#its not because i dont cherish and love the friendship we had
juicequeen21 · 18 days
Death Note Au where Light marries men to kill them for their money. He marries L and is trying to kill them but nothing works bc L is a vampire.
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amndmirk · 1 year
bestie drop the Kris & Ralsei relationship rant and why there's less fandom reception for them because of archetypes. the ppl want to know.
its. ugh
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im not tidying it up, ill be putting it off forever (haha krals quest reference. VIBE CHECK)
so, deltarune community, i introduce to you, a half-assed 3AM rant about kris and ralsei.
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transcription below, sidebar screenshots, tldr and everything. uh, i recommend reading the post
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while i still cannot pass out i figured out what bothers me about the way theyre presented and why platonic kralsei is such a craving that has no material in the fandom to work with whatsoever
we know the susie relationships. everyone cherishes kris and susies friendship. id say it comes first if anything. people vaguely appreciate her and ralsei as well - we had plenty of hangout opportunities for the two, there are even two or three comics about ralsei and his beef with her. friendship content. dynamic exploring
kris and ralsei presentation however includes but is not limited to: dry interaction (choose your flavour: kris/kris as player projection aka the thing everyone did with ch1 ralsei cutesy content), dry interaction 2.0 aka The Sillies/ralsei as sole background commenter in goofyass situations/the normal dude (may or may not include in-game shit), kris' resentment of ralsei (at least theyre getting creative), and finally mushy romantic couple shit and sugarcoating tropes
vc: and you could excuse that with a "oh, well but we dont know anything about ralseis backstory" yet we hardly know anything about susies either. we only theorise of her past related to adoption, being homeless, insert other determinators based material. we factually know very little of her, yet susie has established friendships with both kris and ralsei, even well-written fan content with noelle that is not limited by surface romance but rather the exploration of their dynamic, friends first, partners - second.
as in for either of them being morally gray? susie has no problems with that and i love her, we love her, the_newest_girl sweepstakes log hasnt changed anything. i do have a theory on how that could affect ralsei, though. might contemplate on that.
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so susie has all that. kris, their nature still unknown to most, but overall sympathetic with a shade of gray morality (HEEEELLL YEAAA) has the similar spectrum. kris has all that.
with them and ralsei though? its like. not a single plate of them as a dynamic. as actual friends
and honestly its no wonder kralsei is getting rejected from lightner ship/old darkner ship communities
we present no base. no fundamental understanding or interpretation of them
...though i wish id browse through deltarune tag more legitimately and take samples every time i see kris and ralsei on-screen to have a list of categories for each interaction to sort them like legos by shapes and colours.
there was one.ONE comic of them that kept the hopes up. this is why kralsei is stayin alive. that, and tunas scarf thingy. our icon (shhhh hes seepy)
i, uh, dont have a conclusion. i remember writing it because i wish we actually came up with who they are. wish that even they had conflicts and resolutions, similarities and differences, like any other dynamic in the fanon, having multiple headcanons and interpretations.
i just wish we gave them a chance to be friends.
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queer-advice-hotline · 8 months
god idk even if this is a vent or that im like asking for help
im aro/ace, specifically i dont want anything romantic nor sexual, like 0% interest. never had the wish for a relationship either, MAYBE queerplatonic where we are just best friends who are exclusive. but idk basically… i feel like im missing behind, like i KNOW i am not, i know there is nothing wrong with the fact that i dont feel sexual nor romantic attraction and with the fact that i dont even want to feel it, but seeing all of your friends find their one person… like holy fucking god dude it sucks
my very best friend of three years for example, i adore her with all of my heart and i click with her in a way that i have never clicked with anyone before, like i have never loved someone this much platonically and i know for a fact she feels the same. but we are older teens, ofc she is gonna be dating around i understand it it is what happens and what other teens want but… not me. she got a bf recently, and i genuinely love the dude we get along great we are good friends we play games together and have the same sort of humor we have similar interests and hyperfixations he is amazing and caring and kind he is so good to her and she had a couple of HORRIBLE exes especially her last gf before him and im deadass so happy to see her have such a good relationship and find someone who cherishes her like that after all the heartbreak she went through
but i cant keep myself from feeling like im second best
she has known this dude for maybe what, a couple weeks? and hes just casually at the level of friendship that she and i have that we have been at for the last three years and shes constantly talking about him and just… like what does he have that i dont? im not jealous, i never really felt jealousy like that and never when it comes to relationships, i just feel like the second pick.
all my closer friends have been getting into relationships like that and never had an issue with it until it was her. i guess i just felt like i finally had someone who thought of me as their one and only, like their person. now this fucker who deadass is me but wants to fuck and kiss came along and in a few weeks that is her person. all my friends have their people, i was her person until he came along, and other people think of me just as the funny guy in class who is a friend to all. like a "jack of all trades but a master of none" situation but with relationships. just, god, i would fucking kill to be someones first choice and their person and one and only but the stupid chemicals that make people have those stupid crushes and idiotic romantic feelings are keeping me from it
just, god dude, being aro/ace sucks so fucking much sometimes. its like heartbreak but just skipping the love part
also this is the first time in my life i have ever voiced these feelings because i usually just joke about it all... even typing it out made me feel better in a way
Voicing your feelings can be helpful, I’m glad it made you feel better
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ankhisms · 1 year
have experienced what feels like 800 emotions in rapid succession on a rollercoaster today and it hasnt even really been a bad day honestly or anything im fine you know how it is
my mood swings have just been a lot stronger than they usually are since thats one of the biggest things my meds are for theyre like supposed to be a mood swing stabelizer but anyway
something that im aware is related to my more severe paranoia and obsessive compulsive issues but is less severe and more just adjacent to those is like being scared that im somehow a hypocrite about various random things or that im somehow secretly an awful horrible person who hurts people and does bad things without me even realizing that im doing that. im also aware that this very much stems from the way my abuser treated me and also the behavior of ""friends"" i had when i was younger who just now as im older i realize honestly didnt even like me and kept me around to make fun of me and be cruel to me together as a kind of group bonding thing.
