#its not like their phones are tracking where they are and all their equipment is like rfid tracked and theres cameras everywhere and
randamhajile · 4 months
Sometimes I think about the rich tableaus of experiences my parents and my spouse's parents had growing up in NYC and the rural mountain west respectively and I feel this deep sad pit of nothingness having grown up in a sterile surveillance state their generation helped build and enforce
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thefallennightmare · 2 months
Unveiled Hearts-Matt Dierkes One Shot
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*all pictures for cover found on pinterest. gif created by me. feel free to use, simply give credit*
Pairings: Matt Dierkes x OFC
Warnings: swearing, fluff, angst, smut
Summary: Matt and Faye still can’t confess their feelings for each other. Crossing the line from friends to lovers could change the dynamics of the tour of the Concrete Jungle. An accidental kiss reveals the truth hidden behind small smiles and laughter. They both know that the smart thing would be to forget it ever happened. But some kisses are so spectacular that they change everything.
Authors Notes: When I tell you guys, this has been MONTHS in the making. I'm so glad I can finally say it's finished! Buckle up, it's a long one! Hopefully, all of your questions will be answered.
Tags: @loeytuan98 @thatchickwiththecamera @dsireland86 @iknownothingpeople @bngurngheart @malice-ov-mercy @concreteemo @cookiesupplier @heyyoplayer @myownthoughts12 @vinyardmaurao @missduffsblog @hayleylatour @sleepyomens @artificialbreezy @marvelousmal @lma1986 @wild-child-7747 @calleyx13 @illmakeyousaywow @jaded-and-hollow-souls @itsafullmoon @shilohrosechicken @klutzy-kay24 @shadowseve @blueskylinesx @exitwoundsx @thisbicc @pathion @cookiesupplier @sammyjoeee @whenthesummerdies @flowery-mess @xxkittenkissesxx @its-inourblood @madomens @collidewiththesavannah @xserena-13 @cncohshit
If I missed anyone on the tag list, I apologize!
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I sat in my car, drumming my fingers against my steering wheel and trying to keep my breathing even. Every few seconds, my eyes would dart to the clock on the dashboard, painley waiting for it to read 6:00 so I could get this meeting over with. 
“Five minutes,” I muttered to myself followed by a pep talk. 
This is a job interview, one I’ve been to countless times before. I knew what I was doing and also was confident enough in my abilities that they’d love my work. Lana even reassured me. 
“They’re a great batch of guys to work with, Faye! It’s like we’re a big family, we take care of each other,” her words echoed in my mind. 
I watched as these guys worked in a frenzied state packing the two vans with various equipment but somehow made it seem like they flowed together naturally. The effort conversations and laughter that carried between them showed how tight knit they were so I couldn’t help but feel like I was a stranger that was about to disrupt their lives. 
You are. They don’t know you. 
Grumbling at the voice in my mind, I reached for my portfolio and camera, slinging it over my neck; I never went anywhere without it. 
The laughter from the large group carried over to the other end of the parking lot where I was slowly walking up. I had to meet two of these guys at this large warehouse while they spent the afternoon packing up their things. My hands shook as I clutched my photo portfolio to my chest and as I approached them, unable to hide behind the invisible vortex I hope shielded me, I came to a stop a few feet away. 
My hazel eyes tracked each person's movement as they went from the large garage opening of the warehouse over to the two trucks and large tour bus parked on the opposite side of the lot. My mouth ran dry as I tried to find my voice to call over to them, announce my arrival, but it was difficult due to the racing of my heart. 
Suddenly a soft buzz in my back pocket was my saving grace and I pulled it out, smiling at the name on the screen. 
Tay: Okay, we need a girls night out tonight. I broke up with loser face so I need to forget about it. Find someone new. Preferably one that has a head full of curls. You know those are my weaknesses.
I giggled while quickly typing out my response. 
Me: Well, you know what they say. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else. 
Tay: Fuck yes. I’ll pick you up at eight!
“Are you Faye?” 
My eyes snapped up from my phone to the tall figure in front of me, the sunlight catching the intricate and somewhat colorful tattoos on both of his arms. A lone finger scratched at his cheek, showcasing a small heart tattoo. I knew who he was, Lana already giving me the full run down on everyone in the band. 
While he was gorgeous, I also knew he wasn’t available. But not like it mattered, I wasn’t here for a relationship. I was here to work. 
“Uh,” my hands shook again as I pocketed my phone, clutching the portfolio to my chest. “Yeah. Sorry.” 
The man raised a brow with a soft smile. “There’s no need to apologize. Were you standing there long?” 
I shook my head. “No, no. I just walked up a minute ago but didn’t want to bother you guys. You seem a little busy.”
“You’re fine,” he stuck out his hand. “I’m Noah.” 
I desperately wished I could have wiped the sweat off of my palm as I grasped his; it engulfing mine. 
“Faye. But I guess you already know that,” I chuckled lightly. 
“Yeah, Lana mentioned you’d be stopping by to talk with us,” Noah turned to look over his shoulder, running a hand through his dark waves. “Uh, Matt!” 
I watched silently as another man stepped down the ramp of one of the trucks, head snapped over towards Noah and I. He removed the hat from his head to shake out the long strands of his hair and my breath caught in my throat. The tattoos that covered his left arm were hard to read from this distance but the bright color of the one on his leg immediately stood out. 
Dragon Ball Z. 
I’d never been a fan of it but my younger brother watched it all the time growing up. 
Suddenly realizing what Noah called him, I remembered Lana’s warning from earlier. 
“Everyone is chill. Well, except Matt. As long as you stay on his good side you should be fine.”
My palms began to sweat even more now and I rubbed one of them on the side of my thigh, hoping to dry it before needing to shake Matt’s hand. As he walked closer to where Noah and I were standing, a soft breeze blew through the strands of his golden hair and I marveled at the confidence that radiated off of him. Those dark eyes tracked over me; from my scuffed converse up over my long legs and I knew he was assessing my tattoos like I did his. When his lips twitched with a sly smile, I knew Matt had taken in the sight of my teal hair. 
“Hi,” I said once he came to a stop next to Noah. 
The height difference between them was immediately recognizable. 
“This is Faye; Lana’s cousin,” Noah said towards Matt. 
He nodded. “The fill in.” 
The way Matt said those words didn’t quite sit well with me but not wanting to ruin this potential job, I gave a forced smile instead. 
“She mentioned you guys wanted to see my portfolio,” I said while handing it over to Noah, who took it with a smile.
“How long have you been in this business?” Noah asked, slowly flipping through my portfolio. 
I adjusted the strap of my camera on my shoulder. “I started taking pictures when I was ten. It wasn’t until a few years ago that I made it my profession. I’ve photographed a handful of local bands.” 
Matt raised a brow. “So Bad Omens would be the first big name band you’ve photographed?” 
There was still that underlying tone in his voice, one I couldn’t quite decipher. 
“As a job, yes. I’ve taken a few pictures when I went to shows. But I can assure you, I know what I’m doing,” I said with slightly narrowed eyes. 
Noah froze on one photograph, a loving smile pulling at his lips. His eyes lingered on it for a long moment before showing it to Matt, who let out a small chuckle. 
“What are the odds,” he muttered under his breath. 
“So you’re used to working in fast paced environments?” Noah asked while handing back my portfolio.
I nodded, clutching it to my chest yet again. “Yeah. It’s nothing new for me.”
“This will be your first time touring though, right?” 
“Yeah,” I nodded again at Noah. “Might take some getting used to but I can assure you, I’ll be fine.” 
“Cool,” he smiled. “I know it’s kind of last minute but we leave tomorrow.” 
“I’ll be ready,” I gave a curt nod.
Underneath the rim of his hat, Matt’s eyes narrowed but he remained silent. Assessing me with the darkness of them but never once parting his lips to say what was on his mind. Which irritated me, the feeling burning low in my gut because I absolutely hated when people didn’t say what was on their mind. If they couldn’t tell me how they truly felt about a situation, how could I trust them later on? 
“Is that fine with you, Matthew?” I asked with a raised brow. 
His jaw ticked when I uttered his full name and briefly, I saw a tiny smile play at his lips. 
“Be here at six a.m,” was all he said before turning on his heels and walking back towards the large trucks. 
I pursed my lips, doing my best to keep my comment to myself; something Noah noticed. 
“Don’t let Matt get under your skin. He’s not too fond of change. But he’ll get over it. Lana couldn’t stop raving about you. Bryan is actually excited to work with you,” Noah said. 
Their other photographer. 
“I’m actually a huge fan of Bryan. I have a few of his prints hung up in my apartment,” I said while looking up at Noah. 
He chuckled while running a hand through his hair. “Did you want to stay? We’re almost done packing up the trucks and have plans for a little BBQ at my girlfriend's place. She’d love it if you joined.”
I thought about it for a long moment. It would probably be a good thing to do in a way to get to know everyone before being stuck on the road with them for the next few weeks. But then I remembered my plans with Tay and knew if I backed out on her much needed girls night, she’d be upset. 
“Thank you for the invite but I already have plans with my friend tonight. I’m sorry,” I said. 
Noah waved me off. “No need to apologize, Faye. We’re about to be stuck together for the next couple of weeks so take all the alone time you need.”
Just then, someone ran up to Noah with a breathless smile and I couldn’t stop staring at the mounds of curls on top of his head. 
“Hey, man. Sorry I’m late.” 
Noah gave the man a somber smile. “How’d it go?” 
“She stood me up.”
My eyes darted between the two and when Noah took in my confused state, he motioned to the man with curls. 
“Faye, meet Jesse. Jesse, meet the new photographer, Faye.” 
Jesse gave me a bright smile, the one that eased away all of your worries, and he adjusted the round glasses perched on his nose before extending a hand to me. 
“Oh, Lana’s cousin! She mentioned you’d be filling in for her while she was gone,” Jesse said. 
“Yep,” I shook his hand. “Seems like she talked about me to everyone.” 
Suddenly another man came up on the side of Jesse, slapping his back. “How’d the date go?” 
This man I instantly recognized. 
Bryan Kirks. 
Jesse snorted. “She stood me up. I waited at the restaurant for thirty minutes. Tried calling and texting her; got left on read.” 
“No fucking way,” Bryan shook his head. “I never had a good feeling about her. Who spells their name with two X’s like that?”
“That’s bullshit,” Noah grumbled under his breath. 
Although I wasn’t sure what happened, it was clear this relationship that Jesse was talking about ended in a way that made Bryan and Noah upset for their friend. Seeing the slight confusion on my face, Jesse gave me a weak smile. 
“My girlfriend stood me up tonight.” 
“Shit, I’m sorry,” I frowned while shifting on my feet. 
He shrugged while stuffing his hands into his pockets. “It’s alright. I’ll get over it.” 
“Well you know what they say. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else,” Bryan smirked. 
“I just told my best friend the same thing,” I laughed while tucking a piece of teal hair behind my ears. 
The ease that fell over me as I stood with the three men, talking as if I’d known them for years, made the fear of what the next few weeks held almost non-existent. 
“Is that the D5000?” Bryan asked while pointing to the Nikon hanging off my shoulder. 
I beamed while holding it up. “Yeah. My dad gifted it to me when I decided to make this a career. I have a few other models but I take this one everywhere with me for work.”
Bryan motioned towards Noah and Jesse, who all stood together, which prompted me to snap a few pictures of them; all three of them having goofy smiles then a few serious ones. 
I clicked through the pictures while all three of them glanced over my shoulder and felt Jesse snicker towards Noah. 
“Your girl is going to love that pouty look.”
“Shut up,” Noah grumbled but you could hear the smile in his voice. 
“HEY! Assholes! Are we still taking a break or actually here to work?!” 
All of our eyes snapped up to Matt, who was pushing a large crate towards one of the trucks. Even from this distance, I could see the slits of his eyes staring directly at me. Something about him irritated me all while causing my stomach to flip as those narrowed eyes grazed up my long legs. 
“This will be a fun few weeks,” Bryan said. 
Jesse bid us all a goodbye with a nod. “Have fun with that. I’ve got plans at a certain cafe.”
As he rambled off which cafe he was going to visit tonight, I couldn’t help but smile. 
“The one downtown? Next to the therapist's office?” 
Jesse smiled. “Yeah. It’s Jolly’s favorite, for obvious reasons. We all go there at least once a week. We should all go once you guys get back.” 
“Sure,” I smiled. 
Noah gave me one final smile. “Believe it or not, we’re all stoked you’re joining us.” 
“Lana has said all good things about you guys. I’m excited. And thank you for giving me this opportunity, given my lack of experience.” 
Something twinkled in his almond eyes as he took a few steps towards the rest of the group of people. 
“It was one of the pictures I saw in your portfolio that sold me.” 
With a small wave, I turned and was ready to head back to my car when a loud voice halted me momentarily. 
“6 A.M! DON’T BE LATE!” 
Throwing a hand over my shoulder, I made my way over towards my car and quickly typed up a message to Tay.
Me: How does coffee and a nice book in a cafe sound?
She replied while I was buckling my seat belt. 
Tay: You know I’m always down for that. 
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Carefully, I watched as Faye smiled at Noah before she retreated back to her car. My eyes never left her form even when Noah stepped in front of me, blocking my view. It wasn’t until he cleared his throat that I looked over to him.
He shook his head with a playful smile. “I’ve seen that look before. I’ve actually had that look in my own eyes a few times. It’s a familiar feeling.” 
Rolling my eyes, I went back to loading up the trucks. It was already well past six and with plans for the BBQ in less than an hour, we needed to haul ass to finish packing everything. Something I made known to Noah, who continued watching me with a smile. 
“Keep staring, lover boy,” I joked while pushing the crate up the ramp into one of the trucks. 
Noah stood at the bottom of his, hands buried deep in the pockets of his Bad Omens joggers. 
“I invited her tonight.” 
My head snapped over at him. “Why did you do that?” 
“Because we’re going to be with each other for the next three weeks. I thought it would be a good ice breaker before having her jump right into everything tomorrow morning.” 
There was no reason for me to have a guard up when it came to Faye but we’d been burned so many times before with new people joining the Bad Omens crew. Anytime we thought about having someone join our team, I was always the one that voiced my concerns. 
Since Faye was cousins with Lana, I couldn’t do that. Lana gave us her word that we could trust Faye. Although, I knew deep down that wasn’t the sole reason why I’d been closed off. 
I couldn’t allow myself to get close to anyone else, afraid of getting hurt again. I’d seen all of my friends around me find love while I stood on the outside, wondering if I’d ever find that. I told myself that work was the only thing I needed right now. But the moment I took in the sight of Faye and felt my heart stutter in my chest, I knew that it would be hard for me to abide by my own rules. 
I’d become transfixed the moment my eyes landed on her, standing in the middle of the parking lot looking almost like a little sheep that found their way into the den of wolves. How bright her eyes were as they locked with mine. The way her lips moved as she talked to Noah. How they twitched when she spoke my name. 
My body shivered when I remembered how sweet it sounded falling from her pink lips. 
“Is she coming?” I asked while loading up the last of the crates. 
Noah still wore that annoying smirk and crossed his arms over his chest. “No, she already had plans with a friend.” 
All I did was hum as I shut the door of the truck, doing my best to ignore the way my heart sunk in my stomach. 
“Well, let’s hope she’ll be here on time tomorrow because I’m not waiting for her even if she’s two minutes late,” I adjusted my hat. 
Noah squeezed my shoulder. “Have some faith, Matthew.” 
He quickly scurried away before I could do anything in retaliation for using my full name. A familiar car pulled up which made Noah sprint towards it and wrap his arms around the figure that stepped out from behind the steering wheel. My heart ached while watching the love they shared, like it always did. I wasn’t jealous of either of them. I was jealous of what they had. 
“Matt!” Her voice called over from where Noah had her in his arms. “Are you riding with us?” 
Putting on my best fake smile, I gave her a thumbs up. “Just promise no dessert nicknames the entire drive, please?”
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Stifling a yawn behind my hand, I let my shoes scuff along the pavement as I walked up the familiar drive, the rising sun casting me in an everglow of orange and golden hues. The birds sang their morning songs and the grass was still wet with the morning dew as I came to a stop in the somewhat empty parking lot. I’d expected everyone to be here, ready to load up, but then again I was ten minutes early. Not wanting to leave my car here for three weeks, I had Tay drop me off. My plan for running into a certain someone failed when we got too caught up watching a crime documentary on her television. 
“You’re early.” 
Whirling around at the voice, I saw Matt leaning against the door of the tour bus drowning in a hoodie and joggers. He gave off a comfortable vibe that nearly matched my own. Knowing we had a long drive to the first city, I opted to wear biker shorts and an oversized shirt; one that caught Matt’s eyes immediately but never saying anything about it.
Adjusting my backpack, I gripped the handle of my suitcase a little tighter. 
“I’m an early bird,” I shrugged. “Figured it was better to be early rather than late.”
Matt hummed, the noise vibrating in his chest, and I felt his burning gaze all over me. We were standing close to each other and I could feel his body heat radiate off of him, encasing me. The sunrise caught the darkness of his eyes causing them to sparkle and I drank in the sight of the faint stubble that peppered his chin. The sharpness of his cheekbones and the way they could cut my finger if I dragged it across it had me halting doing so. The way my skin ignited as his gaze lingered on my face made my heart skip a beat. It was as if he was taking his own mental pictures but never once making a sound or moving. Simply leaning against the bus while I squirmed on my feet. Teal strands of hair fell into my eyes and I gently brushed them away. I could have sworn I had the softest intake of breath from Matt but it was so quiet, I wasn’t sure. 
He nodded towards my suitcase. “Can I?” 
With a nod, I let him take it to put it in the undercarriage part of the bus, the calloused skin of his fingers brushing along my knuckles and instantaneously, I felt something spark inside of me. If Matt felt it, he made no indication and set my suitcase alongside all of the others.  Then with a swift nod towards the door, he motioned for me to follow him up the stairs. 
“Everyone is awake so no need to be quiet,” Matt said. 
When we stepped into the main area of the bus, I felt myself freeze when a few different sets of eyes landed on me. Bryan gave me a wave and a smile while I looked at the four other men that were scattered throughout. I recognized them from not only knowing who Bad Omens were but also Lana’s rundown texts. 
“You must be Faye,” Jolly wiped a hand on a towel as he was stocking the fridge. 
“Nice to meet you,” I shook his hand.
Then after meeting Nicholas, I noticed Nick sitting in the far corner booth of the small kitchen area, a somber smile on his face. 
“You’ll have to excuse him,” Nicholas sighed. “Relationship trouble.”
“Fuck,” I muttered under my breath. “What’s in the California water? That’s the third relationship trouble I’ve heard of in the last twenty four hours.” 
When Nicholas raised a brow, I explained not only were Nick and Jesse going through something but so was my friend, Tay. 
“Jolly, you better watch out. You could be next,” Steven teased after we exchanged greetings. 
Jolly was silent, muttering something to himself in Sweden before retreating to the back of the bus. From what Lana told me, Jolly was in a relationship but it had been hard for him and his girlfriend. Almost everyone in this friend group had a significant other. Besides Matt and Bryan. 
At the thought of Matt, I quickly peeked through the strands of hair that fell into my face yet again to see that he had sat on one of the couches and kept his attention on his phone. 
“Or Noah’s relationship could be next,” Bryan chuckled. “Him and-.”
“We are perfectly fine, thank you. No need to worry,” Noah’s voice echoed throughout the bus as he stepped into the main area. 
They all gave him a quick wave in greeting and when he saw me standing there, clutching my things, he raised a brow. 
“Did anyone show you to your bunk?” 
I shook my head. “No. I mean, I could find it myself but I didn’t want to make it seem like I’m imposing where I shouldn’t be.” 
My hands shook with nerves and I could practically feel my heart pounding in my throat and ears. It felt like everyone was staring at me, even though I knew it wasn't the case. Noah glanced over to Matt, who still couldn’t be bothered to look away from his phone, and then let out a long sigh. 
“Come on. If my girlfriend found out that I didn’t give you the proper welcoming tour, she’d kick my ass,” Noah smiled before leading me towards the back area of the bus that housed the bunks. 
“Not that you would complain,” Bryan chuckled from behind us. 
“Some of us snore; me included. So I hope you brought some headphones,” Noah joked. 
All I could do was give a small smile and set my backpack down on the empty bunk he pointed too. It was the last one available on the top left, closer to the back lounge. 
It was still early morning and the lack of sleep from last night was beginning to creep deep in my bones. Noah let out a small laugh when he saw me try to hide a yawn behind my hand. 
“You should get some sleep. We’ve got a long drive to the next city,” he suggested.
I waved him off. “I’ll be alright. I feel like maybe I should sit and chat with you guys. Get to know you.” 
“After you,” Noah extended a tattooed arm back to the front of the bus. 
There was only one spot left to sit; right next to Matt. Noah opted to help Jolly set up a little breakfast while I slowly sat down on the couch, purposely leaving a few feet between Matt and I. 
“So, Faye. Lana is your cousin?” Nicholas wondered while sitting across from me. 
I pulled my knees up to my chest, trying to find a comfortable position that would help ease my nerves. “Yeah. Our mom’s are sisters.” 
“Photography runs in the family, huh?” Bryan now asked as he was messing around with his camera. 
“Yeah,” I smiled. “My dad did it as a hobby while I was growing up but I was always interested. When I was old enough and wanted to start myself, he gave me one of his older ones. I don’t use that one as much, only for really special occasions.”
“Lana said you two are pretty close,” Jolly said. 
I nodded before tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. “I grew up with four brothers; three older and one younger. So I spent as much time as I could at Lana’s house.”
We all continued to chat for a while, long after the bus finally began moving and the sun rose to its full heightened glory. It surprised me how easy it was to talk to all of them. Well, almost all of them. 
Matt didn’t say one word the entire time, simply kept to himself while typing away on his phone. Never once did I bother to glance over at him with the looming curiosity as to what he was doing on his phone for the last two hours. While everyone made me feel welcome and comfortable, I couldn’t ignore the weird vibe I was getting from Matt. It was as if I was a pest infiltrating a home that was designed to keep me away. But I somehow managed to sneak in through the smallest of cracks. 
Yet I also couldn't ignore the way my heart raced as I sat next to him. Or the way my blood pulsated inside of my veins when he shifted in his spot and our knees bumped against each other. I definitely couldn’t ignore the way Matt’s fingers twitched when I rested my hand between us on the couch. Ever so softly, I felt the calloused pad of this thumb brush along my wrist; so quick I nearly missed it. 
Bryan and I were having a deep conversation on different ways we could work together on this tour that I didn’t realize Matt had retreated to the back of the bus. It wasn’t until I dismissed myself from the group with the muttering of wanting to take a nap that I found Matt standing in the narrow hallway between the bunks. 
I knew I would need to squeeze past him to reach my bunk but it was then I realized he was also climbing down from his bunk; across from mine. 
“Scuse me,” I mumbled while brushing past him, his chest nearly touching mine. 
Silence must have been Matt’s strong suit because yet again, he said nothing. Standing toe to toe with him, I saw those dark eyes stare down at me underneath his hat. His pupils dilated causing his eyes to darken even more when his gaze rested on my lips as I spoke. 
“I need to get up in my bunk,” I breathed, afraid to raise my voice above a whisper. 
Agitation began to weigh heavy within me when Matt still said nothing, simply continued to stare at me. I knew I should keep it in check, not snap at him since he was technically my boss, but if this is how he was going to act the entire three weeks, there would be no possible way I’d be able to keep myself calm. 
“Do you have a problem, Matthew?” I asked while crossing my arms over my chest. 
His lips twitched. “It’s Matt.” 
“That seems like something I’d call you if we were friends. You’ve been giving me the silent treatment since I met you yesterday. So it’s Matthew,” I shrugged. 
Due to the tight space between us, I could feel his warm breath as it brushed over my lips when he cocked his head to the side. Every single fiber of my being felt like it had been set ablaze with that look alone and even though my hands were tucked away, I could still feel them shaking. My heart was beating hard against the cage in my chest and I knew Matt was able to hear it.
His tongue darted out to wet his lips and I smelled the briefest scent of mint. The feeling of skin on skin had my eyes casting down to my leg where Matt’s fingers gently grazed over exposed skin of my thigh. I shivered underneath the touch, letting him know how much of an effect he had on me. It shouldn’t be like this, I didn’t know more than a few things Lana told me about him. But somehow he managed to sink his way inside of my mind. 
Last night while I was trying to sleep, I’d been plagued with images of Matt. It didn’t help that our meeting earlier in the evening was short so once I was home and settled, I looked him up on social media. Not much gave him away on Twitter besides the occasional snarky remark that had me shaking my head and videos of racoons that had me smiling. On Instagram, I spent a few minutes scrolling through and mentally liking his pictures. 
Until I actually liked one of his pictures. 
From six months ago. 
It was of him holding a kiwi guava flavored Celisus while standing in front of a cardboard cut out of one. I hadn’t noticed I accidentally liked it until I was scrolling back up a few minutes later and nearly fell out of my bed when I saw the red heart underneath the picture. I knew un liking the picture would do no good. There wasn’t a doubt in my mind Matt had seen the notification. 
Maybe he didn’t since he made no mention of it. Or maybe he had seen it. It would explain the sly smirk playing on his lips at the moment. 
“Consider yourself lucky. I don’t let anyone call me Matthew,” he hummed before slipping past me, back to the front of the bus. 
I stood there for a moment, eyes unblinking, as the scent of him lingered in the air. It filled my senses and brought an oddly calm feeling over me. But that’s not what gave me pause. It was his words.
With a groan, I ran a hand down my face and climbed up into my bunk with the hope that a nap would cool down my heated skin. It wasn’t until I was comfortable in the bunk, wrapped underneath the blanket with my phone, I saw the notification from Instagram that came in over an hour ago; while I was sitting next to him and talking with Bryan. 
Mattxdierkes followed you. 
Mattxdierkes liked your photo. 
“Shit,” I muttered while clicking on the notification. 
It was a picture of me standing in front of the ocean during a gloomy morning, wearing a white cable knit sweater. You could barely see my face due to my teal hair covering it. The caption was a simple wave emoji. It was also posted last year meaning Matt had also done his own stalking. Although, a little voice in the back of my mind told me that this was not an accidental like. Matt meant it, which meant he knew about my own stalking.
Grumbling a slew of curses to myself, I buried my phone underneath the pillow and let the thought of sleep take me away. 
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Running a hand through my long and unruly hair, I did my best to comb out the knots before sliding a hat over it. I twisted and turned my neck to each side, breathing out a soft groan when the necessary bones cracked and popped. Years of touring with my old band and Bad Omens did a number on my back and neck but I tried not to complain too much. I love what I do and the people I do it with. But that didn’t mean I had to love the bunks I slept in. 
The first three days of the tour flew by and with today’s off day, every single one of us was desperate for a relaxing day filled with brunch and touring the city. 
With a quick flick of my eyes over to the bunk across from mine, I noticed that Faye’s was empty with the blanket and pillow fixed neatly. My heart began to race at the thought of her teal hair spread out against the silk pillowcase while she slept. Unlike all of us, she kept the curtain of her bunk open because of this irrational fear that she would suffocate. 
“I hate feeling like I’m enclosed in a tight space,” she shrugged while Bryan jokingly teased her for it. 
Faye almost immediately fit in with all of us, like she’d been working on the crew for years. Night one, her and Bryan found the perfect rhythm together; never once stepping on each other's toes. She understood Bryan was the main photographer so she opted in getting pictures of things he didn’t. Some that involved the sound deck. 
More importantly, me. 
I had every intention of keeping my guard up around her but the more her bright eyes shined at me and the way her melodic laugh reached my ears, I felt those walls slowly starting to chip away. Faye was there from set up to tear down helping all of us, never once complaining. Even after some long days, she always went to bed with a smile on her face; one that I couldn’t stop thinking about. 
When Lana first told us that her cousin would be filling in for her, I immediately did my own research. I found her photography Instagram along with her personal one; it wasn’t until recently that I decided to follow both of them. But from the first moment I saw her most recent picture, Faye took my breath away. 
It wasn’t anything extravagant, a simple selfie in front of a large mirror. She was wearing a golden sundress, showcasing off her long legs and the tattoo on her left arm of six fairies, surrounded by different flowers. Her teal hair cascaded down her back in waves, giving her an even more ethereal aura and it made my heart stutter in my chest. 
I told myself not to get in over my head with these feelings. It was a simple crush that would lead to nothing. She was only joining us for a few weeks and once we returned back to Los Angeles, we would all part ways. No use in getting my heart broken; again. 
But when I received the notification from Instagram about her liking an older picture of mine, I couldn’t stop the smile that came to my face. It was evident I had been on her mind as well. Again, I told myself not to think too much of it because it could have been an honest mistake. 
Was it an honest mistake when she brushed her hand against yours? Or when she stood a little too close to you in the sound deck last night?
Groaning at the voice in my mind, I remembered the scent of Faye as she took a few minute breather during Miracle last night. She’d taken some videos from my spot in the sound deck and decided to hang back for a long moment, watching the set with a look of awe in those bright eyes. I did my best to focus on my work but the scent of her peach shampoo grazed my nose causing me to sigh in content. All of the blood rushed through my body with heat and I felt my cock twitch underneath my sweats when her shoulder brushed against my arm.
“Everything alright?” She asked. 
I nodded, hitting the necessary buttons to cue up the next song. “Yep. Totally fine.”
Everything was not fine. 
I couldn’t stop thinking about the small smile that played on her lips while she watched the guys perform their set. I couldn’t forget the way she smelled or the way my body ignited with just her simple touch. 
What started off as a closed off relationship slowly began to blossom into a growing friendship. I was no longer giving her the cold shoulder, actually conversing with her when we were in the same room. Faye began to warm up to me as well, learning quickly that this “hater mode” people thought I had was only ever directed to people outside of my family. 
She still called me Matthew though and I wasn’t about to admit to anyone how much I liked it when it fell from her pink lips; the ones that were always shiny from the gloss. 
With a groan, I dragged a hand over my face before pulling out my phone to send a text to Noah. 
Me: I’ll be there soon. Woke up late. 
Almost immediately he texted back. 
Noah Seb: Cool. We just got here. Faye should be waiting for you.
“What?” I muttered as I came into view of the front area of the bus, my eyes immediately connecting with those bright hazel ones that began plaguing my every thought. 
Fay was sitting crossed legged on one of the couches with a book in her lap, teal waves falling over her face. I noticed how content she was reading, her bottom lip caught between her teeth. There were a few flowers placed behind her head, intertwined within her hair, and when she finally glanced up from her book due to me walking into view, she gave me a small smile. 
“I was wondering when you were going to wake up,” she pulled out one of the flowers from her hair to use it as a bookmark and then she closed the book, setting it on the seat next to her. 
The Hobbit by J.R.R Tolkien. 
It felt as if my soul had been intertwined with hers, connecting on such a level that I could feel something inside of me pulsating; bringing me closer to Faye. 
This is that bullshit Noah was always jabbering about.
Shaking the thought from my mind, I rubbed a hand over the tattoo on my left arm; the one dedicated to The Lord of The Rings. Anytime I was around her, I always wore long sleeves so she never saw it but now that I wore shorter sleeves thanks to the warmer weather, Faye’s eyes quickly tracked my movement and I heard her suck in a breath. 
“Elvish?” She rose to her feet and motioned towards the script writing along my wrist. 
“Y-yeah. It’s one of my favorite movies,” I rubbed at the back of my neck, suddenly nervous under her gaze. 
Those hazel eyes sparkled as they tracked over every line of ink on my arm and eventually she sighed. “I never thought I’d be jealous of you, Matthew.”
I snorted. “I’ll take that as a win.”
We stood there for a long beat, both just staring at each other, and that magnetic pull I felt earlier was stronger now. It vibrated against my body, almost like it was forcing its way out so it could connect with Faye. 
“We should have a marathon one day. Watch all six movies; The Hobbit and The Lord of The Rings,” she spoke while still looking at the tattoo on my arm. 
My mouth ran dry, trying to figure out what the best way to respond without sounding desperate because that’s all I wanted to do. Maybe we could skip out on brunch and hang back on the bus, just the two of us, and watch them.
Instead, no words came out of my mouth. They were tangled on my tongue and I looked like an idiot standing in front of her with moving lips that said nothing. 
I could feel her starting to pull away from me and desperate to feel some kind of contact again, I let my fingers reach for her hand to link our fingers together until she cleared her throat and motioned towards the outside. 
“We should probably go. I don’t want to keep them waiting.” 
“Sure,” I nodded. 
The walk to the restaurant was quiet as she walked a few paces ahead of me, holding the camera close to her chest. She wore a flowy white sundress, highlighting her skin even more and the soles of her sandals smacked against the concrete making it look like she was floating in the air as she skipped. Taking my phone out of my pocket, I typed out a message to Noah. 
Me: Dude, she was reading The Hobbit. She’s a fan of LOTR.
