#its no fair they are cuter than ill ever be
eshuversal · 1 year
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✦.  — It wasn't anger. Not at first, anyways. Initially, they were confused more than anything else. What was so GREAT about some crybaby loser, anyways? He wasn't even good enough to be a lower level demigod as intended (it's LAUGHABLE that they're even considered a 'higher' celestial); they don't deserve those celestial robes, they don't deserve to hold a title so alike to their own. He mingles with the Titan and its little friends, too – he's an EMBARRASSMENT to Eshu, to themself, and their realm.
Even all of that, to Blue, however was little more than an annoyance. What's worse than all of that? People actually seemed to LIKE him for one reason or another, he was popular. Not in having a following or anything, but he was seen as the 'nice' celestial of the bunch.
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That was when the anger got to them. That was when that little flare of annoyance transformed into a blazing inferno of red hot RAGE towards the lower being. There was no rationalizing about it, they had made up their mind despite the lower celestial never once uttering an ill word about Chandra themself.
What made HIM so special? What made him so great that he's got SO MANY people singing his praises? Anything that little loser can do, they can do tenfold. He's nice? Blue could be nicer. He's cute? Blue's way cuter than he'll EVER be. Chandra just didn't UNDERSTAND it; they couldn't rationalize how they're only second to Eshu themself, yet it felt like some nobody was weaseling his way into their spotlight.
–- they HATED it and they HATED him too.
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What's the point of working SO HARD to be nice if someone else gets MORE of that positive attention they craved for ZERO effort? All he ever did was whine and cry, he didn't DO anything. It's NOT fair – it's INFURIATING – and Chandra is exhausted of playing nice and pretending to be ok with things that upset them.
–- they wanted to FIND that little wannabe and END him.
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chaeinedup · 10 months
Will you hold me ?
It's been a while since you saw the light of day and not by choice. Exam season was kicking your ass, therefore you had no choice but to spend your nights studying as hard you could. So sleep was during the day. Your sleep schedule was a mess, your meals consisted of energy drinks and string cheese.
But at least you weren't alone, through all the chaos you had Daehyeon with you, unfortunately his sleep schedule was as bad as yours. And being as supportive as he is, he always made time for you and your mental breakdowns. You'd call in a frenzy, frustrated with yourself and your life choices that led you to this point, while he just tried to calm you and see the positive side of things.
"Daehyeon I think I'm gonna drop out. I can't handle this anymore. I think college isn't for me."
"Y/n, what would you tell me if I said I was gonna give up on producing and the music industry in general ?"
"I'd call you crazy and yell at you for wasting years of hard work and talent... yeah I get it you're trying to make me follow the advice I give to others but this is different. I feel myself going nuts."
"Babe no one said it was gonna be easy, nothing ever is. How many times did you think about quitting because of an exam and then you actually did really good ? It's not fair for you to be this hard on yourself. Not to mention its 4am, you should definitely be sleeping."
"I still have so much to go through, and it seems there's not enough time for everything and I can't even make a decent meal and-"
"When was the last time you ate ? And what exactly did you eat?"
You looked very guilty and hesitated in answering. By your reaction he knew it had been too long since and he didn't even want to know what concaution of a so called "dinner" you had made.
"I'm coming over and im bringing food, ill be there in 20."
He hung up, not giving you a chance to refute his proposal, like he knew you would.
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After what felt like an eternity, your doorbell rang. Excited, you ran to the door. Outside the door Daehyeon could hear your running, resembling a enthusiastic golden retriever. He smiled to himself wondering if you could get any cuter.
You opened the door faster than the speed of light with the biggest smile on your face.
"Who knew you'd look this pretty at this hour??"
His rethorical question made you blush, making you want to hide somewhere and so you did, in his chest, with the warmest hug he had felt in a while.
"..stop saying that.... you know how i get..."
"Yeah and I love seeing you like that."
You withdraw yourself from him giving him space to enter your apartment. You looked at the white bag he brought with him and tried to guess what it was. Quickly it clicked, normally he brings food from a fast food chain or leftovers from the dorms, but seeing everything wrapped so nicely you knew it had so much love and care into it. Something only a mother would be able to do.
"Is that what i think it is...?!!!"
"She made me keep it a secret, it's your favorite!"
"Oh my god, when were you with her ?? I miss her I hope she's doing well!"
"She's doing great but she wasn't too happy with you and your concept of a proper meal."
"You rated me out to your mom?? That's so low Daehyeon!!"
"She cares for you as much as I do, and she made this hoping it would open your appetite a bit more. Resulting in you actually craving meals instead of snacks."
"You really are your mother's son. Thank you, to both of you, and I’ll make sure to thank her with a very well written text!"
You kissed him on the cheek, leaving him standing in the living room while you headed to the kitchen with the food. He had a shine in his eyes, that you couldn't see, but he hoped you could feel it. Right now and every day, all the time, he loves you more than he will ever understand. It's not like he wants an explanation on why his heart flutters when you look at him, or call his name. He's just glad he gets to have you all for himself in this lifetime, and if he's lucky enough in the other ones too.
Time stopped for him but not for you, you plated everything as fast as you could, you wanted to be as close to him as possible, savouring the few hours you had before he had to go to work and you had to head to classes. A couple that never sleeps will surely stay together for a long time.
Finally you were done and brought everything to the coffee table in front of the couch, you two have the habit to sit on the floor while eating and afterwards cuddling on the couch. And today was no exception.
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The food was amazing, just like you knew it would be. A mother's love will always make you feel better, doesn't matter in what form it comes. Sometimes it's with words or acts of service such as this delicious feast, or through people. Daehyeon was one of many ways his mother expressed love to others, the way she raised him reflected how pure her heart his. So her son's is just as noble as hers.
"Daehyeon ?"
"Yes my love?"
"Will you hold me ?"
"Always at any time, anywhere."
He wrapped his arms around you, not even bothering to leave the carpet. Doesn't matter where he is, you will always e his number one priority.
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oriigirii · 3 years
The Brothers reacting to an MC who likes to collect... rocks?
It was certainly a strange hobby to behold, but there were more than meets the eye within these rocks! If you crack them open they often hold such a wonderful design, and on the rare occasion they can probably even hide a geode or two, regardless, you were very passionate for these things and it just so happens that it catches some of the brother’s attention.
(A/N: Ill be doing 2 at the time for now UwU  
Warnings: none! 
Reader: Gender Neutral!)
~ 눈_눈 Lucifer ~
* Lucifer always kept an eye on you ever since you got to Devildom
* Cuz of this, he was probably the first to notice your... strange addiction
* He saw how you always seem to stop on your tracks to pick up a shiny smooth stone lying on the side of the gates infront of the HoL while he walked home with you.
* Or how you’d snatch a few from the gardens on an early Sunday morning when you think that everyone was still asleep
* Since it was harmless enough, he never really bothered to call you out on it 
* Lowkey does find it cute how something so small can already make you so happy, such an easy-to-please cutie you are
* It wasn’t a problem till he was told that you seem to be arriving late more often for your classes 
* At first he thought that maybe you were simply caught up in some mess from his brothers again 
* Maybe perhaps Belphie snuck you off to sleep again than go to class 
* But no, when he’d confronted you he was pretty surprised, and at the same time, confused at your answer.
* “There were these cool looking red geodes I accidentally found on the back, b-but I mustve dropped them at some point when Mammon and I were rushing to class...so I’ve been trying to look for more of them for my collection... Sorry...”
*To be fair you did look pretty apologetic for it and really didnt mean to botch up your schedule, but still.
* He lets you go pretty easily, with a small lecture, but thats about it. 
* Although you never did stop looking for that geode, you even pulled Beel to help with promise of a homemade cake to try and cover as much ground, but nothing.
* You came home that day a little defeated
* but much to your surprise when you reached your room, a small box was waiting outside your door and inside was none other than the beautiful red geode youve been so desperate to look for. And... well, you didnt have to guess who was kind enough to give it to you.
* The next day, you do go over to thank him properly for the help, and explain that you had been extremely captivated with that specfic geode because of how it reminds you of the first born’s eyes.
* This boi is highkey stunned but tryna make it lowkey though (pride 100)
 * Definitely amused and flattered. 
* From now on, he does continue to give you geodes to add to your collection, and would even accompany you on your little endeavors if his work load isnt too unbearing. Away from the eyes of his brothers of course.
* Hed definitely want to seek the perfect geode too that reminds him of you in return that he can decorate on his desk while hes working. Even better, maybe have the geodes crafted to a perfect ring that you two can wear.
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~ ᕙ(`▽´)ᕗ Mammon ~
* Not like youre complaining either
* Today was another weekend, and weekends mean you guys get to hang out!  
* Not like you two were ever seperated in the first place anyways, he’s like an octopus that just wont let go 
* Anyways, He casually enters your room, phone in hand as he scrolls through various articles featuring his modelling work, he was gonna show off as usual, afterall, this man LIVES for your praise.
* “Oi! (Y/N) Check this out! They ranked me number 1 on the most handsome model in Devildom! And I didn’t cheat the system this ti---”
* You had been busy in your cabinet when he walked in, so you didnt have time to warn him of your mess on your bed.
* Hence why, when he was starting to brag about his latest achievement, it was immediately cut off by a pained yelp.
* Mammon, too busy on his DDD, didnt notice the shiny geodes and stones you had left on your bed to arrange for your new dsplay case, and because of this, (his dumbass) plopped on the bed, landing right on the sharp edges of the beautiful rocks.
* It wasnt fun.
* You had rushed to help him as he started stroking his back from the sting, he was a demon so he was pretty sturdy, but cmon, landing on a buncha hard rocks was still not good.
* You did rush to go get him an ice pack for his poor back, and when you came back, he seemed to have been healed almost immediately as he stares at your collection with a big shine on his own eyes, they can rival the geodes at this point.
* “(Y/N)! Why didn’t you tell me you had these? Don’t yknow how much these would sell? Hell, I can even probably sell them for an even higher price!”
* The rolling of your eyes was very intense that Diavolo could feel it from his castle and you pushed that ice pack on his face to make him stop.
* You did make it very clear that if he ever decides to try and get any of these stones, you were gonna be snitching him to Beel for eating his pudding the other day (You wouldn’t though would you?)
* Still that does shut down his money making plans, but he does question you for it, why hoard these valuable items when you could make thousands of grimm for it? You even seem to have a talent for finding these too, it seems like a huge waste, and so you proceed to explain to him your love for these shiny geodes.
* First image in his head was you being a relative to a crow, or you being a crow in general, because if anything, thats what his little crows do, they pass him shiny stuff they find along the day, of course theyre not as extravagant as these geodes, but it doesnt negate the fact you definitely have crow energy, and hes so down for it. His love for you just grew tenfold.
* But who knew it can grow further? Because you eventually explain to him that the geodes you collected, or the simple stones you had, all were special because all of them hold a special memory. One of the smoother stones you had was the same stone you used to display your mom’s favorite rose garden, it even had your initials that you scrapped on when your were 5, another was a geode you found on your field trip at the human world and so on.
* Mammon definitely had his attention to you the entire time, this boy is smitten and he just loves hearing you talk about each one, he grows a small appreciation for them now and he can understand why you wouldn’t want to sell them away. But then he noticed you reach for a much cleaner, tear drop looking geode, it was a blue-yellow mix.
* You explain to him that this was your first geode found when you went here in Devildom, the first you also carved as it was more jagged than this when you found it, and of course, you chose to keep it cause it reminded you for your first man.
* Mammon was so moved,and he was just sitting there, red as a strawberry and mouth open like a fish out of water, but hes not the only one because you too were blushing like an idiot as you held the special rock.
* He does end up trying to act his typical ways, but he was nothing but a stuttering mess, and much to his embarassment, he was also tearing up.
* Please hug him, he needs it, he just cant help but feel so flattered that you dedicated a geode for him and he felt that pride and love swell to incredible levels, you definitely have him yearning for you even more.
* Next time you go out to seek more geodes here in Devildom, he might just come with you along with his army of crows, and even cuter, his crows would just hand you special rocks every now and then.
* This boy might just start his own collection now thanks to you, but most his geodes will just be dedicated to you
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A h h h hope you guys like it! I know its a weird premise, but I honestly do love gemstones and stuff lol, also yes i did indulge too much on Mammon, hush,but yeah, ill do more of the others soon!
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(Art by me!)
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teyvattherapist · 3 years
Another one, set directly after the one where Sandrone finds Childe~ :)
Sandrone-- by a feat of miracle-- snuck Ajax into his Academy room and squirreled the boy away into the cramped bathroom while he snuck into the infirmary again to retrieve a first aid kit. When he returned, Ajax had stripped off his coat and scarf, leaving him in a shirt that was more holes than fabric and his bloodstained shorts. Wordlessly, Sandrone handed him an energy bar he'd swiped from the cafeteria and wetted a towel, rubbing away the dirt and grime that layered Ajax like a second skin. As the dirt washed away, the wounds were brought into stark relief. Hundreds of them, layered over each other and crisscrossing Ajax's skin like gaping mouths. Some were fully healed, nothing but thin, silvery lines. Others were an angry red and purple, bruised and swollen around the edges. All had clean cuts, suggesting an expert hand behind the blade. "Who did this?" Sandrone asked. He wasn't really expecting an honest answer, anyway. But Ajax was always one to surprise him. "The Abyss. I fell into a hole in the ground, and I was taken away to somewhere." "Was it scary?" Sandrone didn't look up from his ministrations, choosing to focus on the mangled mess that was Ajax's knees (how hard did he fall?) "It was," Ajax sighed dreamily. "But the things I saw down there... it spoke to me. The Abyss spoke to me, Sulien. It told me things that scared the everloving hell out of me, but I'm grateful to them." "Why?" Sandrone finally looked up. There were a hundred questions packed into that one word. Why are you still alright? Why are you thanking the Abyss? Why do you sound so different?
And from the bloodied fragments of Ajax's face, the eye of the Abyss stared back at him, milky and purple. Ajax smiled, a pristine tear in the mangled visage of a beast rebuilt from the ground up. "So I can protect you."
as promised. Part two of Desiderium under the cut.
Another nightmare, another sleepless night. This nightmare was real though, it wasn’t like his usual ones, the ones where he was bound by chains and forced to- No, he didn’t want to think about those. His mind wandered to the latest one. He had given thought to Zhongli’s words, he was longing for somebody. But who? The God had never brought it up again, so he didn’t know. It had to be Lumine right? She was pretty, sure. Strong, good with a sword, her eyes were a nice shade of gold. But something still felt off.
He needed to take a walk.. He stopped when he reached the living room, blinking at.. Lumine? Asleep on his couch? The blonde stirred and pushed herself up some, blanket falling around her shoulders. “Sandrone? Ah- your mask- I- Sorry.” She averted her eyes and Sulien realised he wasn’t wearing his mask. This was his house! Of course he wasn’t wearing his mask. He cleared his throat.
“I thought I heard voices.” Ajax commented from the hallway, hair messier than ever from sleep. “I hope it's alright I invited Lumine to stay with us while she’s in Liyue Harbour. It's closer than the inn.” Ajax explained, seeing the panicked body language only he could understand on his fellow harbinger made him feel bad that he forgot to bring it up. Paimon snored away on the armchair, clearly unbothered by it all.
Without his mask, without his gloves, his scars and face on display. He felt uncomfortable. Incredibly uncomfortable. “I’m going for a walk.” Sulien pivoted and made a beeline for the entrance. Lumine rubbed her sleep riddled eyes, a small yawn escaping her as she looked up at Ajax who was busy staring at the archway into the entrance.
The door slammed shut.
“I’ve only known him for a month or so but,” she yawned, “I take it this is abnormal?” She sat up properly, tightening the blanket around her though. Liyue evenings could get quite cold. Ajax nodded his head in response to her question. Abnormal indeed. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d seen such an influx of emotion. Perhaps when they were kids? That was probably it.
Sulien breathed in the fresh air, late at night, he didn’t need his mask, he didn’t need to be his rank. He could just be another nameless person in the streets, he preferred it this way. He shoved his hands into the pockets of his pants as he walked down the streets. Very few people were out and about so late at night, but he enjoyed watching them. A ghost of a smile on his lips as he watched lovers enjoying a late night getaway or a tired sailor returning home late.
But despite his usual late night activity that often cleared his mind, his mind began to fog once more. Trailing back to his dream, it wasn’t even that bad, especially compared to the usual ones. But being abandoned in a dream, he supposed, tied into the feelings he had been having recently. The stabbing pain in his poor heart, the squeezing of his lungs, stripping his body of blood and air.
There was no way it was about Lumine though. He didn’t feel anything when he looked at her except the pain, there was nothing underneath. He sighed, finding himself at the docks. He looked out on the dark water, lilac eyes searching the depths for answers. He furrowed his brows, all he could think of when he looked at the water, all he was reminded of.. Just one thing.
Sulien shook his head, no, he shouldn’t think of Ajax of all people. He couldn’t, that wasn’t allowed as far as he was aware. Well no relationship was allowed in general, he was their puppet after all, he couldn’t have any strings except to Her. But still.. This seemed somehow worse. His heart lurched at the thought and he hissed in pain, bringing his hand up to his chest, scarred fingers digging into the black fabric of his shirt.
All the books he had read, all the research he did. None of it had any answers for this. And he wondered why he felt wrong. Sulien sighed, sitting on the edge of the docks, legs dangling above the water. Ajax seemed happy with Lumine either way, right? They were much cuter together. Sulien never really belonged anyways, an outsider looking in on everybody else. He sighed, leaning back on his arms.
There were footsteps on the dock behind him and he tensed his body, ice already forming in his fingers. Then the familiar scent of cologne hit him and he watched as Ajax sat down on the docks beside him, wrapped up in Sulien’s coat of all things. Sulien’s heart hurt and he looked out at the water, it was becoming so frequent that it was more of a dull ache. Ajax deserved better than him, better than some man who couldn’t give him what he wanted.
“Talk to me.” Ajax whispered, dull eyes trained on the ocean. “You’re hurting and I want to be there this time.. I wasn’t.. I wasn’t last time.” The man hesitated, pulling one knee up and rested his arm against it. Sulien wished nothing more than for the waves to take him away, drown him until there was nothing left. He could not tell the man beside him how he felt, it was wrong. It wasn’t fair.
“I’m just sick, I’ll be fine.” Sulien manipulated his voice so he sounded more hoarse, as if to hammer in the point that it was nothing more than some freak illness. “We have field work tomorrow, you should go back home and sleep. I’ll walk you back.” Sulien stood and Ajax slowly followed him. But before Sulien could head off the docks, Ajax grabbed his elbow, stopping him.
“Please talk to me when you feel ready.” Sulien merely smiled, one of the ones that Ajax knew was fake and full of lies. But the ginger accepted it in the moment.
Sulien sighed as he summoned his claymore, flipping the massive weapon in one hand. The conversation from the day before played in his head, over and over. But he had work to do now. Why did Ajax care? What did he mean when he said he wasn’t there last time? Sulien swung his weapon, the frostbitten blade slicing clean through the arm of the Ruin Guard. He didn’t expect to be smacked by the automaton’s other arm, he barely protected himself with a wall of ice.
“Sandrone, pay attention!” Ajax called, utterly confused on why his colleague was so lost in thought. Ajax ripped apart his bow, the hydro blades forming as he slashed at the ruin guard. It was a simple side mission, really. Destroy the ruin guard near the skirmisher camp. Easy peasy between the two of them. Hell even alone, just one of them probably could have done it. But it was rare they both were allowed into the field together.
Sulien froze the ruin guard and Ajax’s daggers turned back into his bow, he nocked an arrow and drew his string back. Right through the core, bullseye. “Alright that’s that!” Ajax’s bow dematerialised as the automaton fell. There was a whirring nearby and Sulien narrowed his eyes, Ajax didn’t seem to hear it. But he did.
A wall of ice protected Ajax from the incoming missiles of another automaton. Sulien barely dodged the drill of a ruin hunter. Why were there so many all of a sudden? Ajax easily flipped out of the way of the hit of the ruin guard that had attacked him, sliding back to where he had been when fighting the first one. His bow appeared in his hand and he got into position again. “Tartaglia! How many did the Skirmishers report?” Sulien questioned as blocked an attack with his claymore.
His arms shook as the hunter tried to keep cutting downwards with its long sword-like attachment. He had to yield, ducking underneath it. Ajax bent down on his perch, pointing his bow upwards he released multiple hydro arrows into the air. “They only reported one ruin guard! There was no mention of multiples, let alone a hunter.” Ajax called back as another hydro arrow appeared between his fingers.
Now underneath it the ruin hunter decided this was the time to use lasers. Sulien barely constructed the dome around himself in time, manipulating the frost in the air and creating a solid ice dome. A fourth automaton had Ajax seething, how in the hell did their subordinates miss this? When the one he had been fighting slammed its hand onto Ajax’s perch he used its arm as a bridge, bow turning into a polearm.
The ice around Sulien melted but before he could react a second ruin hunter was slamming into him, sending him flying backwards. “Sulien! Careful!” Ajax called, stabbing his polearm into the core of the ruin guard. Sulien got back up, dodging out of the way of one of the hunters. He ran for his claymore, weaving between various attacks as quickly as he could while Ajax struggled with the ruin guard.
Sulien picked his claymore back up and adjusted his grip on the weapon, he slashed at the legs of the ruin guard Ajax was battling, sending the automaton to the ground, the whirring of its body stopping. Two ruin hunters left- Sulien turned around and was faced with three. What in the world- “Something is summoning them here, Tartaglia. This is abnormal.” Sulien adjusted his grip on his blade, peering through the new crack in his mask. He’d have to fix it again.
A bright light beside him blinded him and Sulien hissed as he turned away from Ajax. He didn’t really have time to focus on the transformation as he shielded the both of them from the incoming missiles. A wall of ice reinforced with vines splintered and exploded, the shards turning into snowflakes as they fell from it. At least the wall had lasted against the missiles.
While Sulien thoroughly distracted one of the ruin hunters, Ajax focused on the other two, he brought his hand down, summoning multiple thunderbolts onto one of the ruin hunters, causing it to collapse to the ground, stunned from the electricity. His bow turned into a water spear as he dashed forward, the water from his weapon spraying the automaton, thoroughly frying it. Sulien’s claymore became encased in ice once more, and the ruin hunter he had to deal with was down for the count.
Ajax turned his attention to the last ruin hunter, turning in time to watch the missiles coming at him. He used his ability to blink, reappearing closer toSulien who was looking worse for wear quite frankly. Ajax lunged forward once more, a wheel of electrified water surrounding the ruin hunter, tightening on it. Sulien stepped forward, releasing a blast of ice that froze the machine, causing it to fall from its awkward frozen position, shattering upon contact on the ground. Ajax was beaming, still in his Abyss form but he let himself actually touch the ground rather than float and he turned towards Sulien.
Sulien's claymore dug into the stone and he used it to keep himself up. Ajax closed the distance between them, his weapon floating beside him. Sulien collapsed onto his knees, the large weapon giving out underneath his weight and clattering to the stone floor of the ruin. Funny.. This didn't hurt as much as the heart problems had been hurting.. Life was funny that way. "Hey, hey what happened?" Ajax shifted back, he was exhausted from the fight and using foul legacy. His eyes trailed down to where Sulien's hand was pressed against his side. Ajax gripped the man's hand, pulling it back. The dark green of his palm stained even darker.
"The ruin hunter hit me." Sulien's head hung low, the mask he wore finally giving out, falling to the stone floor, the crack that had started to form fully breaking through the fragile mask. Ajax wished that Sulien didn't look so void, maybe it could help him assess the extent of the wound. Ajax helped Sulien out of the coat he wore, discarding the heavy material onto the ground. The touch was electrifying to Sulien, whose heart only clenched more. So many things unsaid.. But even now, he figured, he didn't deserve the right to say them.
Ajax pulled the man's shirt up, inspecting the wound. It was bad. Really bad. Sulien didn't even flinch when the man used his hydro vision to try and get rid of some of the blood to see better. "I never wanted this." Sulien mumbled as he stared up at the sky. Yes that much was true, Sulien never wanted to be on the battlefield. He was not a warrior. At one time he wanted to be a scholar, he wanted to teach. All of that ripped away with his memories. This was the end Ajax wanted, surrounded by bodies on the battlefield. Ajax ripped the banner he wore, pressing the fabric against the wound.
"Sulien, keep your eyes open, okay? I'll get you help." Would he be strong enough to carry Sulien and his weapon all the way back to Liyue Harbour? Sulien laughed, it was bitter though and it made Ajax's heart hurt. They both had so many things left unsaid. Ajax grunted as he lifted Sulien, the man hadn't listened. Though, when did he ever listen, Ajax mused. The harbinger had to use foul legacy again, there was no way he'd be able to get from the ruins all the way back to the harbour. The warm blood on his hands made the decision for him.
The stares he got as he moved through Liyue Harbour meant nothing to him, he kept Sulien's coat over the man in question, shielding his face and wound from the general public. The claymore in his free hand as he quickly moved through the streets. There were so many things Ajax hadn't said, so many things he felt, so many things he wanted to do. He gripped the man in his arm tighter.
Ajax kicked the door open, much to the surprise of Zhongli and his guests who watched as the large abyssal creature ducked to get through the doorway. Ajax dropped the claymore in the entrance way, letting the weapon clatter to the ground. He then shifted back, all but falling to his knees, Sulien’s still body rolling from his arms. Ajax slammed his hand into the ground as he tried to push himself back up.
“Help, help him please.” But he found himself unable to get up, breathing too unsteady, his own wounds catching up with him as the adrenalin was all but gone. Zhongli dropped his teacup, moving quickly he picked up Sulien, bringing him further into the house. At least Ajax could rest now, leaning his head against the hallway wall.
“Lumine, go get Baizhu please. Paimon, could you bring me the medical kit from the kitchen?” Zhongli lowered Sulien down onto the couch, pulling the fabric away from the wound the God grimaced. Lumine nodded, stepping over Ajax to get out the door as fast as she could. Paimon also listened, despite her small frame she managed to drag the medical kit into the living room. Zhongli peeled his gloves off and rolled up his sleeves as he tried to stop the flow of blood now staining his furniture.
“He should recover if he doesn’t get an infection. But do you think it is wise to treat Fatui? One less Harbinger may be-”
“I appreciate your concern, but Sandrone is a good friend no matter his occupation. He can’t help his work. Thank you for coming. Have a good night Baizhu.” Zhongli shut the door soon after and then returned to the living room. Sulien was asleep on the couch, a thin blanket covering his lower half while his torso was wrapped in multiple bandages. Ajax, meanwhile, was sitting on the ground, holding Sulien’s hand, head resting against the couch.
“They look kinda cute.” Paimon’s whisper was absolutely not a whisper, but at least she tried as she floated between Zhongli and Lumine, a smile on her face despite the fact it was two harbingers in front of her. She couldn’t know, there was no way for her to know what the two men in front of her have been through. Both alone and together. The scars could give her a hint. But that was it, and she was too naive to get it. And so to her, they were just bloodsoaked warriors who fought in the name of something she did not understand.
