#its not a serious semi-hiatus
fluffypandabun · 3 months
HELLO PANDA!! I'm not kidding at all when I say your rottmnt fics have infected my brain in the best way possible,
I literally think your rottmnt tkl fics might be the best ones I've ever read out of all the ones on here I'm SO serious, I ADORE your ones with leo and casey!!
SO. I saw requests were SEMI open, so if you'd like to, I'd love to see another fic with lee or switch casey, and ler leo!!:3 I just LOVE the way you write their dynamic!! The story is all up to you, but I'd love more fics to rot the rest of my brainz/pos 💥
AN: Hiiiiiiii JAMIE!!!!! Thank you sm for your kind words they mean so much and are actually what motivated me to come back when i received this ask during my hiatus! This fic took forever im sorry but I hope you enjoy it!!
Bad Spot
When Casey was younger one of his favorite things was an old tattered copy of a book, half its pages were falling out and parts of it were so water damaged you couldn’t make out the words, but regardless Casey loved it anyways. Always begging one of his uncles or aunt to read it to him, filling in the blanks the missing pages left with his own imagination. 
He’d lost the book when part of their base caught fire, his precious book burnt to a crisp in the flames. Casey had cried for days, selfish of him maybe as others had loss far more in that fire, but he had been a young child with very few things to call his own living in a world that took far more then it gave, he was allowed to be a little selfish. 
Overtime he’d forgotten about the book, things of more importance taking the top spot in his mind, however just a few days ago during one of his surface trips with the turtles, a familiar red book cover caught his eye. 
It was a far cry from his beat up and damaged copy, its cover and pages pristine and untouched like many of the things in the past seemed to be, but as he ran his fingers over the covers it felt as familiar as his own. 
He had bounded up to Raph, the eldest trying to coax Mikey down from the top of a fountain, eyes a glow as he talked faster then the turtle could keep up, eventually getting what the human meant as he glanced down to the book in his hand, a fond bemusement in his eyes as he spoke;
“Oh you want that book? Sure thing little man…But wouldn’t you rather have the first book of the series instead of the third?” 
And with his mouth agape, Casey looked up at the larger turtle like he’d just told him that he’d won the lottery. 
“There's more then ONE!?” 
So that's where Casey found himself now, already through with the first book of the series and nearly half-way through the second. Sitting cross-legged on the couch with the book spread open on his lap, the lair was quiet aside from the muffled sound of metal on metal coming from Donnie's lab and Raphs rumbling snores from where he napped across the lair in his bedroom. 
Casey was thankful for the quiet, don’t get him wrong he enjoyed how lived in the lair could sound at times, but as much as he loved the turtles noisiness sometimes it could be a bit much for someone who grew in a dead silent world where making the wrong sound at the wrong time could lead to your whole squad getting killed. 
So the teen chose to enjoy the silence while it lasted, which of course meant it didn’t last for much longer. 
“Woooow Case, already finished with the first book? And i thought the lair was only big enough for ONE nerd.” 
Casey let out a long sigh, silence now thoroughly shattered he lowered his book back down to his lap and looked over to his right. 
Leo was there, leant against the doorway of the living room part of the lair; eyes half lidded and a lazy grin that spelled mischief splayed across his muzzle. 
“Hello Leo”. 
The turtles grin only got wider at Caseys already “done with your shit” tone. Pushing himself off the couch he casually sauntered over as if he owned the place, which technically, he partially did. 
“So,” he began, making his way over to stand at the back of the couch, arms resting far apart on it as he leant forward towards Caseys personal space.
“Hows the reading going?” 
Casey rolled his eyes, giving Leos face a playful push away “Did you have to pick me to mess with today Leo? Im trying to read.” 
The turtle let out of a scoff, leaning back into Caseys space. “Whaaaaat? Me? Mess with you? Psh!”
The turtle let out a dramatic noise of offense, putting a hand over his chest. The dramatics drew a slight giggle out of Casey, which only seemed the fuel the turtle more.
“IIIIII came out here to spend some time with one of my favorite humans, the other being April of course, but if I’m not wanted then I shall go. Good day sir!” 
The turtle turned on his heel to leave when Casey felt a tug in his chest. 
Leo paused immediately, turning and facing Casey with a bemused expression at his tone of voice, Casey felt his ears go red at his own overreaction and he cleared his throat. 
“Uh well, you can stay you don’t have to leave. I wouldn't mind the company” 
Leo stared at him for a bit before his gaze softened to show he was being serious. “Well of course, who wouldn’t want my company?l”
The turtle sauntered back over and resumed his position leant over the back of the couch so he could read over Caseys shoulder. The human gave him a smile before he turned and went back to his reading. 
For a good moment it was quiet, a peaceful sort of silence between the two of them, Casey thought it was nice. After a moment longer he even began to relax, eyes half lidded and more so lazily skimming the pages then reading in depth like he'd been doing before.
He was close to drifting off when suddenly he felt a gentle breath of air hit the back of his neck, sending a ticklish shock all the way down his spine causing him to hunch his shoulders and squeak.
With a glare he whipped around to look at the accomplice, but Leo just gave him a lazy half grin, head resting on his arms.
"Sorry Case, my bad" He hummed, not sounding sorry at all.
The teen started at him for a second later before he shook his head with a huff, cheeks flushed, and turned back to reading. He figured he'd give the turtle the benefit of the doubt in that it had been just an accident.
This of course was a stupid idea, for not even two seconds later he felt another breath of air on his neck, this time it cause him to giggle lightly.
"Leheo!" He hissed, whipping around to face the laughing turtle.
"Whahaht? Im not even touching you!"
"You know what your doing! Now quit it!"
"Quit what? Quit doing this?" quick as a flash the turtle leaned forward to bury his face in the side of Casey's neck, blowing a quick raspberry and causing Casey to Shriek.
Pulling away the turtle bust into laughter, shaking his head "God Cass you are so funny."
Face now fully red the human scowled, shoulders now hiked all the way up to his ears. "Why do you guys always have to do that" he whined.
Leo just grinned at him, wiggling his fingers "That's what happens when everybody knows your bad spot~" he crooned, cackling when Casey's face went even redder
It was no secret to the rest of the Hamato clan that Casey's neck and ears were deathly ticklish, by far his worst spot; something everyone (especially Leo) loved to tease him about.
It had been just the same back in the future, with his sensei and uncles and aunt all teasing him with raspberries and scribbles under the chin. Leonardo had been the worst about it back then too, so much so that Master Michelangelo had taught him how to get the turtle back and-
Casey couldn't stop the wide grin that spread across his lips, because he had just remembered something very important about Leonardo, and in this case, Leo as well.
Said turtle noticed his change of expression and wiped the mirth from his eyes, cocking his head to the side "Whats got you smiling like that?"
Caseys grin simply widened. "Oh nothing, just remembered something is all."
Leo gave him a weird look. "Remembered what?"
"Oh just.....this!"
With that Casey lunged forward, grabbing onto Leos shoulders and flipping him straight over the couch and into his lap, the two of them wrestled for a moment, laughing, but while Leo had strength Casey had surprise and very key knowledge he had just remembered. So he wasted no time in lunging forward and digging his fingers into the backs of Leos legs.
Immediately the turtle let out a screamed that descended into wild laughter, practically flopping over and thrashing back and forth as he kicked out his leg.
Said teenage human let out a giggle, trapping Leos leg under his knees so he could better poke and prod at the turtles muscled thighs.
"Hehe Yeah Leo?"
Leo practically squealed, drawing more peels of laughter from Casey. His arms flailed about as if unsure of what to do with themselves, Casey having to dodge a few swaps at himself.
"C-CasEY I-Iihihihihim goohohohona g-get you for thihhIHIHIHIIS-"
The turtles threat was caught off when Casey began to scribble his fingers into the hollows of the back of his knees, head thrown back and mouth opened in a wide genuine smile Leo howled with laughter.
His body shook with the force of it, his shoulders jumping as he hiccuped and at one point even snorted, which caused Casey to laugh himself at the silly noise.
"Man Leo, must suck having someone know about your weak spot huh~" Casey teased, squeezing gently at the turtles kneecaps.
"C-Cass Pleashehehese!" Leo hiccuped in between his squeaks and squeals of laughter, giggling to himself the teen finally decided to show mercy.
"Okay Okay Ill stop." He chuckled, pulling his hands away and sliding off the couch. He sat on his knees and watched the turtle flop over onto his back on the couch, arm thrown over his face like a fainted Victorian women as he groaned.
He sluggishly turned his head to face Casey and, with weak movements like he was dying, flipped him off.
It caught the human so off guard that he burst into laughter, prompting Leo to glare at him with a smirk barely tugging at his lips.
"Y-You think that's funny? Oh ill show you funny-Come here!"
Before Casey could even begin an apology Leo had lunged forward and grabbed him, immediately burying his face into Casey's neck and blowing a massive raspberry.
Casey screeched before he burst into loud happy laughter, hair getting even messier by the second as he shook his head back and forth to try and get away from the ticklish feeling.
The turtle said nothing, simply lowering his hands down to Casey's sides and rapidly squeezing up and down.
Ah, so Leo was trying to kill him.
"L-LeheheOHOHOHO! Im Im sorheheheheHEHEHEEEEEE!"
"Tell it to the judge Mister!" Leo grinned, pulling away to blow a quick playful raspberry against Caseys' cheek.
"Sorry, I cant hear you over how loud your laughing~"
Casey ended up not get much reading done, his book laying abandoned on the floor, but that was okay. He have plenty of time to read in the future.
