#its the nux chapter
solomontoaster · 1 year
Just Leave A Comment Fest
Right, so I thought it would be fun to make a rec list of all the great fics I commented on during @justleaveacommentfest . I didn't have a ton of time to read fic this week, not just because of Ao3 going down, but I did my best! For fics that were multi-chapter I commented on every chapter.
July 10, Old/New:
New (published 7/8/2023, updated 7/11/2023) — Near Misses, Wishes by Underthebluerain | T | The Witcher | Jaskier/Radovid
Even if they don't fully realize it, Jaskier and Radovid's story is one of near misses.
Old (published 2/15/2013) — In the Hay by Hammocker | T | The Witcher | Jasker & Geralt
The night is too cold for Dandelion, but traveling with your closest friend has its perks.
July 11, <2k words:
1,917 words — Equal to Law by cyparissuscried | T | The Terror | Sophia Cracroft/Thomas Hartnell
Tom, she thinks. She could write a whole play with his name alone. He would be embarrassed of it and hide his face in the front of her kirtle at its premiere and she would not make fun, because that is the very reason for writing a play of his name. Tom. Thomas. Tom. Thomas. Tom. Thomas. Tom.
918 words — untitled (ghosts) by grahamgore | T | The Terror | Francis Crozier/James Clark Ross
It's 1854. Francis finally visits the Abbey at Aston Abbots.
July 12, AUs:
Soulmate AU — a grove without a name by stiltonbasket | G | MDZS/The Untamed | Lan Wangji/Wei Wuxian
Wei Wuxian was ten years old when he first began wearing mourning for his dead soulmate. Eight years later, he meets Lan Wangji. (Or, the one where a soulmate bond goes silent and shatters during the Sunshot Campaign, but Wei Wuxian and Lan Wangji were always meant to be.)
Daemon AU — You're the Demon I Know by maely1234 | T | MDZS/The Untamed | Gen, Nie Huaisang
Nie Huaisang has spent nearly a decade working and planning and scheming, his daemon A-Zhi at his side. But while he may have survived Jin Guangyao's plans, dragging his hated enemy down in the process, he hadn't prepared for after. Left floundering without his quest for vengeance guiding him, Nie Huaisang navigates what it is he wants from life. Follows from the second siege of the burial mounds onwards.
July 13, Rarepair/Platonic:
Rarepair (12 fics) — all known effects of time and absence by robokittens | T | The Terror | John Irving/William Malcolm
My Dear Malcolm,— When next you receive post from me it will be in a batch, all post-marked from the Sandwich Islands and all beginning with a longing for your company.
Platonic — Lost Brothers by FormlessVoidbeast | M | Mad Max: Fury Road | Capable & Nux
Capable had brothers. She’d held them in her arms, and whispered their names in their ears over and over in hopes that they would remember who they were. (No War Pup ever remembered who they were by the time they were a War Boy)
July 14, Something New:
New Fandom — Frankenstein
we face the night by hilaryfaye | E | Creature/Elizabeth Lavenza
I no longer claim to know why Victor said that I died that night. I believed once that I knew him, likely better than anyone in the world, but after that night we became strangers to each other in a way that we could not repair. Did he believe he was shielding his father and brother from a greater horror? Was it truly easier to face the notion of me dead, than me lost to him? Better a martyr, perhaps, than a saint defiled.
let them come and tear us free (we are bound eternally) by hilaryfaye | E | Creature/Elizabeth Lavenza/Victor Frankenstein
Victor speaks of me too kindly. I know this. He paints me as a saint because it is easier for him, I think. He imagines that he can make for himself a childhood that was innocent and guiltless, myself an angel found in humility. It is not true, of course.
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kirkypet · 6 years
MMFR Bladerunner crossover
Part 32
Nux had nothing left to lose. No, that wasn’t quite true, but he could be nothing to Slit now, less than nothing. He was tainted by failure and death. Best to be forgotten.
The Immortan…it was still hard to call him Joe…he’d been a benevolent father to them all, or so it’d seemed. Nux had never seen him up close before yesterday, never had that honour, but he’d seemed like a kind, remote father, in his immaculate suit and his hair all golden and his beaming face and grand encouraging words. Especially those words on the War Boy crest “It Is By My Hand That You Will Rise From The Ashes Of This World”.
Nux had had a family, a scrapping brawling family of devoted brothers, and they would die for each other. He was blessed. At least those were his first year memories. They’d all been given the Talk at the very beginning, all in rows before the Big Screen. But Nux had been so taken up with the sheer excitement of living, the message just hadn’t hit home. It was only when he saw his older brothers winding down in their various ways that he realised his own clock was ticking, always had been.
The only way to stop the clock was to become one of the Immortan’s chosen, to Rise from the Ashes, to become a Real Boy in Valhalla.
Offworld was Capable’s name for it. Hundreds of people like him were there already, she’d said, as workers…no, slaves, that was the word…and they didn’t live any longer than they would right here, on the Ash.
Lies. Someone’s lies, but whose? Capable’s? Didn’t seem right. Could angels lie? Nux didn’t know. There were lots of things Nux didn’t know, he was learning more of them every minute. It still felt like a gainer though, finding out that there’s stuff to find out.
He’d overheard them say that Rictus himself had killed the Ace, that Furiosa saw his car leaving Ace’s Place just before she found him dead. That it wasn’t an accident, a fall. Nux wouldn’t have believed it yesterday, would’ve accused Furiosa of killing the Ace herself to traitor the Immortan some more.
In the coupe, Slit had declared he’d always thought Furiosa was up to something. He’d heard the Immortan was jealous that she was messing about with his best girl, and this stunt had proved it. Nux thought Slit was full of shit, but didn’t get around to saying so. He was too preoccupied with grabbing this last of opportunities. Besides, it was his last chance to prove himself and, if they were to go out together as a team, this was not a time for bickering.
Heart racing, he’d screamed out to the Immortan as he sped past. He wouldn’t have dared if he hadn’t been buzzed on a double snort of Can-D, but today was his day, such a lovely day too, and he would do no wrong. And he was rewarded with a glance! He was awaited, no doubt! It was HIS turn, just in time too. They were going to bring back Furiosa, him and Slit, make her pay for what she’d done. And, oh how he could drive. No one could ever give him the slip.
Yesterday had been a weird one, for sure. The weather and so much besides.
He’d had a huge dustup with Slit after the coupe’s engine got flooded. Not such a lovely day after all, he’d lamented, as they watched the lunk of a garbage truck plough on through the hammering rain while they sat like a pair of defective meatbags, water lapping round their boots. Slit had blamed Nux’s mediocre driving and Nux had got right into Slit’s face about his dumbass insistence that they could follow A HUGE TRUCK through a flood.
Slit had stormed off, presumably to find the others, leaving Nux TRYING to stay in a rage but slipping into a horrible numbness, sick to his stomach. It wasn’t supposed to go like this, not today, not his last day on this ash pile. He’d wanted Slit by his side, but Slit had called him scum and he’d called Slit worse, and now he had to KEEP MOVING because it hurt too much to stay still. So he splashed through the water in the direction the truck had gone.
