#its so funny to me bc even if I did try to leave my mom would try to stop me lmao. ''you're mom is enabling your lifestyle for some reason''
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kodokugumon · 1 year ago
the fact that so many child abuse laws are like "its not child abuse unless it leaves a lasting mark" is so fucking crazy to me. You can hit a kid as long as your fists weren't closed and you hit them light enough
#It's actually so hard for someone to be convicted of child abuse. especially if what happened is under the guise of ''discipline''#yeah the kid was fighting me so its not MY fault that he hit his head and arm on a counter and was also on edge of having a panic attack.#this is the proper reaction to a kid being guilty of talking back and being bossy - my uncle#also my uncle: I've never been found guilty under the law for child abuse. you are wrong. also you are the one needing to grow up bc somehow#I'm circling this conversation about you assaulting me over thinking something bad was happening to your brother back around to the fact you#are still living with me#its so funny to me bc even if I did try to leave my mom would try to stop me lmao. ''you're mom is enabling your lifestyle for some reason''#my dude. my mom is ENFORCING this lifestyle. not to mention when you were shaming me for how old I was and still living here...you got my#age wrong??? do your research before talking to me.#literally told me I had no goals or plans for the future. lmao even. he only ever talks to me to tell me that he wants me out#quickly! name 8 interests I have that I did not have while in elementary school!!!#like I'm so mad. at least I can revel in the fact that my uncle was such a pussy you didn't commit to calling the police on me when he said#he would lmao. I can also revel in the fact that he fucking hates it here and tries to avoid being home. and that hes failing at parenting#his own children. I'm sorry brenna. I mean no slander. but you sneaking around and being found out about it and that all the adults knew#about it before he did thus making him look bad is so satisfying. its like watching him judging his gf and my mom for being bad parents#while his kids do much worse things (in his eyes) so fucking poetic#I'm sorry for going batshit crazy in the tags. I am. venting#tw child abuse
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bestygogirl · 1 year ago
Group C Finals!
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Anzu Mazaki
the original It Girl, very underrated anzu masaki is stubborn. she’s all about friendship and she believes in you soooo much. she’s the type to give you a lecture while picking you up because she’ll never leave you stranded but you should take better care of yourself. she has dreams of being a dancer and takes that risk in moving to whole different COUNTRY to follow her dreams. vote for anzu!!! This is ANZU. Yugioh's most dedicated friendship philosopher!!! The one who knew the power of friendship before anyone else did!! Always backing up her guy friends even when (especially when) they're up their own asses about card games!! Not the mom friend bc she's reckless and nuts in her own special way!! The girl Yami confided in when he couldn't even confide in Yuugi... who sees through everyone's bullshit into their true feelings.... who said "learning how to love yourself is a game we play our whole lives"..... She is THEE GIRL. Literally iconic. Foundational to the whole damn text!! She didn't haul ass after a bunch of goofy card game geeks supporting them through 343 chapters and suffer through endless early 2000s Anzu-bashing fic to NOT win this tournament!!
Isis Ishtar
gorgeous, very caring sister, strong duelist, and the only woman to ever make Seto Kaiba squirm
anyways. not only as mentioned above is she the first woman to make kaiba squirm, but she was by all means going to beat him if not for the millennium rod's millennium interference. yami marik admits that she's a strong duelist with a strategy that's been working for literal years-- and given that she's not like, a professional duelist, thats pretty impressive
she also recently got some really cool meta bumps and let me point out that an "ishizu deck" now includes obelisk the tormentor-- which we knew she had prior to giving it to kaiba, but i think it only solidifies my opinion that she very much could wield an Egyptian God Card, an exclusive little club for top tier duelists
as a character she presents herself with an amazing amount of poise and grace, shes compassionate and kind and stays with mai and serenity even though she only just met them. shes struggling through living the past 5 years of her life drowning in guilt for her family's tragedy just because she wanted to make her little brother happy and shadi is a fucking liar. shes foretold her own death and marches towards it grimly but with so much love in her heart. and even then shes 20 years old and holds an important position in the egyptian government that typically requires a doctorate degree AND has been dealing with mariks off-and-on bullshit entirely by her lonesome. she also likes to flex her fortunetelling a little which is awesome i think she should do that more that scene where she tells the guy exactly how the stele is being transported was so everything
speaking of shes got such an attitude. "is it your destiny to waste my time?" iconic. never seen before will never be seen again. watch the duel between her va and joeys its so fucking funny
shes excult. shes doesnt flinch in the face of god nor death. seto kaiba and yami marik respect her. shes so sad and so sweet and battle city couldnt have happened without her.
also her parallels with kaiba are what motivate kaiba to give yugi the card he needed to beat marik.
kaiba, in duelist kingdom, was ready to jump off a ledge if yugi didnt let him through to face pegasus while trying to save mokuba out of sheer desperation to save his little brother. he KNOWS what that dedication feels like and the iron kind of will you need to have to make that kind of gamble. isis is being so fucking legit with what shes saying and he respects that and her judgement enough to change his mind and not only watch the duel, but give yugi a card that eventually helps him win, even if he has no real confidence in the odds. but theres a CHANCE, which is the same thing he taught her when he beat her in a duel. the layers its her faith that moves him to act. which is so crazy
anyway vote isis shes my best friend forever and a real rep for all the 20 year olds who honest to god did not sign up for this bullshit
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cosmiccowboystuddies · 10 months ago
the sunshine court notes
first things first riko needed to be brutally beaten to death, a shot was too quick
renee talked like a fortune cookie and it was pissing me off
i wish we got more of Wymack and Jean, it was very nice of him to get on the plane with Jean
jean immediately getting annoyed with basic life is really funny
jean is also really sassy and hilarious
also something weird happened in jeremeys house
my personally theory is that he had a sibling who died and his family thinks its his fault
like maybe an accident or maybe the sibling overheard something that they weren't supposed to and his sibling had to die as a result
whatever happened the butler knows about it and is trying to protect him
and whatever happened had to be bad because the act of dying his hair had his family ban him from the dinner table
neil believing his relationship with andrew as a strength his really good for his character, considering his mom was so keen on him not forming any connections
the fact that jean actually considered reaching out to his sister, only for him to learn that she was dead breaks me every time
and neil using her to force him into a belief that he doesn't deserve to belong to anyone but himself was a necessary cruelty.
i also like that Jeremey was the one who telling him about Rikos death was good
jean has no agency in the entire 1st act of the book, he is taken from the nest and basically held captive, then he is forced to go to the sunshine court, which he doesn't like but has to
the foxes all hide info from jean for his own good
and jeremey being the one to tell him is nice because jeremey is his first taste of freedom
jean talking about his abuse in such a casual manner is horrifying bc he thinks its so normal and its horrifying
" i didn't ask" broke me in so many ways because Jean doesn't particularly trust jeremey at the time, nor did it slip out while he was angry, he just said it so casually like it was normal
At first i felt bad for Lucas, but not so much anymore.
