#its possible to come off as generally decent and nice and also not let bullshit walk past you.
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years ago
Hawks With a Reader Who Tics
Genre: angst, fluffy fluff, 
Reader Pronouns: none
Other: This is based off of my tics, which usually only occur when I’m super stressed, and they’re all pretty simple. Just slapping my thigh, making a clicking noise, and general neck wanting to not be on my shoulders. If you want something more generalized, or something more along the lines of Tourrete’s Syndrome I am more than happy to oblige. Also this is totally self-indulgent so if no one else relates to this that’s fine.
Warnings: mentions of past teasing, reader cries, tics, shitty parents, cursing burnt toast and burnt bacon (the food not Dabi)
Taglist:  @smolchildfangirl @yuu-anon @poke-txts @combat-wombatus  -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
You had been going out with the Number Two hero Hawks for about two months now, and things were going great! No weird clicking noises or head-jerking or arms wanting to smack your thigh or random shouts of the word ‘yummy.’ You were beginning to think that maybe all your weird (an)tics had disapeared.
You’d never been more wrong.
Okay maybe you’ve been more wrong at times but still you were wrong.
All it took was one shitty day. Co-workers being assholes, Karens being Karens, but worst of all was a phone call full of bullshit from your parents. That was all it took for your body to start moving on its own. And not in the good way, the way that causes you to make weird clicking noises, jerk your head around like an owl, smack your thigh and repeat the word ‘yummy.’ 
Okay, you could deal with the clicking noise and the random yummy outbursts but all the more physical things? You really didn’t have the patience to deal with it. Which resulted in you leaving work early, complaining about being sick while masking as much as you possibly could to your boss.
And finally, you were home. And free to just let your tics do whatever the fuck they wanted until they wore themselves out. You hoped this wouldn’t be the type to last over a day, because that happened sometimes, and it was so annoying.
But you forgot something, something very important. You’d planned with your boyfriend to meet up and watch movies at your place. You were just lounging around half naked when you got the text that he was on his way.
“Fuck shit!” you rushed to get decent, knowing that all you could really do was put on a shirt, pants, and half-hazardly brush your hair before you heard the doorbell ring. “Alright Y/n you can do this.” you muttered. “It’s Hawks, he’s chill, you can stay calm and click still around him. Th- this’ll be easy! Suuper click click easy! And If you do tic, no problem he won’t hate you or make fun of you or break up with you! Just gotta go out there and face him, easy peasy... orIcouldrunawayandfakemydeathandlivemycottagecoredreamwithablindcatohhhyeahthatsoundssomucheasier*.” you shook your head (bad idea, you ended up hitting your chest really hard) and forced yourself out of the bathroom and to the front door, quickly ushering your boyfriend in.
“Baby bird! I haven’t seen you in person in forever!” he exclaimed. You sighed, looking up at him and immediately relaxing. Your boyfriend was so pretty, so kind, so perfect. Nothing could get in the way of a nice relaxing night.
“You saw me three days ago.” you deadpanned, holding back a click.
“It felt like forever!” he complained, walking in and shrugging his coat off. He was still in his hero costume, so he must’ve only just gotten off work. He folded his coat and put it on the little table next to the door, alongside his goggles and headphones.
“You aren’t injured?” you asked, checking his arms and face for scratches, then glancing at his wings to check their size. How many feathers had he used today?
“Baby don’t worry, I’m okay. Today was pretty chill. I only needed to use my wings for like- three things today. What about you? How was work?” you stiffened, praying you wouldn’t betray yourself.
“Eh it was okay.” you shrugged nonchalontly or however the fuck you spell it. Hawks raised an eyebrow at you. 
“You know I can tell when you’re lying.” you gave him a forced smile, ignoring how your heart sped up. 
“W-what are you talking about?” Stuttering. Of course you were stuttering. It wouldn’t take much longer before you simply couldn’t mask anymore.
“Dove, tell me what happened, I’m your boyfriend I want to help you-” he stopped talking when he saw how your hand was bouncing against your thigh, striking it hard.
“Fine- I’m I’m I’m F-fine fine!” you exclaimed, head jerking backwards. Hawks blinked in confusion.
“What was that?” his voice rose in concern. Tears were brimming in your eyes as you flinched away from his touch. You didn’t say anything, only grabbing the back of your neck to forcibly hold your head down. Even when you ticked you could just hold yourself back.
“Baby, talk to me, you’re worrying me.” Hawks took another step forward, and you just stepped backwards again, whimpering.
“N-no! No no!” you cried. Hawks stared at you with wide eyes, fearful. Suddenly he relaxed. 
“Hey, it’s gonna be okay.” his tone was different this time, soothing, sweet, it was exactly the kind that would make you relax. “I’m here, I’m gonna help you. Can you move your hands for me, Babe?” 
Slowly, your moved your hands away from your neck, immediately your head tried to dislocate itself, and a sharp stab of pain shot up your spine. 
“OW!” Hawks opened his arms, still giving you a kind look.
“I know, I know it hurts.” he whispered. “Just come here, let me hold you.”
Hold you? When you were spazzing out like this? What if you hit him? What if you hurt him badly? What if he never wanted to see you again?” What if-
You ran into his arms, sobbing. You felt something soft tickle the back of your neck. A feather. He rubbed your back soothingly. Rocking the two of you back and forth as you cried against his chest.
“S-sorry! Sorrysorrysorry!” you yelped when your arm smacked his side. 
“Shhhh shhh baby it’s okay.” He took your hand, gently moving it towards his face. Bad idea. You jerked your hand out of his grip, sniffling. 
“Do-don’t do th-that- don’t do that. I’ll hu-hurt you. S-sorry.” he nodded.
“I understand.” he murmured, taking the two of you to the couch. He kept you close to him, feathers covering your body to try and help you relax. It was nice. He was warm and his voice was soft. You felt so... heavy. You closed your eyes, cuddling against him, close as you could possibly get before you finally fell asleep.
You slowly opened your eyes, the smell of bacon filling the air. You blinked a couple time, realizing you were in your bed. You sat up, groaning. Your neck felt so sore. 
Click click
Ah, right. The tics were back. You thought back to yesterday, eyes widening as you remembered what happened. Hawks. He had come over hoping for a movie and cuddles, hoping for a break from taking care of people, and you’d ruined that with your stupid tic attack. How long had he stayed with you? Did he stay awake to make sure you didn’t tic in your sleep?
You ran out of your room, grateful you were still in your cozy movie party clothes. In the kitchen, Hawks had two plates on the counter, both with scrambled eggs and two slices of toast. Bacon was sizzling in the pan. 
“Good morning, Dove! How are you feeling?” he asked, a soft yet tired smile on his face.
“Hawks! Hawks oh babe I am so so sorry about last night!” you exclaimed, your fingers twisted and curled around each other as you hoped to find comfort in the movement.
“Don’t be, it’s okay. I made breakfast, look! I may have burnt the toast but you’ll be fine with that, right? Baby?” he cocked his head to the side, noticing your expression.
“Y-you sure it’s okay?” you asked softly.
“Yeah! Was this the first time you had muscle spasms?” He sent a feather towards you, tickling your nose before circling around and rubbing at the back of your neck. You felt yourself on the brink of tears again at the soft gesture.
“No...” you murmured. “But I haven’t had them in a while I- I thought they were gone.” He nodded, humming.
“What triggers them?”
“Just- general anxiety and bad thoughts...” you mumbled. 
“Alright. If you ever start ticking again, just call me. I’ll swoop in and help you. I’m pretty sure it’s hard to get stuff done when your body moves without you.” he flashed you a bright smile.
“Doesn’t it... weird you out?” you asked. “I could hurt you... I could accidentally break something I- I-”
“Baby.” you looked up at him. He took a step towards you, cupping your face into his hands and pressing a kiss to your lips. “I’m here for you. I care about you so I’m going to do everything in my power to make you feel comfortable. It’s my duty as hero, but more-so as your boyfriend.” you sniffled, nodding.
“Yes, Dove?”
“You’re gonna burn the bacon.”
Translation: Or I could Just run away and fake my own death and live my cottage core dream with a blind cat ohhh yeah that sounds so much easier
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bella-in-a-bag · 5 years ago
Not mine
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Words: 2446  
Day 5 - Any intense emotions your soulmate feels you will also experience 
Maybe that was worse, because he was just broken and no one was to blame, just himself. Maybe he had repressed his feelings to the limit and they were retaliating, unlike, but he wasn't human after all. Maybe he deserves this and there is no reason, it just is and he has to accept that. 
Where Logan gets someone elses feelings.
Tags and triggers under cut
Hurt/Comfort, Unsympathetic Anxiety | Virgil Sanders, more or less, he's just mean and never actually in the story, just mentioned, it's implied that he's just stressed, mention of violence, Swearing, Remus doesn't get gross, , tw panic attacks implied
Logan didn't know how his chest had suddenly gotten so tight, his eyes watery and his gut twisted in a way that made him want to throw up. Feeling such an intense array of emotions left him unable to think, let alone reason his way out of something he didn't know the cause for. Just a minute ago, he was fixing Thomas's schedule to include his meeting with Joan, an action that he deemed deeply satisfactory, when a wave crashed into his train of thought. Anger for something he didn't know the motive but knew was wrong, as well as many other things he could only identify as a mixture of pride, guilt, grief and sadness.
Well, no use in trying to get something done now.
Logan was used to these impulses, as he liked to call them, but every time he suffered them he felt like the world was figuratively trying to crush him into a pile of dust, so maybe the appropriate term should be awareness of the situation. He didn't freak out when they happened, which was good, but the unpleasantness still stuck all the way through the episodes. Surprising no one, he hated them more than he hated Thomas pursuing theater and YouTube instead of a stable career, but unlike the latter, these problems only affected him. Maybe that was worse, because he was just broken and no one was to blame, just himself. Maybe he had repressed his feelings to the limit and they were retaliating, unlike, but he wasn't human after all. Maybe he deserves this and there is no reason, it just is and he has to accept that.
Logan realized that if Janus heard that he was going to get lectured, but he didn't really mind, not when his brain was spiraling back and forth between a decision he wasn't sure he was making himself. The pros and cons, the possible outcomes, the whole problem laid out to him in a way he could only watch someone from afar look at a map he couldn't see. It reminded him of the courtroom scenario, but at the same time the problem felt more trivial and more important. The stakes were high, he guessed while trying to assume the best decision based on the pieces he could get, but then a choice was made and anxiety filled his mind to the brim.
He almost didn't answer when he heard a knock on the door, too many things happening at once, but he pushed himself up his chair and answered with the loudest voice he could manage. "Who is it?" It still sounded too emotionally charged, or maybe it didn't and his ears were playing tricks on him. "Can I come in?" Still no answer to his question, but if he ignored them maybe they would go away. The three seconds he stood in the middle of his room waiting for an answer felt like an eternity, but to his dismay, that someone finally decided to reveal their identity.
"I'm Remus, Logan" he sounded far too broken for the Duke, and Logan deduced that wasn't good. "Can I come in?" The desperation in the voice pushed Logan to open the door and let him in, trying to look collected.
"How may I assist you?" He wanted to add that he couldn't even assist himself, but the thought remained in his head.
"I need you to coach me through Virgil's breathing exercises" it still felt wrong the way his voice broke when he said Virgil and why would he need them in the first place? Remus was becoming a decent distraction from his own problems, he realized as he tried to make sense of the situation. Logan gestured at the foot of his bed before beginning to speak.
"Ok, I want you to breathe in for four, hold for seven and exhale for eight" Remus simply nodded and Logan began the exercise, counting with his fingers when he saw the creative side struggling to follow his instructions. After 15 minutes and 23 seconds, Remus seemed to look more like himself and Logan stopped counting, finding comfort in the way his mind had started to function as well. Remus was looking at the ground while biting his nail and it didn't look like he was going to speak any time soon, but Logan needed to know what happened in order to help Remus. He might be also teeny tiny bit interested, but that is besides the point.
"If you are not comfortable you do not have to answer" Remus's finger was out of his mouth, good. "But may I ask what is bothering you, you seemed troubled. And by previous experiences, I assume you do not get easily troubled." Remus snorted, Logan wasn't sure why but that is a problem for another day.
"I might have fought with good ol' Virgin again, which might not have ended so good ol' ok" That usually didn't end up well, Logan remembered trying to comfort Virgil with Patton making cookies and Roman swearing revenge on the background.
"If you were in his room that would explain your distress"
"We were on common territory, so my bullshit comes exclusively from me."
"I wouldn't consider your stress fake, but did anything he said upset you into this state or was it the whole situation in general."
"Well, there were some things said." He paused for a moment, looking down weighting if it was worth it or not. Logan was beginning to think he would just get up and leave when he resumed talking, startling him just enough to make him flinch but improbable that the other side had noticed.
"I had this extremely good idea, you see. It was good, so good I was going to show it to Thomas. Not an intrusive thought, you don't need to worry legged dictionary, but an actual real plot for an episode." Logan nodded along, listening carefully to the side's words. "I made the mistake of telling Virgil, cause he was the only one around and I needed to tell somebody. He's still pissed that jay-nus got sort of accepted, hypocrite coming from him," Logan bit the urge to correct him, shifting a bit on the spot." so he didn't take well the idea of me making something useful. Or he was afraid that I wasn't going to make anything and kill Thomathy on the spot, but hey, same difference. He also called me something a bit ugly." Remus's voice shifted into Virgil's like second nature, which would make sense given Janus's history. "Yeah, well maybe you are better off trapped in the subconscious, no one wants you around anyway. I'm sure your brother won't miss you."
This time Remus didn't continue speaking and Logan understood that he wasn't getting more info right now.
"I am sorry Remus, Virgil has been a little over the edge lately with Janus up in the primary mindscape." Bad wording Logic, now he looks more sad. "I am in no way trying to excuse his actions, perhaps I could talk to him later. Make him see the error in his thinking, possibly getting him to apologize."
"Thanks Logan." Satisfactory, he isn't even using a nickname.
"If I’m not intruding too much, why didn't you go to Janus for help?"
"Intruding is my thing logical meat bag" That one's creative "but he's busy and you seemed good at comforting V-movie, so I guessed you could comfort me too. Well fuck me gently with a chainsaw, I sound like Roman."
"I guess you do not want anything to do with chainsaws, but I appreciate that you would come to me for help. I am not in any way qualified in dealing with emotions, but I am suitable for providing physical help, techniques do not depend in whether you are very sad or mad at someone eating your last crofter jar." Remus smiled, which was good.
"Well that was fun." Remus stretched and half laid on the bed, his legs dangling on the edge. "But you seemed pretty out of it Wikipedia, when I came in" So much for looking collected, then.
"I was not doing well, but I am fine now"
"You can't just not tell me what bothered you, I need to know what to hit." That was nice, in its own way.
"I am afraid you cannot hit my problems, Remus"
"If you don't tell me I'll have to disagree, Logan”
"Well, why would I lie to you if it doesn't benefit me?" A short idea dashed through Logan's head, and he followed it. "Remus"
"Janus lies without reason, Logan"
"I am sure he has his reasons, Remus"
"You don't know that, Logan"
"You don't know that either, Remus"
"You're good at avoiding issues, glasses." Maybe Logan laughed a bit, not that he would admit it.
"I like you, but if you don't tell me I won't leave your room till eternity." Logan did not appreciate the idea of Remus in his room for an eternity, whatever that meant given that Thomas, and per se his sides, won't live an eternity.
"It is difficult to explain, but let's just say that nothing caused my distress." Remus launched himself forward to sit down properly, one of his hands playing with his mustache.
"I belive I am feeling and experiencing things that haven't happened to me. I am unsure of the cause but I know for certain that it is not an emotional response to something that happened to my person."
"Do you know when it started?" Serious Remus voice, that is definitely scary.
"I do not remember"
"So you had a crisis but you didn't know why it happened."
"Yes and I did not tell you anything about a crisis, how do you- nmg" A hand pressed his lips together, making him unable to speak.
"I think I figured out and I am not smarter than you, probably." The hands off now, that's good.
"Well then, what is it?"
"I do not know how this happens, but I know why it does. Still no clue?"
"No, I am afraid I do not know. Emotions are not my expertise."
"I don't think this has anything to do with emotions. Ok, I'm going to give you the data and see if you can complete the puzzle, live up to your title Sherlock." That nickname made Logic all warm inside, not because he was being called Sherlock but because Remus meant it as a compliment and not an insult.
"You were feeling bad emotions but they weren't yours. I was feeling bad emotions. At the same time." Logan could almost physically feel the click his brain made while connected the dots, every time he had seen Remus sad or angry after he had had an episode, but as they have also happened without seeing him, there was no need to make a connection before. But it was obvious, of course it was. Obvious as it was, it still left option for a lot of questions, like for example, why?
“Ah, well.” Logan had to stop talking, the realization dawning on him. If this is what Remus was feeling, maybe that wasn’t so good. Because he knew what he had gone through, and if he had a reason, it had probably been worse. “Well, that is a lot to take in. Remus, you have gone through a lot.” A pause for air, so he wouldn’t drown in all the weird feelings he was having now. It was probably Remus, or him, or both. “You don’t need to deal with this alone anymore.”
“I wouldn’t want to drag you more into hell with me.” Sadness, and this time Logan knew it wasn’t his, even if Remus’s smile tried to convince him otherwise.
“You are not dragging me anywhere, because we are sitting on my bed and you did not choose your feelings to go to me.” Another beat of silence, this time less dense.
“I think it happens both ways.”
“Oh. That would make sense.” Logan did not want to think of what that implied, had the other side felt the anger he couldn’t control when it escaped its grasp and flooded his senses, or was he safe. No, he probably knows now, think clearly Logic.
“Don't worry dicktective, I’m not going to judge you. I don’t do that, not even kink shaming! Unless that is your kink, then maybe I’d make an exception for you.” Logan figured he tried to sound suggestive, but in all honesty he just sounded tired. He was tired too, so tired he could jawn. So he did, at the same time as Remus. Remus smiled afterwards, less maniacal, more soft. Logan smiled back.
“We are soulmates, Logan.” The logical side was taken aback. He barely knew Remus and he was sure that soulmates meant a declaration of love so good it was as if it was chosen by the universe.
“No?” Yes, appropriate response Logan, five stars would recommend.
“I mean, that’s the drill right?. We share emotions, we share a soul. Isn’t that soulmate 101.”
“Soulmates aren’t real, those are just fairy tales.”
“Maybe Thomas wanted them to be real, so he made them real in his messed up mind.”
“That, that actually makes sense.”
“Look, it’s even making me intelligent. I should hang around your room more often.” An offer perhaps, to see where this goes. Logan is very dense right now, but he nods unsure of everything.
