#its probably a feeling of attachment for me but like
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I kinda feel like bug's god attachment thing could be its own character (does the thing have a name, i just imagine it as a Robert or a David)
It's had many names over its lifetime probably, but as a child Bug called it "Chitter" because of the sounds it made when it spoke.
I love the thought of this ancient bug deity being given a normal human name.
"I have died countless deaths. With the blood I shed, I am born anew from the ashes of my bones and skin. As the first mortal to hear me besides the one you call "Bug", I shall grant you passage to give me a title fit for this new world. Something the feeble mind of you and your fellow kind can decipher."
"Hmmmm- You kinda sound like a Leslie to me."
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I'm feeling I need some more Dad!Noah in my life. How about the reader is having her baby shower (she is more towards the end of her pregnancy). Noah shows up at the end with flowers for her, admiring her as she interacts with everyone. That night, the reader ends up going into labor. I just need to read some Dad!Noah. Him helping the reader through the labor, holding their baby for the first time, etc. I know you will work your magic 🥰

Author's Note:
As you can see, there are two requests attached to this one-shot. The first one is for a Tumblr bestie, and the second came in a few days ago, so I thought I'd tag team them both since they are a little bit the same yet a little. different. 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
Author's Note pt.2:
As I was writing this it took me back to the first Dad Noah fic I wrote; Beautiful Things, and the main idea of this new story kind of fits in well with that one. So I guess really, this is a part 2 to Beautiful Things. Thanks to my two lovelies who sent me both of these requests and helped me tap down deep into passionate fluff side of my brain. I'd been wanting to write something like it for a while.
You can read "Beautiful Things" HERE if you haven't yet 😊
The Unexpected
Tag list:
@philomenie @supersquirrel1996 @foliosgirl @angelmarie89 @fadingintothegrey @thisbicc @lacy1986 @dominuslunae @shayzillaaaa @mrsnoahsebastian @iloveyoutodeathbutimdrowning @stardustsirenmelody @romanreigns-supreme @anything-more-than-human @into-the-grey @rumoured-whispers @myownthoughts12 @sister-sebastian @missduffsblog @bngurngheart @somebodyllelse @xxkittenkissesxx @dizzylmwahh @kenjipepsi1 @blackveilomens @chey-h @disappearintothegrey @jilliemiw86 @pathion @fear-its-beauty @an0mallly @potterheadquinn @alwaysfightforwhoyouare @montgomery-929494 @flowery-mess @bloody-spades @missduffsblog

If life had taught him anything in the past twenty-nine years, it's that nothing ever goes the way you plan for it to go. High school plans, college plans, job plans, personal life plans, family plans; none of it. Noah never intended on getting married so young, never intended on adopting a child before thirty and he never, ever thought that shortly after adopting their seven year old little girl, that his wife would get pregnant. They were told conceiving would be harder for them compared to most couples. But God had other plans and she did, and they were never happier than they were that day in the hospital as a family of three, watching the camera swirl over her bulging belly and seeing the beautiful little life moving around inside.
It was their creation, something that was made from the purest kind of selfless, passionate love that existed in the world. It was better than any music Noah ever wrote or any visual concept he came up with for a show. It was his and only his; the three of them. His two girls and... well...
"No, put that over there, it goes over on that table," the lady told Nicholas, who held the plate full of fresh fruit. He nodded and went straight to work, putting it in place and arranging the utensils and such around it accordingly.
"What about this?" Folio asked, hold up two bowls with what appeared to be tangled yarn and scraps of paper. The older lady smiled at him. "That goes over there on that table, dear. It's a game." She smiled again as Folio thanked her and headed over in the right direction.
"She called me dear," he gushed at Matt as he sat the bowls down on the table. "I think someone has a crush," Matt teased him. Folio turned around and looked back at the lady. She was still smiling at him then gave him a quick wink.
"Oh god! She just winked at you," Matt laughed, turning around quickly to hide his laughter. "Who winked at who?" Jolly asked, joining in on the conversation. "The lady over there who's probably old enough to be Folio's grandmother," Matt explained, still chuckling. Jolly looked over in her direction and grinned. "Well, if that's what grandmothers today look like, then sign me up. Damn!" Matt rolled his eyes. "Oh for god's sake," he groaned, no longer laughing.
"What's happening over here," her sweet voice rang out. The three guys turned and looked over at Noah's wife who was thirty-three and a half weeks pregnant with their new little niece or nephew. "Nothing Käraste," Jolly informed her, leaning in and kissing her cheek. "Hmm? Doesn't look like nothing. Folio's cheeks are blood red," she pointed out with a smirk. Folio looked away even more embarrassed.
"How's this little one," Matt asked, placing a hand on the large bump, feeling the life inside move around.
"Still cooking," she sighed, taking a sip from her water cup.
"Hey, you, it's almost time for you to come out and meet your family. Hurry up so we can have your mommy back again. I need my assistant," Matt told the baby before planting a soft kiss on her belly.
"Is that all I'm good for, Matt Dierkes?" she chuckled.
"Well, that and cooking," he smiled.
"Oh, you dog!" she cried, punching Matt playfully in the shoulder.
After the adoption and the surprise pregnancy, teaching grew to be too much for her, so she took a temporary leave of absence from her job to focus more on her growing family. Nothing could've made Noah happier. He loved having his beautiful love near him everyday, where he could feed off her strength and support and not have to fight the monkey on his back that was hell bent on making his life hell. She was the constant flow of fresh water his soul needed. Then there was their daughter; a picture of pure resilience, strength, and sweetness. Her previous home life wasn't ideal, and there had been a lot of trauma involved, but after a few in-house meetings with her and the social worker, they both knew she was meant to be theirs. Luckily, the adoption process went smoother than any of them expected, another sign that it was meant to be, and in just a little over ten months, Noah and his wife were parents. A few months later they celebrated their little girl's seventh birthday, and nine weeks later found out she was pregnant. It was a whirlwind of events and all of it came and went so fast. But it was their life now. Their beautiful life.
