#its like their chemistry is written into the damn script too
coldgpa · 2 years
Even if steddie isnt real at all and their scenes were supposed to be strictly platonic... why the fuck did the actors act like that. Like even if it wasnt written in the script, I feel like both of their performances were just charged with tension. I'll be honest Steve's actor does a lot of lip staring at men
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crowlixcx · 6 months
Please god please HOW WAS MACBETH
Okay bestie lets get into it!! Obvs it's...literally Macbeth lol so I doubt i'm spoiling the plot for anyone here however if anyone reading this does have tickets and doesn't want to know anything about staging etc i suggest u avert your eyes now
Anon babes it was marvellous. David was so commanding?? he's built like a string bean but when he was up on stage he looked BIG and powerful. The character development was so nuanced, the descent into madness was manic and chaotic but eventually steady and calm - he literally snapped a little boys neck with his bare hands in the battle scene it was gruesome. I've seen one too many productions of Macbeth where its pretty much all pinned on Lady Macbeth being the brains behind the operation but it was very obvious from the start of this production that Macbeth had plenty of malicious thoughts and intentions of his own. He needed a little bit of convincing from LM but obviously your average person cannot be coerced into murder lol this man was out for blood from the START. Cush Jumbo was DIVINE and the perfect enabler, their chemistry was spicy and sensual and I loved it. They changed the script so that LM visits Lady MacDuff before the latter is murdered and its sooo good it makes Lady Macbeth so much more 3 dimensional rather than the usual evil witchy woman, it makes her human and Jumbo portrays her beautifully. It really was exciting for the production to be so intimate. The Donmar is a LOVELY black box theatre not many seats at all so you're very close to the action. This is my 5th time seeing DT on stage (prev. Much Ado About Nothing, Richard II, Don Juan in Soho & Good) and they've all been at big venues so it felt very different. The use of headphones was soooo good and it helped them keep the pace of the show (it was 1hr50 with no interval). Rather than dramatic asides like in the script the actors could whisper and it was RIGHT in your ear which made it feel very personal and dark like you were really in the character's heads. You never saw any of the visions (the dagger, the witches, banquo's ghost) which is how i always prefer it to be portrayed personally because you know... they're not actually there this man is just guilty AF and losing his grasp on reality!! But the sound effects they used in these moments were verrrry good and helped set the scene, lots of spooky music and sounds of screaming and whispering etc. And just generally through out the production you heard every. single. word. because of the headphones which was just delicious.
Final note because when u came into my inbox u were probably just expecting a simple 'yeah i really enjoyed it!!' and instead i've written a mini essay BUT in the battle scene at the end David really did win the award for most agile man in his 50s, he head-butt like 4 people and i was like...damn boy can u come over and fight me some time
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spaceorphan18 · 2 years
I've been reading some old meta, and wow, people are way too nitpicky and annoying about Chris's acting. It's really not that bad and definitely doesn't warrant the "checked out" and "uninterested" criticisms. There are a couple moments where it's off in seasons five and six, but it's not as egregious as Kurt-hating Blaine stans some people make it out to be. And it definitely doesn't mean that he loved Blaine any less in those seasons.
(I also don't get how you can watch 6x01-6x06 and say that Chris was checked out. He does some of his finest acting in 6x01, 6x03, and 6x05, and his body language in 6x04 was fantastic.)
However, one thing I'll never understand is the season four criticism. I don't get it at all. He was brilliant in season four, and IMO Klaine's chemistry was at its best in that season. People who got mad about 4x22 is ridiculous, considering how Kurt was only in one scene in that episode. They were with other strangers in that scene, and Kurt had no reason to let his guard down and show off his true feelings for Blaine.
Anyway, I just find this kind of thing annoying and I think people are too harsh. He wasn't even that bad in 5x06. People just nitpick too much.
Yes, I agree. :)
Not to rehash everything I've ever said about this (because if you go through my meta tag - I do end up talking about this a lot), but I think Chris got saddled with the brunt of people's unhappiness during that time. People were looking at anything to be upset about and that was something they latched on to.
Fwiw - it wasn't just Blaine stans -- Kurt stans used it, too, as an excuse to say that Chris hated Klaine and wanted to be done with the show. ;) <3
Look, do I think there are a few moments of weaker acting? Yes - I feel that across the board, with all the actors, that sometimes a scene just isn't as good as other things. Because people are human and acting can be harder than it looks.
There's nothing wrong with Chris's acting in Season 4, and the scene with the lesbians has some weird directing and editing choices. Movin' Out is plagued with the fact that it's the only face to face Klaine scene between LLL and 100? Really NNY. (damn.) Which is too much pressure for a not well written, almost throwaway scene.
Season 6's acting is gorgeous, so no complaints from me there.
Some things for people to consider, too:
-Television is a multifaceted endeavor, with a lot of moving parts. Despite the loads of talent, I don't think Glee was a show that was put together that well on a production level. The scripts were often weak (seriously - sometimes just downright laughably bad) and production often would have to shape them into something coherent. The directing choices were sometimes questionable. And there were some definite wonky choices when it came to editing.
Not to mention - there are things to consider like Network interference. We have no idea what the notes on these things were.
-Darren's acting changed throughout the series, too, and was sometimes uneven. (Guys - I love Darren, don't even start with me on this) But the way Klaine changed throughout the series sometimes made things feel off -- especially when the dynamic felt different from what it was in early Season 2. And some of that was on Darren, not just Chris.
-I think something people forget is that Kurt, in general, is having a hard time in Season 5. It's purposeful that he's not in a good place. The death of Finn hangs over the season like a dark cloud. As well as Kurt struggling with everyone around him (especially Rachel!) and the fact that he doesn't feel like he's getting anywhere professionally. Add to that that his relationship isn't being perfect at the moment and you get a Kurt who just isn't in a good place.
Also - Chris did know where the series was going in Season 6, and I feel like that added onto it explains a lot of Kurt's issues in Season 5.
-And you know what? Maybe Chris did just have some bad days in there. I do think Chris's relationship with the show was more complicated than him just outright hating it, but I do think some days work was hard (Kevin mentioned that everyone in the cast had that moment where they hit a wall with the show) and Chris was already looking forward to moving on with his writing career. Plus, it is difficult to have enthusiasm for something when (a portion of) the fanbase is actively trying to intimidate a personal relationship that is beloved to you.
Glee was a hard thing for pretty much all of them. And I don't blame any of them for being restless or tired. But I also don't think Chris wavered in his professionalism.
And I think all things considering, his acting was pretty solid across the board and Kurt's interactions with those around him were just fine.
But that's just me.
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The Mysterious Case of Queerbaiting
BBC Sherlock
There’s one thing about BBC Sherlock that has never made sense to me. As I’m sure many of you are aware (and something I’ve talked about before), BBC Sherlock has been accused of Queerbaiting, of intentionally setting up John and Sherlock as being attracted to each other but never following through with that or even intending to do it. And it’s one of those things that has just always baffled me; I can’t make it make sense. A lot has already been said about the way things are portrayed in the show and what the subtext behind a million different things could mean (seriously, I love that I am part of a fandom with so many perceptive and intelligent people; watching the show is only half the fun) and how none of it makes sense. Today, I would like to use my powers of deduction get to the bottom of this mystery.
The way I see it, there are 3 possible explanations.
1. The Producers of the Show Queerbaited
I have to admit, this seems unlikely given that one of them is literally a gay man. Why would a gay man knowingly and intentionally engage in something like this? Why would a gay man write a script that constantly pokes at Watson’s sexuality if the only point was to make it into a joke? To say ‘oh, no, the poor straight guy is constantly mistaken as gay. Look at how defensive he is getting, hahaha, what a funny joke’. That just makes no sense. It makes no sense for Mark Gatiss to have gone to the lengths he has gone to within the show, from whatever direction he gave the actors so that they portray an obvious chemistry between Sherlock and John to having a jealousy trope at John and Mary’s wedding except it’s Sherlock getting Jealous over John’s ex commander to this interesting thing about the best man speech to Mary saying ‘neither one of us were his first’ or ‘the man we both love’ or ‘I know what the two of you could become’ to Sherlock putting John Watson face on The Ideal Man to all the gay artwork in TBB (I could not for the life of me find this meta even though I know I saved it, and I am so distressed) to a thousand other things that the fandom has discussed over and over and over again. Who puts that much effort into queerbaiting? Especially when you would have a vested interest representation? So, it just doesn’t make sense for those directly involved with the show the be the reason.
2. Higher Ups at BBC Told Them No
This seems much more plausible to me, however I still doubt it. I can’t say I know just a whole lot about BBC, but I do know they have tended to be on the more progressive side of things, and I just really can’t see any of the higher ups just flat out refusing to allow the writers to make Johnlock canon. The first season gets a pass because I’m pretty sure that openly same sex couples weren’t allowed in media at the time (I think it was allowed in 2011, but I’m honestly not sure. I’m in the US, not the UK, so if I’ve gotten this detail wrong, please correct me). But they had 3 other seasons and another 7 years to make it happen, and I just don’t think that the higher ups at BBC would have just flatly said ‘no’. So, that leaves the last explanation.
3. Someone Other Than Those Involved With The Show Stopped Them
The majority of the Sherlock Holmes stories are in public domain. Copyright expired in 1980 in Canada and in 2000 for the UK (X). This would seem to make it a pretty cut and dry case: in the UK, you can do pretty much whatever you want with the Sherlock Holmes stories. But it’s no quite so simple. The US works a little different because copywrite law isn’t the same (isn’t he US just great?). As it stands, there are still 6 stories today that the Conan Doyle Estate still has the exclusive rights to in the US. If I understand how the copywrite law works correctly, that would have been 14 stories back in 2010. But, that shouldn’t have affected anything going on in the UK, right? Theoretically, no. The Conan Doyle Estate wouldn’t have had any legal rights to coveting the characters and the stories in the UK. However, that doesn’t mean that those involved with the show wouldn’t have been extremely apprehensive of the power that the Estate wielded, especially considering the previous decade of legal battles. Only 3 cases are listed here, but the Conan Doyle Estate is very protective of its copyright of the work (as evident by the fact that they are literally trying to sue Netflix, among others, for portraying characters in a way they supposedly weren’t portrayed until later books). There were other court cases after 2010, however. A decisive court case in 2013 declared once and for all that the stories written prior to 1923 were completely in public domain and that a license wasn’t needed to create things based on any of the stories prior to those dates (something the Estate had convinced BBC of when they first created BBC Sherlock). However, an appeal by the Estate was later made, stating “Sherlock Holmes is a ‘complex’ character, that his background and attributes had been created over time, and that to deny copyright on the whole Sherlock Holmes character would be tantamount to giving the famous detective ‘multiple personalities.’” The appeal was, thankfully, thrown out. But it’s the attempt that matters. 
Oh, and here’s a fun little tidbit, the 2 stories that have, perhaps, the strongest evidence of there being more than just friendship (this quote, this quote, and this quote (which was said after Holmes stated that, if he had hypothetically loved someone, he would kill the person that killed the person he loved)) come from the stories The Problem of Thor Bridge (the first quote) and The Adventure of the Three Garridebs (the last 2), which both belonged to the Estate in the US until after the final season of the show.
So, let’s get into the minds of BBC, for a moment. Someone has decided they want to reimage Sherlock in a new and unique way: modern day. The Holmes Estate has been fighting legal battles in America for the past decade and has won all of them, and has also issued the verdict that to make stories, you need a license. You say ‘okay’ and go along with it because you’re a big corporation that can afford to do such a thing. When the first season of the show airs, it isn’t legal to have openly gay characters, so everything has to be regulated to subtext. You outright state that being gay is okay because you want to let people know you are in full support of homosexuality, even if it isn’t legal yet. The writers and producers of the show are huge ACD fanboys and BIG fans of The Private Life of Sherlock Holmes, so, yeah, there’s some gay subtext. By the second season, hey! Homosexuality is legal! Except the 2 stories with the biggest indication of Sherlock and John’s attraction towards each other are still very much in the hands of the Estate, who has spent the past decade fighting legal battles. You may be able to pay for a license, but a lawsuit really isn’t something you’d like to go through. Whether the Estate has any legal standing to do such a thing or not, a lawsuit would be a long, messy battle. By the third season, a court case in America has decided that anything written prior to 1923 doesn’t need a license (damn, that’s 2 seasons of being successfully intimidated into a license). However, the two stories with greatest evidence still belong to the Estate, and the Estate tried to weasel their way into owning more of Sherlock than they should by arguing about his character. They probably wouldn’t take well to an openly gay Sherlock, would they? By season 4, the same problem still exists. Cut to 2020. Both of the stories with those quotes have entered public domain. But, uh oh, a month, a month before the 10th anniversary of your show, the news breaks that the Estate is filing yet another lawsuit, this time against multiple different parties, one of them being the mega corporation of Netflix (god, that’s some balls right there) that what they did broke copyright law because it portrayed characters in a way they supposedly weren’t portrayed until later stories, stories the Estate still owns (that is some balls right there). So you might feel the need to cover your ass a bit. Despite the past decade of saying that they characters you have portrayed are nothing but platonic, the fans don’t seem to buy it, and, in hindsight, there’s a lot of reasons not to. Maybe something needs to be created that subtly tells fans that they really are just looking too far into it. And, what great luck, a YouTube channel is asking you to make something for the 10th anniversary. 
Is this what happened? I don’t really know. I have nothing more than circumstantial evidence and guesswork here to go off of. I’m not privy to the private thoughts of Mark Gatiss or Steven Moffat or any of the head honchos at BBC. I don’t know what kind of executive decisions are made in the best interest of the company. All I know is that the Conan Doyle Estate is hanging on to whatever copyrights they can possibly manage, that they are willing to level lawsuits on, quite frankly, ridiculous terms, and that having a lawsuit put against you is no laughing matter and that those whose work revolves around Sherlock Holmes and creating stories about him would want to tread carefully. This explanation is, admittedly, far fetched. But it’s the only one that really makes sense. It’s the only one that would explain why a gay man and a generally progressive company would have a show that has layer upon layer upon layer saying that there is more between John and Sherlock than just friendship, as well as a rabid fanbase that they know ship it, and still not deliver, even attempt to squash such mindsets. 
There is, however, one final note I would like to end this on. I have talked before about how I think there will be another season, if the stars align and schedules allow such a thing. The best estimates of when another season might come out is 2022 or 2023, and I’m inclined to think the later year (god, that seems so far away). The year that the last story will become completely open to the public and the entirety of Sherlock Holmes will be public domain is 2023. So, maybe there is hope. 