“Why me? I’m the least emotional side.”
“That might be what you think, but you don’t know everything.”
“It’s terrifying.”
“Not knowing or soulmates?”
“I figured. I am pretty scary.” A feeling of discomfort, but this time is his own.
“Not you, emotions. I would react the same way if it was any other side. Maybe not Patton, as he insists on calling me his kiddo and that would be uncomfortable.”
“I’m morally depraved and it would still feel weird.”
“Yeah.” Silence, this time they are just lost in thought. A minute passes, maybe ten. Logan isn’t keeping track of time. It doesn’t matter anymore, not when his world just tilted a bit to the side.
“How the fuck are we going to tell the others?”
“We'll figure it out, let's worry about ourselves now.”
"Thanks Lolo."
"You're welcome Remus."
He wasn’t really sure of anything. But with Remus by his side, sounding so confident and yet so scared, maybe things would turn out ok. He was greeted with happiness, a feeling that wasn’t his but still belonged, somehow. And somehow, he knew Remus was receiving happiness as well.
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deltaengineering · 5 years ago
Fall Anime 2019 Part 4: also, he has a gun for a head
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So here’s the CG anime that everyone for some reason decided way in advance would be the best show of the season, more or less by default. I was very skeptical of this for a multitude of reasons. First of all, that is a bad name for a show and you can’t convince me otherwise. It’s actually even worse because you’re supposed to write it in all caps, but I refuse. Second, it has a terribly on the nose conceit in which all sorts of animals live together in a high school setting and it’s all metaphorical ‘n shit. The main character is a wolf but get this, he’s actually all sensitive and quiet! Yeah, this is definitely rated D for Deep. And finally it’s by Orange, the CG studio that got an inordinate amount of acclaim for making Houseki no Kuni, the show that everyone thinks looks great and finally made CG anime worthwhile (actual real fact: HnK does not look great most of the time and CG anime was worthwhile well before it). 
But enough about my preconceptions since Beastars is... pretty good, actually. If you ignore the setting, which is indeed terribly on the nose. And there’s not much else to say about the story so far besides it. However, it looks significantly better than Houseki no Kuni because it actually has really good character animation throughout instead of a one-minute action scene with flashy spinny camera tricks every other episode. The directing’s strong too, even if the show conspicuously mainly consists of obvious manga panels. I’m still not too hot on the animal stuff but the general writing seems to be sufficiently competent it would work simply on a character level. So I don’t love it, but it seems solid enough to see if it goes somewhere with its “Zootopia but also Beverly Hills 90210 but also they eat each other sometimes″ plot.
Rifle is Beautiful
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Remember the whole “anime about some assorted anime girls joining a club doing an oddly specific activity” thing? This is another one of those, and now it’s about air rifle sports shooting. Except it’s not about air rifle sports shooting because that’s apparently way too violent, so they use rifles that look like exactly like air rifles but are actually based on lasers or really bright flashlights (they can’t keep their bullshit straight between scenes, sorry) instead. I just don’t think “girls doing activities” anime should blatantly misrepresent their subject matter like that, you know? With the possible exception of idol anime that is, ain’t nobody who wants to hear about that shit. Apart from that it’s nothing special, so if you are really into air rifles and wish to watch an anime that’s not about those, knock yourself out. It goes through a whole “club needs 5 members” arc in the first half of the first episode, so I really can’t say where it goes next. Nowhere much, I would guess.
Oh right, there’s one more thing: They frequently render the bodies in CG and the heads in traditional drawings, and they do it every time when they’d actually have to draw a rifle otherwise. It’s a weird effect that I think I haven’t seen anywhere else before, and it’s not great but also not terrible. And it’s the most interesting thing about the entire show.
Kabukicho Sherlock
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“Let’s take a bunch of public domain characters and put them into a hip modern setting” seems to be its own genre at the moment, and not only because the BBC did that with S. Holmes, Esq. already. Obviously this show is influenced by that (besides other public domain namedroppers like Bungou Stray Dogs), mostly in Watson and his relationship with Sherlock, but Sherlock-san is rather different here; he’s neither the classic Victorian bohemian nor the abrasive sociopath of the BBC version, and tends more towards a bumbling 90s pop culture version of autism and/or general wackiness here. These two are surrounded by a bunch of campy transvestites for some reason, and I’m not quite sure whether I’m supposed to find this particular stereotype offensive or empowering this week, but it sure is annoying. And it has the same character designer as Joker Game, so if you like chiseled, angular anime men, you’re in for a treat here - even if they tend to wear a lot of makeup and dresses sometimes. I don’t know man, it seems sort of okay-ish for the most part but it’s neither as funny as they think, nor as weird as they think, nor is the murder of the week intriguing at all. Oh yeah, he’s hunting noted public domain character Jack the Ripper. Because of course he is.
 Shin Chuuka Ichiban!
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I am told this is the sequel to episode 19 of a 52-episode anime TV show from 1997. Okay. I am also told to not dare watch this without the important setup therein, which makes me think I should pay less attention to what I’m told because understanding Shin Chuuka Ichiban and its backstory is not hard at all. Kid is superawesome cooking champion in ancient China and goes around clowning on lesser cooks, got it. It’s not a complicated setup and it’s not a complicated genre either: This seems to be mostly about sick shounen cooking duels. Besides the setting, the main difference between this and Shokugeki no Soma seems to be that SnS goes for ridiculous and Chuuka Ichiban goes for epic - which is to say that it fancies itself emotional as well. Apart from that it’s what you’d expect from a cooking shounen, big moves, big reactions, huge twists and so on. One notable thing is that this show looks really, really nice. Production I.G seems to be establishing a sideline in taking stuff from the 90s and updating it with smoother animation and shinier lighting, while keeping the overall look intact; They did it for Mahoujin Guru Guru, and this looks much the same. Still, I’m just fundamentally not really interested in what appears to be a very straightforward cooking shounen from the 90s.
Assassins Pride
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Straight from the Department of Chuuni, we have this light novel masterpiece about a cool as fuck teenage assassin who teleports behind u and nothin personells fools all day. He then meets a princess he’s supposed to off but just kinda decides not to, probably because she seems to be smitten by his m’lady act. Now he has to use his sick skillz to keep them both alive. It’s awful and terrible and no good and also kind of adorable. This truly is the most 13 AND A HALF MOM years old anime in a while, and it’s not even isekai! The writing’s just so amateurish and corny you can’t help but smile when princesses exposit their backstory for no reason while being accosted by pumpkin monsters (without knowing that Awessassin McCooldude happens to be listening in, which is certainly convenient). Or when the episode ends with the man just reading the synopsis of the show out again, in case you were too fascinated by this plot to pay attention to what it’s about. Yeah I’m not going to watch this in a thousand years, but it sure made me chuckle. Your mileage may vary.
Mugen no Juunin - Immortal
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Speaking of đ”±đ”„đ”žđ”± đ”«đ”Šđ”«đ”ąđ”±đ”Šđ”ąđ”° đ”ąđ”Ąđ”€đ”ą, another anime adaptation of Blade of the Immortal appeared! You know, the manga for the cultured and historically minded guro fan. The first episode of Blade of the Immortal runs with this and is an arthouse production that someone most definitely directed the shit out of. I don’t think I’ve seen this much directing since, well, Sarazanmai, but “Ikuhara amounts of directing” is pretty much the idea here. And most of the time it even works! The quickly edited, disorienting style gives episode 1 a feeling closer to horror than to a cool swordmen action show, and that really brings out the best in the material, which is grotesque splatter bordering on the comical - It’s somehow a better Junji Ito anime than the actual Junji Ito anime. I think it tries too hard in a few places, but at least it does try.
But then I watched the second episode and that one’s a fairly conventional splatter-comedy swordin’ anime. I am not at all pleased with this development. The third episode was better again and seemed to split the difference between 1 and 2, even if it mostly uses the tricky editing to save on effort in the action –  I would much prefer actually readable fights and the wacky mannerisms in the more psychological stuff, thank you very much. Based on episode 1 I thought we might have something special here, but as of episode 3 I’d already merely call it pretty decent. I guess I’ll still stick with it but man, that’s a real bummer.
No Guns Life
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No Guns Life is a neo-noir thriller about a guy who has a gun for a head. That’s fuckin rad and exactly the kind of silliness I am totally down for. He also has a gun for a hand, and there’s also some battle nun’s who carry revolvers with two cylinders, so in short I think the title is false advertising. This sounds very wacky (and it is), but it also takes its noir very seriously, down to details more wannabe neo-noirs tend to neglect (like being set right after a big war). The look and feel is pretty excellent, with sharp design and high-contrast artwork, and the music goes all in on the moody saxophone as you’d expect. And there’s some really adorable “look mom, I’m writing” stuff about how Man With Gun For A Head really “needs someone to pull his trigger” and so on (which is, as the astute reader might remember, at the back of his head). It feels like a throwback but then I can’t really think of many 80s/90s shows like this, so it’s actually more like the sort of faux-retro idea Trigger/Imaishi would come up with on a lark. Trigger/Imaishi would, of course, make a far worse anime out of it, so it’s all good. Well, it has some pacing problems and as always it’s a fine line between amusingly camp and not so amusingly camp anymore, but No Guns Life seems to have enough real qualities that it can probably stand on its own even when its conceptual gimmick eventually doesn’t suffice anymore. I give it a two gun’s up.
Hoshiai no Sora / Stars Align
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And finally, here’s an anime about middle schooler softboys playing a tennis just as soft as themselves, while being henpecked by the elites on the girl’s team. This is not an “actual” sports anime though: for starters, it’s not based on some shounen manga and is an anime original with quite some staff pedigree instead. It’s also more of a character drama that already goes to some surprisingly real places by the end of episode 1, reminiscent of the recent and quite good Run with the Wind. Furthermore, it looks delicious, with minimalist but distinctive and varied character designs and animation that’s both extremely detailed for a TV anime and also not trying to shove that fact into your face with flashy stunt cuts. In short, this show seems very simple at first glance but every aspect of it just oozes quality. If nothing else, it’s already worth watching just for the excellent ending sequence where the characters show off their “best” dance moves and the chunky student council president dunks on everyone. This one caught me by surprise and it’s an easy pick for most promising show of the season.
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heartslogos · 5 years ago
newfragile yellows [852]
“Well. I don't think this is the getaway boss-lady had in mind when she told us to pack our bags and get out,” Bull says, leaning against the car as they stare at the rather sinister looking cottage down the worn dirt path. “You think she actually wanted us to get killed? What did you do to make her that mad?”
“Bold of you to assume I’m the one who made her mad enough to send us to a literal murder set,” Ellana replies from inside the car.
“Are you coming out?”
“Of the closet? Every day of my life.”
“Out of the car, Lavellan. Out of the car.”
“I know you’ve only got the one eye, but the one should be good enough to see the definite murder site in front of us. No, I’m not getting out of the car.” Ellana, as if to strengthen her point, pointedly flicks the lock on her door. “You should be getting back into the car. Just standing there is painting a giant target on you. If you’re not coming back in give me the keys so I can get the hell away from here and live to tell your story of extreme stupidity.”
Bull crosses his arms, tilting his head little. “It looks like a fix-her-upper.”
“It looks like it needs to have its foundations ripped out and the entire area excavated for the shallow graves of missing persons.”
“Trevelyan booked this?” Bull asks. “Who arranged this?”
“Absolutely no idea. Whoever they are has a serious grudge or is seriously incompetent,” Ellana replies. “Evelyn said this was supposed to be a nice relaxing getaway. A nice holiday for us to celebrate being in each other’s company. I didn’t think she’d send us to get murdered so we could truly appreciate each other before we die.”
Bull sticks his arm in through the open driver side window and grasps for his phone. Ellana puts her hand in his.
“Cute, but I was going to text a picture of this in the group chat and bring shame on them.”
Ellana threads her fingers through his, leaning over to kiss the back of his hand.
“Oh fuck,” Bull tries to pull his hand back. “You only call me babe when you want to start shit. We’re supposed to be on vacation.”
“Babe. Listen.”
“I’m listening. Not happy about it. But I’m listening.”
“I am in possession of one idea.”
“What if — “
“I meant shoot the idea. Or me. Both.”
“What if,” Ellana says, squeezing Bull’s hand in hrs. “What if we just don’t tell them.”
Bull turns away from the possibly haunted cottage that’s missing half its window panes and look at her.
“Don’t tell them what?”
Ellana jerks her chin in the direction of the decrepit looking structure. “We don’t tell them about it. Any of it.”
Bull narrows his eye, turning to fully face her, squeezing her hand back.
“Go on.”
“We’re not staying here, obviously.” Ellana’s eyes sparkle with mirth and excitement. “We go find a motel or something nearby. Chill there. Do our real vacation stuff relaxing, eating terrible food, doing hikes or whatever. But every day we come back here and pretend like this is where we’re staying. We don’t send any of those pictures back to the others. Just the ones of us on hikes and stuff. The super generic pictures you’d see on a really boring and typically social media profile.”
“I’m following so far.”
“We stage a few photos of us in the cottage as if we were actually staying there for real. Changes of clothes, drinking coffee in the window, the works. And when we get back that’s when we show those photos. I figure we’ve both got enough cash on us that we can keep the motel expenses off of our cards. If not we do micro-transactions at various ATM’s. No one would suspect anything. They would legit think we spent our two week vacation in a horror movie set.”
Bull looks into Ellana’s excited eyes.
“You are everything I could ever want in another person,” he sighs, sounding a little resigned and a lot happy. He gives her a crooked grin as he swings their hands a little. “We obviously aren’t going to acknowledge that this place is busted up and fucked up when they point it out, right?”
“Obviously not. Gods, no. In our eyes this is an average, decent vacation home that does its job of providing four walls, a roof, and a place to unwind.” Ellana replies. “It’s plain, kind of bland, pretty standard stuff. But there’s nothing wrong with it. Maybe a little overpriced. But it’s perfectly fine.”
Bull pulls his hand free and opens the car door, climbing in. “Okay, let’s head back. We’ll find a place and plan. Also we need to look up actual shit to do in the area.”
“I’ll get on that as soon as we’re out of line of sight from
that,” Ellana gestures at the cottage. “I don’t think I need to say this, but — we’re doing the fake photos in one day. I’m not going to be here longer than necessary.”
“Right. Let’s get that out of the way tomorrow. We’ll come early so we can get some shots at different times of day. Three or four changes of clothes should do it.”
“Two or three, we can just swap tops. It’s not like they expect us to be wearing something different every day. We aren’t doing laundry on our vacation.”
“We are definitely doing laundry on our vacation, I’m not carrying back any bad vibes bullshit. Or. Evidence.”
“Yeah, but no one else has to know that.” Ellana reaches across him and takes a picture of the house. “First contact. Day one. This’ll teach Evelyn to force us to go on vacation. Ha. Peace of mind my butt. For whom exactly? Let’s see how she likes seeing this piece of my mind at work.”
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fapangel · 5 years ago
Hey Planefag, I've been considering getting a gun for a while now, and one I keep coming back to is the CZ Scorpion EVO 3 S1 Carbine. I've always found myself more comfortable with rifles over handguns, though that might just be because I've actually shot rifles before and never handled a handgun that wasn't a dinky .22 single action revolver my dad found in my grandparents basement. What's your thoughts on this gun? Is it too much for a first time gun owner? Thanks.
Among the under-appreciated and unsung heroes of firearms engineering and manufacture, CZ firearms and their fantastic Czechnologyℱ are king. CZ has a long lineage (they’re responsible for the famous CZ.61 Skorpion submachine gun/machine pistol, which the EVO 3 carbine is named after,) and they make a wide variety of firearms, from their immensely popular CZ 75 double-stack 9mm pistols to hunting rifles that are beloved by hunters across Europe. 
As for the CZ Scorpion EVO 3 itself, you’re best served by watching some youtube reviews on the gun; as always Hickock 45 is a good place to start. He always has good feedback on how the gun actually handles and feels when you shoot it; as evidenced by his videos always featuring him having a blast knocking down steel in his backyard. But as far as this general kind of firearm as a first-time buy goes? I can say this is an EXCELLENT firearm for a first-time owner!
Carbines chambered in pistol calibers, such as 9mm, .45 ACP, etc. are commonly known (unsurprisingly) as “pistol caliber carbines.” Debates have raged over their “tactical usefulness” or home-defense utility versus other options, but what is hands-down incontestable is that they are tremendously fun guns. Handguns make a lot of trade-offs to get their small, portable size; both in accuracy and stability (due to lacking a stock) and in power (since they use significantly smaller, weaker cartridges than a rifle.) When you take a handgun cartridge designed to have manageable recoil in a handgun, and put it in a lightweight rifle, you get a firearm with almost no notable recoil, much greater accuracy (since you’ve got a much better platform that’s more stable due to the shoulder brace) and even generates more power (the longer barrel lets the gas from the gunpowder accelerate the bullet for a longer period of time and achieve higher velocities.) Carbines also have the benefits of dirt-cheap ammo (pistol ammo is cheaper than rifle ammo by a decent margin since it’s just smaller; compare and contrast over at ammoseek.com,) and they’re lightweight and handy compared to most normal-sized rifles. They have other applications too; they’re gaining popularity as a home-defense firearm (though people argue incessantly about other options being better, the simple fact is that these guns will work great for home defense if its the only one you own,) and then there’s hunting applications - I’ve actually been eyeballing a .45 ACP carbine for years because I’d like a “coyote gun;” something that can reach out and pop a coyote slinking around the property, but with a pistol cartridge that won’t ricochet off frozen ground or a rock and hit a neighbor’s house a mile distant. 
Ergo, a pistol-caliber carbine is a really, really fun gun, and is very forgiving for a first-time shooter. The only gun that could possibly be more forgiving is a .22 carbine, like a 10/22, which is also a fun target rifle with cheap ammo, but isn’t a reliable threat against anything bigger than a woodchuck and is hard to use past 50 yards or so due to the “rainbow” trajectory: 
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5 inches of drop isn’t hard to compensate for; it’s more the rate of drop that makes things iffy. If your coyote pops up at 90 yards or 110 yards, your point-of-impact changes drastically. There’s also wind-drift; even a gentle breeze plays merry hell with that lightweight 40 grain bullet. 
9mm from a carbine shoots significantly flatter and further: (link or click the image to fullsize it and get rid of the damn blur:) 
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So a 9mm carbine has most of the advantages a .22 plinker has, but with far greater practical utility as well. As the most common handgun round on Earth, 9mm is easy to buy and you can get plinking ammo dirt cheap. 