"That was Noah," Nicholas said, once he was off the phone. "He said he tried calling you but you didn't answer."
"Typical," Jolly and Matt said in unison.
"Hey! It is not!" she cried in protest.
"Uh, yeah it kind of is," Folio agreed with a cheeky grin.
"Anyway, Noah said he's running late and to start without him. He's on the way."
Everyone nodded and dispersed, informing the hostess of the baby shower who was a co-worker and close friend of hers, of what was going on. She was nervous, thinking Noah wasn't going to make it in time. This wasn't just a baby shower. It was the day they revealed the gender of their sweet little one. She really needed him to be here with her for it. It was important, and Noah knew it. So, she took a breath and sat down, trusting in Noah to make it in time because he always did when it came to the important stuff. He never missed out.
Her daughter came skipping out of the house, following in the footsteps of her Uncle Brian, ready to help him take pictures. Photography was her new passion and with the small digital camera she got for her birthday, wherever Brian was with his camera, so was she.
The shower started and everything went smoothly. Noah made it in time, even managing to stop and get her a bouquet of her favorite flowers on the way. As he quietly walked through the house, past all the pictures on the mantle and walls, Noah stared out into the back yard with eyes searching for only one thing. Once he found his target, a wide smile sweeping across his face.
She never looked more beautiful to him than she did at that moment. Her hair was piled high on top of her head, she wore no makeup, and had the biggest, brightest smile on her face. She was graceful and kind, even though Noah knew how miserable she was feeling given the text she sent earlier, but the best thing about her was how she incorporated their daughter into just about everything she did. It moved Noah's soul, making his faith in God a little bit stronger. They still had crap to work out, but so far, he'd been good to Noah, and Noah was grateful. Matt stood behind her as the protector of her that he was, making sure she was safe and out of harm's way. Nicholas was right beside her taking the gifts as she opened them and Jolly was close by with a trash bag, collecting the wrapping paper as she handed it to Folio. Noah watched his family in sync with one another as tears filled his eyes. These unexpected, beautiful things just fell into his life, showing up at the perfect time and taking their proper places as puzzle pieces in the great puzzle of his life. He knew this was how his life was meant to be; a husband, a father, a brother, and a friend. If you had told him at fifteen when he left home that this would be his life thought, he would have laughed in your face and gave you the middle finger.
Her heart was racing. Noah wasn't here yet and it was almost time. The pain in her lower back wouldn't go away, giving her a lot of discomfort, and the pressure beneath her belly was a little stronger than it was an hour ago. Fighting the tears she continued smiling and being as gracious as she could be, but it was all starting to become a little too much. Nicholas could tell, from the look on her face and Matt could tell by her body language.
"You're not alright, what's wrong?" Matt asked, the concern thick in his tone.
"I'm not sure. But something is off. I need Noah. Like, I really need him. I feel like I'm going to have a panic attack," she whispered, taking a deep breath.
"Hey here he comes," Nicholas said, settling her fears instantly.
With Jolly's help, she stood up as Noah's arms caught her and swept her up in a strong, loving embrace. Noah breathed her in, burying his face against her neck. He whispered words of comfort and reassurance to her, instantly chasing away all the stress and fear that was rearing up inside her. He gave her the flowers, smiling when he saw the look in her eyes, and kissing her passionately. He felt the way her body relaxed, almost as if melting into him. She'd been needing him more than he realized and he cursed at himself for making her wait as long as he had. His daughter clung to his leg, begging for her daddy to pick her up, which he did, and brushed the loose brown curls out of her face. He kissed her cheek, giving her "daddy's funny kisses" as she called them, laughing at the way she wrinkled her cute button nose. Noah loved her laugh and hearing her call him daddy made his heart soar with so much pride.
Kissing his wife's forehead, they walked over to where the gender reveal would happen, placing his daughter down after telling her he had to help mommy. His wife leaned over some, clutching the lower part of her belly. The pain wasn't unbearable, but it was there, a slow, non-persistent pain that would come and go. She assured Noah she was fine, but he kept his arms around her just the same, standing behind her with his hands resting on her belly. She leaned back into him, knowing he was there to hold all of her weight and be her support. Noah wasn't going anywhere, and the thought made her cry. He was hers forever. This life they had built together was hers forever, and she felt like she had or never would love her husband as much as she did at that moment.
Jolly, Folio, Matt, and Nick did the honors of announcing the gender, with each one holding a covered confetti container. With Brian and their daughter ready to take pictures, they pulled the strings, and revealed the big secret; a girl.
He ran her a bath of hot water and helped her undress. After such an eventful day, she was past the point of exhaustion and still in a great deal of pain. Her lower back just wouldn't stop hurting, and the harsh pressure that was coming and going a little more rapidly now wouldn't let up. Noah said it was from being up and on her feet too much and pushing herself too hard, and he blamed himself for not being home to help her. He got in the bath first, then helped her in, slowly lowering her into the water. Even though he'd never helped or even been around a pregnant woman before, it seemed like Noah knew exactly what to do and how to do it for his wife. He slipped in behind her, pulling her back against his chest and feeling her entire body melt into him. The drastic difference of their skin was something Noah loved to see, her porcelain complexion against his dark, colored skin, making such a loud difference. Before he even touched her, he watched her belly move as the little hands and feet of his daughter moved so actively inside her mommy's tummy. When he touched her, though, the movements stopped, almost as if the baby had been begging to feel the touch of her daddy's hand.
