#its that im still kinda upset about the gc im not in
Soup is for nerds
Welcome back to the Shaw Pack Mates Super top secret and totally unknown by anyone outside of the group groupchat. (Name trademarked by Angel.)
Whether these are real conversations I’ve overheard/seen/partaken in or not is entirely unknown and shall stay that way.
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CW: Crack, Angel needs to learn what boundaries are but not in a toxic way, Sam is asking for a god to save him he’s not picky on which god he’ll even rely on science it doesn’t even need to be religious, Sweetheart please for the love of the universe put the cat down, Baabe why are you just sitting there laughing?
Actual CW: Crack, mentions to others being sneaky link/hoes/sluts but in a friendly platonic way, GN listeners. Any reference to gendered terms is purely for the memes and not to be taken seriously.
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Redacted Masterlist
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Angel: im so disappointed in u all
Sam: Oh dear. What’s upset you now?
Angel: is that lip im hearing
Baabe: if my boss finds out im on my phone right now im so dead. so whats wrong bb?
Sweetheart: Tracking down a covert breaker. Cant talk rn.
Sam: Now I’m actually concerned. Is this genuine, or is Angel being Angel again?
Angel: not one of u said ‘congrats on ur nuptials’
Sam: I wasn’t aware anyone called marriage nuptials anymore, but also if I’m not mistaken you two have yet to have your wedding since you both are still planning it?
Angel: this is why im marrying with baabe
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Angel: ooooooo teeaaaaa
Sweetheart: That’s what he said.
Sam: I think one day I will gather the strength to leave this groupchat.
Angel: oh ill just add u back and then kidnap u to drag u to my basement so u cant ever try to leave me again
Sam: Angel what the fuck.
Baabe: to defeat the huns~
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Angel: im so upset rn its not even funny like i cant live laugh love under these conditions
Baabe: aweeee what’s wrong bby?
Sam: Is there something I could do to help? I will if I can.
Angel: hang on i gotta wait for sweetheart to respond so i can get all the attention necessary
Sweetheart: Sorry I was just filming a tiktok with Aggro. Whats up
Angel: perfect all my three hoes are here
Sam: I resent being called that, but I also recognize my powerlessness in getting you to change it, so continue.
Angel: do yall even have any clue how expensive it is to buy a mcdonalds bouncy house
Sweetheart: Why are you trying to buy a bouncy house
Baabe: ngl i’m kinda curious about that too
Angel: well i could just buy it because ur bitch is rich rich but i share a joint account with my mega alpha gigachad of a finance so i cant buy it without him noticing but i wanna keep it a surprise so theres just a bouncy house in our backyard when he comes home
Sam: Don’t you mean your ‘fiance’?
Angel: no i mean finance im just with davey for his money but my real loves is my three hoes in this gc
Sweetheart: Youre so romantic Angel
Baabe: ikr? like just marry me already
Angel: anyways this is my way of asking u to buy me a bouncy house who wants the privilege
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Angel: SOS
Baabe: whats wrong sneaky link?
Sam: Once again, I am confused whether or not this is a serious thing or Angel is playing up the dramatics again.
Sweetheart: I can send you a picture of my son if that will help
Angel: yes pls i miss my baby boy Angel: and also were out of sugary cereal and davey is making me eat his yucky worm food
Baabe: dw bb i got u. just ask him why hes giving you his dog food.
Angel: oooo good idea hell take it away then and tell me to just starve and give me the chance to naruto run to sams house for breaky
Sam: Now hold on just a minute. I don’t recommend doing that Angel, also I don’t need to eat food and Darlin isn’t here for me to have any reason to make breakfast. I think you’ll survive a morning without your cereal.
Sweetheart: rip
Angel: You’re next. - David
Baabe: oh fuck
Sam: rip
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ml---gone · 6 years
yall really out here having strong and close friendships with your internet friends??? wild
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laterzgators · 4 years
How the gang would be like in modern times.
Kinda basing this off of texts I have with my friends because I get reminding everyday that my old friend group (kinda still my friend group.) are like the gang.
He would have like an iPhone 6 in 2020. And he would be so upset about it. But he wouldn’t complain cause his brother didn’t have money for him to have an iPhone 11 or something.
He uses every platform to text. He probably only texts like Johnny and sometimes Dally.