which sucks because when im doing self soothing techniques and trying to calm myself down or even just approaching these thoughts and talking myself thru things it can be hard to counter the fear of "what if my friends or people i know in general actually talk together about how im an awful person and they hate me or talk together about how ive done something wrong without telling me?" with "no thats not fair or true and not based in reality" because it very much WAS reality for me. not in the sense of me having done something "wrong" in the past with those ""friends"" but like them being cruel to me and making fun of me when i wasnt around and the things i did ""wrong"" were just my autistic traits and other symptoms of my various mental things especially during that period of my life where i was completely unmedicated and had just gotten away from my abuser and was still in the awful school environment of being harrassed every single day.
anyway its really like. i know i shouldnt worry about this, rationally i know this. but just because i know something isnt rational it doesnt make my brain stop obsessively thinking about it so its like i could see someone saying "i hate when people go to the moon and jump up and down and sing the abcs" (ridiculous example bc i cant think of anything else) and i could at first go oh yeah i get that and like their post but then my brain will go but what if ive done that without realizing it and they see me liking their post and they go "ugh rey this post is about YOU and people like you and youre such a hypocrite and dont even know it" and the spiral begins. and in the end i guess all of this just goes to show that having people pretend to be friends with you only to hate you and ridicule you and pick apart every little thing you do behind your back really fucks you up.
also thinking about the ex close friend who cut me off out of nowhere with no explanation for seemingly no reason about a year or so ago now and ive continued to have kind of taking off the rose tinted glasses moments where i loved and cherished this friend so much that i excused how shitty they treated me at different times. not at all saying they are or were a bad person or that there was any abuse going on or anything like that but im just realizing that we both come from dysfunctional abusive families and we both have our own physical and mental problems and so throughout our friendship we both mightve not made the best choices or couldve handled things better and im not exempt from that. but also i realized that he would not tell me if i had done something to upset him and it would be like a guessing game for me and would really stress me out and make me feel awful
and its like. now as im older i would want to be able to talk things out and understand what had happened and be able to apologize and work on doing better. and in general thats something i really try my best on like i think in the past i would really get stuck in obsessively overthinking in self analyzing and get into moral obsessive compulsive spirals that just ended up hurting myself more than helping me grow, and anyway i always want to be able to step back and look at myself and my actions and be willing to listen if someone tells me ive done something hurtful or that i need to re-examine my behavior and beliefs, i think im pretty good at listening to people about stuff like that and have gotten much better about not falling into those spirals i just mentioned and examining myself in smaller healthier doses
but at the same time i do really get worried that people just arent telling me that theyre upset with me or that ive done something wrong or hurt them in some way. i really just want to be a good friend to people and i dont want people to be scared of coming to me and talking with me if ive done something to hurt them or to just talk about things with me in general and i dont want people to think im so fragile and mentally fucked up that theyd be scared of upsetting me by telling me id done something hurtful and letting it fester instead. i dont want to hurt people i want to spend my life making people happy and helping people and being a good friend, thats what i want most out of my relationships in life overall. i want to make people feel content and happy and safe.
but idk i just get scared. please be honest with me be upfront with me be blunt with me even i know im traumatized but i wont shatter into a million pieces if you tell me youre upset with me ill appreciate you being honest about it and ill stop whatever it was i was doing or work on it. i know im bad with social cues bc of autism and if i misunderstand something or say something inappropriate/out of my lane due to this please just tell me yknow
i really hate that my brain is like this and that having been abused and mistreated in the past has made me struggle like this because i want to trust that people arent talking badly about me or angry with me secretly i dont want to be so paranoid i dont want people to feel like they cant be honest with me or that im made of glass and that ill shatter if they tell me theyre upset with me, i want to trust that the people in my life like me and dont secretly hate me and im really trying hard but paranoia isnt something i can just magically wave away yknow its something im probably going to be dealing with for most of my life and im always kind of scared that people are going to get tired of my paranoia
despite living in survival mode constantly i still love all the people in my life a lot and i just want everyone to be happy and safe and i always wish there was more i could do to help everyone and i want everyone to be able to thrive and to be living comfortably and have all their needs met and to get all the help they need i love everyone a lot i want everyone to be okay and yeah
have also been majorly overthinking about if i want to do something that im being vague about as i ramble about it which i know is silly and its not even like something bad or negative but i just keep overthinking about the possible what if scenarios of oh what if i do this and they react really badly and cut me off and never want to talk to me again and due to this im also unfortunately like overthinking most things recently and being even MORE scared than usual of coming off as weird or being weird and making people uncomfortable but aint that just the way yknow. ill either do it or ill be a coward