She sighed, finally feeling a lot of much needed relief. Noah's hand traveled down beneath the water and over her sex and he grinned at the first little hitch in her breath that he heard. He knew what his wife needed and was more than willing to give it to her.
"Pull your legs up, princess," Noah whispered, and she did, full of eager anticipation for the much needed pleasure her husband was about to give her.
His hand found her sex, fingers floating over it slightly, searching for the one spot that would send her to heaven and back. Slipping a finger slowly inside her, Noah groaned deep within his chest at the slight gasped moan that fell out her mouth. Her head fell back against his shoulder as he worked her nice and gently, taking his time when slipping a second one in. His wife grinded against his fingers, desperately seeking for anything that was going to give her what she needed.
"You like that?" Noah asked quietly as she moved against him. Her hand found the back of his neck, and she gently pulled on the short locks that her fingers touched. "Mmm, god, you know I do, baby," she muttered. Her eyes were closed, completely focused on the feeling of her husband's fingers inside her, finding her g-spot so easily. "I love you so fucking much, princess," Noah groaned, feeling her clench and unclench her muscles around his fingers. Soon, he had her moaning beautifully, just for his satisfaction, giving him all the necessary will to make her have an orgasm. "I can't. It's not a good idea," she panted, wrapping her hands around his wrist. "Shhh, relax. It's totally safe, you know it is. You heard the doctor yourself, baby," Noah reassured her, kissing her temple. "Let me pleasure you, help you feel what a woman should feel like."
Noah thrusted his two middle fingers up inside her a little harder, and she made the sounds that only she could make that got him excited. His hands found her breast, so full and luscious, rubbing them just the right way that had her begging him not to stop. "You're about to cum, aren't you?" he asked sweetly, slipping his arm beneath hers then around the front of her chest to grip her shoulder. "Mmmhmm. Noah, please don't stop," she begged, digging her nails into the skin of her knees. "I won't," he promised, feeling almost at the edge himself. "Princess, keep moving against me like that. Don't stop," he muttered through gritted teeth and lips that were pressed against the skin of her neck. "Noah!" she cried softly, letting out a soft whimper as her orgasm swept over her. Noah kissed her neck, breathing her in deeply as he found his release, too, pulling her tight against his chest so they could chase the moment together.
He helped her out of the bath once he was dressed in a fresh pair of boxers and sweatpants. Noah's shy smile at her when she climbed out of the tub made her heart flutter, but that flutter turned into worry as he helped her dress into something comfortable. The tight pressure and harsh pain in her lower body returned, and she told Noah that something wasn't right. Doing her best to breathe through the pain, it hit her that she could possibly be in labor. Noah froze. It was still too soon. They still had two and a half weeks left. He shuck it off, suggesting maybe she just needed to lie down, so she agreed and took her husband's offered hand. But on her way over the bed, a sudden flow of water, almost as if she had peed herself, soaked her pants and made a small puddle beneath her feet.
"Oh god! Noah! I think my water just broke!
Noah flew like a bat out of hell to the hospital after waking their next-door neighbors and asking if they could watch their daughter. Noah was never more grateful for the kindness of others. He got her to the emergency room and told the lady at the front desk what was happening, and quickly, she called for help. This was it. This was the day Noah had only ever thought about, believing it could never happen for them. But it did, and as he watched his beautiful soon to no longer be pregnant wife, his heart exploded with joy. He held her close as they waited and wiped the few tears that slipped down her beautiful face when she looked up at him. Placing his hands on her belly, Noah got down on one knee and kissed it for the last time, knowing he was going to be holding the life inside shortly. The whole thing was too much for him and he found himself talking to his daughter as he cried softly and quietly. His wife watched in sheer bliss despite her discomfort, undeniably falling more in love with the man before her.
The nurses came, got her into a room, and helped her dress into the proper clothing shortly before the doctor came in. He checked her dilation and was pleased to say she was at a full nine centimeters, and it would only be a matter of time. Twenty-two minutes later, Noah watched his wife deliver their second child, bringing the third most beautiful thing to him into the world.
Pregnancy and birthing was a serious miracle that Noah would forever highly respect. It amazed him, watching his wife and child grow so fast in less than a year and nothing would ever compare to knowing what he knew about what a woman went through just to bring another life into the world. His wife was a force of nature, a warrior, and the bravest person he knew, and knowing he had three of the most powerful beings on the plant under his protection, he would never doubt his place or purpose in this world, ever again.
#noahsebastian#noah sebastian fanfic#noah sebastian#noah sebastian fanfiction#noah sebastian one shot#bad omens#bad omens cult#bad omens band#bad omens fanfiction
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puppyreg! misty quigley headcanons for myself!!
he/she pronouns for misty, autistic misty (mostly just stimming and hyperfixations), with some cg! nat (he/him pronouns)... div by @strangergraphics
notes: eeeek first time properly writing out headcanons like this i am kinda nervous.... ໒꒰っ˕ -。꒱১ nobody look at them!! /j they are so so self indulgent but i'm trying to remember thats ok ! sorry if this is too ooc or anythin.. (but really i hope u guys like them bc i love puppy misty so much she's just like me !!)
☆ misty has always been very secretive about her regression out of fear of getting made fun of, but post crash, it was kind of inevitable that somebody figured it out.. that someone happened to be nat !! he stumbled upon misty in the woods one day chewing on her sleeve and kicking his feet (wagging his tail).. she looked up at nat with his big teary puppy dog eyes and nat immediately had an idea of what was happening (<- flip! nat is real to me..)
☆ misty doesn't like to cry but she couldn't help bawling his eyes out ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა nat hesitantly pat him on the back "there there..? um.. it's ok, misty, i'm not gonna tell anyone" which seemed to work !! still sniffling but no longer in tears, she clung onto nat while calming down ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
☆ ever since that day misty has practically been attached to nat !! that's his papa... whenever possible they like to sneak out into the woods so misty can go play in private !! she loves running around and telling nat whatever random fun fact pops into his head.. "oh !! did you know that bloodhound's sense of smell is so accurate that it can be used as evidence in court ?? crazy stuff huh ???"