He would have run til he dropped but only two blocks away there it was, pulled up in a halo of street light. The rain had stopped just as quickly as it began, and the reflections were beautiful. Maybe his luck was still in. Keep the faith. He shook himself and crept up close, found handholds and waited.
Part 33
And now an angel was soothing and breaking him by turns.
Nux wanted to die, even a Nothing Death, when Capable found him. He’d wished she would throw him off the truck again, right into traffic, like the other one had. He’d seen the Immortan’s best girl fall from the back of the truck, hit by the Immortan’s ride. Nux’s own Bloodbag driving the truck too, that added to the weight.
If he could crush his own skull, he would’ve. She’d stopped him, with her distracting voice and hair and hands. Her words made him tremble with…what? He couldn’t name the feeling, something halfway between nausea and relief.
His Immortan had promised them life, but had killed the man who was making that happen. His girls were escaping from him, not stolen away at all, that was pretty damn clear. Joe was coming after the nice Bloodbag for something that happened long ago, don’t know what. He’d fallen in with people who had no good things to say about Nux’s benevolent father. And here he was, providing covering fire for the traitoring Furiosa and her new friends here.
And why has he gone over to the enemy? Probably because they needed him. It felt good to be needed. It felt nice to belong. He’d been excommunicated for all of an hour and it had been awful. Here he had his own guardian angel, showing him how to die for SOMETHING.
The way things were going, Nux thought as he reloaded, he wasn’t going to be the only one.
Next chapter
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bending-sickle · 3 years
tagged by @pepperf <3
rules: tag 9 people you want to get to know better
three ships: *glassy-eyed look* um. i remember nothing. *scrolls memory back a few years* slit/nux of mad max: fury road? *casts about wildly* oh, hunter dude and medicine lady from kingdom. and. um. i could absolutely see myself hunting down fic for main lead/rich guy/samurai from mr. sunshine. it’s the ~dynamique~
last song: bright eyes “we are nowhere and it’s now”, which came out of the depths of memory to cover me in nostalgia. it’s been years since i’ve even thought about the song. how did i ever even fibd it in the first place?
last movie: hasta la boda nos separe (romantic comedy which was eh, but i feel robbed, robbed i tell you, because the poster on netflix had one face only, and that face was a comedic actress i love, and she was a goddamned cameo! not the lead!)
currently reading: i actually read three chapters of clash of kings by grr martin so i no longer have to count on technicalities to say i’m “currently reading” (because ahaaa it’s been a dry spell and a half). the rest of my currently reading pile we shall leave weeping in the corner, where it’s been for the past year.
currently watching: technically bossam: steal the fate but the last handful of eps i’ve barely paid attention to (which is...not good, because i need the subtitles), either because they were dull or because my brain was screaming, i haven’t figured out which (there was a lot of politicing and i was restlessly organizing computer files) and i’m kind of ugh about watching more. mainly i’ve been working through my youtube To Watch list.
currently consuming: pepperf answered this with podcasts but like, this question is just...what do you mean? i’m not a consumer? have no monies? i bought postcards? (okay fine, and i listened to jensen and holes: the murder squad and in research of and the well-told tale and the babysitter’s club club. my staples.)
currently craving: food. oh god i am so hungry. blessed sustenance, give us relief. also, like, an embrace. like, just, full on whole-ass weight of another human being just holding me with affection. just. a little. as a treat.
tagging: @beenworkingonacocktail @its-sorcery @navramanan @seschat @nuingiliath ...that’ll do
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natsubeatsrock · 3 years
The Rewrite of Fairy Tail: Part 30 (Fairy Tail)
What is the purpose of the Fairy Tail guild?
This is another post that looks different from my very first draft. This was originally a collection of changes I would make regarding specific characters in the guild. However, I realized that would be useless. A lot of it would be more about how little I'd change characters. I've talked about nearly every character in the guild I would want to change already. Some of the posts I've made involving Fairy Tail characters focusing on defending them from fans.
This was going to be a much smaller focus than I originally intended. I've expanded it because I feel that this is the more interesting and important aspect of this post.  It will be helpful to have this post as we talk about other minor characters in the guild. It's also worth recognizing what the guild means to bigger characters. However, I have to talk about this from a more apologetic reason for this focus that we'll get to.
A few times in this series, I've referred to the Strongest Team (or Team Natsu) as "a team of five protagonists". I've meant that each member has an arc reminiscent of a different type of protagonist in a story. The story focuses, to varying degrees, on their progress through the different arcs. For example, Phantom Lord plays with Lucy's connection to the guild and touches on Erza's view of her strength and Natsu's search for Igneel. Of course, the focus of the series, most of the time, is on Lucy and Natsu serving as the sort of Watson and Holms for their series, respectively.
However, the series isn't about any of their individual goals. It's not about Lucy's acclamation to the guild, Natsu's search for Igneel, Erza's shift in perception of strength, Gray's acceptance of self, or Wendy's growth as a mage. It's not even about stuff like defeating the Balam Alliance guilds, stopping Zeref's followers and demons, or saving the world from either Zeref or Acnologia. As important as those things are to the series, they aren't what the series itself is about.
Though, this isn't anything new. I've already said that the focus of the series is the guild. That was in part 1 of this series. While it's been 2 years since then, that much is still the case, and I haven't lost sight of that. I compared this to Durarara!!, but Fairy Tail is different because it actually has a group its story focuses on within the guild, as opposed to the multiple groups in Ikebukuro.
Here's where I have to make a clarification of a point made by Mashima. He said that it's up to the reader to decide who the main characters are. I don't interpret that to mean that Mashima didn't write the series with any main characters in mind. Among the female characters, the focus is definitely on Lucy. That grows to include Erza and Wendy as the series continues. While we'll follow Mira or Cana every now and then, the series isn't focusing on them as the focus for the series. I feel a generous interpretation of this is that fans are free to focus on characters outside of the main cast.
But, now we're back to the main question: What is the purpose of the guild?
A few different YouTuber personalities have tried to get at an answer to this question.
Nux Taku made the case that Fairy Tail as a guild is the main character of the series. I think this is close to the right answer. The threats of the series are usually first and foremost threats to the guild first and others second. Even in a case like Tartarus, where they are trying to affect the world, Fairy Tail only gets involved when their own interests or members are at risk or have been hurt. As far as I know, the only exception is Oracion Seis. Fairy Tail works with other guilds to take them out. And even then, they get hit by the Oracion Seis first.
The issue I have with this view is that the series focus is clearly on Team Natsu. The series starts as Natsu and Lucy meet and ends in chapter 545 on the team's plans to take on the Century Quest. I can't say that the focus on them doesn't exist. However, this is a great look at what the guild means, in a positive light.
