#its what the Rise fam would want
missmisnomer · 1 month
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I come to you with a humble offering of only the finest home-grown, grass-fed shenanigans. 🍽️❤️
Moar of the Rise sillies [ 1 ] [ 2 ] [ 3 ]
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nethnad · 3 months
what i (local ancient history major) think each doctor would do on the ides of march:
one: stab caesar. then goes heeheehoohoo im just a silly old man how could i ever stab caesar
two: hes that one prophet guy that goes beware the ides. he does this to a little flute solo. stab caesar
three: stabs caesar. or hes stuck as a guard because of roman civil war no. 5 or some shit and has to fill out the paperwork re: stabbing caesar
four: him and leela stab caesar together. k9 can too. as a treat
five: i think hes one of the other senators whos like “guys this is immoral!!!” but he also wants to stab caesar
six: stabs caesar
seven: orchestrates the plot to stab caesar
eight: forgot he had to stab caesar that day
war: fights in the ensuing civil war because all these guys stabbed caesar
nine: walks in senate late, sees bloodshed and carnage, goes what in the name of jupiter optimus maximus, walks out.
ten: guys we cant stab caesar hes my oldest friend we’re the only two left 🥺 we can travel across the stars together
eleven: really enthusiastic about stabbing caesar, but keeps dropping knives from his toga so they sent him home 😔
twelve: headinhands.jpg the whole time. he doesnt care for caesar but he is also like guys w. why is this the solution. that or hes too busy selling marble in pompeii (surely nothing bad will happen in 100 years right)
thirteen: brings the fam with her to stab caesar. probably also has a speech prepared afterwards about how their actions have shaped history and brought about the rise of the roman empire. all the other senators are like the fucking what now
fourteen: he was in the last stabbing so they left him at home this time
fifteen: stabs caesar but makes it a game like “guess whats in my left hand? a knife. guess whats in my right hand? holy shit its another knife”
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fictarian · 1 year
yo yo yoooo ayo gang lemme get amm a hobie brown x gn reader whos like a photographer for the fucking news bullshit and like they are a fan of spider man fam thank uuu
𝐇𝐢𝐦 <𝟑 . ⋆.ೃ࿔*:・ 𝐏𝐭. 𝟓
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ღ You ask and I DELIVER‼️🗣️🗣️🗣️
ღ Thank you guys for 60+ followers, it makes me happy you guys like my shit despite only doing this for 3-5 days 😭
ღ ANYWAYS, here’s a story for my boy @thearabloak06 🙏 Tysm for requesting, I hope you enjoy and I hope this story isn’t ass since it’s my first time in awhile writing a full on fic LMFAO
ღ Paring: Hobie Brown and GN! Reader
ღ Premise: Reader has their own section of the daily newspaper, and they use it to write for the anarchist by the name of ‘Spider-Punk’ while also providing pictures they’ve caught of him in action
ღ Whoopsie daisy I just made this into more of a detective/mystery novel instead of a romance 💀 200-400 likes and i’ll make a part 2 (or even its own series)
ღ Previous part can be found here !
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“_____, my office, now!” You let out a heavy sigh as the door to your boss’ office slammed shut after he barked an order, and you could feel the eyes following you as you stood up from your desk and made your way over to the room, tossing your empty coffee cup into the trash before turning the knob and pushing the door open.
“Have a seat” He ordered, but your feet remained glued to the ground. “I’m good standing” You stiffly said, crossing your arms over your chest with narrowed eyes. “You asked for me, sir?” In response, your boss slammed a newspaper onto his desk, pushing it forward so you could get a good look at it— it was the paper for today, and you had a pretty reasonable guess as to why he was so peeved.
“We’ve been over this, _____. I don’t want that spider freak in my newspaper.” He seethed, picking up the newspaper and shoving it in your face, pointing specifically at the section you were assigned to. “You know what this gives us? A bad, bad reputation. We’re already on thin ice as it is, and if you keep this up, my company will get shut down all thanks to your stories!”
Your lips tightened into a thin line, feeling your blood boil at what he was saying. Quite frankly, he could take his worries and shove it up his ass for all you cared. The government was corrupt and violent to the people it’s supposed to protect and serve, and Spider Punk was the only symbol of hope the community had. You admired the infamous anarchist, and you wanted everybody to know about him— the possibly only voice of the people.
So that’s why you used the section of the Daily newspaper granted to you, to spread word of Spider Punk’s actions and his defiance against the government. You wanted the people to know about what was going on, to feel empowered knowing that one of their own was rising up against the injustices against them. And if it costed your job, or even your life, so be it. You weren’t just gonna sit around and act like nothing was happening.
Your boss’ words were only fueling your anger. This wasn’t the first time you two had this conversation, in fact, all of your conversations were about this topic. It took all of your willpower to not punch him in the jaw as you opened your mouth to say “But sir, the newspaper is meant to inform people. And with all the smashed law enforcement cars and protests going on, it would be wise to—“ “I dont’t want to hear it! Keep this up, and you can kiss your place here goodbye!” He yelled in your face, and that was your last straw.
“I don’t have to, ‘cause I quit. You can kiss all of your readers goodbye, ‘cause I know damn well the only reason they read your lousy ass newspaper is because of information I provide!” You snapped, turning on your heel and marching out the door, tuning out the string of curses that followed as you exited the building with smoke practically blowing out of your ears. Ok, maybe you handled that the wrong way. But it was too late to go back now… well, you still had to get your stuff from your desk. ‘Embarrassing’ You thought to yourself, keeping your head held high as you turned back around to enter the building for the last time.
You didn’t stay there long, since you didn’t even have much to begin with. The items that occupied your desk consisted of your notepad, your trusty laptop (it was old enough to be considered a fossil), an uneaten nutter butter, and your camera thats strap wrapped comfortably around your neck while your other belongings were placed inside your satchel. With all your items packed away, you were now walking the streets of London as the reality of the situation set in— you didn’t have a job anymore. No source of money, and no way to have a voice in the community.
‘You’re forgetting to breath’ You told yourself, registering the tightness that was beginning to form in your chest and taking a couple deep breaths to ease the panic. This was fine, you were fine. You could always start a blog of your own, and there were plenty of jobs that needed more employees. ‘But it’s not as easy as it sounds, i’ll need to fill out a application, i’ll need to be interviewed, and—‘ Your thoughts were cut short when you suddenly bumped into someone, and you muttered a quick apology before continuing on. “Oi, you’re that chick that writes fo’ the paper, aren’t you?”
You stop, turning to look back at the person you bumped into. He was quite the looker, if you were being completely honest. The male was tall, and dressed in outfit that screamed ‘punk’. He had well done wicks, and a confident aura surrounded him. “It’s rude to stare, y’know?” “Oh, i’m sorry. I spaced out for a second.” You apologized when he called you out, before adding “My name is _____”. The male nodded his head, his gloved hand tucked away in the pocket of his pants. “‘Obie, ‘Obie Brown” Holy shit, you knew he looked familiar. “Aren’t in a band?” You asked, tilting your head to the side. “I play with ‘em occasionally, but I don’t believe in consistency.”
You slowly nodded your head, not bothering to question what he meant by that. “Riiight…” The sound of sirens caught your attention, and you looked over your shoulder to see the blue and red lights of law enforcement cars dancing off the walls of buildings. “I wouldn’t suggest goin that way, luv. There was a bad scrap with a couple fellas lookin for a bad time” Hobie warned you, causing you to furrow your brows in confusion. Didn’t he come from that way?
The reporter in you told you that there was something amiss, but you didn’t act on the feeling. Not yet. “Yikes, thanks for the warning. I’ll take a different route to my flat.” You informed him, and he nodded his head before turning his back towards you. “I’ll be seein you ‘round, _____. Maybe come to one of my concerts, yeah?” He suggested as he started to walk away. But you weren’t listening.
You were too busy staring at the prominent red, spike having mask that stuck out of Hobie’s back pocket
“Yeah… i’ll take you up on that offer. Cheers!” You called out to Hobie, waiting a couple seconds before lifting your camera up and putting its viewfinder up to your eye, zooming in on the mask before snapping a picture of it. “Christ…” You muttered to yourself, staring at the screen of your camera in disbelief.
You just found yourself with knowledge that could cost you your life
tag list ! @zalayni @luvstarrstruck @jrrantss @pixqlsin @kairiscorner @k4tsu3 @asmobeuses
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visionsofmagic · 1 year
red hood/jason todd x black widow!reader
🍓 summary:  the enemy of yours, jason for sure was annoying as hell but there was something that pull you two together and he knew this damn well.
🍓 wc: 2.4k
🍓 warnings&tags: fluff, flirting, sarcastic!jason, kissing, cursing, teasing, touching, enemies to lovers, hidden feelings, confession [kinda]
🍓 author's note: so, this was a request from an anon but I assume they were @chaoticsomeone​, and it took me long to write but finally, I did it! hope you enjoy; both anon and you all! ^^
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jason was so annoying, you should give him that. but for some reasons, he seemed more annoying than ever and no, it wasn't because of you started to feel any emotion towards him which he wouldn't notice due to hiding them in deep down but hiding was hard to endure since you wanted to kiss him right before the mission, during the mission and especially, after it.
it wasn't usual of you to have feelings for an enemy but he was different. he felt different. you were still trying to decide whether the tension between you caused this or not. however, you couldn't think about its reasons. you just tried to focus on only to report the mission to the batman who was in touch you throughout it.
knowing jason's past was a peck, indeed, even if you never talked about it 'till he did. you respect him even though he was your enemy. you remembered what alfred told you about your relationship with jason, seeing it like the bond cat woman and the batman shared.
you didn't know their true identities but encouraging some of their missions together with some bat-fam members, jason right beside you, you saw the high tension and pull they both shared. it somehow seemed so - familiar. maybe alfred was right after all and tonight, you felt his rightness at the highest level, especially when jason put a smirk on his face after you looked at him shamelessly for a while as you realized in the last moment before turning to sky above you with a blushed face.
"don't give me that smirk." you said, rolling your eyes for calming yourself down because you knew jason's sensitive hearing abilities, probably could hear your heart beats which were running fast.
