#its not blood red its mapicc red
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derww · 4 months ago
CW: Violence, death
I can't do this, he tells himself, and his hands are shaking. And then he does it. Pangi doesn't even have time to say anything – dripstone pierces his legs, and then Zam cleaves his skull with an axe. His blade, hands, face, and body become sticky and wet. He stares at his partner's corpse until it disappears. And then he mechanically turns to the spawntrapped bed.
His head is insanely heavy. It hums and hums and hums as if it contains a hive of angry bees. Dun, dun, dun, dun, his insanely pathetic heart rumbles, drowning out the sounds outside.
make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent
make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent make him repent
Pangi respawns. He tries to talk to him – Zam does not hear even a word, only sees his mouth gaping. Pangi tries to defend himself, but he has absolutely nothing. Pangi tries to escape, but Zam kills him before. Some of the blood gets into his eye.
It's ugly. He does not feel joy. Is this what people find fun? Is this what he was supposed to become? Is this the real price of the right to destroy the world?
slash. slash. slash. slash. slash.
Pangi seems to stop talking at some point. He doesn't cry – too much experience on the server, too much time spent with Zam – but it seems that there is disappointment in his eyes – condemnation, Zam decides, he condemns me. 
Pangi opens his mouth, trying to say something last, but Zam lowers his saber one last time, and somewhere in the distance there is a rumble of a ban. Pangi's corpse does not disappear. He stares at him for a while longer. He buries him on the spot. There are still not enough hearts in his chest.
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citrusinicake · 1 year ago
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i dont even know what this is
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sol-rambles · 3 months ago
some highlights from things I wrote about oathbreaker zam :33 (there's currently 3 pages)
He's not like capital E Evil, since he still wants everyone back. Mainly for server functioning reasons.
His oath might be broken but his main motive is still to keep the server functional, he's just abit more free about everything.
Chance Minute would betray if Emipire + Atlas went full evil mode. Since he honestly just I feel like he wouldn't vibe with full evil mode, he'd want to but he'd hate it too much.
I want Kab to be hunted down by people that'll do lore with her whilst hunting her (I'm talking about devotions btw everything forever is about devotions.) Like s4 castle arc, or s5 jumper post abyss betrayal. She would thrive in that environment according to me earlier today!
4c would probably be okay in terms of zam killing him unless he went like full joker or wormhole, in terms of how he went about killing.
I proceeded to go on a ramble about how i want wormhole trio to team again. And how we get devotions every season so we literally never lose ever.
He wears a mix of wormhole and joker clothing, some things just with a fabric swap or dyed to different colours (mainly red.)
I'm very undecided on what weapon he uses, I'm in-between something that would bludgeon or something that would slash, leaning slashing since its more bloody. I think he would want blood, I do always give zam weapons for closerange since he seems like that type of fighter.
Horn colours; big horn with the mapicc ring has mapicc colours on it, other big one is derap, outer small one next to derap is poafa.. The rest of the empire share outer small next to mapicc and middle
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cd-head · 2 years ago
now i find i’ve grown into a tall child.
characters ; parrotx2, rekrap2, spokeishere, mapicc, roshambogames, princezam, ashswag, reddoons, itzsubz, vitalasy, yeahjaron, planetlord, baconnwaffles0.
relationships; parrotx2 & rekrap2, parrotx2 & spokeishere, mapicc & roshambogames, mapicc & princezam, ashswag & reddoons, itzsubz & vitalasy, yeahjaron & planetlord, yeahjaron & baconnwaffles0.
tags ; hurt/comfort, hurt/no comfort, poetic ish, implied alcoholism, yearning to be a kid again
word count ; 1546
authors note ; i wrote this at 2 am and finished at 5 am and now its 6 am i apologize
“if you feel nothing, why are you shaking?”
and parrot had no reply. he stared forward up at the stars as his wings pulled tight around his body and suddenly there was a tightness in the back of his throat and water spilling down his cheeks.
he felt like a little kid, one who wanted to run to his mom and cry in her arms. but he couldn’t. for she wasn’t here. but rek was.
rek didn’t hesitate to wrap his arms around the avian, to hold him close to his chest as he rocked and hummed. to provide what comfort he could to the sobbing boy.
parrot clung tightly to the older boy’s shirt and crumpled and crinkled the fabric as if he was a little kid once more as sobs racked his entire body.
rek sat there and took it, feeling like a adult that was holding tightly onto their child begging them to breathe.
perhaps he was.
