#its why brotps are even a thing
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andy4yippee · 3 months
OH ALSO!!! your ranking of your fav ST ships? :D
YESS!!! ok here we go.
(includes brotp, otp, polyotp, familyotp.)
Lumax - 10/10. meant for eachother!
elmax - 7/10. SOO cute, just i cant see it really happening.
byler - 1000/10. MY ONE TRUE OTP!!
mileven - 7/10. Cute, but its not my favorite. i liked them more in s1!
Duzie - 100/10. CUTE! nerd x nerd has me in a chokehold.
Jopper - 100/10. meant for eachother, again!
Jancy - 100/10. ADORABLE!!
Jargyle - 10/10. Cute!! the fanart is adorable. cant see it fr happening.
Stancy - 7/10. they were cute in s4- but I cant see them tgthr!
Henfield - 2/10. not my thing!
Hellcheer - 9/10. WOULD OF BEEN SO CUTE.
Boyce - 100/10. would of been adorable. poor bob.
Byerson - 5/10. cute but not my thing, cant see them together.
Edna - 0/10. why the fuck is this a thing HELP??
Henclair - 6/10. so cute, but max and lucas belong together.
Steddie - 8/10. Would of been super cute!
Wheelclair - 4/10. cant see it, would be cute.
Wheelson - 4/10. same thing as wheelerclair!
Stonathan - 2/10. cant see it at all.
Bancy - 7/10. this would of been my femslash OTP if she didn't fucking die.
Joyren - 5/10. I didn't even think about this till now..but imagine how cute this would be? obviously, wouldn't happen but....hear me out!
Rockie - 9/10. CUTE!! love them sm.
Ronance - 8/10. love it! its super cute.
Eddustin - 10000/10. MY BABIES!!
Dancy - 10/10. they were so cute in s2!
Stustin - 100/10. Love them in s3 especially.
Robeddie - 10/10 Gay Bestfriends.
Stobin - 100/10. The bestfriends ever
Madwise - 9/10. I love them sm.
Muwheeler - 10/10. Mike definitely had a stupid teenage crush on Eddie. obviously, this is a brotp and onesided because if it was requited it would be illegal....yuck.
Elwill - 1000000/10. THE SIBLINGS EVERRR
Max's Moms (Nancy and Robin and Max) - 10/10. Love them.
Wheeler Siblings - 7/10. NEED TO TALK MORE WTF??
Sinclair Siblings - 10/10. SO funny together.
Magrove - 7/10. make me cry everywhere.
Byer Siblings - 9/10. Love them so much!
HenderFam - 10/10. Steve and Eddie are Dustins canon dads.
ByerHopperFamily - 10/10. My familyotp for life.
Elumax - 8/10. this is so cute.
Stoner Lovers - 10/10. if they interacted, this would be my true polyotp.
Steddissy - 100/10. I CAN SEE THIS. if 2 of them weren't in graves. (one isn't even in a grave LMAOO) (forgive me)
Robins sapphic dream - 10/10. What the fuck is happening?? but I LIKE IT!
Gotta Love Nancy - 10/10. Again, what the FUCK? but i like it!
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theunchainedmelody · 3 months
Regrets of a Conqueror- A My Adventures with Superman fic on Kara Zor-El. Kara x Jimmy. [one-shot]
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Rating: T for themes of mind control, brainwashing, parental abuse, suicide ideation, and brief sexuality. Pairings: Karolsen (Kara/Jimmy). BROTP: Kara & Clark
Summary: A look through Kara's life under the thumb of Brainiac, a cold isolated existence. And how it changed as she met Jimmy Olsen and her cousin Clark Kent. In doing so, Kara finds both love in others and also unimaginable horror within her own memories. Based on episodes 2x5 & 2x6. Probably not totally canon compliant in the long run.
A warrior set upon a burning civilization…
The bloody sword of Brainiac, as indiscriminate and mindless as such a weapon ought to be…
That was what Kara Zor-El was reduced to in those days.
Long ago, she’d been innocent, with hands not yet soaked in blood…
“I’ll win this time!” said a child’s voice.
Kara gazed in wonder at the sight of the two Kryptonian children engaging in a peculiar activity, one whose purpose eluded her. She was no older than they, and yet Kara had never felt further apart from Krypton. Already, her father had her partaking in all sorts of exercises, mastering flight and heat vision with ease. But only recently had he shown her this recording of her home world's final days, all to offer her a clear vision of what awaited New Krypton, of what awaited the planets brought into the fold. A beautiful city of gold filled with those like her…
She ignored the contradiction as never again would Kryptonians fly in the heavens. It would forever remain a derelict memory. None now lived to take to the skies, none but her. And yet, her father, Primus Brainiac, had shown her that the death of her race need mean little if their wills endured. With his brilliant mind at the helm, she would soon lay conquest on habitable systems, visiting worlds to measure their worth and then to lead in the front lines of battle, taking on planetary guardians, like the Green Lantern corp. But right now, Kara had forgotten the entirety of her father’s aspirations altogether, being enamored by the sight of such carefree children. Laughing. Smiling. The only time Kara smiled was on those rare occasions Primus offered her words of praise, when his cold metallic fingers slid beneath her chin. As such, seeing Kryptonians frolicking about so leisurely left her young mind perplexed.
“What are you doing?” asked the child, blinking rapidly and tilting her head, as if the ghosts could somehow answer her.
Kara rewound the memory so that the same ball hitting the same crystals repeated itself. This time, Kara slipped her own hand through the hologram of the child’s form, shadowing them like a ghost. It was as if she herself were engaging in the same activity, snatching up the same crystals. Kara even mirrored the child’s laughter, that strange sound that felt unnatural coming out of her. The little puffs of air leaving her lungs were strange, but it felt rather pleasant.
Suddenly, Kara saw the ground beneath her shift as a shadow loomed over her. Instantly, she knew it to be her father. Kara’s little heart nearly skipped a beat…
“F-Father…” she said with a bow. “I… um… I finished training.”
“Indeed,” let out his robotic voice, just human enough not to alarm her. “Then why are you here and not asleep?”
“Well… I was… I wanted to learn more from the memory.”
“And what are you doing now, child?”
“I um… I’m wondering what these children were doing. Is this some sort of exercise in coordination?”
“Possibly… But it is commonly referred to as “playing”. Many citizens of Krypton engaged in such frivolous and rather pointless activities. Oh, but you have no need of such things. You are not a passive citizen, but the soon-to-be defender of its imminent empire. Your path, my child, is different. Far more remarkable.”
“Of course,” said Kara meekly. “I’m sorry for… not telling you.”
“It’s well enough,” he said. “After all you will not remember this.”
“My daughter… will you comply?”
The way his helm began to let out a high pitched buzzing sound was enough to shock her. The three orbs of his headpiece display lit up a fiery red, leaving Kara staring at it as if drawn into a trance. Her eyes shifted into something closer to a corpse as her muscles relaxed. Her eyes rolled to the back of her head, and her memories began to slip away into the trash bin of her brain.
Even with Brainiac’s regular interference, Kara would sneak out and visit that place throughout her childhood. Always drawn by both the hint of a memory, and an intrinsic need to live. To be more than her rank and designation. Kara wished to see, taste, touch, and feel the corners of the galaxy, the warmth of planets, and to know its people. Even those she sought to bring beneath her boot.
Years later…
The day Kara was sent out for battle was one of great excitement to her, a truly momentous occasion. After years of rigorous training, she’d, at last, be leading the first wave of the main invasion. She’d be expected to take lives, but she was sure she could keep casualties to a minimum, and away from the alien planet’s grand cities. As a Kryptonian, her body was more suitable than any for dominating her prey and for winning at galactic war. And yet, there was a pang of regret within her for she knew this world well. She had a memento of its greatness and fond memories of its capital. But Father had explained that the leaders of this civilization had refused his merciful offer, and thus, fought against being absorbed into the New Kryptonian Empire. And so, they left him no choice but to use force.
Brief, precise, and quick. That was how war was to be carried out under New Krypton. That was what Kara could do. And so, she gazed in awe as her warship’s massive boarding ramp stretched open to reveal the drop sight. The far off glow of the planet’s sun coming into view… Warships ablaze in the heavens… Her eyes darted downwards towards the coordinates of the dropsight below, a blanket of clouds obsuring the battlefield. Kara now inched off hte ground, floating in the air as her cape remained stagnant behind her. She heard a metallic hiss in her ear as an army of Braniac’s sentinels and mechs marched up behind her, fully prepared to follow her to the death.
“Father… I’ll make you proud,” she whispered, clutching at her chest as her heart began to race.
They will kneel.
Everything after that moment was a blur…
Kara awoke in her quarters feeling as if she’d just slept a week. Vague memories of her smashing through a warship followed, and the knowledge that the defenders had swiftly surrendered. It was perfect, all according to Primus’ flawless strategy. That was what she recalled… And yet, the details within that knowledge felt hazy as if she’d taken a planetary cannon to the face and it’d left her mind ringing.
“What time is it?” she asked herself.
It was an inconsequential question and she knew it. Her atomic clock meant little as all hours in space were the same as any other. The sun nether set nor rose in space. She simply slept when all tasks for the day were accomplished, those being exercises to increase stamina, strategy and war tactics, philosophical studies, and of course combat training with drones and warriors. Brainiac had fought mighty combatants in the past, and he was more than happy to use holograms of such to prepare her for combat. His "collection" would never be as unique as the real thing due to the android’s limited functions, but it always excited Kara to see something new. To see an alien, another being, so physiologically divorced from her own body.