☆ she knows SO many dog facts ... i can imagine her pre crash laying on her floor with books about dogs sprawled out in front of her !! it's one of her favorite things to learn about besides medicine !! ૮ ˆﻌˆ აノ” she's probably read every dog book in the library...
☆ misty is the energetic puppy ever... he's always stimming somehow !! she loves to kick her feet to mimic wagging her tail and she also is a big barker.. and he chews on EVERYTHING !! his sleeves, blankets, pretty much anything he can get her paws on...
☆ he has a small collection of handmade toys that he cherishes!! his favorite is a little dog plush made from a sock that lottie made her.. it goes EVERYWHERE with him it's her biggest comfort item ever !!
☆ once misty almost lost it on accident and was practically inconsolable until it got back ... lottie and nat had to gather a few others to go searching all of misty's usual spots to find it again, and when they finally did it just wound up being sat by the lake, safe and sound !! nat now makes it a point to ask if he has his little buddy before they go back to camp ૮ ˆﻌˆ ა
☆ misty has always been sensitive, but it's much more obvious when she's regressed ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა she cries a lot and will usually cry more out of embarrassment cuz she hatesss crying around people ... its easy to hurt his feelings on accident, so she needs a lot of reassuring and care !! this puppy needs a lot of time and comforting !!
☆ when she finally gets tired out from a long day of playing, she loves to nest in blankets like a little dog bed.. he gathers up all his pillows and blankets and cozy things and makes a little nest to curl up in !! sometimes if she's lucky nat will lend an extra pillow or blanket to maximize the comfyness.. misty the cozy puppy that you are..
#꒰ campfire stories ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ#꒰ misc ꒱ ୭ ˚. ᵎᵎ#very nervous about posting this eeek..#i hope they are ok....#yellowjackets agere#agere headcanons#petre headcanons#sfw age regression#sfw petre#sfw interaction only#sfw agere
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ASJDJDHDDHD I TOTALLY FUCKING FORGOT APOLLOOO I'm sorry king 💔 I didn't mean to throw shade but the shade kinda eclipsed ur whole existence I did not remember you existed 😔💔 the favouritism is so real with me. At least Percy loves you 💞 Not me tho I would drawn the line at the nymph harem and your habit of putting humans through horrors via doomed dick. Ty for having him Percy, now nobody else has to. Our Queen making sacrifices for us every day..
ALSO YES!! THE BEELCY KIDS ASK WAS ALSO ME!!! I forgor my new designation bc I was so sleep deprived 😭😭 but I'm so glad you recognised me!!
(ALSO added comedy for the dimension hopping demon spawn, but I feel like even if she wouldn't let it slip intentionally bc she doesn't want to minimise their inter-dimensionnal war crimes and shit, depending on the timing some of the kids would be having what amounts to a toddlers temper tantrum to her because of how fast the gods age. So she just distracted lying drops the bomb that "anyway I'm really sorry but he's only five so I'm hoping he'll maybe grow out of it with lots of special attention and guidance" and the universe inhabitants are just like??? THAT EVIL MF IS FIVE?? MY UNIVERSE IS HANGING ONTO A THREAD BC A TECHNICAL TODDLER BE BEEFING WITH US??? That or they're looking at her like she's crazy like 'lady.. this mf is NOT five do you see the DEVIOUS way he's looking at me when you turn your back...'
Also all I can say is RIP if any of them end up on Penacony. One of the kids would end up either murdering or making a pet out of that Death entity or whatever that shish kebab'd Firefly and Sunday would be having an aneurism because they're shattering his influence and ruining all his plans. Unless he gets lucky and its Cu's daughters (or maybe the Apollo kids depending on how well-behaved and non myrdery they are) that end up there, they'd probably be the most well-behaved and have a blast!!! Until their daddy shows up and then the planet is under threat for sure, they better hope he's too focused on his daughters to think about the implications of a planet that encourages them to experience all their dreams 😭 especially if his brain cells start putting in work and he figures. Dreams coming true. Hmm I wonder if my hopeless romantic daughters might've been imagining 👹 B O Y S 👹
Circumstances would go so differently depending on which kids end up where... God forbid this is all happening synonymously.. One of the Beelcy kids is going around swallowing plants because they were hungry and they looked like good snacks or smthn (and Beel is too distracted flexing on Ruan Mei or smthn like pshh you call THAT a SWARM? Watch this im gonna end your whole career and many species) and Cu's daughters are innocently frolicking somewhere and too innocent to consider that they're putting whatever planet they're on in danger just by being there even if they're being the goodest of girls 😔 bc daddy's a 👹 menace 👹 (If they do end up on Pencacony they'd probably be besties with Robin if she's still around there and not on tour or smthn. Sunday better keep his distance tho lest they get.. too attached... and start thinking 'wow!! A bestie AND a perfect Disney prince for a boyfriend HUSBAND!! This is great 🥰' Daddy would NOT approve)
(from 💫 anon)
that entire first paragraph 😭😭😭 "Ty for having him Percy, now nobody else has to" DAMN YOU'RE KILLING HIM WHAT DID HE DO TO YOU LMAO 😭😭😭 our poor boy (i'm just kidding, flame him harder 👹)
also you're right percy WOULD just casually drop the bomb that the being(s) destroying their universe is just a wittle baby five year old
percy: pls help me find my babies 🥺
and then the babies in question are these psychos:

💀💀💀 she'd be 1000% serious too, cuz those literally ARE just babies to her ahshadfv hdvb 😭
percy probably finds them all there first and they excitedly tell her all about the super cool dreamscape and she's like "oh what the heck, sure. i'll try it out, i can use a vacation!" so she joins them into the dreamscape while her husband's out losing his shit looking for them 😭😭😭😭
anyway, you know how you gotta fall asleep in the dream pool thingy to enter the dreamscape properly?????