“if you truly feel nothing then why are you shaking? why don’t you leave?”
parrot had asked. how hypocritical. spoke would argue he was shaking more than he was! and spoke had sworn to never leave.
but he didn’t say that as he simply shrugged, his voice not a siren for once but a sad dying bird who sung it’s last song.
“i don’t know. maybe it’s easier for your brain to handle a lie than the truth?”
“i’m tired.”
“yeah. yeah i am too.”
and they both turned to the stars and wished they could ask a god who sat behind a cracked glass why must they live with hearts that aren’t their own.
and arms wrapped around each other and home whispered in their voice that it wasn’t their fault as the two clung to what little they had.
the salt in their tears was harsh on their wounds.
“if you feel nothing, why are you shaking? what’s going on?”
mapicc trembled in reply as the vomit in his throat spread to his mouth and splattered on the pavement. he couldn’t tell if he was crying due to the burning in his throat or the burning in his mind.
ro’s gentle hands (even if mapicc saw the blood on his knuckles. it matched his own.) pulled him away from the vomit on the ground and held him as he trembled and shook.
no words were uttered that night but those few. no words but the warmth of a body holding your cold one as you shook and trembled in the night.
longing for your mothers touch. but your friends shall do, for your mother doesn’t love you but your friend does.
they were children. they were murderers. they were kids.
‘if he feels nothing then why is he shaking?’
mapiccs mind repeated those words (it felt like a mockery. a turn on ro’s soothing words.) as he stared at zam before him, he should drive an axe through his beautiful neck for looking at him.
he found his hands empty and trembling beneath the stars as zam opened his mouth. he heard it over the rain pounding his cold corpse and the ringing in his ears.
mapicc was not dead, he was not hurt. but he felt like a true corpse. a body that had been reanimated. a puppet. a toy for use.
“know that i loved you. know that it wasn’t enough. and it’s not your fault.” was all zam uttered.
when mapicc cried this time, it mixed with the rain and his knees clicked and clattered but no one came to help the man sobbing in the rain.
the man in the rain didn’t wish to be helped.
“if you feel nothin’.. then why are you drinkin’? why are you shaking so bad then?”
ash’s voice was as soft as snow and yet it cut red deeper than a dagger as his hand gripped tighter on the bottle as if to hide the tremors that ran through his body.
a swig. burning hot liquid dripped down his throat and some burned behind his eyes. he wished he could drown it as if it was beer.
he wished he could drown as hands pulled at his trembling ones, wished he could die as they pulled his hands off of the bottle.
red felt, truly felt, like he was being held under water as a warm body met his chest and face. he wished his tears would kill him.
yet it didn’t. no matter how hard he cried.
“if you do feel nothing, why are you here?”
red had no answer. he found his tongue cut out and wouldn’t be surprised if he looked to the floor and would find his flesh mocking him on the floor.
his body trembled harshly in the raging winds, and the warmth he sought for loomed before him. he stumbled toward and the warmth caught him, it accepted the coldness of his body and held him tight.
“shhh… sh i got you.” was all red heard from ash, from warmth, from home as the door shut and the true coldness was trapped inside the home of warmth.
he didn’t deserve this and yet he let himself seep into the warmth like a child in their mother’s grasp. desperate for the feeling of love.
but cold cant warm warmth, and warmth cant make cold colder. perhaps in the end they could even each other out.
for now they would breathe together.
“if you feel nothing, then why am i here? why are you shaking then?”
the ram blinked in reply at vitalasys words. listening to how they cracked and trembled.
vital was truly terrible at hiding hjs emotions, while subz was too good at it. a man who wore his heart on his sleeve and a man who hide his heart in a chest barbed with wire.
locked with no key to be found other than jammed in the heart that bled onto a sleeve.
the silence hung between them was louder than the stars that glimmered down at them, the breeze in the trees and moon that shined above their heads spoke louder before subz had written words to speak.
before he had lifted his tongue and used it as a flute to sing and tell truths and lies, and he hoped vi knew this one was a truth.
he hoped his trembles showed the truth.
“because i care about you.”
“you do?”
“of course.”
“good. because i care about you too subz!”
and god should smite subz for how he smiled at vitalasy, feeling like a little boy in the summer breeze.