Nonetheless, it also left her wishing to see at least one being with her own physiology, those of a Kryptonian. Or at least to finally visit one of the planets with people sharing the same Kryptonian traits of hair, soft flesh, two arms, two legs, and an upright posture. Naturally, a genetic match to a Kryptonian would was utterly impossible, and that was a despairing thought for her. She heard from an archive that Kryptonians used to engage in a marriage ceremony and reproductive procreation for continuing the lineage. It was yet another thing that Kara would never experience, something she simply was not meant for. She was a soldier first, and a flesh-and-blood being second. Her desire to find a mate, her sex and and gender... They meant nothing in comparison. At least, from the perspective of Primus. Sometimes she wondered if Father would remove her sexual organs or sterilize her to encourage that compliance to her function. He always felt one discussion on post-puberty away from doing so. Of course, it was all for her sake, to keep her head clear in battle.
And so, Kara could never fault him. Surely then, the fault lay within her instead, some defect or ingratitude that wounded her very character.
In any case, Kara remained in confusion while sitting atop her bed, mind sifting through empty memories to make sense of it all. She heard the electric hum as the bedroom slid open, and in walked the cloaked figure of Primus Brainiac. Kara groaned in disorientation, still feeling groggy as if she’d slept a month.
“Father, I… I’m sorry. I’m not sure I’m mentally able to provide a battle report.”
“Oh, no need, child. It is done. I’ll send you an update on the planet’s occupation soon. But… You have done well, scion.”
“I… did?” she asked. “I don’t remember it… Only a little…”
“Ah, your mind is young. Kryptonian memory is fragile thing. Perhaps the only fragile thing in that body of iron,” he said, sliding a familiar finger beneath her chin.
Kara looked up at him adoringly, bathing in the tiny bit of physical contact she was offered for her touch-starved form.
“F-Father,” she let out.
“You have done well, my daughter,” he said.
And with that, it was enough. With that, Kara could go on a bit longer without fretting or questioning. Those magic words made it far easier to push down any doubts about the righteousness of their cause and to silence her worries about the suffering they’d inflicted on others. Only when she brought him the grandest of victories would Primus offer it to her, and for that, she wondered how far she’d be willing to go to please him.
Now, once her father had departed, Kara sighed and made for the shower. As she did, she removed the metallic shoulder pads of her black suit, tiring of them despite the lack of strain such meager weight put on her limitless body. It was more that the way they poked at her eyes when she raised her arms was frustrating, not that she doubted Brainiac’s perfect creations! He’d refined Kryptonian tech into something simple yet brimming with all manner of features suited for a wide variety of possible outcomes. And so altruistically did he offer those inventions with the rest of the universe.
After her shower, Kara walked through the long stretch of her father’s cruiser until she reached her personal shuttle. It was still parked in the cargo bay right where she'd left it. While she had quarters on the ship, the Kryptonian preferred the snug enclosed walls of her own starship. Or perhaps it was because it was the only thing other than Kandor which had remained relatively unchanged. She hopped warships as she hopped systems, but her vessel had yet to be fully replaced even after several years, other than any upgrades on its computing systems and suite of weapons. As such, she found its walls rather calming and anchoring.
Her eyes went instinctively to the locker in the back of the ship. It was the single place where she dared to sin, that was… It was a place of possessions, something her father understandably forbade. It was a distraction, something unbecoming of a warrior. Even so, Kara could not help but sneak items into it, all behind her father’s back. She now admired one of its contents: a marble flower. It was a keepsake from one of the planets he’d taken her to visit in her youth, discussing how it was to once considered for colonization and terraforming in Krypton’s final days. Kara also spotted a familiar pack of military rations her father had reluctantly rewarded her with after improving her heat vision. She’d devised on eating one ration a month but she’d soon be out…
“Perhaps I’ll ask him for another as a reward for taking the planet,” she whispered.
The Kryptonian lieutenant’s eyes than flitted to the back of the locker where lay a floating stack of black blocks connected to a rod brimming with blue electricity. Her finger tapped onto the conglomeration as she recalled the kind alien man who had given it to her. The second she touched the device, one of the black blocks released a melody. Tapping it again, the music shifted into something more whimsical sounding. Kara smiled as it graced her ears. Her finger rubbed against another rod, and it began to play a recording of religious mythos. Brainiac had said that their race’s mythology was highly inaccurate, but the story had enamored her so… As had the alien man who gave it to her. Surely that planetary ambassador had come to hate her…
Her fingers ran over the small memento now, and as she did, she felt an oddity. A single tear was leaking down her face. She hadn’t cried since back when Primus threw her in the Red Sun Omega Field for the first time to increase her fortitude, to see if she could gain an immunity to it in time. The sheer discomfort of it had drawn out a few tears, but why then was this memento causing her to feel such a similar pain and distress?
“Huh?” she asked as she wiped off her tears in confusion, eying the water droplet now clinging to her fingers. “Why do I feel like I’m forgetting something? Something terrible?”
Some time later…
“Huh?” asked Kara, glazed eyes shifting to the console, as she grimaced. Her combat boots were resting atop the ship's keyboard as she stretched out her legs and leaned lazily back in her chair, hands behind her head. A position that her father would find rather unbecoming. It seemed her boredom had been broken by the cry of her ship’s sensors. It’d picked up some sort of distress beacon, one identifying itself as Kryptonian technology. The electronic signature belonged to that of a Kryptonian too, obvious in the genetic footprint, albeit one unidentified in name and registry.
She heard a voice.
A man’s voice.
It sounded non-hostile.
“Uh… Kara… I don’t know if this will work…”
He knows me?
“But if you’re out there and get this message… I’m tired of being alone…”
Kara’s blue eyes trembled at his confession…
Her hand slipped to her chest where a pit seemed to reside.
Nonsense. Father filled any potential void, gave her happiness, a home, and purpose. She loved him with all of her being and there was no need for someone else…
And yet… They were the same… Her and this man…
“I thought you might be lonely too. Your cousin, Kal-El.”
Kara pulled the com device out of the ship’s dashboard and let it float there in the air. With soft eyes, she brought it to her chest, bathing in a blanket of warmth that strangely surpassed anything her beloved father offered her. Who was this man? Her cousin? To think another of her race had survived Krypton’s destruction… To think she still had family...
“I.. I need to find him,” she whispered. “I will find him.”
Now, Earth was a planet designated as “in a state of rebellion” with New Krypton. Her father had told her so the moment she confessed to the contents of the message. Strangely, the name “Earth” seemed strangely familiar despite him only now introducing it to her. It was fuzzy memory, much like those surrounding her last conquest. Naturally, Primus insisted he join her on the upcoming mission as recruiting Kal-El would immediately be followed by the taking of the blue planet.
Kara truly believed that it was for the best, what she and her sire had planned for Earth. After all, they’d be given the same rights and privileges of all model citizens of Krypton. And she told herself that her reasons were altruistic. But even Kara, blinded by dogma and denial, soon admitted to herself that this was different. Kal-El made it different, and an urge had overtaken her. The same urge that led to her sentimentality in collecting mementos of planets. Memories of visiting them had since faded, and now only touching such objects seemed to spark their reemergence. Brainiac had scanned her mind for symptoms of dementia, yet no neurological deficiencies were identified in his medical examinations. It all left Kara confused within the grey line that was her life.
And it made her all the more desperate to seek out her cousin, to speak with a living breathing Kryptonian. To find a world so different from the constraints of Krypton’s rule, all facets of it sculpted in their laws and advancements. To see a backwater planet in its infancy… Unmarred… Beautiful and lush… Rugged and ugly…
To step into…
“The unknown” she whispered as her feet touched down on what appeared to be a harbor overlooking sea water. This place matched the coordinates sent by Kal-El's interstellar signal. This was a human city surely, and it was a massive one at that. She heard it referred to as Metropolis by the residents, and it was bustling with human activity. Vehicles… passerbys… loud noises… And above, skyscrapers far more archaic than those of Krypton dwarfed the citizens, but they were no less spectacular… Strange scents entered her nostrils of delicious foods that sent her salivating. She’d visited worlds before, but never dared to partake of their food. After all, Primus might detect them in her stomach and intestines when she returned to the ship.
But today, Kara had been a bad girl. She’d broken the rules. She’d done a terrible thing and betrayed his trust. And as much as she hated herself for it, she knew this was the one time she needed to confront something alone. This was her cousin. Her blood. The one man in the universe who could understand her. A warrior like her.
Her black space suit would leave her out of place here, so she’d already scoured Earth’s databases and synthesized up something fashionable. Kara now wore a white t-shirt, black vest, and some form-fitting jeans. The outfit had made her smile when she saw it in the mirror of her ship. It was rare she got the chance to dress up, not that her plugsuit was anything but flexible and comfortable.
“Wow,” said Kara as she left an alleyway and admired the scenery once more. A moment later, some robotic vehicle intercepted her. It clearly sought her destruction, intending to ram her head on. Kara would not hesitate to bring this behemoth down, so she shifted her legs into a proper battle stance and tightened her fist… And found herself pulled to the side by an Earthling. How strange… His skeletal structure was rather fragile compared to hers so why was he so quick to aid her? And why did it feel so good being in his embrace?  Her hands seemed to instinctively press to his chest, finding it flat and a pleasant contrast to the mounds of her own. He was undoubtedly a man resembling those of Krypton and it sent her heart racing. But what truly enamored her was his concern for her.
He didn’t even know her…
Yet he risked his life for her…
“Are you alright?” he asked sweetly.
“I’m fine,” she said, but in truth, Kara was hardly offended by his concern.
He offered her his name and rank. It astounded her. Had this Jimmy Flamebird sought her out specifically, somehow anticipating her arrival? If so, then surely Kal-El was already working with the human race, and soon would be joining her in bringing it to its knees.
