating embarrassing moments (mostly of Kuroo) and he feels happy whenever you found it amusing.
You ask him about his interests, his hobbies, his pet peeves; he learns about you, the charming barista from the 24-hour cafe, a business management student who has too much bills and college loans to pay.
Every minute that passes, every minute he enjoys himself in your presence—with you, making him laugh like he had never before, lighting a spark in his heart and sending the butterflies in his stomach fluttering about, he finds himself falling head over heels for you. 
For the weeks that passed after the party, people started noticing the two of you getting closer. The pair of you were inseparable. In breaks and lunches when it was only him and Kuroo, along with few of their friends, you’ve managed to sneak yourself in their social group, earning a permanent spot in their table right beside Kenma. 
And often, the others would observe how his attention would solely be on you whenever you were present. It was a mystery to them, but also a source of amusement, how Kenma would become a different person—breaking out of his shell as he became more talkative and more teasing, exchanging playful banters from time to time. 
But at the same time, there was something painful about watching the two of you as they become witnesses to the coming-to-life of a slow-burn romance. 
And neither of you was admitting it: the push and pull, the undeniable tension that existed whenever the two of you were in the same room. The force of attraction was clear, and everyone had been wondering why neither you nor Kenma were making a move. 
That all came to a head on a weekend when you visited him at his dorm. 
“What are you doing here?” Kenma opens the door wider, giving you space to easily slip in his living area. His eyes follow you like a hawk as you settle your things on his floor, going from room to room and finally sitting down on his couch. You look at him excitedly, grinning from ear to ear as you wave him over to sit beside you. 
“Movie night!” Kenma watches as you take out your laptop and a bag of his favorite snacks. “There’s a new crime thriller on Netflix and I figured we can binge it together.” 
He throws you an incredulous look, “It’s 8 P.M. Shouldn’t you be at your dorms right now? Did you forget the curfew?” 
“Oh, screw that!” You open the Macbook and place it on his center table. You cuddle to his side and Kenma instinctively adjusts, making you comfortable. He grabs the blanket that he’d taken out before you arrived and drapes it over the two of you. He studies you as you navigate the web, logging in to Netflix and pulling up the show you’ll watch for tonight. 
“I can’t believe you would just appear in front of my doorstep and force me to watch this with you.” 
You look at him playfully, “Don’t be such a killjoy.” Your gaze on him lingers for a second longer, the atmosphere shifting to something more intimate. 
He clears his throat, quickly bringing his attention on the laptop screen. “Stop. Why are you looking at me like that?” 
He tries his best to focus on the show. But he couldn’t, not when he feels your soft hand cupping his face, turning him so you could get a good look at him.  
“I like you.” 
His mind goes blank, but one thing was certain: he was elated, and his heart was currently doing a somersault inside him. So, when he tries to reply, all he could give was a shy smile and an, “Okay.” 
And that was enough. Because for the time that you’ve known Kenma, you’ve learned that he has always preferred actions over words. 
You hum and wrap your arms around him. He reciprocates by pulling you closer to him, until all you could hear was the erratic beating of his heart drowning out the loud sounds from the show. 
The hours flew by just like that. It doesn’t occur that the both of you have fallen sound asleep, leaving the laptop on. When Kenma awakens, the words Are you still watching? are now flashing on the screen. He feels something heavy on top of him and his eyes drop to your figure laying on his body. He feels overwhelmed with contentedness at the moment. 
Maybe your barging in his door and inviting him to watch Netflix wasn’t such a bad idea after all. 
If somebody were to ask Kenma when he had been the happiest in his life, he’d gladly say it was every second, minute, and hour that he has spent by your side. The boy couldn’t ask for a more fun, supportive, and kind-hearted partner when he already has you. You have given him so much, made him feel so loved and special, that he often asks himself if there was anything he could do to repay you. 
The past few months with you has been nothing short of amazing, with every single day feeling like literal heaven in your presence. And now, he’s counting down the days to your birthday which coincidentally also marks the six months of his relationship with you. It was on this special day that Kenma decides to surprise you. 
One of the things that you and Kenma have in common is how you both prefer the simple things. Where others favored to go outside for dates, sleepovers and movie nights in either his or your dorm has always been the norm in the relationship. You also didn’t mind small gifts, not one for flowers and plushies, as you always told him that it is the thought that matters the most. 
And he thinks about it now as he’s standing outside the same cafe where his paths crossed and connected with yours for the first time. 
He goes over his plan one more time when the automatic door slides open, and he goes inside. He finds you entertaining a customer, and he admires how hardworking you have always been. He joins the queue, nerves flying through the roof as he patiently waits to reach the front of the line. 
“Kenma!” A look of genuine surprise takes over you when you finally see him. “What are you doing here?” 
He does something you never thought he’d do: placing his hands on the counter, he leans and plants a soft kiss on your lips.     
“I love you,” he says out of the blue and it sends your mind in a frenzy, your heart fluttering. His words don’t even register anymore when he says his order and tells you, “Your shift ends in ten, right? I’ll wait for you and we can get something to celebrate your birthday.”
Kenma keeps his gaze at you as he waits for your shift to end. He sighs of relief when he sees you come out of the staff room and meets you halfway. He intertwines his hands with yours and guides you out of the shop. The sun is setting coloring the streets in red orange hues and everything right now looks like a painting. 
You walk in silence, stopping by your favorite Chinese takeout shop to buy something to eat when you arrive at his dorm. He orders for the both of you, and when he’s done, you pull him to the side and finally ask the question that has been bugging you. 
“You said you loved me back there, right? 
He chuckles, “Yeah, I did.” Kenma tugs you closer, arms encircling your waist and resting his head on your shoulders. “Should I have not said it?” 
“I was just surprised.” 
“It’s nothing to be surprised for.” He leans to your ear and his voice low when he whispers, “I just said the truth. I have been falling in love with you since the first day we met.”  
You feel warm when you realize that Kenma beat you to saying those three magical words in the relationship. But it was another thing when he reveals to you how he’s been taken with you since your first meeting. And right now, all you could do was to thank your lucky stars for bringing you to him.  
You look at him, reaching a hand to outline his features before returning his kiss with one of your own.
“Thank you. And I love you too, more than you’ll ever know.” 
At your words, Kenma falls for you over again and he decides he wouldn’t mind spending more seconds, hours, minutes, and days with you.  