Naturally, there are more negative views of the guild's function. Craftsdwarf said that the idea that the guild is as big as it is was a mistake and detriment to the series. Mashima couldn't follow through with establishing the wishes and goals of all the characters in the guild. To be fair, no series is ever going to flesh out the desires of every single character. However, Fairy Tail is unique because it focuses on a large group of characters it portrays as a tight-knit group. This makes the fact that Mashima didn't do this worse.
Despite other sketchy statements (Lucy's treatment in the guild is apparently comparable to her treatment from Jude), there is an interesting question brought up. Why would Lucy want to join the guild? I could point to OVA 3 as an explanation for Lucy wanting to join Fairy Tail. 
However, I feel that there is a more interesting question to ask. Why would Lucy want to stay in Fairy Tail? To its critics, Fairy Tail is a hilariously rambunctious guild with a notoriously terrible reputation. What's so great about this guild? Why would anyone want to be a part of this guild?
I think Craftsdwarf has it wrong. (Shocking, I know.) I think we can identify as members of the guild because of its size. When I think of a group like the Black Bulls in Black Clover (a group another YouTuber contrasted to Fairy Tail), I think that they're cool as a group, but I don't know that I'd like to think of myself as someone who could be a potential member. Fairy Tail has a low bar for entry, doesn't care for its rambunctious members, and is still an elite guild, willing to go to war for its new members? Why wouldn't I want to join them? I could be a low-ranking member, fly under the council's radar, and get the same type of camaraderie that S-Class mages get.
"But what about the fact that only ten percent of the population can use magic?" (I ask this as if I didn’t already address this in talking about magic on the continent.)
Let's get one thing straight. Exclusivity, forced or otherwise, doesn't deny the possibility of camaraderie. Most colleges don't accept everyone that applies, and not everyone that gets in goes. That doesn't mean that you can't form serious lasting bonds on campuses, even among large groups of people. Even still, it's not as if there aren't examples of mages who use magic items as opposed to the magic in their bodies. People outside the ten percent capable of magic can still join magic guilds and work as members, even Fairy Tail. (Think Mystogan, and technically Porlyusica) You could be a part of Fairy Tail even if you can't use magic.
The function of the guild is to serve as a place for the audience to identify with. We ought to see the guild and rejoice as it rejoices, hurt when it hurts, and cry when it cries. At the very least, we should sympathize with the members of the Strongest Team as they seek to protect, save, and work on behalf of the guild.
This is why we get arcs like Edolas where the focus is returning the guild to normal. This is why one of the biggest arcs of the series involves members fighting to prove their worth after being ridiculed for seven years to almost absurd degrees. This is why the final war arc is framed, at least initially, as Fairy Tail vs Alvarez Empire and Acnologia. This is why the sequel found a way to involve the entire guild, even as our main focus ought to be on the Strongest Team.
What this means on a wider scale is keeping the guild's place as important. In arcs like Galuna Island or Daybreak, it's not as if that's a big concern. However, it's worth keeping in mind when arcs such as the Grand Magic Games and Tartarus come up. 
I personally feel this strongest in rewriting the x791 arc. That arc is where I get to play with the feelings of the various members of the guild. What really ties some members to the guild? Prestige? Money? Secure jobs? What happens when that's taken away but the guild is still around?
And on a smaller scale, I have a good framework to address those minor characters of Fairy Tail. I don't know that every character needs to have a serious in-depth reason for joining and staying in Fairy Tail. That's especially true considering a lot of characters will leave halfway through the series. But, it's definitely worth thinking through what even small role folks like Kinana and Warren get out of being in the guild. If not for any reason but to shut the critics up.
Introduction | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8 | Part 9 | Part 10 | Part 11 | Part 12 | Part 13 | Part 14 | Part 15 | Part 16 | Part 17 | Part 18 | Part 19  | Part 20  | Part 21 | Part 22 | Part 23 | Part 24 | Part 25 | Part 26 | Part 27 | Part 28 | Part 29
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Truppe dell'Arcobaleno - "You can't just bleed on my floor..."
Cast: Salem Kallier; Nyx Kallier ( @terrors-of-nightraven / @minoux-x )
The bar was unusually quiet today, and Salem didn't know whether that was a good thing or not. He didn't have any customer tonight which was actually very refreshing. It must've been raid night. Salem fixed his ponytail again and made sure his bow-tie wasn't crooked. Giving himself a quick nod toward his reflection on the mirror, Salem stepped out from the toilet. Looking around briefly, there weren't any new customers. The last one left before Salem went to the toilet. Huh. Looks like this is going to be a slow night. Salem only took a few steps forward before-
There was a body on the floor, laying on its stomach, face planted on the ground. Salem stepped closer, hands quietly reached to his pants pocket, gripping onto the pocket knife he always carries. Stepping closer he could make out the small body and- wait. He knew that two colored, black and white, hair.
"Nyx?" Salem called. The body let out an incoherent noise, either close to a groan, moan, or a mooing cow. But that was the only confirmation Salem needed.
"Nyx!" Salem immediately knelt next to the young man called Nyx. "What the fuck happened?"
"I got stab," the one called Nyx mutter with muffled voice.
"Wha- Then why are you here and not back at your base?!"
"Too far."
"Dammit, Nyx." Salem slowly picked up the smaller man, slinging his uninjured arm over his shoulder. "Come on," he muttered as he slowly got up. He guided them to the employee break for in the back and Nyx immediately sank onto one of the armchairs. Salem immediately ran back to the bar, grabbing a bottle of whiskey and some napkin, before running back.
"Come on. Open up," Salem commanded. Nyx let out a tired groan but did what Salem told him to. He unbuttoned his shirt and vest, taking them off quickly and bending slowly, letting Salem inspect the wound.
The silver-haired man let out a winch. "They cut you pretty deep," he muttered. "You're going to need to stitch this." He used a napkin that he had soaked in water to clean the wound. He didn't any response from the smaller man which was a bit concerning, but this is Nyx he was handling. This boy had been struggling with expressing his emotions since he was a child. He opened the whiskey bottle and soaked a napkin with it. "This will hurt a bit,' Salem said as a warning, to which Nyx respond with a nod.
He started to dabbed it onto the wound gently. Once again, Nyx didn't respond. "Rough mission?" he asked, trying to help Nyx in distracting him from the stinging wound.
"The deal didn't go well," Nyx muttered. "Bastard stabbed me, so I stabbed him back."
"And the body?"
"Threw it in the trash can."
Salem picked up another napkin, the longest he could find, and wrapped it around Nyx arm. "Isn't that a bit sloppy? The police would find out."
Nyx just shrugged. "This is just their average Tuesday."
Salem rolled his eyes. Finally, he made sure to tie the napkin as tight as he could, hopefully, to stop the bleeding. "There," he muttered, looking a bit proud of himself. "Just make sure you go to your doctor."
"Viktor can do-"
"Nope." Salem quickly raised his index finger. "I’ll book you an appointment with Doctor Takagi."
"But Viktor-"
"You can see him after you get those stitches."