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nautilusopus · 3 years
tbh the 2001 version of ocean's eleven is better than the rat pack version (and ocean's 8 too from what i've heard don't @ me) but the dumb subplot with tess is easily the weakest part of it
they could've cut the tess thing and lost absolutely nothing and the movie would've functioned the same, except for maybe the metaphor about the lose half the money or try to keep all of it and lose all of it thing. which wasn't really a terribly strong or compelling theme anyway so
but like julia roberts is acting so goddamn hard and there's just nothing for her to actually do. like never mind the fact that danny's plan to win her back is fucking stupid because that is just not how people act??? like no one in their right mind is gonna go "oh well my current husband is a piece of shit so i guess i'll go back to my ex, who went out of my way to show me what a piece of shit he was while robbing him (which is the reason i broke up with him to begin with because it kind of ruined my life) because our relationship was just that loving prior to the being arrested thing and the movie keeps vaguely alluding to that, even though we never actually see that at any point at all."
like, even in a wish-fulfillment movie, the idea that she'd take him back because of all this stuff is batshit moon logic at best. except then she does. the problem is, a movie like ocean's eleven is already purely style over substance in the biggest way possible, and i mean this as a positive. it is extremely stylish and it is there to BE stylish. it has nothing deep to say to you, but it wasn't trying to do that anyway. it's a popcorn movie, and it is here to show you some people stealing things in a really fucking cool way. the director even outright admits this in an interview, claiming he set out to make "just a pure piece of entertainment" and i think he fucking nailed it, and i especially love shit that knows what it wants to do at the outset and then does it without fucking around and with a high degree of competence. this movie knew what it wanted to do and then set out to be the best version of itself it could possibly be and absolutely knocked all the goals it set out of the park
this is especially important given that it's still not a brainless movie despite being a turn-your-brain-off movie; it's a heist movie. there are a lot of moving parts, and that shit is very hard to do well without it feeling dumb and contrived (just look at ocean's 12). knowing how much to show the audience so they can follow what's going on/the reveal is hard! knowing what to hide so there can still be an air of uncertainty around the plan is hard! maintaining suspension of disbelief for a movie that specifically is calling attention to logical inconsistencies, meaning it has to keep its narrative even more tightly wound than normal, is hard! all these things are difficult, and ocean's eleven does all these things really, really goddamn well. it is genuinely a brilliant piece of filmmaking. (maybe i will get into how at a later date but for now i want to encourage you to watch it yourself by bitching about it shhhh don't question me. all i'll say is that brad pitt was actually fucking spot-on casting.)
tess is a fucking lamp, though, and her existence only serves to detract from the experience. i am only this mad about her because the rest of the movie is so good otherwise (hell, even her individual one-on-one scenes with danny, all fucking two of them, are well-acted and well-written), so it REALLY sticks out how awkward it is as a whole package.
and i know why they put the damn thing in, they needed an emotional core of some sort to the movie s it wasn't completely fucking shallow, because even in a popcorn flick there has to be something for the audience to care about. but like..................................... the heist crew is right there
like a huge chunk of the dialogue in ocean's eleven (mostly the banter, which is again one of the strongest parts of the movie) is ad-libbed. the cast all have excellent chemistry with one another and play off each other extremely naturally, and all the time in behind the scenes footage all anyone talks about is how genuinely well everyone got along, to the point where they'd just hang out on set with each other instead of going back to their trailers between shoots. and you're obviously invested in the heist, which in turn helps you get invested in the crew, and the actors work well together. and the sharp banter is the other reason besides the heist that you're watching the movie anyway and just
why not make THAT the emotional core of the movie why not build on that? it's right fucking there
why does nobody see these things
did they really think they needed a romance to sell this thing THAT BAD when the core cast already had such great chemistry. not to mention like a solid third of the movie is just danny and rusty exchanging Knowing Looks between one another and i absolutely buy them as friends that go way back a lot more easily than i buy danny and tess as a couple that were truly happy with each other a long time ago, in part due to them actually fucking getting screentime together. c'mon man
that isn't to say I think a Danny/Rusty romance subplot would improve the movie or is anything i particularly want to see, but the point is that the main cast already has a lot of chemistry together that is in turn written INTO the script already and they could've just worked with that lkdflhsdkslhhgssg.
or like, if you must have tess, maybe you could actually incorporate her into the heist properly beyond Existing as a weird mafia cuck subplot? this is actually something i think ocean's twelve did do right (just a shame about the heist in question but whatever, credit where it's due). as mentioned, roberts's perfornance isn't bad either and she also plays off clooney well in the brief fucking moments they're onscreen together.
i dunno. i feel like there were better options than what we did get. the tess subplot is a black spot on an otherwise really fucking good experience.
......................................................and YES OKAY FINE obviously i'm fucking biased for wanting more found family crime squad nonsense but that doesn't meant i'm wrong either.
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rwbyconversations · 4 years
RWBY Volume 7 Review
Two weeks out from Volume 8 and I finally cared enough to write this. Go team I guess. 
Part of it came down to my feelings on Volume 7. It’s a complicated season that’s made me realize a lot of my overall feelings on RWBY as a series, particularly a lot of the less flattering feelings. Volume 7 is just... frustrating in general, as for all the good that it does have, and it does have a lot of great elements to it, it’s let down by a frustrating script and writing choices that feel distinctly amateurish, especially as the series moves on and gets better and better looking each year. There’s elements and kernals here of great character writing, season-wide arcs that land in a really good way and get me emotionally invested in the characters. But on the other... Ren only has two hundred words the entire season and you can tell! 
Volume 7 is a season of dizzying highs, some of the best moments of the entire franchise... and some of the series lows. It’s a season where there’s no production reason for its shortcomings... it just comes down to an awkward script that focuses on the wrong elements far too often. Let’s talk about that. In a very long and drawn out manner.
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Thanks to @jamesbranwen​, @h-e-m-o-goblin​ and @retro-riffraff​ for help with GIFs and consultation on this review.
1) The Good Stuff!
A) Atlas is very pretty!
I cannot stress enough how on a set level, Volume 7 is leaps and bounds above the other seasons in sheer environmental detail and setting dressing. Mantle has a great atmosphere with its New York influences, the smog covered backgrounds and oppressive streets and alleys. Ironwood’s office which is deliberately designed to evoke astronomy themes to represent James’ love for the stars. The cold oppressive atmosphere of the Schnee Manor and how Jacques has begun warping it to glorify him with only lip service paid to Nicholas in public. Penguins! 
There’s a lot of great set design work that went into this season and the crew deserve props for it. Genuinely. 
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B) Ironwood’s arc is the best character arc in the entire franchise
Yeah just wearing my heart on my sleeve there, I fucking love Ironwood and his character arc here in Volume 7 is the best written arc of the show. I simp for the tin man who just wants to do the right thing. This one season of content is better than a lot of the series-wide material being honest. I went back to James’s big volumes in the last month to rewatch the show and it’s interesting to see the early seeds in retrospect for where his arc goes. His need to protect everyone he can and the brutish measures he considers necessary for such an act, his conflicting loyalties towards Ozpin that manifest in both frustration at Oz’s seeming apathy to the growing conflict, but also desperate desire for validation from Ozpin that what’s he doing is the right call. After the Mistral seasons set up James as going off the deep end following Volume 3, having him open the season with an earnest smile, an immediate apology for the team’s arrest and trusting them with his plans for Amity and Salem is a jarring but pleasant surprise. He’s not been slacking off, he’s been trying to keep the world together in the way he thinks is best. He lets his guard down around the heroes and we see the good man underneath, which makes the moments where he raises his walls hurt all the more. While Em and Merc are still probably my favorite characters period, James is absolutely my favorite character in Volume 7 and Top 5 favorite characters series-wide. I’m very eager to see where he goes from here. He also rocks the beard and fixed his T-Rex arms so James came out of the washing machine that is Volume 7′s costume design. He truly is the Best Boi, and I cannot give Jason Rose enough credit for his performance this year. He hit every note of Ironwood’s character perfectly and I wish the fandom would give him more credit for giving James as much life as he does.
Oh, and as the obligatory comment on mlm rep that I am known for getting obsessively weird anon hate over: IronQrow hug nearly had me crying on a convention floor from how goddamn soft it was. Remember conventions? Ah good times.
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This just... hits me... ya know? Seeing him lower his guard so much to come in for a hug just shows how isolated he’s let himself become to let himself have this moment of contact... Godamnit James. Also this is the second time after Martial Arcs that two guys hug and I really liked their ship for the following hiatus. 
C) Soft Qrow hours are nice
Qrow’s a good guy, he went through a lot of bad stuff in Volume 6 but now he’s on the other side and purged his voice of the demon within. I think Volume 7 was a very good year for Qrow overall. It was great to see him interacting with more characters his age and lowering his own guard. His moments of letting the facade drop around James and Clover especially are great expansion for his character. Jason Liebritch hit the ground running as Qrow and gave him a far more dynamic range than I think Vic could. While I wish Qrow going off alcohol had been given more of a focus as it’s kind of done off-handedly that he’s gone cold turkey and otherwise doesn’t get brought up barring his revulsion at the wine in the Schnee Manor, he overall had a great year. And trust me I’ll get to the fights later, I have a lot more I can say about the bird boi there. 
D) I liked the Ace Ops! 
I was ambivilent towards the Ace Ops on first watching. They’re kinda underdeveloped in the context of the season at large and most people immediately pegged them as a miniboss squad/fodder for Salem to kill. But in rewatch they do still get to shine, if not as brightly. They’re very enjoyable. Clover especially is just really fun in retrospect, I love cocky fighters in general, and he was infectiously enjoyable (I’ve already covered the FG stuff in the past, not doing it again). Marrow came a close second because... well it’s Marrow, he is The Best Boi. Harriet got points for being a punchgirl which is always cool, I liked how her Semblance was shown and being cocky while being able to back it up is always a win. Elm and Vine are tied for dead last, I like the body diversity Elm introduces with her muscles and Vine... existed... but overall I think with the time they had, they did get to establish themselves well. I wish I could say that about their relationship with Team RWBYORNJ but this is the Nice Section so we’ll leave it there for now.
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This is one of the best shots of the entire season. I adore it. God I like the Teryx design.
E) God the villains rocked this year! 
I am a villain whore. I own that. I will embrace that monkier. But when they’re as cool as this, I feel validated in this Chilli’s tonight. Watts and Tyrian really make the season shine and don’t have a dud scene all season. They have great chemistry together, shining bright in even the weakest or most mediocre episodes. Watts went from “Oh yeah you exist” tier to “Oh yeah you rule” tier. His vendetta against Ironwood feels so real and pre-established, even though this season is the first time it’s ever come up. Watts just ozzes style in everything he does. The animators bring him to life and make every step, every flick of his twist and even just how he moves his eyes all bleed contempt. He’s such a rat and I love him! Chris Sabat finally gets to stretch his wings after a few years playing Watts as just Evil Scientist Guy, and he makes the most of it. 
And Tyrian remains an absolute treat. He didn’t get much in V6 but here he takes center stage with Watts and also gets so much impact because of it. All the little twitches, and tilting of his heads, and dramatic gestures, he’s still just so goddamn cool to watch and we even get a little backstory of him. I know he’s irredeemable. But I just want to watch Tyrian kill people and scream. Like hot damn his line “THE GRIMM SHOULD HAVE DESTROYED OUR ENEMIES, NOT MADE THEM FRIENDS!” is so fucking raw. He’s having fun destablizing a nation with his boyfriend! 
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“You want more chaos than a Grimm invasion?” “If anyone on Remannt can do it, wouldn’t it be you?” There is no heterosexual explanation for how these two look at each other and yes this is me outing myself as a Nuts and Volts fan.
Watts and Tyrian really do become the absolute highlights of the season alongside James. They have a great dynamic and even during their more slower moments there’s so much care and thought put into their every mannerism. Animators, seriously, great job, I love what you did. And their fights... we’ll get there. But they’re so goddamn good. 
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Look they even run the same! They’re soulmates! 
Honorary mention to Salem by the way. She’s only in two scenes but her presence is felt throughout Ironwood’s arc and his growing fear of her and she damn well delivers when she shows up. That shot of her arriving in person is a killer shot to end on as well.
Oh and I guess Cinder and Neo exist don’t they? Eh, we’ll come back to them. 
F) Oscar got a character arc!
Finally! He did it! He got an arc that began, continued and ended all onscreen! It only took four tries! 
But yeah Oscar had a really good set of scenes in Volume 7. I like him being the first to confront Ruby on the Ironwood lie, bringing up the hypocrisy after their condemning of Ozpin just last season. I like him having a more forward role (outside of not getting to be part of the celebration in episode 4 what the hell guys), and that he’s the big link between RWBY and Ironwood was a great call. Having Ozpin shelved for one more season so Oscar can take center-stage was an inspired choice. I love his dynamic with Ironwood, and how James closing himself off emotionally gets reflected in how he begins slipping in how he refers to Oscar, starting off as treating him and Oz as separate, ending with him gunning Oscar down as he doesn’t care anymore to differentiate the two.
My big issues with Oscar’s arc are that I’m first of all annoyed at the lack of followup on the Oscar stuff from V6, I’m still waiting for Qrow to apologize for punching Oscar guys! I also really wish Neo’s first attack wasn’t offscreen. CRWBY’s cliffhanger fetish meant I got to break out the Offscreen Pine jokes again. And of course, the Neo hallway punch was a bit bullshit.
G) (Most of) The fights are amazing
There’s no punchline. These fights are great, two of them are in my Top 10 Series Wide fights list and at least the duds aren’t Volume 5 bad.
If you’d told me before Volume 7 that Watts would get an extended firefight with James, I’d have felt that a bit cheap as Watts to me doesn’t feel like a fighter, more a planner who hides behind armies of mechanical soldiers. But damn if they didn’t sell me on Watts “You’ve yeed your last haw” Watts whipping out a Glock just to spite James. 
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This is another one of my favorite shots in the entire series.
Ironwood vs Watts is potentially my favorite fight in the entire series, and if it’s not, it’s easy Top 3 alongside Yang vs Mercury and Pyrrha vs CRDL/Mercury. It makes great use of Amity in the abandoned gravity biome meant for SSSN vs JNPR, with Ironwood and Watts deftly moving around in a manner that very easily could have been difficult to track with the constantly shifting gravity, but the crew do their best to keep it coherent as to who’s where. The credits showed their dedication also stretched into visual continuity, as James and Arthur’s route throughout the Arena was carefully considered so they’d loop around organically. 
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This is what I mean when I say the crew went above and beyond to keep things clean.
Ironwood vs Watts could have easily failed to impress, given its lack of choreography on the level the series usually does, but the team’s efforts went instead into showing a situation that lets Watts get a dragged out battle: James wins whenever he closes the distance here, so Arthur’s constantly on the run and being forced to tamper with the arena. Great camerawork, a GOD TIER song from Caleb Hyles that I’m still listening to today, and two characters with a fantastic history coming to blows makes for easily the best fight of the season and a series-wide highlight. Watching it develop from storyboards, to mocap, to animations and the full version is a delight to see. This is what CRWBY can do when everything comes togehter. The orchestra’s all tuned. It’s a goddamn symphony.
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THIS is my favorite shot of the season.
Tyrian also gets to shine with his two battles this year. His alley fight with Qrow, Robyn and Clover is short but sweet, the corvid and the scorpion especially trading brutal blows in the cramped space. Qrow goes full Devil May Cry with his style-switching here, Harbinger being swapped between sword, tonfa and gun forms freely alongside Qrow applying The Power of Punching. His 1v1v1 with Clover and Qrow though is the true highlight of the season in terms of choreography. It’s lighting-fast, and has some impeccable shot work. Qrow gets to use his scythe with deliberate nods to the Red Trailer, Clover gets to shut up everyone who doubted his weapon, and Tyrian is just along for the ride and he makes the most of it. It’s frentic, it’s heart-pounding, it’s everything a fight should be. 
Honorary mentions as well go to Ace Ops vs the Geist, which is just really fun and has a great backing music choice, the opening battle with Sabre having Ruby’s obligatory ten seconds of fighting that come at the start of every new era of the series, and the Ace Ops vs RWBY fight which has some good choreo in places.
H) Winter and Penny have good chemistry
I don’t have a ton to add here, I just like their dynamic and how they advance each other’s arcs. It’s nice writing. I also like Winter apologizing to Penny when she’s angry at Jacques and takes it out on Penny by accident with the “You wouldn’t understand” line.
Penny as a Maiden is a nice idea, I think her new design is cute. Penny says trans rights.
Those are a lot of my favorite things about Volume 7. It’s a killer season when it’s firing on all cylinders but unfortunately... it often misfires in frustrating ways, many of which are unfortunately due to core emblematic problems with the series that won’t go away.
2) The Bad Stuff
A) The costumes
It’s been a over year. It’s low hanging fruit. I don’t care. Most of them are still not good and they’re ludicrously over-designed.
Blake’s in a fetish suit and I wonder how she even goes to the bathroom. Weiss just looks like an abino Sabre alt, Yang is what a Halloween costume site would describe as “Sexy UPS Driver,” (why does she have a thigh window) Ruby... looks fine, it’s one of her better costumes. Jaune’s hair is silly, Ren’s model has lost some muscle definition and he looks like an e-boy, Nora’s costume really doesn’t fit the Atlas visual design and looks like a rejected Kingdom Hearts costume. Cinder’s is too black and I actually can’t track her in darker scenes because of it (which is kinda bad during... a fight scene... where I need to know where she is...), Neo looks like a Ren Fair cosplayer doing a bit for her OnlyFans, Winter’s is anatomically weird with super skinny arms and legs, and Blake’s hair is a fucking hate crime. 
Qrow’s is one I liked at first but in retrospect it does feel like a downgrade. To quote @h-e-m-o-goblin​ from a Discord chat:
in a show like rwby, where color is such a vital defining aspect of every character, a cohesive colorscheme goes a long way. qrow's original outfit works great in this regard. neutral tones. greys, whites, and blacks, with red accents that pop against the otherwise sparse color. it's good! it's distinctive! it doesn't feel cluttered and it doesn't look like a clown vomited on him! the subdued colors really lend themselves to the grey, cynical energy qrow seems to carry with him. a literal lack of color in his life. the outfit itself feels like something he would wear; a combination of "clearly trying to look cool" and "a little disheveled and laid back." the design breathes, it isn't cluttered. let's contrast this with his vol 7 outfit. a lot of outfits in vol 7 suffer from this problem, but first and foremost it doesn't look like something he would wear. where his old outfit had a casual feel to it, his new look feels like someone dressed him up for a family christmas dinner. it's too... tidy. now of course you could argue this is him "cleaning up his life," but i dont feel like you have to sacrifice his own personal style in order to convey that. if that's really what they were going for, they easily could have just, oh i dont know, given him a cape that isn't tattered???
remember how i said qrow's original outfit really made his colors pop? how less is more when it comes to having a character with a specific color theme? vol 7 butchered that. we suddenly have articles of clothes that are tinted with greenish blue tones, browns, and with gold trim? on TOP of the old colors he already had in his design. it's muddy. it's ugly. the burgundy vest is fine, if they wanted to work more color into his outfit they should have done it that way throughout, shades of grey and different tones of RED. his COLOR. it just feels like they tacked so much on there without a second thought and i really think he deserves better. its just. such a mess.