To Zhongli though, he’d seen this story play out thousands of times throughout history, and all he could muster was a frown, especially as his eyes traced the scars on Sulien's bare chest. As he retraced their previous conversations, he had first thought maybe it was Lumine. But as he watched the way Ajax nearly killed himself for the man. Zhongli sighed softly. What a tragic position to be in indeed.
“I’ll bring him home. Thank you for helping.” Ajax stood slowly, wincing at the pain he felt. He was in a bad state himself. Lumine held out the tattered coat, the black and navy fabric stained in hidden crimson. Ajax took it, wrapping it around Sulien before hoisting him up with a grunt. Sulien stirred in his arms but remained asleep. “I’ll pick up his claymore tomorrow.” Ajax couldn’t carry the weapon right now.
“Be safe.”
Sulien blinked at the ceiling of his bedroom. It was light outside, but the room was dark, the curtains drawn shut. His side hurt like hell, the events of what happened melding into his fragmented memory though, and he couldn’t quite recall at the moment. He felt weight shift in the bed beside him and he tensed immediately. There were very few he’d ever let close enough to him who-
“I know you’re sleeping but..” Ajax started with a soft sigh and Sulien promptly squeezed his eyes shut and evened out his breathing as if he were sleeping. “I think I know why you’ve been sick lately.. It’s the same reason why I’m sick.” Sulien wanted to furrow his brow as he quickly grew confused but opted to continue pretending he was asleep.
“I thought spending time with Lumine would take my mind off of you but it didn’t.” So he had been doing it on purpose. “Lumine is nice and all. But she’s not you.” Sulien could feel Ajax’s warm hand against his cold one, his long slender fingers playing with the scarred skin of Sulien’s hand. “I just don’t want to ruin the friendship we have if you don’t feel the same. So I tell you when you’re asleep like a coward.” Ajax sighed to himself. “This is so pathetic of me.” He mumbled.
“And then it’s my fault you’re hurt, they were my subordinates and my mission.” Ajax’s voice cracked and he didn’t even try to hide it. Though, Sulien supposed when you’re talking to somebody who is asleep, there’s nothing to hide. “All I do is fail you, what kind of friend am I? If I can’t even be a good friend, how am I supposed to be a good enough lover to tell you how I feel?” Ajax intertwined their fingers, but his touch was so hesitant. His hand was so warm, too.
“You say it all the time.. We’re just pawns in all of this.. This is one choice I have control over in this mess and yet I can’t even make it. You deserve so much more.” Ajax pulled his hand away and Sulien missed the comforting warmth. “You deserve somebody who can help heal those wounds, not.. A bloodthirsty monster like me. Whew, okay.. That helped. Good job Ajax.” Ajax mumbled to himself, a soft sigh of relief now that the weight was off of his chest.
“I think I’m in love with you.”
Ajax sat up, dull eyes wide as he looked down at Sulien whose eyes were still closed. “I don’t really know how love is supposed to feel. But I think I feel it.” The man sighed, he didn’t know very much it would seem. “Could I have your hand back? I like how warm you are.” Sulien finally opened his eyes to Ajax staring at him, a range of emotions on the ginger’s face. Huh.. Had he always had that many freckles on his face? Cute.
“How much did you hear?!”
“All of it.” Ajax inhaled sharply, panic setting in. Sulien reached out, grabbing Ajax’s hand, warm. “You deserve somebody who understands the things they are feeling. And I’m not that. But I can try to learn..” Sulien cleared his throat, it hurt to speak but he couldn’t really remember the last time he had. He must have been hit pretty hard. “Te-” he hesitated, looking away from Ajax’s shocked expression and out the window. “Teach me.”
Ajax settled back down on the bed, intertwining their fingers once more. “Okay.. I’ll teach you.”
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Once Bitten, Twice Stupid prt 156
At the back of the aquarium was the animal park/zoo. Lance wanted to feed the deers, so they did, his boyfriend would have adopted them all if left alone unsupervised for too long. For someone who hadn’t wanted a cow, Lance was pretty attached to his cow. His boyfriend fawning over everything that moved. Zero fear at all when it came to the snakes, where Keith liked to think he has a healthy fear of them. They did their own thing and he did his own thing. Never the pair to cross paths. How could they have snakes near open pens with pattble bunnies did his head in. Didn’t they worry the snakes would get the rabbits? The pavilion was dedicated to kids more than adults, Lance seemed to fit right in. Keith conned into rabbit cuddles. As nice as it was terrifying trying not to drop the rabbit, Kosmo was cuter when he’d been smaller. Lance just as cute as he smiled up at him holding his own rabbit happily. The rabbit in Keith’s arms was... he supposed... cuterish... until it pooped and Lance cackled so hard he had lean against the rabbit pen wall. This was why Kosmo was better. Keith taking a baby wipe from a zoo worker to clean up the mess on his hand as the rabbit was half dropped and half thrown the few inches back into its pen. Fuck rabbits and fuck snakes. They weren’t for him. He had Kosmo and he had Blue. That was definitely enough to keep him happy in the fur department.
Stumbling his steps, Keith came to a stop as he held Lance to him. His boyfriend’s colour faded from his face as sweat beads rolled down his forehead. The day wasn’t terribly warm, but the lack of cloud cover and coming out the air conditioning must have been getting to Lance. The pavilion was like a cool oasis before you stepped out into heat and the paths that looped around back to where they currently were
“Babe, want to take a break?”
Expecting Lance to say no, because he was a stubborn idiot about all the wrong things, his boyfriend nodded
“Sorry. I need to sit for a bit”
Okay. He wasn’t going to freak out. Nope. Lance had made it clear he was over being fussed over. A quick scan and he’d found a converted building with a neon sign in the window
“There’s a cafe. Let’s get something to drink”
“Yeah... I need a moment”
Propping Lance up, Keith lead them over to the cafe where he glared a couple away from the only available seats on the shaded veranda of the old building. Sitting Lance down, his boyfriend pushed his chair back, leaning heavily on his thighs as he hunched forward, legs spread as if he thought he might vomit between his feet
“I’m sorry. Can you get me some water?”
“Yep. Hang on. Don’t move, I’ll be right back”
Grabbing two bottles of water Keith’s anxieties had him practicing what he’d say to the server as he took his place in line. The family at the sandwich counter were fighting with kids over having to eat sandwiches and not cream topped cake. The aircon in the house barely seemed to make a dent, and when he got to the counter he fumbled down both bottles of water, flustered and annoyed over the wait. Paying for both bottles hurt his heart. No bottle of water ever should cost $5 each. That was ridiculous. If Lance hadn’t needed water he’d definitely have had some very choice words to say over how they ran their cafe. In his rush to get back to Lance he nearly forgot his wallet, then bumped squarely into some kid that started crying. Apologising to the cranky mother who rushed to her precious darlings side, Keith had had enough of crowds. Enough of people. Like, couldn’t they see he was in an obvious rush? Or did they expect him to make Lance wait, then would complain if Lance threw up in front of their kids? People were too damn complicated. He should have been paying better attention to when Lance stopped laughing and started stumbling.
Lance had stripped off his jumper and used it to cover his belly as he leant against the veranda railing in his chair. His boyfriend still looked ill, but at least he was upright. A few people were glancing in his direction. Keith resisting the urge to snap at them for staring. If they were going to state they could at least offer assistance
“Babe, I’ve got the water”
Raising his head Lance blinked at him, a smile slowly coming to his lips
“Hmm... what? Oh. Thanks...”
“Are you okay? You don’t look like you feel very well”
“Just a little faint. And a whole lot of thirsty. Why do you smell funny?”
Keith handed Lance his bottle of water, using himself to shield Lance from those staring. Raising his upper slightly, Keith didn’t want to think about whatever had been on the kids hands, or on its face. He was going to be a horrible parent. What kind of person felt icky about a strangers dirty kid? Kids were dirty creatures
“Bumped into a kid. More like they bumped into me. I have no idea why it was on the loose”
“You were rushing, weren’t you?”
Sprung. He couldn’t help but rush. Ten minutes in a line of people who felt as frustrated as he did then turned out to not be able to make their damn minds up either. Then again, the cakes did actually look good. Maybe had Krolia not given him food poisoning he would have picked a slice to share with his boyfriend
Lance sighed, cracking open his bottle of water as he did. His boyfriend realising he was watching him
“Come sit down already. I’m alright. I’m feeling better in the shade”
“You said you felt faint. If this is too much...”
How often did Lance feel faint? Often enough to hide it from him?
“Keith, sit down already. It’s hotter out here than I expected. That’s it. I’m fine”
Keith didn’t quite believe Lance as he sat across from him. They’d done a fair bit of walking. The complex deceptively large inside with the outdoor area feeling more like an after thought. Still, this was closest thing to an actual zoo in the area. It made sense why it’d be so popular with families
“You’re frowning. What’s on your mind?”
“How often do you feel faint?”
Lance sighed at him
“It’s okay. I’ve normally had a nap by now and I didn’t sleep that much last night. But I’m fine now I’m sitting. You should drink your water or you’ll end up dehydrated”
“Are you you don’t need it?”
Lance rolled his eyes at him
“Babe. You’ve got to relax. Besides, my bladder is like the size of a walnut these days. I’ve already had to pee like three times. It’s repetitive”
“Was it because of the water?”
Maybe the sound of running water or being surrounded by so much of it was making his boyfriend pee more?
“Nope. I know what you’re hinting at and no. Seriously, they don’t over exaggerate this peeing thing. Everything’s all squished up to make space for these two”
“I’m sorry”
Lance sighed at him again. Replacing the cap on his bottle of water as he leaned on the table
“You don’t need to be sorry. I know you’ve got new dad jitters. I’m enjoying myself, and if it’s any indication by how much these two are moving, they are too. What do you think of this place?”
Keith let Lance have the topic change, sitting back in his chair as he nodded
“It’s cool. I mean. It’s not like hugely fancy, but it’s cool. The rabbits suck”
“I don’t know. I thought they were kind of cute”
“Because you didn’t get crapped on”
“That was definitely an advantage. It’s nice. Just seeing all these people going about their lives. It’s nice”
There was a clear “but” in Lance’s tone
“Honestly, a kid tripped and I smelt blood. Kids trip all the time, but it got me wondering how I’d react to our kids”
“And I don’t know. It kind of scares me. I mean, I think I’ll be okay. I think it’s just all these extra hormones amping up my senses. I’ve taken care of Pidge and Hunk before, and you without going crazy. I think I’m just over thinking it”
“You wanted to help the kid, didn’t you?”
“Yeah. I think I’m touchy because it’s a kid. They’re supposed to be enjoying themselves and not face planting on the walkways”
“They’ll be fine. Seriously though... these kids are scary”
Lance chuckled, his colour still wasn’t improving but if he could laugh Keith would take it as a sign his boyfriend felt a bit better
“That’s going to be us. And we’re going to have two of them. I hope they don’t inherit your sense of direction”
“Rude. I got us here in one piece”
“You did. It hasn’t quite been the same riding around in a car since... you know”
Since Lance flipped a truck to save him and Curtis...
“You still think about that?”
“I think about how damn lucky we were. I don’t know how you’re so willing to get back on your bike after it”
“I haven’t really thought about it. I mean, my accident wasn’t that bad. And I’ve missed my bike. Do you want me to sell it?”
Lance shook his head immediately
“No. No. I mean, I don’t love your bike but you do. I want you to have the things you love. I’m going to have to get used to it sooner rather than later”
“It has been off the road as long as you’ve been pregnant”
“I know. I’m still not sure how we made the twins...”
“When a daddy loves a daddy...”
Groaning at him, Lance’s smile only grew
“When a weird vampire drinks the blood of a weirdo, magical things happen?”
“Something like that. What do you want to do after this?”
Keith had a plan of how he wanted the day to go. First the Aquarium Centre, then out for lunch, then putting on his big boy pants and facing crowds. Lance needed more clothes, especially with how large his stomach was getting. Plus, he wanted to see Lance getting excited over things for their twins. He wanted to check out furniture... maybe choose a theme? That’s what parents did right?
“Maybe take a nap? I know it’s not a very exciting outcome”
“Babe, it’s fine. We can totally head back to the apartment and take a nap. I have no idea how I’m supposed to go back to work with all this time off”
“Does that mean you take a secret nap in the afternoons at the garage?”
Hunk would let him. Matt would see an open opportunity to get up to some kind of mischief. Grease on his hands. A grease moustache. Anything was possible if he let his guard down
“No. But I have thought about it. Then I remember Matt’s there and I think again”
“I don’t think he’d play up at work. You know Rieva tried to pay me rent? I mean, who charges their family rent?”
Lance shrugged
“Mami never charged me. I told her to put it towards the food bill instead. I’m paying the same amount no matter the number of people in the household”
“You’re using more power and water”
“Yeah, but I’d still rather them save up for their own place or save towards going to see Rieva’s parents. This time last year it was only me and Blue”
“And now?”
“And now we’ve got a whole family in there. I’m so grateful to have met all of you... I’m going to be sad when Curtis leaves for good. It’s not the same without him there”
Keith huffed, hoping his expression seemed as if he was acting hurt
“Should I worry you’re going to run off with him?”
“I don’t know. He does give a pretty good running commentary when we’re watching our shows together. And he’s stopped coming at me with sex toys”
“What am I supposed to tell Shiro when you two elope?”
Lance choked on air, coughing as he shook his head
“I don’t want to die... Shiro would kill me. What about you? Would you stop the wedding?”
“Nope. I’d burn down the church so you couldn’t marry him in the first place”
“Babe, you can’t burn down churches!”
Still coughing, Lance opened his bottle of water again and proceeded to choke on that too. Keith hanging his head, useless against an invisible enemy. He’d gone and made himself upset with his own jokes. Lance was right though. Curtis was into cheesy dramas and Keith really wasn’t. Asking questions only got him glared at as Lance would be forced to spend more time explaining things to him than watching his show. Slowly recovering, Lance wiped his mouth, still coughing slightly as he shook his head again
“I have to pee again. I’ll be right back”
“You’ll be okay?”
Lance gestured towards the sign Keith hadn’t noticed. There were toilets at the side of the cafe
“I’ll be right back. Here, look after my stuff”
Lance’s stuff was his wallet and phone. Keith tapping the screen to check the time and noticing Lance had half a dozen missed calls from Hunk and Matt, his boyfriend’s phone set to “Do Not Disturb”. That couldn’t be good. Pulling out his own phone, Keith opened up his contacts, calling Matt instead of Hunk. Hunk would have been the better one to call, but if something was going on, Matt would be the calmer one to relay information. The call took long enough to connect that Keith was bored of holding his phone to his ear, and a little annoyed Matt hadn’t answered immediately
“You called? What’s wrong now?”
Okay. He could have hidden someone of his annoyance, but Matt could have also texted whatever was up to Lance
“Oh! Shit. Yeah. Are you with Lance?”
No. He was on a doomed mission to Pluto. Where else was he going to be?”
“Yeah, we’re on a date. What’s going on?”
“His sister showed up here today. No idea what she wanted, but she left in a hurry. Rieva saw her as she was leaving for work”
“Which sister?”
“I don’t know... Rieva said she was pretty shocked to see her, then didn’t look too happy Lance wasn’t home”
“Did she say anything else?”
“Nope. She thought I should call you guys and let you know as soon as possible. She said she caught her peaking in through the lounge room window”
That couldn’t be good. What the hell was Lance’s sister doing showing up?!
“Thanks for letting me know. I’ll let Lance know. If you see her again, don’t bother asking why she’s around...”
“I know it’s complicated, but you sound like you’re not going to tell Lance. Has something happened?”
Maybe the thought had crossed Keith’s mind, but Lance wouldn’t be impressed if Keith didn’t tell him
“Not that I know. I don’t think it’s a touching family reunion she’s after”
“Hunk said the same thing. Anyway, bro. I’ll let you get back to your date. Are you guys coming home today?”
“Maybe. Lance wants to spend some time with Curtis”
“Okay, well, Rieva put the alarm on. I’ll let you know if his sister shows up again”
Keith hung up as Matt was saying his goodbyes. Keith now really wasn’t sure what to do. He couldn’t tell Lance that one of his sisters was snooping around his house. He vaguely remembered Rachel had drug problems, so maybe... she was going to break in? Veronica had kids... what had she done with them? Luis and Lisa hadn’t told Nadia and Sylvio about Lance. Or was it Lisa? Had Luis sent Lisa to ask for Mami’s ring? Maybe Rieva had gotten it wrong and it wasn’t Lance’s sister... but then who would it be? Why would some strange woman who wasn’t Krolia be poking around Lance’s home? Rome better not have reversed their decision. Fucking Matt had ruined his whole mood. Shoved the responsibility on him, and now it’d be on his mind until the end of their date if he didn’t tell Lance about it right now. Keith didn’t want to skip the nocturnal section. He wanted to get his own back over the rabbit incident by teasing Lance over a family reunion with the bats. He missed Lance’s tiny little bat form. With his chubby belly and tiny little teeth as he fed from Keith’s finger. He wished he’d taken video of Lance floating around in the ice cream container in the bathtub. Or with his bubble beard and unamused look... But if he told Lance, Lance would be depressed and worried for the rest of their visit to the zoo.
Waiting for his boyfriend to return, Keith started getting concerned as people came and went from the public toilets with none of those people being Lance. Gathering up their things, Keith ignored the few looks he got as he left the veranda area and turned the corner to head into the public toilets. Stared at as if his arrival was somehow startling, Keith made his over to the three cubicles against the wall. Leaning against the corner as if he was waiting in line, and not waiting to see who came out of which one to determine where his boyfriend was.
Pretending to be polite, Keith gestured to those actually as the two cubicles opened, with Lance in the closest, he was grateful the zoo employed the simple turn locks and nothing fancy as he slipped the edge of one of Lance’s key into the small slit, to let himself into the cubicle. Sitting on the toilet lid, Lance had a wad of tissues to his nose as he cried silently, Keith rushing to lock the door behind him and move to kneel in front of his boyfriend
Raising his head, Lance hiccuped softly, relief coming into his big blue eyes
That was all it took for Keith to be wrapping his arms around his boyfriend. Lance shuddering as he let out an audible sob
“Babe, what happened?”
If someone had hurt Lance, he was going to murder them very slowly for daring to touch him. Logic out the window, and the numerous other reasons Lance’s nose could be bleeding, out with it
“I’m... I... panicked... and I... my nose”
Lance sounded all stuffy, as he would have if he had a broken nose or a head cold
“Can I see?”
Nodding Lance drew back, Keith cupping his face in his hands as his boyfriend pulled the toilet paper away from his nose
“What happened?”
“I panicked... and bumped a guy who pushed me... and I smacked my face”
Who the fuck shoved someone who’d bumped them by accident?!
“I’m going to kill him”
“No... no... this is my fault”
“Babe, your nose is messed up!”
Why couldn’t Lance admit that he wasn’t to blame?! Clearly the other guy had over reacted
“I... he broke my nose... and my arm... and I... I killed him”
Hang on. What? Keith hadn’t seen any dead bodies in the bathroom. A normal human had a habit of screaming in the face of a discovery like that. The only person... oh...
“Hey. Hey, you’re okay. He’s gone. He’s gone and he’s not going to hurt you again”
“I know... I didn’t mean to panic... the... the basement had a stone floor and it came out of nowhere... and I tried to hide it... but I...”
Lance was starting to smell sweet. The wanker who’d pushed him had pushed him right over the edge. He was lucky Lance was coherent enough to talk to him. Fucking Sendak
“Okay. You’re okay. I’m sorry I didn’t come faster. Does your nose hurt?”
Lance nodded, bottom lip bleeding too from where his fangs had pierced it. Lance didn’t tell him Sendak broke his nose and his arm. Keith wished he could resurrect the wank stain and lop his damn head off for himself
“My whole head hurts. He hurt Curtis and I lost my head. I didn’t... I...”
“Shhh. You were in an impossible situation. You need to calm your breathing down. Can you do that?”
“I can’t smell you...”
Thanks to fucking blood across his face
“I know. I’m here though. Breathe through your mouth. In for 6 out for 12...”
Lance nodded at him, making the attempt
“Good. Good, just like that. Just like that. He’s gone and you never have to see him again... just keep breathing for me”
As Lance kept on with trying to calm his breathing, Keith pulled off a long strip of toilet paper, starting to clean his boyfriend’s face up. Lance would heal, but it wasn’t fair that some douche took his bad mood out on him. Lance’s voice wavered as he mumbled
“Is it bad?”
“I’m pissed as hell, but not at you”
“I’m trying. I am... but... when I saw the floor I panicked...”
“Hey. You’re not to blame”
“I ruined our whole date!”
“You didn’t ruin anything. Nothing at all. You’re okay now. Fuck... I should have come in with you”
“You were on the phone”
Right. Super hearing. Lance had probably heard every rude thing whispered as people watched him recovering. He couldn’t lie. Lance deserved better than a lie, even if this wasn’t the time for the truth
“Matt called. He said your sister came to see you. Rieva didn’t know which one”
Lance’s sharp intake of breath cause Keith to knock his boyfriend’s nose, more blood running from his nostrils in a fresh wave as he hissed in pain
“Sorry! I’m so sorry...”
Lance whimpered as Keith wiped the blood up. Shiro would have once lost his shit over him doing this without thinking twice
“Can we go home? I... want to go home...”
“Yeah, babe. We’ll wait a little longer until your nose stops bleeding. Do you need anything? Can I get you anything? Did he hurt you anywhere else?”
“N-no... I scratched myself... with my nails... I didn’t...”
“Shhh. You’re not to blame and you’d be saying the same thing if our positions were reversed. Can you show me?”
Lance’s nails were long and lethal looking. His boyfriend had scratched up the soft skin of his inner left wristKeith had a fair idea of what happened. Lance would have walked into the bathroom, moving out the way of someone leaving. He’d probably looked down and seen the floor. Feeling himself panicking and his body reacting, his boyfriend would have tried to hide in the first available cubicle, accidentally bumping the guy who’d shoved him out the way. With how good Lance’s memory was, he’d be recalling Sendak’s touch, associating it with the feel of his nose getting messed up and panicked further. When had going to the toilet become so dangerous? People sucked.
“A few scratches but your jumper will hide them. You’ll be okay. We’ll go back to the apartment and we can snuggle”
“I’m so sorry... I ruined our whole date”
“You didn’t. You didn’t do a single thing wrong”
“I must have... he shoved me so hard...”
Why hadn’t he grabbed his fucking gun? Stabbing the guy didn’t seem as good as shooting him in both feet and making the man walk himself to help
“He’s the one with the problem, not you. Let me clean your chin up. You’ve got blood down you front”
Using up most of his bottle of water, Keith got Lance as cleaned up his could. His boyfriend’s scent spiking in waves, Lance not mentioning it so Keith didn’t either. Replacing the toilet paper with a fresh wad, once Lance had his jumper back on, Keith got his boyfriend standing then flushed away all the evidence, careful to triple check there was no split blood on the floor or the door. So much for the peaceful date that they both more than deserved.
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
Paper Airplanes
Pairing: College!Tom x College!Y/N
Wc: 2kish 
Warnings: swearing and tooth-rotting fluff :) 
Summary: You know all those cliches in movies? yeah well, this oneshot is full of them. So...check yes Juliet? 
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There were many things on your to-do list today. Homework, filing papers, possibly getting lunch if you had time (which you did not). On your long list of things, getting hit in the eye with a paper airplane was not one of them. Your hand went up to feel the sensitive hit while the projectile fell into your lap. Luckily it didn’t hit your actual cornea, just the lid, but fuck that hurt. You looked around the office/lounge area to see who was the assailant, only to see Tom. 
“For fuck sakes Tom,” You whine and throw the plane back at him. 
“Sorry love, I just wanted your attention.” He laughs and picks the plane right out of the sky. “Need someone to keep your company?” 
He signaled to the very barren student lounge/event office space that you were currently in charge of. You had taken the job as a ‘student event assistant’ last semester, which basically meant you made posters for Uni events, in charge of student activity sign-ups, paperwork, and most important taking ID pictures. It was a very laidback job though, your desk sitting in the student lounge which was usually quiet. Most of your time was consumed getting homework done or watching Hulu. 
“As long as nothing else comes at my face,” 
“I can’t-“
“Holland, I swear to God.” You narrow your eyes and he laughs. 
“You know me too well Y/N,” 
Tom says as he knocks on the locked door of your desk area. Your desk was positioned in a smaller office room that was open to the lounge. It was easy access for you to talk to other students or for others to ask questions. Mainly it was a nuisance to walk around your desk and through the door, but you dealt with it. Tom grabbed a chair next to your desk and leaned back, feet propped up on your physics textbook as he relaxed. 
You rolled your eyes, shifting his feet off your books and placing them on the free area next to them. It took some time to get used to Tom’s pestering nature, but after meeting him last semester it became a fond friendship. Tom had come to the event office to ask if he could publish posters for his brother’s movie festival. You agreed and he went straight to playfully flirt with you. Nothing had happened though, which you were trying to not mind. Although his presence made your heart thump and palms sweat, you didn’t want to jump into some puppy dog love. 
“Who do you have for physics?” 
“Yikes. Good luck with that babes,” Tom flips through the book and raises his brow at you. “So, what time are you off?” 
You turn your clock towards you and saw it was 4:15. Forty-five minutes until freedom, and by that you mean watching your shows while eating pizza bites. 
“I get off at five,” You spin in your chair and Tom stops you with his foot. 
“You got plans?” 
“Do I ever?” 
Tom snickers and moves your chair between his legs, your feet bouncing off his. He bites his lip and looks beyond you. For a second you thought you were going to explode. Was Tom going to ask you out? Not only would that complete every dream and wish you’ve had ever, that would also give you something to do besides self-indulge. Tom stands up suddenly and looks down at you with that shit-eating grin he always has. 
“Can you retake my ID picture?” 
“What?” You furrow your eyebrows and Tom shrugs. 
“I lost my ID. Help a boy out,” He whines while grabbing the sides of your face. “I’ll make it worth your wild.” 
You feign a sighed ‘fine’ as you turn on the ID machine. Tom hops over the waist height counter and stands in front of the small white backdrop. You spin your seat around and play with the settings until it’s not a fuzzy mess of Tom’s face. 
“Hold on,” Tom fumbles with his pockets until he pulls out a pair of circular black glasses. 
Fuck, as if he couldn’t get any cuter. Your face is flushed as he adjusts them on his face. The frames are big but they make his brown eyes sparkle behind the glass. No way could they be real, he’s just toying with you at this point. Tom rubs his lips together, sliding his tongue between the pink lines and smirking at you. He knows he looks like a whole meal. Your mind wanders. It’s getting really hot all of sudden. Now all you can think of is how his glasses would look perched upon your-
“I said, do these glasses look too big for my nose?” Tom squints his eyes at you and you laugh off the lustful thoughts. 
“No, no you look good. Why do you want to wear glasses in your ID though?” 
“I want to look studious,” He states as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world. 
A flat ‘hmph’ leaves your lips as you raise three fingers in the air. Tom relaxes and shines that perfect smile towards the camera lens. You count down and click the camera to snap the most perfect photo you’ve ever seen. Tom can’t take a bad picture, can he? This sappy crush you have is becoming a little obsessive because now you can’t stop staring at his beautiful face. The machine chucks out the new ID and you hand it to him. 