Nyx sighed and nodded in the end. Salem nodded at him, happy with his decision. "Come on. Have a drink. My treat."
Nyx nodded again and got up. They walked out of the employee room and entered the main bar. There wasn't any person there and Salem was grateful for that. He couldn't imagine what will happen if they had entered and saw the small patched of blood on the floor. They would probably scream, which for some reason Salem found it as amusing.
"Man..." he muttered, looking at the red spot as Nyx sat on his usual bar stool. "You can't just bleed on my floor. I'll get fired sooner or later."
Nux blinked at this. "Viktor always accepts new recruits."
Salem scoffed. "Yeah, right." He walked behind the bar and started to make Nyx's usual order in this quiet night..
(Author’s note bellow the cut)
Alright guys. This is the official first installment of Truppe dell’Arcobaleno. I don’t now how I managed to make a Mafia AU into a sort-of fluff chapter. This is probably not how you have in mind.
How I do this? Well, I did plan a first draft of the rough introduction, but I decided to did a roulette of the names just for fun. Coincidentally I have Salem Kallier on my original script, so I just adapt it.
Again, I’m sorry if the OCs are slightly ooc.
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edwardslostalchemy · 5 years
Unfortunately the blond gremlin is not going to fuck off from the manga. Hori makes it very clear with the recent chapters, with the 2nd movie that he is Izuku's rival BFF(god I hate typing that for bk/g) and unless he dies or Hori pulls a twist then it's gonna stick like that, he's the sasuke to Naruto or the kageyama to Hinata or whatever rival comparison you want to add. How better or more interesting would t be if it was someone else that could be Izuku's main rival.
You crushed all of my dreams, nony.
Why bother having that piece of shit as Izuku's "rival" when Shouto is right there. Like the boy literally went up to him and challenged him. He saw Izuku was strong and had AM's total support and went "I guess I found my guy". I would say Tenya can be his rival, too. But it's not as like in your face as Shouto declaring war on Izuku. And when Izuku gets him to realize that he can reclaim his power and make it his own, Shouto became friends with him. He didn't take it as Izuku looking down on him. He took it as like "okay he's right and I should listen thank you so much my dude". And then he went to his rescue when he needed help. You see where I'm going with this? Shouto is not an asshole. There is a video that talks about why Shouto is the best rival in shounen anime, I'll post it on here, it's one of my favorite videos praise Nux Tak or whatever his name is. The difference between k*tsuki and Shouto is Shouto can accept when someone has different ideals and he can work with them, and he doesn't have a superiority complex. He can be arrogant and proud and a jerk, but he's not a fucking douchebag about it. K*tsuki on the other hand has such a fragile sense of self, like he has both inferiority and superiority complexes. He's insecure. He isnt open to others' ideas and all he wants to do is win win win. Its annoying. Shouto helps bring out the best in Izuku and Izuku does this to Shouto as well. K*tsuki does inspire Izuku, but he himself has said that when he fights him, Izuku feels like k*tsuki and he feels gross, meaning he brings out the worst in him. That's not what a rival is supposed to do. Rivals bring out the best in each other. The sports festival says it all. Izuku and Shouto were at each other's throats but they at least acknowledge the other is good at what they do. Even during the cavalry battle when Shouto is thinking about Izuku exploiting his left side and thinks "that bastard", like he acknowledges Izuku is good at strategy with that. And k*tsuki just brings him down. Its just ugh annoying to think he is Izuku's rival. He is his foil, sure, but rival he can never be because he doesn't see Izuku as his equal.
Also I am going to continue to ignore Canon shit if it doesn't fit my interest because no matter how many times Horikoshi shoves Izuku and k*tsuki's "friendship" down my throat, I will continue to view them as just classmates because a person that hurts you for 12 years is not your friend. He is an abuser and a bully and Izuku is his victim and Horikoshi canno5 erase that.
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so-shiny-so-chrome · 6 years
Witness: Supergirrl
Creator name (AO3): supergirrl
Creator name (Tumblr): le-temps-viendra36
Link to creator works:  https://archiveofourown.org/series/343042
Q: Why the Mad Max Fandom?
A: I’ve never seen the original three movies, so I went into Fury Road having no idea what I was about to watch, and it changed my life. I’d never seen a movie that looked or felt like Fury Road, and it blew my mind. What inspired me to write fanfiction for the movie were the women, especially the sisters. I had never seen survivors of sexual assault/domestic violence portrayed in that way, and it made me want to write about them.
Q: What do you think are some defining aspects of your work? Do you have a style? Recurrent themes?
A: I think the defining aspects and recurrent themes of my work are feminism and magical realism/mythical steampunk, and the intersection of those different ideas. Those ideas are all present in Fury Road, I try to delve into them more and expand them beyond the scope of the film. 
Q: Which of your works was the most fun to create? The most difficult? Which is your most popular? Most successful? Your favourite overall?
A: I don’t know if I can pick a favorite work or one that was most fun, because they’ve all been really rewarding in different ways, but the most difficult one was definitely the Furiosa chapter of Our Words. It took almost two years to write because I really struggled with getting inside Furiosa’s head. Even though I enjoy her a lot as a character, I don’t relate to her the way I do to the sisters. Although they’re all victims of Joe, they occupy very different roles in his regime, with Furiosa occupying a more conventionally ‘masculine’ role as an imperator and the sisters occupying the ‘feminine’ role of breeders/wives, thought they ultimately use their different positions within Joe’s patriarchal hierarchy to overthrow and kill him. As a more conventionally ‘feminine’ person, I relate to them more strongly than I do to Furiosa. 
Q: How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why?How do you like your wasteland? Gritty? Hopeful? Campy? Soft? Why? 
A: I think my wasteland is a blend of gritty, soft, and hopeful, but I focus on the hopefulness the most. For me, the wasteland represents our current world and my own mental health/life, and I have to believe that we can make things better (as they ultimately do in the movie).
Q: Walk us through your creative process from idea to finished product. What's your prefered environment for creating? How do you get through rough patches?
A: I either write things in one intense late night writing fest, or in bits and pieces over time. I only write when I’m alone, and I like to either have instrumental music playing or silence. 
Q: What (if any) music do you listen to for help getting those creative juices flowing?
A: I have a huuuuge long playlist of music that goes with/inspired each part of Words, composed mainly of film and TV scores, that I listen to whenever I write.
Q: What is your biggest challenge as a creator?
A: Finding the time/energy to actually write my fics down. I think about them all the time throughout the day, I am just really bad at actually physically typing them. 
Q: How have you grown as a creator through your participation in the Mad Max Fandom? How has your work changed? Have you learned anything about yourself?
A: I think my work has gotten weirder and more magical/mythical, because I’ve been inspired by the inherently weird, quasi-magical world of Fury Road, and writing Fury Road fic has helped me work through my own experiences as an SA survivor.
Q: Which character do you relate to the most, and how does that affect your approach to that character? Is someone else your favourite to portray? How has your understanding of these characters grown through portraying them?