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creatingnikki · 3 years
Dear 25 year old me,
I’m certain that past versions of me have written to you before. But I’m writing this to you to request, rather warn, you to ignore their words. To them, someone who is 25 felt like a proper adult. Like someone who has their life figured out. So they expected the same out of you. Now that I have lived through my early 20s, I understand why 20s are not roaring nor golden. Also, I think younger versions of me did fall trap to measuring the purpose of life in terms of conventional successes and milestones. As you can see, they had some learning ahead. 
It would be typical to use our generation’s confusing humour and say that you’re having a quarter-life crisis. But that wouldn’t be fair to me and the ones before us. We have dealt with our share of crisis irrespective of the age and it was never once glorified. Not like that would make it any better. I read once in a YouTube comment, ‘I have a happy personality and a sad soul’. Why didn’t we come across that when we were a student? All those awkward introductions where you had to say “one sentence about who you are” would have been a cakewalk. What else could be more accurate? 
Take it as poetic romanticization or just how I really feel, but I know our soul is old. Not because we are wise - we are certainly but that’s not the point - but because I have come to realize that the more nuance one can see, the sadder they feel. And that ability to see things beyond what they appear is not all too common. Let me go a step further down the cocky lane and say, what’s rarer is to feel what you see. Many will observe from a theoretical standpoint and feel detached. I am tired of forming narratives of what abilities are beneficial and which only seem so. I guess abilities are abilities and it’s on you to figure out how to balance them for your own good. Think of Elsa. Think of Hulk. 
I digress but you know that comes naturally to me. You’re 25. You’re listening to Palette by IU, aren’t you? What are your thoughts when the song says ‘you’re beautifully bloomed’? What comes after bloom? Perish? But you are not a flower. So you may perish aspects of you only to have newer ones grow that suit you. It’s been a while since you’ve stopped writing letters to others. Sure, once in a while you sway. But it’s been forever since you’ve stopped asking someone to write one to you. You’ve learned, haven’t you? Hearts cannot be coxed into coming to you. They can’t be charmed, manipulated, made perfectly rational cases to. The heart has to come on its own to you. And even then there are conditions. Watch the kdrama Because This Is My First Life again but maybe wait for two more years? Bloom anew. 
At 24, I have much to be grateful for and much to fear. I do my best to choose gratitude day after day. Fear will stay, you just don’t need to give it the stage. At 25, I hope you continue to capture all the things that make your heart full and all things that empty it out by the way of your words. Nothing else has ever called to you. You don’t do things until you’re 100% motivated so naturally, you don’t do much. Who cares? This is not your first life or your last. Achievements here are like money in hell. You frantically think gathering it is going to benefit you and then you’re shocked to realize that it’s the most meaningless thing. I do not know the purpose of life but surely joy and contentment can’t be too far from the answer. 
Love Always, 24 year old me.
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playeryumi · 3 years
Seiyuu Entry #1:
Heya so I am making entry of seiyuu now hahaha but ill still make reviews of games and etch and it just so happened I really brain rot this guy hahaha and tried my best to compile his work hahaha he is so good at singing especially bass. It so happened he has the voice I really really like
Daiki Hamano
Lil nerd intro:
So he started in 2013 at age of 24. He’s from ArtsVision agency. He has a unique deep bass gentle voice and he is also great at singing. He's debut role is as Sweepswipe from Transformer Adventures. and his first main role is as Gauma in SSSS.Dynazenon
Seiyuu Project (if ya wanna find the song he is in)
Tsukipro [ZIX]
ZIX has also had a cameo in anime but I decided to put them here lol. They are the rival idols of Growth. Also he play as Makoto Sugai. As i know tsukipro is about a idol agency that handle a couple of idols. One of the rival company is Sun production and he is in that company. (will continue my analysis in other post in future lol) ZIX release 3 albums.
Brilliant [brilliant]
BML [brilliant]
Z.I.X.A.G. [Z.I.X.A.G.]
Outsider Dance [Z.I.X.A.G.]
Break It! [Break It!]
OverLoad [Break It!]
When the Worlds Collide [Ying Series] Solo
約束(Yatsuru - Promise) [Ying Series]
Aoppella!? [Fyam]
This one is unique project. If ya know Pitch Perfect. It's like that but Japanese lol. The story is light-hearted, wholesome and cute. About high school club and creating songs lol. He plays as Yui Nekoyashiki the bass of Fyam group. YO HIS BASS IS SOOO GOOD
Cover: 白日[Hakujitsu-Bright sunshine] by King Gnu /Pretender by Official髭男dism
Think About U
Cover: Astronomical Observation [Tentai kansoku] 天体観測 by BUMP OF CHICKEN
Come on up, Baby
Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow
Cover/Collab: Alone [Hitori]ひとり by The Gospellers
A-Introduction Song
Follow me
Voice, Heart, Body & Soul
Cover: シュガーソングとビターステップ (sugar song and bitter step) by UNISON SQUARE GARDEN
カラフル (Colorfull)
Hanadoll [Anthos]
So this one is also about idols too but it’s more of aiming for perfection and internal conflict (yes I can’t spoil more cause I don't know much lol). But every music video has a relation to what’s happening in the drama CDs. there could be hidden messages and clues.. so his character is Ryoga Kagekawa the represents “muscle” of the group. He is also the oldest of the group (tho he’s just 24) so he is the big bro type.
Unknown [BIRTH]
Juliet [Boxed]
Stay Away [Boxed]
S.T.O.P [IDOLls]
ChangeYourWorld [IDOLls]
Me Against Myself [Message]
Silent Message [Message]
I Know,Who I Am [For...]
Antholic [For...]
The Days [Solo Series]
Flash Point [IU~Meet~]
Shine On [IU~Meet~]
Lay it down [I/F~es~]
Paradiso [I/F~es~]
The Place of Fate [ICON]
Umbilical Lover [ICON]
STAY [Behind The Frame]
Mirage In Mirage [TELL]
Fake Veil [FAKE]
Regret [FAKE]
Dragon Bite[Ro$$o Cor$a]
Well despite the cute theme song it has a dark story [because whoever loses someone has to die and please why]. His character is Lu Bao who aims for power [I guess]… his character here is different cause it’s really the strong oresama type, unlike his other roles that are a kind or gentle type of guys. Oh also excited about his cooking skills too fufufu. It’s a singing and cooking seiyuu project.
Delicious bite
Immortal Flame
Crimson Red
Actors [Collection song]
So he is still not in anime but he already has a couple of music in Actors music. It's also not dark finally lol. it just more of musical and there's a singing contest between clubs to assert dominance or something not sure lol. His character is a first-year beautification club member named Dai Gohonmatsu. I love his character here I wanna adopt him lol.