he was a sympathetic character who was trying to straddle a thin line of having faith in his captain and who he belives is a violent stranger and his brother who is not the same boy he know
but bringing Greyson to jean was soo fucking stupid it pisses me off
and the fact that jean wasn't even really fighting back, just trying to protect himself is upsetting
also the imagery of him punching the keypad over and over again just trying to get out is gutting
jean isn't a dog who bites, he's a dog who puts his foot to the fire because he believes that he is supposed to do
the water scene was sad as well because he was trying so hard to behave but physically could not
also Jeremey and really most people on the team meet his violence with unflinching kindness is really sweet
i also appreciate how jeremey doesn't force jean to talk about his trauma or even takes the notes from him, jean has had little to no control in his life since he was 15 and forcing him to talk about it when he wasn't ready would have made it worse
and jean asking jeremey to pretend was sweet and what was even sweeter when he did
jean learning to cook is nice as well because he needs life skills
theory for book 2: jeremey buys jean his freedom and jean becomes an exy coach ( more of a pipe dream i guess)
i also think Greyson will kill lucas
jeremeys saving grace being the thought of his sister deserving better is horrifying
i wish we got more of his relationship with Zane
neil is a real one because Jean compared Greyson to drake once, and Neil took care of it for him
jean being afraid of sleeping alone is so sad because he's basically been trained to sleep next to someone
and the fact that he has nighmares, but they are hardly mentioned, and jeremey is the one to bring it up is so sad
also kevin should have tried harder to reach out to jean
jean pushed away the foxes because he knew they would eventually leave him too
jean being steadfast in the idea that if he plays a good game he will have momentary peace is heartbreaking
jean holding onto his talent despite people thinking he slept his way to the top is also upsetting
i hope we get a zane and jean reunion bc i think they truly cared for each other
maybe kevin sends jean a postcard and a magnet and they can reconnect
also him realizing his very limited possesions have been destroyed made me almost cry
and the magnet scene with jeremey is very sad, but him realizing the magnets are broken make him realize that he is
kevin and jean still both being afraid of riko is telling bc riko is dead
let me know what yall thought... always willing to talk about all for the game.
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t00thpasteface · 1 year ago
How do you like the mash movie?
I saw the series first, my dad is a fan and we used to watch it together, and was surprised at its more serious tone. Frank Burns also struck me as also a pathetic idiot but in such a different way and also has these evil vibes. Because of you I discovered the books, got them, and im having even more shocks!
i fucking LOVED IT. i was absolutely HOWLING the entire time. my favorite bits were:
the opening where you see the dangling arms of the bodies in the choppers??? oh my god. i was like GASP. the insane blood and gore was awesome and really drove home how petty and wacky everyone's being
hawkeye's stupid tinted glasses and bucket hat <3 sooo 70s.
mulcahy getting immediately ignored the second he's introduced. mulcahy basically acting like a frightened mouse in every scene he has. he is so sad. he's really not cut out for this
frank being introduced as an aggressive bible thumper (very funny contrast to the likeable and shy priest) so him cheating on his wife with margaret, who is also married, is even funnier
radar(!!) being the one who puts the mic under frank and margaret's bed
mulcahy hearing them bang, leaning in bc he thinks it's a radio program he enjoys, and going D: when he Realizes
suicide is painless. holy shit. did you know a 14 y/o wrote the lyrics? his dad said "i needed the lyrics to be extremely stupid, and 14 year old boys are masters of stupidity." mom just learned that and has been telling all her 50-60 y/o friends. also both versions in the movie are sung beautifully (and thus hilariously)
the unbelievable fruitiness of hawkeye and trapper at all points but especially in the golf related scenes
trapper spawning the olives out of nowhere. player.placeatme olivejar 1
bring me the sultry bitch with the fire in her eyes! (dramatic zoom)
hawkeye's entire interaction with painless just SCREAMING "chaotic bisexual who's been out the longest of anyone in the friendgroup and will forcefully yank you out of the closet the second you start questioning"
racists do not get dignified with a response. racists get shoved out of their chair
frank getting carted away in a straitjacket and never seen again
margaret hating the idea of football until the general wants it and suddenly she's a cheerleader with pigtails bc she's completely spineless. god she's so evil in this i LOVE horrible evil women. full agency at being the worst person ever <333 i support women's wrongs and i love watching chicks who are just slow-motion car crashes
"i was thinking we should have some plays, cause yknow, football teams always have plays" "actually i took the liberty of drawing about seven or eight plays for us to try ^_^" "great! ...what do these arrows mean?"
hawkeye suddenly not wanting to leave once he's actually able to 🥺
end credits being read over the loudspeaker like the other movie night announcements. so. cute.
okay sorry. good movie. i had fun and cried laughing ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
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astral-nautical · 1 year ago
suckening liveblog bc i dont wanna spam my friends lol
spoilers ahead!!!!!!!!!!!! going to put all of episode 1 in one post :O
i didnt expect emizel to be pronounced tht way tbh!! em-ee-zel...i expected emi-zel if tht makes Any sense
oh emizel got daddy issues? sad. wait he runs a GANG?
the arts fucking insane dude im so happy they worked w so many people for this
oh hello soda :O bro has some transgender energy already like. who dresses themselves in stuff w their name on it if not someone who picked their own name?
GANG WAR,? i love emizel i dont know if this is the rightr vibe or not but hes giving me 'punk kid whose pretending to be in a gang' and i love him for it
smash bros commentary is so funny omg
oohhh vampire time soon???? fangs gonna BITE
'sometimes i just say shit and idk what it means' SAME SODA.
ohhhhh nooo this is not gooooood. oh em ur getting fucked uppp
FIRST COMBAT WOOOOO omg the music is fucing phenomenal i love u nathan hanover
oh my god this is fuckjign insane NO SODAAAAAAAAAAA
ayo ? kiss time ig. NAHHHHH BITE TIME
wat the fuuuuuuck What the fuuuuuck LMAO FUCK DOUBLE BITE??????? CHOMP CHOMP MOTHERFUCKER
FRENZY CHECK??????? oh here we go dude vampire timeee
so emizels fucked. ANYWAYS ROMANIA
bizlys character art looks like hes abt to cry lmao. sad little twink
im so fond of this guy and hehasnt even talked? hes so funny. why are you so well dressed AYO EYESHADOW?
SHILO IS SO FUNNY I LOVE HIM? oh no his accent is so cute. cute as in like a stuffed animal is cute not like attraction. im aroace
is shilo like? rapunzel? is he not allowed to leave his room ?
hes so funny im so fucking endeared omg
oh he IS rapunzel he's never met a mortal!! why is his mother never letting him out :O
oh....he wants a book on birds :,) he wants to read abt pheasants....
shilo is a manipulative little BASTARD i love him he can do no wrong in my eyes forever and always. my wet and pathetic cat that i hold so dearly
ohh curious boy curious boy...doing this he should Not b
oh fuck shilo's mom so much i have a bad feeling abt her alreadyyyyy
my bbg...run away flee this place get OUT god i fucking hate his mother she caused him so much shame he's frenzying :((((
'both of you will take me to the darkened door, or i Will Scream." shilo you are my favourite forever and ever
kitty kitty cat :O give me their name rnv ITS A GIRL oh the little kityt noises im going to pass away
void...is she smarter than arthur lmao?
arthurs so cool hes like if rumi had a goth phase
fucking What is arthurs deal whts he looking for here. hello
"i believe in you. you are my special boy<3" shilo is such an asshole i adore him
emizel is here :O the trio are meeting up lets gooo
how did i COMPLETELY miss arthur can control shadows what the FUCK. what the HELL. ARMS OF THE ABYSS?
"i ask of you to calm down" "...i flick my other shoe at him."
"uh. Pretend i am dead." (collapses)
this is beyond fucking funny. emi and arthur sorting themselves out while shilo has a panic attack and fakes being dead like a fucking possum
in conclusion shilo is my newest bbg and my discord server profile is already fanart of him. god bless
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moonmoon-ren · 1 year ago
Part 4: Sequoia
(This part will have many scenes, and not so much text, its an intense moment)
KOORI !!! KAEN !!!
WHAT IS GOI- ... going on here ???