“You’re the leader of the planet? Then you can assist me. My name is Kara and I’m searching for someone.”
It was nice being diplomatic and cordial. Peace would always be preferable to force, no matter how fun it was to unleash her powers in a spar. Kara truly hoped Earth would gracefully surrender so none of its beauty need be tarnished. Likewise, so that none of its filth and dreck should stain her boots.
“Let’s start looking over here!” shouted the man as he grabbed her by the wrist, pulling her along with him down a streetway.
Kara let out a “Whoa!” in surprise, but did not resist.
She knew that perhaps she ought to be more on edge in such a foreign place, but in this Jimmy Flamebird’s grasp, she found herself rather docile. It felt good to experience this peace with him. Over the day, he began to take Kara to extraordinary places, to eateries that sent her taste buds exploding from flavors she’d never imagined. Her stomach felt bottomless as this man so charitably offered her bounty after bounty, pleasure after pleasure. Sights, sounds, tastes… All he gifted freely to her as if she were a queen. But none were so marvelous to her as Jimmy himself.
Kara hardly cared anymore whether or not he was the planetary leader he claimed to be nor whether she found Kal-El in a timely fashion. Simply being in a photobooth with him was utterly enjoyable. It was fun in the same way those memories of kids playing that Kryptonian game seemed fun. Kara grew bold, wanting to thank him, and so offered her gratitude by stuffing her own frozen treat into his mouth as another photo was taken. The way he laughed in approval made her beam back.
“Delicious,” he said.
“Right? This food is amazing. And you get to enjoy this daily?"
“Of course. Do you not get to do that? Strict parents?”
Kara’s eyes flitted away as she answered, “Restrictive? Yes. I… um…”
Jimmy asked, “What? Something wrong?”
“I’ve… um… This feels nice…”
“What does?”
Kara turned herself his way so that she was facing him as they remained in the cramped booth. Her hands came around his narrow waist as she said, “I’ve… never touched a man like this… How I’ve wished to…”
“What? Um…”
“Sorry. That must sound strange,” said Kara, swiftly pulling herself away and backing out of the black curtain of the booth. “A momentary error. Nothing more. So… where are we off to next?”
“I said I’d show you everything so let’s hit a few landmarks,” said the tall lanky man. "You have the stamina for that?"
"I have nothing but limitless energy! Come at me with your most vigorous tour!" she said, fists curling up in passion.
The way he laughed at her display, his eyes seeming to soak her in, was a marvel. My oh my. He was handsome… Taller than her with tone muscles beneath his heavy coat no doubt. A sharp jawline… Fluffy hair… A friendly voice… For a moment, Kara imagined him dragging her back into the booth, pinning her against the wall of it, and…
With haste, Kara buried down that infernal urge. Such an act offered no procreative benefits and so should be discouraged. Then again… What did it matter? She was already defying Primus in more ways than one. If not for the feeling that Jimmy seemed hesitant to accept her advances, Kara would have dared to act even more boldly.
The hours passed by them in the blink of an eye. Kara would lament how swiftly the sun shifted on such a perfect day. They’d connected in a way she’d never imagined. He was strangely a kindred soul despite leading a far more passive existence. For Jimmy too sought out that which lay beyond the known reality. Especially in efforts to find new life and new worlds. And he too hid away from fear of those he loved. It was as if they both were reaching out into the void of space for that answer, for that other person that would understand them…
Jimmy was her answer.
As the day concluded, her guide stayed true to his bargain, bringing her to the one she sought. But Kal-El was not what she’d hoped, and already she felt frustration knowing Father would be disappointed with her. She’d bring him a weakling and be admonished for her own rebellion. Brought to kneel at his boots yet again… To plead and apologize… All for this poor excuse for a Kryptonian warrior… Doing a little dance for rats… The way he let some female earthling kiss his cheek was revolting. Why would he prefer that over his own kind? It was the behavior of a deviant.
And so, Kara chastised him and upon her father’s orders, let loose to destroy him. Their battle shattered the heavens and the earth until she brought him to his knees where he belonged.
She wondered if Jimmy saw her battle with Kal-El, if it was burned into his very mind.
If he was anything like that sweet alien ambassador from back then, then Jimmy would rightfully never contact her again as long as he should live. Not that she blamed either of them.
It was fortunate this was not to be the end of Kal-El as she had originally feared. For all her disgust in him, Kara had no desire to slay her cousin. And far more fortunately, Primus Brainiac had deemed him now suitable for collecting, and thus for extraction from that filthy planet.
“Goodbye, Jimmy Flamebird,” whispered Kara as she flew up into the atmosphere, with Kal-El’s energy prison in tow behind her. Her red cape billowed behind her as she turned back towards Metropolis and lamented all that hand transpired.
I would have liked to eat ice cream with you again. To feel your arms around me…
Her loneliness was short lived. Kara swiftly delivered the photos she’d kept of the handsome tour guide into her locker only to find Kal-el was already beginning to stir.
“You kidnapped me?” he asked indignantly.
Kara found his thrashing about rather amusing, especially given she’d given him such a great honor: The gift of her. Of Krypton! Of Father and all their future endeavors under a single banner.
“Yes,” she answered. “I extricated you from that backwater planet. You’re welcome.”
Kara flashed him her fangs, offering the furious captive a haughty grin. He should adore her really for all she was granting his ungrateful ass. For now, Kal-El might resist and might even despise her. But in time, he’d grow to love her and to love the Kryptonian empire as she did. They’d rule together and be the left and right hand of Brainiac in the conquest that was to come. This was where Kal-El belonged. Kara would soon strip away his pathetic visage, to toughen up his soft infantile armor, to create a perfect warrior of Krypton. Her cousin would serve Krypton well no doubt. All it would take was time.
And so, she would be patient with him. Kal-el was surprisingly tame when she mentioned her father and she sensed he was more open minded to her words than she'd originally thought. 
“Please let me show you,” she implored kindly this time.
Kara told herself she simply playing nice in order to get what she wanted. That had been the plan but the second it left her lips, it no longer felt true. In reality, Kara was trying to rationalize her irrational mercy. Her mocking of him had done little but make him angry and left her in something resembling regret at the sight of his disdain. There was no need to lie anyway to him. From now on, they need only be honest with other.
Kal-El seemed to respond well to her request, saying, “Okay. Show me your Krypton.”
Kara was shocked it had worked. No threats were needed, no hard push. Kal-El simply had agreed to it all. A warmth hit Kara’s cheeks at his answer, realizing she was to share that memory with him. With another. Again, she found herself in a holographic memory revealing the golden age of Krypton. Already she recognized the same children playing their little game. Having fun. It triggered her own memories, that of having a hot dog with Jimmy and kicking a ball in the park much to the delight or perhaps confusion of the Earth children there.
Their laughter was now of part of her own memories, not somethin archived, belonging to another.
It was real.
Unfortunately, he seemed rather skeptical of her endorsements of Krypton. And now  Kal-El wished to win her over with his own memories, and she agreed to it in a heartbeat.
Kara watched as he revealed a fragment of his past, a snapshot that left her confused. His adoptive parents were offering a much younger Kal-El something twisted. They were playing with him. It sent a surge of ugly jealousy and spite up her spine. The way it was given so freely and so carelessly was vile. Even more, it was downright confusing to her. Did parents play with their kids? Primus had never spoken much of such rearing methods, and in truth, Kara dared not ask. Her father found such questions to reek of disloyalty to the Empire and to himself. But Kal-El established neither rules nor conditions for Kara to follow. And his parents held no such rules for him. Except for one. Hold back. While her father encouraged her to reach her full potential, his “parents” taught him to be soft, to hide his heritage away. To be ashamed of his power, of his alien blood. It disgusted her. This poor man was indoctrinated, kept prisoner by the Earthlings. She would liberate him.
As the memory ended, Clark tore off her memory harvester from his head, returning it to the locker. Immediately, panic entered Kara’s head knowing she would be exposed. All she could do was beg.
“No! Wait! Don’t look in there!” she pleaded. “Don’t!”
In hindsight, Kara could have simply attacked him, yet she found herself less and less willing to harm him.
Kal-El had snatched up one of her keepsakes of Jimmy, a pictured memory of them in that photo booth.
“Is this Jimmy? You know Jimmy? My Jimmy?! When did you even meet him?”
Feeling her emotions grow fuzzy from a blanket of humiliation, Kara snapped, “It’s Reconnaissance of Jimmy Flamebird, the leader of your planet!”
“The leader of what now?”
Kara was unable to hold herself back any longer, and so, desperately took to the air and flew at him. She swiped at the embarrassing image. To her dismay, Kal-El seemed to casually dodge it and throw her off course. She floated in circles, attempting to pry it from his grasp but to no avail.
“Give it! Don’t!”
“Wait wait wait… Do you… Like Jimmy?”
Kal-El’s face lit up in absolute delight, a surprise given she’d viciously kidnapped him earlier but right now, Kara wasn’t feeling guilty. She was feeling her ears burn. Her cheeks were practically ablaze like a Blue Giant… She realized that her affections for that man, affections that went far past the platonic, were now revealed to her protégé. It made no sense what she felt for Jimmy Flamebird, but having it recognized still left her desperately needing to deny it.
“What? No. I don’t even know what that means!”
Her pleading innocence was no lie, but Kara still felt rather avoidant in doing so. What was Jimmy to her really? What madness could bring out a yearning of fondness and a lustful craving just by recalling his face? And beneath it all, why did it poison her with self-hatred for leaving him behind? Kara simply lacked the word to name that affection. All she knew was that the affection she felt for Jimmy differed from the growing affection she felt for Kal-El and the love she had for Primus Brainiac. And honestly, these differing affections for Jimmy and Kal-El existing at all rocked her entire world. Perhaps her brain was going bad too, much like Kal-El’s own.