ジャバヲッキー・ジャバヲッカ (Java Wokki Java Wokka) [Actors4]
START [Actors6]
世田谷ナイトサファリ (Setagaya Night Safari) [ACTORS- Deluxe Delight Edition -]
レプリカント (Replicant) [ACTORS- Extra Edition 9 -]
パラノイド (Paranoid) [Singing Contest Edition- sideB]
ReFlap Project
It's also an idol project tho it's more on the voting system and following your oshis. It started with auditioning and such. The idols also have their own SNS like Instagram and they have videos too. They use VR tech to introduce their idols. It's really just like how real idols work they are just 2d lol. His character was Mizuhito Washino (he’s the oldest of them at age of 33). I can't say much about the story. I think it's not updating anymore. The last update is 2021 of September.
Fly [ ReFlap Startup Song『Entertain』]
Beautiful Revenger [ReFlap Chasing RePlayers' Collection]
Believers [ReFlap Chasing RePlayers' Collection]
Start over [ReFlap End and Beginning【きゃにめ限定】]
変わらないもの (Kawara nai mono - Theres nothing changed) [RePlayers'Cover Songs Series]
Idolmaster: SideM [THE 虎牙道 - THE Kogadou]
he is Michiru Enjoji the ex judo fighter turned ramen chef and then idol (he still keep his ramen guy job cause he is god lol). he is very talented I can't list them all lol. so it more of you are the producer and help these idols to reach the top idol. oh idolmaster is originally a rhythm game. tho they branch out to having lives and music creation tho they still have a game. they have been existing for long time too.
DRIVE A LIVE (all stars)
Beyond The Dream (all stars)
NEXT STAGE! (all stars)
Growing Smiles! (all stars)
Pride Star(all stars)
Reason(all stars)[there's cd of 46 of them singing in 5th anniv]
ROAD TO THE FUTURE (solo song)
Tsuyoku Toutoki Kemono-tachi (THE Kogadou)
Jounetsu...FIGHTER (THE Kogadou)
Hungry? (THE Kogadou)
K.now O.nly (THE Kogadou)
My pen light, SMILE (Thailand ver. w/ Shoma Hanamura, Soichiro Shinonome, and Tsubasa Kashiwagi)
MEET THE WORLD! (Thailand ver. w/ Shoma Hanamura, Soichiro Shinonome, and Tsubasa Kashiwagi)
Egao no Matsuri nya, Fuku Kitaru (THE Kogadou, Shinsoku Ikkon, SAI)
LIVE in your SMILE (Altessimo, W, FRAME, Sai, Shinsoku Ikkon, S.E.M, THE Kogadou, and Legenders)
Itsuka no Triangle (THE Kogadou, Jupiter, Beit)
LET'S GO!! (Physical Idols)
RED HOT BEAT!! (Physical Idols)
Reflection BREAKERS (THE Kogadou)
Determined Soul (Solo song)
Yarichinbitchibu (how dare i forgot this)
so it just about a photography club in all boys school and in the middle of nowhere. tho this club was actually uhm whore club (i can't get good words sorry lol) that loves to do ya know smex for club activities. he play as Kashima Yuu the freshman who joined the club cause he thought it's a real photography club cause he loves to take photos but no lol. tho he is the go with the flow, pure kid and chill dude. so it's actually original as manga but they have ova anime and drama CDs. i include it here cause they have actually character songs for a yaoi it's not even idol it's just smex or somesort lol i dunno why lol?
Touch you [group/op song] (the sawarasenai part 😩)
to•ke•te (it means melt i guess) [character song]
Hypnosis Mic (Anime)[Secret Aliens]
he is actually in hypnosis mic(I almost be mad cause I know he raps), but just in anime tho. anime has a bit different plot than the original. he is in a group named secret alien and they observe the 4 teams and help them secretly(?) his character TRex Tom's photographer assistant. for some unknown reason, he has a bunch of facts like he was abandoned under the foot of a Trex fossil that's why that's his name. and the fact he is a giant despite being 16 years old. delinquent, impatient but serious person
Love Dimension
D.R.B Rhyme Anima -EX- The Dirty Dawg VS Secret Aliens (rapbattle)
so when I am writing this they just released it recently. so its about android idols. (yes I know idols again lol) and his character name Bora, seems cold-hearted type. i can't tell much since it's really new. oh its also a game so im excited.
Invicible [Game theme song?]
Dont mess around
It's on Fleek
Regard for U
Idol D.T.I.
i actually already dead since 2019 and dang it i love to try this game so bad but i am late so late i cri. i am shock when i discovered this in spotify cause he is so good here. i am actually feel inlove so hard again. he's so sexy help. so this is an idol stipping game. DTI means datsui or ability to strip (According to one animenewsnetwork article). his character is Shion Fukamura and all i can describe is he looks serious but probably spouts nonesense. he is the blue haired with glasses guy. (please its so crack but ya know I love cracks)
S・I・O -Salt in Ocean (its his solo)
[hannegi-half naked (probably)]半脱ぎ★SOLD OUT!! - with Narumi Kazuki
its from the anime he main in. about fighting mecha a dead people that was brought back alive. well surprise they actually have character songs too lol (I cant told much I'm scare of spoiling the anime lol but its not just about mecha) his character is a man named Gauma that suddenly appeared in yumougi's life. he's the one who introduces the
Transformer Adventures Dub
another accidentally discovered in Spotify. its actually a transformers anime around 2013 something?. (i am not sure if this is the one he debuted in [now i think it is lol]) He plays as Sideswipe. its the cutest song in the list lol.
[some edits its acually made in japan im so sorry for spreading misinformation and its in anime category im just confused to the artstyle ya know]
TRY☆トランスフォーマーアドベンチャー↑↑↑[ED song]
The Case Study of Vanitas
i am shock after the end of their episode they announce a cd with Chloe and Jean-Jacques(his character) having a duet. i am still having problem getting the song tho
雪花(yukihana-snow flower/snowflake)
Actually, they sing and act as they are here so I consider it the seiyuu group? So it’s a group of 4 seiyuu and they had 2 mini albums releases. Currently, they run a radio program called Radio M4!!!!. Also this group is under Marine e if ya wanna know lol
Countdown (Gravity)
4 Me!!!! (Gravity)
Missing (Gravity)
Ray Light (Gravity)
Only Love 〜君がくれた愛し方〜[kimigakureta aishikata-how to love you] (Gravity)
Mirror world (Advance)
Your Hero (Advance)
My Sweet Shine (Advance)
4 X U (Advance)
Dear My Friend (Advance)
You Spark (Solo)
a somewhat challenge cover album for chosen pair of seiyuu. Hamano san was paired with Hidenori Takahashi for this challenge. well, the sing 2 cover music.
a group of ikemen idols that promotes hakodate (a place in Hokkaido, Oshima Subprefecture) they are a bunch of funny group with crazy personalities that makes the girls avoid them. they are on their quest to be great idol. each of them symbolizes?(I don't know the right word) each place in hakodate. his character Hijikata Toshizo represents Hachiman Zaka Slopes. a loud fiery energetic person. he is so energetic and easy to anger lol. tho with his visuals he looks like the prince type tho. oh yah he sings lighter voice which is also another refreshing
君とHAKO☆DATE (debut song)
On Air!
so it used to be an idol game but canceled alas it shutdown. he didn't sing any songs for now but the last update at jan 14 2022 they gonna have drama CDs so I am just a bit hoping they gonna have some lol. his character, Kamiya Inori uses lighter and shy voice here so I am excited how the drama cd will turn out.
