#its just the way i want him and jason to meet. imagine thinking you're at least the best at being the family dissapointment and this mf
bruciemilf · 2 years
It would be funny if everyone thinks Thomas Wayne Jr is the biggest asshole except Bruce.
Bruce: Tommy isn't mean! It's just that not everyone gets his jokes! He can be really sweet!
Meanwhile Tommy is sharpening the butter knives at the gala into shivs.
I agree with this, but for me, it'd be way funnier if they were like catty sisters just waiting to claw the happiness from eachother
The reason Bruce is so lenient when the bat brats have fights, the way he reassures them that no, their sister or brother wouldn't rather rim satan than spend time with them, is because he lived all of this
You can't tell me Thomas Junior doesn't have " is that my fucking shirt" energy. You also can't tell me Bruce doesn't have " it looks better on me anyway" combatants
All I'm saying is, Bruce had to have his Goth gene from somewhere, and I doubt it's from Thomas " I wanna be a Victorian vampire so bad" Wayne
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luveline · 9 months
Hi idk if u have already written this if u have pls igonore but what about the first time bombshell reader calls Spencer beautiful?
fem, 1k
“Gideon has a new prodigy.” 
Your head rises of its own accord. “Yeah?” 
“He's younger than you. Twenty three, I think Hotch said. Fresh out of college, two degrees and working on a third? Or maybe he was getting his doctorate? I couldn't keep up.” Morgan shakes his head in disapproval. “Overeducated and under-experienced. He failed his physicals. The ones he took, anyways.” 
“Ooh, ouch. A baby on the team before me,” you joke with a smile. “Genius baby, but a baby.” 
Morgan smiles when you smile, he's too nice not to, but he picks up soon enough, crossing his arms where he's stood and wrinkling what was once a finely steamed suit jacket. “I don't know what Gideon's thinking.” 
“Does anyone ever know what he's thinking? What's Hotch say about it all?” 
Morgan reads what you're typing from over your shoulder and corrects a mistake. One day you won't need his help, but for now you take as much of it as you can get. You're not too proud to acknowledge when you mess up, you're a realist. Super sensible (in mind if not action). 
“Hotch lets Gideon do what he wants, mostly. What can you do when he's one of the originals?” Morgan leans heavily onto his desk by the forearms and shrugs. You’re similar in this regard; complain, move on. You're similar in other ways, too. That's why you get along. 
“Well, I want to meet this guy,” you say. “We'll be teammates just as soon as Strauss stops hating me. I'm one strategic boxed bouquet from a full pardon.” He laughs and touches your arm like he believes you. “Is he around?” 
“Here they are now.” 
You spin in Morgan's desk chair slowly. Jason Gideon is stalking through the office with his head in the contents of a manilla envelope, while a new face follows behind him talking a mile a minute. 
“Obviously,” you hear Gideon interrupt as they get close enough. “Agent Morgan can explain that to you. Don't overthink it, Spencer, just try to get through it.” 
He doesn't acknowledge you nor Morgan as he leaves Spencer and hurries up the steps leading to his and Hotch's offices. You aren't expecting much else from him. What little Gideon knows about you he doesn't like. If you ever get over the Strauss hurdle, it's him you'd have to convince next. You don't watch him cross the landing, your gaze focused on the man making his timid way toward you. Your lips part briefly, and then quirk into an overjoyed smile. 
“Oh, you're beautiful,” you say without thinking. 
He frowns at you. 
“Reid,” Morgan interrupts, “This is Y/N L/N. She works in the sex crimes division. As you can imagine, we get a lot of crossover.” You stand, holding out your hand. “Y/N, this is Spencer Reid.” 
“I don't shake. Sorry.” 
You press your hand to your chest. “Oh, that's okay. I shouldn't assume…” Your voice melds into a silkiness that has his shapely brows furrowing further, “It's nice to meet you, Spencer Reid. You're really pretty, do you know that?” 
Spencer peeks at Morgan quickly, who laughs good-naturedly. “She's serious, Reid. She's not making fun of you.” 
“You'd know,” Spencer says. It isn't malicious, but it isn't exactly friendly, either.
You twist to frown at Morgan deeply. “Morgan, you're not being nice to him?” 
“I'm being plenty nice, sweetheart, but this is how it works. I gotta haze him a little.” 
“No, you don't.” You tip your cheek toward your shoulder to look at Spencer through your lashes. “He pretends to be worse than he is, I promise. But don't let him neg you, okay? You're smarter than he is–” 
“–and he's used to being the office pretty boy. It's jealousy, nothing else,” you finish. Spencer really is gorgeous now you're close enough to see his eyes. A brown like caramelised sugar tented by dark, dark eyelashes. When he smiles, the very slightest hint of teeth shows, and it makes him even prettier. You endeavour to make him smile again. “Sorry if I'm coming off a little strong. It's not my intention.” 
“She's just nervous. You have everything she wants,” Morgan says. 
You sigh forlornly. “Oh, doesn't he?” Spencer's confused pout is even cuter than his smile. “Getting into the BAU is about as easy as walking on water.” 
“For a human,” Spencer says. “Easier if you're smaller. Like a water strider.” 
There's a silence. Morgan is aghast, you think. You're in love. 
“Yeah?” you ask, stars in your eyes as his own spark to life. 
“Because water strider's can transfer their weight, but also due to their hydrofuge hairpiles. Their microhairs.” He catches himself, measuring your expression carefully. “Did you really wanna know?” 
“Do you wanna get a cup of coffee and tell me about it?” you ask. 
His lips part as yours had when you first saw him. 
He's prevented from answering as Hotch's office door opens and the man himself walks out near the railing. “Good, you’re here. I have something to talk to you about.” 
You grin at him. “I'd love to chat, Agent Hotchner, but I'm getting to know your new protégé.”
“I see.” He waits. 
You would ignore him —Hotch has a soft spot for you (or rather, he likes you enough to put up with you, which is more than can be said about other members of his division) and he'd shrug off your dismissal— but you're really keen to hear what he has to say. Perhaps Strauss has changed her mind about your proposed trail basis with the team. 
“I'm so sorry,” you say to Spencer, immediately re-dazzled by his pretty, lovely face. “It was really nice to meet you, Spencer Reid. Maybe next time you can tell me more about it.” 
You give Morgan a quick thank you for the help with your paperwork and trust him to log out of your emails. In your rush up the stairs, you hear a wisp of conversation. 
“Was she messing with me?” 
Morgan laughs. “No, kid. That's how she is.” 
"Oh... She's nice."
"You have no idea."
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flamingpudding · 1 year
Fictober23 Prompt: 2 - "Don't worry, I got you."
Fandom: DPxDC
Rating: T
Warnings: Mentions of death, implied mentions of panic attacks handling, Jason typical profanity
"Don't worry, I got you."
These were the first words Jason could finally hear after what felt like forever. His head was pounding and his vision was still tinted green but slowly he felt like he was gaining control over the rage that had taken over.
He couldn't remember what triggered it, nor what he had done when his vision turned green. All he remembers was that he had been out on Patrol before he heard a scream. But now he could feel two hands resting on his shoulder. A young voice resounded in his ears, telling him to breathe in deeply, hold it and then breathe out. He remembers this exercise, B had made sure they all knew this one, so that they could help anyone that was working themselves into a panic attack. But he wasn't suffering through one, was he?
Unconsciously his eyes closed, blocking his vision of the still tinted green world.
"That's it. Try to redirect that power, don't let the Mania take hold. Can you feel your core? Try listening for its humming."
What core? What do they mean? Yet despite not knowing what they were talking about Jason tried to follow the direction the voice gave him. He wasn't sure why he was even listening to them, but something in him made the vigilante want to trust them. Redirect the power, they had said. Maybe they meant the Pit Rage? But how? Feeling for his core? Did they mean his heart? Jason could do that, he focused on his heart beat, tried to sense how it beat rhythmically in his chest and heard the blood rushing in his veins. Now that he listened there was a humming next to his heartbeat. Was this what they meant? Probably.
"Great you found your core, focus on it. Store that power in there for now."
Nodding slightly Jason tried to do what they said. Whatever this core was, he imaged it like a box and then mentally stuffed all that Pit Rage into it. Every bit of rage and madness the Pit made him feel, everything. He pushed it all into the box he imagined as that core and once it was all in there he decided to go a step further. His eyebrows furrowed as he imagined closing the lit of the box and putting a big fat lock on it. Like the one B put on his weapon storage after he raided it 5 times in a row when he had run out of grenades to throw at drug dealers and other scum lurking in his territory.
"Hey! Hey! Don't overdo it! Your core is still tiny! To much power und you will be in big trouble if it bursts the next time!"
His eyes snapped open. The first thing he noticed was his version was no longer tinted green. The second thing he noticed was the kid floating with no legs before him. Lazarus Green eyes coupled with snow white hair stared concerned yet relieved back at him.
"What the fuck-"
"Great! You're back to your senses!" The kid cut him of grinning at him and Jason was just confused and also surprised at himself. He did not feel anymore rage or a need for violence but instead his mind for once felt calm and a whole lot Pit free. Though there was the confusion of WHO THE FUCK WAS THAT KID?
"I honestly didn't expect to find another Halfa when I was contacted by Pandora to look into something. But Clockwork did mention something before, that I should look out for his Granddaughters fan that lives in Gotham and wears a red helmet. Didn't think I would meet you this soon though or like that. I haven't even greeted Lady Gotham yet. I was just on my way to the center of her haunt when I got these real disturbing feelings and bam you appeared out of nowhere attacking and I was forced-"
He cut the kids rambling off by rudely shoving his hand over the kids mouth to make the boy stop talking. "Shut up for a second there kid and let me catch up. You just dumped a lot of info there."
The kid had the nerve to sheepishly rub the back of his neck as he floated backwards a little, away from his hand that was covering his mouth. "Sorry, I got excited there. I think this must have been how the fruitloop had felt at first before things went to shit, when he found out I was a Halfa too. It's just kind of exciting, you know? There aren't a lot of us."
"The fuck you mean Halfa?" He questioned and mentally thanked his self from a couple hours ago for choosing to go on patrol with his trusted helmet instead of listening to his brother to use just a mask because of the head. This way the kid was not able to see his facial expression escaping him with all the info bombs the kid kept dropping.
"Half death, half alive. Well more like Half Ghost, Half human but details." The kid shrugged and Jason really wanted to pinch the bridge of his nose right now through his helmet.
"Last I checked I appear to be pretty alive, kid." He would know if he weren't or at least he hoped he would know, somehow.
"Well duh. That's the half alive part. The half death part is your second form, have you not managed to transform yet? I mean your core is tiny but that shouldn't matter to much. You did die and then come back alive with the balance sort of regulated by a big amount of ectoplasm, right? Though I have to say that the ectoplasm in your system is very unusual. It's so different from what I feel from Dani, Dan or even the fruitloop. I probably should drag you to Frostbite as soon as possible but there are no portals here so I would have to drag you either to my home or Wisconsin first, or maybe find a natural portal but that's harder than just taking you to one of the permanent open ones. Speaking of Dani and Dan, they gotta be excited to hear that there is another Halfa in our age range that's not related via cloning or time shenanigans! That's gotta be so fun and we can show-"
"Kid, you're rambling again." Jason cut in suppressing a sigh. Cloning? Time shenanigans? What the fuck was he getting into by associating with this kid? "Did anyone ever tell you that you are bad at explaining?"
"My friends and older sister." The kid answered with no delay, like he had been asked that same question before. "Also I am 20."
Jason wished the kid could see how he arched an eyebrow under his helmet. He could have tricked him if he didn't look like a 14 years old. The kid appeared to sense it anyway as they huffed and pouted his way. "I swear I am! My Ghost form is just stuck at looking like the age I died at! I haven't figured out how to manipulate my ectoplasm to make my ghost self look older yet! I swear Dan has been holding this over me for years now!"
"Sure kid, let's just get back to that Halfa thing and what that means for me." Jason didn't know what exactly the kid was nor what the kid meant by Jason apparently being also an Halfa -was it?-, which meant the kid was one in the first place. "By the way, who are you?"
"Oh right! I am Danny Phantom! Nice to meet you Red Hood! And pleases stop calling me a kid! I swear I am not anymore!" Well that was at least a step forward. Now Jason just had to figure out how to get the information he really needed from the kid, Danny, without listening to excessive rambling as well as how to explain just all of this to Bruce and the rest of his siblings. He can already hear them freaking out about it.
No wait, he actually could hear them freak out right now. Oh shit! His coms were on, weren't they? Wait did Dickwing just say ETA 5? And B just said ETA 3! Shit, fuck, damit! His family were on the way and he was not sure if the Halfa Kid, or whatever, would run at the site of them. B would probably scare the shit out of the kid just to get answers.
Well at least, the good thing so far was that the Pit was quiet now and the kid could apparently help him control it and the Pit Rage better.
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queenimmadolla · 2 years
hope you're taking requests cause hear me out: what about reader waking up from a nap and eddie goes to hug her and realizes that she's really angry because she had a nightmare where he cheated on her with another girl. He's like wtf and she's like yeah you know what you did asshole (except he doesn't). Pls i am so in love with joseph quinn that i've been thinking about this all day 😩
I can't blame you, I think about him all day, too. This one was quite easy for my fingers to runaway with. Hope you like it!
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𝐈𝐧 𝐌𝐲 𝐃𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐦𝐬
(Eddie Munson x Fem!Reader)
warnings: little bit of angst, imagined infidelity, plenty of comfort and fluff.
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Your eyes glare daggers at the back of Eddie’s head, simultaneously willing him to look at you while also kind of wanting his hair to spontaneously combust into flames. You were curled up on his bed, bundled up in blankets with your head pressed into one of his flat ass pillows. You’d been awake for a good ten minutes, having ‘accidentally’ fallen asleep when Eddie brought you over after school and you immediately settled into his bed with the excuse that you were simply resting your head and would not fall asleep on him, fully knowing that was your intention from the moment you’d sealed your fate last night and watched The Dark Crystal again. You’d stayed up until almost 3:00 a.m. to finish it. But it wasn’t your fault! You couldn’t be blamed, it was due back at Family Video and your mom planned on dropping off the rentals on her way to work so you had to squeeze in one last watch, for Fizzgig.
You were regretting it now as a mixture of anger and anxiety swirled deep in your stomach, you’d had a bad dream, a nightmare. Not anything gory or violent, although you thought you may have preferred to have Freddy make a shish kabob out of you or even Jason shanking you with his machete, anything over seeing Eddie cuddled up with a girl who most definitely wasn’t you. The longer you stare at the back of his head, at the frizzy mess of curls while he scribbles fervently in his DnD notebook on the ground, back leaning up against the bed, the more you think about the evil scene you’d been forced to witness in your own damn dream. It felt so real, and you hated it.