Plenty of time.
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bubblesandgutz · 5 months
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Every Record I Own Day 825 & 826: Nomeansno Tour EPs 1 + 2
Thanks for bearing with me as I've rambled on and on about my favorite semi-obscure Canadian punk band's extensive catalog. Today we come to the end of the road with their final two releases---a pair of EPs sold exclusively on the band's tours in 2011.
According to Jason Lamb's book Nomeansno: From Obscurity to Oblivion, the band had decided that the album was a dead format after the release of their 2007 album All Roads Lead to Ausfahrt. Their new plan was to only release EPs, as the shorter run time was easier for fans to digest in an age of decreased attention spans and unlimited access to free music. Lamb also talks about how bassist / principle songwriter Rob Wright was beginning to feel like rock music had run its course, and the new frontier was electronic music. That waning enthusiasm, undoubtedly abetted by the band's age and relentless tour schedule over the prior three decades, was a harbinger of the band's imminent hiatus and eventual break-up in 2016.
I snagged these EPs at what would wind up being Nomeansno's final Seattle show. I recall listening to them a few times in the following days and thinking "yup, sounds like Nomeansno," but I never really developed the affinity for them that I had with their other records. I didn't know at the time that these would be the last Nomeansno recordings, nor did I know that Ausfahrt would be the final album.
It's interesting revisiting these final recordings years later. Ausfahrt leans heavily into the sardonic / irreverent side of their personality. There are some frivolous moments that seem to mock pop music through parody. And while I still enjoy that record, that satirical approach diminishes the gravity and weight of their sound compared to their other albums. These two EPs, on the other hand, seem to revert back to the more serious, heavy, and existential elements to their sound.
While these EPs initially came across as specialty items for the super-fans, they now seem like the more fitting farewell for Nomeansno. Lamb's book also mentions that Rob Wright's current interest in preserving the band's music and legacy is pretty much non-existent. Without the band being an active creative unit and live entity, the old records are essentially irrelevant. This likely explains why the Nomeansno catalog is mostly out of print and unavailable on streaming services.
While I appreciate Rob Wright's refusal to look backwards or bask in nostalgia, it's hard for me as an artist to understand why a musician would dedicate so much time, energy, and passion into a pursuit that they were so willing to abandon and let fade into the background later in life. I've seen a lot of clips of interviews with Steve Albini since his passing last week and one thing particular snippet that stood out was hearing Albini talk about how his job as an engineer was to make a document of an artist's work that would ultimately out-live the artist. Given the impact and importance of Nomeansno's work in my life, I wish Wright shared a bit more of Albini's philosophy and allowed both new and old fans to access their work.
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blue-rphub · 2 years
TEMPORARY HIATUS NOTICE (21st December - 26th December)
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... YEAH! YOU SEE THE TITLE! I’m going to be on semi-hiatus for the time period mentioned above!
It’s nothing serious-- I’m going away for a few days with some lovely friends of mine, plus I’m going to be away for Christmas Eve & Christmas Day as I’ll be with my family.
So, my access to RP Tumblr is gonna be limited, super on and off, you know the drill.
Self-explanatory! All of my owed threads will be in my reply queue on my most active blogs. If I do get a chance to check in here, any threads that I do reply to will just be queued. Same goes for asks, any dash games I decide to do, starters, whatever else, yadda yadda yadda. I’ll also stick a few ask prompts in my queues, so don’t be shy if we’ve never interacted-- I’ll respond when I can!
I’ll also still be available to send asks whenever I check in-- which will most likely be done for any muns & muses that are choosing to celebrate the holidays this year!
This post will also be reblogged to my most active blogs before I disappear off gallivanting for a few days. For those who’re unsure which exactly they are, those blogs are as follows:
Additionally, any blogs that are currently WIPs, their stuff will continue to be worked on when I return, and those are:
Even though they’re currently WIPs, they’re still technically open to interaction, but stuff won’t be queued on either of those blogs, as a heads up!
... Plus, some other helpful links here, too!:
jolteon-rph; my RPH blog! I post ask prompts here, blank dash games, so on & so forth. Its just an archive for RP related stuff.
My interest checker! I’ll be checking up on this every now & again. Don’t be shy-- fill it out!
As this post will be reblogged a good handful of times, you’re almost definitely gonna get annoyed about seeing it if you follow multiple of my blogs-- ...hey, that’s okay, I get it!-- so, if you don’t want to see this hiatus notice again, here’s the tag for you to blacklist:
hiatus notice
Just written like that in plain text!
As always, my Discord is always available, my IMs are always open-- and if you’re unsure, my main bluedrawin is still gonna be relatively active over this period. If you’ve any questions you’d like me to get to ASAP, or just want to chat, or anything, those are the ways to go!
Thanks for reading, y’all! Happy Holidays, and I’ll see everyone... on the other side when I come back. <3
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Eurovision 2005 - Number 7 - Vanilla Ninja - "Cool Vibes"
Switzerland is in its mercenary era. Ditch the national final and pick the bands and singers that maybe should have won a different country's national final in a previous year. Vanilla Ninja won the televote in Eurolaul 2003 - but that didn't count in a 100% jury voted final. SRG SSR go zoink! It helped that in the two years between their Eurolaul appearance and representing Switzerland at Eurovision that they had become a huge band across Central Europe.
There were some complaints. Not just in Estonia, but also in Switzerland. The broadcaster countered that the song was co-written by Swiss born song-writer David Brandes (alongside Jane Tempest). Except that he spent most of his life in Germany, had written the German entry to this year's Eurovision and was embroiled in a controversy entirely of his own making. That scandal was serious enough for Vanilla Ninja to distance themselves from him, as all of the songs he wrote and produced (including this one) had been banned from the German charts.
Then bassist and original lead singer, Maarja Kivi left the band after becoming pregnant, and her replacement, Triinu Kivilaan was only fifteen years old. That cause some consternation too, especially as she'd lied and claimed she was seventeen. Fortunately, her sixteenth birthday was before Eurovision and thus all rules were satisfactorily obeyed in the eyes of the EBU.
Cool Vibes is a very Vanilla Ninja song. Rocky, spiky even if it starts out orchestrally with strings and a vocal that could have mutated into a ballad. After that first chorus though all the guitars are unleashed. It's full blast Marshall amplified fuzz. A full four of the six allowed people on stage are pretending to play guitars. The strings haven't entirely disappeared and do re-emerge for the bridge.
It's a song about living on the edge. The edge between reality and fantasy. About wanting the thrill of danger and pushing away the reality of it. The guitars say that the thrill will probably win, but who's to say exactly what the outcome's going to be? This role-playing lyrical suggestiveness was written by long time Ralph Siegel lyricist John O'Flynn/Bernd Meinunger/Gunter Johansen who has written eighteen Eurovision entries starting with the one about that other dangerous man, Dschinghis Khan.
The whole thing was Eurovision catnip of the highest order. Vanilla Ninja qualified safely from the semi-final, although only in eighth place. For a time in the final they sat at the top of the scoreboard, only relinquishing that position just before the halfway mark. They ended up in eighth place, which was Switzerland's best result since 1993 and Annie Cotton
For Vanilla Ninja, Eurovision 2005 was at the high watermark of their fame. Triinu left the band as quickly as she'd arrived later in the year. The others continued as a three piece. As they'd ditched their manager and producer, their label also ditched them and they had a period of antagonism with their promoters. They did find a new team and continued. Their Central European connection suffered, but they remained hugely popular in Estonia entering Eurolaul again in 2007. They have toured Asia, won the Silver Seagull at the Viña del Mar Festival in Chile, but after 2008 they went on an extended musical hiatus.
Recently, in 2021, the band have reformed including Triinu and released more music.
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reflections n stuff
Post about me trying to explain some of the projects I got going on. Hopefully, it makes sense lol.
I guess to start, most of my writing and projects are…comedic? I just want to embody tomfoolery. Some of the projects I was creating with my coauthor, I've mentioned them before. (LOL if you saw my rant that one time), (and it wasn't just once my ass can not stop mentioning it) (yes I'm mad). They basically stopped contributing so ALL the projects were put on hiatus. Yeah :/ but I refuse to let all those years of hard work sit inside a Google doc never to see the light of day again. So here we go. 
TSO22 (Completed)
Hiii its me and my story. Titled semi-censored bcuz i uploaded it to YouTube and you can literally search it up and I'm not ready for that yet.
Anyways My second short film!!!! With real actors and a production team so exciting!! It's about a witch who seeks revenge on some children who wronged her! She casts a spell on a toy plushie and makes it come to life. She sends the toy to kill Fuzzy Lilypill, Large Plumjum, and Final Baddie (judging by their names you can tell this is extra goofy). Honestly one of the best things I've ever done, it was so much fun. Even though the film is hella cringe (kind of the point) it makes me laugh…like a lot and that's all that matters.
I need to tell everyone about the top-tier advertising like the way everyone pitched in to help was wild. We had lil signs and business cards and everything! The advertising was how I was able to book the actor who played Final Baddie!!
And ugh the bloopers in this film are so silly they were a lot of them bcuz nobody here has ever starred in a film before and it was a little awkward at first. But once everyone understood that this was just for fun and not really that serious we got some good content.
(Now I also need to do some complaining like I literally had to get down on my hands and knees and beg people to join. It was not fun. Why doesn't anyone want to create things anymore so sad) 
The Internship (Partial)
Yes yes yes all me. This was a script that I had written for another short film! It's self-explanatory.