“Picture perfect,” He muses and pulls out his wallet. “I also wanted to wear the glasses to see you get all red,” 
Your chair spins in his direction and you throw a pen at him. It misses by an inch, flying past his ear as he laughs at you. Tom leans on the counter, picking the paper airplane that he threw before. He plays with it, moving the nose across the desk until it’s running past your hand that’s sitting on the computer keys. He pretends to trace your hand with the makeshift toy, humming to himself. 
“So we’re going to go eat after or?” Tom hums with that stupid twinkle in his eye. 
“Sure, you want to go to the usual?” 
Main Street. It was a small, hole in the wall place in the downtown district near the Uni. They had the best sandwiches. Tom brought you there one evening after a job fair at school. You remembered it so vividly, down to where he carved your name into the window sill by your signature spot. Tom nods and drops the paper airplane back on the desk. He has been so fixated on that damn toy since he walked in here. It was close to driving you mad. 
“Are you going to recycle that or?” 
“Please. Y/N, I’ve been waiting for you to open the airplane since I got here.” Tom states in almost a watery tone. He was pleading to you with his eyes. “I’m dying here Y/N,” 
Tom was riled up, now pacing back and forth in front of you. No wonder he was acting so strange, whatever was in the airplane had him going crazy. His excitement, or dread, was causing his mood shifts which were more than usual. You grab the airplane and unraveled it from its original form. Every unfolded layer made you nervous. What the hell did he put in here that’s making him so jumpy? You see words appear on the page and with one final crease, it shows a small note. 
Dear Y/N, 
Be my girlfriend and fly away with me? 
At the bottom of the page it has two large boxes with ‘yes’ and ‘no’ written next to them. Tom’s signature was below that, his bubbly and perfect handwriting made it official. You didn’t respond. Was this a joke? Like, was Tom Holland really asking you out with a note? 
“Are you serious?” You laugh 
Tom doesn’t react. He’s biting down on his lip and waiting for you to give him a real answer. His palms are sweating. This was the only way he could find the words to say anything. He was a little oblivious, he needed to see it in writing because words made him lost. You look at him and he seems to be getting disheartened. 
“Hey it’s okay,” Tom grabs the paper and tries to stuff it into his pocket. 
“No, it’s alright. I’ll see you around,” 
Tom grabs his stuff quickly and rushes out the door. You stood there feeling stupid. You laughed at him for Christ sakes! But in your defense, it seemed like a joke Tom would make. His face though, you saw the crushed look upon his face. He was gutted. You look to the clock, 4:45. Fuck it. Executive order, you were done with work and now you had to make things right. 
Tom sat in the dimly lit restaurant, stirring a cup of tea with a little wooden stick. His heart felt heavy, his mind was cluttered with antagonizing thoughts. He felt stupid. After days, maybe weeks, of trying to say something to Y/N, he wrote a stupid fucking note? What kind of grade school shit is that? Tom didn’t even touch his sandwich. He felt physically ill. 
His fingers brush over your name that was carved into the window sill. God, it took forever to write it into the wood. He tried a pen, knife, and keys. Took all of dinner but it happened. Your name forever carved into one of his favorite places. Tom couldn’t be mad at you. Your name sparked that light feeling in his chest. Like his heart was flying. It was dumb though, a stupid puppy dog crush. His eyes fixated on his uneaten food until something poked his nose. It didn’t hurt but it was blunt, something scratchy. A poorly made paper airplane fell on top of his Mediterranean sandwich. He looks up and sees you standing there, hands behind your back like you’ve done something wrong. 
“Y/N, you don’t-“ 
“Come on Tom, open it.” You whine and take the seat in front of him. “I’m dying here,” You mimic. 
Tom gulps hard, opening the airplane folds nervously. You were not a master of paper folding at all. The nose of your airplane was bent before it hit Tom’s nose and the creases were all wrong. But it got to its destination and that’s all that mattered. Tom unfolded it and saw your beautiful handwriting scribbled across the paper. 
Dear Tom, 
Sorry for being an ass. Do you forgive me? (Checking yes means you’re my boyfriend so choose carefully) 
Tom scans the bottom where there are two boxes. Both had the word ‘yes’ next to them, leading him with no ultimatum. He laughs, grabbing his pen and creating a new box. You sit back, still unsure if he was mad that you disregarded his note from before. Tom turns the note around and you see the new box says, ‘Definitely you div’. 
“So I’m the div huh?” You giggle while leaning close over the table. “You’re the one using primary school ways to win my heart,” 
“It worked didn’t it?” Tom wiggles an eyebrow at you, his lips looking delectable. 
“Why don’t you come over here and see,” 
Tom lifts himself slightly out of the chair to meet your lips. His one hand cupped your cheek while the other moved across your carved name on the window sill. You were trying to not completely burst into a fit of laughter. You were out of this world happy, even it was full of cliches. But maybe that was the thing about puppy love. It’s pure and full of gestures of admiration. All reservations aside, you were now falling fast into that ‘puppy dog love’. 
Tom’s lips are better than you could ever imagine. It was the thing you see in movies, that true love’s kiss or whatever. It felt right? It felt better than right, it felt like the most amazing thing you could besides looking at Tom’s beautiful face. And boy, did he feel the same way. All those days worrying about what to say paid off. He finally got to kiss the girl of his dreams. Your cute little gasps against his lips. The way your hand carresses his so softly. This was better than any dream he ever had. 
“Worked pretty well, huh?” Tom leans his forehead against yours, pecking smaller kisses to your lips. 
“Shut it Holland,” You kiss him again. “Don’t make me write a breakup airplane,” 
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ko-fanatic · 6 years
Genetic Emancipation (part two)
Rating: Mature
Fandom: Ouran High School Host Club, Repo! the Genetic Opera AU
Relationships: Kyoya x Kaoru,
Trigger Warnings: Illness, gore, blood, drugs, plastic surgery addiction.
Summary: He wasn't mad. Well, he was, but it wasn't Kyoya's fault. Not really. Okay, it was kind of Kyoya's fault... Love hurts, huh. Oh well, there's always Zydrate and money to be made.
Parts in this series: Part one
The streetlights around the cemetery never worked, and no one ever came to fix them. The sketchy side streets seemed so much more dangerous when they were so poorly lit, but it was the safest way to get to the cemetery across town, which was one of the best places to get their Zydrate. After all, what was the danger of Yoshio Ootori when poverty and starvation were more painful, drawn-out deaths. Besides, if Kyoya could help take his father's attention away, then he would; it's something you do for someone you love...
Or something you love, he thought bitterly, despite the fact he knew Kyoya wasn't like that. Kyoya was an addict, yes, but he wasn't when they met and they fell in love before he was plastic perfect. Perhaps it was partly out of guilt, also; he was the one to give Kyoya his first taste of the blue vial. He'd just hated to see the boy lying there, face bandaged and almost crying out in pain because of how much it hurt.
It just started a downward spiral. More surgeries, more Zydrate, and he watched as Kyoya's soft face turned to defined cheekbones, the slight bump of his nose being restructured into something smaller, apparently "cuter". If you looked at Kyoya's old photos, you wouldn't recognise him, but... that was the point, however much Kaoru hated it. Now, his eyes were going to change, too.
He was something close to angry when he thought about all of the things Kyoya wanted to replace. His heart was damaged for years, an operation every few weeks as valves decayed and holes appeared. However, that designer heart still beat with common blood, so why the hell did everyone want him to show it off?
Maybe Hikaru had a point when he said Kyoya looked like daddy's little hooker?
He shook the thought away, berating himself for being such a crappy boyfriend in that moment. Kyoya said it himself; in his position, it paid to look a certain way. His outfits were fashionable, they showed off his thin frame and porcelain skin, they drew attention to him. He was only the fourth child, and that made his boyfriend something of an attention seeker, but it wasn't bad. Kaoru liked seeing him in those outfits...
He squeezed through the bars of the cemetery easily, buttoning his black coat up further. His breath fogged in the cold, late night air, and he mused that he might be able to see the outline of a star or two beyond the red glow of light pollution. A nice night, and he was thankful it was dry, even if it was freezing; that was what layers were for.
He strolled around, trying to pick where to dig first. He had to be careful of guards, of course; the PA system announcing "Grave robbers will be shot on sight" as a stark reminder. It was the only warning you got if you were dumb enough or, like he and his brother, desperate enough to do this shit.
Of course, Kyoya had offered him a way out, but... Well, daddy dearest certainly wouldn't approve, and Kaoru wasn't writhing in agonising guilt over this. People threw away perfectly good organs and Zydrate, almost like the world wasn't still in crisis. Hell, in a world where Yoshio fucking Ootori couldn't give their child a full, new heart for years because of the shortage, then what hope did poor schmucks like him and his brother have?
"I'll be quick..."
Kaoru jumped when he heard muttering coming from inside one of the crypts, because that would just about cap the disaster of a dying world they lived in; zombies. Still, he was curious; and you know what they say about that, curiosity killed the cat but satisfaction brought it back.
"I'll just... catch it, and run back inside..." The voice continued. It was soft, almost sweet. There was something melodic in there, behind a slight raspy edge. Whoever it was sounded young, too.
He ducked behind a gravestone, but still began to dig so he could at least say he was being productive, watching as the door slowly creaked open. There was a warm glow from inside, so the voice obviously had some kind of light; but why would anyone hole themselves up in a place like that?
A tall, skinny boy with blond hair crept out of the stone building, the slightest sheen of sweat on his face and his lip clenched hard between his teeth. Yeah, it really was nothing to be afraid of. The kid had a tremor running through his shoulders, and was obviously more scared of everything than Kaoru would ever be of someone that scrawny and sickly-looking.
He couldn't make out the title of the book the kid hugged close to his chest, but it was thick. Some sort of encyclopaedia, perhaps? He wasn't sure, but for now he just kept an eye on the blond as he went about his work.
The kid suddenly pounced, however, the jar in the other hand making clinking noises as the glass clashed against the stone of the grave marker, trapping some kind of bug. So that was what he was after. Kind of a gross hobby, if you ask him, but he was literally digging up a corpse, so he couldn't really judge. Each to their own, and all that.
Kaoru fucked up. It wasn't long before he realised that he was digging right into a trap - literally - but he couldn't do anything about it as the alarms went off and he heard the marching of heavy boots in the too-near distance. Shit. Seems like even Kyoya couldn't help him; but to be fair to his boyfriend, he had warned Kaoru about the traps being placed around to prevent grave robbing... He should have been more careful.
The kid ran straight back to the door he came out of, only for it to close in his face. He pounded on the wood, howled to be let in like some kind of dog, citing over and over again that he - apparently - "couldn't be outside". Did he get grounded or something? Whatever, if they didn't hide fast, then they'd both be pumped full of bullet holes by Ootori-san's delightful guards.
"Hey, dude," He called, though he kept his voice down, trying to be subtle, "Follow me."
Not that he knew where he was going either, but hey. Better than sticking around. He seemed to take the hint too, as he followed without hesitation. Kaoru's feet hit the ground so hard that he swore he could feel shocks of dull ache winding up his legs from the soles of his feet, despite his heavy boots. He ran as fast as he could, but kept visual on the blond. The kid obviously wasn't that fit - panting and huffing as he sprinted along - but adrenaline seemed to be doing its thing.
He scanned the area, trying to look for a way out - he'd take anything at this point. Still, it would be hard going; Yoshio's security meant that everything was shut tighter than the man's asshole. He tried to brush away the thought that these were likely his last moments, trying to focus on actual survival rather than overthinking.
It seemed some deity was listening to his prayers, however, when he spotted a door in the wall. It seemed like it was mostly meant to be concealed, but there was the barest outline there - you wouldn't see it unless you were looking for it, which he was.
He rammed his shoulder into the door, letting out a small grunt of combined pain and effort before trying again. And again. And again.
"Are you just going to fucking stand there kid, or are you going to help?" He snapped at the boy, wide eyes staring out from behind his mussed fringe. Now Kaoru was closer... was that a wig?
"I... I don't think I can..." The boy began, almost a whisper, but he was soon interrupted by a loud crack from the door. Better late than never, Kaoru guessed, but he still gave the kid a half-hearted glare for just standing there.
The smell was rancid, but the sight that greeted him... Well, it was like walking into a mine to find the walls encrusted with diamonds. Bodies piled high, almost floor to ceiling. Gutted, naked, laying there in this little stash, waiting to be found. He couldn't help the smirk that quirked his lips when he thought of all the Zydrate he could get from here. It went without saying, all the money that would make.
"Jackpot," He breathed, almost disbelieving, while the kid only let out a choked noise of shock. Well, this wasn't everyone's cup of tea; or, more aptly, bread and butter. Everyone had to make a living somehow, and apparently Hikaru and he had been missing out on a veritable goldmine.
"This... This can't be real..." The kid muttered, sounding absolutely horrified; as if he'd been living under a rock for years and had no idea what the state of the world was, "This can't actually be happening... Right?"
As Kaoru opened his mouth to reply that, yes, this was very real, the guards finally crashed their little party by physically grabbing the poor kid and dragging him out by the armpits, kicking and screaming. The shitty thing was, Kaoru hadn't had any opportunity to get some Zydrate. Still, his life was more important than drugs. He just had to remember where this spot was so he could hit it next time.
He was fucked now, though. No way out. This was it, and Hikaru and Kyoya would be left alone, which wasn’t fair on either of them. Son of a bitch… If Kyoya weren’t getting his corneas sliced, then he could call off the dogs, but that wasn’t an option.
It got very quiet, all except for a digital voice stating “medicate immediately”. No sounds from the guards, no sounds from the kid. It was like they’d all dropped dead then and there. More Zydrate for him, he supposed, but it was beyond fucking creepy.
Kaoru poked his head around the busted in door, cautiously trying to survey the scene without drawing attention to himself, only to get the shock of his life. What the fuck was a Repo man doing out here, and what did he want with the kid? The blond was so sickly looking, it wouldn't make sense for him to have everything in working order. Even Kyoya, who liked to look as put together as possible, looked like hell when his heart went into failure after failure, arrest after arrest.
Still, there it was. The tall man carrying the limp boy like a doll, arms hanging limp and head cricked back at what looked like an awkward angle. Still, there was something undoubtedly… tender about the way Repo held the kid…
He wasn’t going to run after them – he wasn’t suicidal – but… maybe he could ask Kyoya to do a little digging. Satisfy that niggling curiosity.
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geneshaven · 6 years
Arrow, Season 6 (Threads of Discord)
The following breakdown of Season 6 has been churning around in my addled brain since 623 ended two weeks ago, and today I felt compelled to bring it out into the light of day.  I am not agreeing or disagreeing with anybody else’s take on the season. I’m only putting it down in black and white, because quite frankly, it’s a way for me to make sense of what was served up to us this season. I was left with some discombobulated thoughts and feelings when 623 was over, so much so that the next night I felt an immediate need to write a fic, (The Distance Between Two Hearts, *plug, plug*) to give everything  a happy ending and to help it all go down smoother. So, here is my final take on the Season as a whole.
When Lian Yu blew up at the end of Season 5, the writers of Arrow left a few storylines up in the air; mainly, Oliver and Felicity and their momentum of getting back together. A lot of fans just assumed it was a done deal. They kissed. They hugged. They made a promise to one another that after the smoke cleared; they would talk about being in each other’s lives again. (I’ve thought recently that the visual of Lian Yu exploding into larger fireballs could be a great summation of Season 6.)
So, hiatus came upon us in the summer of 2017 and the writers tried to pull a fast one, leaving all our beloved characters fates up in the air via a lame cliffhanger. Oliver saved William from Chase’s clutches. Samantha was killed, giving life to one of the plot lines for Season 6. Thea was caught in the explosions, blasted into a coma; a colossal waste of her character and of Willa’s acting abilities. John was injured, setting up yet another ill-conceived plot line for Dig. The Newbies---well, they survived, but a lot of fans might have wished they were blown up. Quentin survived, only to be killed off after stringing him and us along with a lunatic fringe thing with Black Siren---another waste of a good character and actor. And Felicity? Of course she would survive. But how did she survive? A really great potential scene was wasted by the writers not having Oliver searching for and finding the love of his life safe and in need of a hug. She was last seen running for cover; then after five months of hiatus, she reappeared at the Bunker with food orders from Big Belly Burger for the guys. There was a brief scene with her and Oliver alone in the Bunker, with UST hovering over them like an image of the salmon ladder calling out to them. Instead, they danced around each other and gave us an ever briefer talk about William, how they had agreed to stay apart in order for the boy to adjust to his new life. “Not tonight, another night,” Felicity promised Oliver. Had that been going on for five months? Were cold showers to be the norm for them in the unforeseeable future?
It was not to be, and plot took the lead over character for the bulk of the season. As a result, the stories were paper thin and patience thin.
To be fair, not all the episodes were terrible. There were a handful that had glimmers of promise. 603 and Olicity finally coming back together with one big kiss was pretty okay. 604 is a front-runner for me, coming in as a favorite episode. It was a rare example of character over plot, which is why it worked so well. Having Oliver and Felicity switch places, (due to another plot driven story line of Oliver giving up being the Green Arrow and passing the torch on to John) with Felicity out in the field and Oliver taking up the Overwatch mantle---it was inspired writing. Yet, having John in the Green Arrow suit and leading the charge, as well as turning him into a drug addict; it was so out of tune, sending the fandom into a tail-spin. And the Newbies? Didn’t they get blown up?
So after 604, we got some filler episodes, giving the writers more time to strengthen their plots. Slade Wilson and his mission to save his son, and dragging Oliver along with him was not a good idea, story wise. I always liked Slade Wilson’s character; the good and the bad. But the writers missed another chance to send him out with a good and final story.
We got a very brief look at Oliver getting arrested in 607, on Thanksgiving no less. It would come back to haunt everybody in 623.
The Crossover. Nazi’s. Doppelgangers. Evil Oliver as the Fuhrer. Supergirl as Eva Braun. Felicity as a victimized Jew. Quentin as the Gestapo.  The WestAllen wedding ceremony and the destruction it suffered. Whoever paid for the event probably felt the economic hurt more than the invasion. It would have been more believable than the racist crap MG and AK came up with.
Then at the end, it was a shout-out to Oliver telling Barry guys like them don’t get the girl. They were married to their loves, side by side in an impromptu ceremony. Okay, because I am an Olicity shipper, it was good to see them happy and all in with their love for one another. No rings, no wedding apparel and no vows. Just a beautiful fall day by a lake. It worked for some and was a travesty for others.
Olicity’s reception in 609 took some of the sting away from their unconceivable double wedding. We got a lot of pretty, (Oliver and Felicity dressing up) an ill-advised toast from Rene, (Rene, really? If I were John, I would have been pissed by that demotion) music and dancing, cake-cutting and bouquet-throwing---and god help us; the Hoffman’s.
So 610, to the end of the season, was nothing short of the worst writing to ever find its way onto the show. It was a flight of fancy and preference for Marc and Wendy. The whole civil war thing between OTA and NTA---how could they think that would be entertaining? And killing off Cayden James, who had the potential of being a good villain and replacing him with Ricardo Diaz---it was the writers shooting themselves in the foot and the fans in the back. Rene shooting at Felicity and taking an axe to Oliver, Curtis intentionally hurting John to get intel and Dinah just generally pissed at everyone---it was all a swirling, nauseating mess of WTF.
Then John and Oliver throwing each other around the Bunker like kids in a schoolyard? John brings out some pent-up resentments and disapprovals over Oliver’s leadership abilities. Really? It was just more piling on on Oliver to keep the plot going. Oliver is now a husband and a father, and maybe even a role model. He has earned all that makes his life full, through blood, sweat and tears. He has virtually erased the angry, violent juggernaut we all met in Season 1. He doesn’t deserve to be blamed for everyone else’s short-comings and issues. It was just backwards writing all around.
Diaz. One big yawn. A non-threatening blow-hard who’s only real menace was being a big whiner and killing you with annoyance. I’m still shaking my head that he is coming back for Season 7.
About Season 7. Marc, Wendy and a large part of their toxic writing staff are gone. A new showrunner (Beth) is in place, along with a new, mostly female writer’s room. Do we get more character and less plot? Can they do enough damage control to salvage the mess they inherited? I hope so. Will Diaz meet an early demise; say in the first act of 701? Will Oliver be released from prison by some lawyerly trickery? Will the Newbies get blown up? Okay, I didn’t want to push things too far.
Thea and Lance are gone (insert tears here.) But Roy is coming back, and there are rumors of an Olicity baby. The Big Bad? Well, a litter of kittens would be scarier than Dias. And cuter too.
Five months. Damn. Maybe I will rewatch Season 6, you know, to pass the time.
Just kidding. I’m not into self-torture.  
@it-was-a-red-heeler @memcjo @almondblossomme @hope-for-olicity @wordslovedreams @olicityinmyheart @olicityotp-always @swordandarrow @cruzrogue @ruwithmeguys @gabriellamarie97 @bandanab310 @dmichellewrites @wanhani @1106angel
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sockpansy · 6 years
Just kiss already
Hey there @organizeddiscord ! I got you for the fic writing event hosted (started) by @the-prince-and-the-emo and so, without further ado....
Ships: logince and moxiety, both romantic.
Word count: 1796
Prompt: student au: main ship are trying to set up their mutual friends, while falling in love in the process.
Summary: patton is the pastel boy who everyone is friends with, except Virgil, the moody emo who avoids everyone. Logan and Roman notice this, and want to help Patton, who really wants to be friends with Virgil. Along the way of setting up new friends, logan and Roman realize that Patton and Virgil would be a cute couple. Now they just need to make it happen.
Patton was the pastel popular kid that eveeyone liked. He was kind and helpful, clumsy but always willing to listen. Everyone loved him.
Except Virgil.
Honestly, Virgil found patton funny with his puns, and he seemed sweet, but he perfered to be alone, and patton was always surrounded by people, lots of people.
So Virgil tried to keep his distance.
Patton refused to take the hint.
Prancing over to the emo edge lord, Patton gave a cheerful greeting.
"Good morning Virgil! I like the eyeshadow." Said person looked up through his bangs.
"...uh yeah, sure, thanks." He tried to walk past. Virgil may not want to be friends with him, but he just can't be mean to Patton, it is physically impossible.
Patton walked beside Virgil."that math test was really hard. But you turned yours in so quick! You must be really smart."
"Nah, i just gave up and accepted defeat, plus then i get to nap quicker"
From down the hall, two friends watch in thought.
Logan, student concil president, and Roman, theatre star, stood side by side.
"Ya know Logan, patton really wants to befriend Virgil..." Roman sighed dramatically.
Logsn gave a curt nod."yes he does..yet Virgil does not want too...and you cant force someone to be friends"
Roman blinked and looked at logan silently, a grin overtaking his face. Logan soon turned to face him. Eyebrow raised, before the gears clicked.
"Roman we are not-"
"Just let me explain! Look, virgil doesn't have any friends, and patton wants to be friends, if we get them to be away from lots of other people and make them hang out, maybe virgil will come around and agree to be friends with Patton."
"Roman we can't just-"
"Ill by you a week supply of crofters."
"Im in."
With some quick planning, and a few practiced lines, the next day Logan and Roman went to put their plan into action.
Patton always greeted Virgil in the mornings, so when patton started to talk to Virgil, Logan and roman walked over.
"Patton, Virgil."Logan greeted.
Roman was grinning as he announced."Patton listen! I just found the coolest roller rink and they are having a special!"
Logan looked at Roman a bit, a practiced."ah yes, you told me it had a group special? A group of four gets a free pizza and a handful of arcade tokens each for free with a purchase?"
Roman nods excited."yeah, but the skates are super cute, of course ill bring my rainbow ones! But how about it Patton, wanna go?" Roman asked. Logan was keeping an eye on Virgil, who hadnt moved but was looking for a way out of the tiny crowd.
Patton beamed excitement."oh that sounds great! But who could be the fourth person?"
Logan piped up, facing virgil he said."Virgil? Would you like to join us on a skating trip this Friday afternoon?"
Virgil, caught off gaurd by suddenly being asked to go somewhere, just stared at them all. "Uhh..."
Patton had jumped at the idea." Oh please Virgil! It will be so much fun, plus it will be a group thing so you wont have to pay!".
Virgil bit his lips a bit."I..i guess?"
The roller rink was a place that was dimly lit, but you could still see everything. It had an arcade and booth for eating along with, of course, a rink.
Roman paid for the group while logan got them roller skates.
Virgil said."uh I..brought my own so...yeah."
Logan nodded as he and patton went to get skates.
Roman sat beside Virgil as they changed shoes. "So emo nightmare...you have skated before?"
Virgil glanced st him as he slid on purple and black roller blades. "Yep, I like blading better."
Patton and logan came back over. Patton was grinning. "This place looks so cool!"
Logan gave a smile and nods. "Yes it is...quite interesting."
Roman stood in his rainbiw skates."come on Logan! To the rink!" And he pulled a stightly wobbily logan after him.
Patton was bittting his tongue as he tried to figure out if he was putting the roller skates on right.
Virgil glanced at him."I can help you..." And he made sure Patton had his skates tied tight enough. "You fall in shoes, so we have to make sure you don't break an ankle here."
Patton giggled."thanks Virgil! So...you've been skating before?"
Virgil glanced up at him."yeah a few times..."
Patton nods."so then...could you teach me? Ive never been skating."
Virgil stopped and looked at Patton.
"If you have never skated,why did you want to come?"
Patton grinned."cause it means more time with my friends."
Virfil bit back a smile, patton's smiles were contagious.
"So..you want me to teach you?"
Roman had stayed near Logan most of the time the nerd was in the rink, using his free time to do tricks. Logan didnt skate much, but had enough balance to stay on his feet. The duo watch as Virgil and Patton were laughing as Patton learned to skate. Patton had fell, but when Virgil went to help him up, his skates decided to trip him, and they were on the floor laughing together.
Roman was the first to speak."Logan, they can't just be friends."
Logan hummed."I...do see what you mean..."
Roamn nods,"they have to be soul mates Logan! And we have to be the ones to set them up."
Logan sighed but gave the tiniest of smiled."there is no way I'm talking you out of it..."
Right at that moment, logan stumbled and grabbed onto roman's sleeve, making the other struggling to keep them both up.
"Sorry Roman." Logan apologize, Roman gave him a charming smile, moving his hand to hold it instesd.
"Its easier to keep you balanced like this." Roman smiled at Logan, who simply nodded and gave him a smile.
"I suppose it is."
After the roller rink, Virgil would smile back at Patton and greet him in the mornings, so...friends.
Logan watched then as Roman was ranting.
"Maybe an amusement park date? They could go through the haunted house and when Patton gets scared virgil can comfort him!"
Logan turned to face Roman."why not just a simple food date?"
But before either could continue, patton and virgil walked over.
Virgil took a breath."ok so..this weekend is a renisance fair and you guys took us skating so...i thought it might be...fun. To take you two too."
Roman and logan shared a quick glance, before returning to the two in front if them.
"I believe it would be quite...fun." Logan said. Roman nods in agreement.
