#its such a banger fr
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kyitsya · 4 months ago
i wish more people spoke about the “magic touch” song like,,, the way cordelia and cedric GROWL while singing???? they have such amazing voices and have me replaying the song nonstop.
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trashbee · 1 year ago
and i know that God takes lives
and God is good
so i got Wasted with the devil in the
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thatone-highlighter · 1 year ago
I love you albums. I love you songs connected by similar themes. I love you listening to songs in a specific order picked by the artist. I love you reoccurring motifs throughout the same album. I love you album covers. I love you albums with extended editions. I love you songs that reference each other.
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bunabi · 7 months ago
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Only eight days left to back A Hitchhiker's Guide to Art History! You can find my piece nestled in there: a sci-fi twist on Lorenzo Lotto's The Angel of the Annunciation!
It's a massive project organized by @novaandmali with tons of contributing artists; don't miss out! ✧✧✧
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emositecc · 7 months ago
Cover by @swiblettheduk
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frozenpizza14 · 1 year ago
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I remembered this movie ecxisted and im back in the building again now fjskjdjlaibfnis
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watermel0ns-dumb-cringe · 9 months ago
[ June Doe — Day 12 ( @june-doe-2024 )]
Everyone lives / Nobody dies !!
YIPPEE!11! Decided to keep it simple for today,, so have a lil doodle I made while watching a Silent Hill video analysis
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noctilu-uca · 4 months ago
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"I live in the snow, the scent of what was and what never will be, filling me once again. The clear skies remind me of you, hopefully one day they'll cloud and turn into something new." "..." "Happy Birthday."
WOOOOAAHAHHH !!!!!!!! I love him sooo much !! been hauling all day for this guy, listened to only hypmic and had MTC on repeat LMAOAOAOA
but anyway ~ I maybe may or may not have written that poem myself. to keep with the theme I have going today with "something old" considering all the art below is... well, old. I decided to take an excerpt from a poem I wrote last year. I think it fits him well ~
for my lovely little princess, here is a gallery of all (most.) of the art ive made of him over the years !
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Some are unfinished, some are finished. This is also a good way to see my art progress, i think... Anyway, the guy !!! The guy ever !!!
There is definitely more out there in my sketch books they are either ugly or horribly unfinished.
But i love this little guy a lot !!! Hes always been a little bit of a muse to me. I really love his design and often times find myself gravitating toward making similar features on my own characters, even before i knew him...
Samatoki will live forever guys i promise
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koqen · 4 months ago
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⠀⠀took my Heart 2 The Limit
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battlinghurricanes · 4 months ago
I swear to god I'm gonna finish this Laxeel fic I'm working on, and hopefully soon. I'm committed to this one, I need to actually complete a project for my sanity, also I'm cooking with this one tbh. It's very fun to write. I'm posting a couple snippets for motivation.
The premise follows my ideas about Laxus's expulsion from Fairy Tail coinciding with Gajeel's infiltration of Raven Tail
It kind of stings in an illogical way, to hear someone take his side after it’s too late. Or at least claim to.
“...Is that what you think?” Laxus reproaches, then continues before Gajeel can respond, “You did the same shit. I heard you when you said of course I would be a monster since I’ve got the master’s blood in me. I- remember that.”
It gives him at least a grain of satisfaction to see Gajeel wince a little. “Ah, true, I’ll give you that one. Sorry. Tacky, in retrospect, and also dumb. I was under the impression you were using the same type of magic he has. I didn’t know then that you’re a dragon slayer.”
Great. “Oh, thanks. Like that’s so much much better.” So he only changed his mind when he found out he and a different kind of magic, one he got in an even more artificial and undeserved way than inheritance. “I’ve got loads to be proud of there.”
A crooked frown tugs on Gajeel’s lips. “Your words, not mine. I’m not gonna pretend I know your whole story, that’s why I said it’s not my place to give my two cents. Take it however you want, all I mean is that I know dragon slayer magic. Adapting to it without a dragon to teach you, enough to wield it that well? That’s no mean feat- and I know no one else could’a done it for you. So yeah, that’s when your own strength hit me. And impressed me.”
A jagged, reedy peel of laughter breaks from Laxus, the sound rolling carelessly as he stretches back against all the tension in his spine, against the urge to tear at his scalp. “Motherfucker. Fuck that. Gh- Fuck that shit.” Lids closing, he lolls his head. “I was tryin’ to prove my strength to everyone and grow outta his shadow, and in the end, the only one who recognized my power as my own was one of the ones who fucking beat me anyway! What a fucking joke.” His throat aches.
“Cut the bullshit.” Gajeel blinks and tries to get the two Laxuses swimming across his vision to merge back into one. “You’re following me.”
