desperateseatoad · 5 months
Today marks the day I remembered this Tumblr account that I made when I was 15, how it has not been deleted after almost a decade I have no idea; But I'm treating it as an act of providence. Also I'm keeping the banner of me shooting someone in Unturned for posterity.
I don't know what I'm gonna post here, I make music now so probably stuff about audio and music production. But maybe other stuff too.
I have exactly zero followers so maybe this will be more like a diary idk but if I end up bringing some internet strangers along the way I love to overshare so,
works for me.
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scribz-ag24 · 4 months
Imagine if Wiggglytuff met Darkrai before Darkrai lost his memories.
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rip darkrai you were a fun one-dimensional villain
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jorrated · 10 months
idk why sonic fans care so much about canon timelines. classic sonic is past sonic or an alternate version sonic? who gives a shit sonic canon is the definition of fuck it we ball have fun with your blue rat
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hanakoifish · 18 days
i mean i would also really like an AA7.. twirls hair. (Please tell Trucy and Apollo they’re siblings I beg of you.)
And well. Y’know. An Investigations style game with Mikotoba and Herlock Sholmes would be cool..
Sorry I’ll shut the fuck up I’m asking for too much uhm. AA7 YEAHHHHHH GIVE ME SOMETHING PLEASE CAPCOM I’M DESPERATE I WILL GIVE YOU MY LIFE
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theofficialvincenzo · 3 months
Hey so like does this imply that there's actually two Sutekhs?
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pmd-etu · 1 year
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Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Exploration Team Ultra - AKA "PMD ETU" Returns with a Reboot, starting October 1st, 2023!
Pages will be posted in groups as I finish them!
Want to start from the beginning? Pages are posted individually on Deviantart/Chronologically. [Click Here]
Old pages are being left up as an Archive- some things have changed from the original though!
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tremorsmackenzie · 9 months
its clowning time
like its never been before.
the echo trailer that dropped yesterday has confirmed daredevil to be canon.
after years of radio silence they suddenly had scenes, the characters referring to past events, the whole deal. cameos for other unnamed characters have already been teased, so maybe we'll see the rest of the defenders.
all of this has been rumored for months, but this is actually happening now.
yall know what this means.
Agents of S.W.O.R.D. when?
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fabdante · 2 months
tw physical abuse, violence, domestic abuse
*spins* I wonder if anybody ever noticed how quickly reboot Dante heals, and used it as an excuse to hurt him more/worse than they would've otherwise dared to when they knew he was going to be seen out in public? Because they know he can just heal up just fine (he's not fine- healing still takes energy, his healing factor still has a LIMIT, but its not like Dante'll ever tell them that, and they more than likely wouldn't care enough to stop if they knew), "so it doesn't matter what I do to him". Like, abusive foster parents, or guards, or teachers, or other people in positions of power. I wonder if Dante ever used that healing factor of his as an excuse to take physical abuse meant for somebody else, even if the victim wasn't someone he knew or they weren't kind to him, just because Dante knows they don't deserve to be treated like that? It still HURTS, but at least he can take it. (Besides, it hurts less than seeing someone else get hurt, and because he thinks he deserves it for being- who he is. Like maybe he thinks there must be something wrong with him for the demons to keep hunting him so doggedly.)
I wonder if he's ever been stabbed or shot on someone else's behalf? I wonder if he's ever killed someone that took the abuse too far, human or not? I wonder if he ever ran away into Limbo, because it made running from the cops easier?
Plus, reboot Dante has more control over his healing factor than preboot Dante seems to, so if reboot Dante needs to lie there and bleed for a bit to satisfy someone's sadism, he can. Very useful trick, that, sometimes. Especially if/when you need to play dead.
Ok so I may have gotten off topic but I'm very interested in the idea of reboot Dante and violence asdfghjk. I love characters and their complicated relationships to violence, it's a whole thing for me.
But yeah in an effort to keep this short my TLDR is: I think that yeah, Dantes been subject to a lot of abuse and his healing abilities could have enabled that abuse to be worse in the right scenario though I think he's very liable to start hitting back. I think he's definitely protected people he cares about with his healing abilities and he's definitely killed abusive people before (something him and Kat have in common). And I think the ability to play dead would be useful for him dfghjkl
In an effort to ramble about reboot Dante and violence, here's more post asdfghj (I'm not putting it under a read more but if anyone wants me to let me know):
I've come under the realization that I tend to categorize reboot Dante as more...violent and volatile then a lot of the fandom. I tend to characterize him like a scary dog in a lot of ways, largely a persona built out of a desire to protect himself and shut other people out. Which is to say I think he grew up in a lot of abusive and dangerous situations and given his unique circumstances he learned to hit back rather quickly. I wouldn't be surprised if Dante were someone's punching bag when he was younger and I wouldn't be surprised if he, given things like his healing abilities and what not, then decided to take this opportunity to punch back.
From what we see of him in game, particularly the late game conversation with Vergil about finding solace and release (the one where Vergil's like 'yeah I channeled all my energy into hacking because I felt like I didn't quite belong and it made me feel better what about you :)' and Dante was like 'yeah no I just slept around a lot and killed lots of demons' which was definitely not what Vergil wanted him to say asdfghjk), I think it's fair to assume Dante gets some sort of not exactly comfort or enjoyment from violence but a sort of like...it's sort of an outlet for his frustrations and emotions. And it's an easy outlet for those emotions.