星空ホールへおいでよ(Come to the Starry Sky Hall)
so its a collection of drama cds about a group of musical instruments that turned human by magic. and they serenade the listener or *you*. his character is Benkei and he is a cello? (I'm still not sure I'm sorry lol) and his character is a serious and quiet type. he doesn't appear much in other CDs too probably. but at least he has his own cd. (i will hunt this one in the future) I also love his singing style here so its worth it.
星空ホールへおいでよ[Come to the Starry Sky Hall]
あなただけを愛してる[I love you only] {please i love you too T.T}
its a sentai series or another version on of power rangers. and the leader here Is so crack lol. anyway its based on a japaneses old folklore or something about momontaro a person who came from a peach. I'm pretty sure most of Japanese nerds already know this story. anyway he voice the gun and some power ranger gadgets here. if ya search it I'm pretty sure ya will laugh too lol. and i just saw his tweet there's new ending song from this series that he sang so i added this to the list.
出陣!ドンオニタイジン [Go out! Don Onitaijin Song]
Re:collection HIT SONG cover series feat.voice actors
its a album of revival of hit songs from 1990s to 2010. and each seiyuu has to make cover song one of them. there's 3 albums. guess what he's also participate here lol. he's included in 90s - 00s album
あの紙ヒコーキくもり空わって[anokamihikokikumorisorawatte- That paper plane in the cloudy sky]
Idolmaster SideM: Glowing Stars (the older game versions are dead) as Michiru Enjoji
Ayakashi Romance Reborn as Tatsuomi Oyama
Ikemen Revolution: love and magic in wonderland as Oliver Knight
Monster Hunter Rise as hunter type 6
Wildhearts as the hunter (the character)
Melty Blood Type Lumina as Kouma Kishima
Alchemy Stars as Pittman
Valorant as Chamber (well just in valorant jp im so sorry hahahaha)
Neo: the world ends with you as Shiba Miyakaze
Food Fantasy as Bak Kut Teh and Nagashi Somen
Jack Jeanne as Kaido Dakeshin
Tales of Luminaria as Gaspard (rip this game ded)
(ill not include the other Japanese games for now except sidem lol)
Transformers Adventure as Sideswipe (actually it should be in anime category sorry)
Hypnosis Mic Rhyme anima as TRex (i know hypmic is bad with naming)
Yarichinbitchibu (yes my favorite) as Kashima Yuu (yes where he is actually very famous at lol)
Youjo Shenki and Isekai Quartet as Weiss (tanya’s 1st lieutenant )
Black Clover as Valtos
Darling in the FranXX as Gorou (only at last 2 episode cause va has to change because umechan has to take rest)
SSSS.Dynazenon as Gauma (his main anime role)
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Golden Wind as Leaky eye Luca (yes he died immediately don't touch me)
Tomodachi Game as Tenji Mikasa
Vanitas no Karte as Jean-Jacques Chastel (he keep posting this one lol)
Chainsaw man as Samurai sword man/ katana man (another iconic scene for him lol)
(i list his most prominent anime roles in my search. check anime list for more lol)
Falcon & Winter Soldier as Falcon
New Amsterdam as Max Goodwin
Aquaman as Black Manta
My First First Love as Choe Hun (we can get the japanese dub in netflix huehuehue)
Sonic the Hedgehog as Agent stone (its gone in netflix i cri)
School of good and evil as Tedros (also in neflix huehuehue)
i dunno if this considered as dub he is in a YouTube VN channel called Gimai seikatsu [days with my step sister] he is the brother's friend as Maru
and drama cd called The Mable Littles he play as Chris Haller and his talking owl pet Thatch (well all the seiyuus there do lol) [bit add it cause its cute lol nothing much about it tho ain't active too since 2019]
he also have a cooking narration in ice media https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=axCgnkSPY1E&t=197s
its nice lol so gentle
まだ見ぬ宇宙へ(to unseen universe) in Osaka Science Museum Planetarium [he is the narrator]
the trailer: https://youtu.be/gZkKZzsCPS8
Voyage Wave (a radio he was in with Hidenori Takahashi) have a poetry reading MUSIC WHISPER NEMURENUYORUNI SASAYAITE (its available in youtube and spotify) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m6oNbEMl20mUDysV_IAQRGArJjDSidWAk
he also does live readings like Macbeth and a ballet theater drama I forgot the title (source is instagram)
*he is actually active in dubbing and narration I cant add the others cause I am not sure or cause japan regional limitations so lol
He also narrator in nhk program trailblazers release monthly in both en and jp (ofcourse yours trully is following the en and i love it) check them out! https://www.jibtv.com/programs/trailblazers/20220617.html
and he is also with Goulous5 (i mentioned them in kumachan's) as one of the Rivalz
so he is in some variety shows ill just list some known lol
Mikeneko Danshi [with Shirai Yusuke, Atsushi Kousaka]
Tokyo Otome Restaurant 2
Real treasure hunt in Yokohama [His partner is Sho Nogami]
Jinro Battle
Futsal Seiyuu (ofcourse)
Steal Treasure Run!!
Outdoor Seiyuu [with Shirai Yusuke]
Radio M4!!!! [with Kohei Amasaki, Takuma Nagatsuka, Taichi Ichikawa]
Voyage Wave [with Hidenori Takahashi]
So I think if ya search his romanji name ya can still get a bit of fansub of him and that is from jinrou(werewolf) battle a seiyuu event and he is always there lol. Oh so he is a bit dork lol and really cute (even tho his voice so deep bahahaha)
So if ya see his character song in hanadoll “the days” he has really decent English (i am afraid to judge English cause I am really bad with it lol but for me, he is really great and I cri)
He studied in Australia when he was in high school
speaking of English speaking it's really his asset in the industry he actually had an interview for fun animation when he got the role as Gauma in SSSS.Dynazenon that anime was his biggest break lol (tho he is also fame in bl world thanks to yaribu lmao)
Unlike some seiyuu (*coughs at shirai and satou*) he is not like that so maybe in global seiyuu fandom he wasn’t that noticeable. Tho he is a person who goes with everything even the craziness. He loves shirainyan fufufu.