The Killer finds out that the internship they applied for was given to one of their classmates! This can not be! Filled with rage the killer kills that bitch and the victim's friend group because of jealousy and whatnot. Since the first pick is…well dead, the killer gets a callback and now the internship is theirs! Wow what a happy ending. I’m actually living for this script :)
I did multiple rewrites and created some google form sign-up sheets for people to join the project.
created a storyboard of the film (will search for it later).
And I started creating a custom score for it as well.
Unfortunately, no one wanted to join :( so it never came to life. That being said, once I find an animation app and learn how to animate, it's over for you hoes. And I guess this goes for all my future films lmao. (unless I actually find people to star in them praying I do tbh). 
Beastly Bordello (wip)
This was a project we (me and my coauthor) started in middle school. It went through lots of rewrites like Jesus Christ. The first pass was garbage. I was crying when I reread it omg.
Anyways. How do I say this with the least amount of spoilers? There are 3 “books”, The first book draft is “complete”, we have the whole thing outlined, the first 2 chapters ready, and just need to fill out the meat of the texts a bit more.
This part of the story follows the human characters. We have the main character Debbie Smith, she is basically a bum loser 😷 and everyone hates her (it’s giving depressed!abused!timid! reader). We have Meredith Castaño who is like her cool best friend 😎 (I've drawn her with Dina. A side character who may or may not be her boo). And then we have Becky Maurice, Hanna Peters, and Lisa Blake (We call them BHL) . They are like the mean girl trio 🤬. Book 1 is meant to be a typical 2000s high school movie. Dare I say a “coming of age story” smh.
Becky is out for revenge and will stop at nothing to make Debbie's life a living hell (we are just bullying Debbie for 200+ pages).
On top of that, we discover that Debbie's homelife is not so good 😞 with her abusive parents 😭 and terminally sick sister, how will Debbie move on to the next phase of her life as she approaches high school graduation and adulthood 😱?
Omg the girls are camping! How fun! (totally not a slasher movie waiting to happen and 100% does not have a musical mid-way through).
People are dying 🪦!! Kids are going missing!?!?! Does this have anything to do with Debbie’s mysterious nightmares 🧠!? She's always had them, as she’s gotten older they’ve become more frequent, almost every day, and she even starts seeing 👀and hearing 👂 things while she's awake?
That's so scary. Oh nooooo she knows doom approaches and she is powerless to stop it :( silly silly complicit Debbie.
Like damn her life couldn't get any worse…and then BAM bitch it does!!! OMG supernatural 👹tingz and bloods🩸and crips 🔵 murder 🔪and oh shoot people are being kidnapped. Yikes.
This is book 1, Book 2 and 3 are not written yet (and honestly might not be written as I do not have my coauthor helping and it is a very ambitious project). As I said, we do have supernatural characters. The creatures. I'm pretty sure you've seen Octavia at least once? Maybe. We have our big baddies like The Lord, The Madam, The Master, The Empress, The Doctor, The Scientist, etc. Then we have our “good” creatures? They are just mf who were also kidnapped, like Alexa, Alexis, Mackenzie, Amelia etc. damn that's a lot of names that start with A.
This is reaching the spoiler zone so not sure if I should go farther. Anyway they work together to try and escape and find out where they are, why they were kidnapped and try to get home etc etc. More death and murder, staples in my work :P
This project has the most progress on it, if you go into the Beastly Bordello tag you can find some of the character designs. Not all tho because a lot of them…were meant to be drawn by the coauthor and I never got themmmmmmmm 🙄🙄.
I like really REALLY wanna continue this but gotdamn it's a lot of work and I get so discouraged easily <- lying my ass was carrying this book by myself for like 3 years.
If anything I'll design the rest of the creatures by myself. That's all I see myself doing, for now, oof. 
Beastly Bordello: The Musical (Completed)
I had to make a jukebox musical thing and I chose the wonderful Emilie Autumn. The script is short, just around 36 pages and it’s like a transition between book 2 and book 3.
It follows The Madam and she is processing the new shipment of humans she just got in.
Which would be our lovely main characters (Debbie, Meredith, BHL, etc) and we are given a little tour of the brothel (is not actually a brothel we just call it that, think of it more as a farm, a meat farm).
We meet the other characters like The Master and those lil goat mfs (main characters in the original original beastly bordello). We also get a brief introduction to our main creatures (monsters) like Mackenzie, Jia, Isla, Amelia etc (you’ve seen them before).
They then get tagged by The Doctor and The Scientist (I love those gay niggas)
And then everyone gets split up and Debbie finally meets Octavia.
What do people say? OOC? I think that means out of character? Because we have to make everything fit the song, so they just be saying stuff at one point. But shhhhhhhhhhh it's okay.
Anyway, It's just more foolishness and camp and because it's a musical it gets stupid. But I love it either way. That's what I aim for yessir, like wow something beastly bordello related that I actually completed. Wild. 
Adventure to Find Jelly (wip)
 Hiii another middle school project, I was working on this with my coauthor. Okok let's see how do i explain this with no spoilers. This is apart of our “sentient object” universe.
It takes place in an apartment and the family has gone away to visit relatives so now every object can come to life and do what they want.
The story follows Peanut Butter (PB) 🥜, a quiet and kind jar of peanut butter who is tired 🥱 of living the simple life. And decides to sneak out of the cabinet to go to the club (inside a closet) and that day he meets Jelly🪼(she a jar of jelly but they ain’t have the right emojis)
She is the new girl in town (the family got her from the grocery store before they left). They instantly fall in love😍 and Omg this would be like his first girlfriend, PB finally got bitches 😤.
They spend a lot of time doing couple stuff 😘 bcuz PB never got to do any of that before. Jelly is very sweet and loving 🧐 but…something is off about her…just a little 😨.
PB doesn't seem to notice nor care. But his cooler 🍆 asshole brother (who is super overprotective) tells him not to trust Jelly and leave her🙅🏿.
PB’s parents are angry 😡 and disgusted 🤮 that PB would disobey them and go to the club🕺🏿. And spend a lot of his time outside the cabinet instead of staying at home and being a good son 🤓.
PB is tired of people thinking he aint that guy 🥲 and he decided to run away 🏃🏿 to live a life with jelly.
But in a twist of events 👃, when PB arrives at Jelly’s cabinet he discovers it trashed 🗑️💢!!! And jelly is missing 😱😱😱😱😱!!
He tries to tell the police 🚔but they don't believe him, they’ve never heard of anyone called jelly 🪼 before.
PB is confused but figures out he has to do this on his own 🦸🏿‼️, he has to go on an adventure to find jelly.
It's very cheesy but like my other stories it involved murder and drama. So it's not uneventful . Hmmm we outlined 10 chapters. And started outlining the sequel book. But we never actually started writing any of it.
I’m pretty sure some of you have seen jelly before. And possibly PB because I was just given his design a couple days ago. I'm definitely going to continue making art of them, and hopefully, we’ll get Sunbutter soon. But I'm not sure about writing out the rest of the story. It's a lil problematic.
Being A Fruit (wip)
Middle school project strikes again and yes you guessed it my coauthor was involved as well. Another story taking place in our “Sentient Object” universe.
From the title you can tell this series was going to involve all the fruit characters. Bananas, strawberries, apples, etc and I think I designed a good portion of the characters too. But y'all when I say drama. I mean DRAMA. Like “how to get away with murder” type drama. This story is batshit. And it's 10x more stupid because it involves lil fruits.
I'm going to quote this for you: our strawberry character Rosette is traumatized because she “watched entire family get chopped into a fruit salad”. And then we have our villain who “loves to abduct baby fruits”.
Besides character bg we don't have any chapters drafted. But to be fair we were going to make this into a mock podcast. Like the character fruits were going to call in and tell their stories, and the radio host would have to piece together what happened. And if someone stopped calling in then they got killed oop.
Because this is like a one-off, if anything has a chance to make a comeback it's this one. Idk if anyone would want this tho besides me. Because I will go crazy in the google doc and write this myself. This story is wild. 
When Two Erasers Touch
Damn did I peak at middle school? Another coauthor and me classic. This was I think the first book in our “Sentient Object” universe.
It is about lesbian erasers. Our first love story! They find each other bcuz their humans bring them to school and they chill inside a desk or something. I think we only wrote 2 chapters for this. We love a trendsetter though.
I don't think our two erasers Jika and Marei will make a comeback. But omg I am just rereading the chapters and is soo melodramatic!!! These lil erasers are going through it. Ok, I won't make any promises but…maybe we might do like a throwback chapter. Just once. Maybe. I'm not really a fan of Romance but It's so dramatic I can't even describe it. 
The Hecatomb Trilogy (wip)
Finally! Something recent and does not involve my coauthor. This is one of the stories that came to me in a dream. It's hard to recall because my dumb ass didn't type or write down all the information.
I drafted the introduction and the dialogue 10/10. It's a horror movie (I say movie but it's a book bcuz everything is a movie to me). Slasher movie, of course, just a lot of carnage and ridiculous stuff. I don't have much but I have a note on the side of the google doc, that says “3 survivors bond throughout the story, connecting over their trauma and become a polycule.”
So… I have priorities lol. The first movie takes place in the neighborhood and just follows everyday people, dying you know. The second movie is meant to take place in a hospital following the survivors. And the third and final film is meant to reveal who the killer is and their backstory.
From what I have written it just says the killer is dressed in all-black leather and is super strong ;P Damn now I kinda wanna pick this back up again and put some thought into it. I see the potential ngl. We'll see. Who knows. 