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There, he stood. Like a lightning striking the ground. The blonde hair, the tall appearance, a more firm voice then how Ren remembered. Ren felt himself freezing by the appearance.
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"Hey boss! Look who we found!" said the twins in unison. He was wandering around when we noticed him, we tought he was a Garlean spy.
The blonde Viera glared at the twins with a faint look of doubt. Then he turned his gaze towards Ren. For a short moment his toughts overwhelmed him.
Can it be, can it truly be? After all these years? I can't believe my eyes, I ... I ...
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The Viera stood there for a moment, trying to pull himself together, then slowly walked up to the twins and Ren.
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R-Ren !? Is this truly you?
Ren trembled as he saw the blonde Viera standing in front of him.
Look at him ... I ... I ... can't believe my eyes! He is so tall, and and and ... he looks so so so ... ughhh come on, gather yourself!
Still trembling Ren tried to regain his composure and then spoke:
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Koori? Kaen? Can you please explain me more ?
Well, we were out patrolling in the woods as you asked (said Koori), but not too far from the house, as you asked (said Kaen).
I know what I asked.
Then we saw a wanderer who seemed to be a bit lost, we followed him and then heard him talking to his bird about the house here. We tought he was a spy, we did not see it was Ren from the shadows. We might have given him a little slap on the head-
LITTLE SLAP !!! ??? I lost my conciousness for a moment, head still hurts. Tomorrow I will have a big bump on my head.
Oh poor Ren-Ren, soooo dramatic, said the twins in unison!
Shut up KK!
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Ren-Ren is always so confused and funny, said Koori.
Both Sequoia and Ren felt awkward for a moment, as if they wanted to ask so much and say so much neither of them found the words to speak.
Koori, Kaen? Stay here please, and safe!
Sequoia spoke this with a soft and calm voice. He slowly walked back to the frontdoor of the cabin, as he walked he closed his eyes for a moment, smiled, opened them again and turned around.
Ren ? Walk with me for a moment, please.
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As Ren heard Sequoia ask this he felt a little push on his left shoulder, and on his right a little pinch. This was Koori and Kaen's subtle way of encouraging him. At first he felt a slight sting in his head as he stood up, and heavy legs, as if he was dragging the entire woods of the Range with him. But then he saw his best friend standing there, radiant, his light. As these toughts overwhelmed him suddenly he felt shy, nervous even.
"Come Ren, lets walk."
Ren followed Sequia outside.
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Do you see that too ?
Do I see what ?
Hihihihi - I know something you don't know I think.
What sillyness has gotten into your head now?
Something that I know for a long while now. It was like that in the Range too. Did you not see that blink in Sequoia's eyes ? And Ren, he was happy to see us but when Seqouia entered the room he froze, he trembled, he was nervous, but the kind of nervous you feel around someone you like more then you dare to admit.
Since when do you are the expert in romance?
HEY! I didn't say anything about romance!?
I'm not blind Kaen. What you see, I see. I just played dumb for a moment to hear what bright idea you had about them.
I HATE you!
No you don't.
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Ren what is the matter ? Why are you so sad looking. Are you not happy to see me again ?
Sequoia, you have no idea how happy I am! It just so overwhelming.
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I understand that. We had to leave the Range in a rush bc of circumstances I will tell you later about when we all settled down a bit.
What happened ?
As I said, i will tell you later. Now is not the time for that Ren, and please you also should share your story with us. We heard about your father. Your grandfather sent a messenger with an urgent letter for your mom. She was devastated, and then-
Sequoia? Can I hug you ?
Can you...- Uwfff
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Ren did not wait for a reply and just stepped towards Sequoia, wrapped his arms around his best friend and bursted out in tears.
I'm so happy right now Sequoia, you have no idea how much. I ... I never tought I'd see you again, then the war in-
Shhh Ren, it's alright. I'm here now. I'm here now.
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Ren felt Sequoia's firm enbrace and the warmth of their bodies touching. This embrace meant more then a thousand words. All what they wanted to say, all what they should say to each other was there. They stood there for minutes, hugging each other. Neither wanted to let go of the other.
Ren was crying.
Sequoia was smiling.
I'm *sob* ... so ... *sob* ... sorry Sequoia ... *more sobbing*
What for ?
For leaving you behind.
Sequoia looked at Ren with a broad smile on his face.
Ren... lets walk a bit, there is a nice place nearby where we can talk a little bit. And there is something I want to ask you.
Ren followed, till Sequoia halted by a clearing.
Yes this will do nice.
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We can talk here.
Ren do you remember that day when we found those Turquoise rocks?
I do.... Like it was yesterday.
Shall we sit like back then ? I want to see it.
Ren started to loosen his chestwraps and took off his sollerets (Viera armor boots), while Sequoia did the same.
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 To see you wearing the necklace, it really makes me happy. After all those years.
Always Sequoia. That was our promise.
Always Ren.
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Your hair is different, but still spikey.
Yours is even more beautiful, when longer.
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(flashback to the day where they made their necklace)
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I missed you Sequoia, ever since that day I left. I wish we didn't left.
Ren, you stop worrying about that now. You are back, I succeeded in my quest. I found my Ren again. Our missing branch of the Treehouse.
Hahahah! (both Vieras shared this laugh)
The Treehouse Club eeeh. Thats so long ago! I remember all of them: Dawn, You, our pesky twins ofc, Faunus, Ash, Akane, Dorian. How are they ?
Oh quite the story! But all are fine.
I tell you more about them later. Now I want to spend time with you. Enjoy the evening, the victory. My Ren is back.
Yes ?
What are you, and the twins going to do now ?
I want to see Eorzea, Ren. I heard so much about this land and I want to see it all.
Koori and Kaen, I will ask them if they want to undertake one last Treehouse mission. I want to reunite us all, have a party to celebrate your return and then disband the club. I think each of us has earned the moment to finally start our life.
And I want to ask you something too, Ren.
Do you want to ... join me on my adventure in Eorzea ?
Do you want exclusive access to the best places ?
Huhhh ? what do you mean ?
Well, i lived here since a while and had a grand adventure here.
Lets just enjoy the moonlight, the forest sounds and the wind whispering trough the leaves before we return to the cabin. We should get some rest and then in the morning talk with the twins and discuss how we will continue.
Ren suddenly felt an urge to say something he wanted to say for such a long time to Sequoia but then decided not to. Now was not the time to tell this. It has been an eventful evening and a lot to take in. But ... Sequoia, it felt so good to having him so close again, to have shared such a warm embrace, to talk, to see that smile, those green eyes. It was good, and it got better.
Part 5 (A Beginning and an End) will be the conclusion of the Reunion story.