He is mostly active in aoppella as mc with kakihara. also in Mikeneko boys, radio m4 and gimai seikatsu. and he also got variety show interview here and there
He is futsal fan and COYS fan
he use to be in sports before becoming va
he said in his tweet that he dream to be a voice actor in a planetarium and he got that role
In his profile, his hobbies and skills are English conversations, Futsal, Listening to music, watching movies.
can we add that he also likes playing games cause he was guest in shirai's YouTube channel when he has lets play segment lol (i still thinking why hamano san always choose female characters when he play it's cute tho lol)
he can cook lol and likes sake [expect his twitter having food pics and futsal rant]
it's from a magazine he has interviewed the reason why he was late to start va job because he works as in office for 3yrs. his first va job is a dub from a transformers series
he studied at Katsuta Voice Actor Academy as well as the Japan Narration Actor Institute (as you can see he focus on his acting career) (i also remembered he also been classmates with some seiyuus like nogami sho)
So imma dropping some links to his pfp and twt
an article about him
Oh, yah ill update this if he has new updates so ya can bookmark this lol, or follow me on Twitter or FB page cause imma informing there. I accept Kofi gifts and request too lol and tell me who seiyuu I should search for and make something like this next. The link is in my pinned post. Man, how I wish Tumblr has a comment section… well let's wait for my video version lol. I have something to post next week lol just wait
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2021 Top Games of the Week: Week 1
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Football is back! Week 0 was incredibly boring but Week 1 should more than make up for that. We’ve got a load of interesting games this week that should kick off the season in style. Let’s have a look!
The Top Ten Games of the Week
10. West Virginia at Maryland (Saturday 9/4)
The 10 spot goes to one of the fun rivalry games once again kicking off. West Virginia and Maryland have kept their non-conference rivalry going even as both schools changed conferences in the past 10 years. I hope they keep playing it moving forward. Neither team is expected to contend for their conference, or division in the Terrapins’ case, so winning the rivalry games is #1 on the list for many fans on both sides.
9. Michigan State at Northwestern (Friday 9/3)
The Big Ten is trotting out several conference games to open the season. Michigan State at Northwestern is perhaps the least interesting, but it does feature the defending champions of the West Division. In 2020, the Wildcats came out of nowhere last year to claim their second division title in three years. Meanwhile, the Spartans gutted their way through a season that would have been incredibly disappointing if not for their win over Michigan. Both squads have question marks but with this early conference game we’ll get a better idea where each team stands.
8. #4 Ohio State at Minnesota (Thursday 9/2)
Ohio State is ready to kick off another season with a national championship in their sights. The Buckeyes are quite clearly one of the best teams in the country and expect to go 12-0 or 11-1 at the very worst. Minnesota hasn’t had an opportunity like this is a while. The Gophers are expected to be loaded for bear as they prepare to take the next step forward under P.J. Fleck. Back in 2019, Minnesota defeated #4 Penn State to catapult themselves into a tie with Wisconsin for the West title. I’m sure they have a similar outcome on their minds here for OSU.
7. #16 LSU at UCLA 1-0 (0-0) (Saturday 9/4)
This one is going to hold my attention this weekend. LSU has had a strange two years, going from national champions with potentially the best football team of all time to 5-5 also rans nearly overnight. Sure, they have had time to reload now and the Tigers should be fine, but more than a few eyebrows have been raised already. Meanwhile, UCLA’s long rebuild under Chip Kelly has finally started to bear fruit. The Bruins mauled an overmatched Hawaii squad in week 0. Big deal, the Rainbow Warriors aren’t on the same level as Louisiana State, who will give UCLA a real litmus test to see how far they’ve come. Also it’s cool to see a PAC-SEC matchup, I feel like those conferences have the most infrequent combinations of matchups among the P5 leagues.
6. #10 North Carolina at Virginia Tech (Friday 9/3)
The ACC isn’t quite matching the Big Ten for Week 1 intrigue, but this early bout may have big ramifications on the Coastal race. North Carolina is favored in a race with Miami according to the experts, but things rarely ever go right in this strange division. Virginia Tech are in an awkward position. Things haven’t been going well in Blacksburg lately and fans wanted Justin Fuente fired years ago at this point. It would be a huge opportunity for the Hokies to turn their fortunes around if they can jump on the Tar Heels at home.
5. #23 Louisiana at #21 Texas (Saturday 9/4)
This is a trap game for sure. Steve Sarkisian’s first game as Texas head coach and it’s against a team that made their name last year upsetting regular season Big 12 Champions Iowa State. Louisiana will absolutely give the Longhorns a tougher test than they would normally expect from a G5 program and if they’re not careful UT could faceplant.
4. #17 Indiana at #18 Iowa (Saturday 9/4)
It’s not a sexy matchup in the conventional sense, but you have to give credit where it’s due. Indiana were one of the darlings of the 2020 season. The Hoosiers shocked the world last season with a breakout 6-2 record. With a full season’s worth of games to play now, IU is gunning for double digit wins. Iowa is their usual selves. The Hawkeyes were once again a strong team last year and that should be the case in 2021 as well. Iowa expects to contend for the West Division this year and have to win their cross-division games to give them their best chance at getting to Indianapolis.
3. #19 Penn State at #13 Wisconsin (Saturday 9/4)
The biggest of the Big Ten’s Week 1 matchups sees two of the best programs in the conference square off. Penn State had a bad year in 2020, no other way around saying it. The Nittany Lions need to rebound in 2021 or there will be a lot of question marks surrounding the direction of the program under James Franklin. Wisconsin is their usual selves, meaning the Badgers should once again be one of the top teams in the league but still a step (or two) behind Ohio State. Both Wisconsin and Penn State want to win their respective divisions, a loss in Week 1 would be a crucial setback for either side.
2. #1 Alabama vs #14 Miami FL (Atlanta, GA) (Saturday 9/4)
The defending champions start off the year in a high profile matchup with another high profile team. Miami isn’t quite playing up to their potential just yet, but the Hurricanes are on more solid footing than we’ve seen in a while. Many are expecting another breakthrough season similar to what we saw in 2017. It might not matter either way if the Canes get back to that level. It will be incredibly hard to unseat Alabama. The Crimson Tide are losing a lot of guys from their championship squad, but new faces with similar levels of talent are coming in to replace those who’ve left for the NFL. It feels foolish betting against Bama but a Week 1 loss would be one of the more likely scenarios for a regular season loss at all for the Tide.