"what smirk?" he sounded like he didn't know what you were talking about but from the corner of your eyes, you saw how his smirk grew as he put his palms on the ground he was sitting on, leaning towards them and opening his thick thighs wider. his red mask were standing on the ground beside him and you could see his dark black hair fly with the power of night's wind.
he was more than attractive and you always thought about it whenever you saw him. it was like a natural habit of yours to think about jason all the time. you knew it was a habit of a lover than an enemy but you couldn't face with it since you believed you would become worse if you did.
"and what was with that girl back there?" you asked out of sudden. even though it wasn't intentional in the first place, you tried to act cool, reducing rising jealousy and curiosity on your system because of that unknown girl you saw in the mission field. she happened to be familiar with jason, knowing him from past. she didn't look like an ally or enemy but for sure, she was clingy towards jason, touching him freely from here to there, putting some kisses to his masked face, calling him pretty boy and acting like he owned her. it made your blood boil with pure rage, because of both dislike how the girl touched jason and not being able to do the same.
it was sad seeing how easy for another one to do what you wanted to do for such a long time.
"cherish?" he questioned, looking not interested in the topic but still answering your question, "she helped me in the past while tracking down someone."
"oh, so she's an ally?" you asked in a low tone, not looking at his eyes.
"kinda." jason said, looking at the sky as he threw his head. "why?" he questioned after a certain silence, taking your blurry mind back to him.
shrugging, you said, "just curious."
"I didn't know my fellas seemed interesting for you."
"they didn't but it's just – " you stopped talking, not wanting to give away your little secret of love him this easily. "I assume you only got me as an enemy fella who can be this close to you."
"this close?" he questioned, wanting you to be more open with that statement as he knelt down towards you, getting closer with each second 'till you chuckled nervously. he began to act a little odd out of nowhere and it was making you nervous, not being able to say what's on your mind completely.
"I mean look at us," you said, pointing to him and you after getting up and walking on the rooftop. "they see us as enemies. we should try to kill each other, not watching sunrise together. shouldn't we?" you asked to him because deep down, you wanted him to say a negative answer. love was like a fire under the skin but when it came to you, you liked the feeling that fire was giving. it was effect of jason on you after all.
what you were doing as a black widow included a great number of dangerous events, but, being in love with jason could be the most dangerous one which continues inside and outside a mission; a lifetime danger.
therefore, you chose to hide it for as long as you can. however, it looked like tonight was the end of it, you realized when jason asked "and what about 'u?" instead of answering the question after taking some time, looking at his hands.
as his eyes connected with yours, you forgot to breathe. the expression he had on his attractive face was unreadable and you had to try hard to understand meaning of his gazes. finally, you acknowledged some curiosity and sadness on them.
confused as ever, you thought loudly. "what about me?"
he shook his head, making his black hair move freely, looking hot like he was in a hair advertising scene.
"what do you think about this – " he stopped for a second, gathering enough strength to say what he is going to say aloud. "our relationship?"
your mind spent a quite time to comprehend what jason told about your relationship; calling it ‘our’. tonight, he was more open than ever and he didn’t help you even at slightest, instead, giving a headache while thinking about what to say – truth or just a tease.
if jason had a magic on you, you could believe with entire soul of yours. if he, now, told you he was joking, you would just laugh and get over with it. but none, jason did none of them. on contrary to these options your mind were thinking as likely events would take place from now on, he got up, not waiting for your answer. he took a few steps towards you, slowly but heavy. with each step, you took deep breaths, trying to find a way out from this because not knowing his intentions, you felt fear – fear of not being able to hold yourself and kiss him right here.
“jason –“ you tried to say, “I –“ the power you were holding was not working when you were alone with him. you knew this well but you couldn’t wait to spend more time after every mission you did together. beside them, there would a few occasions in which you two could get together. however, except some flirting, explicit comments and teasing, there wasn’t anything serious in these events you two shared. yes, there were moments you believed you and jason were pulling to each other with a ghost rope between your bodies and maybe, this night, it wouldn’t be a ghost or invisible rope. you were scared of this – scared of crashing a cold chest.
as fear began to rise inside enough to make scarecrow smell of it if he weren’t in arkham, jason spoke again, giving you something to hold to breathe and act properly.
he was both weakness and strength of you.
“didn’t answered my question.” he marked, and you gulped. trying to act confident and fearless, you shrugged.
“and I will not answer it ‘till you say what is the meaning of such question.” it was best option to gain more time. however, when jason smirked, you knew it didn’t work on him – not after he knew so much about you.
“there, there, acting like knowing nothing.” jason crossed his arms together, looking damn tall as he left just inches between his well built chest covered with a black silky suit and yours which was exposed a little, showing collarbone to eyes.
“you know I know so much.”
“except the meaning of the question, apparently.”
furrowing, you said while crossing your arms, copy him. “I can’t understand it if you have a closed mouth like that. you could ask it,” you showed your forefinger, “one, just to tease,” you added another finger, “two, getting a new information from me to keep it ‘till you will have a chance to hit me with it.” you added a last one, “three, maybe curiosity got its best out of you, huh?”
he shook his head, not impressed at the options, instead, looking bothered with them. “oh yeah, you are definitely clever as they said. sure.”
he turned to other side, going to pick up his mask as you realized how he used a dry sarcasm right there.
when that fact hit you, you felt anger. he was the one with a dumb brain not you. you weren’t the one talking like a close box, no, he was.
with that anger, you held his shoulder after he got his mask on his hands. squeezing the flesh under your palm that was full of muscles enough to make your mind go crazy once again, you said in pure annoyance, “what is wrong with you? you are asking odd questions and wait for me to understand the meaning of it right away with that unreadable expression of yours.” he looked at you and you felt confident than before, gladly, so, you added, “if you wanna say something, say it. and if you don’t, just leave it. don’t play with me.”
he turned to you when your hand on his shoulder stayed same, staring to your face with dark green eyes of his you loved to look at under every light or darkness because in every damn moment, his eyes were beautiful, taking breath away from your lungs and tonight, it was no different – maybe, it was more powerful even, not only taking breath but mind from you.
what was the time? where were you? why you were waiting in here? – they all seemed become silent each passing second as you kept looking at his eyes.
then, finally, he said, “you are the one who is playing with me.” to strengthen his words – to make it clear this time, he found your free hand, taking it as your breathes pitched, putting it right on his chest – where his heart rested.
without thinking twice, you closed your eyes, obeying what he wanted with simple gesture – you knew him well, not waiting for him to say what he wanted you to do.
the moment you closed your eyes, his heart’s beats began to flow from his chest to your hand, and to your heart from there – it was fast, so fast. it wasn’t because of any physical movement, no, it was all because of – you.
in the end, you found enough energy to open your eyes, looking at his dark green ones, and without putting any second to think about it, you just raised on your tiptoes, reaching his lips and kissing him – the thing your whole body pushed you to do, desired the most and when your lips touched to each other – as his mask hit the ground underneath your foot with a loud pump sound – as both of his hands found your waist, pushing it to his chest more, making your bodies crush into each other with raising heats from them.
your hands found his neck, hugging him tightly, a hand began to flow into his dark black hair, feeling his heart under yours.
the gotham city was so noisy in nights due to lots of different reasons but tonight – tonight, it was the quietest because your mind rejected it completely – it rejected the whole world, only to focus on just him – that fucking jason todd whose lips were kissing yours like it was the last thing he could get a taste of.
then, when he decided he couldn’t get enough, his hands found your ass, holding them to make your body jump higher, getting between his arms, hugging him stronger for avoiding any falling ‘till he made his way into a higher point in the rooftop on which you could sit.
placing your body on the nearest point, he left your messy lips for a second, looking at you from head to toe – a complete mess totally because of him, he smirked proudly, tilting his head a little to kiss the corner of your lips.
“well, not so dumb after all.”
rolling your eyes, you punched his shoulder gently, but smiling widely. indeed, you understood what he meant to refer with that question in the end; getting that hidden feeling out of you which were mutual. you could think he was playing with you but he wasn’t that guy – jason had a pure heart under that chest even though he wasn’t believing to have it on his own, however, you saw it and you believed him – you believed jason so much that you let him kiss you once again, hungrier and rougher this time, but still, giving away his true feeling within it as he hugged you from back, making your back arch, chest touch his, hands on his shoulders.
between kisses – lots of kisses you shared that night, you told him the answer of his question and so much more, finally getting chance to open your heart to him without fearing anything. and jason listened you carefully – closely. he didn’t say how much he loved you in return aloud, instead, he chose to use his lips, hands, and eyes with his entire body to show how he cared for you – how you meant like a lover rather than just an enemy. you took all of what he gave you gladly and from that night, a new journey in your relationship began.
maybe alfred was right; you two were like cat woman and batman. even though it looked like it, deep down, you believed it would become more with hope. you didn’t want jason stop kissing you, teasing you while flirting openly, touching you from here to there freely and letting you do the same to him, looking so happy with a simple look into your eyes.
love was dangerous path and you began to walk on it while holding jason’s hand with pleasure.
 the end.  🍓
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mugentakeda · 4 months
okay more runaway fire fam hcs
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-zuko gets gift giving as a love language from ursa. ursa loves to go to the market after work and parooze. she loves finding shit that she thinks the kids would enjoy. knick knacks and shit. she has a fondness for earth kingdom jadeite.
-ursa gives zuko and azula little potted plants from the florist and tasks them with the assignment of taking care of them as long as they can. competition comes second nature to them, and its gonna be hard for her and lu ten to shake that off, but for now, maybe ursa can make a compromise by having them compete in nurturing. hopefully, what they learn from that will stick.
-when azula and zuko arent nosing around the town, theyre messing around in the surrounding forest. one day zuko wants to see if he can cross the water and explore air temples, but for now hes gonna scout the area. the amount of trees are good for practicing stealth, even if he doesnt have his dao.
-zuko finds a baby sparrowhawk-lynx with azula. they agree to take him home and work together to convince mother and cousin lu ten to let them keep him.
-ursa is dismayed at the idea of having any kind of furry animal around the house and getting fur on their clothes and rugs. she also swears that feline type animals all smell strange. lu ten is dismayed at the idea of having a lynx around the house because they get fucking huge. (he never makes the point that its a wild animal, and not a toy- because zuko and azula do have the discipline to care for an animal. and lu ten can trust azula to be able to defend herself and zuko if something goes wrong when he isnt around)
-they keep the sparrowhawk-lynx.