Johnny and him would FT for hours and during them be like “look what I sent you.” And then proceeded to a meme.
Still a whiny baby boy but 2020 edition
Didn’t pay attention to politics cause he isn’t voting so he has no say. :/
Would probably watch anime- but like mainstream.
Has two instagram accounts one for public people he knew and a secret one to post what he wanted cause Darry probably looked into his phone-
Tries to show Darry how to use a smartphone. Darry won’t understand it. But he tried.
Track team until COVID hit 🙄
Hated virtual learning. HATED IT.
Especially when Darry didn’t have work that day he would peep into Soda and Pony’s room to see him on his desk on a call.
Pony putting his arm down shooing him away. “Darry...I’m in class please shh.” “Don’t worry bout me I’m just listening. Making sure these teachers actually are teaching ya.”
Somehow went brain dumb with this type of learning some days so when a teacher would ask him to answer something he would mute and turn off the camera or leave the call.
He was happy when he did know the answer a certain day.
• Having to text Johnny or Two bit to join a class cause the teacher was doing attendance.
Texts Ponyboy and Dally pretty evenly. Though Pony would start being whiny when he didn’t answer. Johnny also probably had an older phone like an iPhone 6 or se maybe even an LG but he wouldn’t complain. He was just fine with having a phone. At least it worked.
Has a whole Instagram account about memes. Pony probably helps manage it.
Watches anime with Pony cause he finds it interesting. Does he understand what’s going on? No not at all but if Pony likes it then it’s okay.
Does really like Naruto though-
He hates school. It’s bad enough he skipped it most days. But now ITS AT HOME SO HE HAD NO EXCUSE TO NOT DO IT!
He would usually join the zoom calls but he kept his camera off and was on mute. His parents were probably arguing-
Some days he could be with Pony at his house and did his zooms from there.
Pony spamming him to join the class.
Pony: “Johnny Mr Fullb-“
Johnny: “I’m about to join just be patient pony.”
Dally sent him a nude once and he was SCARED. Dally used social media for that purpose but we will get more into that later-
He apologized a lot btw-
FT calls were fun cause he would put his phone in a certain position and do work and Pony being high on adrenaline would run around his room and you could see it on camera. It was funny.
Where do I even start for this man....
Poor Johnny once got sent one on accident.
He is still traumatized
Virtual women and real women double bonus for him. He would text or dm one chick and be asking a girls number physically at the same time.
Mans gotta multitask-
Bully people on the internet.
Mainly pony for some reason. He did it playfully but Pony would get upset so quickly-
Pony.boy_curtis posted a picture. Caption: Read this poem at school and I’ve been vibing with it.
Comments: @Dal_winSton: Haha THATS dumb. (And more spam of him that includes 😀 that emoji.)
People would call him an eboy and he didn’t like that. He was just edgy in his own way.
Stole a iPhone 11 Pro so that’s how he has this phone.
GC with the whole gang existence and he was like “This is dumb we see eachother everyday.”
He was a weird teen-
My manz always texted Ponyboy when he was to lazy to speak.
Texted a lot of people cause he was that guy. But mainly Steve, Sandy (when they were still a thing.), Darry, and Pony.
His IG was filled with nice pics of him and girls just commenting about how handsome he was. He got annoyed of it at a point and turned off the comment section.
Probably had tiktok and made Pony get it.
Had a free subscription of Spotify and my boy loved his music.
Texting pony is like.: “Hey could you tell Darry that I got the eggs he needed earlier.” Pony never told him. Darry got home with a carton of eggs and started yelling that they wasted money on extra eggs. And Pony stood there after hours of finally looking at the text and would just back up.
Random girls dming asking if he was single.
It made him uncomfortable.
But Steve would grab his phone and say random things to the girls and they’d leave him alone.
He didn’t understand Pony’s memes but liked them cause they were on his page.
He or Darry probably asked later on what it meant.
“Uh-huh.” Is the response after Pony took an hour explaining it.
Still didn’t get it.
Followed every single person he knew or liked on Instagram or any platform.
Pony just yelled back sure.
You thought Soda was bad nah Darry is a full on Karen-
Had probably had a flip phone until 2018
Loved Karen memes. Pony would see him liking them on fb and he’d just LAUGH.
Yelling at Pony to help him with his phone.
Pressed the wrong buttons all the time.