Adherence (wip)
All me this time. Another story that came to me in a dream. And I think everyone needs to write a gay vampire story once in their life. This one is mine. I guess it classifies as a slice of life? It's just a cute lil story about the “last” vampire adjusting to the modern world and falling in love with his would-be victim.
They do things like go to the corner store <3 and get robbed afterwards LMAOOO. The MC has to chase a naked vampire around the apartment bcuz that nigga is scared of the shower at his big age... The Vamp fucking loves modern tech and is thoroughly entertained by it. His favourite is those little toy bears that you find at like CVS and u press a button and they start dancing. The vamp meets his neighbor and she does his nails.
Just a lot of shenanigans and also of course killing. I know I keep talking about the dialogue but my god it's working my pussy out.
Damn…is this my humor? Idk why I'm surprised. Hmmmm I would want to complete some of my other projects before I start working on this. But who knows. 
(SU pearl and pink diamond fanfic) wip
I don't wanna claim this. I wrote a pearl and pink diamond fanfic on wattpad back in the day. And I actually got one of my SU friends to read it. It was great. I don't remember the name tho but I wrote like 8 chapters of it and I'm proud I made it that far. Scared to actually read my old writing so I will not be searching for it. Just know it is out there. 
And so soooo much more that I don't feel like listing atm. anyways sorry for typos i am not editing this i'm tired.
Ask questions if you want to, uhhhhh you wanna make something? I'll be happy to help, yeye byee
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queenxfjustice · 6 years
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@karitorumono replied to your post: yall are gonna get so sick of my semi-hiatus...
[Do whatever you need to, sweet daughter]
I’m literally going down to the states to fuck my ex-boyfriend for a week
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imposterogers · 2 years
hi! i’m jo. i’ve been on semi hiatus for a while, so maybe some of u are not aware of my brand / who I am as a blogger. i’ve been on this account since 2014, and from shit posting & shit talking i’ve gained a modest following. somewhere along the way i’ve realized I will never make you all happy. i’ve tried!! but its close to impossible. I am always trying to learn and grow as a person, and if I ever misstep in a serious way I want you to feel comfortable enough to call me out. but when it comes down this is MY blog. I won’t always tag appropriately. I won’t always get to my asks (tho I’ll do my best). i’ll post and then immediately delete. my style of blogging is not for everyone and I get that, but also be understanding that if you have a suggestion about how I should run it…….no you don’t <3
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Hello there!I really love your blog!Can i request Connor,Haytham and Desmond reacting on their S/O being killed by their enemy, please?:³
29/01/2022: Anon, I apologise in advance for breaking your heart. (What? No, I'm not procrastinating on my work, what are you talking about? /j)
Reminder that requests are closed until the summer! I'm just trying to empty my inbox before any new requests come in, so please don't send any until my blog description says that they're open! Thank you all for your continued support and for sticking around during my semi-hiatus (despite the fact that I am most definitely procrastinating from my work -- don't do what I do, kids) <333
So Desmond’s is similar to THIS post because I just can’t see him reacting in any other way lmao and i honestly didn’t realise I made them basically identical at the beginning.
And like, if you wanna request more angst 👉👈🥺… haha jk… 😅unless…🥺😏 /hj
Warnings: Character death, angst, super sad times, blood mention, serious injuries, canon typical violence, etc, slightly unedited
How Haytham, Connor, and Desmond React to Their S/O Being Killed by Their Enemy
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A defected Templar thought it would be a good idea to use the Grandmaster’s partner as leverage.
A mistake that cost him deeply.
Yet, he succeeded.
The situation was chaotic, unstable. Haytham lost control of the room as soon as he opened his mouth.
The emotions, the anger… any semblance of calm negotiation was thrown off the table when he saw you.
“A quick death, or a slow one?” The traitor indicated each choice by pointing a knife to your throat or your stomach.
“I’m warning you.” His voice rumbled in restrained rage.
He almost had you. He almost saved you.
The door of the building burst open; they were here to help.
Haytham shared one look with the one balancing your life in his hands.
And with one sharp movement, chose your death for him.
Haytham’s pistol went off.
He missed. Leaving him to be pursued by the others, he ran to your side.
“Y/n.” Words left him in a whisper.
“Oh, my darling…” Haytham brushed hair out of your eyes, cupping your face.
Looking between your pained expression and its source, he heaved out an anxious breath.
“We’re going to get you help, alright? A doctor is on his way.”
“Haytham, it hurts…”
“I know. I know it does. I cannot tell you how sorry I am.”
“You did all you could. I’m glad I could spend… my last moments… with you.”
“But the opera tomorrow… You mustn’t miss that.”
“I’ll still be there,” you smiled, tears in your eyes.
“I love you, Kenway.”
“And I love you.”
He pressed his lips to your nose softly, your last breath kissing his skin.
Tears rolled down your cheeks, but they were not yours.
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“Connor?! Connor, move!”
He turned around as you jumped in front of him, a gunshot ringing out.
You couldn’t move the brick house, so you parked yourself in front of it.
He didn’t know what had happened for a moment when you grasped his shoulders.
But he took in the shock on your face, the distant glint of a rifle on a rooftop…
As you collapsed against his chest, he dropped his tomahawk, pulled out his pistol and fired a true shot. The man fell from the rooftop.
Connor held you against him and sank to his knees.
“Are you hurt?” you breathed.
“No, I’m… I’m okay -- you’re bleeding. Why…”
He kept pressure on the wound, grasping you tightly. “I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s okay. It’s okay.”
You couldn’t help but smile at the way the sun rays caught in his hair. “What do I do?”
“Stay with me.”
He broke, then. One of the rare moments tears fell from his cheeks.
He taught you to say that. Oh, the name never sounded so bittersweet.
“I’ll be watching over you.”
“Don’t say that. Don’t… I have no one else.”
“I won’t leave you. Not really.”
Inches away from his jaw, you strained to press your lips to his skin.
Soft and gentle, like your soul.
He focused on the aftershocks on his skin, terrified that the feeling will be lost with you.
Your body grew heavy as he sensed the moment you had moved on.
He pulled you impossibly closer.
“Konorónhkwa, Y/n/n.”
His body was silent, but his grief was loud.
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Disaster struck in two seconds.
Anything other than perfection means death.
For you, that meant the wound in your side could have been prevented if you had taken cover sooner.
“Y/n, look out!”
Why did you have to think about it?
“Uh, Des?”
“Oh, shit!”
The ground cooled your flushed skin.
“Y/n, Y/n, hey, hey, hey…” Desmond slid to you and cradled your face in his hands, caressing your cheeks with his thumbs. “You’re gonna be okay, you hear me? You’re gonna be fine.” His words were tumbling out of his mouth at such a speed, you almost couldn’t comprehend them.
He carefully maneuvered you into his arms. “I need some help over here!” He pressed his hand against the bloodstain of your shirt.
You regarded his face; the agony was easy to read, and your heart couldn’t help but constrict painfully in your chest.
“I’m fine… I‘m sorry.” You tried to get up.
“No, no! Don’t move. I don’t want it to get worse.” Desmond held onto you tighter. “Shaun! Rebecca!”
“We have a bit of a situation, Desmond!” Shaun’s voice was distant.
“Oh, I’m sorry, you have a situation?!”
Your head leaned a bit too heavily into his shoulder.
“No, no, no, Y/n, hold on. Please.” He pushed harder against the wound.
“Holy fuck.” Rebecca came into view, fresh from the conflict moments before. “Y/n, can you hear me?”
“It’s all gonna be okay. We just gotta stop the bleeding. Desmond, move your hand.”
He swallowed before speaking, sickened at how almost all his skin was stained crimson. “Okay, okay, okay.”
Rebecca was ready with a first aid kit she found in the corner; pros of getting shot in an office.
She swiftly replaced Desmond’s hand with gauze. He pressed down over it again. “You’re gonna be okay, now, Y/n/n. You’re gonna be…” his voice cracked, a lump sinking into his throat. His tears have been silent up to now.
Rebecca glanced at the blood surrounding them. It was pooling, soaking their jeans. “Shaun, get the fuck over here!”
It took a second longer for Shaun to get into view, a hard drive in his hand. “Sorry for the wait, the killing and the downloading took-- Oh, Christ!” He sank beside Rebecca, feeling your forehead.
“Why didn’t anyone tell me?!”
Desmond sent him a glare before focusing back on you.
“I’m calling an ambulance.”
Rebecca was quick to follow Shaun, a protest at her lips. “That’s a fucking stupid idea! You know why we can’t do that…”
It didn’t matter. Desmond knew they had run out of time.
“Hey, Y/n? Have I ever told you how much I love you?”
Nothing was wrong, everything was fine.
In your half-conscious state, you cracked a smile. “You… You tell me all the time.”
“Yeah? Well, I love you more than anything. It’s true, I do.”
“I love you more…”
He released a stressed sigh, a sorrowful upturn on his lips as he shook his head. “That’s impossible.”
You slowly raised your hand to his cheek. “You’ll be okay, Des… without me.”
“Hey, no, no, don’t you ever say that. We’ll get you out of here, and then we’ll go grab a beer or something.”
Wiping the tears from his cheek, your eyes locked with his. “No time.”
“Oh shit. Desmond, we gotta go!”
The light of sirens painted across his face. “C’mon, let’s get out of here.” He began to shift you into his arms so he could carry you. “Just let me adjust for a sec…”
“Des, Des, stop.” You grabbed the front of his hoodie, halting his frantic movements. “Go.”
“We are!”
“Let me go, Desmond.”
He froze for a moment. “Nope. No, nonono, no way. You’re not pulling that shit with me.”