imagine poor cú chulainn getting into the reverie hotel and finding his daughters and wife all knocked out in different rooms inside this weird pool thingy not waking up and he just fucking LOSES IT. HIS BABIES ARE UNCONSCIOUS HIS WIFE IS UNCONSCIOUS WTF IS HAPPENING. WHO DID THIS TO HIS FAMILY. CEARBHALL'S ASS IS GROUNDED
when in actuality, they're all having the time of their lives in the golden hour ashfahfv 😭😭😭😭😭
and then he eventually learns about what's going on and then loses it again BECAUSE WHAT IF THEY'RE TALKING TO 👹BOYS👹?! WHAT IF OTHER 👹MEN👹 ARE DROOLING OVER HIS WIFE???? WHERE'S THAT IDIOT SON OF HIS, HE SHOULD'VE STOPPED THIS 👹👹👹👹👹👹👹
also, i love the differences between the percy babies 😭😭😭😭
the sécy daughters in the hsr verse (except maybe luisne tbh 💀):
meanwhile some of the other percy babies 💀:
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My Husbands New Heart
"SAM!" I scream at the top of my lungs. But it is too late. The bolt of lightning from the Bolter's palms hit him straight in the chest. Sam is thrown across the hill, landing over rocks. My breath is stuck in my throat. No. No. He can't die. I run across the bridge. I don't care about the Bolter or anything else. If Sam dies, I will die too. I kneel beside him, placing my ear over his muscular chest. There is no sound. "NO!" I scream in agony as I punch his heart with my fist in an attempt to kickstart it. There is no response. I rip his torn shirt, exposing burnt flesh. My heart shudders at the thought that his heart may also have been burned and a voice in my head told me that there was no way to bring him back to life now. But I was not ready to believe it. Tilting his head backwards, I pinch his nose and place my warm lips over his blue, lifeless ones. Then I give him air, watching as his injured chest rose, then fell. I give him two more breaths before getting on top of him. I position my palms right in the center of his chest. He is too strong and muscular for my lean, fragile figure and pushing his chest felt like trying to move a strong wall. With all my might I pump his heart, feeling his tortured muscle getting squeezed beneath me. I look at his face as I struggle to bring him back to life. His beautiful grey eyes are rolled back, staring at a non-existent point somewhere far away. His lips are parted and there is an expression of pain etched over his features. My heart breaks with each of my compression and tears roll down my cheeks. "COME BACK PLEASE!" I scream "PLESE BREATH FOR ME BABY, BREATH FOR ME!" "Fleur!" I hear someone calling my name. But I don't turn around. I continue to compress my husband's chest in a rage, trying to bring him back. "Fleur!" hands grab my shoulders Jamies voice bring me back, breaking my madness. I turn around and grip his shoulders. "Please" I plead him "Plese bring him back!" "I will. I will try my best" he says wiping my tears. I move aside as he takes up my space and places a hand over Sam's heart. His face shows worry. "It has been burnt, and the force of the attack has nearly crushed it. He is bleeding internally. I know of no other way except that he needs a new heart." "A new heart! But where will we get a new heart from!" "The Bolter" "What?" I asked confused. Then I remembered. In all the panic, I had forgotten the person whom my husband was dueling. "Yes, I killed him. His heart can be used. You stay here!" with that he runs away.
I caress Sam's chest. I don't want to replace his heart with the cruel Bolter's, but that is the only thing that can save him now.
"Fight a little more" I whisper to him "We will bring you back"
After a while I see Jamie coming back with a heart in his hand. Blood dripped down Jamies wrist.
"Hold it" he said giving the organ to me.
I take it from him. I couldn't believe that I was actually not grossed out by the heart. I felt its soft surface and the nerves over it touching my skin, my pale hand turning crimson due to the blood.
Jamie positioned himself over Sam's body and looked at me.
"Are you sure you want to see this?"
"It is okay. Just bring him back please."
With that he placed the tip of his sharp dagger over Sam's chest and drew a deep incision.
"Wipe the excessive blood" He said.
With the heart in one hand, I stopped the blood loss with Sam's ripped shirt.
Jamie was working professionally, and soon my husband's heart was exposed.
Burnt and crushed. The swollen damaged valves were a proof of the pain he had endured. Tears burned in my eyes.
Jamie took the heart in his hand and took it out in one powerful pull. I gave the new heart to him. He placed it between his ribs and held it in his hands, eyes closed and lips moving. He was healing it. Probably attaching it over the right place.
Then he began squeezing the heart until we both heard an agonizing gasp. Sam.
His lungs were moving. The heart had begun to beat.
He was saved.
#cardiophile#cpr resus#heartbeat#cardiopulmonary resuscitation#mouth to mouth#resus roleplay#dark cardiophilia
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I just realised how much I project TRANSSSSSGENDER unto characters I really like and connect with
#random thought...#its probably a feeling of attachment for me but like#its funky how its happened 3 times iirc#edit: 4 times
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Forgive me i do not know much about jazzprowl,,, who are pterrorgal20 and bugboi 😔😔😔
(Is pterrorgal Prowl’s pterodactyl Green?? But then who is bugboi…. I am not sure 😔)

yes!!!!!!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ur spot on for both 🥹!!! ahrdjfkkengkebgkebfk,,
Green (Prowls pterodactyl/pet flyt) -> pterrorgal20 (Felicity Greene)
Bob (Sunstreakers insecticon) -> bugboi (Bob)
completely useless detail but i did reference/colourdrop this panel specifically LMAO

if u look closely theres also. one more person i hinted at, whos name i was even less subtle with but the placement i WAS subtle with so ill just say outright:

Buster (Thundercracker's dog) is also there EHTJFHRKFJ and she has a silly pic of TC as her pfp LMAO,,
also ur so so valid agrjflfbdkdbfkf,,, im being incredibly biased and self indulgent so it is. a particular niche for sure LMAO. im glad you're enjoying it regardless though :]c!!!