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ubike-official · 4 months ago
hi besties, uhhh bf update. God he is a completely different person w/me now. we were both in restrained customer service mode up until recently and now have both blossomed which is wow. love is real...
tidbits under the cut
so, as i speculated, hes def got something going on gender / sexuality wise. He told me last night he really likes to crossdress. And i was Not Surprised whatsoever bc yea... it tracks. And I just told him I'm bi, its cool regardless of how you view ur gender. Every one of my friends thought he was pretty feminine to begin with and that i was not beating the "lesbian trying to make it work with a man" allegations. I told him this, he just laughed and agreed that yea. its on purpose. He knows and likes to look cute which i whole heartedly support. I can't wait till he can come over and i dress him in my clothes and do his hair and makeup. It'll be great. He didn't clarify where it fully stemmed from besides wanting to feel pretty. but i dont think he himself knows if this is just an interest or smth deeper and thats fine. ill just support.
we didnt fuck but we've done sexual things. I did not expect it to go so well. i thought I'd be more hesitant as i am very reserved. ofc i have a sex drive i just handle it on my own. But yea, we were in the back of his car like humping with clothes on, he like fingered me over my underwear, feeling each other up, i was trying to jack him off over his underwear and missed it so i just grabbed his dick skin on skin which tbh i never expected myself to ever want to do that ever but no, yea. totally fine. enjoyable. He is SO Sensitive. its honestly so cute. Like sir, i am Just touching your back, why are you writhing like that and moaning into my ear ... have some decorum? uhh but ofc i loved it and kept going and yea. That sound is never leaving me. I had No Clue 4 months ago the guy who didnt even shake my hand on the first date would be moaning in my ear that he loves me. Thats craaaazy. Best Timeline though. We did this twice. The first time was in a daiso parking lot bc we needed to grab a present for his friend and after him doing all that, we composed ourselves and we So Normal inside the daiso. it was SOOO funny. Like damn, we're so good at customer service mood. its crazy.
i think he's lowkey got like oral fixation. I uh was messing around and was having him play bite my finger and then he took my thumb and sucked on it like He Knew What He Was Doing.... i never confirmed that all his past relationships were with women. He has never once used pronouns for any of them. honestly.... i have a feeling he's probably been with a guy at least once. But yeah,
We'll eventually do this right next time I'm home alone. he's never home alone and his parents are insane. Said getting each other off only ended bc his mom called. it was SOOO funny. we like instantly got off each other the second we heard the phone. it was SO synchronized. But yea, I'm loving it. We really really like each other. This relationship is so lesbian coded. Both bc well... it looks like it and also like he's already asking me "is it bad I'm thinking of ways to move in together? how many cats do you want?" like HAH GAAAY it's gonna be great. i found my person.
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stardustsomewhere · 7 months ago
can we get a fruit cult saga recap :0
yes sorry it took me so long to reply!
my ex gf (lemon) got me into the cult because she was like oh theres this funny groupchat im in can you join so a few days after she joined i did. at first it was all really funny and sweet and any red flags seemed like ill timed jokes? like they had a groupchat called THE PIT they would send you too but it felt so silly i didnt notice it was weird.
anyways after a few weeks i suddenly checked the gc at work and saw they were egging my girlfriend on who was on the roof of her office building. for context shes deathly afraid of heights. they kept telling her to jump or to scream at people down below and call them slurs. i was sure it was a bad bit until she posted photos and then i left work to go get her. i found her in the stairwell having a panic attack and talking about the "angels" and how she was hearing voices and stuff. genuinely terrifying stuff
i was out of my element so i just called my mom and asked her what to do and she said hospital ASAP so i drove my gf there. they didnt really take her seriously but kept her for about 72 hours but when they released her she dumped all her medicine and refused to take it. i forced her to for a bit but she was still acting weird so i gave up and was planning on leaving
then one night i ate some mushrooms she had forged and went CRAZY and ran out the house. i didnt get too far before my body rejected it and i puked and passed out. my gf thankfully had enough sense to take me to the hospital and we both had to get our stomachs pumped (awful, do not suggest) turns out for a while she had been misidentifying mushrooms and i had avoided dishes with it in it cause i hate mushrooms and never noticed.
so it seemed like really good at this point! we were dedicated together to making sure nobody else got hurt and we were going to transition the group chat into a much safer version with everyone getting help and such. i wanted to stop apple from hurting herself and others. then apple demoted lemon from her stupid rank (top rank was ring) and lemon LOST HER MIND. she was so upset it was all she talked about
then she threw another member under the bus to get promoted again and started acting really distant and weird. we stopped talking about how we were going to help them see the truth and get out of all the brain washing and more about if we believe in the fruit god (im an atheist and she knows this. this is important to me as a physicist too plus religious trauma)
then is started getting sick and after a few days i started acting and doing erratic stuff. i was fully aware it wasnt normal and called off work for a few days to figure it out. i was about to go to the dr when someone told me to check me food on here and lo and behold, the mushrooms again. she had been putting it in my food ON PURPOSE THIS TIME
the next morning after sleeping the shrooms off as much as i could i opened my phone to see she decided our apartment was OPEN TO ANYONE IN THE CULT. she was having the leader come LIVE WITH US! i had been given no time to know let alone consent. i paid half the rent and most the bills (she helped in other ways dw it was very 50/50) and i was just so upset and scared that i just said its over. i took my cat and most my stuff (left my furniture, there was no hope of moving it) and just moved in with a friend. thank god she had a spare room for an office she was willing to rent to me.
bcs i left now everyone in the cults really mad at me so i honestly just got overwhelmed and shut my phone off. i dont wanna text them for a few days tbh. it was just too much. especially this one guy called fig, they were just always so mean to me it made me cry several times. they kept trying to find ways to hurt me, including some ableist stuff about how i should do drugs even if i medically cant. some of their friends (shrimp and plum) also went out of there way to attack me and try and physiologically torture me. i felt so bad i just shut my phone off
honestly at this point idk the benefit to trying to be anyones friend in this cult. idk why im even trying to help them. i feel used and abused. i feel VERY abused. i dont know. lifes hard
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hertwood · 1 year ago
dts s5 e6-8
e6: -having flashbacks of having to defend oscar to my mom for this why does the show try to lean into otmar's perspective so heavily GROSS -nah im full tinhatting i do not remember this whole bit where everyone hypes up oscar in interview before he has his lil chat with mark netflix u slimey lil bitches -oh if i was here when this news broke summer break 2022. i would've been inconsolable. i'm sure it was nuts, ballistic. maybe it was good i wasnt there. idk if i could've handled it akldkfjadslkfjasdkfj -lando saying "i already am (leading the team)" was not that rude it was just the TRUTH sorry -daniel speaking italian is so important actually -"ive been in this sport for 25 years i know what im doing" king that only makes the fumble THAT much more embarrassing COME ON -otmar talking abt how well oscar took all the shit we offered aren't we owed a contract? reminds me of timeshare schemes like actually just u paid for xyz if you dont have a contract in place he doesnt owe u anything maybe do contracts better next time :) -unfortunately zak brown is right!! its a pr disaster is the 5 million worth it!!! and they didnt even get the 5 mil!!! how do lose ur job speedrun masterclass here!! -i do wonder how much netflix inflated daniel's chances for the alpine seat, bc from what i've heard it wasnt really in the conversation. idk i wasnt there but it would make sense for netflix to lean heavily into this narrative -did not realize liam was sitting Right There when pierre was askin abt the gossip aldfjaslkfjaksjdf -the way how in season 1 its like NO DANIEL DON"T LEAVE RED BULL i feel the same way abt pierre going to alpine. like ofc it made perfect sense at the time and you cant fault him for it but like no babygirl its bouta implode PLEASE -rip all the tiktok edits that were muted in the umg purge that paired "good luck to oscar" with "if a man talks shit then i owe him nothing." thank u taylor couldn't have said it better myself -"do you regret anything that's happened?" "um. no :)" U TELL EM BABY
