knoblemoto · 2 years
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Fix it yourself #yesyoucan #motorcyclediy #diy #grassroots #learnbydoing #itsokaytofail #communityovercompetition #skidmarkgarage #allarewelcome (at Skidmark Garage) https://www.instagram.com/p/CoSdjRELJQM/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pennyellee · 3 years
Me failing my lexicology test:
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Me getting a motivational scholarship like bruh:
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Don’t worry my UNI students chummers, we will be alright 🥲😇
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tonyastahlrealtor · 4 years
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👊 Don't be afraid to try and fail. Be afraid to fail to try. 
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Important information. #itsokaytofail #keeptrying #keepgoing #life #important https://www.instagram.com/p/B7fGy8iJ1QK/?igshid=d3m037jo9fcr
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getupandthrive · 5 years
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“Don't be afraid to start because you're afraid to fail.” * * What are you not attempting because you think you’re gonna fail? * * * Throw that idea out and go for it and guess what if you do fail- It’s Okay! We all fail. * * * Believe you’re not only strong enough to fail, but you’re strong enough to get up and thrive! * * * #yougotthis #strongenoughtofail #yupyougotthis #motivationisthemission #failyourwayforward #itsokaytofail #weallfailatsomepoint #getupandthrive https://www.instagram.com/p/B8RR3hQHFNH/?igshid=12zifdhl3rc1m
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erniedavis2-blog · 5 years
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Beach workout... Sand + Air + Water Amazing Gifts... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #playinthesand #runaround #playwithwater #enjoytheair #begrateful #breatheandmove #breatheandsmile #keepbelieving #trusttheprocess #neversaynever #itsokaytofail #dontgiveup #gettough #putinmore #wemove #wemovetheworld #inspireyourself #beyourself #beyourmotivation #itsallaboutyou #fitness #fitman #wellness (at Accra, Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7YOl_qgQOt/?igshid=1j8vk8daz4kdi
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So, yesterday, I allowed myself to be distracted entirely too much. I played games, talked to friends, drank my coffee, and did absolutely nothing. I had MEANT to finish chapter 11 of "Don't Feed the Trolls," so I am very much annoyed with myself. Today doesn't seem to be shaping up much better, but I'm trying. Yesterday's failure doesn't have to be today's. One foot after another, one word after another...just gotta keep going. Happy Tuesday, everyone! #writersofinstagram #amwriting #amwritingscifi #writer #author #itsokaytofail #itsnotokaytoquit https://www.instagram.com/p/B7T2cjqlh9E/?igshid=x06ng42uox0y
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troubledontlast1 · 5 years
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SUCCESS IS A LOUSY TEACHER. IT SEDUCES PEOPLE INTO THINKING THEY CAN’T LOSE. #repost @buddaz_world There are no shortcuts. There are no secrets. Excellence is made in a slow-cooker, not a microwave. Failure is necessary. Struggle is inevitable. And as your journey continues, you’ll face new struggles that can only be conquered by developing into a better version of yourself. #failureisinevitable It’s okay to fail, but it’s not okay to quit. #itsokaytofail Don’t worry about failures, worry about the chances you miss when you don’t even try. #youneedfailure A failure is just the first step on the road to success. #youneedtofail It is important to expect nothing, to take every experience, including the negative ones, as merely steps on the path, and to proceed. #failtosucceed Failure doesn’t mean-you’ll never make it, it means-it will take a little longer. #fail You’ll never be brave if you don’t get hurt. You’ll never learn if you don’t make a mistake. You’ll never be successful if you don’t encounter failure. #failureisnotfinal Do the one thing you think you cannot do. Fail at it. Try again, do better the second time. The only people who never stumble are those who never try. #failure When starting a new venture in life, it is so important to welcome failure. Failures will teach you so much more than successes. It’s okay to fail and it will help you grow. Always turn it into a learning experience! As long as you get up and keep going, you will come out on top. #lovefailurequotes A champion is defined not by their wins but by how they can recover when they fall. #youhavetofailtowin It’s okay to not be perfect. It’s okay to make mistakes. It’s okay to do something that you hadn’t done, because if we don’t do those things, we never grow. #learnfromfailure If you are making mistakes, you are trying. #learnfromfailures You try, you fail. You try, you fail. Failure is when you stop trying. #youhavetofail “I’ve failed over and over and over again in my life and that is why I succeed.”- Michael Jordan #failurebeforesuccess For though the righteous fall seven times, they rise again, but the wicked stumble when calamity strikes.- Prov.24:16 (at Mount Juliet, Tennessee) https://www.instagram.com/p/ByV3nCklpaS/?igshid=1l3v9fgqr30mf
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boidoula · 6 years