A: I relate to all five of the sisters in different ways, but especially to Toast. Overall it makes writing her (and Angharad and Cheedo, who I also relate to very strongly) easy and fun. I think I’ve come to see that their different archetypes aren’t mutually exclusive-in their own ways, they’re all knowing and fragile and capable, and so on. 
Q: Do you ever self-insert, even accidentally?
A: Yes, I definitely project some of my own thoughts and experiences onto the Sisters, especially with regards to their being survivors of sexual assault. But I think that it’s impossible to completely remove yourself from your writing/characters.
Q: Do you have any favourite relationships to portray? What interests you about them?
A: So many! I really love the relationships of the five sisters, with each other in particular but also other characters, like Furiosa, Max, and Nux. I think their unique personalities, their strong bonds with each other, and their dynamic is endlessly fascinating. 
Q: How does your work for the fandom change how you look at the source material?
A: I definitely pay closer attention to minor details, like how the characters’ clothing changes throughout the movie, and what characters are doing in the background, because it’s such a detailed world and there’s a lot you can pick up on in those little things. 
Q: Do you prefer to create in one defined chronology or do your works stand alone? Why or why not?
A: My series Words consists of several multi-chapter fics and oneshots that all exist in the same chronology, but I also have some oneshots that stand alone. Overall I prefer to write in the Words universe because it feels more real and detailed to me. 
Q: To break or not to break canon? Why?
A: I break canon all the time and I think it’s generally a good thing. For me, I’m usually doing it because I want to tell a story that fits into the broader themes of Fury Road without necessarily aligning with all the specific facts of the film. 
Q: Share some headcanons.
A: I have so many! Most are in my fics, but one that I’ve never had the chance to incorporate into my writing is that Miss Giddy used stolen War Boy paint to write the words left in the Vault for Joe to find.  
Q: What are some works by other creators inside and outside of the fandom that have influenced your work?
A: Within the fandom, @jaesauce’s modern AUs have definitely influenced how I write Toast and Capable, both as individuals and in the context of their relationship with each other and with Slit and Nux respectively. Outside the fandom, I’ve been really strongly influenced by Jo Graham’s Numinous World series, with its themes of magic, the divine, and social justice.  
Q: What advice can you give someone who is struggling to make their own works more interesting, compelling, cohesive, etc.? 
A: It sounds a little trite, but in my mind, ultimately fanfiction is for yourself. If other people like it, then great, but that isn’t my purpose in writing it. So I write what I find interesting and compelling, and sometimes other people are interested and sometimes they aren’t, but it’s okay either way. As for maintaining internal cohesion, I find it helpful to re-read what I’ve previously written to make sure I haven’t forgotten anything. 
Q: Have you visited or do you plan to visit Australia, Wasteland Weekend, or other Mad Max place?
A: I have not yet, I would like to visit Australia someday, and I think the Wasteland Weekend would be really fun to attend one year.
Q: Tell us about a current WIP or planned project.
A: Right now I’m just working on Knowing, the last fic planned in the Words universe, set from Toast’s POV. I’ve got it all worked out in my head, I just need to get it on the page!
Thank you @le-temps-viendra36
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evilasiangenius · 7 years
“Why do I have to be in the back?” Nux sulked as he dragged himself up, trying to get comfortable in the tangle of extra tanks of coolant and guzzoline behind the seats.
“Cuz 'm hurt,” Slit mumbled, feeling the pull of the stitches in his mouth and he tucked the blanket comfortably around his neck, eyes half-closed.
“I know that. But that doesn't explain why the pup get to sit in the front. I'm the Driver!”
“Cuz I want 'em to.” In the growing twilight of the storm, Slit reached over to make sure that Gamble was tucked in, ignoring the aching pain in his ribs. The child whimpered in its sleep, tensed up like a coiled spring and Slit patted its back gently until it relaxed again, falling into a deeper more restful sleep.
Chapter 15 now puts Ekstasis at over 100k words.  The entire story is supposed to fill in about 3 years from the time Furiosa becomes Imperator to the time she runs.  So this is the end of the first section, which follows her first days as an Imperator to her first trading run to Bartertown.  I started writing the beginning of the second section about two weeks ago (?) but chapter 15 took a lot more editing than I thought it would.  Thanks for reading!
Also, for those curious, Zombie is a real War Pup, who like Gamble is owned by @shejackalarts​.  Most of my War Boys are named after people’s pets (like Bucket and Bristow, for example).
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Cover art for my completed story, Feels Like Hope.
Synopsis: “While the Citadel revels in its first night free of tyranny, Capable leaves its safety to make a perilous journey alone across the Wasteland. Her purpose is simple: retrieve Nux’s remains or die trying. When she finds not a body, but hope, clinging desperately to his last thread of life, Capable’s future is unexpectedly filled with new promise… and unforeseen consequences.”
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/11358599/1/Feels-Like-Hope http://archiveofourown.org/works/4837202/chapters/11079305
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ao3feed-sux · 7 years
Pick of the Litter
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tl8pV5
by WaldosAkimbo
There's a new litter of War Pups and its time for the ceremony before they are anointed in the holy chambers of the citadel to serve Immortan Joe. Slit has finally earned the right to participate in the ceremony, but keeps getting pushed back until all that's left for him is the runt.
Words: 3019, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Mad Max Series (Movies)
Rating: Not Rated
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Nux (Mad Max), Slit (Mad Max), War Boys - Character, War Pups
Relationships: Nux/Slit (Mad Max)
Additional Tags: War Pup Ceremony, When we first met
read it on the AO3 at http://ift.tt/2tl8pV5
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kirkypet · 6 years
MMFR Bladerunner crossover
Part 37
They drove in stunned silence for a while, everyone lost in their own thoughts. Crammed in as they were, feeling alone was impossible, and that was the only thing keeping Dag together.
Joe’s spinner was overloaded, the energy cell running low and forcing them to stay at ground level. It might’ve been an unwise move to abandon the truck, but they’d had to think quick, and get away quick, for so many reasons.
They already had one corpse on their hands and Furiosa looked likely to be another. It was easier to shift the living than the dead, so they all piled into the one working Spinner. The second one was out of action, shot up and the front end smashed in, so those who didn’t fit took to their bikes.
The War Boys, no longer pinned down by the Vuvalini snipers, were heading back to their vehicles and would be after them in no time. Some were down, others had bolted. Probably the ones who’d shot that sleazy bean counter while trying to hit the Witness. But there were still enough of them determined to give chase.
They left the truck. It was big and slow, and had been followed too easily. Nux said he could block the road with it, and follow on one of the bikes. It’d been a good idea, such a good idea.
But Dag had forgotten about Rictus. They all had. He’d come to and seemed to be quite angry at the turn of events. Angry enough to grab a six-foot girder and start bashing at the truck in frustration. Then grab his ever-present flamer and, howling, start after the earthbound spinner. They’d watched, hearts in their mouths, as a wide-eyed Nux started the truck’s engine and began to move off, swerving to avoid hitting the man. Three seconds later there was a flash, a boom, and the truck leapt sideways and overturned.