You’d been on your way out of the school, easily maneuvering through the crowd also headed for the school entrance to flood out into the parking lot where you knew Eddie would be waiting for you by his van. Only he wasn’t waiting for you. He had Roxy Campbell—the pretty, stupid Volleyball player who made her interest in Eddie ridiculously clear despite the fact that he was yours—pressed up against his van. It was obviously an intimate moment, you could see her stupid, pretty blue eyes staring coyly up at him through her lashes as he pressed his forehead to hers, whispering something that made the corners of her lips curl up into a flirtatious smile as she reached a finger, you wanted very desperately to break, up to twirl a lock of his hair around before she grasped the back of his head and yanked him down to meet her in an open mouthed kiss.
Your eyes had shot open the moment you had felt your dream heart plummet from its place in your chest to a deep, dark cavern you didn’t know existed in you. Your actual heart was beating wildly, tears already prickling at your waterline regardless of having just woken up. And despite your biggest fear coming true in a hellish nightmare, your Eddie wasn’t making out with Roxy by his van. Yet.
You’d allowed yourself to just lay there as your anger brewed, mind racing with various scenarios regarding what the dream could have meant; all of them coming to the conclusion that Eddie fucking sucked. The girls on the Volleyball team were well known for their asses, mainly because of those ludicrously tight, booty shorts they wore, but your ass was significantly better than Roxy’s and you both knew it. Along with being with Eddie, it was one of the reasons why she despised you and you were proud of that. So why would Eddie want her instead of you?
Think of the devil, Eddie glances over his shoulder, his dumb beautiful, baby cow eyes lighting up the moment he realizes you’re awake.
You scowl back and hiss out, “Bitch.”
Then you yank the blankets up just below your nose and roll onto your other side, leaving your back to him.
Eddie’s mouth drops open, eyes wide in disbelief at the sudden anger you were directing at him. The fuck did he do?
“Excuse me?” He closes the notebook, before tossing it and his pen aside as he stands and leaps onto the bed. You pay him no mind, scowl deepening as you’re jostled by his actions. Eddie doesn’t let that stop him; despite how tense you forced your body to be, he drags you into his arms, attempting to cuddle you.
“I didn’t quite catch that, wanna repeat it for me?” He mumbles, nuzzling his face into your neck as he presses a kiss just below your jaw. You refuse to budge, aware that he’d heard you in the first place. When you don't respond, Eddie just keeps pressing kisses to your skin, nose brushing up against your neck as he begins to trail kisses up towards your ear. “I said say that again, baby.”
But you refuse to comply, it was obvious he was daring you to repeat your insult, goading you to give him a reason to snap. Normally, you loved to play his games, but you weren’t in the mood now.
“‘Lemme alone, don’t act like you don’t know.” You demanded, voice muffled by the blankets but you knew he heard you when he went taut and then he pulls away, a ring covered hand grabbing your shoulder to press your back to the mattress, forcing you to stare up at him.
Eddie’s eyebrows were pulled together in exasperation as he glowers down at you. In any other circumstance, you’d find him and your current position ridiculously hot but right then you could only feel satisfaction at having got on his nerves. Serves him fucking right.
“Okay, what the fuck is your problem?” Eddie cuts straight to the point. He’d tried playing nice, but he knew you; knew you wouldn’t succumb to his seduction, encouragement or coaxing and he knew he didn’t have the patience to wait around for you to eventually tell him what had you so upset because you were prone to holding everything in, happily hanging on to any grudge you could develop, so there was a legitimate chance that you’d just never tell him and hold it against him instead of working it out. You loved to self-sabotage but he wasn’t about to let that happen.
“You!” You lower the blankets, reaching a hand to push him off of you. Eddie was much stronger than you, though. He didn’t budge, still glaring down at you as you try to wiggle away.
“Me?” Eddie’s annoyance morphs into confusion, nose scrunching up as his eyes squint, “What did I do?”
“You kissed her!” This time when you shove at him, Eddie’s body gives away, he allows you to scurry off the bed, though you didn’t do much but crawl towards the dresser, back pressed up against it as you turned to face him, expression still set in a scowl. Despite your current brattiness, Eddie couldn’t help but think about how fucking cute you looked all worked up. Your hair was a mess, but that just made him want to tangle his fingers in it, and your lips were pursed in a pout that he was fighting to not kiss away.
Speaking of kisses, “What?! What are you talking about? I haven’t kissed anyone but you!”
“Roxy!” You spit out, body heating up with your anger.
“I have never, ever kissed Roxy. Nor do I want to, where is this coming from?” Eddie moved to sit on the edge of the bed, legs spread out as he leans his elbows on them, watching you with careful eyes.
“You kissed her in my dream,” you knew the moment you said it, he’d probably think you were being irrational but you didn’t care. He wasn’t the one that had to imagine the person he loved kissing someone else.
Eddie’s exasperation returned, “You’re mad at me for something I did in your dream?” See? You knew it! He was making it seem like you were being childish and maybe you were but, again, you didn’t fucking care!
“How am I supposed to control that?! It was just a nightmare!”
“If it was a nightmare, then why did it hurt my feelings?” You snap back and Eddie softens, he had chalked this all up to you being bratty but it was obvious to him now that you were genuinely upset about it. He could see how glossy your eyes were, and now he could make out the hurt beneath the rage. You’d had a nightmare about something you were insecure about, you were hurt by a version of him—trusting and loving all versions of him—so you lashed out and here he was being an asshole instead of comforting you.
“Dreams mean things, Eddie! This one was a-a bad omen! Or something! Clearly, you want her or you’re interested in her, or there’s some sort of underlying issue!”
“Oh, there’s definitely an underlying issue,” Eddie sighs and stands, making his way over to crouch near you and you tensed further, like you were waiting for him to confirm that you were right and that makes him feel even more guilty, “the love of my life believes there’s a chance that I’d want someone else when I’d rather die and go to my own personal hell where I’m forced to watch a cheer squad composed of clones of Principal Higgins’ in a pep rally, that never ends, than be without her.”
You want to be angry, you really do because the moment your anger is gone you’ll just feel silly but you can feel the tension easing away from your body and you play with your fingers, refusing to meet Eddie’s eyes, “. . . Really?”
Eddie hooks a finger under your chin, tilting it until you’re forced to look at him and you can see the sincerity and love in those pretty, chocolate eyes. You’re positive you’re melting. “I’m in love with you, only you. Told you I’m gonna marry you someday, and I mean that. Besides, Roxy tries to steal Jonathan’s seat in front of me during History sometimes and I’m now keenly aware that she doesn’t wear deodorant or any alternative so I promise you, baby, she is not and has never been your competition. No one compares to you. Even if she did smell decent, you’re the only person I’ll ever want, ‘kay?”
You launch yourself at him and both you and Eddie go crashing to the floor behind him, though he breaks the fall for you, arms winding themselves around your waist to hold you tight against him as you pepper kisses all over his face. When you pull away, you admire the kiss stains, left behind by your lipstick, that map his face and he’s staring up at you, looking absolutely love sick, if he were a cartoon character, his pupils and irises would be heart shaped. You were wrong; Eddie doesn’t suck. He’s the most loving boyfriend to ever exist, and he’s yours. And your Eddie, in the flesh, is better than any Eddie that can exist in your dreams.
“I love you.” You smile, leaning down to nuzzle the tip of your nose against his before giving it a kiss.
Eddie’s hands finally get to tangle in your hair as he angles you down for a kiss, if it can even be called that. He’s smiling too much for you to even do it properly but you don’t really mind. “And I love you. I’d fuck up that other Eddie though, no one hurts my girl’s feelings and gets way with it.”
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rahleeyah · 2 years
who had "genderbent olivia benson" on their "things that make leah feral" bingo card
under a cut bc it's a lot, tw: at the beginning for brief discussion of SA wrt Serena and Olivia
this is cut and pasted from discord so forgive the way it jumps around but:
Sorry I just distracted myself with "Olivia would've been a man" bc like. Can you imagine them doing the "I'm the product of a rape" storyline for a man? I really can't see anybody doing that bc the challenge that would present to the character's masculinity is so complex I can't see anybody having the balls to do it
(god but the alternate universe in which Olivia is a man and Elliot falls in love with him anyway.... I'm vibrating at a frequency that could shatter glass) 
Bc in many ways Olivia internalizes her mother's trauma and acts as a victim, as if she herself has been raped, she empathizes as a woman, as a fellow member of an oppressed class, but if it's a man, and he is of the same class as the person who hurt his mother, he can't claim her injury as his own and instead of taking the place of the victim he takes the place of the perpetrator which is also fascinating wrt the Serena/child relationship
He would not be named Oliver also I'd have to sit with this for a minute to come up with an appropriately elegant and literature inspired name for him lmao
And he is still doing penance, by joining svu, not bc he has inherited his mother's pain but bc he has inherited his father's shame
Ooof and when he meets Simon.....
Oooof and when Elliot wakes up from a dream about [his name] sucking his dick
...kathy being less threatened because its another man tho
kathy being like 👀
I'm losing my mind about this actually closet bisexual Elliot Stabler who struggles to form solid attachments with men (if you think about it he works best with women and that goes back to Joe and Bernie) developing this intense codependent relationship with another man for the first time and Kathy is at first just happy he has a friend but as time goes on she has. Questions. Especially when Elliot starts preferring to hit from the back 
God Kathy trying to tell him he's in love with this guy and Elliot having an existential crisis
Ok but what is his name. Some suggestions:
Alexander (the great)
Patrick (bc she couldn't call him Patroclus)
Jason (and the Argonauts)
Marcus (Aurelius)
Or maybe she went generic. Sean/Ethan/Evan/David
oh i like Marcus
And maybe he goes by Mark but Serena always called him Marcus
Maybe Elliot switches back and forth between Marcus and Mark
But Marcus at one point killing someone or hurting someone and being like "I'm just like him!" meaning his dad and Elliot grabbing him by the back of the neck and being like "you're nothing like him" all fierce
fj;sldfj;sladjfsalkfj;sdf FUCK
what if its mark most of the time and "Marcus" when Shit Gets Real
Also "you're nothing like him" making Elliot realize Mark is nothing like Joe. That Elliot has approached almost every man in his life as if they are his father - dangerous, not to be trusted, not safe to be vulnerable with - and then realizing he is safe with Mark
Oh wow I am on my knees at the moment thinking about their physicality actually like. Still touching too much still standing too close still finishing each other's food and sentences, but also some hand wavy plot excuse for them to get as close as EO did in the "are you ready for me daddy" scene and also. Since they're both men. Way more seeing each other shirtless/naked in the locker room and what that does to Elliot
The question is tho what does Marcus look like 🤔
Still dark hair and big dark eyes I think
God what if Marcus is like an out bisexual (he still fucks both Alex Cabot and Trevor Langan) and the way that would force Elliot to confront his own desires and the way the lightbulb would go off in his head when he finds out about Trevor and realizes Marcus is Available and Elliot wants him to be and what that does to Elliot. The shame and the desire
Closet bisexual Elliot Stabler is very important to me. Elliot lying awake at night thinking about Trevor and Marcus and when he imagines it he keeps replacing Trevor's face with his own
And Olivia is really interesting bc so much of who she is is tied up directly in her relationship to womanhood (and the audience's response to her is deeply connected to the audience's perception of womanhood, either as women themselves or as people observing women)
So what does that do to us when Olivia is no longer a woman?
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weebsinstash · 1 year
And if one of the batfam just so happen to develop not-quite-so-platonic feelings for the reader, so be it :)
Honestly I've consumed Batman media but when it comes to comics and the lore of the Robins and all that, I'm remarkably uninformed, but the one I'm leaning towards the hardest, besides Bruce obviously, is Jason
I mean, for the sake of informing those not in the know, the original first Robin was Dick Grayson and after he became older, Batman found another protégé in Jason Todd, but at some point Jason is kidnapped by the Joker and horrifically tortured over the course of i think its a full year, beaten with a crowbar, and presumably killed with the "evidence" sent to Batman who believes he's dead and, never finds Jason, who is resurrected with the Lazarus Pit (something something evil league of assassins and also the mother of Bruce's blood son Damian is here, Talia Al'Ghul)
Eventually Jason comes back to Gotham as his own antihero identity, Red Hood, and he has his own take on justice greatly varying from his mentor: he now uses guns and even kills when he deems it necessary. And when Jason and Bruce finally meet and Bruce finds out Jason was alive this whole time, Jason's reaction is "I wasn't mad you never found me. I'm mad you let Joker do that to me and you still let him live" like he was deeply wounded by this betrayal and has to be basically rehabilitated back to being a hero (and also that performance is by Jensen Ackles which I never knew until today lol)
So I can just only imagine the levels of unhinged if Jason gets over his, you know, constant killing and is finally back to being like somewhat relatively normal and a vigilante again and then you have a situation like "oh Reader is kidnapped and hurt by the Joker too, maybe even sexually assaulted" and when Jason finds out it just triggers him being Red Hood all over again. I can imagine him wanting to take you away from this horrible life and this man (Bruce) who keeps getting everyone around him hurt and still doesn't have the balls to get the job done, at least in Jason's eyes
I remember watching this scene from Death in the Family and thinking about, what if Jason is just sitting there in that bed having this angry monologue and his thoughts shift to Reader and he has no hatred or animosity towards them at all, in fact, he's horrified. Why is Bruce risking your life by bringing you into this sort of lifestyle? So the man doesn't love Jason OR you? And he makes the decision that you're only going to get hurt if you stay with "the family" as it now disgusts him to even call it that
Like can you even imagine the rage and trauma and anguish he would feel if you know, the Batfam is gathered around and welcoming him back, and then, after everyone else has gone, you come into the room and you're just an absolute mess, shaking at the sight of him, instantly crying. "I wanted to keep looking for you," just absolutely weeping "they told me you were gone and I needed to move on but I kept wanting to at least-at least find your body and they... they...!" And Jason finds out, well of course YOU never could have rescued him or killed the Joker, because Jason's disappearance and 'death' was the last straw that finally sent you into a mental breakdown after dedicating yourself to Bruce's "mission" and you're not even allowed to leave the manor by yourself anymore and he can tell by looking at you that you've lost so much weight and not in a healthy way
And just like that, Jason readjusts his plans. He is not the only one who is going to escape from this mansion tonight. He feels rage boiling his blood as Bruce finally realizes you've spent so long in his room talking to him and one look at your puffy eyes and ragged breathing and the man decides, well you're just simply too overwhelmed to keep talking to Jason right now, you better go eat dinner and get some rest. And Jason grits his teeth as he sees you just, relent, as if you're used to not even having an option, still crying and obviously not wanting to go, still wanting to see him and touch him and talk to him and know he's still alive, but Bruce says to go, and so, you go.
And Jason would rather die a second time than let things end here.