anyway besides that my days been pretty decent its a lovely early autumn day. after typing this all i realized im probably feeling super emotional and weird because i just started my period lmao but thanks if you read this i love u mwah
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pesterloglog · 7 months
Dave Strider, Kanaya Maryam
Page 108-111
DAVE: you ever feel like our whole lives are eventually gonna end up like this
DAVE: just blasting through space on a sweeps long journey to ""somewhere"" chasing after or running from some vague enemy thats sometimes a god modded pet dog and sometimes your dad
DAVE: without the faintest fucking idea of whats going to happen when we get there
DAVE: thats a little specific but you know what i mean
KANAYA: Hello Dave
DAVE: sup
DAVE: am i buggin you
DAVE: do you want me to leave you to it or
KANAYA: Not Particularly Now That Youre Here
KANAYA: But Shouldnt You Be Asleep
DAVE: shouldnt you
KANAYA: I Need Less Sleep Than I Used To
KANAYA: Less Food Too Which Is Fortunate For The Rest Of You
DAVE: oh right
DAVE: i always forget about the vampire thing because youre already an alien
DAVE: and if somebody tried to sit me down and get me to watch a movie about a vampire alien id be like
DAVE: come on pick a genre
DAVE: except id watch it anyway because lets be honest the only person whod ever try to get me to watch something like that would be karkat
DAVE: and if he can get me to watch serendipity he can get me to watch anything
DAVE: but you get what im saying
DAVE: rose even told me
DAVE: shit
DAVE: sorry
KANAYA: Its Alright To Say Her Name
DAVE: i just dont want to remind you of that shit if i can avoid it
KANAYA: You Arent Reminding Me Of Her As I Rarely Think Of Anything Else
KANAYA: I Close My Eyes And I See Her
KANAYA: I Keep Them Open And I See Her
KANAYA: Well I See Space And The Corner Of My Shoe Right Now
KANAYA: But Her Too
KANAYA: Shes There In The Glint Of Fluorescence Shining Off The Shoe
KANAYA: And Shes Out There Somewhere In The Sea Of Stars
KANAYA: Which Just Reminds Me Of One Of The Nursery Stories Shed Reserved To Read To Young Broods Of Grubs Back Then
DAVE: oh huh
DAVE: i still kind of have a hard time picturing rose reading to kids
DAVE: maybe a dick thing to say but she doesnt seem like the type
KANAYA: I Understand
KANAYA: Its One Thing To Come Into The Responsibilities Of Adulthood Yourself
KANAYA: And Another To Dwell On Those You Were Once Close To Struggling With Similar Pressures
KANAYA: Growing Up So To Speak
KANAYA: Its Strange
DAVE: yeah
DAVE: so what was the story
KANAYA: Oh Its A Wriggler Story About A Young Prince And The Beloved Flower He Loved And Lost
DAVE: flower
DAVE: like a plant
KANAYA: Its A Fairytale Dave
DAVE: right
KANAYA: A Singular Wild Rose He Failed To Cherish When He Had Her
KANAYA: And His Journey Of Discovering What She Meant To Him All Along
KANAYA: Culminating In A New Quest To Find Her And Win Her Back
KANAYA: The Story Comments On The Nature Of Friendship
KANAYA: And Of Course In Turn Love
KANAYA: How Once They Connect There Is No Distance Or Circumstance That Can Seperate Them
KANAYA: How The Worlds In Each Ones Mind Take On Contours Shaped By Their Memories Of The Other
KANAYA: Places And Moments And Orbiting Passersby Becoming More and More Entangled In The Context Of Their Mutual Affections
KANAYA: Such As With A Garden Calling To Mind An Engagement Once Declared There
KANAYA: Or Something To That Fucking Effect
DAVE: that seems kind of wack for a kids story
KANAYA: Its Possible I Am Projecting Slightly In This Specific Circumstances
KANAYA: It Was Just A Metaphor
KANAYA: But In A Way I Feel As If It Is the Greater Universe Trying To Tell Me Something
KANAYA: It May Simply Stem From My Longing To See Her Again And How Much Is Indicative Of Something More Sinister
KANAYA: She Is A Goddess Of Light And The Only Of Her Kind We Know Is Alive After All
KANAYA: Maybe Shes Wrested Dominion Of The Entire Concept In All Its Appearances Within This Frame Of Reference
KANAYA: Or Within My Personal Frame Of Reference At Least
KANAYA: And Made Them Her Own In Some Strange Way
KANAYA: So I Cant Help But See Her When I See It At All
KANAYA: Whether Its A Star Or a Lightbulb
KANAYA: They All Just Leave Her Burnt Into My Mind Like The Blazing Imprint Of An Afterimage
DAVE: i mean it sounds like you think its BECAUSE shes a god like shes wielding some kind of cosmic power over you
DAVE: but if it was really true love or w/e
DAVE: would you even know the difference
KANAYA: I Guess I Wouldnt
DAVE: would you want to for that matter like isnt feeling that strongly connected kind of how youd want it to be anyway
DAVE: i think its how id want it at least
DAVE: can i sit down
KANAYA: Of Course
KANAYA: Its Not My Observation Deck
DAVE: cool
DAVE: sorry i know you say you got your badass monster powers but kanaya you look tired as hell
DAVE: not that im tryna psyche you or whatever but youre waxing poetic in the dark which i guess is maybe on brand but still
DAVE: kinda worried about you sis
KANAYA: You Dont Have To Call Me That Anymore
KANAYA: In Fact I Wish You Wouldnt
KANAYA: It Really Hasnt Ever Been Accurate
DAVE: yeah well im pretty sure rose didnt serve you divorce papers before she left on her fucked up father/daughter rp
DAVE: so youre still my sister
DAVE: i mean you could always decide to divorce her yourself but i doubt youre going to find a lawyer in space
DAVE: unless terezi is lurking in the vents somewhere and now that i bring that up its actually not out of the question so im kind of gonna be thinking about that one for a while
DAVE: but yeah this whole situation blows
KANAYA: You And Karkat Didnt Have To Come With Me
KANAYA: I Know You Have Your Own Lives And Your Own Matespritship
DAVE: no offense dude but yeah we did
DAVE: i wasnt going to let the only family i have left fly off without me
KANAYA: Roxy Didnt Have To Come Either
DAVE: debatable
DAVE: also i dont just mean roxy did you not just hear my heartwarming insistence that i think of you as my sister
DAVE: and yeah roxy is rad but our relationship is pretty fucking convoluted if were being totally honest
DAVE: youre the only person i know whos still basically the same as when i met you
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leafy-dragon · 1 year
thoughts about my friendships
in my (soon to be) 18 years of life, i thought that i've been always good, that my future is actually great. but recently, there has been a lonely aching within me; that i don't matter that much to those around me.