The ones I did like were Watts’ new coat (I like the puffy hood), Penny’s is fine, the Ace Ops look great, Ironwood’s new outfit is stellar (those last six are great examples of how to do a lot with just primary colors of white and red), Neon’s Jolyne cosplay is cute and Flynt is slick. Otherwise, Volume 7 feels like it’s taken a lot of the wrong lessons from the costume design of the earlier seasons. Less is often more but now it feels like they have a pathological aversion to empty space on the costumes, leading them to feel like... costume vomit for lack of a better word. I didn’t love the Mistral outfits, but their modifications at least were carried by how many of them called back to the Fall of Beacon and emphasized the themes of loss in Volume 4. The new Atlas outfits... don’t have that shared theme. It feels like a hodgepodge of different design influences without trying to find a way to unify them. It’s like putting Baki the Grappler beside My Little Pony, they just fail to mesh.
Also for fuck’s sake already CRWBY just give the girls muscles already.
2) JNR suck and Ren’s arc is glorified character assassination
I don’t love JNR. They’re fine, but the show has arguably not needed them for a while and while I’ve liked them all at different points, it’s never been adoration outside of Ren in Volume 4. I was cool with the idea of them staying in Argus to help cover Mistral after its Huntsmen were wiped out, and Volume 7 has... made me wish they did that.
Jaune is just comic relief, and it kinda blows for later reasons but the big one is that he’s just not very funny. His big role in Volume 7 is basically to crosswalk some kids so we can have a joke scene during the Mantle Battle where Jaune uses his tactical genius to teach people to walk in single file. I feel like at this point Miles is just actively trying to kill Jaune’s fandom out of spite for how badly Jaundice was received. He’s never allowed to be cool or try and redeem himself. His hatedom aren’t going to stop hating Jaune because he gets more comedy guys. They’re going to stop when you write Jaune well. It’s a bummer he got some genuinely great upgrades for his sword and shield and never gets to use them outside of the opening. 
Nora exists. She got a surprising amount of focus this season in that she got focus of any kind. I liked her confronting Ironwood over his choking of Mantle because we know she was once the kind of person Ironwood would have been stifling. I like her being the one to realize the loophole in Jinn’s “You can’t” line. I don’t like much else about Nora this year, or at least the Nora the writing team are pushing. She’s not funny like Jaune but Nora just absorbs so much screentime in the first half with her constant shrieking. Sam Ireland has good range but making Nora into Discount Harley Quinn is pushing her out of it. She sounds shrill, making Nora sound like she has no heart outside of the election rally. A shrill voice is one thing. A shrill voice that never lands a single joke? Yeah that character is tainted by association. 
And Ren... oh God Ren what happened to you.
The Volume 7 commentary confirmed a suspicion of mine that Ren’s arc was heavily cut down from what was planned. Even watching V7 I could tell his arc was bare-bones at best, and it’s downright character assassination in places. Why is he suddenly so cold to Nora? Why is he now so obsessed with training? Why does he side with Ironwood for all of... one line which is this last between episodes 7 and 11. Ren only has two hundred words of dialoge in Volume 7 and they feel so weird in places. Ren goes from seemingly disliking Nora, to kissing her, to never referencing the kiss, to partaking in the Worst Scene Of The Season, all with no consistency. It’s not even threadbare. Ren’s arc just has no connecting tissue for so much of it! It’s insane how badly Ren was hurt by this, and I shudder to wonder how bad his Volume 8 arc will be because you know that was one of the first plotlines they cut down on when they inevitably overreached again. 
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I don’t know how they made Renora kissing feel unearned? But by God they found a way with how much of a trainwreck Ren’s writing is in regards to tainting this. 
If Ironwood is an example of RWBY doing character writing well, Ren is the mirror image of how badly they can do. JNR really suffered from Volume 7 (also fun fact, Ren has about 200 words of dialogue? Ironwood has 4400). Maybe not to the level of irredeemable dislike? But very close to being on the same tier as Cinder of “Just go away already.”  I’m not looking forward to their content in Volume 8. 
3) RWBY themselves are poorly handled in Volume 7
It’s unfortunate that the actual title characters of the series are also some of this season’s weaker links. RWBY feel... superfluous to this season in a way they’ve never felt before. It’s baffling how much of the season doesn’t change if you just don’t include them, and apparently Volume 7′s first draft? Was even worse.
The commentary says that many of the RWBY moments were added later in production. Stuff like Ruby and Renora at the rally, Blake and Yang’s talk with Robyn and Ruby and Qrow’s chat were all either added in near the end of the writing or were “low priority” enough that they could have been cut which is... veyr alarming that’s stuff even the main protags have to worry about! 
Ruby feels half-baked. I was looking forward to her in V7 after how V6 gave her a more dynamic personality and the focus she got in Brunswick, and having Penny’s return had me interested in seeing Ruby grapple with her emotions about it. She watched Penny die, how would it influence her to see Penny back and OK? Good question, we never get to see it. Ruby’s just OK with Penny’s return, the one time they touch on it Penny immediately glosses over it. Ruby just goes back to her old happy go lucky persona where any and all negative emotions are immediately forced down instead of confronting them and growing from them. I’m getting a little tired of Ruby bottling her grief and being teased about finally getting her snapping like a Twix Bar. We finally got her crying and it lasted all of ten seconds. And it doesn’t help that Ruby’s still getting shafted for fights. Her scythe choreography has no excuse being as flacid as it is now after Qrow vs Clover showed they can do scythe fighting! Why is Ruby being upstaged by (let’s be real) a supporting character! Why is she being limited to ten seconds of good combat then nothing for the rest of the season outside of flimsily swinging it or shooting. It’s disappointing, especially after how good V6 Ruby was.
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I swear, Gravity’s not just my favorite episode of the season just because Ruby finally cries in it.
Weiss was kinda just done dirty though. At least Ruby has a good outfit. Weiss confronting her father has been a long standing plot thread for the series, it’s been Weiss’s Big Thing since the White Trailer. And when Jacques finally appears, he’s very... bland. He’s just evil corporate dude who exists less as an obstacle for Weiss and more just a roadblock for the plot through the election. Weiss finally gets a chance to take her father down and work to redeem her family name... but instead of earning said victory and it being treated with the same gravitas and emotional weight as Blake defeating Adam... Weiss has her victory handed to her. And it’s played for comedy by her abusrdly attractive mother. 
Listen, I like I Willow Schnee. I think she’s a fascinating character and I like the idea of a person who is aware of the harm they’ve done by accident but is too broken to fix the issues she accidentally left. I love her calling Weiss out on her treatment of Whitley. But she is absolutely a Deus Ex Machina that exists to get Jacques out of the plot as fast as possible. You mean to tell me Hackerman Watts never once made sure Jacques had hidden cameras? Or that none of the staff found Willow’s cameras and reported them under the assumption they were White Fang spies? It’s so... convenient. It’s handing Weiss her victory on an unearned platter. Which sucks. I was really looking forward to Weiss beating Jacques. Instead she just gets given the plot device while JNR engage in the Worst Scene of The Season in that Whitley food stunt.
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Me whenever I’m asked to rewatch Cordially Invited
Blake and Yang have much the same problems, in they never separate. I know they’re going to be together. I know CRWBY are making it canon (get it over with already). I still would like Yang and Blake to have individual character scenes. I’d like Blake and Marrow to talk about being a Faunus Huntsman in Atlas (another thing that got cut thanks to Robyn Hill). I want Yang and Ironwood to discuss their PTSD and have Yang thank Ironwood for his trust in her that he commissioned the arm despite Yang attacking Mercury. I want Blake to be well animated in fight scenes so she’s doing more than just jobbing so Yang looks better. I want Yang to stop hogging all the good Team RWBY choeography. I want them to interact with other characters and continue to grow instead of feeling like two halves of one character. And no, making a meta joke of how Blake and Yang don’t talk to other people doesn’t make it OK. It just means you’re self aware about your own faults. 
(Also give Yang better merch or quit the favoritism. If you’re gonna milk her, put effort into it beyond crapply overpriced flannel. RT’s merch store is actively making me hate Yang.)
Team RWBY’s biggest contribution to the season is the Ironwood Lie which is... a can of worms. They certainly had a point in withholding some of the bigger truths from James but I feel by Pomp and Cirumstance he’d proven himself truthwrothy enough to warrant being told the truth about Salem. But then when he’s finally told the truth, it’s offscreen’d and the consequence isn’t “Why didn’t you tell me earlier” but “Fucking Ozpin man.” Gravity has it bite them in the ass, but it’s more an accessory to Yang and Blake telling Robyn about the Amity tower. I wish more had been done with the team disagreeing on whether the lie was a good choice or not, maybe have Yang be hardline against it due to her own “No more lies and half truths” policy instead of... having Yang tell more lies and half truths (Commentary confirms she never told Ruby and Weiss about the Robyn stuff BTW). But that’s a wider problem where RWBY aren’t allowed to disagree beyond surface level “I don’t know if this is the right call” dialogue. There’s never a threat of one of them cracking and just spilling the beans to James, everyone just blindly trusts Ruby and Qrow tells the audience “No this is different from when Ozpin lied. Trust us.” 
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This is the most RWBY get for content in the season finale: Ruby just nuking Cinder with no difficulty after having trouble with the eyes three episodes ago. Kinda lame tbh.
Team RWBY are just disappointing in Volume 7. They’re not given good animation, their story roles are largely insignificant, the impact of their roles on the story is threadbare and... well most of their costumes suck don’t @ me even CRWBY have admitted Blake and Weiss’s haircuts looked bad. It’s a whole barrage of a letdown for the main girls. And it’s really sad that the best scenes of the season... are usually the ones where RWBY are nowhere in sight.
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Why the hell didn’t Yang get to keep the sunglasses come on guys. One job.
4) Robyn, the election plot, and the Happy Huntresses
Oh God, Robyn Hill is... not great. I could and likely will write a full meta on her character and how they bungled it but I’ll just be blunt here: I don’t like her design, the colors don’t mesh well, he head’s too small, Christina Vee is sleeping through the role and her weapon’s lame. Introducing her in a scene where she threatens to attack our heroes, and her agents are actively sneaking up on them to do it, is not a great first impression for a hometown hero. And that the commentary thinks she’s meant to be the hero in that scene is... staggering. 
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RWBY’s greatest threat yet is a wine mom Karen and her Home Owners Association army. 
The election plot is less a misfire and more the engine just exploding. There’s so little good content between when it’s introduced and concluded, with it usually being individual scenes that are more good in spite of their connection to the plot (such as Tyrian’s massacre). It drags in pacing, going on for nearly half the season between episodes 5 and 10, and it purely exists as a roadblock to keep RWBY spinning their wheels while Watts and Tyrian keep going with the main plot. I don’t know why CRWBY went for this plot. They could have easily had something else fill the gap that also allowed for a lot of the character beats (such as Marrow and Blake’s talk and Ren’s entire arc) to shine, or at least condensed it to the important elements instead of letting it become bloated. It ends in such an unsatisfying way where Willow just shows up and goes “We have four episode left, here’s the plot device to beat Jacques, get back ot the main plot.” If they wanted to do the election plot, the best route would have been to give Volume 7 more episodes or stretch out its events to two seasons, but neither is realistically possible while RWBY lives off the teat of AT&T. 
Jacques and Robyn are just boring. Evil corporate man and a lame adaptation of Robyn Hood who only has fans because of thirst who also like downplaying Robyn making a racist remark at Marrow (to say nothing of that weird subsection of Robyn fans who make her a Fox Faunus who cut her tail off to join Atlas Academy which is... certainly a creative choice especially when Marrow and Neon are punching holes in that angsty BS backstory). They can’t carry this plot and the artifical attempts to make it seem more exciting with the two cliffhaners ending on Mantle under riot or Grimm attack are laughably cut short by the next episode in each case opening the morning after. On binge watch it becomes weirdly funny more than anything and that’s not a good reaction. The dual cliffhangers being cheaply resolved is a short but succint example of V7′s pacing issues, and they almost always loop around to the election plot being too bloated, slow and just boring.
Also the Happy Huntresses are just... lame. I like their Semblances but that’s it. Fiona’s OK because she gets some screentime but May’s just “the surly one” and Joanna doesn’t even get her Semblance or much dialogue (oh wow she really is just a female Sage Ayana isn’t she). Robyn should not have been leading the HH and running for Council. That’s really stupid. And kind of wrong. Having May or Fiona be running instead while Robyn leads the team in relief efforts would have been better and could have split the focus more effeciently instead of leaving May and especially Joanna feelng like roster padding. There’s also some delicious irony in the show trying to frame the HH as the resistance fighting for the people and representing individuality, only for them all to have the same boring outfit and weapons (I think even the exact same model just with different sizes) while the Ace Ops are meant to be the military drones who are “Just following orders,” only for them to be more racially diverse, more diverse body-type-wise, and have more unique weapons. It’s another one of those odd creative dissconnects between what the writers wanted and what the artists/animation teams chose to do. 
The election plot is overall toxin for Volume 7, and Robyn in my opinion, has one of the worst introductory scenes of any character in the franchise (and CRWBY have tacitly admitted that V7 had a character they were surprised at how controversial they were, which has to be Robyn). In a year where they were already juggling so much content and characters, adding in this bloated subplot was something I don’t think anyone wanted, especially now that we know we lost so much content on the sacrificial altar for this. It’s a black mark on the season and I don’t really care for the return of the Happy Huntresses or Robyn in Volume 8. None of them are interesting enough to care for outside of meta reasons like “cute.” 
Also fuck you Fiona, can’t believe you got a shirt before Ironwood. 
5) Cinder and Neo sure exist
To be fair, this is one of Cinder’s best years, easily her best since Volume 3 but that’s more because Cinder in the Mistral era was crap. (And if I wanna be cruel, because Cinder wasn’t in two thirds of the season)Her fans were finally vindicated after years of telling anyone who dunked on Cinder that “nooooo she has a super covert backstory that’s gonna be amazing when it’s revealed! You’ll see!” And well they finally got it. All of one line during a fight about how Cinder “refuses to starve.” 
It’s still something so I guess we have to take it. Seriously... how do we still not have Cinder’s backstory. 
There’s just not a ton to say about Cinder and Neo in V7 barring I that don’t think they needed to be here. They feel very superfluous and just here to have a big boss fight in Cinder’s case alongside continuing her streak of ending the odd numbered seasons fighting a female side character... which for me became an exercise in tyring to find during Cinder during the damn fight.
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And this is why when most people saw Cinder’s V6 outfit they went “It’s gonna be hard to see her in darker environments,” then were vindicated when it became legit difficult to see Cinder in this scene. God if they at least just made the inside of the cape red it’d be easier.
Neo is Neo, which means she makes funny faces and mocks Cinder (I like that), but she doesn’t get a super good fight which uh... we’ll get to. I’m interested to see her finally exploding at Cinder and going for a backstab, but really Neo in V7 was kinda hit hard by the double whammy of the Oscar Hallway Punch and how humiliating ORNJ vs Neo was for ORNJ. Cinder’s definitely had far worse years and after how aimless she was in Mistral this feels like a sep in the right direction, but at this point CRWBY just need to shut up and tell us her deal. It’s been seven years guys. Come on. At least make her interesting if she’s gonna say around. They’ve had worse years, but unfortunately Cinder and Neo’s role in the finale leads into...