e7: -i'm sorry but geri seemingly getting boiling water from a tap to make tea is so fucking insane rich person cursed -was originally gonna include this funny shot of christian standing looking out a balcony like sharpay evans in high school musical in my s5 gifset but due to recent events i will not :) -i just think. that including this whole bit abt how much checo loves his family in the same episode as the monaco gp where he allegedly cheated on his wife was a CHOICE. interesting. -lewis's monaco 2022 outfit is one of his best outfits ever. its so iconic 2 me -HI ALEX -so many cinematic parallels to discuss. s1 max putting it in the wall in practice and ruining his race to prove he was faster than daniel. known parallels to brocedes ALLEGEDLY trying to sabotage eachother by crashing in that corner in monaco. hmm hmm hmm. much to think -im sorry the sainz collision is just so goofy. i remember watching the replay of this quali and being bamboozled. befuddled. deeply amused. what a stupid fucking sport -'for fucks sa-........okay this is typical monaco isnt it" MAX GETS IT -i honestly dont mind wet monaco races just bc by nature of the track its on average slower therefore less dangerous. i'll take a wet monaco over a wet spa any damn day -ferrari's double pit fuck up is PEAK embarassing ferrari strats. like to do a bad strat is one thing but to just mess up the strat ur trying to do. peak biblically cursed charles leclerc moment
e8: -god i wish i got more into yukierre. i see the appeal. unfortunately they just dont give me brain worms -many thoughts. um i think focusing on yuki's temper is just. unfair. like sure he should work on it but thats an issue with many young drivers its not a unique failure on his part -i have given thoughts on japan '22 before i'm not rly gonna rehash but i really wish the didn't gloss over it on dts. i think it was an important moment in the sport to have a big conversation abt rain safety. -oh this nyck supercut is gonna be painful knowing where it goes :/ -god remember when ppl thought nyck was gonna lead the team? leave yuki in the dust? even /i/ had him above yuki in my preseason predictions isnt that insane? -"im happy, i'll take that, that you'll miss me at least 2 or 3 minutes" god forgot the most romcom ass shit since sebchals we'll start by holding hands -nando n lance having this crazy crash and now a year later they're fucking on the reg. happy 4 them
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wrdn-tabris · 2 years ago
a little life update :-)
(pls help i need advice)
i have this friend. two friends actually. i went to visit them recently (june)
friend 1, lets call her cat had asked friend two, lets call her bee, to move down with her. bee agreed. issues immediately started. bee was off her meds and didnt want to get back on them, and started picking fights with cat, treating her badly and etc bc thats what bee used to do when she still lived with her mom. pick fights when her mood dropped and get into screaming matches (tho its not like her mom didnt also pick fights with her)
cats telling me abt this at this time and i feel bad bc i feel like i wasnt being a good friend mostly bc i didnt have the energy to hear abt how terrible it was going for her. i was going thru a lot when it started which isnt her fault or my fault, but i feel bad for not being more supportive. so cat stopped telling me abt it, bc i didnt know what to do or how to fix things. i thought stuff resolved itself but i went and visited and it hasnt. really.
so i arrive. bee doesnt come with cat to pick me up, which, ok disappointing but i understood she was tired. she didnt come to eat with us either. which also sad
next day cat asks for some rent money to get herself lunch, bc she forgot to make smth to eat before leaving and cat couldnt and wouldnt give their rent money so she could get lunch. so she asked us to bring her lunch from mcdonalds if she ordered somthing bc she had points on the app, and we had to decide tht if we are driving tht far out to where she works we might as well do something over there. cat asks if we should invite her partner with us and i agreed bc i wanted to meet him. we go to pick up her lunch, she asks me to buy her something rather than ordering smth off the app, which, feels :/ to assume ill just buy it for her. i would have if she asked but she just sent me her order. mybe an asshole move of my to say 'uhhh sure if ur able to order it off the app???'
get the food, fight thru traffic to get to her, have to fight thru parking traffic to get out of where she works. we end up visiting this old military fort and hang out for a few hours and when we come back we think bee is asleep. its like. 7:30? 8:00?
so i try to inflate the blow up bed i got for them to use for when they have other guests sleep over and me and cats bf wake her up while im trying to figure out how to work it so she comes out and snaps at us. i apologize for being loud, promise to be quieter but im inflating the air mattress so i might be loud for a few minutes. the ENTIRE time im inflating it shes standing there arms crossed glaring at us and clearing her throat the entire time. and maybe its just me but??? i find that to be a little fucking rude tbqh. me and the bf are guests and its making me feel unwelcome and regretting the money i spent to come visit her. anyways cat comes out from the bathroom bc bee is still there clearing her throat with her arms crossed even after i finished fixing up the air mattress, and its quiet as hell bc me and bf are both uncomfy. cat gets mad and upset bc were guests in their home and she shouldnt be treating her like tht. shes upset we woke her up but surprise surprise shes even MORE upset i met cats partner before hers bc she wanted it to all be 'together' even tho i agreed to meet bf bc i did! want to meet him! and that we went to the fort without her.
i apologize to her abt that bc i wanted to meet him but shes like 'no cat knew i wanted to do this thing' which fair.
the rest of the week goes ok. i get to meet her partner and theyre so nice and funny and i was super excited to meet them. we hit off great. we get lunch with one of cats friends, bee remarks abt 'oh i used to get so upset abt ppl being happier than me, enjoyed making ppl unhappy and would go out of my way to do so, bc i didnt like that they were happy and i wasnt' i buy bee a present for her birthday and u kno week ends i go home, and turns out bees partner comes out to her abt some things and bee freaks out, gets super upset and reacts really poorly. starts crying and going off abt being betrayed and etc.
turns out partner breaks up with her the next day bc they were uncomfortable with the reaction and then she starts crying and going off again abt feeling betrayed and upset and wanting to kill herself and tht they told her they loved her and would never leave and etc etc etc amongst other 'its not faiiiir' reactions. i still hold the opinion she was upset bc they broke up with her first.
cat calls her out for her behavior and that shes saying some very inappropriate things and tht ex isnt an awful person. bee ends up demanding all the gifts she gave ex back and wanted to know what ex would be doing with special gifts they got her before they both broke up.
i honestly end up quite. disgusted? with her behavior bc any time she broke up with someone while she lived separately from cat, shed ghost us and wed only get her side of the story. cat all but ends up moving in with her partner bc bee refuses to clean up after herself and keeps making a mess of things and its just a bad living situation.
cat tells bee tht shes not thinking of renewing their lease at the end of the year bc she cant handle living like this and bee lashes out. ends up making a mess of their kitchen and breaking some of cats things.
she also uses special non stick stuff of cats and uses metal on it (which ur not supposed to do) and keeps using cats own dishes and dishes she got from her grandma and doesnt clean them or anything.
my thing is. i dont know what to do. i kinda wanna stop our friendship bc im upset at how shes treating our other mutual friend. but i dont know if i should talk to her bc ive asked cat if i should try and talk to her to get her to see tht shes not being a good friend and cats told me not to, mostly bc she refuses to see shes wrong. im leaning towards wanting to follow her advice bc she has been living with bee but also it feels so scummy not to say anything esp when i know shes going to be going thru a difficult time in the next few months. however if i talk to her, i dont want to cause her to lash out at bee or have any of her things that are still at their apartment broken bc bees already proven to lash out and break other peoples things when shes upset at them, and i dont want to make it any worse for her.
bee would tend to ghost us when she was stll living with her mother, so much so tht we wouldnt hear from her for weeks or months, esp when she was feeling bad. i would try to reach out to her just to make sure she was fucking alive lmao. im worried if i were to reach out and ask abt all this and end with our friendship splitting off, shed do something drastic like hurt herself. i want to reach out and try to salvage what i feel is a dissolving friendship but i also dont want to be friends with this type of person unless shes worked on herself. i still love and care for her but like i know who i would stick by if i had to which... feels bad to say and sucks but th fact is i am closer with cat, mostly bc when bee would ghost us me and cat would still talk and we have more in common.
i want to talk and ask her why she would do and say these things and treat ppl she loves like this but ive been told not to but it would feel wrong not to at least. reach out. i dont know what to do.