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mercurygray · 2 years
Can I tempt you with a bottle of the '14 vintage, '… when I wasn't meant to hear', featuring Elin, Harwin and Rhaenyra? Juno xx
Still worldbuilding a little bit around Elin - I like the rapproachment she has with Harwin here, as friends more than potential lovers. Rhaenyra's here to, albeit in the background.
It should have been an elevation of special magnificence.
It was a position of power - of honor, even! - and yet here was his lord father, moving into the Tower of the Hand like there had been some black buisness afoot to get him there.
Well. Of course there had been. The previous Hand had called the King's daughter a whore, more or less, and that was a stone too far, so Otto Hightower was out and Lyonel Strong was in, with all the flourishes and furbelows required of the office, up to but not limited by the requisite Tower and its rooms. No more rented townhouse for Ser Harwin Strong, Captain in the city watch - the Strong children were to be part of the court proper. It would make his brother happy, at least, Harwin thought to himself. Larys liked to be in the middle of things. Harwin was worrying about making it to his watch meetings on time. No one liked leaders who were late, and the court always wanted to stop and talk to people - and for you to stop people in turn. And that meant staying abreast of politics and gossip - rather more his brother's circle than his.
It was more useful to his work to hear what the city was saying, not the court - but he could remember one or two morsels from whatever Larys had talked about at dinner. And one of them was passing him in the corridor just now.
"I understand you're to be congratulated, Lady Elin. It's not every day a fox takes a lion, especially a Lannister one."
The betrothal had kept his brother in animated remarks for a whole twenty minutes, talking about her various suitors, and being the queen of love and beauty at the royal tournement at Greenfields, and Goldengrove, and again at Highgarden. And she went and took Tyland, when everyone knows it's Jason who'll inherit.
The dark-haired beauty gave one of her most winsome smiles. It was hard to miss Elin Florent when she entered a room, and the fact that it seemed like half the court was wild for her didn't help. (The other half were angry she didn't notice them, which didn't help either.) She'd flirt with anyone, but she seemed to like him well enough as a friend - if only because he always gave back just as good as he got. "Thank you, Ser Harwin. Sadly the match has failed to impress the only person that really cares - my mother. You've met my mother, I think - she rarely congratulates anyone. She would have liked me for the King, if she could get him. She tried, when Lady Aemma died, but the Hightowers were quicker. Or the Lord of Harrenhall," she added with a pointed smile.
Harwin tried to imagine what his father would say to the idea. "I'm not sure I could have tolerated having you as my stepmother."
Elin gave him a look like he was being simple. "And as your wife?" The smile got a little wider in its suggestion. "I was not opposed."
Harwin paused, wary of the trap she'd set. "Tyland will make better use of your talents, I'm sure."
She smiled at the way he stepped around it, obviously impressed. "Men should be married, I think - it gives them graces they are otherwise without."
"And women?"
She answered what she thought of that with a casual gesture of her hand. "Women need nothing; we are perfect as we are."
He decided, just for fun, to be annoying. "I've heard it said that children are a woman's perfection."
"By men with ten and twelve pups a peice and no idea of any of thier names?" Elin scoffed. "Hardly."
"Tyland has no intention of …whelping you, then?" He used the word only because she'd said pup, like they were dogs in a kennel, but Elin Florent was hardly a whelping bitch. I can't see you as the mothering type, but stranger things have happened. The Hand of the King recently called the Princess a whore, for starters.
"I wouldn't be marrying him if he had. If he wanted a broodmare there are plenty of those at hand in his stable." She sighed, content with her lot. "In a sense I'm glad, really, that the crown fell to Alicent - suffering under an old man to give him more children. For what? He has an heir, and a good one, too." Her plainness shocked him, a little, and she looked at him with challenge in her eyes. "Well? Why shouldn't she rule?"
Harwin fumbled for a smile, stepping around the question as nimbly as he could. "And would you fill her small council with women, too? Perhaps you could serve as her master of coin."
"Why not? I'll know the Crown's books as well as our own, once I'm wed."
He didn't doubt that. Elin Florent's sight was as keen as his brother's, though often not as deadly."And the Hand of the Queen - another woman?"
"No - the Hand needs subtlety, and strength, but of a different kind. Would you try for the post? Your father will do well enough with it, now that it's his."
"I would think that her lord husband would take it." When she gets one, anyway - wasn't that generally the way of things?
She studied him a moment. "You surprise me, Ser Harwin."
"With my apparent lack of ambition?"
A scoff. "You never disagreed, when I said she should be queen."
Ah. Well. Yes, that was true. And why should he? She was her father's heir, announced and sworn, a dragonrider in the tradition of her ancestors, and a woman who paid attention to things. Why else serve as her father's cupbearer, if not to learn kingship by listening? His father spoke well of her, the little he'd seen - a bright girl who understood more than she let on.
Yes, what else did he know of Rhaenyra Targaryen? That she could skewer a boar, and not faint at the sight of blood. That had impressed him, seeing that fey little thing bloody as a bannerman. That she did not care to sit with the women and coo over her half brothers the princelings - his sisters had said that, annoyed that they could not claim the princess's company. And there was something else, too, something only he knew and had told neither his father or brother about - a girl dressed in a boy's breeches and cap, running hell for leather away from Daemon Targeryen only a few nights ago. She knows how to take risks - more than can be said for her father. He found he liked that in a person - and in women in particular. (And she had been rather comely in those breeches, even if it was too bold of him to say.) "She's rather like you, Lady Elin. She has a boldness to her."
He envied Tyland her smiles, a little - she had a radiance to her, seeing she was right. "You'd best be careful how you flirt with me, Ser Harwin. My betrothed fights with sharper weapons than swords."
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mooncleaver · 2 years
how they would hold your hands
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pairings: percy jackson, annabeth chase, leo valdez, jason grace, piper mclean; gn! reader
warnings: once again i am rambling. are we surprised
masterlist <3
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➵ percy is a physically affectionate boy!! he likes to hold your hand or any part of you really at every chance he gets.
➵ now don't tell me he wouldn't wear rings. i refuse to believe he doesn't. (LIKE OMG imagine him just doing his normal business, wearing the most gorgeous pinterest bf vibe clothing plus being laden with all sorts of accessories; vintage, gold, silver, turquoise/opal. what a concept. PEOPLE WOULD BE SCARED!) this man would have a generous collection of them and they're amazing fidget items. he also let’s you wear them and at some point you guys have matching rings <3
➵ i’m the number one (1) supporter of percy jackson being a vivienne westwood king. but feel free to comment on that my besties x.
➵ it becomes such a common thing that if you sit next to him he'll automatically grab your hands. its a subtle way for percy to show you he’s there and to make sure you’re safe.
➵ when he gets nervous he searches for you and 99% of the times ends up with your hand on his lap. (or vice versa, really)
➵ when i tell you he has grip that's so evident whenever you're holding hands.
➵ this is so genius to me wtf but you have a handshake that leads to hand holding. when it's been a thing for a really, really long time the two of you would probably start doing it subconsciously. in a cabin meeting? boom silent handshake. approaching him during a group conversation? boom absolutely soundless and flawless handshake. no eye contact was even made. it ends up with your hands intertwined behind your backs if it's not a pda kinda moment <3 i'm not gonna get into the technicalities of the handshake because i'd be damned, so you get to decide how you want it lovelies!
➵ likes to do regency-ball-type-beat-jane-austen-slay gentlemanly kisses to the back of your hand while greeting you. (ikyk) it's silly but it's a 10.
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➵ i’m gonna base this off of like percabeth 2/4 romance arc so i think annabeth may be a little shy (sometimes prideful lol) to hold your hand at the beginning. it's not that she doesn't want to, but she's like um.. im kinda embarrassed,, so its a sweet and slow thing that you will have to initiate most of the times.
➵ my bestie definitely has other, more prominent love languages lawl
➵ finger holding is her get-go!! the type to drag you everywhere (gently) on dates. now it's guaranteed she'll do that if you’re going to a museum or a place with lots of architectural structures. you best believe she’ll be tugging you around explaining the origins of each monument to a t!
➵ overall, annie has loose and almost fleeting contact when it comes to hand holding. but it can be upped to like a 100 during distressing situations.
➵ sometimes when you're around, she'd start tapping or lightly pulling on your fingers in stressful situations. like when she's trying to decode or figure something out on daedalus' laptop and she feels too much all at once, the comfort of your hands may just be her anchor.
➵ i don't know why i’m imagining something so emotional with annabeth but when things get really bad; in the middle of battle.. or something tells the two of you that tragedy is over the horizon, she'll just grip your hands and look at you with the most vulnerable and intense—almost heartbreaking—look in her eyes. complete with the eyebrows furrowed and nostrils flaring in barely-subdued panic. you don't need her to say it to know that she loves you.
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➵ leo!! i think leo runs hot so he's like your cute little furnace. he would quite literally warm your hands up while cradling them between his. it's very convenient when you're sitting on his lap or leaning your back against his chest.
➵ this probably goes for all the characters that they can be quite fidgety, but leo does these.. strange positions when hand holding. very unorthodox ways to combine each other's hands but you'd go along with it anyways bc its cute and fun.
➵ for some reason he always has something in his hands like tools, food—yes food. snacks that are exclusively for the two of you to share—or smears of oil and ashes. (courtesy of the lovely festus) so you'd have to be particularly mindful about that.
➵ gosh he would be the type of person that twirls you around for a hug. i think it's just me being super cheesy and romantic, but just imagine... it's such a fun and carefree way of greeting each other. esp happens during joyful moments. so spontaneous and unexpected when you think he's only taking you by the hand but he actually spins your body towards his embrace :,,)
➵ also very accessible. literally will just hold his hand out in the air and there'd be a telepathic signal for you to plop yours atop his. people are staring at him like sir?? what? and then you'd come in and everything makes sense. (when you're more familiar with each other, this would def apply for giving him tools and scraps when he's tinkering and making things)
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➵ jason.. dude.. something compels me to say he would be kinda awkward. like partially bc of his strict upbringing in camp jupiter for idk 12? years of his life.
➵ but he’s SO SWEET like if you were the one to initiate it—smiling at him and taking his calloused hands in yours—he would blush like mad idc what anyone says. jason really has an adorable, jarring carmine blush whenever he feels flustered or embarrassed and it paints the tips of his ears too.
➵ definitely one for super subtle, pinky-to-pinky hand holding and fiddling with them whenever.
➵ sometimes when you two are alone he holds both of your hands and it allows for a more intimate face-to-face conversation/ moment. jason thinks doing all these gestures are very personal and.. sacred? almost. like, he treasures them a lot and it's incredibly heartwarming.
➵ there’s a really specific idea i thought with jason but you have this thing where you’d do the ‘measure my hands against yours’ gesture and turn it into hand-holding. i think that’s so cute.
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➵ piper is a hand swinger ong. like yeah she's in a relationship and she's not afraid to flaunt it??
➵ piper has really beautiful, nimble? fingers. i don’t know how i can explain this without sounding weird, but there’s an unusual elegance to the way they move. it’s very distinctive to hold.
➵ she holds you by the elbows. so looping your arms together :)
➵ that opens the door for brushing her fingers atop your skin. but with piper, she tends to do so over your wrists, stroking the skin encasing your veins.
➵ she traces over your palms too; all the lines and jagged marks. dunno if you guys also did this, but when i was younger me and my friends would do palm readings to "predict the future". it's not actually true i think pls, but piper seems like the kind of gal who'd do it just for laughs.
➵ you obviously have matching charm bracelets. also lots of those diy friendship bracelets that decorate your wrists like rainbows.
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🦋: ok so.. originally this was supposed to be hand holding only but i went a little bit off the rails
credits to original artists for the arts that i used! also, they're only references and i'm not trying to pertain to a specific gender :D
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tadpole-san · 4 years
poison ;  j.t.
pairing: titans!jason todd x reader, pre-established relationship, best friends
warnings: mentions/allusions to (attempted) suicide, jason just needing someone in his corner, spoilers for titans s2e12
a/n: 1000/10 this is meant for  @cipheress-to-k-pop, kudos to her for inspiring this and simping over jason peter todd with me - so here’s an exploration of what happened between jason leaving rose and showing up to donna’s funeral
Gotham is, by no means, a small city. And it's easy to come back to, after everything.
After the Titans disband - again, and you’re honestly left with nothing to do and nowhere to go.
After your best friend gets kidnapped, tortured, and thrown off a roof.
After you find him driven to another roof, ready to step off with nothing to catch him, because he’s ready to go somewhere you know you can’t follow.
And after Jason Todd leaves on a motorcycle with Rose Wilson, because he is going somewhere you think you can’t follow. Except can’t isn’t the right word - you shouldn’t follow him, you think. Because Dick was the one to talk him off the roof, like a brother is supposed to, and all you can remember is the wind roaring in your ears and blocking everything out except that Jason wants to jump, Jason wants to die,  I don’t know how to help him. The words die in the back of your throat, and if Dick hadn’t been there-
You don’t want to think about if Dick didn’t make it up there when he did. So you’re avoiding Jason - which is all too easy to do when he’s supposed to be on the other side of the country. Until he calls you and you realize he’s here. In Gotham. The two of you are still connected by the same city.
He doesn’t say where the two of you need to meet, but you know exactly where to find him in the vastness of Gotham’s skyscrapers and abandoned warehouses.
By the time you make it to the top of - surprise, a skyscraper - your legs and lungs are burning. It makes it all the more apparent that you haven’t gotten the same level of Batman-training, and that a busted elevator forcing you to take the stairs is already a sign of bad luck. When you’re able to push the door leading to the rooftop open, you spot the gargoyle first, and it somehow manages to make you smile. All the years you’ve known Jason, the guy who’s become your best friend, and you’ve lost count of the number of times you’ve been able to find him hunched up next to the stone monster. Even now, the shades of yellow on his hoodie stand out like muted sunlight.
“Hey.” The sound of your voice and the opening door gets him to turn around. His legs are dangling over the edge of the roof. You know he’s just sitting there - just sitting, nothing else - but it’s suddenly harder for you to take another breath, and when you move towards him, it’s in a sprint. There’s a spot left for you between him and the gargoyle, one that you take without hesitation as your hand grabs at his jacket. He’s taken aback, you can tell - his eyebrows furrow and he opens his mouth to say something, only to close it a second later. This close, and you can see how his eyes are rimmed with red. Like he’d been crying.
There’s a stinging sensation at your eyes that makes you think you must look the same. Your fingers tighten around worn fabric, and it grounds you. Jason wasn’t wearing the hoodie that day. This isn’t the same as that.
“Are you okay?” you finally ask, pulling your knees up towards your chest instead of dangling them over the edge. You’re too close to the edge already. “Where’s Rose?”