“I don’t want to die… knowing that you were spending the rest of your life in jail.”
“Please, please, Y/n, I can’t leave you.”
“You have to. Live for me.”
Your hand slowly released its grip, falling to your stomach.
“No, no, hey!” He lowered you to the floor, leaning over you. He cradled your vacant face with both hands. “Don’t do this. Don’t you dare leave me.”
His forehead touched yours, gentle but firm. “Please.”
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@marshmallow--3 // @yourlocalfrenchie // @rahdaleigh // @sofia-t-g /// @iceboundstar // @mythandmagik // @itseivwhore // @pink-polarfox // @missbenzayb // @alleycatbookstore // @timbreavery // @dacian-assassin // @thepalaceofmelanie // @asilverraven // @danzalladaggers // @eclectic--assassin // @thehistorynut19 // @ta-ka-shi-ma // @roki3chocoa // @fandomsfanman // @le-nottibianche // @bandit-brunsmeier // @starmoji1 // @spocktheestallion // @salty-thembo // @missingfrye // @xdeimos // @connorsleftbicep // @timeless-tende
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expo63 · 3 years
24+ Maurice fanfic recs for the festive season: a belated advent calendar
Just over a month ago, I received a lovely Ask from @lavenderandheatherfield who’d fallen down the Maurice rabbit-hole and was seeking some fanfic recs. Apologies for my chronic slowness (i.e. semi-hiatus) but, I hope, good things may come to those who wait (if you haven’t read every single fic already by now!)
First, a shoutout for my old Maurice Ficlist (fic-finder) project: it’s not up to date but has its uses: https://mauriceficlist.dreamwidth.org/
The Maurice fics I recommend below are favourites for all sorts of different reasons, and this is not a rigorously ranked list. The list includes short and multi-chapter fics and occasional crossovers, serious Maurice fics, humour and outright crackiness, gen and not. As you might expect from me, there’s a preponderance of Maurice/Alec – but also some of the (IMO) very best Clive fics, occasional Maurice/Clive, some selected very good fics focused on the women of Maurice (Anne, Kitty) – there are more on AO3 – and one Risley (and Risley-esque) tour-de-force.
I’ve purposely picked older Maurice fics, and some beautiful fics not on AO3, on the principle that these won’t be on everyone’s radar. The current/recent Maurice writers active on AO3, whose work I also love, are also very worth reading, but feature only indicatively/tokenistically in this list as I’ve assumed readers are already finding them. Last, I’ve taken the liberty of reccing two of my favourites among my own fics ... not the most ‘obvious’, most-kudos’d ones. Anyway ... enjoy, and festive hope, cheer and health to you all. xx
1) Aurora Mundi by stuffwelike (Yuletide 2010)
After WW1, Clive & Anne travel to Florence & encounter some figures from the past. Healing, affirmative story.
2) Feels Like Snow by sandpipersummer (2009)
Maurice/Alec spend Christmas Day together in their modest cottage, some years after WW1. Beautiful, raw Christmas fic.
3) Bincombe Tunnel by sandpipersummer (2009) [requires AO3 sign-in]
An absolute favourite. (Not sure why the author has locked this; if you prefer it not to be recced, please get in touch.) Alec’s turbulent thoughts and feelings as he travels home after the hotel...
4) Happy Ending by devo79 (2012 on AO3) (earlier on dreamwidth)
Multi-chapter. For those seeking a Maurice/Alec WW1 fic, carefully researched, with very different twists and outcomes from a certain $27 book published this year.
5) Kitty by angie_silvie (2009)
There are a few fics on AO3 centred on Maurice’s sister Kitty Hall, but this predates them and is very good. Inspired by Forster’s abandoned 1914 Epilogue to Maurice.
6) Someone to Last Your Whole Life by chippy8833 (2013)
One for everyone who’s read Forster’s posthumous short story ‘Arthur Snatchfold’ and everyone who hasnt. Maurice and Alec’s first time, reimagined.
7) Someone Else’s Now by aldiara (2013)
A guilty pleasure. One for fans of class-war Alec and uppity Maurice being, ahem, put in his place. Tagged #rough sex #angry sex but consensual.
8) Somebody With Whom to Dance by Ea (eacalendula) (2010)
Post-canon, bittersweet. Clive & Anne on UK holiday in the 1920s. A furtive encounter opens tentative possibilities for Clive.
9) Unless We Remember by MissRizu (2013)
One of a couple of worthwhile multi-chapter Maurice/Alec fics that are solely on ff.net (the other is Bianca Pearl’s The Town Experiment). Some years post-canon, Alec is collared by Clive Durham in the street near the tenement he shares with Maurice.
10) A Most Unpromising Youth by etal (2019)
Inspired, hilarious, cracky, hot, just brilliant. Alec Scudder/Freddy Honeychurch, briefly. etal captures Freddy’s voice to perfection.
11) Jeeves and the Angels Unaware by toodlepipsigner (2010)
Another guilty pleasure. 10-chapter Jeeves & Wooster crossover with Maurice/Alec and a bit of Clive. Not one for the Clive lovers. Definitely one for lovers of pastiche, satire, a bit of smut and a satisfactory ending.
12) The Home Front by kindkit (Yuletide 2009)
Alec-centred with background Maurice, set in England during WW1. Maurice and Alec have refused the draft and live off-grid, subsisting as charcoal-makers.
13) Citizens of the Greenwood by polkadot (Yuletide 2014)
Maurice & Alec’s future together: seven vignettes following them through seven ages of 20th-century/queer history.
14) Alec by Basingstoke (Yuletide 2013)
Post-WW1. Alec, left with a physical disability by the war, is irrepressible as ever.
15) Travels and Investments: Two Gentlemen Abroad by julie_anne (2018)
One multi-chapter story in a wider universe / collection of post-canon works and series by julie_anne. Here, Maurice/Alec, in Italy and wider continental Europe after 1929, amid the rise of fascism.
16) Stories from the Greenwood by annethepancake (2021)
Maurice/Alec, multi-chapter fic post-canon fic, with some lovely ideas, great original characters, and (for me) nice echoes of some earlier Maurice/Alec post-canon fics.
=17) Make You Sorry for It by 12XU (2013)
Blatant self-promotion numero 1. A highly charged reimagining of the non-book-canon scene in the film where (at the suggestion of Ruth Prawer Jhabvala) Alec shows up without warning at Maurice’s stockbroking office in the City instead of writing his second letter. Inspired by a long-ago Tumblr post abou the scene concerned. ;D
=17) A Place I Always Fancied by 12XU (2015)
Blatant self-promotion numero 2. Written for the legendary @fengirl88 in response to the prompt ‘make our boys very happy’. Maurice & Alec at the boathouse the morning after. Alec has planned elaborately to ensure there’s no rush for them to leave.
18) Somewhere to Begin by geoviki (2006)
Early Maurice fic, written for what then seemed a non-existent fandom, and absolutely wonderful. Post-canon, post-WW1: Maurice & Alec, both invalided out of the war, take up employment in Cheltenham. But will their secret be discovered on their first day?
19) Anne Clare Wilbraham Woods by angie_silvie (2009)
Anne learns the truth: about the physical requirements of marriage for women, and more than that.
20) Pan Metron Ariston by athousandwinds (2010)
Or, ‘moderation in all things’, LoL. Maurice/Clive, E-rated.
21) A Breath of Liberty by chippy8833 (2014)
A bit more Maurice/Clive fixing: what might have happened if their creaky-chair UST hadn’t been rudely interrupted.
22) Clive’s Bloody Front Porch by eyeslikerain (2018)
Crack, smut, cheeky af. The Alec/Clive fic (after Maurice/Clive’s break-up, before Maurice/Alec; much reference to dog kennels and holes) you didn’t know you needed.
23) A Gentleman’s Tale by OpelForever (2021)
Contemporary multi-chapter opus starting at the tail-end of the 1990s, feat. Clive Durham, scion of Durham Logistics in Amsterdam, ‘coffee’ houses, Alec, much brand placement, and IDEK. This, and OpelForever’s wider millennium-and-after Maurice!verse, are some of the best fun I’ve had in these past Covid months. Just don’t ask me to explain.
24) Divagations of a Prig, Or: The Risley Reshuffle by HotUtilitarian (2017)
I was honoured to win this in a fic exchange: ‘HotUtilitarian’ is a nom-de-plume of a nom-de-plume of a terrifyingly gifted author. Book’verse, Cambridge: Risley and Clive ‘compete for the affections’ of dark!jock Maurice, ‘hairy as a boar’. Just leaving this here.
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i-am-bored · 2 years
Master List of Gay Cartoons
In honor of Pride month (and to help those who are suffering since Amphibia ended and The Owl House is on Hiatus), I decided to make a list of gay cartoons. Mainly because I realized younger members of fandoms might not be aware that these shows exist. Enjoy :)
The Legend of Korra (2012-2014)
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 4 Seasons
This is the show that started it all. Korra and Asami were the first canon gay couple in a kids cartoon. They became canon before gay marriage was even legal. Not much of their relationship is shown onscreen, but they paved the way for all that followed.
The show itself is great, especially seasons 3 and 4. Korra in particular has a great character arc, and like Avatar before it, it continues to have great worldbuilding and an epic magic system. It’s funny, it’s heartfelt, and the fight scenes are super cool. 
Adventure Time (2010-2018)
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10 Seasons
I’ve never seen this show, but I have seen clips of Princess Bubblegum and Marceline and they are amazing.
