#its not even a dokidoki crush
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aihoshiino · 3 months ago
Ah, I have figured out how Tumblr works, sorry I'm new here :P
What do you gather was the final conclusion to how Aqua felt about Ai? Did he see her as his mom? Idol? Have a crush on her? I don't know if even Akasaka knew himself.
Also found it interesting how the two non-family people Ai seemed comfortable opening up to were Gorou and Gotanda... she latched on to those old men quickly.
I'd actually say that Aqua's arc in relation to that aspect of his complicated feelings towards Ai was one of the things that early OnK did really well! It's a big part of why I was so confused and ultimately let down by the way OnK handles Ruby's surfacing feelings for Gorou -> Aqua because we had already seen that the story could do a really interesting examination of this exact issue - past life attachment causing a surfacing of romantic feelings in a relationship that should otherwise be purely familial - and bring it to what I felt was a pretty satisfying conclusion. That said, the conclusion Aqua comes to is kind of understated, so I get that it doesn't jump out at people as obviously.
Basically, to start with, I think it is clear that Aqua has some confusedly Oedipal feelings mixed up in his relationship with Ai purely as the result of inheriting Gorou's gachikoi attraction to her and that this undercurrent lingers even as he forms a more solid relationship with her as himself and her son. But it doesn't really get a chance to surface and become something Aqua himself is in a position to interrogate until he is put face to face with ""Ai"" again in a romantically charged context. In fact - interestingly, he doesn't seem to consider for a second that he might be having dokidoki sorts of feelings about Aikane until Mem and Yuki start trying to push it on him and even then...
I guess this is my One beef with how the anime handles this part of the story because I think it kind of accidentally gives Aqua's response a very different vibe in its version of events. Compare and contrast these two expressions:
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Not only does Aqua look way more like... genuinely dismayed and even a little distressed at what's going on, but he's even being crowded by everyone at this moment. Whereas in the anime, he just looks more straightforwardly flustered.
Obvs after this he scurries off to go have his hangout sesh with Kana and ends up putting to bed the idea that he was romantically interested in Akane (at that moment in time, anyway) but interestingly, his conclusion that his feelings for Aikane aren't "like that", i.e, romantic also seems to be the implicit conclusion to the idea that he has any feelings of those sort of Ai, too.
Past LoveNow, while Aqua's feelings about Ai continue to be very intense, we never again get any of the Oedipal undertones that were more apparent prior to that point. And in fact, the next time we see Aqua's feelings for Ai zoomed in on in this way, the embodiment of Aqua's grief for her is Aqua himself as a little boy who just desperately wants his mom back.
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In other words, the grief and loss Aqua feels for Ai is for her as his mother.
As for the Ai part of this ask, I don't think Gorou and Gotanda are necessarily unusual in that regard...? It's part of a pretty consistent pattern of Ai opening up to people surprisingly fast when she thinks they have the capacity to understand or accept her, or just like. Show her any basic human kindness whatsoever LOL.
We see this in Viewpoint B with Kyun where all it takes is a little gentle prodding from Kyun for Ai to pour her heart out about some genuinely personal stuff and that talk meant enough to Ai for her to consider Kyun her closest friend for years afterwards. She really is just that intensely lonely and that eager to put her heart into someone's hands the instant they so much as imply they might treat it gently. Or even just that they want it. She's not well!!!!
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dooyoo · 7 years ago
Current state: highkey crushing on Som
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g8dess · 4 years ago
Aigavsjavshsb theres a specific fo that i always forget about tbh, like i love him very dearly and the fact hes from a visual novel and i can just... Like play the game and befriend and date him is superb, but something about him makes me always forget him
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dumbfilmstudent · 2 years ago
Watching a 14 year old 8th grader
Things I have been told/asked:
She showed me EVERY Pokémon and made me judge them and then told me I was wrong about every single one
Why Luka is a better boyfriend than Adrien Agreste (thankfully something I could understand)
Made me explain the entire plot of Steven Universe bc she saw one episode but couldn’t find the rest
That she is in love with a Splatoon character
Explained the full Five Nights at Freddie’s Lore (maybe better than MatPat who, by the way, she has no idea who he is)
Asked me about those Urban Legend Horror games like Bloody Mary and the Elevator game and then proceeded to have to sleep with every light on bc she was scared
Told me she doesn’t swear and doesn’t respect people who swear and that she has cut off friends who swear. I have to apologize every time I accidentally curse because of this.
She had me read 14 pokemon ffs on fanfiction.net to make sure there wasn’t any adult content.
In that same vein told me that she had learned how to use ao3 filters (something I had accidentally taught her how to do last time I watched her)
Asked me if I knew what Dokidoki literature club is and made me read 5 of those fanfictions too to make sure there was no adult content (there obviously was. How she ended up in dokidokiliterature is beyond me. She said it was because she is in love with Monika)
Made me read the ao3 ship stats and then asked me about every single fandom/show etc
Quick rundown of what she said when I explained them: Hannibal “remind me never to watch that”, Harry Potter “no one even cares about Harry Potter. Is Dumbledore gay?”, Supernatural ��why are ppl shipping brothers” and then I explained destiel and how he got sent to hell and then she got mad at me for saying Hell, 911 “why does 911 have a fandom? People being hurt isn’t funny” I had to pick around a bit but realized she thought that 911 emergency calls were being made into fanfiction, BTS “who even are these people”, My Hero Academia “an anime? I don’t watch it. Is there any Comiket Communicate in the top ten?”, MCR “what’s that” I showed her some music and mvs “why do people like this it’s weird” to which I explained ppl were emo bc I didn’t know how else to explain and she said “my friend is a tall and skinny emo” and then wandered off
Made fun of me for thinking 53 degrees was cold. (We live in California. It is cold)
A dream she had where her friends are baking cookies but her one friend who she calls her little brother climbed into the oven
The fact that her friend group play house and she is the oldest sister
While roleplaying as a family they also roleplay that they can all turn into Eevees (this is not a one time game. They have done this for three years)
Asked me why there are so many fanfictions about BTS because she doesn’t understand how ppl can ship real people
While I was trying to explain it I accidentally mentioned the Dan and Phil real people shipping problem and she proceeded to ask me about who they are. I tried to be vague but she kept asking questions until I explained their whole online career.
Asked me what Doctor Who was and what he was a Doctor in.
Made me watch Friday Night Funkin modded videos for what felt like six hours and then had me watch her play animal crossing.
Told me that boyfriend from Friday night funkin was not good enough for girlfriend and that girlfriend should be with Sky from the Sky Mod (I don’t know what these words mean but I’m sure I agree)
Explained an Eevee YouTube fanfiction series in its entirety.
Wandered back and forth across the living room in front of me listening to music in headphones breathing incredibly loudly making me incredibly overstimulated (she’s got a cold it’s not her fault)
Explained her entire friend groups sexuality, gender and pronouns, mental illness, and the Eevee evolution they are when the rp.
Btw the first time I met her she asked me if I had ever had a fictional crush, I said yes, and she said “I only have girl fictional crushes” which through her mother for a loop she told me later, not bc she’s homophobic (she’s literally a lesbian) but because she had never met me before and was surprised how open she was around me.
Today proceeded to try to explain the nuances of bisexuality vs pansexualty. She has never been on tumblr or twitter but was definitely aware of the arguments.
Asked me what one direction is
Got mad that I named a character in a Pilot for a college film class after a girl who is her friend at a math tutoring place who I of course have never met and then yelled at me until I changed the name. I didn’t but she doesn’t know that.
Told me I need to vacuum my car. I do.
Handed me a warhead and watched me eat it with the most malicious look on her face as though she was tricking me or something.
Cooked all of her meals by herself, gets up and leaves for school on her own, does all her hw immediately, doesn’t swear, let’s the dog out every morning. Literally the most self sufficient child I have ever met (was able to do all of this three years ago when I started watching her) the only reason I’m here is in case of a freak accident or because she freaks herself out at night at can’t sleep.
Then she puts the pot she used to cook pasta on the floor for the dog to lick up…
Asked me what pecan pie is
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veiledsilver · 4 years ago
Top five moments you've felt like the universe was messing with you.
Oh boy everyone get ready this is a long list. In descending order, from mildly funny looking back on it to "oh god oh shit oh fuck":
5. Catfishing: College Edition
In 6th grade, I decided to apply to colleges early to see how they were like. I was scared that if they knew I was too young, they'd arrest me. So I created a gmail account as my persona, a white 12th grader named Emilie Alexander. Emilie was planning to go into nursing, dating a high school linebacker named Kyle Kenderson, and deathly allergic to bee stings. If she even came near a bee, she would die.
This part was of the utmost importance.
See, I was constantly paranoid that one day, the jig would be up- I might forget that my fake last name was Alexander. Or the college dean might come knocking at my door and tear up my home in his mad search for Emilie. If that happened I would fake her tragic death, presumably caused by one big fucking bee.
I secretly collected my information. What nearby states were the prettiest to visit. Which colleges were the safest and most affordable. How often they held courses that I liked. In my emails with colleges I tried to sound as mature and professional as possible.