Probably had an LG-
DIDNT get texting 🤦‍♀️
Telling Pony not to talk to strangers on the internet.
Would have Rants on Facebook.
He pays for cable even though no one in that house used the Tv except him.
Would be so confused on the GC
In the GC: Two Bit: Calm down Jamal dont pull out the nine.
Darry: Who is Jamal and what do you mean by pull out the nine??
It’s scary seeing him in our times-
Two Bit Matthews.
All the memes all the jokes he understands it.
He is an intellectual.
Was barley passing school. He was usually on his phone in class.
He probably also had tiktok.
Dmed girls all the timeeee-
Hey good looking
You have been blocked by this user
Yeah he didn’t realize girls didn’t like that
Had a whole page dedicated to memes because obviously.
DIDNT join virtual school at allllll
He was busy playing roblox like the cool kid he was.
He is legit a 9 year old-
Hated wearing masks but he did it.
Still hung out with Pony and the gang even with Corona.
He spammed the GC at like 4 a.m when he was super sleepy but still awake and asked all kinds of questions.
“If we call an orange orange can we call orange fruit?” Confusion.
He was something else-
Texted Soda during work.
Also texted Evie during work.
Google was his new best friend.
He used google a lot he just did.
Only had Instagram cause Sodapop begged.
He got used to it after a while.
Would get Ponyboy in trouble whenever he posted something that he knew could get him in trouble
Would post pictures of Darry doing random things and say “Superman” in the caption. LOL
Used LMAO a lottt for some reason
On the GC if someone was spamming he’d just say SHUT UP. Like a lot but he would.
He never wore his mask and if he did it was on his chin.
Pictures of chocolate cake.
That’s probably it lol.
That’s all. I hoped you liked it. Sorry I’m posting so late lol-
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maetaamong · 7 years
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ALL 18 MEMBERS!?!? idk if I even have 18 mutuals sakdjda I love my mutual and I love NCT tho so I’m pumped to do this. 
Note 1: Each person will get one (1) gif, a couple sentences, and one (1) member. So you’re welcome
Note 2: the only reason I’m not pairing @xuhoon with a member is because she doesn’t stan NCT
Note 3: I ran out of people that I know well enough to do this for so some people get two (2) members each. They are: @page17 @whoozyuji @undinefin @thedaysix @howcaniwait
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!! Stream Yestoday !!
Taeyong: @busan-daegu-hiphoplover​
The two best moms you could ask for. We were just talking about the Dreamies the other day and we both decided I’d join their club and she would be their club leader lmao. Both of these two are so cuddly and loving and just love being loved AND IM HERE TO SUPPLY THE LOVE
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Taeil: @thedaysix
I think the gif explains a lot on its own lmao. Taeil is the certified grandpa of NCT and takes care of all of the boys. Just like Boo does with me and the rest of our Beans crew !! He can be a lil shy at first but is super wild once he’s relaxed which I think suits Boo as well. (maybe not as much for the shyness tho lol) They are both just the the most loving people and never let the people around them forget how supported they are.
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Johnny: @llavkey​
Both Julia and Johnny start with the letter J are the biggest sweetest dorks I have yet to know. Prime example: when I was feeling sad Julia sent me off to a marriage blog and told me that Hanbin was still free. 11/10 not what I was expecting but tbh better than anything I was expecting. She always sending me the weirdest posts and quizzes and links and honestly I love it all. These two are adorable and awkward and I love em both.
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Yuta: @howcaniwait
The first thing that comes to my head when i think of Yuta is just “freaky”
Yuta has the cutest megawatt smile that just lights up the whole damn world. And sucks for all of her followers but I have seen CP’s smile and can confirm its the prettiest thing possibly ever. Also Yuta is just an aesthetically pleasing human being, he doesnt try it just kinda happens. He’s just pretty like that and CP's photo series are the most aesthetically pleasing ever.
Bonus: they’re both weird af
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Kun: @thedaysix
The sweetest ray of sunshine ever?? Yes. 
Also sometimes just disappears? Like Boo will just be gone for a few hours on end then come back and send our gc the cutest goodnight message. And Kun was just gONE for years while the rest of the boys debuted. Plus Kun is just always stressed™ about his kids and I know for a fact that if any of Boo’s beans are hurt or upset she’s ready to fite anyone or anything that hurt them. 