You’ll note that there’s competitors to the Scorpion EVO on the market in the 9mm blowback-operated carbine market; from the Sig MPX to the ugly, but perfectly functional and very affordable Hi-Point carbine. All these companies have legendary reputations (even Hi-Point, which has phenomenal customer service and after-sale support) so its hard to go wrong with any of them. 
My only complaints vis a vis pistol-caliber carbines is price. Yet another (theoretical) advantage of a pistol-caliber carbine is the ability to use a “simple blowback” method of operation; wherein the chamber is kept sealed until the gas pressure from the gunpowder drops to safe levels by nothing more than the intertial mass (i.e. weight) of the slide itself, after which the cartridge case itself being blown back by the equal and opposite reaction move the slide rearward and cycle the action (thus the name.) Most medium-caliber handguns above .380 ACP power or so use a fancier - and more expensive - locking-lug system to seal the breech because simple blowback would require too much weight in the slide and make the gun bulky. Hi-Point’s (in)famous pistols are so cheap because they use simple blowback even for normal-power pistol cartridges, which is why their guns look like a damn brick and have weight to match.
You know where that weight doesn’t matter, though? In a carbine! Simple blowback also has no moving barrel like the short recoil system most handguns use to cycle, so it’s also surprisingly accurate. But above all, simple blowback should be cheaper. 
And they ain’t. 
The Scopion Evo 3 is simple blowback and costs about a thousand bucks, retail. There’s multiple “entry-level” AR-15s on the market right now, chambered for an actual rifle cartridge, using a much more complex and expensive gas-operated recoil system... for about 600 dollars USD. That has never, ever not pissed me off, and has kept me from buying a PCC myself. The Hi-Point carbines are only 300 bucks or so, but they also look like a 300 dollar rifle - there’s no properly-priced “mid market” option for PCC’s and that just frosts my ass no end. 
But there’s good news! After years of bullshit, you can finally find 9mm AR-15 complete uppers for something approaching sane fucking prices. Check out the price drops over at Palmetto State Armory. (They mark ALL their stuff as “on sale” but typically not with $100+ price drops.) Everyone is lowering their prices because nobody’s fucking buying these at their previous rip-off bullshit pricing. And even better, the corona catastrophe hasn’t driven these prices up yet, and probably won’t for a while because, as you can see, these are for unassembled guns, not straight-off-the-shelf ones. 
Best of all, as far as AR-15s are concerned, “unassembled” basically means “you have to put the bottom part on the top part and pop two pins in with your thumb.” And that’s it. That’s quite literally it. It’s so damn easy I have no problem recommending it to a total newbie. What you do is, you buy a complete upper assembly (which means the factory guys screwed together the barrel and upper receiver for you and attached the wee flippy door and other stuff which is fiddly for you - they usually come with a bolt, too, but if they don’t that’s not hard to find separate and they just slide right in.) Then you go and find yourself a 9mm lower receiver; a complete one will look something like this. The lower receiver decides what kind of magazines you’ll use, and depending on compatibility with the upper may or may not have a working bolt hold-open interaction; you’ll have to do a little research to see if the combo you’re eyeballing works together. Fortunately there’s more than a few guides out there for this sort of thing, and you can also ask on forums like ar15.com to quickly get feedback from people with way too much disposable income who have actually built guns with the parts you’re looking at. This is all made a lot easier if you buy the upper and lower from the same company (they typically make sure their shit all works together, natch,) but even then research is prudent.
Or you could say “fuck it, I’ve got money” and buy the EVO 3, which wouldn’t be a bad choice either. Yes, you’ll be overpaying a bit, but at least the EVO 3 is nice, and has bells and whistles and things. And the other big advantage of an AR PCC build is also with the EVO 3 - a fairly strong aftermarket. For instance, if you think the EVO 3â€Čs trigger is stiff, there’s already aftermarket options for it. There’s also handling to consider; find a Friendly Local Gun Store with the Scorpion in stock and pay them a visit and ask to hold the thing; then you can compare to pretty much any shorter-barreled AR-15 rifle on the wall and you’ll have a pretty good comparison. You can look up youtube reviews comparing the two all day, but nothing tells you what you’ll like better than actually holding it. The advantage the Scorpion EVO has is, unlike people making Le Generic AR-15 Pattern Parts, is the freedom to customize the weight, balance and overall useability ergonomics while still retaining modular features like the standard picatinny rails (the carbine you’re looking at even has integrated M-LOK attachment points in the handguard!) There’s a fucking reason this carbine is getting so much attention despite 9mm PCC’s being a Thing these days. The prices on 9mm AR uppers finally dropping is relatively new, but even with that, CZ is typically considered to be of a quality comparable to the upper end of those AR manufacturers, which also narrows the price difference.
I know that’s a lot of ~words~ to fling at a newbie who’s highly unlikely to dive into the pain-in-the-ass journey of researching 9mm PCC parts, but I wanted you to know what your options were, and to start early in demystifying the ~building a GUN~ process; as with a completed upper it’s mostly about popping together a few simple parts, screwing this thingajigger onto that, and then pressing some of those fucking roll pins in with a c-clamp from your workshop. Yes, skip the 20 dollar roll pin punch from Brownells (and the six dollars and two weeks shipping) and let The Internet show you all the dirty tricks to make shit even easier. The AR market is so inflated and AR’s so popular now that there’s people selling fifty dollar tools to help install one part in the lower, and exasperated guys on youtube showing you how to do it with a fucking banana. 
So. the TL:DR:
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* A pistol-caliber carbine is a REALLY nice choice for a first time shooter; it’s handy and easy to use, wonderfully affordable and fun for target shooting, and can be used for real practical uses like small-game hunting or even home defense if you want. 
You have multiple options on the market right now for these, and if you want to save some money or want access to the most insanely populated aftermarket parts market, you can build a 9mm AR-15 pretty easily now, if you do your research first. 
With that said, the CZ Scorpion Evo 3 is selling well and is quite popular despite how crowded the market is right now, and there’s a reason for that - everyone says its a well put together gun, its from a company with a legendary reputation for quality and design, it has all the bells and whistles you’re going to want (ambidextrous features, picatinny rails and M-LOK forward handguard,) and it has a sizeable aftermarket of its own, allowing you significant customization options to build on a known solid core firearm. IT EVEN HAS AFFORDABLE MAGAZINES. Seriously their magazines are the same price as you know, normal magazines from normal companies; you’re not being forced to pay out the ass for proprietary mags, it’s just
You know what, nevermind what I said, buy the Evo 3. YOU’RE GONNA LOVE IT BRO 
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prorevenge · 6 years ago
Psycho Ex gets my egoless revenge with a side of heavy-duty karma.
The following story occurred over the course of 13-8 years ago, and I apologize preemptively for the length, because it is a bit involved.
I was in a relationship for 9 years with a girl I met in college. We broke up on the cusp of my 29th birthday. While breakups and divorce are never trauma-free, this one was as close to that as I believe is humanly possible to get, there were no fights and minimal drama, and I moved to a new city to get a fresh start and be nearer my dad/stepmom/half sisters, as I'm close to them and it was nice to have family during this. Get an apartment, start over, everything's good. Then I meet "her."
Things with her seemed good at first. She was the polar opposite of my ex. She's quiet yet nice, had her life relatively together (my first wife was very unfocused and horrible with money), physically a complete contrast, wild in the bedroom--I thought I had hit the jackpot.
Anyhoo, I fall for her hard. We have a whirlwind romance, move in shortly, and we have this glamorous life where we make good money (she was a corporate accountant, I had a decent small business, we're pulling in 150K+ combined), renting a luxury apartment, one car paid and the other brand new, no kids. Things are great, except that we drink too much together and some other underlying issues I'm blind to at the time. We get soused one night and drive to Vegas, and get married on the strip after 6 months of dating and 9 of knowing each other. The ink is barely dry on my divorce papers from version 1.0, but no matter, I'm in love. My family likes her overall. Her family loves me. We adopt cats. We talk about trying to have a kid.
We upgrade our life and take on more debt, just as the housing bubble bursts and the economy tanks, she loses a couple jobs due to her inability to show up on Mondays, and I start losing clients as the ones I have start cutting their advertising budget (my field). Things start to get pinched, and she first starts complaining, then gets petulant, because now we can't spend the way we used to, the quarterly mini-vacations dry up, plus we're cooking at home instead of going out to eat 4x a week. We basically stop having sex a little more than a year into the relationship (didn't realize it then, because I was dumb and love-blind, but she cheated on me during this period).seRealizing what we're up against with our normal bills plus our credit cards, I go out and get a job bartending at a posh resort, the only other real skill I have at the time that's marketable. I get two other part time gigs to help make ends meet. She still complains, and throws me an ultimatum before I even start getting paychecks, laying the blame at my feet. I say fine, screw this then. Had we stuck it out even a few more months, things would have started to turn a financial corner. Instead, she goes full two-faced, mean-spirited bitch on me. The night we first fight, she "attempts suicide" by scratching her wrist with a leatherman, then calls 911, gets admitted to the hospital (I arrive home to cops telling me this), and has the security guard toss me when I show up to see if she's okay because she doesn't want to talk to me. I use the quotes because there was a small collection of firearms nearby I bought for her target shooting hobby which were untouched, so it was obviously just a ploy for attention.
We basically fight for the next week, I give her everything she wants, which includes leaving the house, signing over my new truck to her, and only taking stuff I brought into the relationship, basically enough to fill a small storage space. She's financially pinched so I sell my office furniture for cash and don't even touch the bank account, just take my biz money and one CC I got separate from her. I go to the Bay Area for a few months, financially struggle, don't get the job I was sure was on lock. During this time, I have this revelation one evening--I drink too much and that it's caused a load of problems in my life, so I quit, and I haven't touched a drop since.
Broke and realizing nothing I try is working, I come back to town, live with my dad for a month, find a roommate, then a shit retail job (my business has dropped from 7-8K per month at its height to now around 500/mo), I bike everywhere bc I can't afford a car, and my credit is toast partially due to her love of spending on plastic, so I'm facing bankruptcy. I'm 31, and this is really humbling, but whatever, I'm alive, have dealt with hardship before, this won't last forever. She has kept her house, declared personal BK on her debts, keeps her car, and has been dating a series of men starting a couple weeks after we split. While I never asked the details, apparently she's also reached out to a few of my friends and badmouthed me a bit. This would be mildly annoying, but add in two factors--she's dragging her feet on the divorce due to not having money to file, keeps up contact on the pretense of us needing to talk, but plays emotionally manipulative head games during the whole sequence ("I've realized I still love you, that's why you can make me cry so easily," and other bullshit Hallmark movie lines like this). Also, we live in a suburb that's smaller and tightly knit, so multiple places I go to like my church, the bookstore I frequent, and the coffee shop right by my place, she talks endless shit to people. Says I was a cheater and physically/emotionally abusive (complete crap, but whatever), I'm stalking her, I supposedly stole tens of thousands of dollars from her, the whole nine. Some people actually believe her, I even get threatened by a wannabe biker one night that's literally twice my age with violence, itself a funny story but not the point.
Finally, after some more bullshit and back and forth, she leaves town (more falsehoods around this, including her borrowing a bit of money she didn't end up paying back, and sticking me with a massive overage on our cell bill right before we split the account). My dumb, trusting heart hurts but I'm mostly relieved to see the last of her, realizing she's only nice to me when she wants something. She goes to NY to shack up with another guy, gets pregnant 15 minutes later. Finally sends me divorce paperwork. I sign it and send back quickly, all notarized docs, everything organized and flagged. She attempts to be "friends" and I want no part of this BS. I'm businesslike, she gets upset. She screws up filing, blames me. I say "whatever," straighten out the court issues. One week after the divorce is finalized, the kid is born. No word from her after that for two years, thank god. I get a new career, start advancing in it, and start dating a new woman that I'm still with 10 years later. Weirdly enough, they knew each other, and she didn't like her, partially because one of my ex's infidelity partners was her ex-husband, during a time they were exploring patching things up for the kids' sake (though there were multiple reasons for her distrust, apparently she always gave my wife an icky intuitive feeling).
So flash forward two years. I get a call from my current squeeze. She's just talked to a friend who was also a very brief roomie of "her" after our split. She's breaking up with the baby daddy. There's a custody fight. He's saying he doesn't know if it's his. Will I help her? Well, it's the right thing to do, so even though I don't trust or particularly like her, I say yes. I get the call, and a sob story. Most of it doesn't add up--he took the kid, but thinks it's actually mine, to prove paternity I'd need to come to NY and take a paternity test at one of their facilities, also he hit her, put a GPS tracker on her car, brother is a Russian mobster who threatened her, all very far-fetched. Needless to say, even without this fanciful tale, I generally assume if this woman is talking, it's a lie, so I'm suspicious. Her lawyer calls me, and seems like a clueless shmuck. I get a letter from him, very unprofessional and not even on a letterhead (every other legal doc I've seen has "from the law offices of blah blah" on it, but this is literally just off a laser printer), and says, verbatim "I, M___ K___, am the ex-husband of J___ K___, and was married to her from 6/07-8/09. I have no legal interest in the child." Super shady.
Not wanting to end up in a situation where I've allowed myself to be legally fucked over, I make my own lawyer consultation appointment. Before I can even go, the baby daddy finds me on Facebook and sends me a message. Between calls with him, his lawyer, and the impartial lawyer NY state appoints for the child's welfare, I get a very different story. He knows it's his, he had a paternity test done on the sly at birth because she had been promiscuous before they got together, and she was pregnant so quickly he was concerned. They broke up because she was drinking too much, he busted her with a bottle of vodka as she was driving with the kid in the car. She stood up in court, claimed I was actually the father, and she had no idea where to find me (he found me in 10 seconds online, I'm a tech guy with massive social media presence, a tech blog, multiple writing credits on publications, my frigging name as a domain, plus I've had the same cell phone number for 14 years). Also the other BS was just that, he's an IT guy for a university and his brother works for a carpet cleaning chain, plus just like in our relationship, he never hit or stalked her, etc.
So she, not knowing what I know, starts sending me text messages. I say "Filled out and on its way back to your lawyer," and toss it in the trash. I'm so tempted to send her some poetic message about how the truth is coming back to haunt her, but I resist, because I'm not doing this for her, but rather for the sake of their son and his father, so let's keep my ego out of it. I provide legal statements to all in the court. Tell them I know it's not possibly mine because I hadn't been with her since April 15 of '08, kid's birthday is in Sept of '09 (I remember the date because, due to taxes, I got fucked twice that day). Explain when she was in NY, which is the likely dates of conception, prove I was thousands of miles away on the west coast. Tell them to look through her social media, where she meticulously tagged herself and took tons of pictures of even their mundane locations. Provide a blood sample to a local lab. Tell them salacious details about her drinking and occasional drug use, including her abused prescriptions and a previous hospitalization where she was held for psych eval due to taking way too many pills.
Court comes, and she gets blindsided. Stack of depositions and a collection of statements from me were what sealed the deal, apparently, and the incredibly stupid game she was running is fully exposed. Gets no custody, no support, supervised visitation once a week. I run into her ex-roomie, upset, but instead of giving her attitude, I just calmly tell her the scam J__ was running, then let her "pull out of me" the truth about our split. She's flabbergasted, but also a horrible gossip, so it gets around town like wildfire. People I barely know, including the aforementioned biker, all come up to me and apologize for misjudging me. I'm years past the stage of having any morbid curiosity to check her social media, but every few months she pops up as a "suggested friend," and I notice bemusedly the number of mutual friends plummets from triple digits to eventually 3. Baby's father sends me a massive Amex gift card for Christmas, as much as I make in a week at the time. I call and tell him I don't know if I can accept it, I don't want him or anyone to think I did this for a reward. He virtually begs, saying "you helped save my family. This is nothing in comparison. Thank you." We break down crying on the phone, and eventually form an odd, distant friendship based on mutual respect for each other. I even had dinner with him a couple times when I had to go to NY for biz over the years, and I always buy, because the poor guy has done enough and gone through enough having to coparent with this train wreck.
To this day, she's apparently struggling to stay sober (alcohol and other substances), and has minimal involvement in her child's life due to her inability to show up when expected. Baby daddy tells me she's been in legal trouble, financial issues up the ass, and a string of boyfriends that never last more than a few months. I'm doing well, got married again three years ago, raised step-children, am reasonably financially successful, and rather like my life. Granted, a large part of this story is just karma in action, but I feel like I did the right thing, wasn't petty, and what I did do hit her where it hurts.
TL;DR: Ex-wife fucks my life, destroys me financially, tries to trash my reputation, then tries to use me as a scheme in her custody battle years later. I talk to the court directly, work with the baby daddy's lawyers, and get her exposed for the psycho, lying wench she is. She loses custody, struggles, and the good people live mostly happily ever after.
(source) (story by heymomo7)
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the-observant-frisbeetarian · 6 years ago
Chapter 11
The Tiger and the Dragon by George deValier
Chapter saved by fluffchemy ♄
Yao shut his door behind him, raced down the stairs, and nearly ran into Francis, Arthur and Alfred in the entranceway. He couldn't stop. If he stopped, he would start to think. He gave them a brief wave and tried to step around them, but was forced to a halt by Alfred's grip on his arm.
"Hey, Yao! Where are you going?"
"I am going to Ivan's and I am going to have sex," said Yao determinedly. Not thinking about it, not thinking about it

Alfred's eyebrows shot up to his hairline. There was a silent pause as he turned and gave Arthur and Francis an incredulous look. Francis whistled. "Nice."
"Are you drunk?" asked Arthur uncertainly.
"Not yet. Excuse me." Yao again tried to walk past, and again Alfred held him back.
"Oh no, not before you explain yourself. And have you forgotten?" Alfred held up a large paper bag and shook it before Yao's face. "It's takeout night."
"Sorry, gotta rush
"You can't spare half an hour to eat?" asked Arthur.
"Yeah, apparently you are going to need your strength," laughed Francis.
"No because if I don't go immediately I might actually stop to think about this and then I'll probably freak out and then I may just never go at all so please move out of my way before I oh God, too late, now I'm thinking about it, aru." Yao closed his eyes and felt himself turn bright red. Oh God I said that out loud earlier didn't I

"Yao," said Francis.
"Yes?" Yao refused to open his eyes.
"How are you even getting there?"
"I, um
" Yao opened his eyes to see his three friends staring at him as though he had gone mad. "I didn't think that far ahead."
"Okay," said Arthur. "Take a deep breath, turn your brain back on, and come have a burger."
"I don't think so, I really better, aru, leave, because now I'm actually a bit embarrassed and
" Yao broke off when Arthur grasped his other arm and, along with Alfred, hauled him into their apartment. "Hey! What the hell do you think you're doing?"
"That's it, we're staging an intervention," said Alfred, not releasing Yao until they threw him onto the couch. Yao groaned loudly.