“if you feel nothing, then why do you look so scared?”
it was subz’s turn to ask. and vitalasy found himself trembling in reply as he felt the blood on his hands turn cold and harden onto his skin and fur.
he felt sick, he felt empty, he felt nothing. but nothing was never truly nothing, because in the end. everything is nothing, but nothing cannot be everything.
and is that not curious? how one thing can be the other but the other cannot be the thing. because nothing is the absence of a thing, and everything is every little thing. so in its own title, everything is nothing.
so vitalasy felt everything and nothing all at once. for theyre a pair. true opposites yet they stand together.
it reminds him of subz and himself.
“i’m not scared.”
“you’re trembling.”
“… okay yeah i’m scared.”
“of what?”
“nothing. everything. myself. you.”
“if you feel nothing, then why are you shaking?”
jaron found his voice gone in the wind as he locked eyes with planet. he wished to sob in the other man’s arms but there is nothing more humiliating then your own desires.
his hands trembled from those desires, the one that ran a sickly cord from his eyes to his throat, to the depths of his stomach.
there is points where longing gets too much, so jaron clenches his jaw everytime he feels that yearning.
perhaps that was why his jaw constantly hurt.
“what is it you feel?”
“why do you lie to me?”
“because.. i’m scared.”
“living. i’m scared of living planet.”
the silence that followed felt like butter spreading on toast. it was good, it was nice. it was horrifying, it was evil.
it was everything.
“why are you shaking?”
jaron stared at the ceiling, his arms crossed over his chest as his chest rose steadily and a pillow soft under his head.
he felt bacon’s eyes prying on him, his body trembling slightly in a way too subtle to be labeled that he was just cold.
jaron wondered how long bacon had been staring.
bacon waited for a reply as snoring echoed in the next room.
“bacon, i’m not a good person.”
and bacon sat there, waiting for jaron to confess a crime but neither did jaron’s body or lips move.
“so? we’re all bad people jaron. everyone’s a bad person. why should i see you different for trying to survive?”
no reply met bacons ears. he didn’t want one. he laid his head back down and closed his eyes and let the last words to be uttered be a promise.
“goodnight, i’ll see you in the morning.”
“.. night.”
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derww · 3 months ago
since it doesnt really seem like id post my actual lore post any time soon, my technically headcanons (more like +- canon-compliant lore au) about devils trio (mapicc-poafa-jepexx) and demons in general.
- devils trio are from the hellish dimension where war is a consistent part of reality
- everyone is taught to kill. mapicc is good in it, poafa succeeds in more protective measures and traps, jepexx... is jepexx.
- demons are the kind that was raised in battles as the apotheosis of surviving, they are able to convert almost anything that contains energy in one form or another into their source of food.
- the main type of energy consumed by a demon determines their visual features and colors.
- different demons eat different things, it depends on the homeland, position, upbringing and personal choice, but basic one is netherrack/lava, so most of the demons are either dark pinkish or orange or kinda gray (like s1 poafa whose been eating netherrack back then).
- its not required, but some demons do cook their energy sources in one way or another.
- normal food also can be an energy source, but its an unpopular option since the need to constantly seek it out for the sake of survival seems surreal and irrational. survival is important, and non-darkness and lava are everywhere, so it's just a much safer and smarter option.
- since everyone is a fighter, having your energy source being anything battle-related seen as unworthy and barbaric as most or demons are very arrogant and proud.
- 90% energy sourses used are nether related. because their world is, generally, the nether.
- one day, poafa decided that he was tired of hell and that he wants to photosynthesize. some of his relatives (not mapicc or jepexx) said that he would die. he cut off contact with them completely and survived out of spite.
- one day mapicc just stumbled onto a fucking massive fresh battlefield with enormous amounts of dead bodies and came into contact with energy surrounding him. he overdosed, went berserk for a week, probably killed a couple of demons from the neighborhood, and then turned red. he quickly learned to control himself and doesn't really care what other think about battle-related energy types because they're just dumb. he beats up especially annoying one.
- devils trio are blood brothers who once decided to play gods and created lifesteal smp for fun. they had no idea what theyve started.
- its really fucking hard to die being a demon (they can regenerate their bodies almost fully while having their energy source) so violence is very normarized.
- devil trio totally were cheating on the exams by pretending to be each other.