Noah Seb: Have you guys left yet? I’m starving. 
Rolling my eyes, I replied. 
Me: Did you not see what I said? She was reading The Hobbit! What are the odds she’d be reading that book?
Me: Also, yes we're on our way. 
I glanced up from my phone in time to catch Faye taking a picture of me. 
“Whoever you were texting, must have been serious because of the look on your face,” she informed me in regards to my raised brow. 
“Yeah, you could say that,” I muttered under my breath before texting Noah again, who had yet to respond. 
Me: She saw my LOTR tattoo and made a comment of maybe watching the movies together. I was an idiot and didn’t know what to say so I said nothing. She probably thinks I don’t want to. But I do.
Me: She probably doesn't feel the same. There’s no use getting my hopes up for something that won’t happen. I need to focus on work. 
Noah Seb: Is this how I was? In the beginning?
I snorted. 
Me: No, you two were worse.
Pocketing my phone, I followed step in step with Faye as we turned the corner, the restaurant coming into view. Her aura radiated like wings fluttering, making my heart do the same when she glanced up at me. 
She gave me a smile of thanks as I opened the door for her, her scent was all consuming when she walked past me. The restaurant was busy for a late Saturday morning which made the front waiting area packed causing me to slide up behind Faye. People were brushing past us to find their way out and nearly stumbling into her, I grasped both hands on her hips to keep myself steady. 
“Sorry,” I breathed against the shell of her ear. “Some asshole nearly knocked me over.” 
She giggled, the sound making my stomach flutter. I wasn’t sure what shifted between us from our first meeting, maybe it was the fact that I was starting to open up to her more that I was seeing a different side of Faye; a softer side. 
“It’s alright, Matthew,” she glanced over her shoulder to me. 
She still called me Matthew but I wasn’t about to correct her or tell her how much I loved it.
“Oh, look!” Faye pointed towards the large table in the far corner of the restaurant where everyone had been waiting for us. 
The immense cold I felt when she slipped through my grasp made me shudder and reluctantly, I followed behind her; my eyes never leaving her back. 
Something Nicholas caught but said nothing as I sat next to him. The only other open spot was next to me which is where Faye was, already talking with Jolly. Eyes grazed over the menu, trying to figure out what to get when soft fingers grazed over my arm, causing me to shiver under her touch. 
“What are you going to get?” Faye wondered. 
“Not sure. What about you?” 
She pursed those plump lips and my eyes locked in on them, desperately wanting to know what they tasted like. 
“I can’t decide. The eggs benedict sounds good but the french toast is calling my name,” she sighed dreamily at the pictures of the food. 
For the next while as the waitress came to take our orders, I busied myself on my phone to make sure everything was set up for the show tomorrow. Everyones conversations were hushed around me doing my best to focus on my phone and not the person beside me. The way her voice sounded so magical or the way she looked intently at Noah across the table as he divulged about his relationship. 
Now that he was finally where he wanted to be with her, Noah wouldn’t stop talking about her any chance he could. 
“She was actually the one who suggested I add the woo in The Death of Peace of Mind,” Noah chuckled while taking a long drink of his water. 
“I was wondering where that came from,” Faye said. 
Finally finished with the work on my phone, I set it down just as our food came and the waitress placed the eggs benedict in front of me. Immediately I took half of it and set it on an extra plate, sliding it over to Faye. 
“Matthew,” she smiled. “You don’t need to share your food with me.” 
I shrugged while licking off the sauce from my finger. “This way you get what you wanted.” 
Her eyes were fixated on my thumb gliding over my bottom lip before she seemed to snap out of it and cut her french toast in half to set it on my plate. 
“Wow, sharing food? Matt doesn’t share food with anyone,” Bryan said. “I actually don’t think any of these guys share their food with their girlfriends.” 
Noah snorted. “Excuse me? I’ll remind you I always share with-.” 
Once again their conversations fell away as I ate quietly, every so often glancing over to Faye who was already watching me. There was the smallest bit of powdered sugar on the corner of her lips, almost teasing me to lick it clean. But before I could give in to the urge, she wiped it away with a finger after she caught me staring. 
With the plates cleared from the table and the bill in front of me, I started to grab my wallet the same time Faye began to reach for her purse. 
“Don’t worry about it,” Nick waved her off. “Matthew pays.” 
My eyes sliced into him. “It’s Matt.” 
“Matt pays. Or should I say, the business always pays,” Nick corrected himself. 
“Oh,” Faye’s eyes sparked over at me and she bumped her shoulder with mine. “I knew there was a reason why I liked you.”
On the walk back to the bus, I hung back with Noah and Jolly while Faye and Bryan talked about all the different shots and videos they could get tomorrow night. She’d been wanting to try out the video aspect of her camera and Bryan mentioned that he’d be more than happy to show her how. 
“You’re staring,” Jolly’s voice broke through my trance on Faye’s side profile. 
Pushing his shoulder, I shook my head and focused my attention straight ahead. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” 
Noah ran a hand through his hair. “I don’t know why you’re trying to hide how you feel about it. It’s clear there’s some kind of feeling there.” 
“The last thing I need right now is a relationship. Especially with someone who works for me. It’s bound to get messy,” I said. 
“You don’t know that, Matt,” Jolly adjusted his sunglasses. “You deserve to be happy too.” 
I shrugged. “She’s twenty five. I’m almost thirty.” 
Noah pulled me to a stop and removed his sunglasses momentarily. “Is that what's stopping you?” 
Sighing, I scuffed my shoe against a rock. “It wouldn’t work out. I’m trying to save us both from heartbreak when it comes eventually.” 
Not wanting to explain my reasoning any further, I gave them a weak smile before walking the last little distance to the bus. But my footsteps faltered when I noticed a small stand set up right next to where our bus was parked. 
Fresh Flowers. 
I lingered on one set of flowers, the vivid color reminding me of someone sweet. While the rest of the guys ascended the bus, I held back to wait in line. Five minutes later, I stepped into the main area of the bus where Faye was sitting back in her previous spot from earlier, The Hobbit perched in her lap again. Those hazel eyes glimmered when she glanced up at me and I swore all of the breath was stolen from my lungs. 
“What’s this?” She motioned to the single flower in my grasp. 
“Uh, Tulips. It reminded me of you,” my voice shook with nerves as I hastily handed the teal flower to her. 
She twirled it in her fingers while bringing it to her nose to smell it. 
“Thank you, Matthew. This was very sweet of you.” 
The smile that played on her lips was one of the most genuine ones I’d ever seen and it made that invisible string inside me vibrate with such a force, I nearly stumbled on my feet. 
“You’re welcome,” I gave her a small smile before making my way to the bunk area of the bus. 
Jolly had been leaning against the kitchen counter with a sly smile on his lips causing me to roll my eyes at him and grumble a few curses under my breath. I could continue to lie to myself and say that I didn’t think of Faye like that. But it was all a lie, everyone knew it. In the short amount of time she’d been a part of our crew, she managed to also become a part of me in a way that had me wondering how the hell that happened.
I thought Noah was crazy for spewing all that shit about soulmates but every time I watched Faye, I couldn’t help but think that maybe he was right. Because the feeling that stirred inside of me every time Faye and I were close to each other was unexplainable. 
Faye was her own mythological being in the sense that she captivated my interests the moment my eyes caught sight of her. The desperation to find out everything I could about her was heavy on my heart. I tried to tell myself that I would never work between us yet every passing moment in her presence told me otherwise. Her spirit was unlike any other. It held so much light, wonder, and magic.
Her name gave way to who she was as a person. 
My little fairy.
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“Faye, where are you?” 
Cursing at the voice that crackled through the radio, I adjusted the box of merch on my hip so I could answer Steven. 
“I’m grabbing the last box of shirts. Is the back door still propped open?” 
“Yep. But heads up, fans are starting to be let in so it’s already crowded at the merch table.”
“Great,” I grumbled under my breath before carrying the box from the truck back into the venue. 
It had been a very long day and the show hadn’t even started yet. I woke up late after not being able to sleep due to a rough drive from city to city. There had been some confusion on when we’d be allowed into the venue which caused Matt to go full thot blaster mode but even so, we weren’t allowed in until three this afternoon. The guys had to rush through a soundcheck while Steven had trouble setting up the merch table so I spent the last two hours helping him. We were rushing to get things set up in time before doors opened but it proved to be futile when I saw the crowds rushing inside. 
My mind had been held up by one recurring moment that happened earlier today; one that continued to make me blush. 
“Does this sound funky to you?” Folio asked while messing with his drum kit. 
Kooter shrugged. “I think it sounds fine, man. You might just be overthinking it.”
I was walking past the stage when Folio stopped me. “Faye, do the kick pedals sound off?”
With my urging, he messed around with the kick pedals of his drum set which in turn made me shrug. 
“I’m no professional like Kooter but it does sound fine to me.” 
A warm presence was felt behind me before a can dripping with condensation was held in front of my face. 
I peered a glance over my shoulder towards Matt, who shook the Celsius can in front of my face. 
“I figured you’d need this today,” he said. 
A large smile broke out on my face as I took the can, immediately popping it open. “Arctic Vibe? I’ve never had this flavor.” 
Matt rubbed the back of his neck. “It reminded me of your hair.”
We stood like that, him behind me with me turning half of my body towards him. We were so close, I could feel the warmth radiate off of him in droves and when he reached a hand up towards my hair his actions were halted by Folio calling for him. 
“Matt! I need your opinion!”
He left my side with a soft brush of fingers against my hand.
I’d been hurriedly trying to get back inside with my mind full of Matt, I didn’t see the large curb causing me to stumble and drop the box of shirts all over the parking lot. I hissed when the stinging pain burned in my knee and noticed I ripped a large hole in my leggings. Blood oozed from the wound on and I pressed a hand to it trying to stop it. 
“Fuck,” I blew out a shaky breath, doing my best to keep the tears from falling. 
Through the tears, I watched as Matt walked out of the venue, worry evident on his face. 
“What happened?” 
“I’m a fucking klutz and tripped,” I mumbled. 
He was quick to kneel in front of me, gently removing my hand to check out the damage to my knee and winced. 
“Come on,” his voice was gentle as his arms lifted me from the ground, carrying me bridal style over towards the tour bus on the other end of the lot. 
“The shirts!” I peered over his shoulder to the scattered pile of Bad Omens merch. 
Matt sighed before motioning to the radio strung over my chest so I pressed down the button. 
“Faye took a nasty fall in the parking lot while carrying the box of shirts. Can anyone scoop them up before someone finds them to sell them on Ebay?” 
I snickered at the distaste in Matt’s voice. 
“I’ve got it,” Noah’s voice came through the radio. “Does anyone need to scoop Faye up?” 
“Already handled,” I replied. 
A round of teasing ‘ooooo’s’ prompted Matt to shut off the radio as we reached the tour bus. All of the blood that wasn’t rushing to the hole in my knee was found warming my cheeks when I noticed how close our faces were to one another. I observed the lines next to his eyes, showing how exhausted he was. It was only one week into the tour and we still had two more to go. There were freckles lining the bridge of his nose that were really prominent when the sunlight casted over his face. He wore his hat backwards, allowing me to gaze into those dark eyes that seemed to go deeper than the ocean with their depths. 
“What?” He questioned, carrying me up the stairs of the bus. 
“No-nothing,” I breathed. 
For the last week I’d been telling myself not to fall for him. I wasn’t here for a relationship. I was here for work. I didn’t need to get distracted with the first pair of eyes that looked at me. 
Even if those eyes seemed to emit light whenever I caught them watching me; which was pretty often. 
Given the small space in the back area of the bus, Matt had to maneuver us so he was able to carry me into the bathroom. 
“I can walk,” I reminded him as he kicked open the bathroom door. 
Matt made a noise that sounded like I offended him while setting me down on the edge of the bathroom counter. The bathroom was the smallest part of the bus and with me sitting on the counter, Matt had to stand between my legs. Due to the slight height difference, I was the one staring down at him for once, only by an inch or two. 
My eyes tracked as his throat bobbed when he took a deep breath, spreading his hands on either side of me to rest on the edge of the counter. Our shared body heat wrapped around us in a makeshift cocoon, locking us in. 
“Does it hurt?” Matt’s voice was barely above a whisper. 
“A bit, yeah,” I admitted with an even quieter voice than his. 
His eyes flicked down to my lips before slowly he kneeled in front of my injured knee to get a better look at it. 
“Well, I don’t think you need stitches but I should clean it to get a better look at it,” his gaze swept up to me. 
When I nodded, he rummaged underneath the sink between my legs to pull out the first aid kit. 
“How connected to these leggings are you?” 
My brows furrowed at his question. “Huh?” 
The round of fabric ripped echoed in the small confines of the bathroom and I gaped at Matt who managed to rip the leggings away from me, knee down. The entire action made something burn inside of me. The way the muscles in his arms flexed as he pulled the last bit of the material away from my leg. 
Fuck, why was that so hot? 
Maybe because you want him to do that to the rest of your clothes. 
“Please don’t kick me,” Matt said. 
“What-Fuck!” I bellowed when the sting of hydrogen peroxide seeped into my open wound. 
Out of a normal reaction, I jerked my leg only for Matt to wrap his strong arm around it, keeping locked against him. 
“I said please,” he exasperated while keeping his eyes on mine. 
“It fucking hurt!” I yelled. 
His jaw ticked. “I didn’t realize how much of a baby you were.” 
I scoffed in disbelief. “Has anyone told you how much of an ass you are sometimes?” 
The arm that wasn't holding onto my leg shrugged. “Yes, but not to the ones I care about.” 
I sat on his words for a moment, trying to understand if I heard him right. 
“Does that mean you care about me?” I finally voiced my curiosity. 
Matt tenderly brushed a cotton ball across the cut on my knee before his warm breath fanned across it causing me to shiver. 
“I’m squished in this small ass bathroom to take care of your knee, what do you think?” 
He gave his infamous Matt Dierkes smirk and I rolled my eyes playfully before watching him clean the wound on my knee then placing a small bandage over it. 
“Am I going to live, doctor?” I teased. 
Matt hummed deep, the sound vibrating in his chest as his fingers grazed up and down my exposed leg, the sensation sending shockwaves through my veins. He slowly rose to full height again, face now meters from mine, and I sucked in a breath when I felt his warm breath fan over my lips. 
“I think,” his hand ghosted over my hip. “I think you might need another check up later. Just to make sure.”
My cheeks burned and I cast my eyes down to my hands that were in my lap, unable to meet his intense gaze. 
Calloused fingers lifted my chin, forcing me to lock eyes with him, and I scrunched up my nose when I realized what he had called me. 
“What did you say?” My voice croaked out. 
Matt’s cheeks were warm to the touch as my finger grazed over those defined cheekbones. His eyes fluttered shut with every tender stroke against his smooth skin and he let out a content sigh. 
“Fairy,” he repeated and it made my stomach flip three times over. 
He traced over the fairy tattoos on my arm, following the intricate designs of the flowers, and I leaned in closer to his touch. It managed to awake something inside of me that I never knew lay dormant. It was as if a flame slowly ignited with each passing touch or stolen glance and now that Matt’s lips were so close to mine, an outburst of something I wasn’t quite ready to understand was moments away from happening. 
“No one’s ever called me that before,” I admitted with a shaky breath. 
“Do you like it?”
I swallowed thickly while tracing my nail over the slight pout of his bottom lip. “I do.”
The noise that erupted from Matt’s throat was almost sinful and I felt something twinge inside of me. 
“Good, because it stays. Fairy.”
Dark eyes weighed heavy on my awaiting lips as hands held onto my thighs, spreading my legs further apart for Matt to step into. I hesitantly reached for his shirt, the material clinging to my fingertips. The magnetic pull that was always felt between us was stronger now. My soul was practically reaching for his, desperate for a connection it had been looking for ever since I was born. 
I never was one to believe in soulmates growing up but my father was certain that mine was out there because he had found his in my mother. Yet with the way my soul felt alive inside of me, I couldn’t help but think that maybe my father was right. 
“Matthew,” I gasped when his lips ever so gently brushed along mine. 
“Fairy, I-.” 
Both of us pushed away from each other at the shrill voice that seemed to bounce off the walls of the bathroom and when my eyes landed on an unfamiliar figure standing in the doorway of the bathroom with a shocked look on her face. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Matt snapped while standing in front of me in a way to block me. 
The young female blinked a few times as her mouth mimicked a fish out of water. “I thought I’d catch Noah.” 
I could see the muscles in Matt’s back constricted as the rage began to build inside of him. Some fan had managed to get onto the bus with hopes of catching Noah doing something. 
Fucking unbelievable.
“Ash, we’ve got an issue on the tour bus. We could use you over here,” I spoke into my radio after turning it back on. 
“Everything alright?” Ash’s voice came through. 
Matt ripped the radio from my hand. “We have a strangler on the bus.” 
“What the fuck? How did that happen?” 
Noah’s voice was filled with his own anger and agitation because he felt as if all of our personal space was tainted by some fan that couldn’t respect our boundaries. 
A look of guilt crossed Matt’s features which gave me pause on why he felt that way. We weren't doing anything wrong. It wasn’t our fault a fan snuck up on the bus. 
Soon, thunderous steps echoed in the bus and I quickly hopped off the counter and shield myself behind Matt even more. The fan’s head whipped wildly from us to now Ash who arrived with another security guard and Noah in tow. 
“I just wanted a picture with Noah!” She bellowed while throwing her hands up. “I didn’t expect to see these two kissing!” 
All the blood drained from my face when I realized that she must have been standing there for longer than we thought. 
“We weren’t kissing, I was bandaging up her knee,” Matt said while clenching his fists at his side. 
My eyes snapped up from the dirty floor of the bathroom and quietly scoffed at his words. Technically we didn’t kiss but for him to act like it almost didn’t happen made my stomach drop. 
While Ash and the other guard escorted the girl off of the bus and most likely off the grounds in general, Noah’s eyes narrowed at us. 
“How long was she in here for?” He asked with his hands on his hips. 
Matt ran a hand over his face. “Man, I don’t know. I was in here helping Faye when that chick popped up out of nowhere.” 
“Faye?” Noah’s voice softened when he took one glance at the way my lips turned down in a low scowl. “Everything alright?” 
“Fine,” I blew out a shaky breath and brushed past Matt out of the bathroom. 
Stopping momentarily in the tight space of the hallway, I glanced back at Matt and gave him my best forced smile “I’m good. I’m going to change my pants and then I’ll meet you guys inside.” 
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I followed Matt closely as we stepped off the bus to give Faye some privacy and when we were out of earshot, I pulled him to a stop. 
“You kissed her?” I asked. 
He sighed while taking off his hat to shake out his hair. “No, well almost. I probably would have if that fan hadn’t snuck up on the bus. Which, I don’t even know how they did. If I wasn’t so distracted with Faye maybe-.” 
I cut him off by grabbing his shoulders. “Matt, that wasn’t your fault. Unfortunately, this shit happens.” 
“This could have been much worse,” he said, anger still heavy in his voice. “I should go help Ash deal with that. Be a manager and not some dude distracted by some crush.”
“Why do you keep trying to tell yourself that this is only some crush? It’s clear both of you have feelings for each other. Just admit it to each other.” I said. 
Matt hesitated for a long moment, trying to gather his thoughts. “I can’t admit something knowing that in the end, it won’t work out. I’m her boss. That’s all I can be.” 
I furrowed my brows. “You don’t know that things won’t work out.” 
Before Matt could respond, Faye stepped out of the bus with her camera clutched around her neck and paid no mind to either of us as she scurried inside the venue; his eyes never leaving her. 
“Is this because of your own fears that you’re keeping yourself from something that could potentially make you happy?” I wondered. 
He snorted before placing his hat back on. “You see a shrink once a week and now you think you’re some great philosopher.” 
Playfully pushing him, we began to walk back towards the venue step in step. “She knows a thing or two about relationships. Why do you think mine is flourishing right now?” 
Once inside, we took the back hallway towards the greenroom where everyone had been hanging out. Matt’s eyes immediately found Faye who was sitting on the couch setting up her camera for tonight. The way he watched her so intently brought a small smile to my face because it was something I would do. He could tell himself a thousand times over that this relationship wouldn't work because he’s her boss but with that gillmer of light that shined in his eyes whenever he watched Faye, we all knew those words meant nothing. 
“Don’t rid yourself of happiness, Matt,” I squeezed my best friend's shoulder. “You deserve it.” 
All he did was hum, still keeping his eyes trained on Faye. 
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The crowd was electric tonight, feeding off the energy Bad Omens radiated from the stage. It put a big pep in my step as I found myself bobbing my head along to the music while snapping countless pictures of them. It helped keep my mind off of the almost kiss in the tour bus bathroom but now that I had decided to let Byran work the main stage and saunter over towards the sound deck, all I could think about was Matt. 
How close he was to me in the small space. 
How warm his body felt against mine and the way he grasped onto me like I would slip through his fingers. 
I wanted to know how he tasted, how his lips felt as they moved against mine. 
At first, I was upset when he brushed off the almost kiss but the more I thought about it, I realized that maybe it was better he did. We both got lost in the haze that we nearly cost Bad Omens a lot with that fan sneaking up on the bus. So I told myself that I needed to focus on my job which is what I originally was here for. 
The second I stepped into the sound desk, Matt’s eyes quickly found mine from underneath the rim of his hat. It was the intermission part of the show so Matt had been typing away on his phone but when he saw me, quickly he pocketed it. 
“Hi,” he said over the music and noise from the crowd. 
I swallowed thickly. “Hi.”
He shifted in his spot. “How’s your knee?” 
“Hurts like a bitch but I’ll live,” I shrugged while holding onto my camera.
Silence for a long beat before Matt motioned to the stage. 
“How’s it going up there?” 
“Good,” I nodded while taking a step towards him. “Everything sounds great. But I wanted to get a look at the visuals from here if that’s alright?
He extended a hand next to him. “You don’t have to ask, Faye.”
Slinking up next to him, I sucked in a breath when the familiar feeling of Matt encased around me. It pulled me further and further down the abyss that was him and no matter how hard I tried to crawl my way out, I knew it was futile. My heart desperately wanted to be here. 
Neither of us said anything, Matt clicking away on his laptop and me quickly checking my emails. I’d been waiting on an important one the last few days and the anxiety of not knowing if I got the job or not was making it hard to focus on other things. 
Besides Matt. 
I knew this job with Bad Omens was temporary but being on the road with them made me realize that I thrived in this life and I wanted more of it. 
“Everything alright?” Matt asked when he saw my shoulders fall. 
Shoving my pocket into the back pocket of my jeans, I gave a half shrug. “I applied to be a full time photographer for a band but haven’t heard anything yet.” 
“What band?” 
“Hollow Souls. I saw them for the first time on tour with nothing,nowhere and knew I wanted to work with them. Y/N’s energy on stage is insane. I got great shots of her I wish she could have seen,” I said with a sigh. 
The smile that spread out on Matt’s face made my heart flutter but he said nothing, simply moved around me to click a few things on the sound board when he realized it was the end of the intermission.
“What are you doing?” I asked. 
“Do you want to start the intro for Bad Decisions?” He smirked. 
My eyes doubled. “What? I don’t know how.” 
Matt pointed to something on his laptop then I felt his warm breath against my ear when he moved closer to me. 
“Click it in three,” his fingers trailed down my spine
My own fingers shook as it hovered over the buttons. 
“Two,” he now slipped behind me. 
His broad chest pressed right up against my back and I could feel his cock against the swell of my ass. I bit my lip when one of his hands slipped underneath my sweater, grazing over my heated skin. 
“One,” his hands now rested on both sides of me, gripping the ends of his sound desk to lock me in.
With a gleeful smile, I clicked on Bad Decisions, the intro starting along with the visuals on the screens. 
“Good job,” he mused in the crook of my neck. “If photography doesn't work out, you could always be my assistant.” 
Ignoring the way my stomach flipped at his praise, I slowly turned in his embrace and smiled up at him while taking his hat, and putting it on. “In your dreams.” 
With a fit of giggles, I slipped out from underneath his arms and only for him to wrap an arm around my midsection, pulling me back into his chest. 
“I need my hat, fairy,” he breathed against my neck. 
Turning my head towards him, I let my words linger over his lips before sneaking away from the sound desk, still wearing his hat. 
“You’ll have to catch me, first.”
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Taking a sip from my coffee, I clicked away at my laptop while the hustle and bustle of the cafe behind me fell acted as a white noise while I worked. I’d been busy searching through a list of potential candidates for Hollow Souls new photographer. After Lana did our new promo shots, I still felt guilty for taking her away from her main job with the guys, so Malcolm, Chase, and I decided that we would need our own full time photographer. 
“How’s it going?” Astrid asked while setting a plate of chocolate mochis in front of me. 
I groaned. “Not that great. I thought they’d be at least one but so far, a whole lot of nothing.” 
Giving me a somber smile, she went back to working the register as my phone buzzed on the counter next to me. 
Matt: I need to ask you something. 
Raising a brow, I put my work on hold for a moment to respond to him. 
Me: I am at your service. 
Me: Also, isn’t BO on stage right now? Shouldn’t you be working?
Matt: Intermission.
Matt: How did you know Noah was the one you wanted?
“That’s a loaded question,” I muttered to myself before replying. 
Me: It wasn't really a moment. More so a feeling. It’s when my heart felt empty when he was gone but when he was around, it felt full. Cliche, I know. But that’s the only way to describe it. 
Me: Does this have something to do with a certain blue haired photographer?
Matt: Noah told you? 🙄
I giggled at his choice of emoji.
Me: Mochi tells me everything.
Me: Don’t tell him I said his nickname to you. He still likes to pretend no one knows. 
Matt: I’m going to get back at him, I swear. He thinks he’s some sort of philosopher now talking about how I shouldn’t rid myself of happiness because of my own fears.
“That does sound like him,” I smiled while taking a sip of my now cold coffee. 
Me: He’s right, you know. You do deserve happiness, Matt. I haven’t seen you two together but from what I hear, it seems like both of you are smitten for each other. 
Matt: She was reading The Hobbit, Y/N! Out of all the books she could be reading, why that one? 
Matt: And her smile? Fuck, it pierces my heart every time. 
Matt: Don’t even get me started on her laugh. The way the skin next to her eyes crinkle when she laughs. I want to be the one that gets to hear that every day.
I smiled at how he was talking about her, knowing the exact feeling he was going through. I’d felt it with Noah many times before. 
Me: Tell her that. Don’t let Boss Matt get in the way of the happiness you deserve. 
Matt: That’s the thing, I am her boss. I don’t think it’s a good idea if I get involved with her. We still have two weeks left on tour. What if something goes sour and it doesn’t work out? I can’t risk that.  
Matt: Fuck, she’s here. I have to
I waited for another text to come through after the unfinished one but after a moment, I realized he must have got caught up with something so switching from his texting thread to Noah’s, I typed out a message I knew he would see later when he was off stage. Yet I paused at the unread text from Noah that I must have missed earlier. 
Mochi 🍡: 10 more days and you’re finally going to be sleeping next to me. I miss you so much angel. I’m never going to let you go. 
With heat creeping to my cheeks, I broke out in a huge smile knowing that soon I’d be joining them for the rest of their tour. 
Me: Matt is sooooo smitten with Faye.
Me: Also, facetime me later when you’re back on the bus. I want to see your mochi face. 🍡🍡
About twenty minutes later, after Malcolm and Chase joined me at Fika, we were about to give up on our search for a photographer when Matt’s new text changed our minds. 
Matt: Answer Faye’s email. She sent in her application and resume. 
I raised a brow before telling Chase to search up Faye’s name in my inbox. 
“It went to spam,” he said while showing me the email that had a pretty lengthy resume attached. 
Malcolm read it over my shoulder. “Is this the girl filling in for Lana right now?” 
“Yeah. She seems to have Matt pretty smitten,” I said while working out a reply email. 
“Matt Dierkes? Smitten?” Chase chuckled while leaning farther back into his chair. “I find that hard to believe.”
After hitting send on the email, I quickly sent a text to Matt. 
Me: I hope you know that your input had nothing to do with this.
Matt: She deserves this more than anyone.
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I sat on the edge of the stage, legs swinging in the air, as I clicked through all of the photos I took tonight. I paused on one that made my heart beat unevenly in my chest. 
Matt in the sound deck after I’d taken his hat. His hair was unruly but his eyes were transfixed on his equipment as he worked. There was a sense of peace on the soft features of his face as he did something that he loved. 
Ruckus voices carried from the open side door of the venue where everyone had been loading up the trucks but I paid them no mind, still clicking through my pictures. 
“I like it when I tickle the cervix,” Jolly chuckled. 
My eyes snapped up from underneath the hat and glanced over to the group of guys intime to see Noah eat a tomato whole causing me to grimace. 
Matt snickered. “I’d like to nut in her hard.” 
I titled my head at the guys as they continued to laugh at their obvious talks about sex. But when those dark eyes landed on me, Matt’s shoulders stiffened. 
“Shit,” Nicholas cursed. “Sorry Faye. We sometimes forget that it’s not just a big group of guys working.”
I waved them off, knowing that their sex talk didn’t bother me. Although, Matt’s statement made my face grow a deep crimson. 
“I’m more so stuck on the fact that Noah just raw dogged a tomato like that,” I admitted with a shiver. 
He shrugged. “I fucking love tomatoes.” 
While the rest of them finished taking out the last bit of equipment, Matt came to sit next to me at the end of the stage. Both of our legs swayed together, every so often our feet would knock into each other. 
“Have you checked your email recently?” He asked. 
“No,” I sighed while setting my camera off to the side. “I’m starting to think that they might have passed on me.” 
Matt bumped his shoulder with mine before throwing his hair into a low bun. “Maybe you should check it again.” 
“Why? So my heart can break even more?” I semi-joked while pulling out my phone but froze when I read the new email. 
Dear Faye, 
First off I’d like to apologize for how long it took us to respond. For some reason your application went to our spam folder. Chase, Malcolm, and I would love it for you to officially join our team! If you accept, we’ll send over the necessary documents for you to sign and we can get you started as soon as you return from your contract with Bad Omens. 
Talk soon! 
Hollow Souls
“Oh shit!” I exclaimed while nearly dropping my phone. “I got the job!” 
Before I could register exactly what happened, I found myself jumping onto Matt who fell back against the old wood of the stage. His hands rested on my hips keeping me in place while I gazed down at him, my legs locking him in on both sides. His chest rose and fell with each deep breath as those eyes drank in the sight of me straddling him. 
“Fairy,” he lifted his chin up towards me. 
Thoughts of our almost kiss in the tour bus bathroom crept into the forefront of my mind and all I wanted was to finally feel those lips on mine. Days of constant flirting and stolen glances led up to this moment yet I hesitated with fear of making the first move. His eyes flicked down to my awaiting lips; a silent question. 
“Please,” I whimpered. 
Strong hands gripped the back of my head, knocking off his hat that I still wore, and forced me to those lips I’d been craving and when we finally collided it was as if the stars exploded in the sky. Goosebumps rose to my skin and when Matt’s tongue glided over my bottom lip, wanting entrance into my mouth, I accepted with a moan. Our lips molded together perfectly, almost as if we were made for one another. Our souls connected in a tangle of webs, our desire growing stronger and stronger as our tongues fought for dominance. I linked my hands with Matt’s, locking them above his head and I rutted my hips deeper into his, brushing my clit against the hardness of his cock. He groaned into my mouth while trying to free his hands from my grip. I nipped at his bottom lip before devouring them again, reveling in the lingering taste of his drink from earlier. 
“Matthew,” I keened against his lips.
Finally he was able to break free from my grasp on his wrists and he slid up a hand underneath my shirt. Fingers grazing at the bottom of my bralette, playing with the lacey material. 
A clearing of a throat caused me to scramble off of his lap, fixing my shirt in the process. Matt swiftly sat up while not so discreetly fixing himself and when our eyes locked in on the promoter of the venue, I heard Matt mutter something under his breath before rising to his feet, placing the hat back on his head. 
“Am I interrupting something?” Jason, the prompter, asked with a clear look of annoyance on his face. 
“No. I apologize for that,” Matt didn’t bother to look in my direction.
Jason made a noise in the back of his throat. “Well, if you’re finished with that. I’m ready to close out the final bill.” 
“I'll meet you in your office,” Matt said with a thick voice, hands resting in his pockets. 
Jason flicked his eyes over towards me as I sat on the edge of the stage yet again, hiding my burning embarrassment behind my hair. His footsteps echoed in the vast emptiness of the venue and when he was gone, Matt let out a long groan while running a hand over his face. 
“Faye,” his voice was stern. “That was completely unprofessional.” 
My head snapped over towards him, rage consuming me. “You’re equally to blame, Matthew. You didn’t stop it. All day you’ve been teasing me so don’t act like this was my fault.” 
Even though his eyes softened, the tone in his voice didn’t. “I know I’m also to blame. But that can’t happen again. I’m your boss.” 