6) Some of the fights weren’t good
I wanna be clear, I like most of Volume 7′s fights. It’s just a bummer the worst ones are back and back and make up a chunk of the finale. ORNJ vs Neo is just crap. It’s the worst fight since the Battle of Haven. There’s nothing else I can say, it’s poorly animated, paced, choreographed and written. JNR especially are made to look like complete jokes after they spent all season training, to the point where it looks like V2 Yang could solo V7 JNR after this. Oscar I expect this from because he’s not allowed to have fun stuff onscreen after accidentally stealing the Haven budget for his fight with Hazel, but JNR were just done dirty. There were ways to make the fight work in a way where Neo still won but JNR looked good. They went for the worst possible outcome that just leaves Neo looking like she got fan-wanked and JNR looking like they’re just not allowed to be cool due to Miles’ spite at the Jaune-Self Insert stuff (and that’s not even getting into JNR being forced to run from lame rent a cops who can’t even handle a single Grimm). Cinder vs Winter and Penny isn’t much better, with her dark outfit making it very hard to track the fight because she blends into the background too well. It’s not a great showing for Winter or Penny given their earlier feats but, hey, some random female character had to fight Cinder in this odd numbered volume, carrying on Glynda, Pyrrha and Raven’s tradition. It’s at least better than ORNJ vs Neo, but that’s really not saying anything. At least Cinder’s VA work isn’t too bad this time but this fight commits the cardinal sin of a finale fight: It’s just not super interesting because we know Cinder can’t kill both Winter and Penny and she’s not becoming a Maiden, while Winter’s been too blatantly set up so it has to be Penny.
RWBY vs the Ace Ops also gets a dishonorable mention due to the choreography on display here... and the lack of it for Weiss, Blake and Ruby. Ruby never once swings Crescent Rose the entire fight and is just reduced to getting the tar kicked out of her by Harriet. Weiss barely gets to use her sword and largely just sticks to her summoning and glyphs which makes for a very visually uninteresting fighting style at the best of times. Blake just swings around and gets caught by the bad guys so Yang is motivated to fight stronger. She never dual wields (again) and her best moves are just setting up Yang to do all the hard work while Yang gets to personally KO two of the Ace Ops. There’s a lot that can be said about whether or nor RWBY earn the win, but while the animation team try to sell the Ace Ops landing heavy hits, having only Blake’s Aura even flicker really undercuts the idea from the commentary that this wasn’t meant to be a stomp for RWBY and they had to work together and be in synch to win.
Which is why Yang solos two of the Ace Ops whle Blake plays support, Weiss beats Marrow alone and then kill steals Harriet from Ruby, all while the song playing is an extended diss track from RWBY to the Ace Ops about how badass they are now, and the commentary itself says the Ace Ops are hard carried by Clover’s Semblance (because you gotta love basically saying four POC were only competent because a white guy led them, and then have them lose because said white guy wasn’t around to carry them!). Great job guys, you really sold it.
And talking of Clover, I feel it worth mentioning Qrow vs Clover vs Tyrian. It’s animation wise near perfect, but unfortunately I do feel it would be remiss to not mention that I feel the writing really has to bend over backwards to justify this fight. A lot of it is stuff I would say in that hypothetical Robyn essay, but I feel Robyn, Qrow and Clover all have to become massive idiots for this specific sequence of events to occur, and for Clover especially every retroactive attempt to explain why he prioritized Qrow over Tyrian just sounds more and more desperate. Between the references to MCU Captain America (a person whose entire arc is about learning when it’s OK to defy bad orders) or the attempt in the commentary to say “Oh Clover thought it would be easier to take out Tyrian alone instead of Qrow,” none of them land and just further drive home how much the plot had to stretch and reach to get that moment of Tyrian killing Clover. I like the fight. But I hate the road the show took to get there.
Some of the misc fights are also weak like ORNJ vs FNKI and elements of the Mantle Grimm battle, but those are the big offenders. Otherwise, again, the fights are largely good. 
7) The soundtrack wasn’t... great
I mean the vocal songs only, don’t crucify me. Trust Love is just lamer Let’s Just Live/Triumph, Celebrate and Let’s Get Real are so boring I thought they were the same song until the OST dropped, Brand New Day is boringly peppy and Jeff’s vocals are dreadful. I completely forgot Touch the Sky until I was checking the tracklist to make sure I didn’t forget any songs. War has good singers but tries to sell the RWBY-Ace Ops bond as way deeper than it was. The lack of a villain song did really sting though, those are always the highlights.
There are good songs. I really like Fear, I feel it encapsulates the themes of the volume well and serves as a good condemnation of Ironwod’s mentality. Until The End is finally the Ruby song I’ve waited for since Red Like Roses 2 and I enjoy that she got a melancholic song, and Hero is easily, hands down, best track of the record and probably best RWBY track, full stop. Caleb killed it, I loved the second verse, opening opera was strong, guitar riffs were a plenty. Stellar work all around for that one.
The OST has great work from Jeff and Alex as usual, but the Jeff and Casey songs are really starting to lose their appeal. Going for a peppy feel this year didn’t help cover the cracks that are beginning to show with RWBY’s vocal songs (especially Jeff’s vocal range), and while a few standouts remain such as Fear and Hero, they are the slim minority in an otherwise very boring vocal tracklist that barely scrapes above Volume 5 for weakest set yet.
8) It wasn’t as funny as it thought it was
Comedy is subjective but man a lot of these jokes didn’t land. RWBY really needs to realize that does work in traditional 2D does not translate into 3D and just comes off as making official reaction GIFs for your Twitter account. Making characters SUDDENY SCREAM LOUDLY is not good banter. Please stop making Nora into Harley Quinn. Marrow was probably the most consistently funny character but that was it. Also I dunno why CRWBY thought Forrest was funny or what the deal was with that FRWBY crap. 
“Honorary” mention to the JNR food scene in Cordially Invited which is genuinely one of the worst scenes in the entire show and I hope whoever animated it has their save files deleted for a game where they were about to beat the final boss. Nothing sums up JNR’s pointlessness in the series more perfectly than this.
C) Conclusion
See what I mean about Volume 7 being frustrating? 
It’s weird that I overal think of Volume 7 as a mid-tier volume. There’s so much here I genuinely adore, with some of the best stuff to do with the show coming out of this season (barring lame, overpriced merch that feels like clothing gacha), but simultaneously the whole thing is let down by outside circumstances that unfortunately are ones the show can’t ever really recover from. Put bluntly, Volume 7 is the most technically proficient season of the show with the best lighting, backdrops, (some of the) character models, etc. CRWBY definitely didn’t slack off this year, but the problem isn't with them. It’s with the writing. A wider reaching problem is just that Miles and Kerry can’t really improve to the level that the series now requires. Eddy and Kiersei’s first season could have gone far worse, but it definitely was notable whenever they took over. Volume 7’s core problems are fourfold: The comedy is terrible and none of the jokes really land, the season focuses on the wrong plots and gives them too much effort, too many episodes are spent building up to new plots only for them to be weakly resolved (especially the Mantle Riot/Grimm attacks that are shoved off-screen), and the character bloat strikes hard here and leaves a lot of the cast feeling like dead weight. CRWBY don’t need more writers. They need more editors willing to tell the team what has to go instead of them hemming and hawing themselves on if they if they can include a plotline. The election never should have gotten past its first draft, there was too much already in this season before adding that.
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When this is an unironic shot in your series... you’ve got character bloat issues.
At this point, I think JNR need to go. The show had no idea what to do with them throughout the season, leading to Jaune just being comic relief while Ren and Nora became characters I actively dislike. Renora was the easiest ship in the show to land, and they still managed to blow the engines and ram at least three icebergs just to prove that RWBY can’t romance to save its life. Team RWBY themselves are little better, with Ruby’s feelings about Penny’s return being shelved, Weiss’s victory against Jacques feeling un-earned and undercut by comedy, while Yang and Blake are benched for the volume and become a singular entity with how tied at the hip they are. Maria basically yeeted herself out of the show and I didn’t notice, Pietro is just a death flag, and while the Ace Ops had a good intro, it was undercooked by how they had to play the villain role to give RWBY something to do in the final hours. Cinder and Neo didn’t need to be here. Robyn had one of the worst introductions for a character I’ve ever seen, I never enjoyed her moments and it genuinely feels like she only has a fandom because RWBY’s community are in fact that desperate. 
On the brighter side, Ironwood’s arc is fucking perfect and Jason Rose deserves all the love. Great fight, great song, great design, love the beard, it was a perfect downfall for Volume 7’s true protagonist. Qrow had a fun volume and I loved his dynamic with Clover (I don’t see the ship stuff but that’s more because I’m an IronQrow main so my blinders were on). Clover was also way cooler than I remembered. His fights stood out but the guy’s just really cool at the end of the day, with Chris doing great work as a VA. Oscar even managed to do stuff this year which was a shock and a half, but a welcome shock and a half. I didn’t mention it, but the Ozpin fear monologue is one of my favorite scenes in the entire show and it and the Ironwood/Oscar confrontation in the vault save the finale. And of course, Watts and Tyrian were the MVPs. I don’t have a bad word about either of them, they fucking nailed their roles and I can’t wait to see them again. 
And that’s kind of what I mean when I say Volume 7 flummoxes me. It’s frustrating at times with how it handles seemingly easy tasks and drops the ball. Renora went from “everyone liked that” to wondering how badly Ren’s stuff got butchered for him to be the way he is. RWBY themselves could be almost entirely cut and so little would change, and the fact that the finale basically hinges its entire emotional stakes on Winter, Penny and Oscar is a staggering call. And it really feels like the season was compressed beyond necessity because they decided going in that Volume 7 had to end on Salem’s arrival. There’s two volumes worth of material here, and maybe it would have been best to have broken up these events. Volume 7 does too much in too little time, and RWBY especially suffered from it. But when it works… it’s good. Never close to the highs of Volumes 6 or 3, but there’s genuinely good material here. The fights are mostly getting better with far less missteps than previously, the acting (mostly) continues to improve and it’s obvious that RWBY is a very good looking show at this point. Ironwood’s arc is franchise-wide highs, I loved Clover, and Marrow remains the best boi. But it’s frustrating that despite all the tech advances Volume 7 has made, it still makes such threadbare, rookie writing mistakes in cast management, comedy and character arcs. I’m glad Miles and Kerry finally realized that they needed more writers, but it won’t mean anything if the show just continues to circle the drain on the core mistakes it’s been making since 2013. Volume 7 has good in it. But I can see where it could have been great.
Thanks for reading, stan IronQrow and please get Whitley a therapist.
And for the love of God already make an Ironwood vs Watts shirt! 
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lizacstuff · 3 years
Edser / Sen Cal Kapimi ep 30+ asks
(Asks under the cut)
@jan31 Hi Liza, in the fragman Selin was in a white dress, was it a wedding dress?
Hello! I don’t think so. I think that’s what she was going to wear to the dinner she’d planned for the four of them (from the fragman, Eda, Serkan, Deniz and herself) but BOOM goes the MELO. Thank you Melo, lock that witch away so Serkan and Eda are not haunted by her evil presence, and can maybe spend some time together. 
Though, you know, I wouldn’t mind if it was a wedding dress. We know Serkan ain’t gonna marry her, so if they go so far as to put her in a dress, then we’re on the precipice of her humiliation and departure which can’t come too soon for me. 
jan31 Hi Liza. Please can you explain to me the fireside scene. It was so beautiful, emotional and just what we needed. Were the lights going out representing his sub conscious and the darkness he feels, reaching out for Eda instinctively without realising why. And the lights coming on was the reality that he did not remember anything. Or am I completely going in the wrong direction? Oh and the music gets me every time 😢😢
That scene fired on all cylinders!! I definitely think you’re on to something thinking the lights coming on represented the reality of him still not having any memories back. I think the whole scene was Serkan trying to reconcile this one flash of memory that has been playing in his mind like a movie. He was re-enacting what he saw in his mind, trying to figure out if it was a real memory and if the real memory was about Eda.   
I really liked that it was Serkan who asked if they can talk without arguing. Being the calm, rational one is his role in their relationship, how many times have we heard him say “sakin” so it was comforting to see him taking those reigns for a few moments. Also for him to realize that almost all their exchanges had been heightened and fraught with explosive emotions and wanting to talk to her without that. 
Both Eda and Serkan with their eyes filled, brimming with tears really got to me. Serkan not really understanding as his heart took over and tried to make sense of what his confused mind couldn’t. Eda’s complete heartbreak when he still didn’t remember anything. However, though, she might not know it, he certainly felt something.
He’s already so drawn to her and he can’t compute why that is... why he fell in love with her during the time he can’t remember, but he’s slowly starting to see how it could have happened. This was an important scene for bridging that gap between them. So freaking beautiful, one of the best acted scenes of the entire series, and the scene that made this episode worthwhile. 
Anonymous said: if that scene in front of the fireplace made me so emotional and it was just him trying to remember.. trying to recreate that one moment he was flashbacks of... i cant imagine what the actual scene of him remembering will do to me. both their acting in that scene was something else.
Hande and Kerem were both absolutely fantastic in that scene. Really stellar. Their chemistry never disappoints, but here they were both right in the moment, very raw, very real. I’m impressed with the emotional range they both showed, kudos to both. If nothing else this story is giving them a lot to chew on as actors.
Anonymous said:  memory loss doesn't bother me that much if we can have beautiful scenes like the fireplace one. but the main couple is separated again, dating/fake dating other people and they don't have scenes enough to fall in love again
Well they made huge strides in two episodes. From Serkan not willing to even contemplate remembering her, to him sitting down and asking her to tell him a memory of their relationship and saying he wants to know about her and their love. And them having an absolutely beautiful, emotional, heartbreaking moment together. 
Serkan made other leaps as well. He went from wanting Eda out of the business to admitting she had talent and freaking out that she was planning to take a vacation. He was already coming up with every excuse to keep her in town and working. They argued as they did in early days, he had moments that obviously hit him as familiar (”I hate you Serkan Bolat.” “The feeling is mutual, lady.”) plus lemons and crusts. 
Don’t you worry, he’s already falling in love with her again. 
However, I wouldn’t judge what they’re planning too much by this episode. It felt like a transition episode and was pretty unevenly paced. Perhaps the claims of rewrites on this chapter had some truth to them. Because the last 4 episodes were pretty well written, narratively solid, and well paced, and this one was not. It was boring and everything not directly related to a scene where Eda and Serkan were alone was lackluster. 
Also I feel like some things were changed and perhaps removed to make allowances for Hande’s injury. She had a strained neck and was in a brace for almost the entirety of the filming of this episode. For instance, I’m pretty sure they did fewer takes with her in several scenes. Specifically you can tell in the scene where Serkan picks her up and carries her back.
We go no full wide angle shot from the front of him carrying her to match with the scene in episode 5. I’m sure they wanted that, but I’m guessing they really had to limit the takes of him picking her up so they couldn’t do multiple camera set ups.  The still photographer on set was able to capture it from the front, it’s a shame they couldn’t get the full hero shot for the show, but poor thing was injured and these things happen when you shoot on such tight timelines. 
So some of the lack of Edser could have been scenes that were shortened, cut, and amended due to that injury. And others could have been changes in the script perhaps as they figure out if they’re getting another ep order from Fox. 
Anonymous said: idk what they’re doing with Ceren but I really need them to keep Deniz as a genuinely good friend. He’s perfect and I don’t want them to make him sketch. Not sure if you’ve seen OTH but that’s the only other show I’ve seen with a great male-female friendship. Other parts of the show are messy to me right now but I’ve been loving this.
I guess my opinion would be unpopular with you, but I am not as enamored with Deniz as others seem to be.  Dude was putting a LOT of pressure on Eda to move on and forget Serkan. Serkan has been back approximately 3 days! HE ROSE FROM THE DEAD AND HAS AMNESIA. Can the woman have a chance to catch her breath and assess the situation, before her “good friend” is pressuring her every which way to forget him??  And planning romantic getaways under the guise of friendship? That’s not being a friend, that’s being an opportunist, looking for his chance to slide in there. 
So, yeah, I’m not as impressed as most seem to be with Deniz. He made me uncomfortable with that. I hope it was not a harbinger of things to come. 
As for OTH, I haven't really watched, but its a fav or my bud @echoapothecary so she might be willing to discuss that show.
Anonymous said: Any chance they decide to throw Melo and Ferit together? I don't care about any of the other side romances going on but these two still have their rights in my book in regards to Edser and they seem like genuinely people?
Let’s do it, baby! I’m on board They both are genuinely good people, and I’m with you, I don’t care about any of the side romances at the moment. Piril and Engin put me to sleep this episode. 
Ferit certainly deserves better than psycho Selin, but he also deserves better than petulant Ceren. And while her behavior escalated to WTF levels this ep, she’s always leaned a little this way. I think it was episode 18 (because the girls were in the library before Serkan finds Eda there) that Ceren was furious at Ferit all episode and I honest to goodness had no clue why or what he did. 
Anonymous said: at first sçk was about women supporting women and we have one best friend turning against the other FOR A MAN. I'm so disappointed the writers are destroying characters one by one.