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Failure Project Day 5 this made me laugh which is so important when talking about failure. here we go: 1. i failed to go to the grocery store. ... 2. i failed to take any of my vitamins or supplements. ... 3. i failed to wake up early enough to make it to the beach. ... #KingYaaFailureProject #ThisBoisLife #ItsOkayToFail #CantGetEverythingDoneAllTheTime #TomorrowIsAnotherDay #MakeTechnoBlackAgain #IPreferHouseMusic #IsHouseATypeOfTecho ... [ID: black baseball cap with white writing that says make techo black again] (at Tulum, Quintana Roo) https://www.instagram.com/p/Bp0qxtghXZTE5PjgrN4NEKbzRb4TlQNyCHfK1g0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=4r1wav4abli9
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flywithandyooi-blog · 8 years
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What is the #point of being #alive if you don't at least do something #remarkable? ~ John Green If you have never #failed, you've never tried anything #new. #itsokaytofail #trysomethingnew #quotes #qotd #motivationalquotes #motivation #daretodream #legends #dreamchaser
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jessydiandra-blog · 8 years
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"Si tu n'échoues pas, c'est qu'il y a quelque chose que tu ne fais pas bien." #WhenYouFailYouLearn #ItsOkayToFail #GoodMorning
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scriptasebasti · 3 years
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Always remember that when you failed at something, it isn't because you are a failure. You just didn't succeed yet. . . Follow @scriptasebasti 🖋️💪🏾📚🏋🏾‍♂️🧠💰⚔️ Follow @scriptasebasti 🖋️💪🏾📚🏋🏾‍♂️🧠💰⚔️ Follow @scriptasebasti 🖋️💪🏾📚🏋🏾‍♂️🧠💰⚔️ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #scriptasebasti #übermensch #photooftheday #follow #followme #instagram #follow4follow #instadaily #instalike #instareels #igers #motivation #dailyquotes #dailytweet #tweetsfromtwitter #tweetsavages #lifeadvice #getthingsdone #pushforward #instaquotes #followforfollow #likeforlikes #reachyourgoals #failurequotes #failureisnotfatal #success #failuresaresteppingstones #itsokaytofail https://www.instagram.com/p/CTzeauLl4ix/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Why to Love Yourself Even if you Fail
No matter what size, race, or gender you are, it is important to truly love yourself. Besides the fact that self love provides health benefits as well and inner happiness, one should really get to know themselves and become familiar with all the amazing things they have to offer. Think positively about yourself, be confident, and you will be able to achieve great things. It is okay to fail and mess up as long as you pick yourself right up after. Your mistakes will shape you and help you learn to become better. Everyone fails its a part of life. You have the power to change the world. Use that power to make a positive impact. 
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Strive for Progress, not Perfection. Perfectionism can be a form of procrastination that stops progress. . . . . . . #progressnotperfection #progressnotperfect #consistencyoverrigidity #procrastinationkills #dontbeafraidtofail #dontbeafraidtofall #dontbeafraidtotry #itsokaytofail #fakeittillumakeit #dontfakeit #failfast #failfaster #learnfrommistakes #learnfromit #weightlossquote #weightlossquotes #strengthquotes #strengthquote #fatlossmotivation #gymmotivationalquote #fitnessmotivationquotes #fakeittilumakeit #fridaymotivation💪 #gymquote #fatlosscoach #bodybuildingquotes #makingmistakes #makemistakes #lifegains #lifegainz (at Santa Cruz, California)
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erniedavis2-blog · 5 years
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It's always the best moment to be grateful; when life throws shade at you... • Find balance, breathe and move on. Everyone is struggling with some shit always. • You are a major part of the big picture. It's a process, so trust it! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #breatheandmove #breatheandsmile #keepbelieving #trusttheprocess #neversaynever #itsokaytofail #dontgiveup #gettough #putinmore #wemove #wemovetheworld #inspireyourself #beyourself #beyourmotivation #itsallaboutyou (at Accra, Ghana) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OwJvXAfIS/?igshid=83a124tganq4
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“A comfort zone is a beautiful place....but nothing ever grows there.” . . I started the texturing on the icing on this cake feeling nervous; I’d never done it before and wasn’t sure how it would turn out. I remember thinking “maybe I should stick with something I’ve done before.” 🙈Comparing my cake with the picture I was working from, I think I made the frosting a little too thick; the texturing was rougher than what I was shooting for. 🤷🏼‍♀️🙈 But - on the far side of making the cake - now I know what I need to do differently next time. That’s the thing with comfort zones I need to remember but always forget - push their boundaries, and your comfort zones will start to grow. 💕🙌 Happy Sunday everyone!! . . . . #comfortzone #pushyourboundaries #trynewthings #hanginthere #itsokaytofail #justdontgiveup #bakerinthemaking #homebaker #firstanniversary #bakingforfriends #chocolateganache #vanillabuttercream #magnoliabakeryrecipe #bakeday #tryeverything #cakesofinstagram #firstshot #intensivecakeunit (at Portland, Oregon) https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxQs1FhVAn/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=al9r7hzdwe9g
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