- nobody fucking knows that jepexx eats. poafa thinks its carrots. mapicc rolls his eyes up and says that jepexx feeds on everyone else's spanish shame. they just know that its probably not lava.
- demons really rarely actually speak about their energy type bc it is their achilles' heel, lifesteal included. only to the closest teammates and not that often. mapicc is an exception, he doesnt really cares, but still dont speak about it often. devils observe an unspoken rule never to use this knowledge against each other.
- in the demonic community, however, the shades of the most common, as well as some other sources, are known and sometimes are used against.
- im not totally sure, but rn devils trio are the only demons on the lifesteal.
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derww · 4 months ago
CW: Still crackfic
There is something wrong with Ashes bow now. This is, atleast, what he thinks after his arrow, shot by him as a joke, pierces through Pangi's shoulder.
– Oh, fuck! – Pangi is expectedly surprised. – What the fuck, man.
– Sorry, sorry, sorry, – Ash repeats again and again, and he's just saying words, but he actually has no idea how this had happened. – I didn't want to get you; look, its just a mistake; just take the arrow out and eat some gapples, – hes not coming closer, but he gestures artistically with his hands, making more noise about it, – i don't know, man, im sorry, okay-
– Accidentally hit someone with a bow, aiming in the right direction... – Pangi remarks skeptically, casually pulling out an arrow and stopping the flowing blood. – of course, man. Whatever you say. Whatever.
And, like- it's not like Ash was a pacifist or he had anything against hitting Pangi; no, hed gladly do it again just for the fun of it, but fucking arrow wasn't supposed to fly even close. He shot it to hit the no-spawnkills bell, but at the moment when he was not paying attention, the arrow somehow turned out to be two meters to the right, securing him an accurate hit. 
And it was freaking him out- like, new abilities always were good, but he'd prefer to KNOW ABOUT THEM AND HOW THEY WORK, thank you very much. He didn't like having a pig in a poke. This is, after all, an animal abuse.
He easily forgets about it. After all, he was a bug itself; some temporary anomaly of that kind was possible, even tho improbable. He still hated to have no idea what was happening, but it does not matter if you are convinced that the strangeness will go away, like, soon. He has better things to do, tho. Like sleeping and watching cartoons. His life literally depended on both of them. What could he say?
The next time it's yet another accident and it's Mapicc and he catches the arrow before it hits him.  
– And why the fuck would you do that, – Mapicc plainly asks, and Ash steps away.
– It is an accident! – he swears even tho his words are worth nothing again, – man, I'm really sorry, okay! Lets just go both of us our paths and-
In the end, he has to run. Like, he's cool and all, but he can't mess with Empire, okay? not without a plan, atleast. He has no time to create a plan for now. He has to look into all this bullshit that's been happening.
He drags Squiddo away with him, and they build a very messy training ground with a bunch of different targets. Squiddo tries first – she hits the biggest target, on the verge of the middle circle, which she actively rejoices at, and then crushingly misses everyone else. She whines that this game is too weird. Ash doesn't understand what game she's talking about, but it's his turn.
He's aiming, shooting – at the bull's eye! The next target is slightly smaller – a clear hit! A hit! A hit! A hit! 
When the turn comes to the last target, the smallest, almost the size of the yellow circle on the first, Ash rolls his eyes and shoots into the air. And then he and Squiddo watch, stunned, as the arrow makes a detour and incredibly hits the target  – not in the center, of course, but still in the red zone.
They look at each other in silence. Squiddo opens her mouth.
– Maybe it's because of that one versus-
They never talk about it ever again.
– Shut the fuck up.
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derww · 2 months ago
if i was mapicc i wouldnt have wolf ears or the collar. i would have small dark red horns abd almost too human face. id look like a human but wont be one. my sclera is black my eyes are red. my teeth look like a human but they wont break when im eating someone alive. my red hoodie looks stupid but ill wear it anyway and forget to wash out the blood. im not pretty and not trying to be. everything in how i look depends only on if itll make fighting easier and possibility of being caught less. you dont think about being pretty on the lifesteal, maybe someone does, but i do not. but when i do remember i try to stay atleast clean. wings behind my back still feel stiff and sore but they obey to me. sky never was too important for me. i dont actually care. i care only about (some) people, things being the correct way and Fighting. i like my sword but axe just sits better in the hand. its so much better for breaking bones. i am too alive and im taking lack of from people i kill. i am not a good person. I don't want to be a good person
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derww · 10 months ago
TL;DR: 2.6k words gen, post-Abyss arc, Devotion Duo-centric + Bacon, Roshambo, Jumper and Minute. Zam's origin makes it so he adopts small physical traits from people he trusts and considers his teammates. It backfires after Jumper's betrayal. Very poorly.