No this show has always been about the love story between Eda and Serkan, but it did have some nice female relationships as well. Can I tell you a secret? While I really like the girls dynamic, and hope they don’t destroy Ceren and Eda’s friendship, I really only care about 2 characters, and that’s Eda and Serkan.
So while I get your concern, and Ceren acted OUT OF HER DAMN MIND this episode, if she needs to be a casualty to keep things moving, so be it.  I mean I reserve the right to roll my eyes over it, but I’m not going to get too worked up about it. From the beginning Eda and Serkan were the only two characters that matter and they still are. 
Anonymous said: I'm kinda concerned that they're actually going to say the next episode takes place on Valentines Day because this would be the biggest timeline error yet. I know we've already been suspending belief here after they touched on New Years so quickly but umm, yeah....
I think you have to just give over to the timeline on this show and not do any math or calculations. We already had July to December take approximately 2 months in straight linear storytelling, LMAO.  
Also, if it is valentine’s day and that’s going to be their excuse to give us some actual romance, then I will take it, no complaints. To me that’s one of the easiest things not to be concerned about, because its never going to make sense. I’ll take the holiday themed episodes over strict adherence to the calendar any day. 
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coletteuwu · 4 years
helllo hello hellooooooo~
today i have decided to rank my favourite starkid+tbc musicals :)
now please keep in mind that these are based on my opinions & you have every right to agree/disagree, just don't be a dick to anyone and enjoy
(i havent seen ani, starship nor mamd, so these wont be included here)
#10 The Trail To Oregon!
nothing wrong with it, just not my cup of tea
good idea tho
your wagon is on fiREEE is iconic
humour was inconsistent and overall a bit too childish for my taste
#9 Twisted
this is really controversial, but i practically fell asleep while watching it (maybe because i didnt grow up as a disney fan in a post-communist country)
dylan saunders did an amazing job and i love his singing and he kinda was carrying the whole show (yikes)
costume design was on point tho
also "no one remembers achmed" is one of my fave starkid songs
#8 Holy Musical B@man!
i actually dont have any criticism for hmb, because i think its very well executed and jokes are... good... i guess...
a pretty neutral one, bc the songs were kinda mediocre and so was the humour but i really liked joe walker as batman and nick lang as robin
batman has a cool plane
#7 Black Friday
the new style of the lang brothers is very cool and exciting
the plot was very well written, but it felt a bit,,, rushed?
like they were trying to cram tons of information into one play and for that reason i dont really come back to watch it
and at the same time the pace was a little too slow for my liking?
idk it felt a little off
but characters were iconic, acting was 12/10 (especially joey, lauren and dylan)
#6 Solve It Squad
comedy was well timed and relevant
brosenthal's scene where he plays all the hotel staff just left me like this -> :o
one of joey's best roles
lauren too
the thing is, initially i wanted to put all the avp parts together but that would have been hard to catch so i guess we're doing this
t h e s o n g s (❤️❤️❤️❤️)
AJ delivers such a good lockhart
joey's sidekick is just mwah
the songs are just so fcking good ahh
they got the real luna!
really emotional
the best ending to the trilogy
in the middle i kinda skipped some scenes bc i got a little carried away
but the ending is just so GOOD
everything has an end.... (i cried a lot guys)
jeff's spider was i m m a c u l a t e
both brians & joe walker 😳❤️
i didnt like the scripts for the first 10 seconds but then after that i didnt even notice them
one of the best intros in starkid (if we cannot move forward, why shouldn't we move back? gives me chills everytime)
lucius malfoy is so hot and terrifying at the same time idk if im scared or turned on
story was a little inconsistent and i missed quirrell and the lack of brian rosenthal, but thats okay i can settle for a seamus finnigan
ron is canonically bicurious????
comedy on point
the best soundtracks in starkid, come @ me im not scared to fight
like for real who wrote the music i just wanna hug them and give them every penny i got to work with them
#3 The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals
lets get the criticism out of the way first
i see that they tried to write the music in the same theme, but some songs were repetitive and jeff's falsetto screaming kinda got boring
not your seed is not that good of a song
corey got me in the fEELS
joey's homeless man was iconic
first i didnt like paul's acting but it grew on me and now i love it
the best written starkid show :)
comedy was, again, relevant and well timed
overall, i loved the simplicity of the design
prof. hidgens = hips™
i may be biased bc of nostalgia and bc it was the first starkid musical i ever saw but idc
not that well written, but its just so damn entertaining
different as can be is just chef's kiss
the chemistry between brian and joe is so good
*soft boi brian in a jail dress with a fist in his mouth*
everything just started from there
red vines
snape <3
a gift that is lauren lopez as malfoy
the funniest starkid show idcidc
i was a huge potterhead growing up and hp is so important to my life -> thats why the avp trilogy means so much to me
#1 Spies Are Forever
i saw it recently and im mad i didnt watch it earlier
joey is so hot with a british accent
the history behind all of the show just makes it so good, 1950-60 was the scariest time to be gay and it portrays everything about living in the shadows of the cold war perfectly
choreo on point (thank you lauren)
mary kate as tatiana is very dangerous for my weak bi heart
good music
i really like spy movies so
the whole ordeal that is baron von nazi played by brian rosenthal, a jew
wizz waffle fries
glitter waka waka
i just really love brian rosenthal
the ending :'((((((
torture tango and one step ahead = thats some good shit
joe walker as deadliest man alive oh boy oh boy let me tell you about how much of a latte hottay he is in saf
i LOVE that tati and curt are in a platonic relationship, it just throws the stereotypes out of the window
the whole scene where joey and curt fight
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another-sonic-blog · 4 years
Here's a request! Whats your list of personal/what you think are the best shadamy fics to read? And your reasonings why? Again love your work! ♡ (i literally redownloaded wattpad after 5 years of staying away just to read your ff 😳😅)
Thank you so much! I am really happy that you like my work, I am honored ... Thank you!
Alright before I start this list, I will be making a few disclaimers.
I. Honestly, I don't have a favorite ShadAmy fanfiction. I've read a lot of it but I usually drop the story for the following reasons. (Opinion based)
-The story plot is the same as other fics. (Ex. Amy gets lost after chasing Sonic and rejecting her, Shadow gets there. He saves her, Amy dates Shadow. Sonic is jealous and loves Amy and blah blah blah)
-They depict Sonic as a jerk.
It's ok to have a different interpretation of a character, but it really gets uncomfortable when a friendly character like Sonic starts screaming and even punching Amy.
-Over-sexualization of characters. It's ok if there's sexual tension, it's normal in teens. However, explicitly writing sex scenes with characters that are made for kids it's a no for me.
-Writing Amy as suicidal. This one just hits home too much. It makes me uncomfortable sometimes to read about a character I relate to being depressed and suicidal because it reminds me of dark times in my life.
-Shadow being a complete jerk and having an abusive relationship with Amy. This is a big NO for me. Romanticizing toxic relationships is wrong and shouldn't be accepted.
-There is more I don’t like. Shadow bullying Amy or Shadow keeping Amy as captive. Shadow being abusive towards Amy and her falling in love with him even when Shadow keeps mistreating her. And other cliches in the ShadAmy fanfiction I don't like.
II. I am a fanfic writer. However, the one criticizing the following works would be me, as a reader. If I say any 'negative' comments, it doesn't mean I do it better nor it means I am better than them. The one analyzing their work is the reader, the one who consumes their content.
And because I don't really have a lot of fics to share with you, I will be sharing a few comics I enjoyed reading a lot!
Let's start!
3.Scripted Romance by BitterKiss 
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13210221/1/Scripted-Romance 
Alright, this story is good maybe because I have something for comedy romance. This story is a Sonic Boom!AU where our main cast are actors for the Sonic Boom TV series. There is a heavy tension between Amy and Shadow where everyone notices but them. Amy and Shadow have a pretty good friendship and chemistry which is refreshing. Shadow likes Amy and its fun to read how he fails every time he attempts to get closer to her. I can't honestly say much about the story because although the writing it's good, there are only five chapters and there's not much to criticize nor analyze. (Which is not a bad thing, every writer has the time to take the time they need to write.)
2.One Hundred Moments by Laineybug04
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13153102/1/One-Hundred-Moments
This story makes me sad but not in a bad way. Ten good written chapters with good quality and extremely good character development. Some stories have the mistake of rushing relationships but in this story, they take it nice and slow. Not so slow that there is no development and not so rushed that their relationship looks fake. The story has a Romeo and Juliet premise. Two hedgehogs who want to be together but can't because their friends think they will betray their own responsibilities. It's really good to see Shadow doing things he wouldn't normally do just to please Amy. It's great to see Amy being vulnerable with Shadow. Not only that but it's great to see how other characters react to their friendship. Rouge may be a bit too overwhelming since at this point she is the main one who tries to separate them. Although I think her reasons may not be the most valid, they are reasonable. This story is beyond entertaining and in only ten chapters, the writer was able to create a growing friendship and romance that will leave you wanting to read more!
1.Team Dark's Rose by Nothin’Fancy
Link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13221856/1/Team-Dark-s-Rose
What can I say? There are only two 'negative’ things I can say about this story.
One. Rouge and especially Shadow may be too mean to Amy. However, everyone has their own character interpretation. The writer is free to do whatever they want to do with such character as long as that leads to development.  
There is a fine line between a character teasing, showing they dislike another character and being abusive.
The writer does not cross this line and I am sure they are aware of the difference.
I honestly can't wait to see how the writer develops Team Dark and how they start to open up to Amy. It's going to be really nice to see the characters realizing their mistakes and misjudgment towards Amy.
Second, the story only has seven chapters so far.
Seven chapters filled with character analyzation and world-building.
The premise of this story is "What if Amy joined Team Dark?" Although it sounds simple, it's far from that. The writer really takes the time to develop each character and explain the reasons behind their actions. Each character is equally important. Although the protagonist of this story is Amy; the story, in reality, is about Team Dark trying to accept Amy.
There are two main conflicts in the story. External and internal conflicts and to create a good story, you need both. In this story it goes like this. External: GU.N.'s discrimination towards Team Dark. Internal: Team Dark's denial of accepting Amy. Of their disliking and even jealousy towards her.
The ShadAmy is there but right now it's slowly developing. If you want a story that it's more focused on their relationship then I recommend reading the first two stories I mentioned earlier.
Damn, I write too much, the reviews for the following comics will be shorter.
3.Love & Life by Cardonanavas.
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/cardonanavas/art/L-L-Family-page-1-279994522 
Have you ever wonder what would be the life of Shadow and Amy as a family?
The story develops after 'Just a ShadAmy comic' (Which I recommend as well, but in my opinion, the sequel is better than the first comic)
Here we see the still developing relationship of Shadow and Amy. After three years of dating, Amy is ready to take the next step as she feels like her time is running out (Because she is sick) Shadow, however, doesn't like the idea of having a baby of his own with the thought he might become a weapon. Shadow is unaware of Amy's sickness until one day ...
Shadow will go the impossible to have a normal life with Amy but the story is not only about that. It's much more! Drama, mystery, comedy. It's everything!
Right now, the comic is in progress but still, it's totally worth a read!
2.ShadAmy comic by Zketcherz
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/zketcherz/art/Shadamy-comic-pg-1-717180957 
This comic is in progress but it's still extremely good! Amy and Shadow are relatable characters and they are slowly developing. So far, there's not much ShadAmy but the interactions they have are really good and they are not over the top. There are no overly convenient romance cliches and the situations they are put in are realistic and they react well according to it.
I can argue, however, that I don't agree with how Shadow reacts later on the story. I can't say much about this simply because that would be spoiling you an important part of the plot.
1.Shadow the Hedgehog by 0Carkki0
Link: https://www.deviantart.com/0carkki0/art/Shadow-The-Hedgehog-25822745
I have nothing to say about this. The only bad thing about this comic is that it's incomplete and it will probably never be finished. However ... there are 208 pages! 208 pages filled with greatness. There is no 'love' but there is a lot of teasing and kissing.
I won't say anything about the plot, do yourself a favor and just read!
With this, I conclude my list. I hope you enjoyed it! Once again, thank you so much for reading my stories and I hope I gave you other stories you can enjoy as well. Sorry if my answer is too long, but believe me this is the shortest I could do. These stories are great and I strongly recommend reading them!
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vampiremeerkat · 4 years
Steven Universe is finally over. Did you see the final episodes? If so, what are your thoughts on the finale? Also, now that it is over, what are your thoughts on the series as a whole?
I’ve seen everything. The overall story was good, but the later seasons were a drag and Future’s a damn downer. Its ending was not what I wanted for Steven. I liked his internal struggles, but this constant sad mood the episodes slipped into.. Steven Universe is still supposed to be a show for children, is it not? There was very little light-heartedness in Future. I guess a happy ending wouldn’t be a natural conclusion to the life of someone like Steven, but Future wasn’t at all what the movie hinted at would happen next.I recall Steven determinedly saying something along the lines that there’d always be more enemies to fight, whereafter he came down singing from a set of stairs in a pink feathered suit; and fans assumed that meant more cool gems would show up that were wronged by Pink Diamond. But there was nothing. Just Steven himself. Which is an awesome twist, but feels like a script that was conceived later in time.Steven’s decision to leave everything behind, at his young age, is the main thing I didn’t like about Future. I expected him to meet/move into his grandparents’ home and go to school, perhaps. Attempt this average human life he always wished for -it’s not even too late for that- but not to cut himself off from everyone like this.How does Steven even have the money to travel and go live somewhere by himself? He’s 16 and never had a paid job. Leeching off of his rich father, then? Very independent, or is he going to take the risk he’ll be starving at the side of the road? Magic up some fruit trees for himself? Can he show off his powers; is the gem race a globally known fact who’s scary space ships NASA allows to approach the Earth’s crust? Is there a NASA? Are there even that many cities for Steven to visit after gems came to slaughter the Earth? Can a social butterfly like him be alone to begin with?He deserves a normal life, not to be kicked out into the wilderness and just do whatever. I’m not happy for him, even if he’s written to want this, and the whole town to support it.I’m also unsure what it was that brought monster Steven back to his senses. The characters tried to reach out to him multiple times, but he kept pushing them away, then at the climax we’re shown that the solution’s apparently.. the same forking thing, but forcing a hug into it too. Confusing. The self-corruption element is also something I’m sure the series will never explain, so why did they make Steven turn into a cute Godzilla if there’s a scarier monster he could’ve turned into? I thought the original, early days Pink Diamond was going to get reborn into his body or something, that would’ve been interesting.Anyway, I have many specific moments to pick out and criticize in full detail, but I’ve ranted enough. The problems I have with Future and the cartoon as a whole boils down to this:
Too many side stories with no continuation.
World building is lacking. Many things still need an explanation to how they came to be or why it’s like this in the first place.
The insertion of new characters that only appear for one episode, maybe a full minute in total, while they’re presented as being a big enough deal to have changed a more established character.
Characters that were of (some) importance in the previous seasons are now background filling.
The world of Steven Universe still thinks Sadie is a good singer and deserves a band and fame.
Failing to make Lars interesting, while having the means to.
Forcing episodes that revolve around the tight bond Steven and Connie supposedly have, which brings down the overall story, as it needs and expects the audience to care. They’re the most boring couple in fiction and have no chemistry;
Connie makes little appearances, has no distinguishable personality, and is often gone doing something else that has nothing to do with Steven or the current plot. Go cut your hair and do your homework some more, Connie, super exciting.
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anonbebe97me · 4 years
𝕊𝕥𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕘𝕤. (BTS Reactions ||Maknae Line)
A/N: So, I had previously posted this on my separate BTS blog (@anonarmy97​) but I’ve decided to just merge both blogs. I’ll still be writing for Monsta X of course, just trying something new- hope you enjoy!
Prompt: You’ve been sleeping together for months, and you both swore it was only sex. But, when something that was supposed to be primal and indulgent, turns into love, you can’t hold it in anymore…you just hope he’ll feel the same way.
DISCLAIMER:  No smut, but is suggestive.
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1.) Jimin
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You sit up, hair disheveled and matted upwards against the bed frame as you lean back, eyes low while you watch him dress. 
He’s so beautiful. 
“Keep looking at me like that and I’ll never fucking leave this place,” He chuckles, walking over to sit by you so he can put on his shoes.
You smile softly, “Would that be such a bad thing?”
He bites his plump, pink bottom lip, stifling a smile, “You just can’t get enough of me, can you?”
You laugh, “Get over yourself.”
“I can’t, I’m always under you,” He smirks.
You lightly smack his arm, a wide smile on your face, “You’re so snarky. That’s unattractive, you know.”
He leans over so that he’s talking close to your face, “And you love that shit.”
He meets your lips with his own, pressing gently as he cups your face with his hand. 