“Wait until Jimmy finds out an alien has a crush on him.”
That part angered Kara the most. She’d never harm a civilian, especially not her Jimmy!
“I will not crush him!” she protested.
In time, the cousins decided on visiting one of the conquered worlds, a chance for Kara to show her rebellious kin the benefits of joining the Empire. Again, Kara was disobeying her father, going off course to do as she wished. It was truly for Kal-El’s own good, but perhaps it was also because she hadn’t visited it in forever. Not since the start of the invasion. How had the Thanagarian home world fared since then she wondered. Surely it was thriving under Primus’ rational and compassionate rule… In place of the Green Lantern’s planetary guardian, one she’d defeated herself, Thanagar was granted something far better: the eternal protection of all of Krypton’s might.
A shame an asteroid field of ice blocked Kara from landing.
Now, as they decided on removing said obstacle, Kara found herself an opportunity to lay a prank on her cousin, a bit of revenge for her earlier humiliation. She flew out into the void of space to join Kal-El, who was, as always, looking completely clueless. The second he saw her, Kara pretended her mask was malfunctioning. Her prisoner seemed to be under the impression his lungs were that of humans given the way he demanded one of the atmospheric masks each time he departed her starship. And that mistake was rife for pranking.
“Help!” she begged, choking in the worst bit of acting of her life.
“Kara?” he asked. “No! No! What do I do?!”
Kara let out a husky laugh before wiping a tear from her eye.
She exclaimed, “Your face. Kal-El, we’re Kryptonian! We don’t need these!”
She swooped in on him, feeling another surge of affection, as she found herself sadistically enjoying how easy it was to annoy and tease him. This man seemed to have plenty of buttons to press, to make him react most amusingly. It was also fascinating to her how Kal-El sounded genuinely worried for her. Despite the horrible things she’d subjected him to, Kal-El oddly cared about her wellbeing. Perhaps that was why Jimmy liked him.
Kara poked him on the forehead, flying over his shoulder to play with his head from behind as if she were massaging his brain matter. Mockingly, she sang, “So easy to mess with your sad little Earth brain.”
“That’s not funny!” he barked as he surprisingly went on the offensive, not that Kara minded. Being pushed back into the asteroid field was shocking but there was no danger here. There was none as she picked a fight with her cousin using floating boulders of snow and debris as her weapon of choice. Was this combat training? Was it them playing a game? Who cared? Right now, all that mattered was the sheer thrill of this moment, one spent with Kal-El.
“Yes! Much better! This is… neat,” she confessed.
Warmly, he replied, “Yeah. It is. Very neat.”
Again, Kara blushed as she realized that already she loved Kal-El. She loved him how she loved her father, only this time there was no danger. Kal-El didn’t much like her, but she need not fear letting him down by showing weakness or sentimentality. He set no limits in this game of snow, no admonishments that left her feeling like a disappointment. He wouldn’t sigh and state that this moment must end so they could resume training. He’d let her do as she wished and that was a wonderful feeling.
I want to protect him.
That was what she realized.
How horribly it all went after that. Kara had truly and utterly failed to protect him… Kara had led him straight into the clutches of her father, trusting he had the best of intentions for them both. She’d trembled beneath Brainiac’s judgmental gaze as he branded her a “wayward daughter”, wanting to cry knowing his disappointment in her. Only to sink into his cradling fingers as he instead praised her. Had she been less foolish then perhaps she’d not have made the choice she’d forever regret.
Kara had left Kal-El alone with her father.
Even after finding Thanagar in ruins, something that contradicted Brainiac’s own reports… Even then, she'd left them alone. How naïve was she to spend her life ignoring what was so obvious, what had left her heart aching all these years? The feeling that there was always something her father concealed from her, rationalizing it as somehow her immaturity that prevented it. For such a fierce warrior, why was Kara so utterly weak willed in his clutches?
Now, when she found her cousin in the training room, Kal-El was unconscious at the feet of her father’s warriors. His body was battered and bruised. Kara was left horrified at the sight, wanting to rush to his aid. But it was not to be. Brainiac would force her to again forget, but only after he left her crumbling in pieces with his sadistic words. Even after a life dedicated to him, Primus labeled her a disappointment and accused her of shaming her fallen kin with her rebellion. In reality, this was simply who he’d always been. An owner using her as a cute pet to bite at vermin, giving her affirmation so she’d happily submit. Hating her if she so much as thought to bark back. No, in truth, she was simply a puppet occasionally let off the strings. She simply forgot every time she was thrown back into the puppet show.
Brainiac’s brainwashing and wiping of her memories would have proved the end of her rebellion, if not for  the one variable he’d not accounted for in his infinite algorithm. For there were mementos gathered in secrecy. Returning to her vessel, Kara stumbled upon familiar relics… One of those being a photograph of Jimmy Flamebird.
Of the man she was beginning to fall in love with…
Was that the word?
It called to her from across the stars, beckoning her to Earth…
He was her temptation.
In Kara’s other hand, she held up a memento of Thanagar, and it brought back the harrowing memory of visiting it with Kal-El. She’d expected a thriving world only to find it purged down to the last survivor. Its cities lay in ruins. She recalled the pain she felt as Kal-El believed her evil, that she had purposefully wiped out an entire planet. His disdain for her was as soul-crushing as that of Primus’ own. It had left her begging and pleading for him to look at her as if she were innocent, wanting nothing more than for him to forgive her of a crime she did not commit.
What a shame she was anything but innocent.
Kara would realize that when she revisited Thanagar a second time, along with the other worlds she’d conquered. All were barren and void of life.
Within Thanagar’s capital, lay a mural ever obscured by Brainiac’s own tech. Once revealed by her repeated command, it displayed the day of reckoning. Of winged warriors falling to hellfire, all at the hands of The Warrior. Of herself.
“No…” she whimpered.
It was pointless. Simply seeing it was enough to elicit brief flashes of those events, ones no living being should ever witness.  All had been done under Brainiac’s compulsion as he violated her mind and made her his puppet in his galactic war. Under his control, Kara had done things she could not fathom. Her mind simply was not equipped to comprehend the magnitude of such death, of an entire planet snuffed out at her hands. One of many. Without emotion, Kara had unleashed her heat vision upon the surface, decapitating cities and de-atomizing armies. Turning warriors to ash and civilians into dust. No thought nor emotion had passed through her head back then save Brainiac’s unbreakable orders, but the sensory memory remained. Kara could recall the sound of it. The terrible horrid sound of a thousand people screaming in terror as she slaughtered them with another flash of heat.
Billions lay dead at her hand. Entire civilizations wiped out by the destroyer of worlds.
Her father had betrayed her truly and utterly. Perhaps since the very beginning. And she’d brough Kal-El right into his hands, dooming him to be the next weapon of Primus Brainiac.
“No… I couldn’t… I couldn’t have…” she whimpered, falling onto her knees before the mural of the dead.
Her fingers tore into her cheeks, nails digging into the flesh and ripping out strands of hair.
“I… I don’t remember…”
Only fragments did she recall… But it was enough to make her vomit, spilling up what remained of the Earth food Jimmy had given her.
“What have I done?” Kara let out through tears before flying off into the atmosphere. In mere seconds, she was in orbit of the derelict world. When last she visited, it was a proud planet belonging to those that flew much like her, something that gave her a sense of kinship. And now, it was simply a graveyard that would rot for all time. Kara stared in awe of it before curling up in a fetal position, letting herself float motionless in zero gravity. Space was so quiet but her head was spinning. She then wondered how to handle the guilt that was consuming her very being. Should she go confront her father and rescue Kal-El? They'd both surely die or be made eternal slaves. And if they survived? What then? Should she spend her life trying to redeem herself, all for sins that she could not atone for in a thousand years? Even more, there was no one left to forgive her. And if they had survived, they’d deeply despise her and they'd be right to. There was no one left in the galaxy who loved her. None but Clark.
“Kal-El… Clark… What should I do?”
Kara considered finding Kryptonite and letting it consume her from the inside out. A painful death but it’d be over quickly. Or perhaps she would let a black hole pull her apart into mere string. Or find the Green Lantern Corps so they might take her into custody for her crimes, probably throwing her into one of their sciencells with an eternal sentence.
“It’s not my fault… It’s not my fault,” cried Kara, thrashing about as her tears sparkled like diamonds, their shimmer produced from light rays cast by the planet’s sun. Her tear drops floated in front of her, slowly being pulled in by the planet’s feint gravity well. Kara would weep and deny it, but it did her little good. No matter how Kara rationalized it, acknowledging the truth that she lacked any control in the genocides, still she could not find solace nor forgive herself. There was simply no return from what she’d been made to do.
“Did you ever really love me?” she whispered to the black void of space, as if hoping Father could hear despite her disabling communications.
Did Jimmy still care at all for her? He’d never reciprocate what she felt for him. Not after this. Not after he knew what a monster had dared to long for him.
Only Clark remained and he’d soon be lost. But Kara would not let it be so. She would save him even if she could not save herself.
Suddenly, Kara found herself left in awe as an oddity occurred before her, that of a starship emerging from a portal out of space and time. Or so it seemed. Swiftly, Kara flew in front of the small vessel, a single hand of hers possessing the might to hold back its thrusters effortlessly. She gazed inside, wishing to inspect its passengers. Who would seek out Thanagar long after its demise? Her eyes scanned over the cockpit, only to see a host of beings she failed to immediately recognize. A machine. Some sort of hairy being. A woman who she did not know except through Clark’s strange memory. All meant nothing to her. All but one.
She asked in disbelief, “Jimmy Flamebird?”