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!! Stream Yestoday !!
Doyoung: @sambashua​
Another mom lmao. No but both Mir and Dodo are highkey protective of the Dreamies (and the smols of our gc). They’re both so caring and cute!! My favourite bunnies tbh Plus both of them are more than ready to crack a joke here or there.
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!! Stream New Heroes !!
Ten: @undinefin​
A SMOL !! Ten is the shortest boy and L is the smollest bean, it’s perfect. Also they are the ultimate dancing king and queen. Sure you might have seen Ten on Hit the Stage but have you seen L dance?? Your mind will be bloWN. Ten is scared easily?? But L isn’t?? I mean at the same time tho if you even touch her sides she’ll collapse on the floor cause she’s just that ticklish. Also bonus: they both have dirty minds lol
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Jaehyun: @howcaniwait​
Beautiful? Yes. Lovable? Yes. Shy? Sometimes. Flexible? lol no. 
Jaehyun is a bit dramatic sometimes and will draw out his reaction a little bit in order to make those around him laugh and smile. Cue him being kicked in the ass by Taeil during soccer and just dyiNG on the ground. CP isn’t really dramatic lmao but she does try her best to make her friends, followers, and mutuals smile and laugh. Not to mention they’re both the biggest sweethearts.
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Winwin: @page17​
You can’t not love Winwin and you can’t not love Nom, it just works like that. Literally every NCTzen and NCT member ever has the biggest soft spot for Sicheng and every member of our gc as well as her 1203913 other mutuals have the biggest soft spot for Nom. They’re both the sweetest of the sweet, Winwin will lose his shIT over ice cream and anything fluffy and Nom just melts over anything cute. But they’re both also lowkey terrifying sometimes. You don’t want to get on they’re bad sides (I love you Nom)
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Jungwoo: @aidenfiftyone
He is the most pure human being ever and the only thing I could ever compare him to is the literal sun so um yall are demons and no but at the same time I feel a strong need to not exclude Junguwu like SM DID FOR YEARS so I’m dragging Aidon into the world of kpop so here...
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!! Stream Yestoday !!
Lucas: @maetaamong
I literally cannot think of a single mutual of mine who is like Lucas??? But I feel like I sometimes am??? this is my justification go away cause we can both be loud as fuCK when excited. We’re both unnecessarily flirty with friends and are taller than most of our friends. (only Charlie is taller than me lol) 
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!! Stream Yestoday !!
Mark: @whoozyuji
SO HARD WORKING !!! If you haven’t read any of Ash’s SVT text posts on @seventeen-teen-teen-trash then you haven’t lived. Ash is always working on creating or planning a new project and I am forever in awe of her creativity and drive. And our baby Mark (who is in all 3 NCT subunits for those who dont know) is always working to deathly hard its lowkey insane.
Bonus: they’re both absolute sweethearts who need to be protected at all costs
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Renjun: @gaymergirl69
He’s too pure for you demons just like Mr Junguwu but I love my son too much to pair him with someone who Auden you better take good care of him
The only real connection I can see between my baby Renjun and Auden are that theyre both savage as fuck but like Renjun is pure and....
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Jeno: @smittenbyschmidt
An actual sunbeam??? I just melt at Jeno’s smile kill me now Aly is just the sweetest human being and is always sending me random love asks and just being a generally lovely human being. 
Bonus: they both need to be protected at all costs
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Haechan: @page17
The two cutest human beings ever???? Legit Nom has the sweetest smile ever. I nearly melted when I first saw it. And we all already know that Haechan is the undisputed aegyo king. Plus he and she are savage as fuCK when they want to be. 
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Jaemin: @whoozyuji
A ray of sunshine in the form of a human being. My heart just starts glowing whenever I know that either of these two lovely beans are happy. I mean look at that smile, he’s the cutest. And Ash is the actual loveliest human possibly ever. She takes such good care of her friends and literally everyone wants to be friends with her. She and Jae are both down to poke a little fun at their friends as well.
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Chenle: Judy (she doesn’t have Tumblr)
Judy is the sweetest and more pure child I have yet to meet. One smile from just lights up the whole damn world. And lucky for us she’s almost always smiling. If someone she knows walks into the room she just starts beaming. And we all know how lovely and pure our baby Chenle is. I think they can be very similar.