All I know about this show is that it’s in a post apocalyptic universe, the vampire writes awesome songs, and it’s gay. After ten seasons. (Which by the way shout out to the fans who shipped Bubbline since the beginning your strength of will is incredible)
Gravity Falls (2012-2014)
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2 Seasons
This show is incredible. It’s funny, has a really fun animation style, cool creatures, and it’s the parent show to Owl House and Amphibia. The characters are great, the mysteries and codes will keep you guessing, and the villain is a triangle in a top hat. There’s two gay minor side characters and a main character (Wendy) was confirmed Bi offscreen. 
Also, this show is a part of Disney’s pride collection, which is odd considering when it aired Disney was constantly censoring any of Alex Hirsch’s attempts at LGBTQ rep.
Steven Universe (2013-2020)
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5 Seasons, 1 movie, 1 sequel season 
Both over-hyped and over-hated this show seriously did so much for gay representation. So many modern cartoons wouldn’t be able to exist without it. Practically every character is gay in some way. You’ve got a lesbian wedding, an ace character, multiple non-binary characters, and a main character who doesn’t give a shit about gender stereotypes. 
It’s got lots of found family, gay pining, cool fight scenes, and amazing original songs. (Peace and Love on the Planet Earth is a bop) The characters and their relationships with each other are really complex. Season 1 is mostly fun filler episodes but after that, things start getting Intense. 
Star Vs. the Forces of Evil (2015-2019)
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4 Seasons
I also haven’t seen this show. All I know is that there are gay characters, and the show is semi-well liked, and the girl is considered a war criminal for some reason?  
Voltron Legendary Defender
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8 Seasons
I never finished this show, but what I watched was pretty good. There’s space, giant robots, and Pidge. One of the main characters is gay. (I also watched it after its prime and didn’t interact with the fandom, so I don’t really know what happened all I know is Shit Went Down.) 
Ducktales (2017-2020)
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3 Seasons
Like Gravity Falls, this show doesn’t have much in the way of on-screen rep (two background characters and one character confirmed offscreen), but it’s a great show nonetheless. Also, Webby and Lena, although not canon, raise the gayness level by a heck of a lot.  
It’s basically about a bunch of ducks going on adventures as a family. Its full of moments that will make you laugh, has a cool comic-style or animation, and gets surprisingly serious at times. It also has David Tennant as a Scottish duck and Catherine Tate as his nemesis. 
She Ra and the Princesses of Power (2018-2020)
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5 Seasons
Everyone in this show is gay. I’m not kidding. The main characters are lesbians. The other main characters are Bi. Pretty sure the only straight one is the main villain. It also has the classic Childhood Friends to Enemies to Lovers. 
As for the actual show, imagine a bunch of sparkly princesses, now add Star Wars, an evil cult, and then make it gay. That’s the show. There’s swordfights, robots, a character named Glimmer who likes blowing things up, a talking horse, Adora who is way too relatable, some war crimes, Catra who can never have a good day, Best Boy Bow, and they save the day with the power of love. It has everything you could want honestly. 
The Dragon Prince (2018- Present)
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3 Seasons (with more on the way)
Most of the gay characters in this show are side characters, but they’re all amazing. You got the lesbian moms, the gay dads, the twink elf with glasses, and a badass general who’s probably gonna end up with this fire elf girl. 
The first three seasons are great and the next one is hopefully coming out soon (It’s been a three-year hiatus. End me). It’s made by some of the same people who made Avatar. There’s a classic element based magic system, the animation is beautiful, and there’s dragons. The main couple is great and one of the main characters is voiced by Sokka. 
Amphibia (2019-2022)
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3 Seasons
Most of the rep in this show is minor characters, but in the finale one of the main characters was confirmed Bi and two side characters got together. 
This show has fun fantasy adventures with epic season finales. The worldbuilding is well done, the voice acting (especially Hop Pop) is excellent, and it never fails to make me laugh. There’s found family, childhood friends to enemies, and a whole lot of character growth throughout the show. Warning: this looks like a goofy frog show. You will cry. Many times.
this is also part of Disney’s pride collection which just proves that Sashannarcy is canon
Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts (2020)
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3 Seasons
This show is seriously underrated. One of the main characters (Benson) is gay with another gay side character and a non-binary background character. 
It takes place in a post-apocalyptic world where giant mutant animals have pretty much taken over. The soundtrack is awesome, the characters are fun, and the villains are really well written. It’s just all around a fun time. 
The Owl House (2020-present)
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2 Seasons (shortened 3rd season upcoming)
This show man. 
You have a bi main character dating a lesbian (the word girlfriend is used several times onscreen), and several other characters who are gay including a non-binary character and an Aro-Ace character. 
It’s a fantasy show with a cool magic system. The animation (especially in some of the fight scenes) is incredible, the found family will warm your heart, the season finales will tear it out, and it’s just all around a great show. It will have you laughing one minute and sobbing the next. The characters are also well-written and complex. Especially in season 2, everyone gets their time to shine. 
This show is also like half of Disney’s pride collection Which is odd when you consider the fact that it was cut short for “not fitting the Disney brand” but it’s fine. I’m not bitter. 
Arcane (2021-present)
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1 Season (so far)
I can’t praise this show enough. It genuinely is one of the greatest shows I’ve ever seen. It’s Greek Tragedy but done with stunning animation and a steampunk vibe. The writing and music are excellent, and every character feels so real. Also, lesbians. 
(Side note: Unlike the other shows on this list, this is not a kids show, and it’s definitely not a happy show. If you’re bothered by blood or people being brutally killed, then don’t watch it.) 
Honorable Mentions
Teen Titans (2003-2006)
This show doesn’t have any gay characters, but its a great show, and definitely caused some people’s gay awakenings
Avatar the Last Airbender (2005-2008)
The show isn’t gay but the it’s sequel is and it also just one of the best cartoons I’ve ever seen.
RWBY (2013-present)
The only reason this didn’t make the list is because I’m not sure if it counts as a Cartoon or an Anime. One of the main characters is canonically Bi, there’s a few gay side characters, and they are hinting at a gay relationship soon, but whether or not it will happen is still up in the air. 
That’s about everything I could think of. If I missed anything please let me know so I can add it to the list (and watch it. I am out of gay cartoons to watch. help.) So yeah, enjoy and happy pride!
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ceo-of-daichi · 4 years
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Comforting their S/O After Losing a Close Friendship
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Characters ~ Daichi x reader | Akaashi x reader
A/N ~ So this Semi-Hiatus is going well...😫 I’ve taken myself off semi-hiatus for now because for some reason I can’t stop writing atm😂👀 Might do this scenario for more characters tbh!
TW // Bad argument between friends, Mentions of crying
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Can tell something is up from the minute he sees you
Your eyes are puffy and red from crying and your curled in a ball on the sofa, usually when he comes in from work you greet him with a long hug
Immediately heads over to you and scoops you up, pulling you into his lap, he starts by just holding you against his chest
Letting you listen to his heartbeat as you calm down, it's his way of letting you know that he’s there for you
Doesn’t ask you anything at first, until you look up at him with glossy eyes and a small frown on your face
‘Whats up baby?’, ‘Are you okay?’ and ‘I hate seeing you upset, who do I have to arrest?’
That last one always gets you to smile, no matter what has happened and Daichi is always thankful he gets to see you smiling even if its only for a split second
Lets you get everything out before he says anything, wants to make sure you say everything you want to and get it all off your chest
He’s just there to listen and make you feel loved
Plays with your fingers softly as you speak, running his thumb over your knuckles
When he realises you and your best friend have had not just a bad argument, but you ended up going your separate ways for both your sakes, he's heartbroken for you
Knows how close you both were, so knows you must be hurting
But he is also a logical person and knows that it was for the best, that you will feel better for it
So when comforting you he will make sure to let you know it's definitely not your fault and that at the end of the day you will be more than without them, that it was the right decision
Lets you know that leaning on your other friends isn’t a bad thing and you should definitely go to them for support
‘They weren’t your only friend princess’ and ‘You always have me’ followed by his cheeky wink
Basically Daichi is the right balance between helping you deal with your problem and also cheering you up
God I literally love this man so much
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Like Daichi, Akaashi can also tell somethings up when you don’t give him your usual smile as you walk through the door
‘Hey princess, you okay?’ Instantly he just wants to make sure you are okay, get a rough jist of the situation
Doesn’t necessarily want to know the full story straight away but just wants to know if its serious
I see Akaashi as someone who would want to do something to take your mind off the situation when you are upset, comforting you alongside taking your mind off it
A more subtle comforting approach but it often works really well
After you have explained what is wrong, while he held you extremely tight, the first thing he does is offer to do something with you
He knows it's bad when he hears the name of your once best friend, his heart practically breaks for you
‘Why don’t we sit and read a book angel?’ or ‘How about we go have dinner at that new restaurant in town?’
If you choose to read he has you between his legs, your back pressed against his chest as his head sits gently on your shoulder, both of you reading the pages together
If you choose dinner, you both get dressed up and go out, he makes sure you get whatever you want
And if you don’t want to talk to him at all, he will happily sit there with you in his arms, his hands running through your hair and massaging your scalp
Wants you to feel relaxed
He wants to be there for you as much as possible and when you guys are reading or eating dinner or even just sat in each others arms he tries his best not to mention the situation
Avoids topics that could remind you of them, he knows its an extremely sore topic and hates to see you upset because of it
Makes sure you know that it was most likely for the best and how many other people you have around you that love you for you no matter what
The minute you start to doubt yourself or the decision he's straight there to pick up the pieces
If you do start to regret the decision though he will help you through it, talk to you about all the different scenarios, letting you know that what happened definitely happened for a reason
So whatever happened, is most likely to happen again
So many little kisses
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threadsketchier · 3 years
I didn’t wanna make this kind of post ever, but there’s a little something called The Joys of Adulting™ and I must heed its siren call  ಠ╭╮ಠ
I’m gonna have to semi-ghost on fandom stuff from here on out because I’ve got too many projects (both fandom and RL related) on the table.  I will now be working my full non-training hours starting next week so I’ll have even less free time, and I gotta face facts that it ain’t healthy for me to be staying up past midnight on a regular basis just for revenge bedtime procrastination and only showering once a week in order to keep up with Tumblr, Discord, fic reading, etc.