"I've had enough of these."
"We're only doing this because we care about you. You have to admit you have a problem, it's the only way we can help you!"
"Alfred, what are you on about?"
"Ignore him, he's been watching too much Dr Phil," said Arthur.
"But he has a point, chéri," said Francis. "You have been late for work three times this week. And that's not counting the times you just haven't shown up. I am happy you're happy but really, Yao, this is taking over your life."
"You're not even like yourself anymore," added Arthur.
Yao narrowed his eyes in annoyance. "You mean I'm not boring and predictable? You were the ones who said
Arthur interrupted him. "We never said you could completely ignore us and we definitely never said you should start acting like a stupid teenager without a brain in his head." All three of them stood looking down at him. Yao felt like a naughty child being scolded. It was incredibly irritating.
"Please stop treating me like a child."
"Well then, stop acting like one."
"Would you rather me act like an 'old man' again? I know you're used to me always dropping everything for you guys, or rather having nothing to drop in the first place, but I have a boyfriend now, or, well, something along those lines, and
"That's great but that doesn't mean you can forget about everything else in your life. Now sit down, shut up, and have a burger." Yao caught the burger Alfred threw him then took a deep breath and forced himself to calm down.
"So," said Francis, dropping onto the couch beside him and grabbing a handful of fries. "You are going to Ivan's to
 what was it?" Yao cringed in embarrassment. He really needed to think before he spoke sometimes.
The weekly takeout night was a tradition Alfred had introduced shortly after they had first moved in. One night a week Francis and Yao suppressed their culinary distaste and forced down greasy burgers and fries from one of the hideous fast food outlets that Alfred loved so much. Arthur didn't seem to mind, but he seemed to be able to eat anything. It was an opportunity to catch up and generally hang out
 sometimes the only chance they got in their busy schedules. As he listened to Arthur discuss his thesis, Francis relate all the latest gossip from work, and Alfred recount all the heroic things he'd done that week at work - including rescuing an injured squirrel from a tree - Yao realized that he really had been sort of neglecting his friends. It was good to just sit and listen to them banter on again. But of course, after his earlier outburst, the conversation had quickly swung around to Ivan.
Yao already regretted the meal. Empty paper wrappers littered the coffee table and a faintly greasy smell hung in the air. Alfred lay on the floor, staring up at the ceiling and rubbing his stomach mournfully. Five burgers was a lot even for him. Arthur sat on the floor, leaning on the coffee table and steadily adding scotch to a paper takeaway cup of coke while Francis drank Arthur's halfway decent wine out of a coffee mug. "So just how far have you gone, anyway?" asked Francis.
Yao paused, chewed on a nail, looked at his friends expectant faces, and wondered if discussing his concerns with his best friends was really a good idea. However, since Ivan had mentioned it, sex had become Yao's obsession. It was practically all he thought about, much to the detriment of his work and friendships, and much to his own amazement. When Ivan had rung earlier and suggested Yao come over, he had been out the door before he had any time to think.
"Well," said Yao, wondering how to answer Francis's question, "the thing is
 Ivan has the biggest
"Cock," said Francis gleefully. Alfred snickered and Arthur rolled his eyes.
"Thank you, Francis
 that I have ever seen. And before you say anything smartassed, I have seen a few, because last month I spent a night with Kiku and Feliciano watching Ludwig's porn collection." A contemplative silence followed.
"Huh," said Alfred finally. "You're a braver man than I."
"What was it like?" asked Arthur, leaning forward with a look of horror on his face.
"There are certain images that will forever haunt my darkest hours, but that's not the point here, is it. We're talking about Ivan's
"Enormous cock." This time Alfred burst into a fit of giggles and Arthur kicked him.
"Thank you, Francis." Yao could not quite believe he was having this conversation.
"Lucky you, I say," said Francis.
"No, you don't understand. It's really quite..." Yao could not bring himself to continue the sentence. He really could not believe he was having this conversation.
"I stand by my statement. And I don't want to say I told you so, but
Yao interrupted quickly. "What am I supposed to do?" He couldn't help feeling embarrassed at the question. He felt like the only 21 year old virgin in the world.
"You've seen Ludwig's porn and you still need to ask that question?" asked Arthur.
Yao glared at him. "You know what I mean."
"Just get completely smashed, old chap." Arthur raised his cup and took a deep swig as though to demonstrate.
Yao rolled his eyes. "That's your answer to everything."
"Why don't you just fuck him, then?" asked Arthur.
 I get the feeling that's not an option." Yao cringed in embarrassment. I am not having this conversation. I am too mature for this conversation. 
"I'll get you a can of mace," said Alfred. So far he had not contributed much to the conversation except to offer Yao defense options. "I don't trust that commy bastard. I reckon he's an undercover KGB agent." Yao stared at Alfred incredulously. And only the other day he had been so close to the actual answer.
Francis shrugged and reached for more wine. "I don't know what your problem is. Isn't this a good thing?" When Yao raised an eyebrow skeptically, he sighed and continued. "Look, just relax and tell him to go slow. I must say that I'm really not surprised, especially after he texted me the length of his ring finger."
Yao wasn't sure he had heard that correctly. "He texted you?"
Francis nodded around a mouthful of wine. "Yes, he did say he would let me know, remember?"
Yao wasn't even all that surprised in the end. "What is all this about the freaking ring finger anyway?"
"You know. The length of your ring finger is a direct percentage to the size of your
"Oh that is such bullshit," interrupted Yao. Although Ivan does have very big hands
 He looked down to find Arthur and Alfred staring at their hands.
"Hey Arthur, compare." Alfred grabbed Arthur's hand and tried to hold it against his own.
"Bugger off!" cried Arthur, pulling away.
"Hey, Yao, you should ask Arthur for advice," grinned Alfred.
Yao shook his head. Sometimes he really did not know why he hung around with these people. "And why is that?"
Alfred waved his hand at Yao. "Baby, have you seen the size of this ring finger?"
Yao covered his face with his hands. He was too mature for this conversation... but he also couldn't help laughing. "I knew I never should have brought this up."
Yao stood at Ivan's front door clutching his bag to his chest. It contained a bottle of rum, a can of mace, and a packet of strawberry flavored double extra large condoms. The only thing Yao had packed himself was his toothbrush. He had only realized halfway to Ivan's that he had left his lucky Buddha in his work pants, and so was feeling distinctly nervous. This would be his first time seeing Ivan without it. He glanced uneasily over at a black limousine parked in the driveway, its driver leaning against the car and staring curiously back at him. Yao had left Francis' car at the front gate. He hoped it would be safe... it had taken him an hour to convince Francis to let him borrow it. Yao took a deep breath to calm his nerves and rang the bell for the fourth time. What could possibly be taking so long... he'd been buzzed through the front gate only ten minutes earlier. He stared at the door and willed it to open. When it didn't, he hesitantly reached for the door handle and, finding it unlocked, he let himself into the opulent front entrance. He headed towards the living room but stopped at the sound of an unpleasantly familiar voice speaking. Yao shuddered at the cold and disturbing tone, yet edged closer to the living room entry to better hear the words.
"I do not think you are taking this as seriously as the situation warrants, Ivan. Someone is accessing incredibly sensitive information on our activities. This is what, the fourth attack on our online operations?"
"The fifth." That sounded like Eduard. Yao listened, holding his breath. He had heard them talking about something like this before, but had no idea exactly what they meant.
"Thank you, the fifth. If the names and details contained within these accessed files fall into certain hands, we may find ourselves in a very, very dangerous situation. You not least of all. There are certain clients who, if implicated with us, will be most upset. And must I even inform you of the risk of these details coming to the attention of the law?" Yao's eyes widened at that. He looked behind him at the door. Should he leave? Walk in as though he hadn't heard anything? He was growing increasingly nervous.
"Eduard is working to be finding the responsible person," said Ivan. Yao's chest leaped at his voice. "We know is someone close involved in the business. I assure you, once person is found, they will being disposed of." Yao's body went rigid and his fingers tightened around his bag strap. Disposed of
 "So what, now, do you wish that I do?"
"I will tell you what I wish you to do. I wish you to narrow down a list of suspicious persons, and allow me to do what I do best. Get the information we need from them."
Ivan laughed. "Ah, General, you just wish to torture someone." Yao felt his stomach churn. He knew he should be backing up now, but could not make himself move. To know what sort of business Ivan was involved in was one thing. To hear him speak of it was something else entirely.
"Not at all. That is simply a pleasant additional benefit. Now let's have a little think about some suspicious persons, shall we? There is your sister, for one."
"Yes, Natalia could be suspicious. Do you think Natalia suspicious, Eduard?"
"Sir, I don't believe she would have the knowledge or the means," replied Eduard.
"Someone could be helping her." Winter's voice contained an accusation. Yao could feel sweat rising to his forehead.
"I assure you, Toris would never betray me. Would you, Toris?"
"Sir, I would die first."
"There you are, General. Toris would die first." Something about the way Ivan said it made Yao shudder. He tried to force himself to move. He couldn't. "Do you know, General," continued Ivan, "I think actually the one with most to gain from this information would be you. You agree?"
Winter laughed cruelly. "Oh I agree completely. But you know, Ivan, that I am not nearly so stupid as that. In fact, I have a little suspicion of my own. There is someone who I believe you may have reason to be wary of. Someone who came into your life recently. Very interesting timing, no?" Yao's breath caught in his lungs. Move, move, move...
It took Ivan a long moment to respond. When he did, his voice was far less cheerful. "Be careful, Winter."
"Perhaps it is he who should be careful. He is standing listening in the entrance right now."
The shock of fear that ran through Yao left him frozen still. He could feel a bead of sweat snaking down his temple. "Come in, Mr Wang!" Yao's eyes darted again to the door, but he knew it was too late. He forced his unsteady legs to move and carry him into the living room. Toris, Eduard and Raivis all leaned against the bar, their expressions a mixture of worry and surprise. Ivan sat rigidly on the couch. His eyebrows shot up and he looked genuinely shocked. Yao looked at him almost pleadingly. Please get me out of here...
"You did not tell me Yao had arrived, Toris."
"I swear I didn't know, sir. The gate should be locked, I was waiting until..."
"So it seems you invited the boy around again," interrupted Winter contemptuously. He leaned casually back in an armchair, a glass of vodka in his hand. Ivan stared at him warily.
"This is my house, Winter," he said, warningly.
"He should not be here."
Yao felt sick. This felt wrong. He didn't know if he should speak, or even what he would say. Why the hell hadn't he turned and left when he had the chance... General Winter stood abruptly and Ivan immediately did the same, his eyes not moving from Winter. Yao tried to edge closer to Ivan. Raivis started stammering.
"Maybe I
 maybe I should show Yao through to the
Toris took a few steps forward. "I will see Mr Wang out immediately..."
"Still, this is not entirely an unfortunate incident," said Winter smoothly, ignoring them both. "I think perhaps I may take full advantage of this opportunity to test my little suspicion."
It all happened so quickly. Winter smiled, his eyes flashed, and then he advanced quickly on Yao. Yao dropped his bag, felt his chest constrict, and took a few frantic and clumsy steps backward until his back was against the wall. Ivan shouted and lunged but Winter was closer, and before Ivan could reach him he had his cold, iron hard hand wrapped around Yao's throat. Yao reflexively reached up to grasp Winter's wrist. He couldn't breathe. He couldn't think.
"Stop where you are, Ivan, or I will snap this boy's neck like a twig."
Yao's head swam with a terror unlike anything he had ever felt before. It felt like his entire body was shutting down, leaving him numb except for the icy heat that spread across his skin and the painful cold iron that gripped his throat. He would have shouted but he barely had enough air to breathe.
"Winter, you hurt him, I swear your death will not be quick," growled Ivan.
Winter ignored him. "Tell me, Mr Wang. What interest do you have in Mr Braginski's operations?" He loosened his grip enough for Yao to speak. Yao gulped for breath.
"I don't know what you mean. I don't know anything. Ivan!" The hand closed on his throat again and Yao saw blackness flash before his eyes as Winter lifted him from the ground. Pain shot through his neck and down his spine.
"Please stop it!" cried Raivis frantically. From the corner of his eye Yao saw Ivan take another step forward.
"Step back, Braginski," said Winter threateningly. Yao tried to look at Ivan but could barely see through the fear clouding his head. "So am I to expect, Mr Wang, that you are simply interested in Ivan for his pleasant company? For his conversational skills? For nothing to do with his operations whatsoever?"
"Sir, please stop this. Mr Wang has nothing to do with the attack, there is no possible way..."
"I am asking the questions here, Eduard!" shouted Winter. "I will thank you all to shut up, calm down, and..." Winter was interrupted by a smooth, subtle clicking sound. Yao focused his sight enough to look past Winter's shoulders and see Toris holding a gun calmly to the back of the General's head.
"And I will thank you, General, to take your hand off Yao's throat and back off." Toris' words were slow and even. The room spun around Yao as he looked back slowly, tense, terrified, into Winter's eyes. They were dead. Cold, evil. Dead.
"Toris." Ivan's voice sounded like it was coming from far away. There was a shuffling in the corner of Yao's eye and then the butt of the gun smashed into Winter's skull. Yao fell heavily to the floor, relief mingling with terror, and forced himself to look up through the waves of darkness that pounded through his head. Ivan held the gun and was staring at Winter with the most terrifying expression Yao had ever seen. Yao barely noticed Raivis running over to crouch beside him but just watched, transfixed, motionless, as Ivan again slammed Winter with the gun, this time sending him crashing to the floor on his back. "This was stupid of you, General."
And then Yao saw it. What everyone meant when they said Ivan was terrifying. It was as though something had been unleashed - those violet eyes blazing, the normally serenely smiling lips twisted in a snarl, Ivan's very presence overwhelming the entire room. Everything had happened too fast, this brutal sudden violence when only moments earlier they had been sitting talking calmly over glasses of vodka. It was utterly surreal. Ivan cocked the gun, pointed it at the ground, and Yao clapped a hand to his mouth to keep from screaming when Ivan shot a deafening bullet into the ground only inches from Winter's head. "Do you hear me, Winter? Very, very stupid."
Ivan slammed his boot into Winter's ribs, an audible crack filling the room. He kicked Winter over, face down, before swiftly kneeling, grabbing him by the hair, and ripping his head back. He growled a few words in Russian then smashed Winter's face into the floor. Yao's stomach tightened as bile rose in his throat. Raivis was speaking to him but he could not understand the words. Again Ivan wrenched Winter's head back and shouted. The carpet was already stained with blood. Winter just laughed and spat a few words. Ivan's laugh in response was even more frightening than the previous violence. Yao didn't want to know what the men were saying. When Ivan pounded Winter's head into the ground again, he did not move. Ivan grabbed Winter's hand, pressed the barrel of the gun into his palm, and to Yao's horror he could not make himself look away.
"Sir!" Ivan paused at Toris' panicked shout. After a long moment he very slowly turned, stared first at Toris, then Raivis, and then finally at Yao. Yao shrunk back into the wall behind him. Then Ivan seemed to come back to himself. He stood slowly, straightened his jacket, adjusted his scarf, and walked over to Toris.
"Thank you, Toris," said Ivan calmly, handing over the gun. "I apologize, gun may need cleaning. Eduard, please see if the General is needing medical assistance. Yao. You are all right?"
Yao didn't know what to think. He didn't want to think. Nothing seemed real. He was unable to believe that this was the same Ivan before him. When Ivan took a step towards him, Yao flinched away and pulled himself shakily to his feet. Raivis tried uncertainly to help him. "Don't stand so fast, Yao. Breathe deeply."
But Yao barely heard him. He could not tear his eyes from Ivan's face, those blazing eyes now concerned and even slightly confused. "I have
" Yao could barely speak. "I have to go." He swayed on his feet. Ivan reached out as though to steady him and Yao recoiled. "Don't touch me," he snapped.
Yao nearly gasped at his own words. He did not know who was more shocked, him or Ivan. But he just turned his head from Ivan's confused expression and ran for the front door, ignoring the dizziness rushing through his head. He had to get away from here. Away from the unconscious monster on the floor, from Toris and his gun, from everything. It was all suddenly too real. Everything he had tried to ignore had just hit him in the face.
Yao ran out the front door, gulping the cold air into his lungs. He barely made it halfway down the driveway before his legs went weak beneath him and he stumbled and fell heavily to his knees. He placed a hand before him to steady himself. When it brushed a flower he realized that he had landed in one of the sunflower beds that lined the drive. He sat back and tried to pull himself together. If he had not been stopped, what would Winter have done? What would Ivan have done? This was too much. Yao reached up to touch his throat. It throbbed painfully. As he breathed deeply and tried to stop shaking, the flowers before him were suddenly thrown into shadow. He looked up apprehensively to find Raivis smiling nervously down at him.
"Um. Mr Braginski told me to drive you home. I know this is kind of a stupid question but, are you all right, Yao?"
Yao shook his head and tried to laugh. "Not really, Raivis. But driving me home sounds like a very good idea. Thank you."
Yao walked slowly into his apartment, still feeling slightly unsteady on his feet. He hoped the others had not heard him come home early... this was not something he wanted to have to explain. He looked at himself in his bedroom mirror – his throat was red, purple bruises starting to form. He found himself suddenly rethinking a few things as he gingerly touched the sore and throbbing skin. So this was what everyone meant when they said this was dangerous. Again Yao wondered just what might have happened if Toris had not had that gun - and quickly decided not to think about it.
Yao reached for his work pants, pulled out his lucky Buddha, and sat him carefully on the dresser. "Could've used you today, buddy." He took a deep breath, closed his eyes, and fell back onto the bed. He wanted to fall asleep. Wanted to forget. Wanted to get that image of Ivan slamming someone's bloody head into the ground out of his mind. He realized he was still shaking and buried his head in the pillow. Maybe when he woke up, this would all have been a dream.
What seemed like minutes later, but could have been hours, the sound of a knock at his front door startled Yao from his light sleep. He swore to himself as he dragged himself out of bed. It was probably Francis wondering what he was doing home already. So he would have to explain this after all.
"Yeah I know, Yao ended up home alone once again..." Yao trailed off as he opened the door. His heart sped up and pounded rapidly. Ivan stood at the door, his expression a mixture of guilt, concern and, strangely, fear. He smiled uncertainly.
"I will leave immediately if you wish."
It took Yao three seconds to decide. "No. Please come in."
Next Chapter
Disclaimer: This story belongs to George deValier. Hetalia belongs to Hidekaz Himaruya. I own nothing.