1. #5 Georgia at #3 Clemson (Saturday 9/4)
This one is a no-brainer. Georgia and Clemson’s on again-off again rivalry is once again heating back up. The stakes haven’t been this high since the early 80′s, with both the Tigers and Bulldogs attempting to claim national championships this year. UGA is hoping to rebound and reclaim the SEC East after giving it away to Florida last season. The Dawgs are on the short list of 6 or so teams that are aiming to make the Playoff every year. Clemson is one of the other squads on that special list. The Tigers are hosting and may be favored, but we need to be wary of their lack of depth at the QB position. A loss here might not end a Playoff campaign, but it would be a bad start to one as well as a black eye against a regional recruiting rival. 
5 G5 Games of the Week
5. Syracuse at Ohio (Saturday 9/4)
Frank Solich unfortunately won’t be the head coach in Athens, but I think his old team is in great position to claim a P5 scalp as hapless Syracuse makes the trek for a rare MAC road date.
4. Marshall at Navy (Saturday 9/4)
Two of the G5′s more consistent brands face off. Marshall is trotting out their first new coach in 15 years while Navy is attempting to spit out the bad taste in their mouths after a disappointing 2020 season.
3. Miami OH at #8 Cincinnati (Saturday 9/4)
The Battle of the Bell is one of FBS football’s oldest rivalries and I love giving it the spotlight. I don’t expect Miami to win of course, while they have been a solid MAC program in the last couple years, the RedHawks aren’t up to the same level as Cincinnati. The Bearcats are favored to repeat as the #1 G5 program in the nation. Cincinnati haven’t lost to their in-state rivals since 2005, giving Miami plenty of reason to try and solve the Cincy defense that gave teams such fits last season.
2. Texas Tech vs Houston (Houston, TX) (Saturday 9/4)
That’s right, Houston was able to call on to upgrade this game to NRG Stadium. The Cougars and Red Raiders are throwing a Southwest Conference reunion party and everybody’s invited. Both Texas Tech and Houston have been struggling lately and this game definitely has high stakes for both programs.
1. Boise State at UCF (Saturday 9/4)
Two of the G5′s biggest brands face off as Boise State travels to the Bounce House to take on UCF. The stakes are obvious: the winner here will be the G5′s #2 option after Cincinnati moving forward through the season.
FCS Games of the Week
5. #14 Central Arkansas at Arkansas State (Saturday 9/4)
More likely to happen than you might imagine. Arkansas State moved on from coach Blake Anderson at the end of 2020 and Butch Jones (yeah) needs time to get things set. Central Arkansas has an opportunity to knock off their big brother in Jonesboro.
4. #9 Montana at #20 Washington (Saturday 9/4)
It’s the revival of an ancient PCC series dating back to the 1950′s. Montana will certainly be an underdog against a Washington squad that technically did win the PAC-12 North last year.
3. #21 Northern Iowa at #7 Iowa State (Saturday 9/4)
Iowa State has moved mountains to become this good, but the Cyclones aren’t impervious to upsets as last year showed us. Northern Iowa has their own chance to knock off big brother.
2. #6 Weber State at #24 Utah (Thursday 9/2)
This one should be tough no matter how good Weber State is. The Utes’ physical game will be tough for the Wildcats to overcome, but they’ll take their shot at glory no matter what.
1. #10 Jacksonville State vs UAB (Montgomery, AL) (Wednesday 9/1)
Now this is cool, an FBS-FCS game played at a neutral site. I love to see matchups like this. UAB is one of the best G5 programs of the last 5 years while Jacksonville State is one of the most consistent FCS squads in the deep South.
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non-sequitura · 4 years
Sequitura’s guide to Kpop if for some reason you want to get into it
(Not recommended, the fandom culture is insane, though there are some nice songs)
These are songs that I really liked on the first listen and continue to like. Some songs take a while to grow on me, like “TT” by Twice. Those aren’t on this list.
They're not my top 100 - those would be too particular to my tastes and I tried to cover a range of musical styles.
* means that the song is a b-side (not the primary promoted song in an album) and thus probably doesn’t have a music video.
Oh My Girl (cheerful group with KILLER catchy melodies)  -Windy Day -Dolphin -Coloring Book -Closer -(optional listening) Secret Garden if you really liked Closer -(optional listening) Nonstop if you like catchy dance tunes, but after some of their really good stuff it'll pale in comparison. It's good gateway Oh My Girl, though.
Blackpink (they do a lot of hype songs; cool vocal colors; actually not bad rapping for kpop) -As If It's Your Last -Playing With Fire -Lovesick Girls
f(x) (experimental girl pop) -Rum Pum Pum -Nu Abo
KARA (exhilarating dance tunes) -Step
Brown-Eyed Girls (they've covered pretty much every genre at this point, but boundary-pushing is their main theme) -Kill Bill -(optional listening) Abracadabra (not personally my thing, but the EDM bassline was super fresh at the time and still is) -(optional listening) Warm Hole (really catchy 60s-esque bop)
Taeyeon (former main singer in Girl’s Generation) -4 Seasons -(optional listening) Spark (not the greatest song in the world, but the lead-in to the chorus is great.)
T-ara (ridiculously cheesy dance tunes) -Roly Poly -Sugar Free -(optional listening) Lovey Dovey (if you loved Roly Poly)
Mamamoo (originally jazz, now... something else) -Piano Man -Um Oh Ah Yeah -(optional listening) Woo Hoo (the harmonies will blow your mind) -(optional listening) Decalcomanie (GREAT for early 2000s rock Amy Winehouse-esque fans. I'm only mildly a fan of that style, but even I can admit the vocal pyrotechnics are incredible.) -(optional listening) Pride of 1cm (a rap diss track about each other’s heights) -(optional listening) Girl Crush (HEY YOUUUU)
Spica (sadly short-lived group that was *really* musical; did jazz authentically and well) -You Don’t Love Me
IU (soloist whose style has run the gamut, but she mostly writes her own music, now.) -Eight -The Red Shoes -Blueming -23
AOA (originally a band concept who came back with uh... sexy, which isn’t a genre, but they still have good songs) -Heart Attack -(optional listening) Like a Cat -(optional listening) Elvis
Wonder Girls (retro who came back with a band concept) -Why So Lonely
Sunmi (her stuff can take a while to get under your skin. It’s quite dark under the surface, which I like.) -Heroine -Pporippipam -(optional listening) 24 Hours -(optional viewing) Noir, for the music video mainly
Yubin (former rapper for Wonder Girls) -Lady -Thank U Soooo Much
Girl’s Generation AKA SNSD (one of the original icons. You won’t find a more polished group anywhere.) -Paparazzi -(optional listening) Lion Heart (for those who love the 60s sound)
BoA (original soloist icon. Watch her dance and sing live.) -Mannish Chocolat -(optional listening) Woman
Itzy (currently conquering the “teen rebels” genre) -Wannabe -Don’t Give a What -(optional listening) Icy (it’s divisive, but personally I find the attitude super charming and the instrumental fresh and unique rather than irritating.)