Doing my best to keep the burning tears at bay, I snatched my camera and jumped off the stage. “Whatever you say, boss.”
The rage was still all consuming as I stepped outside, the chilly night air brushing against my heated skin, and when Noah took in sight of my agitated state, he gently stopped me from stomping into the bus. 
“What’s wrong?” He asked. 
I let out a staggered breath, feeling those damn tears prick the corner of my eyes. “Nothing, I’m fine.”
Noah’s brows furrowed from underneath the hood of his Hereditary sweater. “Are you sure? You came barreling out of that door like you were on a mission to chew someone's head off.”
For a moment, I stood silent as I tried to gather my thoughts on everything that happened the last ten minutes. Me checking my email on Matt’s request, to find out I got the job with Hollow Souls, and then our kiss that was abruptly interrupted by the promoter. But something stood out among the rest, causing me to purse my lips. 
“How did Hollow Souls know I’m on tour with you? I never made it public knowledge,” I asked Noah. 
He blinked, almost taken aback by my words. “What about Hollow Souls?” 
I then divulged on how I applied to be their full time photographer and how I ended up getting the job. 
“Oh,” Noah scratched the back of his neck. “Y/N’s my girlfriend.”
My jaw went slack at the sudden revelation, all of the pieces slowly clicking into place. 
“Did you make her give me the job?” I asked. 
“I promise you, Faye, I haven’t talked to her about it. I didn’t even know you were applying to be their photographer,” Noah assured me with a gentle squeeze of my shoulder. 
“Who else would have told them,” I muttered to myself. 
Suddenly the back door of the venue opened and Matt walked out with furry eyes. 
“That stunt nearly lost us the contract here for future gigs,” he sneered. 
I blinked at him, taken aback by his sudden change of demeanor. He was even angrier than before. 
“That stunt?” I scoffed. “You mean our kiss?” 
Noah’s head whipped between us and Jolly, who had been loading up the production truck, froze at my words. 
“What we did was completely unprofessional, Faye. I had to talk down the prompter not to black list us from here,” Matt threw a hand back towards the venue. 
“Did you tell Hollow Souls to give me the job?” I crossed my arms over my chest. 
He blinked as his lips parted to speak, only to be met with silence; the silence that gave me my answer. Every high I felt from not only getting my dream job but the kiss we shared evaporated to the concrete beneath my feet. But I refused to let anyone see how defeated I was so I held my head up high with slits for eyes as I zoned in on Matt. 
“I sincerely apologize for my unprofessional actions that involved you. I can assure you that it won’t happen again.” 
Not bothering to hear another word from him, I brushed past Matt onto the bus.
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A slew of grumbled curses fell from my lips as I clicked away at my laptop with an aggressive finger. Exhaustion had been weighing heavy on my shoulders causing dark circles under my eyes which made my friends worry. I assured them with a grunt that I was fine but everyone knew that was bullshit. Today, however, no one dared speak to me because they knew I was minutes away from saying something I knew I shouldn’t. 
It had been a day of constant fuck ups. First, we were stuck in bumper to bumper traffic in the middle of nowhere Wisconsin, nearly missing our call time at the venue. Then while setting up our equipment, one of the techs nearly dropped Jolly’s guitar to the ground, almost breaking it. I’d never seen Jolly that shade of crimson as he did it best not to snap at the poor tech. More recently, I’d spent the last ten minutes trying to find the mix for Nowhere To Go on my system but it was as if it was wiped clean from my hard drive. 
Yet the worst part of this shitty day? Faye hadn’t spoken one word to me in over forty eight hours. Guilt ate away at me for how I acted in regards to the kiss. It was one of the best ones I had and I couldn’t stop thinking about how her body felt on top of mine, those lips nipping and pulling at mine. She tasted sweet like honey and I found myself becoming addicted to Faye, desperate for another hit. 
But it was unprofessional where we did it. It should have been in the private confines of a secluded room or our bus. We nearly lost a big contract with the previous promoter and with a lot of sweet talking for next time we played there, I was able to smooth things over. 
Which is why I meant what I told Faye. I was her boss and we needed to remain professional. We couldn’t allow our growing desires for each other cloud what was right. 
So you’re saying your feelings for her aren't right? 
Muttering away the thoughts, I leaned farther back into my chair in the green room with my laptop still perched on my lap desperately trying to find where the fuck that track went. The room was filled with crew members who were taking their breaks from setting up. We should have been sound checking but because of the missing track, we were hours behind schedule. The constant chatter from everyone in the room however sounded like nails on a chalkboard so with a snap of my laptop, I tucked it under my arm and stormed out of the green room. I needed to find somewhere quiet to work. 
Stepping out into the bright sun, I tucked my hat farther over my eyes but halted when a strained laugh caught my attention. I set down my laptop on one of the tables in the outdoor catering area just in time to see Faye talking with the guitar players of the opening band that had been supporting Bad Omens. 
“So tomorrow is an off day,” Tyler mentioned while taking a small step towards Faye. “Do you have any plans?” 
I watched as Faye shifted on her feet, playing with the ends of her teal hair. She had it down this afternoon, it blowing with the tender breeze that brought a chill to my bones even though I was dressed in a hoodie and joggers. 
That or the fact that Tyler was standing too close to her. 
Those bright eyes I found myself drowning in began to roam around her surroundings, as if she was looking for something. Or someone. When they landed on me, I would have missed the way she took a small intake of breath if I hadn’t already been watching her. 
“Yeah, I do,” she said, never taking her eyes off of me. “I still have to work.”
Tyler took a step towards Faye, reaching for the hand that was gripping her hair. 
“Cancel them. I’ve got this great thing planned for both of us.” 
Suddenly forgetting the issues with the set, I stalked towards them head-on. My eyes narrowed at Tyler, anger festering low in my gut when I noticed he still hadn’t removed his fingers from her wrist. 
“I’m not going to cancel my plans. That would be rude of me,” Faye’s soft voice eased away the anger slightly within me. 
When she tried to step away from Tyler, his grip around her wrist tightened causing her to squirm in his grasp. 
“Just make up an excuse. You’re sick. I’m sure whoever you have plans with would understand.”  
Faye’s eyes dropped to the grip around her just as I reached them, hands balled up to fists at my side. 
“Tyler, you’re nice-,” she started. 
Tyler rolled his eyes with a scoff. “Come on, Faye. Just one night. We can fuck then go our separate ways.” 
The shocked and disgusted expression that covered her beautiful features when Tyler pressed a kiss to her cheek was the tipping point. It was a list of things the last few days since we kissed. Faye ignoring me, not being able to find the missing track, not having my daily Celsius drink, and now seeing this asshole pressuring Faye; I was ready to combust. 
“Faye,” my voice was tight, along with the grip around the wire of my radio as it hung around me. “Are you alright?” 
Tyler’s gaze bounced between the both of us as I stood next to her. “We were talking, Matt.” 
I threw my shoulders back, puffing my chest. “Really? Because it sounded like you were forcing her into something she didn’t want.” 
Faye finally removed herself from Tyler’s grasp and slipped behind me. “We’re done here.” 
Tyler’s eyes bounced between Faye and me, assessing the situation until a smug smile curled his lips. 
“Oh so that’s it, you two are fucking?” 
My heart damn near jumped in my throat when I heard Faye’s soft intake of breath.
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“Oh so that’s it, you two are fucking?” 
Tyler pointed between Matt and I, causing my breath to get caught in my throat as my head snapped over towards Matt, who continued to stand toe to toe with Tyler. I nearly stumbled when my heart dropped to my stomach while I awaited Matt’s answer. 
There had been a crowd gathering and when I took sight of Noah’s face as he stepped down from the bus, I knew that whatever was about to happen wasn’t going to be good.
“Faye is a coworker of mine. I saw she was uncomfortable because of you so I stepped in. That’s all,” Matt shrugged. 
I swallowed the burn of tears as I cast my head down at the camera in my hands. There were plans tonight to live stream Bad Omens concert and since it was a special occasion, I brought out my special camera for this; my fathers old one.
Tyler’s next words made the air shift around us as I glanced up in time to see Matt’s jaw tick. 
“Damn, her pussy is that bad, huh?”
Everything happened all too quickly, almost like a blur of shouted curses and flying fists. Noah and Bryan stepped forward as Matt shoved Tyler causing me to stumble over my feet, dropping my camera to the concrete with me. I landed on my ass, scrapping my palms as I threw my hands down to support my fall. 
Matt’s fist landed on Tyler’s jaw right before Jolly yanked him away but that didn’t stop him from yelling at Tyler. 
“I didn’t start this but I damn sure finished it, fucker!” He bellowed. 
Jolly gave Matt his own shove before running a hand through his hair. “Fucking stop! Look what you did!” 
Following Jolly’s finger, Matt gasped when he saw me lying on the ground, holding a broken camera in my bloody and shaking hands. Bryan was kneeling next to me, slowly helping me to my feet as the tears I fought so hard to keep back began flowing down my cheeks. My fathers old camera sat in crumbled pieces within my hands, irreplaceable and unfixable. 
“Fairy,” Matt’s voice was soft as he reached for me.
“Don’t fucking touch me,” I seethed while yanking my arm away from him. “Don’t talk to me. Don’t look at me. Don’t even think of me.”
“Faye,” his voice was louder now as he called after me, watching me scurry into the bus to hide from all those pitiful gazes that lingered. 
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With a frown, I watched as Faye nearly stumbled up into the bus due to the tears clouding her eyes and I swiftly turned on my feet towards Matt, who was being held back from Tyler by Noah and Jolly. Both of the Nicks were trying to deescalate the situation with the promoter of the venue that was threatening to cancel the show tonight due to the unnecessary violence. Everything had become so fucked in a matter of seconds with Tyler’s words and now, the anger Matt felt for the situation was directed back onto him. 
“Dude, stop!” I snapped while stepping between Matt and Tyler but keeping my eyes directly on the former. “Did you not realize what you just did?” 
Matt’s jaw was rigid with his anger but he eventually looked my way. 
“You two caused Faye to fall down to the fucking ground. Her hands are cut up pretty good but that doesn't matter because something that’s irreplaceable broke. All because of you two fucking idiots.” 
I wasn’t the one to curse this much but the second I saw the camera fall to the ground, immediately I felt the pain that stabbed Faye in the chest. 
Matt opened his mouth to protest but I held up a hand to stop him. “You claim you need to be the manager, well fucking act like it. You created a scene, fix it!”
Not bothering to stick around for a rebuttal, I ran over to the bus and bounded up the steps just in time to see Faye dotting her blotchy cheeks with a tissue. 
“Faye?” I said quietly. “Do you need anything?” 
She choked on a sob while forcing a shaking hand towards the mess of broken camera pieces on the table. 
“I need my fathers camera back! Do you know how old it is? What I had to do to make sure it was usable? Everything, all the pictures and memories gone because of-of,” she choked on another sob so I pulled her into my embrace.
“I know,” I hushed her with a soothing circle against her back. “Matt never meant for it to go that far. He feels like shit, although he might not show it right now. But he cares.” 
“Right,” she scoffed while pulling from my embrace. “He has a funny way of showing it.” 
I gave her a small smile. “Matt is closed off with a lot of people which makes them get the wrong impression of him. But with the people he cares about, he’d protect them. Which is what he was trying to do with Tyler but I think his feelings for you blinded him on what was the correct way to approach that.”
Faye stayed silent for a moment, letting my words digest, before she gave a small nod. I knew it wouldn’t change the issues plaguing them. That was something they needed to work out themselves but even if my words helped a bit, that’s all I could do. 
“Come on,” I motioned towards the broken camera. “Let’s see what we can do.”
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My soul was calling out into the void, searching for the connection it once had and desperate to have it again. It felt like everything had been drained from me the last couple of days no matter how hard I tried to fix things. I spent countless hours looking for that specific camera to replace it for Faye. I knew it wouldn’t replace the sentimental value and all the memories it held but maybe it could ease the pain that swam in her heart. 
The fight with Tyler happened days ago and after we both apologized to Faye, she seemed to slip into herself. That usual brightness of her soul dimmed as she went about working, never once interacting with any of us. We had four days left of tour and she mentioned to Bryan in passing that she couldn’t wait for the last day because that meant new opportunities. 
With Hollow Souls. 
Y/N had reached out to assure Faye that they hired her because of her resume not because we all knew each other. That seemed to ease away some of her worries and I could tell she was excited to start working for them. 
But my heart and soul weren’t ready to let her go quite yet. 
After closing down the sound deck, another successful show in the books, I racked my brain with ideas on how to make things up to Faye when an airy giggle reached my ears. 
“We should definitely meet up once the tour ends,” Faye smiled warmly at Greg, the drum tech for Before We Fall. “It will be good for us.”
Greg agreed with a side hug, wrapping his arms around Faye. “I’ll text you once things slow down and we can meet up.” 
“Can’t wait!” She beamed that smile I found myself falling deeper and deeper for. 
When Greg and Faye went their separate ways, the familiar jealousy rage I felt when I saw her talking with Tyler festered inside of me, spreading through my veins, yet this time I took a different approach than violence. I followed on Faye’s heels as she exited the venue and ascended up the dark bus. Everyone else was still inside helping with the tear down. 
“Faye,” I breathed her name, causing her to turn swiftly on her heels. 
In the lowlight of the lamp posts outside that casted into the bus, she looked mythological. Her white sundress shimmered and the waves of her teal hair cascaded down her back. The last few days I’ve spent any alone time I could find locked in the bathroom with my hand wrapped around my cock, the image of her on top of me playing like a loop in my brain. 
My little fairy.
“Did you need something, Mathew?” She asked with a business-like edge to her voice. 
The vision of her in that light with her hands perched on her hips while she cocked one out, full of attitude, made my cock twitch and not bother to think of the repercussions, I pressed her up against the door of the bathroom. 
“What are you-?” 
I captured her lips in a kiss that was fueled by so much fervor, it made my head spin. It was only our second kiss but just like the first, our souls danced together in perfect harmony when the magnetic pull between us vibrated. Faye’s body went stiff in my embrace but soon with a rush of air, her hands sneaked up underneath my shirt to scratch at the skin of my back undoubtedly leaving half crescent shaped moons as she dug into me. 
Her lips were soft, almost silken, and pillowy against my own. I could feel the velvet tickle of her breath beneath my nose when my fingers threaded through those vibrant strands of hair. 
An unfamiliar feeling blossomed in my chest, taking over every part of me, as my tongue left kitten kisses along her bottom lip. She began to pull away from me slightly only for me to yank her back in by my teeth. I wanted to plummet in everything that was Faye, letting her consume all of me every day. I could feel the thunderous beats of our hearts together as I pressed her harder against the door, my cock brushing ever so softly against her clit. She hooked her fingers in the waistband of my shorts, doing whatever she could to pull me closer. It was a mess of a kiss, both of us dry humping against each other to grasp that euphoric high we were craving. 
Her palm pressed lightly over my cock causing me to yank on her hair, exposing more of her neck to me. My teeth grazed over the sensitive skin behind her ear and she shivered in my grip when my calloused hands lifted up the bottom of her dress, letting the material bunch up against her stomach. 
“My fairy,” I proclaimed into the crook of her neck, a single finger slipping underneath underneath the cotton fabric of her panties.  
Almost like magic, there was a wide space between us as she pushed me away, those perky breasts rising and falling as she caught her breath. Her lips were swollen, bruised from the force of our kiss, and I groaned at the sight of a faint red mark on her neck. One that I left. 
“This can’t happen!” Faye yelled while adjusting the bottom of her dress. “You’ve made it clear that you’re my boss and this-.”
She pointed between us. “Is unprofessional.”
“Fuck that,” I spat. “I don’t care about that anymore.” 
Faye wiped away the spit from her lips and sneered her distaste. “Why? Because you saw me talking with Greg and wanted to stake your claim on something that’s not yours?”
The words spewed from my mouth like vomit.
“Well, it seemed clear to me that you like it when anyone shows you attention. Does it give you a sick thrill? Turn you on?”
Faye blinked slowly while her lips parted. “Excuse me?”
“You were going to go out with that guy!” I threw a hand over my shoulder back towards the venue. “I bet you do get some sort of sick thrill from it. You string me along, fucking with my feelings, and now that I turned you down, you’re doing the same thing to other guys? You’re just like the rest of them, I don’t know why I thought you were different.”
Something glistened in her eyes and the breath she let out sounded so broken. But I was enraged with everything that’s happened the last week, all I saw was red. 
“That’s not fair. You don’t know anything,” she shook her head. 
“I don’t need to, Faye. I’ve seen enough and I’m glad I got out from under you when I did,” I roughly brushed past her, nearly turning back when I heard a broken sob fall from her lips.
Keep going. Don’t falter. That’s what she wants. 
Thunderous footsteps echoed behind me, slapping against the pavement as we stepped outside. Faye’s bright eyes filled with her own rage stared up at me as she stepped in front of me. 
“You think you’re so fucking smart? Greg is dating a friend of mine from back home. We were talking about meeting up all together,” she poked a finger in my chest. 
Yet I couldn’t apologize because she shoved another finger in my chest. “You’re an asshole! You think you’re mature because you’re older than me? You’re a manchild who can’t accept someone who cares for you. You’re one of the most self deprecated people I’ve ever met and this act you’ve got going isn’t working.”
Another poke to my chest and this one caused me to stumble slightly.
“You don’t get to push me away, call me unprofessional for something we both did, but then try to crawl your way back to me after what you did! Your jealousy broke something that I cannot replace. I’ll never forgive you for that.” 
I grasped her wrist when she went to poke my chest again and held it flush against me. “I’m sorry.”
Her face flinched, not expecting my apology, yet she continued on with her wrath. 
“Sorry doesn’t fix things! We have four days left of this tour, let's just ignore each other like we have been and we can finally forget everything that happened the second we part ways,” Faye ripped her hand from mine and stomped back towards the bus. 
I stood there in the middle of the alley behind the venue, trying to gather my bearings from our argument. Like everything with Faye, our shared moments together were a whirlwind and I never knew what to focus on first. 
The way her body molded into mine when we kissed. 
How pretty her moans sounded when I pressed my cock against her. 
How wet she was when I brushed my finger along her folds. 
How kissed fucked she looked after breaking us apart.
Or the way her fury vibrated off of her when she poked those pretty nails into my chest. 
Once again, I let the negativity of what could possibly be something so good for me ruin it before it had the chance to begin. Faye was all encompassing, she was what my soul had been missing since creation. It scoured the earth for hers and now that it was in my grasp, I refused to let her go.
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I’d been leaning against the old brick of the venue, getting ready to facetime Y/N when heated voices made me pocket my phone in time to see Faye storm after Matt, poking her finger in his chest. When Matt dragged his feet back to the bus in clear defeat, I knew that I needed to do something to fix whatever was broken between them.
“Mochi!” Y/N’s bright smile greeted me when she answered my facetime call. “I miss you.” 
“I miss you too, angel,” I slowly paced the alley. 
“What’s going on? Why are you outside?” She asked while cuddling her couch pillow closer to her chest. 
I could see the luminescence of the television casting a glow of colors against the wall behind her. She’d been watching a movie when I called, the words echoing through my phone. 
"People once believed that when someone dies, a crow carries their soul to the land of the dead."
“Are you watching The Crow again?” I teased with a playful smile. 
Y/N rolled her eyes before telling Jesse to pause the movie which made my brows pull together. “Wait, are you at my house?” 
“Yeah. Jesse texted me earlier asking if I could come hang out. I guess Maxxine stood him up. Again,” she sighed. 
“I never liked her,” I grumbled with agitation. 
“She was my friend! How do you think I feel?” But then Y/N shifted on the couch. “Do you care that I’m here without you?” 
“Not at all, angel. You know you’re always welcome there even if I’m not. I’m glad you’re there for Jesse.” 
Just then a head full of curls appeared on the screen. “She’s making me watch this movie. I had no choice in the matter.”
“It’s a great fucking movie,” she ruffled his curls before playfully pushing him away. “Why the sour face, Mochi?” 
Sighing I sat on the bench in front of the venue now, gazing up at the stars. It was nearing midnight and thankfully all the fans from tonight's show had left, leaving me out here alone with my thoughts. 
“It’s Matt and Faye. They’re still fighting and all I want to do is help them,” I ran a hand over my tired face. 
Something Y/N noticed. 
“Noah,” her voice was as soft as her skin. “I know you love your friends and want to help them but sometimes, they need to be the ones to do it.”
I shrugged while playing with the string of my joggers with my free hand. “Maybe I can do something that pushes them in the right direction. Force them in a locked closet at the next venue to talk it out.”
Y/N snorted her laughter. “That never works. But I know what will work.”
With a pulled brow, I listened intently to her plan as she told me what I needed to do. 
“You’re sure this will work?” I asked while slowly walking towards the bus, exhaustion digging its claws into me. 
“Everyone loves a good “there was only one bed” trope. It’ll work,” she assured me with that smile I missed so much. 
“I can’t believe I’ll see you in two days, angel,” I said with a bit more excitement in my voice than before. 
Y/N cuddled the pillow closer to her chest. “I’m counting down the hours, mochi.”
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After leaving Noah in the hotel lobby while he waited for Y/N to arrive, I spun the keycard to my room between my fingers, ready for a full night's sleep in an actual bed. We arrived at the final stop on the tour and with tomorrow night being the last show, we were staying in a hotel for the next couple of nights. 
72 hours. 
That’s how long it had been since Matt and I spoken to each other. Since our blow up argument a few nights ago, I had chosen to sleep on the couch in the back room of the bus, not wanting to be anywhere near him. Even though my heart was hurting with the space between us. Ultimately I knew I needed this space from him because in two nights, I’d be flying back home alone and forgetting everything that happened. 
Well, trying to anyway.
With an yawn, I slipped the keycard into the slot of the door, the light flashing green. I took all of two steps inside before coming to a sudden halt at the sight before me. Two suitcases opened and scattered throughout and a long body stretched out wide on the bed in the room. 
The only bed in the room. 
Matt removed the pillow from his face to see me standing in the doorway, clutching the handle of my suitcase with white knuckles and he rolled his eyes. 
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” he grumbled while sitting up in bed. 
“What are you doing in my room?” I demanded. 
Matt scoffed. “Your room? I’ve been here for the last hour. You’re the one in my room.”
Neither of us broke eye contact, not wanting to lose, and I motioned to the keycard on the table next to him. 
“Who gave you your card?” 
“Noah,” he answered. 
Son of a bitch. 
“He set this up,” I muttered before turning on my heels, ready to march back down to the lobby to ask for another room when Matt’s voice made me freeze. 
“The hotel is booked. There’s no other rooms available.”
I threw my head back with an audible groan before slamming the door shut and forcing my suitcase into the closet of the room. I would have been fine with this rooming situation if there had been a couch but besides the bed, the only other place to sleep was an old, worn out chair in the corner of the room. 
It was almost nine in the evening and after the long day of travel, the only thing I wanted to do was shower and go to sleep. Noah mentioned plans about possibly going out for some food but the moment I saw Matt lounging on my bed, I wanted to take the pillow and suffocate him; mingling with others be damned. 
I didn’t even make it more than a single step towards the bathroom before my head snapped over to Matt when he spoke again. 
“I took all the hot water. Might want to wait a bit.”
It was then that I noticed he was shirtless in bed, wet strands of hair clinging to his chest; clearly fresh out of the shower. His shorts hung low on his hips and I couldn’t tear my gaze away from the light colored happy trail underneath his belly button. This was the first time I’d seen him shirtless and I felt all the heat rush to between my legs. 
“I’m sure you can bunk with Bryan or Nicholas. Although, they talk a lot and I know how much that irritates you,” Matt winked while propping an arm behind his head. 
“I fucking hate you,” I seethed before stomping over to the bed and ripping the part of the covers he wasn’t laying on back so I could slide into bed. 
Matt continued to wear that smug smile which made me glare at him. “What the fuck are you so smug about? Happy that I’m miserable and stuck in this room with you?”
“You’re so upset that you didn’t even realize you got into bed still wearing your shoes and jeans.” 
Grumbling every name under the sun at him, I scrambled out of bed to kick off my shoes and nearly ripped the skinny jeans away from my legs, leaving it a pile on the floor. I now stood in front of Matt in nothing but an oversized band tee that I hadn’t been wearing a bra under. It’s what I usually go to sleep in anyway. It reached about mid thigh now that my jeans were off. 
“Is this better, Matthew?” 
Those dark eyes trailed up my long legs, lingering on the swell of my ass before he nodded. 
“I’d be fine if you came to bed with nothing,” he shrugged. 
I squealed before wrenching a pillow off the bed and smacking him in the head with it. 
Not one. 
Not two times. 
But four times. 
Matt finally realized he’d been under attack so his arms reached out to wrap around my hips, dragging me to the bed with him. It was a fight for who would end up on top as I tried to continue with my onslaught of pillow attacks but his strength won in the end. Throwing the pillow across the room, he managed to pin me to the bed with his hips and used one large hand to pin both of mine above my head. 
His hair was a mess covering his face as those dark eyes stared daggers into me but I raised my chin up at him in defiance. 
“Are you finished with your tantrum?” His chest rumbled. 
“Fuck off!” I shot back while wiggling underneath him. 
My shirt had ridden up in our fight, resting just below my breasts and my bright yellow thong was on full display for Matt to drink in. But his eyes continued to rest on my face. 
More so, my lips. 
My pussy kept pressing against his clear erection causing him to bite back a moan and tighten his grip on my hands. 
“Stop it,” he bit out through gritted teeth. 
I didn’t. 
In fact, I pressed myself up closer to him, rubbing my clit against his cock. “Stop what? This? I thought you wanted this?” 
The teasing tone of my voice was thick which only angered Matt even more. 
“You look pathetic, trying so hard not to-.” 
My words were cut off by his mouth devouring mine in such a heated kiss, it nearly rendered me useless. I lay under him, motionless for a moment, as his mouth moved against mine. The feeling of his tongue against mine made me moan into his mouth, trying to get more of him; desperate for it. 
“YOU’RE INSUFFERABLE!” I kneed him in the gut once I realized what was going on and he fell to the other side of the bed, clutching his side. 
“REALLY? LAST TIME I CHECKED, YOU LOVED IT WHEN MY LIPS WERE ON YOURS!” He shot back before reaching for me again, crashing our lips together. 
This had been weeks worth of build up, the sexual tension between us a tight rubber band ready to snap with any added extra weight. My brain kept screaming at me to push him off and smack him for what he did to me, breaking my fathers camera. 
Yet my soul was thriving. It never felt more alive knowing that Matt was once again staking his claim with his lips, nipping and sucking at the sensitive parts of my body; down my neck and over my collar bone after he yanked down the collar of my shirt. 
Calloused fingers brushed along the thin elastic of my panties, teasing me with his silent question. 
“Take them off,” I demand against his lips, raising my hips off the bed. 
Our clothes gathered together in a heap on the floor and while I lay bare for Matt’s hungry eyes, he remained kneeling on the bed. His cock was red with agitation, desperate for not only some sort of contact but release as well. 
“You’re beautiful, Fairy,” Matt mused while kissing from my navel, up between the valley of my breasts, and left small indentations with his teeth against my neck. 
I left angry red marks down the length of his spine while spreading my legs for him. His fingers gathered my wetness between my folds, pressing small circles against my clit and I sucked in a breath. 
“Already so wet for me? I haven’t even touched you yet,” he chuckled darkly before nipping at my bottom lip. 
I was not about to give Matt the satisfaction in knowing our little play fighting and making out turned me on beyond measure. My body was already on the brink of collapse from our weeks of constant teasing and bickering. I reveled in the way Matt came off rude and brooding, sometimes to me, but also found myself loving how caring and thoughtful he’d been in the beginning.
A finger slipped inside of me and I arched myself off the bed, my breasts brushing against Matt’s chest. 
“You like that?” He cocked his head to the side. “Use your words, fairy. I need to hear what you want.” 
I sunk my nails into his arm, trying to bring him closer. “You, Matthew. Please. I just want you.”
Begging? Really? There goes your dignity.
I didn’t have time to chastise the voice in my mind because Matt let out a growl before rolling me to my stomach and hiking my ass up in the air. The sound of skin on skin echoed in the small hotel room and a breathy moan fell from my lips. 
Matt cursed before leaning over the bed to reach for his suitcase. 
“What are you doing?” I almost whined. 
“Condom,” he muttered while rifling through his bag. “Shit! Of course the one time I don’t pack fucking condoms.”
I saw his eyes flick up to the wall in front of me, most likely to the room next door, and knew he was contemplating asking whoever was rooming next to us for a condom. 
“I have an implant,” I finally said while looking over my shoulder. “And I’m clean.” 
Those eyes shimmered as they rested on my face. “So am I.”
With his cock gripped tight in his hand, Matt lined up at my entrance before slowly pushing himself inside. My head went to fall to the pillows but his hand gathered the teal strands in his palm, yanking my head up. 
“Oh, god,” I moaned when he was fully inside. 
I’d never felt so full before. 
My walls clenched around him, a silent beg for him to move, but Matt remained still. His chest constricted with the breath he’d been holding so I slowly started fucking myself on his cock. 
“Matthew,” I panted. “Please, I need you to move.” 
With one tight grip on my hair and the other on my hip, he let out a strangled breath finally. 
“I won’t last long, fairy. I don’t-.” 
You assured him with a gentle smile. “I won't either. I’m already so close.” 
Knowing that I wouldn’t last long either, Matt let go of the grip on my hair to slide over to my clit, pressing fast circles against the swollen bundle of nerves. His pace was ruthless, fucking in and out of me with such force, the headboard began slamming against the wall. 
I was dizzy with my arousal, it clouding my judgment because I knew that this was only going to be a quick fuck and then we’d go back to bickering. Not accepting what both of us wanted. We could try to ignore how we felt about one another but there was no way I could ignore how perfect he felt inside of me. It was as if we clicked together like a perfect puzzle piece. 
Cliche. But it was true. 
Matt’s broad chest pressed against my back so he could drag his teeth against my spine. “You feel so fucking good. Fuck.” 
All I could do was nod, too blissed out on the way his fingers danced against my clit. My orgasm was so close, teetering on the edge of the cliff, and my body stilled for a moment as I tried to grasp that release. 
I whined when Matt pulled all the way out of me only for him to throw me onto my back and wrap a leg around his back, slipping back inside of me. 
“I want to see your pretty face when you cum,” he grunted while thrusting inside of me. 
I dared a peak down to where I bodies connected as he pulled himself almost all the way out and choked on a moan when I saw his cock glisten in the low light of the room because of our shared arousal. 
“Look at me, Faye.”
My eyes snapped up to his, blown wide with his euphoria and with one final snap of his hips, I cried out my orgasm; eyes never leaving his. 
I writhed underneath him but his fingers never stopped their onslaught on my clit, working me through the violent aftershocks. Matt threw his head back in a silent scream as his cock throbbed inside of me seconds before spilling his release.
His body fell to the bed next to me in a gruff of exhaustion and I lay there for a long moment, staring up at the ceiling; tracing the patterns of the cracks instead of the realization that I should get up to clean myself so I can find someone else to bunk with. 
As I began to slip out from underneath Matt, he threw his tattooed leg over my hips, blocking me from leaving the bed. 
“Where are you going?” He asked, pulling my back to his chest. 
Our skin was sticky with sweat and I felt our cum between my legs but with his grip on me, it was clear Matt didn’t want me to leave. 
“I just thought-,” I pointed to the door. 
He buried his face in my neck, leaving a tender kiss. “I’m not letting you go, Faye. This was never a quick fuck for me. I think this was weeks worth of pent up sexual frustration that turned into something we both wanted; even if we weren’t ready to admit it.” 
I traced over the tattoos on his arm as it lay lazily over my stomach. 
“Sounds like you’ve got a great therapist,” I hummed. 
Matt snorted. “More like a philosopher of a friend.”
We lay together in a mess of tangled limbs for a long moment, basking in the silence. Matt’s breathing became slow and steady, indicating he was seconds away from falling into a deep slumber, one I was desperate to chase. But I couldn’t stop the nagging thought in my mind. 
“So what does this mean for us?” I forced myself to ask. 
“This is a really shitty way of asking you out considering I broke your camera. But what do you say we go out on an official date once we're back home and settled?”
I linked my fingers with Matt’s, bringing his hand to my lips to leave a tender kiss across his knuckles. “I’d love that.”
The tight grip that had been crushing my heart and soul since we started fighting suddenly evaporated into nothing. All I could feel was growing adoration for the man behind me. 
Deep sleep was seconds away from clutching both of us to drag us into the dark depths but before I could succumb, my tired voice called out into the vastness of the room. 
“You owe me a camera, by the way.” 
Matt chuckled while laying a kiss to the side of my head. “Already taken care of, fairy.”
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“So, how’re things going with Jesse and Tay?” I called over to Matt, who stood in the kitchen in front of his stove. 
“Good!” He called back. “Although, I’m sure you already knew that since she’s your friend.” 