-they couldnt agree on a name for him so until they could they started calling him "Beast" in the meantime. unfortunately this ends up sticking so neither of them end up getting to pick a name.
-ursa takes all but two days to warm up to him because hes a cute little baby that likes to rub his head on her skirts. ursa is a weak woman to cute animals. she starts cradling him like a newborn and baby talking him. azula will not stand for both her AND zuko babying Beast. she keeps trying to train him to attack things or wrestle with her but he just crawls on her and licks her face.
-lu ten warms up to Beast as well but also treats him and talks to him like a human child. this is a problem because Beast is a sparrowhalk-lynx that can only understand basic words and not full sentences. so whenever lu ten tries to scold him for using their shoes as chew toys he just stares at lu ten blankly. pet idiot baby :(
-hot garlic chili oil and kimchi is something that has to be made in very large batches. theyve gotten used to the mild and savory flavors of earth kingdom style food but they also cant live without at least SOME spice. ursa is working on a whole section of her back garden that will be dedicated to just hot peppers so they dont have to keep buying it from the market
-nobody has a specific role or chore assignment in the house. they just do it as it comes. it doesnt matter who all does it, or how its done. azula likes washing dishes more than folding laundry, so zuko does the laundry with lu ten. but azula doesnt like doing dishes alone after curry dinners with their thick sauces that stick on the plates, so on those days, she splits it with ursa.
-lu ten has found the perfect spot in solitude to keep up azula and zukos training- up a tall rocky trail, near a cliff that faces where the sun rises.
-lu ten keeps azula and zukos lessons conjoined rather than doing it by skill level, because the ones lu ten took were different bending courses from the ones ozai had azula and zuko take, so its new material for them both. on top of that, lu ten has to also take the time to do life lessons with them too. instead of proverbs, lu ten prefers the approach of the way he best learns- making each lesson a group discussion. lu ten thrived in the court, and loved nothing more than waiting and listening, in order to dissect the natures of the councilmens hearts. open discussion is blunt and confrontational. lu ten likes proverbs, but doesnt see them as very effective when it came to foundational lessons. their vagueness leaves too much room for misinterpretation, and azula and zuko were never allowed to leave their parroting phase by ozai, so lu ten has to be very careful about what he says, lest he starts planting even more stupid shit in his cousins' brains without thinking.
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class1akids · 2 months
I have mixed feeling about certain ppl entering the fight
On one hand I want a origin trio moment on the other bakugo has already done alot and has fainted twice while todoroki I feel like should do more (I don't really know why he fainted considering he didn't get to injured fighting dabi maybe bc of the mental toll?) and should have an op fight scene and power up (also I'm curious what afo would say to shoto considering what he has said to endeavor)
I also don't like the idea of everyone gathering to help like certain ppl sure but if you start putting in pros then the spotlight being on first year's isnt convincing like yes their strong but to the pint of completely outshining pros? But then again I don't want to see a bunch of pros idc about fighting
I'm really just hoping this fight ends soon bc it's really getting dragged out 😭
Yeah, I fully understand that many people wanted this fight to be Deku vs Shigaraki to turn to Deku + Shigaraki vs AFO. Or that only Class A shows up.
But in the end, what is happening is thematically sound. On the one hand AFO vs OFA - if we talk about quirk power - is their logical conclusion. AFO found home in a new host, one that's capable of accruing more power. OFA on the other hand, grew beyond it's physical vessels and has become more of an idea of heroism - one that Deku embodies and one can be chosen by anyone. A true network of power.
But as much as AFO is at the source of Tenko's misery, Shigaraki's criticism of hero society stands valid. Hero society didn't make him a villain, but did nothing to save him either. So while Deku went to the extremes to save him, a sole pillar can't do everything. Which is why it's important for Tenko to see not only that a hero has come, but that the society he hated so much for its passivity has all shown up for him. Not just heroes, but even civilians pitching in.
Now, I'd be very surprised of course if this one wave of heroes could end the fight - we are clearly starting with some of the weaker / less combat oriented heroes and students. On top of that, if they kill Shigaraki's body - how can he be saved? So I feel like the fighting will be to hold AFO away from Izuku until his time is up again, but not to kill him. Just like Shouto needed his family's help to stop Dabi, how Ochako needed a lot of support to reach Toga, how Katsuki needed everyone who protected, revived him and every blow dealt at AFO to be successful, it makes sense for Deku to also need the support.
It's a test of Deku's faith of whether Tenko can still be saved and everyone else's faith in Deku's judgement and moral code. Tenko will probably awaken to see so many hands reach for him.
As for Shouto:
Yes, he's not injured. The story emphasised however that Phosphor is an incredible burst of power, but comes at a cost of stamina drain. His first Phosphor blast froze over an entire citiblock that was on blazing hot fire. His second blast neutralized a nuclear bomb, the size of 5 kms. Not to mention that he was continuously using ice and fire during the mad dash with Iida from Kamino to Gunga. So he probably passed out from overexerting his quirk. And I'd say based on what we've seen in Ch 351, he may not just countered Touya's blast, but may have absorbed it.
I wouldn't be a least bit surprised to see Shouto come out of it with a quirk upgrade.
I'm like 99% confident that he will show up, and we will get some further closure on the Todo-fam plot, possibly also a quirk combo with Endeavor AND Touya. (Because I still think Spinner, Toga, Dabi, Compress showing up at the battlefield would help awaken Tenko - who just proclaimed himself the hero of the villains).
Now, how short or long his highlight might be - only Hori knows that - but I think we will get at least one big highlight move from Shouto that serves as some kind of cap of the family plot. If we are lucky, we may get an actual hero name chapter, like Katsuki got GEMGD after his "Rising".
As for Katsuki, I just can't really imagine Hori not bringing him in if everyone showed up. He spent 90% of his endgame brooding over Izuku, and Izuku had a hot minute of rage about his death, plus the catapult move - but they haven't really interacted truly. Bakugou hasn't interacted with anyone from the class either. So I think Hori knows that those are moments fans want and he will deliver them.
He's spent a lot of time with the pros he cares about - Endeavor, Hawks got ton of content, Hawks lost his quirk - so for both of them, I expect more emotional closure than big fights. All Might is probably done fighting, but again, he had no scene with Deku yet - so I think he'll be back too. The rest of them, I expect mostly on the background - like they were at Gunga, at Kamino, Floating UA etc. And for the kids to get the highlights.
It's very unpredictable how many chapters are left - Aizawa just announced the start of "Phase 3". I think Phase 1: was Ch 343-379 - so about 36 chapters from the initial division, until Deku and Shigaraki left the Floating UA. Phase 2: 380- 419 was 39 chapters. Now only Hori knows how long Phase 3 will be, but I note that Deku still hasn't even had a Rising chapter.
I guess we will just have to wait and see.
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midnightcreator12 · 1 month
Time to Ramble about Clan Hamato-Verd vs. The Turtle-verse
(title a wip)
Because there WILL be a multi-chapter fic about that at some point and I like how much I can DO with the multiverse in play. And I have so much brainrot over all the lil adventures so y'all get a sneak peek!
There are no rules saying that I cant reuse canon universes that have already appeared! (Cause I'm writing the 'rules' lol) Becasue I have a VERY strong mental idea of how I want Chula to intervene with the 2003 Leo vs the Foot.
Chula actually brings no turtles on this trip. CJ is the one who tags along and they split up to go find any signs of the turtles (they're making a network to try and track down Astra and the Clones and the turtles are the most likely people to hear news about them because 'turtle luck'). CJ actually finds them first, right as Leo is being tossed into April's apartment.
CJ stays outside for most of the fight, picking off ninja who are trying to go in and overwhelm the turtles. He manages to shoot a message to Chula that he needs her NOW and dives into the fight inside about the same time as adult Casey does.
Casey questions if the kid is stealing his thing, CJ says he'll explain later and its a long story and April yells that CJ needs to get out of here and that this is too dangerous for a kid. And CJ is like 1) hell no. 2) then explain the 3 fifteen year old turtles who are very much in the thick of this fight
The fight goes on, CJ is actually doing VERY well in it (foot ninja are easier to fight than alien death machines, who knew?) And then Shredder shows up, doing his lil speech about how he's going to burn the turtles to the ground, blah, blah, blah.
Then CJ, from the front of the shop, his back to the door, says that Shredder should consider calling this attack quits and leaving while he can. And, of course, Shredder and Hun think this kid is being ridiculous, the Foot has the upper hand after all and what can this skinny little teen playing at being a hero do?
And CJ's like 'Maybe I can't take all of you-" lighting crash, dramatically revealing Chula's form towering behind Casey, light catching her visor in just the right way so you can see one, furious, glowing green eye. "But Mrs. Verd is gonna make sure none of you leave alive."
cue a massive battle montage where Chula gets to peel Shredder out of his mech suit and is more than happy to rip his tiny alien form apart while CJ covers the Splinterson's escape.
CJ takes everyone back to the Tortuga, where Leo is quickly attended to with bacta that has him making weeks of recovery in minutes. And by the time hes up and asking what happened, Chula returns, most of the blood on her armor washed away by rain but gleefully showing off the new Shredder helm that is to be added to her collection
Chula finds a sainw don and finds his dimension where his fam is not dead yet and she takes the role of prime 03 don and helps them overthrow the shredder
Chula gets a habit of collecting turtles from bad timelines that starts with her finding a Rise Universe where the Krang Invasion succeeds and the 4 turts are the last ones standing
F!Leo is knocked out by the time Chula gets there so the other three have no escape route and are just trying to protect their Leo.
Meanwhile, F!Leo goes down and his last thought is that he's going to die. Only to wake up to a younger version of him in baggy pants and a poncho grinning and telling him "Heeeeey, I'm your lil bro now! And tall, dark, and scary in the corner is your mom!"
And F!Leo is just, '....this is not how I imagined hell.'
Meanwhile, F!Donnie is just happy to be on a spaceship that ISN'T trying to kill him
(See also, Past rise kids fighting for Chula's attention with the Future Rise kids. Maybe a subplot where the past kids think maybe Chula would prefer to hang out with other adults or/and Future boys thinking she'd prefer the younger, undamaged versions. (she loves both. both past and future versions are her boys))
In the same vein as that, Chula trying to 'adopt' turtles but they refuse.