I’ve fought this battle for years, of not having enough time to produce content when just shitpost-tag reblogging on here and chatting takes up all my free time.  I hate the notion of not participating in fandom and getting sweet sweet validation by clowning around and getting laughs and missing out on everyone else’s awesome meta and art and fics because I have to absorb everyone else’s ideas because I don’t have an original thot in my one braincell but I’m 36 fucking years old and this can’t continue forever.
The most immediate issue I have is emptying out and deep-cleaning this apartment; now that Mom’s passed away there’s too much stuff in here I don’t need, and annual apartment inspections are coming up very soon, and lemme tell you, it looks like somebody’s been living here for 11 years, if ya get my drift.  It’s overwhelming (and extra difficult because of my inability to have items removed by a charity store who used to do donation pickups but not anymore due to COVID) and the only way I’m gonna make serious progress with this is to shut down the screentime and throw myself into it.  I’d also like to get into podficcing and maybe finally producing some art on a more regular basis, instead of once every several years??
Anyway, for now I’ve set up as big a queue as I could so I can maintain the illusion of being here while not being here as long as I can.  If y’all see stuff that’s stupidly hilarious or incredibly beautiful and Luke/Mark-related, y’all who know me, PLEASE feel free to tag me so I can at least see it in my email.  I’m hoping this won’t have to be permanent but right now I’m figuring the hiatus will have to be somewhat long-term.  I’ll probably still be around a bit this weekend but I’m using the holiday to have extra time to get started on shit.  Adios for now, peeps.
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star-puff · 4 years
hi!! ok last post before log off for semi-hiatus again for the week but um serious question here.
would anyone actually mind if i leave the one(shot) with love series unfinished 🥲 if you still remember it being a thing anyways fhsjgkd. i have like 7?? 8? prompts left but idk i started it So Long ago and its started to feel more like an obligation than anything i actually enjoy writing.
and if i do ever get motivation for one of the prompts i'll write and post it but i hate to have it listed as "wips" on my navi and stringing you along and pretending that it's actually going to come out when in reality i don't even know if i'll be able to produce something of satisfactory quality in the first place.
i do feel really bad cause i know people requested them but again, it's been so long and i feel like most people already forgot about it and the more i leave it hanging the more it feels heavy on my conscience so. hhhh idk please give me opinions or feedback or anything, they were your requests after all.
i really am sorry :(
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cowtale-utau · 4 years
Random question, who are your favorite/s of the cowtale crew? And if you want, some random facts about them?
Ahh, don’t make me choose! That said, I have several lmao. Please don’t make me narrow it down more, I might actually have a crisis /jk
Tender. He’s a bit forgetful but is pretty good at cementing in the “important” things. He’s gentle and forgiving and oh so very careful. But he also has a fiercely protective streak and isn’t afraid to do what he needs to to keep his family safe, even if it hurts him.
*Is surprisingly fuzzy! He knits, but all the scars in his bones mean little bits of yarn get caught. So between big cozy sweaters, and snagged bits of wool, he is quite fuzzy indeed.
Flint. He often gets summed down to a few tropes, but actually has quite a bit of depth. His whole recovery story and where/who he ends up is a nice arc.
*Surprisingly good with kids, and particularly with handling tantrums. He’s able to understand them and calm them down.
Calico. He’s so. Obscure. He’s very difficult to pin down and understand. I enjoy how “out there” he is.
*One of the hardest for me to write. I struggle to balance “Calico the person” with “Calico the all knowing being”.
Mercury. I both love and am terrified of Mer. He’s so. Healthy. People with solid mental health intimidate me lmfao.
*This boy would make such a good life coach. He’s a natural problem solver, and one of the most understanding people you’ll ever meet. More than anything he just wants people to be happy, and will make the effort to help get them there.
Sage. Pretty universally hated. But I know his full redemption story and I know how he turns out. Its a great arc and I love it.
*He’s an absolute disaster. Most of his flaws come from serious over compensation and fear. He was so scared for so long, but lashing out like he did, it became a part of him.
Aurum and Viridis. These two. I just love them. Their dynamic is perfect. And I greatly appreciate that while they still have some pretty deep rooted issues, they function and get by. They have pain, but they can be happy.
*They’re pretty much never apart. Where there is one, the other is most likely within shout distance. Even when they are physically separate, they have a deep and innate connection, and are always aware of each other.
Archi. Lazy bean. Arguably the most content of my Sanses. He’s so chill but very defensive of his chill.
*He knows pretty much everything about the island. Everyone’s deepest, darkest, secrets.  
Feel free to ask after anyone! I’ve been semi on hiatus, but its not a strict thing. I’ve been struggling a bit in general, but when I can, if I get a little motivation, I try to get something out. I’m always open to asks of any kind though!
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I´ve finished The Owl House recently and I´m just amazed by the show in all its aspects, especially the plot and the designs. Even though the very known Disney´s touch is there, it is placed so smoothly along with the story that makes the show really refreshing to watch. 
But as any cartoon trope, I bet my right hand there will be this prom episode where all the characters will get a new, formal outfit that will make the fandom go YEAH
… But this episode is not here yet, and probably will take some time to be, and since hiatus is taking so long… I took the creative liberty to illustrate some of my expectations. 
Sooo, Ta-dã ! 
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It took longer than I´ve expected it to, 
Here it goes the thoughts I´ve put in every piece! 
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Willow: yes, I just couldn´t resist the urge to relate her outfit with the tree that is behind her name, and c´mon, you know the creators also have this association in mind. It just fits. The little details on her dress are the flowers from the willow tree, and I wanted to resemble the “wavy strips” shape of leaves in someplace - first I thought about making her dress in this shape, but I wasn´t finding a way to make it right. So I added this detail to her earing, since making the reference more subtle felt like a better reward to give the public once they notice the design´s purpose (hope it made sense)
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Gus: our gold boi is an illusionist and a human enthusiast, and I wanted to make both of those traits show off. So, which iconic human being we have that also practiced the art of illusion? If you said Houdini, you´ve read my mind. I based Gus´ suit on the one Houdini used to wear a lot *according to google* and made the little bow tie as a reminder of his coven (not that we needed a remind for that but yeah); And what about the hat? I took the liberty to make it a headcanon that, in one of Owlbert trash raids to the human world, there was this sympathetic top hat laying around and, as Luz knew how much Gus liked human stuff (and wanted him to be more assertive about stuff´s finalities), she gave it to him. And I´m sure you can imagine his enthusiasm, and how forward he was looking to properly use the “artifact” as a human would (even if it´s all beat up!) Besides, the hat was made for a head way bigger than his, so it keeps falling into him and he has to stand funny in order to keep it in place
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Luz: Luz is “light” in Spanish/Portuguese, her light spell has this yellowish color so there wasn´t much stress to pick the primal color (picking the right variations in the other hand…that was sort of stressing). For her dress model, I wanted something that expressed her buoyant personality, but still “serious” enough to attend a formal event. So, I made it like a sundress and added some layers of details, as the sleeves and the semi-transparent cloth over the dress´s hem. Also, I “tamed” her hair a bit so it wouldn´t just be the same she uses every day, with this one rebellious lock of hair at the back which refuses to stay put along with the others. 
 Luz appears to me as someone who would love to wear super extra outfits for cosplay purposes, but being conscious about her clumsy self, she would rather stick with something simple enough to move freely (and fast) if the situation requires it - especially because it would be her first prom out of the human world (maybe her first prom in life?) so it would be nice to avoid any unnecessary awkward scenarios - which we all know are totally going to happen. Thus, I thought about adding some glitter to it, but I saved the sparkles for someone else...
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Amity: OH I HAD SO MUCH FUN DOING THIS ONE. Amity (spoiler alert) is a big fan of Azura´s books, just like Luz, and it is pretty clear she inspires herself a lot on the character - her dyed hair, the drawing of herself wearing Azura´s clothes on her diary´s cover - SO based on that sweet info it wouldn´t be a surprise if she coded Azura´s dress in her own. I made her dress a plain white (like Azura´s)  but, to resemble Amity social status (da gurl is rich) gave it an “elegant” cut, with the purple, shining and very-expensive looking silk falling upon it to give life to the outfit (and they also translates as the shoulder parts of Azura´s dress). Her earing stands for Azura´s chest star, and I played a “half-fancy” hairstyle to complement. (I don´t like to have favorites, but this one is definitely one)
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King: the king of demons claims he´s a naturalist and has concrete displeasure to wear clothes. So little cute smokes were out. But as a king, and with his obnoxious personality, he would definitely want to dress as fancy as everyone else, with the little of “dressing” as possible, get it? I know that adding a bow tie to him isn´t the most creative of looks, but the filling is in the headcanon I (once again) took the liberty to make: King wanted to feel fancy, but he wouldn´t dress a suit, and he refused to go without anything. This led everyone on the house to search for something that King could wear, which resulted in Eda finding some old holiday ornaments boxed in a dark corner of the attic; Among those, there were many red bows of different sizes from where King picked the biggest one - which was meant for Hooty, since it was a door ornament - and a smaller one for the tail, as the final detail. He also gave Hooty one of the bows, a really small one, just to say he gave the owl something. 