Red Velvet (have some great RnB songs, as well as some lovely summer ones, as well as some “lol wut” ones) -Psycho -You Better Know* -Body Talk* -(optional listening) Russian Roulette (slightly off-kilter pop song and catchy af) -(optional listening) Look* (AMAZING 80s throwback) -(optional listening) Swimming Pool* (one of those super cheesy pop songs that becomes transdescent in the chorus) -(optional listening) Sassy Me* (this song is crazy) -(optional listening) Mr. E* (if you loved You Better Know) -(optional listening) Sunny Side Up* (if you loved Body Talk and Psycho)
2NE1 (one of the first “badass”-themed girl groups.) -I Am the Best -Fire -(optional listening) I Don’t Care (tackling slow/emotional)
Hyuna (a great performer who sells any song she’s in) -Trouble Maker -365 Fresh -Bubble Pop
CLC (they’ve unfortunately probably broken up now. Super talented group who’s bounced from genre to genre trying to get something to stick, leaving bops along the way.) -Pepe -Show* -No
Weki Meki (they’re slowly finding their niche, which is likely to be smooth club stuff) -Crush -(optional listening) Cool (I recommend watching their relay dance/dance practices and giving Lua some attention)
BOL4 (“indie”-ish band; not a big fan of most of their stuff) -Travel (but they did strike addictive gold when they went more rock)
Gfriend (Strings, guitar, and some of the best/most consistent vocalists in kpop right now) -Navillera -Mago
Dreamcatcher (a very unique, metal-influenced sound. Amazing dancing. Probably supported by the most humane company in kpop right now.) -Scream -Over the Sky* -Black or White* -(optional listening) And There Was No One Left* (idk why but this one hits me. It’s so sparse and yet makes you feel so disconcerted.) -(optional listening) Silent Night* (if you like the musical aesthetics of the song “Everytime We Touch”) -(optional listening) Can’t Get You Out of My Mind* (if you liked Silent Night)
Twice (“The Nation’s Girl Group”) -Fancy (kind of the only song of theirs that I adore; ask me for more recs if you really like them.)
Ailee (known as the Beyonce of Korea) -I Will Show You (an unironic “yasss” song) -Heaven (gee, this song is sad but never lets up with the power vocals as well, which I think works better than a straight-up slow ballad)
Loona (I don’t really click with them, but a few songs have hit me first listen) -Voice* (it sounds like a beautiful, brisk skate across a mile-long lake) -New (by Yves – it’s super flowy) -ViViD (by Heejin – I love sassy swing tunes what can I say) -(optional listening) Heart Attack primarily for the music video
EXID (power vocals + brass + hip-hop? I don’t really get it tbh but good singing can sell me anything.) -Ah Yeah
After School (I don’t know this group but this song is a bop. Might be one of my top 20 favorites of all time and I only heard it yesterday.) -Bang!
Sunny Hill (very unique social commentary music) -Pray (warning: one of the most disturbing music videos I’ve ever seen, but definitely worth a watch if you have a strong stomach) -The Grasshopper Song (music video is nicer)
(now we move into territory with guys in it. I personally think male artists in Korea release fewer great songs than female artists, beccause the general trend is to be “dark” or “moody” compared to the more melodic trends in female groups. If you like strong choreography or braggadocio vibes, though, you’ll probably like them better.)
AKMU (singer-songwriter sibling pair and probably my favorite composers in Korea right now.) -Dinosaur -How People Move -(optional listening) Happening (somehow gives coffee shop music a driving rhythm) -(optional listening) Like Ga Na Da (this is a song about the alphabet. It is still insanely catchy.) -(optional listening) Melted (sad ballad)
TXT (this group has other songs, but I don’t like any of them nearly as much.) -Runaway (like the classic boy group sound set on fire. A really nice pre-chorus of all things. Love the guitar.)
Ateez (they might become the next BTS; not sure.) -Wonderland (like... pirate hip hop/rock. Watch with choreography.) -Wave (a surprisingly potent summer song) -(optional listening) Say My Name
Shinee (some of the most talented dudes in kpop) -Lucifer (probably the only kpop song to pull off a one-note chorus well. Sounds like it was produced by people who evolved in a different universe.) -View (super smooth, groovy deep house song.)
Oneus (their good stuff goes hard) -A Song Written Easily -Valkyrie
Stray Kids (don’t know the group; song is great) -Miroh
A.C.E. (one of the only kpop groups doing hardstyle and surprisingly enough, I like it.) -Goblin -Cactus
Seventeen (don’t really know the group; song is great) -Mansae
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starry-seongmin · 4 years
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Songs I listened to: Kidult - Seventeen , Into the I-land - IU
#24 - “I can’t believe I fell for someone like you”
#34 -  “I fucked up”
warnings: cheating, swear words, my poor attempt at writing angst
Thursday 03:23 pm
You frowned, the messages you sent in the morning were yet to be seen let alone answered. Was he busy? Asleep? Did he leave his phone at home by any chance? Multiple questions kept on crossing your mind. His phone is probably switched off, maybe he ran out of battery..
What if he’s not answering on purpose? 
Your heart sank. Could it be possible that Hanse was ignoring you? Come to think of it, he has been a bit distant for a good while but you had brushed it off as tiredness and exhaustion.  Convincing yourself that everything was alright and that you were just overthinking and being insecure, you got up and decided to go out and buy some groceries you were running low on.
Hands in your pocket, you walked on the footpath, halfway to the grocery store. Your mind was still tantalizing you with scenarios from his phone with a dead battery to him cheating on you. You shook your head, disappointed in yourself for even thinking of such thinking. Hanse would never do it, would he? He was not the person to stoop so low. 
He was definitely a person who would rather tell you the truth and break things off then date the person he fell for rather than betraying you. You played these words in your mind, your trust not faltering. You looked ahead and saw the cafe where you had your first date him, drawing nearer. 