#inbox#jeetle and peetle#velwy.txt#callsign-relic#thank u for being. the only person to ask/mention it btw ahdjfhdkwbgj 🥹😭#it also means u get a ton of my rambling in the tags agfjfbdkdbfkrn#also greens name is Felicity because. it sounds. kinda like flyt.#IK PPL PROBABLY DONT CARE ABT THE HUMAN KEEPERS IN THE STORY BUT LIKE. I THOUGHT IT WAS A FUN LIL EASTER EGG/DETAIL#ALSO pterrorgal. is 1000% because of me staring at terrorsaur and going WHY ISNT IT PTERRORSAUR that one time... fbfjfbdjfbdjfndkbfkd#if i liked drawing humans more id. try my hand at designing them but also i dont think ppl would be as invested in them#so id rather draw other stuff whfbnfbgnrb3k#i feel like buster (doggirl vibes) would also have a matching gf/roommate that Starscream is attached to#per the Skybound comics. which. i havent caught up with but ive seen him with a kittycat so. im taking it#its kinda funny because im not. actually That invested in jazzprowl like i LIKE it but also i always end up extending it into a polycule#lmao#which like. speaking of dont mind me desperately trying to fit soundwave in this au (its not working but im trying anyway)#id try mush the constructicons in here too but i already have. an au with them nd j/p in the back of my brain with uh. significant size diff#grggrggrgggrhhhhdbfb#(its a borrower au. save me.)#(or kind of a borrower au??? I HAVENT DECIDED YET. I KEEP THINKING OF IT W HUMANS BUT I WANNA DRAW ROBOTS. SAVE ME.)
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#this meme has been going through my head for a bazillion years lol#i love to interact and then it hits me that im probably bothering you guys#plus the current popular stuff I am sadly so unfamiliar with#when i was younger i would gravitate to my own interests when i was unfamiliar with other topics and it got on peoples nerves a lot#and i completely understand that so i dont wanna repeat those mistakes#its just like a game of pingpong of me talking too much and me hiding under my desk bc i feel like im bothering everyone#also like the last time it was p much confirmed i was being annoying i cried for like two hours bc my fears were realized haha#and when a line is drawn for me i kinda like to stay at least 2ft away from wherever that line is just to be safe#you gotta like throw a cookie attached to a fishing line to get me closer to the line lol#because i will seriously be way too cautious otherwise#im trying to get more brave though im just kinda like my cat who heard a noise in the bathroom cabinet#and now he refuses to go near it#being mindful of others feelings and respecting their boundaries is super important to me#and sometimes that boxes me in a bit
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Babagril I adore clipped wings and you are feeding my insatiable hunger for heavy angst and impeccable writing but I am a littol concerned about how fast you're putting chapters out recently. I know they've been on the shorter side compared to the beginning but plase don't push yourself too hard okies? We can wait, I just don't want you getting burnt out or something :(
Also you are so meanies to us why must Donnie constantly go through the horrors its the fic ive always craved and I am sobbing, thank youuu
hey hey im fine!! i should probably clarify that im genuinely just a fast writer and im. yknow. an unemployed 18 year old who doesnt have much to do other than stuff like this, and im fed and moved along by all the praise and kindness. you dont have to worry about me!! honestly a HUGE thing im aiming for while writing CW is the joy of getting to complete something, i actually crank these chapters out in like a sitting if im in a good mood LOL (theyre kind of scrappy, but im trying to combat my perfectionism. pretty much every time ive said im gonna take a bit i find myself too excited to, ive got a big hyperfixation on CC at the moment and all of the good reception has gotten me even more hyped bghdghfh. you have NO idea how much i stare at the fanart you guys have made for me ily....). for my next project i plan on writing a lot in advance and pacing myself better (especially because i want to do longer chapters for it), but for CW im happy to just speed through!!
^^ helped along by the fact that im trying to avoid making chapters long for the sake of it now. i dont really have a goal in mind for wordcount with this next set, because i think i want to think in what progresses more than that
and thank you!! teehee the thing i want to move to next is so much sillier but i do enjoy taking a real good dip into The Horrors....... not sure where i'll be going after wwww but its planned to be a HUGE undertaking anyway. but i will probably be returning to the horrors. and maybe CVD ive missed her my love
#ask#i probably got so invested in donnie because i am an INSANE workaholic when it comes to my writing#its my one Thing. i was always considered prodigious in it and nothing else so i attach pretty much Everything to it#im the person who wrote a 11k word narrative essay in seventh grade. for funsies#just the kind of person i am. ive always been super go big or go home with it#i like the DAZZLE..... i live to impress. probably why i was mad CL couldnt be a oneshot#it was such a flex.... oh well#finally having actual praise for my work. like REAL praise#is what's making me go so fast and so hard. ive been starved!!#i relate a little too much to that fuckin purple guy sometimes and it makes me UNCOMFORTABLEEEEE#even then i feel like i could do better. i could go harder. YOU HAVENT SEEN MY PEAK#okay yes you have it was CL. BUT ONE DAY IM GONNA DO IT AGAIN
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[Train ride :D!]