Fate had brought him back to her somehow. She wondered if he was a dream… A hallucination brought on from the madness of realizing her own past. He was so beautiful… Looking up at her in shock from his seat in cockpit… But surely, he would not be in a place like this, seeing as his world’s technology was ill-suited for interstellar travel.
Even so, she wanted to believe.
Kara needed him more than ever if she were to do the first bit of good in her long sorry life. Together, perhaps they stood a chance in rescuing poor Kal-El from the very Empire she’d built. Perhaps then, she could still save Kal-El from his fate and save Earth from extinction. Kara was no hero, but she’d save them all, nonetheless.
The End.
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slug-cube · 1 year
Bakugo for the character asks
1. sexuality headcanon
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this can change depending on my mood, but mostly (i hc that) bakugou just uses the blanket queer term. hes not closeted, just doesnt get why its a big deal; its not anybodys business what he is, what he does, or who hes with.
2. otp
dekubaku, obviously! I could ramble on and on about it but basically i love how its a mutual obsession between both of them. they have this silent vow to each other, and its just breathtaking to watch and or read about. i honestly think no ship does it like they do.
3. brotp
platonic kiribaku is fun, but mainly I just like bakugou interacting with the interity of the class, even if sometimes they just. dont. understand him. via: the hospital scene where bakugou is risking his injured ass to go see midoriya and the class misinterprets him as wanting to FIGHT him instead of him being worried about dekus health and safety.
4. notp
honestly i dont have any HARD no's with bakugou. i dont particularly like romantic kiribaku, but its not a "IM GOING TO IMPLODE AND TAKE EVERYONE DOWN WITH ME" hard no. i only ship him with midoriya and thats.. it. lol.
5. first headcannon that pops into my head
he likes midoriyas hands; particularly his scars. i headcanon as deku having bigger hands than kacchan does, because FUCK YOU i like it that way.
6. favorite line from this character
oof. this is HARD. not because i cant pick one but litteraly because my memory is so fucking shitty, and i cant remember any. but any lines that comes out of his gremlin mouth is my favorite.
7. one way in which i relate to this character
that hes hard to love, really, but that despite everything you can learn to be better. and that you can be loved to, even at your worst. i find that aspect of his character really comforting. not that what he did wasnt wrong, but that he can improve and still be loved despite not 100% being there yet.
8. thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
when his huaghty attitude in his early arcs kicked him in the ass so hard, i had to sheild my eyes away from it because my face got so red from cringing.
9. cinnamon roll or problematic fav?
tbh in fandom terms hed be a problematic fav becsuse not everybody likes him for one reason or another, but to me he is babygirl. and everybody else can fuck off if they want to think otherwise.
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heroictoonz · 4 months
king I've been putting off a rewatch of s15-17 for ages do u think its worth it
My instinct is so say no save yourself but like jokes aside I think that’s up to you like, I always said that they gave the RvBs a “bad ending” and that they ruined Tucker’s character post Chorus however, that was back when season 16 was literally first coming out
Flash back here but so when s16 was coming out I was just getting more and more upset with the writing of the show especially and honestly almost specifically Tucker. Somewhere near the end of s16 I stopped watching (didn’t even finish the season) and then after a bit I heard that the next season was gonna revolve around whole new characters
Now this, I only recently learned was weird miscommunication. See I’m trash ass shit at keeping up with news of shit even shit that I like so for the longest time I thought the story of this group I’ve been following since I was a teenager ended at s16 which KILLED me inside so I swore off the rest of the show and vowed to never watch it. Instead I mostly just rewatched Chorus or s1-s13 if I wanted to rewatch the “whole” show. Basically just watching till the end of Chorus and stopping. Every time I tried to go rewatch s15 to mmmaybe finish the show I kept remember how bad things got and kept running away
I’m gonna give some vague spoilers from here on out but it’s cause I do genuinely wanna talk about how I feel having literally only a few minutes ago finished s16 and s17 for the first time
I decided to finish RvB LITERALLY last night like no joke and it’s cause I saw spoilers out of context for s19 and I was like fuck it I need to see what the hell that is show is over anyways might as well finish it. So I am doing that now
I rewatched/finished s16 and fucking hated it. The good parts were Wash being cute and silly and my favorite guy ever of all time and forever. There’s also Grif and this character named Huggins they’re like on god one of my new brotps of all time damn RvB writes some good ass season specific supporting cast cause holy shit man. Also! I liked that Kai was in it! I enjoy Kai so so so so so much! I’ve always wanted more of her in the show! UNFORTUNATELY!
Tucker is so hard to watch. It’s so honest to god painful to watch. Maybe that’s what they were going for I don’t know. But, having now seen season 17 I get what they were TRYING to do I just don’t fully like how they did it.
In s17 Tucker admits to himself that the reason why in s16 he was acting so weird and gross and toxic masculinity “I have to have the biggest and most talented dong in the room at all times or I’ll kms” character ever is cause he was trying to be a leader
It’s sounds stupid and personally I think it IS stupid but now that I know what they were TRYING to write it makes these post Chorus seasons more bearable.
Basically, Tucker spent all that time in Chorus forced to be a leader. Once he finally got comfortable in the position of one Chorus no longer needed them. He wanted to keep being a leader keep feeling like a leader and it went to his head. He tried acting cool and tough and macho cause that’s what he thought a leader was and he says this! Out loud he admits all this to himself in s17! And honestly? That’s SUCH a good fucking concept it’s super fucking interesting and I really dig it plus with Tucker FAILING at being the leader it gave Donut well deserved character growth. I’ve always hated how sidelined Donut got compared to the others cause I’ve always liked him but s17 is definitely Donut’s season and to see him finally get screen time and respect and also have genuine moments of connection with the others was honestly really fucking awesome
So, do I like s16? God no. Do I recommend it watching it? Hard to say. You have to watch it if you wanna finish the show. Is finishing the show worth it? Honestly I dunno yet I haven’t seen 18 or 19 so it’s to be seen rn. But s17 where not perfect was definitely better than 16 and gave better insight on what they were trying to do. I don’t like the execution I don’t think it was as done very well but I like the ideas I like what they were attempting
S15 I admittedly do not fucking remember at all cause again it’s not a season I’ve rewatched more than maybe twice cause I kept stopping cause I just did not wanna deal with what I knew was coming. And I know me I know myself I know if I tried rewatching the show from the start or even s15 in an attempt to finish it I’d ever fucking do it so instead I just started from s16 and went forward
I don’t remember out right hating s15 but similar to the above I think there were good ideas and not all of them were perfectly done in writing. Also there’s this like really cool interesting thing that is about Tucker that then ends up being a stupid child support payment joke and that sucks so much it makes me so burningly livid I don’t even have a joke here it just makes me mad
But! It brings in the concept of other reds and blues other soldiers that were left in the rubbles of project freelancer which is super interesting again I think they coulda done more with specific parts of it and the “Tucker doesn’t pay child support for the buncha kids he fucked into existence” joke sucks especially when they CONSTANTLY SHOW HIM AS A VERY DOTING AND LOVING FATHER it’s fine I’m not mad I’m not bitter I promise
But uh yeah honestly if you like the show a lot I say watch it even if it sucks. Some of my biggest special interests are GARBAGE shows with writing so bad it makes me wanna commit actual arson. But, I love the characters I love the settings and I love what could have been maybe that’s why I always keep sticking around in stuff like this lol even if it sucks I like to imagine what could make it better cause I love it! And if I didn’t love it I wouldn’t care to put as much energy into wanting it to be better as I do! That’s the same with RvB! I wish it was better I wish SSOOOO BADLY that it was better but it’s cause I love it so fucking much not out of any sort of hate if that makes sense?
Idk tldr it’s up to you and you might suffer a bit but if you love the show I say go for it
Aaaand it’s 2am and I read ur ask wrong I thought that said “watch” not “rewatch” but? Points still stand I’m the kinda person that will rewatch even the seasons I hate to remember why I like the ones I love (I’m looking at you Ninjago season 3 you hot fucking garbage that I’ve sadly seen more times than I would like)
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wackpedion · 21 days
atcually im sending more characters i wanna see u talk abt them tell me abt stan or fiddleford or bill for the ask game
OKOK I JUST ANSWERED FOR FIDDLEFORD OKOKOKOKOKOKOK im so excited i love them. okok ok OK OK ok so from this ask game:
favorite thing about them
How he loves the kids soso much ouhho vh oh o my ghod Not What He Seems tear my heart out rn. like theyre his world its so... ouhgkhjhbjh........ makes me ill. the way he loves his family as a whole is SO important to me like like like like he values his family so much theyre his world the way he spent 30 years getting ford back GOD dont remind me of of the portal incident i cant hhhrrrr
least favorite thing about them
I suppose how stubborn he is with Ford but like, idk i get it man. hes been thro alot and the two are on rocky ground up until the end so ofc hes gonna act like that and hes not gonna be all that emotionally mature about it.
favorite line
goddd he has so many good lines hes so funny. "Soos, would it be wrong to punch a child?"
fiddleford mcgucket i need them to be friends u dont understand. i need this so badly
ermmm No One ? ive seen some stanbill which i find funny but im not all that invested in it
pinecest 👍
random headcanon
As kids he and Ford would often do the twin switcharoo as a fun kid prank, they thought it was the funniest coolest thing but they were actually very easy to tell apart past a first glance because they weren't all that good at lying and pretending (yet)
unpopular opinion
ig its only loosely stan related but roadside attraction should NOT have been aa episode with focus on stan WHERE IS FORD. THE EPISODE BEFORE THE BIG ONE THAT KICKS OFF WEIRDMAGEDDON AND THERES NO FORD!?!?!? kmsing kmsing but you already know how ifeel about it i told you all about it I Miss Ford. I miss my wife tails.