I think CJ is actually from another dimension instead of the future so, Chula is thankfully doing a solo run when she finds CJ's home reality and find Master Leonardo, alive but not for much longer without treatment.
Chula, of course, trys to help him but he pushes her away and begs her to just let him die. He wants his brothers, he's tired, he wants to go home.
And, as much as it hurts, Chula understands on some level. So she sits with Leonardo until he dies and holds a burial ceremony for him when he does. She thinks she sees a flicker before she leaves, someone in the corner of her eye that almost looks like Leo.
She doesn't dwell on it and moves on to the next reality.
Chula drops into the 2007 universe and finds out that Leo is off in the jungle and no one has gotten word from him in a while....she leaves the Lair and is back in about 3 hours with a very confused and screeching Leo hog-tied over her shoulder and asking, "who the hell thought separating you boys was a good idea?!"
She meets Shredder from the 1990 movie....
She is not impressed and pretty much just bitch slaps him
I do not really like the Bayverse movies but I like the idea of Chula meeting them and being like, "Holy hell, a set of your four that are taller than me! Now that's a new one.'
But we also gotta posit Chula meeting other versions of herself. Maybe the Feral Chula from the non-canon crossover I did with Feral Leo. Or a Chula that never left Death Watch and ended up in the Empire's ranks. Or a Chula who grew up with both parents, or grew up with her mom on Lasan and became an Honor Guard.
Hell, Chula meeting other versions of ASTRA. An Astra who stubbornly stuck to the Jedi code and never tried to form a relationship with her Chula. An Astra who DID join her father in his slaving business. An Astra who ended up becoming a Sith. An Astra that ran away with Seena and they both became mercenaries dodging the bounty their father put on them.
Okay, this ones a lil dark and simi inspired by a vague memory of a comic I saw ages ago. From what I remember from the comic, Splinter was a lot more abusive to the boys and was training them so they could take down the foot clan. And Leo ended up killing Splinter because Splints told Leo to kill Donnie because Donnie wasn't taking the training seriously enough/was doing poorly.
SO! In my scenario, the setup is pretty much that but they're pre-teens. Leo agrees but says he should take Donnie away from the Lair so Raph and Mikey won't interfere. Splinter is like 'Whatever, just get rid of him'
Leo takes Donnie far away from the Lair and tells him that he has to run far away or SPlinter will kill them both. Donnie does as Leo asks and Leo kills a rat on his way back, showing the blood on his blade as 'proof'
Donnie runs pretty far and collapses at one point. But his crying attracts the attention of a certain Mandalorian who's looking for the turtles of this dimension.
She, of course, goes to check on Donnie and Donnie is distrustful at first but he's also a pre-teen who has had very little to no positive attention from anyone but his brothers (and even then, only when they were sure Splinter wasn't able to hear/see them)
And Chula asks if Donnie wants to stay with her (assuming that he's alone) and he begs her to take his brothers with her too.
She agrees, now very confused as to whats happening. Donnie is clearly in bad shape, do these turtles just not have a Splinter? And if that's the case, why is Donnie alone?
But Donnie is getting excited as he leads her to the Lair because he and his brother don't have to live with Splinter anymore! He gets so excited that, when they get close enough to the Lair, he breaks away from Chula and runs into the Lair-
Only to come face to face with Splinter. And Splinter is furious because Leo lied to him and the 'weak' one is back and now he has to handle this himself because Leo clearly is not the good student he thought he was-
Except, when he goes to strike Donnie, screaming murder and vengeance, he's stopped by a massive, clawed hand grabbing him up and slamming him to the ground hard enough that something cracked.
All the turtles stare in shock as Chula towers over Splinter. She'd taken her helmet off with Donnie before so they get to see the pure rage on her face. But it's gone when she turns to Donnie and quietly tells him to go pack his things and tell the others to do the same.
Splinter can't move but he still screams at the boys to attack, to defend their master. Not one moves to help him. They all scurry away, leaving Chula to freely drag Splinter out into the sewers.
The adventure ends with Chula adopting four pre-teen turtles that have no interest in learning any kind of fighting and she is perfectly happy with that and takes every chance she can to shower them in love and cuddles and constant reminders that they never have to fight for her.
And so much more! Everything is on the table! Even fan iterations! (there are a few I would very much want to play with ngl)
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Political Thriller AUs..... where the Arranged Marriages are more lethal than the cyanide-laced donuts. How are you feeling around this AU?
Arranged Marriage AUs or Betrothal AUs are sort of a weakness of mine particularly when the author is wise enough to include more of the political reasons behind the union rather than "force my idiots to fall in love" which is the common path a lot of these AUs take. It's not a BAD direction and I do sometimes want to see End Game of my idiots falling in love but that's not necessarily what's important.
It's the why, what is this world, what are the stakes, what's going to be broken if one, or both REFUSE, do they have other people they want to marry etc.
There's a lot you can do with these AUs other than "teehee they had no choice but to fall in love"
As for who I would do this to I have a Konbart one pingponging in my head that the concept is Krypton never was destroyed, Tomar-Re managed to stabilize the planet and save them all, but Jor El sent Clark to Earth anyway because he was certain it was going to happen, and the fallout afterwards was a lot of political upheaval and he was caught in the crossfire and was murdered (possibly by Dru). Things unfold more or less identically except Clark finds out where he is from, that they are all alive, has his own adventures there as a adopted child meeting the bio fam and their culture some 25 years later, meets his mom who did manage to survive the post-near-apocalyptic event. He has a lot of inner struggles of 'what is home' and knows in his heart it is with the Kents and his mom knows this too.
Eventually Kon comes along, but he's created on Krypton, not on Earth, as a sort of co-opt project between planets. Krypton wanted a way to try to genetically engineer Kryptonians to be able to have their powers AND live in any environment regardless if they have a red sun. Earth was needed because Krypton does not have as advanced of knowledge on genetic manipulation as Earth does, and use with the Earth Metagene was something even their own geneticists were curious about. The only way they were able to do this was cooperation between planetary governments. Kon was a secret side project that when exposed blew up because 1.) they used Kal's dna 2.) they were successful and 3.) they have a fucking clone running around and Krypton had actively BANNED cloning due to the last time they dabbled it and it ended badly.
Clark finds out about this clone and storms there like WTF - It's a mess. There's back and forth bs on what to do with him - some politicians are just 'kill it' but most are 'well no hold up, he actually has some intriguing abilities, we can use this!' Meanwhile Clark is just - 'sort this out, now, or I'm taking him to Earth.'
So they agree, he is an El, so he is released to Lara to protect and raise. Lara by now has high status (for now) and power under her so while critics might grumble, there is nothing they can do less they be shot off to the Phantom Zone.
Things settle down, but only so much.
Earth starts becoming a bigger presence in the interstellar community, Krypton is ever paranoid that Kal on Earth with an endless supply of Metas is a threat to them and so tensions begin to rise.
Some of the more warmongering Kryptonians want to conquer Earth, its conditions are ripe for them to be as their ancestors should have been under a young sun, and humans are soft and need help from aliens and only a spare few of their own kind are even worthy their grace as something approximating equal (metas, Amazons etc).
Clark knows if he just evacs Kon and Lara from the growing tensions on Krypton it would send a message to various Kryptonian politicians that Earth just may be that shady after all and Clark really is plotting against them so he works with his mother to try to find a solution. What would make the tension lesson so diplomacy talks could go positively.
Lara suggests an arranged marriage, because nothing makes Kryptonian's more excited than the prospect of legally bound by blood and law cooperation.
Clark says no before he even hears who or why. Lara persists and explains that while he, who was raised among people that do not partake in arranged marriages, and he who has a very singular mindset of what a marriage should be, arranged marriages are common among Krypton and nothing will show the wide majority of their people that Earth is willing to be neighbors and allies than by participating in one of their most time honored traditions.
Clark relents, and asks who. It is Kon. He has to think about it because that's his little brother. After much self reflection and dismantling his initial responses to the suggestion he relents that it is not a bad idea.
The hard part is deciding who would be a good match for Kon - but the fact that any gender is open for consideration makes things easier. After weighing all the options they have, and getting a lot of "wtf no!" Bart is suggested partly as a joke by [redacted].
Fucking Bartimus. At first he is written off as absolutely NOT eligible due to his more or less canon impulses but out of all the suggestions between metas and Amazons and Atlanteans Bart is the one who is in a position best suited to protect himself against literally everything. No one can touch him unless he wants to be touched. He's also from prominent Hero Family and has a name for himself on Earth as Impulse so it's not as if he's really ineligible.
So they agree.
Bart's not happy about this AT ALL and he thinks they chose him just to get rid of him because this takes place just little while after Max vanishes and he's feeling like he's being yanked around (he is 18 though, he just had longer with Max) and he's had so little control of his life this is just one other thing he has to deal with. Wally tries to explain but he does it badly so he pisses him off even more. Iris explains and he's beyond listening at this point. It takes Helen letting him rant at her and talking through things for him to come down that maybe they really don't HATE HIM.
So he shows up and lets Clark explain it and he, after thinking about it for 2 seconds (for Bart he was going back and forth for about 20 minutes though) agrees that this will be interesting and might just be the right thing to do - and because no one else will I guess it should be him.
Kon meanwhile wasn't taking the whole thing seriously enough because he didn't honestly think it would happen.
He was wrong when Lara told him they found him a husband. Cue record scratch, glass shatters and a cat yowls sound effect. Cue panic. Cue the last 5 years of being totally out of control of his life and being yanked around by anyone and everyone as a political pawn exploding.
It takes a long time for Lara to calm him down but she has a tough job because everything that Kon is freaked out about is TRUE. She reminds him that this good for him and their people, that she too was from an arranged marriage, and that the match they secured for him was a good one and it is for the good of everyone and, dickishly, what would Kal do?
So Kon is sort of guilt bullied into it even though he agreed to it in the first place (very quickly and was just like 'hey just so long as they're hot!') and knew it was happening but he didn't think it would actually happen.
Seeing Bart's picture does dispel some of his anxiety, he is cute, he's attracted to him, he has a nice bod, super speed sound pretty neat and he knows Clark wouldn't choose someone who was creepy.
Little does he know Clark didn't even choose Bart at all at first and Bart wasn't even an option until everyone said NO.