[Background-less version below]
#this one fought me some. ngl. was aiming for 'soft and fuzzy feeling' but i think i ended up in muddy territory again :/#but i'm happy with it i think. it wasn't meant to be complicated. but just for funnsies. rushed headache filled funnsies. but still fun :]#idw scavengers#misfire#crankcase#fulcrum#tf idw#humanformers#transformers au#maccadam#i need a name for this au maybe? at least. if i plan on drawing more of it :/#gonna think on it ig#they went shopping tho :D. getting some late gifts and stuff ig. idk. holiday vibes tho.#the giant dino plush is for their version of connie. which i haven't decided if it'd be canon-like or more 'son boy allowed'#its also for misfire honestly. she's kinda attached to it now#also if fulcrum looks drunk. its because she is. a little bit. on love and good cheer <3 just kidding. it's probably eggnog or smth#crankcase didn't want to take the train. she has a perfectly mostly functional blue jeep that she has a hate/love relationship with#she got out voted tho. for the vibes#misfire is sleepy bcs train motion is like the ultimate sleep inducing thing i swear to god. as soon as it starts its all. honk. mimimimimi#also also. forgot to mention this the last time i drew fem!misfire. the reason her sweater is kinda rough is because she fidgets with it#its uh. its well loved. and a little chewed on. and stained. and probably not the cleanest. but its her's <3#krok and spin are homebodies ig. so the gifts are for them. also i had meant to make one of the gifts blue for nickel. but i forgor :|#ok. i gots to go. dinner calls. but <33333#my art
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there are two wolves inside of you. One of them is fretting that you went through all the effort of making a new art account just to pigeonhole yourself once more into a specific fandom, which holds you back from exploring original art concepts that you care about. The other one came up with three separate ace attorney comic ideas in the last hour alone and isn't stopping anytime soon
#laurellala talks#am i unwell? perhaps#i also drew like 5 more sketchy comics i haven't posted#and a full colored drawing i haven't posted bc i'm overthinking if i need to attach comics to it also or post on its own#i want to draw more muppets interactions and come up with an actual theoretical muppets ace attorney case!#they would get to explore the muppet studio as a location aaa it would be so cuteee#and i'm in the middle of drawing a comic of miles and nick video calling and teasing a young trucy (i love trucy)#and i NEED to draw nick and maya interactions from trials and tribulations case 3 it's so sibling coded agh my heart#also i want to draw lisa basil in general the roboty software company lady#i want to design an ace attorney self insert called Laurel Lyre (you're a liar) and draw sprite expressions and character interactions#she would be an art student that Nick knew from college and she was painting a still life of the scene of the crime#and her painting has something different than how the crime scene looked which is used as proof in court#ALSOOO i had an idea for a silly comic of nick visiting miles in germany (platonic coded)#and of either a comic or short story idea of them going out to dinner together. This one is hard to explain but it would be good#I WANT TO DRAW FRANZISKA TOO i have an angst comic idea for her! And i want to draw her as a kid in dance class#i feel like she has so much scrutiny of herself which is very “i was in dance as a kid” coded. Ballet probably#I ALSO have a comic idea of a holiday party that took place before miles' murder trial but after steel samurai case#where miles begrudgingly talks to phoenix to avoid small talk with strangers and they talk about college#specifically like. it is canon to me that phoenix was in an improv group in college. That's where he learned to bluff. he's so silly#i also want to make a comic of the parents at trucy's school trying to sus out how old nick is#since he's only like what 17 years older than her?#I also want to make a gilmore girls joke but i can't tell if this is too dated to be funny. Do people know this show still#i had never watched it before so i just watched like half a season of it just to make a joke. It's cute.#What Else. I have like 5 animatic ideas but i need to ask my friend what she uses to make hers bc in the past I've used imovie on my phone#do not recommend#and if i don't draw everything RIGHT NOW i'm going to lose interest and nothing will get made!!!!!!#andandand I STILL NEED TO FINISH TRIALS AND TRIBULATIONSSSSS#i got sooo far i'm doing so well in the waitress case#i need to finish it so i can finally understand apollo justice and know what the HECK happened in that time skip#ace attorney
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Amy/Rory I Saw the TV Glow au:
Amy as Maddy/Tara, who ran away and never came home, who talks about things that can't be real (the TV show, the TARDIS, a world where they're strong, a world where they're something better).
Rory as Owen/Isabel, meek and yet loyal and yet terrified of his best friend and what she means. And what she says. And what she shows him.
Doctor Who, the TARDIS, the Doctor, all wrapped up into the role of the Pink Opaque, the TV show from their youth, and something Amy grasps onto and never let's go. Something Rory abandons for a normal life.
And yet.
#there is still time.#I saw the TV glow#rose rambles#dw au#I'm less attached to Rory as Owen/Isabel (and not totally sure what pronouns to use for Owen in general)#what pronouns do you use for a character who only STARTS to understand who they are at the very end? I don't even know what pronouns I'd use#for my OWN younger self y'know?#I'm not usually one for crossovers but Curtis brought this up and#but Amy as Maddy. Man.#rip Amy you would have had a good breakdown watching isttg#also does the Doctor exist in this universe? I'm not sure. Someone has to be Mr Melancholy#so I guess either he takes on the villainous role#or Mr Melancholy is Amy's mom or one of her psychiatrists?#lots to think about. few to think about this with. my house is filled with The Plague so we're all working at 50% capacity#I feel like this leans less into the transgender themes which is a shame bc My God is that movie. So so so much.#I am trans. As you could probably guess from my username. Movie hit me like a truck.#anyways I AM soft for T4T Amy/Rory though so they can also be trans here too 👍 what is isttg if everyone is cis#its just I am most compelled by Amy as Maddy/Tara and the parallels between those two characters#nd how they could be worked into somethig like this#so
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the thing with levi baskerville is that he's such ridiculously heartless person who is so numb to everything he is always in the state of boredom. i believe he legit views all people around him as npcs to amuse him. yet. yet there's such incredible rage at the violent status quo of his own house behind all his actions. which makes me think he used to feel and hurt so deeply to warrant this willingness to do ANYTHING to end glens/children of ill omen cycles of abuse and all this total indifference as inner defense mechanism.