I think there's also something to it with that one Barbara Kruger piece, this one:
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The piece itself has like a homoerotic tone to it, at least I feel, particularly within the context of when it was made and all. But there's also this idea that like any sort of attention when you are starved from it is good attention. Here it's the idea that like these men want attention from other men but are too scared to receive it in a loving, kind way and so then turn to violence because it is some sort of attention, some sort of contact, with one another.
Which relates to what I want to talk about here, Dante is starved of affection and love which he copes with by both a lot of meaningless sex but also I think there's something to the idea that when you are touch starved, any sort of touch will do after a while. So getting into a physical fight, allowing oneself to engage in that, can give the sort of give a little hit of what he's looking for. Which is that sort of connection with another person, that like 'we're both here we're both alive you're real and I'm real' of a hug except you know, Worse. Like is a fight a kind interaction, no, but you can't really deny the fact you are both here in this moment and you are both alive and real as you drive a fist in a guys face. The idea that any attention is attention, even if it's bad attention.
I also tend to view him with very little care for his own self preservation. A mix of just not caring what happens to him but also that young person invincibility complex that's further enabled by the fact he can heal himself at will. Like he both is aware he can recover from injuries and all, but also fairly sure he's not going to live long, that sort of thing and isn't quite sure how much he cares to. But I definitely can see him, given the big heart he has down there that he likes to pretend he doesn't have, very eagerly playing human shield for people he cares about because he can take it and they can't.
So I think it's very likely he's taken hits on someone else's behalf before lashing out on the abuser/attacker. I don't think he takes abuse well, happening to himself or others.
I'm also very much of mind he has killed people who are not demons before because of the above.
There's also a lot of other angles to look at when it comes to reboot Dante and violence done by him or onto him to but I'm trying to keep this short asdfgh it's just a really interesting subject to me with characters, particularly characters already associated with violence.
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the-indie-owl · 3 months
Since my SG hyperfixation has already been somewhat of a huge distraction for Me, I feel like I wanna make my own Zigma B lore as I kinda have a Theory that if there are actually 2 Planets with the same name (like say if there was a "Zigma A") and that maybe the First Planet might have a completely different environment compare to the Space Goofs' true homeland?
Like...That obviously shouldn't be too deep, right?
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sunnysynthsunshine · 4 months
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more likely than you think
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schmabbald · 1 year
poor olimar. he's not even a full inch tall and he's been sent to the Horrible Alien Death Planet so many times and it's still unclear wether he got to see his family in-between these journeys
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robingivesmemagic · 26 days
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he was just a lil guy too :[
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jaredthebc · 2 years
Randomly thinking of the similarities of Red and Hilbert. Mainly in how they both ran off for so long with people not really knowing what happened to them for years
Like with Red, we don’t fully know why he went to Mt Silver, but we get the general idea he either wanted to be stronger, or couldn’t handle the intense pressure and spotlight of being the top champion of the world. He went off for himself and while we knew his general location, we weren’t sure if he was actually alive or implied to be dead and some kind of spirit/a figment of our imagination after climbing Mt Silver
Meanwhile with Hilbert. We know his motif of wanting to find N again. Masters has him say he was upset N left him without a word, but its also reasonable to think Hilbert just generally was hoping to make sure the dude was alive and well considering all the shit he went through and the personal impact they both share. While we knew while he ran, we didn’t know where he went off to, if he was still alive or if Ghetsis/Plasma killed him. We didn’t even know if he was still in Unova.
Its also interesting to note how both can be viewed as rather selfish in these actions due to their families being impacted. Red is arguably more selfish than Hilbert in his actions since Hilbert was trying to check on the person who changed his life, but both went off for so long and didn’t really inform anyone of how they were doing for years. +We can add on to this with the theme of not really getting a resolution to their return to society. We don’t see either of them apologize or even when they decided to return from their self destructing habits
The contrast of “Not knowing why he ran off, but his general location” to “Knowing why he ran off, but not his location” with the shared theme of not knowing if they were alive until much later is quite interesting, especially knowing in BW2 they wanted to have a Gen 5 Protag fight that still makes me mad it was scrapped, which is similar to Red fighting the Gen 2 protags. There’s a lot to compare with them since Hilbert is like the soft reboot version of Red but my brain is the size of a pea so that’s all you get from me for now lol
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istherewifiinhell · 11 months
"I wish the dino bots had more sophisticated brains"
Shut ur british microscope MOUTH perceptor it was a WHOLE THING. were u THERE??? when the other previous science characters where just like ya lets make sentient life based on extinct creatures we just learnt abt. And make em small brains just like the real life dinosaurs. As if dinosaur had to deal with being an alien space fairing computers. U_U
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nozomijoestar · 1 year
Something I’m loving about the T8 art direction is having every character’s new outfit represent a soft reboot back to their origins/closest relationships
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likeabxrdinflight · 1 year
I'm not one to care much about the zelda timeline or the connections between games but the flashback story in totk feels so much like a retelling of ocarina of time that I'm convinced the ancient sages are meant to represent the sages from that game. I mean right down to the sage of light being named Rauru.
they never name the sages in totk but I'm pretty sure they're Ruto, Nabooru, and Darunia. The obvious outliers being Sonia (then Zelda) and Mineru, and then the rito sage seems to stand in for Saria- but I imagine his name is linked in some way to Vah Medoh, so probably something like Meda.
Like it's not a one to one recreation of oot, obviously, but my god the similarities don't seem accidental. It feels like a very blatant homage at least, if not an outright retelling.
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