I shrugged, knowing he was right, but then gave him a smile of thanks when he returned into the living room with my cup of tea. 
“We were talking about getting together for a double date this weekend,” I said. 
Matt pressed a chaste kiss to my lips before settling back into the couch next to me. “Whatever you want, fairy.”
We’d been home for a few weeks now from tour and found ourselves settling in pretty quickly to this new relationship. Our first official date was the aquarium with everyone else but I didn’t mind it. I got to know Hollow Souls more and working for them had been an absolute dream. 
I was able to photograph Chase and Malcolms wedding. With the exact make and model of camera that mirrored the one my dad gave me. While it wasn't the exact one, I knew Matt had scoured the internet for days trying to find one so I was extremely grateful for it. 
We’d spent the entire day on Matt’s couch cuddled together under a pile of blankets, more specifically his Greys Anatomy blanket, with all three of his dogs either laying on top of us or next to us. The television had been on a constant rerun of Grey's Anatomy, him finally talking me into watching it with him. My fingers played with the ends of his hair, him opting out on wearing a hat today. I’d been wearing nothing but one of his shirts and a pair of boyshort panites. It had been a pretty hot day in California so Matt decided on wearing just a pair of joggers. We would have been three episodes ahead in our marathon if we hadn’t continuously paused it for our extra activities.
“Oh, shit. I almost forgot. How is Y/N’s and Noah’s redo date going?” I set my empty cup down on the table in front of me. 
Matt snickered while reaching for his phone. “I haven’t heard anything yet. I’m starting to wonder if he backed out on asking-.” 
His voice trailed off as his eyes never left the bright screen of his phone. The words on the current text thread he had open drained all the color from his face. 
“Matthew,” I said tentatively, sitting up on the couch and running a hand over his back. “What is it?” 
He swallowed thickly before running a hand over his face and those broken eyes found mine. “Y/N’s dad died. Her and Noah are flying to Japan tomorrow night.”
186 notes · View notes
The Way I Loved You
Series Masterlist
Word Count: 9k
Pairing: Jake x Reader
Genre: Angst, hurt, ex!Jake
Context: YN has some big news. Chaos ensues, as per usual.
Disclaimer: THIS IS UNEDITED, this chapter has been driving me insane and I just wanted to get it out of my drafts. Also, English isn’t my native language, so I apologize in advance for mistakes and awkward wordings to come. Also, I guess this fic could be triggering for some because it’s kind of sad and angsty.
Previous Track: Style
Chapter soundtrack: That’s the way I loved you – Taylor Swift
(By the way, for every ‘Chapter Soundtrack’, basically the idea is that it’s a song that YN eventually wrote with that chapter of her life in mind)
He is sensible and so incredible
He opens up my door and I get into his car
And he says, "You look beautiful tonight"
And I feel perfectly fine.
But I miss screaming and fighting and kissing in the rain,
And It's 2 a.m. and I'm cursing your name.
So in love that you act insane,
And that's the way I loved you.
Breaking down and coming undone,
It's a roller coaster kind of rush.
I never knew I could feel that much
And that's the way I loved you.
Alright, let’s get into this.
The plane cut through the clouds, having left the US behind as YN and the band embarked on a journey together. YN couldn't help but feel a sense of nostalgia mixed with anticipation as the Paris skyline unfolded beneath them.
The past six months had been quite a personal success. A mosaic of regular shared experiences had broken down any residual tension that might’ve lingered between her and Jake. Their casual encounters at shows, festivals, and birthdays-alike had served as genuine moments of connection, reforging the group dynamic they had all missed.
YN’s relationship with Harry, on the other hand, had blossomed into a real spectacle that constantly adorned the front pages of tabloids. This, of course, earned her a lot of suffocating attention, but amidst the whirlwind of it all, she managed to find refuge in the simplicity of the few moments she spent with the band.
The purpose of their Parisian escapade was twofold — YN was set to attend the art exhibit opening of an old friend of hers, while the band sought out some specific piece of music equipment that Sam had simply refused to order online.
It was a perfect opportunity to blend business with pleasure.
The jet touched down at Charles de Gaulle Airport and as they stepped onto the tarmac, the crisp Parisian air infused the atmosphere with a sense of adventure.
As the day unfolded, the city of lights revealed its magic. Goofing around in a place where no one paid attention to them was exactly what they’d needed. It felt just like old times.
They explored hidden corners and indulged in local delicacies until the jet lag simply became too much to bear. With tired but cheerful eyes, they returned to the hotel as the city lights began to shimmer.
The lobby buzzed with the chatter of a day well-spent. YN got off the elevator on her floor, wishing the boys a good night with a smile.
As she stepped into her hotel room, her gaze wandered across the space. The muted ambiance contrasted sharply with the vibrant memories of the day.
The blinking light on the telephone caught her attention, and curiosity compelled her to check the answering machine.
With the press of a button, none other than her fiancé's voice resonated in the room, a familiar warmth despite the miles that separated them.
"Hi, love, hope you're havin' a good time with the guys. Wish I could be there with you, but I'm still in London.” She smiled softly as his words wrapped around her like a comforting embrace.
“Listen, I just wanted to let you know I just got off the phone with the jeweler,” a pause hung in the air, heavy with the weight of the unspoken, “they said they're done."
 YN fell back onto the bed with a huff, the mattress embracing her in its soft contours.  Stretched out on the bed, her gaze fixed on the ceiling, the weight of the secret she’d been keeping pressed on her conscience.
Harry’s voice, a distant echo, continued to fill the room, “The ring should fit perfectly now."
The next day arrived, and jet lag had firmly taken hold, but YN shook off its drowsy grip to join Josh, Jake, and Danny in the hotel's dining room for some brunch.
The fatigue was evident on everyone's faces. She inquired about their plans for the day.
 "Well, we have an appointment at the music store in an hour," Danny replied.
Josh scoffed, "If Sam ever decides to—"
"If Sam ever decides to what?" Sam's challenging voice cut in as he strolled over, taking a seat at their table.
"Samuel, how nice of you to join us," Jake teased.
"You know I need my beauty sleep, brother. Don't be jealous," Sam retorted. YN chuckled at the banter, enjoying the familiar dynamic.
As the conversation continued, Danny, with a raised eyebrow, steered the discussion back to the important topic, “As I was saying,” he resumed, “we have an appointment at the music store in an hour. How long do you reckon that will last?” he asked.
 Sam, with his typical nonchalance, replied, “Not sure; the call was all in French. Might be ten minutes, could also be ten hours.”
The eye rolls from Josh and Jake were nearly audible, a synchronized response to their younger brother’s signature unpreparedness.
“Alright, we should probably head out right about now,” Jake declared, scanning the surroundings. He sighed in anticipation, “For all we know Sam may have gotten the address wrong as well.”
The youngest, catching wind of the ribbing, protested with a whine, “Hey now, that’s not fair,” as the group headed out through the bustling lobby.
Once they stood outside the hotel, Danny turned to YN, “Are you heading to your friend’s thing?”
One of YN’s old friends was having the opening night of her new art exhibit, an event which they were all planning on attending later that evening, and YN had mentioned the possibility of going early to lend a hand.
“Yeah,” she replied absent-mindedly, “I’ll see if she needs anything.” She looked away in apprehension.
“Alright then,” Sam said, “we’ll see you later.”
As they were about to part ways, YN nervously blurted out, “Do you all need to be at that appointment thing?” She paused, turning to Josh, “I mean… the equipment is just for the players, isn’t it?”
Josh instantly scoffed, feigning an offended expression, “Well, I happen to play something called the vocals, YN, thank you very much.”
“Are you sure you don’t want to come with me?” she insisted, an unusually tense expression on her face, “please?”
Sam was about to retort with a whole bunch of technical issues but Josh, catching on to his friend’s unspoken plea, quickly intervened, "Uh, you know what, guys? I think I'll stick around with YN for a bit. I can catch up with you later."
The others, slightly taken aback, glanced at each other, then at Josh and YN.
“Sure, no problem,” Danny smiled.
YN grabbed Josh and the pair strode away, arm in arm, leaving the others slightly dumbfounded.
Josh couldn't help but shoot YN a puzzled look, to which she responded with a silent gratitude that spoke volumes.
The rhythm of their footsteps echoed a subtle tension in the air. After twenty minutes, Josh, usually the easygoing one, couldn't help but enquire, "So, what was that about?"
She glanced at him, her expression a mix of urgency and hesitation. "It’s nothing, let’s keep going we’re almost there.”
He stopped dead in his tracks, “come on, there clearly is something,” he stated, crossing his arms, “and I’m not going anywhere until you tell me what’s going on.”
She stared at him, tempted to call out his bluff, but decided against it, knowing it was only a matter of minutes anyway.
 “Alright,” she sighed nervously, “I have some news.”
The air hung heavy with the weight of revelation. YN's eyes, now wide with anticipation, searched Josh's face for a reaction, a sign that he had processed the bombshell she had just dropped. The silence echoed like a distant melody, the street a quiet stage for the unfolding drama.
YN finally broke through the deafening quiet. "Aren’t you going to say anything?" her voice carried a mix of vulnerability and desperation, a plea for connection.
Josh, still processing, stared into the distance as if searching for answers among the unseen horizons. The creases on his forehead deepened, and the corners of his lips twitched with unspoken thoughts. "I just—” he finally uttered, “this- it’s is a lot to take in."
 "I know, I'm sorry to spring this on you like that," YN said, her words softening the room's tension. She continued, "I've been dying to tell you- or anyone for that matter, but- with the boys and other people always around, I was afraid it would turn into a big thing, and the news would get out."
Josh remained silent; his eyes still locked on some distant point.
"So..?" YN pressed on. She needed a reaction, a response, anything to bridge the chasm that had opened between them.
"So..." Josh hesitated, choosing his words with measured precision, "we're not heading to your friend's exhibit, are we?" he finally inquired, his question cutting through the haze with unexpected clarity.
"Well,” YN couldn't help but let a smirk play on her lips, “remember we always said you'd have dibs on giving your- style opinion if I ever tied the knot?" she teased, the corners of her lips curling with a hint of mischief.
Josh’s eyes widened with surprise, "Hold on, what?" he exclaimed. The tempo of the conversation had, once again, caught him off guard. "Didn't you just get engaged?"
"I know, it's all going a bit fast," she admitted with an excited sigh. "But Harry and I were at this Westwood show a week ago and the bridal look was just exquisite," she paused, “one thing led to another and we just- booked an appointment.”
Josh returned to his silence; surprise still etched on his face.
"Come on, don't be mad," she implored, her tone softening. "You know you love a private fitting," she added, attempting to inject a bit of lightness into the atmosphere, to soften the edges of the unexpected news.
 After a while, Josh looked up, meeting her eyes. "There’d better be a lot of champagne involved," he finally quipped.
She smirked, a sense of relief washing over her. Finally, a normal reaction from her friend. "And only the best,” she assured, “this is Paris, after all."
The boutique, nestled in the heart of the 7th arrondissement, exuded an air of exclusivity that transcended the ordinary. As YN and Josh stepped into its realm, they were greeted by the hushed whispers of luxury. The walls, adorned with mirrors, reflected the rare creations that hung elegantly on display.
An impeccably dressed man emerged to welcome them with a pronounced French accent. Every detail of his attire spoke of an innate understanding of elegance, a testament to the boutique's commitment to excellence.
It was the kind of boutique that dealt exclusively in one-of-a-kind couture looks, each piece meticulously curated through age-old relationships with some of the most illustrious maisons in the world. It housed creations that transcended mere garments; they were wearable art, destined for the most exclusive clientele.
 Led by the man, Josh and YN were ushered into a private fitting room. A sanctuary of privacy, it was adorned with soft, indirect lighting and the air was filled with a faint scent of peonies.
With a polite nod, the man assured them that he would return shortly with the dress YN had come to try on. As he exited the room, Josh couldn't resist calling after him, sending a playful reminder to bring in the champagne.
The leather sofa cradled them in its plush embrace as a delicate silence lingered, both YN and Josh settling into a cocoon of thoughts.
Josh, breaking the quietude, voiced the question that hovered between them. "So, you're really engaged, then?" His words hung in the air.
“Yeah,” a wistful smile played on YN's lips at the surreal nature of her situation. "I guess I am."
"How did it happen?" Josh asked, the question laced with genuine curiosity and a hint of brotherly concern. Her eyes sparkled as she recounted the proposal.
Josh listened attentively, a complex array of emotions crossing his features. He wanted to be solely happy for her, to share in the joy of her new life, but the reality of the situation still needed time to settle.
"It's all moving so fast, isn't it?" he mused, a thoughtful expression clouding his features. YN nodded in acknowledgement.
The atmosphere shifted as Josh leaned back against the velvety cushions, his eyes fixed on a distant point. "On the bright side of things,” he suddenly stated, “Sam owes everyone twenty bucks.”
She looked at him with a confused smile, “What?”
Josh sighed, memories flashing through his eyes. “About four years ago, the guys and I made this whole wedding bet thing” he giggled, “Sam, of course, bet the first marriage among all of us would be him and Carole King,” they both laughed, “guess that’s not happening.”
 “Did you bet on anyone?” YN asked playfully.
Josh nodded silently, a serious expression quietly returning to his face. “Yeah," he finally admitted, a veil of nostalgia covering his eyes. YN's smile softened, a hint of understanding in her eyes. Of course, Josh would’ve bet on her and Jake.
"Life takes unexpected turns," she gently stated as she leaned back into the sofa. “Who would’ve thought?”
“Yep,” he mirrored her words, “who would’ve thought?”
 As the minutes passed, the pair found solace in the shared silence.
The man finally returned with a garment bag that made YN’s eyes sparkle in excitement. Josh, taking charge of the celebratory mood, promptly popped the bottle of champagne, the effervescent bubbles escaping with a soft hiss.
He poured the bubbly liquid into two crystal flutes, the delicate clink resonating in the air as a toast to the unfolding moment.  
As YN disappeared into the changing area, Josh took a seat, sipping the effervescent liquid and allowing its crisp taste to dance on his palate.
Amid the subtle symphony of sips and the rustle of fabric, Josh suddenly heard some noise emanating from the main area of the boutique. Curiosity piqued, Josh set down his glass and ventured toward the source of the commotion.
“I don’t think this is the place, it’s all clothes in here.”
Josh closed his eyes as he recognized the all too familiar voice. Sammy. He sighed, recognizing the imminent chaos that his baby brother, in all his oblivious glory, was probably about to unleash upon the sophisticated boutique.
 Josh let out an exasperated breath, mentally preparing for hurricane Sammy. As the chaos drew nearer, he glanced toward the main area.
 « Puis-je vous aider? » the owner inquired, attempting to bring order to the unfolding comedy.
“Oh, um, oui, oui, oui, Bonjourrrr Monsieurrrrr, ” Sam stammered in response, « nous, uh- ouch! Daniel, my foot!” he whined.
Danny interrupted, mercifully ending the linguistic massacre, “I’m sorry, do you speak English?” The owner nodded in response. “Great, um, I don’t suppose this building is also an art gallery by any chance? We’re looking for our friends.”
“I’m afraid not. Who are your—” the manager began before being cut off.
“It’s okay,” Josh interjected, stepping out from the doorway to the fitting room with a mixture of amusement and mild irritation, “they’re mine.”
“There he is!” Sam exclaimed before turning back to the owner, “merci very much, pal,” he said, tapping the flabbergasted-looking man on the shoulder.
As Sam and Danny approached, Josh wasted no time addressing the impending chaos. "How did you even find us her—” he interrupted himself, “Danny, how many times do I have to tell you to stop tracking my phone?"
Danny, caught off guard, stammered, his ears turning red, "I don’t know what you’re talking ab—"
"I swear to G—" Josh began, frustration evident in his tone.
 “It doesn’t matter,” Sammy interjected, nonchalantly dismissing the potential drama. “Weren’t you going to some gallery?”
“It’s- a long story, not really mine to tell,” Josh replied, visibly nervous, “weren’t you going to the music store?”
 “Well, we did go,” Danny rolled his eyes, “only someone apparently booked an appointment for the year 2032-”
“Here we go again!” Sam groaned, throwing his arms up, in the air “I already said it was my bad, what more do you want from m-”
“Alright,” Josh sighed, his patience wearing thin, “you guys should head out, like, right now. Where’s Jake?”
“Jesus, chill out, he’s just outside, on the phone with Ma’,” Sam informed, attempting to diffuse the tension.
Danny, with his signature grin, couldn’t resist adding his two cents. "You know," he said, "if you guys wanted to go shopping, you could’ve just said so."
"That’s- not it," Josh retorted, his tone carrying a mix of irritation and urgency. "Will you please just listen to me and go before—"
“Hey!” Jake suddenly appeared from behind the other two, “Ma’ says hello,” he slowly looked up from his phone. “What are we doing here?” He took a moment to assess his surroundings, “Are we going shopping?”
“No, we were just about to leave, actually,” Josh replied nervously, his words rushing out. “Y/N will meet us later.” The air seemed to tense with an unspoken secret, the ambiance of the couture boutique now a battleground for conflicting interests.
"Is she not here?" Sam asked, glancing around the shop.
"No, she’s—" Josh began, but he was suddenly cut off by a voice from behind him.
“Alright, I’m coming out…” a voice range out.
Lord, help us all.
“…but I swear to God if you start crying, I will kick your—" YN’s figure materialized from the fitting room, and instantly froze. Her eyes widened, and her words hung in the air as she recognized the crumpling faces in front of her.
The four guys, equally dumbfounded, if not more so, slowly took in the sight of their friend wearing, what very much appeared to be a wedding gown.
Sammy was the first to break the silence, “What the—”
"So… now you know," Josh announced, absurdly loud, attempting to divert attention, "This year’s MET Gala theme is all-things-white, I know, I know, controversial, but, uh—"
“Josh,” YN cut in. She was thankful for her friend’s futile attempt to cover for her, but it was time to be honest. She turned to the boys.
“So…” She sighed hesitantly, “I guess the cat’s out of the bag, then. I’m kind of—" she paused, the word struggling to come out, “engaged?”
“You’re joking,” Sam blurted out.
“I don’t have my ring,” she clarified, “It’s getting resized, but—”
“Are you for real?” Danny interrupted.
There was a moment of palpable silence, and then YN timidly confirmed, “Y-yeah.” She wore a shy smile, and they scanned her face for any sign of dishonesty, finding nothing but sincerity. The realization hit them like a freight train.
“When’s the due date?” Sam couldn't resist adding.
“I’m not pregnant, Sam,” she snapped back, her eyes rolling with annoyance.
“Holy shit,” Danny exclaimed, rushing towards her and spinning her around. She laughed, feeling the tension dissipate.
“Someone’s making an honest woman out of YN, that certainly wasn’t on my bingo card” Sam teased, earning a look from YN, a mix of annoyance and amusement. “Alright, come here,” he opened his arms, and she gladly stepped into the embrace. “Congrats, superstar,” he mumbled into her scalp.
YN’s eyes finally landed on the one person who had yet to say a word.
Jake stood there, completely still. His gaze remained fixed on YN, an array of emotions flickering across his face. Surprise, disbelief, and perhaps a touch of realization danced in his eyes as he took in the sight of YN in a wedding dress.
 In that moment of stillness, Jake's mind raced. The news of YN's engagement hit him with an unexpected force. Despite knowing that they had both moved on, seeing his ex-girlfriend on the verge of marriage obviously stirred something within.
He watched as YN stood before him. She radiated excitement, yet looked at him with nervous doe eyes, as though seeking approval. Jake's features softened into a faint smile and he finally broke the silence, his voice barely above a whisper. “I’m so happy for you.”
She instinctively wrapped him in a soft embrace. Taken aback, he eventually wrapped his arms around her waist. “Thank you” she mumbled against his chest, “that means the world.”
“Okay,” Sam’s voice interrupted the moment of tenderness, “now that this is out of the way, let’s talk about this” he said, motioning to the dress she was wearing with an expression of disgust.
The atmosphere lightened as the group transitioned seamlessly from the weight of the revelation to their usual playful banter. "You don't like it?" YN inquired with genuine surprise, her eyes flickering from Sam to Josh, seeking confirmation.
Josh’s mirrored expression conveyed that his baby brother may have had a point, the unison hinting at a rare consensus. YN sighed with playful resignation, a mischievous grin creeping across her face as she hatched a plan to address the situation.
"Alright,” she announced, the glint of mischief in her eyes, “you know what we have to do, then." The boys, catching on to her playful intent, mirrored her smirk in anticipation.
"Fitting Frenzy!" they chanted with a jump, as Danny and Jake shook their head with both amusement and despair. The impromptu decision dispelling any lingering tension as they embraced the whimsical spirit of the moment.
The boutique transformed into a whirlwind of shades, fabrics, and laughter as said fitting frenzy ensued. Each member of the group contributed their unique flair to the impromptu dress-hunt, turning what was initially a stressful situation into a memorable experience.
"Eggshell, Daniel?" Josh's voice echoed through the boutique, a mock sense of outrage coloring his words. "Have you gone mad? Do you think our Y/N will have some barn wedding?"
Danny, unfazed, shot back with playful defiance, "Well, I'd rather have her in an eggshell gown than that horrendous bedazzled mess you suggested." Their banter echoed through the fitting rooms, punctuated by bursts of laughter that drew bewildered glances from the boutique staff.
YN, caught in the middle of the sartorial crossfire, couldn't help but chuckle at the playful antics of her friends.
Amidst the banter, Sam emerged from a changing room, strutting down the shop in a princess ballgown layered over his shirt. "You know, this is actually much more fun than what we had planned for today," he declared, twirling around.
The boutique's managing director, growing increasingly concerned with the boys' chaotic energy which clashed with the usual etiquette of his establishment, observed the spectacle with a mix of confusion and disapproval.
As the afternoon continued, YN found herself submerged in a sea of fabrics and styles. The excitement that had initially fueled the endeavor was now tinged with a hint of desperation as she tried on dress after dress, searching for the perfect one. Despite the growing frustration, she maintained a sense of fun, laughing at the playful banter of her friends.
 Throughout the disorder, Jake moved around the boutique, occasionally offering suggestions but seemingly preoccupied with his own thoughts. His attention wavered here and there.
“Hey how about this one?” Sam interrupted his brother’s train of thoughts holding up a dress to him, but Jake wasn’t paying attention, his gaze seemingly stuck on something. “Jake?” Sam inquired.
 Breaking from his distracted reverie, Jake finally voiced his suggestion, pointing at the specific garment that had captured his attention. "No," he said definitively, "She should try this one."
The owner's enthusiasm echoed through the opulent boutique, his thick French accent lending an air of sophistication to his words. "Aaaah, I see you have the American eye, don't you? We curate very few pieces of American design, but this one," he declared, his fingers delicately grazing the luxurious fabric of the dress in contemplation, "yes, it is… quite delectable, is it not? Tom Ford, 1986. A good year."
As he held the dress with a certain reverence, Sam eagerly announced, "We'll take it," seizing the hanger from the poor man's hands and dashing toward the fitting room. "YN, look what we found!" he gleefully shouted through the boutique, the proclamation carrying a hint of mischief that made the owner flinch.
Apologizing once again for his brother's exuberance, Jake offered a sincere "Sorry about that" to the slightly rattled proprietor. The old man, despite the chaos Sam had caused, chuckled halfheartedly as he returned to the meticulous task of sorting the upscale garments.
After a pause, he turned back to Jake, his eyes holding a glint of appreciation. "If I may," he said with a knowing smile, "you have a good eye. She will look exquisite in it."
Jake nodded in acknowledgment, a sense of satisfaction warming his chest.
As he headed back towards the fitting room. A chorus of oohs and aahs reached Jake’s ears.
There she was, YN, adorned in the dress he had chosen just moments ago, the sleek and elegant silk hugging her frame in a way that seemed tailor-made for her. The dress accentuated YN's beauty in a way that left him momentarily breathless.
Caught in the moment, YN looked around the room and inquired, "What do you think?" A chorus of enthusiastic responses filled the air.
"Now that's what I'm talking about," Sam chimed in, eliciting a genuine smile from YN.
Turning to Josh for his opinion, YN received a heartfelt compliment that seemed to catch her off guard. "You look really beautiful," Josh admitted, his voice slightly breaking with emotion.
"Gosh, stop it,” she playfully remarked, attempting to lighten the mood, “You're going to make me cry, and I haven't even seen it."
“Well go on, then,” with a helpful hand from Danny, YN was guided onto the small platform, facing the grand mirror. Taking a deep breath, she finally looked up at her reflection, and the room held its breath in anticipation.
Her eyes began to glisten as she took in her own reflection. The dress reflected Jake’s taste for the understated, emphasizing the beauty of simplicity and allowing YN's natural grace to shine through. It was a creation of plain elegance, a sleek masterpiece crafted from immaculate porcelain silk that draped effortlessly on her frame.
A soft smile played on YN's lips as she stood there, momentarily rendered speechless by the sight before her. "It's-” she eventually said struggling to find the right words as emotions bubbled to the surface. “It’s so…"
"…you," Josh finished the sentence for her, “it’s so you.”  The collective affirmation in the room conveyed a shared understanding—the dress wasn't just an exquisite garment; it seemed to be an embodiment of YN's essence, a celebration of her being.
The owner, with an air of grace, stepped forward, breaking the tender moment. He inquired, "Now, what are we thinking in terms of hair?"
 "Up," Jake and Josh said in unison. Jake glanced down, slight embarrassment coloring his expression.
YN nodded with a radiant smile, "Up it is."
"Would you like to see our collection of hair accessories? Just to get an idea." the owner offered, leading to an affirmative nod from YN. A skilled stylist promptly approached, delicately crafting an elegant updo, revealing YN's delicate collarbones.
As she perused the display case of accessories, YN settled on a sophisticated white gold pin adorned a single pearl. The owner, appreciating her choice, carefully retrieved the accessory.
However, the pin slipped through the owner's fingers, hitting the floor with a delicate clink. Before anyone registered the mishap, Jake had descended to one knee. He delicately picked it up, his movements fluid and confident, as if the gesture had been rehearsed a thousand times before. The boutique seemed to hold its breath as Jake rose to his feet. Sam and Danny exchanged a knowing glance.
The clearing of Jake's throat pierced through the stillness, drawing attention from the clandestine intensity of the scene. His eyes met YN’s through the mirror, seeking permission.
A nod from her, gentle yet affirmative, signaled her consent, along with a soft flutter of her eyelashes. With a deliberate step, Jake closed the distance between them, the air charged with unspoken anticipation.
He extended his hand, gently placing the pin in her hair. In a moment suspended in time, his fingertips accidentally brushed against the nape of her neck. A feathery touch that let an electric current pass between them.
As the two stood side by side, the lavish Parisian boutique provided a glamorous backdrop to a silent interlude. YN, adorned in the white gown, and Jake beside her, found themselves momentarily immersed in the alternate reality painted in the mirrors. The soft ambient lights seemed to cast an otherworldly glow.
In that suspended moment, their reflection seemed to carry whispers of the 'what-ifs' and the divergent narratives that fate had penned for them.
As their gazes met in the mirrored picture, an unspoken understanding lingered in the air—a shared acknowledgment of a parallel universe where the threads of destiny had woven a different tapestry.
The boutique owner, sensing the shift in dynamics, played the role of an artful conductor, steering the ensemble away from treacherous territories. "Beautiful!" he exclaimed, his voice serving as a gentle reminder of the present moment. “Isn’t it?”
The spell broken, Jake and YN found themselves back in the shared reality of the Parisian boutique. The moment dissipated, leaving behind a trace of wistfulness and a shared understanding that some paths, no matter how enticing, were to remain veiled in the realm of what might have been.
In that fleeting moment, Josh and Sam exchanged another knowing look. They understood the silent undercurrents that had rippled through the room, visible only to those attuned to the intricacies of their story.
 "Yeah,” echoed Jake softly, a touch of unease in his voice “Beautiful."
Suddenly, a voice breaks the contemplative atmosphere, announcing, "Hope I’m not interrupting." To everyone's surprise, the figure standing at the door is none other than that of YN’s fiancé.
Harry’s entrance cut through the atmosphere like a gentle disruption, eliciting a swift reaction from the gathered ensemble. In the blink of an eye, Jake stepped away from YN, creating a visible distance as the unexpected visitor approached.
The shift in dynamics was palpable, the subtle recalibration of postures a silent acknowledgment of unspoken boundaries.
"Oh my god,” the surprise painted across YN's face turned into sheer joy as she hopped off the platform, and sprinted towards Harry, her hand tenderly finding its place on his neck. In an impulsive burst of delight, she planted a kiss on his lips, an expression of unrestrained affection that spoke volumes to those around. “What are you doing here?" she exclaimed in disbelief.
 Harry, with a casual charm, explained, "Just landed an hour ago, thought I’d surprise you." His eyes then shifted to greet the boys, who still bore the remnants of surprise on their faces. As the initial shock settled, YN, still wrapped in the delight of the moment, turned to Harry with a hopeful gleam in her eyes.
 "Are you coming to the opening tonight?" she asked, anticipation of his response lingering in the air.
“No, I’m flying back as soon as I’m done with my interview,” he said, “Actually, I have to run right now, I’ll make sure to send Camille flowers though, tell her congrats for me, will you?”
Camille, Jake thought reluctantly. Harry knew YN’s other friends. How come Harry already knew her other friends? How come he’d never heard of Camille before?”
“Are you sure you can’t stay just a little while longer?” she pleaded.
“Sorry, my manager’s expecting me back in London by tonight,” he said, prompting a subtle pout from YN. “Aw, come on, don’t make that face, love. Here, I have something that’ll cheer you up.” He reached in his coat pocket and pulled out a small leather box and Josh cast a quick glance at his twin brother, who observed the scene. “I swung by Cartier on the way here,” Harry opened it to reveal a dazzling engagement ring. “There,” with gentle precision, he slid the ring onto YN's finger, “fits like a glove.”
"Thank you," YN smiled, her words accompanied by a tender kiss Harry planted on her hand.
“I left a little something at your hotel as well” he murmured, and she smirked sheepishly in response. She, by nature, may not have been driven by material gifts, but she knew how excited Harry always got.
“You’re the sweetest” she said softly.
“You are,” he retorted, “and would you look at you!” he exclaimed, eyes dancing with admiration as he twirled his fiancée around, reveling in the enchanting vision she presented. The moment, however, took an unexpected turn as he took a closer look at what she was wearing, “Hey, this isn’t the dress we’d talked about,” he questioned.
“Yeah, the Westwood didn’t exactly pan out,” Sam interjected, before YN could respond “that’s on us, mate.”
“Is this the one, then?” he said, gesturing to the gown she had on.
The room seemed to hold its breath as his question lingered. A wave of discomfort washed over YN. The very thought of walking down the aisle to Harry in the dress felt terribly inadequate for some reason.
“Uh, no,” she gently admitted after a pause, "I think I'll keep looking,” she shrugged. Her words prompted groans of disapproval from Sam and Danny. "It should be perfect for us," she insisted with a smile, though in truth, she was uncertain whose feelings she was trying to spare.
"Whatever feels right for you," Harry said, "I’ve got to run. It was nice seeing you all," and with one last peck on her lips, he exited the room.
Harry's departure left the boutique enveloped in a subtle sense of relief as Jake grappled with an internal turmoil that mirrored the brewing storm outside.
Irritation, disguised beneath a veneer of nonchalance, slowly began seeping through his veins.
 Suppressing the inconvenient truth that lay dormant within him, Jake found himself grappling with an internal struggle between acknowledging the depth of his feelings and maintaining the carefully constructed walls he had erected around his heart.
YN silently turned back to the boys, casting a quick glance at Jake. The subtle creases of his brow, a silent acknowledgment of a storm brewing beneath the surface.
“I think we’re done for today,” she declared, as she fumbled with the ring on her finger. “We don’t want be late.”
As the day melted into the evening, YN's wardrobe transitioned from the sleek ivory gowns of the boutique to a fun silver dress that shimmered with each step she took. The metallic fabric reflected the neon lights that illuminated the night, outside of the art gallery they were heading towards.
Adorning her ears were emerald earrings, thoughtful gift left by Harry at the hotel, glinting subtly as they caught the sporadic flashes of the vibrant light.
The anticipation of the evening's celebration seemed to clash with the subdued mood that had settled among the group as they approached the venue,
YN, still tense after the afternoon's emotional rollercoaster, maintained a dignified composure, though the echoes of her emotional turmoil lingered beneath the surface.
Jake, who hadn't uttered a word, let alone glanced in YN’s direction since their departure from the boutique, appeared increasingly tired as resentment simmered beneath the surface.
The vibrant energy that had characterized their friendship now hung in a delicate balance, disrupted by the unexpected currents set in motion. YN, though saddened and upset by the palpable shift in dynamics, chose to endure the silent treatment. It was true that she could have handled things with more thoughtfulness earlier.