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slashertalks · 6 years ago
So I really just want to bang this out— you’re gonna have to forgive any sloppy organization with what I’m about to throw at y’all.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it a thousand times over: I firmly believe that the Rob Zombie remake of Halloween is the superior Halloween film. Out of all of them. It’s a darker, grittier, edgier version, yes; it’s a Rob Zombie film. It’s also a film with much more emotional depth than any of the others, and I feel that the second one in particular treats Laurie with more fairness with regards to her mental state and the expectations of others around her. I’ll expand on this in a bit.
Right, so, clearly that’s an example of a remake surpassing (in my opinion) the original. I respect any differing opinions and will happily acknowledge that the original John Carpenter version is a classic, but I stand firm by my own opinion that it’s a classic film that happens to suck shit compared to its remake. What, then, about the other main focus on this bit of writing? My Bloody Valentine 3D. So, I said in the little preview thing that I thought My Bloody Valentine 3D sucked shit too; it’s a remake that fell completely flat compared to its original, a reverse of the Halloween situation. But then, there are other remakes than Rob Zombie’s Halloween that have outshined the original; John Carpenter’s The Thing is a clear example. Why have I specifically chosen Rob Zombie’s remake? Three things: gritty tones, vulgarity, and mental health.
Rob Zombie movies make heavy use of grit and dark color palettes, and his remake of Halloween is no exception, but he balances this all out with bright colors as well. The opening scene of Halloween (2007) makes use of a lot of nice blues, oranges, whites, and pink. It IS muted, but not gray— this is important: you can have a muted color palette without turning everything a dull grayish-[insert color]. He maintains his visual aesthetic while keeping the colors distinct, letting them pop just enough to signify that things are, to some extent, normal. Even when the film turns dark and Michael begins killing, there are a lot of blues and teals, not browns or flat grays, which keeps things visually interesting and prevents anything from looking overly washed-out. 
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On the other hand, in My Bloody Valentine 3D, from a beginning scene in a bar to the end confrontation in the mine, it’s.... brown. Not that there’s anything wrong with brown, but as a muted color palette it becomes boring. Blue is a color that clearly conveys a mood, and the brown of the leaves and purple of Laurie’s shirt can still come through as a pop of color. Warm browns can also contain a lot fo really nice, welcoming shades, and really dark browns can be equally pleasing. The main issue with the use of a mainly brown color palette with My Bloody Valentine 3D is that it’s a muted brown, and it doesn’t allow for the combinations of colors that Rob Zombie uses. It’s a muddy, grayed-out mess that tries and fails to be a moody, muted palette. They do switch between a grey-blue and a grey-brown, but it doesn’t do much to help except make the ugly mud brown of Jensen Ackle’s “Bland Horror Protag” costume stand out even more.
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The one pop of real color in that bar scene? A tiny little neon sign. The original My Bloody Valentine also uses a muted color palette (the weather is pretty grey and a lot of the scenery is dark, so it’s kind of a forced palette), but there are lots of bright(!!!) reds from Valentine’s Day decorations (versus that muted brown-pink of the hearts pictured above), and bright colors on the miner’s clothes— Sylvia has a pretty lavender top, Howard wears a lot of red consistently, John’s got ginger hair, so on and so forth.
As for grit, I find it seriously amusing that the original My Bloody Valentine had much grosser gore than its remake, which was clearly trying to up the “grit.” Where Rob Zombie makes use of blood and gore, of grit, as an aesthetic, it feels much more natural coming from his films; same with the gore in the original My Bloody Valentine. The remake tried to make everything grittier, with their obligatory naked woman kill and their hospital scene where the room is entirely drenched in blood, it all winds up losing its shock value. Its main point wasn’t to successfully scare, it was to outdo its predecessor. Rob Zombie wasn’t fighting back against the original Halloween, he was making his own movie. By using a system of aesthetics already established in his films, one that he works well with, the heavy gore, nudity, and vulgarity in the Halloween remake wind up coming across as natural.
On the topic of vulgarity, I found the swearing in My Bloody Valentine 3D laughable. It’s not as if people don’t swear, but it’s another thing that comes across as forced, as if the film is trying to be “My Bloody Valentine But Edgy” instead of a good movie. Casting is also important here. They may only try to pass Jensen Ackles off as a teenager for a few minutes, but there’s something hilarious to me about seeing a thirty year old man trying to be eighteen, and then seeing the same thirty year old man acting his own age, and the movie expecting me to go “yeah, that was absolutely a teenager and this is absolutely an adult, and they’re not at all exactly the same but in slightly different clothes.” Rob Zombie cast an eighteen year old to play Laurie Strode, and while she does swear more and make sexual jokes it doesn’t feel forced— teenagers do act like that, but it’s just totally laughable when an adult tries to act like a teenager. Casting an actual teenager, even if only for a short prequel scene, makes all the difference in the world when it comes to believability.
Then, there’s mental illness. Both of the originals, John Carpenter’s Halloween and the 1981 My Bloody Valentine, don’t really tackle mental illness. Yeah, Michael’s been in a mental hospital, and yeah, Axel clearly has some issues after watching Harry Warden murder his father, but it’s not the main issue of the film. Rob Zombie’s second Halloween movie (2009) and My Bloody Valentine 3D both explicitly tackle mental illness, and again... My Bloody Valentine 3D fails. Horribly.
I think the reason I don’t have a problem with Laurie’s mental issues being so explicitly discussed in RZ’s Halloween 2 is that he doesn’t expect her to hold herself together. She’s a kid who went through something traumatizing and has no idea how to cope. Her main support network, both of the Bracketts, are ALSO trying to cope in different ways. The Sheriff is trying to move on without really confronting that he almost lost Annie; Annie is also trying to move on, and maybe she’s succeeding a little more than her father since she isn’t as uptight about Halloween coming around again. It also isn’t that Laurie’s not trying to move on, but that she’s explicitly struggling and acts out the way someone who feels trapped in a corner often does. Her breakdown isn’t scary, it’s tragic. She’s sad, scared, angry and confused and her death isn’t meant to shock. Sheriff Brackett doesn’t call for Laurie to be shot when he sees her at the end, he shouts for his men to stop shooting but they don’t listen. Sheriff Brackett, even seeing his adopted daughter so unhinged, doesn’t condemn her; it’s the actions of other people that cost him both of his daughters in the same damn night.
My Bloody Valentine 3D also tackles trauma following a set of murders, but instead of presenting Tom’s trauma as something sad, it’s a cheap shock opportunity. “He’s not who you think he is.” “Get out of the car.” Tom is presented as dangerous because of his mental illness; someone to be avoided, to be killed. Why incapacitate the mentally ill man when you can just shoot him instead? It’s not surprising that mental illness is used as a cheap scare in horror movies, but it was particularly upsetting in light of this remake because the original My Bloody Valentine is SO charming. The original is such a deeply enjoyable, original slasher film that having such a cheap shit “plot twist” is angering. I noted that Axel obviously has issues in the original, and it’s worth noting that when he’s buried and one of the rescuers shouts that he’s alive Sarah rushes back to him and tries to help pull Axel out. Again, as with RZ’s Halloween 2, she doesn’t demonize Axel or call for him to be killed, she tries to hold his hand and help uncover him— he’s still redeemable in her eyes, still worth being saved. My Bloody Valentine 3D’s Tom, though? Who is explicitly mentally ill? Screw it, let’s kill him.
Good remakes can absolutely be made. Good edgy remakes are possible, if more difficult, but this? These pitfalls of overly-muted, cheap shock-filled movies whose big twists are “ooo look we made a character mentally ill and that makes them SCARY” with no other substance behind them? That ride on the coattails of superior films without ever attempting to stand on their own two feet? It’s hot bullshit, man, and horror as a genre deserves better. The original My Bloody Valentine deserves better. We, as viewers, and especially mentally ill viewers deserve so much better. My Bloody Valentine 3D epitomizes everything I find infuriating about modern horror remakes, and this piece doesn’t even touch on the absolutely bland, flat performances from all of the actors. I’ve never been so bored, disappointed, and angry about a remake like this. I generally either avoid them or hold some hope that they’ll be halfway decent, but this? Fuck this movie.
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the-skooma-den · 6 years ago
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threw together a couple headshots of Syke cause i wanted to do a proper profile of her, so anyone curious about the character i spend so much time ranting about and drawing thats gonna be under the read more
Part 2 here 
directory to all posts about her and her siblings are here
Real Name: Ava Aurelia Cassia Camoran Tharn Latona. she has an untold amount fake names and identities for a wide variety of purposes, Nowadays she mainly goes by Syke Ivywood, and thats what most of the Dominion knows her as (and is also her in game name)
Age: turned 28 right around when the main plot started. I assume years pass through the DLC’s, including one year where she does the mages and fighters guild quest as well as a bunch of quests.
Race: Imperial. Her father was a bosmer and she takes heavily after him. Her grandpas a Khajiit, which is only relevant here because her dad took heavily after his dad. Hence syke’s weirdly golden eyes and slightly to sharp teeth. 
Class: Nightblade, focus on siphoning magic
Personality: One might look at her usual scowl and her serious demeanor and assume she's the typical lone wolf edgy assassin, and they’re only really half wrong. She’s not a loner by choice,she doesn’t hate people really, shes just not great at interacting with people. Anyone who knows who she actually is tend to be scared of her (even other members of the brotherhood) and that's not great for ones self confidence. In a few words, she’s just awkward and extremely introverted. That being said she is kinda grumpy, but if an evil god stole your soul you would be to.
As for the series Demeanor, that really just her face. She’s just not a smiley person ya know? She just as an incredibly flat affect and it either takes really strong emotions or a lot of effort on her part to break it. She’s actually pretty damn nice, even if she doesn’t really “get” a lot of social norms.Being raised in a assassin cult worshiping the void can do that to a girl.
What also does not help the usual perception of her, is her Bad temper and very very low bullshit tolerance. She’s not hard to piss off and it can be explosive. Usually not the yelling and screaming explosive but the getting right up in your face out of nowhere and quietly informing you that if you say one more word she’ll individually break every bone in your hand type way.
She’s what her mother would kindly call “strong willed” and what everyone else would call debilitatingly stubborn . Keeping in mind this is a woman who was wronged by what is essentially the demon god king of domination and then decided “I’m going to kick his ass” and then did. For good or ill she rarely if ever gives up.
Due to the fact she is technically a noblewoman, she tends to be extremely private as well. The other Cyrodilic nobles know of her and her family, but just know them as the family that for the most part gave up their titles and have no intention of trying to get them back, they have no idea that theyre a whole family of assassin in the Dark brotherhood. That does not mean that they ignore her or her family as even if her family doesn’t want the titles the fact they exist can mess up others claims to the throne.Especially Ava who suffice to say has a pretty decent claim to several very important titles. This has lead her to take on a variety of different fake names and wearing different masks to avoid being recognized both in her daily life and in jobs for the brotherhood...at least at first.
As it turned out she's a natural actor with one hell of a flair for the dramatic. She may have issues interacting with people as herself, but she finds it easier when pretending to be someone else. She got so into it that she has whole characters that she pretends to be for all kinds of purposes, like say if she needs access to mages or fighters guild resources or if a particular job for the brotherhood calls to act as a maid for a little bit.
as for how the Dominion crew know her, well they actually come closer to knowing her then most. When Raz dragged her out of the ocean at Khenarthis roost she was so out of it she was barely able to come up with a fake name let alone a whole character, so they all end up genuinely knowing her as she truly is. Turns out she doesn’t mind that as much as she thought she would.
Backstory (before the main plot): She’s a third generation member of the Dark brotherhood, and most of her direct family (siblings, parents, aunt and one set of grandparents) are apart of it. Her grandmother, A Bosmer noble named Cassa, married an Imperial nobleman when she was pretty young. Cassa wanted to get out of Valenwood and her husband was looking for a way to rebel against his family and found it in a hot bosmer lady. They ended up having one kid together, Lara
A few years later Cassa ends up falling in with and getting pregnant by a khajiiti baker her husband hired, and her husband is not to happy about that to say the least.  He fires and sends the Khajiit away and Cassa is less then happy about that as well. She kills her husband and so convincingly makes it look like an accident that if the brotherhood hadn't already had a contract out on him no one would have ever known it was murder. 
So Cassa ends up joining the brotherhood after her second kid by the khajiit man was born. She never really connected with the bosmeri pantheon or the Green pact, and she ends up taking to Sithis real well. She also as soon as she was able went to find her love and they were married as soon as possible. They all lived in Valenwood for a number of years and both her kids grew up in the brotherhood as well. 
 Eventually the younger one son, Tanis, marries an Imperial woman,Livillia. Also a runaway noblewoman,her mother was friends with Cassa and she was seeking sanctuary with her. Livillia is specifically one of Abnur Tharns kids, who no longer wanted to deal with the Tharn family drama. 
They have a kid together (That is of course Ava). Tanis’s older sister and Cassa’s first child, Lara, has a one night stand with an Altmer and has her own kid who she names Ceryneian (or Nia for short). And they all live pretty happily for a while, as far as anyone knew the family was just a bunch of nobodies, rich nobodies who kept all hours but still just nobodies. They had for the most part completely abandoned all noble titles, even if the nobles weren’t done with them.
When Ava was about 10 years old her great aunt Cilvia tharn found out that Livillia was still alive. She was well aware that if she tried to do anything to Elsweyr Livillia would likely act against her. Livillia may be a member of the brotherhood, but she wasnt completely evil. Cilcvia sent assassins after Ava’s parents, they missed her but her parents were taken by surprise and sadly killed. None of her family felt right staying in valenwood anymore, So Lara took Ava in and moved to the Gold coast where she had spent her early childhood and had inherited some estate.  Her grandparents Moved to Elsweyr and both Ava and Nia would spend summers there as kids. 
So Ava ends up “officially” a member of the brotherhood ,after toddling around the sanctuaries her whole life, at about 15 years old, and was never prouder. Normally they wouldn’t have let someone so young in but once again, she had literally been toddling in sanctuaries, they figured it was fine.
On one of her first genuinely dangerous missions, to kill a necromancer in Northern Elsweyr (chaperoned by her grandma of course), she came across one of said necromancers future sacrifices. This sacrifice happened to be a 13 year old khajiit boy named Thera (later going by Jo’Thera)  with some odd fur patterns, and fuck man he was just a kid (granted shes only a couple years older then him) and Ava couldn’t just leave him there alone. Ava saved him and took her back to Anvil with her after she killed the necromancer as according to the kid, he didn’t have a family or anywhere to go. Lara hears the kids story and is just like
. Welp
 guess i got a 3rd kid now.  (as Thera grows up if there's one thing he gets from his adopted family its a love for drama and dramatic irony. He takes to necromancy pretty quickly)
That peace continued for a few years until she was about 19. At 19 years old she got the offer to join the Psijic order, Not because she was particularly powerful or even all that good at magic (at the time of course, she gets much better later), but due to her lack of formal teaching she had her own odd way of casting and working with it that caught their attention. Basically imagine that she did a really complicated math problem wrong, but ended up with the right answer and somehow accidentally discovered a new much easier formula to that particular problem, she did the magic version of that and showed a lot of potential even outside of that.
Then she said no, she was happy in the brotherhood and her current life and she saw no reason to leave
When Ava was about 20 years old, Nia ran away because, well she wasn't as fond of the brotherhood as her mother or cousin, and its not exactly something you can just quit and walk away from. It broke the whole families heart of course but Ava took it particularly hard. She had considered her and had been referring to her as her sister even before her parents death
What really set it all off though was when Nia popped up again alive and well in Valenwood using the last name of their grandmothers family. She didn’t send them a message or anything, it just got to them by word of mouth because Nia had disowned them and been talking shit about them. After she ran away she went back down to Valenwood to claim the title that was rightfully hers, it turns out that she had found proof of her birthright and between that and her uncanny resemblance to her grandmother she barely had to be questioned. 
So Nia is in Valenwood with her relatives and had completely disowned the entire rest of her family. Her grandmother, Her mother and her (now deceased) Aunt and Uncle, and Ava and their brother as well. she never made any concrete statement as to why per say outside of “Not wanting to go down the same path as the rest of her family” which most people assumed meant completely abandoning their noble heritage and titles, not to mention their bosmeri heritage as well (which was partially true, but it was mostly about the whole murder cult thing). So yeah, Lara was heartbroken and Ava was pissed off to oblivion and back and Jo’thera....he was just hurt, but all decided that if that was where Nia wanted to be they weren’t going to drag her back.
At about 23 Ava met her first real significant other, A Dunmeri noble. It didnt go well for either of them really, lots of drugs, lots of unhealthy coping mechanisms, lots of secrets. not a good time. 2 years later, The Dunmer actually proposes to Ava, and Ava not only says yes but Ava tells her everything about the brotherhood, her own noble status, all of it. The Dunmer seems okay with it at first, and admits she kinda suspected who Ava’s family was based on the little she spoke about it, The brotherhood was the real surprising part there. The knife in Ava’s stomach later that night Makes it clear what she thought about that. So it was a messier breakup then most.  
Ava doesnt like to speak much of the relationship, but it hurt her more then she lets on and makes her more nervous then ever to be in a real romantic relationship 
Well after that mess Ava threw herself back into the brotherhood hardcore and also into hardcore drugs and alcohol.for about 5 years. Over those 5 years between the Dunmer incident, a lot of self reflection, and all sorts of anxieties she’s an unstable mess. Like verge of a mental breakdown type of mess. 
When she was kidnapped and later sacrificed by the wormcult many who knew her assumed that she had offed herself for good. She was gone for long enough that even her own family started to assume the worst
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the-desolated-quill · 7 years ago
Star Wars: The Last Jedi - Quill’s Quickies (No Spoilers)
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This year, Star Wars has been almost mired in controversy. From the loot box controversy in EA’s Star Wars Battlefront II to the noticeable lack of non-white characters in The Last Jedi’s marketing. Rian Johnson making a total prat of himself by claiming that Kylo Ren is a dual protagonist with Rey, and now the reviews are in it turns out Episode 8 is the most divisive movie in the whole franchise, with critics clambering over themselves to praise the movie for its ‘bold new direction’ while the fans decry it as the arse-raping of their collective childhood. On the whole, I’d say this has been a complete and total cock-up.
I had no idea what to expect going in. I’m sure you all know how lukewarm I was about The Force Awakens. It didn’t surprise me in the slightest that the critics were praising the hell out of The Last Jedi considering they were doing the same thing with the previous film, which in my opinion was mediocre at best. The fan reaction surprised me. After all the blind (and arguably undeserved) praise The Force Awakens got, if even the fans are struggling to find good things to say about this movie, something must have gone spectacularly wrong.