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yuukei-yikes · 2 years ago
What kind of relationship do you think Ayano and Kano have? Especially considering this shitshow going on with them and Shintaro
answer is here but... >:3
both are very messed up and filled with guilt/feelings of failure over their whole thing from back then. kano is so ashamed he ended up doing the things he did even if under the threat of saeru and ayano is ashamed she even dragged him into it in the first place, only to end up leaving him & seto and kido alone... she feels like such a failure :((
i think ayano would rly try to talk about it, but disregards all of kano's own remorse and just like kido and seto she's like yeah u shouldve said something but its ok we're family and ayano is even more like this bc she feels so RESPONSIBLE for kano's mistakes she's like oh my GOOOOD especially for shit like having to pretend to be her corpse, ayano rly feels like she's singlehandedly put kano through hell. so she's all over him like a worried mom lol
and he IS all messed up but he's like id rather get stabbed again than be honest abt all these feelings of dread bc what am i supposed to say?? that i feel empty and clueless and lost and sad and undeserving even though everything is ok and my sister is back?? in what world do i have the right to feel the way i do after all the mistakes ive made. like who cares i feel undeserving, its not about me. if anything its about kido&seto getting ayano back. its about ayano getting her life back!!
but ayano keeps acting so apologetic and remorseful and it makes kano so sick. bc how can she feel so responsible, it wasn't her. it was clearing eyes. kano is so angry that ayano and also even shintaro&mary keep blaming themselves for things that weren't their fucking fault it was CLEARING and kano's like IM the only one who knew for so long and didnt say anything. if anyone's a fucking asshole its me!!!!
so... i think both kano and ayano are going to each other like i know ur hurting talk to me💖 no im fine. YOURE doing badly. talk to me. NO YOU NO YOU NO YOU and its stupid
and for the whole shintaro stuff. well kano IS SO MAD at him because 1. hes dating his sister and is overprotective over her 2. he is FUCKING UP with his sister making it WORSE 3. HE LIKES HIM *HOLDS HEAD* DESPITE IT ALL HE LIKES HIM SO MUCH💔💔💔
erm. after ayano's breakthrough/kano starting to see shintaro etc etc i think... both kano and shintaro are so terrified of their relationship so ofc they wouldnt tell anyone. which is why itd be 10000 times funnier if theyre caught. idk how that would go but i just know itd be funny. i havent given it much thought yet but i just want it to be a sitcom moment i love secret relationships and characters finding out one by one
erm abt how ayano would react i think shed be surprisingly chill about it?? like she's not mad or not even weirded out she's probably just like hehe THERE IS something to like isnt there shuuya :3 and kano wants to die. maybe she'd be iffy if its very fresh after breakup with shintaro she's like girl ur not ready for a relationship LEAVE MY BROTHER ALONE‼️‼️‼️ but it all depends in what mental context she is at. also if she was like this, kano and shintaro freak out like RELATIONSHIP⁉️ WHO SAID ANYTHING ABT A RELATIONSHIP WERE NOT IN A RELATIONSHIP and its so ridiculous and insane. lol.
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the-cat-chat · 2 years ago
April 22, 2023
The Mist (2007)
A freak storm unleashes a species of bloodthirsty creatures on a small town, where a small band of citizens hole up in a supermarket and fight for their lives.
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Warning: This review does contain spoilers for the movie. Read at your own risk.
JayBell: For some reason, I was under the impression that the mist was like acid or something and that’s why people couldn’t leave the supermarket. But no. It’s full on weird tentacle-y creatures and bug monsters and stuff. Which is cool, just unexpected.
Let’s start with our main character. For some reason, I found him both really creepy and yet utterly boring. To me, he was just very bland and forgettable. Also, it was so weird that they introduced the cliche “perfect” women, and the whole time it felt like the movie was trying to set them up as a romantic pairing while they were both still married? Plus, her character basically becomes “mom” to his kid and that really freaked me out. Speaking of the kid, yikes did he really not bring much to this movie. He also had the convenient ability to sleep when crazy things were happening.
The best actors were Marcia Gay Harden (the crazy religious zealot), Andre Braugher (the resentful neighbor), and Toby Jones (the store worker). I actually enjoyed the way the movie explored group dynamics and group thinking. It felt like a social experiment gone wrong. So much was put into the relationship between Andre Braugher’s character and the main guy that his death made his character arc seem incomplete. I thought this was one of the most interesting dynamics in the movie, but it felt like there was no emotional payout.
Now the ending. I don’t mind an anti-Hollywood ending. It can be refreshing and surprising sometimes. But it seemed a little ridiculous here. They go through all this effort to fight and live, drive for a ways, and then the car runs out of gas. Their immediate thought? Murder suicide. Not their second or third thought. One of them even says, “Well no one can argue we didn’t try.” I meeeeeaaannn. Did you really try? You didn’t even get out of the car to see if there was another car you could take or siphon gas out of. You didn’t even try to run for some semblance of safety. No one tried to run off and get help. Nope. Clearly the only option is murder suicide. It actually felt so ridiculous that I couldn’t even feel sad at the ending, I just ended up laughing. 
Rating: 4/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: Ummmm. I know its a very rare occasion when I might love a movie- and the rest of the time my other two emotions are either traumatized or seething with rage. But I’m seething with rage with just a dash of traumatization. I reallllly was liking this movie from a dissect it and make funny of it way (bc it is so outlandish but has its moments). And honestly the end of the world? Tell me the one place on planet Earth you’d die willingly rather than to be stuck in- yes the loathsome grocery store. Now come on forget Freddy Krueger- that’s true horror.
I just wanna say- to start off strong- the one thing I didn’t expect to come from The Mist was *spoiler alert* tentacles with teeth OR giant bugs. I thought it would be for sure zombies or like ghouls of some sort - so this plot twist was interesting. The vibes are there for sure too - you definitely pick up on the paranoia that settles in among the people too. Noooow. Let’s not even talk about the religious screaming lady bc I can feel the irritation literally in the pieces of my spine. And then she had to brainwash everyone??? Whhhhhy? 😩 I get it and why the movie does it but I’m not happy about it - so she for sure did a good job. Ohhhh my gawd. The spiders?!? Those thing were 1000x worse that Pennywise. The Punisher’s kid was almost as annoying as the religious lady. And I think his screaming “Daddy?!?” continually throughout the movie really knocks it down at least a half a point. And the fatally flaw. The ending. How? Why? I don’t need this. For reellllzzzzz man. You didn’t see a flame throwing army convoy in your rear view?!??!? I don’t wanna talk about it. Really. If you hate someone tell them to watch this movie just to see their soul leave their body when they watch the end scene. And totally unrelated, but the mystery I wanna know- what was the neighbor’s lawsuit about?? Why even bring it up so much to not tell us? Uggg.