When Jason finally speaks, his voice is rough in the way that it gets when he’s had a few beers. You know this voice well, the same way he knows his way arounds brews, and this takes you back to the first time you'd met him when you were kids, at the bars that your dad and his uncle would get together at.
“I don’t know,” he says. Then he laughs. “I don’t care, you know? Fuck Rose-”
“Could you scoot back?” The question almost rips itself out of your throat, despite your efforts to keep it in until he’s finished telling you what happened. But all you can see are his shoes dangling over the edge, stories above the street, and when you look at the street, you’re imagining his body leaving its impact on it. You can feel Jason’s eyes on you, and you wait for him to tell you to stop being a pussy.
Instead, he mirrors your position and pulls his feet up, tucking them in as he pulls himself away from the edge.
You can breathe again.
“Sorry,” you mutter, finally making eye contact with him again. “I just - I’m sorry.”
I’m sorry I wasn’t there.
I’m sorry I’m such a coward.
I’m sorry I couldn’t help you.
I’m sorry I’m such a bad friend.
“Why the hell are you sorry?” Jason asks, brows furrowing. Now he’s really looking at you, and it’s so heartfelt that you need to drag a hand down your face so you can hide. At the same time, it makes you so angry, because all you can remember is a room full of broken and awful heroes, painting him a villain who would drag out their darkest secrets, their deepest pains, to taunt and jab them with.
How could people do that to a kid? How could they do that to Jason, who - sure, he was rough around the edges, and cocky, and he went out of his way to be a little unlikable sometimes, but he was good. He was one of the best goddamn people you knew, even if you were saying that with bias.
You’re pulled out of the daze you’re in when he calls your name, and you try to speak around the words that are lodged in your throat, clogging it up. “I’m sorry,” you repeated, and the Vice around your throat tightens. “I wasn’t there when it mattered. With you. At the Tower. When they - and you-“ At this point, you have to suck in a deep, shuddering breath. One that has you keeling forward, head falling between your knees.
“Woah. Woah, woah, hold on-“ Jason wrestles his arm out of the sleeve you’re holding onto, and then you feel him pulling you back from the edge. It’s his turn, and he does it with ease, like you’re nothing but air. There’s that training again. “Jesus fuck, you - come on.” Just like that, the two of you are collapsing and folding in on each other.
Jason has gone so incredibly still, like he doesn’t know what he should be doing, and it makes you want to cry - except you don’t. You don’t know if you can feel anything else besides being scared or pissed off - at the Titans, at him - that couldn’t possibly be fair - at yourself. He’s so still it’s like he’s a corpse. “You get hurt somewhere?” he asks, and you shake your head, even as he’s awkwardly patting you over. “Someone pull some shit on you when you ditched the Tower?” You shake your head again, and you register that you're holding onto his hand.  You squeeze, tight. It’s warm. He’s warm. There’s blood flowing through his veins.
He’s okay. He’s alive.
Jason’s hand is squeezing yours just as tight, and it grounds you - he’s keeping you grounded - long enough that you can start to breathe again. Enough that you can keep talking.
“I fell asleep.” The words are eerily similar to Gar’s own sentiments when the two of you wandered into the kitchen  to find an already-fractured team. “I didn’t - I didn’t sleep for two days, you know that? You don’t really get any of that when there’s a psychopath torturing your friend and it’s your fault.”
“It ain’t your fucking fault,” Jason’s quick to say, words frosted with the kind of accent that’s married to a childhood down in Crime Alley. You haven’t grown out of yours, but his has gone sparse since Bruce Wayne picked him out. “Don’t fucking say-”
“Gar and I were supposed to have your back down there.” You press your lips in a thin line, eyes meeting his. “I’m supposed to have your back.”
“I was being a stupid little shit. Hank was right.” Fucking Hank. You think you could attack him, probably. Pick a stupid fight.
“We always think it’s our fault.” Now your words are deliberate. “And we always think we’re the fucking poison. ‘Cept we’re not.” Jason groans, and you can feel him start to pull away. You don’t let your grip loosen, so he uses his other hand to push his hair back roughly and pull the hood over his head, yanking the fabric down so you can’t make out his expression.
“I wasn’t gonna jump.”
“Yeah, you were.”
“I mean just now. I saw your face. I know what you’re thinking.”
“I thought you were gonna fall.” His lips twist into a grimace, and you let go of his hand to shove your own into your pockets. Your fingertips are cold.
“I would’ve caught myself.” Finally, the traces of Robin Jason - cocky, uncaring, cool - are coming back. “Could teach you how, if you want.”
“Do you want to catch yourself?” you ask, not quite ready to fall back into lopsided and carefree with him. “‘Cuz if you don’t, I gotta be the one doing the catching, Jason. Even when you’ve got some kind of - I don’t fucking know, a Superboy doing it.”
“Why?” The little shit has the audacity to smirk. “You jealous?” Incredulous, you stare at him. And then you take your bag and you swing it at his shoulder, only for him to smack it away.
“I’m being serious.” It amazes you how Jason does that - switches at the flip of a coin so as to replace the real shit he’s going through with throwaway comments like that. Sometimes, he’s a real asshole. Even as he’s staring at you with an entirely different expression now, one that makes you wonder just how much he knows about how he makes you feel.
“You need me to catch you?”
“Sometimes,” you admit, turning your head as he shifts closer to you, enough that your knees bump against one another. You push against him, and it turns into an exchange that lasts until your knee is sore. By the end of it, you can feel Jason laughing in your ear. His eyes aren’t red anymore. You take the sleeve he’d shrugged out of and get your arm through it, leaving the two of you awkwardly cramped against one another, and he laughs even more.
“Why can’t we do this shit at the tower?”
“Because you get - you’re all moody, you ass. It’s weird.” You can feel the weight of him on your shoulder and it makes you sigh. “You - look, we gotta talk. For real, you know that?”
“We did,” he mutters, a bit more sullen now. But there’s another elbow to your side, so you think that maybe it’s a bit better. For all that Gotham is home to the world’s evils, you can still love it if it can bring this out in Jason. “You know I say shit to you that I’m not saying to anyone else.” That elicits a half-hearted grin out of you, and you knock your fist against his. His eyes rake over bruised knuckles.
“You asked me if I was okay,” he says, thumb brushing over them. “Are you-”
“Someday,” you interrupt, because it’s a fruitless question. There’s no being okay, and you realize how your own question from earlier is naive. “I’ll get past the fact that we’re gonna keep almost dying. Like the shitshow with Deathstroke. And the fact that the assholes that are supposed to be heroes are full of shit.” Jason’s expression is all-too knowing, and you wonder if he’s figured out that the reason you went to San Francisco had nothing to do with wanting to be a hero and everything to do with not being able to handle Gotham alone. Maybe it’s better to just have yourself - to not have to lean on anyone else to keep on living, but then you look at the boy in front of you. And you know that if Jason only had himself, you wouldn’t be sitting with him right now.
He’s probably figured you out already. He’s Robin. For all that you poke at him for being boneheaded, you know that Batman’s taught him all the ways to see through a person. Even without x-ray vision.
Then he gives you a lopsided smirk, and you know he’s chosen not to say anything. Instead, he hauls himself to his feet - and you with him - with graceful ease, letting you link your arm with his in a way that has your hands brushing together.
“You still haven’t told me what happened with Rose,” you say. At that, he makes a face. One that draws another laugh out of you, because it has his features scrunched up in a scowl that departs from the betrayal you’d found him drowning in when you’d first gotten here.
“You wouldn’t fucking believe - come on.” He uses his foot to toss his bag in the air, catching it with one hand and slinging it over his shoulder. “I’m not doing this unless we’re getting a burger or some shit.”
“What, she break your heart, big boy?” You manage to catch the elbow that’s headed for you, even as Jason kicks you in the back of the knee for that comment. It’s quips and banters that are coming back, a routine the two of you fall into even after weeks apart. Jason’s shouldered the door to the stairwell open - losers first - and you find yourself casting one final look to the lone gargoyle before you step inside.
Gotham is, by no means, a small city. She’s unforgiving and cruel, and her metal arches and stone beams are interwoven with a history of poison. Some days, you wonder if it’s too late - if you’ve already got it in your veins, running through your blood and killing you from the inside. Leaving a city like her was easy.
And it’s easy to come back to, despite everything. Because if Jason isn’t poison, then maybe you’re not, either.
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jd-loves-fiction · 4 years
➤ Jason Todd x Reader
➤ Warnings: gun kink, unprotected sex [don’t be silly, wrap the willy ;)]
➤ @catxsnow @internalsealpanic​ @littleredwing89
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[22:50] Your lungs burn as you leapt from one building to another, begging you to slow down at once. 
No chance of that, not with the sound of heavy footsteps thundering behind you as a grunt is heard after the man chasing you lands. 
So you keep running, despite the tightness of your chest, the soreness of your feet and burning in your muscles. 
But somewhere deep inside, something urges you to stop. Something more abstract than the discomfort you feel.
"Come on, princess. Stop and let's talk this out!"
"No way in hell, you glorified eyesore!" You yell back, jumping yet another gap between buildings almost perfectly. 
You misjudge the distance and are unable to stick the landing, rolling across the roof until you stop on your back. You don't move, already hearing how his footsteps become slower. He approaches your defeated form, panting as your ankle throbs slightly. You know you can't run anymore at this point, so why tire yourself out.
Red Hood steps over you, placing his boots on your spread arms, barely applying any pressure, just enough to send a message. 
You can hear his heave, distorted, and you imagine him to be sweating bullets under his helmet, while you cool off with the cold, humid air of late night Gotham.
"Did you need to do all that? I just wanted to talk." Red hood protests, exasperated and still panting as you do the same with a skeptical look. 
"Seems it was more your gun wanting to do the talking." You bite back, feeling small under his gaze, so far up from you, but refusing to show it. 
You can almost see his red helmet contort into a frown as you both know what you said isn't true. He may threaten you but he'd never actually shoot you. No matter how much he tries to hide it, he enjoys this dynamic of yours. And so do you. 
The sexual tension, usually pointed out by others around you, could be cut with a meat cleaver. And it just keeps building. Every encounter or skirmish usually leaves you with sticky underwear and him with tighter pants. You excite him, keep him on his toes, and he does the same to you. 
Not to mention the more intimate moments you've shared. 
Walking the grey line of morality meant that your friends could be your enemies and vice versa. For you two, it meant that one day you could be bandaging each other up (still with the masks on) and the next day you could be the ones creating a need for the bandages. 
And that is fine. You both think it's fine.
Until the tension brewing comes to a head spills over from the cauldron. 
Red Hood takes his feet away from your biceps, stepping just below them to take the weight off and still keep close. He then takes his shinny, polished gun from its holster, not yet having been used on that night. 
His large thighs flex as he crouches over your chest, placing the gun under your chin as you stare into the white eyes of his hood, hoping to catch a glimpse of what's behind. 
"Well, if that's the only way I'll get you to talk." His deep voice, seemingly deepened by the voice modulator, rumbles through your chest as he speaks. 
"There are other ways…" You whisper suggestively, mask slits lowering as you smirk seductively. The complete switch from your feisty defiance to a velvety tone and alluring expression makes him pause. 
"Oh? And what would those be?" The gun feels cool against your skin as he presses it harder against you.
"You could start by taking off your helmet." You say confidently. And just like that, the gun's pressure leaves you as he pulls it away slightly. 
Red Hood sighs deeply, shoulders dropping, "You know I can't do that, princess." 
"Not for me?"
"Not for you, not for anyone I'm afraid."
"Won't even let me try to change your mind?" You purr. Your hands crawl up his tense legs, feeling the muscles quiver under your fingertips before they settle on his hips. 
"I can't promise you anything." His tone turns stern, almost cold, but his breathing wavers at the feeling of your warm hands on his cold body. 
"Then don't. Just let me do my thing and see how you feel afterwards." You suggest, nails scratching just above his belt. His hand flexes for a moment, contemplating, before he traces his gun down your throat and towards your warm chest. 
"Think you can change my mind, do you?" His free hand brushes your hair away from your face before he grabs your chin between his gloved fingers. "Let's see what you got."
You slip your legs out from under him, placing them around his waist and throwing him off balance to the side, following the momentum and sitting yourself over him. 
Red Hood's helmet hits the floor as he lets his head fall back. You lay your weight on his middle before gripping both his wrists while leaning closer to his face. 
"You sound quite cocky. Not much reason to, since you're the one on the ground while I could just get up and run. You'd be left all alone to take care of your little problem." You whisper while grinding your ass against said problem.
"True, but we both know you don't really want to. And it's not so little, princess." His voice is deep and raspy as you continue your hip movements, taking his gun out of his hand. "I'll believe it when I see it."
"Then you better start working, doll face."
You scoff at his tone before realizing the safety was off on the gun. "The safety was off?" You ask, shocked, as you turn it on, placing it by your side. 
"Sorry, forgot about it. Had more interesting things to think about." His hands reach for you before you grab them, pinning them beside his head.
"You forgot about it? Not very professional of you, considering your impulses." Your chest meets his as you lean heavily on his wrists. You both know your hold on them means close to nothing and that he could easily get out of it, but he'd allow it if it meant having fun.
"Not the impulses you should be focusing on, sweetheart." His legs bend, urging you forward and making his crotch grind against yours.
“Ooh, I’m so scared of a man whose face I can’t even see. Not to mention the fact that you clearly have a very soft spot for me, sweetheart.” You tease, grinding your hips down firmly, reveling in the deep grunt that makes him chest vibrate against yours.
Red Hood lets out a slow breath, body relaxing completely as he stays silent, “Yeah, you’re right.” he finally says, quietly, absentmindedly. You stare deep into the whites of his mask as he stays tight-lipped and seemingly contemplating something. 
"Can I trust you? Completely?" He asks before you hum, taking your hands away and sitting up. You ignore his boner poking your ass.
"Yes, of course you can." Your expression turns soft and serious as you speak. You hope he can hear your honesty more than see it through the mask. 
He nods before reaching for his helmet, "Wait!" You exclaim as your hands stop him. "What are you doing?!"
"Listen, princess. I want this and I trust you. So I'm acting on all this fucking tension because honestly, I can't wait anymore." And so you let him reach for the back of his helmet, clicking it open with a hiss, before he takes it off and you're baffled by the image before you.
His hair is short and black with a white streak, just as messy and sweaty as you expected. His eyes are a startling, pale green, and they watch your reaction for a moment before his cheeks darken. There's the beginning of dark stubble on his jaw and chin. Even the small scars all across his face, from his cheek to the bridge of his nose, add to his rugged handsomeness that nothing your mind has ever conjured up could compare to. 
"Don't comment too much. We can leave the soft stuff for another time. Right now, I just need to be inside you." The heated look in his striking eyes makes your breath stutter, along with his words. Before you smile cheekily while trailing your nails down his hard abs. 