"Yes! I do so love the renaissance fair!"
"So cool...see you guys then."
Roman was dressed like a prince before the renisance fair.
Logan walked beside him."really Roman?"
Roman rolled his eyes."oh what, cant handle prince charming?"
Logan glanced at him."maybe if he was actually charming."
Offended princey noises came from Roman.
"Guys! Over here!" Patton was waving with Virgil beside him in a dark purple cloak.
Walking over, roman said."appears i wasnt the only one to dress up."
Virgil shrugged."I just like purple."
Roman rolled his eyes but smiled. "Hey hey hey! Emo nightmare, how about you take Patton to get a costume, while i help logan get one! Im thinking a bard."
Logan gave a sigh but nods."perhaps, but lets see what all there is."
Patton gasped and grabbed virgil's arm."oh what if I dress up as a belly dancer with the cute skirts?"
Virgil gave Patton a soft smile."why not? Come on." And took Patton to dress up.
Roman lead logan to a different costume shop.
"Why do i have to dress up? The plan was to get Patton and virgil alone while being here to make sure things go well..."
Roman tightened his vest."oh shush, you look good anyways."
"I feel ridiculous."
"I could make you wear the poofy pants too..."
"Althought i love costume accuracy, i also have dignity."
"You do?"
Logan smacked roman on the head, not enough to hurt, but enough to make him get the point.
If Roman ever got a point that is.
"Awe come on lo, it was funny." Roman laughed a bit as he put a dark blue hat with a feather on top of his head. Logan looked at himself in the mirror.
"Ok its....not bad."
Roman grinned."trust me specs, i know how to make any guy slay, and besides, a prince always has a bard..." He wiggled hia eyebrows.
Logan didnt look away from the mirror. "Im not singing about you...or at all."
"Awe come on...please?"
Roman made offended prince nosies again, and logan let out a small laugh.
"Coen on, lets go check up on patton and Virgil." Logan Stated, holding his hand out to Roman, you took it smiling.
Virgil was laughing. Full on laughing. Patton was in a crop top and a skirt and so much of him jingled as he walked, but virgil was laughing at one of the puns Patton said.
Logan resisted the urge to groan as he heard patton tell another, making virgil laugh more.
Roman was still holding Logan's hand."well they seem to be getting on along fine without us."
Logan nods."they are quite cute together."
Roman nods and shook his head a bit."not cuter than us, i mean, these outfits are awesome."
Logan stared at roman for a bit, before giving him a smile and nods."yeah...not cuter than you."
Roman blinked."cuter than me? What do you-?"
"May i kiss you?"Logan asked with a straight (gay) face, but his ears were turning red from blushing.
Roman was blushing as well. "Oh uh, kiss me?"
Logan nods."yes I..."he took a breath." Perhaps...patton and virgil are not the..only ones with possible romantic feelings that could lead to a relationship."
Roman smiled and took logan's other hand. "Hmm...maybe you are right...but no, you cannot kiss me."
Logan blinked."oh I..im sorry i won't ask agian.."
Roman laughed a bit and put a hand on his cheek."you cant kiss me because I want to kiss you." And the prince proceeded to do so.
From across the way, Patton giggled."awe virge, look at them, they finally got together."
Virgil smirks and held parent's hand. "Yeah, they did, good idea to invite them along." Viegil gave patton's cheek a kiss.
Patton giggled and leaned on virgil's shoulder a bit,"i love you."
Virgil smiled at him." I love you too."
Aaaaaaaaand done! Sorry it took so long, but i hope you like it and thst it wss what you were kooking for.
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helmes-deep · 7 years
Prompt: Axl finds out that Sean and Sue are engaged, and actually reacts nicely.
Written in Axl’s perspective 😋
Axl was in the kitchen, rummaging through all of the Heck cupboards in search for the right stuff to make himself a sandwich. He slammed shut a cupboard door before likewise closing the refrigerator’s, setting down all of his newly-obtained, edible plunder on the kitchen counter-table. A bag of bread, only a third of the way full. A small container of leftover ham. Three and a half slices of cheese. Some lettuce. A tomato. One bottle of ketchup, almost empty. And one nearly, almost-as-empty bottle of mustard.
Axl sighed happily to himself, breathing in the scent of his pre-conceived sandwich. Peace and quiet at last. He hadn’t had a particularly long day at work (although talking your mouth off about whatever bathroom products your company wanted you to sell next could sometimes take its own disturbing, mental toll). He wasn’t particularly hungry or starving either, but Axl Heck was always up for filling up the endless hole in his stomach.
But mostly, Axl had retreated into the kitchen to avoid his best friend Sean and his sister Sue, who had been dating for a while. A long while. Lately, it seemed like Axl hadn’t been able to escape from the love-stricken couple. If he was in the living room, they’d be sitting next to him on the couch—doing anything but watching the TV. Instead, they’d both be cuddled up real close to one another, whispering and giggling softly into each other’s ears in such a sickening, loving manner that it’d make his stomach turn. If he was in his room, he’d hear their voices coming through the hole in the shared wall to his room—talking to each other non-stop and frequently arguing about which one was the “cuter” in the relationship. If he had finally had enough and fled the house, standing outside in the chilly, winter cold: there they’d be, horsing around and chasing each other out in the icy snow like two hopelessly ill and lost twelve-year-olds. It seemed that, no matter where Axl went, there the dreaded sight of his sister and best friend together would be, too, always holding their hands close; constantly making lame, cheesy puns about fated love and star-crossed romance; and just being completely and absolutely sickenly sweet with each other.
It wasn’t “Donasue’s” (Lexie liked to call the ghastly destined couple that; Axl would never be caught dead using such a hideous word) sickening sweetness, however, that put Axl over the edge the most. Sure, Sue and Sean were cringe-worthy as jack with their “couple-cutesy-ness” and their wildly unstoppable, cheesy, romantic antics, but still, it wasn’t the real reason why Axl wanted to gouge his eyes out and fall over dead whenever his sister and best friend came into view, fingers interlocked like even kingdom come couldn’t separate them. Rather, it was something completely different that made Axl sick, mad, and frustrated—all at once—whenever he saw his best friend and sister enjoying themselves with each other.
It was that every time Axl saw his best friend and sister with one another, he couldn’t help but think that they seemed to fit so well together… That’s what made him so furious and mentally seethe at the very sight of them. Frustration more at himself than anyone else. The discrepancy of the problem made him mad—madder than the fact that he still couldn’t seem to figure out just what his best friend Sean could ever, possibly see in his terribly lame, dork of a sister Sue (although to be fair, Sean had always been the more upstanding, straight-laced, “nice”-guy type between the two of them, no matter how hard Axl had tried to steer the guy in the right direction…) Because for the life of him, Axl Redford Heck, with a scrappy mind made of lightning and a bachelor’s degree in business, honestly couldn’t find anything wrong with his best friend and sister dating each other. Honestly. Whether it be logical, legal, or otherwise. The way his best friend made his sister happy and brought out a wide smile on her face; the way her dorky, overly-cheery self seemed to somehow complete his already pretty perfect, Donahue-y world… Axl just couldn’t come up with an answer. It just wouldn’t come to him, thought Axl with irritation to himself, forcefully cutting open the heart of a tomato. And it probably never would…
The sound of the front door opening and a series of distant, but familiar, giggles made Axl instantly perk up from cutting the last slice of his lone tomato. His head quickly shot up from the cutting board, catching the sight of his best friend and sister entering the kitchen, who had just come in from the freezing, outside cold. Sue and Sean were still fully covered up in their heavy, winter jackets and clothes. The two of them were smiling widely and brightly at each other, bodies and hands linked together like the pair of disgustingly devoted, twisted lovers that they were.
“Ick,” Axl immediately said as his sister and best friend made their way farther into the kitchen. He scambled over the kitchen counter-table, reaching for whatever ingredients were already prepared so he could hurriedly throw them together to make his half-finished sandwich. “Guess I’m out of here before the two of you star—”
“Actually, Axl, we kind of wanted to…” Sean started, unusually hesistant. Axl raised a curious eyebrow as his best friend and sister seemed to pass a few nervous, uncertain glances before his sister looked up at his best friend again, giving him a sure, but still skeptical nod.
“… wanted to tell you something,” Sue finished with a tense strain in her voice, hugging Sean closer and still holding her boyfriend’s hand.
Axl’s eyebrow rose higher as he watched his sister and best friend momentarily bring their heads together and start whispering to one another—something about who should tell who what first and how they should go about telling it—before the two distraught lovers seemed to have reached a final, unanimous decision and returned their attention forward, staring uncertainly at him.
Axl’s perplexity only increased as he witnessed the doubtful, nervous glances of the two people before him suddenly transform into bright, beaming smiles as they both raised their interlocked arms.
“WE’RE GETTING MARRIED!!” the two of them shouted, Sean proudly holding up Sue’s hand. Axl’s eyes immediately recognized a small, shiny ring glittering around his sister’s fourth finger.
“We’re engaged!!” Sue clarified with delight. She was clearly excited, jumping up and down beside her boyfriend's—err, fiancé’s—side. The blissful glee and joy spread throughout her body and face as it was apparent she couldn’t keep her secret or contain her excitement anymore.
“… Oh,” Axl replied slowly. He put down his plate, wiping his hands. “Well then, I guess congratulations are in order!” He quickly rounded the counter-table, hurrying up to his sister and best friend while offering his right hand. “Congratulations on your upcoming wedding!! Yay!”
After shaking Sean’s hand and also attempting to congratulate Sue by hastily reaching out to her and giving her a very brief, half-hug, Axl had already regained his usually casual, care-free momentum, looking to his best friend and sister with wide satisfaction and happiness.
“So, what’s next? Hey, I’m gonna be your best man, right?” Axl asked with eager cheerfulness. And a little bit of carefulness, too, in case he wasn’t going to get picked…
Sean smiled, nodding and answering with a definite, emphatic “yes” as Axl smiled back brightly.
“Great! Oh—have you guys set a date yet?” Axl continued, firing away. He was about to turn around to grab his half-done sandwich and snag a bite to eat before Sue piped up with a very worried, concerned look on her face.
“W—W—Wait, hold it!” Sue interrupted with great alarm in her voice. Axl turned to look at his sister with confusion, Sue returning it with the same stare of puzzlement—plus some confounded doubt. “Something’s not right here.” Sue crossed her arms, giving Axl a highly skeptical look. “Sooooo you’re not mad at us for getting engaged… and you’re not going to make a bigger deal out of this?? Like when we first got together and you threw that temper-tantrum about ‘how bad parenting is going to end the world’? Or when you wouldn’t let us sit together on the couch and would constantly call Mom or Dad to make us stop sitting next to each other? Or when we announced that we were ‘officially’ dating and you’d start waving your hands and make puking noises every time we came into the room??”
“What? No!! Why would I do that?” Axl answered with strong, and seemingly honest, astonishment on his face. Sue and Sean narrowed their eyes and increased their intense, nervous gaze at him, but Axl just shook his head and leaned against the table as he continued to speak. “No, I mean… I know I can be a bit over-reactive sometimes, but… Iunno, I think… I might actually be kind of cool, you know, with the idea of you guys hanging out—err, being this way—with each other…” Axl offered up the smallest, most nervous and shyest of smiles while his sister gave him an openly surprised look and his best friend raised a tentative eyebrow.
“I mean, look,” Axl started, taking a deep breath. He shifted a little in his position against the table as he motioned to the loving couple, starting with Sean. “Not to make this weird or anything, but you and I go way back—like, since we were kids or whenever our moms decided to set us up on those lame, kiddy ‘playdates’ or whatever. And… out of my whole group of friends, you’re the most loyal, honest, and trustworthy guy I know—I mean, other than myself, of course! No, but seriously, dude, you’re the best; you’ve always had my back, and I know I wouldn’t mind giving up mine for yours…” Axl turned to his sister. “And Sue, you’re… a dork… but, I think… that’s part of what makes you so great, too. I mean, between you, Brick, and myself, you’re probably the nicest one out of all three of us… You’re always too cheerful, sweet, and wayyyyy too optimistic for your own good, which is totally a dorky thing to do and can be really annoying—sometimes—but, I think… all of that dorkiness is probably what ultimately makes you a very caring, happy, and awesome person to be around.” Axl sighed deeply and shrugged. “So yeah, I dunno. I guess I was just thinking about how I kind of liked seeing the nicest guy and the sweetest girl I know coming together… which, in a way, I think, kinda makes you guys perfect for each other…”
As the eldest Heck finished his little speech, he looked to his best friend and sister, waiting for a response. But Sean was just staring at him with widely surprised eyes as he held Sue, who only had her mouth open in utter shock.
“I guess what I’m trying to say is,” Axl stated, clapping his hands together, “if there’s any two people who are going to spend the rest of their lives together, I’m glad it’s my best friend…” Axl turned to look at Sue. “And my little sister,” he finished with a smile.
“Aaaww, Axl, that’s SOOOO SWEET!!” Sue exclaimed, flying forward. And before Axl could protest or do anything to stop this pair of sickening, twisted lovers, it was already too late—they had both already brought their arms around him, locking him into a very tight, firm, and loving embrace.
“Thanks, Ax-man,” Sean said, patting Axl on the back as the latter found himself suffocating from the cozy warmth of his best friend and sister’s double-hug.
“S—So,” Axl coughed as the very grateful, clearly touched couple finally let him go. Axl casually waved to the motley arrangement of foods scattered about the kitchen counter-table, affecting the fine, smooth flair of a business associate. “Could I interest the newly-engaged couple in a little pre-celebratory, post-engagement party??” Axl gave a sharp, playful grin as his hopeful pair of customers looked on. “There’s only a slice and half of cheese left, but that’s fine—you guys can share!”
Sue and Sean smiled, the happily “sold-to” couple nodding brightly as they came forward and joined Axl around the Hecks’ kitchen counter-table. The trio of brother, sister, and best friend then all gladly came together to merrily enjoy some ultimately okay-tasting, half-finished ham sandwiches—and to happily discuss their exciting future ahead.
I’M SO, SO, SO SORRY I WASN’T ABLE TO GET THIS DONE BY THIS PAST WEEKEND LIKE I SAID WOULD LEOL. FAMILY AND CHRISTMAS STUFF CAME UP SO I KIND OF SLACKED OFF A BIT AND TOOK IT EASY LOLOLOL. BUT HEY, at least I got it out on Tuesday, which is when the show would typically come out if it wasn’t on a break :‘33 My next one should be up by the end of the week-end-ish, too, but y'all just ignore me and don’t believe anything I say from now on leoleol. Anyways, on to the “real” a/n’s stuff:
WHOO!! Can’t believe we’ve made it to the 10th prompt!! WOW… never thought I’d make it this far in terms of writing out and “publishing” a story… especially one that’s a fanfiction lololol :‘33c  Hope y'all are enjoying the stories so far!! leoleol~
Also an important update: so after having reached the 10th story, I’ve gone back and counted how many prompts I have left to finish. Turns out, I have exactly 16 submitted prompts that I have left to plan, write out, and post. My ideal goal is to finish all of them by the time the show’s winter break is over—yes, I know that is an overly ambitious goal; at most, I’ll probably be able to write and post about 4-6 over the break. At any rate, once I’ve finished all of these prompts, we’ll have a total of 26 stories by the end of this collection of one-shots. As a result, I have also decided to write an additional 4 stories—of my own idea and liking—which will nicely round out this series of ficlets to a total of 30 (unless I get any other crazy ideas hahaha; hopefully I won’t :v *fingers crossed*). So yeah, that’s kind of my plan right now and what y'all can expect to look forward to :333 The self-composed prompts will be randomly interspersed within the 26 requested ones—just whenever I feel inspired or find the motivation to write (although I already have some ideas listed out… >:pp). In fact, the next one will probably be a self-composed fic unless I change my mind last-minute (it’s the extra one I wrote for this story).
Hope y'all are excited for the upcoming stories ahead!! As always, thank you for all of the comments, reviews, reads, and love so far, guys!! It’s definitely what’s been keeping me writing—I can’t appreciate it enough. See you soon, and I hope y'all had a very wonderful Merry Christmas~!! 🎄❄️
Send me a prompt and I’ll write a short Sue x Sean fanfic about it leol (closed)
Also available on FanFiction.net
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charis-chan · 7 years
“Alex, no!” “Alex, YES!”
Beta love to @reinakonanofate for making this readable. 
And, we gotta love Lucy :D
Read on AO3
“Come help us deal with your stupid sister.”
Alex’s girlfriend hangs up on you before you can even say “hi” and you sigh.
“Sorry, Lee,” you say to your companion of the night. “I’m needed elsewhere.”
Lena nods and she signals for the check to arrive. “Super problems?” She asks low, too low to be heard by other than you.
You groan. “More like sister problems.”
The way your almost girlfriend's eyes widen at that warms your heart. “Is she alright? Was she hurt?”
You smile. “No. I don’t think so at least… they were going to try a new prototype tonight and I think Alex is poking her nose around… that was Luce. She is pissed.”
Lena’s brows furrow. “… Wait a moment… Alex is trying a new prototype and she didn’t tell me?!”
The indignation in her voice is cute, but it would be cuter if Lena and Alex weren’t such a volatile duo with explicit orders to never be on their own within the DEO. The order was given by both Directors, Lane and J’onzz, and you think wiser order hadn’t ever been given.
Lena and Alex, together, alone… not a good combo, no sir.
“More like Vasquez and Lucy are trying a new prototype and Alex got word about it at last minute.”
The vibrant excitement in your date sits ill with you. “Oh! What are they testing?”
“I don’t know.” And if I knew, I wouldn’t tell you, you think. You really don’t need Lena getting the idea she can come al-
“I’m coming with you,” Lena declares as she passes her card to the waiter.
The raised eyebrow sent your way looks eerily like Alex’s. “I’m not asking you. I’m informing you.”
You stand up then. “I’m leaving now. I’m not taking you.” You turn and head to the door, not looking back.
You can almost hear the shrug on her voice, still low but so easily heard by you. “By all means, go. I’ll drive there on my own and you won’t be invited to the gala. Neither of your alter egos will be.”
That stops you short, just a foot from exiting the restaurant. L-Corp is housing a gala to raise donations towards several orphanages and this year promises to be amazing. Not only did Lena invite several of the major players in the philanthropy scene, she also invited all the kids the donations are going to help. The event is planned not so much like a gala, but a fair for kids and adults alike and the goal is to bring the money in while having fun.
Kara Danvers needs to be there to report on it, Snapper made sure to tell you that just today and Supergirl was promised her weight in potstickers and wants to play with all the children.
“This is so not fair,” you inform Lena as she comes stand next to you once the bill is settled.
“All is fair in love and science.”
“Don’t you mean all is fair in love and war?”
You have reached an alley and you super-speed into your uniform. Lena comes close to you and lets herself be picked up bridal style.
“Oh, no… Didn’t you hear I only make love and never war?” The purring words in your ear makes your face boil in embarrassment and not a little desire.
Rao, with any luck you will stop resembling a tomato by the time you arrive at the Desert Base.
Hearing your sister’s name being yelled with such anger and exasperation shouldn’t be such a surprise. Lucy called you beyond mad, after all.
You and Lena enter the hangar and you can see Lucy in the middle of the open space, staring upwards and with her hands on her hips. She’s so tiny and yet she can fill up the space with that commanding air that makes you want to obey no matter what and you wonder how is it that Alex can date her.
Sure, your sister has so much fun most of the time pushing her buttons, but you’d get scared with a partner like Lucy. Once you raised your concerns to Lena about how Alex loves making Lucy angry and your friend got so flustered and you were left so confused.
Lucy gets really upset and Alex loves it… but well, the bruises you have seen on Alex’s wrists and back bothers you and it’s just because both Alex and Lena have told you on numerous occasions that they mean nothing bad that you haven’t acted against Lucy.
Also, you like Lucy. And you like that Lucy has mellowed Alex’s most reckless tendencies. She no longer charges on into battle without regard for her own safety, she no longer drinks herself to the point her liver and kidneys are gross (yes, you have checked with your x-ray vision) and she is no longer sad all the time.
Lucy is good for your sister… even if you don’t understand how Lucy interacts with her.
“I’m almost there! I need ten more minutes!” You can’t see where Alex is, yet, but she sounds like she’s having a little too much fun.
“If you do don’t come down right now, you will be tied up for the whole weekend!”
You frown at that and when you turn to Lena to help you understand, you can’t find her.
You sigh. Of course, she is gone who knows where now that you are here.
“Hey, Luce!” you call to your friend. “What’s the emergency?”
Lucy turns and the scowl on her face lessens a little. “Your dumbass sister,” she informs you plainly. She points up and you follow her finger.
The hangar’s ceiling is high, really high. This is the hangar you use to train flying maneuvers and the one where J’onn and you have aerial fights. It’s also the one where agents learn to use the diverse flying machines the DEO have at its disposal, such as small rockets, gliders, and small aircraft. You don’t know how they managed to build such a high and resistant thing, but you at least now know why Lucy is so pissed.
Alex is sitting in the catwalk that runs across the hangar with her legs dangling down, a catwalk so high that it almost touches the ceiling and you know from experience that you need to walk hunched to not hit your head. She is in what you think is her issued underwear, a tank top and boy briefs, her legs are kicking the air happily and she is… tinkering with something that has… wings?
“She’s been up there for two hours now. She refuses to come down.”
You are still looking up. And… damn it, even with your eyesight you can’t really say what your sister is really doing. She has a toolkit besides her and she has a smudge of oil on her cheek and a smile so big on her face that you don’t want to know but you have to ask.
“What is she doing?”
“Our prototype had some serious issues… she’s fixing it, she says, but she won’t come down to let the rest of us see what the hell she’s doing.”
Oh. Understanding downs to you. “She wants to be the one testing it.”
“… yes.”
You look then at Lucy, frowning. “And why aren’t you up there with her?” You don’t think it would be a problem to drag her down.
“She locked herself up there,” Vasquez comes behind you. They are holding a tablet and the frown on their face concerns you a little. “She also bit Agent Kelly before doing so.”
You blink at Vasquez. “She bit Michael? She likes Michael!”
Vasquez shrugs. “She likes the prototype better?”
“And J’onn? Haven’t you call J’onn?”
Lucy massages her temples and Vasquez shakes their head. “He’s our last resort.”
Oh. “He threatened you.” It’s not a question but it would be nice to have it confirmed.
Lucy nods.
“He said if she lets her do something  this stupid again, he will suspend her for a week,” Vasquez informs you.
You frown. “But… it’s not your fault Alex is… well, Alex.”
“Space Dad swears she started acting up when I joined the DEO,” Lucy mutters. “That’s bullshit, though.”
“Well…” you drawl. “He’s not wrong. She was the perfect agent before she started dating you.”
Lucy’s glare on you, makes you flinch and you fly to Alex in part to escape Lucy and in part to bring Alex down.
“Hey, sis!” Alex chirps the moment you are floating by her side.
“Alex…” you wave her, grabbing a wrench that threatens to fall off the catwalk and kill someone below. “So… how about we if go down for a little bit?”
“Nope,” she says happily. “I’m almost done.”
“Alex… Lucy is gonna be suspended if you don’t come down.”
That makes her pause and look up from whatever she is oiling. “What?”
“J’onn said she would be suspended if you pull a crazy stunt again.”
She blinks once, twice, before looking down to what you think looks like a mechanical skull. “Weren’t you on a date with Lena?” she asks you.
The topic change makes your head swirl. “Uh?”
“Weren’t you with Lee?”
“… Yes?”
She looks up again and turns her head left and then right. Her face brightens and you don’t need to look to know what has her so happy. “Lee!”
“Al!” Lena’s cheerful voice ricochets around your brain, making you wince. You love Lena, you love Alex, but the level of silliness and stupidity they reach when together makes you have honest to Rao migraines.
Lena comes to sit next to your sister and you see she has changed clothes. She is no longer wearing her red power-suit, but one of… yes, you can see the tag on her chest, one of Alex’s day-to-day uniforms. “What do I do?” She asks, eagerly.
Alex points to the backpack-like chunk of metal to the side. “I can’t make it ignite without it bursting into flames.”
“Alex!” You scold her because she knows, she knows, she can’t play with fire.
Your sister rolls her eyes. “Lena is here,” she tells you dismissively. “She’ll fix it.”  
Lena nods once, sharply. “No problem.”
You groan. “C’mon, Alex! Lena! You need to come down, you can’t try this if it can explode!”
“Relax, we know what we are doing,” Alex says, twisting something in her hands and crying happily in success. “Yes! This will fly now!”
You shake your head. “Guys, please.”
“Don’t you have a tiny Director to calm down?” Lena asks you and you groan again.
You can try getting physical with them. You can try grabbing them and forcing them down… but these two are so in sync and they think so alike they will escape you one way or another.
They have done it before.
If you go for Alex, Lena in all her graceful glory will jump down, forcing you to catch her and letting Alex escape with their toy. If you go for Lena, Alex will still have the time to escape with their toy.
If you try going for both they will make it so that none of you three make it down unharmed and… Alex will still escape with their toy.
The only way you can really win this is talking about their sense of responsibility and adulting… not that either act like adults when they are together.
“… What will it cost me to have you both down and complaint?”
Lena and Alex look from their respective tasks and look at each other. Lena raises an eyebrow and Alex’s lip twitches. Lena dips her head to you and Alex’s shakes a little. Lena’s eyes widen and Alex’s brow furrow. Alex’s nose wrinkles and Lena smirks.
As one, they turn to you.
“We are not going down,” they announce solemnly.
“Oh! Come on!”
“Bye, Kara.” With that, Alex pushes the tool kit out the catwalk and to your horror, it splits open as it starts going down.
“You, asshole!” You yell at her as you use your speed to catch every single tool and nail and screw and tidbit before they reach the ground and really kill someone.
The worst thing is, no matter how fast you do it, by the time you go back to them they would be finished with their tasks and they would still not come down.
“Nice catch, Supergirl,” Vasquez says with a smirk.
“I hate them both.”
Lucy sighs. “That makes three of us.”
Vasquez laughs. “I don’t hate them. I find them hilarious.”
Lucy’s murderous eyes are turned to her second-in-command before focusing on the crazy duo above. “Get ready to phone J’onn.”
You gasp. “You will be suspended!”
“I don’t care. I’ll make sure he suspends Alex too and I’ll make her pay for this.”
Your stomach clenches in worry at her words. “You won’t hurt her, will you?”
You are no stranger to Lucy’s moods and you have seen her hit the punching bag heavily when she is too angry. You have seen her lay it on the shooting range when she is frustrated and you have seen her scream and yell until she is blue in the face when things don’t go her way…
… And you have seen her manhandle Alex in several occasions, not that they know you have seen them.
You haven’t acted nor will you act because Alex, Lena, and even J’onn have told you Alex is in no danger repeatedly and emphatically.
You still worry, though.
And apparently, Lucy can hear that worry in your voice because her eyes shift from Alex and Lena and settle on you. They are warm and open and so understanding that you know why Alex is dating this madwoman. “Kara, I promise I won’t harm her.”