They were welcomed into the space by the sound of music and sight of a decent crowd, a mix of art enthusiasts and socialites, swirling around the vibrant works of art.
Camille, with cheeks flushed and a self-soothed confidence fueled by a few drinks, spotted YN from across the room. "Oh my God, you're here!" she exclaimed, rushing towards her old friend with genuine excitement. She enveloped YN in a warm hug, her voice reflecting both joy and intoxication. "How have you been?" The two of them chatted for a minute.
The attention then shifted to the Greta boys, looking as handsome as ever. Camille, her eyes gleaming with mischief, greeted the boys with a seductive charm. "Well, bonsoir, gentlemen," she cooed, extending her hand with theatrical elegance, "Enchantée."
Seizing the opportunity for a flirtatious exchange, Sam pushed his brothers aside, positioning himself at the forefront. With a confident flair, he lay a delicate kiss on Camille's hand. “The pleasure is all mine,” he said, prompting the others to roll their eyes.
As the evening unfolded within the pulsating confines of the neon-lit gallery, Jake sought refuge at the bar, carefully avoiding any contact with YN like a sailor steering clear of a storm. His deliberate avoidance, a self-imposed exile, left her feeling adrift amidst the swirling currents of tension.
Distressed by the unspoken chasm between them, YN ended up seeking solace on the terrace, where the crisp night air provided a temporary respite from the stifling atmosphere inside. Her eyes were fixed on the ring on her finger, it glistened delicately in the light, yet felt heavier than ever on her finger.
“What are you doing out here?” Danny's voice interrupted the solitude, breaking the quietude of the night. He approached YN, his breath forming visible puffs in the chilly air.
"Is that a cigarette I see in your hand?" he asked, genuine surprise coloring his words.
"Old habits die hard, I guess," YN responded with a wry smirk. She wasn’t a regular smoker, but when days were high in stress, she sometimes found comfort in the smell and taste of tobacco, a weakness from years past. She took one last drag before moving to put out the cigarette.
"No need to put it out," Danny reassured her.
"It's okay, I don't mind," YN replied, extinguishing the cigarette with a flick of her fingers. The cool night air seemed to match the tense atmosphere lingering between them. Danny, breaking the silence, finally broached the sensitive topic that loomed over the night like a specter.
"So…" he began, his words hesitant.
"So…" she echoed, her eyes teasing him.
"Marriage, huh?" Danny eventually voiced, the question lingering in the air like an uncharted path in the dark.
"Yep," she replied, a soft smile playing on her lips. Danny and YN shared a glance that conveyed an unspoken acknowledgment — a few years back, the notion of YN embracing matrimony was nothing short of an absurdity. She and Jake had broached the topic once or twice, but it simply wasn’t her style. Not at the time, at least.
As her short response hung in the cold night air, Danny's eyes held a mix of curiosity and concern. "Are you happy?" he gently probed.
"You know…?" she paused, the words carrying the weight of introspection, "I think I am." As she spoke, the echoes of her own journey reverberated through her voice.
There was a time, not too long ago, when the prospect of happiness felt elusive, hidden in the shadows of heartbreak. After Jake, she had wandered through life with difficulty. The idea of happy-ever-after had seemed like a distant dream, an illusion shattered by the echoes of what had been.
Yet, Harry had entered her life like a gentle force, a subtle breeze that whispered promises of new beginnings. It wasn't the same love, nor did it intend to be. The edges were softer, the hues more muted, but it felt right, it felt- sensible.
She had once believed that devotion could only wear the guise of what she had known with Jake, but life had a way of rewriting its own narratives.
Danny, leaning against the cold metal railing of the terrace, absorbed YN's words with a thoughtful expression.  "You've come a long way," he remarked, his voice gentle, “Both of you.”
"Yeah," YN responded, her gaze momentarily drifting to the city skyline. “He hasn’t said a word to me all afternoon, though.”
Danny nodded, understanding the weight of unspoken words. "You know him, better than most. It doesn't mean he's not happy for you; he’s just never good with change."
Amid the day's tumultuous atmosphere, Danny once again stepped into his role as the voice of reason. His words carried a soothing reassurance, a balm to the unease that had settled over YN.
She sighed, the night air carrying a hint of hesitation, "I hope so.”
 A gust of wind swept through, eliciting a shiver from YN.
“You should go back inside,” Danny said with a gentle nudge, “Wouldn’t want you to catch death before you make it down the aisle.”
 “Yeah,” YN chuckled back, “that would not be a good look.”
As YN walked back inside, her eyes locked onto Jake, who, upon meeting her gaze, promptly diverted his course, striding purposefully in the opposite direction and disappearing into the men's room. The continuous avoidance and unspoken tension had reached its breaking point, and Danny’s reasonable words seemed like no more than a distant echo.
Fuck it.
Fed up with the unspoken rift, YN briskly followed the guitarist, determined to confront the lingering unease that had shadowed them throughout the day. With each step, her resolve strengthened. The hallway echoed with the clicking of her heels, a stark contrast to the lively hum emanating from the exhibit area behind her.
The door to the men's room swung open, revealing the dimly lit space within, and YN was met with the sight of Jake standing near the row of sinks. His posture, while seemingly casual, hinted at an anticipation that sent a ripple through the charged atmosphere.
She tried to hold onto her tenacity before it inevitably slipped away. "Can we talk?" she ventured, unnecessary loudly.
A flicker of discomfort crossed Jake's downturned gaze as he replied, "This is hardly the place."
"Since when has that been a problem?" she retorted, frustration seeping into the words. Jake's silence, an unnerving response, hung between them like an unspoken challenge. "We need to talk; you've been avoiding me all day," she continued, the weight of the unsaid pressing down on the confined space. “See? You won’t even look at me.”
"Alright," Jake finally shrugged, looking up at her, "Get on with it."
Caught off guard by the intensity of his gaze, YN hesitated for a moment, collecting her thoughts.
"Are you okay?" she finally asked, concern evident in the furrow of her brow and the subtle quiver in her voice.
Jake scoffed, turning away. "What do you think?" he spat, his words cutting through the air with a sharp edge.
"You said you were happy for me," she countered, a flicker of hurt in her eyes.
"Yeah, well, what the hell d'you expect me to do?” he shot back, “I wasn't exactly about to make a scene in front of everyone."
"Jake,” she sighed, her voice softening in the face of his evident frustration, “I'm sor—"
"And to find out about it like that?" he interrupted, hurt evident in his eyes. "I mean, I know we've had our ups and downs, but Jesus, I thought we still had some respect for each other."
"I'm sorry," she offered sincerely, "this— it wasn’t supposed to happen like that. I wasn't—"
"Sure,” he pressed, his voice carrying a bitter edge, “and when exactly were you going to tell me, huh?"
"I— I don't know—" she stammered, her words an acknowledgment of the disarray surrounding the situation, a vulnerability laid bare.
"Were you just going to wait until paps got a shot of that huge rock you carry on your finger?" he continued, and YN wished she could sink into the ground.  The rapid clenching and unclenching of Jake’s fists revealed the intensity of his emotional turmoil. "Or better yet, wait for me to see photos of your fucking honeymoon in the press—"
"Stop it, you know I'd never do that," she interjected defensively.
"Actually, I'm not sure I know anything about you right now," he retorted.
"And what's that supposed to mean, exactly?" she demanded, her voice tinged with defiance.
Jake looked at her for a moment, his own frustration simmering beneath the surface. "You're seriously going to make me say it?" he shot back.
"Well, I'm not a fucking mind-reader!" she roared.
"Come on, YN” he rolled his eyes, “Marriage? Mrs. Styles?" he mocked, his words carrying a weight of disbelief as if grappling with an inconceivable reality.
"Yeah, well, what about it?" she spat, attempting to conceal the hurt that flickered in her eyes.
"Please," he shook his head dismissively, as if challenging the very essence of the decision she'd made. “That's not you."
"And what do you know, huh?" she said, the echoes of her frustration reverberating off the restroom walls. "We haven't been together in years; what makes you think you know what I want for my life?"
"Because I know you!" he yelled, the force behind his words revealing a desperation to be understood. Silence hung in the air, a palpable tension between them before Jake pressed on, "and better than that jackass does, apparently,"
"You don't even know him!" she shot back, her defenses rising.
"See, that's the thing," he scoffed, a bitterness underlying his tone, "I don't need to know him. I know your taste in men."
Her eyes flickered with pain, a wounded expression betraying the impact of his words. "That's a low blow," she eventually said, a mix of hurt and indignation coloring her response, "even from you."
"Yeah, well, only the truth hurts, I guess," he mumbled, a bitter acknowledgment hanging in the air as he walked past her and headed towards the exit.
"So what?" she called out, the desperation evident in her voice. "Was I supposed to stay single for the rest of my life?" He turned around, his heart breaking as he met her sad eyes. She continued, "I—After everything- do I not deserve a chance?"
"No, that’s not-" an instinctive pull drawing him closer to her. His hand gently cupped her face, his thumb brushing away a stray tear. "You know all I want is for you to be happy."
"Well, I am. For maybe the first time in years, I am," she whispered, nuzzling her cheek into the palm of his hand. "Harry, he's good, he makes me feel- safe."
He felt a pang in his chest at her words. "I'm sure he does," he said sadly, his words weighted with an unspoken ache. "That— that's not the problem."
"Well, then, what is it?" she searched his eyes, desperate for understanding.
"It's just— " he hesitated, the words burning in his throat, unwilling to ever come out. His fingers delicately brushed her hair behind her ear, and his gaze lingered on the emerald earring that dangled from her lobe. "He’s-” Jake continued, his eyelids flickering, “he's got good taste."
 With those words, he walked out, leaving YN behind, paralyzed, the weight of the unspoken lingering in the air.
YN found herself back in the exhibition area, but the vibrant artwork was a blur as her mind wrestled with her recent exchange with Jake. The odd thrill of their heated encounter served as an unsettling reminder of what she’d left behind.
She’d messed up and he’d messed up, a pattern that seemed to keep on haunting the both of them, even in friendship.
Truth was, he’d probably been right. She wouldn’t have had the guts to tell him about her engagement.
Why, though, was a question she couldn’t quite answer. Perhaps she’d enjoyed that in-between. On some level. Perhaps she’d wanted to witness his unfiltered reaction, or she’d been curious as to what might happen if she let the news come out on its own. Perhaps she’d simply been bored out of her mind.
Her songwriting had seemed to have run dry recently. The more time passed, the more she found that ‘happiness’, whatever that was, presented a ridiculously uneventful subject. After all, there would be no grand choirs to sing, no chorus could come in about two people sitting doing nothing.
Perhaps Patty had been right when she’d said YN had always needed to go to war to find material to sing. But it was a dangerous game, one she’d renounced a long time ago. Too much of her blood had been shed. She had let the sword fall to the floor, only to be replaced by the ring on her finger.
Immobilized by a sea of emotion, YN suddenly felt a comforting presence beside her. Josh's voice cut through her thoughts.
"Don't worry about him,” he offered, “he'll come around eventually. It's just a lot to process."
"I know," she replied with uncertainty, her eyes still fixed on the artwork as if seeking solace in its silent forms.
"One of you was gonna end up getting married someday," Josh continued, "you just happened to be the first. That's nothing to apologize for." His hand found hers, the silent gesture conveying a silent promise of support.
The following day unfurled with an air of quiet tension. It was YN’s turn to deliberately avoid Jake as they moved through the day's activities. However, the serendipity of travel arrangements had a laid out different plans for them.
As they boarded the plane, YN's eyes darted across the cabin in search of her seat, her desire to maintain distance palpable. Yet, the universe seemed intent on weaving a narrative of its own.
There, in the vast expanse of plane seats, she had apparently been expected to sit next to none other than the very person she’d been trying to avoid.
A flicker of reluctance crossed YN's face as she hesitated near the row, contemplating her options.
Just as she decided to retreat, Jake's hand gently reached out, “YN, come on,” a silent plea evident in his touch, "please?" His words hung in the air, soft yet compelling. It seemed he had renounced his fighting mood from the day before. She relented, sinking into the seat beside him.
The hum of the plane engines served as the backdrop to a charged silence, unspoken tension echoing in the space that stretched between their bodies.
Once takeoff was done, Jake hesitated, glancing towards YN with a contemplative expression. Breaking the uneasy silence, he began, "About yesterday..."
She met his gaze, her eyes reflecting a myriad of emotions, a silent invitation for him to continue. "I shouldn't have reacted the way I did," Jake admitted, his voice carrying a blend of regret and vulnerability. " It's just... it all caught me off guard."
YN, too, felt the weight of remorse settling in. "I should've told you. I should've found a way to tell you before,” she looked down at her hands, “but everything happened so fast, and I-I didn't know how…"
He nodded, a mix of regret and understanding in his eyes. "Still, I was an ass.”
"I get it," YN replied softly, meeting his gaze. "It's a big change. I never intended for you to feel blindsided."
He sighed in acknowledgment, "I guess we both have a lot to process. I never expected- I mean, I didn't think it would hit me that hard."
She met his gaze, a shared understanding passing between them. "To be fair, I never expected to find myself here either," she admitted, her voice soft. "But things change, I suppose."
"Yeah," he whispered, "they do."
The tension that had gripped the air between them began to slowly dissipate as YN chose to inject a much-needed dose of levity into the confined space of the plane.
"If that makes you feel better," she remarked with a gentle smile, "I’ll make sure to have a full-on meltdown when you get married, that way we’re even."
“Deal,” Jake chuckled, a warmth spreading through him, "just make it memorable, okay? Maybe hire a choir or something."
"Oh, absolutely," she nodded with mock seriousness, "I'm thinking fireworks, synchronized swimmers, the whole shebang. It's going to be an event."
“And of course, you'll need a soundtrack.” He mused, “Maybe something like ‘I Will Survive’ or ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’?"
"Solid choices," she laughed, "but I was thinking more along the lines of Cryingby Aerosmith. Really amp it up, you know?"
"Ah, a woman of refined taste," he quipped, "I'll be sure to add it to the playlist.”
She nodded, playing along, "And a fog machine as well, for my dramatic entrance.
"Well, naturally," Jake responded, “Can't forget the fog.”
The banter continued, a familiar cadence of playful exchanges that danced on the edge of shared memories. YN, feeling a sense of relief, leaned into the easy camaraderie they had always shared.
"So," Jake eventually needled, a curious glint dancing in his eyes, "have you set a date?"
“No, not yet" she responded with a casual shrug. "But knowing us, it's probably going to be a while. We're constantly swamped with work. You know how it is.”
“Too busy to plan your special day?” he smirked, “I don’t believe it, you were already picking your dress, weren’t you?”
“Well, I do have my priorities straight,” YN laughed. “But seriously, though,” she insisted, “I swear you might end up tying the knot before I do.”
Jake chuckled in response.
He would contemplate the conversation in the following weeks, assuming the wedding talk had merely been banter. The idea of YN getting married seemed like a distant future, perhaps years away.
Little did he know that merely a month later, a small, elegant envelope would arrive in the mail, bearing news that would unknowingly alter the course of their fate.
Miss YN YLN and Mr Harry Styles Request the pleasure of your company at their Wedding Save the Date
Next Track : St Jude
Series Masterlist
Hope you liked it! Once again, I am begging you all to interact and leave comments it makes me so happy to get feedback and reactions xxx
Also, this is only the beginning lol. I have a billion drafts for other chapters so stay tuned, peaceful army.
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safety-pin-punk · 1 year
Punk 101: Recording Music
To answer the question: ‘How do you record music off of a streaming service’ (for legal reasons I wont say which one I recorded off of)
Warning: it can get a bit complicated and is illegal
More Important Warning: at the end of this post there is a video with flashing lights
Also a point to make: you shouldnt do this especially for smaller bands. They make money off of streaming. They need money to survive. Support small bands
Step 1. Put the playlist together
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This can be on Spotify, Tidal, Apple Music, etc. You just have to be able to access it on your phone or tablet (something that takes an aux cord)
Step 2. Turn the sound to Analog
This is accomplished by running it through an aux cord. If you have a newer iphone or simply a device that has no aux output, you need to get an adapter. But the music HAS to be transferred out of a digital format otherwise you wont be able to record through any encryption (Im not a computer person please dont ask me to explain streaming encryptions)
Step 3. Turn it back into digital
Heres the thing, you can’t really record analog (well not without a HUGE quality loss in sound). This is the part where I warned it can get complicated. I’m going to show the ‘advanced’ way. But you could probably also just find a way to plug the aux into a computer as an input too.
Personally, *if* I were to record music (which I totally dont do cause its illegal) I’d run my music through two different boards
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The one on the left is an old as fuck board that has amazing sound, the one on the right is a Denon, which we currently use for DJ gigs. The aux is the input into the old one, which in turn is the input into the new one.
Side note: I’d only add the old board into the mix if I can’t get the aux input loud enough on the Denon to match any pre-recorded music. That’s important for a DJ. The old board would let me give it an extra boost.
Step 4. Sound match (kind of optional, but recommended)
If you want your music to be the same volume as all the other music you have, you have to sound match with a song you already have. I like this song:
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You need to record about 20 second demos and compare them with the original song while messing around with the settings until it sounds good without damaging the equipment. As you can see it might take a few tries to get the sound to match. But once it does, you dont have to change the settings for any other song you record.
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If you are using a board to record or boost your audio, these are lights that you want to pay attention to. You never want to ‘peak’ your boards. Its not good for them and will shorten their life span.
Step 4. Record
Newer boards often have recording functions (like the Denon). If you are on a computer, use whatever recording application you have available. Save each track. (Maybe listen to the first few to make sure you arent cutting off the very beginning or end of a song). Keep track of which song was recorded in what order if you cant name them right away.
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Save the songs onto a usb or on your computer. From their you can rename the files
Step 5. Do with it as you please
Want to turn it into a cd?
Punk 101 Master List
My entire set up for recording: FLASH WARNING
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lonelywhalien22 · 2 years
pretty lies - part three
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pairing: vernon x reader
rating/genre: enemies to lovers, slow burn, ANGSTY fluff, band au
summary: supporting your friend mingyu becomes way more than you ever could have bargained for when you become involved with one of his bandmates
warnings: cussing, vernon has issues in this story but please remember this is a work of fiction, mingyu stans don’t hate me but mingyu and reader are just friends
word count: 2.4k
prev. chapt. | series masterlist | next chapt.
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It was Saturday, the night of the band’s first gig together since adding Vernon. You were on the phone with Mingyu as you stared at your closet in complete confusion.
“What do I even wear to something like this?”
“Just wear what you’d wear to a party. A good gig should feel like a party.”
“I don’t know…” you said, still unsure.
“If you wanna dance, wear something comfortable. If you wanna pick up a guy then wear something form fitting. Bonus points if you can achieve both. Simple,” Mingyu said quickly, seemingly preoccupied with his own preparations on the other end of the line.
“Shut up, I’m going as a supportive friend, not trying to get laid.”
“Who says you can’t do both?”
“Mingyu -”
“Trust me - if we’re good no one will be looking at you anyways.”
“Shit, guess I’ll have to dress to impress then.”
“Funny,” Mingyu deadpanned. “Just throw something on and pick me up.”
“What was that?”
“Please-please-please pick me up, my wonderful friend who I am so thankful for -” you heard Mingyu begin to desperately plead as you tried to hold in your laughter on the other end.
“That sounds better.”
Half an hour later, you and Mingyu pulled up to the back of the venue to bring in equipment and give the band a chance to warm up. The sun began to set just as you carried in the last bit of stuff, the sky a soft orange that melted into a deep purple. The venue was just a little larger than the size of a hole in the wall bar, with walls made of brick and a plethora of flyers advertising different events nailed into its surface. The stage was at the far back, and there was a small hallway that led to a staff and prep room as well as the back door where you and Mingyu had brought in equipment. The floors were a dark hardwood, some of the boards creaking as staff walked around, setting things up, and a bar was right off to the side of the entrance. Jay greeted you once everything was settled, motioning you in for a hug while Mingyu spoke with one of the staff members to make sure everything was on track.
“Thanks for coming out,” Jay said as the two of you separated.
“Of course. Where’s Vernon?” you asked a little worriedly. How could he be late for the band’s very first performance? 
“He’ll be here. I called him a minute ago and he’s just in a bit of a delay.”
As people began slowly trickling into the venue you left the stage area to go and do some mingling at the bar, trying to take your mind off of Vernon’s tardiness while you let Mingyu and Jay focus on getting ready. You had decided on wearing a pair of worn-in black denim jeans and a white crop top, a black puffer still layered over to fight the cold until you warmed up. Your hair was secured in a ponytail at the back of your head so you didn’t get too hot once it got more crowded inside. After about another hour, the lights in the venue dimmed and an announcer came onto the small stage to make the band’s introduction.
“Welcome you all, we’ve got quite the treat for you tonight,” the announcer began. “This group has been active for five years, exciting audiences with their energizing performances all over the city. With Jay on the bass, Mingyu on drums, and debut member Vernon on lead guitar and vocals, please give it up for Red Rock Day!”
The audience erupted into loud cheers and hollers. You quickly hopped up from your spot at the bar and weaved your way through the crowd towards the front so you didn’t get stuck somewhere too far back, excited but also nervous to finally see the guys perform. Had they practiced enough? What about the argument with Vernon? Could it somehow ruin the performance?
The three bandmates appeared from the back hallway and made a path to their places on stage. You saw Vernon for the first time that night, making his way to the mic up front and adjusting it to his height. He wore black leather pants with combat boots and a loose, dark blue collared shirt that was completely unbuttoned and layered over a white sleeveless v-neck. A silver chain hung from his neck and his hair was parted to the side tonight, the strands straightened out a little and gelled slightly to give an almost wet-hair look. You tried to read his expression but he had quite the poker face - you couldn’t tell if he was confident or nervous, if he wanted to be there or if he wished he were somewhere else entirely. You hoped for the former.
“Good evening, everyone. We’re Red Rock Day, and this one’s called ‘Forest Rising,’” Vernon finished curtly before nodding off to the back. 
Tap. Tap. Tap. Tap. Mingyu began pressing the pedal on his drum set at a fast tempo and Jay followed shortly after on the bass.
“One, Two, Three, GO!” Vernon shouted in time to the beat before a blast of sound came out of the speakers. He spun around for a few beats before facing the crowd again, his fingers beginning to strum a catchy guitar riff. The room exploded immediately into screams, people jumping up and down and pumping their fists.
They must have started with a fan favorite, you thought as the crowd began to sing along with Vernon.
This being the first time you heard him, you were caught off guard by the deepness of his voice, the lyrics he was singing seeming to glide over the shouts of the audience while also luring them in, like a guiding light in a sea of chaos. It was as if he had become someone else entirely while he performed - his mannerisms bold and decisive, an aura that was decidedly charismatic radiating from his body as he paced back and forth across the stage rhythmically. You glanced over at Mingyu in the back, seeing him give Jay a knowing smile, his tongue sticking out slightly in a satisfied grin - things were definitely going well. The first song ended with a bang, and the crowd erupted into cheers and hollers. 
From then on, the rest of the set continued to go smoothly. You let your worries go and quickly became one with the crowd, jumping up and down to the rhythm of the beat and raising your hands in the air throughout the performance, eyes closing at times to savor the sound. Vernon seemed to loosen up with each song as well, leaning the mic stand towards the audience at various points as he sang his lungs out. Sometimes during guitar solos he would face Mingyu or Jay while playing to really amp up the crowd, each member nodding at each other affably. At one point towards the end of the set, a scream of, “you’re so hot” managed to be heard from the roar of the crowd as Vernon brushed his hair back out of his face, his skin glistening from the exertion of performing. You swore you saw a light blush appear across his cheeks, a tight lipped smile on his face as he looked down at the floor for a moment, trying to hide his reaction, but he continued to sing, giving no other sign that he had registered the fan’s words.
“Thanks for coming out tonight,” Vernon finished when the performance was finally over.
“Holy crap, you guys were amazing!” You ran up to Mingyu, giving him a light hug as you saw he was drenched in sweat.
The performance had ended half an hour ago, and the crowd was finally beginning to disperse from the venue. You had lingered back from the stage for a moment, waiting for the band to finish interacting with some fans and speak with the bar staff before making your way forward.
“The crowd was wild. One of the best we’ve had.”
“Great job, man,” Jay appeared, patting Mingyu on the back and giving you a high five.
“I’ll go get my car so we can start packing up,” you offered, seeing how tired the two of them looked, the adrenaline from the performance starting to wane.
You made your way through the hallway and out the back door near the stage, the door giving a loud clunk as it shut behind you. A blast of cool air hit your face and you shivered slightly, your hands immediately going up to rub against your arms. You had abandoned your jacket just two songs into the performance, having warmed up quickly from dancing along with the crowd. You turned around to go back and grab it, trying several times unsuccessfully to turn the handle when a deep voice interrupted your movements.
“It’s locked.”
You turned to your side to see Vernon leaning against the outside brick wall, the water bottle in his hand practically empty.
“Shit. I guess I’ll just go back around to the front once I get my car,” you said into the air, still shivering in your crop top as you saw your breath materialize in front of you. You got ready to make the trek back around before stopping again to share your thoughts quickly, still buzzing with energy from the mini concert.
“You were great tonight, by the way. I didn’t realize you could sing so well. I honestly loved every single song.”
Vernon’s eyes widened a bit before he looked away from you, glancing down almost shyly. 
You laughed a little.
“What’s so funny?” he looked back up at you, another one of those guarded looks appearing on his face.
“You know, I think I’ve heard you sing more words than I’ve ever heard you speak,” you teased. You chuckled again before a sneeze came out of you and you tightened your arms around your waist. While your head was down, you suddenly felt a piece of fabric being draped over your shoulders. It was the long-sleeved shirt Vernon had been wearing over his v-neck. You looked up at him as he was now closer, confusion written all over your expression.
“You looked cold,” he explained simply.
“Oh no you don’t have to, I’ll just walk back to the front and -”
“Just put it on. I’m out here trying to cool off anyways,” he cut you off as he stepped back from you.
You stood there for a few seconds, still unsure.
“I’m sure they’re waiting for you so they can get out of here,” Vernon prodded before looking away from you and out towards the street, cars flying by.
He was right. You finally slipped your arms through the shirt sleeves before eagerly wrapping it closed against your chest. It smelled faintly like him, the scent of cedar once again hitting your nose. You didn’t even care that he’d probably sweat in it while on stage, just thankful for another layer.
You turned and left at that, quickly making your way to where you’d parked your car on a side street and hopping in, cranking up the heat before pulling it up to the back door. You then jogged around to the front of the venue, entering through the main door and grabbing your black puffer coat from the coat rack, zipping it up over yourself immediately.
“Car’s out back,” you yelled over to Mingyu, Jay, and Vernon, who were now all fiddling with different pieces of equipment, breaking things down and placing them into various bags. You went and opened the back door, this time pressing down the stand to keep it open as Mingyu carried out the first load.
“It’s cold as shit out here,” you heard Jay remark as he and Vernon each lifted a side of a heavier box out and into your car.
“Let’s just hurry so we can go home,” Mingyu encouraged. 
After another fifteen minutes, everything was finally packed up. Jay said his goodbyes, making his way to his car while you and Mingyu got settled in the front seats of yours. As you started to pull off, you saw Vernon walking back towards the front of the venue, strapping on his helmet with bare arms as he made his way around the corner and out of sight. That’s when you remembered you were still wearing his shirt.
“Everything good?” Mingyu asked, clearly ready to go home.
“One sec, I forgot something,” you responded, getting out of your car and running in the same direction Vernon had gone.
“Vernon! Wait! I’ve still got your shirt,” you called after him, finally catching his attention near his bike in the parking lot as he turned around and pulled his helmet back off to look at you. You stopped in front of him under the orange glow of a street light, beginning to unzip your jacket so you could give his shirt back, the frosty air immediately seeping into your chest and making you shiver again.
“Just give it back to me later.”
“But you’ll freeze riding out in weather like this.” 
You stubbornly continued to unzip your jacket, fumbling with the zipper in the cold.
“Y/n, stop.” Vernon walked closer and placed a cold hand over yours, freezing you in your tracks as you finally looked back up at him. Why did his touch have such an effect on you?
“It’s fine. I’ve got a jacket.”
He turned away from you for a moment and fished out a leather jacket with a fur lining from inside a storage compartment at the back of his bike, slipping it on. Oh.
“Done worrying about me now?”
“I wasn’t worried,” you said back irritated, body suddenly feeling warm in embarrassment. You looked up to see that he was smirking at you.
“I wasn’t!”
He boarded the motorcycle then, giving you one last look in the eyes before fitting his helmet back over his head. You watched as he reversed into the street and sped off.
“Found what you were looking for?” Mingyu asked as you made it back to your car, yanking the door open as you got back in the driver’s seat.
“Yeah,” you snapped, zipping your jacket back up and finally driving off.
“What’re you yelling at me for???” Mingyu whined.
prev. chapt. | series masterlist | next chapt.
taglist: @twogyuu @yourfavoritefreakyhan
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j0kers-light · 2 years
His Lighthouse: Choices part one (LedgerJoker x f!reader)
Choices part one 
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series summary:  
Y/n is an aspiring writer living in Gotham City and struggling to find her next muse. Her recent novel is getting all the buzz, earning her far more attention than she signed up for. But when a chance encounter results in her nursing The Joker back to health, will she find the time to write another best seller or will her own story become front page of the Gotham Gazette?  
chapter summary:
As the aftermath to the gala event unfolds Y/n must decided on what she truly wants out of her deal with Joker. Will she continue down this road with him or will someone else distract her heart?
Author’s note:    
It feels like forever since I updated! I’m able to hold my phone with my hand so that made typing easier this go round. It still took too long (in my opinion) but my therapist said I’m making some progress! Which means I have more time to recover and write lol. I’m on a roll! I’m so happy where this story is going! I have part two sketched out and the story outline going so I don’t get off track. I also changed the rating so that means *drum roll* ITS GONNA GET SPICY SOON! The slow burn is well worth it! Read to find out.
Last Chapter | Next Chapter 
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Joker never saw you asleep before so he didn't know if this was normal.
He was amiss on what to do after you fainted on him but decided to make you as comfortable as possible. With how your night was turning out, it was the least he could do. You were light as a feather in his arms as he carried you from the center of the room over to his bed.
It was the only thing in the otherwise barren room. Joker considered himself lucky to find this particular hideout untouched by the GCPD as they combed the city searching for him.
It wasn't his favorite locale but he couldn't be choosy given the circumstances.
In the day that Joker spent away from you, he managed to get his crew in order, gain control of his main stronghold, and move equipment out of the few remaining hideouts that had yet to be compromised over to the main.
A busy day, yet you were on his mind the entire time. He planned a hit on the party you were attending, but nothing went according to plan.
Joker wasn't a guy to plan things.. but for once he wanted things to go smoothly! Now he had to re-strategize and wait for Two Face's next move, all the while keeping you out of it. Joker did not want you caught up in the middle but he feared you already were. Which became the reason why he ordered Frost to bring you here.
He couldn't help but watch over you as you slept. He never saw you so vulnerable before– so demure and otherworldly.
Your formal attire highlighted your natural beauty and despite the lack of natural light in the room, your jewelry twinkled and caught his eye.
Joker knew real diamonds when he saw them.
He also knew that sleeping in your best threads was bound to be uncomfortable. He fought the urge to pocket the fine jewels and slid your bracelet off your wrist before unclasping your earrings. You didn't like that and shifted, hinting at your possible alertness but thankfully you simply rolled onto your side.
Joker was about to tackle taking your braided updo down, when you began to talk.
He thought you had woken up but green eyes widened upon discovering you were still fast asleep. So you talked in your sleep? Interesting..
It was interesting to see your mind still at work even while unconscious. You continued to amaze him however your actual words worried him.
"Dead doves. Lemons... no not there. Don't burn the sandwiches!" Your entire body jerked and Joker knew the telltale signs of a nightmare from anywhere.
He sincerely hoped your sandwiches were okay.
You continued to thrash around until he tossed morals out the window and pulled you into his arms. If you woke up now he'd willingly face your scrutiny. Joker marked this down as another newfound joy.
He didn't know that holding someone close could feel so good and apparently you thought the same.
You calmed down and resumed a normal sleeping pattern. The takeaway was that you used Joker as both a personal pillow and a teddy bear. He couldn't escape even if he wanted to and honestly, why would he?
You were snuggled up against him, humming softly in your sleep. It was cute and it fit your personality.
One of your hands rested awkwardly on his neck and while he was moving it, he saw the jagged cut he left on it days prior. It was healing nicely on its own but he hoped it didn't scar. He didn't want you to have a permanent reminder of his mistakes.
Joker didn't know what possessed him to kiss your palm; Maybe as an apology or rather a prayer towards good health, either way he repositioned your hand to lay against his dress shirt.
It would wrinkle with how tightly you latched onto it, but feeling you nuzzle your head further into his embrace was worth every crease.
"You're more trouble than you're worth." Joker extended his arm to pick up a book on the side of his bed.