The fond memory lit a smile on your face. Your head automatically turned to peer in; the interior now redecorated and looking much better and quaint than before. Your steps faltered. Not because of the memory of the first of your many dates with Hanse, not even because of the changed brought in.
There he was. The person whom you trusted. The person you have been loving for the past year. Hanse was sitting across a girl you recognized his former lover. You thought better than to jump to conclusions no matter how much you tried, the hurt kept on increasing. 
You saw Hanse kissing her knuckles. The smile on his face was far wider and brighter than when he was you. You choked back a sob and turned around as the first tear escaped your eyes and trickled down. You couldn’t hold it back anymore. 
Taking quick steps, you made your way back to your home. Throwing your coat to god know where, you fell on to your bed and cried yourself to sleep, heart stuck in your throat, giving you trouble breathing. Your head was hurting, body trembling and heart crushing. the one thing you force yourself not to think ended up being real.
Thursday 11:47 pm
You woke up to someone’s frantic whispers and your body being jolted desperately. Sitting up and adjusting to the light, your eyes fell on a worried Hanse staring right back at you. You opened your mouth to greet him when images of him with his ex replayed in your mind and you violently shook his hand off your arm.
“Get out” your voice was nothing above a whisper. You were drained. Drained emotionally, mentally and physically. “What?” Hanse was clearly taken aback by your hostile reaction. “I saw you..you were with her” your voice broke. “Do I mean nothing to you? Am I not enough for you?” you cried, hitting him with your pillow as you broke into sobs, crying your heart out. 
Your hits got weaker and weaker until you gave up. “When...when did you find out?” Hanse asked cautiously, unable to look you in the eyes. “You’re worried about that?” you cried out incredulously at Hanse’s priorities. “
“I did nothing but love you, put you and your happiness before me. I trusted you with my heart and my everything. I tried to be the best partner I could be and you threw all that just like that!?” you hit his chest, the tears now coming back. Your eyes were red and the headache was getting worse.
“I’m sor-” 
“Don’t” you glared at him. Your feelings were all over the place. Hatred, betrayal, hurt and love. They were too much for you. “Don’t you dare say you’re sorry” 
“You’re not sorry that you cheated on me. You’re sorry that you were caught cheating.” your voice was wavering with anger and sadness. “Was I a rebound? I was, wasn’t I?” you laughed at yourself. “I’m pathetic..thinking that I ws being loved by you. For dreaming of a future with you. I can’t believe I fell for someone like you “
“Y/N, listen to me please” he finally spoke up after a couple of minutes of silence. “I know I shouldn’t have done this. I fucked up big time. I didn’t mean to hurt you and I-” you raised your hand, cutting him off.
“Are you hearing yourself!?/ Are you fucking hearing yourself right now?! What do you mean you didn’t want to hurt me?” you cried out, finding him ridiculous. “For fucks sake, Hanse!! You cheated on me! How can cheating not hurt the other person!?” you shouted. You grabbed the nearest thing which happened to be a crystal ornament on the dressing table and hurled it against the wall. It shattered and the pieces scattered all over the floor, the light reflecting off them.
“Get . The . Fuck . Out” you breathed heavily. “Y/N I’m so-” he tried to apologize again. “DIDN’T YOU HEAR ME!?? GET OUT!” you shouted, pushing him out of the room. You ignored his attempts at apologizing and talking to you. Done with the bullshit. Done with him. 
You locked the door and slid down against the door, head between your knees. You finally accepted the events of the day; the person you loved the most betrayed you. The relationship you cherished and gave your everything to, finished in a matter of minutes. The fond memories now bittersweet. The other side of the bed that would be warm every night now cold and empty.
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wiiildrose-mixtapes · 3 years
Mixtape: You Better Know
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A long description is needed, sorry (not sorry). This mixtape (with some little exceptions) is not a political statement, so let's forget the background of the people behind these songs, the outfits, the choreographies, if I agree 80% or 100% with the lyrics, and just focus on the message of the songs. Of course this is a feminist mixtape, because I was born as a girl. If I were a man I would make one with songs about being a man lol. So, in this case, this mixtape is more about seeing the good side of being born as a woman rather than any kind of protest. These are songs that I chose because the lyrics seems to talk about me or sound like something I could've had written, that I listened to a lot when I was young, or that I wish I could show to my younger self. I was always that bullied kid, so I chose songs that made and makes me think "I want to be like them", or that just makes me feel better. That's because this is a long mixtape, because I want it to be the kind you listen to when you're in a bad day. Ironically, the cover is indeed a political statement lol. I didn't want to use a pink cover because I don't believe colors have genders, but after seeing A LOT of girls saying that they tried to hate pink because they didn't wanted to be stereotyped I think it doesn't makes difference if the cover is pink or not? I mean, I can make another mixtape later with only songs sung by men and use a pink cover too lol. 01. Dreamcatcher - Break the Wall 02. (G)I-DLE - LION 03. ITZY - WANNABE 04. 4minute - HUH 05. BLΛƆKPIИK - Hwiparam 06. miss A - Bad Girl, Good Girl 07. Wonder Girls - Girls Girls 08. Taeyeon - I (feat. Verbal Jint) 09. Wheein - 25 10. IU - Palette (feat. G-DRAGON) 11. AOA - Danbal Meori (Short Hair) 12. WJSN - BUTTERFLY 13. MAMAMOO - Naro Malhal Geot Gateumyeon (Yes I Am) 14. LADIES' CODE - SET ME FREE 15. Rocket Punch – So Solo 16. Tiffany - I Just Wanna Dance 17. EVERGLOW - SALUTE 18. LOOΠΔ - So What 19. gu9udan - Not That Type 20. Cherry Bullet - Q&A 21. After School - DIVA 22. GFRIEND - LIFE IS A PARTY 23. KARA - STEP 24. f(x) - Jet Byeol (Jet) 25. 2NE1 - Fire 26. SNSD - Hoot 27. FIESTAR - We Don't Stop 28. Girl's Day - Let's Go 29. CLC - To the sky 30. Red Velvet - You Better Know
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iuleejieunbaby · 2 years
2016-12-03/04 巡迴演唱會 -《24 STEPS : ONE TWO THREE FOUR》首爾站
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2016-12-03/04 巡迴演唱會 -《24 STEPS : ONE TWO THREE FOUR》首爾站
161204 아이유 콘서트 직찍 By.YoonKB
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🌻 🌼 🌸 🌺 IU icons x IU tv  🌻 🌼 🌸 🌺
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her face is art tho
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