So what did I, diehard Star Wars fan and professional arsehole, think of The Last Jedi? Well honestly I’m disappointed I didn’t hate it more. Truthfully I liked this movie about as much as I liked The Force Awakens, which is to say not very much. Like The Force Awakens, it’s a competently made movie and it’s possible to derive some enjoyment from it if you switch your brain off for two and half hours, but otherwise it’s just yet another tired retread of the original Star Wars movies that brings absolutely nothing new to the table. Not for the first time, I feel a real disconnect from the rest of the Star Wars community here. I have no idea why the critics are praising this movie for being a game changer because there’s genuinely nothing very revolutionary or groundbreaking going on here, and I’m confused as to why the fans have chosen to fling their bile and venom at a movie that, in my opinion, is the very definition of average. I mean sure, The Last Jedi isn’t very good and there were some bits that did kind of annoy me, but there’s nothing about it that’s outrageously offensive as far as I can see.
Let’s start with the things I liked. The biggest, shiniest gold star has to go to Finn. He was quite possibly the only new character I was in any way invested in last time around, and he’s just as brilliant here. We see him slowly embrace his new role as a hero of the Resistance and we also see him get the chance to stick it to his First Order oppressors, which I thought was quite emotionally satisfying. He’s joined by Rose, played by Kelly Marie Tran, who I thought was a nice addition to the cast and who undergoes the traditional everyman turned hero journey. I really liked her relationship with Finn and their scenes together are by far the highlight of the film, which makes their subtle erasure from the Star Wars marketing campaign all the more offensive to me because, as far as I’m concerned, they’re the main characters. They were the most developed, the ones I was most invested in, the only ones that actually grow and develop over the course of the film and who pretty much drive the plot.
The other thing I liked (and I can’t believe I’m saying this) is Kylo Ren. I really wasn’t impressed with him in The Force Awakens because he was pretty much just a shitty rehash of Darth Vader, and I mentioned in my review at the time how it might have been better to embrace the more weaselly and slightly pathetic nature of the character to help better distinguish him and give him his own identity. So I’m extremely pleased to see that’s exactly what this film does and it’s great. There’s no pretence anymore. Kylo Ren is this spoilt, impotent man-child that desperately craves power and attention, but doesn’t really know what he wants to do with it, and that’s glorious. That’s just the burst of inspiration the character sorely needed and Adam Driver does a great job with this new material. I’m actually looking forward to seeing where he goes in the next film and if they handle it well, he should make for a very unique antagonist (that’s antagonist Rian Johnson. AN-TAG-GON-NIST).
It’s just a pity that in order to prop up Kylo Ren, Rian Johnson felt the need to completely warp Luke Skywalker’s character into something wholly unrecognisable.
Yes now we come to the bad stuff, and there’s quite a bit. My main gripe is with Luke’s characterisation. In order to justify a lot of the plot, they have to make Luke this cynical halfwit and there are loads of moments where he says or does something that just simply doesn’t ring true with what we already know about him. His reasons for his exile are utterly out of character for one thing and his reasons behind his provocative statement that ‘it’s time for the Jedi to end’ are even more ludicrous. What’s worse is that the majority of the movie is dedicated to Rey trying to persuade Luke to come out of exile and rejoin the fight. Remember the scene in The Empire Strikes Back when Luke tries to persuade Yoda to train him? Well imagine that dragged out for an hour and a half. That’s pretty much the movie in the nutshell. I think that’s part of the reason why I loved Finn and Rose so much. Because it was a blessed relief to get off that fucking island for a while. There were several moments where I came close to dozing off.
I’m sure it’s no secret to anyone by this point that Rian Johnson has played pretty fast and loose with the Star Wars canon. Luke’s odd characterisation is one example. There are a few others. None of them truly insulting in my opinion. But the most notorious is a scene involving Leia, which I will hereby refer to as ‘The Scene.’ This got a lot of Star Wars fans riled up, but I personally thought it was absolutely hysterical just because of how random and idiotically daft it was. I’m not going to tell you what happened in ‘The Scene’ because this is a non-spoiler review. All I can say is you’ll know it when you see it.
Of course this was Carrie Fisher’s last film before her untimely death and that’s incredibly sad. Does The Last Jedi offer a fitting tribute to Princess/General/Queen (she’s a a Queen in my eyes) Leia Organa? Not really. In fact, outside of ‘The Scene’, Leia doesn’t really do anything worthy of comment. Some say she was mischaracterised too, but I don’t think so. At a push, I could see Leia doing some of the things she does. I just wish Fisher could have been given something with actual substance.
My views on Poe and Rey remain virtually unchanged. Poe Dameron is still a one dimensional cardboard cutout and I’m still continuously baffled as to why people like him so much. He doesn’t have a character. We’re two movies in and we still haven’t learnt a single sodding thing about him. Frankly I’ve seen fossils with more life in them. Rey meanwhile is still quite possibly one of the blandest protagonists I’ve ever seen. I’m struggling to find any reason to actually give a shit about her. Why should I be invested in her Jedi training? Why does she even need Jedi training when she seems capable of pulling any random superpower out of her arse at the convenience of the plot? At no point have these films ever given me a reason to care about her. Maybe if they focused more on her looking for her missing parents, I might be slightly more invested. And that’s another thing. In The Force Awakens, her missing parents are basically used as sequel bait. Here (without giving too much away) they’re pretty much just swept under the carpet entirely, which begs the question why was JJ Abrams wasting our time with them in the first fucking place (yes I am blaming JJ Abrams instead of Rian Johnson because Abrams was the one that actually came up with this shit and it’s very much reminiscent of his bullshit ‘mystery box’. The principle where an audience are naturally drawn to some big unknown or mystery and that he frequently utilises in his projects, most notably the TV series Lost. What he often forgets however is that good mysteries tend to have a satisfying fucking answer at the end).
And that’s pretty much all I have to say really. No doubt some of you are disappointed I haven’t quite given The Last Jedi the vengeful pummelling you’ve come to expect from me, but honestly I can’t work up the energy to get properly angry at it, and that’s largely because I’m past caring about this sequel trilogy. I think I’ve made my views on the sequel trilogy quite clear by now (that they’re a soulless cash grab concocted by studio execs who wouldn’t recognise a decent script if one jumped up and bit them on the arse) and I think it’s my total lack of interest that kind of shields me from some of Rian Johnson’s ‘creative’ decisions. These movies don’t count as far as I’m concerned. I’m not especially bothered by Johnson’s ‘reimagining’ and there’s nothing truly terrible going on here. The only crime The Last Jedi is really guilty of in my opinion is that there’s large swathes of it that are just really, really boring. And the main reason for this (apart from the obscenely long running time and a plot that drags its feet) is because, like with The Force Awakens, a lot of this stuff has been done before and done better in the original trilogy. While The Force Awakens ripped off A New Hope and a few elements from The Empire Strikes Back, The Last Jedi rips off The Empire Strikes Back and a few elements from Return Of The Jedi. What makes it slightly more egregious here is that The Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi are both very emotionally charged stories that rely on three films’ worth of character development and buildup to make an impact, whereas The Last Jedi just blunders in, trying to replicate these emotional moments, but fails to recognise what made them so powerful to begin with and hasn’t done any of the legwork to make us feel truly invested in what’s going on, and thus it has all the impact of a feather duster.
So that’s The Last Jedi. A pointless and mediocre middle chapter to what has so far been a pointless and mediocre trilogy. The one bright side is that now it appears they’ve finally rehashed all they can from the original trilogy, there’s a chance we might finally get to see some original ideas in Episode 9. Unless they’re planning to ripoff the prequels next. In which case Disney must be more creatively bankrupt than I thought.
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A little background... I am 27 years old. I have a 9 year old. I have been with his father since I was 12 years old, I have never “dated” anyone else. I have seen others, but never been in a relationship with anyone else. in January 2019 my little brother (we were 4 years apart and very lose) was left for dead by police after he got in a car wreck and had a head injury. He had a pulse for 30 minutes yet was never taken to the hospital, that was 10 minutes away. A week later some rich yuppie blew their entire head off with a shotgun, 80 miles away from the hospital, had no pulse, but was air lifted to the hospital. I strongly feel my brother was left for dead due to the fact he had unpaid fines. Mostly due to no car insurance or “driving while suspended” over no car insurance. But I know only blacks matter in this country, not some mutt who is half native american half white. That has been made ABUNDUNTLY CLEAR. 
If you are one of those stupid cunts with the “driving is a privilege” bullshit mindset, (driving to work should not be a privilege should be a basic human right and “ride the bus” only big cities have busses and many people have to commute to larger cities in Oregon) when basic liability insurance is about $300 a month for people who are never on mommy and daddys insurance, please kindly fuck off. Housing in Oregon is insane, already, most people have half or more of their money going to rent if they can manage to get somewhere to rent to them at all, they should not have to have another 1/4th or more of their income going to basic liability insurance when they have never even had a ticket. I went through the same shit. Eventually police would just wait in the parking lot for me to leave work and just ticket me over and over, I was denied a hardship permit that is also such a scam. Pay a bunch of money for something you aren’t even guaranteed to get. I drove 1000 miles a week just to get to work, because I could not find work in the rural area I live in not could I afford the $1500 a month rent in the city that has jobs (that’s basically how much I made a month) it is what is is. I had no choice. 
Paying for car insurance crippled me financially. I was actually split up with his father at that time but had to come crawling back begging for money due to my $300 basic liability insurance. The tickets are not even on my record anymore, for driving with no insurance and driving while suspended but its still $260 a month. Absolutely sickening. I don’t have a fucking dime left over after i pay bills, and my boyfriend works and we STILL have no fucking money. Ever. We don’t get to go on vacations, we live in the shittiest neighborhood in the entire county, in a shit trailer, drive shitty cars, I assure you we have nothing nice. Nicest thing he had is probably his work boots which were paid for by his boss, working your ass off in Oregon does not pay off. “Get a better job” no shit sherlock, did it ever occur to you its difficult to not get fired from your job you are currently working, and still go to interviews? Employers be like “I know you have a job currently but can you drop everything and come in an hour?” Oh yeah, totally. And if you try and schedule it for a time maybe you won’t get fired its usually “Nevermind.” And the interview process is a begging a groveling process like you’re a god damn peasant. Why do I want this job? MONEY! Why else! Why does anyone want any job? I worked at a staffing agency for 4 years and I can not tell you how many people did well at those stupid cookie cutter questions but were shit workers. I wish places would just let you work a day or two and see. 
Then I got laid off as soon as stupid corona hit in March, they already fired my office manager and a sales person “over discounted bill rates”. Kinda like how the Dollar Tree stays in business because its cheap but more volume is sold (worked there before too that was horrible) so they have just as much profit if not more, as say Walgreens or something. With corporate clowns coming down and saying to clients basically pay the full rate or we are taking you to court, to 3/4 of the clients, sales tanked. They tried to blame corona but the sales were complete shit before that as soon as they fired the two people who had most of the sales, with discounted bill rates. I am still friends with someone who managed to not get fired. They said in a conference call this week they announced they would be lowering bill rates. *Face palm* now that you fired hundreds of people, you are lowering bill rates. How many lives did you ruin before coming to your senses? Companies here are just so fucking awful!
A few years ago I decided I wanted to move out of the country. However if you have a child, both parents have to sign a passport form unless you don’t have the father listed on the birth certificate. Norway in particular I like, its beautiful, free healthcare, minimum wage twice that of Oregon with cheaper rent and free healthcare, they also help with childcare. They claim they do in Oregon but your “copay” is usually so high you might as well just pay out of pocket and not deal with all the states controlling bullshit you have to deal with when you get state assistance. People like to say “Norway has higher taxes” please shut up and go look at Oregon’s income tax rate. One of the highest in the country. Expensive gas, INSANE housing, its just not possible to have a decent life here in Oregon. I love the ocean also. Norway is beautiful and comes in the top countries for quality of life every year, meanwhile USA is at the very bottom. 
Everyone called me paranoid all those years, I just had a bad feeling that something bad was going to happen also and I needed to get out while I still could. Next remark “how can you afford to get there if you are so broke?” Simple don’t pay my outrageous rent and insurance for 1 month problem solved. My child’s father finally agreed to sign the passport form now that its too late and Americans are banned from basically every country in the world, once the racism and virus bullshit started. Super awesome. He will never hear the end of that from me. Its been months and I still do not even have the passport. Even if I did I AM TRAPPED HERE!!!!!!!!!! I can not even go to fucking Canada!
I decided ok, I will try and move to Montana/Idaho/North Dakota or something. Give up my ocean in attempts to get the hell away from all this mask and the non existent “racism” bullshit. Go somewhere with a lower cost of living, more jobs with higher wages. I absolutely can not stand wearing the face masks. There is no evidence they work, just go look at Sweden. Or the states I just named which have no mask laws. Also a lot of rural areas in Oregon do not wear them seems like the entire populations would have been sick or dead. I am not looking to argue with scared little sheep over this. Before you say “I hope your grandparents die” because I don’t wear them, something that I have seen many people say to myself and anyone else without a mask, my grandparents have said many times they would rather be dead than be completely isolated over some bullshit virus with a higher survival rate than the flu. Plus the media has lied so much, how can you believe a word they say? Seriously? They are all left winged biased. I am not even a conservative and I can see it. But people just eat the shit up. That 26 year old who they claimed died in Oregon from coronavirus, turns out did not even have the virus the CDC medical examiner said. So you choose for yourself what to believe. 
I did get a job in Montana very easily. In six fucking months in Oregon I had maybe 5 phone calls for a job, all minimum wage no benefit shit jobs. I did 2 years of business and law classes, 4 years of heavy payroll and accounting for work so its not like I have absolutely no experience in anything worth a fuck. Plus 8 years total of customer service or more I have been working since I was 18 with gaps here and there between jobs. But with my boyfriend and son back in Oregon, 900 miles away, it was really difficult. I had never been alone like that or even stayed a night away from my child. Never in 9 years. First of all staying in some shitty hotel... I hate hotels in general I like my little nest, as shitty as my house may be, even at a nice hotel I would rather sleep in my own shitty bed. I lasted 2 weeks, only having $100  week leftover for food and other bills spending $400 a week at the cheapest motel I could find, before I gave up. I could not save money for a deposit or loan and my boyfriend has absolutely no credit so he could not get approved for a loan or rental either. He also had absolutely no one to watch our child back in Oregon with everything being closed so he could not work during that time and almost lost the job he had. Done landscaping for 11 years and still only makes $2 above minimum wage because companies treat employees like such shit in Oregon. I was so close, had a decent pay (way more than I ever made in Oregon even though Montana has a lower minimum wage) with benefits, but it was impossible to move into a rental. My credit is good enough for a loan, but I could not save money for a down payment staying in a hotel. Plus I was so lonely and miserable. Now winter is coming and we will not be able to go back and forth in that snow in little cars anyways.
If we would have succeeded, I would have gotten us into a rental and then quit as soon as he got a job because we never have anyone to watch our child and the cost of living is so much lower we would not HAVE to both work like we do here in Oregon. Especially now. Seriously, what the fuck do they expect people with kids to do? Schools are closed and even if they weren’t there is no way in hell I would send my kid wearing a mask all day. SO bad for you! They have to wear them all day “except at lunch” ok so might as well just take the damn things off the entire day. These rules don’t even make sense how do people not see that? Or in a restaurant you have to wear them if you walk to the bathroom but not at the table what logic is that? How do people not see through this bullshit? And children are gross they touch everything masks are going to do shit at schools. Notice the schools that did open, masks or no masks still had a shitload of cases. Single parents are especially screwed in particular. I guess if you could somehow both find employers willing to work with your schedule (good luck with that) you could constantly work opposite shifts as your partner/spouse and never seen them and work. 
Anyways, jobs for him paid more up there too, rent is fucking half of what it is in Oregon. Their average rent is the price of “low income housing” in Oregon. But we just could not do it. I tried. I tried so hard. I even learned Norwegian jeg snakker norsk und ich spreche auch Deutsch because Austria was another country I was interested in. You can try and try and try here, but unless you get lucky, or your parents help you, I do not know how people do it. All the old people I know here don’t have enough money to live off either after working 50 years. Its so sad.
I am no perfect person either. I am pretty bitchy, I have horrible anxiety I quit public school at age 12 and finished online, yes I have a high school diploma. I actually did all my high school schooling in 2 years after skipping 3 years of school with no problem. I never even really went to middle school and still managed. I am not stupid. I just have a hard time doing things I am absolutely miserable doing.
I will go into more detail, year by year on what a shitshow it is to live in the USA but in particular Oregon. The entire west Coast really. I hate it here and I just want out but I have tried everything. 
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theworstbob · 8 years ago
the thing journal, 6.11.2017 - 6.17.2017
capsule reviews of the pop culture i took in last week. this week: venice, witness, 1989, gilded, punch-drunk love, sucker, bloody bloody andrew jackson, gone now, boomiverse, melodrama, before sunrise, pinata, whiplash
1) Venice, by Anderson .Paak: Paak might be really close to Greatest Living Songwriter status. Like, Malibu and Yes Lawd! are both undeniable classics, but this is ALSO so solid, solid enough that I feel like, if we get someone in the room with Paak to say, "Hey, dude, maybe don't put a bad butt pun in this one?" Paak could be running the world. Every second of this album is wonderful. Like, .Paak makes songs that make an indoor kid like me wish he was at the beach, that's like the only thing I can say about this album. .Paak' great. I don't have enough words to describe what makes him great.
2) Witness, by Benjamin Booker: ...So, this is the last thing I'm writing? And this was a nice, bluesy rock album that made a Sunday morning slightly doper. I liked it, it was nice, listen to it if you like nice rock albums.
3) 1989, by Tay Tay: I sure do have a lot to say about this album that wasn't said two and a half years ago! I liked it. The first five songs are as good as any five songs on any album that's ever been, and then the rest of this album... Exists? Like there's no way I'm going to call an album with "Shake it Off" and "Bad Blood" on it a classic, and after hearing Lana del Rey songs I can't get behind the Lana del Rey impression that is "Wildest Dreams," like it was already an enh song but knowing it was ripping off an enh thing gives it a firm "no," but any album with "Style" and "Blank Space" and "Style" deserves plaudits, and the album does pick up with the last two tracks, which are up there with the first five tracks as the best stuff Tay Tay has ever done. End of the day, though, To Pimp a Butterfly still should have won Album of the Year, and if at the end of 2014 Catch-Up 1989 is still in the top ten for 2014 (#9 as I write this), I'd be stunned.