Rating: 3.5/10 Cats 🐈
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buffa-z · 19 days ago
ep 4
keiwa hiding from neon instead of walking past her in the hallway?
neon calling her mom bc she's literally about to die soon and her mom doesnt listen to her at all ok i remember why i forgot about this part
"so you lose your human rights when you become a zombie, huh?" you dont even know the half of it man. talk about saying the theme out loud
ace and michinaga cooperating on restraining dapaan. but ace wont allow it to happen to neon
i know theyre setting up buffa as an antagonist but like the only difference between him and ace is ace arbitrarily decides to help people randomly
tycoon stops michinaga for real tho.
plus ace is only holding off killing the zombie bitten players bc they havent turned yet. so hes not better he just has more patience
"quit being so serious. it was just a joke" he lies badly
also where is this??? i cant identify the function of this room or why the dgp would have it in their facility
neon coming face to face with her own mortality and all she can think about is going home
yuna is SO GOOD shes so good at playing neon
"you should forget about me" she says. everyone stop saying shit like that NOWW
ace looking at her after she said it too like damn thats my fault. which is debatable but he has to make it about himself
everyone talking about how their wish is worth risking their life and ace coming in like actually 🤓 the wish is the compensation we get for helping the world from the jamato YOU KNOW THAT ISNT TRUEEEEEEEEE "our participation is what keeps the world safe" YOU KNOW DAMN WELL ITS A REALITY SHOW MAN WHY ARE YOU DOING THIS
altho he isnt lying when he says "there are those who didnt make it too... out of respect for them we must see it through" that is a genuine belief of his
ace has a habit of staring at people
ALL HER VIDEOS GOT DELETED? if i was her id go lawsuit mode
THE HOUSE FULL OF DOLLLLLLLS YUPPPPPPPP and shes wearing the same type of clothes but with a modern sweater over lets go symbolism
sorry but if you hit your adult child i dont care what happens to you like actually die
see how neon dresses when she goes to run away, modern prints, black and white and gold, the fewest scalloped or laced edges she can find
notice how she has one suitcase and one backpack. implying she may be rich but shes not materialistic. or at least realistic enough to know she has to be selective with what she takes
keiwa and neon at the bench and ace is social distancing 3 meters away physically trying not to get close to her while he acts
"the desire grand prix really is amazing" statements only insane people who have no choice but to be a rider say
shes always got that bokeh effect around her in single shots i like that. her world hasnt come into focus yet
ok she literally says shes being punished by god for trying to leave home ok awesome. and btw i hope her mom explodes
shes got the veneer of naivety bc she doesnt have worldly experience but she does have a lot of emotional maturity underneath that. when youre the emotional crutch of a parent like that....
ok fighting time THEY SWAPPED BUCKLES thats frankly a bit gay innit. geats like "~buffa what are you doing with my buckle?"
buffa hitting geats shoulder spike with the rifle ok "good question" their signals for 'watch what im about to do' are crazy you guys are GAY
i love how buffa uses the gun as a bludgeon weapon to fuck with geats, esp after geats has been using the zombie buckle wrong
the sub translating senpai as "the big guy" is really funny like i get it but also
neon!!! i like how theyre contrasting dapaans nihilism with her determination theme like you can either get up and fight or you can give up and only one of them becomes a main character
SHE DID A FLIP?!?! did she know how to do that or did she just say fuck it im gonna die anyway might as well try?
ace explains that the jamato damages reset when the game ends. we'll see how that holds up
the music box rendition of the theme?!? how did i never notice that before. leitmotif alert!
keiwa giving neon her boost buckle bc "if you disappeared.... my sister would be really sad" "not you?" "of course i would too"
they do kinda set up a potential romance between those two but it goes nowhere which i think is fine
this girl can kick! shes such a mobile fighter i love that. shes clearly got some idea what shes doing (gamer clues)
ace helping her out with the zombie finisher, this time remembering something he saw buffa do
GIANT HAMMER LETS GOOOOOOOOOO she should get to have poweredbuilder (kills a hostage)
buffa not letting geats get away with helping her like she would have died if not for what geats did. which pisses buffa off too bc ace never did that shit for him
ace smiling behind his stupid hair as he evacuates the impending interrogation
neon goes back home "this is my final boss" LOL and of course catching the strike
"one day i will leave this place" and john smiling then hiding it
"the grudge match draws near" with buffa and ace framed opposite each other. actually huge in terms of foreshadowing bc that doesnt happen in this game does it
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deadchovsky · 1 year ago
Ok nvm more yapping under the cut. Tumblr is my diary and baby, I'm writing in pink glitter gel. Ignore this <3
I'm formatting this like greentext bc its funny
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Big Font.
Ddo you like Wilbur soot. Cuz I do
>be me on NYE
>one of my friends asked me to take a picture out of this end of year video thing I post on my 15 subs youtube channel every year at the end of the year.
> he says because his phone screen is visible and hes worried about what's on it. Says it might be some rp server he was on at the time the picture was taken and thinks it could he embarrassing. (This is important remember this.)
>I zoom in on the picture, it literally looks like a black screen.
> he says hes still worried about someone seeing it
>okay whatever. I try my best to remove this picture that last for like 2 seconds out of a 15 minute long video. (Sidebar, this picture was already in a different video months ago and he was fine w it then and literally has never brought up removing it from that video once.)
> I save changes to the video
> "okay I think I got it, but there might be like .5 seconds of it still, bc YouTube's editing thing sucks"
> he says its fine, because it's a 15 minute long video and the longest that clip is in there for is like. A singular second.
> 2 months later
> be me
> this mf hasnt talked to me, or basically any of my friends since new years.
> guy literally dropped out of the play despite wanting to be in it since September
>guy is literally in all 4 of my classes and hasnt attended a single one since the second day of the semester.
>I'm walking around the school bc the gender neutral bathrooms are closed, so I'm going to the least scary girls bathrooms near the front of the school.
> guy and one of my friends show up and stop me in the hallway.
> friend: "hey guy needs to talk to you."
> me: "bro I have to piss rn can it wait"
> apparently not.
> Guy: "I know you don't understand why I feel this way" (most condescending tone possible)
> turns out changes didnt save in YouTube video and the picture is still in the video for literally 0.003% of the entire runtime.
> tells me to remove it because he thinks that he was "texting his mom about his attempt at the time"
> picture was taken a month before the attempt. also he told me it was the rp server the first time I tried to remove it.
> ok whatever. I say I'll remove the picture.
> interaction is very awkward(mind you we're standing in the middle of a high school hallway while hes telling me all this) I leave and go piss
> I go back to class after pissing
>friend (who was with guy) says that was the first time guys talked to her in a few weeks.
>I show her the picture on my phone, bc I feel like I'm going crazy. The phone literally only looks turned on bc you can see a slightly outline of a white keyboard. Not to mention the photo is BLURRY.
>friend confirms that you can't see fucking shit on the phone in the picture.
>thank god because I thought I was somehow wrong for thinking you cant see shit
Also, bro saw that video that the picture was in once, freaked out bc he thought you could see his rp server in it, then tried to tell me TWO MONTHS LATER (and almost 10 months AFTER the picture was taken and posted in a different video THAT HE SAW) that he was talking to his mom about a suicide attempt in there. I didnt even remember about that bro how tf did he manage to keep that in his brain for two fucking months. Get different meds you fucking dweeb like oh my god. Clearly whatever you're on now isnt working.
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nyopilled · 2 years ago
ENTRY #5&6: 07-08/07/2023
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today's song: https://open.spotify.com/track/1LNGuCg01CHg9ErApmz92R?si=cnwQHC-YQwyfN-p2bheVTA&context=spotify%3Aartist%3A0PHf0oiic0xAnCrRuLTtHl
i didn't even feel like doing todays entry bc i feel like shit but rn im gna do it anyways to distract myself
yesterday, i did the same as the other days. i watched ice age 2 where they met ellie. watched more evolution videos. decided to try to get into paleoanthropology. decided to go to the museum and convinced my mom to buy tickets for me and my bro for the next day.
also researched abt university degrees w paleoanthropology majors... theres only two unis that offer that focus near me n both r kinda hard to get into... still... ill do my best to get into the harder one cuz i need the access to their library its not even funny . nonfiction books r so expensive . knowledge is expensive.
today, i went to the museum, walked around the bookstore, and ate hotdogs.
can i just say idek how manny managed to bag ellie. like this guy was always fumbling. what pisses me off is that this fictional woolly mammoth has enough charisma to manage to get two girlfriends in his lifetime while im still struggling.
anyways . i wanna type more but im too tired (my feet hurt!!!!!!!) so ur getting the short form of todays events.