Then, one day, a college member asked me what high school I was in, so they could check my records.
My blood froze.
It was time to bring out the bee.
In response to their question, I sent an email that was like this:
"Dear Mr. McLaughlin, I was a proud graduate of- ugh! Ah! Kyaaaa! Uwaa! W-w-what's this... huge goddamn bee doing here?! Eek, pardon my foul language! It's just that, as I told you earlier, being stung by a bee would kill me.... and now it's stung me thrice (three times)!!
What do I do?! I can't die... I've always wanted to attend your beautiful college...
But this is... the end...
Mr. McLaughlin...
*looks at you sadly*
Tell... my mother... I loved her...
He never responded, probably because he was rendered speechless, but I never touched that account again.
My private gmail for fun stuff like tumblr still has "Alexander" as a surname, though.
4. Wild and Authentic
Alright. Alright. So. My art teacher in middle school.
Right off the bat, they endeared themselves to the tumblr art kids- they proudly used they/them pronouns, dyed their hair vibrant colors, deeply encouraged OC creation, and was chill with any art style even if it was anime. Mx. Mason was very cool, except for one thing.
We had complete artistic freedom when it came to their assignments, EXCEPT FOR ONE THING.
Drumroll, please.
Take a deep breath if you must.
Cats had to have extremely distinct whisker pores.
YES, they believed that modern depictions of cats were too streamlined. Too... idealized. As a cat owner themselves, they were convinced that society's vision of cats did not do their feral feline ancestors justice. In making their faces flawlessly smooth-furred, we were stripping the cat of its true nature.
I found this out the hard way, when I was drawing warrior cats fanart for class (it was of Firestar cuddled in the arms of an orange haired anime catgirl who was his reincarnation in my first ever comic series, Warriors Neko Desu! ♡ Heart Academy Dokidoki).
Mx. Mason came over to look at my magnum opus, and I expected them to have their socks knocked off at my artistic talent. They lifted up my drawing for all to see, and I smugly leaned back in my seat.
Only for them to launch into a passionate lecture about how, in neglecting to draw whisker pores on cats, I was DENYING THIS FICTIONAL CAT OF ITS WILD AUTHENTIC SELF.
My friends absolutely lost it when I told them this story, and there was a period of time when all our discord nicknames were wild and authentic too.
As for Firestar and his counterpart Hoshineko Orenji-chan, I never did give them wild authentic whisker holes, but that's to be expected of a kittypet, I guess.
3. Stan Jungkook Or Whatever
A couple years ago, my family and I flew to Seoul, South Korea, to visit our relatives and teach me more about my heritage. It was very nice! I got to visit shrines and festivals and palaces, and I was in awe that this was what my ancestors had once seen in their daily lives.
Then, when we went to the modern side of Korea, I realized just how much I didn't fit in.
It was clear that I didn't know how to act, or how to speak Korean, and I spent my days fumbling around and getting scammed multiple times by salesmen. But I clowned myself the most... during an interactive event with kpop stars.
They had this experimental event where holograms of the boys would sing onstage and dance in place of the actual idols. Before the show began, girls could stand in booths that scanned their appearances, and holograms of THEM could dance onstage with the hologram boys.
I didn't know this.
When Cousin Ae-cha told me to step inside one of the machines, I thought I'd be hilarious and stand backwards, so it would scan the back of me instead of my front. As I walked out, I saw other girls putting on their best makeup, cutest clothes, and most expensive accessories, and I slowly realized that I was in danger.
But the danger didn't come until halfway through the concert, where the boys looked eagerly off-stage and a holy staircase appeared and all the hologram girls descended from heaven. There were cherry blossoms. There were roses. There was me, among the crowd of beautiful airbrushed girls, walking backwards.
I felt the judgemental gazes of twenty girls and their mothers.
Each boy danced with a girl, who got a cute animated moment with special effects, and sang about how they found a dream girl to have a true love romance with. Finally, all the girls vanished except one, and it was me.
One of the boys didn't dance with any girls, and now he was all alone in the rain, feeling dejected that HE did not find his true love girl to have a dream romance with. Then the rain stopped, the sun came out, and I emerged. Still backwards.
He was thrilled and sang about how my face (that he didn't see) stole his heart, and now everyone in the audience was giggling, and he slowly brought me very close to kiss me... but because I was backwards, his nose was cutely nuzzling my hair.
The audience members- at least the adults- were now laughing their asses off. His lips met the back of my head, and together we vanished into the wind.
I'd say I couldn't show my face there ever again, but I never did show my face, so... hm...
2. Horrid Little Temptress
If I wasn't a minor, I'd need a drink before starting this story. Sadly, I cannot drown my sorrows- and neither should you after you hear this, because it's only fair.
Mrs. Appleby was my Spanish teacher in like, 9th grade. Even the wild and authentic art teacher thought she was insane. Appleby forced kids to brew tea for her and yelled at them when they didn't get it right, and I thought she had a chronic squint until I realised she just did that to mock me and my Asian eye-folds. She forced us to watch Dora the Explorer to "absorb knowledge." Everyone fucking hated Mrs. Appleby.
But the worst thing she ever did... was during the school festival.
See, whenever she's angry, she zooms right into kids' faces to scream at them. Her wrinkled flesh would blot out the goddamn sun and all you see are her bloodshot yellow eyeballs so victims just stayed rooted to the spot like cornered animals or something similar. This is important.
Because when she was sampling her own brownies (read: hoarding them so no one else could eat them), one parent foolishly decided to grab one and she thought it was a student and she grabbed his wrist so hard she could've nearly snapped it and... and... zoomed into his face.
Except she underestimated his height and kissed him by accident, but it was more like her mouth was sucking in his face like a vacuum.
His wife was shrieking like an ape. His kid, my classmate, saw his social life flash before his eyes.
In her defense, she did not mouth to mouth with him on purpose and afterwards she cried in the bathroom and when I foolishly followed her in to comfort her, because I am a teacher's pet through and through, she snatched the paper towels I got for her and wailed that she was a-
If I had decided to not be kind, I never would've heard that string of fucking words. But I did. And I paid for it dearly. The end.
1. Violence IS The Answer, Sometimes
Thomas, my dearly detested.
Back in sixth grade, I used to have a crush on him because he had the surfer boy look with nicely tanned skin and pale blond hair and the clearest aquamarine eyes I've ever seen. He also liked surfing and swimming. He seemed like the perfect little trophy waifu except for one absolute dealbreaker.
He and his parents were extremely conservative and so, when I told him I liked him, his response was basically "haha no you're a [slur] and would probably eat my dog."
I was horrified and ran away to cry. But then, by the next day, I decided I needed to punish him. Thomas walked in before class started and I was waiting for him with these hands. I kicked him so he doubled over, slammed his face into his chair's seat, and quickly clambered on top of him to SIT ON THE BACK OF HIS HEAD. He started shaking and twitching and trying to pry me off, but eventually he went limp and stopped moving.
I thought he fell asleep, but Mohammed, another classmate who was bullied by Thomas, told me that Thomas might never wake up again (not that he was very sad about this. I didn't know until later, but Thomas said slurs at him too).
While I was sitting on the guy, he'd straight up passed out from the lack of oxygen.
Screaming and crying, I told our homeroom teacher that Thomas suddenly fainted, and she was the type of Caucasian that thought all little Asian kids were sweet and innocent, so it didn't even cross her mind that? It might've been me? Who sat on his head when she walked in?
He was sent home early that day. I had to go to a different school next year because Thomas's mom threatened legal action. The only reason I didn't get punished further was because my rich cousins out-Karen'd her and donated a huge amount of money to the school to keep them quiet.
Anyway, I never did anything that insane ever again, because something like that is enough for a lifetime. My cousins made it clear they would never back me up again. I was sure this whole event would be put behind me, too.
But last fall, during my first day of online learning... who did I see in my zoom meeting... BUT THOMAS! I had my mic and camera off, but the moment he saw my name, his face went pale. His soul would've left his body, but then it would've gone to hell, so it wisely decided to stay inside.
Still, out of shame and embarrassment, I never turned my camera on for the rest of the school year.
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samikozume-todoroki · 5 years ago
Those bugs hc were amazing ( i was laughing so hard), what about some headcanons where the reader is now too small to reach something and the boys have to help her 👉👈
(Thank you so much! Glad it made you laugh🥺 as a smol bean; I am an inventor or spidermonkey no in between. And by boys I assume Shouto and Katsuki at the least, but I’m also doing Izuku and Kirishima!)