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Eda: I must confess, Eda outfit was the trigger of this whole thing lol. I was scrolling through Pinterest and BAM this look appeared and my mind instantly associated it with the Owl Lady. I just really wanted to draw her in this look because it is so her. She´s the elegant foxy aunt of the party who put candies in her bag and sneakily takes all the table decorations home (especially the shiny ones!). She received Principal´s authorization to attend the prom with no risks of being arrested, as a treat for her good choice of enrolling Luz there, which is the only reason she´s so proudly showing off who she is (I´m talking about the necklace, if you´re wondering). Plus, her hair up was so fun to make? I´m 100% ready to see it canon
oof, this was long.
I´m thrilled at the chance to share it with you guys, and I´m more than welcome to feedback!
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erischaos · 4 years
the beginning
summary: on your anniversary, you remember how you met Johnny.
words: +1,9k
tags: fluffy
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It all started a few years ago, in 2017, when you were doing a part-time job in the SBS radio as the script writer and semi-producer for a new show that was going to take place in march. The only thing that they told you about it was that it was going to be host by two newly debuted idols from a very famous company, a new that made you very excited. A few weeks later a meeting with both of them took place but you had a final exam at uni and you couldn´t attend, which made you a lot more nervous since you still didn’t knew who the idols were, because that information was confidential. The first show came sooner than expected, and as a part of the team you were finally going to met the idols. While you were waiting for them to arrive one of your girl coworkers came to you.
“y/n you can’t imagine how handsome they are” she said, almost screaming “you’re going to die when you see them” you laughed but since you were a little picky you choosed to not take her words too serious. But, oh lord, how wrong you were.
Two tall men came through the door, a blond and a brunette one. You weren’t stupid and you didn’t lived under a rock, but you were distracted enough to not notice the name of the show, which gave away completely the name of the group. A very young Jaehyun and Johnny stood in front of you and introduced themselves to the team.  Jaehyun was pretty, he was a very beautiful man, his kind eyes and his dimples were to die for, but Johnny, he was a different story. He wasn’t just pretty, his particular features left you breathless at first sight, and his aura was captivating and it made your knees weak. You felt embarrassed, he was an idol yes, but first of all he was your new coworker, and you weren’t a teenager anymore.
After all of the formalities the tallest, Johnny, came to you and started to ask a lot of technical stuff and you did your best to explain but damn, you were blown away. His eyes were a beautiful shade of honey and he never cut the visual contact which made you a lot more nervous and flustered. His voice was deep and assertive, it really looked like he knew what he was talking about, it even seemed like he knew more than you. He called his friend and you explained both some things about the script and when the time came they started the show. You were surprise this was their first time, they looked nervous but at the same time they were eloquent and funny. You tried your best to pay attention to your work, because that’s what they were paying you for, not to look at Johnny. But damn, it was hard.
A week passed and the only thing that you did was waiting for the night to see him. You were going mad. He was just a man. An idol, a very handsome and cute, and funny, and kind man, but at the end he was just a man. You realized you were completely fucked up when you started to watch his fancams. I mean, he was famous, talented, successful, and you were a very average looking exchange student who every month struggled with paying the bills. You mentalized yourself, that night you were going to do your work and nothing else, but he made it difficult though, every night before starting he used to talk to you about whatever was on his mind. But this time you were going to stay strong and tell him you had to be focused on your work.
Everything was going fine at first, but Johnny wasn’t going to let you live in peace. Actually, he was going to change your whole life with a single question.
“y/n would you like to take a coffee with me after tonight’s show?” your whole brain shut down. The only thing you could do was to blurt “yes, yes, sure, I would like that a lot” Great, you sounded like a fucking asshole, and a very, very desperate one, congratulations.
You were nervous like you’ve never been in your life. And confused, was this a date? A simple coffee? What did he wanted to talk about? About the radio? Jesus, you haven’t had a date in years. Time passed surprisingly fast for your liking and soon you found yourself on the cafeteria of the building having a decaffeinated cappuccino and listening to him talk about NCT 127 promotions. You weren’t sure if it you passed out from the stress and it was all a dream or if you actually had Johnny Suh talking to you about his day and laughing at your dad jokes.
Soon it became a routine, every night after the show you both went to the cafeteria and talked until late about your childhood, your dreams, your fears, until you had to leave to go to sleep so you didn’t die at uni next morning. Talking to him was effortless, it was like you knew him all your life, he was even better than what you thought, so full of love to give, smart, thoughtful, trustable, caring, so you weren’t surprised when you realized you were in love.  It happened after a little hiatus the program took for a show they had overseas, and when you saw him again for the first time it hit you. He came almost running to you and hugged you tight in front of all the team “I missed you a lot” he said, muffled by your hair. You found yourself breathless once again and mumbled a tiny “me too”. And just like that the realization came: you were deeply and madly in love with Johnny Suh and you wanted him to hold you like that for the rest of your life. You both let go the hug and everybody went back to work, except for you two. “a little bird told me your birthday is in a few days so, I was wondering if instead of a coffee you would like to have dinner with me” you were shooked, if the coffee dates weren’t actually a date, this was. And for your birthday! You were exploding with happiness.
That night also was when the first kiss happened. While the program was going on and Jaehyun was reading some twits from the fans, you and Johnny locked eyes. And it felt different, it wasn’t a simple visual contact, it was filled with a tension of some kind, you could feel it from across the glass and you were sure he was feeling the same too. He went on with the script but he never stopped looking at you and it was getting very intense and it only stopped when it was time for the commercials. Eventually the show ended and like every night you both headed to the elevator to go to the cafeteria floor. Normally being on the elevator with him felt overwhelming but to a normal amount. That time he didn’t even gave you time to feel nervous, as soon as the door closed he roughly leaned his whole body against yours until your back touched the wall, looking at you in the eyes, like if he was asking for your permission, you pushed him down by the nape and connected your lips to his. It was the most intense kiss you ever had, it conveyed so much passion, weeks of holding back now were being unleashed in a single kiss. His lips were heaven and hell, so dangerous but so necessary, like a drug. His hands were all over you and yours were tugging at his perfectly styled hair, now messy. You were forced to stop when the elevator reached its destiny and the door opened but your legs weren’t responding and him didn’t moved either, so you stayed for a few seconds looking at each other, breathing heavily, until you both started laughing and finally came out.
The new routine was making out in every corner of the building everytime you were alone and then go to drink coffee and chat like nothing happened. Like if you weren’t a mess, and like if he hadn’t had to hide a boner everytime. It was surreal.
Since the radio program ended after twelve o’clock you celebrated your birthday along with your coworkers, and when the show ended you went to change your clothes while Johnny waited for you in the hall, downstairs. You wore a red dress and only a red lipstick since you wanted to look good quickly, and let your hair down. When you finally met you noticed he changed his outfit for a more elegant one: black shirt and black pants. You both flustered when you saw each other “you look amazing birthday girl” he flirted with you. “you don’t look that bad yourself JonhD” you said back. “JonhD?”, he asked confused “yes, you know…your name is John and you are a dj” he laughed out loud at your explanation while he helped you to get on the company van. Soon you arrived to a private restaurant, that giving the hour it was supposed to be closed but SM has its ways.
In the middle of it was a table settled for two and Johnny helped pulling your chair like a gentleman. The conversation went very fluid during all the dinner until the champagne arrived. He stopped talking and stared at your eyes, and you realized they got teary so yours did too. He swallowed and spoke “y/n this might sound a little rushed, giving the fact that we only knew eachother two months ago and all that but” he made a pause to breath and you did too “I think I’m in love with you and, I’ll really love to be your boyfriend” a tear fell from his eye. “i know it might be hard because of my work and the fans but I really want you to be my girl” he started to get nervous since you weren’t answering “I fully understand if you don’t want to though”. You couldn’t bring yourself to believe it, but it was real. He was in front of you, looking at your eyes and saying that he loved you. You were paralyzed and the lump in your throat wouldn’t let you speak, but you ignored it and answered.
“John Suh, nothing in this world could make me more happy right now than call you my boyfriend” you grabbed him by his hands and smiled at him “I love you, I truly do”. He left out all the air he was holding and smiled too “thanks god, I though I was going to have to return your gift” he took out of his blazers pocket a medium sized velvet box and handed it to you. “oh Johnny, you shouldn't have brought me anything” he shushed you and looked at you expectantly. Without wasting any more time you opened it and inside of it was a beautiful and delicate heart necklace with both initials and your birthday date, which now was also your anniversary. Needless to say you were speechless.
Even after a year and with him taking a nap in your lap it all still felt like a dream, Johnny declaring himself to you, and now he being your first love and first boyfriend. You gently stroked his hair with one hand at the same time you were playing with your necklace, after a few minutes he slowly woke up and looked at you “nice double chin, baby” he murmured. “I can’t believe that the first thing you do after waking up is making fun of me” he laughed and you lowered your head to kiss him “happy first anniversary headass”. 
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Hii!! this is my second scenario ever and since the first one got a lot of notes i decided to write another. its not as good as the first one in my opinion but i had this idea on my mind for a while and i wanted to share it! please if you notice any grammatical error let me know! it means a lot for me if you could like and share<3 
Thank you for reading me and STAY HEALTHY.
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