TW: Violence, blood, killings, temporary death, lethal poisoning, swearing, maybe spoilers
Disclamer: Not everything are stream-reliable, I have no real knowledge of biology, I actually like Jumper.
First of all, he is so, so angry. Because how dare she. How dare she betray them. How dare she leak all their plans, how dare she dismiss all their beliefs, how dare she never be on their side.
He wants to kill her. He wants her to die. He wants her to suffer. And, with it, he feels so much fucking pain. Because he trusted her, and she betrayed them. Three months. Three fucking months. And he is so fucking angry and furious, and pained and-
And then another kind of pain comes to him, and for one second, he actually thinks he'll just die in the place. He clings to the wall, feeling terribly dizzy and nauseous, and something is very, very fucking wrong-
His hearts drops from 12 to 10. 
Out of the corner of his eye, he sees a message about Jumper's death. He hysterically laughs. It still hurts so much, and people are so fucking loud. He disconnects from the general chat.
You whisper to Mapicc: i'm gonna fucking die
Mapicc calls him. He answers.
– Were you attacked? – Mapicc asks him; It seems like he's running.
– No, I, – he starts terribly coughing, – where are you?
– Killed Jumper and blew up her base, – Mapicc reports with a smirk, – im trying to leave, but here is Minute and fucking Clownpierce. 
Good shit. Now Mapicc just has to survive. He laughs.
– Good. I'll add Bacon? I don't know if i believe Pentar now. 
– Sure.
Bacon picks up immediately.
– What's the situation right now? – he asks, – it seems like we all are kill on sight, because there are two people who want me dead. Fortunately, I managed to escape.
– I'm fucking dying, – he shares.
– Are you losing hearts? 
– Yes, and it hurts like fuck. Its like- like- eyesight is blurry, and head is spinning, and im like going to throw up, and, and, – he loses words.
– Did something happen that– wait, before all of this, go and eat a golden apple.
– An apple? – he clarifies, perplexed and angry, and with great effort takes out a stack of golden apples from an enderchest. He takes a bite, and his vision partially clears. – oh, you are right. It's much better. I still feel terrible, but at least now I can stand on my feet.
– The fuck is this? – asks Mapicc. He's breathing heavily, still running.
– Actually, i have no idea. – Bacon says, – but it sounds like some kind of heavy poisoning.
– The fuck? – Mapicc asks again, – did fucking Jumper bit you?
– No??? – he answers, still alarmed, – when would she? 
– She's not a fucking black widow, – Bacon pointed, – you should remember, when Zam got her trai-i-i-, – he stops, dumbfounded, – oh, fuck.
– What? – Zam asks. His head is still spinning. He bites the golden apple again.
– Zam, – Bacon says, seems angry and uncomfortable at the same time, – its your Jumper's trait. This shit can be fucking lethal.
He freezes in place.
– Fuck.
– Be right back, gotta kill her again, – says Mapicc and deafens.
Team Awesome Zam had gray hair and red horns. Eclipse Federation Zam had black horns and fox ears. Solar Union Zam had the halo and the wings – and, still, the horns. Pirate Zam had pangolin scales on his arms and legs. Abyss Zam had red horns and spider's fangs with a weak poison. Wormhole Zam had nothing.
After leaving Team Awesome he was getting very dizzy while being in Nether for another month. After leaving Eclipse being in the End were making him throw up. leaving Solar Union made him weak to the sunlight. Pangolin scales fell off, but it never caused him any pain or discomfort.
He forgot. He forgot. He fucking forgot.
He packs up his kit, adds more golden apples, drinks regen and swaps chestplate with an elytra. It hurts like death, but he's been placing pistons around the clock for the last week, what's it to him. 
He knows where to fly, and he's dropping into the fight like a fish jumps into the water. Its not good – people are here, and Mapicc struggles, and with Zam it only becomes bearable. They fight, and fight, and he coughs blood and stares at the Jumper and only now does she actually look at least a little scared. 