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went to see the t rex exhibit. if i was a tyrannosaurus i would be a guanlong me thinks... my brother wld be a xiongguanlong . looked at the other exhibits . had to leave the bird exhibit cuz it was making me hungry . looked at the dawn of life exhibit. left the dawn of life exhibit bc i was hungry. ate hot dog with fries. the fries has no salt . went back to previous exhibit. lamented the lack of hominid exhibits. went to see the colonizer exhibit. went to see inuit music/art exhibit. was very fascinated by it . went to ancient civilization exhibits . went to the ancient egypt exhibit. immediately left the ancient egypt exhibit after discovering that there were actual mummies n skeletal bodies on display . went to museum store . nearly bought book abt fossils and evolution before putting it down . nearly bought a toy penguin ring . went out of the museum . anti-covid protesters were outside n blocking the streets . my unserious brother took a selfie w them in the background holding up a peace sign w a straight face . walked to book store. bought book abt evolution history . walked to mall . waited for my mom n dad to pick us up. ate another hot dog . the fries had salt . mom n dad picked us up . home. Klee
also nui!diluc was w me today n he learned a lot me thinks :3 first time hes gone outside ! he nearly got eaten .
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going to go eat snack now.
thats all.
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additional notes: Kasuga "Osaka" Ayumu
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veryinnovative · 2 months ago
GOING INSANEEEE GOING INSANE. i need 2 backtrack to the light absorption. i MUST. bc u have sated viktor not understanding why jayce is tripping over his own feet, pulling open drawers nd shit obviously looking for candles, muttering to himself. i think that-- part of this. should remain in human form and that light sources react to his emotions!! i just think it would be soooo sexy. we must keep that
the blanket......it'd be so funny if viktor's species have this mating ritual that is like. A specific amount of gifts equates to a potential partner trying to court you. a few gifts indicates friendship/alliance but once a certain maximum is reached it's like. Final. the XYZ month mating ritual has started. also the realization of cold is SO sexy of you im so serious....i can imagine human viktor realizing he has a lung capacity now and--god, he has to BREATHE. he needs air. so it's him huffing puffing struggling like he's run a marathon till it steadies and he figures out how to breathe. [ofc jayce can sleep through a hurricane so he doesn't realize viktor is very much trying not to die in his newly acquired human form] the thing abt viktor not knowing how to use his hands or limbs or anything is so cute rly bc he is like a baby doe and so gangly just rolling over the floor and burrito-ing himself. also adapting to his environment bc it is Dark and he cant see Shit but can only hear Jayce's slight snoring and the gentle barely-there thrum of the fridge and other electronics, the draft of the wind outside, and anything else his human ears pick up on.
its the way jayce CANNOT catch a break. his stubble has turned into a beard. bags under his eyes. cant remember the last time he had a proper shower instead of a quick baby towel wipe-down. he wakes up,, expecting today is the day he can finally shave and wash his hair and enjoy the warm stream of water but no. no bc life hates him. and there's a naked man on his floor blinking up at him wrapped in a blanket he gave the alien he was accomodating. gorgeous, yes. unknown? also yes. he doesn't even scream at this point. they just share eye contact and jayce has this little mental breakdown laugh bc why not? life's got it absolutely against him. he is almost-yelling at the man 'what are you doing here' and 'how did you get in' and 'oh my god are you--there is an ALIEN in this house you need to LEAVE' only for his rambling to be broken by a hungry growl of viktor's stomach..who after a stretch of silence goes... 'f-o-o-d' in the exact same manner jayce had when he first tried feeding viktor in the lab and that's when everything dawns on him. and of course that is the perfect moment caitlyn of all people come barging into his apartment bc ofc she has the keys
shitshow 19.24234 spirals out of control of course bc caitlyn is going 'oh! oh. i didn't know--seriously jayce, you could have warned me at least' and jayce is waving his arms like 'it's not what you think it is--really. it--' 'dont call your hookup an it, jayce! he's right there' 'no, you don't get it. it--he--whatever is an alien!' 'what--'
and in the meantime viktor is trying to grapple his way up to his wobbly legs, not at all understanding what the humans are saying bc caitlyn nd jayce are still in a heated discussion of 'seriously your phone's been turned off for two days now your mom got worried!' 'she better be because there is an alien in my house' 'if you call him an alien one more time'
i dont know. i think caitlyn brushes past jayce and to viktor to talk to him. of course, viktor doesn't understand shit. he's hungry and confused and can only pinpoint they're displeased with one another. caitlyn is talking to him like. 'im sorry he called you that. idk whats wrong with him his mom deffo raised him better. he's being such an ass he is probably just tired.' and gradually gets confused and concerned bc viktor is just staring blankly at her before mimicking jayce from xyz days ago and going 'food' with a very butchered pronunciation [also of course rubbing over his stomach bc that's what jayce did to act out hunger when he first trying feeding him] and caitlyn goes awfully quiet. and the room is quiet. and they're all staring at each other. and jayce thinks he is about the have an aneurysm. and caitlyn very quietly goes 'jayce. why do you have an alien in your room?' and jayce tries explaining, although not very well and then caitlyn interrupts and goes 'jayce. why do you have an alien in your room. naked?'
and then hell really breaks out between them in the most sibling-like manner of disputes and in the background u just have viktor shuffling over the floor trying to walk. [i think that his existing injury/condition should also transfer to his human form. meaning he needs a cane or smth to support him in his gait] so now he's just clinging to the walls, babysteps, trying to aim for the kitchen bc he remembers jayce storing food there.
this is getting so awfully long ims o sorry but i think that by the time caitlyn and jayce finish talking, they hear a little crash coming from the kitchen and whirl around their heads to see a pot's lid on the floor and viktor eating leftover kraft mac and cheese with his hands. raises his stained fingers to them before going 'food'. caitlyn punches jayce in the shoulder nd murmurs 'give him some clothes'
@wordsofwilderness tag <3
okay so for alien!viktor do we think that jayce was messing with hexcore/tech and that’s what brought viktor into his world? or do we think hexcore is something that pops into existence alongside viktor? or it’s like kryptonite for him??? or something else??? omg my brain is quivering i am so close to abandoning all my responsibilities just to churn out a fic w this concept auuuuUgH 🗣️
me dropping my work immediately after receiving this msg:
ok. Okay. i think . jayce uncovers hexcore/tech and tinkers with it, not knowing that a certain rune sequence in combination with, i don't know, a certain component (time of the day. maybe also blood. whatever it may be. some other artifact they once retrieved, etc etc) triggers it to activate as this one-way passage that pretty much DRAGSSSS viktor to earth in jayce's lab. mayhaps he arrives in a vegetative state as we discussed and comes to be in a span of a few days while jayce studies him/tries not to freak out/refuses to sleep for the entirety of said x days
curious tall alien viktor crawling over jayce......who is sprawled on the floor bc he tripped nd fell in his shock... you know how we as humans can coo on small beings nd just wanna. Touch. that is viktor. jayce also mistakes his thrumming sound for like,, him wanting to Eat/Kill him or smth and tries not to pass out.....vik's long talon-like fingers carefully dragging down jayce's scalp to his face...to his neck......the pad gently pressing into his pulse there bc what is this curious jack-rabbit-y feel.....
anyways...ANYWAYS.. [pulling up a google docs for us]
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