I know that it isn't the case, my family sure does love me. However, outside of them, I find it really difficult to make long lasting connections that seems impactful. When I was an early teen, I immigrated away from my home country, going to another that has a vastly different culture and people. The friendships that i had made in my origins are essentially gone. my best friends are now essentially a speck in my memories, longing for what was. i am now in a different place, needing to learn how to socialize again since im now at a place with a vastly different culture and rules.
i managed to be able form a strong bond to another person like myself, who also immigrated to here. however, due to my dumb idiot self, i lost contact with them when high school arrived. now im back to square one. even though there are some people who went to the same primary as me, i still find it difficult to make friends. my first three years of high school were somewhat lonely. i mean, i wasn't truly lonely. i did talk to some people sometimes, but i generally kept to myself.
only after 2 or 3 years did i become a member of a friend group. i am genuinely thankful for brendon, who coaxed me into it. now i actually have some regularly people to interact with. not necessarily talk, but interact. i always envisioned myself to be 'other' from the group. like im in their peripherals. i know it isnt a good mindset to be, but my upbringing and culture makes it difficult to put myself out there.
then, a new student came into my school. my friend group then adopted him. truthfully, he became one of my closest friend(even though he may see me differently), the one with the most promising potential of still being friends once we graduate. however, that future is becoming less likely. i dont want it to be that way, but i dont really know what to do with such situations.
in the middle of writing this, my feelings has somewhat subsided, but i know it is still lurking within me. i truly regret not making long lasting connections with those around me, but i cant deduce why i cant make such connections. is it because i 'grew up too early,' or is it because i moved to a very different culture than my own and have never really assimilated, or maybe its because i focused to much on my studies and not my social life.
well, whatever the reason, the friendships i have seem to be always fleeting, always to be short-lived. even though it is that way, i will always cherish the connections i had made. i still have a long way to go in life. in fact, its only started.
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tayliii · 1 year
i love my friends so much like i have so much love for them i feel like exploding. i am currently far away from them since we go to our summer house. i love Z so so much she lives so so so far away from me but i thank everyday that i became friends with her, shes just perfect, so loevly and oh my god i dont understand how she cant love herself, if only she saw herself through my eyes she would realise how she is perfection in a human form and i hate her ex boyfriend and how she cries because of him because she doesnt deserve to be sad in any way, she should only feel happy and love herself so so much. i usually am great at writing ( at least i think so, or i am improving) but i just cant put into words how much i adore her, if she wanted me to i could write do many poems about her, enough for them to be a book and published i want everyone to know how much i cherish her and i love it when she told me that i make her feel good when she is sad, i literally giggled and kicked my feet like i made feel happy oh my god this is a blessing from god, i love making you making you happy please be so happy. and my love isn't romantic its just pure friendship love. i also really like A she is my only school friend like when everbody left me because of an argumwnt with a friends and ignored me she was still there for me. one week ago she told me that she liked a guy i was really close with and she was scared that i would hate her for it but of course not i love her so much to just hate her for that and its not like she did anything bad to me or talked behind my back and actually i was really happy that she trusted me so much to the point of telling me i really really also love her sometimes when we are hanging out i just feel like hugging and kissing her cheeks and even though she is bot the biggest fan of pyhscial concat she still lets me hug her and even sleep together, i spend most of my time with her and i am so gald to have her in my life if she was not with me i think i would feel so lonely and miserable, words cant explain how much i am grateful for her, like i saw a horror house reel and my first thought was we should totally go together i want to go together so much with her and then visit this new cafe i saw on the internet, i just really like hanging out with her and topics can go from gossiping with people to talking about our traumas and to why we exist then back to gossip. and i dont get how she can hate herself like oh my god why do people around me has to hate themselves when they are so fucking amazing and beautiful and i hate it when she looks in the mirror and says that she looks ugly like no you are one of the prettiest people in my eyes like you have a great body a great face and a great personality, like i know she can be an asshole and two faced at times but i know she wouldnt do that to me because she actually trusts me and even if she was satan himself i would still countine to love her because i have been around her enough to realise that she is one of the best people and i really apperciate her. i love B i have know her for like six year and we still go on and i am so happy with her too even though we havent been close the first two years we are very close right now like i know every shit she eats and her drama and she was the one who was beside me when i had no one to rely on if she wasnt then i really wpuld have been totally deprived of human concat in the quarintia, yes she talks too much abput boys and it can get annoyüng at times but i love how when i am with her i can just relax and sit back and listen of course i love to talk but i am a listener and its good to listen sometimes and i love how its not one side and i still can talk about my life to her i hope she still will be in my life in 10 year and more and more she is my only friend left from middle scholl and i really really love her.