They can't win this in the long run, it's just a few minutes before they have to go or die, and all that's left is a small window of opportunities and unlikely options.
It's just a split second. Blink of the eye. Jumper reaches for the golden apples, Clown attacks Mapicc, Minute switches to him. Zam places rail, tnt minecart, shouts "Escape!" (because, of course, who even says "Charge" if the enemy hears them) and Mapicc shoots it with a flame bow.
He doesn't have time to cover himself with a shield – he forgets that he even has a shield – but he survives, being further out, and Jumper doesn't, and that's the only thing he cares about. He's shell-shocked, but he can still walk, and they run, and then they walk, and then they hide, because he's bleeding from both nose and ears and suffocating and god knows what else. Mapicc tells him how they'll ban Jumper from the server, like he's telling a bedtime story, and for a moment Zam really believes him.
They need Bacon's help for it, but eventually succeed in outrunning them. All of their bases are unsafe, so they mine very deep into a wall and make themself some beds and chests. Zam drinks too many regen pots and ends up passing out–
– Do you remember? – asks Bacon to Mapicc, – like, closer to the end of the fourth season, he still had this stupid Subz's horns. 
– Oh, yeah, that shit, – Mapicc understandingly nods, – he looked so stupid, fucking Planet's halo, Jaron's wings, and these shitty horns.
– You got it, – Bacon nods, – he still had them after all Eclipse stuff because he still deemed him his ally and trusted him and all this stuff. 
– How does this even relate to our problem? 
– Don't interrupt me. – he frowns, easily irritated, – After Subz banned himself, the horns just fell off. Because there was no one to cling to anymore, i guess- i don't fucking know, it's Zam's shit and i dont think even he knows how this all works.
– So-o we have to ban Jumper. – Mapicc catches up. – good, – he approves. – I was just about to.
He wakes up from pain and coughing. Mapicc gives him his Jumper heart and he applies both, with one he got from her. They lie too heavy in his chest, but he has no actual choice. It'll get worse, he knows. The poison is everywhere in him, and he can slow down the process, but he can't stop it. He'll die, and he'll respawn, and he'll still be dying, because its a part of him.
Seeing Mapicc, Ro, of course, gets ready for a fight. He heard about the destruction of Jumper's base, he knows that Mapicc is angry and wants more blood – but something is very, very wrong, and Mapicc unperturbedly parries his preventive blow, and instead of actually fighting, he goes close and puts his hand on Ro's shoulder.
Despite them being enemies for the last several months, he freezes on the place.
– Zam is fucking dying, – Mapicc says, – we have to ban Jumper for him to survive. 
Ro stares Mapicc right in the eyes. Something inside him clicks.
– Then why the fuck did you blow up her base, dumbass, – he hisses, pushing Mapicc's hand off his shoulder, – we could've just spawnkill her and now she's on the run.
– Fuck no, we could not, – Mapicc rolls his eyes up, – she knew we know where her base is. She is not that stupid. 
– We still could've used it! – he disappointedly waves his arms, – doesn't matter. Too late. Kill me, I'll try to get info.
Mapicc nods. Before making a blow, he speaks with composure: 
– Welcome back, Ro.
– We will have a proper reunion when Zam will be okay, – he shrugs it off, and Mapicc strikes him. And then again. And again.
He dies on the second day. Its fucking painful. His insides curl into a knot, everything goes wrong, and he fucking hates the taste of the golden apples, and he still dies and respawns, and he is still dying. He did not drop a heart.
Instead of crying and lying to himself, he gathers his shit and goes to spawn to finish voiding spawn because fuck Jumper and fuck the Foundation, he doesn't have to obey an agreement in which the other party has never played fair. 
Mapicc goes with him, and it's not even a fucking question, and it angers him, but not being completely alone is also cool i guess.
And the spawn is so fucking empty because the war ended yesterday, but not actually. Even with a dizzy head and sloppy movements, he repairs Freakinator at the record pace and then just watches void to unveil while sitting right on the edge.
It's beautiful. It's so, so beautiful. He thinks of a world where he would never have seen it, and it makes him sad. And then he thinks that he would like to watch it with all the Abyss members and starts getting angry again. 
– Maybe I'll get rid of Jumper's trait before losing all of my hearts, – he says to Mapicc almost optimistically, – I don't remember how long it took after leaving Team Awesome when i stopped throwing up and overheating in Nether. At some point it became just too usual to pay attention to this, and then it just stopped.