song i associate with them
LUSH BY MINDLESS SELF INDULGENCE "everything i touch falls apart and i am left with nothingg everything i touch it turns to total garbage and i cant with and i dont know whyyyy!!!!" like like his insecurity about being the total screwup of the family, his many many failed businesses, the fact he broke fords project and also ended up pushing him into the portal, juistghfhbvhjhbb
favorite picture of them
i like him with his sailing outfit esp the the beanie its cute :3 and EEEE THE BROTHERSSSS <333333
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favorite thing about them
whatever the fuck he has going on ford jesus christ what the fuck who let them get away twith this hello. hello. i cant elaborate cuz id just end up talking about billford forever but fjesuffucking christ
least favorite thing about them
Honestly sock opera didn't make much sense, like he wanted to destroy the laptop and journal cuz dipper was getting "too close", but the journal was needed to operate the portal which was what he Needed and Wanted. my best guess as to why he did that is cuz he didn't want them to find and go off the warnings Ford wrote esp in invisible ink but i dunno. perhaps its that the journals (esp journal 3) wrote of a way to destroy him, im guessing, since ford tosses them to dipper in weirdmageddon saying theres a way to destroy bill, but still. odd. Still my favourite episode tho!!!!
favorite line
"Fordsy, nobody else really gets you, do they? Without me, you'll always feel unseen, surrounded by dolts who don't recognize your full potential. You've always felt alone in a crowd, haven't you? Who else will give you this feeling again? Even if you got rid of me, you'd miss me. Admit it, you'd miss me."
"Reality is an illusion the universe is a hologram buy gold BYEEEEE"
"I have some children I need to TURN INTO CORPSES"
also. just his "Yello!" gag in the dreamscaperers. its so sutpid i love it
honestly UGHH hes so quotable i love like every one of his lines everytime hes on screen its a joy. any episode is a good episode with bill. hes such a good villain
None reaally? I guess I would've loved more antics with the henchmaniacs, like that one deleted scene, I found them pretty funny
None I think, i guess fiddleford and bill but i said that already and tbh im mostly indifferent to it
random headcanon
iii havent fully cvuaght up on all the code and lore cracking of TBOB but from what ive picked up he had to take medicine as a kid which affected his eyesight? so my hc is that he has some lasting damage with his vision from that
unpopular opinion
yes the book of bill gave us bill euclydia dimension lore but no that doesnt ruin his character sure his backstory is sad but like. its not his focal point. it gives him depth and an explanation its GOOD. hes still the villain whos evil because! who does whatever he wants! for fun! a sad backstory and a charming villain whos motivation is Fun can coexist its not the end of the world
also this is directed at like One thing i saw on twt but He Would Fucking Not listen to msi oh my god he canonically hates synthesized music i hate you
song i associate with them
GOD i have a few ermm.... theyre like billford related tho so. hope thats cool. the one ive been obsessed with is New Invention by I DONT KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME its SO GFUCKING THEM DUDE ITS SO THEM LISTEN TO IT. NOW!!!!!!!!!!!! pls
favorite picture of them
every picture but ig if i had to choose him playing faggot piano for ford is up there
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i'm sure One Million Kazillion people have asked you this but if not Perpep for the ask game?
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Just one more! This is specifically for Beforan Perpep. Not Bard's Collage or Alternia. Perpep
favorite thing about them Playing her is so fun. She's just a little guy. She is just a little guy, yknow? I also love how she talks. Its not the best transcribed on my part but its just cute. Her intonation is cute.
least favorite thing about them Probably just my... like. Inability to keep up with her timescale... I decided all my ocs have some time distortion shit going on with them because of my executive dysfunction. There are. several things in her drafts that are there because i wanted to draw a picture for it and never did. There are... so many...
favorite line Ok so if youve been here for a while, she once was really mad at Raveri, the other Raveri, and wrote a whole rant about him. That was funny I liked that. I also liked the time she was talking about the horrorterrors and drew one of them with her text.
brOTP Uhhhhhh I still dont really get this im ngl. An otp but platonic, so either a qppr or like... just being good friends? buddies? Well that'd've probably also been old Raveri. They were sopor chess buddies. They did sopor slime and played chess.
OTP Uh... Hm... Yknow, again, I don't really ship Perpep. I guess her alt!self Oftcas has an 'otp' with (B!)Detheo. Their wierd fuckin biuniversal asses. Postgame she has a pitch thing going on with Somati, but her whole situation makes it kind of... I think her intimacy is pretty heavily wounded. Yknow... from being a human pet. Being without a relationship after so long of it being the default is hard though. Something that happens during the game that makes this part easier, but she does feel it really intensely. It's why she gets with Somati actually. Its technically pitch and she thinks of it that way even if it resembles a pale relationship a little more because of how Perpep is. It's not entirely NOT pale on somati's part, but it is pitch. Not the angry kind of pitch though, the like... theyre two individually really chill people who start fucking with shit to compete when theyre together. Mentos and coke ship.
nOTP Shrugs. You'd probably think I'd say Perpep and her culler, but thats narratively interesting to me. Uhhh I guess she would be really bad with Alpha Detheo. Like they wouldn't mix at all and their preconceptions about the other would clash so bad i think they might just kind of avoid eachother a little bit. Curiosity on both sides, with fear twinging Perpep's and logical guilt on Detheo's. Logical guilt being like... not guilt guilt but like. Ah a version of me hurt this person in a very sick way. This has added a level of morality to my self image that is troubling and I will have to consider deeply what went wrong in my other life to ensure something like that does not happen in this one. Also I should stay away from Perpep because she definitely doesn't want any more Detheo in her life. (Not entirely wrong on that last count but not right either)
random headcanon Perpep is the cuddliest motherfucker on the planet. During her session, about from the Entering when she loses track of Cinimon to her death during the Among Us conference between her, Miyers, Respit, and Sphinx, she's really fucking nervous and crabby because of touch starvation. Thats actually part of why she throws so much shade during that little meeting. She's not got a lot of emotional skill, so when she feels negatively, those emotions leech into her other emotions like dye in water. She has a hard time distinguishing between different stressors almost. Like if her emotional state was a body, and her stress was caused by a horsefly biting her on one side, she would project the same anger in every direction. She's new to this, yk.
unpopular opinion uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh My unpopular opinion is you should go on her blog and look at the posts under #captures and appreciate those drawings :-)
song i associate with them Ohoho. Hold on let me get the Perpeplaylist Taroko by August Greenwood Death by Melanie Martinez New Normal by Jack Stauber Boys Will Be Bugs by Cavetown I Can Talk by Two Door Cinema Club Otherside by the Red Hot Chilipeppers Sports by Beach Bunny (Voiceclaim also) Wreckingball specifically the cover by The Orion Experience In that order. LMK if you have any guesses on how her timeline fits to those. I feel like its pretty obvious but I am also the writer so yk.
favorite picture of them
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This is stil the funniest thing ive ever drawn i think. She flashbanged herself poor fishie.
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This one which is still way detailed. Im kinda sad no one ever asked about the collar, to get a closer look at the picture, the bullet, the rook, the tiny grub hons, the necklaces, the bident, or . any of that. I also planned to have it be more obvious that those are *somati's* clothes. If you look in captures you'll see his dad's dead body. Thats where she got the sgrub disks. College and Exec disorder got in the way of the pictures of Snapdad i planned for Somati to post... I might end up redoing that though. Shrug.
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And obviously this picture from her postgame band on Continua. LOOK At her. she is such a sweetie.
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jerberryyuri · 1 month
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You should um do chloe from be em cee because I said so ❤️
• favorite thing about them
she is like so funny actually like i cant even its just the way she says things like yknow and like even parts that are not very funny when you actually think about what shes saying it is. very funny
i could probably think of something better if i rewatched bmc and like analyzed her character which i will probably do anyways because i do noy know a lot about her but. not right now!
• least favorite thing about them
the do you wanna hang thing 👎👎
• favorite line
ohhhh i like gay people
she says its so funny idk it reminds me of talk valentino kinda not really yknow
• brOTP
probably her and jenna :3 like she ignores jenna pre squip but i feel like after seeing jenna take a squip just to be liked shed be like heyyy jenna what if we were ❤️ best friends yknow
pinkberry ^_^ its not my fave but honestly im not sure i can see her with anyone else. maybe jake but i like lesbians better sorray jake ❤️
• nOTP
more than hang 👎👎👎👎👎 stupid ship name stupid ship
• random headcanon
i think i stole this from violet or this may be canon in like a certain production but i think she would listen to drake violet if you came up with this you are so right i think
• unpopular opinion
she is allowed to be mean!!!!! she is a stereotypical highschool mean girl who participated in calling jeremy gay for signing up for a play!!!!!!! shes going to be mean shes going to make mistake she might say something a little homophobic or transphobic because she is a teenage girl who makes mistakes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
• song i associate with them
good luck babe!!!! she is soooo comphet lesbian to me you dont even understand
• favorite picture
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this one is so silly why does she stand like that
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princesssarisa · 7 months
Character ask: Willy Wonka (any version)
These answers apply to every adaptation – that I know, anyway – of the story of Charlie/Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, as well as the original book and its sequel Charlie and the Great Glass Elevator. I haven't seen Wonka yet.
Favorite thing about them: He's a fun character all around. I love his creative genius, with all the fantastical candies and treats he creates and all the fantastical rooms in his factory. I love his blend of weirdness, cleverness, mischief, and passion for his work. His hints of moral grayness and insanity make him interesting, but his underlying warmth and kindness, especially to Charlie, prevent him from seeming like a villain. (At least I don't think so: more on that below.) He's like an eccentric wizard from a fantasy story, but with a more modern, candy-themed twist.