Characters: Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Eijirou Kirishima
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Shouto Todoroki:
Mans walked into the pantry, fully intent on destroying the endeavor cereal that UA just stocked up
See you climbing on the shelves, hands losing their grip
Yoinks you so fast you don’t even realize he entered
(All I hear is the “STOOPID IM NOT GONNA LET YOU GET THE CHANCE” audio as I type this💀)
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Actual photo of shouto yoinking you
Mans holds you by the collar of your shirt, staring at you with his beautiful eyes which are full of concern and worry
“C-c-can you hel-help m-me?” Pouty and flustered the words are spit out
He puts you on the ground and goes behind you
!!! What r yO-
oh, okay
Mans picks you up by the armpits and you grab that yummy yummy Cinnamon Toast Crunch and the nasty bitch e*deavor cereal
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He is so focused on how to destroy the cereal that when you lean up to give him a peck on the jaw, he stumbles
His heart just went DokiDoki!Precure
Scurrying out of the room like a rat (same😌💅✨) you don’t know that his left side flared up- destroying half the pantry
“Well at least the cereal got destroyed”
“Half the pantry is burnt to a crisp and youRE comcerned about the Mac n cheese??”
“Ya??? Isn’t everyone??”
*everybody nods*
Katsuki Bakugou:
Katsuki firmly believes in “fuck everyone, it’s every man for himself”
But there’s a secret clause hidden in page 101, paragraph 2, sentence 3, section FU-ck; 666
(I have no idea how shit like that works, so let’s roll with it🥰)
It states “it’s every man for himself unless the short stack can’t reach jack shit, then I could lend a hand if I want”
He enters the cleaning closet and sees you banging the broom on the bleach on the top shelf
“Thread the needle what the fuck broom fuck the handle sis it ain’t hard please-“ this close to tears and suddenly
Katsuki enters, grumbling about who knows what
“What? Did you see a speck of lint in the hallway that reminded you of Izuku?”
“No” (yes actually, damn nerds lint)
Now that a hot and more importantly tall boi was here
You banged on the bleach hoping it would annoy Katsuki enough to get it for you
✨backfired bitch✨
“You could just ask for help short stack”
😳😠🥺”pls help me”
He went to reach for the bleach, doing that “cage them in by getting super close” thing and
“I-I-I tha-thank y-you” 😳
“You’re welcome”
Said with such a cocky smirk, all embarassment is gone.
Pulling him down a bit by the collar of his shirt, and then
Kissing his cheek, you linger for a few seconds, releasing him skipping out the door
Mans blew up a shelf on accident
“Why is the shelf broken?”
“Ah, normal Tuesday then”
Izuku Midoriya:
Izuku was going into the kitchen for a snack
When he stumbled upon a snacc😍
A snacc that was on their knees on the counter (no feet on the counter, nasty bitch 🤢) and tipping backwards
Full cowled over and caught you, bridal style
“Y/n be more careful! What if I didn’t catch you?! You could have cracked your head open, broken your neck, or-
“But that didn’t happen because you were here!”☺️
“gotten an concussion fall asleep and slip into a coma, got a stroke that we didn’t notice and di-“
Blushy boy becomes a tomato
Not only from your words
But your beautiful eyes that shine so warmly and a smile that always cheers him up and lips that he’s imagined kissing a couple of times-
And your voice which is so gentle and happy and holds no doubt. The way you said he was there like he would always be there and you’ll always count on him and trust him
He’s just 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺
He sets you gently on the counter
“Can you get something for me?”
Man full cowls and within a second all the items on the top shelves are taken down and out on the counter
“I-I just needed salt??”
“Oh”😳 full cowls everything back but the salt.
You offer him some food and ask him to eat with you and this blushy simp boy is in
God y’all ain’t even dating and make everyone feel so so so single
“Oh my god, somebody please make them kiss already”
“Izuku and y/n are in the kitchen?”
“The sexual tension and mutual pining is infuriating and disgusting”
“Even bakugou agrees”💀
Eijirou Kirishima:
You regret throwing stuff on the top shelf of your closet
Why did you, oh right because “you’ll never need it, and you don’t use it”
Well you need it now
Normally you would be an
😌💅✨independant woman✨💅😌
And get a chair and do it yourself
But the only chair is the rolling chair,
and idk man it’s slightly cloudy and Mars is in retrograde so you don’t really think it’s a good day to snap your neck
So you go to the common area to steal a boy 🤩
Seeing Eijirou first, his freshly showered appearance (the hair!!!) blessed your eyes
“Ei~ Ji~ Rou~”
“Slightly scared, but yes y/n?”
“I need a tall, muscly man to help me”
He never got up so fast in his life, eyes sparkling
Eijirou’s man ego and pride was stroked and he was t h r i v i n g
His grin was so big and eyes so happy and please please please praise him and stroke his ego more I beg
Going to your room
Eiji was in heaven, first time in your room and he loved it already everything screamed you and he loved you so he loved it
(Hi I love simp Eiji and ack, I’m actually crying I simp for him so so so hard i🥺😭)
After grabbing your stuff,
You flashed him the prettiest smile
Your eyes reflected back his and it was the most beautiful piece of artwork he had ever seen
And softly, “thank you”
(Give him kithes rn 😠 I swear)
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you invited him to stay and chat
All throughout it you were like
“Sir??? You do not get to be so handsome and pretty and funny and nice and a super good person”
Omg you actually teared up a little bit when Eiji was smiling and laughing boisterously
It was so cute and you were so in love and🥺🥺🥺
You guys were first on the floor, then the bed and desk chair, then across from each other on the bed, then next to each other on the bed and
wow now you both are sleeping and cuddling.
Kiri is wrapped around you and if he woke up in the middle of the night and snuggled your small form closer it’s not anyone’s business but his
“I hate them”
“Kirishima and y/n?”
“Who else?”
“Good lord you would think they are newlyweds”
“Always rubbing it in our faces that they are soulmates”
A/n: Shouto is emotionally constipated 😠 he doesn’t know he’s crushing😠 all he knows is that he feels things😠 that are nice and warm and make his fire activate😠 this is the second version, the first got deleted because of my own stupidity. I think After fiddling with this version for around an hour, I like it more than V1. 🥺 if anyone wants anymore boys from BNHA, or some HQ boy versions send a request! I’d be happy to do it!
I am in the process of planning out a Kid Krow songfic collection for BNHA and Haikyuu (separately) and I want to hear suggestions for which character for which song! Drop an ask or find the post I talk about it (under Sami speaks) and comment!
General Taglist (open! Ask or comment on this post to be on it): @mssyprsn
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maiuoart · 5 years ago
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“Ribba the Rabbit”
Second in Command of the Royal Bunny Guards!
Ribba might be a total ditz, an absolute blonde one could even say! But with her sweet and bubbly personality, one wouldn’t think that she made it so high up into the ranks in the Guards, especially under the top ranking Commander of the Queens Army, the Ferocious Black General; Sans Regal.
Taking on Alphy’s spot was more than a war in itself; But she managed to do it! Only the second one who could ever defeat the All Insanity Driven Alphys; She never lost her purity of having a good time no matter where she was, despite how harsh their worlds conditions are.
It took years for her to become how she is; Though most Monsters see she as an easy target when she’s not in her battle body, she proves them wrong. Though she may not dust them; She instead brings them in to the mysterious and threatening rumored ‘Judge’ who has the say to Dust or not to.
Ribba doesn’t have a lot of fear in general, her ability to being so light hearted and aloof proves that and she is often times confused for the Brave trait, which holds the Foolish concept. But Ribba will always fight with Honor, will bring punishment to those who deserve it, and only desires to continue on and try to bring light to the otherwise dark world they live in. 
She has such a positive outlook on life, it can make the biggest target on her back. But that doesn’t stop Ribba... In fact, it just helps her keep going! 
Now, there have been a few who have found out her weakness and used it against her; Which she bares scars now due to them, but those? She makes sure she’s able to dust. Fear strikes her, causing her to lose sight of what she has to do, causing accidental deaths. Of course, she takes it into account and proply makes reports of it; But no one bats an eye. 
Her greatest weakness is her Blindness. She may not seem like it, but if one pays close attention to her ears, you can just tell. She’s basically like Doggo in UT; But instead of scent following, it’s hearing. 
In her home, she has clocks or other constant noise makers that are low pitched, but each having a different tone to help her travel and know which room is which. It’s how she’s training herself to live alone, to stay away from her family to keep them safe; Because being in the Royal Guard, one must take actions to not make their families a large target or risk their safety.
General Regal & Lieutenant Rabbit relationship;
Now this... Is the tasty part!
Sans and Ribba actually are so blindsided by the concept of ‘Love’ and so focused on ‘Work’, neither realize what they really have for the other. Sans thinks he gains a perfect Second in command, despite she can be stupid occasionally; But makes up for that with her strength and hardworking goals. 
He can respect that, he actually has been looking for that. His brother, however, instantly knows it’s not just that. Mutt sees how Sans looks at Ribba on training days; He sees the spark that Sans is blind to... Not only that, Mutt has fun with Ribba; She’s an absolute sweetie... But Mutts learned to not spook her. 
It’s legit like spooking a horse when you walk right up behind it; Mutt doesn’t plan to do it again... But he does plan on teasing the shit out of his brother with his first crush. Of course; It’s his duty to! And it’s annoying Sans just thinks its work.