He didn't dare move too much and risk waking you. It was just a challenge for him to reach it. His hands found purchase and he was able to prop the book up on your head to read in his downtime.
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You woke up alone. For not knowing your surroundings, you were well rested and yawned loudly.
A flash of red caught your eye and you drew your hand back to check it. You were a bit confused to find a perfect lipstick mark over the cut Joker gave you.
"Where did that come from?" Then it hit you.
The color red. Blood and so much of it. How could you forget a night so horrific? Everything came rushing back to you in stunning clarity.
You were talking with Sapphire and then bumped into Polly for a potential endorsement and happened to witness sheer madness in the form of Two Face and his goons shooting up the place. You felt sick just thinking about it. Each face in the crowd, each person who lost their life, entered your mind. You didn't know them yet their deaths somehow felt like your fault.
Sapphire's felt more personal. She was right there in front of you.
If you had more time, thought on your feet, did something instead of standing there useless, perhaps she would still be alive. You did nothing but freeze up in the heat of the moment.
Whatever happened to your Blüdhaven instincts? Whenever you heard gunshots growing up, it was just background noise and one less thing to worry about.
It was natural to duck for cover but a younger version of yourself wouldn't have been so terrified. Maybe annoyed more than anything. Cooped up indoors all the time had reverted your reaction time to violence right back to square one.
You felt more awake now and blinked to clear your fuzzy vision away, though you realized your mini concussion was still screwing with your system. You looked down and finally took stock of the state you were in.
The designer dress that was delivered to your home was unrecognizable with its dried blood splatter and huge rips throughout it.
You thanked a higher power that it wasn't on loan.
It was just a shame you would have to toss out a once beautiful art piece. However you were quick to notice something else was missing here. It would have to wait. You were sitting on a mattress inside a room you didn't recognize.
Your head was still spinning but not overly so where you couldn't remember how you got here.
A man in the crowd saved your life and delivered you straight to Joker. It was a surprise to see the clown after the argument you two had, yet he greeted you wholeheartedly and kissed... you...
Was it wrong to hyperventilate over that fact rather than almost being killed?
You had finally kissed Joker! The third time was indeed the charm and this time, Joker didn't require any gimmicks to reach his goal. He just went in and claimed your lips like the zealous man he was. You couldn't lie and say that it wasn't worth the buildup.
Joker was hesitant at first until you met him halfway and matched his energy.
His lips were a bit chapped but quickly molded into the softest clouds to tango with yours. Every move was done with careful precision and his patience was greatly rewarded. How long had you denied him this small luxury, this obvious desperation to connect?
There was so much tension between the two of you it was ridiculous.
You teased and bewitched him for so long, your kiss felt like a balm being applied on a sore wound. The relief was instant and it felt good to experience and have out in the open for Joker to feel.
But there was one teeny tiny problem. He promised that he wouldn't leave you. One look around the room made him into a liar. Almost as if Joker had some sixth sense, he walked in right after you formulated the thought.
You were right where he left you, awake of course, just with a troubled look about you.
Joker knew your thinking face and your thoughts must've been running a mile a minute. He slowly walked up to your side of the mattress, searching for any clues that you might lash out.
You appeared rather calm to Joker but looks could be deceiving. He sat down on the bed and you quickly bombarded him with questions.
"What time is it? Where am I? Why did you tell that guy to bring me here?" You tossed out
"It doesn't matter." Was Joker's casual response. Surely he was joking.
"What? Yes it does matter! I don't even know what time it is, or if it's still Friday night or not. You have the answers to these questions Joker! I was at a high profile event that ended in mass murder. Barbara and Florence must be worried sick along with Sebastian! Oh my God, poor Will! He read all of my online posts!"
"Who are these people?" Joker asked while trying to keep his jealousy in check.
Wayne was enough competition. Joker didn't need others, though it was safe to say he claimed first place to your sought after affection when he kissed you.
"Where's my phone? I have to make some calls.."
"No." He shifted in his spot on the bed.
The action called out his close proximity to you, however you weren't bothered by it. You were bothered by how he kept brushing you off.
"What do you mean no?"
"I mean.. There's no cell service soooo no calls." Joker stressed his words and you knew you touched a nerve.
In a detached voice you said more to yourself. "So we're underground."
Joker watched you process that info. He could practically see the wheels turning upstairs. The nail on the coffin was when you abused your lip right in his face. He just couldn't stand watching your soft flesh be bitten raw.
Joker didn't hesitate bending down to kiss you and your brain promptly shut down like Windows. He sighed in bliss and you kept quiet as he pulled away.
You hated to burst his bubble. "I need to go back to my apartment."
That's what you thought about after he kissed you? You always managed to test his patience one way or another but this was new. Sometimes that brain of yours worked too much.
Joker exhaled through his nose. "No."
His lack of sensitivity on the matter was irritating you. "Can you stop saying no? It's getting on my nerves."
"O-K. Mm, how about, it's too dangerous."
"How is it dangerous, Joker?!" You asked in a cynical tone.
"Y/n. Harvey Dent went out of his way to crash your.. uh, little gala thingy. You don't think he wouldn't show up at your apartment? I would if I were him. It's more convenient.. and you can control the wit-ness count."
"Are you seriously critiquing his methods?! Ugh, I don't have time for this! I have to go back home and get in touch with Cindy to make an official statement and mourn Sapphire and the others and then check on Polly and and—"
He really had to stop kissing you mid sentence. It was very distracting but maybe that was his intentions all along.
You indulged him a bit more and really got into it. Joker was pushing your shoulders, trying to guide you back down on the bed when you resisted and gasped for air.
"I-I really need to s-shower and change! I don't know how you're kissing me when I feel like death itself."
He sighed and sat up straight. He pointedly eyed you up and down and decided on telling the truth. "Ya look fine to me. Blood suits you."
That comment made you turn pale and question what you looked like from his perspective. You remembered Sapphire's blood splattered on your face at the party but how much was left?
Since then, you had a sack placed over your head, rubbed your face all into Joker's suit, and slept. And somehow he kissed you despite all of that.
Either the man was in love or completely insane. Both were true.
You frowned and glanced down at your bare arms, trying to change the subject with something else in the room. Then you remembered your missing accessories.
"Where's my bracelet?" You patted your ears and came up short. "And my earrings?"
Joker had the audacity to feign ignorance. With a shrug he replied. "Hmm, probably being sold on the errr, black market."
He began to laugh as he leaned back on his arms. You hated how hot he looked splayed out on the bed. Hopefully he didn't see you staring but he turned to face you as if he felt your wanton gaze.
"I took them off when you were sleeping. It didn't look comfy if you catch my drifT."
He nodded at your wrist where a red indentation of the bracelet was visible on your skin. You did mention to Barbara that she fastened it on too tight.
"I can't believe you sold them!" You were appalled.
Joker however took it all in stride. "You'll get over it." Obviously he didn't know how much the set cost.
You took a deep breath and carried on. It was a major loss, but you had more pressing matters.
"I still want to shower." You argued. Joker rolled his neck. You could tell he was losing the last of his patience with you.
"Okay... you might not care about hygiene but I do. And I'm leaving here with or without your permission." You stood up to leave but ran into a problem.
You couldn't find the door. The walls seemed to blend in flawlessly with no apparent doorframe or knob.
"About that.." Joker whispered in your ear making you jump.
You turn to face him and in the process, unknowingly backed yourself into a wall. Its smooth surface was cold on your exposed skin and it made you even more uncomfortable by touching it.
You thought humor would lighten up the situation. "What is this place, some kind of bunker?"
"Yes." Joker said without missing a beat. He stalked you like a predator with his dangerous aura perched on his shoulders.
"You can't keep me here, Joker. I.. I.. can't!"
He eyed your twitchy behavior and the puzzle pieces slowly came together. You were claustrophobic.
These four concrete walls were a stark contrast to the bright, open space of your apartment. It would explain why your place had so many windows and few walls to not obstruct the floor plan. Now Joker knew why you always grew nervous when he bullied you into corners.
He felt like an idiot for not noticing the signs sooner.
Your makeup was a mess from sleeping in it but his red lipstick was dotted all over your face from where he'd been kissing you. Joker was about to comment on it when four knocks echoed loudly in the room.
A door not even an inch away from you opened up revealing the man who rescued, or was it considered kidnapping? You really didn't know what to call his actions really.
He spared you a glance but dragged his attention over to his employer, towering over you. "The news is on."
Joker growled. "Oh goody. Let's see the mess Dent left us with." He walked out the room with his right hand man, leaving you high and dry with the door wide open.
You didn't know if it was a trap or if Joker did it by accident. Either way, it was a way out. You didn't waste a second.
Wearing your heels would make too much noise but you still grabbed them before tiptoeing barefoot to the door.
You stepped out into a long hallway. You saw the back of Joker's cloak turn a corner out of the corner of your eye and you immediately followed him, not knowing where else to go. His destination ended up being an office of sorts where a box tv was perched upon a folding table.
The volume was being turned up when you snuck in behind the two men. As promised, the aftermath of the gala was being shown as a local reporter broadcasted live.
"Tragedy struck The Prosperity last night as partygoers were caught in the crossfire of recent gang member activity. Sources confirm former Gotham City district attorney, Harvey Dent himself, crashed the event demanding special guest and popular YA author, Y/N L/N, be handed over. At this time, her whereabouts are unknown but eyewitnesses place her at the event before the slaughter occurred. Many fear the worst and an ongoing investigation into her disappearance is underway. Twenty nine people lost their lives and dozens more are still in critical condition at local hospitals. Startling video footage from inside the event was leaked online that depicts the harrowing scene and we must warn you, the following images are graphic."
Like you needed a refresher on what happened but apparently someone who attended the party captured the mayhem on their phone.
The video was shaky and the loud screams and close popping of gunshots depicted the scene as nothing but chaotic. In the far left hand corner you could see Sapphire's demise blocked by a few terrified guests before you were yanked out of frame. If you blinked, you would have missed it.
The reporter was continuing her coverage but you had (re)seen enough. You were slowly backing out of the room when a sharp pain in your head took you by surprise.
"You shouldn't be sneaking around Princess."
It was the same voice that catcalled at you when you were first brought here. It held a distinct, slimy tone that made your skin crawl. You didn't hesitate in screaming and dropped your heels in the process. They rattled loudly to the floor.
Joker and Frost both spun around in attack mode but found a new recruit holding you steady by your hair.
Although Joker didn't show it, he saw nothing but red.
"Heh! I caught her snooping around Boss. I know how you hate a rat." The poor guy looked proud of himself despite Frost shaking his head.
He knew what was coming and discreetly stepped to the side.
Joker's green eyes narrowed at the scene and caught your gaze at the last second. The glassy color made him hesitate on displaying any form of violence in front of you. It wasn't his norm to be merciful but for you, he could make an exception.
Joker walked up to the guy and slapped his hand that was holding your braids away. "I applaud your, uh.. dedication kid, but let me make something veryyyy clear."
You sighed at the pressure dissipating and sagged your weight into Joker's awaiting arms.
The intimate gesture made the guy pale in fear. He realized his mistake a little too late. Joker's eyes were like sharp blades stabbing into its victim.
"Don't ever touch what's mine, you got thaT?" Even Frost understood the message loud and clear, although it was the newbie who answered.
"Y-yeah boss. Listen, I.. I'm sorry. I didn't know."
Joker scoffed and began to massage the back of your head as if he knew exactly where the pain was coming from.
"Of course you didn't knowww! I didn't tell you but here's the thing. She's kind of a secret right now so I'd really appreciate it if you kept this between you and me. Can ya do that?"
"Y-Yeah of course boss!"
You could picture Joker's wide grin, deceit and utter madness fueling the motion. "Good. It's good to have people you can.. trust close. You can go."
Surely this guy wasn't that naïve and actually believed Joker's lie, yet much to your dismay he left with a big smile on his face, like he was truly honored to gain Joker's trust.
As if it could be gained so easily.
He barely rounded the corner when Joker leaned over to whisper to his right hand. "Take care of that later."
"With pleasure." Frost said with a chuckle.
You couldn't believe your ears. This was the man who you were falling for. The level of standards you set for yourself was an all time low. You tried shrugging out of Joker's arms and he noticed your demeanor change almost immediately.
"What's with you?" He asked.
"Me?" You huffed at the accusation. "You just ordered a guy's death like it was Chinese takeout!"
"He made the miss-take of putting his hands on you. Nobody touches what's mine without my say so, you got thaT?"
"No! I don't got that! I am not an object Joker. I'm a human being and last time I checked, I am not yours!" You managed to free yourself from Joker's hold and created some distance from him.
Frost did not get paid enough to witness lovers' quarrels. He was still in the room and thought it best to leave. "Yeah. I'm gonna go snap his neck and dump the body. Call me if you need me."
Joker waved goodbye to Frost which did nothing to help his case.
"See what I mean!?" You shouted.
"Y/n, you know who I am. Why does it suddenly bother you? Is it.. because you got to see it with your own eyes? Oh Bunny.. you can't fear the monster under your bed when he's been sitting at your dinner table for weeks."
Joker was reaching out for you again but you were faster and retreated two steps back.
You hated when he was right. You spent so much time with Joker yet you only saw the façade he wanted you to see, not the real monster he truly was.
He was Gotham City's most wanted criminal, not a sweet roommate that complains about the thermostat and pile of dishes in the sink. You two weren't in your apartment anymore. He didn't have to play house and pretend to be someone that he wasn't.
You weren't prepared to see Joker's true colors despite knowing well in advance who he is.
He used your moment of uncertainty to wrap you up in his arms. You were so confused.
It felt so good to finally be held by him but your brain knew the circumstances behind it were all wrong.
There was a reason why you didn't read gangster/mob tags in fanfiction! The ending never turned out well for the girl. She always struggled with her emotions and ended up getting hurt every single time trying to love the villain.
You were an author. You knew there was no happy ending here. This would only lead to angst and suffering on both sides. While you struggled with your feelings, Joker seized the moment to memorize every curve of your body.
You fit into his arms like the last puzzle piece snapping together. He could say with confidence you were made for him to hold.
Joker remembered one of your characters in The Greeks Among Us say that to their partner. It sounded sappy when he read it, but now it made all the sense in the world. His natural curiosity prompted his hands to become more adventurous.
He slid them down the slope of your back while his lips traveled up the column of your neck.
You felt his staggering breath on your ear and had enough.
Despite you holding onto the lapels of his suit for dear life, your words were pushing him away. "I'm so confused."
"Shhh." Joker left a kiss on your jawline. "Stop thinking so much and accept it."
That comment made you come to your senses. You shoved Joker away and stood your ground.
"Screw that! I-I need time to think and I'll do it in the comfort of my own home. I'm not gonna let y-you seduce your way into my good graces when you could have prevented that!"
You pointed at the tv screen showing the gala event being processed as a crime scene.
"I want to go home, Joker." You wished your sad puppy eyes worked on him better.
He simply averted his eyes. "It's not safe."
"I don't care. I'm going and I wish you would try and stop me."
Joker didn't bat an eyelash. "Okay?"
"Fine. I'll go by myself!" You yelled.
You ignored him and bent over to pick up your heels. You left to find your way back to the original room you woke up in. Thankfully it wasn't too hard and you located your long forgotten clutch sitting in a corner.
Looking inside you found your earrings and bracelet, confirming Joker's comment about him selling them on the black market to be false. You liked Joker better when he was funny and not so methodical in his pursuit of pure chaos.
This was too much to process. Why couldn't things go back to how they were a week ago?
Your head was still spinning from bumping it in the van last night and thinking about Joker wasn't helping the pain lessen. Your only concern right now was getting out of this bunker and contacting Cindy to begin some serious damage control.
You might not be able to control Joker and his actions but you could control your public image.
You decided to stay barefoot until you reached street level and started the grueling journey of finding the exit. You didn't expect to run into another one of Joker's henchmen. And fate would have it, it was the same one that brought you here.
He blocked your path with his towering frame and you quickly drew into a shell. "Hi.. um."
"Turn left, then go up the small flight of stairs. Take another left and the door outside is on your right."
He was about to walk past you down the hallway, when you stopped him.
"Why are you helping me? Don't you have orders to keep me here?" You asked.
"You're stubborn just like my daughter." He mumbled under his breath. "No I don't."
His confession made you stop and realize these criminals could very well lead normal lives. Given their nefarious deeds they were still capable of doing the right thing and were still human.
Could Joker be normal? Perhaps in another lifetime.
You imagined Joker with a family living in a house outside the city limits. A Joker whose laughter was carefree without evil, holding a son or a daughter that looked exactly like him...
Your wild daydream made your ears flush beet red and the guy in front of you quirked his eyebrows at the visual. No wonder you got along with Joker. One of your screws upstairs were loose.
You recognized that look from anywhere. A look of veiled judgment and it made you snap out of your thoughts to defend yourself.
"I-I promise I'm not crazy! Well not clinically that is. Um, I didn't quite catch your name when you were saving me last night."
"Frost." He looked down at your hand laying on his forearm. You quickly removed it.
"Cool.. so um thank yo–"
"Just go woman. You're not needed here anymore." He huffed out, nearly exasperated.
Your foot froze mid step and you tossed an "Excuse me?" over your shoulder. It was apparent Frost wasn't intimidated by it.
"It's obvious you don't belong here. Run along back to your ritzy penthouse where you came from."
If it were possible, steam would be blowing from your ears. Here was Joker's right hand man blatantly telling you off and you were supposed to take it?
You seriously had enough of people ordering you around like you were some kind of invalid. You weren't a push over.
"You're a terrible driver and worse at offering advice."
"At least I don't have lipstick all over my face." He shot back. You frowned in confusion and he decided to give you a break.
"Bathroom is behind you." With that, Frost left you stumped in the maze of a hallway.
Sure enough immediately behind you was a door that opened up to a decent sized powder room. Or should you say former bathroom.
The area now was decrepit and riddled with squalor. You didn't want to touch anything let alone use the mirror. The once reflective glass was cracked and murky with age and neglect.
And they called this a bathroom. "Sweet Jesus deliver me." You didn't dare turn around and see the toilet. The smell alone hinted at its current state.
You stomached through its stench and scanned your face in the mirror.
Just like Frost said, the same shade you bought last Monday for Joker was scattered all over your skin. There were a few lipsticks marks on your mouth and faint ones trailing down your neck.
The harsh red stood out on your complexion and you sported a comical tick mark of irritation until you remembered there was also a lipstick mark on your hand.
Was it a sign of regret? You questioned earlier if Joker was capable of being normal. That one lipstick print was all the proof you needed.
I'm his own way, yes he could. You were tired of running away. It was time you stood up for what you wanted.
Who carried if it wasn't the right choice? Perhaps you might end up regretting it later in the future, but for now, you retraced your steps back to Joker.
His head shot up when you appeared in the doorway.
He hoped you didn't catch him pacing back and forth deep in thought. Joker had a million things he needed to do and not a lot of time to complete them in, but you always managed to bomb rush his thoughts and take center stage.
Would you make it back home safely? Would you calm down and see the reason behind his refusal to return or was this the last time he would see you?
Joker stopped pacing and picked at his cuticles. He didn't like that last scenario.
He refused to let you go yet. He liked how you were a (somewhat) independent woman who could speak her mind.  Smart and drop dead gorgeous with a sprinkle of crazy, he really didn't want to fumble this bag which is why he panicked when he saw you panting out of breath before him.
You caught your breath by clearing your throat.
"I am.. tired of running away and bottling up my feelings. I'm sick of taking two steps forward and having to retreat back miles and miles when something goes wrong between us and trust me, it always does. One of us says the wrong thing or our actions speak louder than our hearts, yet we always manage to make up."
"I'm going back to my apartment and.. and I'm asking if you want to come with me. This isn't some 'two week up in the air' agreement like last time. Of course I want you healed... but this is just me— being selfish and simply wanting you there with me. We're both adults here, Joker. So let's cut to the chase. Stay with me.. until I think about what this is."
You ended your speech waving your hand in the space between you two.
Joker hummed in that vague tone of his but this time you didn't know if it was positive or negative. He cut the distance between you and him short by meeting you in the doorway.
Now that he knew you were claustrophobic, he didn't crowd your space even when his personality demanded it. He liked to invade people's personal space and intimidate them. He would have to train himself to stop around you.
"Hmm. I'll be spotted if I return to your place with you. I need a smug op."
"A what?" You were elated that he was agreeing to come back but his terminology threw you for a loop.
Joker fought back his grin seeing your head tilt like a puppy. Your bright, young mind had a habit of turning off from time to time during the most inopportune times.
"Are you serious about us? Me. Staying at your place?"
Joker was too nervous to speak in full sentences but you understood him word for word and nodded. Joker nodded to himself and started hatching a plan.
"You won't be a ahhh secret anymore, I'll have to get you involved. Stay behind me." He said.
You were thoroughly confused and had no other choice but to follow wherever Joker was dragging you off to. You definitely regretted not putting your heels on.
This bunker was truly a maze with all kinds of twists and turns that Joker led you through.
By the fifth left turn, you were turnt all the way around that you would never make it to the exit that Frost pointed out to you.
The end of the wild maze brought you to another unmarked room noticeably larger than the first where dozens of men, all in various conversations, were in the middle of activities like playing cards or arguing over the game being displayed on a flat screen tv.
This must be their common's room.
You felt out of place in your torn designer gown but Joker calmly walked up to a pair of men who immediately stopped talking to greet their boss.
Joker skipped the pleasantries and got to the point. "I need... a covert smuggle operation."
The men looked from Joker to you completely speechless. The rest of the room followed suit. Joker smacked his lips, patiently waiting but nothing happened. And so his patience waned.
"Did ya ears stop working? You. Your name- uh Mark something. Whatever. I need to sneak into.." Joker gestured at you awkwardly standing behind him. ".. her apartment without being seen. Can ya do it?"
"It's Mac but yeah wh-where's the place?"
You saw Joker's brain troubleshoot. He stayed at your apartment for weeks and he didn't know your address. Talk about awkward.
"Move Joker. Honestly..." You gently pushed him to the side and everyone in the room gasped.
"Hi Mac. I live on Quinn Street in the North Grant Row building. It's the white glass rooftop high rise near the Grant Park fountain. I can keep Joker hidden from view up until Gotham Square but the rest of the way, I'm not too sure. Can you help?"
You leaned against the table and Mac got to see your beauty up close. He would be a fool to say no.
He totally forgot about Joker standing next to you. "For you, I'd love to. I have to say I ahh.. I'm not very familiar with Old Gotham."
"Really? Oh it's not that complicated! Lots of old alleyways and one way streets to duck in and out of. I'm just worried about the open streets the closer we get to my complex. Hey, can I borrow that map?"
You asked a guy, a table away, who was openly staring at you. He looked to Joker for approval and then handed over the map. You thanked him with a smile and he proceeded to swoon.
You smoothed the map out onto the table and pointed to a spot with your nail. "Here. There's an awning that we can stop at. It'll be the last cover Joker has before it's an open shot."
Mac stood up to see better and hovered by your side– a bit too close– for Joker's likings.
Unfortunately the blond didn't notice.
"Oh that's uh First National bank. I think. We can do a swap there if the Boss gives the green light on it. What's the security at your place like?"
You sigh. "That's the problem. It's tight. Front desk staff with only two entrances; the main lobby and a service on the side of the building, here. If you can help Joker make it to the apartment building, leave the rest to me. I'm the top floor tenant so I have special privileges. Plus there's a restricted passageway that Joker can use to my apartment."
"A whaT?"
Everyone turned to stare at Joker.
He had sat down after watching you interact with his men like some seasoned gofer. Joker honestly didn't know if he was turned on or concerned by how at ease you were around them.
You met Joker's gaze head on. "I rarely use it but there's a secret tunnel. I'll um explain later, it's a long story."
Up to this point you tried to ignore the intense pressure that came with being watched but you couldn't stomach it anymore. You were a big girl and you could handle confrontations. So you turned around to address the issue.
"I'm sorry. What's your name?"
You pointed to the second guy, a stocky brunet, who was seated at the table with Mac. His demeanor came off very aggravated ever since you walked into the room.
He snorted while crossing his arms. "Boss, you lettin this broad order us around?"
The whole room went silent and it was a tossup to either look at Joker or you. However, the majority of the crowd chose the latter.
It didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out his problem. You had written countless characters just like him so you knew exactly how to deal with his kind.
Once again you wished you were wearing your heels to appear taller.
"I may not look like it– but I'm no pushover. I really wanna go home and you and your misogynistic attitude.. is standing in the way of that."
You took a breath to calm yourself. This man was really trying you. "So... I'm asking you nicely to stop being a dick and avoid ending up with Pookie and nem' in Port Adams. Yeah. I know the lingo; this ain't my first rodeo. I'm from Blüdhaven, south side at that, so by all means! Buck up to me again and I promise you, I'll write your obituary with perfect grammar."
He rose up from his seat and began a staring contest. He was sizing you up until a humorless laugh cut through the room.
It was sarcastic and dark in nature, sending a chill down your spine. Everyone in attendance turned to face their boss who was seated with his hand propping up his cheek and ending his theatrical laugh.
"She's a feisty one isn't she? It's gotta be that, uhhh.. Blüd in her. She's still running on adrenaline so I'd listen to the nice lady, Flint. That obituary might come as a surprise. The truth hurts ya know."
Flint understood what Joker was implying and wisely sat back down.
He was still brooding as you finalized the operation with Mac and kept a cautious eye on him.
In the background Joker ordered Frost to dismiss the rest of the men who weren't needed. They didn't need to hear the rest of this conversation. As the last goon left the room, Joker approached the table where the three of you brainstormed.
He'd deal with Flint's attitude later. Joker got the impression that you were no stranger to violence but witnessing any form of it terrified you. Perhaps your childhood turned you away from it? He wasn't too sure.
However if Joker was staying with you for the unforeseeable future, he needed to ensure that all of his business remained behind closed doors so you didn't have to see it.
Although that could wait. Joker had more pressing matters to think about. Like how you stood up for yourself without his help.
In a room full of men you demanded their respect, barefoot and while wearing a ripped designer gown. Joker was more than proud, he was absolutely feral after seeing your more bossier side.
Recently he only saw your docile and sweet nature.
Cooking him meals, stumbling over your words around him, to being on the receiving end of your coy gestures. It was a complete 180 and boy did he love it. So what if everyone saw him eyeing you like a piece of meat? He wasn't ashamed.
Joker wondered if you would complain if he took you right here in front of—
"..ker! Of course you're not listening. We're ready to go whenever you get your head out of the clouds."
You rolled your eyes and leaned back over the table to iron out some more kinks with Mac. He was more than happy to work with you and see this secret tunnel you mentioned.
Joker was too busy shaking himself out of his daydream.
Much as he would like to establish dominance and claim you as his for all to see, he knew your current attitude was just a front.
You used your tough Blüdhaven upbringing to face his crew but the minute you two were alone, Joker knew you would revert back to the introvert you were. The one that tucked tail and ran away every time he tried to make progress with you. He hoped you didn't after all of this was over.
Just overhearing the conversation you planned, this operation would be risky. Doable, but it was cutting too close to home.
Were you really serious about him staying with you? You were proving it in your actions but Joker would have to find out if your heart was on the same page when he got you alone again.
The meeting was wrapping up and Mac offered to show you the way to the awaiting vans.
Everyone was leaving and Joker waited till you were out of sight before dragging Flint back into the room by his collar.
"Hi..." The awkward crimson red smile on Joker's face was not friendly.
Flint knew his actions had consequences but he didn't think they would come back to haunt him so quickly.
His eyes darted everywhere but at his boss who was proving the saying, 'if looks could kill' absolutely true.
Joker wagged his finger at the male while slowly circling him.
"You're a great guy but I really... reallyyy thought about killing you earlier. But I didn't! Wanna know why?"
Flint was used to working for a psychopath yet nothing prepared him to be held at knifepoint and the blade digging into his mouth. He blinked and Joker held his life in his unpredictable, makeup covered hands. Honestly, that was a typical Saturday around here.
"You wanna know? I'll tell ya. The thing is.. if I killed you– Y/n would've saw it! She's very.. sensitive to these things and I'd.. hate.. for her pretty little head to worry. I. Don't. Want. Her. To. Worry. So.. you're gonna do your joB and listen to her plans and if you don't?"
Joker tugged on the knife, digging harshly into Flint's gums "You don't want an obituary written out for you. Hm?"
Flint shook his head no along with Joker. He froze when another henchman came into the room.
"Uh Boss?"
Joker's fingers danced on the knife's handle. "What."
"Y-Y/n is waiting for you. She's getting impatient in–"
Joker looked at the newcomer and didn't realize that his hand slipped while holding the knife. A pained grunt gained Joker's attention. He took one look at the gash he made on his employee and cringed.
"Oops. I uh.. hmm. Patch that up and oh c'mon at least it's not ear to ear!" Joker patted Flint's shoulder and walked out to join you in the van.
The newbie and Flint both shared a look. Y/n was a touchy topic best left alone.
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Your original plan had to be revised.
Walking in from the street was too risky so Mac proposed ditching the original swap at First National Bank and went forward with dropping you and Joker off at the service entrance at your place. Joker was a wanted criminal and with your current state of dress, neither of you could be seen.
The cover story for the front desk staff was another furniture delivery that Mac thought on the fly.
The story went as follows: You escaped The Prosperity massacre and made it to your apartment where you passed out from shock. The delivery man woke you up.
It creeped you out how believable this lie was. Short, sweet and to the point.
From the service entrance, you and Joker would meet up with Mac on the eleventh floor, he having taken the main entrance to sell the lie.
If all went well at the front desk, it was smooth sailing. A foolproof plan that even Joker had to applaud. Joker followed you as you guided him through the service hallways and passed by the apartment building workers in the area.
The giant service elevator was behind a wall and gave you and Joker some time to breathe. You spotted a surveillance camera above and noticed the red light was off.
Parked a block away one of Joker's software techs, (you chose not to think about how he had one on his payroll) hacked into your apartment complex system to disable the cameras.
Everything was carefully thought out and when the lift softly chimed open, you all but shoved Joker in before hitting the eleventh floor button. You sagged your weight on the stainless steel walls and missed Joker's wary green eyes checking you out.
He knew this mission was quite stressful on top of you not processing things from last night's attack. When you were finally situated at home, you were gonna crash like a bag of rocks. He would make sure you got some much needed rest.
The lift dinged on the maintenance level and you lowered your guard thinking the coast was clear. Joker's arm pushed you back inside in just enough time to avoid walking into Mac.
He looked up from his phone to Joker then at you, stunned speechless.
"How did you...?" You asked after a while.
He left at the same time that you and Joker did. Either he teleported here or..
"Don't ask that question. Where's this secret tunnel you talked about?" He looked around the maintenance room but didn't find anything remotely similar.
Joker was curious too and decided to speak up. "You said you'd explain later. It's later, Y/n."
The two men hoped you didn't lead them to a dead end and waited for an explanation.
"Alrighty then... It's not really a tunnel per se, more like a hatch. The construction workers needed an easier way to transfer large equipment and materials during the renovations to my penthouse and made one. I only used it once during an emergency, i-it's practically useless."
You walked over to the far end of the room to grab the step stool you left last time, only to find it missing.
"What? I had a step ladder right here. Where did it go?" You scanned the room looking for it but Joker was losing his patience again.
You tried to stifle your scream when Joker picked you up and sat you on his shoulders.
You couldn't believe this was happening but you kept blinking and sure enough your head was grazing the ceiling. Joker rolled his eyes knowing your mind was spinning faster than the Earth with questions.
"Just tell me where to go." He mumbled.
You stole a glance at Mac who pointedly avoided watching the scene unfolding before him. Smart guy.
You guided Joker over to a portion of the room, trying to keep your thoughts PG.
"I-I never opened it from this side before but there should be a.. Ah here!" You wobbled a bit on Joker's shoulders but he held you steady.
His head swam when your thighs clenched around his neck. Why did he put himself in these situations with you? You were unaware of Joker's growing dilemma, you had felt around the ceiling until a mechanical popping noise was heard.
Much to their surprise, a decent size latch opened up from the ceiling. Joker regretfully sat you back onto your feet, missing your warmth around his neck already.
"How many people know about this, Y/n?" Joker pointed to the ladder. You cleared your throat and answered.
"Well– the contractor, his employees, you and I, and now your crew. Why?"
"Dwindle that number." Joker said without looking back.
It took you a minute to realize Joker wasn't talking to you.
Mac gave you a look, 'don't ask', before he mentioned he was going to survey the rest of the complex building and left. Before you knew it, Joker was already halfway up the ladder.
"Wow! What a gentleman Joker! You couldn't wa–"
His voice floated back down. "You have a front door. Use it."
If he remained down there with you any longer he wouldn't have been able to control himself. He reached the top and took in your neat storage closet. Another mystery door in your hallway was explained.
He was looking around the organized shelves and heard something outside the door that made him pause.