So there they are, both initially GRRRRRR about the whole thing not because of the other but because of the situation. Kon feels like he just a tool to be used, and Bart feels like everyone just wants him gone even if everyone has done everything to explain that's not the case and they believe in him. Bart's older and wiser to know that if they really did believe in him, he would have been up for consideration at the start instead of [redacted].
Overall the stakes are pretty basic - get married just to open the door to start a meaningful conversation. Not even to STOP a conflict, just to hopefully get communication better. If either Kon or Bart balk on it it has the potential to exacerbate tensions between Earth and Krypton though Earth has more to lose.
In the end Kon and Bart do find love.
And that's what I have for this Arranged Marriage AU on my spreadsheet that MAY or may not ever be written, and as always some details may just change entirely.
Send me a fanfic/media trope or theme and I'll rate and tell you what I might do with it or something.
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tmnt-obsessed-ace · 1 year
Ok so I love Ghost In The Shell and I love all your aus
So I gotta ask, if all your aus took place in the Ghost In The Shell universe which ones would be the least awful (awful in the sense of pure danger for the Ghost fam) and which ones would be the most awful
Okie Dokie >:)
(@bluepeachstudios I am once again borrowing Ghost for this)
I'm only gonna do the aus I already have fics published for/talked about at length (with one exception :3)
Starting with the least dangerous/stressful/awful crossover, Same Story Different Font. This one genuinely wouldn't be too difficult on Ghost (assuming he isnt the one that goes dimension hopping again) plus he and Leonardo would instantly try to adopt each other ("WHAT YOU MEAN YOU WERE ISOLATING YOURSELF FOR OVER TWO DECADES?"
"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU BECAME A FATHER OF FOUR AT SEVENTEEN?" Their kids would cause the most insane amounts of chaos ever) They would be friends, give them a social life beyond their children
Next up is Lost But Never Found. This one is definitely more stressful on good ole Ghost. The second he realizes Indigo is an alternate version of Leonardo that suffered the exact same fate as him but WORSE...Ghost's heart is gonna fucking SHATTER (Ie, Indigo fell through a portal with no way back home but Big Mama captured him, forced him to fight in the Battle Nexus, COMPLETELY WIPED HIS MEMORIES BECAUSE HE DIDNT WANT TO KILL, continued to force him to fight every single day multiple times a day...yeah that was objectively worse than Ghost's early years. Big Mama better pick a god and PRAY)
The reasons this au is more stressful/dangerous is because A. An alternate version of your brother is HERE instead of back home, and he also has no memory of his old life so how the hell are you gonna get THAT back. And B. Helping Indigo come back down from the "Kill or be killed" mentality and help his adjust to normal mutant turtle life is gonna be really rough, especially when he ends up joining the Mud Dogs and becoming a hitman because he did not feel like he belonged with the Rise fam at all (and its only gonna get worse when he DOES get his memories back ALL AT ONCE :3)
Now into the really stressful/dangerous territory with When The World Crumbles!
Bet you didnt see this one coming ;)
Poor Ghost is definitely gonna need blood pressure medication after this whole ordeal. To keep it brief, the 2012 turtles fall into the Riseverse. They were not trying to GO there at all. They were tring to stop another FULL SCALE KRAANG INVASION. So...
These turtles are in the wrong dimension
Their dimension is currently being INVADED
And to make it worse it has only been TWO MONTHS since Splinter was killed by the Super Shredder.
So the entire is spent trying to hurry and build a working portal to get these kids back home before the Kraang fully destroy their world, and also dealing with the 2012 boys unlocking Ninpo. By suffering immensely the entire time and eventually returning to the 2012 dimension (the Rise kids are going to help to and so will Ghost because duh) and stopping a full scale invasion.
But considering the events of the last couple of chapters, its not gonna be easy. And its only the beginning. (And considering that there will be a SEQUEL fic in Eclipse Across Dimensions...its gonna get so so so much worse. I would actually put Eclipse Across Dimensions as the top most stressful/dangerous time for literally everyone, but considering its a sequel fic to this au and I am nowhere NEAR that far into the story...it stays here for now :3)
Ghost will absolutely adopt these traumatized, orphaned nineteen year olds on sight
And the absolute MOST stressful/dangerous au for the Ghost fam would have to be my newest au (and the one I havent talked that much about, which is why it is the exception to my aforementioned rule) Fractured (Lost) Hamato Clan
Oh boy :)
Aka the au where the 2012 boys gets brain wormed by the Shredder into becoming evil. 2012 Splinter, Casey and April all flee to the Riseverse, the ENTIRE 2012 Footclan FOLLOWING THEM
Which means that on top of the Rise mutants, Rise Footclan, and Barron Draxum the boys will have to deal with
Footbots that learn and ADAPT to every move they make
Extremely dangerous mutant assassins and goons
And evil versions of themselves.
It will be Ghost's literal worst nightmare come true and this happens early in season ONE so they dont even have ninpo to help them, and not even the extra training they had with Ghost will be enough to deal with everything
(When his kids end up fighting The Shredder for the first time, Ghost will swear that he felt his heart stop.)
Its not gonna be a fun time for anyone involved, especially when it comes to confrontations between the 2012 turtles and Rise kids. Because they dont want to hurt them, they literally have an evil parasite in their brains MAKING them do this, making them act this way. (And they're only 17, two years older than Raph, and it breaks Ghost's heart every time he's forced to fight these poor kids.)
However these kids are extremely dangerous.
Because they KNOW the Rise kids, as different ad they are at their cores they're the same person. Which means they know how the Rise kids think, how they behave, what stupid plans they'll come up with.
And how to break them into pieces.
One such example being when 2012 Donnie hacks into the Turtle Tank's system and hijacks it, even going as far as to completely lock the tank down and drain it of OXYGEN to force Donnie, Raph, Mikey and Ghost (Leo was not with them so no portals out) into submission and basically hold them as hostages in their own tank. And thats just ONE example of many, its that bad.
Its gonna be the absolute MOST stressful time of Ghost's life for sure
So in order from least awful to most awful:
Same Story Different Font, Lost But Never Found, When The World Crumbles (and its eventual sequel), and Fractured (Lost) Hamato Clan
Hope you enjoyed anon!
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ssiggss · 3 days
Hello again ! You don't have to respond to any of these if you don't want to btw, I just like explaining/rambling about Trollhunters because all of my friends aren't into it.
Anyways, my story for the Arcane Order is WILDLY different from both the Wizards series and the movie.
Nari's (who is based off of the Tylwyth Teg from Welsh mythology) more of a villain at the start of Wizards, being the driving force for the Arcane Order's disdain of humanity. Skrael and Bellroc aren't fully on board with the idea of letting the incredibly violent and destructive Gumm-Gumms win the war and rule over the surface world. But, Nari's the eldest, and they can't not admit that Camelot is a threat to the magical creatures within Nari's woods.
Still, allowing the man-eating trolls to win sounds like a bad idea, so Skrael and Bellroc refuse to assist in Nari's plans.
So, Nari plays with fate by herself, approaching Arthur under the guise of a fair maiden, and planting the seeds of doubt in Morgana's loyalty. Which leads to her death at his hands.
Nari is the one who resurrects Morgana, and gives her more power, along with a mission: Tamper in the battle and have the humans lose.
Fast forward, Nari realizes her mistake mid-battle when she's forcefully shown the future via that time-map thing. (I despise time traveling, but I can make it work to keep it just a *little* closer to Canon). After seeing what her world will become with Gunmar and Morgana ruling it, she backs down, and brings the forces of nature crashing down on the Gumm-Gumms. Deya still wins the overall battle, and locks Gunmar away, just like in Canon.
Now, remember how I said Skrael and Bellroc didn't want to destroy humanity? Well, Nari's actions seem to have a habit of coming back to bite her.
Fast forward to Jim's lifetime, and the world is polluted, cultures are getting smaller and smaller, and not many people are still in touch with nature. So, remembering what Nari had tried to do with Killahead, Skrael and Bellroc decide to ask her help in wiping out humanity for good, to preserve the cultures that are rapidly fading.
Nari sticks her nose up at them and basically says "Nah fam, y'all didn't help me back then, I ain't helping you now. Besides, Merlin's letting me live at Camelot for free" and peaces out. And Skrael's like "You didn't even go through with the plan back then???"
Yeah so, Nari, #1 hypocrite in my Au. I still love her, since she's also inspired off of numerous fae and also kelpie mythology.
In what would the Rise of the Titans movie for my Au, all of the battles and stuff are a lot different, including the Titans themselves. I'll draw them all eventually, but moving on for now. There's still a fight between Nari and Skrael; Nari loses an eye and forearm during the fight, and Skrael is almost strangled and crushed to death by vines and rubble.
Eventually it turns into Skrael seeing that yes, there's still good people on Earth, and yes, killing them all is not the answer. He helps how he can in the upcoming confrontation with Bellroc, which is less of a battle and more of a therapy session. Because, damn, these guys' cultures have been absolutely wrecked by time and colonization / global warming.
In the end, the Arcane Order splits up for good.
Thank you for reading! Have a digitalized version of the sketch from the other day
Tumblr media
This is a very interesting concept!!
UIltimately you've made some cool alterations!! I like the more in depth dive in Skrael and Nari's bond, and the differential development of your storyline!!
You've put a lot of work into this, I respect that!! Its all very detailed, and you've got good visual language!!
I like this au, thank you for sharing!!
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tblsomedoodles · 2 years
hi,i saw your mikey au and first and foremost its incredible, and second,hows the rise fam taking mikey's disappearance and do they ever reunite ?
Thank you! : )
I imagine Rise fam takes it pretty hard. Their little brother is there one moment and just gone the next with no clue as to what happened.
All four of them (Splinter included) searched the sewers desperately for weeks after that. There was nothing.
Splinter blames himself. Only a few years after becoming a parent and he LOST his youngest. It makes him distant from the remaining boys, turning towards his tv for comfort like he always had. He still trains the other three, but other than that, he's not really around. I think it's partially because he's afraid his 'failure as a parent' will cause him to loose the rest of the boys, so he'd rather not try, but also, well, it's hard to look at the three without becoming very much aware there should be four.