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earth2carmen · 1 year
you may remember paxton he was the male coworker that at first I had a little crush on but just left the situation alone. well me and him have began to get closer and while a relationship with him is not what id like a little fling never hurts nobody!!! there are just small bonding moments that to me speak volumes like when I always ask him for help bc im not "strong" enough or "tall" enough to do something for me knowing damn well there was an easier other way to go about the situation. or when our hands slightly graze against each others. I know he feels that too. the issue comes in when one of my coworkers daughter comes and hangs out at the job she is 16, paxton is 18 and im 18. well at first she asked me what I thought if him and I was honest. he's cute but I wouldn't be interested in a committed relationship with him. so I guess the months go on and she develops a small crush on him. during all this paxton begin to ge closer. me and bee ( the girl) were not friends during this time. until the beginning of the summer may and we start hanging out. shopping, coffee dates, driving, running errands, planning trips. now we both knew each other thought he was cute. no surprise there but the issue comes when we are both wanting a form of relationship with him regardless if its serious or not, just some form of communication. so I ask her I said lmk if you have feelings for paxton and ill back off. she told me not to worry and that I could do my thing. so im here thinking I have a pass and there's no issue until the next day the topic comes up again and she's asking me to back off. this ofc takes me by surprise and I immediately dont know what to say. I had asked her for her truthful opinion because I didn't want another Jenny situation to happen. Essentially the conversation me and bee had while sitting in my car was. we both aren't sure how we feel on him, we both cherish the friendship more than him, but are both still interested in him. the best conclusion we came up to was. we can both start to get closer to him and THE MINUTE mutely feelings are reciprocated between both parties is when the other has to back off immediately, boundaries will be made!!!!! I told her about the Jenna situation and how if everything was just talked about it could all be different. im glad me n bee had this talk, to go ahead and get it out the way, to chose each other first, to have hard conversations to preserve the love. and how I never wanted another one of my firendships to end bc of a boy. and how I never wanted her to feel or our friendship to feel like we were in competition. because our bond and relationship is so much more special than that. I love that she looks up to me as an older sister and I dont want to ruin it
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insomniawitch · 4 years
#i still remember the day we met… like it was just yesterday#i remember sending a photo of you to my mom because we walked to the park#and i remember you telling me you only smoke short cigarettes because the long ones are too much like sucking dick and i laughed because how#fragile can one’s masculinity really be#and i remember late nights you coming home from work and telling me how it went while having a beer and sharing a smoke and asking if i had#any new poems to share#you always loved my poetry#and maybe it’s so fucked up to say but ive missed you the passed 2 years#the you that was my friend… or that i thought was my friend and he says youre in a better place now and maybe he’s right and maybe you don’t#deserve to be in a better place because you werent really a good person but you were one of my best friends and i just#i cant believe youre really gone… somehow i knew this day would come that he would tell me this is how you went but…#i really didn’t expect this#i really dont know how to feel rn i really dont i#if things had been different… if we’d talked after that night if that night had gone differently would you still be here??#i remember coming home from illinois and talking to you about brandon and you gave me some sound advice and you know what ty i’m gonna go#for it i’m really gonna go for it this time i’m gonna fight for him im so sorry i know i shouldnt be the one apologizing but if things had#maybe its better if i just try to remember you for the good… but will my head be okay with that? i’m not sure what to feel rn#im crying again. i hope wherever you are you know i cherished our friendship so much and im sorry it got that bad for you and i know i can#just hear everyone telling me i shouldnt mourn for you because of what you did but i cant not… i cant not mourn for a friend i had#a friend i’ll never truly get back…
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demadogs · 2 years
Okay so I just read a post about how Mike only really talks about el relating to her superpowers and how their relationship is more like him admiring her and looking up to her and I've always said this. Literally he thinks she's awesome obviously but I think that's it, the reason he's dating her and kissing her is because he's a teenage boy in the 80s, its supposed to be a normal thing to have girlfriends and kiss them so that's what he's doing. Tbh I think the writers are trying to make us see this, & showing us that what byler has is genuine love. He's always been close to will, always cherished the moment they met, loved him for who he is (he doesn't have powers) so they are the perfect example for actual love not just admiration.
i agree. i think originally mike genuinely confused his friendship and protectiveness for el as romantic interest, especially with lucas and nancy asking or implying that he likes her, and he just thought “oh i guess i do like her” because like you said, he did what he thought was normal. i think he still thought that he liked her in that way all throughout season two. it would be easy for him to believe that because he wasnt with el almost the entire time. he only liked the idea of it but we dont see much of him liking her until the end. i also think its interesting that they originally werent gonna kiss at the snowball but millie convinced them they should.
then in season 3 i think he started to get a little confused and the kissing all the time was actually pretty genius writing, as weird as it was. they both were doing what they thought was normal. el, because she was still barely a part of normal society and apart from tv she watched during s2, she never had any exposure to what love is supposed to be like. and mike because he was still in the “i have a girlfriend i have to kiss her” mindset, and not “i have a girlfriend and i want to kiss her but i also love doing anything else with her”.
and now season 4 like you said, theyre really showing what love actually is. just the way mike talks to him during that “i feel like i lost you” scene? thats love baby!! have we ever had a scene with el that showed that much love from mike just through the way he talks and his body language?
if s5 starts with mike and will as an established couple, id love for them to open with a complete contrast to how mlvn opened in s3. instead of just mindlessly making out i want them to just be cuddling on a couch and watching some nerdy movie and talking over it and laughing and giving a kiss on the cheek and just completely enjoying each others company and being happier than ever.
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xlysaaa · 3 years
Ok, so this might become a bit of a long post. After reading the latest Kono oto Tomare! chapter, i just have to get these feelings off my chest. It'll be random & full ramblings.
i put some panels of chapter 105 but also from 99.5 in this post.
-> lot of spoilers, so read at your own risk <-
this wont be a review or something. I just want to ramble and scream.
First of all, Chikas father . . .
I have literally no fucking words for this sorry excuse of a father! seeing this flashback made me wanna puke my fucking guts out on the floor.
how much do you have to sink as a human being to make YOUR VERY OWN CHILD think this?
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What kind of human scum do you have become to tell to YOUR VERY OWN SON " It's hell. Ever since you were born, Its always been hell." ?! What kind of heartless huge shit being do you have to be to treat your very own son like he's the worst, like he isnt worth of human affection or care?!
While Chika was scared & uncomfortable, because he punched someone for the first time to defend himself, instead of talking about it the father looked at him like he was dirt.
When Chika went to the Takaokas that day in Chapter 99.5, he brought back come of the selfmade cake from Tetsukis mum, because he wanted to share it with his father, he thought he could make him happy.
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look at this adorable sweet baby bean? how dare you make him cry. ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽
Imagine a little smiling chika hoping his father would come back early from work to share this delicious cake with him. . . and THEN! imagine the father telling chika in his drunk state all those horrible things, while chika still cares for his father and put a blanket on him to keep him warm. Only for the faher to say ".. I cant bringt myself to love you."
We read in the latest chapter that his mother left with another man, chika cant even remember her face, because he was 2 years old. If its because of the dad, why wouldnt she take chika with her? i dont care whatever her business is, she is as much to blame as this human trash called father. There were so many moments were i had to pause for a bit cause these scenes were too heartbreaking.