"'Leave the soft stuff for another time?' That better mean you'll be taking me out on a date, or I'm not having it." You tease, winking at him as he smiles fondly. You take off your mask and place it by his helmet, ego massively boosted by the immensely flustered look on his face as yours is revealed. 
"Do comment all you like. And you can call me Y/N." You whisper into the night, lips a breath away from his. 
"Jason. Nice to meet you, finally."
His soft lips crash against yours as months of tension come to a head while teeth scrape and tongues battle for dominance. You lose it and let Jason suck on your tongue as you rush to unbuckle his pants after raising his shirt slightly.
You feel his hands grip your waist tightly, meaning to flip you under him, before you hold him back by placing your hands on his, "Let me ride you, please." 
"Ah fuck, doll face." Jason's voice wavers as you reach past his boxers to grab his hot member in your cold hand. Your hand moves up and down, feeling him harden fully in your palm as your forehead rests against his. 
Your lips suck on his pulse while your other hand brushes a long scar in the middle of his torso, that you refuse to comment on. 
"Princess, you better stop or I'm gonna cum. And I just wanna do it inside you." He grunts, tugging at your pants while holding your wrist to slow you down.
You take your pants off, thankful for the roof's tall walls and the fact that, for once, it isn't raining like hell. The stone digs into your knees as you settle over him once again. 
"You ready?" Jason asks as you move his cock through your folds. You're not sure of the answer. He looks too girthy for you to take without prep painlessly. But with the burning ache on your core begging to feel him inside, your patience is quickly running out, so you're sure going to try.
You sink down instead of answering, slipping only the head of his cock inside you, making his eyes widen and nearly roll back at the unexpected pleasure, before they close tightly as he struggles to hold his own hips down as you adjust.
"Ah! Doll…" He sighs, hips twitching as they try to raise against the weight of you. You hold yourself up on his stomach as your walls are stretched to their limit, trying not to impale yourself too quickly.
You breathe hard and deep as you move down, the base being thicker makes it harder and not painful, but it's worth it for Jason's face as you finally descend all the way until your hips meet his and he gasps before moaning loudly and deeply. His cheeks become even redder than before, looking to the side at his loud noise.
You lean towards his ear to whisper, moving him inside you slightly which makes him groan again, "Be as loud as you like, nobody can hear you. Plus, not sure anybody cares."
“Fuck, princess, please tell me I can move. I just wanna fuck this pussy so bad.” Jason says, hands holding onto your hips. You nod desperately, already half gone with the feeling of his hard cock fully inside, raising yourself with a whimper and dropping again.
“Shit, doll!” He exclaims, hands helping you move as his hips raise while you drop, his tip hitting you impossibly deep as a layer of sweat starts to form on both of your foreheads, hair sticking to the skin.
“Ah, Jason.” You whimper, grounding your clit against his pelvis at the bottom.
“You feel so good, doll. So warm and wet, fuck…” He sighs, hand grasping your hair and pulling your lips against his as you set a hard and fast pace. 
Your lips barely connect for more than a few moments, kisses interrupted by moans and whimpers as you breathe against each other's mouths. 
Your toes begin to curl as sparks of pleasure travel all over your flushed body, breathing heavy as your heart pounds against your chest. Your body jerks as Jason’s rough and calloused finger starts rubbing firm circles on your clit.
“You close, sweetheart? You gonna cum all over my cock? Clench even tighter, shit!” He sighs, followed by a groan as you do clench tighter around him at his dirty words while the pleasure builds.
“Jason, please! I’m so close.” You moan desperately, muscles twitching as you allow Jason to do the most work with his powerful thrusts and rough fingers.
Your back arches as you finally reach that peak, shivering, nails digging into his stomach as you let him thrust into your pussy until he lets out a grunt once he reaches his orgasm, warm filling you as his cum drips out of you and down your thighs.
You open your eyes, gazing up into the dark sky, catching your breath before looking down. Jason lays back, sighing as the aftershocks of his high wears off slowly, leaving him sated and tired, pent up tension finally released.
You lean forward, ignoring the way your pussy twitches as he nudges the inside, and placing a kiss to his red cheek and smiling at his hazy, faraway gaze.
“So, about that date, you free on Friday?”
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smolla-than-a-bug · 3 years
you’re definitely flirting with me
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—jason todd x villain!reader
second and final part to are you flirting with me. can be read as a stand-alone tho
navi | bat boys m.list | are you flirting with me
content — language, blood, mentions of harassment, mildly suggestive (use of the word ‘daddy’ but ironically)
notes — i know that its literally been years and that i formerly posted a part two to are you flirting with me, but looking back, i didn't like how it turned out. i did find a fun drabble in my drafts with villain!reader as well, so i decided to rewrite it and use it as a continuation. i actually deleted the old parts personally, i prefer this version of the end!
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"I'm in."
"Hot. You should be able to see–"
"Is this your way of telling me you're visually impaired?"
"I will scoop your eyes out in your sleep."
"Please use an ice cream scooper. My eyeballs would fit so well, it would be so satisfying–"
"Okay, okay. What do you mean nothing?"
"By nothing I mean nothing, ball sack. The warehouse is fucking empty."
Frantic rustling of papers and violent knocking of objects could be heard on Roy's end of the line. Jason sighed, going to pinch the bridge of his nose before realizing he had a helmet on. 
The whole situation was throwing him off his rhythm — that much was evident. The intel they had collected on the gang of criminals seemed too obvious, too predictable. Jason had his suspicions, but Roy was quick to shut him down. 'Dude, trust me,' he said. Famous last words.
A crackle of static sounded in his earpiece. Roy's voice urgent and choppy before completely dying out. Jason could only attempt to call out to his partner in the hopes of a full response, but his efforts brought no avail. That's another thing that went wrong today.
"Hey, sexy."
What in the fuck.
"Your ass looks great from this angle. The party you're looking for is in a bar on the other side of the city, by the way."
You couldn't actually see him, but he doesn't need to know that. It's just your thing to mess with him, and by the sounds of him cussing you out for hacking into his means of communication, it was working. It was amusing. He kept you entertained.
That was all you had to say to him for now though, so you bid him goodbye. The roaring of his motorcycle over his colorful language directed at you was the last thing you heard before you cut off and allowed his partner to get back on the line.
"Jaybird? You there?"
"Ah, you're back. I'm never trusting you with getting intel again."
"Whatever. Anyway, was that...?"
"Yeah. Y/v/n."
"Hm. I don't know what she's on, but you have no ass like–"
"And yet I have more ass than you, so shut the fuck up, paddle board."
“That... That was a bit harsh, bro.”
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Soft gushes of wind blew against your masked face. You shut your eyes, feeling the breeze and relishing in your little moment of peace. Lazily pacing, you hummed a random tune.
Your mischief and cunningness is something your alias was known for. Most often, it's a convenient trait to be able to slip around with ease and get the job done in a snap, but sometimes you get bored. It can be such a drag when nobody tries a confrontation with you. That's why you're so fond of the Red Hood. It's a shame that it's been a while since you've seen him around, so imagine your delight when you feel a familiar presence behind you.
You took a seat at the edge of the building. To anyone, you would've looked like you were having your main character moment, peacefully looking over the city if not for the small pile of bodies rotting away not too far from you. The dried blood on your attire and your fingers no longer irked you in the slightest. It's something you've gotten used to, which lead to your habit of picking the blood under your nails. Red gets annoyed when you do this — all the more reason to entertain your habit in front of him.
You let your legs dangle over the edge without a care. You didn't bother to greet the vigilante, who currently had a gun aimed at your back. Sigh.
“Oh, I do hate the sight of blood.”
“Well then, maybe — just maybe — you shouldn’t kill for a living.”
That got you to turn your head to face him. You cock an eyebrow — doesn’t he kill for a living too? Sure, his victims are usually criminals and thugs while yours are people you’re paid to target, usually business owners and the occasional politician, but you digress. Details. The point is, he kills people too.
A few seconds of staring and prolonging the tension passed, and Jason weighed his options before eventually putting down his gun. He then opted to join you on the ledge.
“So,” he started, “what’s your favorite color?”
“Sweetheart, if you thought you’d be able to keep me entertained with small talk... I think I’d rather you shot me.”
You stood up from your spot on the ledge and leaned over the rooftop to examine your altitude. You grin to yourself.
“What are you doing?”
You don’t answer. You want to see something. Instead you turn your body to face Jason and mockingly salute him before leaping off the building, though not before you heard him call out your alias’ name and yell a panicked ‘Wait!’
Immediately after you, Jason followed. You chuckled when you saw him get closer. You enjoyed fooling him around almost as much as you enjoyed fooling around with him.
With no time to waste, he pulled out his grappling hook, yanked your body by the waist, and zipped to the rooftop of the nearest building — one different from the last one you were on.
Jason‘s heaving chest radiated distress.
“You’re fucking insane! You could have died!”
You stood in front of him, arms crossed and your stance relaxed. Nobody would’ve suspected that you literally jumped off a building just a few seconds ago. Aw, you pout, he cares about me.
“Would’ve made your job easier. You know, you heroes are supposed to get rid of the bad guys.”There’s humor in your eyes. Jason knows you’re enjoying this. He hates how much you enjoy this. “So, why’d you save me?”
“Why’d you help me with my mission last time?”
He’s deflecting. Cute.
“Hey, I asked you a question first.” You know he won’t budge til you give him an answer. He’s probably been asking himself that question since it happened. You mentally pout, aww he thinks of me. Sigh. Okay, fine.
“The gang you were after just so happened to have given me a job a little while ago.” You recall some of the gang members attempting to grope you. Some unpleasant memories you’d rather live without. “Pissed me off. Now your turn.”
Why’d you save me?
A pause. He shifted to look to the side. Oh, this is interesting.
“You could have died.” Ah, this again.
“Well, you’ve died,” you remind him. “Not that it really stuck.”
He says your name — your real name. You wonder when he discovered your identity, but then again, you’re not all that surprised. It’s him after all.
He can see your growing smile the longer he refuses to answer your question. He knows you’re already thinking of something, and still opts to ignore your question, allowing you to further indulge in your thoughts. He dreads you enlightening him; he knows it’s coming. Jason could not fathom how one woman could frustrate him so much.
“You like me.” There it is, he thinks. There’s your stupid smirk and your dumb air of arrogance.
“Come on, just admit it, hot shot. You can’t live without me.” Okay, maybe that one’s a bit of a stretch (just a bit), but you stand by it nonetheless.
You grin wide as you approach him. Leaning slightly forward to grab Jason by the collar and pull him down to meet your eyes, you repeat yourself.
“You like me.” Stated with more emphasis, like a significant fact that you try to drill into your head when studying for an exam.
“I’ll shoot you.”
“Please, daddy.”
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© smolla-than-a-bug, 2021. please do not copy or repost my works. reblogs are appreciated!
tags — @iwriteaboutstuff @comicsgirlimagines @httpfandxms
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Okay theme songs let's go
Under the cut bc it's gonna be a long one 😭 I left out some of my more casual ones bc I don't have an idea :(
Satine: From Eden by Hozier!!! Like! "Babe/ there's something tragic about you"!!!! Bc both of us are tragic!!!! GAHHH,,,,
47 and Diana: There's so many!! But Shelter by FINNEAS!!!! That song hits so hard but I just. Oh my god. All of Verse Two hits me like a TRAIN!!!!! Fuck.
Movie!47: GAHHH!!! So many songs and half of them are just being absolutely hopelessly devoted. Like some Gomez and Morticia!!!!!! Skyfall by Adele!!! Bc badass couple goes brrr hehe.
Ella and Charming: Pierre by Run Weaver!!!, The vibes of the song are absolutely immaculate for them 🥺
Erik and Charles: Arms Tonite by Mother Mother. Bc we're uh™. Complicated. I think. Also the song is very good!
Arthur Morgan: This Side of Paradise by Coyote Theory!!!! Bc!!! He is lonely,,,I am lonely,,,our fingers dancing when they meet!!!!!! It's so gentle too... ughHHH.
Lucifer: hMM,,,Talk Too Much by COIN!!! He talks,,,so sometimes I just gotta shut him PSJDJSHDH. Also imagining him mumbling the words to that song and he's like an inch away from kissing me drives me insane.
Geralt and Jaskier: FUCK okay okay. You're So Creepy by Ghost Town?? Idk why. It just seems to fit us ;w;
Dana: OUGH MY BELOVED MY SWEET DARLING GIRLFRIEND. Can I Call You Tonight? By Dayglow!!! GAHHH that song is so sweet it hits my little yearning neurons.
Volga: Something Just Like This by The Chainsmokers bc. Bro,,,I just want something just like this,,,somebody I can turn to,,,somebody I can miss,,,
Gordon: WAILS LOUDLY. Die Alone by FINNEAS. It's so perfect for us you don't understand I am so feral its us it's us. The entire song. So good.
Karl: GAH THIS BASTArD <3 What A Heavenly Way To Die by Troye Sivan!!! It's a good song and just. Yes. All of Verse One!!!! There's other songs like Honeypie like JAWNY!!!
Jon and Martin: OKAY OKAY. it's a tie between Foreigner's God by Hozier and You've Got The Life by Florence + The Machine!!!!! GAHHH.
Sully: there's so many songs I could say bc of the ✨complicated love story✨ we are but. But. I Will Follow You into The Dark by Death Cab for Cutie. It's such....🥺🥺🥺😭
Alice: hMMMn,,,Yellow Hearts by Any Saunders bc it's so soft and we're so soft. Oh my god.
The Narrator/Simon: There's so many songs,,,I think Talk To Me by Cavetown!!!! Or It's Alright by Mother Mother. Maybe a mix of those two.
Jason: !!! This fucking man oh my god I want to kiss him. Anyway Creep by Radiohead and I will not expand.
Slenderman: oouughhh. Lay All Your Love On Me by ABBA!!! Esp the one with like the guitar and shit kicking in!!!! Also I Hear a Symphony by Cody Fry :>
Warren: !! Me and My Husband by Mitski!!! Gahhhh <3
Arthur Hastings: YELLS LOUDLY. As The World Caves In by Matt Maltese but specifically the acoustic one!!!!!!!!! Because fuCKKK it's him that I lie with as the atom bomb drops in!!!!!!!!!
Thomas Richardson: I think. Hmm. All of Me by John Legend and Cabo by Ricky Montgomery :0
Harvey: AAA,,,my sweet ghost man...I cannot think of a song other than the one that is our tag 😭. I might say Soulmate Song by Carson James Argenna is the first that comes to mind...second being I Don't Want To Set The World On Fire by Ink Spots!!
Nihilus: OH THIS MAN THIS FUCKING MAN. Oh my GODDDD. Obsessed With You by The Orion Experience!!! Also maybe Daisy Bell by...idk who? goddd,,,,
Luke and Din: They're still kinda new f/os tbh? But. Glad You Came by The Wanted. Something about it makes me think of them,,,,<3!!!
