#its time for a new era
grim-has-issues · 6 months
despite my predisposition to draw attractive anime men, god has given me a vision of what our dear imprisoned silence is going to look like in that dive bar.
a sad wojack
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I'm crying...
Apparently there's gonna be 6 songs from the vault
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deerkibbled · 1 year
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sunshine boy ☀️
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ghoulgeists · 2 days
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new tortured soul dropped
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twilight-zoned-out · 11 months
"Seven years ago we all went through the flames; and the happiness of some of us since then is, we think, well worth the pain we endured."
Although Dracula was published in 1897, some think that it takes place in 1893 because of the way the days and dates used line up. If that's the case, Jonathan Harker's epilogue, seven years later, would have been added around 1900. A new era bubbling with new change and new conventions. The story ends with Jonathan looking ahead to a new century filled with the unknown and being able to look on the past, despite its darkness, "without despair."
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sentientstump · 11 months
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about things
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in the alt text with some notes
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AUGHH CLASS ASSIGNMENT YIPPEEE!!! Had to make cut out silhouette designs for 3 of our characters!!!
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pinazee · 4 months
Quick thought on the lords in black, are they a commentary on the internet, beings created in a space of black (the screens of our phone) and white (the light that reflects back)? They represent the worst thats come from it- how quickly we are enflamed to rage (wiggly), consuming the fake pageantry (nibbly), watching us destroy ourselves and each other (blinky), keeping record of all the mistakes we’ve made in the past with no redemption (tinky), and getting locked into a singular opinion, or voice (pokey).
Then with Webby, she is the best to come of the internet, which is that it connects us all. She can’t save the citizens of hatchetfield because ultimately the existence of the lords and how they interact in hatchetfield is up to the them. The lords exist because they summon them and until they can find a way to take away their power, they’re doomed to keep repeating their mistakes.
Sidenote: i kind of hope the hatchetfield saga ends in an Into the Woods style musical, where they’ve pulled characters from all these different timelines. So we get the original Paul (who was pulled after pokeys reign and has his mind mostly back except he sings all the time now), stoner emma (or linda for that matter), pete spankovski (eventually freeing ted from his box), lex (and grace chasity as a villain), becky or ms. Holloway, green peace girl (and melissa for a joke), and general mcnamara (who’s the only one who knows whats going on). Et al really
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floorpancakes · 6 months
ok but im rly into the idea of till having a new era that brings the light back to his eyes and drives him forward if he gets to escape the arena. idk where he'd go from there but i want to see ivans sacrifice both haunt him and drive him to actually live his damn life after being the captured bird refusing freedom cause of mizi. once he knows she's alive with the resistance he might be able to actually experience other things and widen his world and if that happens and he puts his personal sense of rebellion towards the human cause OR settles into finding some other way to feel fulfilment that isn't a single person that could be deeply fascinating to me i think
#alien stage#ramble#idk#till alien stage#as an xxxholic fan i want to see caged birds fly and all the fear and loss and grit and progress that comes with it#till era would be so fucking fun#especially when characters r built arnd one person or one goal or something you want to see them find new things to suffer or thrive abt (?)#random inconsequential thought imagine till hooking up with hyunas besties and they become a resistance throuple#idk i just want till to experience the wider world as the one that was the most restrained by his heart AND literally#cause even compared to the other anakt kids he suffered so much in those damn buildings and labs#i wanna see him freed and what that means for ivans legacy as the person who was unseen but someone who both contributed to and desperately#tried to stop his pain and confinement no matter what#honestly the thing i wanna see most rn off the top of my head is#till coming to terms with what he knows and sees about ivan now#no matter how he feels about it i think ivan wont be forgotten that easily#i want to know whats going thru tills head rn immediately in this moment#cause this snapped him in some way and he is acutely aware of things he didnt even notice before#while handling the mizi desth thing#that he assumed was happening#if he is assumedly saved i want to see the explosion that is knowung mizi is alive#knowing ivan is dead and how ivan felt#and knowing he has a way out of the cage#because its a triple whammy#i want to see his brain exploding in real time thinking abt all these things#and what sort of person the revelations will make him become#also i want to see mizi and till have like an actual conversation cause itd be a wildcard especially right now
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baylardian-1 · 2 months
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did a lil redraw of this old biddy for funzies :3 it was the first piece i'd drawn after we named them! i love them so much 😭
it's a feat to me how little they've changed since then, like a few tweaks here and there, but for the most part im proud of how locked in we were with ideas for these three. <3
here's the old post: X
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turtle-ly · 2 years
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(☞゚ヮ゚)☞☜(゚ヮ゚☜) ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞ X﹏X
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eightdoctor · 5 months
truly i am genuinely surprised lance parkin hasn't published a story wherein the doctor and river have thirteen kids. like he's slacking a little bit there. i mean, it's not like he has the shame and self-awareness to not do it three times since he's already done that exact same plot with both patience and bernice
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sonknuxadow · 8 months
genuinely the sonic and shadow generations thing sounds so fake but everyone keeps talking about it as if its real so i have no idea how to feel about it . i mean its not that i think its impossible but this whole thing sounds like something people would say when theyre just making shit up and calling it a leak
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yourwagonisaflame · 2 months
we as a society moved on too quickly from hatchet town
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sevsbestfriend · 1 month
A Severus Snape x MaryMacdonald story idea
"--This is a new chance at life for you Severus, you can go back and fix all your mistakes and truly get a happy future for yourself"
"I...don't think I know how to live anymore Albus, there will not be any point in going back, Lily would be a 10 year old innocent child and I would be.."
Severus exaggeratedly gestures at himself.
"However, we can come to a...compromise" Severus said after some hesitation.
"And that would be?" Albus looked at his friend curiously"
"I would be amenable to.. giving my younger self my memories if that is possible. Devoid of my own emotions of course, then he can make the choice himself and what he wants to do, without me stealing his life from him. However miserable that life might have been"
Albus frowned, while he believed it could be done by the higher powers that be, he had wished his friend would just take this chance to build a happy life for himself. After a few moments of deliberation Albus agreed to Severus's idea.
The process to send Severus Snape's unbiased memories to his past self began.
But it looks like something went wrong...
In Cokeworth, 8 year old Severus Snape woke up just like he would any other day going about his life normally
In Little Whining, Mcdonald Orphanage
an 8 year old girl named Mary woke up with a mild headache. The girl had come to 3 conclusions.
1 she see could see or saw the future of someone name Severus Snape.
2 She wanted to find Severus Snape and be his best friend.
3 She hates Lily Evans.
Edit: Just to let ya'll know, this is Mary Macdonald. A character in the marauders era, that one girl who gets harrased by Mulciber. I changed her background a bit just so her situation is more relatable to Severus.
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ridl · 6 months
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i'm learning how to draw horses for qilin ganyu :)
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