You feel the butterflies again, and it’s not lost on you how rapidly your heart is racing in your bare chest. 
“Mm…Y/N, you’re killing me,” He groans, pulling away lightly. His breathing is uneven again, eyes low as he stares down at your lips.
“Stay with me,” You say, nuzzling his nose with yours, “Please.”
“I wish I could, beautiful…” His smile just makes you want to wrap your entire body around his, if only to keep him from leaving.
He gets up and fixes his collar, “Alright, I’m off to work,” He says, making his way to the door.
“Yeah?” He asks, looking toward you before he reaches for the handle.
“I love you.”
You’re slightly surprised at yourself, wondering where in the hell those words just came from,
but he doesn’t seem to miss a beat, 
“I’ll be back later, beautiful.”
2.) Taehyung
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You’re entangled in each other’s arms, much like you have been before.
This became a common occurrence after sex, maybe about six months ago. 
You’d unwind from the *ahem* hard work by just talking or joking around together,
though tonight, it’s oddly quiet.
“You okay, Tae?” You ask, craning your neck upwards to look at him.
You’re a bit surprised to find that he’s already looking at you.
He nods, running a lock of your hair through his fingertips, “Yeah, I’m just…kinda lost in my thoughts, I guess…” 
“…anything you wanna share with the class?” You ask, raising an eyebrow.
He smiles back, though it doesn’t quite seem to reach his eyes. 
“Tae, what’s wrong?” You ask, propping yourself up on one arm to better look at him, “You’re all…distant.”
He looks up at you with those beautiful, brown puppy eyes, and it practically melts your heart, 
“Talk to me. Please.”
He turns onto his back so that he’s staring up at the ceiling, “I feel like…if I say what’s on my mind right now, it’s gonna…change things.”
“Change things?” You ask, confused.
He nods wordlessly.
“Tae, come on. We’ve known each other for years; I’m sure whatever you say, won’t be able to change the way I-” You catch yourself mid-sentence, and immediately switch to ‘clean up’ mode,
“I mean- it won’t change…anything.”
He seems not to have noticed your slip up, “I need you to promise me that, if I say it, you won’t run away…”
Your heart picks up a bit, and you’re feeling uneasy. 
“Did- did you like…kill anyone or something?” You ask, only half-joking.
He snorts, “No, what the fuck?” 
His laugh eases the tension, and you’re able to relax a bit, “Okay then. Go on.”
His smile fades, and he sits up, turning his body toward you.
Instinctively, you sit up as well, hugging your torso so that your breasts aren’t as exposed- though it’s not like he didn’t have his mouth all over them only fifteen minutes ago.
His eyes are low, and he can’t even bring himself to look up at you as he begins speaking, “Y/N… I think you’re the most beautiful girl in the world, and I actually really enjoy the time I spend with you, you know that right?”
You tilt your head, “Uhm, yeah. I know,” You snort, motioning to the destroyed state your bedroom is in, from just how much you’d been enjoying your time together.
He shakes his head,
 “No, Y/N. I mean more than just the sex. I mean like, even those days when we’re not all over each other. 
I mean those days when we go to the record shop, or the arcade-
hell, even to the fucking grocery store,” He laughs, still not making eye contact with you.”
You’re still trying to figure out where he’s going with this.
“Every second I’m spending with you, is just another step closer I am to-to…” He swallows, 
“To breaking the rule.”
You furrow your brows, “The rule?”
He finally looks up at you, lips pulled tightly together, 
“Y/N, I think I’m falling in love with you.”
You blink, taking in and processing his words, and when you take too long to respond, he finds himself fidgeting a bit, 
“I get it if that’s too much for you. I know we said that this was just sex, and I understand if that’s all you want, but if it is, then…” His heart is breaking as he continues,
“Then we need to end it. For my sake. Because if not, I’m just going to get hurt-”
Before he can even register what it is you’re doing, you’re lunging at him, toppling him over onto his back, mouth crashing into his.
Without breaking the kiss, one of his arms wraps around your waist, while the other comes up to rest on the back of your neck, pressing you even closer against himself. 
You part your lips, “Taehyung…” 
He kisses you once more, before pulling away to look at you, “What?”
“I have always loved you.”
3.) Jungkook
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His lips graze the sensitive skin of your neck, making you quiver involuntarily. Your eyes are close, but your imagination does well in portraying what you assume he looks like right now;
Hungry. For you.
His fingertips dance on your stomach, traveling further and further down to your waistband.
“Jungkook,” You say breathlessly, biting your bottom lip, both in complete bliss and nervousness.
He licks a stripe up to your jaw, before pulling away slightly,
“What’s up, baby?” He asks, before resuming his task.
You can hardly focus as you feel a large hand cup your barely clothed breast,
“I-I need to talk to you about something,” You say.
“Mm…” He nips lightly at your earlobe, “Can it wait?”
His question brings you to your senses, and you gently rest a hand on his chest, “No, it-it can’t.”
He looks up at you, quite out of breath himself.
When he sees your serious expression, he props himself up on his elbow, “What-what’s wrong?” 
You shake your head lightly, “No- nothing’s wrong…” You give him a small smile and let out a deep breath, “Actually- everything’s kind of perfect…”
“Great- then…why’d we stop?” He asks, chuckling a bit,
You take in his beautiful, bunny smile, and your heart feels so at ease as you finally say what’s been on your heart for so long,
“I love you.”
You and him are so incredibly compatible; you share so many of the same passions, humor- not to mention, the physical chemistry that you’ve had from the very first time you met.
You both just makes sense.
Why, then…is he looking at you like this?
“J-Jungkook?” You ask, confusion written all over your face.
“Why are you doing this?” He asks, his mouth in a tight line.
“What?” You furrow your brows, “Doing what?”
“Ruining things.”
His words make your heart stink.
Have you been misreading things?
“Wait- I- Ruining things? How am I ruining them?” You ask. 
“I told you. I told you what I wanted from the first night we met.”
You’re at a complete loss as he gets up from the bed, running his hands down his face exasperatedly.
“Damn it, Y/N.” He yanks his shirt off of the floor where he’d flung it only minutes before.
“Are you…leaving?” You ask, voice shrinking.
“Yeah, I’m leaving.” He can’t even look at you, 
“This- this wasn’t supposed to happen. We agreed, Y/N. We agreed that this could only ever be what it is. I told you this. Did I not?” He struggles to button his shirt.
“Jungkook, I- I thought we were both feeling the same way. I didn’t- I wouldn’t have said anything if I thought it would ruin this-”
“Yeah, well, it did,” He says, his voice finally dropping, his anger suddenly leaving him, leaving a strange feeling in its place.
He sits on the edge of the bed, his back to you as he leans forward, putting his face in his hands, 
“It did ruin things…” His voice comes out much like yours,
“I needed this. I needed you. I needed things to stay like this, at least for a little while longer, Y/N…. why couldn’t you have just given me a little while longer?” He asks, a certain bitterness to his tone.
Your mouth hangs agape as you process what he’s saying, “A-a little while longer?”
He doesn’t react.
“’The fuck does that mean, Jungkook? A little while longer? What, so you were just going to use me and then toss me aside?” You ask, your heart starting to race.
When he finally turns to you, his eyes are soft, broken,
“Don’t even pretend like that wasn’t your plan from the beginning, Y/N. You don’t get to make me the fucking villain. We both agreed to this. 
I told you what’s expected of me. I told you my situation, and I told you about what I could and could not offer, and you accepted,” He snaps, getting up from your bed,
“So, you don’t get to flip the fucking script on me and make me the bad guy.”
Before you know it, tears are streaming down your face; angry, bitter, hurt tears.
He’s utterly shattered your heart in a matter of two minutes.
His mouth falls open, and you instantly see the regret in his face,
“Y/N. Y/N, don’t cry. Please. Don’t-”
“Well fuck me then, right? How dare I fall for you. How dare I see something good in you that actually makes me want more than just a late night fuck,”
 You jump out of bed, grabbing your t-shirt from the nightstand and pulling it quickly over your head before walking over to the bedroom door, opening it wide, 
“Get out.”
“I said get the fuck out of my room.”
After only a moment of staring at you in disbelief, he finally walks out; face completely fallen, much like the shattered pieces of your soul.
It isn’t until you hear that click of the front door, that you’re leaning against the wall, bawling your eyes out in your hands.
And that’s it for the Maknae line! Hope you enjoyed!
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rosalind-of-arden · 4 years
Sword and Pen Reread, chapter 11
Oh shit it’s the Annis chapter. There will be tears.
For the ephemera, we have a letter from the Archivist of the Library of Pergamum to the Archivist of the Great Library. They consider each other rivals. This fits with real history, it looks like. What does it not fit with? The story Jess tells in Ash and Quill. In Jess’s story, the Library of Pergamum was a rival to the Great Library “in the early days”, but by the time the Romans came along to try and loot it, Pergamum was a Serapeum of the Great Library. Here’s another of those little inconsistencies suggesting that what we know of Library history is very heavy on the propaganda.
Eskander can sense Obscurists leaving the Iron Tower even if they aren’t wearing collars. Most stuff Obscurists can do, at least very powerful ones. 
Annis hates her collar but also feels uncomfortable without it. Probably a very common feeling among Obscurists.
“Don’t tell her I said she wasn’t fluent.” There’s just... so much relationship in this line, and I am incredibly sad that canon does not allow for Eskander/Annis to become a thing.
Language stuff: There is a text essential to understanding Heron’s Poseidon automaton that is written in Assyrian. Why not Greek?
Annis is literate in Assyrian. I feel like knowledge of obscure languages would be a popular thing in the Iron Tower. WTF else is there to do but learn languages to read more stuff?
Now, Eskander just said he’d know if Annis left the Iron Tower... but he can’t locate her. Is it that locating a person that precisely is impossible? Or is this our first hint that she’s dead? Obscurist powers work with life energy, so a dead person might be impossible to find. Eskander is exhausted and busy, and when he can’t detect Annis right away, he decides it isn’t worth the trouble when Morgan can just go look. It’s probably hard to pick one person out of a tower full of people. The guilt he must feel after this. That irritability might even be covering a bit of denial: he should be able to track her, he can’t, that’s not good, but he’ll assume it’s just that he’s tired and it’s difficult.
“He’d spent too many years a hermit to gladly bear regular interruptions.” Eskander trauma effects here.
Like Khalila, Eskander has set up in an old storeroom.
Obscurists Magni. Must remember this is the plural.
ANNIS! *cries* @eli-wray had some good thoughts on the narrative value of this death in their excellent reread post that I am failing at finding on this hellsite. I’ll just add that Caine didn’t kill many (named) characters in this book. Instead, she made a small number of deaths really count. Annis was one of the few remaining side characters who was genuinely likable, and it hurts to see her die.
Obscurist power can change doors into walls. Morgan can feel this happening. It takes “expert manipulation of quintessence, and prewritten formulae” to do this. Must eventually try to work out differences in what can and can’t be done without writing out formulae.
Morgan is just so shaken in this scene. She’s struggling to accept the reality of what’s happened, and she isn’t thinking effectively. If Annis is tied to a post and dead, what are the chances she still has her knife, Morgan? That’s how hard Morgan’s brain is fighting against acceptance.
Morgan can immediately sense when a Codex has been tampered with. Because she’s made her own untraceable, too.
The ex-Archivist had distinctively “eccentric” loops in his handwriting. Also, Gregory apparently used to wave orders from the Archivist around a lot when threatening Morgan - good to know for canon gap fic.
More Eskander trauma effects: he doesn’t always answer his Codex. Why would he? He isn’t used to people talking to him and might even have some anxiety about answering.
And that gets me thinking. Who else doesn’t always answer his Codex? Thomas. Who also only very recently got out of solitary confinement.
Magic ring can transmute a gun into its component parts and put up a protective field around Morgan. It can throw people back hard enough to knock them out. But Gargi only will do this when Morgan can’t handle the fight on her own.
Evil Obscurists used silencing spells to stay hidden.
Canon gap fic I want to see: Annis investigating the ex-Archivist’s conspirators in the tower. Even knowing it ends badly, it would be nice to see Annis have her badass spy moment.
Eskander’s Translation is loud. I don’t think Translation is described as loud anywhere else. He was able to Translate in right in front of Morgan, which means he could locate her.
Eskander is better at undoing other Obscurists’ work than Morgan. She can’t even figure out how he gets the silencing effect off.
More magic ring powers: altering air density to block bullets.
Ring pulls power “from the walls of the Iron Tower, from the generations of powerful Obscurists who had been born, lived, worked, and died here.” Confirmation that the Tower is drawing energy from the Obscurists, sounds like.
Eskander has had worse injuries than this gunshot in his youth.
Eskander-Santi parallels: guilt because they trusted someone for an important job and were betrayed, resulting in the death of an important person. Eskander assigned one of the traitors to investigate the tampering with the automata.
Morgan-Khalila parallels: as adults are injured/killed or turn out to be untrustworthy, they keep stepping up to higher positions of authority.
Morgan directs people to get Eskander to a Medica. Morgan is used to taking care of her adopted family and knows they will be dumbasses and not take care of themselves.
Iron Tower layout: 4th floor is for automata control. Staffed by 50, “working constantly on monitoring and rewriting commands.” Always this busy? Or is it because this is a crisis?
Sergeant Mwangi - Morgan’s new guard, someone to bring back post canon?
Chowdry and Salk. Obscurists Morgan trusts enough to work with her on the automata. How does she know them? Met during canon gaps in Smoke and Iron? Annis’s friends/partners?
Things a mirrored book can do, at least for an Obscurist: rearrange information according to requested criteria, overlay text for comparison, flag items with a verification code.
Signs that Morgan is not ok: mentally, she’s so absorbed in working on the automata that she can’t even parse the sound of screaming.
Multiple companies are responding to the Iron Tower attack. That’s how important it is.
Mwangi makes the critical mistake of telling Morgan not to do something. We all know how Morgan reacts to that sort of thing.
More shit Morgan can do: rearrange the chemistry of Greek fire to make it harmless. 
Oh look, the ex-Archivist plots to burn something important to the Library and Morgan risks herself to stop things from burning. Hello foreshadowing.
Iron Tower has a central open space.
Artifex forges are enhanced with scripts to make fire burn hotter.
Vanya Nikolin, the ringleader of the traitor Obscurists, used to do favors for Gregory. He was someone both Morgan and Eskander trusted. Probably acts like just an all around nice guy? Really, did either of them have enough experience with the other Obscurists to know who to trust? Annis might have been able to help them a bit in that area, but still.
Vanya has removed his collar and bugged out, heading for the Tomb of Heron.
What I didn’t see in this chapter? Energy vampire Morgan. Either the ring has fixed her, Eskander fixed her again, or she’s just gotten so damned used to the gnawing need for power that she barely notices it anymore. She’s exhausted, she’s having trouble focusing and processing information, but she’s not fighting compulsions to drain people.
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littledreamybeth · 5 years
My young lover
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A/N: This imagine is for entertainment purposes only and has no relation to reality!! This is pure fiction and is not going to be real so be warned!! 
Summary: Y/N is too young and Harry is too old (requested)
How could a person’s beauty be so out of this world yet so real? How could a person be unimaginably gorgeous- as if they were carved by goddess Aphrodite with such perfection and without any flaws? How could someone’s character be filled with so much kindness, gentleness and purity that everybody who spoke a word with them instantly became infatuated with that person? How could someone ignite a hell of a firework inside your body by just touching you or by kissing you? And lastly, how could a person make you fall in love with them so hard that even the single thought of having to live without them makes you instantly go insane?  
Harry always wondered what he did to deserve his girlfriend whenever he spared a glance at her.
Just like now. She was peacefully sleeping beside him, giving him the opportunity to observe the sweet creature lying in his arms. The afterglow of their previous love making was attached on her. The corners of his mouth rose, forming a gentle smile. Harry lifted his hand to carefully drive his fingertips over her soft cheek. Immediate warmth engulfed them.
He had his other arm protectively draped over her small frame as if he was afraid that she would disappear into thin air should he let go. And it was the last thing he needed. Pressing a tender kiss on her forehead, he continued looking at her. His eyes reflected nothing but awe for this young beauty.
Recalling his memories, Harry found himself back at the moment they have met.
On that special morning, he remembered, he had got hold of a role for another movie. Being in the studio for years and producing music was surely something he loved from the bottom of his heart, however, he tried to be open for other things as well. So, he had decided to boost up his acting career a bit more and had auditioned for a character in a new movie. To read the script in peace and memorize his lines, he had walked into a coffee shop he had only heard good things about and that many of his friends had recommended.  