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Jisung: @undinefin
Do I even need to explain? The baby with the baby. It’s peRFECT. 
TBH tho both L and Ji are savage af when given the opportunity (example: Ji during yaja time lmaoo) and get shy and awkward behind a camera (unless L has popcorn apparently) But they’re both so very loved by all of their friends and are unreasonably sweet and funny.
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ourstartline · 5 years
breaking ties + updating parts of myself.
so this is just a brain dump... but like ive been struggling with my ult list,, well group I stan in general. so first, bts,.. i feel like i just got out of the honeymoon stage or idk if it just they been like dead that i just don’t feel that much excitement. i also think it just armys in general, that also make it hard especially on twt. it started when I went to their concert, I didn’t really feel anything as much as I did with stray kids. I feel like I feel more just by listening to their music. they are great talented boys and they will always have a special place in my heart but idk. i will of course listen to them but i think ill casually stan them. kinda like when I first started. i honestly don’t remember my bts concert or even look back at the videos as much as i do with skz. the only time i rlly talk about bts is with my irls. i think im just growing out of ??? idk what exactly. the reason i am scared is possibly judgement of my irl friends. next is ateez, its the same as bts really but i havent seen them. i moved them down my list also i havent rlly been on top of their teaser and stuff unless my twt gc sends it to me etc. even then im like omg cool. I just will wait until their album comes out and listen and stuff. i dont think ill get their album though. if they come on tour i dont think ill see them either. I rather save for stray kids to be honest maybe. or get a really cheap ticket. i think things could change with ateez but i can’t really say with bts. i don’t really find myself stanning new groups also. i don’t really like this new gen of kpop as much or i just havent found a group that suits me yet. ill start stanning then go back to my og groups. like cix i probably listened to their music a few times but it just doesnt hit the same. i ulted super M which is weird but they are just a group of people i am already familiar and love. honestly wait. the only group i could possibly end up stanning is shinee. okay but back now, super m is familar i already ult half of them about. for over two years now. honestly baekhyun was my exo bias for majority of the time of stanning exo literally i didnt bias ksoo and yeol until dont mess up my tempo and like clown bc exo vanished, ppl enlisted. but yeah thats all. honestly my ult list is super m, nct/wayv, skz, svt  at the moment hehe.im still getting into shinee so lets get it!!! i also got super m tickets today. the process was upsetting bc i didnt get tickets i was thinking about my friends when they were thinking about themselves. so thats what im gonna do for svt. im just getting my tickets with the carats in jersey chat and staying with my family. im sorry but im tired of being a last option when i think about others first. same with nct. trinity is bringing her friend along so they can go to nct but im getting my own ticket for now on. i feel selfish but im tired of missing out of things because of caring about others who didn’t even think of me. 
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chacsmade · 6 years
texts between hunter & lola @lolacolada
07/25/2018 Hunter: you don't need to babysit a grown man after the kind of day and shift you've had Hunter: but you know you and i respect that but if you need a ride home or anything, don't hesitate to reach out? Lola: why are boys stupid Lola: not you obviously... Lola: he makes me want to pull my hair out Lola: i have to go see him, hunter. something isn't right Hunter:  i don't know. i'm pretty stupid too but Hunter:  honestly i just feel like you're doing exactly what he wants. Hunter:  how about i give you a ride there and i'll stay in the car but i'm there if you need back up? Lola: I dated him, Hunter. I think I know the difference in just trying to get me there.. besides why would he be trying to do that? Lola: would you? that would make me feel a lot better Hunter: maybe i've got my blinders on because i'm sick of people airing their shit in gc, and sometimes dragging you into that Hunter: of course i would. i'll keep the peace, stay in the car and if you need me, i'm there. Lola: I'm used to it.. I tend to just ignore it but I texted him privately.. and something doesn't feel right Lola: :heart: you're the best. Lola: I get off in five Hunter: i'll get the car. Lola: i need to go Hunter: im right out front Lola: okay Lola: This is going to be a bit, if you don’t want to wait for me, I get it
Hunter: of course i'm going to wait
Lola: he hurt himself.. i’m going to clean him up Hunter: damn. should we call someone? Lola: I don’t think he’ll let me.. he almost didn’t let me in. Lola: I’ll take care of him and if he’s still acting weird, I’ll let you know? Lola: Maybe he’ll talk to me Hunter: alright. let me know if you need anything Lola: I will :blue_heart: Last Wednesday
Lola: i won’t be coming over for awhile. Hunter: ... why not Lola: it’s a long story. i just wanted you to know in case you invite me to come binge watch anything... Lola: just.. look after miles, ok? Hunter: :rolling_eyes: so i have to suffer because he probably fucked up? Hunter: sure Hunter: but we can still hang out away from here... right? Lola: it wasn’t him.. Lola: it was me Lola: yeah.. Lola: i wanna leave town.. like i just.. i wanna go somewhere Hunter: you can talk to me Hunter: where do you wanna go? Lola: i said some really mean things, hunter. i really messedup. Lola: idk away.. Lola: i’m at tiny’s now.. Hunter: we all say mean things sometimes Hunter: do you love him, lo? miles, i mean Lola: but what i said was bad Lola: what Hunter: do you love him Lola: yes Hunter: does he know that?