Of course Chika would never treasure himself when never once did his father! How should he know how to hold himself dear, when his father never did?
I cant find even the words to describe, what i'm feeling. I feel so sick to my stomach.
I'm so glad that he had his grandpa who cherished him and gave Chika affection. He always encouraged Chika. "Hey, Chika. Dont give up on yourself" & showed him the Koto. He & Tetsuki literally pulled Chika out of the deep darkness & showed him light.
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Look Chika, they're all waiting for you! T____T
- - - - - - -- - - - - - -
When Tetsuki transfered into Chikas class, a boy told him that he shouldnt get involved with chika because he's a loner & he's trouble. He said "Instead you can be friend with us" to which Tetsuki replied "Thanks. But no thanks." IN YO FACE YOU SHITTY BULLY CHILD.
Anyways, after school the boy & his friends planed to isolate Tetsuki & bully him . . welp, these boys forget chika "LAME. You guys are super lame." and off they go :'D thank to these shitty children ⬇️
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a wonderful unbreakable friendship started! They became best friends who were inseparable. /chikas adorable blush q.q sweet baby bean!!!
When Chika had an argument with his father & left the house, he was bullied by middles schoolers & fought. . . it was then when they started to slowly fall apart.. Chika started to avoid Tetsuki & isolated himself again. Even when Tetsuki tried to ask what happened or tried to help him, Chika would only say "Its got nothing to do with you, do dont butt in." Tetsuki blamed himself "If only I had been there the first time Chika had fought. Maybe we could've run. Maybe we could've feigned defeat. Anything so he didnt have to deal with their attention. Any maybe he would still be . . ." He missed his best friend & was worried what would happen to Chika if he keeps going on like this..
Tetsuki was told by the teacher that his mother had an accident & needs surgery. He's waiting anxious in the hospital, hoping for the best, trying to keep the worst case thoughts away . . thats when Chika comes running into the hospital he was worried!
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When Tetsukis dad said to Chika that he heard a lot about him from his wife & thanked him for supporting Tetsuki, he asked about his wounds & if they hurt. . thats when Tetsuki learns the reason, why chika kept his distance from him. He didnt want to involve him or put him in danger. "E-Everything's fine! I'm not hanging out with Tetsuki anymore, nobody's seen us together, nobody knows we're friends or anything. I would never drag him into my problems. Never."
Takaoka-papa is as wonderful as Takaoka-mama, jesus the Takaoka family is a bunch of lovely human beings, help me!!!
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WHY ARE THEY SO DAMN WONDERFUL??/Tetsuki is so happy for chika *ugly sobbing deluxe*
I'm so glad that that he had Tetsuki right beside him, i dont wanna imagine what would have happened to Chika without his support & affection.
For me, they have one of the most wonderful & most strongest bond ever. I love their friendship so much, seriously i could probably write an essay about them & would never be able go stop. 🥺❤❤❤
Chika went through so much already, he fought his way through life, suffered, so NOW! Let him finally become happy!
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Ufff, i didnt mean to make it THIS long.. but there's so much to say about this manga & the relationships chika made or the persons met.ヾ( இ⌓இ)ノ゙
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ppersonna · 3 years
anniversary ff!
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hi everyone! i missed my yearly milestone by a month because i was too busy with life to make note of it. i joined tumblr end of march/early april 2020 when the lockdowns became real and i was struggling with feeling lonely and isolated. i remember MOTS:7 had come out and i didnt feel like i had anyone to talk to about it and decided to hop back on tumblr to meet people who loved bts.
and here we are, one year later and almost 10k of you later. i’m so lucky and blessed to have gotten to know you all and be able to connect with you all. thank you for reading my fics, for your comments, reblogs, DMs, asks, discord messages, etc. you mean the world to me and i love our community here.
i’d like to shout out the people i love to follow and love to see on my dash, but please rest assured this is by no means an exhaustive list. i’d love to follow as many of you as i can and i’m always following more people who i can connect with.
so, without further ado--
(ps thanks to @hongism​ for this sexy sexy banner)
to my solid groups of friends who i talk to every single day-
the tiger wives- @untaemedqueen @xjoonchildx @ladyartemesia - you three have been the OGs since day one. i don’t think i’d still be on tumblr if i didnt have you three in my life. i certainly wouldn’t have half the fics i’ve posted without your insight, support, hype and superior editing and brainstorming skills. i love our friendship and i hope everyone has friends as lovely and dedicated as you all.
my ratties - @hongism @nomseok @ughseoks - truly i would be lost without our chaos. i love talking to you three every day/every hour/every minute of my life. you all have been by my side through so much and i hope i give you back everything you give to me. i am so so lucky to have fallen into this chaotic little group and i love our weird, sometimes too close, sometimes scary friendship. i love youuuuu :lainey:
to my loml- @kimtaehyunq - my sweet mags. you’ve been such a solid friend for me and i am SO blessed to know you. we have our ups and downs and i love that we can always circle back to the true essence of our friendship. thank you for your love, your advice, your support, the laughter and the jokes we have together. i am so thankful for you and love you 3000.
to my niah- @agustdef i truly dont know where i’d be without you. you mean SO much to me and i know we joke about me simping for you 24/7 but its true. you’re so passionate and strong and cool and i love being your friend. you make me laugh even when i feel like shit and you’re always ready to fight me or fight for me. i truly love our friendship and the way we interact. i love you very very much.
to some new friends and cherished friends- @kithtaehyung @papillonsgf @thejooncrew @cremeandsuga @salvejoon @chimoona @sombreboy @carly-bean-blog @imyourhobiii @jinned @minloop @joonsrack @joontopia @introtae @k-hongjoong @gyukult @staywithmoon @ressjeon @lovetrivia @jimidol @r-m @bangtantaegi @taemaknae @seokjinniekim @trustingofwinds @honeyj00ns @hesperantha @wwilloww @hauntedlilies @missgeniality @ttaechwita @propinqxity @underthejoon @lamourche @blueversailledreams @cutechim @jinterlude @kkulmoon @ttttaehyungie @j-sope @astrojoong @ssnakehandss @pjmsdior @luffles424 @rkivemagic 
 i love you all so very much. im so grateful to know you all and talk to you all on whatever basis we do. i hope i didn’t forget anyone but i love love love so many people and often cant keep track LOL. i love you guys. thank you for being with me here on this blog and for the love you consistently show me. 
thank you for a year of joy in an otherwise dreary year. i love you!
