jacenotjason · 9 months
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A/N: HEyy this is my first time writing fanfic in a lONG Time! I decided to do a sort of part one/prologue to warm up let me know what you think! ill do part two if this is received well
cw: discussion of murder
Inspired heavily by “The Lamb” by ItsJustHedy “Have you ever thought about it?” The neon lights of the Candy Club buzzed a quiet metronome for their conversation. The four of them sat in a booth in the back, milkshakes on the table. Roy sat next to Robert, Ross sitting beside Susie on the other side. Roy's question hung in the air, a palpable tension enveloping the booth. The lights flickered momentarily, casting fleeting shadows on the quartet's faces.
Susie, unsure of why she was invited to this clandestine meeting, blinked in surprise. She fidgeted with the straw of her milkshake, her eyes darting between the three members of the HatZGang. They weren't exactly her friends, but Robert had promised to treat her to a milkshake, and she was eager to escape whatever eldritch horror Pump would bring home that day.
As Susie sipped her milkshake, she realized the question had been directed at her. "Thought about what?" she asked, trying to feign nonchalance. She had been listening to the conversation, of course, but she asked in hopes that the question wasn’t related.
"Murder," Roy said, his voice low and almost playful. The word hung in the air, heavy with a tension Susie hadn't anticipated.
Susie's eyes widened, and she almost choked on her milkshake. She glanced around nervously, as if expecting someone to pop out and reveal this was all some strange prank. "Murder? Why would I think about that?"
“How would you do it?” Ross explained, “Just hypothetically, of course,” his eyes darted between his two friends, then to Susie as he repeated himself. “How would you do it?”
“...How would you?” Susie replied instead, attempting to direct the attention of the conversation away from her.
Ross looked away from her, looking down at the milkshake in front of him. His calm demeanor belied the gravity of the topic. "I’d do something untraceable, something that could be considered an accident. Like exploiting an allergy and poisoning them… Something that could be written off easily-”
“That’s so boring!!” Robert suddenly shouted, making Susie flinch.
Ross, undeterred by Robert's outburst, continued, his gaze still fixed on the swirls of his milkshake. “But it's effective,” He said, finally looking up from the cup, “A slow-acting poison, too, so there's no immediate connection. Just a sudden, unexpected end. It’ll be treated as a mystery or an accident. The person is dead, and I don’t go to jail.”
“That’s so lame! You don’t even see them die!?” Robert exclaimed, astonished that Ross wouldn’t want to witness the victim’s end. “The whole point of murdering someone is that everyone knows they’ve been murdered!”
“The whole point of murdering someone is that someone dies!” Ross, his patience tested, spat right back.
Robert wasn’t deterred. “You gotta do something gruesome!” Robert insisted, “Something people remember for decades! Something they’re not allowed to forget!!”
Roy, wearing a misplaced grin, interjected, crossing his arms as he addressed Robert. "Okay, what would you do, then?"
Robert's eyes gleamed with excitement as he leaned back, clearly relishing the opportunity to share his grand and macabre ideas. He pushed his milkshake towards Roy and leaned over the table to explain. Susie felt the knot in her stomach tighten, growing uneasy at the conversation.
"You lure your victim to someone that's going to be visited soon, like a school on a Sunday. Then, you kill them simply and easily, with a slit of the throat or head trauma, or something, it doesn’t matter. Then," Robert punctuated each word with a tap on the table, "full body dismemberment."
Susie cringed at the macabre imagery, her discomfort evident on her face. "What?"
"Dude, what?" Ross raised an eyebrow, his initial interest waning into something else. Not unease, but annoyance, as if he’d heard this before.
“Listen! Listen!” Robert continued, his smile unmoving. “You cut the body up into pieces and string them around the gymnasium! Like a fucked up wind-chime!” 
“Robert, do you have any idea how long it takes to saw through bone?” Ross spat.
“Yeah! Dude, plus, where would we get a saw?!” Roy motioned between them, “We have like 20 dollars put together.”
Susie, desperate to steer the conversation away from its dark trajectory, interjected. "I mean... it doesn't really matter, since... This is all hypothetical," she forced a smile, hoping to diffuse the tension that lingered in the air. “...Right?”
The three boys suddenly silenced, looking at Susie. There was a beat of silence. Then another. Then another. Roy exchanged glances with Ross and Rober, the boys sharing an unspoken understanding. Susie's forced smile faltered, her attempt at lightening the mood falling flat in the face of their unsettling silence.
“Right,” Ross finally broke the silence, his tone casual and friendly, but Susie detected a lingering tension beneath the surface. She took a breath, grateful for the respite at least.
“Yeah, duh!” Roy rolled his eyes with a smile, “I mean look at Robert,” Roy grabbed Robert's arm and lifted it, “You think he can kill someone with these?”