The boys were pretty shaken by it. Raph, in particular, as a result gets very anxious whenever Leo or Donny leave his direct line of sight (though Leo and Donny aren't much better.) So the three are kind of stuck together like glue, even sharing a room until they were in their teens (they technically had their own rooms but they opted to sleep in the same, often in a turtle pile.)
Despite this, the boys are pretty certain their wayward brother was going to come back some day and act accordingly. They set aside a room for him (Decorating it in orange of course), they make sure he got a bandanna (Again, orange), and when they decided they wanted proper names (Twins were 6, raph was 7) they make sure he got one too. (They named themselves per Donny's request. He wanted something more dramatic than a color lol.)
As for Reuniting, hell yes they do! Angelo ends up coming back to Rise a few months before "Mystic Mayhem" (There were extenuating circumstances that i'll probably get into during a different post.) The Rise universe NEEDS it's Michelangelo, no matter where he was raised.
I think when all is said and done, Angelo would up his mystic training so he could open a portal between 2003 and Rise at will. He doesn't want to be kept away from either side of his family. (though this probably wouldn't happen until post movie since he wouldn't quite know he had portal powers until then, despite everything.)
Thanks again! Honestly i don't have everything planned out for this AU and questions definitely help develop it! So feel free to ask away!
: )
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unohanabbygirl · 1 year
In a what if? In which Luke is never reunited with his family. How would they react to never seeing Luke again and more importantly, how would this affect Aemond?
The simplest way to put it is heartbreak. Though everyone has mostly managed to keep their spirits up there’s only so much time that can go by without your will beginning to break.
They would try to continue on with life as happily as possible because its what Luke would want, but the days slowly begin to feel blue as everyone starts to accept he’s truly gone.
Rhaenyra would most likely fall into a depression that she would never heal from. Especially when the kids settle down and have families of their own. The experience of finally holding her first grandchild is dampened when she realizes they’ll never get to meet their uncle Luke.
Jace only hardens and creeps into himself emotionally. Not even Aegon and Joffrey’s antics can get a rise out of him.
Let’s say that Jacegon could become FMN canon. The only reason it would be is Luke’s prying and attention to the way they act around each other. So if Luke never reunites with the fam, Jacegon would never happen and the two would eventually drift apart. No longer as close without Luke there to give that push they need for it to become something more.
Harwin still remains the same man, but a certain hope dies within him as he makes peace with never getting the chance to love Luke as a father. It leads him to hold onto Jace and Joff even harder. Ya know?
Alicent holds onto her regret’s tightly. Memories of every horrible word she said and how she attempted to attack him at Driftmark weigh heavily on her soul. If anything, it makes her go harder on her pursuit of saving children in the system. Though she gets teary eyed everytime she meets a little boy with brown eyes and brunette curls 😔
And Aemond…this one is sad.
Though everyone else at least *tries* to move on, Aemond remains stuck in the past. Still so full of hope that Luke will return that he chooses to never marry or have children. He doesn’t move out of King’s Landing, only leaving the state on business trips or family vacations.
I imagine that once he moves out of Alicent’s place he begins to buy gifts for Luke on holidays and store them away for when he “comes back”. They pile up over the years, some no longer able to be used, but he keeps them anyway because he knows in his heart that Luke will be there to open them one day.
The guy sort of freezes in time, still that 19 year old boy waiting for his lost love to return.
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ghostwing404 · 7 months
Memories of a Ronin, A Future Leo Au that has been floating around my head for WEEKS.
Look one of my first ACTUAL post's on tumblr, Elow hoomans! So recently ive been apsolutely obsessed with Rise Of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ROTTMNT. Ive scrounged up all content i can find on them and espetually on the Future Timeline from the Movie, (and the movie in general, Technodrome My Beloved) but this idea in piticular has been floating around in my Brain juices for a bit. Everything goes the same initally, Mikey open's the portal, Casey goes through and yes Leo Dies...but not really. His fam, or some bored Deity wanting to see him both suffer more and heal throws his memories back in time, and only his memories. so shortly after the Shredder is taken down and our boi's are healing from that and the sudden increse in Goverment intrest in Mutants and Yokai (they blew a fucking hole through new york from the hidden city that was Seen from SPACE. The world would have noticed that and you can't tell me EPF isnt imediately Swarming.) plus finding a new home and a long list of other stuff Leo begins having odd Dreams and nightmares, at first its just small things, Flashes of fights yet to occur, both from years in the future and litterally a few hours from now, then they start getting a little too spicific, Mikey and him Eating with "Casey" This kid who he seems to care alot about who looks a bit like Foot Recruit, A Fight alongside Raph who looks much older and is missing an eye, Teleporting around like he was born too and then later memories lacking any Mystic's from him at all. The first real Horrid one he has despite the Mess of dead bodies and horridly messy Kraang Zombies he see's nightly already keeping him from sleep is him loosing his arm, he feels it from his own eyes, just like everything else he's seeing in these dreams, their like Memories and alike memories their not always that clear but this...this was far to...detailed. He Can remember what he saw but while in the Dreams he knows he has more Context, details that slip when he wakes up. some eventually stick, like Casey's name was initally slipping and then Stuck better after a dream where Casey saved him from a fucking Lazer when the kid was like 9...he knows by his own orders the kid wasnt allowed out of the base for a full 3 months after that one cus it scared him so much. As his current life calms down, they settle into the new lair and things go mostly back to normal, With Leo's only worry being Raph's constant attacks on his Judgement as leader (and his messy attempts at being leader...), Donnie fighting The Purple Dragons randomly again over some sort of Shitty charity (its Autism speaks and they faught over it at first, relized they were both trying to tear it apart and started working together to take it down, then faught again on who got to keep the money...) And Mikey's art started to make the place feel more like home his nightmares started to get worse. For almost a year straight Leo spent his waking hours trying to do his job as leader right, and living life and his "Sleeping Hours" trying to not sleep by any means nessicary or wimmpering in his sleep as another person dies on his orders or he finds another Scull of someone who was once an Ally...or he watches Raph Die...that was the worst and when his brothers truely saw the extent of these nightmares. They knew he's been having them but he's always had a hard time sleeping and they assumed it was just from the new stress of being leader and what happened with the Shredder which they were all having nightmares about. then the Screaming, it would be the middle of the day (Da Boi's are Nocturnal) 3pm and Donnie (Twin things) and quite often Mikey and Raph would wake up to Sobbing or screaming from Leo's room. it became routine when this happened for one of them to go and just Sit with him till he woke up because they learned pretty early on, you cannot try to Wake him up or Pizza Forbid Touch him because he will come up Swinging and he does have rather long Claws (Raph has a nasty Scar on his arm from one of these incidents)
And because tumblr decided to be funny and DELETE MY WHOLE FUCKING DRAFT! Ima just give you the TLDR- Future Leo's memories are sent to the past somehow and Mini Leo starts getting them as Nightmares or odd feeling first person dreams that he remembers too well just after the shredder incident, they get worse as things calm down and the bois find a new lair and then rather suddenly get better (for everyone else, Leo just remembered how to Cry Silently on instinct because as the leader of the resistance and dealing with nightmares for over 20 years by boi is VERY good at silently going through it on instinct.) life goes back to normal, Leo's an oddly good leader now taking things seriously and life is good though everyone is noticing something off about Leo as time goes on. a Bad fight with a Newer, more ruthless and unfamiliar villain causes those worries to be quickly justified as Leo kills at least half of them after Mikey is taken down hard enough to lightly crack his shell. he runs off and the group gets a distress signal from across the city almost 3 hours later, they find him bloody and missing his fucking arm with zero explanation as too why or how. (he Cut it off during his Mental break and in the process got back ALL his memories. Why? Imagine being a 38 year old War vet who just lost aforementioned war and then your suddenly shoved into your 15-16 year old self's body but not really cus its just him getting your memories, on the flip side imagine being a carefree 15 year old teen who's lived his life in reckless abandon for years learning not only does one of his own mistakes cause the apocalypse but he's not even really himself anymore as he forcefully is given the memories of his future self. ya that's alot my dude, id have a mental break and cut off the arm i already lost too. anyways that happens, Leo now has to carefully keep up appearances while looking for the key (he made up a good story to explain the missing arm.) he finds the Key, makes an excused about Spending the night with Cassandra (they have been getting closer to her recently) and Steals it, then ends up fighting his brothers because unlike his normal teams of Highly trained miliary soldiers he's instead stuck with 3 chaotic teenage brothers who will easily run off on a mission without So much as Leaving a note for their Leader. Because of that oversight and Leo refusing to reveal his identity beleving he needs to keep the key away from his family too the world is once again in danger because of one Hamato Leonardo. Hours later he's making plans with his brothers to get the damn thing back before they start the ritual (only thing they know so far is that thing is very dangerous in the foot clan's hands and they NEED to get it back imediately, Leo is still Leo so seeing him this damn serious about something makes them all listen) then of of course April comes in with a certain Casey Jones JR and Leo almost breaks, Casey wakes up in barely 5 minutes and the 2 imediately star talking in this...well is defentally a code of some kind (Basicly a bunch of languages, Conlangs and Literial word codes hiding under a trench coat pretending to be a single language, Grammar doesn't exist here and Donnie (whos the one that made it) is Absolutely appalled... no one can understand a lick of it but whatever they just talked about seems to have been agreed on and Leo's now updating their plan to include this RANDOM FUCKING KID WHO AMBUSED APRIL. a light explanation that they know each other and Shadow (Casey short for Shadow Scull a nickname he gave himself when he was 6 and that he never really escaped) was here to help them. This time they get the Key and Leo literally sends it to the fucking SUN but of course everyone is very concerned about WTF is going on with Leo (which is now becoming far more apparent as he interacts with Shadow...something changed) Of course Foot clan are still stupid and Fucking Stubborn and thus we begin dealing with the foot's shenanigans plus Leo's odd behavior, at the same time! woo.
Original inspiration from here and my own Brain mostly.
Spelling went to die i regret nothing
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lifblogs · 1 year
Summer Reading/Writing/Arting Tag
Tagged by: @evilwriter37
Tagging: @ashleybenlove, @knowerofuselessfacts, @eddieelliotmunson, @poisonedyouth, @stand-up-and-screamo, @jayalaw, @strawbearri-frog, @thetrapperstrap, @envydean, @uh-ohspaghettio, @cascigarette, @fictionalnormalcy, @flurbejurbvondurp, @iidigestive-readerii, and @thepagemasternerd
1) Describe one creative WIP project you’re planning to work on over the summer.