Your head was poking up from the top of the ladder and Joker waited until you found your footing on the floor above before he slapped a hand over your mouth.
"Shhhh shhh bunny. Are you expect-ting anyone?" He left a brief kiss behind your ear as an apology for scaring you.
At this rate you'll have red lipstick stains everywhere.
You shook your head and froze when you heard something heavy being knocked over, followed by a loud curse.
"Keep it down, she could be in here." A voice said.
Another one answered just as fast. "Sorry!"
Someone was in your apartment and by the sound of it, more than one person. You knew Joker wanted to say, 'I told you it wasn't safe' based on his pointed glare.
He pushed you towards the wall right underneath your large supply of paper towels and whispered his warning. "Lock the door when I leave and don'T come out until I turn the door knob four times."
He knew the moment you were away from his crew this would happen.
Gone was your tough persona replaced by his timid little Y/n. Your big doe eyes were fixated on him and already glazing over in panic..
They glanced down to his leg and Joker was reminded that he was still on the mend from his shootout with te GCPD. This was the most troublesome gunshot wound he had to date.
"I'll be fine, Y/n. Keep quiet." Joker whispered to you.
He then reached for the door handle and slowly opened it to step outside into the hallway. He heard the deadbolt lock immediately afterwards.
Smart girl. He thought to himself.
Joker didn't see anyone from his position in the hallway but he couldn't dash over to his room where his duffel bag of weapons were stashed underneath the bed.
He would have to be light on his feet, something ever since his injury– he was unable to do.
Joker had his trusty knife in his pocket but against two possible assailants (and maybe more) with unknown weapons of their own, he wanted to enter this fight prepared. He knew Dent and his half burnt boys never played fair so he would have even the odds.
It was too quiet in your closet and it felt like time stood still as you waited for the door handle to turn.
Were you supposed to hear something? Was silence a good thing or a bad thing? These past twenty four hours had been brutal on your nerves already. You were getting antsy just sitting around waiting, so you did the exact opposite of what Joker told you to.
You got up and opened the door.
Your apartment felt foreign with the fact that people were here unannounced. How many were here? Just how badly did Two Face want to talk to you?
Scratch that. Why did he want to talk in the first place? Random people were raiding your house all because of a fictional misunderstanding.
Each door in your hallway was closed but you wanted to be double sure. The main bathroom was empty so you moved onto the two guest bedrooms. They were empty too.
Maybe your imagination created a second voice to scare you but Joker heard it too! Moreover, you sighed and closed Joker's bedroom door when your heart took a dive straight to your stomach.
Joker heard you scream and the sound of something breaking and thought the worst.
Once again you made him lower his guard and he only had seconds to dodge the fist being swung at him. A perk of fighting in private/public areas. Guns were too loud and hand to hand combat reigned supreme.
Right up Joker's alley.
The poor guy didn't stand a chance as Joker parried the fist and used its momentum to flip the intruder over onto their back.
A moment of hesitation cost him and the slight stinging pain in his hand was the price to pay but Joker knew killing the guy wouldn't earn him any brownie points with you.
Instead of slicing his throat open Joker opted to snap his neck. A good compromise he thought, but then he realized that it wasn't just a bit too late. He would lie about that later.
He remembered you screaming and ran (more like limped) towards the hallway to assess the scene. He found you standing over the second intruder still holding half of a decorative item in your hand.
You were panting and jumped when Joker grabbed your forearm to pull you away.
He checked the guy's pulse, definitely unconscious, and the oozing blood on the back of their head confirmed a guaranteed headache whenever they did wake up.
"What did you do?" Joker ended up asking you.
He eyed how your body was still shaking, either from adrenaline or from fear, he didn't know.
"H-He was about to.." You swallowed loudly. "He was about to go into my room."
Joker was well aware your room was your escape from the world. In the two weeks he'd been hiding here, he only knew the walls were dark in color.
No other glimpses inside and you most certainly didn't talk about what lie therein.
It was your most kept secret; it was no wonder you bashed the guy's head in to stop him from entering. Once again you amazed Joker with your bravery but he did have to scold you.
He opened his mouth to speak but followed your line of sight to his hand. It was red from the slash the first intruder managed to land on him.
"Why are you bleeding?" You whimpered. The bauble you currently held fell from your grasp. Neither of you cared that it landed on the guy's head.
Joker glanced at his fresh wound and rolled his eyes. "Calm down bunny. It's just a scratch. I thoughT... I told you to stay in the closet."
"I wasn't gonna let you take on two guys at once! Are you crazy?!"
"Uh yeah." He replied. It was common knowledge. "I told you it wasn't safe here but you.. don't listen. I'll have to assign people to guard your building. There could be more.. uhh unwanted visitors. I uh.. I can keep you safe, that is... if ya want me to really stay?"
Joker didn't mean for it to come out like a question but he wanted to be sure that this is what you wanted and not some spontaneous decision made in distress.
He stepped over the unconscious goon and entered your personal space.
It was instinctive yet you weren't uncomfortable by his proximity. In fact you gravitated closer to Joker and rested your hands on his chest.
The air was thick with uncertainty and Joker wondered if now was the time that reality set in for you. Would you kick him out and never talk to him again? He thought through all the possibilities in the same amount of time you came to a conclusion.
Your heavy sigh gained his rapt attention. This was it; you were saying goodbye. Your sad eyes confirmed it.
"Like I said earlier, I don't know. I knew having you in my life would be dangerous and scary but until I figure out exactly what I want– I'll have to embrace the unknown. I have to accept who you are and the baggage that you carry, along with the risks. I'm scared, Joker... but I'm also scared of how I'll feel if I don't give you a chance."
Joker's eyes widened when you held his hand up to your cheek, miraculously avoiding getting any blood on you.
With every word your lips grew closer and closer to his.
"You promised me– you promised you wouldn't leave. I want to try us. Please don't–"
Then the doorbell rang.
Joker was two seconds away from throwing a tantrum. Every time he was in the middle of having a moment with you, fate had to intervene. He sighed through his nose as you glanced at the door. You were about to pull away when Joker grabbed your hands.
"Y/n, wait. It could be another attack."
You broke your hands free and wiped Joker's blood off on your gown. It was bound for the trash anyway.
"I highly doubt if they were coming to kill me they would ring the doorbell."
You were too stubborn for your worth. He growled lowly as you moseyed over to the front door and looked into the peep hole.
Joker frowned when you yelped and snapped it shut.
"Hide Joker!"
"What? Who is it?" He wanted to see who it was, but you shoved him back towards the hallway.
You didn't notice the guy's motionless body near your dining room table.
"J-Just a second!!" You shouted over your shoulder at the door. "You have to help me change. Now!" You whispered to Joker.
"Who's at the door Y/n?"
"Bruce!" You didn't hesitate to fling your heels across the room, drastically dwindling your height, and you were shrugging off your draped gown when Joker's brain short circuited.
Obviously you weren't thinking things through because you wouldn't have stripped in front of Joker if you were.
Did you forget that two men were unconscious, one of them (unintentionally) dead in your apartment and in the same room as you?
Joker was wondering what rare good deed he did to deserve a show like this. Despite the odd circumstances, he was still a male. Watching you undress was mesmerizing.
Joker's eyebrows jumped up seeing your skimpy black panties as you bent over and his eyes nearby rolled back into his head when you...
"Hide the bodies somewhere while I go change!" You cupped your breasts and sprinted to your bedroom.
The door slamming shut was the last thing Joker heard before his mind switched to autopilot. You weren't wearing a bra.
Now he'd seen some pretty bizarre things in his life and especially living in Gotham City, but the greatest sight of all was you stripped down to your underwear.
He could only imagine the full unobstructed view.
He cleared his throat and got to work dragging the dead body to your storage closet. While he was in the hallway, he grabbed the unconscious one by the foot and pulled him inside as well.
Joker didn't register that he sent a text to Mac to dispose of the two bodies on the maintenance floor before he kicked them down the secret ladder.
Their body weight landed loudly on the floor below yet Joker's mind was still racing with the visual of you. He closed the door to the storage closet the same time you stepped out of your room.
This all took place in less than three minutes. You decided to wear simple grey sweatpants and were struggling to pull down another fan T-shirt when you caught the pair of green eyes looking your way.
"Well don't just stand there! Go hide!"
Joker just nodded and walked in his room.
That was weird, but you didn't have time to question Joker's odd behavior. Bruce was waiting outside your door and you knew exactly why he was here.
You waited until Joker was safe in his room before sprinting towards the front door– a quick deep breath was the only preparation you gave yourself. Then you opened the door with a smile.
"Sorry for keeping you waiting. Come on in!" You welcomed Bruce Wayne inside.
His dark eyes felt like a lie detector ray as he scanned your frame. If Bruce noticed your frazzled appearance, he was a gentleman and didn't comment on it. That didn't stop you however.
"I probably look a mess. It's been a.. well a terrible night." You chuckled to yourself, knowing good and well the joke wasn't well received.
You weren't expecting Bruce to hug you.
Your short gasp was muffled by bands of muscle and expensive fabric. His cologne smelled phenomenal and did a good job of lowering your defenses.
The past twenty four hours finally came crashing down on you and the weight (along with Bruce and his natural charm) broke you down.
"I was so worried when I saw the news. Barbara called me in total hysterics asking if I heard from you." Bruce squeezed you tighter and somehow guided you over to your blue couch.
Why did his arms feel so safe? Not even five minutes ago you were confessing to Joker that you wanted to try things out with him yet here you were in another man's arms.
You could hear Florence's favorite quote, "she's a slut!" bouncing off your eardrums.
"I thought that Two Face captured you or worse. I was in the neighborhood and decided to stop by and check on you. Imagine my surprise when you answered the door. Y/n, talk to me, are you okay?"
Bruce pulled away just enough to see your face. He tucked a loose braid back over your shoulder. His deep chuckle startled you out of your musing.
"I find myself being so forward with you, please forgive me. I call you out of the blue, I try to take you out to dinner, and even now I arrive at your home unannounced."
You had yet to say anything but that didn't stop Bruce from asking the unthinkable.
"I worry. It's not safe for you here while Dent has a price for your head." That made you look up in fear.
It was the first time you heard Dent's intentions with you. He wanted you dead over a fictional book? The man was insane!
"This might be too forward of me but I can't stand you being unprotected. Come with me to Wayne Manor."
You could've sworn you heard something break in the bedroom.
Bruce backtracked seeing your confusion clear as day. "Hear me out. I have the best security money can buy and you'll be taken care of while this whole Two Face situation quells. I'll personally guarantee—"
You cut Bruce off. Judging by his gentle smile he wasn't bothered by it. "Y-You want me to stay at Wayne Manor? With... with you?"
"Yes." He added, "At least until I know you'll be safe on your own."
You shook your head and stood up from the couch. It was a lot to take in and it worried you that you were actually considering on going.
Bruce knew you needed time to think about his offer.
He wasn't sure it was appropriate to ask, (he hadn't been on a date with you for crying out loud) but he couldn't bear if anything happened to you.
He got the distress call from Oracle aka Barbara right as the GCPD and Jim Gordon were dispatched to the scene.
Barbara was indeed beside herself with worry and cried the entire time Bruce tried to process the scene. He came to the conclusion that you had miraculously fled the scene by your partial fingerprints leading down the event stairwell.
But at the back alleyway, your trail went cold.
Batman and all of his advanced gadgets could not find you, so he waited until daybreak to search for clues as Bruce Wayne.
He didn't lie, he was visiting his Foundation chapter near Wayne tower when the idea to check your apartment hit him. Bruce didn't hesitate interrogating the front desk and slipped a hefty sum into their pockets to keep his visit confidential before heading up to the top floor.
He wasn't expecting to see you open the door nor to find you were still in disarray from last night.
He couldn't ask you where you stayed last night but it didn't take a genius to know it wasn't at your place.
Your heels were tossed across the living room, he heard you do it, and the designer gown you wore to the event (he thought it looked outstanding on you) was in a pool of fabric by the door.
They were all indicators that you changed quickly before answering the door.
Something else to the equation was missing but for the life of him, he couldn't figure out what. Bruce had a hunch that Dent would target you again and as much as your apartment was 'safe and secure', a breach could happen at any minute.
Your life was too precious to leave up to chance.
Bruce would not sleep peacefully until you were safe under, well.. over, the batcave on the Wayne Manor grounds.
"I.. I don't know.." You mustered out. You fiddled with a braid while you paced in circles.
Bruce watched the erratic steps for any emotional clues, but found none. Just a lot of confusion, copious amounts of stress and inner turmoil. You needed to rest.
He sighed to himself and stood up to make his way towards you. He stopped you mid pace by taking ahold of your hands.
They were clammy, but Bruce didn't care. "Please consider my offer, Y/n. Call me and I'll have a car pick you up immediately if you accept." He bent down to kiss your knuckles and noticed the smudged blood on your skin.
It sent alarms to his brain that Bruce Wayne couldn't address. If he were under the cowl, he could coerce you into telling him where you were.
Perhaps if you said yes to staying with him, he could coax it out of you in another way. Right now your brain was overwhelmed and running on fumes. He would take his leave.
You said nothing as Bruce saw himself out. What could you say? You shocked yourself by considering his offer. God, why were you so confused about everything?
"Aren't you going with him?"
You screamed hearing Joker's deep voice in your ear. The whiplash from dealing with Bruce straight to Joker had a girl tripping.
You dragged your hand down your face, exhausted. "Stop scaring me like that.."
"Again. Are you going Y/n?" Joker bit back. Each word was harsh in the air and it put you on the defensive.
"Is this some trick question? Why does it sound like you want me to? I-I said I wanted to go home and I'm here. Why would I leave?"
"Because you're confused. You don't know what you want so... when a golden opportunity is presented to your tired, weary mind, it wants to snatch it up! It's a basic human instinct Y/n, no need to get defensive about it. Just don't hurT your brain trying to decide when we both know your decision."
Joker told himself he was gonna stop invading your space after learning you were claustrophobic. Old habits die hard.
You landed on the couch with a slight bounce before Joker boxed you in with his frame. His arms were beside your head as he leaned in almost nose to nose.
"Deep down you want to go. But you can't have your cake and eat it too. Spoiled little bunny, she can't choose between her rich, arrogant boy toy, or the scary clown she can't run away from. Save us allll the trouble, and go pack your bags Y/n."
Joker's words taunted your heart but as you opened your mouth to deny them, he gripped your chin.
"Go ahead and eat your cake. Enjoy your time with.. Gotham's savior, live it up in his mansion all you want. But know this little bunny.."
Joker's eyes were intense pools of juniper staring straight into your soul.
You couldn't look away even if you tried. His grip on your chin began to hurt but his words cut deeper.
"You'll be back and I'll be waiting."
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115 notes · View notes
andydrysdalerogers · 2 years
Following Team Orders - France
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Pairings: Steve Rogers x OFC Olivia Williams
Summary: Olivia Williams is Formula One royalty. Her father is a racing legend and all Liv wants is to be one of only six women in the world to have raced in the most elite racing division in the world. When she finally gets the chance, she has to not only take on a male dominated sport, but her past, her teammate and a life beyond the track that she was not ready for. She just has to follow team orders but what happens when one man challenges her on and off the racing line...
Word Count: 2.1K
Warnings: A-N-G-S-T!!! eventual smut, slow burn, enemies to lovers, love triangle (if you squint) misogamy, fluff, racing accidents, an asshole Steve Rogers (you'll see what i mean); parental death
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Series MasterList - Main Masterlist
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Hi, you’ve reach Steve Rogers, please leave a message.  
“Hey Steve, its Liv, uh I made it to France, and I just wanted to see if you wanted to get lunch. Bucky mentioned that you were here already.  Ok, I l… talk later.” 
Liv frowned as she looked at her phone.  She pocketed the phone and walked back to the café where Frank and Bucky were waiting for her.  “He didn’t answer.”  
Bucky patted her hand. “I’m sure he’s got a reason Bug.” 
“I don’t know what happened.  We were fine.” Liv slumped in her seat.  
Frank smiled.  “Eat a croissant. “ 
“Food does not make…” she sniffed the air as Frank waved the flaky buttery bread under her nose.  She snatched it from Frank’s hand and stuffed it in her mouth.  Frank and Bucky laughed as Liv flipped them off.  
Across the plaza Ransom sat with his sister as they planned their next move.  “Look Olivia doesn’t want to come drive at Mercedes, so we need to attack this from a different angle.”  Ransom put the cookie in his mouth.  “Lloyd went at it the wrong way.”  
“Well, what about Stevie?” Suzanne snipped. Ransom rolled his eyes.  “Stop Ranny! If we are going to break your precious Olivia, then we need to get Stevie away from her.” 
“So, what is your plan then huh? Because seems like I’m doing all the work.” Ransom folded his arms.  
“I just need to get him alone right before anyone else sees him. Make a move.  He likes the moto girls, right?” 
“He does have a weakness in that.  He has stopped but maybe if it’s thrown at him…” 
“Right so, if he gets caught with a girl by, say Olivia, I think that would put a stop to their budding friendship, don’t you?” 
“Well, Suzie, I’m glad to see that you finally proven your worth.” Ransom thought about it.  “Olivia usually walks through the paddock to put her helmet away.  All of Red Bull’s equipment for both drivers is there.”  
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Liv kept trying to reach Steve, but he continued to refuse her calls. It was hurting her.  They had made good progress and now it was like it was in the beginning.  She decided she needed answers from the one person who might know what the hell was going on.  
“Bucky? Can I talk to you?” 
“Sure, doll face. What’s up?” He pulled himself up to sit on the counter as she did the same.  
“Did I do something wrong with Steve?” 
“What makes you say that?” 
“Because I thought we got over the beginning.  We were talking.  We were friends.  And now he is avoiding me.  Did I do something wrong?” 
“Honestly Bug, I have no idea.  That punk hasn’t talk to me either.  I knew he left early, and he said he wanted to check on his mum but when I called her, she said he hadn’t been home.”  
“Oh.”  Liv chewed on her lip. “Feel like getting second made everything worse.”  
“Whoa, hey, no, Bug, that was amazing.  It gave Steve a big lead in the championship.” Her head bowed and he could see the turmoil, the pain of losing Steve’s friendship.  “Livie,” he whispered and pinched her chin to push it up. He looked into her eyes. “This is not on you.  Something is up with him and that’s on him. You just keep being amazing and when he figures out what’s going on in his head, he’ll talk to you.”  
Liv nodded and gave a faint smile before leaning into him for a hug. “I gotta stretch. Thanks Bucky.”  
He squeezed her gently. “Anytime doll face.”  
Liv stretched with Wanda, getting her neck and arms ready to her car. She headed into practice three but there was a problem with the car. Tony and Frank made their way over to her. “I’m sorry Liv,” Tony started.  “We have to change out the power unit. It’s completely dead.”  
“Which means qualifying is a bust,” Liv rubbed her temple. “Great.”  
Frank sighed.  “You still need to participate for the rest of the field and to run the car.” 
“Fuck it.” Liv threw her hands up. “This weekend can’t possibly get worse.”  
Liv went through the qualifying process just to get a feel for the car with the new unit. She finished eight but it was a wash with the grid penalty.  She climbed out of the car and threw her gloves on the bench.  
Frank knew his friend was hurting after making a huge effort to be accepted. “Liv, you did great.  How was the car?” 
“Car was fine Frankie. My heart just wasn’t into it.” She sighed.  
“We should talk about it. Why you are letting your feelings for Rogers get in the way of your success.”  
“I’m not dumb Bug. We may have dated way back when and yeah it didn’t work but I still know you.  I can see it.”  
“Don’t worry about it. I just wish you wouldn’t let him get into your head.”  
“Me too.”  
“C’mon Bug.  We have to go over the weather reports.  Predicting rain tomorrow.”  
“Never driven in the rain before.”  
“Which is why maybe starting in the back is something you need to focus more on.” He nudged her and she laughed. 
Liv met with Frank, Tony, Bucky and Andy to go over strategy. As Andy dismissed everyone for the night, Liv looked for her phone and realized she left it on the bench in the garage after putting away her helmet. She headed back, punching in her code and walked straight into the garage.  She heard muffled voices and went to see who was in the garage.  She couldn’t hear what was being said but as she rounded the corner the sight before her broke her.  
Steve and a blonde were in full make out right in front of her. Her hands were on his chest while his hands were on her hips.  
Liv couldn’t believe what she was seeing.  She stepped back out and ran from the garage to her trailer, where her bike was parked.  She grabbed her helmet and gunned her bike, heading straight out to the hotel. 
She managed not to cry until she was safely in her room.  She tried to muffle her sobs as the rest of the team was on her floor.  She laid in bed, heartbroken.  She knew she had been falling for Steve but after his actions for the last couple of weeks and now making out with some moto whore, she was done.  She didn’t eat, she barely slept.  
Olivia Williams was in love with Steve Rogers, and he just broke her heart.  
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Racing in the rain is an interesting experience. It’s nothing like normal driving.  If you have ever driven in the rain, you know that the road is slicker, your tires work harder, your concentration is more focused.  
Driving in the rain in formula one is nothing like that.  It’s worse.  
Teams are required to have special tires on the cars that can better displace water more. This causes what the fans loving call rooster tails.  Its looks like the cars have a tail, an amazing spray up of water just like you would see on a rooster.  The downside, it makes it 20 times harder to see in front of you.  
And Olivia has 19 of them in front of her.  
As she wraps her hands in cloth tape, she sees Steve out of the corner of her eye, looking at her.  She had gotten her phone early in the morning, leave the hotel before anyone.  She saw that Steve had called and messaged but she cleared the messages before looking at them.  She had nothing to say, having left all of her feeling on her pillow the night before. She pointedly looked away, concentrating on making sure her gloves were on tight before putting on her waterproof ones.  
Bucky came over to adjust her suit to help prevent the water from coming in.  “Are you comfortable?” 
“No, it’s bulky.”  
“Yeah, but we need to keep you warm.” He opened the umbrella and guided her with her regular shoes on, carrying her racing boots. He got to the tent where Liv was able to pull on her boots and wipes them down, trying to make sure they are as dry as possible as she climbs in. 
Frank came over.  “You good Liv?” He was concerned, having not seen her at breakfast or dinner.  He frowned, looking into her normally joyous face seeming sullen, drawn in, dark circles under her eyes.  
She nodded, knowing if she spoke before her helmet and radio was on, Frank would know she was off.  She just wanted to lose herself in the race, to concentrate on something other than her heartache. She put in her ear plug, pulled on her fire hood, tucking her braid tail in so she can move her head and her helmet. 
“Can you hear me Liv?” The disembody voice belonging to Bucky echoes in her helmet.  
“Perfect.  Liv, remember, you want to be quick off the line but watch that first corner.  Weather is predicting to let up in about 20 minutes, but we haven’t decided when we put on slicks.  We are still on threads.”  
“Livie,” she hears Frank. “Get out of your head. You are going to be brilliant.”  
She knows that the whole team, including Rogers can hear him so she takes a breath before replying.  “Thanks Frankie.”  
“Ok, engine start.” 
Liv hits the switch, and the engine comes to life.  She sees the personnel clear the path and she follows the last car out.  She moves back and forth, trying to warm up her tires.  She hears all the updates, trying to refocus on the race.  She needed to be present and not back in the garage, watching Steve and Blonde Mc Bitch making out. She was the last to get into position for the start, the rain now just a drizzle.  
“We have a green flag, watch for lights out,” she heard from Bucky.  
“Copy.”  She watched the lights and as soon as they were out, she was off.  She passed three cars from the start and is alone in the first turn, which she lets out a breath of relief.  She’s able to climb the standings with the first few laps, now in 12th.  
“Liv, we think it’s time to box and put on intermediates, but we need to know the track condition.”  
“The track is drying, Bucky.  There are still a couple of stops that are soaked but I can make it work.”  
“Copy.  We’ll let you know.”  
Not two more laps later, she hears it. “Box, box, box.”  
“Copy.”  She sees the pit entrance and makes it to her pit.  The team is quick, replacing her tires and get her back out on the road.  “Where are we?” 
“You’re 8th Liv.  Its Drysdale, Storm, LeClear, Rogers, Hamilton, Tucker, Verstappen.” 
“Copy.”  She shifts and is away.  
Intermediate tires are exactly like they sound.  They don’t have deep groves but are not completely smooth.  The problem with these is that they will wear down faster.  After 10 laps, Olivia can feel the difference.  “It’s too dry for inters, we need to change,” she tells the team.  
“Liv, its Andy.  Is it dry enough?” 
“Yes, there is only one spot that still a bit dodgy but if I can avoid it I’m fine.”  
A beat later and she hears, “Box, box, box, we are going to hards.” 
Another pit stop later and Olivia is running on slicks.  She is gaining on everyone who was still on the intermediates, and they begin pitting, leaving her almost to the top.  She rounds another lap and is now ahead of Drysdale but behind Storm and Rogers.  There are only a few laps to go and she round the fifth corner heading to the dangerous corner where there was still a lot of water.  She knows she has to go wide to avoid it. 
Bucky looks down to gage the levels when he hears, “Shit!” 
He looks up to the monitors and sees a Red bull car start to spin right where the water in turn six was.  “No, no, no!” 
The car clips the grass on the other side and flips, rolling in midair.  The world watches in horror as the car comes to a stop, right side up.  Bucky sees all of Olivia’s metrics on her car flatline and fear grips his heart.  
“Liv, do you copy?” 
“Olivia, are you ok?” 
“Bug, c’mon talk to us.” 
Emergency personnel roll to the accident as Bucky continues to try and reach her.  
“Livie, please, respond.  C’mon doll face, let us know you’re still with us.”  
The only thing the team can hear is the static on the radio. 
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taglist: @patzammit @slutforchrisjamalevans @jennmurawski13-writes @firephotogrl74 @texmexdarling @tinkerbelle67
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antvnger · 1 year
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((He sure does!)) ↓
They lost contact sometime during college despite intentions to keep in touch.
When Cassie was little, pre-VistaCorp, she saw pictures of her dad and her namesake at her Gram’s (Momma Lang) house and asked about Cassie Prowell.
Momma Lang suggested to her son that he try to reach out again because it would be a shame to let such a good friendship fade.
She also argued that even if the friendship didn't start up again, maybe having some actual closure would be good too.
Scott agreed and he decided he would try to track his childhood friend down.
But then VistaCorp happened.
After prison and starting the whole Ant-Man gig, Scott had forgotten he had planned to reach out.
His Cassie reminded him of it, but now he’s unsure because he’s embarrassed. His incarceration was national news, and she may not want to associate with an ex-con.
Assuming she remembered him, Scott's brain liked to argue.
But his Cassie being Cassie, she gave him puppy dog eyes and a soft pout. “You promised I would meet her someday.”
Well of course that did the trick because Scott’s just a sucker for it.
It was hard to find her at first because she wasn’t a Prowell anymore, but she stayed in the same area they grew up in which helped.
She’s Cassie Fletcher now, married for over seven years at this point with two children and one on the way.
He sent a message via Facebook to her with shaky hands, explaining who he was and why he was reaching out and if she was interested in catching up then great, but if not he would understand. He sent his # in case she was.
Meanwhile, Cassie Fletcher read the message in shock. Scott? Her best friend Scott? The boy she’d thought about for years and wondered what happened to him? The man who pulled off an incredible Robin Hood heist and essentially flipped the bird to those who abuse their power?
No sooner did she finish reading the message did she call him.
Scott truly wasn't expecting a call so fast, but when he got a call from a Floridian area code, he just kinda stared at his phone in surprise for a moment, but he recovered and answered the call before it was dropped.
Two weeks later, Scott and his Cassie found themselves on a plane heading for Miami Airport which is just a hop, skip, and a jump away from Coral Gables, FL.
He had told his childhood friend about his daughter, her name, and how she wanted to meet her namesake, and adult Cassie cried some happy tears and not because she's pregnant either. She was touched beyond belief. So of course she wanted to meet Cassie Lang. Her two children were around Cassie's age, so after she got bored with the adults, she could play with them if she wanted.
Lil Cassie was excited to be on an adventure with her dad. Her dad however was nervous, unsure of what to expect. A long time had passed since he'd seen his childhood best friend. What if time had changed too much?
The flight was over 6 hours long which is a long time for a little one and a man with ADHD. Plus, they lost a few hours in traveling east, so they just get to their hotel and crash.
Next day though, they go meet Cassie and her two kids at a local park for a picnic where the kids could play.
It's the same park Scott and Cassie used to play in back in the day. It's grown bigger and upgraded its playground equipment, but it's still the same.
Cassie Fletcher, meanwhile, had been biting her fingernails all day long so far. Excited and nervous all at once. And why should she be nervous? she tells herself. It's just Scott, right? The sweet, energetic puppy of a boy she used to know. Hopefully, things haven't changed that much.
Scott spotted her first. First of all, it's easier to look for a pregnant woman than one who's not, but honestly, even if he hadn't seen her picture on Facebook, he'd recognize her instantly. Same thick, curly/frizzy hair, same freckles, same eyes, same smile. Suddenly he's a kid again and things were good before everything got crazy.
They get closer, and his Cassie held his hand tightly as they approached. He gave her hand a comforting squeeze before he made their presence known. "Cassie?"
Cassie Fletcher turned towards the voice and smiled. That's definitely the same guy she saw on TV a few years back. Hopefully, her best friend was still in there somewhere. "Scott?"
"And me!" Lil Cassie exclaimed from her father's side.
Cassie Fletcher gasped in delight. "Are you the Cassie Lang I've heard so many wonderful things about?"
"I hope so, I'm the only Cassie Lang I know. Your name's Cassie too, right?"
"That's right, I am. But I don't think I'll ever be as cool as you are though," came the reply, making lil Cassie giggle.
Scott grinned over that little interaction, and adult Cassie relaxes. That's definitely the same grin she remembered.
Her children get introduced next: Natalia (which is serendipitous because she will become a big Black Widow fan) and Josh. Natalia's one year older than lil Cassie, and Josh is one year younger than her.
They eat, and the children listen to retellings of story after story after story as the adults relived loads of fun memories.
When the children go play, the adults catch up. She went into interior design and met her husband in college. She interned at Disney a couple of summers just because, and she managed to sneak away to Europe for a few weeks after graduating from college too.
"And," she added with a smirk, "I'm a big fan of yours."
Scott pointed to himself. "Me? Why?"
"For giving those bastards a sucker punch! For sticking it to them in the coolest way possible! I was proud to tell people I grew up with you."
"Really? Seriously? You're not bothered that I went to prison?"
"Of course not," she waved dismissively. "I'm not bothered by that. Well, I mean, I'm bothered you had to endure that, but I'm not bothered by why. I know you. At least, I remember the kid who was my best friend, and that kid was the best ever. I can't imagine things have changed that much." He smiled sheepishly. "And I really am flattered you named your daughter after me. She's a wonderful kid you have there, Scott."
"Thanks. I'm pretty proud of her. And she honestly reminds me of you sometimes. She was excited to meet you, especially after I told her all about you. And ya know, you've got some great kids yourself, Cassie."
"I do, thank you. I'm proud of them too. They mean the world to me, rather like how your Cassie means the world to you too. I can tell. It's very evident. Can I ask you something? Did I really mean that much to you? To name her after me, I mean."
Scott nodded, smiling softly. "You were my first friend, and my best friend for years. And out of all the other friends I had, you're the only one who kept up with me until we both fell out of touch. I'm sorry about that by the way, but yeah. You taught me what being a friend means, and you...well, you changed me. And I wanted my kid to have a name that meant something awesome, just as awesome as I know she'll grow up to be. To me, there wasn't a better name to pick for her."
Cassie smiled warmly, touched by the sentiment. "Thank you, Scott. That's very sweet of you to say. I've got a confession to make. You left just as big an impact, just so you know." She pointed to her son and said, "His full name? Joshua Scott."
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redsaurrce · 2 years
i just need to get this off my chest yk, school is mentally tiring and once friday hits imma be absent for 3 weeks straight and idk what to do—no motivation or anything its simply draining. is there any words of advice you mag give to me?
When I read this the first thing that came to my head was- "dO i giVe oFf tHe viBEs oF sOmeOnE wHo CaN GiVe aDviCe oN sCHoOL?" 😭
But like if u think I'm qualified to answer this question then I've got the following to say;
School is definitely tiring... this is coming from a person who has attended her high school while waking up at 5 am to go to school and return back home by 4 pm with a 3hr extra tuition classes right after school every fucking day. There was a point where I literally went to school and only waited for it to get over cuz man I hated there.
Well.. idk how it works for u but I'd advice u that if u are struggling to keep going to school everyday and tiring urself out to death, u might want to miss a few classes in between weekdays-- which is what I had started to follow. I would skip school every Wednesday and Thursday because I focused more on attending my practical classes which used to be held on Monday, Tuesday and Friday. Sat and Sun used to be holidays so that was a bonus.