Phone Guy: !!!! gahhh. agaiN so many songs!!! Ugh. Boyfriend by COIN,,,also Absolutely Smitten by dodie,,,,
Miles Upshur: okay this one is gonna sound absolutely ridiculous and obvious,,,but. E.T. by Katy Perry and exclusively without K*yne's part. Also exclusively Clarity covered by Kurt Hugo Schneider.
Mirael and Fawkes: hmMMsnndj,,,,Run by Hozier but like. Also Line Without A Hook by Ricky Montgomery. Wrecking Ball by Mother Mother also makes me think of us!
Izold: yet again thinking of the song that's our theme. Anyway! Hey Lover! by Wabie,,,Walk You Home by Sir Chloe,,,so many songs. *pats Izold's shoulder* this bad boy can fit so many songs into him!!!!!
Alna: AGAIN THE FIRST SONG TO COME TO MIND IS THE ONE THAT'S OUR THEME!!! but. But. Pretend The World Has Ended by She Wants Revenge and Love Story covered by Sarah Coltrane!!! Ahhhh.
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thebluenebula · 4 years
So todays my birthday so I figured I'd write a birthday fic for Ashleigh. I really enjoyed writing this. This take place about three to six months after she arrived, so she is much more comfortable around the Batfam.
The Day After (Coming Soon)
I sat at the breakfast table, reading todays paper. I never really read them. I just skimmed through them until some picture or crazy headline caught my eye. Bruce sat across from me.
"So." He loudly said.
I looked up from the paper. "So?"
"What about Sunday?"
"It's your birthday."
"Oh." I was genuinely shocked. It didn't feel like a year had passed. I guess when a lot happens, you don't notice the time go by.
"I was just wondering what you wanted to do for it?"
"I don't really want to do anything." I explained.
"No party?"
"You're only eighteen once Ashleigh."
"And I'm quite content not to celebrate it."
"Alright." Bruce looked a little disappointed. "How about a gift, what kinda gift do you want?"
"Gift." I looked at Bruce with genuine shock. "Bruce you've literally given me everything I could have ever needed in the last six months."
He grinned. "Thats my job."
"I dont need anything else."
"I know you don't need anything, but so you WANT anything?"
"How about my own house?" I joked.
"If you want one." Bruce replied, deadly serious.
"No." I quickly responded. "I'm not going to get kicked out am I?"
"Of course not."
I sighed with relief. I may be about to be eighteen but I'm in no way prepared to be on my own.
"If I was going to kick out any of my kids, don't you think Dick and Jason would already be gone."
"What's this about me getting kicked out?" Jay asked as he walked in.
"Don't worry Jay, I'm not kicking you out. Yet." Bruce assured him. "Just making a point."
"Wait," Jay leaned against the table. "I understand why your using me as an example, but why would you want to kick out Dick?"
Bruce shivered. "I have heard him say things I never wanted to hear any of my kids say."
"God." Jay yelled and slammed his head into his hands. "I'd repressed that memory."
"What happened?" I cautiously asked.
"Well there was this one time Dick and Wally were fu-" Jay began to explain.
Bruce elbowed him. "She does not need to know. No one needs to know."
I looked at the two curiously. I wonder what Dick and Wally got up to.
That night before I lay into bed, I looked at the photograph on my locker. Siobhan, Sean, and I. We all looked so happy. It felt odd, this would be the first year I'd have a birthday without Sean, and the first in years without Siobhan. I grabbed the photo and lay into bed.
That Friday I was lying on my floor, texting Cassie. "Artemis seems crazy."
"She can be, thats why her and Jay get on so well. So it's your birthday Sunday. 🎉🎉🎉" She text me.
For a moment I wondered how she knew, then I remembered that it was on my Pixtagram account. "Yup."
"You doing anything for it?"
"Not a thing."
"No party?"
I wish. "Not much of a party person."
"Dick or Steph will through you one regardless."
"Bruce made Dick promise not to and I don't think Steph even knows."
"Wait you didnt tell them its your birthday?"
"Nope. Only Bruce, Alfred, and Kate knows and I'd  rather keep it that way."
"Okay, mind if I come around tommorow? We can just hang out or something to not celebrate you're birthday."
I giggled. "That'd be awesome."
"How's 12 sound?"
I yawned. "That'd be awesome. If it's alright, I'm going to go to bed."
"Goodnight Ashleigh. I'll text you in the morning."
I was asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. Cassie text me the next morning and we confirmed are meet up. A little after one Cassie arrived. We got to togetehr with a couple of the other kids and played video games and chatted for hours. Cassie had to leave in a bit so the two of us headed up to my room.
I sat down on my swivel chair and Cassie plopped onto the bed. "So any idea what Bruce is getting you for your birthday?"
"Nothing, I think."
"Well he asked me what I wanted but I couldn't think of anything else I could want"
"Maybe you could ask for a car and give it to me." She joked.
"You can fly though."
"It would be a tad questionable if I FLEW to school."
"Point taken."
"Speaking of gifts," Cassie pulled a wrapped box out of her bag. "Since I won't see you tomorrow."
"Cassie you didn't have to."
"I wanted to."
I took the box from her. "Thank you. Do I open it now?"
"I'd prefer if you did." Cassie said. "You can't imagine the amount of thought you have to put into getting a gift for the child of a billionaire."
"I'm not picky." I explained, then pulled off the wrapping paper. A photo frame. A blue frame surrounded by little clouds and bats. "Cassie, its adorable."
She smiled. "The clouds were already there but i stuck the bats on cause... you know."
"Yeah, I know." I smiled. "I love it."
"Well I seen that you had that photo by your bedside and thought you might use this frame for another. Maybe you could put like a picture of everyone in in it or something.
"I don't have a picture of everyone in the house together. That'd be nice."
"That's it!" She exclaimed.
I jumped. "That's what?"
"Your birthday gift. Ask Bruce for a picture of you all together."
"I'd love that but I'd have to blow on a hell of a lot of candles for that wish to come through."
Cassie laugh was interupted by a ding from her phone. She checked the phone. "Diana's outside, I've got to go."
"I'll walk you out."
We headed down to the entrance. Cassie opened the door and prepared to leave. "I guess I'll see you again Ashleigh." She said as she stepped out the door.
She stopped and turned. "Yes?"
"If you aren't busy tommorow... maybe you like to come around."
She smiled. "I'd love to."
"Yeah. I'll remember to bring those extra candles for the wish."
I laughed. "I'll need them."
"I won't forget." She promised. "I'll see you tommorow then."
"One other thing, when is your birthday?"
"So I can remember to get you that car."
She giggled and walked down the steps. I wonder if Bruce would actually let me buy her a car.
I got up early the next day and to my delight. No big deal seemed to be made of my birthday. Dick, Bruce, and Alfred wished me a Happy Birthday but that was it. Everyone else seemed clueless to it.
Around eleven Cassie arrived and her, Carrie, Harper, and I ended up in the den playing video games again.
About one Bruce dragged me out of the den. "What's up?" I asked him.
"Someones here to see you."
"Who?" I asked as we stepped out into the hall.
"Hey Ashleigh." Kate stood just inside the door. Arms open.
"Kate!" I hugged her. "I didn't know you were coming today."
"Thought I'd surprise you, considering it's your birthday." She ruffled my hair. "Happy Birthday, by the way."
"Thank you." I smiled. "How'd you know?"
"I always know."
"Bruce told you?"
She nodded. "Bruce told me."
"I felt it was necessary." Bruce added.
Kate held a box. "A little something."
"Thanks but you didn't have to."
"I know, Bruce said that. Which is why I distinctively ignored it."
Bruce scoffed. "I shouldn't be surprised."
Kate looked to Bruce then back to me. "I'll hold on to it for a little while."
"Sure." I looked to Bruce skeptically.
"Follow me." He said.
I followed Kate and Bruce towards the Dining room. "Where are we going?"
"I just want to say, that this was primarily Dicks idea." Bruce said.
Oh no. I already knew what this is. I put on a smile as we walked through the doors into the dining room. It was decorated to the nines with birthday banners and other colorful decorations. Sometimes I hate Dicks insistent to go over the top with everything.
"Happy Birthday!" Everyone yelled as I entered. I smiled at the large gathering of people. To say I was uncomfortable was an understatement. But just for a second. Before, when I had parties, it fwlt like a lot of the smiling faces were just that, smiling face, no genuine emotion behind them but not this time. This time the smiles held happiness, love. I could feel it
All the nervousness I should feel, melted away. I don't know of it was Kate's hand on my shoulder or the smiles of my family and Cassie.
I was quickly tugged to the table by Steph. In front of me sat a large chocolate cake. On it, there had to be about fifty candles. "I told you I wouldn't forget." Cassie smiled.
"Come on!" Dick shouted excitedly.
"Can't we just skip that part?" Jay moaned.
Dick ignored Jay's remark and burst into song. "Happy birthday to you!"
Dick was quickly joined by the others, even Jay mumblwd along. After the song was over, I blew out my candles. Downside of so many candles, took quite a few blows.
"So what'd you wish for?" Steph asked.
"She can't tell you, that ruins the wish." Dick said.
"I didn't wish for anything." I said. "I have everything I could ever need."
Damien scoffed. "Corny. You sound like Grayson."
Cassie nudged me. "Do it."
"Fine." I sighed. "I did wish for something."
"Anything." Bruce said.
"I wish for... a photo. Of all of us. Together."
"That's all?"
"That's all."
"That's doable." Bruce turned to the kids. Jay and Damien in particular. "Isn't it."
Jay sighed. "Just this once."
Damien scoffed. ""Yes, as Todd said."
"I shall get the camera." Alfred stated.
"No need I have one here." Steph said, handing a camera to Alfred. "I have been capturing every moment of this."
"At this point, I'm surprised you don't take pictures of us sleeping." Tim remarked.
"Maybe I do."
"I'm double checking the locks in my door tonight." Duke commented.
"I'll always find another way in."
"You are the creepiest blonde I've ever met." Jay said. "And thats not a low bar."
"But you love me for it."
Jay sighed. I turned to Alfred. "You're  not going to be in the photo?" I asked.
"Someone must take the photo."
"I can take it Alfie." Cassie said.
"I will allow you to take this photo, Miss Sandsmark, on one condition."
"What's that?"
"Never refer to me as Alfie ever again."
"Fiiine." Cassie snagged the camera. "Now go join them."
"Okay," Bruce said. "Tallest to the back."
Dick, Kate, Bruce, Alfred, and Jay stood at the back in that order. Damien, Babs, me, Harper, Carrie, Duke, Steph, and Cass stood in front.
Dick picked up Damien. "Let me go Grayson!"
"Chill out." Dick said as he placed Damien on his shoulders. "Don't want you cut out of the photo.
"This will suffice." Damien huffed, pretending to be upset.
Steph turned to Cass. "Pleaaase."
"Sure." Cass lifted Steph onto her shoulder.
Bruce smiled at his children and place an arm around Alfred. I felt Kate place her hand on my shoulder.
"Say cheese." Cassie said.
"Cheeese!" We all shouted as Cassie snapped the picture.
We all walked over to her. "How's it look?"
She through an arm around my neck. "Smile."
I looked at the camera in surprise as Cassie snapped a picture. "What was that about?" I asked as Cassie let go of me.
She shrugged. "You needed a photo of us."
She handed me the camera. I looked at the photo of us. Cassie looked perfect but I had a look of absolutely confusion plastered on my face. I smiled and looked at the family picture. Everyone looked perfect in it. Even Damien and Jay were smiling. The camera was quickly passed around everyone as they looked at the photo.
Afterwards we cut the cake. I could tell by the way that Cass and Steph watched me as I took the first slice, that they had baked it. "Best cake ever." I said after I took a bite. The two girls had huge grins plastered across their faces. The cake was quickly devoured by everyone.
A pile of gifts sat on the table from each of the Batfamily. I figured I'd open them later and we went to play party games. For a moment I thought they be boring but the look on Tim's face when the donkey tail ended up pinned to his back, courtesy of Steph, proved me wrong.
Eventually we all lay up and watched some movies. By eleven everyone was clearly knackered. I could barely even keep my eyes open. Carrie was sound asleep against Bruce and most of the others weren't far behind. I was almost asleep when I felt a small weight on my shoulder.
Cassie looked half asleep as she leaned against me. Maybe she was asleep, just with her eyes open. I couldn't tell.
"Is she asleep?" I heard a voice ask from behind me.
I looked over my shoudler. Diana stood in the open doorway. "Diana." Bruce slid out gently from under Carrie and stood up. "I didn't hear you come in."
"I knocked. I assure you." She said. "No one answered, so I let myself in."
"Sorry, Miss Prince, I was preoccupied." Alfred stated.
I hadn't even noticed Alfred in the armchair in the corner. Jay was curled up beside him and appeared to be sound asleep.
"No worries Alfred."
"You've come to pick up Carrie. I assume." Bruce said.
"Yes. I'd leave her here but I promised her mother I'd bring her home tonight."
"Of course."
I shook Cassie. "Wake up."
She looked up at me groggily. "Huh?"
She sat up straight and looked to Diana. "Oh hey."
"Time to go."
Cassie stood up and stretched. "Sure, I'll juat grab my bag, i think it's in the kitchen." She turned back to me. "See yah Ash, and Happy Birthday."
I smiled. "See yah."
Cassie and Diana left and I looked back at the TV. I didn't recognise the movie that was on. I didn't even know who picked it. Slowly I drifted off to sleep on the couch.
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leelee10898 · 5 years
Chikara: Kanashimi (1/?)
Ellie wheeler's senior year turned out to be one she would never forget. Now in college, leaving behind the life she grew to love, she did anything but thrive.
If you'd like to be added to the taglist, lemme know!!
Raiting: Mature. Series will contain, violence, death, sexual situations, and bad decisions.
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Ellie quietly wandered the halls of Langston, head down, never noticed by anyone and she never spoke to anyone either.  It was just her and her thoughts, her roommate flaked out the first two weeks of fall semester. Not like she ever really talked to the girl. Her day consists of getting up, going to school, homework, dinner, shower, bed. Rinse, lather, repeat, Every day for 6 months.
She tried to keep her mind busy,  she never fully tuned it out. Behind all the math problems and research papers, he was always there like a cancerous tumor sucking the life out of her. she didn't hate it, it was quite the opposite really, she loved it, she needed it to get by the long days and lonely nights.
The night they finally took the brotherhood down, was one of the proudest moments she felt. They watched as Jason was hauled off in handcuffs, a tiny sliver of justice for Kaneko. She said goodbye to Toby, Ximena, even Mona, she knew they would move on from the crew. When Logan said goodbye it stung, she cared a great deal for him. He was the first guy she had ever kissed, or even had feelings for but, he wasn't Colt. From the moment they met, he drove her crazy, he annoyed her to no end and he was a complete jerk but she was drawn to him like a moth to a flame.