He had entered the shop and watched out for a seat somewhere in the back. There had barely been any customer at that hour for his advantage. While waiting for someone to take his order, he had flipped through the pages of the script. Until he had heard the most endearing voice his ears had been blessed with. His heart had miraculously skipped a beat to the unfamiliar new sound.
“Welcome to the Coffee Club, sir. What’s your order?”
When Harry had lifted his head up to make eye contact, his eyeballs nearly fell out of their places. Right in front of him, there was standing the most beautiful young woman he had ever seen. She seemed to recognize him too because she had looked at him as if she couldn’t believe that Harry Styles was sitting in front of her, in the coffee shop she was working at. But then, she had shot him the cutest smile ever.
“What a lovely surprise, Mr. Styles!” she had said. “It is very lovely to see you at our coffee shop!”
Harry had just nodded with his head. He had been too overwhelmed with how wonderful she looked. From the tag attached on her uniform, he could read that her name was Y/N. Beautiful name.
“Can I take your order already?”
She had taken a piece of paper and pen out of the front pocket of the bordeaux apron she was wearing and had looked at him expectantly.
Harry, hoping that he hadn’t made a fool of himself by openly staring at her, had taken a glance at the menu lying on the small table. “I’d like to have a… an Espresso.”
The young woman had noted his order. “Alright. Anything else?”
“A strawberry cheesecake would be lovely.” Why had he been so nervous while talking to her? He normally had never felt like this when he had spoken to beautiful women.
“An Espresso and a delicious strawberry cheesecake for Mr. Styles,” she had concluded before she had shot another smile at his direction and then had gone back to the front to get his order ready. Harry’s eyes had followed every step of hers until she had been out of sight. The minutes before she returned had been passing agonizingly slow. He couldn’t even concentrate on his script now that his thoughts were full of the young woman and her breathtaking smile. Speaking of love at the first sight, Harry had really believed it just happened to him.
And it had proven him right when Y/N had come back with a cup of his Espresso and a plate with his cake. His heart had beat like crazy. The young waitress had placed his coffee on the table and their fingertips had touched when Y/N had handed the small plate over to him, leaving a prickling sensation at those spots. Harry could feel his cheeks reddening and had hoped she couldn’t see it.
“There we go,” she had said. “I hope you’ll like them. If there is anything you want, please make sure to tell me. My name is Y/N by the way.” Harry was going to answer but she was already gone, leaving him a little disappointed. He had really hoped to be engaged in a conversation with her.
His wish was granted only when his cup was empty and all of his cheesecake was eaten.
“Did you enjoy?”  A sudden voice had attracted his attention. There she had been again.
“Yes, yes of course. All of these were delicious. I think this place is going to be one of my favorites from now on,” he had confessed.
“That’s a nice compliment, Mr. Styles. I’m happy to hear that. And our coffee shop would love to see you more often.”
“Please, it’s just Harry. Mr. Styles makes me feel very old.”
“Okay. May I say that you look quite young for a man who’s just hit his forties? And very handsome also,” Y/N had commented.
Harry knew he must have looked like a tomato by now. Shouldn’t the roles be reversed?
“Thanks darling. It’s good to hear that I’m still attractive despite the white strands of hair I’m having on the sides of my head.”
“No worries, they suit you.”
“You’re quite pretty yourself, Y/N,” Harry had remarked with honestly supporting his statement. Y/N laughed happily at him.
“Yeah, I hear that quite often.”
“Is that so?” the man asked, “Do guys always flirt with you?” Harry fiddled with his fingers. He wondered if she even had a boyfriend. If that was the case, then lord help him.
“Sometimes they do, but they’re not really my type, y’know?” She shrugged with her shoulders.
“What is your type then?”
“Hmm, I dunno. 40 year old attractive superstars maybe?” Okay, she tried to flirt with him, at least that’s what Harry was hoping. And it didn’t look like she was committed to someone either.
“Are you talking about me, love?”  he had grinned cheekily at her, his dimple popping to the surface.
“Maybe I do, who knows?” That girl was about to make him go crazy. “What are you reading, anyway?” She had pointed at the script.
“Oh that’s- that’s a new project of mine.”
“Are you going to star in a movie? What’s its name?” She had made an impression as if she was very excited.
“Sorry, love. It’s confidential. I can’t tell you yet.”
“That’s totally fine. I understand. But whatever it is, I can’t wait to watch it.”
“You would do that?” Curiosity was written all across his face.
“Of course, I would. I’ve seen ICarly and Dunkirk back in the days, and you were fabulous in them, so I’m exited that you give another shot to your acting abilities.”
“Wow, thank you very much. I really appreciate it.”
Their conversation led from one to another and before they knew, they had talked as much as possible and as much as Y/N’s schedule had allowed her. Their chemistry had instantly clicked. After that day, Harry found himself at the Coffee Club almost every day of the week. He had to see her, he had to get to know her- damn, he had to have her. He knew exactly that he was behaving like a sick boy in love, but he couldn’t let it go. Y/N had awakened feelings inside him he never knew he could feel. But on some days, he left the shop as soon as he entered it because his crush wasn’t there.
How funny- while many women were chasing after him, he was falling for a college student who was working as a waitress to pay her loans. She was different than any other woman he had dated, that’s for sure. She wasn’t a model or actress- she was just an ordinary girl, and Harry loved it.
They’d began to meet each other frequently, even outside the coffee shop. Whether it be breakfast at the baker’s shop or dinner at Harry’s favorite restaurant, whether it be having a walk for hours or movie nights at one of their places. Both of them knew they felt something for each other, but they had been afraid to address the elephant in the room. Their age.
Y/N was definitely too young for Harry. She was just 20 years old.
There had been times where Harry had been ashamed to gush over a college girl who was 20 years younger than him. But the more he saw her, the more he longed for her, and it had almost been impossible to resist the urge to stay away from her. She was like a drug he couldn’t take his hands from and whom he was heavily addicted to. Y/N brought him a sense of euphoria each time he had a taste of her. With her, Harry felt as if he was back in his 20s. She made him feel younger than he truly was.
The feelings had been too strong to ignore, and finally they had made Harry explode.
“I know what we have isn’t actually normal to society and I should keep myself away from you, but believe me love, I can’t. Y/N, you’re so special to me that the mere thought of not having you by my side kills me. I’ve tried to deny my feelings for you, I’ve tried to be just a friend to you, but you’ve already had my heart the first time we met. I’m an old man who is in love with you and I would do anything to call you mine. So please, will you give me a chance?”
His hands had cupped her cheeks firmly yet gently between his palms as he looked at her with vulnerability and sincerity mirrored in his eyes. Tiny snow flakes were falling from the sky down to the ground, covering everything around them in white. Just like in romantic movies, they were standing on a bridge with a large river underneath, Harry confessing his love to her and waiting for her answer. With a single reply she could either make him the happiest man on earth or crush his heart into a pile of broken pieces.
“Harry…” she had mumbled under her breath. Seeing the tears in his eyes, she could sense how much everything must’ve affected him. “This isn’t indeed very normal, but you can’t decide who you love, do you? Your heart does it for you, just as mine did for me. I see no one but you wherever I go. When I see something I like, my first instinct is to ask you what you would think about it. Every time when I go to bed and when I wake up in the morning, it’s you I think about. You’ve made me absolutely smitten with you and I would probably do the biggest mistake if I let you go. So, let’s keep it to ourselves so that we can love each other in peace.”
That had been the only confirmation that Harry had needed before he had brought their lips together and had kissed her feverishly. From that very moment, he was a taken man. But to the public, he was still single. It was extremely hard to dodge the question of whether he was in a relationship when the truth was that he had a girlfriend. Harry, sometimes, was like an open book. Especially close friends could tell when he was lying.
Harry still insisted that he hadn’t met anyone when the love bites on his neck showed otherwise. He tried to make everyone believe that those were just ‘mosquito bites’. Not the most believable excuse.
If there was anything Harry felt guilty about is to hide his relationship from his family. He would’ve loved to introduce Y/N to them and telling them that she was the reason why he was so happy like he had never been before. After one failed marriage and a couple of relationships, Harry had fear he wouldn’t find anyone who was going to be his ‘forever’ anymore. He would’ve liked to have a woman to refer to as his wife and he would’ve loved to be a father. That was his dream with Y/N. Yet, he was concerned about how his mother and sister or worse, Y/N’s parents, would react should they decide to confess that the both of them were an item. He could clearly picture the disgust displayed on Y/N’s parent’s faces and the disappointment on his mother’s normally gentle features. He could sense the anger that his girlfriend’s father would radiate and the craving to rip Harry’s off of his shoulders.
Put their families aside; he was more afraid of media and the entire world. Afraid that they would reveal his secret. Afraid of judgement and harassment just because there was a 20 year old gap existing between him and his lovely girlfriend. The media, that had been stuck to his ass since the day he had entered the industry, was already presenting him as a fuckboy who could wrap every single woman around his finger if he wanted to. Who knew how they were going to portray him in case he’d admit that he was in a stable and happy relationship with a woman who wasn’t even born when he had made his first debut? He mentally saw the headlines in front of his eyes. Written in bold letters he could read words that made his insides frigid and colder than the Antarctica could ever be. Pedophile. Sugar Daddy. Tabloids would mock him for weeks, people would create unnecessary drama over his love life. If he really chose to tell the entire globe about Y/N, then he had to expect his name to appear in everybody’s mouth. He had to expect being seen in a completely different light and being treated differently. Besides, he wouldn’t be the only one suffering- also his girlfriend’s life would be drastically affected. Harry didn’t want to put his love through this huge mess. He couldn’t bear to see her suffer. Harry had never feared anything in his 40 years of living more than the fear of his love leaving him- and if she did, then there was absolutely nothing to save him.
“You’re the only man I ever want.” she had whispered assuringly against his mouth during the steamy moment while riding him with an agonizingly yet gentle pace, their lips clinging onto each other to a passionate kiss as though their lives were dependent on their opponent to survive. Harry’s heart had nearly burst out of his chest to her blissful confession. She had meant it then, but would she even keep her word when things got serious? Would she overcome the bullying and humiliation everybody would cause because of him? He couldn’t blame her if she broke her promise. He would welcome the choice of breaking up with him with understanding. Still, he hoped from the bottom of his heart that this wasn’t going to happen.
Back to reality, Harry pushed himself closer to Y/N so that every centimeter of his body that was left untouched by hers could find their relief. He didn’t know why he had the sudden urge to cry, but the uncertainty of what the future held in store for them was unnerving.
As a tear slipped down his cheek along his nose, Y/N awakened from her sleep, opening her eyes at the right time to find her lover being in distress. She didn’t even have to ask because she knew. They had talked about it too many times.
She caught the tears with her thumbs. “Don’t cry. It’s going to be okay. We’re going to be okay.”
Harry took her hand into his, interlocking their fingers and kissing her knuckles gently.
“I’m afraid of losing you…” he whispered, his voice hoarse as if he had smoked uncountable numbers of cigarettes.
“You’re not going to lose me. You and me against the world, remember?”
“I know…But, I want you to meet my mum, you know? I can’t hide like this anymore. I feel terrible. I’ve never had any secrets that I haven’t told my mum. We always talk to each other. It’s like I’m betraying her…But on the other hand, she may be tearing us apart. Who wouldn’t?”
Her warm breath roamed his cheek, and she gave him a small peck there. “Harry, I love you… And I’m sure we’re going to find a way out of this. No matter what the outcome might be, okay? I know you worship your mum and I would love to meet her soon, too. From what you always tell me about her, she must be a very wonderful person. The same goes with Gemma. We need to find a strategy first before we make our move.” She kissed him softly.
“But now, let’s go back to sleep. Don’t fill your head with unnecessary thoughts. Tomorrow, we’ll talk about it again, alright? And see what we need to do?”
Y/N untangled herself from his grip. “Come here you big boy.” 
She pointed at her chest, indicating that Harry should place his head on top of it. Harry did as he was told. Wrapping his arms around her hips, he gently attached himself back to her. The drumming of her heartbeat against his hair worked like a lullaby. Y/N started to hum a song while her fingers buried themselves into his curls. Embraced like this, they tried to find comfort in sleep, attempting to ignore the risks of their relationship.
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19-falls · 4 years
jumbled thoughts on crash landing on you (2020).
ㅡ this is nowhere near what you’d call a ‘review’.
spoiler alert!
First of all, I might need to say that I initially had no plan on watching this show. It’s pretty understandable considering that I recently lost interest on being the avid drama watcher I was, and now shifting more on films & books. You see...if you watch too many dramas, it’s totally normal to get bored of it (i mean the overused tropes???typical plot???) and just staying away from it. It’s not helping that recent shows I’ve watched are lackluster at best, and I haven’t been able to found a good one in a while. But I was just recently subscribed to Netflix, and this pops up more than I’d want it to, which brought me to mindlessly clicking the first episode due to boredom I’ve had for not watching any shows in MONTHS and the rest is history. I wasn’t that excited for starting this one to be frankly, due to endless spoilers I’ve gotten from twt and I had been mad over it. I was in a state where I knew how this’d end, but goes for it anyways because I have nothing to do.
The scriptwriter for this particular show is also the one who wrote You Who Came from the Stars (2013) and Legend of the Blue Sea (2017), and I wasn’t exactly a big fan of her writing. And the very troupe that I immensely dislike on the afore-mentioned shows was included on this drama as well. This scriptwriter seems to have a huge liking for putting out thriller-like tone on a romance drama, and it didn’t sit well for my preferences. If you’ve watched these three shows, you’d know all the leads are ALWAYS having dangerous encounter with villains and near-death experiences you’d rarely see in romcoms. It bugged me off how much she seems glued to this troupe and constantly having it on three representative shows she’s writing for, and these are honestly one of my ultimate reason for not doing rewatches for her dramas (I think CLOY could be an obvious exception due to the stellar casting choices for the leads; i’ll explain this later). Not a lot of people could do a well-written thriller-romance, and hers weren’t ones of those. It takes a fair and well-balanced tone to make it work, but in these shows, it just feels like constant fillers and a complete try-hard to make this unpredictable, when all we know that it’s nearly impossible to kill the leads (which I might be wrong while making this seamless assumption but okay).
The biggest downside for the writing style for these shows (bcs I’m not just talking about cloy ㅡit applies just the same for ywcfts and lotbs) is the very inability of Park Ji-eun scriptwriter-nim to write at least a DECENT ending for her shows. And that, my friend, is why I wouldn’t give this perfect score despite my unlimited praises in terms of acting, when I knew how good it’d be if she just let go of her obsession for making the ending ‘impactful’ (which seems to be horribly received by the audiences), and just write a proper ending for ONCE. It’s a big shame it didn’t happen on this drama (*disappointed but not suprised*), but I won’t stop hoping nonetheless. She has a knack for writing witty & entertaining script with great cast ensemble, and that’s why despite my dislike for some of the traits of her shows, I still watch them anyways.
Aside for the poorly-written ending, while I found the editing for first half of the show a lil bit tacky sometimes (especially when it needed CGI), Crash Landing on You also suffers from unnecessary lengthy duration (mostly because it hit big domestically and internationally and the creators get greedy which is never a good thing) that could have been made effective if they weren’t spent so long on shallowly written villainous role which seems to be written for the sake of unpredictability (and was acted wonderfully by Oh Man-suk with its limited character background given). It happened as well on YWCFTS and LOTBS, and again, if you’ve seen those two shows, you’d know how similar the pattern for the plot of CLOY compared to them. If you love them, then it’d work out good for CLOY as well, and if it’s not (like me), then you’d know what kind of writing style Park Ji-eun’s best at along with her worst features on the shows.
In fact, I’m enjoying it a whole lot more than I did with ywcfts and lotbs.
What ultimately sets cloy apart from the two shows is the leads’ acting compability. With ywcts and lotbs, it’s no doubt and much obvious to see that Jun Ji-hyun greatly overshadowed her acting opponentㅡplaying on roles she’s best at, be it as a spoiled popular actress and clueless mermaid. She’s just that good on playing roles that doesn’t have any calmness to it; and more like crazy and freeing women who knows no boundaries. Although her emotional acting was very much in good quality, as well. And because of this very fact, both her costars couldn’t have the equal amount of spotlight, mostly because the characterization for her character (and how she added flavor to that) is much stronger compared to what could be expected from the male leads who, most of the time, don’t share similar traits like hers. I still say that Kim Soo-hyun’s performances on ywcfts are definitely good enough to pair up with Jun Ji-hyun, but I couldn’t say that he’s on his best role despite it prolly being one of his widely known ones.