He feels Mapicc's gaze burning into the back of his head. Pistons keep falling into the void.
– Do you like the void? – he asks Mapicc.
– Yea.
– Why?
– It creates a challenge, a reason, and it gives me an opportunity to kill people and make them lose everything that they had on them. And it's just fun.
– Does it really explain why you were okay to die if it meant that someone else fell into the void?
– It really does.
They don't have time to finish voiding: Ro blows up Mapicc's communicator with warnings. Zam reads them carefully, looking over Mapicc's shoulder, and still stays in place. After a couple more minutes, someone comes at the spawn. Three minutes later, Minute carefully lands next to them on his black armored cicada wings. 
The first thing he does is break Freakinator – three lines; she didn't finish just three lines. After that, he says:
– I thought we agreed to never touch the bedrock again.
Zam laughs back at him.
– What's so funny? – Minute asks. It doesnt seems like he wants to fight, but maybe he's just waiting for the teammates.
– We gave you a chance to stop us as a sign of respect, recognition of equal play. Because we thought the steaks were real, that we had achieved our goal. But you've never tried to play fair. You sent a mole to us, and all the bets were never real. So why should I stick to the deal, then? Jumper might as well have just sent you a link.
– So we're going back in our words, – says Minute, but it doesn't seem like he really wants to defend himself here, – what's fun.
– You know what? I don't even care. Think what you want. – he coughs and spits blood and eats gapple. He thinks about how he will be tearing Jumper apart. It's the only thing that keeps him stable. Maybe Minute will call her and he'll be able to fight her again – killing her now, regrouped, calmed down and for sure on twenty hearts will be much more difficult than last time, but he is ready try and try and try until it breaks him into a bloody mess.
He's staring into the abyss. It's really beautiful. He can't imagine a world where they would have stopped at that moment, and the last layer was never broken. That's what they really started all this for. But not really. That's a lie.
Minutes, in the end, actually calls for help, but the Jumper is not among them, and they escape. He plans to blow up the spawn so as to expose the entire void. At least he now knows how to build TNT dupers with his eyes closed.
By nightfall, he stops regenerating health above eight hearts. With a hundred precautions, Ro goes into their bunker and casts a hex on him that temporarily stops the pain and slows down the spread of the poison a little. He asks several times if they need him more here or there. Zam repeats as many times that he must remain a double agent. Then Ro jokes about shit for the next half an hour, and only then leaves.
They grab reluctant Bacon with them, divide the world into three, and spend the whole night flying across the sky on elytras with the piechart turned on. They are unlucky for a long time – they find lonely enderchestes, barely touched villages, and abandoned bases. Then they find what, according to the Ro, is the base of the Foundation – and fly on, because the Jumper is not here and she should be at least somewhere. And, once again finding the enderchest and going to explore it, Mapicc triangulates its location for half an hour, and then, having dug through one block more, stumbles upon the amethyst wall. 
He hides in the walls for another 30 minutes. He sees the name tag. He writes the coordinates in the chat.
They jump on her from the ceiling together, and she's so fucking terrified, but for some reason she finds an almost complete battle kit in her inventory, and she's holding up really well, but there is only so much you can actually do in such a bad situation. She dies, and they find her bed, but she breaks it before and dies only one more time.
– This is not enough,– Bacon says distantly, hiding the sword, staring at her disappearing body, – She has Vi's hearts. She's still at 20.
– Yes, but she just died inside her own base twice, – Mapicc points, – we'll blow up it. When she builds a new one, we'll find it too. If she hides in someone else's base, we'll find that, and when she shows up on spawn, we'll kill her. It will affect her. She won't be able to hold on forever.
– We should have told Ro to wait for her at spawn, – Bacon shakes his head.
– She just wouldn't respawn and wait for a Minute to save her, – Mapicc rolls his eyes, – she won't let us just kill her. It's a long war. But we'll make it. She will break before Zam gets banned.
Bacon shakes his head. They blow up the base, fight the Foundation and leave.
Zam applies both of her hearts to himself and dies fourteen hours later, suffocating for the last two. It's an ugly death, but at some point, he comes to terms with it.
Maybe one day I'll be able to hate her a little less, he thinks, and for a single moment the pain recedes.
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