You nod and you are about to tell her how grateful you are your sister found in their relationship such comfort that she started being so bratty when Lee’s overjoyed squeal reaches your ears.
You look up just in time to see Lena jumping down from the catwalk… if you didn’t know that Lena actually enjoys jumping off buildings, you would be so freaked out. But, right now, you were kind of expecting her to do this.
You meet her halfway on her descend, letting her enjoy the free fall for a couple of seconds. “One of these days I won’t catch you,” you growl at her with no real heat as you lower her easily to the ground. Her arms are around your neck and she is looking up with a big smile.
“No biggie,” she says with a shrug, letting go. “Alex will catch me.”
Once your feet touch down, you look up too.
Alex is holding the ends of what you see are mechanical wings and the reason that she is in her underwear is now evident: her arms and legs are encased in soft leather with more metal feathers and over her head, she is wearing that strange skull you saw before. The wings are designed so the movements of her arms make the metal wings move, almost as if she was a little kid playing being a bird… even her feet are in what looks like clawed shoes.
“Don’t you dare jump!” Lucy calls her.
“It’s gonna work!” Alex yells back.
“If you jump; your ass is mine!”
“My ass is already yours, dimwit!”
“You know what I fucking mean!”
“I can’t hear you!”
“Alex, NO!”
You can almost hear your sister think the “Alex, YES!” as she leaps.
Lena is jumping in joy besides you and you start hovering in preparation to catch your stupid sister.
But, just a second after jumping, Alex’s pushes a button on each hand and the machine comes to life.
It’s clumsy, it’s noisy and it’s so stiff, but your sister starts flapping and she manages to hold on the air for a really long second. Her tongue is poking out between her lips and you see her brow wrinkled in concentration. There is no air within the hangar, but after flapping hard, she somehow manages to find a way to glide down a little and it is then when her fun starts.
“See?!” She yells as she starts gliding in wide circles. “I’m flying!”
“No, you’re not!” Lucy yells. “You’re simply putting off your death!”
“This won’t kill me!”
“But I will! Come down here!”
You shake your head and hover up to fly alongside Alex. “She is spitting mad,” you tell her quietly.
Alex is finally close enough to the ground that she can easily see Lucy’s red, annoyed, face. Your sister winces and you refuse to feel any empathy towards her. “Fuck… I thought she was bluffing. She’s really pissed.”
You stare at her, shocked. “She called me in, Alex. She passed pissed an hour ago.”
Alex turns watery eyes to you and the pout on her face shouldn’t be that pitiful. “No, nuh-uh. Nope. Don’t look at me like that. You made her mad, you face her.”
“Kara…” she whines.
“Damn it, Alex, she is your girlfriend! You shouldn’t like making her mad!”
Alex’s pout is replaced by a smug smirk. “I like her mad.”
Her smirk softens at your exasperation. “Really Kar, she doesn’t get mad-mad… Rao, I hate making her mad-mad… but, like… I enjoy pushing her and she enjoys it too.” She fumbles a bit with her wings, making a wide turn so you can keep gliding easily. “She likes it when I don’t listen… I mean, she could override my commands at any time and she could really force me to come down with one word… but she let me do this… so.” She almost shrugs before remembering that could possibly be a bad choice when she is using wings so high from the ground.
You frown, confused. “Then why she would call me?”
“She is a drama queen.”
You snort. “So, you are indeed made for each other.”
“Hey! I’m not a drama queen!”
“No, you are just dramatic.”
The lazy circles around the hangar bring you closer and closer to the ground and closer and closer to a tiny angry Director.
Alex is all smiles when her feet touch the ground and she makes a stupid flourish to Lena’s clapping, bowing reverently to an imaginary crowd. Her bowing is interrupted, though, when a loud smack is heard and Alex jumps a foot forward mid reverence.
“Damn it, Alex!” Lucy snarls. “That was stupid and reckless!”
Alex turns to face her girlfriend, a pout back in her face. She is rubbing her left butt cheek where Lucy just slapped her. “I didn’t die…”
“But you will wish you did the moment I’m done with you.” Lucy grabs Alex’s forearm and she starts marching her to the exit.
“But the prototype worked!”
“You weren’t authorized to use it or even fix it!”
They are no longer within sight, but you can almost see how Lucy spanks Alex again. You can hear it clearly and you know that Alex’s complains will be shut down now.
“So…” Vasquez says. “I don’t call Director J’onzz?”
You shake your head. “I don’t think so, no. Let Lucy deal with her.”
Lena snorts. “She won’t be able to sit for a week.”
“Try a month,” Vasquez mutters
Lena nods with a grin on her face.
You look at them and sigh. You don’t get it. You don’t.
But, you also don’t want to get it.
So, you don’t ask.
You sigh and turn to Lena. “Want to get out of here?” You ask her, pleading her with your eyes. You don’t want to be around for Alex’s next round of stupid.
Lena smiles. “Sure.” She wraps her arms around your neck again and lets you take her weight. “Take me home, Supergirl.”
Alex’s delighted laughter is the last thing you hear before you flee with Lena in your arms.
And you smile. Maybe Alex changed after started dating Lucy, but she changed for good.
She is happier, more relaxed and overall at ease.
Yeah, it’s good she is dating Lucy.
Even if you don’t get how their relationship really works.
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Carly & Ali
Carly: last nite was good of you Carly: saying thanks cuz i read my text from last nite & it was Carly: I cudnt read it k thats facts Ali: nah, don't mention it, no bitch left behind Ali: plus, I know the cunt doing the ditching, been there, like Ali: was trying to translate but yeah, you were pretty fucked 😂 Ali: how you feeling this am? 💚 Carly: yea? hes not that bad Carly: im a slag like he said tbh Carly: feeling like i had a decent nite all things considered Carly: you? Ali: Gurl, yes he is and no you ain't! Ali: Probably Ali: Who cares if you are, he is, and the rest Ali: I dated him for a bit, so there's no shady, tryna steal your man on the sly going on, don't worry Ali: much the same, my head feels like someone took my eyes out and shoved 'em up my arse, you know? Ali: standard sunday vibes Carly: aw you're sweet but it's no diss on me Carly: like ive cheated on him a few times Carly: but he does it too you're right w that Carly: hes a good fuck when he's not too wasted tho which you kno if you got it too Carly: you're single now tho? Carly: can have him back if you want Ali: Fair play Ali: why not call it open and call it a day? Ali: Probs 'cos he likes fighting as much as he likes fucking Ali: Meh, yeah, was passable, gotta have some reason to keep him around, like Ali: Nah, going out with the girl that drove us back Ali: Remember? Dark hair, angry Carly: yea Carly: you know Carly: shit my bad Carly: she was scary is what i've got in my head Carly: idk my head is sketch cant trust it Ali: That's a fair assessment, I reckon Ali: She wouldn't hate it either so you good 😉 Carly: pretty tho Carly: call it a trade up Ali: Yeah, she's cute Ali: you need any more of the night filling in lemme know, I'll do my best Ali: it was pretty standard though, nothing too wild Carly: no faking it w her cuz shes too drunk Carly: designated driver be like Carly: last i see i was getting with his friend lowkey and he went off about it im blank from then Ali: its a fucking gay crime to ever fake it, no matter what Ali: I can get behind that one tho, not got the time or energy tbh Ali: yeah i think him and his friend then got in a scrap and then they left Ali: bros before hoes mentality hardcore, like idk, have fun jerking each other off then, if that's ur vibe boys Carly: k that sounds legit from what i caught on his socials Carly: didnt upload the circle jerk bless Carly: gay crimes must of been committed Ali: sad face Ali: coulda spat on his back Ali: protip Carly: ill let him know when he texts me later Carly: how did you kno where i live? state of me Carly: sorry to drag you this way Ali: plottwist, i'm a massive stalker with bad intentions Ali: I truly don't know, but I'll tell Lene she should be a cabbie 'cos she managed and I don't think we got any puke in her car Carly: k big lesbian crush on me yea Carly: ioher lots Carly: stealing her girl and wrecking her car in one Ali: Naturally, you cute Ali: I'll give you her number if you like, or just pass along the thanks and soz Carly: awh you're cuter Carly: probs still drunk tho Carly: giving me those kind words Carly: you handle the now ex if you love me Ali: Hahaha, he'd LOVE that Ali: ghosts of gf past Ali: Let me and I'll love you forever Carly: go for it Ali: let's see if I've still got his number Ali: this contact list is a minefield of mistakes but the real embarrassment would be getting them muddled up, fo'shame! Carly: i can give it Carly: used it more recently than you Carly: up there at my top Ali: won't be tellin' him that Ali: don't need the ego boost Ali: but tah Carly: makes it more fun to fuck him over if you praise him first Carly: but maybe thats me Ali: like a shit sandwich Ali: I get it Carly: hungry for anything but that rn Carly: [Sends the number tho] Ali: wanna come for brunch Ali: now you are newly gay Ali: that's what they do, fucking sex in the city up in dis bitch Carly: yea? weird Carly: not what i thought Carly: awh first date tho Ali: forreal, even the butch ones, don't let 'em fool you, its all fancy fucking eggs and screwdrivers by 11am Ali: you call 'em mimosas tho, gotta pretend you're being classy Carly: wtf is a screwdriver Ali: Babe! Ali: Vodka and orange juice Carly: i call it that Carly: gays and their labels Ali: save it for the rant sesh honey Ali: love you talking about how men ain't shit as well Carly: thats the ones i fuck Carly: cant be bringing no poshos to a caravan Ali: Posh boys are only good for the money anyway, I'm sure Ali: not finding any in 24 like regardless Carly: not gonna find out if they do drive by now im a lesbian wife Carly: sorry lads Ali: they had their chance Ali: unlucky boys Carly: should prob tell me your name again if im taking it Ali: Ruins the mystery a bit but alright Ali: Its Ali Ali: Ali McKenna if we're being formal Carly: k you've got the hot brothers Carly: makes sense Ali: 🤔 Ali: I think you're thinking of someone else, babe Carly: not trying to have our first fight but you coulda told me before we got hitched, bitch Carly: you're still hot tho don't be sad Ali: so you could run off with one of my brothers? i think not Ali: unless you meant Tommy 'cos he's very single but that's unlikely because he's never here Ali: stuck with me for now, hoe 😘 Carly: a slag like me could do worse Carly: has Ali: bitch, same Ali: we can compare notes, see how many regrets we got in common Carly: yea Carly: doing it Ali: Good, save it for brunch 'cos I'm coming forreal Ali: we don't have to deal with a gaggle of gossiping gays tho, bring you a maccies breakfast? Carly: k Carly: be fun Carly: you are from what i remember Ali: I like that Ali: No bullshit Ali: Imma start all interactions like be fun please or I'm out Ali: ✌ bringing the fun and the bacon babe Carly: you're not bringing your gf are you Ali: Nah, how awkward, meet the missus, honey Carly: like there's usually a lad in my trio sorry Carly: still learning this lesbian life Ali: oh, are you bi legit? Ali: she's way too jealous for threesomes, you're good Carly: nah i just know what lads want Ali: Oh gurl Ali: that's why Lene ain't coming Ali: the lecture you're avoiding Carly: idc Carly: youre my wife now bitch Ali: 💍💍 Ali: Productive morning, if I do say so myself Ali: and we're hanging, fuck with us Carly: good influence of you cuz i havent done fuck all this week Ali: Hard work being a bi icon, babe Ali: wait 'til I get you on the yoga hype Carly: wtf Carly: is that a joke Ali: nah, I've already done half an hour this morning Carly: bitch i had my fingers crossed you mistyped yogurt Carly: i love you but its a no Ali: 😂 lets be really into yogurt, not fancy stuff, like fucking froobs Carly: phallic Carly: slurping on my dick shaped yogurt Ali: exactly Ali: what do men love more than a representation of their genitals shoved in your mouth? nothing, is the answer, bar the real thing Ali: so seductive Carly: they don't like food in bed tho, but maybe thats my technique Carly: thinking you could use whatever Carly: k just gonna dump this curry out yea bear with Ali: spicy Ali: imagine the yeast infection you'd get from a fromage frais Carly: like sorry but if i can handle cum in my eye you can deal with some saag aloo boy Carly: googling those symptoms would be a laff tho Ali: ugh, now i want indian Carly: date 2, babe Ali: 😍 Ali: this is all moving so fast Ali: 'bout it Carly: thats all i kno about lesbians k Ali: Its so true Ali: Can confirm Carly: is your gf gonna be mad that im flirting with you Carly: cuz im scrappy but she's scary Ali: 😂 Ali: Probably but when I tell her you're straight she'll have to chill Ali: yeah, we're married BUT SHE'S STRAIGHT, BABE Carly: can't tell her how many girls ive fucked cuz i dont remember Carly: convenient Ali: Best keep that on the DL, yeah Ali: like your blatant gay feelings for me Carly: k Carly: been a secret before no big Ali: Awh babe, ain't nothing dirty about this Ali: I shall tell the world Carly: you're sweet Ali: Probably not if you still wanna be getting that D but you know, noblest intentions, like Carly: im over it Carly: go off Ali: when your pussy's the cure Ali: how can I be humble now? 😏 Carly: dont be Carly: proud slags who fucking love froobs Carly: its a mood Ali: that is a whole ass mood Ali: put it on a t-shirt, babe Carly: earn some bread for my table Ali: solid business plan Ali: we can't be the only ones Carly: independent women who don't need no dick Carly: anymore Ali: hell yeah! Ali: unless that dick wanna pay the bills, in which case we'll let 'em Ali: so we can get more froobs Carly: point Ali: oh no, someone put a pic of Molly Briggs vomming on Insta Ali: 1. gross 2. who hasn't been there, poor bitch Carly: sad Carly: hope she's alright Ali: I'd ask but don't really know her and her phone must already be blowing up Ali: plus she threw a netball right in my face once and I don't forget, bitch Ali: jk, I'll just report the pic 😂 Carly: they all call me a whore cba to keep track of which mollys or other bitches Ali: She is a bit of a bitch, ain't gonna sugarcoat it so probably Ali: not saying Karmas real but posted on that friggin' TallaghtSlags page so 🤷 Ali: grab a froob, darling Carly: her name makes me wanna party with her dad but thats as far as im fucking with that family Carly: or mum i dont know who picked it like Ali: Init, proper old skool ravers, obvs Ali: think I'm out of eccies, sadly Ali: last night depleted me Carly: Watch me call my son Bennie cos I got anxiety, baby Ali: Cute tho, whole medicine cabinet of babies Carly: why not im married now Ali: We'll get on that, date 3, like Carly: where you taking me? Ali: up the wheyyyyyyyyyy Ali: well, we had brunch, indian, obvs we're fat bitches Ali: get on that chinese buffet life Carly: you can get on your yoga mat tho Carly: im fucked Carly: letting myself go so soon my bad Ali: Please, you're perfect Ali: I'll have all the kids if you want Carly: blushing is what i am Carly: how many you want? Ali: how many people names are there for drugs? molly bennie mandy charlie umm Ali: and our preachy child, frank Carly: ha Carly: tina that's one Ali: Ooh, yes, a gay icon Carly: billy, bud our weak child, cosmic kelly who's gonna have to style that out Ali: oh kelly, I hope you have the personality to match or we've really fucked you over there, soz babe Carly: can't forget dimitri, lucy or mandy Carly: sweet sweet mary joy Ali: My fanny hurts just thinking about it Carly: christine and tina are obvs twins thats a relief Carly: how manys that? Ali: 13 Ali: Unlucky for some but my actual lucky number! Ali: Fated Carly: ha Carly: it's love and keeps being proven Ali: can't fight what's clearly so right Carly: true Ali: you want a milkshake Ali: i'm having one Carly: yea Carly: strawberry Ali: 'cos u so sweet 💚 Carly: awww Ali: I shall be right there, with brunch fit for a pair of proud slags Carly: k Carly: my parents arent here no need to break the news of wedded bliss Ali: Would be a weird first impression but I could rock it Ali: new fave in-law? I think so Carly: yea Carly: cant fight fate like Carly: been said Ali: forreal, catch me outside if you got something to say, lads Ali: alone time with the bae is always good tho Carly: you kno Carly: love you bitch Ali: love ya 😘
0 notes
mithoen · 8 years
Nageki the school librarian who’s still very sick but a determined big bro to all his brothers and sisters
when he lived in the orphanage with the other kids he was always trying his best to look after them all but his weak health made it hard for him to do much so all his siblings had to work hard to make up for it and he felt Terrible about it
he’s always sending as much money as he can spare to the orphanage now that he’s working and in much better heath due to the st pigeonations medicine developed for him
Hitori, Nageki’s younger brother who moved out of the orphanage with Nageki despite the dove’s protests, eager to protect his elder bro
in the second year!!
was always the one who worried the most over nageki so being seperate from the other is like. ???? how?? could he even do that??? is there a universe that exists in which he and nageki aren’t together?????
very kind and sweet tho not afraid to Fight for the people he cares about
lives together with nageki in a small but homely apartment near to the school
is still worried often about nageki’s health, especially whenever he sees nageki even show any signs of being ill
Kazuaki who has been best friends with Hitori since before the two could even remember
in second year with hitori and in the same homeroom as him
has a very kind and supportive family and has had a cushy life, causing him to be a bit of a weakling in terms of personality
met hitori in nursery where the two became fast friends
hitori’s always had to protect kazuaki from bullies, due to how easily kazoo cries
lived closer to hitori when the other quail’s home was the orphanage, though kazuaki’s parents trust the two of them enough to let kazoo make the journey to nageki’s apartment by himself
he cries every time he has to do it, of course.
treats nageki and hitori’s apartment as a second home, which neither brother minds that much
when they started attending st. pigeonations hitori and kazoo actually began dating in secret, mainly out of fear of backlash from other students
kazoo is more worried about it than hitori, but they agreed to hide it in case kazoo ends up being bullied anymore than he already does
nageki, of course, figured it out ages ago that they liked each other but he hasn’t said anything out of respect for hitori’s privacy - his brother will tell nageki when he’s ready
Sakuya the world renowned pianist who teaches music at st. pigeonations
he’s well liked by the kids for his patient nature and strict but fair way of teaching, is always very proud of the students he teaches
left the le bel family when he was young to become a musician, as encouraged by his elder brother. he’s never looked back.
Hiyoko!! The gym teacher!! She’s extremely enthusiastic about getting all these birdies fit, what with being the only human
pushes every student to do their best but would never make them overwork - being healthy is best!!
Very Proud of all of them as well, cries tears of joy when they win in any athletic competition, also cries when they don’t win simply because they put their all into every match
he had a kid with her though after she died ryouta’s not gotten on very well with said kid. ryouta understands how hard it is on his son tho and he doesn’t want other children to feel the pain of losing a parent, which is why he works so hard
ryuuji the 3rd year who leads a gang of 3 (including himself) misfit children
he doesn’t get along very well with ryouta, not after his mum died - its mainly ryuuji’s own fault for distancing himself from his father, blaming ryouta for not being able to save mrs. kawara
Okosan the birdolympics champion, who’s won Multiple gold medals in track
good friends with hiyoko?? somehow??? she calls in favours from him to cover P.E. lessons sometimes when she’s too injured from fighting the wildlife (ofc she still lives in a cave)
pe lessons with okosan are always. very strange. there’s often a lot of running. and bean throwing. student opinion is mixed.
still talks like a chuunibyou o b v i o u s l y
students are never quite sure of what he’s talking about?? tho he’s always very pleased with their art no matter what they draw, whether or not it’s what he was trying to teach them so lessons with him are actually p/chill
there’s a select few people who can decipher his language - hiyoko, ryouta, nageki and the students in his manga club, the club in question being less of a friendly after-school gathering and more of a... cult.
Souma the sharp tongued, short kid with literally the worst personality ever (also yes i know his name would be something else, but like. souma’s cuter sh u s h)
is in second year with hitori and kazuaki but he’s actually been moved up a year
he’s very much a smartass and a huge dick about that all the time
the second member of ryuuji’s mischief gang, often the instigator for any of the nastier pranks the three of them pull
included but not limited to: buckets filled with paint above doors, creating various gas bombs and throwing them into classrooms, leaving sharp objects lying around in conspicuous places, etc
his parents aren’t dead in this AU, meaning a lot of his cruel personality is shaped from their abuse towards him
they put a lot of pressure on him to succeed in school and neglect him at home, which is why hes so smart and also acting out so badly
no dead parents mean no explosions, tho!! so he’s not colourblind here, nor is he partially paralysed on his right sight
this means he’s a lot more physically fit and often gets into some p/brutal fist fights with others students - most of the time he’s found fighting hitori, due to souma bullying kazuaki all the time
is Not afraid to bring a knife to a fist fight
highkey has a crush on dr. kawara. this causes issues between him and ryuuji sometimes, who Does Not Appreciate the thought of his best friend (???) liking his estranged dad romantically
(it’ll never go anywhere tho, it’s a purely appearance-attracted based crush)
Tohri!! he is, of course, beautiful and majestic
in second year with hitori, kazuaki and souma
the third and final member of the mischief trio, he is the group’s morality pet, often having to shut down ryuuji and souma where their pranks get too dangerous - he’s the nicest of the lot, basically
this is especially in souma’s case - the two often argue over what constitutes a ‘safe’ prank
souma is nearly always in the wrong.
used to be better friends with ryuuji until souma joined the school and was immediately moved up to second year, spurning ryuuji to take more of an interest in the partridge
a big fan of anghel’s work and one of the more prominent members of the manga club, he’s probably one of the few who can understand the luzon the best
frequently shuts down any and all pranks towards the art teacher due to this, no matter how harmless they might be
gets along pretty well with hitori and kazuaki - the trio isn’t exactly on the best of terms with the quails due to souma and ryuuji teasing kazoo constantly, but tohri’s the least problematic of the three so sometimes they hang out together
Yuuya, st. pigeonations charming, flirtatious headmaster
was the one who convinced his younger brother sakuya to leave the le bel family and pursue his own happiness, the fantail eventually ending up working under yuuya as a music teacher
flirts with. the Entire staff. literally the entire staff im not joking
has a Better relationship with sakuya here though the two still banter a lot, especially in school
sakuya hates his aloof attitude towards being headmaster but yuuya’s popular with both the staff and students so evidently he’s doing Something right
he often disrupts sakuya’s music lessons to talk to his brother and entertain the students and sakuya is So Done with his shit
sakuya cursing yuuya out in french when he gets Very annoyed and the students picking up the bad words and spreading them around school
sakuya is horrified but yuuya thinks it’s hilarious and none of them actually know what they’re saying so it’s fi n e
it’s the mischief trio’s aim to try and break into the headmaster’s office and wreck it before ryuuji graduates, but yuuya’s Aware of their shit
he loves their more harmless pranks but knows how dangerous they can be, so he plays along - to an extent
so far they’ve tried to blow up his door, break the lock and climb in through a window, among other things, but yuuya’s always intercepted them somehow
souma’s highkey annoyed this?? irritatingly charismatic headmaster??? is somehow outsmarting him????
yuuya’s also got a close relationship to a 3rd year boy called leone who has a p/bad family life
he’s offered to adopt the kid multiple times but leone’s always turned him down, though he appriciates yuuya’s concern
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bwicblog · 7 years
 II: Well, that was a bit disappointing, but it'll all be useful for the fleet I suppose.
II: What is everyone else up to?
ID: a whole lot of nothing.
II: That can be restful!
II: Unless you are bored, haha.
ID: i mean i need plenty of rest, so i'm taking it.
II: Ah, are you recovering from something?
ID: yuppp. got a broken arm and a big ol wound to the shoulder.
II: My goodness. That sounds like quite the fight. Or accident?
ID: definitely fight. all legal, i promise! =:P
II: Pfft, I wasn't going to question you. There are plenty of legal skirmishes on Alternia.
II: In fact I'd say there are probably more legal than not.
ID: it was mostly a joke, dw.
II: Haha
II: Fair
II: ...oh, bother, I swear if one more tall tealblood gets in my way...
II: Why is everyone so _towering_ .
SA: break kneecaps 😃
II: It might be good for some of the neophytes, but greatly frowned upon.
ID: how tall are you?
II: Not terribly short, but short for my caste. 5'5
II: And I swear half these teals look like someone stretched them and pulled them.
ID: i'm 6'1" so. member of the stretch and pull club here.
II: Oh my, you _are_ tall for a rust
II: That must be useful
ID: oh yeah, get to pop over the waves of rust. totes useful.
II: Pfft
II: _Finally._ I thought they'd never stop crowding the doors.
ID: i was scared of blending in, y'know. with all the other horn-floating tattooed maroons. thankfully i have my height to be unique.
II: Ah yes. Your most distinguishing feature, I am sure.
II: You are such a normal troll otherwise. Painfully dull.
ID: i know. shame i haven't taken up a life of crime, you'd never find me in all the other dull faces.
II: Pffft
ID: =;P
II: I have never actually used an emote before
II: But I feel compelled to respond with one
II: 😹
II: ... never mind
II: That looks terrible
II: 🐱 there, much cuter
ID: yeah that. was not a wise choice.
ID: that's better.
II: Haha, it was not, who made that monstrosity I wonder?
II: I thought cat emotes would be cute. That looks awful.
ID: 🐯
ID: ....
ID: 🐅
ID: hey that one isn't too bad.
II: 🦁
II: That one's a bit odd.
SA: 🐍
SA: 🐃 it's your lusus
ID: 🦌
ID: mix those two together, maybe.
II: Haha, it's been a while since I was at circus
II: ...which is a good thing, admittedly.
II: Though some of them do have wonderful menageries.
ID: i was wondering why you were hanging with the teals and all when your caste usually did.
ID: other things.
II: Other less than tasteful activities you mean?
II: Don't worry. I don't endorse a lot of what the church does, even if I am technically part of it. It needs heavy reform in some areas.
ID: i was gonna leave it at other, but p much! =:P
II: Tactful of you, but I certainly don't mind.
II: In the legislacerator business you learn to talk frankly about Imperial bodies. They have their flaws like any other.
II: But that's a dreary topic for most people, so instead I think I'll segue into commenting on this lovely train I'm on.
ID: hahahah, trains are a safer subject for a lil rustie to comment on anyways. =:P
ID: does it have a snack cart.
II: I think if anyone ever called you a "lil rustie" they'd lose a limb, but of course it does.
II: What is a train without a snack cart, I ask you.
II: Incomplete.
ID: you could play along with my weak lil rustie gig, hella rude. =:'(
II: Ha
ID: ...though tbh i was never good at it.
II: Nice try, I've known far too many rusts to fall for that.
II: Idiot neophytes in my class got themselves killed underestimating lowbloods. I learned not to make their mistakes.
ID: well if it makes you feel better i have no plans of culling you, random stranger on the chatroom. =:P
II: Hahahaha
II: I figured not, what would you gain from it?
II: Nothing except a lot of trolls on your tail.
ID: ...i mean...
ID: things.
ID: your wallet.
ID: trolls have killed for less!
II: Pfft, wealth perha - oh, now I'm just hurt, only killing me for my wallet? Not for vengeance or something interesting? You wound me, ID.
II: At least make a penny dreadful out of it.
ID: i mean vengeance for what.
II: Oh I don't know, being purple. Some trolls are that petty.