I just finished my first ever novelette “The Dragon Mark,” and I actually really loved being in that world. I am planning on writing a companion piece, “Zhang Jue’s Demon,” and I just want to know more too! Maybe I’ll start writing something from the character Yuxuan’s POV before he’s assassinated. He seems fun to work with. Am I planning a book? I don’t know, but I would love to stay with these characters for the summer.
2) Rec a book!
She Who Became the Sun by Shelley Parker-Chan! It’s great political and war fantasy and with only 411 pages it still somehow seems so jam packed! It’s also queer in its own way. Basically the main character was told her fate was nothing, to truly be nothing. So what does she do? Try to steal her brother’s fate after he dies, and she takes on his name, Zhu Chongba. So publicly, one of the main characters is a man and has roles that a man would have. Another central character is a eunuch general named Ouyang, and I love him. This takes place near the end of the Great Yuan Dynasty (the rule of the Mongols) and the rise of the Ming Dynasty.
But okay if you need a summery book read Son of a Sailor by Marshall J. Moore. Pirate Captain Quint Thatch goes back to his island home of Ember Bay after the death of his father, and is trying to hide his pirate identity from everyone. This doesn’t go very well because his crew eventually shows up, and two parts of his life collide. It’s summery, it’s fun! I didn’t even think it’d be my kind of book and I adored it. The author suggests reading it near a body of water and with a cold drink nearby, and I heartily agree!
3) Rec a fic!
Holy crap, A Thousand Lives is so good. It actually understands the Force and the Jedi! It’s a Star Wars: Rebels AU where Kanan is an Inquisitor hunting down Ezra while he slowly falls in love with Hera. The implication of a thousand versions of them existing that’s put in the epigraphs is truly fantastic. I don’t usually like Star Wars fics because of how many people misunderstand the Jedi but this one was truly amazing. I can’t wait to read it again.
4) Rec music!
Fam, I’m forever listening to the album If I Can’t Have Love, I Want Power by Halsey. I do want to update my music at some point though, see what my favorite artists have been putting out.
5) Share one piece of advice!
Find something you like and own it, without any shame. If others want to join then good! If people want to be negative about what you enjoy then they’re not worth your time. Your own enjoyment is precious, and when you work towards it you will find moments you like—or even, love—existing in.
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hopefulvittori · 6 months
Birds of Prey (AU) - Chapter 2
Carlo/OC & Romeo (AU)
Reposting my novel from ao3. Enjoy!
A tragedy struck when the father of puppets suddenly died in an accident. While the whole city of Krat has been mourning the engineer, the son of Geppetto only felt the sweet smell of liberation. What is he going to do now that the source of his hatred is gone?
An AU series where the puppet frenzy didn't happen, Carlo and Romeo didn't perish from the petrification disease. This is the story of a hawk, a falcon and an eagle about finding their purpose while they're uncovering dark secrets behind the origins of Krat's prosperity.
Chapter 2: A falcon's despair
The girl has been sitting at the edge of her bed for almost an hour. She fought back some tears from dropping as she tried to calm herself by petting her cat. Pumpkin purred peacefully within the girl's arms. Although its hindleg was still hurting from the previous dangerous encounter, its main concern was to console her owner. It licked her hand as the orange cat heard her breath quietly hitching. Vittoria gave the pet a weak but fond smile as her appreciation.
Sadly, the tender moment between the girl and her cat was interrupted when an abrupt knocking was heard on her door. Without waiting for any answer, Marcello entered the room. The young adult looked at her sister with a faint smile. He wordlessly pointed at her bed, gaping a "may I?". Vittoria nodded and her brother sat down next to her. An uncomfortable silence lingered in the air. None of them had the mental capacity to start a conversation. Not after what happened earlier. How his wife's bewildered dogs chased Pumpkin through the house, injuring the poor cat's leg and ruining an old family painting in the process. They mostly held Pumpkin responsible for the cause of damage. The young girl tried to explain the dogs' bad temperament, but she was immediately silenced by the scornful gazes of the adults. Seeing that, she escaped with her cat into her bedroom, tending to its injury.
Yet, the older brother was there, trying to understand his little sister's opposing behaviour. He sighed deeply as his hand ran through his short raven black hair.
"Aria told me what happened." He started with a rough yet quiet voice.
Vittoria said nothing. She avoided his cerulean gaze as he tried to make her talk.
"Tori, you know why am I doing this, right?" He continued, placing one hand on her shoulder. She jumped a bit at the sudden touch. "Just bear it a little longer. As soon as my project is complete, we can finally be a fam..."
"...Don't lie to me." She interrupted him quietly, then flinched back from her brother's touch. 
The man raised his eyebrows questioningly. "...Excuse me?"
As she put down Pumpkin from her lap, she took a keen breath. Feeling its owner's rising vexation, the cat quickly hid under the bed.
"Marc, what is a family to you? This?" She wrinkled her nose in disgust. "You're barely at home! And even when you're here, you spend more time with this... this wench."
Marcello's nostrils suddenly flared as he gazed at his younger sister.
"Watch your tongue, young lady." He hissed. 
"Do you think mother or father would be happy seeing this...?" Vittoria looked at him with breath hitching. "What would the..."
He interrupted her with a booming voice: "They're gone, sister! If you really want to ask that question, ask that to yourself as well!"  
Marcello looked down at her judgmentally. At that moment, he wasn't the brother of Vittoria. He was Marcello of the Durante family's next ambitious engineer. Not even his kin could question his decisions. Not the way he gazed at her. 
"What would they think of you?" He asked monotonously. 
"M-me?" She asked with hesitation. Though with a hitched breath, she standed up from her bed. With a straight-back manner, she stood her ground against the young adult. Then she looked into his brother's blue gaze and said: "I'm going to be a Stalker." 
He furrowed his eyebrows in a belittling manner. "You? A Stalker?"
Vittoria blinked at him in surprise. "I don't see why I can't become one."
The brother suddenly fell silent. His eyes gazed onwards in an unpredictable way. He licked his dry lips as he avoided his sister's gape. 
The girl tilted her head slightly to the left. "...Brother?"
Marcello closed his eyes, then shook his head vehemently. 
"You know, Arianna was right, sister. You're living in a waking dream." He sighed deeply through his nose. 
The teenage girl looked away from Marcello. Her lips quivered from the new pain she had felt in her heart. Her shoulders slumped in a defeated manner. She stepped backwards from her brother in both shame and disgust. 
She should have realized this by now: this... this wasn't the Marcello she knew and loved so much. 
"The dogs will stay, Vittoria. You must get rid of the cat. As soon as possible." He said with a finality as he abruptly left her room. He didn't even close the door behind him.
Vittoria looked after him achingly. And when he disappeared from her sight, she fell on her knees. Her heart broke in two from the sharp sting of the betrayal that his own brother committed. 
By the next evening, she already asked the daughter of the head of the Monad Charity's house to look after her cat. She didn't have anyone to turn for help. If she could be honest to herself, she valued Lady Sophia more than her actual family. She called her "Matron" out of respect for her as a motherly figure.
She put Pumpkin into a large bag so she could move it as comfortably as possible. It was still injured, after all. As Vittoria was readying herself (and the cat) to the journey to the Charity House, she appeared before her. Arianna, wife of Durante Marcello, stood at the entrance door with a fake surprise written all over her face. The girl prepared herself with a long sigh then started moving towards the door. 
"I'm leaving, Aria." The teen girl said monotonously.
"Oh, already?" Her sister-in-law asked in a faked flabbergasted tone.
Vittoria blinked in confusion, then nodded curtly. "Yes. You asked me to do this after all."
The brunette woman chuckled as she waved her hand in dismissal. As she got closer to her, she caressed the girl's long ashen brown hair.
"Silly girl, you could've just done it tomorrow."
She shook her head. "No. It will be easier for me if I do it today."
As soon as heard this, Arianna's hand movement stopped. The teen could've sworn that her hands were shaking for a moment. The woman sighed deeply as she kept embracing the teen. Vittoria looked onward with confusion, before she mumbled: "...Sorry."
"It's not like I can change your mind." The woman said quietly as she stepped back. She gave her a serene smile. "You are doing a big favour for me and your brother, Tori. I appreciate it."
The girl hummed in response as she picked up her bag. She took a look at her sister-in-law as she opened the entrance door. The woman crossed her arms and gave the girl a satisfied smile. She nodded as a goodbye before the teen closed the door behind her.
As she remembered the events of the past two days, Vittoria couldn't stop herself from shaking. Noticing her distress, the cat (quite literally) got out of its bag to cuddle to her leg as a way of comfort. Despite this small solace, the girl looked at Matron Sophia with a sad smile.
"I... I can't take it anymore, Matron. She always gets anything she wants. If not, she just tells everyone that I'm a lost cause." She said, rubbing her hands despairingly over her face. "I'm so tired of being her puppet.
She leaned onward, her face was still hidden in her hands. Seeing her distress, Sophia was already at her side. She gently pulled her into a warm embrace while the girl was still sitting. Vittoria almost immediately felt relaxed in her arms. She tiredly sighed as her hands encircled around Matron's waist. Despite this loving gesture, the youth was still struggling to calm her nerves.
"You have to be strong, my child. Even if you feel you are in the deepest depth of darkness, you have to find your spark in this life." Lady Sophia said warmly as she stroked the girl's back. "You don't have to be ashamed of who you truly are. After all, we are all struggling to find ourselves amidst these chaotic times." Sophia then looked beyond the door and gave a knowing look to Carlo.
The boy saw and heard everything. Luckily, Matron didn't blow his cover before Vittoria. While he felt gratitude, his heart was as empty as a shade. His legs buckled under himself, then he found himself sitting on the ground. With knitted eyebrows, he looked downwards with a hollow look in his amber eyes.
"I'm so tired of being her puppet."
A sense of familiarity rose within him. He knew all too well how people tried to take advantage of his ties to get closer to his father. Despite this, no one ever thanked him. No one ever appreciated him for who he was. No one ever loved him as Carlo. And now that Geppetto was gone, those people looked at him with scornful eyes. Such hypocrisy disgusted him to no end.