On this show, Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin could be said on a similar level for acting capability. Though Son Ye-jin wins out more because of the scriptwriter’s tendency on making her female lead stood out due to their strong characterization, it worked okay because Hyun Bin does match her energy and it just contributed to the fact that he’s a visually good looking actor but still manage to be very damn good at acting as well. And it’s rare to see actors like that on dramaland, you know. Most of widely popular actors seems to stick on one role and never grows from that, but despite his flopped works (yes I’m still bitter on how ineffectiively used he was on Hyde Jekyll and Me) before he started to hit big again after Memoir of Alhambra, ones that had paid attention to his works would know that Hyun Bin, is indeed, good at acting, especially on showcasing his detailed expressions added to the role he’s given. His performances on Secret Garden still awes me to no end, and I’m happy to see that powerful raw acting capability again while he potrayed Ri Jeong-hyeok in this show. 
And Son Ye-jin?This show is just another valid proof that she’s more than a “Melo Queen” people seems to have loved her for. The bratty, spoiled and even brazen acting she’s showed on the drama was incredibly well-acted. Her chemistry with her co-stars were fantastic. Of course, I shouldn’t have to say anything about her acting qualityㅡshe’s just THAT good.  And I love her more on roles like this; where she could  freely show off her capability as an actress on a broader spectrum, rathen than her usual melancholic roles in most of her films. I thought she was a lil bit wasted when she chose to play on Something on the Rain, so thank god she accepted the offer for this show!
And their chemistry is totally off-the-charts, fyi. I might have recently added them on my personal top list for being the most visually good looking couple I’ve ever seen on kdramas with explosive chemistry which I greatly appreciate, and YES I have seen a lot to know that their magnetic presences for each other is like no other. A lil bit biased but okaayyy.
From the leads alone, this is just an absolute must-to-watch show. It’s incredibly rare to see such good performers to helm a show on romance dramas these days. And the most suprising thing is how they doesn’t lose out to the second leads. Seo Ji-hye and Kim Jung-hyun were great on their own feet, but Hyun Bin and Son Ye-jin were just so good on this show that I ALMOST couldn’t care less about the second leads. They grew on me though, and THAT ENDING HURT ME.
And the rest of the casts???Just pure goodness. Everyone has their own color, from the neighborhood moms, the clueless & silly team but still one of my favorite bits to watch, to the villainous role. Everyone’s just doing so great on their role that I couldn’t pick on anything about them. All the characters are the the life of this show. If you’re more of a character-driven drama person, you’d enjoy this immensely.
And it’s so fascinating how they could maintained the light-heartedness of the show to the very end albeit a couple of finale episodes getting so dramatic & hits more emotional beats than usual. I mean, THIS SHOW FEELS LIKE A COMICAL TYPE OF DRAMA SOMETIMES BECAUSE IT WAS THAT HILARIOUS T.T One of the best traits from Park Ji-eun’s scriptwriter, if I might add. Not to mention, the soundtracks!My favorite is Davichi’s by the way :)
I still have a lot of praises for the acting part, because it feels refreshing to see such a well-acted drama while getting so much popularity at the very same time. With dramas like Descendant of the Sun, Goblin, and more internationally well-received kdramas out there, I still find it hard to choose a drama that has leads with equal amount of respect, trust, and purely in love just as much as they are to each other like this one. Most of romance dramas heavily relies on either the woman or man to be a lil bit more in love with their respective partners, but it wasn’t the case with this one. And that is why despite my constant rant & nitpick for the show, I still consider this as one of my great watch in recent years (not that I have many that I had watched lol).
Watch it for you’re in for witty dialogues, constant hilarity between the characters, and explosive chemistry & well-acted performances from the leads & the rest of casts. 
Do not watch it for you’re not prepared for the flaws I’ve listen down, and how this is not directed for ones that seek a realistic watch. Ultimately, Crash Landing on You is best watched if you’re not using your brain for it. 
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immortals-malec · 5 years
ok talk about why clac.e didn't work pls -deamaia
Oof rant here we go. let’s hope it all makes sense because i ramble a lot when i rant. For me it’s the damn writing for them is why c!ace didn’t work, (the chemistry is another one but the writing drives me nuts) So in s1, c!ace was developed as a somewhat high school/your basic white YA novel couple and they stay like this for the rest of the series, they never grew out of it. Until like their last damn scene in 3x22Most of their writing always fell flat in s1, the moments were either down right creepy or just look like they wanted to bang the entire time, they were supposed to have like romantic stepping stones for their relationship and yet, there was none, nothing felt romantic (this can fall on the no chemistry thing as well but I felt like it was the writing as well). But there was some moments you could be like okay cute, but you can realize everytime they had that ‘oh cute’ moment damn Ruelle was playing in the background so we can just thank her for that. Like in 1x11 they had like this moment about what happened in the TWI universe, they’re talking about how this is real and shit I’m like you are trying to tell me that what they said in the AU world is what they felt? Sh!Jace was there for like two seconds and got stabbed! And sh!Clary legit faded out of existence for awhile there, how did she know how that Clary felt??? I was so confused it was supposed to be a romantic moment and yet it confuses the fuck out of me.  S2 things just get worse because of siblings plot shit and the fact is they still try to move them along as a couple but just ended up making them have a brotherly-sisterly bond, and the fact is they probably could’ve ended the plot sooner but choose not to and show us Clary moving on with Simon and Jace sleeping with people to forget he’s in love with his sister. Tbh they forgot about c!ace until 2x14 and they suddenly remembered that they were endgame and rushed to get them back together, which some of their moments during that time was yeah sorta okay I still didn’t feel anything romantic going on for them, that fucking glow-y scene in 2x19 is scarred into my brain, that’s like supposed to be romantic-bonding for 2.0 of their relationship is just what the fuck. Without the special effects I would’ve hated to be a cast member watching them hold onto each other while a fan blows air, I would’ve walked off or just cried from how bad it was. And than we have the oh so famous c!ace scenes in 2x20, I still honestly can’t remember feeling for them here, like yeah he’s dead but hes gonna come back in like two seconds. And that damn “i love you” scene that should’ve been cut, one never addressed it, didn’t make any sense (was just there because someone was a little upset that Malec was gonna get a whole I can’t live without you scene) and two because I feel like because is might have been the road to that damn stupid ass shit Jamie gives them and therefore the other writers who actually have brains had to.So now s3 which is the start of everybody is tired of the unearned crap c!ace is given. Because here is when they start trying to build up c!ace (and s!zzy too) as this epic in love, meant to be couple, which is a lot of my eyerolls in 3a come from. You really don’t see it in the first episode but boy in the ones after it you do. The whole talk in 3x02? Like what the fuck where did that come from because I sure as fuck don’t feel like you have given those emotions off before and I don’t remember you looking like this in the s1/s2 writing where was that and also this is basically Magnus’s fucking lines from 2x07! I don’t remember what the fuck happens in 3x03 other than Izzy wearing that dress and the Malec/Maryse dinner.  But 3x04 is just a fucking mess and it’s by our favorite writer Jamie!! Who wrote those incesty lines in 2x04! But she’s here writing lines out for c!ace that don’t make any fucking sense and it’s just for c!ace fans. like the whole “My love for clary is stronger than your magic” bullshit, just what the hell, that whole episode is basically telling me that they love each other, but they aren’t showing me because that’s how storytelling works, you gotta do both, Malec has it, it’s not that hard. And also I totally almost forgot that half of s3 was spent with Jace forcing Clary not to tell anyone about the wish, ooo couple goals, not. Than 3x05 happens, tbh I forgot most, other than the Malec drama with the stupid timeline which effects the whole damn show and the angel getting his heart punched out by Lilith and Jace getting spelled.But yeah that stupid ass two month timeline that effects the whole show because Alec and Magnus really began their relationship in s1, they just didn’t make it official to the whole world in s2. It really hurts c!ace and their epic love story they try to give us. Because how did they fall in love to the point where Lilith had to get Magnus to spell Jace, because he’s so in love with her that it’s stronger than the Queen of Hell’s magic???? Unless they’re trying to tell me that they either fell in love in s1 or during the time they thought they were siblings.Which is really fucking bad, so when did they fall in love?! They never showed me in the episodes’ writing. Anyways moving on, c!ace gets some more toxic moments and that another “I love you” scene which just had me on the ground because why Jesus. Do they do this to me. And than we have Izzy talking about how much Jace has changed since they met Clary which has me like this????? ‘Cause hm, well ever since Jace met Clary, he’s treated his siblings like shit and became even more of an asshole, and that’s stayed the same over the past three seasons? Where is the change? Here you see that they’re trying to make them seem like Alec and Magnus, who’ve actually changed since they met each other, c!ace? That’s nowhere in their writing. Then we have the whole 3x08 thing where he’s killing clary in his mind, which i have no words for that since i only watched it once. 3x10, good episode, no c!ace moments other than that fake ass cry and ‘cLAEEERY’ yell. And now 3b is where we get to see all of the book!c-lace moments that either don’t make any sense or are just plain toxic. 3x11 I basically skip all of the Jace-c!ace related moments mainly because i can’t stand his face and i watch this episode right before i go to bed so yeah. But it’s a good episode.  3x12, oh the famous shitty reunion that falls under bad writing and bad chemistry, I can’t tell if it was the writing or the chemistry for that one, the reunion should’ve been nice ass top tier but yet- we get weird ass smiles, barely any emotion because I know they do write like ‘the character feels happy’ some crap like that, because I remember the 2x20 script having something like that- but with c!ace nothing- just nothing. Just about how Jace wanted to take her to Paris, lol where in the fuck did that come from because he’s never mentioned that, nEVER. Than we got 3x13- lol my favorite episode (not) this episode was just a shitty filler, but the c!ace moments make me wanna sleep and gag which was all of the action I felt during one of their scenes.  So in this one they are back together and trying to figure out how to get the rune off of Clary, because first she really doesn’t want to have s-ex with Jace, ‘it’s never gonna be just me and you, it’s him too.’-  which they end up forgetting. Than we get the shittiest build up to a first time scene ever, because this just comes out of nowhere really I guess if you count the previous episodes as build up, but there’s no  build up in this one, it just comes out of no where really. One minute she’s like I wANT THE RUNE OFF  before I get the d to- i mean it’s YOLO, give me that d. Like????? WHERE. But here’s where we get a book-quote that doesn’t make any damn sense but we gotta do it. “I will love you until I die, and even after then” some shit like that, I can’t remember. Does she even say I love you back? But honestly here did that even come from, the writing makes me wanna go hide. And we also get the shittiest written/filmed worse chemistry after first time scene ever. Like it’s supposed to be romantic??? But the way its filmed and written is just so damn bad, all I did was gag my first watch and rewatch of it. Not to forget the whole it’s basically a incest three thing, because her brother decides to send her a message afterwards.And 3x14 which is just ughh, most of the c!ace ones were with her brother, and the fact is the little ice skating thing was meant to be cute, I guess but I really didn’t feel shit, they were barely in the next episode. 3x16, also known as the dumb and dumber part for them, because lets summon Lilith-, but also the whole Jace is able to bring her out of becoming evil works on paper, made me have a headache because how was he able to be the one to pull her back??? Like that trope is amazing but for c!ace doesn’t make sense, because they haven’t shown me that they are in love that much, or care that much. 3x17-3x18, I just remember him being there, that stupid wings shit and her knocking the shit out of him when she turned dark clary. Oh but the next one- me hate. We got Jamie once again proving that she’s a shit writer, because we got c!ace and drugs! And don’t forget the whole she’s gonna force herself on him, but don;t worry he can push her away, even though he’s about to pass out. (And never once address this) Barely of them in the next one, because we got another return of the “Until I die” quote that still doesn’t make sense. That I rolling my eyes again, now in 3x21/3x22 they didn’t actually piss me off or make me roll my eyes, because somehow the writing was finally somewhat good for them. But they had to throw the “Loving cells” quote and comparing themselves to Malec, which writers you aren’t trying to hide at this point you were trying to make them out to be next to the Main couple, when I was like I could like them. Their last scene is so damn good! Like punch in the gut. WHERE WAS THAT THE WHOLE TIME. Shorter story with the writing: C!ace suffered from tell us all about it but we won’t ever show you/unearned development. All because Todd and co were chickens who didn’t want to change the endgame relationships and didn’t write them good.Mainly in the end you can tell that like I said before because they fucked around with them, they had to give them the unearned writing, so they could match up with Malec. Because just like go through gif sets of them, most of what c!ace got is what Malec had before, except better writing and better chemistry. The chemistry is another reason-  but I believe the writing is the bigger one in the end. 
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Starring Will Smith, Mary Elizabeth Winstead, Clive Owen, Benedict Wong, Douglas Hodge, Ralph Brown, Linda Emond, Ilia Volok, E.J. Bonilla, Victor Hugo, David Shae, Theodora Miranne, Diego Adonye, Lilla Banak, Igor Szász, Alexa GyÖrgy, Fernanda Dorogi, Alexandra Szucs, Tim Connolly, Daniel Salyers, Jordan Ruth Sherley, Tony Scott and Jeff Authors.
Screenplay by David Benioff and Billy Ray and Darren Lemke.
Directed by Ang Lee.
Distributed by Paramount Pictures. 117 minutes. Rated PG-13.
Gemini Man is a great time from start to finish, as long as you don’t think too hard and enjoy the ride.
Let me start by saying, I legitimately enjoyed Gemini Man. Despite its many flaws, I can say that it's an entertaining action movie filled with crazy visual effects and some great acting performances.
However, like many action flicks of its type Gemini Man is bogged down by a bare-bones script and an overall muddled sense of its story. If you think about the story of Gemini Man for more than a minute or two, it basically falls apart.
I wish that wasn’t the case, because I really think there was something there. This movie could have been a compelling mystery mix of sci-fi and action, not too far off from the classic Will Smith film iRobot. Instead it's more like any spy-chase-spy movie, in terms of story, except there’s two Will Smiths.
In short, as much as I was entertained by Will Smith beating the hell out of his younger self and vice versa, my main gripe with this film is how surface level it chose to be.
All that being said, let’s get into the performances of Gemini Man. From the start, I really think Will Smith puts on a strong performance here. He plays Henry Brogen, a grizzled U.S Army special ops/assassin who is “growing a conscious” as the movie puts it and now wants to retire and stop killing people, basically.
Sound simple enough? That’s because it is. You’ve seen this character before. You’ve seen Will Smith play this character before. But I really enjoyed it all the same. Will Smith is constantly on the ball, a mix of funny, cool, and dangerous; really reminding me of his classic self a lot throughout the movie, which is funny being that I’m about to talk about his classic self soon enough.
I also enjoyed his partner in crime, Danny, played by Mary Elizabeth Winstead. The role was unique for a movie of this kind. What I mean is, she and Will Smith, both Will Smiths actually, have great onscreen chemistry without any forced romance plot written into the script, which I found so refreshing. Danny is just a straight badass spy herself and enhances the movie with her presence.
I thought the same about Benedict Wong’s character Baron, who from the moment he arrives on screen brings the film up a notch with his jokes and overall chemistry with the rest of the cast. For all these solid performances, I really wish there was a solid story for them to be performed in rather than the pretty basic one we end up with.
The worst performance in Gemini Man was without a doubt Clive Owen. He played the villain – his character name escapes me already – and he did so piss poorly. Every line that came out of his mouth felt overdone and corny. I hated how completely underwritten his character was. We know nothing about him at the start and feel like we know even less by the end. The same can be said for the overall “conspiracy” aspect of this movie as well, which his character revolves around.
Now, for my favorite part of Gemini Man – the visual effects. My biggest worry going in was that the visual effect of two Will Smiths was going to look awful and kill the movie for me before it began. Honestly, that was anything but the case. Shout out to everyone who worked on the visuals for this movie, because the young Will Smith character (especially when he’s on screen alone) feels, looks, and moves pretty damn close to a real actor.
It really felt at times like Independence Day-era Will Smith was back on screen. And the fight scenes between them are incredible, if anything the fight scenes with the extras and other actors felt weak by comparison. There were moments, though – mostly at the very end – where the effects looked really bad. While they were few and far between, when they did happen it’s obviously hilarious and can take you out of the movie for sure.
In the end, I think Gemini Man is the best Will Smith movie I’ve seen in a while. While most critics will probably tear it up to no end for its weak story and disappointing villain, I really want to make clear that this is an entertaining film and its worth watching. The effects are dope, the fight scenes are intense, the performances are good. If you love Will Smith, you literally get two times the usual Will Smith. What’s not to love? Maybe wait to see this movie when it comes out on streaming services, but no doubt give it a watch.
Austin Gomberg
Copyright ©2019 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: October 11, 2019.
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