ID: i mean. for a purpleblood you're like. the least offensive thing i've met.
II: Haha, well, I try to be reasonable. I think rather little of highbloods who believe they can be ill-mannered or wild just because of their blood.
II: They give all of us such a terrible image.
ID: yeah, well. they're pretty encouraged to be awful.
II: Mm, they are, it's deeply unfortunate.
II: I was lucky enough to be raised by trolls who taught me proper behavior young, but in places with less Imperial instruction standards can be _quite_ dismal.
ID: ...raised by trolls?
II: Oh, I had my lusus of course, but I _was_ part of the church's creche when young, before I changed my mind to go into law. So I was always surrounded by proctors of some sort.
ID: oh. huh.
ID: yeah i was raised in the desert.
II: Oh! They can be such fascinating places. What was your upbringing like?
II: Did you live on your own, or in a town?
ID: i had one neighbor pretty much.
II: Ah, isolated then.
ID: preeettttyyy much. we became buddies though. since. lack of options really.
II: Haha, naturally.
II: But you say you were raised there - I presume you left?
ID: oh, yeah. i travel now.
II: Do you? What sort of places do you go?
II: What kind of work do you do?
ID: uh i pretty much just pick a direction and walk.
ID: work is uh. mostly fighting trolls for money?
II: Oh, ring fighting? Or less formal street affairs?
ID: less formal. definitely.
ID: though sometimes ring.
ID: last fight was in a ring.
II: Do you have a preference, or is it simply a matter of convenience which you choose?
ID: ehhh i prefer less formal generally!
II: Smaller crowds and less pressure?
ID: but this time the guy challenged and the fact everyone was telling me i'd just get hurt if i did pissed me off.
II: Pfft, I can see that
ID: less rules. =:P
II: Always irritating to be told - hahaha
II: I suppose I can't argue with that, given my preferred method of combat is shooting my enemies with acid. That's certainly not in any honorable rule book.
II: But it is effective.
ID: whatever works, right?
ID: but yeah. i fucking hate being told i can't do shit.
II: Certainly, given my arsenal of other weapons and technology.
ID: get enough of that in life.
II: Certainly it seems silly to try and dissuade you from a fight, particularly if that is how you live.
ID: besides, it ended in a tie so everyone was wrong on who'd win!
II: Hahaha
II: That is amusing
ID: yeah, well. it happens. as long as no one got salty when i refused to listen, idgaf.
II: Well, I figure it's their problem if they do.
ID: p much! unless they got clades that you're friends with and then they get dragged in to it and it can get messy.
II: Hahah oh my, that sounds quite alarming.
ID: like i'm pretty sure there are trolls upset at what i did to the other guy.
ID: but whatever. he challenged me, and he was the one who made dumb mistakes in the fight.
ID: anddd i'll stop venting to a stranger about it now. sorry.
II: I don't mind! It sounds like it was quite the event.
II: I certainly have nothing better to do than stare at my fellow passengers or browse the internet, and most of the trolls around me aren't terribly interesting looking.
ID: it was fucking something alright.
ID: how long do you have to travel?
II: Oh, a few hours. The lecture I was at was firm-mandated, now I'm back on one of my own cases.
II: I mean, I get cases passed to me through the firm too, but it was a mandatory summons for everyone from our firm regardless of case.
ID: i see. an interesting case?
II: Mmm, I've had duller I suppose. It's mostly just cleaning up loose ends from a mutant fighting ring that was already busted, and we're just chasing down the remaining culprits.
II: Nothing terribly exciting, but it's necessary work.
ID: huh. well, good luck with that.
II: It should be fairly simple; we're not dealing with terribly smart trolls here. They got caught because one of their members accidentally left a _window_ open.
II: Laughably careless.
II: It's a wonder one of them had the brains to set it up in the first place.
ID: a brief spark of genius that quickly waned. =:P
II: In fact I think the leader got culled by some backstabbing subordinate, who then started to get complacent and run the organization with a looser hand, allowing us to get the drop on them.
ID: greed can be the downfall of many a troll i suppose.
ID: but hey, makes your job easier when they're culling each other.
II: Sometimes! Sometimes it leaves us with less information to catch the others with, unfortunately, but in this case that's not an issue.
ID: go on out there and keep our streets safe. =:P
ID: ...well. barely maybe safer.
II: _ha_
II: I'd need a whole team of trolls to make things safer
II: I'm very good at my job, but I'm only one person
ID: aww c'mon. just be troll batman.
II: That costume would look ridiculous on me.
II: I adore the movies, mind you, despite the terrible example he sets.
II: But I could not get away with wearing that.
ID: ...troll batgirl?
II: Even worse in the costume department. I'd like a word with whoever designed that. Any legislacerator with half a brain wouldn't be caught dead in that. Insanely impractical.
ID: was it ever really designed to be practical though.
II: No, it was designed for lowlifes to drool over, certainly.
II: Which I suppose is its own appeal, but I can't see a costume like that as at all attractive given the career I have.
AM: Hello, hello sweet honies of the night~
ID: ...ii are you a sweet honey of the night.
ID: because i know i'm not.
AM: Sweetie, honey please. Don't be so down on your self! Anyone can be a sweet honey of the night if you play your cards right, doll!
ID: that sounds vaguely creepy as fuck. =:I
II: ...I believe I am more like a tasteful...never mind I forget where I was going with that, but I don't think so?
II: Certainly it's nice to be called sweet, but honey just seems redundant in that context.
II: It isn't as if honey is going to be bitter.
AM: Hmm...hmmm you've got that right then sugar. Listen babes if you want a different title then cough up some names then eh? Cause listen sweethearts we can dance around that all we want but it's MUCH better for everyone if we cut to the chase with these introductions. Now what's the set of letters stamped on those business cards of yours honies?
II: Gracious, aren't you forward.
AM: Time's money babe.
ID: i feel like i need a second bath tonight now.
ID: hadean.
II: ...I suppose I cannot argue with that. I am Indrid.
AM: Hadean and Indrid. Great meeting you two! Names Ashley- but listen. Babe. Listen. A second bath is a no go. Your skin will DESPISE you, even if you're moisturzing then toning and scrubbing thrice a week honey. It's just not good for that dermis of yours.
SA: i'm sorry what's happening here.
AM: Oh an actual honey! S'up honeysuckle what's YOUR name hm?
ID: run pris. run.
II: Flee.
SA: why am I fleeing.
ID: also i thought giving our names would stop the assault of nicknames. =:I
SA: and why do they keep calling you honey.
II: I haven't the faintest idea.
AM: Run, flee? Sweethearts PLEASe you're harming my poor self. I came in here for a good time and- here let's sit and just chat. Really babes, calm yourselves.
ID: names.
II: Haha, I was merely joking along with ID. It's never in good taste to not tag along with one's conversational partner.
AM: Yeah, yeah I got it bud. Chill it's fine. These EYES HERE, reading through some GRADE-A lenses and typing like the wind now for your names, babe- oop. Yes gotit.
AM: _Hadean_
II: What's your name, AM?
ID: there you go, give the barkbeast a bone.
ID: ashley.
AM: Ashley, sweet heart. Take note of it, I'm digging the VIBES in here I wanna swing around more often.
SA: i like the lowblood chat, i've decided.
SA: it's a safe place.
II: Take me with you. I _will_ miss ID's commentary.
ID: i multitask.
ID: like i'll let a purple scare me out of here.
II: Scare? They aren't so alarming, merely...unusually exuberant!
SA: oh it's not scary at all.
SA: I just. Don't understand.
AM: Oh, darlings, please. I'm not scary. Don't be so intimidated really, just everyone take a breath. A sip of Chai. Excuse me for just being so EXCITED babes.
II: Haha, I'm not intimidated. And surely we can forgive you being excited.
ID: i've been called honey and babe more in these few minutes than i've ever been subjected to in my life. =:I
SA: lavender chai?
II: I'm sure AM was merely unusually free with their charmingly tawdry speech out of gushing enthusiasm.
AM: A LAVENDER CHAI EXACTLY, look this, this one. I like you, what's your name babe?
AM: You've got good taste.
SA: ...Prisma.
SA: please do not call me babe.
AM: Prisma, sweetheart. You've got it.
SA: 👌
ID: i don't think he wants the sweetheart part either tho.
SA: it's preferable.
SA: I am still only perdia's honeycomb.
AM: Listen babes. Listen. I'm telling you this as someone that cares and is going to be forward. Noting held back here alright? Don't take the babe and sweetheart as like ahh...How do I say this nice. A ..PROPOSAL yes a proposal.
AM: It's just friendly sweet talk you know, sweethearts?
AM: A bit of sugar coating on the words. Can't leave a bitter taste in anyone's mouth after all. Nono. we can't have that haha
AM: Bad for business, yadayada.
SA: 🙊
AM: But let's not talk business babes.
SA: let's. Not. yes.
AM: Those are just all WONDERFUL handles by the way.
SA: I still don't understand hadean's tag.
SA: I've been meaning to say.
ID: ˙sᴉɥʇ ǝʞᴉl ǝʇᴉɹʍ ʎllɐnsn ᴉ
ID: ˙ʍou ʇ,uop ƃuᴉʞɔnɟ ᴉ os ʇᴉ ʇnoqɐ sǝᴉɹɔ ǝuoʎɹǝʌǝ ʇnq
SA: don't ever do that again.
ID: you're all fucking welcome.
SA: I can read it just fine but.
SA: no
AM:Talented, very nice babe. Incredible. Really. But I have one critique.
SA: thank you.
AM: Don't do that, as Prisma said honey.
II: I look away for a few minutes
ID: ˙ssɐ ɹnoʎ uo sʇoq ʎds ǝɥʇ ƃuᴉʇʇǝƃ ʇnoɥʇᴉʍ sƃuᴉɥʇ ƃuᴉʎɐs ɹoɟ pooƃ s,ʇᴉ uɐǝɯ ᴉ
SA: mine. simply means disdainfully superior. disdainful aide.
SA: can they not read it that way?
AM: Again, honey. Stop that. Really. ITS HORRIBLE.
DD: oh dear i am afraid my eyes are crossing far too much to read that right now!
II: Oh, I don't know, it has its own charm.
SA: Is it actually that hard for you to read?
SA: it's. easy.
ID: nah, they're all machines and junk pris.
DD: well not if i turn my palmhusk upside down!
SA: hm.
SA: i didn't even have to turn it upside down...
DD: which i am doing from now on when that comes up
II: Mine is quite to the point about my job.
DD: then maybe you are very talented sa! ^_^
ID: you get used to it.
ID: if you write like that all the time.
DD: it is difficult for me but i guess i could do it if i focused really hard its just a little bit bothersome at the moment because ive been up for ages and i just had a burger (with cheese like you said id!!!!) and i think i am experiencing what people call a food coma
AM: I dig it. Straight forward. Classy. Clean cut. Uhg. I could just LOSE IT but I won't I'm not the jealous type sweety. It's a good name Indrid. Keep it. Never change.
II: Well, possibly one day if I change positions?
II: I would like to be a colony law enforcement head.
ID: hahah, was it good dd?
DD: and ooh are we talking about quirks??
ID: tags and their meanings mostly.
ID: but my tag had to do with my quirk.
SA: there are. so many officers or officer related people here.
DD: it was super good!!!! i asked for it rare like you guys said and it wasnt as weird as i thought it would be though the lettuce was a lot crunchier than i expected and i really liked the pickles but i like pickled things in general
AM: A promotion? Change it. ASAP. In that Case honey. AM: DD where'd you get it from if I may ask? What was the rating of the place? Lots of people there babe? how about the ingredients were they fresh and non-GMO?
ID: along with the fact that i'm an oppositional jerk.
ID: wtf is a gmo.
ID: and why do i need none of it.
II: GMOs aren't so bad, though some companies are rather...mm, overbearing about their guidelines.
DD: i am afraid i do not know all of that am i was too tired to check very much and i am new to this town so i just went to the closest sandwich shop nearby and it was just a local establishment!
II: Genetically Modified Organism.
DD: also gmos are great!
AM: BAd things sweety. Not good. Bad news. Stay AWAY from the GMO if you want that waistline to stay TRIM.
II: ...
II: anyway
ID: i mean starvation keeps me pretty fucking trim.
DD: i mean i think you really are misunderstanding the nature of genetic modification but um
DD: oh dear
DD: starvation??
ID: from time to time dd, it happens.
DD: !!!!
DD: thats really distressing!
DD: why are you starving??
ID: .....
AM: Hadean. That's effcient. Do you like eating tho honey? I got some amazing things I could send your way from a GREAT subscription box from this ADORABLE startup company if you want any.
ID: because of a lack of food/money for food?
ID: i like not being called honey because it comes off as kinda fucking creepy to have a stranger calling me honey.
DD: yes please take ams food maybe i should send you some and oh dear i thought they meant if you liked honey as in the food i
DD: oh dear
DD: um!!!
DD: are you starving right now???
II: GMOs aren't necessarily unhealthy.
ID: nah i'm not starving right now.
II: They can be, but it's not a given.
AM: Got it babe. noted. Write here. Sticky note ready. You want the snacks or not though? They're TRENDING like MAD.
ID: i'm fine with. non trending.
ID: my lusus always taught me not to take candy from strangers and all that.
II: Your lusus sounds like a good parent.
DD: okay i am very happy to hear that and i know we are not really that familiar with each other but maybe do you think if you are ever starving you would be comfortable with messaging me because i know you were uncomfortable earlier but really in the end maybe being a little bit uncomfortable is better than starving and um
Am: I mean in that case I've got LOADs of garbage from last weeks delivery cause let me tell you, LET ME TELL YOU. They didn't get the memo that KALE not the next super food. So it's just....there uhg. I can't even look at it Hadean. Tragic
AM: You sure ?
SA: oh my god.
ID: wtf is a kale.
AM: Power Green.
II: An uninspiring plant.
AM: Truer words have never been spoken Indrid.
AM: Awful. Just Awful plant.
DD: do they pickle it??
AM: It's Dried Kale chips babe.
II: Well. I'm sure it inspires someone.. But I've never found it to be very tasty. Give me a lovely spinach and lettuce salad any night.
SA: it is usually roasted or sauteed or dehydrated.
DD: pickled seaweed is nice DD: also just plain salted seaweed
DD: oh
DD: i do not think i have ever had a dehydrated food ever
AM: You want these sweetheart? I dont want them in my SIGHT anymore. Uhg. just god. Eyesore
II: Perhaps I could force-feed them to prisoners as a form of interrogation.
DD: i am okay!! i just had a burger for the first time and i think that is enough adventure for now really
DD: also everyone is calling it gross so probably i would not like it
AM: Do whatever you want with them. but here. Listen. Just listen all of you. Let me...give you this charitable donation of these chips.
AM: I get them off my hand you get chips for free everyone wins.
SA: no.
ID: i'm gonna go ahead and pass.
II: Haha
II: In truth so must I, for I'm not even sure I would be there to pick them up.
II: I travel too much.
AM: Sure thing sweet cheeks. Anyone else? I have no qualms on tossing them I really don't but Halvea said I can't toss the box here at the office so I'm just sitting on it now.
II: They'd sit in my hive and my lusus would probably get into them.
II: Or Cyan, which would be terrible.
II: ...you know Halvea?
II: Or rather. Is that a tealblood Halvea?
AM: Honey I more than know her. She's my boss!
II: Oh. Interesting.
II: Are you a legislacerator too then?
AM: Oh god no babe.
AM: I'm the secretary.
II: Ah, I see.
II: I have met one of her neophytes, so I wasn't sure.
ID: =:???? the fuck is halvea.
AM: Her secretary. I'm not up and giving this skill of management to anyone.
AM: By the way.
II: She is a very enthusiastic tealblood legislacerator!
SA: Oh, halvea is.
AS: I believe.
SA: ignore that.
II: And yes, she goes by IJ.
ID: oh. that one.
AM: Yes correct again babes!
II: ...though, I do find it interesting she keeps a _purple_ secretary.
ID: i mean probably makes her feel fancy?
AM: Speaking of one second. Just sit tight I got some papers to give her. they came in. I hate them and honestly COULD and SHOULD shred them they're useless but she wants ALL her paper work apparently.
AM: BRB babes
II: Didn't you want to pursue a different career, AM?
SA: we're all booth babes now.
ID: you gotta wear the vent pants pris. =:P
DD: ooooh omg ive always wanted to be a booth babe
DD: just for a little while you know
DD: it seems fun!!
ID: i was a booth babe for a day.
DD: and you get to wear pretty clothes
DD: omg
DD: omg omg
DD: what did you wear??? was it fun??
SA: the day i wear the vent pants is the day i am lowered into my grave.
ID: i wore a hooker outfit and threw knives.
DD: vent pants are fun because they are really silly!
DD: and oh my goodness that is one terrifying professional model look
DD: what were you selling?
DD: did you stab anybody??
II: I'm assuming they did, given the fight.
ID: nah it was a contest on accuracy.
II: Oh, haha
II: Silly me
ID: the fighting came later!
AM: Alright honies I'm back. Uhg. And indrid sweety, listen. I do. I AM. I'm going to be the next rock n roll star just you see I've got some nice TUNES coming up honest.
SA: I almost won.
SA: I would like everyone to know this.
SA: since Hadean seem sto gloss over it was a contest with me in it.
AM: Oh? Deets honey. Deets.
ID: but i was the one who walked away with the giant monkey. =:P
II: Oh, that's a nice career. I do enjoy a nice rock ballad.
ID: ...i wonder what happened to that monkey.
II: ...giant monkey.
SA: yes but I was the one who got to cuddle the giant monkey.
DD: oooo DD: i have always been very impressed by accuracy and fighting in general i am afraid that i am not much of a fighter myself but i suppose it is not relevant to my profession really so it ends up okay
AM: Nevermind it sounds horrid.
SA: did... did you not get it from pheres's booth?
ID: it was a stuffed giant monkey toy.
II: Oh, I see
II: Wait, why did you get that for knife throwing...
ID: ...pris i have a broken arm. there was no way i was hauling it.
SA: because i bribed the owner.
II: Pfft
SA: yo could have told me, I would have gotten it...
SA: 😦
ID: i forgot, sorry.
DD: oh my goodness that all sounds like it was a lot of fun!
DD: and adventurous haha
AM: Damn. Cold honey. Cold. Need a shoulder to cry on or embroidered kerchief there prisma honey?
ID: i was gonna get it but then things got awkward at the stall anyways, sooo.
SA: I will cry on hadean or sipara if i require a cry, thank you.
SA: But I am incapable of crying anyways.
SA: so it does not matter.
SA: thank you.
AM: It's a waste of time anyway!
II: oh dear
AM: I like your style on that.
ID: what do you do when you get an eyelash in your eye. =:P
DD: oh my goodness
SA: I remove it with my fingers.
AM: You get the surgery to stop it or what babe? Let me know give me the numbers.
SA: what do you do>
SA: No.
SA: I was lobotomized.
ID: i curse a whole fucking lot and rub it until it gtfos.
SA: are you happy now.
AM: Ah. Intense.
DD: i cry a lot but its usually hard to tell because i am underwater though i suppose that will not be the case anymore but also not being able to cry sounds awful how do you express your emotions otherwise
II: Oh dear
AM: Sweety, DD. Never got your name by the way honey. You just. You know. Deal with it. Not then. Eventually. It's fine.
II: Are you all right, DD?
DD: i think i am not very good at dealing with it eventually instead of then but that is okay
DD: and what do you mean of course i am! DD: i am not crying now!
II: Well, I meant in general, but that's good to know
AM: You'll get the hang of it I believe in you sweety. Really. You've got potential there. That hue of yours. Comes with some NICE talents.
DD: and oooh that is right i was going to say earlier when we were taking about handles
ID: except for tears of joy over how good the burger was, obvs.
DD: hahaha i did not cry over that but i suppose it was pretty close! DD: it was a very nice burger!!
SA: that is a good thing to cry over.
DD: oh but yes my name is in my handle i am dazzle!!
AM: Hadean, have a sense of proffessionalism. Crying in PUBLIC is tABOO.
SA: your name.
AM: Good to mean you Dazzle. Really just. DAZZLING.
SA: is dazzle.
ID: uh when you're a fish you can do whatever the fuck you want in public.
DD: the daft is not part of my name that is just something my friend jokes about sometimes
DD: omg haha thank you am ❤ ❤
ID: you gonna tell a seadweller to stop crying in a store?
SA: they probably would honestly.
DD: and um yes my name is dazzle technically it is my last name but i think it is charming so i go by it anyways!
DD: my first name is laurel but that is not as fun
II: I think Laurel is lovely.
SA: laurel is preferable.
II: The flowers are very nice.
SA: but it is not my name.
II: But Dazzle is nice too.
AM: Laurel Dazzle. My, my you have just got LOADS of charisma dripping from everypore huh?
AM: I like it. Good name. I'll remember it. taking a REAL note of it babe.
DD: oh um DD: i mean i enjoy dazzle but if you dont like it you can call me laurel i guess i do not really mind that much
ID: daz it is.
DD: and oh my goodness i suppose i have a lot to live up to am!
II: Whatever makes you feel most comfortable!
ID: so we got daz, ind, and ash i guess.
DD: omg haha daz sounds lovely <3 DD: people dont call me that much anymore but when they did it was a friendly nickname so it is nice to hear again
AM: Ashley babe. make note of it back it's polite.
DD: but also i think i did not get your names sa and id!!
Am: Ashley. Honey. I like to keep a professional amount of distance at all times it's more comfortable that way babe.
ID: hadean.
AM: No ash.
DD: hadean!! DD: that is a very lovely name and i am happy to have learned it thank you!!
ID: keep calling me babe and honey and shit, i call you ash in return.
ID: dwi.
SA: "keep a professional distance" calls everyone ash.
SA: I mean.
SA: sweetheart.
SA: I'm. my phone is blowing up.
II: Dearest fellow castemate
AM:Fix that honey. I know the name of a GREAT guy to get that fixed for you. Trust me. Just PM sometime I'll give it to you. Shit we could get coffee sometimes Prisma babe. Anyway we'll talk later. what is it castemate hmm?
DD: is prisma sa??
DD: that is a very colorful name!! DD: prismatic even ❤ ❤
ID: yeah that's pris.
SA: ...
AM: The actual honey of the group HA.
SA: .........
ID: call him it pris.
IJ: Why are you harrassing people on your work hours.
SA: call him what.
ID: hahah, teal boss salvation.
ID: and ash pris. the only way he'll learn is if you annoy him with nicknames back.
SA: Oh no.
SA: I'm mad at DD.
II: Ah, hello Halvea.
SA: not Ashley.
II: Oh dear.
ID: oh.
ID: the name pun?
SA: it disgusts me.
II: Ah, I can see why it would.
ID: good ol' hadean. haven't had a pun yet.
IJ: Hello again In>ri>. I am sorry if my accountant has been bothering any of you, he is quite a blabber mouth in an> out of person.
SA: bean.
DD: oh no wait what why are you made at me what did i do i am sorry
SA: we can call you. bean.
SA: sweetbean.
ID: bean isn't part of my name.
AM: Listen, honey. Halvea. PLEASE use a better title that's so STIFF.
DD: oh the name pun um!!!
DD: i am very sorry i was trying to be friendly and i didnt mean to be offensive
IJ: When you stop calling me 'honey', how about that.
ID: there you go pris, he apologized.
SA: mmm
SA: thank you.
DD: i just meant you know prismatic is another word for colorful so mayb it would be nice to call you that but in retrospect it was tasteless so i will not do it again
II: ...it might be best if you stopped while you're ahead, Dazzle.
II: It is good to have apologized but usually less than preferable to ah, draw out the topic.
ID: so, uh. deep breaths pris.
II: I know you meant no harm, so let's leave it at that.
DD: oh um okay!! DD: i will shut up
ID: i will say it once more in this chat, i'm sorry should not be followed up with an explanation.
II: I concur with Hadean.
AM: Babe, Halvea. Come ON. Don't DO this right now please. I'm telling you look. Here I'll put the phone down huh? AM: Prisma, Indrid, Hadean, you sweethearts were digging my compan right? Dazzle sweety?
II: It certainly provided something new to the chat.
DD: oh i mean i was just DD: i mean i wanted to explain in case he thought i meant it maliciously not like DD: i mean DD: i DD: i am going to go back to shutting up now!!!
II: Oh, ah -
AM: Oh wow hm. Look at that.
IJ: I wasn't saying that you can't talk to others while working. I was explicitly talking about harrassing. Especially some of my fellow co-workers.
AM: Listen, sweethearts lets not drag on the illfeelings-- AM: Co-workers?
AM: Also I'm NOT harassing.
ID: i felt pretty harrassed at the amount of nicknames being spewn out around here.
AM: Hadean.
AM: Hadean you're not helping there bud.
IJ: In>ri> is one of my co-workers, yes.
AM: I offered you KALE Chips pal.
ID: which are apparently a shit food.
AM: OH-- ARE THEY? wow HAH. Oooh. Alright well. Here. I'll get them a coffee later when I get yours how about that? There bygones be bygones, honey.
AM: It's only shit because that fad FADED.
IJ: Kale isn't so ba>. It's also frie> Kale.
ID: man even in hot water you call the boss honey.
ID: i don't know whether to admire your gall or... pity your stupidity...
AM: I gladly invite you to SHUT.
SA: they were so sauve a moment ago.
ID: mmm, invite me to what?
ID: more harrassment?
IJ: They seem to lose their cool aroun> me. For whatever reason.
AM: Please. Buddies. STOP
AM: I _am perfectly cool_
ID: sure you are ash bud.
AM: HEY. HEy here's a thought a good idea. An AWESOME IDEA. I get you that coffee Halvea. INDRID what kinds do you like.
SA: it's like watching. a train. go off the track.
ID: uh-huh, i gotcha ash.
SA: are you quite okay?
IJ: No bu>s in this chat room. Smoking wee> is still illegal in my juristiction
II: I greatly enjoy a nice caramel frappucino.
SA: w ... what.
ID: bud as in buddy there uh.
ID: ij.
AM: Yes. I get that Halvea but again I must state it's not a PLANT it's a WORD.
ID: what ash said.
AM: I'LL BE BACK. Coffe run. Haha. Important. Wow . Yep.
ID: =:)
SA: I thought those wre called joints.
ID: careful not to spill ash!
II: Oh dear, they seem upset.
II: Hopefully they recover.
IJ: Bu> is usually refering to a piece of the marijuana plant, that woul> then be groun> up an> smoke> in what is calle> a 'joint'.
SA: are you this pedantic about all words?
IJ: He'll be fine. I pay him by the hour.
SA: flower buds...
IJ: Someone has to keep the reins in check here.
ID: well we are allll fine upstanding citizens around here.
IJ: The excessive number of Ls in that sentence lea>s me to believe that you are full of shit, mister.
ID: really though if you can restrict him from being able to type honey somehow.
II: Oh, I'm sure ID is a stellar example of Imperial citizenship.
IJ: >oesn't make him any less full of shit.
II: Really? I've found him quite enjoyable.
ID: i can be full of shit and a stellar citizen!
ID: isn't life funny.