Least favorite thing about them:
Original book: The whole story of how the Oompa Loompas came to work for him has unfortunate implications. Even after Dahl revised the text and changed the Oompa Loompas from black African Pygmies to light-skinned dwarfs from Loompaland, the concept is still very iffy. A businessman "importing" a tribe of people from a foreign country to work in his factory, where he never lets them leave the premises, pays them in food instead of in money, and tests his experimental foods and drinks on them, which sometimes cause them bodily harm... it wouldn't fly in a book written today.
1971 film: To a sensitive child viewer (as I was), his angry outburst at Charlie and Grandpa Joe for stealing the Fizzy Lifting Drinks is scary and mean, even if it is just a test.
2005 film: I don't like the subplot about his controlling dentist father. A character like Wonka doesn't need daddy issues to explain him.
Three things I have in common with them:
*I love chocolate.
*I'm at least a little eccentric.
*I often wear purple.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a chocolatier, an inventor, or a factory-owner.
*I'm female.
*I've never met an Oompa Loompa.
Favorite line:
Original book:
(Explaining why he won't let Augustus be cooked into fudge): Because the taste would be terrible. Just imagine it! Augustus-flavored chocolate-coated Gloop! No one would buy it."
"Whipped cream isn't whipped cream at all unless it's been whipped with whips! Just as a poached egg isn't a poached egg unless it's been stolen from the woods in the dead of night!"
And the full text of his "There's no earthly way of knowing" poem and the funny, creepy poems he recites in the Space Hotel to scare the White House in the sequel.
1971 film:
"We have so much time and so little to see!... Wait a minute! Strike that. Reverse it." (and the later variation with "...so little to do")
"A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men."
"But Charlie, don't forget what happened to the man who suddenly got everything he always wanted... He lived happily ever after."
And of course his various quotes from Shakespeare, Oscar Wilde, and other literature.
brOTP: The Oompa Loompas, and Charlie by the end.
OTP: None, he's happily single.
nOTP: Charlie or any of the other kids.
Random headcanon:
*In all versions, he's on the autism spectrum – it just manifests in different ways for each different Wonka.
*In the 1971 film, he's Jewish, just like Gene Wilder was in real life (and like Timothée Chalamet, for that matter). Maybe this is true in other versions too. I chiefly like to imagine this as a "take that" to Roald Dahl's antisemitism.
Unpopular opinion: The popular "Wonka is a villain" take is overdone. Yes, he has some moral ambiguity to him, but he's not evil. People often seem to forget that the fates of Augustus, Violet, Veruca, and Mike aren't "punishments" that he deals out. They're accidents that each child causes himself or herself by ignoring his warnings. Now, I don't mind it when adaptations imply that he deliberately sets up those accidents to occur if the kids disobey him, or at least show him as unconcerned with stopping or rescuing them. But I don't think either of those things are true to his portrayal in the book, per se.
Song I associate with them:
"Pure Imagination."
Favorite picture of them:
This classic illustration of him by Joseph Schindelman:
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This illustration by Quentin Blake:
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This book cover illustration, from the edition I grew up with:
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This much-memed image of Gene Wilder in the 1971 film:
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Johnny Depp in the 2005 film:
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Douglas Hodge in the 2013 stage musical (the only Wonka I know of in an adaptation to have his signature black goatee from the book):
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Timothée Chalamet in Wonka, 2023:
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kyouka-supremacy · 6 months
sigma for the ask game?
Favorite thing about them: The same thing as the bsd author: I really like how “normal” Sigma is!!! It makes him very sympathetic. The way he fought with everything he had during the Sky Casino arc to protect what was most important to him made me emotional.
Least favorite thing about them: Nothing I can think of? I guess his outfit could use some improvement but I'm starting to think I'm very nitpicky with this kind of stuff lol.
Favorite line:
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I feel like I'm always going for the most predictable lines but like. I really like this one. I wish nothing more for my life than to do what I can as an ordinary man.
brOTP: Everything I ship with him romantically I think would work really well platonically too!! Not much more I can't think of since he hasn't interacted with a lot of characters, but I have a hunch that him and Kunikida would get along well lol.
OTP: I really like sigzai, it's my personal “liked it before it got popular” pffttt. I do understand the criticism in saying that Dazai was mostly manipulating him, but I think that's the cool part? Like them starting out with Dazai manipulating him and Sigma being mostly aware of it but unable to impede it, yet Dazai gradually growing in love of Sigma's resilience and will to live. I think they're very nice even if they didn't start out healthy, but like, why would you be looking for healthy relationships in the toxic yaoi franchise? I also throughout enjoy siglai. It's like, the cooler funnier version of kuniki/dazai for me lmao. I find the “I have literally NO CLUE why I love you and will keep loving you despite wishing I didn't” and “if I don't spend 25/7 annoying you I will explode” vibes really compelling.
nOTP: Nothing. Look, unless it's something that actively bothers me, I hardly have any notps in general, I'm a multishipper at heart.
Random headcanon: I really like the concept of transfem Sigma within canon who's like. “I haven't gotten the chance to transition because I was born like two years ago and my life has been a mess, but AS SOON AS THINGS CALM DOWN— ”
Unpopular opinion: ... I don't like the idea of him joining the ada? I mean, I don't hate it, but I would have rather had it where he didn't, even though it's evident that the plot is going in that direction. I just wish he could keep working as casino manager because he looked so at home at the Sky Casino, it makes me wish he would go back. And the odd thing is that I acknowledge that it's been established in the manga itself that that was not the right place for him (Dostoyevsky in chapter 107: “[You realized that] a lonely ‘home’ isn't enough. What you need isn't a place, but trust.”) and that he should join the ada; I just feel like they made his love and attachment to the Sky Casino so strong and moving in its respective arc, the idea of him having a life outside of it just feels wrong. I think he's really good at manager jobs in general, I'd even be happier with him like. Opening a hat shop or something.
Song i associate with them: -ERROR by niki, also the Namine Ritsu cover by cillia. The illustration of Ritsu in the cover even seems to resemble Sigma a lot for me eheh. I feel like the lyrics fit Sigma's inner conflict between feeling like he isn't supposed to exist and still wanting so deeply to live a lot!!!
Favourite picture of them:
Favourite panel from the manga:
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Favourite illustration:
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Favourite illustration in the anime art style:
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Send me a character?
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uriekukistan · 6 months
choso and/or megumi? :)
im so. i just spent so long typing this out only for the page to crash and delete everything i said. why does tumblr HATE ME anyway thank you for the ask i’ll try to remember everything i said the first time 😭
favorite thing about them: his relationship with itadori is so cute! such a good brother! his facial expressions are so cute and silly! literally found out itadori was his brother and went “okay i’ll die for u now”
least favorite thing about them: the fact that they robbed him of his sick shoes in the anime. maybe something else will come up in the future but for now that’s it
favorite line: i got two! *in a life or death situation* can u just call me onii chan like once please please please please (paraphrasing), *facing kenjaku after finding out that they’re his dad and yuuji’s mom* “hey little bros look at this im gonna kill our parent
brOTP: gotta go w yuuji since they are in fact bros. his relationship w mahito is so silly to me tho, and i’d love to see him interact with todo!
OTP: i dont really have one. rn i think he’s too focused on his brothers to think abt that
nOTP: its not a no for me per se just that i think choso and yuki are very one sided. yuki clearly likes him but he’s too focused on yuuji rn
random headcanon: i can see him having a long skincare routine with a fluffy hairband
unpopular opinion: i think he is frequently mischaracterized in the name of fitting ppl’s sexual fantasies about him. ofc im all for having fun but i noticed it does impact broader perceptions of his character sometimes. could say this about any jjk man tho.
song i associate with them: mmmm maybe sunflower by post malone, don’t have a reason for it buy yea
favorite picture of them: have two
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favorite thing about them: he is me i am him we are the same. realistic depiction of what it is like to be abandoned by your parental figure and then be told you’re “special” for some reason and now too much is expected of you but you never wanted this in the first place. i could raise him so well let me adopt him. I Will Take Care Of Him.
least favorite thing about them: can’t. that’s my son.
favorite line: soooo many but i think about “so start by saving me itadori” DAILY. hourly even.
brOTP: love his relationship with kugisaki. would love to see him with yuuta more for purely self indulgent reasons that are not related to my dancers au….