“Gh... I’m not.” Laxus glares at his assertion and opens his mouth. “-But someone is.”
That makes him stop and hone the full weight of his attention in on him. If he were any worse at this, Gajeel would have let loose a taut breath from the feeling, but he’s good, and he knows that near truths make for excellent lies when he can afford them. With Laxus, he decides he can. “You’re strong, you’re known for it, and now you’re an independent mage. That garners attention.” He can see the unquestioning comprehension reflected in Laxus’s eyes, and he would bet his ass that several legal guilds have already tried scouting him, proving that point.
“Some people have been tailing ya, and I happen to be on a job to bring those same people to heel, get it? Honest, I’ve got no interest in breathing down your neck- you shouldn’t have to deal with anyone doing that. I know it’d drive me mad. But because I’m tracking them, it means I’m also all but tracking you half the time.”
Laxus rumbles quietly, “Who are they?”
“Can’t tell ya. It would compromise the person I’m trying to help if I talk about our agreement,” he fibs lightly, silently thanking the master for finally giving a run down of official contract stipulations and enforcement the other week. “Especially to a non guild member.”
Laxus huffs, the line of his scar skewing over his expression. Gajeel offers, “If they could put you in danger, I promise I’ll tell you anyway,” and it’s not a lie. “But as is, I don’t think you have anything to worry about.”
With a wary shift of his head, Laxus frowns, then he gestures at Gajeel’s bruised, half-bandaged ribs. “Is that so? Because I would think anyone who can do this to you has already proven themselves as dangerous. I’d rather know who I might end up dealing with.”
Gajeel doesn’t respond for a beat, too shocked by Laxus’s open acknowledgement of his strength. “O-oh.”
UPDATE: here's the fic
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duskandcobalt · 1 year ago
that part in acowar where azriel says "chain me to a tree, rhys... go ahead. I'll rip it out of the ground and fly with it on my damned back" lives in my head RENT FREEEEEE !!! hottest line in all the books if u ask me
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minimanic · 3 months ago
House of Psychotic Women Where to Watch Free List If You Are So Inclined
The base list is pulled from a Letterboxt list of the alleged expanded appendix of the latest edition. I don't personally have access to a print copy of this book and am from the bottom of my heart. Doing my best. (I listened to the audio book version in October)
For the uninitiated House of Psychotic Women: An Autobiographical Topography of Female Neurosis in Horror and Exploitation Films by Kier-La Janisse* is pretty much exactly what it says it is in the subtitle there. Its. Something. It's a lot lot of things. And something it Definitely is, is one of the most watch lists ever compiled.
(I also made a playlist of movies available through the US Library service Kanopy: here. You need an account to view it and I haven't strictly speaking tested if its actually sharable but the Kanopy website assures me it is so I'm going with it)
*You may also know Kier-La Janisse as the architect of the folk horror documentary and box set Woodlands Dark and Days Bewitched
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biitchcakes · 3 months ago
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A hasty trip up California's winding coast finds Spider-Woman's alter ego, JESSICA DREW, strolling the hilly streets of the BAY. By DAY, she rides the wind-whipped CABLE CARS, lets her palate savour the infinite culinary delights of CHINATOWN, and watches, with GIRLISH WONDER, as sea gulls do air dances over FISHERMAN'S WHARF. . . But NIGHT finds her stalking the city's shadow-shrouded UNDERBELLY, lost in a maze of indistinguishable BARS AND BISTROS that are united by the pathetically common thread of CONFUSION and DESPERATION in the air ⸺ ⸺ as clearly as the smell of LIQUOR and CIGARETTES.
( personals DNI . )
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alpinelogy · 4 months ago
not to rhythm game post on main but the fact that even absolute nihil did not even make me open arcaea agan. its so over bros
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jhope-brainrot · 10 months ago
DAY 139029384 of screaming about how good "Back To Me" is
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gay-yosuke · 1 year ago
its only 2:30 in the morning its the perfect time to talk about my son shirogane naoto. hello everyone ive been playing on tactics only. did you know that naoto, like a lot of the team, starts on "act freely" tactics-wise? i think chie and kanji are the only two who start on "full assault." acting freely has often meant he uses megido. very fun.
probably unrelated, but when fighting the extreme vessel at the bottom of the secret lab, naoto followed yosuke's move with his own garudyne since he'd seen it knocked the enemy down. on the 2nd turn he decided to use his own agidyne. thats fun.
and here's a really good shadow naoto expression.
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did you also know: naoto is sososo cutes and is my son. thank you.
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also shiromura is real thanks love you guys mmmwah
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