Ribba on the other hand; She thinks Sans is cool and constantly saying so and gushes about working under such a tough leader to her close family when she’s needing to socialize. Sans is legit one of the terrifying Boss Monsters, and to be so close and working with him?! It’s a dream come true! However, she makes sure she can keep her mouth shut when there’s other Rabbit Clans around that’re in the guard, because she doesn’t want the wrong idea going out... Her siblings, on the other hand, just know she fell for the General and are practically always getting her colors that match or are similar to his Magic Trait without her knowing; Using the blindness to trick her to try and gain Sans attention. 
That does cause some fire however; But not with Sans & Ribba, more along the other Rabbit Clans... They begin thinking she’s trying to get ‘Friendly’ with the General, and devise a plan to get Sans to think Ribba is a betrayer... 
But, Sans is far too smart for simple and idiotic tricks like that; Sees right through them... Not to mention, he can say he has more trust in Ribba than anyone else in his Guard. That right there, when Sans sides with Ribba, causes her to realize she-... Might like Sans? More than she knew?... Then the thought of how he would sometimes be gentle around her, sparks her Dokidoki heart to start for the prickly cactus.
Before the Barrier breaks though is a time where Sans will realize, slowly, that he has fallen for Ribba. Her strength, her positivity, just... Her in general? He finally realizes his own the soft Dokidoki’s for her, but doesn’t act on it because with Work? It’s forbidden to become enwrapped with another; It causes issues, causes betrayals, causes jealousy and ruins a whole place. Similar to how Alphy’s was ruined when corrupted Guards tried to aim for her and her Lover, Undyne. 
So, he keeps Ribba at an arms length; Thinking it will just pass. 
It never does; And he begins to think of Ribba as his Sunshine... A nickname he keeps in private. But once he accidentally says it around Mutt?........... Mutt is all over that; Teasing him any chance he can.
The two don’t get together for a long while; But they both begin to hold feelings for the other. Due to being where they are, they just can’t afford to do it. Ribba might be an airhead, but even she knows this would make her and his time worse than the hell they’re living in now... So both suffer side by side in silence.
Will they get together? Will they become something more? 
God, I hope so; ForbiddenFluff is their ship name :’D
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kewltie · 6 years ago
so i have been actively following this super rad manga series called, “Otome Kaijuu Caramelize”, which is about a girl who occasionally turns into a giant ass monster, a kaiju, in the presence of her crush. it’s quirky, weird, and so damn cute so ofc it’s right up my alley. and thanks to that godzilla!bakugou artwork we saw waaaaaay back I COULDN’T GET THIS IDEA OUT OF MY HEAD. 
katsuki is the (next) defender/protector of japan after his mother, the great queen of monsters, had decided she was going to save humanity instead of destroying bc she fell in love with a human call masaru (imagine a giant ass monster WOOING YOU lmao). he’s half kaiju and half human and all temperamental shit, but he gotten good at controlling his transformation which he can now call upon command at will. when he was younger, though, it easily get triggered by any kind of emotional stress/strained but he’s older now and he’s NO NOOB!!! most of the time, katsuki is just a normal high schooler, abit a highly competitive and talented one, but sometimes when there’s a kaiju attacking the coast of japan katsuki transform into his monster alter ego BAKUSHINCHI, a giant firebreathing lizard monster, that protect japan from other giant ass monster!!!!!!
he’s a national secret and is under intense scrutiny so katsuki never had a normal life either by the people who knows who he really is (fear, awe, and nerves are abound in his presence) or his peers who views him as peculiar and odd bc they don’t know how or why but there’s just something strange and inhuman about bakugou. the only exception is his childfriend deku who no matter how much katsuki tried to push him away, izuku always come BACK and is fiercely loyal to katsuki. also,  while most people spurn kaiju and think they’re a nuisance even though they have a KAIJU PROTECTOR IN THE FORM OF KATSUKI AND HIS MOM, izuku kind of um... a fanboy of these kaiju?? e doesn’t seem to fear them at all and even entertain the idea that humans and kaiju can coexist in peace :OOOOO. WHICH had made his childhood rough bc other kids call him the monster’s lover :((((((. it’s actually bc as a child, izuku’s life was save by a kaiju and ever since them he saw them very differently (that kaiju may or may not be katsuki), but also bc he’s a just a good boy at heart and doesn’t see them in all black and white. 
though katsuki and izuku grew up together, izuku was never let in on katsuki’s secret or the true nature of katsuki’s mother. his parents are both scientists who work on the super SECRET lab that study kaiju and as part of that program katsuki was exposed to izuku as a child bc they’re the same age and izuku’s parents thought katsuki needed someone of equal peer so he woudn’t be lonely and have someone to play. izuku had absolutely no clue that the boy he saw in the lab, HIS ONLY FRIEND when he was a child, is the the bakushinchi that fighting for japan against other kaiju right now. 
they got separated around the age of 8 or 10 when a kaiju accidental nearly killed izuku bc izuku and katsuki was allowed to go outside together but under strict surveillance. in this one occasion a kaiju appeared and attacked the place they were at and katsuki wanted to transformed and fight it BUT izuku is right next to him and if he transformed than he was afraid that he would lose izuku and izuku would be terrified of him. his human self couldn’t do much against another kaiju but izuku, who isn’t exactly fearless, with trembling legs stood up and tried to protect katsuki WITH HIS SMALL BODY SOBS. but with a single wave of its hand, the kaiju slapped izuku against a wall and izuku was knocked out. that all it took for katsuki to go berserk and transformed into his kaiju alter ego and fought. they leveled an entire city block with their fighting but he managed to save everyone and izuku. that day cemented his desire to protect everyone, but he couldn’t go through losing izuku again. 
ever since that day, katsuki disappeared from izuku’s life but izuku never stop looking and hoping katsuki would come back even though he fears that it was him that caused katsuki to go away bc he was weak and couldn’t save katsuki in the end. katsuki actually was training with his mom to control his kaiju power so that one day he can take her place as the defender of japan!!!!!! it won’t be until many years later when they’re both 16-17 years old that they meet again and katsuki got his powers locked down. he has been taking his mother’s place to fight other kaiju as the bakushinchi and in one of these battles he meet izuku again bc IZUKU ever since that day when he nearly died and he was saved by the bakushinchi, he has become enamored with kaijus and wanted to be close. He staked out every kaiju’s battles and put himself in the line to record every details and post it on his fansite--which has all the detail and info about a lot of kaiju... but most specifically the bakushinchi who he admits to favoring A LOT. 
katsuki in his kaiju form is fighting some kind of worm with a hundred eyes and he had been worked hard by his mother to get this point where can hold his own against many low-mid tier kaiju and HE HASN’T LOST A BATTLE YET, but the moment he recognized that small form (which is v v v hard bc katsuki is like the size of tokyo tower and everyone kind of look like an ant to him in this form) he got so distracted that he took a tail whipped from the other kaiju and flew into a building. katsuki manages to slap himself sober and put all his focus into the fight so he can yell at izuku later for, like, while everyone was RUNNING AWAY FROM TWO RAMPAGING MONSTERS izuku WAS RUNNING TOWARD THEM INSTEAD bc he’s a reckless idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and that’s how they reunite, right after the battle when everything was cleared out and the SUPER SECRET ORG that in charged of kaiju (and occasionally katsuki when he is deem controllable lol) is there to make sure everything is okay, katsuki had turned back into his human self and kinda let izuku assume that he’s part of the org and not, like, IS THE ORG.
so yea, izuku and katsuki meet again upon the aftermath of the kaiju battle where katsuki yell at izuku a lot for what he did while izuku is just super happy to reunite with his childhood friend who disappeared over five years ago. katsuki worked so hard to finally get to this point where he can fully control his power and be near other ppl safely!! but the moment he meet izuku again, katsuki’s heart races and his cheek flush and he can feel the bones underneath his skin trying to break out of his human flesh!!!!!!!!! he thinks it’s fluke. katsuki battles giant ass monsters, HE IS A GIANT ASS MONSTER, and he even knocked his mom down (once!! before she kick his ass but w/e she’s the queen of the monsters so that’s pretty impressive on his part) so NO HUMAN IS GOING TO FUCK WITH HIM. except izuku does totally fuck with him lmao. 
now that they reunited katsuki got permission to join the human’s world as just another teen boy and enrolled himself into izuku school bc he worked soooo hard to prove himself to everyone that he’s SAFE and he can maintain control of his form!!!!! but the more he exposed to izuku the more he realizes these flash of uncontrolable urge and panic energy around izuku is him HAVING A CRUSH AND FREAKING OUT OVER IT. like, when he was younger it was his emotional outburst that triggered his transformation but he’s older and more mature and can handle his power, yet the moment izuku get too close to him he can himself losing control and scales apart on his arm ;AJSDF;ALSJDF lol. 