They had no choice but to keep moving.
Part 38
Cheedo leaned over the back of the passenger seat and whispered “Toast wants to know where we’re going.”
“Hey, I’ve got an idea. Furiosa said her old school is near here” Capable suggested. “Can’t remember the name, but it sounded something religious. They’ll have to take her in. It’s a church thing. Sanctuary, that’s it.”
“There’s a Sacred Heart of Our Holy…” Dag began, peering down at Keep’s laptop.
“Yes! That’s it! Go there!”
“…says it’s a boys’ school, though. Sure that’s it?”
“Furi, was it Sacred Heart?” Capable asked Furiosa, in a whisper.
“Sacr…” Furiosa’s eyelids fluttered open briefly, and closed again.
“Is it nearby? Go there. It’ll be safer than a hospital.”
“What you on about? We haven’t done anything wrong!” Toast called over her shoulder.
“Dunno if the cops‘d agree with you there” Althea chipped in tiredly from the footwell. “We’re in a stolen spinner. And there’s a dead man in the trunk, in case you’ve forgotten. Best to keep our heads down for a bit. Avoid any paperwork?”
“This is gonna be awkward.” Toast shook her head, but didn’t offer any argument.
“Y’know what?…I doubt it” Dag looked up from the screen. “Looks like it’s closed down. But if its on the map, presumably it’s still standing. We can break in, stay there on the quiet.”
Capable, whose visions of a helpful nun or priest ushering them into a cloistered solitude were fading under this scrutiny, was relieved by this development. “Oh. Okay then” her vision altering accordingly. “That’s better. We can hide out, keep our heads down for a while.”
Next chapter
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llcooljae · 7 years
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They’re rebuilding what was broken, reclaiming what was lost. Furiosa freed Angharad, Cheedo, Capable, Dag, and Toast from their abuser, the gang-leader Joe Moore, and now all of them have a second chance to decide who they are and where they’re going.
Together they’re transforming Citadel City.
A modern day AU, set in a city based on New York City, Detroit, and Chicago - I apologize for making it American-centric. Emphasis on social activism and feminism. Full of characters from Fury Road (and one or two from the other movies), stupid references, music, and the occasional bad pun.
Chapter 23 of Six-String Soldier Fandom: Mad Max Series (Movies) Rating: Mature Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Capable/Nux (Mad Max) Series: Part 2 of Citadel City Serenade Summary: Capable and her sisters are putting their lives back together, but then she starts up an improbable friendship with a War Boy - Maybe there’s more to life than just trying to get by. AU in a modern setting, everyone’s alive, and folk music is the soundtrack for fighting the good fight. I can’t stop writing Mad Max stories so here’s my attempt to die historic on the fanfic road. Can be read as a stand-alone.
The wind was in her hair, pulling it out of its pins, and in her face, cold in her wide eyes. The lights from the houses and the new streetlamps the road up like it was paved in gold. On Stega’s motorcycle with her leather jacket heavy on Capable’s shoulders, she raced up and down Green Place and the borrowed bike purred under her like it was enjoying the ride as much as she was.
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zoryakureshi-blog · 5 years
Global Industrial Temperature Controllers Market 2019 | Manufacturers In-Depth Analysis Report to 2024
The latest trending report Global Industrial Temperature Controllers Market 2019-2024 added by DecisionDatabases.com
An industrial temperature controller is an instrument used to control temperatures, mainly without extensive operator involvement. A controller in a temperature control system will accept a temperature sensor such as a thermocouple or RTD as input and compare the actual temperature to the desired control temperature, or set-point. It will then provide an output to a control element.
The worldwide market for Industrial Temperature Controllers is expected to grow at a CAGR of roughly 1.8% over the next five years, will reach 920 million US$ in 2024, from 850 million US$ in 2019.
This report focuses on the Industrial Temperature Controllers in global market, especially in North America, Europe and Asia-Pacific, South America, Middle East and Africa. This report categorizes the market based on manufacturers, regions, type and application.
Browse the complete report and table of contents @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/ip/29096-industrial-temperature-controllers-market-analysis-report
Market Segment by Manufacturers, this report covers
·          Omron
·          Honeywell
·          Schneider Electric
·          Panasonic
·          Yokogawa Electric Corporation
·          ABB
·          Watlow
·          WEST
·          Delta
·          Durex Industries
·          RKC Instruments
·          GEFRAN
·          Wika
·          Hanyoung Nux
·          SHIMADEN
·          Xiamen Yudian
·          Jumo
·          ASCON
·          TESHOW
Market Segment by Regions, regional analysis covers
·          North America (United States, Canada and Mexico)
·          Europe (Germany, France, UK, Russia and Italy)
·          Asia-Pacific (China, Japan, Korea, India and Southeast Asia)
·          South America (Brazil, Argentina, Colombia etc.)
·          Middle East and Africa (Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Nigeria and South Africa)
Market Segment by Type, covers
·          Single Loop/Multi-loop Temperature Controllers
·          Analog Temperature Controllers
·          Hybrid Temperature Controllers
Market Segment by Applications, can be divided into
·          Food and Beverage Industry
·          Biology and Chemical Industry
·     ��    Others
Download Free Sample Report of Global Industrial Temperature Controllers Market @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/download-sample-29096
The content of the study subjects, includes a total of 15 chapters: Chapter 1, to describe Industrial Temperature Controllers product scope, market overview, market opportunities, market driving force and market risks. Chapter 2, to profile the top manufacturers of Industrial Temperature Controllers, with price, sales, revenue and global market share of Industrial Temperature Controllers in 2017 and 2018. Chapter 3, the Industrial Temperature Controllers competitive situation, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are analyzed emphatically by landscape contrast. Chapter 4, the Industrial Temperature Controllers breakdown data are shown at the regional level, to show the sales, revenue and growth by regions, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9, to break the sales data at the country level, with sales, revenue and market share for key countries in the world, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 10 and 11, to segment the sales by type and application, with sales market share and growth rate by type, application, from 2014 to 2019. Chapter 12, Industrial Temperature Controllers market forecast, by regions, type and application, with sales and revenue, from 2019 to 2024. Chapter 13, 14 and 15, to describe Industrial Temperature Controllers sales channel, distributors, customers, research findings and conclusion, appendix and data source.
Purchase the complete Global Industrial Temperature Controllers Market Research Report @ https://www.decisiondatabases.com/contact/buy-now-29096
Other Reports by DecisionDatabases.com:
Global Industrial PA/GA systems Market 2019 by Company, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
Global Industrial Hoists Market 2019 by Manufacturers, Regions, Type and Application, Forecast to 2024
About-Us: DecisionDatabases.com is a global business research reports provider, enriching decision makers and strategists with qualitative statistics. DecisionDatabases.com is proficient in providing syndicated research report, customized research reports, company profiles and industry databases across multiple domains.