She had just finished submitting her final paper to her English teacher when she ran to her dorm room, grabbed her bags and headed to the airport. When she left for the summer program at Langston she told her dad she would see him at thanksgiving. She reluctantly left her car behind, a deal her father and her came to for breaks such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and Spring break, In the summer she would drive home. It was finally Thanksgiving and she couldn't wait.  she pressed the imaginary gas pedal on the airplane floor, secretly hoping it would get her there faster.
The sound of a screaming child filled the cabin, Ellie popped her earbuds in, attempting to drown out the noise. Just a little bit longer,  almost there she kept telling herself. Once they landed, she grabbed her luggage and looked for her dad. She seen him standing in the pick up area holding one of those makeshift signs that read Wheeler. "Dad, you're such a dork." She flung her arms around him. "Yeah, the coolest dork you'll ever meet." He retorted.
They got in the car and made the drive to the house, sure she couldn't wait to be home.  She was looking forward to seeing Riya and Darius, having Thanksgiving dinner at her grandparents, but she had more pressing matters to attend to. They pulled into the driveway and Ellie ran into the house,  flinging her luggage on the bed. She had to play it carefully, not to tip her dad off as to her plans. She came down stairs and like clockwork her dad asked if she was hungry. "Sure thing dad." She smirked, knowing after he ate he would want to take a nap.
"So. Any plans with Riya? She's home from Hartfeld this week." Dad asked as he put the dishes in the sink.  "Yeah we actually made some plans to catch up. Speaking of, can I use your car to see if shes home?" Her dad reached in his pocket handing her the keys "Just be careful, I'm going to take a nap."
Ellie ran up to her room, she flung open her suitcase and changed out of her leggings and baggy t shirt into a pair of jeans and a crop top.
She ran to the car, turning the key as the engine roared to life. It wasn't her car, but it would do.
She made the drive into the city, stopping at where the sideshow was, but nothing was there. She pulled down another street and parked in front of the familiar building. Not much had been done with the burned out shell of its former self, it looked as if time stood still. It was boarded up in attempts to keep people out, she walked around the building until she found a loose board and slipped in. The inside was hardly touched, some sorting had been done, she knew Colt had come back the day he gave her the cactus. There wasn't much left of the place, some debris strewn about, some shells of cars that once sat in the bay. It was clear nobody had been here, and the realization that nobody was coming back began to set it.
She thought she needed to come here, that maybe she would find something other then the burnt remains of the place that changed her, or someone.  The tears began to sting her eyes, so many memories in such a short time. Ever since they parted ways, she felt like a part of her was missing. There was a gaping hole in her heart that ached, she grasped her chest as ler legs failed her. For 6 months she kept her phone glued to her, in hopes someone would just reach out, for 6 months she prayed that someone would come for her, that she wasn't alone, and she meant something to them.
She sat alone on the floor of Kaneko's garage in a heap of ash and soot, crying her eyes out.  They were gone, you're just a tourist ringing in her head.  She was in fact alone, they weren't  coming back for her and it was time to try and move on.
She made her way back home, covered head to toe in the black substance that stained the floors of the garage, much like the stains on her heart. After a long cry in the hot shower, Ellie pulled open her closet door and started to hang her clothes inside when she spotted something tucked away behind her prom dress. She couldn't imagine what it might be, it was larger than any of her clothes. Gripping the petal pink fabric she pulled the dress forward,  giving easier access to the mystery item. Her fingers began to tremble, her nerves on edge as she ripped the clothing hanging in front of it off the hangers and tossed them to the floor reaching her goal item.
Ellie staggered backwards, item in hand.  the backs of her knees hitting the mattress causing her to sit. She stared blankly at the jacket in front of her, Colts leather jacket. How did it get there? She didn't think it was there when she packed for Langston, but could she have missed it?
She held the soft leather to her face, the scent of his cologne putting her immediately at ease. This was all she had left of him, that and the few photos and texts she had saved in her phone. Ellie slipped the jacket on, it was over sized but she didn't care. She placed her hands in the pockets pulling it flush to her body as if it were his arms wrapped around her.  Her fingers brushed against something and she pulled it from the pocket.
She stared down at the folded piece of paper, she recognized the stationary, it was one from her desk. Unfolding it slowly, tears began to well on her eyes in anticipation. His penmanship was far better then she anticipated but she knew better then to expect to unexpected when it came to Colt Kaneko.
If you are reading this that means you have found my jacket in your closet. I am risking everything coming here and sneaking in.   I just needed you to have it, to have something of me with you in this cold, unforgiving world.
Im not good with words, and feelings so im going to try my best. I love you Ellie Wheeler, I probably have since the moment I laid eyes on you at the side show, only I couldn't admit it to myself then.
I know you think that I don't care but leaving you, was the hardest thing I ever had to do. I meant what I said, we will see each other again.   
I watched you give your speech at graduation,  It took everything I had in me not to run out there and kiss you. I am so proud of you valedictorian. And just a little while ago when you drove away for College, I just had to see you if only at a distance. Keeping you safe will always be my priority,  and with the fbi breathing down my back, letting you go was the only way.
Live your life to the fullest Elle, don't cry for me im not worth your tears. Have fun in college, make friends, fall in love. You are amazing and you deserve to be happy. I hope that when our paths do cross again, you accomplished everything you set out to. I think your dad may be home so I have to run. Remember I will always Love you Ellie, even if I can't be with you.
Love, Colt.
She closed the letter, tears streaming down her face as she laid down on her bed. He was at her graduation, and when she left for Langston. She was hurting but she knew she had to move on, and now with his jacket she had a piece of him with her.
Two weeks went by in the blink of an eye, before she knew it she was back at Langston.  She drug her luggage down the long hall to her dorm room, she reached for her key, opening her door she walked into a different room then when she left. The opposite side of the room, once empty was decorated in pink, pink as far as the eye could see. Ellie flung her bags onto the bed, collapsing next to them when the sound of the door opening startled her. She sat up, eyes wide staring at the person in front of her. "Hey roomie!"
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addytheheartbreaker · 5 years
Blind Memory
Chapter 6: Trancing for my worse (part 1)
Its been 1 month since he had been communicating with Joen's playmate Doll Addy. He still didn't get her real name or telling her his name just yet and he could noticed the way her behavior works, her body language and her personality were complicated whether it is predictable or not. The most he knew was that she is a part of a group. A fighting group as Addy being the leader of this mysterious group. He did questioned her of what kind of group member and what they do together, he only imagine her group as a athletic champion fighter like some boxers or martial art he and the brothers watching from their loved of sports, yet suddenly he was wrong. Her group isn't really just an athlete group but confirmed that it is more then athlete more like a fighting game. With the doll giving the white rabbit a hint he must get her trust much higher to finally knew what she is after all Joen told her about his bullying experience with his older brother Helios experience bad environment and humiliation before his middle brother Jacob and his two younger brother's involvement to the treatment from the two only matured rabbits going through.
Joen didn't told her about.... The traitor. A family member who is now no longer and disowned cousin who ruined them and the family's name.... He just couldn't face the truth and the life threatening look on that green eyed rabbit.
However, after so much thinking of planning to tell her about... Him... It wouldn't be better if he told her instead of his psychiatrist who didn't truely understood him if the rabbit man kept on refusing on confessing unless that person is very nice of treating him equally. Someone who truely keep his secret as long as they could, someone who is innocent enough to be oblivious and easily forget what he said so that it could make it feel better to let go from his chest. Doll is an option because of how kind the doll girl was and he barely noticed her childish naive behavior due to her age being early to adolescent. She didn't even know how to be mature in that certain age. He bet her parents are just horrible of taking care of her or they just neglect her or something, he just didn't know just yet which is why he kept on gaining her trust to finally reach the layers of her fakeness, secrets and back story that he never learned.
It was afternoon of the asylum, the guards block the door from his tuxedo rabbit's therapy and Helios is on his different therapy section this week today. He could find a way to sleep to meet up with Doll again, the feeling of excitement and worried tightened his chest as he ran somewhere as quick as possible. But none of the places isn't really perfectly hidable or peaceful for him to slumber himself secretly away from the guards until it is too late as guards caught him and told him that his psychiatrist is at the psychotherapy and he is 23 minutes late making the rabbit man a growl and a irritating look on his face as his thoughts wanted to punch the guard on the face or slash him, instead he started struggling and shouting left and right, kicking everywhere to escape and tried to bite the guards hands that grabbed him tight. Unfortunately the guards has put him in his restricting straightjacket to stop him from resisting the guards or even do violent acts to escape again like he usually do since he had stayed here for a very long time.
Pass time it is night time, he had a argument to his psychiatrist with no tantrum or explosive behavior as a good sign. He was so calm that he is only worrying about Doll, forcing himself to escape or attacking his psychiatrist would be a bad idea as those guards were going to throw him to the Box again. He hated that room and sure and hell he won't going to sleep in there unable to see her again. Speaking of the Box, Addy did told him that she isn't really in a ordinary cell room like he had with his brothers or other patient's cell. She was in a special room or should he say the most security solitary confinement called Private Box that is only used for the most dangerous criminal inmates of the asylum they had captured. He knew what that type of Box she has staying and it is said according to one of the guards is that the Private Box has a very clean room and a clean but uncomfortable bed, a bathroom, a table contains books, paper, materials for writing or drawing and the whole room is actually all cement gray. The metal door is a technological door with a small sliding door for her to get a tray of food instead of a metal door with a lock, key and a window like they had. Joen understands why she isn't seen outside the halls when he went on to his daily routine all because she is at the Private Box. What he did not understand is that the Private Box is supposedly for very dangerous patients? She is just a young girl, the same age when he and the rabbit brothers send to the asylum. She is also harmless too the longer he knew her, so why is she at the Private Box? That doesn't really make any sense for the rabbit man to figured out which is why he wanted to go and find a place to sleep to see her again. He curse those guards to bring him to the psychotherapy earlier but at least he is now at his room with only Helios and Leon in the room, no sign of his other brother Jacob and Jason till the time turned to bed time. Joen and Leon thought the two missing brothers are at the Box which would might another trouble this week however, they are wrong as the brown and gray rabbit has arrived just in time for the metal door to shut closed with a clicking sound that lock the door.
Joen is now getting impatient to sleep on his bed but finally he get his sleeping pills and swallow it without saying goodnight to his brothers which is rude. But he couldn't help it, he just want to see her again after a stressful of time at the psychotherapy.
The white rabbit has finally entered the dreamscape which is what Doll called it where they meet each other with their dreams, he immediately teleported on his way to the stage to greet her and apologized for the late approach. Sadly, when he teleported to the stage all he could see was nothing but an empty space, no chairs where Doll had put there with her drawings and her belongings that she supposedly introduce him of her likings and no sign of the doll girl. He started shouting at Doll's name but no sound of her voice could be respond, he actually knew that he is now too late to meet Doll again but.... The dreamscape felt odd, something is terribly wrong of this dream. The sky is now darker as night but no stars could be seen aboved him, the buildings begin to disappeared as trees appear to be withered and death that looks haunting and scary. The Rabbit man is still standing alone of the stage as his eyes blurred in bright light flashing on his face. It is too bright to see where it had come from until he heard footsteps walking slowly, he couldn't make out who but he whispers.
Joen: Doll? I-is that you-
A hand grabbing behind his shoulder with a shivering feeling of a cold and a strong grip on the white rabbit's shoulder, what's worse is those hands are big and rough and could be belong to someone taller then him.
Joen: that'd not Doll...
He thought... He is about to turned around and suddenly his back lean backward with the hand grabbing his chin and another hand only pressing a finger located to the back where his heart was resting. He is in a verge of panicking with his eyes shaking and looking around uncontrollably to what is going on.
???: Joen~
That voice.....
Joen: no... Oh god no....
He knew that voice as millions of memories flooding into the rabbit man's head and a heart beat increasing a fast speed of stress, the mysterious figure behind him force Joen to lean backwards more giving him a painful moan with that sharp finger from the stranger pointing at the back of his heart like a knife is going to stab him behind. Joen wanted to ran away or fight the stranger... His arms and legs wouldn't move. Oh god he didn't do anything! He has been paralyzed by the person who Joen knew from the pass. He has been force to look up with the stranger's hand gripping his chin tightly to hurt the poor white rabbit's neck to a uncomfortable position... Yet again, he knew this position, this technique, this hypnotising move that almost got him dead only to know this move by the person who ruined him and Helios before the other 3 brothers.
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???: what's wrong White? Do you miss my teaching back at the day?
Joen: no....
The poor white rabbit was now panicking and scared at the tone of the strangers voice. The painful position became worse as he is now forcing to face to face the rabbit man he hated and send them to the asylum for 9 years. His mind goes crazy with words as his eyes widen with tears flowing down to his eyes at the sight of....
???: you're still weak Joen. If you don't do anything, you are nothing but a punching bag to me. I would Loved to teach you all day to be a perfect celebrity just what you always asked me to teach you.
The voice is cold, heartless and terrifying yet soft and gentle by the tone of fake kindness on the rabbit man's ears. Joen breath rapidly and cried at the fear of this-
???: you're too weak Joen. No one will save you but yourself. Harm those who harmed you, fight those who caught you... Kill those who are mean to you. I know you can do it Joen Roger~
The sharp point on his back heart bleeds him and Joen is about to exploded from high pressure of fear and panic on his tight chest. He wanted to scream but the only way to scream is his head screaming.
A light glimpse shines toward the two males as a fast figure knock the green figure who too advantage of the white rabbit unfortunately his body became motionless and paralyzed, landing his back to the ground with his head directly to the two blurry figures fighting each other. One that is dark green and the other was a black and white figure with a hint of pink if he see clearly. His eyes became blurry even more and the sound he didn't described what was going on over there while he still laying there. Hands touches him but this time the touch is gentle and kind but cold with the figure who saved him begin to shaking him.
???: Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!
A girl's voice ringing to his ears. He recognized that voice....
Joen: D... D... D.. ol... l...?
Addy: Rabbit wake up! Just wake up! Please wake up! Go back there NOW!
By hearing her scream, Joen woke up with a jolt twitch on his body jumping out of his bed and a very loud scream of panic and fear, loud enough to wake up all of the rabbit brothers from the sudden scream. The 4 brothers look at their white rabbit stops screaming and breaths rapidly as sweat could be seen on his forehead and eyes widen as the rabbit man stands up and started punching the metal door and kicking it off causing the other 4 rabbits panic and quickly ran toward him to hold him off. Helios in the other hand, carried him then pinned him down to the floor with his huge hug.
Helios: White... White! Joen! Snap out of it!