but it’s not like the crush just appear out of nowhere!! it was nurture since young bc kaiju mate for life. katsuki didn’t know it yet but all that biting izuku’s cheek when they were little (which izuku thought was kinda weird but just katsuki being katsuki) was katsuki laying claim to izuku as his mate. izuku is diff bc he is strong of heart, good nature, and he just loves people so fiercely and katsuki though has the burden to protect japan and humanity is performing his duty but doesn’t nececesary see the value in humanity in the end bc he protects them but they still treat him as a monster, something to be fear and use, bc he knows that the japanese gov’t does everything to keep him a secret and safe but they do it bc they NEED HIM TO FIGHT. but izuku doens’t need him for anything, he just want to be by katsuki’s side sobs!!!!!!! so how could katsuki ever resist that????
izuku isn’t in love with katsuki though. he loves KATSUKI but not in love so katsuki has to work to get izuku to see him in that light. not that he has to work THAT hard at all lol bc izuku was already kinda crazy in love katsuki’s kaiju form bc izuku never forgot the kaiju that saved him when he was a kid and HE DOESN’T EVEN KNOW IT’S KATSUKI!!!! so that save a lot of trouble for katsuki in case he ever reveal his secret, not that katsuki had any idea that izuku is totally ok with A MONSTER BF bc most ppl aren’t lol :P. 
so katsuki takes to wooing his mate as awkwardly as possible bc his frame of ref is literally his mother (whose never let the fact that she’s a kaiju stop her from chasing after his father, HIS VERY TINY FATHER in comparison to her). but the wooing is kinda diffuclt and DANGEROUS, not bc of izuku who is wary of katsuki or anything but of katsuki himself bc everytime izuku touches him katsuki freaks out and his heart just GO DOKIDOKI AND HE CAN FEEL THE URGE TO DESTROY THINGS AND JUST READY TO BREAK SOMEONE FACE IN. everything about izuku is a trigger--the way he smile, his warm laughter, and how he look at izuku with total admiration and it’s all in the way he wears his feelings all over his face. he doesn’t hide how he feels at all and izuku is just full of love for humanity and even KAIJU that katsuki CAN’T HANDLE IT AND JUST WANT TO RAMPAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
so like, dating for them is such a dangerous concept that the japanese org have an entire TEAM full of people prepping and watching izuku and katsuki’s dates, trying to make sure katsuki DOESN’T GO BERSERK over some dumb things like handholding and it’s the most embarrasing, sweet, and hilarious THING EVER. their guardians don’t know whether to laugh or cry that this scary ass monster boy is like so terrified and nervous over this green eyes boy that he transformed into his monster form anytime they touch!!!!!!!!!!!! 
so here are these adults, badass adults themselves who work at a super secret org that deal with giant city destroying monsters, and they’re here surveillance two kids going on a date bc one of them just happen to be the monster boy that is defending their country and the other also happen to be the boy THAT HE IS IN LOVE WITH. it’s all hilarious and ridiculous and they aren’t pay ENOUGH OR THIS SHIT as they watch katsuki try not to freak out at izuku leaning in to close and blow up the entire city block in the process!!!!!!!!!! 
the world is constantly bombard with monsters trying to destroy humanity and here is katsuki one of the last lines of defense and is a BAD ASS MONSTER HIMSELF find himself can’t handle a simple human boy and that’s just a;ja;sjdf;alsjdf;alsdjf;alsdjf the greatest love story on earth.
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utagoe · 7 years ago
A3!: Nyanbare! Nyanyanyanya☆NyanSei! (にゃんばれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃ☆にゃん生!) Lyrics
Kanji, romaji and English translation for Nyanbare! Nyanyanyanya☆Nyansei! (Do Your Best, nyan! Nyanyanyanya☆Cat’s Life!) by Yuki and Kazunari
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(kanji source)
にゃっぱれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生! にゃっぱり!にゃんてったって冒険! にゃんばれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生!
にゃっぱれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生! にゃっぱり!にゃんてったって冒険! にゃんばれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生!
にぇー、 「にゃんかこんにゃふうにゃ毎日つまんにゃい!」 にゃんて言ってもにゃんともにゃらにゃいにょ
そんにゃんじゃ、チャンスは逃(にぃ)げてゆく 声を合わせて にゃ、にぃ、にゅ、にぇ、にょ!
にゃっぱり、にゃんてったって冒険! 足並み揃えてにゃんつーさんし!
仲間(にゃかま)がいるから最強だにゃ! 準備はYes!OK!
何(にゃん)としたって 手に入れたいモノ NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
どんにゃに困難(こんにゃん)があったって諦めにゃい NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
とかにゃんとか言っちゃって ほらにゃんだか大変で 泣(にゃ)いちゃった時はちゃんと 傍にいて手をとって笑おうぜ にゃっはっはっは~
こんにゃにこんにゃにドキドキ! 何度(にゃんど)も何度(にゃんど)もワクワク! だってにゃん生はそう 一回にゃんだもん 一番ボシ目指して進め!
にゃんばれにゃんばれ僕らは 絶対絶対負けにゃい 夢と希望はNyan-stop baby さぁ進め!ニャンダフルデイズ
にゃっぱれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生! にゃっぱり!にゃんてったって冒険! にゃんばれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生!
にぇー、にゃんでこんにゃふうにいつも うまくいかにゃいで落ち込んじゃったりするのかにゃ
そんにゃんじゃ元気が逃(にぃ)げてゆく さぁさみんにゃで にゃ、にぃ、にゅ、にぇ、にょ!
にゃっぱりにゃんてったって青春 喧嘩ににゃっても信じてるんにゃ ぶつかり合うほど本気だにゃー 大切なYes my friends!
何回(にゃんかい)だって 挫けかけたけど NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
艱難辛苦(かんにゃんしんく)が汝(にゃんじ)をタマにぃする NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
けどにゃんだか心配で 頭ん中(にゃか)一杯で 眠れにゃい時はそうにゃ!
星空の下でただ 語ろうぜ 何(にゃに)もかも
こんにゃにこんにゃにドキドキ! 何度(にゃんど)も何度(にゃんど)もワクワク! だって何(にゃに)もかも 一発勝負! 大金ボシ目指して進め!
にゃっぱれにゃっぱれ僕らの にゃっぱりにゃっぱり幸せ 君と僕ならYes!we nyan baby 目指すのは、ニャーフェクトデイズ
こんにゃにこんにゃに大きな宇宙の 小さにゃ小さにゃ片隅 精一杯に光ってやれ! 一番ボシ目指して進め!
にゃっぱれにゃっぱれ僕らの にゃっぱりにゃっぱり素晴らしい! 君と僕なら不可能は無(にゃ)いさ! だからもう一回!
こんにゃにこんにゃにドキドキ! 何度(にゃんど)も何度(にゃんど)もワクワク! だってにゃん生はそう 一回にゃんだもん 一番ボシ目指して進め!
にゃんばれにゃんばれ僕らは 絶対絶対負けにゃい 夢と希望はNyan-stop baby さぁ進め!ニャンダフルデイズ
にゃっぱれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生! にゃっぱり!にゃんてったって冒険! にゃんばれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生! にゃっぱり!にゃんてったって最強!
にゃっぱれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生! にゃっぱり!にゃんてったって冒険! にゃんばれ!にゃにゃにゃにゃにゃん生!
nyappare! nya nya nya nya nyansei! nyappari! nyante tatte bouken! nyanbare! nya nya nya nya nyansei!
nyappare! nya nya nya nya nyansei! nyappari! nyante tatte bouken! nyanbare! nya nya nya nya nyansei!
nyee, "nyanka konnya fuuni mainichi tsumannyai!" nyante ittemo nyantomo nyara nyai nyo
sonnyan ja, chansu wa nigeteyuku koe wo awasete nya, ni, nyu, nye, nyo!
nyappari, nyante tatte bouken! ashinami soroete nyantsuu sanshi!
nyakama ga irukara saikyou danya! junbi wa Yes! OK!
nyanto shitatte te ni iretai mono NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
donnya ni konnyan ga attatte akiramenyai NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
toka nyantoka icchatte hora nyandaka taihen de nyaichatta toki wa chanto soba ni ite te wo totte waraouze nya ha ha ha~
konnya ni konnya ni dokidoki! nyandomo nyandomo wakuwaku! datte nyansei wa sou ikkai nyan da mon ichibanboshi mezashite susume!
nyanbare nyanbare bokura wa zettai zettai makenyai yume to kibou wa Nyan-stop baby saa susume! nyandafuru deizu
nyappare! nya nya nya nya nyansei! nyappari! nyante tatte bouken! nyanbare! nya nya nya nya nyansei!
nyee, nyande konnya fuuni itsumo umaku ikanyaide ochikomunjattari suru no kanya
sonnyan ja genki ga nigeteyuku saa sa minnya de nya, ni, nyu, nye, nyo!
nyappari nyante tatte seishun kenka ni nyattemo shinjiterunnya butsukariau hodo honki danyaa taisetsuna Yes my friends!
nyankai datte kujike kaketa kedo NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
kannyanshinku ga nyanji wo tama ni suru NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI NI・BO・SHI Foo!Foo!