Because practicals needed equipments which wouldn't be available in a normal house (unless ur parents are interested in keeping microscope or potentiometers at home LOL) so I attended school on those days (or mightve skipped even those days sometimes and then in the next class i would approach the teacher in the corner and request them to brief me over what they have taught in the last practical class). For the theory I didn't really had to attend school since I could cover that up in my tuitions or self study.
I think you can do something similar, mark the days which has the most important classes, u can even attend alternate days in consecutive weeks. For example if you follow the calendar in mobile phones, you can track week numbers of the year, now divide them into odd weeks and even weeks.
On odd weeks u can attend on Mon, Wed and Fri
On even weeks u can on attend Tue and Thurs
For example the current week number is 12 which is even and today is Wednesday so it's ur 2nd school day of the week, right?
So.. according to me, missing out 2 or 3 days a week is far better than missing out 3 weeks straight because not only you will be detached from the current situation of your syllabus of what's being taught in the class, this can also feed into ur demotivation era of yk.. thinking that oh no maybe u have missed out a lot so what are u gonna do now? Is it over? Stuff like that! And negative thinking truly sucks.
Also do not forget to take care of urself and keep urself hydrated time to time, sometimes water is all u need to stay alert.
And if u ever sit down to study and think- ugh what if I can't do this or that, trust me- at that very moment open ur book and set a timer of 10 minutes. In those ten minutes, just study and do nothing else. After that u can do whatever u want (but ik ur brain will choose to study a little bit more!)
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S.N.A.F.U CH76 ‘Deck the Halls’
The following day after sleeping in Eadaoin dragged herself out of bed and after quick lunch made her way to Whelan’s where she was scheduled to set up and rehearse with her band for a Christmas show to be held later that night.  She carefully packed her electric and acoustic violins in the front passenger seat of her car and the audio equipment in the back seat before making her way back inside.
“All set to ‘Deck the Halls’?” Daniel asked in amusement as she collected her drink bottle from the fridge.
Eadaoin rolled her eyes.
“Funny,” she said dryly “this afternoon is for rehearsing.  Actually decking the halls is later tonight.  I can’t wait til showtime and show everyone what the band’s come up with.”
“Going by the shows I’ve seen you put on before I’m sure its going to be a big night,” Daniel said sliding his hand down her back and squeezing her backside affectionately “see you later tonight?”
Eadaoin grinned and pressed her lips to his.
“I’ll think of you whenever I’m not rehearsing,” she murmured tipping her head to the side and allowing him to give her a hickey on her neck “and maybe when I’m on a break I’ll find a corner for a dirty phone call.”
Daniel grinned against her neck.
“Maybe I should come with you,” he said in amusement “then we could find somewhere private to have our own yuletide fun.”
“Maybe another time stud, got responsibilities first,” Eadaoin relied with a giggle “tonight when we get home maybe huh?  Can you control yourself until then?”
Daniel winked.
“I’ll have to,” he said kissing her chastely on the lips “love you, see you later tonight.”
With some difficulty Eadaoin found a park behind Whelan’s and was loading all her equipment on a special trolley.  The first person she encountered to her surprise was Lando who was pulling a hard cello case plastered in Irish shamrocks out of a rental SUV.
“Lando?” she exclaimed incredulously, literally stopping in her tracks “what are you doing here?”
The young driver leapt in fright and immediately blushed hard.
“Um-er-I-erm-” he stammered in embarrassment “I’m-um....fuck.”
Eadaoin burst into a fit of giggles and paused to help him haul the cello she recognized as Niamh’s out of the SUV.
“You know I bet Danny fifty quid last night you and Nevie would end up being a thing.” she said in amusement.
“I’ll pay you fifty quid to keep quiet,” Lando muttered with an embarrassed grin.
Eadaoin grinned.
“So are you two a thing?” she asked giving the young Englishman an affectionate shove.
“Yeah,” Lando admitted “we had our first date today.  We went to Winter Wonderland and had coffee afterwards.  We’ve literally only just arrived.”
Eadaoin swooned.
“You two make a cute couple,” she said with a grin “how’s your head after last night? You partied hard.”
Lando rolled his eyes.
“I’m feeling less than fresh,” he admitted as they made their way into the pub’s function room where Eadaoin’s band were setting up “I had such a bad headache this morning Niamh had to drive my car back to Cahir’s place.  I’ve taken so much ibuprofen I should rattle.  I’m drinking coke all night on New Year’s Eve I swear.”
“No one you say that to will believe you,” Eadaoin teased “glad you had fun though.”
“It was good to wind down after the season,” Lando confessed “I literally spent the entire time after post season testing in Monaco overseeing the renovations on the apartment I just bought there and only managed to take enough time off to play one round of golf.  I usually play every day when the weather’s good.”
“Have you told Nevie you play golf?” Eadaoin asked “she plays too, though not often.”
Lando lit up
“Really?” he exclaimed “no she didn’t-”
“Gotta leave something for the second date don’t I?” a familiar voice said in amusement.
Both Eadaoin and Lando looked up as Niamh made an appearance.
“So you know then?” Niamh said to Eadaoin.
Eadaoin grinned like a Cheshire cat.
“Honey after all the snogging you and Lando got up to last night I’d be surprised if you two weren’t an item,” she said teasingly “and people reckon Danny and I are bad!”
“You are!” Lando exclaimed as the trio made their way further into the function room “literally everyone in the race day team have seen you two sucking face whenever you come to a race weekend.”
“Sucking face?” Eadaoin repeated “you had to have heard that from Danny, I’ve never heard anyone else besides an Aussie use that term.”
“Busted,” the young Englishman admitted his cheeks turning pink “so what’s happening today?”
“Not a lot,” Eadaoin replied “just setting up the stage and sound system then running through our playlist for a sound check.  If everything goes well we might take a break and jam a bit or have a couple of drinks. Setting up always takes a couple of hours but the fun stuff is the sound check.  That’s where we play stuff that isn’t in the show we’re preparing for.”
“So is tonight’s show is just Christmas carols?”
“Mainly,” Eadaoin replied as they made their way over to a table by the side of the stage “a couple of non-Christmassy songs but tis the season early on there will be a few kid focused Christmas songs because tonight’s show is a family show but after that is the usual fare.”
“Are we required to wear a Christmas themed costume?” Lando asked.
Eadaoin laughed.
“Nah it’s not required,” she replied “I mean everyone in the band will be wearing a Santa hat or ugly Christmas jumper but it’s not required for the audience, just encouraged.  Why? D'you fancy wearing your ‘Stop Staring at my Package’ jumper from last night?”
Niamh let out an enormous snort of laughter at the exact same moment her mobile phone rang.
“Eh why not,” Lando replied his cheeks turning a faint shade of pink as Niamh answered the call and began speaking to the caller in Irish “it’d be a waste of the fifty pounds I spent on it if I only wore it once.  I’m seriously considering wearing it to Christmas lunch.  Mum’ll have a fit.”
“Well not exactly but it’s our turn to host Christmas lunch this year and she takes that responsibility very seriously, besides I’m not exactly in her good books at the moment.”
“Why?  You’re an angel, I’ve never known you to piss off anyone,” Eadaoin declared putting her acoustic violin case on the table.
“Mum doesn’t like the fact I’ve decided to move to Monaco,” Lando admitted “since I sold the house in Woking she assumed I would move closer to the family property in Glastonbury but when I told her I had bought a place in Monaco we had this huge argument and when Mum’s annoyed she speaks only in Flemish Dutch which makes things awkward because my Flemish Dutch skills are less than polished.”
“I thought things seemed a tad awkward between you and your Mum in Abu Dhabi,” Eadaoin replied delicately “What does your Dad think?”
“Oh he’s on my side,” Lando replied “he even helped me find my new apartment.  He told Mum that I’m a grown man and she can’t expect all us kids to stay at home forever.  She was a bit like this when Olly met Sav and they moved in together. She’s alright now that Mila’s arrived and that they’re getting married in May.”
“Ah grandkids sweeten things up a bit,” Eadaoin said in amusement “so now that you’ve sold the house where will you stay when you’re back in England?”
“Probably at Mr and Mrs Fewtrell’s they told me I’m welcome after Max moved home or a hotel in London no idea really, there was no point in keeping a huge house just to stay in once in a while when I am back here.  When I’m not on the road for work I’ll be back in Monaco anyway.”
“Well you’re most welcome to crash with Danny and I though I suspect there’s someone else you’d rather be in he company of when you are back here....”
Lando turned a magnificent shade of scarlet.
“Oh shut up,” he muttered.
Eadaoin laughed and gave the curly haired Englishman a one armed hug.
“I’m happy for you Lando I really am,” she said “I know things with Luisa didn’t end very well.”
“Yeah well that was my own stupid fault,” Lando admitted sheepishly “but as Dad said you live and learn and what is meant to be is meant to be.”
“And maybe you and Nevie are meant to be?” Eadaoin suggested teasingly.
Lando grinned.
“Maaaaaybe,” he replied “but shut up.”
Eadaoin let out an enormous snort of laughter.
“Nope I’m forever going to hang shit on you about your love life,” she said with a grin “it’s my duty as your friend to do so.”
“Don’t you have anything more productive to do?” Lando complained half-heartedly as Niamh finished her phone conversation “I’m going over there!”
For the following three hours Eadaoin and Niamh along with Lando’s help helped the rest of the bang set up the function room for the show later that night.  All the instruments were in place.  The sound system worked perfectly and the function room was adorned in the usual Christmas fare of tinsel, fairy lights and a Christmas tree which was the centerpiece for a donation drive to the Battersea Dog’s Home stood near the stage in all its loud yuletide glory. Eadaoin changed into a Santa styled knee length dressed and ran a brush through her auburn locks when there was a knock on the door she was changing in.
“Come in if you’re good looking!” she called as she blotted her lips on a tissue.
“Am I good looking enough?” a familiar voice asked.
Eadaoin turned around and grinned as Daniel entered the room closing the door behind him.
“You’ll do,” she said in amusement allowing him to peck her on her on the lips “you just get here?”
“Yeah everyone’s out in the function room settling at the table, I know the show starts soon but I wanted to come in and say break a leg and maybe get a snog in.”
“A snog or a blow job?” Eadaoin asked with a snort of laughter.
Daniel grinned.
“Well I wouldn’t say no to a blow job but you don’t have time,” Daniel replied eyeing her up and down and licking his lips “but maybe we can explore that line of entertainment when we get home?  Especially if you’re going to wear that.  It’d look hot as fuck flicked up over your arse as I fuck you from behind.”
Eadaoin rolled her eyes.
“You’re crass,” she murmured pressing her lips to his “but I’ll consider acquiescing to your request IF you promise to be a good boy.”
Daniel returned her kiss hungrily.
“Anything for you Darling,” he murmured “feeling good about tonight?”
Eadaoin ran her fingers through his carefully styled curls.
“I am,” she replied happily “and not just for the show but because your family, my family all the people I care about are here to watch it.”
“Everyone’s looking forward to seeing you perform,” Daniel said “I saw Lando here, did you know he was about?”
Eadaoin grinned.
“I did,” she replied “he’s been here all afternoon.  He and Nevie went on their first date today.”
“You’re kidding?” Daniel replied with a gleeful snort “really?”
“Yeah but don’t make a big deal of it,” Eadaoin scolded him “I’ve done enough of that today, especially when I caught them snogging during afternoon tea break.”
Daniel groaned.
“But Baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabe!” he whined “the opportunity is right THERE!”
“You teased them enough last night at the party don’t be an arse or karma will come back and bite you on the arse,” Eadaoin told him “now go out there and be nice. I’ll see you during intermission alright?”
“Oh okaaaaay,” Daniel replied kissing her on the lips “break a leg, love you.”
“Love you too Babe.”
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musicinstrumentsins · 2 years
Packing & Shipping Instructions for Your Oboe Instrument
Music is not only a recreation for musicians but also a source of their livelihood. They invest a significant amount of money in good quality instruments to get the best outcome for their well-being. Therefore, when they order a piece of equipment from a music dealer for delivery to their doorstep, as the outlet owner, it’s your responsibility to get the music gear shipped following all the necessary safety measures. Abiding by a well-organized shipping process will help you to get the instruments delivered in the condition desired by your clients and enhance the trust and scope for future businesses from the same client.
Whether you operate a small-scale business selling music gadgets or have an enormous setup dealing in musical equipment, you should be extremely careful while shipping valuable and delicate instruments to your clients. As a music dealer, you must be aware that in case of any magnitude of damage during transit resulting due to poor packaging, you will be liable to replace or refund the amount to your clients. In such circumstances, traders rely on Oboe Insurance to get their woodwind insured and be financially secure from any mishap.
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Here is a complete guideline on the packaging and shipping of the instrument following the mentioned steps.
• First and foremost, you need to disassemble all the necessary parts of the oboe, wrap them with bubble paper and keep them in the storage place of the case.
• As per the size of the instrument, you need to choose the box where your woodwind can fit easily. Firstly, put the oboe in its original case and wrap it properly with bubble paper. The next step is to place the casing in a carton and get it sealed. Ensure the box should not much bigger than the instrument case. The difficulty in using larger cartons results in the woodwind instrument rattling around in space during transit.
• While packaging any woodwind instrument, ensure there should not be any empty space in the box. If there is any gap, fill it with a bubble wrapper or brown paper to negate the chances of movement within the box and avoid possible damage during transportation.
• Make sure you choose high-quality boxes, tapes, bubble wrap, and other packaging material while shipping a delicate instrument like an oboe.
• Do not miss to paste a sticker that denotes the shipment contains delicate and fragile equipment. Also include a note stating the name, phone number, and other necessary details of persons or, businesses involved in the consignment.
• Choosing the shipping provider holds paramount importance. A conventional way of shipping might be a risky affair. Therefore, it is better to avail the expertise of specialized shipping providers for your delicate equipment. Though it may cost a few extra pennies still for safety still cost a few extra pennies to choose the shipping provider wisely and put your delicate oboe in good hands.
Best Ways to Choose the Perfect Shipping Provider for Your Woodwind
• Before finalizing the shipping company, detailed research can pay huge dividends in finding the best available rates in the market.
• Online research will help you to get a brief about the quality of the services offered by the company through testimonials of existing clients.
• Before dispatching the consignment, be informed about the delivery schedule and the charges involved. Don’t forget to take the tracking number from the company.
How Does Oboe Insurance Protect You from Damage in Transit?
Shipment of highly valued musical instruments is itself risky. You will be held responsible by the consignee on receipt of commodities damaged during transit. In such a scenario, you will be liable to replace the equipment or pay for damages caused during transportation. Shipping companies also offer insurance for the shipment however, it is a costly option. The best way to safeguard your woodwind instruments is to opt for a specialized Oboe Insurance coverage plan and get protected financially. It plays a significant role in providing coverage against any damages that may occur during transit and cover you from suffering a financial disaster.
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ktronicsglobal7 · 2 days
Simple Water Level Indicator with a Buzzer - Ktronics Global
Water management is essential for daily life, particularly in cities like Chennai, where water can be conserved along with effective usage. As the requirement of people to harness water in the best manner without waste has become all the more intense, then water level controllers have emerged as another indispensable tool. These control devices watch and control water levels in tanks for prevention of overflow, correct delivery, and automatic management of water. Among them, some of the great companies are KTRONICS Global the top water level controller manufacturer in Chennai.
This blog describes in a detailed manner why KTRONICS Global is one of the Best Water Level Controller Manufacturing Company in Chennai. Solutions that it provides in managing water resources for residential, commercial, or industries cannot be compared with any other.
Significance of Water Level Controllers
Before proceeding into why we are the number one manufacturer in Chennai, we ought to have a meaning of the significance of water level controllers and their necessity first.
Water level controllers are usually devices that are set to control water levels in tanks or reservoirs. They may also be able to:
Prevent Overflow: This prevents overflow once the tank becomes full as the controller will cut off the water supply.
Prevent Dry Running: The controller prevents the pumps from running in an empty tank situation.
Save Water: Automated management of water will save water as there would be no unnecessarily drawn and wasted water.
Extend the Life of Equipment: Preventing overuse or dry running of pumps increases the life of water pumps as well as other connected equipment.
Continuous Water Supplying Systems: With automation systems, you always ensure there is no disturbance in the water supply; it tracks and refills the water tank as needed without any human assistance.
In the city of Chennai, which is a busy town, it is not just that there is a huge water issue, but even its management is facing scarcity in the city. Thus, effective water level controllers will easily save heavy-scale water wastage while ensuring efficient operations of all domestic, industrial, and commercial buildings.
Excellence in Water Management
 1. Innovation in Water Management
We are the solution to innovative, state-of-the-art water management needs for residents in Chennai, businesses, and industries. Our range includes basic water level controllers for housing estate applications up to fully automated ones for industrial applications.
We make use of the latest technologies in our products, such as GSM-based wireless water controllers through which users can monitor and manage their water tanks through remote control by mobile phone. Especially applicable for large settings in commercial/industrial establishments where direct monitoring cannot be carried out.
2. Superior Quality and Durability
One of the reasons that is ascertained to be the number one manufacturer in Chennai of water level controllers is because of the quality commitment that we deliver. Our water level controllers are designed using high-quality materials and components, and this is made by assuring you of their reliability and durability even in the most challenging environments. Whether it be bad weather or high water usage, KTRONICS's water level controllers are specifically designed to face up to such challenges and go on to work efficiently for years.
We also proudly use SS316-grade components, especially where sensors have contact with water. Thus, longevity is assured along with prevention from corrosion, and the controllers can be used in drinking water as well as non-potable applications.
3. Product Diversity
We offer a wide variety of water level controllers for different customer needs:
Basic Water Level Controllers: good for home use, which would automatically cut off the power supply to the pump when the tank becomes full and will pump on when the water level is low.
Wireless GSM Water Level Controllers: the most advanced controllers, remote monitoring and operation, can be achieved over mobile phones, which is ideal for large-scale applications.
Such industrial water level controllers are developed for high-volume operations such as factories, manufacturing plants, or any other industry.
The same controllers can control multiple tanks. Therefore, these are ideal for commercial buildings, apartments, and institutions with multiple water tanks in use.
Each of these products comes equipped with voltage sensing, surge protection, and manual/auto settings and is therefore in a position to fulfill the needs of any water management situation.
4. Superior Customer Support
One of the highest qualities a good company possesses is the kind of support it provides to customers. We strive to not only provide superior quality products but also unparalleled after-sales support for the best out of our water level controllers. We have experts in our team ready to help our customers with installation, routine maintenance, and eventual troubleshooting to ensure uninterrupted running.
We also provide extensive warranty coverage, so a customer is assured that his water management system has full support from a company standing by its product.
Applications of Water Level Controllers
 Our water level controllers find applications in various places. They include but are not limited to:
Residential Houses: Automation of water supply to overhead tanks and underground sumps.
Apartment Complexes: Management of multiple water tanks for orderly distribution.
Industries: Ensuring that there is no interruption of the water supply within the manufacturing process as well as cooling systems.
Hospitals and Institutions: To avoid scarcity of water in sensitive places.
Commercial Buildings: Automation of water supply to shopping malls, offices, and hotels.
If you are in Chennai and looking for the Best Water Level Controller for your specific needs, then look no more, we have got you covered. Contact us today to learn more about our products and how we can help optimize your water management system!
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taxisss · 10 days
A Comprehensive Review of Cab Services in Kalyan: Comfort, Safety, and Affordability
In today’s fast-paced world, finding reliable transportation is crucial, especially in bustling cities like Kalyan. Whether you're a daily commuter, a tourist, or simply someone looking for a convenient ride, cab services have become an essential part of urban mobility. Among the many service providers, Nivya Tours and Travels stands out as one of the most trusted Cab Services in Kalyan. In this review, we will explore the comfort, safety, and affordability offered by their cab services, providing you with a detailed understanding of what makes them a preferred choice for residents and visitors alike.
1. Comfort: A Ride Designed for Relaxation
One of the most critical factors when selecting a cab service is comfort. Nivya Tours and Travels excels in providing a comfortable travel experience, no matter the duration or destination.
a) Well-Maintained Vehicles
Nivya Tours and Travels takes pride in offering a fleet of well-maintained cars. Each vehicle is cleaned regularly and undergoes routine maintenance checks, ensuring that passengers can enjoy a ride free from any mechanical disruptions. The plush interiors and air conditioning contribute to a pleasant experience, especially in the hot and humid climate of Kalyan.
b) Diverse Fleet for Different Needs
Whether you are traveling solo, with family, or in a group, Nivya’s fleet includes a variety of vehicles to cater to your specific needs. From compact cars for quick city rides to spacious sedans and SUVs for longer journeys, they have it all. This flexibility makes it easier for customers to find the right vehicle that suits their preferences and the nature of their travel.
c) On-Demand Comfort Features
For those looking for extra comfort, Nivya offers premium options with additional features such as extra legroom, comfortable seating, and smooth suspension systems for a relaxed ride. The premium cabs come equipped with modern infotainment systems, giving you the option to unwind with music or movies during long journeys.
2. Safety: The Priority for Every Journey
In the current climate, safety has become more important than ever when choosing transportation options. Nivya Tours and Travels ensures that every passenger enjoys a safe and secure ride, providing peace of mind for their clients.
a) Trained and Verified Drivers
All drivers employed by Nivya Tours and Travels undergo a thorough background check before being hired. In addition, they are provided with professional training to ensure they meet high standards of service. These drivers are not only experienced in navigating the busy streets of Kalyan, but they also adhere to strict safety protocols, making sure that passengers are always in safe hands.
b) COVID-19 Protocols
Since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, Nivya Tours and Travels has implemented stringent health and safety measures. Vehicles are sanitized before and after each ride, and drivers are equipped with face masks and hand sanitizers. Additionally, passengers are encouraged to follow safety guidelines, such as wearing masks and maintaining social distancing where possible.
c) Real-Time Tracking and Support
Another layer of safety provided by Nivya is the availability of real-time GPS tracking. Passengers can share their ride details with friends or family, allowing them to monitor the journey. Moreover, Nivya’s customer support is available 24/7, ensuring that help is always just a phone call away in case of any emergency or query.
3. Affordability: Premium Services at Competitive Rates
While comfort and safety are essential, affordability is another critical factor that influences the choice of a cab service. Nivya Tours and Travels strikes a perfect balance between offering high-quality services and keeping prices within reach for a wide range of customers.
a) Transparent Pricing
One of the standout features of Nivya’s services is its transparent pricing structure. There are no hidden fees, and passengers are provided with a clear breakdown of the fare before confirming the booking. This transparency helps customers make informed decisions without the fear of being overcharged.
b) Flexible Payment Options
Nivya Tours and Travels understands that not all customers prefer to pay in the same manner. To accommodate diverse preferences, they offer multiple payment options including cash, credit/debit cards, and online payment gateways like UPI or e-wallets. This flexibility is particularly useful for those who prefer contactless payments, ensuring convenience and safety.
c) Special Discounts and Offers
For frequent travelers or customers booking for longer journeys, Nivya offers special discounts and deals. These offers help regular passengers save on their trips, making Nivya one of the most affordable Cab Services in Kalyan without compromising on quality.
4. Additional Services: Going Beyond Regular Cab Rides
Nivya Tours and Travels does more than just offer point-to-point transportation. Their service extends into other areas, making them a comprehensive solution for various travel needs.
a) Airport Transfers
If you’re traveling to or from Kalyan to nearby airports, Nivya provides reliable airport transfer services. Their punctuality ensures that you never miss a flight, and they monitor real-time traffic conditions to avoid delays. Whether you're arriving in the city or leaving for a flight, you can rely on Nivya to provide seamless airport transportation.
b) Outstation Rides
Nivya Tours and Travels also offers outstation cab services, allowing you to book a ride for longer journeys to nearby cities or tourist destinations. Whether it’s a weekend getaway or a business trip, you can count on Nivya to get you there safely and comfortably.
c) Customized Packages
For tourists or those exploring the city, Nivya offers customized tour packages that cover popular attractions in and around Kalyan. These packages are ideal for those who want to experience hassle-free sightseeing with a knowledgeable driver who can guide them to the best spots.
Conclusion: Why Choose Nivya Tours and Travels?
Choosing a reliable cab service in Kalyan can be daunting with so many options available. However, Nivya Tours and Travels stands out by offering a blend of comfort, safety, and affordability. Whether you're a local resident needing a daily commute or a visitor looking to explore the area, Nivya’s comprehensive services cater to all kinds of travelers. Their commitment to customer satisfaction, coupled with their transparent pricing and additional services, make them a top choice in the region.
Next time you’re in Kalyan and need a dependable ride, consider booking with Nivya Tours and Travels for a comfortable, safe, and affordable journey.
Book your cab now with Nivya Tours and Travels
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gadgetsboy · 11 days
Would you Pay More than £1,000 for Wireless Headphones?
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We live in a day and age where wireless audio products have mostly improved compared to their predecessors, and while there's still an ongoing debate regarding wired versus wireless audio, it's probably safe to say that a good pair of headphones will get you great-sounding audio for the most part, especially from popular brands such as Sony and Apple, for example. Of course there's more to the industry aside from the “usual” names in tech - take for example Bang & Olufsen, which recently announced the debut of its latest pair of premium wireless headphones, the Beoplay H100. The H100 integrates a ton of modern wireless audio features, in addition to a premium price tag, even more expensive than Apple's already-pricey AirPods Max, for example. Let's start with some of the hardware features on the H100. The H100s come packed with a pair of 40mm drivers, and they also come with a rather capable battery onboard - on average, the headphones can last for up to 34 hours with active noise cancelling (ANC) enabled, which is pretty impressive and should be able to last you several commutes and even a trans-atlantic flight. The headphones can also last for up to 90 days on standby mode. Of course individual usage patterns will come into play here, so your mileage may vary. The H100 headphones also come with a nice lineup of audio features. In addition to ANC, there's also support for hi-res audio, Dolby Atmos and even head tracking for spatial audio playback. Interestingly, Bang & Olufsen has also equipped the headphones with its “EarSense” technology - this allows the H100 to automatically adjust its sound profile based on how it fits on a user's ears, a handy feature especially since no headphones are usually a “one size fits all” affair. There are also 10 built-in microphones inside, which handle ANC duties as well as noise management during phone calls. With all that said, let's move on to what else makes the Beoplay H100 super expensive - the company actually refers to the headphones as its most “advanced” and “luxurious” model so far, and it looks like they're not kidding. In addition to the hardware and audio features mentioned earlier, the headphones likewise come with premium materials, which includes a glass panel on the sides of the headphones (and also allows for touch controls), an aluminium headband wrapped by knitted fabric, and lambskin leather for the ear cups, which is something you don't see everyday with your average pair of wireless headphones. So how much is the Beoplay H100? If you ever decide to pick up a pair, the headphones will cost you £1299, and no that's not a typo. For context, this is more than twice the price of Apple's AirPods Max headphones, which are priced at £499. It's also the same price as most foldable smartphones on the market these days, or a souped-up laptop for that matter.  They're undoubtedly expensive, but in addition to the premium design and build you also get a versatile set of features. On the other hand, you can still get great-sounding audio from headphones which cost considerably less, such as entries from Bose or Sony for example. Let us know your thoughts in the comments below! Read the full article
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wtftowing · 19 days
Reliable Towing Services in Raleigh: A Lifeline for Stranded Drivers
Raleigh, North Carolina, a vibrant city known for its rich history, bustling downtown, and scenic landscapes, is also home to a thriving network of towing services. Whether you’re a resident or just passing through, the chances are high that at some point, you might need the assistance of a towing company. From unexpected breakdowns to unfortunate accidents, reliable towing services in Raleigh are a lifeline for stranded drivers.
Why Raleigh Towing Services Are Essential
The road can be unpredictable. Even with regular vehicle maintenance, unforeseen issues such as engine failure, flat tires, or accidents can leave drivers stranded. This is where Raleigh Towing services step in, providing prompt and professional assistance to get you and your vehicle to safety.
Raleigh’s growing population and expanding road networks have increased the demand for towing services. The city’s diverse terrain, ranging from urban streets to rural roads, adds to the complexity of towing operations. Hence, local towing companies have equipped themselves with the necessary tools, skilled personnel, and a fleet of tow trucks to handle a variety of situations efficiently.
Types of Towing Services in Raleigh
Raleigh towing companies offer a wide range of services to meet the diverse needs of drivers. These services include:
Emergency Towing: Available 24/7, emergency towing services are a lifesaver when you find yourself in a difficult situation at odd hours. Whether it's a breakdown in the middle of the night or an accident during rush hour, these services ensure you’re not left stranded for long.
Flatbed Towing: For luxury vehicles, motorcycles, or cars with severe damage, flatbed towing is the safest option. This service ensures your vehicle is securely transported without any additional wear and tear.
Roadside Assistance: Sometimes, a full tow isn’t necessary. Services like jump-starts, tire changes, and fuel delivery can get you back on the road quickly without the need for a tow.
Long-Distance Towing: If you need your vehicle transported over a long distance, roadside recovery companies offer specialized services to ensure your car arrives safely at its destination.
Accident Recovery: After an accident, prompt removal of vehicles from the scene is crucial. Towing companies in Raleigh are trained to handle accident recovery efficiently, ensuring the road is cleared and your vehicle is taken to a repair shop or a safe location.
Choosing the Right Towing Service
With many towing companies operating in Raleigh, choosing the right one can be daunting. However, a few key factors can help you make an informed decision:
Reputation: Look for companies with positive customer reviews and a good track record of timely and professional service.
Availability: Ensure the towing company operates 24/7, as emergencies can happen at any time.
Response Time: Quick response times are crucial, especially in emergency situations. Choose a towing service known for its promptness.
Pricing: While cost should not be the sole deciding factor, it’s important to choose a towing service that offers transparent pricing without hidden fees.
Raleigh’s towing services are an essential part of the city’s infrastructure, ensuring that drivers are never left stranded when they encounter vehicle issues. Whether it’s an emergency in the middle of the night or a simple roadside assistance call, Raleigh’s towing companies are equipped to handle it all with professionalism and efficiency. The next time you find yourself in need of towing services in Raleigh, rest assured that help is just a phone call away.
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vipulacademy · 21 days
Discover Affordable Hair Cutting Course Fees in Mumbai
Are you passionate about hairstyling and eager to enhance your skills? If so, understanding the Hair Cutting Course Fees in Mumbai is an essential step towards embarking on your educational journey. Mumbai, a city renowned for its thriving fashion and beauty industry, offers a range of courses that cater to aspiring hairstylists at various skill levels. Whether you're a beginner or looking to advance your expertise, there's a course tailored to meet your needs.
What Influences Hair Cutting Course Fees in Mumbai?
When considering the Hair Cutting Course Fees in Mumbai, it's important to understand that several factors can influence the cost. The reputation of the academy, the duration of the course, the level of expertise offered, and the tools and materials included are all key components. Typically, courses that provide comprehensive training with experienced instructors may have higher fees, but they also offer a richer learning experience that can significantly impact your future career.
Value for Investment
Investing in a quality hair cutting course is a step towards building a successful career in the beauty industry. The Hair Cutting Course Fees in Mumbai are often reflective of the value provided through hands-on training, exposure to industry trends, and mentorship from seasoned professionals. Many academies offer flexible payment options and installment plans to make the courses more accessible, ensuring that your education is both affordable and of the highest quality.
Why Choose Mumbai Makeup Academy for Your Training?
When selecting an academy, it's crucial to choose one with a strong reputation and a proven track record. The Mumbai Makeup Academy is a standout option, offering a diverse range of courses in both hair styling and makeup artistry. Known for its expert faculty and state-of-the-art facilities, the academy provides an environment where creativity and professionalism flourish.
Comprehensive Courses at Mumbai Makeup Academy
At Mumbai Makeup Academy, the curriculum is designed to equip students with both foundational skills and advanced techniques. From learning the art of precision hair cutting to mastering the latest makeup trends, the academy offers a holistic approach to beauty education. The academy also prides itself on staying updated with the latest industry trends, ensuring that students are prepared to meet the demands of a dynamic and evolving market.
Benefits of Enrolling at Mumbai Makeup Academy
Enrolling at the Mumbai Makeup Academy not only gives you access to high-quality education but also connects you with a network of industry professionals. The academy's alumni often go on to work in top salons, fashion houses, and the entertainment industry. The exposure and experience gained through the academy's programs can be invaluable in building a successful career.
Understanding the Hair Cutting Course Fees in Mumbai and choosing the right academy, like the Mumbai Makeup Academy, are crucial steps in shaping your career in the beauty industry. By investing in a well-rounded education, you're setting the foundation for a successful future as a hairstylist or makeup artist. Whether you're looking to refine your skills or start from scratch, Mumbai offers the perfect backdrop for your journey into the world of beauty.
Contact Us:-
Vipul Chudasama Academy
Website:- https://academy.vipulchudasama.com/
Phone No:- +91 97691 00070
Address:- Jasmin House, 2nd Floor, Pali Naka, Bandra West, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400050
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