“Hey!” Robert took his arm back with a laugh, breaking the tension momentarily. Ross and Roy joined in the laughter, and Susie awkwardly chimed in, the sound hollow against her inner turmoil. There wasn’t anything funny to her, the boys she sat with could very well kill her. 
She let out a breath, allowing herself to breathe as she rationalized her thoughts. The gang wasn’t violent. Sure, they were jerks, but they weren’t murderers. Their bullying was never violent outside of shoves or foot-stepping.
Susie watched as the boys traded playful insults and laughed together, the conversation slowly returning to their previous topic. It was still jarring, but Susie continued to try and see the same playfulness they must be seeing.
“Susie,” Ross returned the attention to her again. She paused mid-sip and looked up at him, her eyes darting to the other two now watching her.
“Hm?” Susie blinked.
“You never answered.”
“...Answered what?”
“If you wanted to kill someone, how would you do it?” Ross asked her again.
“Oh I…” she shrugged. “I’m not.. I wouldn’t kill anyone..”
“Yeah, neither would we! It’s just for… curiosity’s sake.” Ross shrugged.
“I…” Susie fidgeted, looking between them all. “I guess… I-I’d do something simple. A mix of both of your ideas!” She gestured to Ross and Robert. “Uhm… something… easy to clean but… not boring?” She shrugged.
“Like what?” Roy pressed.
“Uhm…” Susie itched her neck, thinking. She tried to remember some more macabre books she’d read. “If.. I wanted to do something big.. Big enough to get on the news… I’d… probably do it in school. Just… stabbing someone is pretty easy…” She kept her eyes down on the empty milkshake in front of her, mixing the last bits. “You could... Slit someone’s throat and throw them in the pool?” She suggested, finally looking up at the boys. They looked like they had been waiting for her answer all night.
“I like that,” Roy responded.
“It’s clean,” Ross nodded.
“And violent,” Robert smiled.
Susie awkwardly smiled at their shared reactions. She felt a strange validation, having not received a negative reaction. She looked down at their empty milkshakes and stood up, “I’ll get us another round.”
“Oh, sweet, thanks!” Robert slid their glasses towards her, allowing her to take them up to the counter where Kevin finally looked away from the glass door to meet her. She set the glasses on the counter and requested refills.
The boys watched her leave before slowly turning to face each other again. They glanced at each other, attempting not to smile at the dark irony.
“That was so fucked, Roy,” Ross finally spoke.
“Yeah, that was dark. Bringing her here in the first place was bad, but making her choose?” Robert said, his words not correlating with his excited smile.
“You think she has any idea?” Ross asked.
All three boys turned to look over their seats, seeing Susie leaning against the counter as she waited for their drinks. She saw them looking towards her and waved. Robert kindly returned it.
“No.” Roy smiled, the two other boys smiling after him.
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chaoticshort · 8 months
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Inspired by the animated short horror film The Lamb by ItsJustHedy Some of the characters are my brother's!
it's certainly wise to put a militia pilot at a table of imc ones, yes
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itwasntyou · 5 years
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vintage queens
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clarky-dodie · 4 years
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heather! sangin! moana! 6.23.20
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oopsdontkillme · 5 years
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sofeaart · 6 years
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Had a snow day today (thanks polar vortex) and had nothing better to do other than mess around and redraw this picture of Hedy (this is my first “realistic” piece so please go easy on me)
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tealeafdodie · 6 years
can 2018 be the year we stop comparing hedy to her sister??
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basementpotato · 7 years
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silvery gals
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smtmsmac · 7 years
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the prettiest memes.  (x) (x)
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madiesunny · 7 years
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littleshitphil · 6 years
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i absolutely adore these two
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itwasntyou · 5 years
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i thought miles was their brother for the longest time lmao
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davysdead · 6 years
Have you listened to Hedy's (ItsJustHedy) cover of idontwannabeyouanymore? She posted it just before you did and although it's not you of course it's really good.
I haven’t! I’ve just been feeling it™️ a lot lately so I bopped it out. I’ll check it out tho!
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cleverphil · 6 years
i suggest you watch dodie if you don’t already and itsjusthedy who’s an artist! can i get a blograte?
i used to be so obsessed with dodie and still love her dearly but i don’t find myself watching her as much, her music is still amazing though :) 
URL: eh| pretty good| omg amazing|I’m in love I want it|
Icon: basic| cool| aesthetic| in love | can I take it?
Content: not my thing| pretty cool| omg yes!| reblogging everything
Theme(mobile): okay| satisfying| aesthetic as heck| best thing I’ve ever seen| will you help me with mine?!
Following: sorry but no| maybe one day| doing it rn| already am| why wouldn’t I?!
Overall: 9/10
Other/comments: ahh love you make my heart melt (its a good melt thoug, dw)
Im doing blog rates! 
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