kedo nyandaka shinpai de ataman nyaka ippai de nemurenyai toki wa sou nya!
hoshizora no shita de tada katarouze nyanimokamo
konnya ni konnya ni dokidoki! nyandomo nyandomo wakuwaku! datte nyanimokamo ippatsushoubu taikin boshi mezashite susume!
nyappare nyappare bokura no nyappari nyappari shiawase kimi to boku nara Yes! we nyan baby mezasu no wa, nyaafekuto deizu
akiramecha dame nya!
zutto soba ni iru nyaa
konnya ni konnya ni ookina uchuu no chiisanya chiisanya katasumi seiippai ni hikatte yare! ichibanboshi mezashite susume!
nyappare nyappare bokura no nyappari nyappari subarashii! kimi to boku nara fukanou wa nyai sa! dakara mou ikkai!
konnya ni konnya ni dokidoki! nyandomo nyandomo wakuwaku! datte nyansei wa sou ikkai nyan da mon ichibanboshi mezashite susume!
nyanbare nyanbare bokura wa zettai zettai makenyai yume to kibou wa Nyan-stop baby saa susume! nyandafuru deizu
nyappare! nya nya nya nya nyansei! nyappari! nyante tatte bouken! nyanbare! nya nya nya nya nyansei! nyappari! nyante tatte saikyou!
nyappare! nya nya nya nya nyansei! nyappari! nyante tatte bouken! nyanbare! nya nya nya nya nyansei!
Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life! I thought so, meow! In the end it's an adventure, meow! Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life!
Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life! I thought so, meow! In the end it's an adventure, meow! Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life!
Meow hey, "Living everyday like this is someowhat boring, meow!" Even if I say that, meowthing will change, meow
Like that, the chances will go away, meow Combining our voices Meaw meiw meuw meew meow!
I thought so, meow! In the end it's an adventure, meow! Matching our pace, meowne two three four!
I'm at my strongest because my fur-ends are with me! My preparations are Yes!  OK!
No meowtter what I do, what I want to obtain DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES Foo! Foo!
No meowtter how difficult it is, I won't give up DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES Foo! Foo!
Going blah blah blah Look, when you cry Because things are difficult, meow I'll be by your side, take my hand and let's laugh Meoha ha ha ha~
My heart is beating this this fast, meow! Getting excited again and again, meow! After all, meow, life is Only once, meow Aim for the first star and go fur-ward!
Do your best meow, do your best meow We will definitely definitely not lose, meow Dreams and hope are Nyan-stop baby Now, go fur-ward! Meownderful days
Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life! I thought so, meow! In the end it's an adventure, meow! Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life!
Meow hey, why it's always like this? Nothing going right and meawking us feel sad?
That way our energy will go away, meow Now now, everyone together Meaw meiw meuw meew meow!
As I thought, in the end this is youth, meow Even if we fight, I believe in you, meow The meowre we clash, the meowre serious we become They're important Yes my friends!
I was crushed meawny times over DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES Foo! Foo!
Hardships turn you into a bullet, meow DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES DRIED・SAR・DINES Foo! Foo!
But you're someowhat worried Your head is full Those are times you can't sleep, meow!
Let's just talk Under the starry sky About anything
My heart is beating this this fast, meow! Getting excited again and again, meow! After all, we win everything In a single round, meow! Aim for a dazzling victory and go fur-ward!
Do your best meow, do your best meow - Our Do your best meow, do your best meow - Happiness If it's you and me, then Yes! we nyan baby We aim for purrfect days
You can't give up, meow!
I'm always by your side, meow
On a small small corner Of such a big big mewniverse Shine with all your might! Aim for the first star and go fur-ward!
Do your best meow, do your best meow - Our As I thought meow, as I thought meow - Wonderful! Nothing is impossible if we're together, meow! So, once more!
My heart is beating this this fast, meow! Getting excited again and again, meow! After all, meow, life is Only once, meow Aim for the first star and go fur-ward!
Do your best meow, do your best meow We will definitely definitely not lose, meow Dreams and hope are Nyan-stop baby Now, go fur-ward! Meownderful days
Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life! I thought so, meow! In the end it's an adventure, meow! Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life! I thought so, meow! In the end I'm the strongest, meow!
Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life! I thought so, meow! In the end it's an adventure, meow! Do your best, meow! Meow meow meow meow cat's life!
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mysterious-blood-pyramid · 7 years ago
Doki Doki Renai
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Yamamoto, Kotetsuko. Doki Doki Renai, 24 May 2012, Kissmanga, chapter             6, p. 27. http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Dokidoki-Renai/006?                               id=120151#27. Accessed 8 August 2018.
   That is how you cite a book/literature in APA Citation kids, enjoy a little tip from an English Major with nothing better to do than comment about stories that I love on the internet. APA citatioon starts with Last name first, First name Second, name of work you are citing, the date (full date if you can, if not just put in what info you are given, Example; Summer, 2012), the publisher in italics, the specific volume/chapter, the page number, and the link. Finally you put in the access date when you retrieved this link/work. If it was found on a physical copy you do not need to add the link or the access date. Happy citing folks!
    If you continue to read my blog after this you should know that I will cite all my work in APA format for any borrowed material that I use from now on.
      SPOILER ALERT FOR THE MANGA DOKI DOKI RENAI! IF YOU WANT TO READ IT WITHOUT KNOWING THE PLOT PLEASE READ IT AND COME BACK TO READ THIS LATER!!l Spoiler alert over. Here is the link to the Manga: http://kissmanga.com/Manga/Dokidoki-Renai 
Also its prequel, Harete Boutachi Wa, is here: https://mangapark.me/manga/m5a47c7149a502/s1/v01/c001
    Okay, finally lets get into the story! I read the manga Doki Doki Renai yesterday and was utterly astonished by how progressive and true to life it felt when reading it. The manga starts off with two boys trying to go on a date and having multiple interruptions which keep them from exploring their relationship and making it more physically intimate. The story is only 6 chapters long, however it is an extremely powerful piece of literature and well worth the read. In the particular page viewed up above (chapter 6, p. 27) we see the main character Chihiro and his sister beginning to have a conversation. Chihiro and his sister have an average brother-sister relationship, they bicker, they do favors for each other, they insult each other, and they care for each other and try to protect one another. At the end of the day, they love one another just like any other couple of siblings would, with hostility and obvious yet somewhat backwards affection. 
    In chapter 6, Chihiro has to deal with a great deal of personal issues regarding his relationship with his boyfriend, which he has been closeted about with everyone but a past crush and obviously his boyfriend. He has yet to talk to his family about his feelings and it is due to the fact that he has only been presented with negative stereotypes on the LGBTQ+ community in his life and he feels he should be ashamed of his actions and feelings as a man who loves another man. Chihiro fears his family’s rejection of both himself and the way of life he has chosen, and this added to the stress he is experiencing in this moment with his boyfriend is causing him to close up to everyone he loves and trusts. 
     Chihiro is a young man who wants to fit in even though he was born to stick out, and it is terrible that people like this young man feel obligated to hide their own feelings from their own families in order to “fit in.” In Chihiro’s case, spoiler alert, he gets a happy ending, however there are many people in this world who would not feel the same about having a none-straight child. It is important to remember that even though you think and believe one thing is right, that that mindset does not mean others are obligated to think and do the same, and that is what this story brings to light. It holds a powerful message that I believe our world needs to hear and I highly recommend all of you to read Doki Doki Renai, and its prequel Harete Bokutachi Wa, although you should probably start with Harete Boutachi Wa first to give you some clarity! It is a story about love, relationships, and most importantly family. While it might be hard to deal with our families, it is important for us to be accepting of them even if we do not believe the same things they do, and it goes both ways. 
        You are not required to love them or even like them, but one should at least try to understand those that we are surrounded by for some of the majority of our lives. Family is essential to survival, no matter who they are, where they came from, or even if they are not exactly related to you. Your family are the people who matter most to you in this world, and it is important to understand and express oneself around one’s own family. 
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rem-is-best-almond · 8 years ago
[Review] Dance with Devils Lindo Tachibana’s route
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Ritsuka’s onii-san who is actually her cousin but somehow, cousins aren’t blood related from what knowledge Lindo has of Biology :)))  He’s been training all his life as an exorcist to protect his imouto so his universe basically revolves around her in its own orbit. He’s actually a dhampir cause his mother fucked a Vampire so he constantly has the urge to suck Ritsuka’s blood 24/7 but he tries to suppress it. Because of this, his route is filled with angst yet it all boils down to nothing cause turns out, it was just him having a vampire boner because he wants to fuck his imouto. I’ll be honest, I never really saw the point of Lindo being a love interest for Ritsuka and his route only made me dislike it more. The angst is pretty much equivalent to the angst of having a freshly bought ice-cream drop onto the ground right under your feet -- it leaves you in grief for a moment until you realize just how unnecessary it was to cry over it when you could’ve just bought a new one. (Salty? read my concluding thoughts lol) 
[Spoilers under the cut , this is a summary of his whole route, including some CGs] 
Left Door routes:      Rem    Roen
Right Door Routes:  Mage    Urie    Shiki
<< Previous (Rem)    Next (Roen)>>      Final thoughts >I 
At the start of his route, Lindo reveals his dhampir side to Ritsuka during a fight with Roen and she brings him back to himself by saying ‘It’s all daijobu Nii-san!” .He then tells her that when he was a Shouta,his grandfather would train him to suppress his blood lust by keeping him in a dark cave from time to time and Ritsuka was always the one that opened the door to the cave to “save” him. He also reveals to her that he isn’t her お兄ちゃん but her 従兄弟 (Itouko/ cousin) instead as he was the son of Ritsuka’s aunt, Marta.