OTP: obviously gotta go with ITAFUSHI i could talk abt them for hours. a brain virus fr they’re everything to me.
nOTP: 🧑‍💻 megumi & sukuna, megumi & toji, megumi & gojo, megumi & mai, etc. i try not to yuck other ppls yum but uh. i couldn’t even decide which of these was worst.
random headcanon: uhhh this ones a sad one, but i think before gojo came along, he and his sister were starving (compared to other characters shown as kids he looks much bonier), so even into adulthood, he has a hard time gaining weight from the effects of childhood malnutrition and as a result, is a bit less physically strong than he could potentially be (still very strong tho)
unpopular opinion: you already know what im gonna say. most overhated character in jjk. yall need to get off his back before i get violent im so serious rn everything he does is a perfectly valid reaction to the trauma he’s been through since he was literally a toddler
song i associate with them: i got so many…recently been thinking of dreams of losing teeth by suave punk & moon i already know by mount eerie the most
favorite picture of them: soo many…unhinged megumi vs pocket sized gumi i cant pick
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parasitoidism · 6 months
sending you walter after u sent me jonathan #dialectics
waoh its like cause like law and chaos are the same woawwwwwwwww
favorite thing about them
I do really like that he's such a little asshole sometimes like he just talks shit about people and demons right in front of them its really funny LOL but aside from that I just really like how .. clear his line of thinking is? Like it just makes so much fucking sense exactly how his life experiences and the structure of mikado's society led him from point a to point b in the course of the story because its like soooo fucked up. And it's just like this thing with him and jonathan where it's like he IS being manipulated and the .. conclusion he reaches is really not sound but the way Jonathan just can't understand that he's not just being corrupted by a demon and actually has reasons for feeling the way he does which like in turn drives them apart even more is like ooh its so good
least favorite thing about them
Oh walter i understand where your feelings are coming from but trying to create a world where the strongest survive isn't very based of you
favorite line
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I have been thinking about the way he brings up Issachar to Flynn a lot recently and I think it's like... It is ultimately manipulative right. Like he is at the end of the day bringing up Flynn's dead friend whenever he's trying to get Flynn on his side like yeah he's using that tragedy to appeal to his emotions and especially in the YPR scene he's just flat out saying "If my worldview is fulfilled, what happened to Issachar will never happen to anyone else". But I don't think it's just like "Oh I'm just going to say whatever I have to in order to get this guy on my side" I think he really does believe it like he always has this sense of camaraderie with Flynn because they're both casualries throughout the whole game and I think he probably saw himself in Issachar in his last moments which is why this one at shen duque has been sticking with me because he's directly repeating Issachar's last words about "changing this rotten world". Like I think that did genuinely affect him and him invoking Issachar and his fate the way he does is his way of being like, his way of trying to get Flynn to understand what he believes to be true, that his world will never result in that kind of injustice again. IN MY CUTE LITTLE OPINION AS THEY SAY
I THINK HE AND ISABEAU SHOULD HANG OUT MORE for the parallels bro the parallels does anyone else see the parallels Walter and Isabeau both have the thing of like being raised with a singular expectation for what the rest of their lives will look like (fisher for walter monk/monastery work for isabeau) and then being chosen as samurai instead like I think IDK i just think. i think about things sometimes.
Jonathan and Walter are really good like notice how although they do get along with and respect each other they can never fundamentally understand each other. notice how it was always fated to end before it could even begin
uhhh Idk. I can't really think of any ships that I hate in smtiv because nobody really gives af about this game like that it's just me and my mind palace and like a few other people's mind palaces
random headcanon
Second oldest child with an older sister and 2 younger brothers idk when this popped into my head but it just did one day and now it's just like. i believe it.
unpopular opinion
People focus on the Hoy thing but that's just like a way that all the casualries talk in this game like Hope also says it a lot but I think the funniest thing about the way he talks is that he says shit like HELLS BELLS all the time like he's an old woman
song i associate with them
I DONT HAAVE ONE again like theres only a few characters I have Songs For
favorite picture of them
I only read like 2 chapters of it but the artist of demonic gene draws him very cutely
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nmoroder · 1 year
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The kloborg brotp ask thinggg continuesss, this time its a tricky question namely "did you ever think you'd end your friendly disagreement with a... loving unity?" (a pun on how its a brotp in my posts and also a suggestion to bring it to the next level. but im afraid Hoborg doesnt take things this way)
its not handwritten this time but im too tired to redo the text so as usual, translation to English in readmore
(Hoborg is sitting at the Pin Island next to Klogg who seems to be chilling. Hoborg holds a yellow letter; these are used to pass the question to characters in these askblog posts. Most of the stuff that follows is told by Hoborg off-screen in his thoughts, so it's not all vocal but text still belongs to him.)
Hoborg: I'm not sure if I understood your question correctly but... I'm afraid you'll be disappointed with my answer. The thing is, I already do love him. But unity in such things is needed from both sides, no? I can't make him love me back, that's just cruel! I can't even make him feel sympathy towards me, it goes against what I've put into my creations... They have to choose on their own what they like and what they feel towards certain things. But even if I can't make Klogg do everything I want... I still have some responsibility before those I've created. They need to have at least someone to rely upon. Someone to love them for simply existing! At the end I've made myself friends to make it all less lonely and I love them all... there's no other way! That's why I love him, too... even though a lot of people find him scary or annoying, he's still one of us.
(He looks over at Klogg who's making a paper plane. Then suddenly he bends over and hugs him, speaking into his shoulder.)
H: It's all gonna be alright.
Klogg: For sure, but for whom...
H: For all of us. You, me, everyone in the Neverhood. I won't leave you here all alone.
K: I kinda got used to it... eh, come on now...
(He raises a hand to either hug Hoborg back or to brush him off, but instead he just defeatedly leans into the hug, placing his chin on Hoborg's shoulder.)
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Character ask game: you know I gotta go Integra and/or Alucard lmao
okay let’s go with integra!
favorite thing about them: love a character with an intense worldview dichotomy! the fact that integra hunts all vampires but then she has the emotional support pet vampire at home. love a built in existential crisis like that.
least favorite thing about them: uhhh I guess she’s just not very fleshed out in canon? I’m pretty unsatisfied with the ending where she’s made such a monumental choice to dissolve hellsing but we don’t see how she arrived at it because of the fucking time skip. likewise I dislike that she’s still even talking about alucard and walter that far ahead? idk I would like for her to have moved on after *thirty years* but also if she hasn’t then I want to see why? what’s going on with her emotionally?
favorite line: “you cut his head off? is that all?” is very fun in its smugness. also in gonzo when she tells alucard “you don’t make decisions” like. lmao.
brOTP: …walter? there aren’t enough characters in this series
OTP: alutegra baybey! we love to see a twisted mess of power imbalances. the way deep seated resentments and genuine emotional investment can coexist. chivalric devotion turned obsessive and suffocating. the moral quandary of like. what does it mean to be loved, above all else, by a genuinely sadistic, awful, bloodthirsty monster? someone who represents everything she hates but is the only person she can depend on? someone her family, who she is so very proud of, has done unspeakable things to— but perhaps for a good purpose and with cause? what does it mean to even consider returning those feelings? love a morally and philosophically messy ship! like he is her dog on a leash and they are inevitably going to destroy each other one day but in the mean time they’re going to bicker like an old married couple.
nOTP: I guess the major? I’ve seen that sometimes and I do not like it!
random headcanon: I think she’s very bad at technology (while alucard is very good at it)
unpopular opinion: my girl would have the most rancid politics known to man!! I feel like fanon leaning towards her being bizarrely progressive and like. she runs a paramilitary organization for the british monarchy. she’s part of a *feudal* style secret government. I don’t want to hear a single word she has to say about imperialism, the british empire specifically, or anyone’s human rights
song I associate with them: many songs bc I have many hellsing playlists lol. but one is haunted houses by emma ruth rundle
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goatwithaplan · 5 months
How about some Gale for the ask game?
Obviously i was gonna get this asked
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favorite thing about them His silly little hoodie, Okay but for real. His character arc LIKE MY BOY GETS FEELINGS 15/10 best character trope, and yes i was the same about Aigis I love her too.
least favorite thing about them Honestly when after he gets his green eyes i expected him to express more of his feelings idk i never liked how he is all neutral for the rest of the game even when they meet Angel.
favorite line "Her girlfriend...?" okay for real now "Thank you brother" made me fucking cry like a toddler i dont think i ever cried like this in a videogame the airport cut scenes fucking broke me to my core.
brOTP CIELO 100% they are panas, they deserve each other i wish them the best
OTP I know people know me more for Lupa X Gale specially on my discord but im sorry to admit i am a Gale x Jenna kind of woman.
nOTP While i think gale and cielo make great friends i dont think they make a great couple.
random headcanon He is a lil shy and thats why he hides his head. Oh and he is probably god awful at huging, persona 4 protagonist level of hugs.
unpopular opinion Favoritism at play here, He makes a better protagonist than serph does.
song i associate with them Voice of the soul by Death, nothing in particular to add here really its just one song I really like.
favorite picture of them so i dont have permision to share them but probably any fanart that got made for me, so instead have this Son panitas
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velvet-apricots · 1 day
Ansbach for character ask
favorite thing about them
His entire character is very interesting. When you think "murder cult" you think axe murderer levels of crazy. But he is alarmingly sane, well spoken, and reasonable. He is polite to everyone, even his enemies. You really get the vibe that he represents something very different from what we are shown. Like once the Dynasty was MORE than what it is now. One that could have been a real dynasty, but has degraded into a cult.
least favorite thing about them
Also not a fan of how fandom pits him against Gideon Ofnir.
favorite line
Miquella the Kind...is a monster. Pure and radiant, he wields love to shrive clean the hearts of men. There is nothing more terrifying.
(also litterally whenever he calls me Righteous Tarnished)
Thiollier and Ansbach. They have such a nice little vibe. They both are afraid but are willing to fight for who they have devoted themselves to.
Adamah x Ansbach and Ansbach x Tarnished. Obviously I have a preference to m/f content, and thats what I seek first and foremost. There is almost nothing of that (or anything actually) though. But I have Adamah so I am not entirely without content, but it doesn't hit as nicely when you make it.
Kind of surprised there is so little Tarnished x Ansbach honestly. Nor is there any Ansbach x Reader? so many people are talking about how hot he is, and yet I don't SEE anyone doing anything with him. Super disappointing. U_U
Don't have one with him. Not yet anyway. The ships I have seen I am utterly neutral about. I am very picky and feel very strongly so its only a matter of time XD
random headcanon
He has arthritis in both hands. Makes using his scythe hard in his old age, so thus he has taken up the rapier.
unpopular opinion
I have one but I won't say it cause its not about him specifically and I would be flayed alive for even saying it.
song i associate with them
I have a rather limited library of music i listen too but lets see.... Yeah okay this one kept popping up into my head. U_U
favorite picture of them
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old men hunch meeting.
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