IJ: Either way, I can't restrict anyone from typing anything, but I can give him a socially acceptable punishment for >oing so in the future.
SA: public humiliation?
IJ: Either way, I can't restrict anyone from typing anything, but I can give him a socially acceptable punishment for >oing so in the future.
IJ: Not quite that, no.
ID: ....no more coffee breaks?
II: Gracious, Halvea. So what if the boy is a bit overenergetic? What are you going to do to him?
SA: remove his snapchat filters.
II: Ha
IJ: I am not going to give him a punishment too cruel to fit the crime we are talking about here, In>ri>
IJ: I'> mess with his computer if it wasn't a work computer.
ID: i say no breaks. gotta make up the time he spent dawdling on here. =:P
ID: he did a loooot of dawdling.
IJ: >espite his outwar> nature, Ashley usually >aw>les becuase he gets his work >one quickly. If not a bit haphazar>ly.
SA: so they are secretly very intelligent.
IJ: He's not incompetant, yes.
ID: just bad at listening to boundaries.
II: I hardly imagine you'd employ him if he was.
II: He _does_ seem like he could use a bit of advice on how to interact with strangers.
IJ: Perhaps if he keeps this up, I'll have him have to work un>er Sappho for a >ay. Make him run his legs instea> of his mouth.
II: Haha, that hardly seems a punishment to me, but she is certainly enthusiastic and would keep him on his toes.
ID: yeah never leave him alone with a valuable witness, he'd ruin 'em.
ID: unless he's part of the intimidation tactics i guess.
IJ: Maybe have him work in the gym for a few hours, then? Man>atory gym room time.
ID: never a bad idea to have him able to run when he needs to!
AM: Okay hey. I brought my phone to the shop and they messed up my order, bummer right? But listen so they're remaking it and Halvea sweety. They have a special. A SPECIAL. Don't hate me now but, look listen everyone EVERYONE will back me up on this. It's a limited edition Lestat special a Lestat's whatever who cares. Not super sure what it's about but it sounded NEW and EXCITING. SO I got it for you. There all is forgiven honey.
SA: ...
II: Isn't he one of those rainbowdrinker characters
SA: it never ends.
SA: does it
II: Gracious, and we already got into such a discussion about them
II: Haha
IJ: Can you tell me that in Alternian English, please.
II: Apparently in the world of marketing it does not.
ID: it probably means you'll be getting a jade and/or rainbow colored drink.
IJ: ... I sai> I like my coffee as black as asphalt.
AM: Listen. I know. but. Here are you following me?
AM: Follow this idea. I get you that...BUT
AM: I also get this.
ID: so ij. if you need a new secretary, i learn fast.
AM: A sort of...chaser.
AM: Hadean would be awful he doesn't know your schedule and he starves so honestly your secretary wouldn't be as fit or toned as requried. NOW THE ANYWAY. I got it and here I'll send a picture.
ID: i don't order awful hideous drinks so.
ID: and really starvation is the best motivation to do good at my job.
acousticMedusa sent LESTAT_HELLA_MARKETING.jpg. it's basically that unicorn frap but idk black berry and pomagranate colored instead
ID: ahahah oh wooowwwww.
ID: so ij i don't have a resume, is that fine?
AM: Shhh shhh listen. it's great. I heard it's great. There's SO MANY reviews on line. And it's GREAT for pictures and publicity.
AM: No it's not you unprofessional-- no it's bad.
AM: I had an EXTENSIVE resume.
ID: i mean i'm forseeing an immediate opening in the next few minutes so.
AM: You couldn't even triangulate the perfect restuarants to have for breakfast,brunch, lunch, midafternoon mimosas, AND DINNER I bet! It's very important okay. Meetings NEED places like those reserved in advance all within close distance to eachother to ENSURE it's not exhausting but far enough to allow a walk for digestion.
AM:_important skills Hadean babe_
ID: sink or swim world out there ash, i think i'll manage.
AM: not to mention where to go for closer drinks after!
AM: Ashley.
ID: mmhmmm. ash.
ID: leyley better?
AM: Too cutesy it doesn't go with my rocking and rolling vibe okay.
AM: Ashley.
ID: ..................................................................
ID: ..........................................
ID: ash.
AM: 👀
II: I once heard of someone with the nickname 'Ashling', but I suppose if you don't enjoy cute titles.
ID: shouldn't he be returning with your coffees.
AM: It would take a special sort of someone babe. Gotta stay professional, you and me. Halvea's laws.
ID: man i hope your whatever it is doesn't get cold ind.
AM: I brought a reusable thermos for Halvea's drink it'll stay hot as the suns above. I care about the environment HADEAN.
ID: i mean is there a themos for ind's drink too.
II: Ah yes. Extremely important.
AM: You have to plan ahead for this sort of work to be a proper secretary. And no theirs is a COLD beverage why would I ever put that in a thermos the whipped creme would get SLUDGY FAST.
AM: I strictly ordered theirs to come after mine which had to be remade.
ID: psst ind is yours a cold drink.
II: What if I wanted a thermos regardless.
II: What if I just love thermoses that much.
ID: some of us love sludgy cream!
AM: It should be it's a decent degreed day, and a nice ice drink perks on up at this hour-- I really would've appreciated that before hand Indrid. NOTED then. Babe really. Tragically sorry about that one won't happen again .
AM: No, no. No one does. It's just not. It's not kosher.
ID: ind he's saying you aren't kosher.
II: Hahahaha
ID: hella rude right there.
AM: Listen. hadean. Slander isn't a cute look babe.
II: I know. I am so deeply offended.
ID: i'm just translating what you're saying ash.
ID: stop offending the lady.
II: Hadean, ever defending my honor.
ID: i'm the valiant rust in shining armor right here.
II: Hahahaha
ID: trying to secure my new cushy secretary job.
AM: If you're unhappy I'll gladly bring you this businesses card. Call, complain, get a free sludge mountain. It's PEACHY KEEN BABES.
ID: i mean or she could call up ij and complain about you~
ID: tsk tsk, all caps and everything.
AM: Don't you DARE.
ID: soooo rude.
AM: Don't do thsi HERE and NOW.
ID: ind i'm gonna need to lodge a complaint.
II: Oh, goodness, and I was _just_ going to call Halvea and tell her all about how very sad I am.
ID: sweet serendipity!
AM: HONEY HADEAN. DARLING. LISTEN. There's time to scream until we're RAW in private but for NOW hey. Keep it PRO yeaH? YOu DIG?
II: Eerily mysterious, isn't it, Hadean
II: How fate aligns
ID: oh i'm alll pro ash sweety!
AM: Babey cakes. hadean. Kindly. Ever so kindly and gently.
ID: you need to stop taking things so personal. =;)
II: Oh my, it _is_ getting personal isn't it
AM: I'm going to my desk. You can get your drink from my desk Indrid.
II: Gracious, I may _swoon_
ID: wow, can't even deliver the drink ind.
AM: I have to leave this establishment IMMEDIATLEY. BRB
II: I know, I am so put out.
ID: make sure to put that in the report.
II: Oh I don't think I need a full report, do you?
II: Merely a tragically written post-it note.
II: Displaying my sorrow.
ID: oh god it's this one again.
II: I can't say I've met them before.
ID: well i guess with ash gone i gotta get my kicks somewhere.
ID: redlegs. been called worse i suppose.
ID: uh-huh. introduce yourself to ind you caps-broken dork.
II: That would be me.
ID: uh the purple in the chat too.
ID: my patron deity is myself.
II: And haha, I am no deity.
ID: i'm fucking holy as fuck right here.
ID: bow down fuckers.
II: I suppose technically it would be the messiahs, but I am not particularly fond of them.
II: ...I misread that
II: Anyway.
ID: man you're a bright one.
II: Spring fling and boxcars?
II: Unusual nicknames.
ID: i mean i'm redlegs now so it seems to be their thing.
II: Haha, oh dear.
ID: uh my friends are cool af.
II: I have lovely friends!
ID: 'as fuck'.
II: Take them out to eat, or to some place we'd both enjoy.
ID: uh we watch movies and eat and tonight sips brushed my hair out for me.
II: ...oh dear, no, that is not what that means
LA: >8C
ID: ughhh i think she's been hit in the head a few times.
ID: once really hard maybe.
ID: ....no.
ID: we buy food and eat it like normal trolls.
ID: because when i only want one burger i'm not gonna fucking slaughter the whole hoofbeast.
ID: ...how do you save the meat.
ID: and when i don't have a fuckass amount of salt laying around?
ID: exactly, so i'll just buy the one burger instead.
ID: can't be wasteful.
ID: i'll buy whatever the fuck i want. dwi.
ID: i establish friendship with my fucking charisma and charm.
ID: that sounds like a fucking porn star name.
ID: saying af does not mean actually fucking.
ID: needs you do not satisfy with friends.
ID: that's what hookup bars are for.
IJ: Someone shoul> tell In>ri> that if someone is claiming a lawsuit against her, tell her I sai> "His case >oesn't stan> up."
ID: will pass the message on ij.
ID: sorry la, everyone's just working on a big case.
ID: gotta get everything ready for the hearing.
ID: gotta file allll the orders.
ID: submit all the evidence.
iD: brush up on their opening statements.
IJ: Turn the volume >own, ki>.
ID: i don't think she can.
ID: so i can only drive her out with legal jargon.
ID: did you submit your all-caps writing form.
ID: by abusing whoever else showed up.
ID: unlawful use of winking.
ID: that's a sentence for you.
ID: do you have any witnesses you'd like to submit to the court la.
ID: any evidence?
ID: i see, the verdict is...
ID: you're a fucking garbage can of a troll.
ID: guilty on all charges, book 'em.
ID: they usually do fight.
ID: but that's what the stun batons are for.
ID: someone drag this yellow carcass out of the chatroom so she'll stop making everyone leave.
ID: the talent of being unbearable to be around, congrats.
ID: i have nothing better to do. unlike the hard workers of this chatroom.
ID: and ash i guess.
ID: work smarter, not harder.
ID: be amazing.
ID: being terrible.
ID: and surviving.
ID: mostly the fighting.
ID: better some nights than others.
ID: gee, why didn't i think of that.
ID: yup, soooo much better than everyone else i was able to have an alright conversation with.
ID: wowwwww.
ID: can i grab you by the horns and put you in a wood chipper.
ID: ....how about you go play the quiet game.
ID: i bet you can't win.
ID: man you're right. i'm outies.
ID: wooowwww.
ID: i sure the fuck know how to pick them.
ID: ...though i guess i didn't pick her so much as have her forced on me. =:/
ID: man it's safe to come back folks. =:/
AM: Is it though, Hadean.
ID: of course~
ID: enjoying your horrible coffee concoction?
LA: ARROWS!!!!!!!!
AM: What do you mean horrible? I mean the first one was horrible, lords help me. But the second make was much better---
ID: =:I
AM: Another honey but one that needs to lay off the sweets.
ID: ...all coffee concoctions are horrible, duh.
AM: And pray tell, how did you come to that conclusion babe? I'm all ears. I'm clear for ten more minutes before I need to file a few things. Come one. Walk with me talk with me. Or well not walk we can't walk baby but HA you get metaphors right? Some good hyperboles? Shoot Hadean, shoot.
ID: i mean caffeine doesn't do anything for me so really it's all overpriced shit water to me!
RR: hey hey hey how's my favorite chatterboxers today
AM: Eegad what ungodly coffees are you drinking, honey? My god I'm telling you, just TELLING you right now, you listening? Listen. You. ME. I take you to a PROPER coffee house. We load you up with a shot of pure south eastern alternian espresso and you'll FALL IN LOVE.
RR: Whoa there RR: At least buy that expresso dinner first
ID: i mean no, caffeine literally doesn't work for shit on me.
AM: No babe, don't gotta it's pre wined and dined don't worry about it.
AM: We pay extra for it. Not a big deal.
RR: Damn that expresso is a cheap little diamond ain't it
ID: i get a few minutes of feeling weird and then it's pretty much gone.
AM: Ah. Bummer. Real bummer jeez. How the hell do you stay up? I mean I can't get through morning calesthetics without a good cup.
ID: the fuck is a calesthetic.
AM: And going to hot yoga without a mocha in hand? PLEASE. IMPOSSIBLE.
AM: Morning routinely exercises to get yourself limber.
RR: Dude do you live and die by a cup of java
RR: Kneel down and worship a coffee tree
AM: I do. It's important. I'm busy baby. Listen, you listening? Okay listen up. I need it! Everyone does. Gotta keep your machine of a body going with some electricity a good buzz babe.
AM: Without the worship.
ID: man i guess i've just been living life all wrong ash! thanks for opening my bulbs.
RR: Hey doll this is sounding like the real business RR: Hook me up with some of that jazz if you're offering
ID: oh my god is this a match made in the festuring chute of the mother grub.
AM:You're welcome Hadean. I'm glad we came to a good conclusion with this meeting I was scared it was going real sour you know? And that's just no good. How about we grab closure dinner sometime. I'll have my information forwarded to you sometime. AM: Of cours it's real business babe. I don't dawdle in fakesies 100% authentic inside and out honey.
RR: Aw Hads RR: Palerino RR: You gotta wake up and take a deep whiff of the mocha sometimes, you know?
AM: I'll send you my info too. I like your spunk, rusty honey.
AM: Coffee meeting all of us, it'll be great!
RR: Well beat me daddy eight to the bar RR: Where do I grab myself a cup
ID: uh-huh. you don't want to take me to dinner because of how fucked up i got you earlier do you?
ID: because if you think i'm not as bad, if not worse, in person you're dead wrong.
AM: Spicy. Don't believe it Hadsy but we'll see. Keep talking I'm listening I promise. PROMISE with a capital P you catching that? AM: RR let's get this on the right foot gonna need your name honey. Won't know what sort of suit I'm looking for without a name.
ID: uh-huh. jeesh ashy you just want me to dirty talk on the chat now or fucking what. nikola is too young for this sorta stuff.
AM: Nikola? Sharp name for a sharp troll. But listen. Is Hadsy there right Nikola pal? How young we talking? I can't meet up for coffee with interns you got me honey?
RR: Haha I ended up with the fabulous moniker oooof RR: Nikola
RR: Who are you boss
RR: Too young? RR: Hads man you don't even know how old I am
RR: I'm halfway to 9 by now
AM: Halfway to 9-- It's Ashley by the way Ashley Sireno. Mister Sireno's find kid.
RR: I ain't been 6 7 or 8 on the dot in a looong time
AM: You keep that head up highbuddy I'm sure you'll earn that closer meal some day.
RR: What business are you in boss RR: Sounds like a jitterbug of a career if you get to go on a coffee bender by the day
ID: man nikola act your age and stop eating expired snacks.
AM: Climb that ladder, buddy. It's a tough world but you keep that suit pressed and it gets better trust me. Make some connections good ones. Real good. And everything just FALLS into your lap like with me bud.
ID: hahhh. he's no boss.
AM: I'm a Secretary pal. Easy peasy.
ID: he's a glorified paper pusher.
AM: Hadsy. Buddy. Babe. Sweetheart.
AM: I do much more thanthat.
ID: i mean. job so easy a rust could do it, huh ashy boo~?
AM: I've even got a uniform.
RR: Hey nothing wrong with a desk job RR: It puts bread and coffee on the nutrition surface
AM: Oh I don't eat bread it's got too many carbs honey.
ID: you probably look hideous in it.
RR: It's a figure of speech doll
RR: I ain't talking literal bread
AM: I look GREAT actually. I'm not feeling the teal vibe honey but if I put a good neutral in with it and a pair of my valentino slacks it really comes together babe.
RR: Hot diggity damn I'm swooning over here
RR: Swooooon
AM: Oh I see. Good one Nik. HA. But no really I do this job to kill time. It's good to get outside. Meet people. Important things you know.
AM: Swooning?
AM: HAH. Bud. I know it's hard not to but Listen. You taking notes here? I think you're more fitted for your age bracket.
RR: What? A troll in uniform is a good look on anybody RR: Even ol' Hads over here
ID: i have no idea what valentino slacks are but i bet only tools wear them.
RR: Pffft man don't take it seriously
ID: and that they are...
RR: That's how I talk to everyone
ID: last season.
RR: And on tonight's show we take a gander at the sick flame war that's burning all across our great Empire
AM: Hadsy babe I throw out last seasons clothes every season. Don't you I mean it's...pretty natural?
AM: They get too worn and really it's just not worth keeping babe.
ID: uh-huh. people throw them out and you dig through their dumpster and pull them out and wear them.
II: I believe I may have just startled another passenger with my laughter.
ID: it's okay ashy babe, we all know now.
II: How many lowbloods have you met, Ashley.
AM: Hadean I don't think you can read well Babe I'm concerned. How are we gonna keep our lunch date now if you can't read the address honey???
AM: Uh
AM: Should I be keeping count?
AM: They're all pretty low on the rung usually, overly abundant really. It's a little hard to count them all.
II: ...
AM: Now TALKING to one that's a little fewer so I guess these two are the most recent babe.
II: ...oh _dear_
SA: we all know what now?
RR: Whoooa there it's getting pretty heavy on the wine in here RR: Don't know how we're handling this berry platter
ID: ahahahah yep i'm gonna break ashy's nose for him.
SA: 🖤?
RR: Hey hey RR: Nobody gets a fight here unless I get to add live commentary on the show
II: I shall politely look in the other direction.
ID: he can have an overabundance of blood clogging his nose holes.
RR: I'm picturing it now RR: Special tonight: The rustbucket and the secretary go to war RR: It's a battle of the wits! RR: Who'l be the top dog tonight? RR: Tune in to find out!
SA: or just 🥊
AM: My nose? Hadean sweety I dont think you can afford the bill! Besides I'd rather you didn't honey I've got great symmetrical features as is I need to upkeepthat.
ID: nikola did you even comment on my last fight.
RR: Oh wait that was you wasn't it
ID: nah, kiss your straight nose goodbye.
AM: Oh the real honey comb is back. Hi darling.
RR: Uh RR: So how IS your arm doing?
SA: I'm back and my attempts a code communication are being ignored
ID: i already got ii's blessing.
SA: I even though this one through
ID: 🥊
RR: I missed some of it because I was kind of distracted helping keep Lokkic's friends from black killing each other so
SA: 👌
AM: that's not physically possible honey but listen I wouldn't really recommend that. Maybe instead we could listen to tunes sweetie? I'm GREAT at the guitar.
RR: Hey, there's always room for music on the show
SA: oh no. Once you start a fight with Hadean there is no escape.
ID: i'm breaking your nose.
SA: only confrontation and pain.
ID: it's happening.
II: I'm afraid the fight must be carried out
II: Binding legal contract
AM: No.
ID: scared?
AM: Absolutely not you'll hear from Halvea about that contract!
ID: poor little purple.
II: Oh, I'm sure she wouldn't mind me borrowing you for a little demonstration in law.
ID: oh! ij said there's no case ii.
AM: Hadsy I'll show you how little I'm NOT.
AM: Wait what
ID: i was supposed to pass the message on.
SA: Hadsy... wow.
SA: 😂
AM: No, no you're wrong. Haddy honey it's fine. You misheard.
ID: no i did not.
ID: straight from the teal lips to my ear.
II: Gracious, are you disgracing Hadean's trustworthiness?
AM: Horrendous. Just Horrendous. Lies.
II: I am abashed.
ID: that'll earn him another nose hit.
SA; Ashley just cease speaking and accept your fate.
AM: I wanted a simple lunch date now this. Saddening. really I thought we could have a good business talk. Maybe get you a tie and a REAL artisan meal, look at your portfolio but wow. Bodily Threat. Awful.
AM: Prisma sweetheart I can't.
AM: In all good consciousness.
ID: i'll steal your tie when i'm done beating you up. it's fine.
ID: i mean ii is this the backbone your company wants to show?
II: What are you going to _do_ with that tie, Hadean
II: Haha, Halvea and I don't work for the same firm
SA: wear it with Emerel shirt presumably
II: I work for Stanse Advoco, not her.
SA: there nothing else to wear it with
ID: he won't accept a fight from a rusty. i think his boss should know his cowardice.
II: I know her through one of her acolytes, Sappho Wilcox.
AM: M...My tie?
II: It _is_ somewhat unbecoming of a purple to not take a challenge.
ID: it surreee is!
SA: Ashley if you pay me a suitable amount I'll fight Hadean for you as your champion
AM: It is real silk from the Prada line --And I never said no to a challenge just questioning the sanity of it!
IJ: >on't kill my accountant, please.
AM: Oh honey that's real cute but I don't quite swing to that tune. I dont need a cronie.
II: Oh, we would never dream of it.
ID: i won't kill him!
II: Merely challenge his skills a little.
ID: just break his nose!
SA: I think the consensus is he's doing it himself
RR: Hey ash stop by my hive sometime if you're bringing coffee RR: It ain't nothing fancy but it's guaranteed you won't get beat up there
RR: Honestly it might be your best hiding place
SA: I'm not a cronie
IJ: I was able to get him for cheap, I >on't want to sen> him in for repairs.
SA: well now you're on my shitlist too, Ashley
AM: I might take you up on that, we need to get you properly suited up. I don't hide tho bud. AM: I am not cheap Halvea.
ID: a broken nose wouldn't affect his performance.
II: Hahaha, oh dear
ID: hahhh. cheap!
RR: Ohhhh baby now you're on the shitlist RR: That's some real serious business right there
AM: I didn't even do anything babe! Hads is stealing MY tie for devious deeds babe
II: Whatever did a purpleblood do to come for cheap?
AM: Listen. Listen. It's not cheap pay.
ID: i challenged him to a fight and he's backing out. so probably his cowardice affects his pricing.
SA: 😂
AM: I'm NOT backing out hadsy Honey.
IJ: He looked like he just got out of schoolfee>ing so I thought it woul> be nice to give him a job.
II: Oh, that was very kind of you, Halvea.
ID: great ashy! i'll get to teach you a lesson in lowblood relations!
AM: You want a sample of these tunes you'll get them.
AM: I hope you're ready for a good rolling Had babe.
SA: wait
ID: ahahahahah
SA: Hadean what is the matter with you you have a broken arm
ID: he's still wet behind the ears that's pathetic.
ID: it'll heal on the way pris!
SA: when are you scheduling all this
SA: on the way to where? Where does Ashley live?
AM: Oh I've got time between the next filing and a fax. Come on sweetheart let's DANCE.
ID: sorry ashy babe, you're gonna have to wait for your asskicking.
IJ: You are not getting bloo> on the fax machine.
RR: Well I'd love to stay and talk RR: But I've got a show to run and scripts to write RR: Tune in later! RR: See you around folks
II: Those _do_ take forever to clean, it's true.
SA: goodbye strange radio individual
II: I remember when the photocopier got gummed up. Terrible.
AM: Toodles Nikola.
ID: bye nikola, you rust traitor.
AM: I'm not fighting ON the fax machine honey. What implication are you getting at here HUH? I'm saying we go outside. I bring my guitar we have a jam sesh.
II: ...a music duel?
II: Oh my, that's novel.
AM: Oh no honey.
SA: I am going to die of embarrassment
ID: give those sweet coords ashy babe, i'll swing by special for you in a few nights~
SA: do not
SA: he can't fight anyways.
EB: I wxuldnt advise getting dxwn and dirty with the fax machine EB: She pxsts the results everywhere yxur superixrs are lxxking
II: ...gracious.
ID: i can too pris. hush. i'll heal on the wayyy.
AM: A few nights? I'll be beyond warmed up by then BABE. Bring your best HADSY.
SA: it will not. And even if it does, your psionics and such are still ruined, aren't they?
ID: nah i charged up.
IJ: Psionics aren't the only thing that's ruine> right now. I >i>n't nee> this look into my accountant's hatelife.
SA: regardless there's no point chasing down an indigo at a legislcerators office just to break their nose
EB: Sxunds like i walked intx the event xf the sweep EB: Where dx i buy tickets
II: Haha oh my, Halvea.
SA: you missed it it was last week
ID: hope you like psi ashy!
II: You are certainly quite open about poor Ashley's inclinations.
EB: I missed it EB: Well damn give me a rundxwn here mellx yellxw EB: Yxu cant keep me in the dark xver here
AM: Halvea please it's not that raunchy. Just a bit of a duel. HA.
SA: I swear to god Ashley if you give him your coordinates
EB: My pusher dxesnt dx well with suspense yxu knxw
II: Oh, nothing has happened, EB
II: But it might
AM has sent AlleywayBY GOOD COFFEE SHOP .coords
ID: yessss.
SA: I'm telling Sipara to keep your dumbass home
EB: Xhhhh shit EB: Stream that fight sxmebxdy
ID: sips cannot stop me.
IJ: Just please, >on't kill him. Then I'd actually have to kill you. An> that'> be unfortunate.
ID: no killing!
II: I'm sure Hadean will be careful.
AM: No killing.
SA: that's what you said about the duel with Emerel
AM: Just some good tunes Halvea. I love playing for others you know that honey.
ID: and em only kinda died pris!
SA: which was "aalso just good fun"
SA: you almost died you fuckwit
EB: Xnly kinda died EB: It happens all the time
EB: I remember last time it happened tx me EB: It was a great day really
ID: almost! it's fiiine.
SA: 🙁
AM: Yeah honeycomb. C'mon it's just a little play.
AM: Just sit back, relax have a listen babe.
AM: And throw some fists.
EB: Yeah buddy its xnly almxst EB: What fun is life if yxur friends dxnt almxst die
SA: no. He's had plenty of play and it wrecked his arm and scared his friends half to death.
ID: i'll heaaalll.
AM: You jealous there honeycomb ?
ID: it's just a purpleblood pris.
SA: and let me not remind you what you felt during that fight that I also felt
EB: Better dx a better jxb xf keeping an eye xn him then
SA: because it wasn't any sort of good fun
II: Well, to be more specific, it is Ashley.
ID: well i'll repay you by feeling smug when i break his nose!
SA: I'm not jealous of anything.
SA: if you go there I'm going with you
IJ: Oh, >on't ruin his uniform either. At least make sure it stays in one piece.
AM: Oh? You two tied or something Hadsy? Listen babe. I'm up for a round but you do gotta let a boy know these in advance.
ID: a little bit of blood is fine tho?
EB: This is warming my pumper xver here EB: Real txuching friendship
AM: I'll take it off before Halvea. Listen. I got it special. I dont plan on ruining my few teal jackets.
ID: it's fun if he sees the stain and remembers i wrecked him.
IJ: >on't tell me about your hate life.
SA: Yes. Only if you wreck him
ID: and a good reminded to not underestimate anyone to boot!
SA: which you won't
AM: I'm getting wrecked?
SA: because I'll be holding you back
ID: you're totes getting wrecked.
AM: So both of you will be there then?
ID: no holding me back pris, this is h a p p e n i n g .
EB: Except yxur friendship is getting wrecked by the purple guy EB: This is turning intx a real mxvie plxt here EB : Any xf yxu ever think xf gxing intx acting
SA: it's not happening
AM: Hell honey it'll be a real moshpit won't it?
SA: you aren't completely healed and you won't be for longer than it will take to get there
ID: i heal quick pris, i proooomise.