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 After finding out about this, Ritsuka starts getting self conscious around him because what do you know, now that nii-san is not really her nii-san , she starts getting dokidokis whenever he gets close to her as she now sees him as a man. Since school was on break, they mostly spend their time at home and during this period, Lindo would often get an urge to drink Ritsuka’s blood because of the Grimoire’s powers awakening inside of her and when that happens, he coops up in his room. One day, Ritsuka hears a rough rustling inside his room and goes in despite his protests for her not to. She finds him thirsting for blood but he is eventually able to suppress it by hugging her,
They head to school the next day and Ritsuka ends up bumping into Rem. Rem warns her about the vampires and tells her to pay close attention to Lindo. You know, that ‘keep your friends close and your enemies closer’ talk or something like that. Lindo sees this and of course freaks out. He demands Ritsuka tell him what Rem told her, assuming that Rem told her to stay away from him because of his blood lust. Ritsuka denies it and he starts going crazy and yandere on her, saying that he can’t see anyone else but her and only wants her. He almost drinks her blood but snaps out of his trance and starts staying away from her. 
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The day of the festival arrives and Ritsuka is still sad that Nii-san is avoiding her. Lindo watches her from a distance and comes across Rem doing his check ups for the festival. He tells Rem to not go to Ritsuka’s stall and Rem’s like “Bitch, I have a job to do and you’re not one to tell me where I can walk”  but ends up giving Lindo a piece of his mind that him sacrificing himself for Ritsuka is not making her happy at all as he’s her brother but Lindo tells him to shut the fuck up so he leaves.
At the dance,Ritsuka is a little jealous seeing a girl trying to ask Lindo to be her dance partner whereas Lindo bluntly rejects all of his pursuers. Azuna can’t stand them being wishy washy with each other so she just pushes Ritsuka towards Lindo. They dance but aren’t used to the attention Lindo’s fangirls are giving them so they head to the garden. There, they settle their lack of communication for the past few days and just as Lindo was about to confess, Jek crashes the party with his hoard of vampires. Azuna comes to the rescue and tells Lindo to escape with Ritsuka as she fends Jek off. So Lindo and Ritsuka get into an argument where Ritsuka wants to go back and help Azuna but Lindo says that they have to run instead.
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While they’re at it, Azuna ends up getting killed by Jek and this triggers Ritsuka’s powers. Lindo has no choice but to carry her all the way to the Exorcist Society. After settling Ritsuka down, Lindo has an urge to suck her blood again so he requests the head priest to burn him with holy oil as that somehow suppresses it. Taking this opportunity, the exorcists managed to capture Ritsuka and plan to execute her, Tokyo Ghoul style. Lindo comes running into the hall and tells them to let go of his beloved imouto. The exorcists reveal their true colours and how they’ve always viewed Lindo as a monster knowing that he’s a dhampir. Lindo and Ritsuka manage to escape and before the exorcists could catch them, the trio show up to take care of the exorcists.
Human route:
Ritsuka and Lindo escape to a nearby Shrine. There he tells her about his biological mother, Marta, Ritsuka’s aunt and how she denied him when he was little. He also tells Ritsuka that she had always been the light to his darkness.  His Vampiric urges kick in again and Ritsuka tries to calm him down by confessing that she loves him not as her onii-san but a man and that if it hurts so much, she’s willing to let him drink her blood. As you might guess, Lindo is able to suppress his blood thirst because he broke out from the brother zone ^A^. He tells her to call him Lindo one more time and she’s all 恥ずかしい but calls his name and this lights a fire under their asses and as they attempt to kiss ,they get cockblocked by zombies. They run out to find a zombie apocalypse who all want their blood but Azuna and Rem come to the rescue as Rem was able to save her during her dying moments. The four of them head to Vampire HQ and Rem and Azuna offer to buy time for them to rescue Maria by fending off the hoard of vampires.  Though on their way to the throne room, Lindo asks Ritsuka to call him by his name again because he needs confirmation that he’s free from the brother zone or else he can’t fight \|  ̄ヘ ̄|/
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Human end 2 (bad end):
They reach where Nestle is and Lindo fights him. Maria awakens but Ritsuka’s hope is crushed because her mother’s now a vampire and even strangled her. Lindo tries to calm her down saying that they still have Rem and Azuna backing them up. Maria calls them to have their ‘meal’ and to their horror, it’s the dead bodies of Rem and Azuna. Jek comes in and tells them that Rem sacrificed himself to save Azuna but she ended up dying as well cause she was no match for Jek. Maria starts sucking the blood from their bloody bodies so Lindo escapes with a mortified Ritsuka back to school in hopes that the trio can help them. They find them all dead. They decide to hide from the zombies in a classroom but Ritsuka is already pushed to the brink of insanity so she says goodbye to Lindo and throws herself out of the window, committing suicide. In the epilogue, Lindo still keeps her dead corpse in their house and even talks to and feeds her while the zombies banged on their door for blood.
Human end 1 (Good end):
Nestle reveals that Lindo is actually his son and tries to control his blood thirst, making him go crazy. Ritsuka bites her wrist and takes some blood in her mouth, feeding it to Lindo through a kiss and apparently that shit worked in helping him control his dhampir powers. He gets a power boost and defeats Nestle once and for all.  Rem and Azuna come running into the room, having defeated Jek too.  Ritsuka and Lindo reunite with Maria and they all head back home.  In the epilogue,  Rem and Co. went back to the demon realm and Azuna is well and alive. Lindo and Ritsuka are now a thing and after they both graduate high school,  they got married even though Ritsuka still has to be reminded to call him Lindo and not a car brand ^^;; 
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Devil route:
Lindo ends up taking Ritsuka to their grandfather's old house in Nagano. Settling down there, Lindo constantly goes out to parol any possible ambush from the exorcists or the vampires while Ritsuka stays in the house. She comes across a book about vampires and Lindo gets upset about it and tells her to put it away. Later, he confesses to her that he had always loved her more than a sister but Ritsuka brother zones him, saying that she wants to remain as family. Lindo can’t get imouto’s love so he turns into his dhampir self and pins her onto her bed at night. Ritsuka's like ‘Please go back to yourself nii-san!’ and tries pushing him away but Lindo's like ‘I’m not your nii-san , WHY WON’T YOU LOVE ME?’ He says that this is the monster he truly is but Ritsuka says that he isn’t and he tells her that only she doesn’t call him a monster because Imouto’s love is the only love that matters and every other person is a bitch to him 😒 The Exorcists manage to track them down so Lindo ends up killing all of them with his Dhampir powers. He drinks blood from their dead bodies but says that only imouto’s blood can satisfy him. Ritsuka sees all this and is mortified at what he has become.