4) Gilded, by Jade Jackson: This? was somehow recommended to me by Amazon because I enjoy the music of Paramore. I cannot claim to have heard the Paramore in this. I heard a pretty decent if slow-moving country album! That was a fun surprise! One of my favorite things about country music in 2017 is how, like, we typically associate rebellion with punk and rap, y'know? Loud music that moves fast and is always shouting. And rebellion in country is sitting with just an acoustic guitar and singing sad songs about small towns. Like, a lot of country music is about what a small town home town dirt road party it is to be in the sticks, so the outlaws have to slow it down and reflect on whether they're truly happy where they are. So like, this album has incredibly little in common with Paramore from a music standpoint, but they share an attitude which has to manifest itself differently because of their respective genres. Basically, I'm incredibly down with this album.
5) Punch-Drunk Love, dir. Paul Thomas Anderson: hey. hey guys. did you guys know about this paul thomas anderson dude. he's pretty great. like, everything about that scene where he asks the woman out, the warehouse collapsing, the calls from the phone sex scammer, his sister haranguing him, the woman not knowing how to respond to this, him clearly not knowing how to handle the situation, the pudding the so much pudding, the score building as everything falls apart, it's so fucking good. i remember, when i was 12, this movie had like two whole shelves at hollywood video, and when my dad and my family were looking at this movie, we were like "we love little nicky! but this might be more serious? and poor innocent caralin," and i just, i wonder what a younger me would have thought about this film. i wonder how i would have reacted to this, if we actually had pulled the trigger on punch-drunk love before i was anywhere near ready to handle it.
6) Sucker, by Charli XCX: hahaha i need to do theme weeks or something like i'm supposed to think about a paul thomas anderson joint and then try to come up with a decent opinion about a fine, just a tich below great pop album. i should've eased myself into this, it should've gone punch drunk love, the kimbra album i added to provide the bridge from film master class to pop, and THEN charli xcx. i mean, i enjoyed this a lot, i had a solid, solid bus ride, but like i just need to structure the sequencing of thing journal better. like, maybe don't put the slap-hitting second baseman after the cleanup hitter, but the jason kubel type in the fifth spot, the chunky dude who kinda sucks at baseball but hits dingers more often than not. gotta think about my lineup, guys!
7) Bloody Bloody Andrew Jackson, wr. Michael Friedman: Well, this was good stupid fun. I think "Ten Little Indians" is a standout track, so clear a standout that it honestly belongs in a better work. It's a distillation of Native American history that doesn't seem to have any place in a musical recasting one of the shittiest presidents as a vain, morose emokid rock star, but then again, I listen to soundtracks and don't watch the shows, so fuck do I know about context. So, yeah, I dug "Ten Little Indians," and then everything else was fine and silly and took itself just unseriously that it never felt like American Psycho. Theatre in general isn't a good home for irony, but at least here, the sarcasm wasn't subtle, it was waving a giant flag the whole time saying "THIS IS DEF JOKES."
8) Gone Now, by Bleachers 9) Melodrama, by Lorde See, if I were a decent listener, I might have tried following up Gone Now with Melodrama. These reviews aren't being indexed in chronological order; I listened to Boomiverse before I gave Melodrama a spin, and looking back, I should've saved Gone Now for Friday to do a Jack Antonoff Power Block. I wonder if my opinion on these albums is colored by the interview I read where Jack Antonoff says he originally imagines all his songs for female voices, he writes his songs for women, then pitches them an octace down should they become Bleachers songs. And I found both Strange Desire and Gone Now to not really resonate with me, neither album really hitting me in the way an entity such as Bleachers should hit me. Bleachers is fun, '80s-inspired pop music -- I love that! But there's this weird disconnect I feel between the voice and the music, and I can't tell if that's a conclusion I arrived at on my own or if it was informed by that article, because while I didn't like Gone Now, I really loved Melodrama. Lorde and Antonoff work perfectly together, her voice gives life to a lot of things I heard but wasn't enthralled by on Gone Now, and they had a vision for this album -- songs have part twos! There's a reprise! ("Liability" is DOPE in the context of this album, y'all) -- which they executed sublimely. It's a complete, cohesive album that feels so much bigger than 11 songs, so full of weird ideas, and while I'm not sure how the mainstream is gonna react, I thought this was dope as hell, "dope as hell" being the highest praise my limited vocabulary has to offer.
10) Boomiverse, by Big Boi: One benefit of being just a dude on tumblr chronicling his experiences is that I didn't have to listen to and write a thinkpiece about a 70-minute Lil Yachty album. I only have to experience Lil Yachty through his features on other people's songs, do not have to contend with the totality of his vision. But, it is disappointing that professional music people DO have to write extended thinkpieces about Lil Yachty, when those words and thoughts and energies would have been far better spent on this album. This album is just good. There's no frills, minimal use of the obligatory Atlanta trap beat, clever rhymes, only occasional misogyny, and maybe the most jubilant rap track of 2017, "All Night." I honestly can't remember the last time I heard a hip-hop joint as joyous as "All Night." So much of my favorite hip-hop of the last few years hasn't been happy, and not even the justifiable "shit's fucked up" unhappy, the "sadness is the only valiid emotion" unhappy, and "All Night" is a statement that darkness is nothing without light.
11) Before Sunrise, dir. Richard Linklater: "Hey! I've been up since 1 AM, and it is presently 4:30! I'm going to put on this quet movie about a quiet night in Vienna so I can watch Before Sunrise before sunrise, LOL!" Yeah so I fell asleep during this one, team. Not long enough to feel like I missed a lot, not long enough for this film to lose its impact, but enough to feel like I failed this film. What I was able to see was great. It was like someone shot a podcast in Vienna, and that sounds like an insult, but I'm into movies that are just two people talking to each other, and I'd be into a podcast where two strangers try to fall in love in two hours, two people bullshitting about love and relationships and the future while wondering if they could be happy with the other person outside of the podcast. It didn't feel at all tempered knowing there's a sequel in the queue. Like, knowing these two people see each other again is disappointing, only in the sense that I don't get to live with the ending for 10 years before learning about the sequel, but at the same time, the characters don't know they're going to see each other again, and that last goodbye at the train is so heart-wrenching, the way she disappears behind the wall and the guy just follows her, trying to stay as close to her as possible.
12) Pinata, by Freddie Gibbs & Madlib: I will let nature review this album for me: I live in a garden level apartment, and outside my bedroom window, where I stationed my new computer, there's a bucket beneath the gutter in which water rests. Squirrels will occasionally come through, take a sip, and bounce. But as I was listening to this album, I saw that the squirrel was lingering outside my window. I assumed it was responding well to the vibrations created by Freddie Gibbs' pleasant, deep-voiced flow and the low-key production, and that it was enjoying the things it was feeling. This is music squirrels can enjoy, man, what more do you want. And then a Danny Brown feature came on, and that squirrel RAN, man. Like, I get it? I wouldn't expect a squirrel to respond well to Danny Brown, but I still feel that squirrel is missing out.
13) Whiplash, dir. Damien Chazelle: When I listen to music, I've found I connect to the drumming more than anything but the lyrics. Part of the reason I still listen to pop/punk is because literally every single pop/punk drummer is amazing, drumming so so fast every time. I also watch sports and speedrun streams, and one of the things that fascinates me is the maniacal drive to be great, this obsessive need to push yourself to some limit most would find unnecessary. So of COURSE I'm into a film which would marry the two, and which had the performance of a lifetime from JK Simmons, JK Simmons deserving all the plaudits he got for playing Malcom Tucker's long-lost American twin. I think Miles Teller was cat perfectly for the scenes where he's with JK Simmons, an arrogant nothing-boy who can convey talent and cluelessness, but Miles Teller is such a zero that the scenes with his family and girlfriend, where we're supposed to say "no nice boy don't isolate yourself from your loved ones to drum so good," just felt like "god shut the fuck up you whiny jerk." The film also didn't really address a couple of questions I thought might be relevant to the JK Simmons character. Does music still retain its meaning if you obsess over it to the extent that Fletcher does, do people still respond to his performances on an emotional level, or do they appreciate it on a purely technical level? There's that dinner scene, where someone in Miles Teller's family asks, "How can you have a music competition? Isn't it subjective?" and Miles Teller says, "No," but it never explores the idea of what chasing the parts of music which can be judged objective does to the music. The other question is, what right does Fletcher have to the next Charlie Parker? How does this white dude think he can own jazz? But I've spent more words finding what's problematic about the film than I did on what I liked, which is usually the sign of a great film, one I wanted to spend a lot of words thinking about.
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miracufic · 8 years ago
Oh, screw it, I’m still irritated.
Have “Uncle Miracufic’s Guide to Learning When You’re Being a Little Tit and Should Probably Stop”, or if you want a less dickish title, “Accepting (and Providing) Criticism 101″.
To preface what follows, learn how to construct an argument, and I don’t mean a “let’s take this outside you punk” argument, I mean a proper philosophically defined argument.  These two sites provide a decent guide on how to do that, and this site is a nice little interactive summary of what not to do in an argument.
Guide for Critics Or: Learning When You’re Being a Smug Little Tit and Should Probably Stop
Remember that your goal is not to prove your intellectual superiority and if it is then stop it.  Your job, as a critic, is to help the object of your criticism improve.
If you can, approach them one-on-one, not in comments or in posts.  People are much less defensive about something they’ve created and much more receptive to suggestions if they don’t need to defend it in front of a perceived audience.  (The necessary corollary, of course, is that if you can’t, then the public option is the only one available, come what may.)
Always try to mention something positive.  In general, if you say, “this sucks, improve it” people will be discouraged and less likely to adopt that change than if you say “this is good, do more of it”.  People like hearing about things they’ve done well and will do more of it.
Right, now that we’ve got the psychological warfare down.
Learn the difference between an attack and actual criticism.  Here’s a hint.  Proper criticism cites.  It cites verse and chapter, specific passages, events, so on and so forth.  An attack doesn’t.  At its heart, criticism is an argument, in its most technical sense.  It accepts certain premises, advances lines of reasoning built upon those premises, and from those builds a conclusion (a bit of an oversimplification, but it suffices for this).  Citing is vital to good argumentation, because it provides the argument with an anchor in verifiable truth.  If you said, for example, that I am obviously a large featherless owl, based upon my constant obsession with consuming small squeaky things without chewing and complaints about how cold it is without feathers, any outside observer can go to my blog and say, “shit, I guess miracufic really is a featherless owl“ or “no, you’re full of shit, he is obviously a bipedal mammal descended from an ape-like common ancestor and not a bird of prey that flits about in the night not at all no sir”.  The reason why this is so important is that, again, it gives the argument an anchor in independently verifiable truth.  Anyone can delude themselves all day, but having that evidence available makes it much, much harder.
Never respond immediately.  If you see something that incenses you, don’t respond.  Leave it alone for a day, look at it again; if it still ticks you off take another day.  You will never do good criticism if you’re pissed off.
Keep it neutral.  Keep it based around the actual, citable, evidence, and for the love of whatever deity you believe in don’t be a shithead.  If you’re a critic your job is not to attack someone, it is to point out the flaws in someone’s writing/art/whatever the fuck so that they can improve.  Leave the ad hominems out of it.  Leave the hostility out of it.  Keep your tone neutral.
Have a bit of perspective.  Remember that the people you’re criticizing are people, that they decided to share their creation, their baby, with the world, and that they would rather see if grow healthily than see it fed into a woodchipper.
No one is obligated to accept your criticism, and if they don’t then “no harm, no foul”.  (Of course, if there actually is a measure of harm going on, then things are going to get extremely messy extremely quickly.)
‘course, this cuts both ways.
Guide for Creators Or: Learning When You’re Acting Like the Greatest Thing Since da Vinci and Should Probably Stop
Learn the difference between an attack and actual criticism.  Guess what, buster, you’re not perfect.  You will, inevitably, screw up.  The newer you are at whatever it is the more you will screw up.  The whole point of criticism is to point out with precision where you’ve screwed up so that you can improve on it.
Criticism is not a popularity contest.  I don’t care how may people agree with you, two plus two does not equal biscuits and a cuppa, and if someone claims something about my writing (e.g. I’m infantilizing my female characters and I’m a shithead for doing that for such and such reasoning) and provides evidence, then it doesn’t matter how many people in my little echo chamber agree with me, any decent response to that needs to address the actual evidence they’ve cited, either by pointing out how their interpretation is incorrect, by pointing out how they’re not looking at the whole picture, or by examining their argument and ultimately agreeing with them.  Or, really, any other option that considers the actual evidence being cited.
Never respond immediately.  You will never have a good off-the-cuff response to criticism.  Back off, take a day, come back.  Repeat as necessary.
You are inevitably going to get actual, good criticism with citations and suggestions and all that good stuff that is decidedly hostile from your perspective.  To which the only advice I have is forget the tone.  The tone does not matter.  Yes, your feelings concerning the tone will inevitably matter because I have never met someone capable of completely dissociating themselves from their feelings but keep it as isolated and remote as possible.  Dissect the argument.  Note what things they cite and the things they claim and see if they’re legitimate or complete hogwash.  Note what things they claim about those citations and claim those citations show and see if they’re complete hogwash.  Again, proper criticism is ultimately rooted in independently verifiable fact, which does not care about your feelings on the subject.  If someone provides evidence about something and bases their claims around it, then a response to it should be based around evidence as well, and focusing on the tone will just cloud the issue and inevitably lead into a death spiral of an argument.
Don’t be a shithead.  It cuts both ways; a good critic bases their arguments around actual hard evidence and a good response addresses those arguments and that evidence.  There is precisely zero place for ad hominems in this.
No one is obligated to accept the validity of criticism.  Allow me to reiterate a point above with a little twist: the validity of an argument is not dependent on the results of a popularity contest.  If you have evaluated the evidence and the arguments made concerning it and you think their logic is shit, then fine, okay.  If someone presents bad criticism, if they cite and construct their argument around that and everyone agrees but their argument is flawed, either at the level of premise or logic, then guess what, everyone’s wrong.  Most of the time Sometimes people are dumb like that.  Block them, ignore them, argue with them, whatever, you’re still right, they’re still wrong.  But if you haven’t actually stepped back and worked through their arguments, if you just reflexively call bullshit on them, then you don’t have that superior moral position.
Look, I get it.  The tumblr mob is just that, a mob.  It is a big, dumb animal that bites first and asks one question while slavering over the little torn-up remains of its victims, and that question is “What a good job we did, didn’t we?”  It is, I think, a completely understandable defensive mechanism to, when faced with anything even looking slightly like it, turtle up and huddle under a constant stream of positive reinforcement.
It’s also a fantastic way to never improve.  Growth doesn’t come from echo chambers, it comes from being open and receptive to outside ideas, and adopting and adapting the non-shit ones.  Part of that is adopting the good from things you read.  Part of that is learning where you suck and need to improve.
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racingtoaredlight · 8 years ago
The Great Super Bowl Uniform Matchup Rankings: 50-41
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It’s Super Bowl Week and a perfect storm has been created for content generation around the biggest event in the American sports calendar. Paul Lukas’ Uni Watch, which I first became aware of on the old ESPN.com Page 2, was a pleasing revelation that it wasn’t just me and a few other dorks who could converse for hours about sports uniforms and all those entail. Now that we have a nice round number of 50 Super Bowls played I’ve assigned myself the very important and not at all frivolous task of ranking every game by its uniform pairing. A quick rundown of my criteria here:
This is a joint ranking, the sum of the teams involved matter. There are games with one beautiful getup ruined by their opponent and others where two solid but unspectacular looks combine to be greater than the sum of their parts.
How the uniforms clashed against each other factored in as well. We’ll get to one game later where separately I love each one but on the field together it just didn’t pop.
I tried to overlook how the game’s lighting affected the visuals of the teams. Super Bowls played in the Superdome tend to have a more drab appearance while any played in the Rose Bowl with the sun beaming just look better. But I’m just here to focus on the uniforms.
I am a sucker for classic uniforms and an unapologetic homer for the Packers green and gold. I also like the Denver Orange Crush jerseys more than perhaps the average citizen does so quibble with my rankings as you will. Oh, and Minnesota’s purple can get bent.
One last personal hangup that might not be shared by most is my aversion to color on color jerseys and pants, regular readers will remember this from my weekly Color Rush laments. White on white is still the shit but any other matching is a problem. This basically only applies to the Seahawks in Super Bowl history but I just wanted to mention again up top that I hate them.
#50. Super Bowl XXIX - San Francisco 49ers vs San Diego Chargers
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The biggest tragedy to come from this eye rake of a game (both in appearance and the absolute bludgeoning it was) is how the franchises had it in them to put on a gorgeous Super Bowl but instead made it to the title game when each was in their worst uniforms. The 49ers, long owners of one of football’s cleanest looks with their red tops and gold pants went through an unfortunate stretch in the 90s with 3D numbering and white pants that really shouldn’t have been rewarded with a championship (they tried to remedy it in the late 90s a bit but remained butt until finally admitting their failure and going back to their classic look a few years back). It really can’t be overstated how lame those numbers were.
The Chargers meanwhile had a decent helmet but the blue was too dark and in comparison to what they offered both before and since, this was shit. Being on the same field together somehow made each other look worse.
#49. Super Bowl XXXIV - Tennessee Titans vs St. Louis Rams
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One of the most exciting Super Bowls (well, the fourth quarter at least, history has forgotten what a snoozer this game was up until the Rams went up 16-0) deserved better uniforms. This was the first year in Tennessee under the Titans name with their new branding and I’ve never been a fan of their two blues doing battle around the shoulders.
The Rams countered with their classic road look (this would be the final year for these, they’d start the next season looking more metallic). Even harboring nostalgia for old timey uniforms these were never my favorite, mostly because the blue in the helmet didn’t match the actual team color. This was more apparent when they’d play at home. Garbage.
#48. Super Bowl XLVIII - Denver Broncos vs Seattle Seahawks
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I said before that I hold a fondness for the old Denver Orange Crush uniforms but this hybrid of old and new just doesn’t it for me at all. We’ll get to Super Bowl XXXII (sigh) later, for my money that’s Denver’s best look since abandoning their old glory following the 1996 season.
The Seahawks have pretty much never had good uniforms since their inception as a team but all things considered, this is about as good as it’s going to get from them. At least we weren’t given their gray bullshit. I might be projecting too much of my dislike of this game based on how utterly boring it was once you knew right off the bat it wasn’t ending well for Denver, but the contrast of these two uniforms against each other didn’t help matters.
#47. Super Bowl XL - Seattle Seahawks vs Pittsburgh Steelers
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Let’s just stick with Seattle who was still in their Mike Holmgren era blue (they’ve since tilted darker which we’ll see when we get to their game against the Patriots). This is the type of single color rot I was getting at earlier. Not even the Steelers’ glorious road whites could save this game on television. This is what happens when you take an event as wonderful as the Super Bowl and stage it in Detroit, everything stays ugly.