Joen couldn't controlled himself and went struggling at the older tuxedo rabbit as the younger black rabbit hugged him at front.
Leon: Joen! Please calm down! It is just a nightmare! Its us!
Still.... He still out of control from his tantrum, tears on his brawling red eyes which makes the brown rabbit shouts.
Jacob: JOEN! We're here, you are not alone! Please.... Brother....
Jacob cried at the sight of his older brother suffering from a certain nightmare that terrifies him. The Rabbit brothers called him by his real name instead of his nickname when they were truly in need of something or something serious. While the tuxedo rabbit and the black rabbit hugged him in comfort in just 15 minutes the white rabbit started crying intensely which hurts the 4 rabbit brothers together. Leon could hear his heart beat increasing in high speed from the burst tantrum after he had that nightmare. Jason from behind asked his older brother.
Jason: Joen... What happen?
While Joen is still crying, his head played the same scene where the figure force him to look up to the stranger to the eyes. Green emerald eyes that is terrifying toxic with a voice that haunts him before. A family member who is now disowned and went at the gates of hell.
Joen shouted. The answer from the white rabbit gave the brothers a internal shock.
Joen: He trance me, he trance me, he trance me, he trance me!!!
The Rabbit keeps on repeating those words as Leon hugged him as tight as possible to stop him from the agony in his chest more, he knew what he is talking about. Helios is also shock like a hard slap across the face when he mentioned him. Why is it always happen to him the most? After years of humiliation and pain that monster put him with Joen after their parents mysteriously gone all those years ago, he would have gotten on his side before the other three involved the dramatic scene. However... Jacob and Jason were frozen at the moment to watch the older bunny cried those same words before he stops. The brown rabbit look at his favorite gray rabbit with concerning by the gray rabbit's hand turned into fist, a very tight and hard fist of rage of remembrance. He hated seeing Joen suffering in trauma, the abused he and Helios gotten. He look up to check on the clock it is almost 6am to start the day
Part 1 end. To be continue
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saanphoenix · 6 years
If you're still accepting prompts for Connor can you please write something where the reader likes to play scary video games but they always end up being too scared to fall sleep at night so they call Connor over to keep them company?
This is not exactly what you wanted, but. I got a few spaces on the Bingo card and I feel that counts for somethin’.Warning: 2.7k words and swearing. RIP mobile users should Read More fail.
You listen to the sounds of your feet echoing off the wooden floor beneath you as you sneak your way through the decrepit house you’ve wandered into for supplies. Groans and growls give away the position of the zombies outside. One’s just beyond the window you crouch-walk under, snorting as it no doubt flails around to check the slight creak it’s just heard but can’t find the source of. One’s to the far left of the house, beyond the room you’re in and the adjoining hallway.
It won’t cause you any problem, so long as you do nothing stupid like knock a vase off a night table trying to open a drawer like you did last time. No, it’s the one near the window that poses the problem.
You want to exhale, to calm your nerves as you slink forward another foot towards a dresser that probably contains a few extra shotgun shells. But you can’t. Because your dumb ass turned on the option to allow real world sounds influence the game. If you so much as sneeze you’re dead. So, you hold your breath, praying that the damn stiff near you shambles on before the end of time.
Something clatters loudly to your left, startling you. You turn your head to the left, your heart already in your throat, only for your brain to realize a second too late that the noise came from beyond the headphones on your ears.
“Noo!” You exclaim as the window shatters, spraying glass down onto your character. Decaying arm’s wrap around your neck as yours rise up to stop them.
The only thing that keeps you from flinging your headset across the room is your left hand’s ability to remember just how much the damn thing cost.
Shaking from the adrenaline rush, you pout your lips and glare over at the source of the noise that did you in.
Your cat sits on the side table beside the recliner, blinking slowly as it makes itself comfortable in the heat of the lamp. The small glass bowl that’d held your pens, nail clippers, and screwdriver? Dead on the floor.
“Thanks, cat.” You seethe. “Not like I was in the middle of doing anything.”
You receive another slow blink in reply.
Without the artificial light of the headset’s screen pouring into your eyes, you suddenly realize how tired they are. Looking up at the clock, you inwardly cringe at the time. Shit, it’s already one in the morning? I’m not going to like work tomorrow. With a sigh, you get up and switch the console off. At least autosave’s got my back. You pick up the mess your cat made, shooing them away with a wave your hand so you can put everything back in proper order.
It takes you fifteen minutes to get ready for bed. You mentally cross the number from the amount of sleep you could have had had you not gotten completely absorbed in the game you’d been playing. I’m really not going to like work tomorrow, you tell yourself again. Four hours is not a lot of time to sleep.
Snuggling into your covers, you try to put your mind to rest, try to convince your body you need to pass out right now or else.
Your efforts are in vain. You’re still too wired from the excitement of trying not to die in virtual reality and failing miserably. Every course of action you could’ve done differently plays out in vivid detail behind your eyelids. You frown as you roll over and try to get comfortable again. If only your cat wasn’t an unintentional asshole. If only you didn’t insist on playing with the most extreme settings the game allowed just ‘for an extra challenge.’ If only–
The loud clatter that startles you this time comes from outside. Behind your house. Suspiciously near where your trash cans are.
Raccoon, the logical part of your brain says. Rat. Literally any once-woodland creature come to scavenge for the scraps of humanity.
Ah! Zombie! Shrieks the dumb part of your brain that sends you jolting upright in bed as you reach for your phone on the other pillow to call– Murderer! Jason Voorhees! –not the police.
But who to call other than Not-The-Police? Who the hell is up at one-thirty in the morning that won’t be horrendously pissed off by pleading with them to check the perimeter of your house because you’re too much of a chicken shit to do it yourself?
Your thumb scrolls through your contacts, presses a name, and dials Not-Technically-The-Police. The other line picks up almost immediately. Having the number directly to someone’s head is handy like that.
“Hello?” Connor asks, slight concern sneaking its way through his usual calm tone.
“Connor,” you grin as you sing-song his name. “How’s it goin’?”
There’s a small pause on his end before he asks, “Is everything alright?”
“Why wouldn’t it be?”
“Why else would you be calling me at near two in the morning on a work day via the emergency line I gave you?”
You laugh nervously. “Yeah, no. Everything’s fine. There was just… noises… outside of my house. And…”
You can practically hear him nod, you’ve learned his mannerisms that well. “You want me to come check it out for you.”
“I figured you’d be the only one up who might stand a chance against armed rodents.”
“Rodents? Perhaps. Armed rodents? I’m not so sure. They’ll definitely have more firepower than me.”
You snort, drawing your legs up under you. “What? You can’t steal Hank’s gun?”
“I could,” Connor replies smoothly. “I don’t think he’d like that very much.”
“You’re only in trouble if you get caught.”
“I’ll keep that in mind.”
You look over at the digital clock glowing on your nightstand. You’re not getting any sleep tonight. It’s too late for you. Tomorrow’s going to be hell. But at least Connor’s coming over. Misery loves company, after all, and you love Connor’s.
You hadn’t expected to when you’d first seen him. You hadn’t given the old guy with the rundown but well-loved car who lived down the street much thought before then. He was just a weird dude who could use a stylist. But then, one day, a young man had mysteriously appeared in his front yard. A young man who was doing his best to hold a Saint Bernard still while trying to wash soap suds off its fur. And, though you had a cat, you liked dogs, too. And you quickly discovered you liked warm, attentive brown eyes. Eyes that had blinked when you’d asked, “Need a hand?” because you knew blurting out, “My God, you’re adorable,” wasn’t socially acceptable.
Learning Connor was an android didn’t really put a damper on your budding friendship. It wasn’t like you’d been one of the many people to flee Detroit during and after the great Robo Revolution of 2k38. If anything, such knowledge made Hank’s comment of, “If you like him so much, you can keep him,” a little less awkward. You had a crush. You hadn’t exactly asked for his hand in marriage, yet.
And it’s that crush, you think, that probably clouds your judgment. “You sure you’re okay doing this? I don’t want to bother you.” Pester, maybe. Not drag him away from something important.
“You’re not bothering me,” Connor replies. He’s being earnest even when it sounds like he’s merely stating a fact. “Your safety’s more important than reviewing Hank’s old case files.”
You cringe. “You were working. I’m sorry–”
“I was researching,” Connor hastily interrupts you. You know he’s trying to make you feel better. He’s quick to do the same with Hank. “Nothing pertaining to a current case. Just something to pass the time.”
You doubt that. Connor’s quick to lie if he thinks it’ll put someone’s mind at ease. At least, he is now. Listening to him and Hank talk sometimes, you get the feeling he wasn’t always that way. But you imagine that’s what comes with the whole deviancy thing.
A knock on your door almost makes you drop your phone. “Jesus Christ!” You mutter, mentally berating yourself and your frazzled nerves.
“Not quite.”
With an angry pout, you flail your way off the bed and pad loudly to the front door, which you open with the full intent on giving Connor a piece of your mind.
“You could–”
Connor stands politely at your front door. His brows raise slightly as he tilts his head to the side. You’re momentarily thrown off by the look he gives you. His eyes travel to the phone still raised to your ear, reminding you that it’s there.
Pressing the screen, you end the call and then point the device at him, “You could warn me before you do that next time.”
“I knocked,” he reasons with faux innocence.
“That’s not what I meant and you know it.”
Connor smiles, a small thing but no less genuine. He deftly changes the subject. “You said you heard a noise?”
“Yeah. I think it was my trash can.”
His eyes dart down as he thinks and then meet yours again. “You should probably accompany me while I investigate. I don’t think we want anyone mistaking me for the culprit.”
You nod. That’s a good point. Calling Connor to avoid calling the cops and then having someone else call the cops on Connor would be an awkward scenario at best. You take a step towards him, expecting him to move out of the way so you can lead him to the backyard, but he doesn’t budge. Instead, he holds his hand up and gently pushes you back that one step. Confused, you look up at him.
He smiles at you again and looks down at your feet. “You’re not wearing shoes,” he explains. “It might be more efficient to walk through the house to get to the back.”
“Oh. Right.” You blink lazily. Turning around, you head off in that direction. You ignore your cat as it bolts across the floor to hide when Connor enters the house. No matter how many times someone comes over, the darn thing always gets spooked. “You’ll have to excuse me. It’s ass o’clock in the morning and I’ve had no sleep. I’m not exactly firing on all cylinders.”
Connor doesn’t reply, but you know it’s simply because he doesn’t feel the need to and not that he didn’t hear you or that he’s trying to be rude. Connor’s a thinker. Whether it’s because he’s an android, one meant to be a detective type, or because it’s just a facet of his personality you’re unsure, but the occasional silence has never bothered you. It’s always seemed companionable. More-so than with any other android you used to try and talk to in the past.
When you get to the back door, you step aside and look to Connor, waiting for him to do the honors. He seems to know you don’t trust what awaits on the other side and obliges. He steps outside without a care in the world, triggering the security light. You hang your head out the door and look after him, holding the door frame as if you’re trying to support it and not the other way around.
“See anything?” You whisper loudly so as not to disturb the crickets.
Again, Connor doesn’t respond, his eyes scanning the grass, the newly made mess of trash cans, recycling bin, gardening tools, and a rusted bike you should really look into replacing.
You’ve never really seen him work before. Stare off into space while cross-referencing something, yes, but nothing with the amount of intense focus he’s doing now. You admire the way his lips turn downward as his brow twitches. He certainly is beautiful.
You feel a little disappointed when he turns his face away from you, staring down the length of your house. Seconds tick by and the more that do the more you start to worry.
“Connor?” You ask.
His head snaps back to face you. You didn’t even notice he’d tensed up until you see his shoulders relax. But then he’s struggling to find words and you realize he’s seen something. He’s seen something and he doesn’t know what to tell you, most likely because he doesn’t want to frighten you. Too late for that.
“What?” You demand, voice flat in an attempt to mask your growing anxiety. Fancy that. The dumb part of your brain was right for once.
He blinks and then he’s moving towards you, his gait unhurried but purposeful. “Get inside,” he commands, hand coming up to rest on your shoulder and you allow him to guide you back into the house. He shuts the door behind him and locks it. Despite how your heart starts to hammer in your chest, Connor looks as cool as a cucumber.
“What?” You ask again, voice cracking a little. Zombies don’t exist in this world. Other predators do.
“There’s thirium on the ground outside.”
“Blue blood?”
“Yes. It’s old. You wouldn’t be able to see it. But its trail leads across your yard and into the neighbor’s.”
You shake your head as your tired mind attempts to deduce things like his. “So… An android tried to steal my garbage? Tried to break into my house?”
“No,” Connor answers and looks to you. He’s being honest. “That was a raccoon. There’s hair caught on the lip of the metal can, most likely pulled out when it lost balance and then knocked everything over.”
You sag. “Oh, thank God. That’s good. I can handle raccoons.” Your brow furrows. “Then why did you act like the android was the problem?”
Once again, Connor struggles. His eyes get a far-away look in them as they wander away from yours. You might not be firing on all cylinders, but you think you’re figuring it out. When his eyes find yours again, you know you have.
A smile graces your face. “You’re worried about me,” you say, pleased.
Connor hesitates before answering, “I know what injured and scared deviants–androids–are capable of.”
At first, the comment sounds random. But as you think about it you realize what he’s insinuating. Just because the android wasn’t here tonight doesn’t mean they hadn’t been here at all. Instead of crossing through your yard to safety, they could have just as easily broken in to hide. Or…
Your smile fades. “You think they’re still out there?”
Connor takes a deep breath. You wonder if the action has been programmed to calm androids like it does in humans, just to make them seem a little more natural. “In my experience?” He asks rhetorically. “Frightened, damaged androids rarely go far.”
“Oh. Oh, good. That’s great.”
“Nothing’s happened these past few days? Not that you’ve noticed?”
“Then chances are you’re safe. But if you’d permit me, I’d like to remain here for the rest of the night. I can keep watch as you get some sleep. Check the area after you’ve awakened.”
You nod, numb. You don’t have an awesome robot brain to calculate statistics, don’t know how close you came to misfortune. But Connor knows.
“You’d really do that for me?” You question.
The small smile he gives you makes you think it was a dumb question. He finally moves away from the door and steps closer, head tilted as he gazes down at you. “Why wouldn’t I?”
You have no answer. You’re too busy memorizing all the little details on his face–the moles, the small dimple in his chin, the way that one little strand of hair falls over his forehead–to even remember how to speak.
His smile grows. “Tell you what. I’ll do you one better.” He places his hands on your shoulders. “I’ll even call your boss. Leave a message saying you’re going to be running late because of a police investigation. Give you a few more hours to get your beauty sleep.”
He winks and suddenly you can’t stop yourself from blurting out, “Marry me.”
He laughs, a quick exhale of air as he bows his head. There’s a grin on his face when he raises his head. “I’ll think about it.”
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