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Devil end 1 (Good end):
Lindo spots her and ends up drinking her blood right when the time for the Grimoire comes to pass. Jek appears out of the bushes and declares a fight with him but Lindo beats the crap out of him now that he’s OP . Jek pleads Lindo to spare him and in exchange for that, Lindo tells him to bring him to the Vampire’s Castle. He kills Nestle and becomes the New Vampire King. In the epilogue, Maria is still unconscious and Ritsuka goes to visit her regularly. She and Lindo now live in the Castle and he treats her like his blood bag waifu. Ritsuka also stops caring about anything happening outside of the castle and just lets Lindo suck her blood. (I am disgusted that this is actually a good end)
Devil end 2 ( Bad end):
Jek appears out of the bushes attempting to kidnap Ritsuka so Lindo kills him. Horrified, Ritsuka runs away from Lindo to the cave in the forest. He manages to catch up with her and just as he was about to suck her blood, he stabs himself in the heart, saying that he’d protect her from anything, even himself. Before he dies, he tells her that he wished she saw him beyond a brother and vanishes into ash. In the epilogue,Ritsuka is going through the procedures for her transfer to study abroad with the help of Rem. Turns out, the devils lost the battle to the vampires and also failed to bring back Maria. Rem congratulates her on her freedom and expresses his condolences for the loss of her family before he leaves back to the demon realm. (I get why people are salty about this ending but keep in mind that things are most likely not going to end well for Rem either :/)
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Concluding Thoughts:
Ok first off, I know some of my opinions about Lindo might be harsh considering what he went through during a young age and the thing with his vampire powers as well but the message this route tried to convey wasn’t a good one. After having quite a debate with my salt mate @remthebombshell, she does have an interesting explanation as to why Lindo acted the way he did and why he was desperate for Ritsuka to see him beyond a brother. It doesn’t justify what he did to Ritsuka but it does give some sort of explanation as to why he’s obsessed with her . Though I still stand on my point that Ritsuka loving him beyond a brother is not a good solution to what Lindo’s going through. According to her, Lindo being a dhampir has drastically affected his self esteem and he is unable to see the good in himself and sees himself as a monster. Even though he’s surrounded by people who love him,he refuses to believe that they loved him out of choice but because they’re family, which means they’re obligated to love him and this leads him to subconsciously seek for love that is not out of obligation -- that is a romantic one. This is where his feelings for Ritsuka come into play, Lindo consciously knows that Ritsuka and him aren’t siblings from a young age and thus whatever affection she shows to him is received as something romantic from his point of view. Because of this, after he told her about them being cousins, he starts to have expectations that Ritsuka would eventually develop feelings for him too and when she doesn’t, he’s convinced that no one else was able to see the good in him and that’s why he turned into his dhampir self.  Now the reason I say having Ritsuka love him romantically won’t solve anything is because that will only deepen the mindset that only she is capable of seeing the good in him when in truth, she’s not the only one who’s capable of that. The only thing that’s stopping me from accepting the explanation completely is the fact that Maria was willing to take him in as her own when Marta denied him as her son. She could’ve just left him completely to his grandfather and take no responsibility for Lindo, but she didn’t. Doesn’t that mean anything to Lindo? When he thought he was alone after Marta died, it was Maria who came up to him while holding Ritsuka and told him that he wasn’t alone because he has the both of them. Isn’t that a choice enough? Romantic love isn’t the greatest love the world has to offer, I believe what Lindo needs is for someone to open his eyes and look around him just like what Rem did with Ritsuka when she was doubting Lindo’s intentions. I believe Azuna would’ve been the perfect person to do that considering just how much she cares for Lindo.  But alas, this wouldn’t have been a standard Rejet Onii-chan route if that were to happen *sigh*. (Still screaming at them in the right door common route, especially Shiki’s route) 
Left Door routes:      Rem    Roen
Right Door Routes:  Mage    Urie    Shiki
<< Previous (Rem)    Next (Roen)>>    Final Thoughts >I
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kimonobeat · 7 years ago
Matsumoto Iyo Lyrics: TV no Kuni Kara Kirakira (TVの国からキラキラ; Sparkles from TV Land)
English translation and romanization below the cut.
Hey, should I be believing in stuff like this? Oh, I don’t think it’s true Just like the heroine in an old shojo manga Apparently the guy I’ve always dreamed of Likes me! The stars in the night sky sparkle. My eyes sparkle So many flowers flying away, flutter flutter When he stares at me he sparkles, his eyes sparkle too If I stared back my heart’d go pitter-patter What’s gonna happen?
Hey God, is this some kind of joke? Oh, if this is all just a dream, don’t wake me up Shojo mangas always have happy endings, though Maybe he’ll hold me With the sun setting around us My tears fall but they sparkle. This’ll all be a memory, sparkle I look out at my view of town and it sparkles brilliantly too His smile sparkles, it sparkles nice and bright My eyes sparkle. There’s no going back now
“Hey you, you’re sparkling!”
My friend’s face sparkles, my teacher’s face sparkles I don’t even get caught cheatingーhuh, weird! The blackboard sparkles too, it sparkles in the light of my crush on you Everything’s sparkling. There’s no going back now
nee konna no shinjite ii no aa watashi wa uso da to omou furui shoujo manga no marude hiroin mitai itsumo yume mite ita ano hito ga watashi no koto suki rashii no yo yozora no hoshi mo kirakira watashi no hitomi kirakira ohana ippai fuwafuwa tonde iru wa mitsumeraretara kirakira kare no hitomi mo kirakira mitsume-kaeseba dokidoki dou naru kashira?
nee kamisama joudan desu ka aa yume nara samezu ni ite yo dakedo shoujo manga wa itsumo happi- endo tabun yuuhi no naka ano hito ga watashi no koto dakishimeru deshou namida ochitemo kirakira omoide ni naru kirakira machi no keshiki mo kirakira kagayaite’ru kare no hohoemi kirakira mabushii kurai kirakira watashi no hitomi kirakira mou modorenai
“nee kimi tte kirakira”
tomodachi no kao kirakira sensei no kao kirakira kanningu sae sarasara nandaka hen kokuban mademo kirakira koi no hikari de kirakira nanimokamo ga kirakira mou modorenai
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ark-of-eden · 8 years ago
Horizon: Zero Dawn, Please Platonically Marry Me
(&:) We're breaking our long repost/shitpost/unnecessary comment tradition for the sake of the most awesome game we've seen in a long, long time. ChristopherOdd's LP of Horizon: Zero Dawn just ended today and we've been licking the bottom of the barrel to try and find new things to watch because the emptiness in our souls is real and profound. This game is so fucking good. It would be pointless to try and list off all the ways in which it is so, so good. If you can get your hands on it, it's amazing. If you're broke like us and just like watching vids while eating, COdd's LP is quite pleasant. (His work is generally a restful breath of fresh air compared to most other LPers I've watched.) OMG, it HURTS, how good this game was. It is so overwhelmingly good, all the damn time.
Do you know what one of the most unexpected and wonderful parts of the plot was? NO ROMANTIC SUBPLOT. AT ALL. NOT EVEN THE OPTION TO START ONE. The main character is just an incredibly skilled, attractive, 19-year-old woman who has WAY TOO MANY IMPORTANT THINGS TO DO TO BOTHER WITH THAT RIGHT NOW, AND IT IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL THING I HAVE SEEN A MAINSTREAM PLOT DO IN AGES.
THAT DUDE: Gosh, thanks for saving my life, Aloy. You're amazing. I made special armor just for you. I worked really hard. *___* ALOY: Wow, nice. Good craftsmanship. Thank you.
THAT OTHER GUY: You are such a mighty warrior that you might even be a mightier warrior than my mom. I am constantly stunned by your badassery. You're even favored by the local deity. Please allow me to follow faithfully wherever you lead. *_____* ALOY: Sounds good. How about you manage our defenses out yonder. I'll be counting on you in that one battle.
THAT SUBPLOT GUY?: Girl, I have never seen anybody who looks as good splashed down in the blood of evildoers as you do. We should partner up together and spend our lives happily taking out human trash all over the world. Also, I look fucking scrumptious in this armor. ;D ;D ;D ALOY: Wow, you're kind of creepy and sociopathic. I hope I never have to see you again.
OTHER OTHER GUY: I may be a bumbler with motivational issues, but I have a heart of gold and a lot of enthusiasm! Thanks to your guidance, I'm turning my life around and growing to become a better, more effective human being! How are you amazing like how my sister was amazing?? *______* ALOY: Good for you. I have faith in your ability to do well from now on.
THAT TOTAL BABE: Allow me to openly hit on you, you super cutie. ALOY: Allow me to not acknowledge that because I have to fix a civil war and kill robot dinosaurs. THAT TOTAL BABE: My, I love how you get things done. If I come through here again, I'll have to Thank You Appropriately~~~ ALOY: *pulls out to-do list and starts plotting map coordinates*
ACTUAL KING OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD: I know my love interest was horribly murdered, but you've supported me through my time of trials and I wonder if we could work toward more intimacy. ALOY: Gee, if you really loved your love interest, perhaps you shouldn't instantly rebound hard enough to get whiplash. ACTUAL KING OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD: Damn, you're absolutely right. (much later) ACTUAL KING OF THE CIVILIZED WORLD: Hey, I apologize for hitting on you before. That was really unclassy of me. ALOY: We're cool. Just don't let it happen again.
CUTE ENGINEER: Your tech-savviness is painfully charming. I am dazzled despite myself. ALOY: Your enormous weapon is great for killing all kinds of things. Really nice work! CUTE ENGINEER: I may be a fiercely independent isolationist, but please come back and see me lots. ALOY: Probably not. Got stuff to do. CUTE ENGINEER: Well, don't mind me if I accidentally turn up to fight and possibly die for you at that one big battle. *_____* ALOY: Reinforcements are always appreciated!
I don't know if this might be called a canon asexual character. I think you could spin it that way if you wanted to, but I also think that a character shouldn't have to be asexual in order to just have rational priorities and to thus understandably rate flirting/romance/hookups as really low on the list compared to genocide and world-ending. I really, really like both explanations. I LOVE the lack of an obligatory romance. I EXTRA LOVE how they deliberately included all those characters who crush so hard on Aloy so that she can be completely unconcerned about their dokidoki. I FUCKING ADORE THIS GAME TO PIECES. NUMBER ONE NON-ANIME WAIFU. WILL NOT PRINT ON A DAKIMAKURA COVER BECAUSE I RESPECT ITS UNIQUE INTERESTS AND LIFE AMBITIONS. MY HEART~~~~~ TTT_____TTT
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