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minamotoz · 3 years
your favourite degrassi character
thank you for giving me the opportunity to talk about eli goldsworthy
favorite thing about them: HIS LINE DELIVERY oh my god. literally the reason i got into the show in the first place is because i found his line delivery so amusing. especially in season 10. big respect to munro chambers for making me laugh everytime eli opened his mouth. also the fact that eli invented gay rights.
least favorite thing about them: i would say s13-14!eli but i dont consider anything past season 12 canon so in my mind s13-14!eli isnt real.
favorite line: "tears, clare? didnt expect to see those from such a whore" i know i just said i hate season 14 eli and i dont consider the season canon, but god i will never stop thinking about this line. its so horrendous and out of character that it becomes amazing. whoever wrote that line should simultaneously get fired and be given a raise.
brotp: THE MISFITS TRIO they own my heart and im so sad we barely got to see them post-season 10. fiona and eli are so fun too, mo jake and eli, pretty much any trio involving eli makes me go <3
otp: i love jake and eli, we deserved more scenes of them. i only ship this bc i like shipping opposing ends of a love triangle its funny to me. also no one come for me but imogeli is a guilty please ship of mine. i know theyre horribly toxic but i cant help it. imogen has two hands she can date fiona and eli at the same time!!!!!!
notp: i wanna say eclare bc im petty, but i dont hate them, i just get very very sick of them. its not like they gave him many love interests outside of clare anyways. probably eli x that girl from s12 who gave him hallucinogenic drugs.
random headcanon: i like to think eli would make up stories and post them on r/AITA on burner accounts. or write r/thathappened worthy tumblr posts. he just reads to me as the kind of guy who would write fake stories online lmfao
unpopular opinion: eli was written as a comedic relief character IDC!!!!!!!! hes too funny for me to take seriously i think the only time i ever did take him seriously was when he was dealing w the trauma of finding cams body in s12 and even then he fucking streaked around the school on drugs. he was played as such an over the top character, even when he was getting a bipolar diagnosis and having intense manic episodes munro played him like he was the joker. this isnt /neg i adore this about him but its so funny to me seeing people take him so seriously when hes the funniest character the shows ever had (next to riley stavros of course)
song i associate with them: paisley jacket by dead hand! i cherish the under-utilized sav/bianca/eli/adam friendship so much.
favorite picture of them: the screencap of him before he calls clare a whore i dont have it on me lol
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vynsvision · 3 years
*This became a long post about general headcanons of the NXX boys and their feelings and behaviors on Halloween.*
I wonder what each of the boys would think of Halloween. Luke and Marius would obviously have a blast, Vyn would be more interested in the history than the actual holiday and would be That Guy to be like "well actually the *real* holiday is tomorrow, All Saints Day" (luke: "vyn shut up and have fun!!") and Artem... he could either be super soft and totally down to do something simple w MC in private or would just totally veto it.
Anyway I would personally have the most fun with Luke and we'd drag Marius along too. "Just because you're a CEO doesn't mean you have to refrain from fun. You haven't shut up about wanting to participate. Throw on a mask and it'll be a blast."
Because, really, I think Luke is the only one to have gotten to participate in Halloween. (And/with MC, of course.) He, out of the boys, was probably the one with the most average childhood and therefore had the ability to dress up and go get candy from the neighborhood. Luke and MC's costumes probably match most years- of course, they probably have a Sherlock and Watson costume ready at any time. I think, too, that Luke would totally be down to swap roles and be Watson to MC's Sherlock. (We get it, we know it, hes whipped for them.) Overall, very excited for spooky season.
Marius definitely always wanted to trick-or-treat, but he A) didn't have a lot of peers in his neighborhood and B) wouldn't be allowed because what if someone was sneaking through our neighborhood to snatch him away? Once, when he was young, he got to drive through a neighborhood full of kids his age running around strangers' yards with costumes on and bags or buckets full of candy. He was unusually quiet that evening, even after they left that neighborhood. His parents were probably too busy to notice.
So when he gets an invitation from MC and Luke, he quickly accepts and internally freaks out (/pos) because oh my gosh I finally get to participate in Halloween!
In my scrolling through the ToT tag today, I came across some posts hc'ing that Artem is autistic. I dont 100% agree but then again its an hc and who am I to be a bitch.
That said, Artem definitely is a wildcard- a chill one, of course. He hasn't had any rom or sexual relationships, he clearly prioritized his school over friendships, and I dont think we've seen him be very... shall I say, culturally aware? Of course, he knows about holidays, but since he probably hasn't changed much since childhood- and Halloween is a very community-based tradition, in which he doesnt have much community (friends)- he probably just didn't have the interest in the holiday. Or, in a similar vain to Marius, never got the chance. Or he simply thought it would be embarrassing to admit he wanted to go trick-or-treating to his parents because like. Since When did you want to go and partake in stuff with people and dress up. Its not my-hc-child-Artem's vibe.
If invited, he may go along... to make sure no one gets lost. Like a designated driver. He would probably snap some pictures when the three costumed NXX members aren't paying attention. He also finds MC exceptionally attractive in their costume but he can't and won't admit that.