Lola: i don’t think he believes me
Hunter: hm Hunter: if you decide to skip town, take me with you?
Lola: of course (( next day )) Lola: i’m going home and i’m gonna pack a bag Last Sunday Lola: i really messed up. Hunter: whats wrong Lola: I should have never trusted Cam. You were right. Hunter: what did he do Hunter: are you okay? Lola: i hate him, hunter. i hate him with every fiber in my body. Lola: sends screenshots Hunter: want me to handle him? he needs to be knocked on his ass. Hunter: talking to you like that? manipulating you Lola: if the situation ever comes up, i give you my full permission to do whatever you want. Lola: what makes this worse tho... Lola: he told miles Lola: i was going to tell him, hunter. today actually and i was with him and cam texted him. Hunter: what's miles doing? is he pushing you away because of it? Lola: he’s mad. Hunter: but you were going to tell him, its not your fault some jackass on a power trip did it in a shitty way before you could Lola: it doesn’t change the fact that i slept with him Hunter: were you two together? officially or whatever Lola: with miles? Lola: no Lola: we never even talked Lola: and i slept with tiny after he said he’d stay out of my life Hunter: just remind him how much you care, and that yes, you slept with tiny but that action doesn't lessen how you feel or whatever Lola: okay i will :blue_heart: Yesterday
Hunter: did things work out? Lola: i guess i’m kinda sort of his girlfriend? Hunter: about damn time Lola: omg hushhh :relaxed:️ Lola: now we have to figure out to tell frankie...:grimacing: Hunter: you think she'll be upset? Lola: well when i told her that i slept with him in high school, she laughed in my face and didn’t believe me. Lola: idk to be honest Hunter: so kiss him in front of her Hunter: she'll have to believe you then Lola: I think I need to ease her into that, Hunter. :flushed: Lola: we made pinky promises as kids that i wouldn’t date either of you Hunter: we're older now, maybe she won't hold you to that Lola: hopefully. Lola: where’ve you been? Hunter: im somewhere in north carolina Lola: are you okay? Hunter: i don't know, sunshine Lola: :slight_frown: i should have stayed with you Hunter: no, no. you needed to get home. and i don't wanna drag you down, lo Lola: you never drag me down, hunter. i love you, you know that. i don’t like that you’re alone. Hunter: i love you too Hunter: i should come back but the thought of going back makes it hard to breathe Hunter: i was fine until summer, school helped. not being around dad all the time helped. he's so much worse on miles but that gets to me too Lola: then don’t live there, more out. honestly you all should move out. :slight_frown: Lola: i just want you to be okay Hunter: i asked miles about that actually Hunter: if we could move out Lola: good. i don’t like you guys being there. Hunter: he hasnt answered but we'll see Lola: i’m sure he wants out just as bad as you. Lola: i’m in the process of moving out Hunter: you are? Lola: I talked to Papa, I need my space. So I’m moving in with my cousin, Alex. Hunter: when are you moving Lola: Still working on. Hunter: i should be there to help Lola: it’s just clothes and some personal stuff. I’m basically living off alex’s couch Lola: i’m not bringing furniture so don’t guilt trip yourself, okay? Hunter: you, miles and franks is all i miss from there. Lola: i miss you too. not yael? Hunter: im going to come home Lola: can’t wait to see you, dork:blue_heart: Hunter: can't wait to see you either, sunshine
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