"We are all struggling to find ourselves amidst these chaotic times."
These words echoed within the boy's mind. Over and over again. Carlo felt sick when he remembered the awful things he did to the girl. He couldn't live with that indignity at that moment. He abruptly standed up and ran away from the utter shame he felt. The words he heard that night kept looping back in his mind. He tried to sleep that night, but he couldn't. Not the same way as before. 
The next morning, he felt unwell due to the lack of sleep. During his daily sparring session with his classmates, some of the students noticed his lack of focus. Everyone at the House knew that despite his mischievous reputation, he was one of the strongest Stalker candidates. But on that day, he was an easy target for those who normally struggled against him. His movements were sluggish and weaker than before. Romeo, his only friend, also noticed this. At the end of the session, he tried to stop Carlo from challenging another student by grabbing him by the shoulder.
"You need to take a break, man. It's clear as day that you're not in peak form today." He said with a worried tone.
"Stop pestering me, I'm fine as a fiddle!" He snapped at Romeo, eyebrows furrowed in annoyance. He stubbornly flinched away from his friend as he grabbed his sword. As he walked towards his next opponent, the blond boy shook his head in disbelief.
"He's going to regret this so so much..." He muttered to himself.
Romeo wasn't far from the truth. The one whom  Carlo challenged was Rocco, kindred of the infamous Black Rabbit Brotherhood. While he wasn't the sharpest knife in the drawer, his size compensated for his lack of brainpower. The twice as tall boy was eager to prove his strength against the mischievous boy. 
It was a tedious fight to say the least. Although Rocco's swings were pretty calculable, Carlo has been struggling. The way he moved to dodge was tiredly slow. It was a wonder that he didn't get hit by Rocco's two handed sword. Romeo knew that if he were in his best form, he would've ended this charade in minutes. Yet here he was, flailing his weapon in a doggy-paddling manner. Even Carlo himself noticed this too. He grew frustrated quite fast, which was his first and last mistake during the sparring match. When the boy saw an opening, with a last act of irritation, he spent all of his remaining energy to kick his opponent in the crotch.
No hesitation. 
When he saw Rocco's fist swinging towards him, he knew what was about to come. With a loud "twack", his face absorbed the impact of the powerful punch. He fell to the ground, drifting between consciousness and unconsciousnes. Although his vision was blurred, Carlo saw some students trying to hold back the agitated Rocco from doing more harm while Romeo tried to take him away. When his friend put an arm around the boy's shoulder to support him, he blacked out for a few minutes.
When he started to come around, the other youth had already dragged him away from the training ground. He groaned in discomfort as he tried to adjust his vision, looking for the form of his friend. The blond boy's face held urgency. Carlo knew that Romeo wanted to take him to a doctor. They were already inside the Charity House, walking through the familiar corridors to the sick-bay. As stubborn as he was, Carlo tried to struggle against Romeo's grasp, but the taller boy was stronger. Seeing the smaller youth's constant struggle, he suddenly dropped him to the ground. He yelped in surprise as he hit his back to the wooden floor.
"What was that for...?" The boy hissed, holding both of his swollen face and back in pain.
"I could've asked the same thing, Carlo." The blond boy said annoyed. "Could you elaborate what happened there?"
The boy averted his gaze in frustration. Romeo furrowed his eyebrows in confusion, then sighed a watery breath. He dropped on one knee as he reached out for his friend with one hand.
"You know we're friends, right? You can trust me." He assured him with a faint but gentle smile.
Seeing this as a sign of trust, Carlo huffed quietly before accepting Romeo's hand. After he got pulled up, he dusted himself. When he felt the other boy's questioning gaze on himself, he closed his eyes in a way of resignation.
"Romeo... I think I messed up."
"What do you mean?"
The mischievous boy was hesitant to speak. Instead, he took out the black pamphlet from his sleeve and showed it to Romeo. The taller boy looked at it in a questioning manner, then his gaze shifted to Carlo. The amber brows eyes held a swirl of guilt and confusion.
"What made you change your mind?" He asked quietly.
"I heard her talking with Miss Sophia." Carlo replied in the same way, while avoiding eye contact with his best friend. "About Vittoria's... family problems."
"Oh? You didn't know?" Romeo blinked at him in surprise.
The brown haired youth tilted his head in confusion. "Wait, what?"
"Everyone knows why she's been visiting the Charity House. That's why no one bothered her, except well... you, man."
While Romeo has been scratching his head in discomfort, Carlo glanced uncomfortably at the pamphlet. Did he really go out his way just to bully one girl for months? Everyone else knew about her situation, except him. This news didn't make him feel any better.
"Well, this is kinda awkward..." He mumbled.
"Awkward is an understatement, my friend." The blond youth agreed.
The smaller boy looked at his friend and abruptly held out the pamphlet to Romeo. "...I think you should give it back."
"W-what? Absolutely not!" He shook his head vehemently.
"Please, Romeo."
"Still no."
"Please or I'm going to die from shame!" Carlo whined.
"Then at least you'll die like a man!" Romeo said fiercely. His gaze held righteous anger. The sudden change of tone made his friend recoil. "If you could've shown some concern to others, you wouldn't be in this situation in the first place!"
The brown haired youth tried to give his friend a fierce look, but only winced in pain. The bruise was already flaring in red on the left side of his cheek. Despite this, the cause of the whole problem hurt him and his pride even more.
Remembering Lady Sophia's words, he sighed in surrender then mumbled: "...Fine."
Romeo took a deep breath and gave him a self-satisfied smile. He nodded as he held out his hand once again as an offer of support. Carlo shook his head in refusal. Rolling his eyes in disbelief about his partner's stubbornness, the tall boy gave up. They kept going between shorter and longer corridors until they reached the sick-bay. When they stopped, Romeo tapped his friend's shoulder. Carlo looked at him in a questioning manner.
"Okay, how about this? While you're taking a visit to the medic, I'll ask around where she lives." The tall boy said, tilting his head to one side. "Then you can give back her belongings."
The mischievous youth huffed in response.
"You have a plan, don't you?" He asked quietly.
"I always have." Romeo nodded confidently. "And I know certain people who can help me... besides with something else." He added mysteriously.
Carlo blinked in surprise, then a faint half-smile spread across his face. 
"You and your secrets, man." He said with amusement. The boy didn't pry any further with details. He wholly trusted this cool-headed yet passionate, theatrical friend of his.
As Romeo nodded and gaped a "see you later" to him, Carlo called after him: "Be careful."
The taller youth turned after him, grinning with opened arms.
"Hey, I'm always careful."
Here we go: family drama. I always pondered about something regarding The Boys. Romeo didn't have any parents to begin with. Carlo had his dad (his mother implied to have died very early on), but he neglected his son due to work. He was sent to the orphanage by Geppetto. Rather than taking care of the last vestige of his deceased wife. Carlo's dad was there, but not there at the same time. I can't imagine which is more painful: having no family at all or seeing your parents but they can't take care of you due to some other obligations? But hey, at least Carlo didn't have to deal with a toxic family background since he was sent to a fairly caring orphanage. This is why it hits him hard when he realizes that he bullied an already abused Vittoria. Romeo tho? Since he didn't have a family at all, he can empathize with other people's problems much more easily. I enjoyed portraying him as an emotional bridge and a social glue between Carlo and Vittoria. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, stay tuned for the next one!
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annonniiiiieeeee · 1 year
I HAVE COME /kicks door/ Hello there my dear friend :D its good to have you back /virtual hugs <3/
Anyways heres my question
Sooo the Tenshu gang know they cant go into the upper word /aka New York/ at daylight bc of the humans and stuff..... but what about the goverment? specific a certain person whose name starts /w B 👀 who by asares del destino just kidnapted the turtle fam and did experementions with them. How would the Tenshu gang react to that? :)
/also me wanting to make so many drawing of your books and ideas but doesnt have the time bc school *proceeds to cry*/
Thank you my friend it’s good to be back.
I eagerly await whatever beautiful art you are will to bestow upon me.
But here’s the thing. I always forget about Bishop’s existence.
I haven’t reached that part of 2003. When I do I will let you all know and I will have more feelings about it.
Honestly Rise is so different from it predecessors in that it is very bright. Yes they acknowledge the fact that Bee York won’t be cool with …. This whole situation.
But they are also the only turtles to really go to the surface in daylight. They are in cosplay which is a lot more common then in 2003. They also have a whole mystic city to explore.
Rise has a much lighter tone to it. It still has its big emotional moments and the characters still have depth. But just even in it’s color palette it is much lighter.
2003 is very dark. It opens with the purple dragon as street thugs robbing people in and armor car. I’m pretty sure they were ready to kill Casey bull publicly beating him in like episode five. It is grungy and fits the dark super hero tone of shoes from that era. It’s not bad, but by any means. It doesn’t shy away from the cruelties of the world and the horrors of being mutants.
Yes the show is fully ridiculous in moments. Everything with the aliens comes out of no where and yet perfectly fits. When you watch it your like. “Yes what wonderful plot development” but when I try to explain it to my brother I would like I’m on crack. I love it so much.
That being said. Bishop a government agent that is here to experiment in the turtles. How does he fit in. In 2003 I can totally see it. I’m not at the part yet but it makes sense in there dark world that someone like that would exist and eventually come after them.
In rise the tone is so light. It’s hard to pitcher him in the show. Now after the movie? Where the government comes in to collect the remaining Krang?
Ya I can see someone like this showing up. Maybe he is crazy conspiracy theories that no one took seriously until the aliens show up. Maybe the government has deals with the hidden city to ignore mutants in New York as long as they aren’t causing harm.
Cause that’s the other thing. Rise has a lot of mutants that are just running businesses and not hiding. Like Repo liturally change the name of his business to Repo Mantis. He’s not hiding. Neither is Todd.
I don’t think Bishop can be this big scare government agent because the rise government doesn’t seem to care that mutants are in the street.
But a fanatic with a YouTube Channel? Or even a scientist studying evolution? Think like the crazy dentist. (Who I want to tackle some day because what the heck? He wants to go after Raph and boy howdy at I going to make that happen)
If Bishop exist in the rise universe he has to be his own entity because again their government does not care.
I will let you know more once I get to his 2003 arch but if y’all got ideas let me know.
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