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For more details: DecisionDatabases.com E-Mail: [email protected] Phone: +91 9028057900 Web: https://www.decisiondatabases.com/
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ao3feed-mad-max · 6 years
What We’re Capable Of read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HCtCSe
by birdinastorm
Capable takes up Angharad's banner, leading the Citadel out of its bloody past, but does she have the faith in herself to get things done?
Words: 12877, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Mad Max Series (Movies), Mad Max: Fury Road
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen
Characters: Capable (Mad Max), Furiosa (Mad Max), The Splendid Angharad, Angharad (Mad Max), The Dag (Mad Max), Cheedo the Fragile, Cheedo (Mad Max), Toast the Knowing, Miss Giddy (Mad Max)
Relationships: Capable/Angharad, Capable/Nux
Additional Tags: Suicidal Thoughts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2HCtCSe
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idornaseminary · 7 years
Chapter One-Hundred Thirty-Nine: Calix
Calix, gazing into the ornate mirror, tied the top buttons of his tight shirt, adjusting the collar which fitted a little snugger after the festive season. His silvery reflection peered back at him, mimicking his exact movements as he fixed his New Year’s Eve attire, mocking the guilt in his grey eyes. Calix wanted to look well for his first evening in Old Aroon and his midnight kiss with Beatrice, but the second figure in the mirror held his heart back by stones.
“You look swell, dude,” Sam pined from his bed, his languished image swallowed by the glass. The yellow-skinned Ibinia, buried beneath blankets, tried to smile, but Calix could see the difficulty. The mirror showed everything faithfully; his roommate’s sickness was devastatingly unmisted.
Sam had woken that morning bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, a fire in his chest for New Year’s that formed clouds in the cold air as he walked the grounds with Calix, retelling a story about a new species of plant in Professor Smith’s greenhouse, an exotic cultivar whose name Calix could barely pronounce nor remember. And Sam, in his eagerness, told Calix of how he had tended to the delicate herb without a moment’s hesitation. In his zealous eagerness, however, he didn’t realise how toxic the plant’s tiny, hair-like spines were nor how quickly his excitement would be punctured by the spilling of his lunch onto their bedroom floor.
“Thanks, Sam,” Calix said gravely, turning on his heels and walking across the room. He sat down at the foot of Sam’s bed, taking a firm hold of Sam’s wrist and starting to count the faint beats beneath the flaxen skin, pale and tinged with jaundice.
“Am I dying?” Sam chuckled, though the laughter quickly turned to violent coughing, his chest heaving laboriously and his throat tightening.
“Yes, tomorrow,” Calix responded mischievously, between his counts, “Do you have any last requests?”
“The bowl, please,” Sam muttered, pushing himself up.
Calix grabbed the thin, ceramic bowl from the floor and placed it next to Sam, whose faulty stomach retched up acid and half-churned bits of meat and bread, canary-yellow mixed with dark orange, and more repugnant smelling than stinksap.
He put his hand on Sam’s back and softly rubbed the spasming muscles, the involuntary convulsions painfully wracking the Ibinia’s body. “That’s okay. That’s okay, it’s all up now. Just sit back and I’ll get you something to clear your mouth.”
From a box on the bedside table, Calix pulled a white tissue and wiped Sam’s cracked lips, tossing the stained paper into the bowl before helping Sam back into the bed, tucking the blanket around him. He took the bowl away, the contents sloshing like waves in a thunderstorm with every footstep towards the bathroom. He held his breath, careful not to spill anything on his white shirt, and poured the vile, viscous fluid down the toilet. He was happy to see it all disappear when he pulled the chain.
He gave the bowl a quick wash in the sink, tapping it dry, and stepped back into the bedroom. Sam was turned towards him, his eyes burning with sadness. The stone chained to Calix’s heart tugged and he tilted his head to the side: “What?”
“I’m ruining your night,” Sam gurgled.
“Shut up,” Calix scoffed, pretending to hit his roommate on the head with the bowl. Sam could be an idiot sometimes, convincing himself of his inadequacy and annoyance. Calix wanted to smack him until the truth settled into his thick skull, but he knew old habits, long engrained, were hard to strip away.
He walked to the bedside table, putting the bowl at the foot of the bed, and filled a small tumbler with water. “Who the fuck would look after you if I wasn’t around? I’m the only hope you’ve got.”
“That’s not fair. You’re supposed to be in Old Aroon, dancing and kissing with Beatrice. Just go, please.”
Calix shook his head, waving his wand over the water which began to fizz and sparkle with vivacious effervescence. “I’ll go when I make sure you’re okay. To be honest, I’m thinking of not going at all.”
“You have to go,” Sam whined, gratefully taking the charmed water and slugging most of the refreshing drink, the awful aftertaste in his mouth and the burning in his throat easing. “You’re all dressed up. Just go. All I’m gonna be doing is sleeping. I can’t do fuck all else.” “I know…”
“But, nothing. Dude, just go.”
  Calix felt like a monster leaving Sam on his own. He didn’t want to leave, the thought of abandoning his friend when he was at his worst tore his gut apart – especially when Calix could not simply magic away a twenty-four bug, a magic-resistant toxin buried deep in the tissue, but instead had to walk away knowing his roommate was in pain.
Sam, however, had insisted. Threatened. Sam had threatened to get worse if Calix didn’t leave. In the end, Calix, for Sam’s mental wellbeing, as counter-intuitive as it seemed, had to go.
He got as far as the infirmary doors, making his way to the goblin-owned carriages, when his heart and conscience gave way, the stones no longer movable. He sighed heavily and looked at the light in the infirmary. The metal gears in his head spun as he weighed up his options, balancing his two commitments as a friend and a lover.  
For Christ sake Calix, she’ll understand.
He pulled his wand from the back of his trousers and pointed straight ahead: “Expecto patronum.”
The tip of his wand glowed a dull, pale blue, wisps of ethereal light cascading onto the stone floor and materialising as a beautiful crane, its translucent wings fully extended in the pale moonlight.
“Bea,” Calix dictated to his patronus, “I’m very sorry, but I won’t be able to make it to Old Aroon tonight. Sam’s still sick, terribly sick, and I simply can’t leave him. I promise, I’ll make it up to you, I will. But, tonight, I can’t be there. I’m sorry. Love, your Irishman.”
As Calix finished speaking, the crane flapped its wings and took flight. He watched it fly away, feeling doubly guilty. Swallowing his compunction, he pushed open the doors of the infirmary and stepped inside.
The white-walled room was eerily quiet. The lights were on, but Calix couldn’t hear anything expect the whisper of boiling potions, the troubled bubble of cauldron-toil. He followed the noise to the workstation, finding a pitch-black potion levitating above a bright red flame.
Why the hell is this here?
Calix sighed once more.
Crix. It had to be Crix.