#pandora hearts#ofcourse oswald and lacie are npcs to levi because in baskerville system they ARE nothing but pawns to be exploited#plus he clearly closed his heart forever after most probably losing his glen broke him into the person he became#no need to get attached to sacrificial lambs and no need for them to get attached to him#he probably thinks its kinder approach in a way#but at least he's not passive and tries to shake things up idk i respect him for it no matter what unethical shit he did to archive it#and the way he projects into jack after the ceremony as his successor practically#preying on his grief from losing lacie like he clearly knew the despair jack is feeling from experience ahhhh#like something HORRIBLE happened to this man which literally killed his soul and set him on the path of ruthless revenge#this damn house killed everything he held dear and now he wants it in shambles!!#the fact that he also wrote those silly idealistic novels elliot loved so much... there are LAYERS to it#the thing is that just as levi treats everything as an elaborate joke outwardly#mochijun kind of treats him as silly npc too in her trolling ways that's why he's never getting any real depth or backstory lol i love it#sorry moral police or whatever i will never be levi hater he's too much of a npc to feel any strong feelings for#his whimsy mysterious past and the key role he plays in the demise of baskervilles (jack is just a placeholder) amuses me too much
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i feel shy talking here when i dont have anything worth sharing but i cant help feeling like ive said things in the tags that could be brought up in court
#im joking#i think i just get embarrassed saying smth that most ppl can see out in the open. its like when prey animals are grazing in a pasture#and then they hear a twig snap yk. im like that. but talking in the tags is more comfortable because it just feels more.. hidden?? quiet???#its kind of like how i prefer responding thru asks than DMs.. idk if it has something to do with space or less pressure#i also use these as an excuse to ramble a little abt recent events so. ive worked a little bit on shuffle and prestos backstories ^_^#i was thinking abt giving them a shared past where they knew each other as kids and forgot but i also though hmm.. idk if it would drive th#story i want bc i think itd be better if they bonded over similar experiences instead of the fact that they knew each other before. i get#that reconnecting and reconciling your idea of someone now and then is a good concept but id have to think abt it.. i dont want it to feel#like they owe each other to be friends again just bc they were as kids. ive experienced that a lot and all it did was make me feel guilty#so i think id want to write it as u can be friends with someone who had similar experiences and make u wish you knew each other then#i also know theyd hate each other but idk HOW. i suck at writing conflict so idk if theyd try to make each other eat glass and why#idk if itll ever come up but id also like to see if theres a way i could rationalize why they have animal ears.. normally i say aliens#but ive had an idea for a species and background for that too. although its very abstract and it probably has a lot of holes#smth abt peoples souls attaching themselves to smth they identify with.. although i dont know to what extent like if it can#be called a sona or if it can even be smth mythical like a unicorn or god itself.. its very weird rn#yapping#oc talk
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using one of the goofiest photos of pusia as a reference image
#rn i believe i will get my diploma done on time. after talking to one of my supervisors its seems i can go a fairly easier route#so im not as scared of it. still scared but not as much. i will be fine. smiles. thumbs up even#so im allowing myself for 15 minutes daily to spend on drawing things for myself. today i dedicated it to a silly 3000 meme#not telling how its related to them. no spoilers today#enjoy goofy ass bnuuy#also idk i dont feel super attached to my bunny fursona anymore. probably because i dont feel like it represents my gender well#i mean i made her back when i thought im cis. idk#thank u tumblr for letting me ramble about stuff in the tags#my art#bunny#notes app
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ahhhhhh i remember why i dont read comics & books and watch movies as much as I should. Because they make me lose it
#i get suddenly hit with a tsunami of inspiration and an urgency to Make Something#but the urgency isn't about the process of making it's about I Have Stories To Present Too. I have to See Them Realized.#and that hit of urgency is obviously far too short lived to make anything. esp since it comes in a set with a feeling of 'wow this-#-thing was so great' that transforms into intensified perfectionism of No No What Im Doing Here Isnt Good. What Is This. Disgrace-#-to my idea AND to what inspired it AND to my self proclaimed status as an amateur storyteller#which turns into artblock. so like low chances that ill even get a singular good drawing made during this#and the multiple comic or script or whatever ideas that appear in my head during this are out of the question entirely#oh and all of this appears next to the normal feelings caused by a good story like attachment to the characters and having to process it-#-for a while and if its very good then even sometimes rarely i get the need to make fanart#so all of this combined just leads to me not being able to do anything for a while and feeling awful about it.#fun./sar#i wish i was a normal artist people here are so resilient and do stuff even though they dont want to or they DO want to#because idk they enjoy being pissed bcs of a thing not turning out right and they dont mind how tedious it can get-#-and they enjoy sacrificing hours&days&months of their lives without a guarantee that anyone will appreciate it accordingly and itll pay of#its probably the resilience though#im weak like a dried twig both mentally and physically#this sounds like i never enjoyed drawing&writing ever. and to clarify thats far from true. i frequently enjoy it#just never frequently enough and consistently enough to actually make something more 'worthwhile' or linear#it's like a wind that comes & goes that i have no control over.#i try to keep telling myself that in the past i struggled to make anything 'bigger'....& know i even made animatic shitposts#this sounds so stupid god. an animatic shitpost being an achievement.#its not an art skill achievement its a fighting tooth and nail with my own self to actually finish it because its a struggle almost every-#-time achievement#what im saying is im trying to tell myself that i already improved. im doing more than i could have done in the past.#even if the process is so slow and i dont know when ill advance again#if ill advance again. i just gotta believe i guess? thank u parappa
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