#46 - Super Bowl XXXI - Green Bay Packers vs New England Patriots
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I tried my hardest to rationalize moving a game involving my beloved Packers higher but knew in my heart of hearts that this wasn’t worthy. One of the happiest nights of my sports fan life unfortunately featured New England looking their absolute dumbest. We find another 90s team with crap ass 3D numbers and the jerseys had a weird vertical striping to them.
It’s possible a different opponent could have benefited the optics of their uniforms but them against the green and gold was just odd looking. I do appreciate the timestamp nature of this photo where you can tell each team is wearing a jersey made by Starter.
There have since been three Championship Sundays (2007, 2014, 2016) that could have resulted in another Packer-Patriot Super Bowl but perhaps fate just doesn’t want to see these uniforms on the same field again.
#45. Super Bowl V - Cowboys vs Colts
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Often referred to as The Blunder Bowl due to featuring nine combined turnovers, Super Bowl V is rarely brought up with the great Super Bowls despite being decided on a field goal at the buzzer. It didn’t help that with Dallas being the home team the NFL forced them to wear their blue jerseys. In those days the Cowboys were I believe the only team that regularly wore white at home but with NFL rules at the time they weren’t permitted the choice of uniform and had to wear the solids.
I put this game ahead of the others on the list however since the Colts road whites are among my favorite uniforms in all of sports. And it’s not like Dallas’ blues are terrible, it’s just this game had so much more uniform potential.
#44. Super Bowl 50 - Carolina Panthers vs Denver Broncos
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We find the Broncos here again, this time they elected to wear road whites, possibly to avoid a repeat of their Super Bowl XLVIII beatdown and to their credit it worked. But I remain steadfast in my overall dislike of just about every Broncos uniform post-1996 so they were going to need a game opponent to push them above this ranking. Sadly the Panthers were not that.
Carolina first began play in 1995 and were sadly caught up in the wave of 90s expansion teams that couldn’t get enough teal and light blues, a plight their sister expansion club Jacksonville still deals with today. While their black jersey is preferable in this reporter’s opinion to the blue alternate, I like their all white look a lot better.
#43. Super Bowl IX - Minnesota Vikings vs Pittsburgh Steelers
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While the classic Viking purple is a thing of beauty compared to the places the franchise has taken it over the years, it’s still purple. I was as surprised as anyone that the Steelers, owners of one of my favorite uniforms, ended up in the bottom ten twice but their uniforms can only do so much. A simple flipping of the home and road teams would have done wonders for this game.
#42. Super Bowl XXIII - San Francisco 49ers vs Cincinnati Bengals
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#41. Super Bowl XVI - Cincinnati Bengals vs San Francisco 49ers
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Proving that sometimes not even swapping the home and road jerseys can make a positive impact. Up top we get the fantastic 49er uniform but those Bengals road whites with all the tiger stripes just make everything ugly.
I like the black jersey from Super Bowl XVI far better and the 49ers look clean in the white jersey/gold pants combo but I thought it worked better for ranking purposes to put them next to each other for contrast. For those scoring at home, that’s both Detroit Super Bowls in the bottom ten. RIP Silverdome.
Tune in tomorrow as I reveal #s 40-31.
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buddy-scape · 4 years ago
Let’s face it, Mark Fuckerberg is a bitch, and when I say “bitch” I mean he has a feminine look about him, not that I’m slating LGBT, if anything I’m all for it! Happy pride month to all those involved btw, neither am I slating women or being sexist, I love my wife very much, including my 3 mother’s and my adopted daughter, but yea, Fuckerberg is a complete ponce, he couldn’t organise a gangbang in a convent, Facebook may be an overall site for people to come and chat and make new friends, or is it? Ok let’s recap on the flaws with Facebook. 1-nudes There has been many complaints in the past where women have had conversations with a man they only just fucking met, next thing they know their inboxes or pms have been inundated with pics of the phallic symbol! No decent self respecting lady wants to see it, put it away or chop it off! 2-bullying Let’s be honest, we all have our share of enemies right? But you just wanna go online and chat. Unfortunately despite your privacy settings, the only option you have is the ignore messages features, but should you one day check your other message box to see if let’s say, a long lost family member who is not on your buddy list tries to contact you they can only get through on that other inbox, they don’t have a phone number or email address for you yet so what do they do? So you go check to see if they get in touch and bang, before you know it, your enemies have found you and your pms are full of hate-FUCKING FAIL. 3-Facebook is possibly the most controlling and manipulative of social media ever to hit this planet! Some people just want to make new friends, even with strangers, After all that’s how you make friends in the first place, The olive branch is delivered, the recipient decides to accept, and from there can determine a whole new social relationship, be it common ground, interests or hobbies right? On the other hand not everybody was to be social with strangers and may feel uncomfortable with that hand of friendship so they just may decline politely and walk away! Now Facebook is like that, But they got Add or Block. Now You will get some that will accept others might block you, But sometimes the Facebook algorithm will not even let you add people you have known for years, it will often issue warnings and if you try to make too many new friends it will restrict your account by what we often call Facebook jail, which is an algorithm put in place to limit people’s activity on this site, so really it’s the kind of social network that won’t let you be social. And who wants to be told who they can and can’t have as friends? Not something a British person wants to be told by an American is it? There is also a freedom of speech issue on here. Nobody wants to be trolled or told what to do by politically correct morons. But because of strict features in place on this site you can’t have an opinion, I have noticed incidents where someone has posted a perfectly innocent comment or photo on here, And some spiteful troll has reported it! Thing is Facebook is all automated, it doesn’t have moderators doing a Santa clause watching for who is naughty or nice, it has a bunch of codes and algorithms that tell it that. Or does it? People have been reported for posting something perfectly harmless as a pet pic or something else innocent, but along comes some spiteful bastard and it gets taken down for violating community standards! But you will get some dolly bird with a selfie showing a bit too much, and you try to report it, Facebook comes back with, it doesn’t go against our community standards, How fucked up is that? Now the upsides to Facebook jail is if you get a bully or someone doing something inappropriate on there they are sent to Facebook jail! Only problem is they are let out later to re-offend! 4-Inbox or Pm I have to give Facebook it’s due, It does completely filter out porn or nudity on the timeline,you try to post anything sexual on your main wall, be sure it will be taken down. But what about the personal messages? Five gets you ten that some of you or most of you on
here have had some kind of outside harrasment in PM! You have had porn bots, nudes,threats or other kinds of unpleasant stuff, you try to report it but before you get a chance to screen shot it as evidence, your cyber assailant has removed the message via this new fucking un-send button! Now un-send is quite handy if 1-you sent a pm to wrong person 2-you had a typing error Or 3-you sent a file or msg in error. But let me tell you the problem with it. As stated if you have had for example some perve showing off his dick, before you can get a chance to screenshot and report it he romved it, so really the un-send button is not very helpful! 5-privacy Facebook has had repeated issues regarding human rights and privacy. There’s been numerous reports where your data and accounts are leaked to third parties, this is unacceptable. 6-bots These are bloody pests that spam your inbox linking you to paid porn sites, scams or malicious content and malware and all because Facebook leaked your private data! Media Facebook never seems to pay much attention if you post your favourite music via YouTube. But what if you want to share a favourite song on your timeline in the form of an MP3? And why not? It worked for MySpace users! But try to do it on Facebook and they come down on you like a ton of bricks regarding copyright warnings! Now what puzzles me is years ago when Facebook was less than its greater size, they used to have a feature called sound bytes, you could upload an mp3 on Facebook, but then they took it off, they also took away good stuff like when they used to have an active chatroom app, bit strips and a few other kool apps they decided to fuck right off! And after all if you are just posting an mp3 of a song you like on your wall, and you don’t plan to make profit from it, then wtf is all this copyright bullshit anyway? 7-safety I personally don’t feel that Facebook is completely safe for anybody to be honest. It doesn’t have appropriate safeguards. Trolls will attack you sometimes on group pages just for having an opinion, and admins to not always take much notice, and if you get an admin that is in agreement with the trolls you are screwed! In the past Facebook has been a haven for Islamic groups to radicalise others on here to join terrorist networks and still is today! Facebook has been subject to crime related posts before now! 8-video calling Now this feature always bothered me. Ok you can go live on your timeline where your friends can see, but did you know other people can see you even if you don’t have your settings on public? This is because of privacy leakage and cyber criminals know your every move! Video in inbox is even worse, It’s a haven for perverts to put on a show and again is monitored by cyber criminals! This is why Skype and zoom are probably your best bet when video calling, sometimes WhatsApp and TikTok are not completely safe! 9 Lack of features I noticed that Facebook is kind of drying up when it comes to games and apps,also at the time it had an active chatroom, only thing is it was driven by flash player which generally now is obsolete! 10-ads All wel and good I suppose if you want to advertise a business to hundreds of people on Facebook yet it very seldom regards this as spam, or you will get the odd troll complaining that it is, yet if you try to post your service in multiple groups, Facebook will attribute this to spam and restrict you. This is because Facebook monetises itself with ads from all kinds of sources in and out of itself! So you dare not try to promote outside their promote ads feature-FAIL! So do you still love Facebook now? But consider this! Before you go slating something by someone, ignoring it or scrolling past it because your ego is to high and you think you are too good to sit up and take notice, I want you to bear something in mind! Now regardless of my 10 thoughts on the negative side of Facebook I can’t tell others not to go on it or twist their fucking arms up there backs to go elsewhere, But theres always this thing where you give something a
chance or a trial, and you never know you might actually like it, but if you don’t then at least you took it into account! There’s a lot of ignorance out there from people that slam something or dismiss it just because it’s something not well known, but if I recall right Mark Zuckerberg had not bargained on Facebook becoming the social giant it is now, he essentially developed it just as a network to go on the pull or for hookups! But look at it now, we all have to start somewhere right? So here goes! Imagine a new social network that does not control you. Would never tell you your limits unless you did something inappropriate. Would never allow porn anywhere. A network that has superior features such as apps, games,upload ability for audio and video, with new content added everyday? A network that you control. So I hereby present to you. BUDDYSCAPE What is Buddyscape? Buddyscape is an all new social network from the UK It was founded as a hobby just to see if I had what it took to build a social network, And make it run! It’s really only just starting out,so it’s not really well populated yet but who knows? Time will tell,always does! Rome was not built in a day but all roads lead to it! Features:- 1-No ads, porn or bots! 2-100% Non profit, all services are free! 3- No annoying ads! 4-Buddyscape is monitored by real people-yes real human beings! Non of this stupid bloody code stuff, but although we cannot monitor your private chats, We do expect you to tell us if something is wrong! 5-No Facebook jail here-just 3 warnings and an instant ban thereafter! 6-better safety This goes for adults and minors, if anybody feels somebody is making them uncomfortable or unsafe then one word from you will result in an instant ban,And thanks to no un-send feature you have ample time to screenshot evidence and send it to us for examination from the appropriate authorities! 7- Privacy is paramount We do not use your personal data We do not sell it or pass it on! We don’t even use bloody cookies! 8-No video calling This is more of a safety feature than anything else, And should be regarded as a better experience for both adults and children, and as we do not monitor private chats we can’t tell what is going on, although the lack of video calling features on Buddyscape may deter some from wanting to join, It will also deter those who have sexual intentions toward adults and children. And with other video calling apps like zoom or Skype it’s not really important for it to be there! 9-Friendly to all devices and easy to navigate! There isn’t an app of this on AppStore or play store right now, but one is in process of development! That being said, Buddyscape is fully mobile and tablet friendly with all features running as they should! 10-content Buddyscape has Apps, Games and a chatroom with content updating almost every day! You may upload any music or media you like as long as it is relatively clean! Also includes Spotify integration! See Terms and conditions when signing up. Any questions? Give me a shout! Stu! www.buddyscape.net Stuart Henderson-Founder/CEO.
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datingblaster298 · 4 years ago
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South Korea is one of those places where people do not hesitate to talk about hookups in general. In other words, this is a highly developed and modern country. The majority of local people use all the possibilities to get laid without further consequences.
However, the situation gets a little bit harder when it comes to foreign men. For some reason, the image of a perfect-looking man is way too different when we compare it with the one South Korean women have in their heads. In this case, foreigners start doubting about themselves.
Nonetheless, it is actually possible to get laid in South Korea if you know what local ladies expect to get from you. First of all, you need to realize that you are in an Asian country, which has an absolutely different culture.
For example, you are not going to look like a macho man if you have any facial hair. In fact, the biggest part of young South Korean girls openly hate it. Additionally, you can say the same thing about chest hair and other parts of your body.
So, make sure to shave as much of your body hair as you can before going on a date with a South Korean woman. You may find yourself in an awkward situation once you get her in bed and she will lose all the desire to hookup with you.
Down below you will learn more about how you can arrange a casual hookup in South Korea. It does not matter whether it is your first time in this country. Keep reading to find out more.
South Korean hookup culture is actually different
As has been already mentioned, the majority of local people do not see anything bad in having random sexual interrelations. Therefore, it is quite easy to get laid in this country if you know at least the most basic rules. Although, keep in mind that your previous experience in having a hookup may not work there.
Firstly, you should realize that you cannot touch a South Korean woman you enjoy. It does not matter if she seems nice to you and you are having a good time. Even if you are in a nightclub or disco, you should keep your hands to yourself. This is a part of their culture when men are not allowed to touch girls in public.
Secondly, do not be too annoying since it will not help you get acquainted with a South Korean lady you like. If she has decided to blow you off, she will definitely do it anyway. Otherwise, you take a huge risk to look silly in other people’s eyes who are hanging around you.
Thirdly, you should be careful with alcoholic drinks. The same concerns South Korean women you want to drink with. Keep in mind that the biggest part of them never get drunk or anything like this. They prefer to have a few cocktails just to relax and remain conscious at the same time.
In fact, all these three rules are working for most Asian countries and cities in these places. You just need to read more about these important details before visiting South Korea.
Do South Korean women like Western males at all?
You may find it hard to believe but a lot of South Korean ladies consider it trendy to date a foreigner. The same goes for having a random hookup with a man from the Western world. Some South Korean girls actually admit that they do not like their local men at all. They prefer those ones who come from the West.
Nonetheless, it does not mean that they consider you a perfect man. They will still try to change your image just to look ideally. It depends on you whether you will accept it just to have a one-night stand or you will pass out.
This is what makes Asian hookup culture so different in comparison with the Western one. Local females prefer taller, more muscular, and brutal men indeed. Although, they still want them not to have facial hair or anything that reminds them of a Western type of men.
Are casual hookup apps working in South Korea?
Another difference that is easy to notice when you arrive in South Korea is their love for the Internet. Besides, local people enjoy everything that is connected with high technologies and innovations.
Therefore, it is easy to guess that hookup apps and websites are extremely popular there. Of course, you still can go to a disco or nightclub to meet a South Korean woman for a hookup in reality. However, it is way simpler to do it online.
The list of the most common hookup apps is pretty much the same as in any other country. You will be surprised to see how many beautiful South Korean girls are using these services to get acquainted with foreign males.
Keeping the information from the previous paragraph in mind, it becomes obvious that you have an advantage when it comes to getting laid in South Korea. You just need to present yourself in the right manner. It will help you not to scare a lady away.
Local hookup places in South Korea
The capital city of South Korea is Seoul. It is easy to guess that the majority of the best nightclubs and discos are located here. The most popular district among foreigners is Itaewon. You will find dozens of international clubs, restaurants, and cafés while walking around.
In addition, a lot of other decent nightclubs can be found all over the entire city. Here is the list of the most popular places that you must visit to hookup in South Korea quickly:
Club Bound;
These are the most well-known clubs, which are famous for their atmosphere and friendliness. You can safely party in any of them since foreigners are always welcomed there. Usually, they are open from 10 pm to 4-6 am depending on some occasional exceptions.
South Korean women visiting these nightclubs do not mind chatting with you. However, make sure they understand you since Asian people, including South Koreans, are not really good at conversational English.
What South Korean city to choose for a hookup?
Territorially, South Korea is not the biggest country for sure. However, the population there is more than 51,000,000 people. Therefore, this country is famous for its highly developed metropolitan cities.
Seoul – is a place you must visit just because it is the capital of the country. Its population is about 10 million of people. It is one of the biggest and most expensive cities in Asia. You will easily find South Korean women looking for the best hookup here. It is because of their westernization and the desire to be closer to the rest of the world.
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Busan – is a large port city with the population estimated about 3,5 million people. This place is famous for its beaches, temples, and mountains. A lot of South Korean girls go out to sunbathe if the weather is warm enough. During the nighttime, a lot of fun nightclubs are open. You will always find someone to hookup with there. The atmosphere of the city is too alive for people to stay shy and distant.
Incheon – is the third-largest city in South Korea. The population here is about 3 million people. It is bordering Seoul and has its own international airport. A lot of foreigners are sure that Incheon and Seoul are the same cities but they are not. As a rule, people visit this place just to see the difference between the capital and a metropolitan city. Besides, the prices are noticeably lower there than in Seoul or Busan, for example.
South Korean women’s behavior before a hookup
A lot of South Korean girls tend to hide their actual intentions concerning random hookups with foreigners. You can easily notice it in their eyes but they will never admit it. Therefore, you should watch carefully in order not to lose a South Korean lady’s hint.
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Moreover, they will never approach a man even if they like him completely. You should always take the initiative yourself. The same rules are applied not only to a casual hookup in South Korea but also dating.
Even if you see that a particular South Korean woman is single, you will have to come up to her first. In addition, you should be ready to see that she is trying to pretend a shy lady. However, do not trust her and keep talking to her.
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Although, remember about one of the most important rules that does not allow you to touch South Korean girls. You should wait for her inner agreement before you can even take her by the hand. It is advisable to stay relaxed and smile while you are talking.
Stay safe while hooking up in South Korea
HIV and other STDs are not highly-spread in South Korea. Nevertheless, any foreign tourist is recommended to wear condoms. Besides, it will help you feel less stressed about thinking of a possible pregnancy. You surely do not want to face any problems after a random one-night stand.
Remember that a lot of young South Korean women expect you to have a condom or other form of protection if you seriously want to get laid. The majority of them will reject you once they notice what you are trying to do with them.
This rule is applied to any sexual interrelations, but especially to those ones, which you find in a nightclub. Certainly, you will not have enough time to learn more about this South Korean lady. Letting alone the fact that she will not be able to prove to your that she is absolutely clean.
As a final point
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South Korea is definitely one of the most interesting and exciting countries in terms of hooking up. You should visit it just to see the difference between what you and they call the best hookup accordingly. Moreover, you will see how highly developed this country is.
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Make sure to live by the rules South Korean citizens follow themselves. Remember that this country is open to foreigners but they want you to respect their laws. All other things are absolutely available and you can enjoy the beautiful country of South Korea.
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