Calix had not seen the young wizard since he had returned from his Winter Break, the bilious anger forgotten in its dark prison, where only slivers of irritation and malicious suspicion slipped past the iron bars and plagued the happier moments of his Christmas.
Calix had not thought much about it after he left Idorna. He wanted to give Crix the benefit of the doubt, but he couldn’t seem to muster it.
Enzo had Calix rattled.
“Jesus fucking Christ, Calix! Are you trying to kill me?”
Calix jumped, raising his hand to his pounded heart as Crix appeared behind him, staring at the unannounced intruder. “Teddy, good god, I’m sorry. I didn’t see you when I came in.”
“Just call out next time, or do something at least,” Crix scolded, a biting note of anger to his voice, “This is not the first time you’ve done this!”
“I know, I know,” Calix muttered, shrugging his shoulders, “I just need to grab one or two things and I’ll be on my way.”
“Yeah, why… why are you here, Calix?”
Calix looked over his shoulder at Crix. The mediwizard had his arms folded across his chest, his wand tapping the skin of his upper arm nervously. Calix could sense that something was amiss. But, he couldn’t put his finger on it. It was always harder to read mediwizards; mediwizards tended to hide their chemistries better than most.
“Sam is sick,” Calix explained, narrowing his eyes, “I was on my way to Old Aroon, but decided against it. I said I’d pick a few things up and go back to look after him.”
“Right, right” Crix said, his teeth clenched, “Well, just grab what you need and get going. I don’t need any more surprises.” Calix nodded his head. Crix was off form, which put Calix on edge. Giving him the benefit of the doubt, not charging him guilty until proven so, was becoming harder and harder. Calix grabbed a few bottles and vials from the shelves, stuffing them into his pockets. When he had chosen everything that he needed, he looked again at the potion, black as soot and dangerously close to spilling over the lip of the cauldron.
“What’s the potion for?” Calix called out, looking around the infirmary for Crix, who seemed to have disappeared once more.
“Just leave it alone, Calix.”
Calix ruffled his eyebrows: “Are you sure, it looks like it’s about to boil over?”
“Just leave it!”
To say that Calix was taken aback by the abruptness of Crix’s response was an understatement: there was menace and malice in the boy’s voice Calix had never heard before. He pulled his wand out once again, Enzo’s warning rising to the front of his mind.
“What are you making, Crix,” Calix whispered to himself. The younger wizard was clearly hiding something. There was no one in the infirmary. There was no need for brews at that hour of the night, unless someone needed something that wasn’t on the shelf. There was something amiss.
Calix took a clean piece of notepaper from the pile on the reception desk and lay it next to the burning flame. Checking to see if Crix was nearby before he acted, Calix pressed his wand against the iron wall of the cauldron and uttered: “Specialis revelio.”
The ingredients began to manifest, each potion component revealed, one by one.
Dittany. Asphodel. Wormwood. Violetto. Poison Ivy. Nux Mystiria.
“Nutmeg?” Calix said, his eyes widening, “Crix, you bastard!”
Calix suddenly felt something push against his back, warm breath against his ear, as Crix’s voice dropped like poison onto his skin: “Drop your wand, like a good boy.”
The wand, pressed between the vertebrae of his back, sparked. A jolt of pain coursed through Calix’s spine, his fingers uncontrollably relinquishing their grip on his wand, which clattered to the floor with a low thump.
“You…” Calix spat, his words slurred by the electricity flowed through his spinal column.
“Me, yes, me” Crix laughed, “Surprise, surprise.”
“You’re a dead man, Teddy…”
Calix heard the crunch of something brittle crack, a scattering of crumbs crawling down his collar. The cookie delayed Crix, his cacophonous chewing drowning out Calix’s thoughts: “Now, now. Don’t be so dim witted, lover boy. You couldn’t kill me if you tried. Problem with taking all those oaths of yours. It means your – your, eh, threatless? Is that the word? I’m not sure, but, I still don’t think you’re in the right position to be threatening even if you could cast the weakest of jinxes.”
“You’re still a dead man…”
Crix shrugged his shoulders, taking another bite from his cookie as he stepped backwards. The sharp tingling in his circuitry ended, and Calix turned slowly, his hands in the air, staring furiously at the one man responsible for keeping the fallen asleep for so long.
“We all have to die eventually,” Crix said, “You’ll all just die way before me.”
“You sure about that?”
“Certainly,” Crix laughed, shaking his wand, “See, this? This puts me in charge. And, you’ve seen what we can do with a necklace. I could have you wrapped around my little finger, in an instant, like a dog on a leash. All I’d have to was click my fingers and you’d do anything I asked. A loyal mutt.”
Adrenaline began to flow through Calix’s blood, his muscles taut and ready to pounce. He glanced quickly at the floor, where his wand had been dropped. Did he have time for a shield? Crix was close? Was it too close?
“What would I make you do, I wonder. It’s a fun thought experiment, actually,” Crix laughed, “I think I started by sending you to Beatrice.”
At the mention of his girlfriend, the elastic of Calix’s restraint snapped and he lunged forward, all thoughts of defence lost in blind rage. Crix, merely laughing, raised his wand and pressed it against Calix’s quivering throat.
“Let me finish,” Crix pouted, “I said this was going to be fun. I don’t want to have to send a few thousands volts through your body, Cal. Stop your itty bitty heart before we have some fun. Now, where was I? Ah, yes, the love of your life.
“First, I’d have you march down to Old Aroon, take your common whore by the arm, bring her somewhere quiet and have you fuck her senseless. Does she like it rough? Who cares! Because, at the very last second, just before the moment of bliss, I’d have you kill her. In cold blood. The look of love fading from her lifeless eyes.
“Then, I’d have you smother Sam. He’s a bit weird. Mommy issues? That’s what I’d put my money on. He’s always with girls, trying to make up for not having the main one in his life. Am I right? Again, don’t bother answering that. I’m on a roll here.
“What next? Speak up, if you think of something, don’t be shy. Ah, your unlikely troupe! Melanie Winter first, Natasha Kraus second and finally, our puppet who lost his strings, Enzo Bellerose. He’d be the hardest. He has quite the proclivity for the dark arts, I hear. A birdy told me he was firing off killing curses in the Gladur like they were going out of fashion!
“And, I think that’s everything I’d have my slave do. No, sorry, I forgot one person. What about Doctor Evans? I think it wouldn’t be right for you not to pay her a visit too. She’s been so good to you. We might offer her a quick and painless death for all her hard work. Maybe. I might want to see the bitch suffer.”
Crix pointed his hand at the cauldron, the heavy pot floating into the air between them. Black smoke billowed from the open lip, the noxious smell making Calix sputter.
“But, I digress,” Crix smirked, “I really am getting ahead of myself. Firstly, well, I’m afraid you’re going to have to take a nap. Sweet dreams, lover boy. I’ll take good care of everything here.”
Crix snapped his wrist.
Calix went to move.
The last thing he saw was the cauldron exploding.
The last thing he remembered was the burn of potion.
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