Vyn, finally, is most familiar with the holiday in the textbook sense. Hes never partaken (partook??), hes from Svart for gosh sakes, they don't have something like this. He would definitely be fascinated by the holiday, considering if you ask someone (like me) why they like the holiday so much, people flounder for an answer or reply "for the vibes", "I like dressing up", or "free candy and the community is out at night! What not to love?". While perhaps logical, these things don't make emotional sense. People just like this holiday. Its not easy to explain why.
He would come along, at first, to observe. Traditions are usually deep-rooted, and he would have all the facts about All Hallow's Eve and All Saints' Day and the Celtic lore and traditions of old. He would share these facts when the conversation of the group got quiet, and nobody would complain.
Everyone is in a good mood on Halloween night, and MC cherishes the good-natured and relaxed conversation and company of four powerful men. MC probably feels safest walking along a dark street with any one of the boys- but all four? Nothing can touch them.
I may edit or write more on this, and I may even write little fics as if MC just asked one of them to go with them. We'll see if there's demand.
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loveijun · 3 years
Can we hear your thoughts on KnT Soulmate? English chapter 7 just got released yesterday.
omg hii 🧞‍♀️ ill probably talk a lot more about it later when i read the new chapter but these are some of my thoughts 💗 1 im so glad kurumi gets her own story because after the whole situation with her and sawako in high school, they had such a weird but delicate balance of friendship and i became curious abt what would happen with kurumi later on but the story moves past it and we have to forget about her sadly... 2 i just think the soulmate chapters are amazing and beautiful and I HAVE TO MENTION that it basically confirmed for me that ms karuho shiina did in fact do the questioning of sexuality type of undertone throughout the manga on purpose.. it didnt start off with the typical kurumi and eiji falling in love but with kurumi and sawako being together + kurumi in this umm head space where she's thinking of sawako from so many different perspectives (romantically 💖‼️, as a rival and a peer to learn from, a monumental figure in her life since sawako basically helped her grow as a person and guided her unknowingly to a much healthier mindset, and a close friend she actually felt comfortable with for the first time since elementary school) and coming to the conclusion they are soulmates regardless of anything else. it's also obviously kurumi's personal redemption story but not as some evil villain becoming good... she was never really evil but just a very misguided teenager who at the time made decisions with consequences. this is her chance to... almost like what happened to ayane when she finally let herself go (not a 1-time complete healing but the beginning of it: she took a step out her shell and stopped devaluing herself for deserving love) and redeemed herself in her own mind - is what im waiting for in this series for kurumi. she's confident and loves herself somewhat but is constantly quesitoning her motives, thinking she didnt deserve to be forgiven, and is full of doubt so she clashes constantly in her mind and ends up numbing her sense of urgency, gentleness, and care when dealing with herself. i really want her to cherish herself as fast as possible but she cant just overcome it on her own (omg that theme keeps coming back - you can't grow [to love yourself] in solitude) and it's lacking for her to just suddenly become better when a guy shows up and at the same time rush a discovery process like that so i really love the bit with sawako in the beginning. alsoo i cannot forget im so happy and proud that sawako matured from her intial earnest but unsettling awkwardness to a hmm not mellowed but a more transparent ease with communication and presenting herself while still retaining her honest character. i love love loveee the fact that shes also a lot more secure with kazehaya and when i saw them joking around with each other i had to pause for a moment bc in the beginning shes such a precious and selfless person and that's great and all but she didn't believe in herself at all.. like when the high school class pulled the dating prank on her the way she handled it is hard to watch and very telling of how she sees herself.. she underestimates gestures of love towards her as mere kindness and at the same time overestimates the effort she needs to put in to repay it while also setting a thick boundary and voluntarily putting herself on a level lower than others. but the way that she's now able to understand favors that ought to be repaid, the difference between that and a gift - defined a thing given willingly to someone without payment, helping others without hurting yourslef, being a healthy amount of selfish and etc ❤️ i cant get enough. she even set up a blind date for kurumi can you imagine how far we've come??? now for when eiji appears i was just observing in the beginnig but i love his personality so much it feels like he was gonna be a classic romance mc just rude and insufferable or a stuffy/overbearing kind of nice but his moments of vulnerability and unpredicatability are GENIUS bc kurumi has never met someone like this before (she gets so flustered and is so cute when shes around him sometimes
i feel like crying aww). oimg and i cant forget how interesting this is just becasue its a college setting and not highschool so its more (i hate reusing words 💢 but mature is the word and theres more oppurtunity for things and various situations i think. 'real' dates and staying over at each other's place... and i want to see them in those^ types of situations so badly but i dont think we'll see much 💔). also their dynamic is everything i love how unique their character is and shes (the author) definitely put a lot of effort into every single one of her characters but i did not expect her to give eiji that much depth (i know hes from one of her other works and i need to read it soon and i want to know what happened before he met her so bad 😭.....) ^like at all. i dont have much more to say but i hope kazehaya shows up and meets them all again bc im want their reactions, and i think kurumi is so adorable and eiji is the hottest guy of the series excluding sanada. the end 💗
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almightyramtha · 3 years
I lost my best friend the other night. My heart was barely in this for a while. I don't think its gonna be in this at all for quite some time.
He was too good, and the world absolutely deserved to have him longer than it did. And it's not just sentimental claptrap. He was honestly one of the nicest people I have ever met. Funny as hell too. Always down to chat and give you his time. He gave too much of himself and not enough to himself. But he was so genuine, honestly the best of humanity all wrapped up in a guy who didn't know when to stop talking. And I dont hate him for that. Even when I was tired and suddenly realized I told him I had to go to bed like 5 hours ago, over and over and over, I cherish and miss every minute. I'm glad he never shut the fuck up because I got to have more time than I ever would have dreamed out of this friendship. I just wish it had lasted even longer.
If what you thought was true, I'll see you again some day. It might be a while but, it'll happen eventually.
Until then, we all love you, Andrew. And I know you knew because you were so open with people you made others be open with you as well. Everyone became a better sap because of you. I'm glad I got to meet you and I will never in my life forget you.
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