AM: Halvea I request an evening off for a few hours to do this in a few nights!
SA: excuse me, my what is getting wrecked?
EB: Id prxvide the mxshing music but i cant even scream right EB: Shit xutta luck xn my end
AM: I got the pipes for all genres babe I got it covered.
SA: hadean
EB: Awesxme nxw all yxu have tx dx is sell tickets
ID: so punch you in the throat as well as the nose, got it.
AM: listen. Babe. Prisma. Take note, get yourself a pen and paper. NOTES. It's fine. Chill we're not grubs right?
AM: A simple meeting of the minds. thats all sweetheart
SA: you shut up
IJ: As long as you >on't come back >ea> I guess. Takes up one of your sick >ays though.
ID: yeah pris, we're meeting up for a quick lil fight.
ID: ...and when i win i'm taking his tie and his wallet.
EB: Xhhhh its getting hxt and heavy in here EB: This might just turn intx a prxper blitz yet
SA: again. This is exactly. What you said about Emerel.
SA: we learn from the past, Hadean.
AM: That's fine I'll pencil it into my calendar then! Hadsy promised no death so nothing to fret over. Besides Halvea honey I've got this. Have any of my songs disappointed HM? I could bring so much peace after a bit of tussle after one.
SA: 😰😰😰
ID: i learned not to fight in a ring where you have to play by the rules.
ID: this is an alleyway fight!
ID: this is my jam.
SA: that is even worse.
SA: because you weren't even using rules in the other ring.
AM: It's by my FAVOURITE SHOP don't worry Prisma baby.
AM: We'll get a good cup, some mineral water after. Right as rain.
EB: Yxu knxw
SA: don't tell me not to worry. You didn't see him after the first fight.
ID: i was far more concerned about not messing emerel up. that counts as rules.
EB: I think there's sxme miscxmmunicatixn xn whx is fighting where here
SA: and then you killed him
AM: Press Hadean's shirt. Look I'll take good care of your boy here honey.
ID: that fight was a fluke. this one'll be better.
EB: Are yxu breaking faces xr drinking fancy xverpriced water
II: Why not both
SA: Ashley is too pretentious to say fight in conventional terms
AM: both sweetheart. Doing both. It's business you wouldn't understand.
EB: Sxunds like business where yxu get ripped xff fxr water tx me
ID: and i'll use the pretentiousness and stick his instrument up his chute! everyone wins.
EB: What even makes high class mineral water different from well drinks
ID: except ashy.
ID: he loses.
SA: it doesn't matter! He's a damn indigo he is by nature pretentious
II: Well, thank goodness I escaped.
EB: Whxa there remind me nxt tx get xn yxur bad side
AM: I'm not pretentious I simply know where I belong and FIT IN babe.
AM: Conforming isn't so bad sweetheart.
SA: will you please just listen to the reason of something other than your fists and temper.
EB: Yxu fit in exactly where yxu shxuld fit in
EB: With the pretentixus
SA: for five seconds.
ID: i'll make your nose conform to my fist!
SA; at the very least until you are completely healed.
AM: I'd like to see you try, Had honey! See if you can even still do it after a few notes. I promise you'll just love my headliner~
EB: Uh ID EB: I knxw I'm a stranger and all but I think yxu shxuld dx sxme listening tx yxur buddy there EB: He sxunds pretty wxrried abxut yxu
ID: fiiiine. i'll wait a week and then i'll be good as new.
AM: Not a business partner of my babe. It's fine. Maybe we can reconnect these business relations after.
EB: And like hell alsx break sxmething sx dx that listening thing
ID: ash! gonna reschedule your nose surgery in a week.
AM: After some long talks and deliberation.
AM: You are going no where near my nose!
SA: 😰
AM: Just go for I don't know an ear babe, it's hip to have crooked ones now, or like an ankle.
ID: if you're a real good boy i'll smash it flat for you.
AM: I hope you dig long naps sweetheart.
SA: Hadean...
AM: Prisma babe listen. We know how this debate whent and what shares he's buying tonight.
AM: The stock market is closing babe.
AM: And the totals are in.
SA: I don't care what you say you are utterly irrelevant
AM: We're having the funds withdrawn in afew days while they're at all a all time HIGH BABE.
SA: you are some prissed up high blood picking unnecessary fights for your vain ass ego
AM: A done deal.
SA: sit down and shut up
EB: Xkay wxw EB: Just stxp grapeseed EB: I live fxr drama and im getting a headache listening tx yxu
ID: don't worry pris, i'll give him an extra kick for you.
AM: Not stopping now honey. Listen EB you wouldn't understand this talk either. So calm down for a bit and sit back and watch?
II: ...your condescension is not helping matters, Ashley.
EB: I understand the sweet sweet xdxr xf bullshit
EB: Yxu smell like a whxle lxt xf bullshit friend
II: You do know everyone here can understand you perfectly well, yes?
AM: I smell like Dior no. 55. EB.
SA: you don't need to do anything for me except remain in one piece until you are better, and then some.
EB: Fxr the recxrd I'm in training right nxw purple guy EB: I understand plenty enxugh tx knxw when i see a man well xn his way tx getting his ass kicked
EB: Man i cant wait
ID: i'll be in one piece in a week pris. you'll see.
ID: i'm sturdy.
EB: And yxu EB: Shut up and listen tx yxur yellxw friend and stxp being stupid EB: Yxure gxing tx kill the pxxr guy frxm stress
AM: You were so excited a second ago? Wanting a refund now babe? Bad choice honey a lot of returns aren't honored anymore. Bad business practice.
II: I don't think that will exactly make him inclined to listen to you, EB. I trust Prisma and Hadean to settle this themselves.
EB: Xh believe me EB: If i feel like getting a refund EB: Ill get my refund EB: And yxu wxnt ever see it cxming ;)
SA: it doesn't matter how sturdy you are, we know that. Save your battles for when they matter. Not some chai drinking nobody secretary.
EB: Well cxnsidering i appear tx have walked intx a chat full xf angry kids
SA: at least apply a logical value to it
ID: chai drinking nobodies are fun to fight.
ID: that's my logic?
SA: youve never fought one
ID: i've fought lots of nobodies!
ID i just never asked if they drink chai.
SA: and it didn't do anything for you except get you on someone's worthless shitlist!
AM: I am far from a nobody babe.
AM: Just saying.
ID: you're below a nobody, lbh.
SA: nobody cares what you are assclown
AM: ASsclown...HA
ID: please pris, it's ashclown.
AM: Oh that's rich. Try better babe. I wanna hear the next one from Hadsy unless he wants to be a coward like he called me earlier for not wanting to in the first place.
SA: he isn't a coward
AM: There you go had honey.
SA; he's smarter than this, though
SA: and he knows it I'm sure
AM: is he honeycomb?
AM: He called me a coward for not wanting to ruin my slacks and goated me on. I think he wants a concernt.
ID: ....i mean pris this is what i do like. alll the time.
AM: So I'm accepting. I scheduled it and i've got a sick day off.
EB: Whx wants pxpcxrn
SA: I know it's what you do presumably all the time. I've known you long enough to use deductive reasoning
EB: Because i think we need sxme pxpcxrn in here
SA: but that's no reason to go chasing after it after you've already gotten hurt this once, even if you will be better "in a week", which you won't
ID: hope you have more sick days, you might need them to fix your snout~
ID: i will too.
SA: I'm going to slap the shit out you
AM: Won't be needing them babe, trust me. Good business men always have trump cards honey.
ID: no you won't. =>:I
SA: 😰😰😰
EB: Hey grapeseed EB: Yxure a man whx likes tx dx business right
SA: please
EB: I have a prxpxsitixn fxr yxu
AM: And what's that anonymous babe?
EB: Xf the business variety
ID: pris. i'll be fine. will nightly progress reports of my wounds make you feel better?
EB: Yxu cxme and tangx with me and my buddy. EB: Yxu win, yxu can gx at whxever yxu want after, including this guy. EB: We win, fight with him is xff.
ID: what? no!
ID: fuck off eb, this is my fight.
SA: only a little. I don't want you running off to fight some random member of this chat, again, just so you can potentially get hurt badly again.
EB: Excuse me im dxing business deals xver here
AM: I don't want a go for sport babe. This is deeper at this point. I've got a strong connection here with Hadsy. A business one. Look at us. This level of BUSINESS CASUAL we've moved past last names even! Listen honey. I've got this scheduled for him but you show me your MOXIE and I'll consider it.
EB: Sx yxure scared to take xn a pair xf little lxwblxxds EB: Wxw
EB: Yxur ancestxrs are smiling xn yxu
AM: Oh babe no not scared.
AM: I'm making sure my meetings don't overlap. You understand right busy schedules.
AM: I'm not rejecting you babe I'm storing your resume for later honey.
EB: Uh huh EB: Sx yxu cxuld take a sick day fxr him EB: But nxt fxr us EB: Hxw predictable
EB: I guess yxu just dxnt have it in yxu tx make a gxxd schedule
AM: I've known him longer honey. Nothing personal. I don't even know who you are gimme a name sweetcheeks.
EB: Eberic
ID: eberic fuck right off.
AM: Eberic...alright I wrote a note. Pen to paper right here stuck it on my computer.
AM: But I really do have to give little HaHA dibs first here though honey you understand right?
EB: Yxud best make time fxr me grapeseed EB: Because this guy wxnt be up fxr anxther week
EB: Whereas me EB: Ready anytime
ID: ash bash is sooo on.
AM: You do make a good argument Eberic babe. You got a rebuttle for your tardiness Haddy?
ID: eb is just doing this out of some sort of pity towards me.
ID: and isn't actually doing it for any hateful motives.
ID: they're playing you.
EB: Dxnt flatter yxurself babe
AM: Do you need pity honey?
EB: I aint dxing this fxr yxu
ID: i don't, but they think i do. which is sadddd.
AM: I mean you DID have your ...I think underling try to talk you out of this? You let your cronies talk for you babe?
ID: and fuck off eb, i called dibs anyways.
SA: what's sad is if Ashley goes too far I can crush his trachea by thinking about it.
ID: prisma is his own troll and-
AM: you got good ears Prisma honey?
ID: pris.
EB: I dxnt even knxw yxu EB: But i figured since xur esteemed highblxxd is willing tx fight EB: I cxuldnt pass up the xppxrtunity tx see hxw great he is in persxn
SA: 😨
ID: he's a shit highblood that i'm going to beat up.
EB: Im first up xn the schedule man EB: Let me take this xne
SA: don't goad him for having friends that care about him.
ID: fuck no. fuck off eb.
SA: I know Hadean could fuck you up if he wanted to. He's a psion. You're below us.
ID: #psimasterrace
AM: You think you're so high and mighty for lowblood poor bred powers babe! I'd rethink that strategy if I were you babe.
SA: poor bred
SA: oh.
EB: Exactly why yxu shxuldnt waste yxur time with him EB: And instead shxuld thrxw a little nxd my way
SA: 🤷‍♀️
SA: It's fine.
SA: I don't actually mind all that much.
SA: literally.
ID: see, this is why i'm breaking your nose.
ID: that way. for the rest of your loooong life.
SA; Hadean
AM: Bring it babe.
ID: you can look in the mirror and remember the rusty smashing you. =:)
SA: at least tone the vitriol back some please
SA: I'm exhausted this is hard for me
SA: you would know that
AM: Nah I need to know his play by play honey. Let my competition spill their secrets.
ID: go to bed pris. I'm obviously not rushing out to fight him tonight. we agreed in a week!
SA: I cannot rest knowing there is something I must do.
ID: all you have to do it go to bed pris.
SA: and I don't know what will happen if I leave. He is determined to keep escalating this despite getting what he wants.
AM: I hope you're ready to get rocked haddy honey.
AM: Haha
AM: Man this is the best business day I've had in ages babe, listen you're a fun toy I like this.
SA: he isn't a toy
ID: woowww i'll rock your nose with a brick.
II: ...you are being rather rude, Ashley.
EB: Dude just listen tx yxur buddy EB: Hes nxt telling yxu tx back xff because yxu suck even thxugh yxu dx EB: Hes dxing it because he dxesnt want yxu hurt again EB: Since that scares pexple whx like yxu
AM: ✨ Indrid honey for you. I'll see the light and tone it down a knotch.
II: I do appreciate it.
ID: pris and i made an agreement eb, it's fine.
EB: Sxunds like he dxesnt agree
AM: I'm just so ...on air did you read that? I'm meeting a ruffian for a coffee concert. I'm having a ball babe. A bit of something to spice up the agenda.
SA: we talked about it.
II: Oh, I understand. It's all new and exciting.
SA: I still don't approve.
SA: but I trust him to be careful and less reckless than last time. 😰
ID: see? allll fine.
AM: We'll be careful babe. See all safety precautions. I'll bring a med kit. It's fine sweetheart.
AM: Good aftercare.
ID: bring lots of gauze for your snout.
SA: if this ends in 🖤 you're both dead to me
II: Gracious.
II: I certainly hope not.
ID: do nooot worry pris.
II: This is not how any good pitchrom starts.
ID: i'm not desperate.
II: Ha
SA: 💚😂
AM: Oh babe don't go planning my future for me. I haven't finished getting together everything for Halveas fiscal quarter even yet.
II: I can see how that might strain you.
SA: actually Ashley I am a clairvoyant.
SA: I can read your future.
II: Does his nose break.
SA: very easily, actually.
II: I ask out of only morbid curiosity.
AM: Haddy you better dress nice babe.
AM: It's bad to show up to a meeting in business casual.
AM: Otherwise I'm going back to work.
SA: 🤷‍♀️
ID: oh i'll have something special for you~
SA: you don't have anything nice to wear.
SA: at all
SA: don't lie
AM: ❓
SA: now you'll have to wait until we go shopping.
SA: 👍
ID: oh yes i do~
SA: ...
AM: !! Exciting honey. I'm just TICKLED....well not pink that's not my hue and really babe listen, a bad expression. Blase even. i hate it. So here instead I'm just babe, i AM bursting in blackberry hues. Eh, we'll workshop it honey we'll get the best team on the job for that one. Don't forget make up haddy. An a good slick back hairstyle is good.
ID: i have ass-length hair.
SA: you're tacky and I hate you
AM: That isn't professional.
AM: I can trim it while we duel babe.
AM: Or after ! I can take you to my favourite new burlesque barber shop.
AM: It's very new, very popular.
AM: Great ratings online.
ID: my hair is prof af.
AM: Is it for pulling babe? because that's what that comes across as in a fight, plan smarter honey I don't want this to be easy.
SA: no hair pulling.
SA: at this point I may as well say "no" every minute it would More or less suffice the entire conversation. It isn't going to change for the next hour.
SA: you aren't going to say anything new. Or unique.
SA: I don't even have to look at my phone...
ID: hahhh. you can try to grab it, but it just gives me more openings to break your nose.
AM: Haddy sweetheart want to make this private? Coordinate a bit babe. Less confusion the better.
ID: aww pris intimidating you? alright honeygrub, we can go where the big bad pris can't snark at you~
AM: Sweetheart he's just not with this company's vibe is all.
SA: no
AM: Bringing the vibes down.
AM: Like that.
SA: and you're ruining my evening but we can't all get what we want.
II: Personally I think Prisma has an applaudable amount of sense, but I am merely a bystander here.
SA: I appreciate this.
II: I do my best.
SA: Hadean don't leave this chat
SA: don't do it
AM: Indrid what happened to good old fashioned caste solidarity babe?
SA: it quits existing when you're an insufferable prick.
SA; even your castemates are embarrassed by you
II: I believe I can be quite capable of supporting my caste and others at the same time.
II: I am talented.
ID: pris it's fiiine. i'm not going anywhere tonight.
AM: I know you're talented honey. I won't argue that of course. Why would I? I have no reason to.
ID: even if i did i'd never reach the city to fight him tonight anyways!
SA: I meant verbally in a private chat but that as well
AM: I just want a smidge of back up maybe, sweetheart.
ID: indrid do you want any of my punches to be dedicated to how many times he's called you annoying nicknames?
SA: i feel as if indrid has wisely washed their hands of this
II: I've heard far worse, really. _Much_ more embarrassing. I don't mind.
ID: well imagine how sad they'll sound with his snout broke!
AM: 😃
ID: ps make sure that everyone at the firms know he got it broke by a maroon would you?
AM: I wouldn't.
AM: I'll say I tripped babe.
ID: i was talking to ind.
AM: I'm rather beanpole-ish it's believeable.
ID: not you ashy~
II: Well, Ashley, I do suppose it _is_ my place to assure you that I will think no less of you if you lose.
SA: he's not even going to acknowledge the fight, why bother.
ID: shocker, the world does not revolve around you~
AM: Oh there's no losers here sweetheart I'll assure you of that.
II: Oh?
II: Interesting.
AM: Indeed right?
ID: he'll acknowledge it to himself every night pris.
II: I confess you _have_ piqued my curiosity.
SA: impossible you know they have insurmountable disbelief
SA: Hadean you should rest. You have to heal.
ID: ...pris. you can't disbelieve a broken snout.
ID: i'm up to speed heal pris.
AM: I'm glad to hear that Indrid I'll leave your wit to fill in the blanks of what I mean however honey.
II: A man of mystery, hm?
ID: a man of shitty fashion sense and narcissism.
ID: ftfy.
SA has sent IMG_049.png. It is him, making the saddest harp seal eyes imaginable. For him, at least.
AM: I can't lay everything out on the table yet, honey. Like I said trump cards!
AM: What is this.
AM: Babe is this you?
ID: priissssss.
II: Oh, well, I suppose that's fair.
SA: Hadean.
ID: i didn't even know your face could make that. face.
II: I _do_ expect grand things now, though.
AM: As you always should!
SA: what do you mean is it me?
II: Gracious, you DO look upset, Prisma.
AM: It's uncomfortable.
SA: it can if I focus extremely hard. But only voluntarily.
II: Should I? That sounds exhausting. Whatever would I do if I were constantly waiting for something momentous to occur.
SA: my natural expressions are minute and subtle. I do not respond to emotional stimuli facially.
II: I would constantly be anticipating the next thing. Eventually I would become numb to it all.
AM: Is it picture sharing hour now honies?
II: It was earlier actually.
AM: Darn i was out getting coffee.
AM: Ah well.
II: I feel I shouldn't recycle the selfie I used before, and I look too tired right now to take a good one.
AM: Another surprise for Haddy I guess?
AM: indrid please we both know that's a lie but do as you want babe.
AM: I could also bring you concealer.
II: Haha, aren't you a flatterer.
AM: And makeup and some eye cream and a cucumber mask?
ID: pshhh you'll get to look at my face when i'm beating yours in.
II: That does sound nice.
II: But I'm on a train right now.
AM: Bummer honey.
SA: actually they won't be able to as the eyes close on reflex to protect themselves
AM: You're just so sure of yourself that you'll get the first hit huh babe?
AM: It's cute really.
SA: Ashley if your ego were any bigger I am certain your own reflection would murder you
ID: ahahahahah.
AM: Or something else babe but I'm at work and I feel Halvea has a 3rd sense for everything I do.
ID: i'll get in the hits that count, don't worry~
SA: how is this still entertaining for you both
SA: how are you not bored
SA: you have what you want. Shouldn't that be the end of it.
SA: until the due time
AM: Are you jealous prisma honey?
SA: I don't feel jealousy.
AM: edgy...
SA: what part of lobotomizes fails to reach your mind.
AM: you should market that I hear that's really selling now
SA: I am not edgy.
AM: I didn't take note so i forgot.
SA: it's not an act
SA: it's a reality
AM: mmmhm
II: You _do_ know lobotomization's effects, don't you, Ashley?
AM: I mostly want to know what haddy's wearing so I don't clash.
AM: So I don't care at the moment it's not a priority I'll pull up a search later though.
SA: you're an absolute idiot
SA: but yes! I am edgy
II: Well, it does take some reading time to devote, that's true. I'm sure your work is important.
ID: don't worry, i'll swear something your shitty purple blood goes well with!
SA: everything i do is to recklessly gain the attention to others
SA: and then push them away to show how
SA: cool and impressive I am
AM: It's very Halvea has a lot of paper's to go through daily and trolls to deal with.
AM: I take pride in this work Indrid honey.
AM: I'll wear something that doesn't show blood easily then. Couldn't you have been a higher hue haddy babe? Then I wouldn't have to look into a synthetic blend...
II: Well, that's good. If you didn't that'd be unfortunate. Every firm troll should be enthusiastic about their duties.
II: If not, why be here?
AM: Precisley, Indrid.
ID: maroon is the best. so. no.
II: Well, you could always complain to the mother grub, Ashley.
AM: Or at least pretend for gods sake the rest of us don't want that negativity around it gives fine lines to the face.
AM: I'd rather not a brood mother isn't on my list of sights to see.
SA: go to bed before you do get wrinkles
ID: i'll give them more to worry about than wrinkles.
SA: what is it you say to me
SA: something
SA: hush up
AM: Say my name sometime Haddy.
AM: This is beginning to feel one sided.
ID: pshhh. ashy sweety buns, better~?
ID: you just love the sound of your own fucking name.
SA: why don't I get cute pet names
SA: solve that one for me
AM: !!
ID: because they're mocking names pris.
SA: I don't believe he thinks that
SA: I wish I had the monkey to hold
SA: that might be vaguely nice
AM: i think whatever I want to think babe.
AM: Keep that up though Haddy and maybe I'll let you actually GET a punch in.
ID: uh-huh. talk's cheap ashy boo.
ID: cheap like your shoes.
AM: Do you even wear shoes Haddy...
SA: dumpster diving. Sachs fifth
ID: of course i do~ i'm not kicking your ass bare, that's just asking for diseases~
AM: Mine are LV's babe, the only shade of red I wear besides your hue come a week from now honey.
SA: wrong shade of red
SA: you'll ruin them.
AM: Mmmm mMmmm HMMM
ID: it's cute that you think you'll bloody me~
SA: Hadean.
AM: Facts. Facts is the right word Haddy.
SA: that would make that sentence grammatically incorrect.
SA: you are stupid, aren't you.
SA: Hadean sleep
SA: so I can sleep too
AM: Shut.
ID: facts is i'm gonna wreck you.
SA: bed
AM: yep I'm satisfied bed it is. Goodlight all
II: I think sleep is a wonderful thing.
ID: i'm goooinggg!
SA: 💚💚💚
AM: Heal fast Haddy.
ID: dream about me ashy~ =:P
AM: So you can get new wounds!
SA: don't dream about him
AM: You're not that lucky honey.
SA; it will be weird
II: Prepare well, Ashley.
ID: nothing compared to what you'll get~
AM: Will do indrid.
ID: get wrekt.
II: Ah, but don't you want him to be fresh for your fight?
II: All dewy-eyed and clean-faced?
AM: Regardles I'm going to be he's crippled and apparently hive grounded so it's fine.
iD: get wrekt in your dreams of me.
SA: bed
AM: hohohoo
ID: fiiine!
SA: be quiet ashy
AM: Good light this time, Haddy. But not truly.
II: I don't think that will do anything, Prisma. But good light, all.
AM: I dont take orders from you I'm not on your pay roll prisma.
ID: g'light ashy, try to keep up with work tomorrow for once!
II: A fact for which I am sure we all are grateful.
SA: you seem to follow hadeans just fine though
SA: 🙃
AM: Quiet you.
ID: i know how to unlock purple bitch mode.
AM: Uhg.
II: You two keep telling each other that like you think it will work.
SA: oh is that a soft spot of yours
AM: Get to rest all of you honies. JEEZ
ID: i'm going. later. =>:D
SA: if I see one of you start typing again
SA: ...
SA: 🍾🍾🍾
AM: ...
SA: ashy is back for more of their lowblood kink
SA; do I have to tell you to go to bed too?
SA: shh that's a bad indigo
AM: Gross don't say that get to rest.
II: I have a thought. We all count to five and get off.
ID: log the fuck out already ashy you fuckhead.
SA: it won't HADEAN
SA: what are you, a toddler?
SA: this is truly what pitch fights are made of
SA: screaming incoherently until you get your way
SA: go the fuck you sleep you petulant child
ID: i hope you're exhausted tomorrow and you can't work and you get fired.
SA: you too Hadean
II: How about you all get off or I start clogging the chat with legal code, which will put everyone to sleep anyway.
SA; it wouldn't work on me
II: Everyone except Prisma
SA: I'm already awake again
AM: I already rear it all day Indrid
AM: *read
II: Sigh.
II: There goes my usually foolproof threat.
II: What is a woman to do.
ID: i'll power through it out of pure fucking spite.
AM: Put haddy and Prisma to sleep first then I'll rest.
II: Well, I suppose it's a contest to see who can stay up the longest then.
SA. An infant
II: I hope you're all ready to party.
SA: are you proud of yourself, Ashy?
SA: this is what you've reduced your caste to
AM: When I'm last troll standing yes babe
SA: childish bickering over who has the last laugh
ID: you'll be the first one to fall you mean.
SA: honestly pathetic
SA: Hadean go rest
AM: You're first to fall Haddy, you good at polishing honey?
SA: hush
ID: hahah i'll polish my fists on your nose.
AM: You hush
AM: Cute.
SA: shh
AM: Or whatever descriptor
ID: you suck.
AM: Godddss just go to rest both of you
SA: it's not clever anymore you two you're rehashing old insults you've been using for the last three hours
ID: go drown.
SA: oh does the idea of having raccoon eyes bother you?
SA: I'll drown you Hadean
AM: no I know the splendors of makeup
ID: makeup can't fix ugly.
SA: im drowning him
AM: 👹
SA: look he's still going
SA: god this is hysterical
AM: as are you babe
SA: hush
ID: 💢
AM: if I get another nickname I'll rest.
SA: hush
AM: how about that
SA: just command him to sleep
ID: bulgewaffle.
SA: he clearly can't resist it
SA: Hadean you are a fucking idiot
AM: horrible i want a better one
SA: just keep him up all night
SA: let him be stubborn
ID: ashy you sugar-crusted diamond encrusted piece of hoofbeast shit GO THE FUCK TO COON.
SA: go on, I'll stay
AM: ah much better
SA: 😢
SA: im disappointed in you
ID: aren't we all.
SA: if only because you're wittier than that
ID: i'm running on fumes cut me some....
ID: slack.
SA: I told you to sleep
AM: no slack
AM: YOU sleep Prisma
SA: oh look who broke their end of the deal
ID: go the fuck to sleep you nooksnorkling buffoon.
AM: it wasn't legally bindig
SA: now you're a liar and a bad businessman
AM: im
II: Ashen, ami
SA: it was in writing, that's binding
AM: amazing
II: I will give you as many nicknames as you like
II: Also coffee
AM; oui indrid
SA: don't encourage him I want Hadean to rest
AM: it's not the sammeee
II: If you gracefully take the initiative
II: And I shall depart as well
SA: if we leave they will not
ID: ghfddddddddd
SA: shh
AM: very well indrid
II: Good light!
ID: glght.
AM: lig
ID: fucyo.
SA: this is going to be a pitch thing. I feel it in my bones
SA: 😩
SA: It was nice being friends while it lasted 🙄
SA: ugh
0 notes